February - Evansville United Methodist Church
February - Evansville United Methodist Church
THE GOOD NEWS Evansville United Methodist Church February 2015 Volume II, Number 13 What is Lent? Lent is a season of the Christian year when people are invited to simplify their lives for soul-searching and repentance. Where does the concept of Lent come from? Inside this issue: “Souper“ Bowl food drive 2 No Malaria Campaign 2 Pasty Sale! 3 Lenten Soup & Study 4 February Sermon Series 4 Small Group Study 4 New Photo Directory 5 Family Fun Night 5 February Volunteers 6 EUMC anniversary 6 February Birthdays 7 February Anniversaries 7 Easter Lily orders 7 When is Lent? Red Cross Blood Drive 7 It’s the forty days before Easter. Lent excludes Sundays because every Sunday is like a little Easter. Basically, it’s about one-tenth of a year like a tithe of time. Lent begins with an Ash Wednesday Service (February 18, at 6:00p.m.) this year) where we recognize our mortality, repent of our sins and return to our Loving God. We recognize life as a previous gift from God and return our lives towards Jesus Christ. We may make resolutions and commit to change our lives over the next forty days so that we might be more like Christ. In an Ash Wednesday service, usually a minister or priest marks the sign of the cross on a person’s forehead with ashes. For Kids of All Ages 8 Calendar of Events 9 Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism. By observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian imitates Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days. Great things to do for Lent: Skip one meal a day and give the money to the poor. Read a chapter in the Bible a day. Forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it (maybe even yourself). Write someone a thank you letter. Say one nice thing to someone each day. Pray for others on your way to work or school. Volunteer work for others.—Penny Ford Lenten Soup & Bible Study - Join us Wednesday evenings, 5:30—6:00 for soup, 6:00—6:45 for Bible study. Worship Schedule Sunday school, 9:00 am, Worship 10:00 am Fellowship 11:00 am REMINDER News item deadline is February 20 for the March Newsletter. February 2015 Page 2 The“Souper” Bowl of Caring to Begin! The “Souper bowl” food collection has begun and will run for the month of February! Bring in those non-perishable food items to support the Care Closet! A reminder that a $1.00 donation to the Souper Bowl of Caring is equal to 5 pounds of food. This means if you make a donation of $10.00 you will be donating 50 pounds of food towards the Souper Bowl of Caring collection. We are accepting either monetary or nonperishable donations which will serve the food pantry at the Evansville Ecumenical Care Closet. The Food Pantry serves well over 100 Evansville area families. The Mission committee would like to challenge our congregation to meet last year’s collection of 2500 pounds and to exceed that by 10% or 2750 pounds!. Thank you to everyone for your donations to this worthwhile cause. Kathy Starostka, Missions Committee Chair Imagine No Malaria Campaign This year, the Wisconsin Conference UMC has committed to raise $1 million to support Imagine No Malaria by Annual Conference 2015. Bishop Jung is challenging all churches and all people in Wisconsin Conference to get involved with Imagine No Malaria in some way throughout the next year – through prayers, advocacy, and fundraising. This Holiday season you had the opportunity to help eradicate malaria by giving a monetary gift in the name of a loved one or friend. To date, we have raised $675 to help eradicate this dreadful disease. Let’s see if we can reach $1,000. We have an opportunity to help eradicate malaria with a monetary gift. Thank you for your support! The Missions Committee. February 2015 Page 3 Pasties are back! After a brief respite, the Evansville Pasty sale will return on Saturday, February 14th which is also Valentine’s Day! They will be made with fresh vegetables and meat. A meat-less version is also available. They will be pre-cooked; just heat and eat or freeze for a quick meal later. The pasties contain carrots, potatoes, rutabagas, onion and seasonings. Meat pasties contain all the veggies plus beef and pork. Pasties will be ready for pick up Saturday, February 14 between 12:00 and 3:00 p.m. Pasties are $6.00 each. Delivery is also available for a small charge. To order, use the form in the Sunday bulletin and place in the offering plate or call the church office, 608-882-4622. Use the order form found in the bulletin or on the table in the back of the sanctuary to pre-order your pasties. You can also take an order form sheet with you and sign up friends, relatives or co-workers! You can also call the church office, 882-4622, or email admin@evansvilleumc.org to place your order. We are also looking for helpers on Saturday from 6:30 am to about 3:00 pm. We need more helpers this time than normal, since we’re making the dough on the day of the sale, something we’ve never done before. The help needed and approximate starting times are listed below: Someone to hang posters up around town Peelers and set-up people (Friday, Feb 13 from 8:00 am to ?) Mixers (8:00 Saturday morning) Dough makers (6:30 Saturday morning) Dough sheeters (7:00 Saturday morning) Bakers (8:30 Saturday morning) Coolers 9:30 Saturday morning) Wrappers (10:30 Saturday morning) Packing and distribution (10:30 Saturday morning) Cashiers (noon Saturday) Dishwashers (noon Saturday) Cleanup (1:00 Saturday) Contact Chris Anich, canich@eishome.com, for more information. February 2015 Page 4 Lenten Soup and Study: Christianity and World Religions As we are seeing the unrest in the world, especially religious area, it is for sure that there is room for improvement for respecting others faith as we appreciate our faith. So this year, we will offer a DVD based on study “Christianity and World Religions” by Adam Hamilton as the Lenten Study for five Wednesdays, February 25th through March 25th. We will learn about Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism as we revisit our main belief of Christianity. Dinner: 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. Study: 6:00p.m. - 6:45p.m. February Sermon Series: Stories that shape who we are I once heard this: “We, Christians are the people of stories from the Bible because they are our stories.” How true it is! Stories of calling, falling, trust, disobedience but at the end, the grace and the assurance in Jesus Christ are our stories. So we will revisit three stories of the Old Testament for three Sundays, Feb. 1 to Feb. 15 and stories of Jesus Christ during Lent, Feb. 22 to March 29 as follows. Let’s gather together to pray, sing and hear the Word of God to know God , love God and service better. February 1 Adam and Eve “What is wrong with knowing good and evil?” February 8 Jacob “Am I hungry for God?” February 15 Joseph : Presence of the Lord February 18 Ash Wednesday: Who is the king? February 22 Do I have a story to tell? Adult Small Group Study starts on February 8th Forgiveness "Finding Peace Through Letting Go" by Adam Hamilton. We will start a DVD study "Forgiveness" as follows Time: 9:10 - 9:50 a.m. February 8: The Divine Answer February 15: For Better, for Worse February 22: Seventy Times Seven. March 1: The Dream Coat This study shows us how to receive the freedom that comes with forgiving - even if the person needing to be forgiven is ourselves. Please fill below if you are planning to join the study, and put this in the offering plate. Name: Email: Phone: February 2015 Page 5 NEW PHOTO DIRECTORY The EUMC Administrative Council has approved using LifeTouch for our pictorial directory to be published in 2015. Family photos will be taken Friday March 5th from Noon – 7:00 pm and Saturday March 6 from 9:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Families will receive an 8.5 X 11 inch photo in April and a church directory free of charge. Because the pictures are being taken in March everyone will get a 20% discount on any photos they order plus an additional discount depending on how many photos they order. Promotional materials including price lists will be distributed Sunday, February 1st. For more information, contact Mary Brintnall-Peterson, 608-862-2544 wfp3@tds.net or Carol Culbertson 608-882-0136 cculbert@charter.net . Family Fun Night, February 20th Evansville United Methodist Church offers a free family fun night from 6:00-8:00 pm. every third Friday night of the month. The month’s theme is “Playing Games, Games and More Games.” February 20-Playing Games, Games, and More Games March 20-Constructing bird houses April 17-Growing with plants May-Family outing It is free and includes dinner. Reservations are appreciated but not required. Make reservations with number attending by sending an Email to: admin@evansvilleumc.org or calling 608-882-4622. Also, volunteer help is needed for various activities including, food preparation and serving, game leading, set up and clean among others. February 2015 Page 6 February Volunteers Fellowship 1 Mary Calley, Roni Harper, Barb Ischi 8 Gloria Rosa & Nancy Brooks 15 Molly Leeder & Cathy Arnold 22 Juna Nimz & Lou Winger Nursery 1 Denise Arnold 8 Mandy Martin 15 Karen Bass 22 Ann Rosa Altar Flowers 1 Applebee Family 8 15 Denise Arnold 22 Greeters 1 Todd & Kim Culbertson 8 Gene & Karen Bass 15 Jack & Dorothy McElroy 22 Cliff & Carol Muchow Communion Elements: Betty Jeske Counters 1 Jan Krueger & Sue Merritt 8 Juna Nimz & Carol Culbertson 15 Lou Winger & Jan Krueger 22 Jan Krueger & Sue Merritt Liturgist 1 Donald Maas 8 Gene Bass 15 Camden Zblewski 22 Sierra Shanklin Ushers: 1 Zblewski Family 8 Mike Nieman & Gene Bass 15 Mikkelson Family 22 Ed Arnold Family Pianist/Organist 1 Cheryl Deininger 8 Cheryl Deininger 15 Cheryl Deininger 22 Cheryl Deininger Acolyte 1 Camden Zblewski 8 Trinity Palmer 15 Sierra Shanklin 22 Trinity Palmer EUMC will celebrate 175 years next year! We will be celebrating our 175th anniversary! We were chartered in 1840 and have been serving the community since inception. Our next anniversary celebration meeting will be 10:00 a.m., February 16, 2015 . During the next few months we will be interested in gathering photos of baptisms, confirmations, weddings, etc., that took place in the church for display purposes. Also any photos or information regarding church history or activities such as parades, picnics, ice creams socials, etc. Contact Carol Culbertson (608) 882-0136 or cculbert@charter.net for more information or if you have photos or items the church could display. Thank you! February 2015 Page 7 02 Emma Corn 13 Kendall Vine 02 Alex Schnepper 13 Grace Farnum 02 Jena Schnabel 13 Arlene Larson 08 Lauren Jeske 14 Renee Meichtry 09 Chad Merritt 16 Rick Heacox 10 Sydney Arnold 20 Matthew Parsons 10 Jayden Williams 21 Abigail Rosa 11 Rachael Sarow 26 Roni Harper —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 04 Dalee & Phyllis Applebee 14 Dean & Carol Ballmer 14 Ed & Denise Arnold 17 Mike & Molly Leeder 14 Jim & Nancy Brooks Order Your Easter Lilies! Easter arrives on April 5th this year so lilies need to be ordered between February 1st and March 1st. Lilies are $10 each. Order forms are available in the Sunday bulletin or on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Please designate “In Memory of” or “In Honor of” on the form (please print the name(s) and place in the offering plate or give to Barb Ischi along with payment. Thank you! Evansville Community Blood Drive Thursday February 12, 2015, Creekside Place Community Center 102 Maple Street, 12:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. For an appointment call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org February 2015 Page 8 February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Communion 2 Sunday Sunday school, 9:00 am Worship , 10:00 am, Fellowship, 11:00 am 3 Unbinding the Gospel Bible study, 6:00 pm 4 8 Sunday school, 9:00 am Worship 10:00 a.m., Fellowship, 11:00 am 9 Amazing Moms Meet, 6:00 pm 10 Unbinding the Gospel Bible study, 6:00 pm 11 15 Sunday school, 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am, Fellowship 11:00 am 16 Anniversary Committee meets, 10 am 17 Unbinding the Gospel Bible study, 6:00 pm 18 Finance Cmte Meeting, 7:00 pm Worship Cmte meeting, 7:00 pm. 22 First Sun23 day in Lent Sunday school, 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am, Fellowship 11:00 am Confirmation Class, 6:00 pm Hospitality Cmte Mtg, 7:00 pm Confirmation Class, 6:00 pm Ash Wednesday Service 6:00 pm Friday Saturday 5 Unbinding the Gospel Bible study, 6:30 pm 6 7 12 Unbinding the Gospel Bible study, 6:30 pm 13 14 Valentines Day 19 Unbinding the Gospel Bible study, 6:30 pm 20 Family Fun Night, 6:00 pm 21 26 Unbinding the Gospel Bible study, 6:30 pm 27 28 Pasty Making Pasty Making & Sale Ad Council Mtg, 7:00 pm 24 Unbinding the Gospel Bible study, 6:00 pm 25 Lenten Soup & Bible Study, 5:30 –6:45 pm Trustees Meeting, 6:30 pm Evansville United Methodist Church United Methodist Church of Evansville 21 South Madison Street P.O. Box 91 Evansville WI 53536 Rev. Kyung-Sook (Sue) Lee, D.Min., M.Div. Office Administrator - Vic Starostka Lay Leader - Sheryl Nieman Ad Council Chair - Mary Brintnall-Peterson Sunday School Leader - Cathy Arnold Office: (608) 882-4622 Pastor’s cell phone: (608) 228-0066 Email: pastor@evansvilleumc.org Office Hours 9-12 Noon Monday through Thursday Other times by appointment Our Mission: Know God, Love God, Serve God.