United Methodist Church - First United Methodist Church Galena


United Methodist Church - First United Methodist Church Galena
United Methodist Church
125 S. Bench St.
Galena, IL 61036
Worship- 10:30 a.m.
Adults’ Sunday School - 9:15 a.m.
Children’s Sunday School- during worship
November & December
Thanks to all who attended our Thanksgiving Worship on a rainy Sunday!
After the service we enjoyed hot cider and refreshments and decorated the
sanctuary for Advent & Christmas! Thank you to all our decorators!
“Happy holidays, happy holidays
While the merry bells keep ringing
May your every wish come true
Happy holiday, happy holiday
May the calendar keep bringing
Happy holidays to you”
by Irving Berlin
"Happy Holiday" is a popular song composed by Irving Berlin during 1941 and published the following year. The
song helped popularize the phrase "Happy holidays" as a common greeting during the Christmas and holiday
season in the United States. So you really can feel okay about sharing this greeting without feeling that
you are diminishing Christ or Christmas. And you can feel more charitable towards others who use
this World War II era phrase. Especially for this November/December newsletter we wish you, “Happy
Celebrate the holy-days in God’s house! ALL are welcome! Bring a friend!
Sundays of Advent
Nov. 30-10:15 a.m. Combined Worship
at DeSoto House Hotel
Dec. 7-10:30 a.m. Open Communion
with Chancel Choir
Dec. 14-10:30 a.m. Worship with Bell
Choir and Chancel Choir
Dec. 21-10:30 a.m. Children’s Sunday School
Christmas Pageant
Christmas Eve, Dec. 24--4:00 p.m. Worship for
Children & Families
9:00 p.m. Candle lighting Service
First Sunday after Christmas, Dec. 28 10:30 a.m. Service of Lessons & Carols
Celebration of Epiphany & the Three Kings, Jan. 4-10:30 a.m. with Open Communion
Total giving = $8,662.46
Total Expenses = $15,647.94
Total Deficit = $ -6,985.48
As our membership vows remind us, let us all “renew our covenant faithfully to participate in the ministries
of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness.” We know it is difficult
for our congregation to completely fund our yearly budget, but one way of helping with this is with
fundraisers. Marlene Niec has taken charge of a way to help with our Apportionment giving through this
season: Christmas “Ornaments for Apportionments.” Try to think of a way you, or your committee or
group could help with our budget and Apportionment Mission Giving.
Every quarter we have quarterly payments that need to be paid. Unfortunately, there is not enough
cash reserve in our general fund to make these payments and we are depleting our Savings Account.
Thanks for using the “Apportionment Mission Giving” envelopes each week. With that extra giving
plus a generous donation from the Mission/Outreach Committee we were able to make two more
apportionment payments. Unfortunately, we are still behind in those payments.
-- Finance Committee
Ornaments for Apportionments
The Galena United Methodist Church is offering personalized ornaments for $5.00
each. The proceeds will be used to help cover our much needed Apportionment Mission
Fund. Your personalized ornament for someone to be remembered or honored will be
hung on our Fellowship Christmas Tree and registered in our special Silver Book.
We invite everyone to personalize an angel, dove or bell with your handwritten
message and hang it on the tree. For more information contact Marlene Niec at 815777-3125. Thanks and blessings to all.
Cluster Confirmation Class and Junior High “Arctic Blast”
On Sunday, November 16, Jo Daviess UMC Cluster Confirmation Class met from 2:00 till 4:00 p.m. at
Calvary UMC, Stockton. In Dec. we will have one class, on Sun., Dec. 7. Blessings to Lilly Dickerson &
Isabelle Anderson who are this year’s confirmands. We will have a Junior High cluster retreat in
January—“Arctic Blast” in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Jan. 9-11. See Pastor Patricia for details.
New H.O.P.E. for Our Church!
We are so proud of our new youth group right here at church! The name they have chosen is
Help Other People Eternally - H.O.P.E. “Because we have this hope, we are very bold.”
(2 Corinthians 3: 12)Let’s spread the word among the middle school and high school students we know!
On November 12, H.O.P.E. hosted veterans and their families with dessert, coffee and lemonade.
Thank you to our youth, to Tara Anderson and to all our great parents who make these events possible!
Thanks to all who packed a shoebox, donated postage or helped with
delivery for Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse sends these around
the world to share the Gospel. THANK YOU!
Stepping Stones…
meets every Wednesday at
9:00 a.m. at Happy Joe’s for
coffee & conversation.
Please join us.
Tues., Dec. 2- 6:00 pm meet at
church. 6:30 pm rehearse at St.
Michael for United Churches
Christmas concert.
 Wed., Dec. 3 United Churches
Concert 7 p.m.
Sun., Dec. 7 Sunday
performance 10am call
Tues., Dec. 9 Rehearsal 6:30
Sun., Dec. 14, performance
10am call
Wed., Dec. 17 rehearsal 6:30
Stepping Stones Social Group
Sun., Dec. 21 performance
10am call
Tuesday, December 16,
5:00 pm
Wed., Dec. 24 Christmas Eve
“Holiday Celebration”
call TBA
Dinner off the menu at
DeSoto House Hotel
230 S. Main
(708) 715-0245
RSVP at 815-297-5505
one week prior to each
For information on current
events call 815-297-5505 or
Happy Birthday!
Virginia Ames was 90 on
October 18. Her family had
a party at Happy Joe’s on
Friday, Nov. 28 to celebrate.
Blessings & congratulations!
Virginia Ames
200 Altenburg Dr., Apt. 223
Galena, IL 61036
815-777-1239 (same)
No UMW meeting in
Handbell Choir Schedule
Fall 2014
Tues., Dec. 2 at 5:30 p.m. Rehearse at St. Michael’s for
Christmas concert
Wed, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. –
Christmas concert at St.
Wed., Dec. 10 5:45 rehearse
Thur., Dec. 11 play Midwest
Medical 6:30
Sun., Dec 14 – 10:30 a.m. –
PLAY AT GUMC (warm up at
Wed., Dec. 17 at 5:45 p.m.
Rehearse at GUMC
Wed., Dec. 24 at Christmas Eve
9:00 p.m.
Meg Gibbs, director
Thanks so much to the many
hands that helped make another
pasty supper a success. As they
say, many hands make light work...
(I don't know that I would call it light
work!!) The evening could not
happen without the help of so
many. We even had help from our
far away friends who were there for
the day - Sue and Ellis Parsons
from South Carolina helped make
the pasty and Barb Clayton Koch
from North Carolina helped serve
the pasty. Everyone always goes
above and beyond, and it is much
We had a special boost this year
when our youth group came to help
serve and clean up. So if you
helped bag the meat, peel the
onions, wrap the silverware, peel
the potatoes, chop the potatoes,
roll the dough, make the pasty,
organize the carry out pasties, work
the ticket table, worked the cake
table, serve cole slaw, cut and
serve the pasty, do the dishes,
clear the tables, or if you donated
food or money, or if you prayed for
good weather (good job with that!!),
we thank you.
We sold more whole pasties than
we ever have in the fall, and we
had more than we expected come
to the meal, so it was a success
thanks to all of you.
The price of the beef was up
$1.00/pound from last year, and the
price of the pork was up 30 cents
from last year, but our profits were
good, since we made about 40
more pasties than we did last year.
We were able to clear about
$2,200, so thanks for all your help.
-- Sarah Newton
“Love God” “Love Neighbors” “Make Disciples”
By God’s grace, the Galena United Methodist Church is the Body of Christ striving to fulfill
Christ’s Great Command to love God and love neighbor, and
Christ’s Great Commission to make disciples.
5 Isabelle Anderson
7 Preston Steines
8 Talyn Culbertson
9 Judy Behnke
9 Anthony Turner
11 Sherry Marc
12 Hillary Dickerson
12 Wyatt Randecker
14 Bill Wirtz
14 Greg Vandigo
15 Judy Henze
16 Ruby Dickerson
20 Tim Stephenson
22 Dan Ripley
28 Ruth Mitton
30 Eric Anderson
Greeters: Jerry & Bonnie Smith
Liturgist: Lynn Sisler
Acolytes: Maya & Samantha
Communion: Lynn Sisler
Coffee Host: Marlene Niec & Janette Bader
B'Ann and Dan Dittmar's friends
Becky and son, Matthew, are both having
cancer surgery,
Betty Kabara has visited the Gunderson
Health System relating to her
recent surgery and treatments,
The Food Pantry wanted us to remember
Harold Vose who had surgery,
Rev. Dennis Hill having after effects from a fall,
John Carlson & family on the death of his father,
All those listed on the prayer chain
in our bulletin.
Jean Carlson has made a good recovery
from her broken foot,
The informative message
brought to us by Jorden Rijpma
of the Riverview Center,
The Stepping Stones celebrating
their third year together,
The fun and fellowship had at the
recent Pasty Supper at the church,
The lovely music by the Handbell Choir
and our Chancel Choir at the Community
Christmas Concert and here at church…thanks so
-Thanks to Kay Kroencke, Prayer Chain Coord.
Sunday November 9
Greeters: Janette Bader
Liturgist: Jay Dickerson
Acolytes: Olivia & Chase
Coffee Host: Ginny Carroll
Sunday November 16
Greeters: Bev & Deb Debord
Liturgist: Eric Anderson
Acolytes: Izzy& Bennett
Coffee Host: Dickerson Family
Sunday November 23
Greeters: Dietrich & Kay Kroencke
Liturgist: Pat Willy
Acolytes: Lilly& Maya
Coffee Host: Dietrich & Kay Kroencke
Sunday November 30 at 10:15 am
Fifth Sunday at the DeSoto House
(Use parking garage!)
GUMC is fellowship host!
Blessings & Congratulations to
Stepping Stones on Their
Third Anniversary!
Galena Stauss Senior Care
There is a group of people who go over
to sing once a month. Come sing or help pass
out song sheets and shake hands! Mark your
calendar for a change for December due to
rehearsal for the Community Christmas
Concert. We will sing with our friends at
Galena Stauss on Tuesday, Dec. 16: meet in
the lobby at 5:45 p.m.; sing at 6:00 p.m.
Call the church office for a ride!
All women of the church
are invited to join the UMW at Happy
Joe’s Wednesday, Dec. 17 at noon.
We are having a $5 gift exchange!
Mission Outreach
We were so pleased to have Jorden Rijpma,
Violence Prevention Educator for Jo Daviess
County, as our speaker on Sunday,
Oct.19th.Even though we’re all aware of the
importance of Riverview Center in raising
awareness of domestic violence and sexual
assault in our area, hearing someone so
directly involved helps us to better understand
the situation and realize that we too can do
something, even if it’s as little as collecting our
coins. We will continue to donate our Change
for the Better project to Riverview Center
through the end of December – and we are so
proud of Julie Eggleston and Joy Lieb for their
involvement as volunteers.
--Charlene Price
Worship Committee Making Plans!
Please thank our worship committee as they
plan our Advent and Christmas events! We met
on Sunday, Nov. 9 to discuss: Hanging of the
Greens on Sunday, Nov. 23, after worship; the
Fifth Sunday Combined Worship on Nov. 30 at
the DeSoto House Hotel at 10:15 a.m.; and our
Christmas Eve Services at 4:00 p.m. for
children and families and 9:00 p.m. with candle
Please reach out to your friends, neighbors,
family members and holiday guests. Share with
them the true meaning of Christmas!
All are invited to a concert of Advent music
by Jeffrey Arnold on our historic pipe organ.
Join us on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14 at
4:00 p.m. (A free will offering for the
Jeffrey Arnold Foundation Scholarship Fund
will be received.)
After the concert we will host a SOUP
and CHILI SUPPER, complete with
homemade desserts! (Also for a donation.)
Bring your family, friends and neighbors to
enjoy music and a meal!
Thanks to Dan
Ripley, Dave
Silaggi & Ben
for helping
repairman Don
Diestelmeier and
his helper get
the organ in shape for the 14th!
1 Annie Silaggi
13 Joy Lieb
13 Larry Cook
19 Benjamin Vandigo
20 Cheryl White
22 Leigha Bader
25 John Carlson
28 Joe Lieb
30 Teresa Richards
Sunday December 7
Greeters: Dave & Annie Silaggi
Liturgist: Sarah Newton
Acolytes: Olivia & Izzy
Communion: Jorene Lieb
Coffee Host: Gail Williams
Sunday December 14
Greeters: Ron & Carol Ericson
Liturgist: Dale Henze
Acolytes: Lilly & Bennett
Coffee Host:
Sunday December 21
Greeters: Elisa Skeeter
Liturgist: Julie Eggleston
Acolytes: Maya & Olivia
Coffee Host:
Keith Clayton
1000 Falcon Point Pl. #116
Rockton, IL 61072
Betty Kabara’s
winter address will be:
15769 W. Bonitos Dr.
Goodyear, AZ 85395
Christmas Eve December 24
4:00 pm Greeters:
9:00 pm Greeters:
Sunday December 28
Greeter: Julie Eggleston
Liturgist: Joy Lieb
Acolytes: Samantha & Izzy
Coffee Host:
Gail Williams’ new address:
817 Shadow Bluff
Galena, IL 61036
815-777-1537 (same)
A Special Thank You to…
Webmaster Roger Hervey who, even from
sunny Florida, gets our events up on our
web page. Check it out at:
(not to be confused with our e-mail, which is
galenaum@att.net) Thanks, Roger!
We invite you to bring poinsettias or other
seasonal flowers for Advent and Christmas.
Please write a note to Pastor Patricia
(patallnstwt@att.net) if they are in honor
or in memory of loved ones so we can put
it in the Christmas Eve bulletin.