board of directors, staff and meetings
board of directors, staff and meetings
THE HEARTH, PATIO & BARBECUE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA . HPBAC is a non-profit industry association representing the interests of the hearth, patio and barbecue industries in Canada. HPBAC is governed by a board of directors comprised of manufacturers, distributors, retailers and other representatives of the industry. In 2007, five manufacturers, one manufacturer’s rep, four retailers, one distributor/retailer, one distributor and one utility had staff members on the HPBAC board of directors. Also, the president of the HPBA is a non-voting member of the HPBAC board on an ongoing basis. HPBAC is an international affiliate of the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association located in Arlington, VA. The Canadian affiliate is by far the largest of the thirteen HPBA affiliates and is the only international affiliate. In 2007 HPBAC had over 500 members. The association is managed by a staff of three in Huntsville, Ontario. Tony Gottschalk was hired in early 2007 as Manager, replacing Tex McLeod. Administrator Laura Litchfield has been with HPBAC since June of 2000 and Nicolle Howell, Administrative Assistant, joined HPBAC in October 2006. Four chapters are managed by regional staff and are governed by their own boards of directors. The chapters are located in BC, the Prairies, Ontario and the Maritimes. They receive funding from HPBAC which includes a portion of manufacturer and non-manufacturer membership dues and revenue from EXPO. Regional chapters are tasked with hosting education sessions and regional meetings and acting as watchdog for legislative issues, codes and standards revisions and other relevant happenings in their region. They also manage public awareness programs such as Burn it Smart and EnerChoice for gas fireplaces as well as woodstove changeouts in their regions. HPBAC has a memorandum of understanding with the Association des Professionnels du Chauffage in Quebec which provides for membership in HPBAC and HPBA for APC members who are exclusively doing business in Quebec. 2007 was a year of growth and change for HPBAC. New Manager Tony Gottschalk joined the staff in mid-February and was off to EXPO a few weeks later. It has been an interesting and busy year with the Ontario Summit, the EnerChoice program in BC, and much more. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, STAFF AND MEETINGS The commitment and support of individuals who serve on the Board of Directors and committees are vital to the health and strength of any trade association. These members give of their time and energy to help protect the industry as a whole and we thank them for their support. 2008 DIRECTORS President Marc-Antoine Cantin ■ Vice President Alan Murphy ■ Treasurer OPEN ■ Past President Kim Rodgers ■ SBI Enviro 418-527-3060 250-652-3223 Miles Industries 604-984-3496 Manufacturer Manufacturer Bill Harris Paul Hebert Dimplex CFM Corporation 519-650-3630 800-525-1898 Atlantic Chapter Quebec/APC Ontario Chapter Prairie Chapter Western Chapter Kim Stone Réjean Coutu Joy Harbers Bev Wood Lisa Martin The Furnace Man Les Agences R. Coutu Harbers Flame Centre Diamond Fireplace Fireplaces To Go 709-634-7715 450-445-4478 613-535-2301 403-273-0000 604-523-3404 At Large Barbecue At Large Utility At Large Ross Mikkelsen Sarah Smith Bertrand Poirier Barbecues Galore Terasen Gas Distribution 2000 403-250-1558 604-592-7528 450-424-5658 ■ NON-VOTING President Jack Goldman HPBA 703-522-0086 S TA F F ■ Manager ■ Administrator ■ Admin Assistant Tony Gottschalk Laura Litchfield Nicolle Howell 705-783-5251 705-788-2221 705-788-2221 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Meetings are held by teleconference three or four times each year and face-to-face meetings were held at EXPO and the Ontario Summit in 2007. Our manager, Tony Gottschalk, is a member of CSAE (the Canadian Society of Association Executives), based in Toronto. This organization represents a valuable resource for HPBAC helping to ensure that the Association is managed in a professional and effective manner and to the highest standards. It provides a forum for Tony to network with other Association executives and to develop a variety of useful contacts STRATEGIC PLAN SUMMARY 2008 GOALS & OBJECTIVES The HPBAC Strategic Plan was first developed in 2006 by a committee of board members and was reviewed and revised at the 2007 Face to Face board meeting. The Strategic Plan recognizes four key strategies: Strategy 1 – Maximize Member Benefits Strategy 3 – Functional Committees PURPOSE ■ Increase Membership in all existing categories. ■ Create opportunities for expansion into new membership categories. ■ Maintain current Membership base. ■ Create an opportunity to increase revenues with a higher perceived value of membership. PURPOSE ■ Maximize the number of industry people involved in HPBAC. ■ Develop future Board Members. ■ Get more work done. TA C T I C S Increase awareness of existing membership benefits through continued communications to existing and potential members. ■ Create a membership matrix to see who is not a member. ■ Create an affinity program matrix to see who uses what service. ■ Expand the market for membership benefits by offering an Insurance program to WETT Certified Technicians. ■ Create new membership benefits. ■ Develop Technical Support services for members. ■ Create an Educational effort within each Chapter. ■ Bring increased benefits to non-Hearth segments (Barbecue, Electric Fireplace and other sub-groups). ■ Bring increased benefits to non-wood burning segments (NG, LP, Electric, Oil). ■ Strategy 2 – Increase Marketing PURPOSE ■ Position HPBAC to become “The Voice” of the Hearth, Barbecue and Outdoor Living industries. ■ HPBAC will be recognized throughout the industry and by consumers as the knowledgeable, reliable and expert source of Hearth, Outdoor Living and Barbecue information. Dealers, Distributors, Wholesalers, Manufacturers and other industry participants will seek to align themselves with the HPBAC brand. ■ Expand awareness of our programs and efforts to create an increased perception of value in HPBAC membership. ■ Develop “Communication” into a Benefit of Membership (HPBAC members are always informed and on-top of industry issues and events). TA C T I C S ■ Develop the “HPBAC Brand” concept. ■ Have a one page testimonial in newsletter on affinity programs. ■ Public Relations Efforts within the Trade (News releases, etc). ■ Expand our recognition as the ‘voice’ of the industry through letters to various government agencies. ■ Public Relations efforts to members / create a “Be On The Team” environment. ■ Implement a Public Relations effort around wood burning technology and clean burning to counteract the negative perception of wood burning created by the press / environmentalists / interest groups. ■ Support regional projects, like Poeles & Foyers or East Coast Home & Hearth magazines. TACTICS Maintain Committees for Government Affairs, Communications, Membership. ■ Establish new task oriented Committees for specific functions where deemed necessary by the Board (eg. Wood or Gas). ■ Implement a temporary Task Force where needed to address a specific issue. ■ GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Develop a mechanism for Utilities, Government and other interested parties to dialogue with our Manufacturer members. ■ Implement a Lobbying effort to gain an EPA-type standard for Canada. ■ Act as the voice of industry when presented the opportunity (eg. BC Discussion Paper, P.4 Meetings). ■ Work with municipalities to create favorable by-laws. ■ MEMBERSHIP Act as the “Sales” Department of HPBAC. ■ Maximize revenues through an optimized Dues structure. ■ Maximize revenues through increased market penetration (must develop a market share analysis for each membership category). ■ Mobilize a contingent of “Road Warriors” that drive business by “asking for the sale” and helping communicate benefits of membership. ■ COMMUNICATIONS Support Marketing efforts outlined above through execution of programs. ■ Issue quarterly Newsletter for HPBAC members. ■ Promote HPBA online training. ■ Create a media library. ■ Send out the president’s annual report with renewal forms for the next year. ■ Maintain an up-to-date Web Site with Consumer and Trade components. ■ Develop bilingual communication efforts and develop added value to APC so we attract them to be a larger part of HPBAC. ■ Strategy 4 – HPBAC Staff PURPOSE ■ Significant resources are dedicated to Staff. We need to maximize benefits. TACTICS Manager needs to be accountable to the Board (report every 2 months). ■ A formal annual review (by Exec Committee) will be implemented. ■ National staff needs to have agreed targets and formal review procedure. ■ Need to review Chapter Staff to ensure we have “Team Players” working for each Chapter Board and communicating effectively with National Staff. ■ Have more frequent chapter administrator meetings. ■ GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Government Affairs Committee Members Chair: Roger Gripton, Napoleon/Wolf Steel Alan Murphy, Enviro ■ George Leblanc, Maritime Fireplaces ■ Joe Giannandrea, FPI Paul Hebert, CFM Eric Dufour, Security Chimneys ■ Malcolm Fisher, Compact Fireplaces ■ Lou Olsacher, The Foundry John Johnson, CFM Martin Miles, Miles Industries / Valor ■ Marc-Antoine Cantin, SBI ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Staff ■ Tony Gottschalk ■ Laura Litchfield HPBAC continues to be heavily involved in the field of government relations. In fact, the increasing importance of this area of activity is one of the reasons that the Board decided to hire a full-time manager, Tony Gottschalk, upon Tex’s retirement from the Association last year. Staff and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that our members’ interests are promoted at every opportunity and that government and other bodies see us as responsible and credible partners. While most members would be familiar with programs such as EnerGuide for Gas Fireplaces, EnerChoice, Eco-Energy Retro-fit, Changeouts and Burnit-Smart, the Association is very active in many other areas. Tony is a member of CSA (the Canadian Standards Association). He is currently sitting on two committees, working to revise the CSA standard P.4 and the other to revise CSA standard B415. Other volunteers from our industry are also working on these committees and in fact, HPBAC’s president, Marc-Antoine Cantin is the chair of the B415 Revision Committee, a demanding role which has necessitated a great deal of his time and expertise. Tony also sits on the Technical Committee of the CHBA (the Canadian House Builders Association). In addition, he attends this committee’s Codes and Standards sub-committee. Here he represents the interests of our industry and acts as a technical resource for house-builders. HPBAC has recently hired the services of a media search and reporting agency based in Toronto. This is Canadian specific media research and has already proven very useful in its role as a supplement to the work done by HPBA in Arlington. Relevant media articles are sent to Tony and Laura at HPBAC’s national office and, working with volunteers and staff at both National and Chapter level, they do their best to ensure that our industry is reported in a positive, fair and accurate manner. Amongst other things, any unfavorable and unreasonable planned municipal by-laws can in this way be acted upon. Staff and volunteers continue to work on an ongoing basis representing our industry to all jurisdictions of government. Working closely with agencies of NRCan and Environment Canada at both Federal and Provincial levels, HPBAC has increasingly and justifiably earned a reputation as a credible industry partner to Government. Staff and volunteers regularly attend meetings and conferences whenever the interests of our industry, members and customers need to be promoted. Tony is involved in the binational cooperation for the reduction of pollution in the Great Lakes area. HPBAC has a new Government Affairs Committee under the chair of Roger Gripton from Napoleon (Wolf Steel). Both manufacturers and retailers from across the country are represented on this committee. They have started work on a range of issues including codes and standards, EnerGuide and the growing importance of ‘green’ housing in Canada. Furthermore, Tony and Roger represent Canada on the HPBA’s Government Affairs Committee which normally meets in Denver, Colorado and Tony and Marc are also members of the main board of HPBA. Gas Fireplace Safety In response to concerns from physicians at Vancouver’s Sick Childrens Hospital about burns children had received when they touched the glass on a gas fireplace HPBAC worked with the HPBA Communications Committee to develop a brochure and logo outlining Fireplace and Stove Glass Safety Guidelines. The brochure and logo are available in English and French. Gas Fireplace Efficiency – BC EnerChoice and EnerGuide for Gas Fireplaces HPBAC took over the administration of the EnerGuide for Gas Fireplaces program in 2007 on behalf of the Federal Government. This had previously been managed by HRAI. The program is designed to improve consumer awareness of efficiency numbers for gas fireplaces, stoves and inserts and to encourage consumers to choose more efficient units for heating purposes. All manufacturers of gas hearth appliances sold in Canada must report their P.4 Fuel Efficiency ratings to the Office of Energy Efficiency of Natural Resources Canada and must include the FE rating in their product literature. The most significant recent development has been the introduction of HPBAC’s EnerChoice certification mark in British Columbia. EnerChoice was developed together with Terasen Gas and the BC provincial government and allows for the 25% most efficient units to carry the certification mark. The Provincial government has accepted this program as an alternative to regulating against less efficient decorative units. This was a major achievement for HPBAC and its Western Chapter under the presidency of John Johnson from CFM. Work is continuing to promote awareness of this program amongst both dealers and consumers. The program was launched in Coquitlam with a media event held at Fireplaces To Go. All dealers in BC received a promotional kit that included a poster, Easel Card with brochure holder, brochures and label carriers for appliances on display in their showrooms. It is mandatory in BC to have the EnerGuide FE ratings prominently displayed. Eco-Energy Retrofit Program The Federal Eco-Energy Retrofit Program allows for a $300 grant to consumers who replace their old wood burning stove with a modern EPA-certified one. In addition, this grant is matched by certain provincial governments. HPBAC had worked to get wood burning stoves included in this program and has worked during 2007 so as to be represented with even more products in future revisions. Through ECO, press releases have been sent out promoting the program and through the Association’s newsletter and its news bulletins, HPBAC has worked to keep its members up to date on these developments. Wood Burning Public Relations In August of 2007 a press release was issued on behalf of HPBAC by ECO (Environmental Communication Options). The press release was titled “Wood Burning Stoves Included in Federal EcoEnergy Program”. Articles based on the press release appeared in a number of magazines and newspapers across Canada including the Parry Sound North Star, The Sun Times, the on-line magazine Exchange and the getsmart listweb service. We have also had enquiries from other media outlets who are planning articles. COMMUNICATIONS Members of the Committee ■ Chair: John Vukanovich, Selkirk Canada ■ Dominique Pagé, SBI ■ Alan Murphy, Enviro ■ Darren Olson, Dansons Group ■ Staff: Laura Litchfield The committee establishes and maintains a communication process to keep members well informed about industry and association news. The HPBAC Communications Committee’s mission is to educate consumers and the trade about the benefits of our members’ hearth, patio and barbecue products. Our commitment is to generate increased consumer understanding of the benefits and value these products bring to their lives in order to expand the market as members build their respective brands and retailers sell them. This Committee also supports the Membership Committee by maximizing awareness of HPBA & HPBAC member benefits/services. The committee meets the first Tuesday of each month at 3:00 pm by teleconference. Voice Newsletter HPBACANADA.ORG WEBSITE VISITS The e-newsletter is published 5 to 6 times per year and includes information on upcoming HPBAC events, association and industry news, regular updates on government affairs and other issues affecting the industry and much more. The committee worked to improve the frequency and distribution of the Voice in 2007, publishing 5 issues. Ideas Gallery In 2007 the committee added an Ideas Gallery to the website with sample products from any manufacturer who shared photos with us. Logo/Link Exchange The committee developed a Link Button for members to add to their website. The button was sent to manufacturers and distributors and is available by request from HPBAC. Goals for 2008 Website The Communications Committee oversees the management of the HPBAC website – and has been working toward a new look and format for the site. Work on the new site will begin in the first quarter of 2008. The committee also analyzes the monthly usage stats for the site and makes recommendations on improvements, for example we added several URL’s -, and - to make the site easier to find and optimize search engine results. The committee has a number of objectives to complete in 2008 including: ■ Raising the profile of HPBAC with the media ■ Second Annual Beyond the Black Box Hearth Design Contest ■ Annual Report ■ New HPBAC website ■ Printing of some of HPBAC’s material in French ■ Ongoing publication of the Voice newsletter ■ Developing a plan to offer advertising space in the newsletter and possibly on the website. EXPO C A N A D I A N S I N AT T E N D A N C E 1,299 Canadians attended EXPO in Reno, Nevada, including exhibitors. 71 registered for an Education Pass. therefore 5.5% of Canadians in attendance took advantage of the excellent educational opportunities offered. In 2008, one of HPBAC’s goals will be to improve this number by increasing awareness of the great programs that are available. RECEPTION Over 800 people attended the 2007 HPBAC Reception at EXPO. A special presentation was made to the Past Presidents of HPBAC including Malcolm Fisher, Warren Middleton, Wayne Rourke, Ray Bonar, Pat Bourque, John Vukanovich and Kim Rodgers and to Manager Tex McLeod. Tex was part of the association from its inception and left us at the end of March after managing the association for over 12 years. New Manager Tony Gottschalk was introduced at the Reception as was our new Floor Hockey Tournament. Sixteen teams participated in the tournament and in the end SBI took home the gold medal, beating Napoleon in the final. Government officials, including Chantal Duhaime of Environment Canada, (wearing sunglasses) were given a special after hours tour of a number of booths at EXPO this year. The success of the HPBAC Reception would not be possible without the support of our sponsors many of whom step up year after year to help us throw a great party with an open bar at no cost to those who attend: THANKS AGAIN TO SPONSORS: ■ Enviro ■ Eucania Intl Blowers ■ Jøtul/Scan ■ Napoleon ■ Selkirk Canada ■ Simpson Dura-Vent ■ Concorde Distributing ■ The Foundry ICC / RSF Pacific Energy ■ Valor/Miles Industries ■ Northwest Stoves FPI/Regency SBI ■ Compact Appliances ■ Union Gas ■ ■ ■ ■ Over 800 people attended the HPBAC reception. FOCUS CANADA MEETING On Thursday, March 15th HPBAC held our Focus Canada meeting at EXPO with 65 members joining our staff and board members for an early morning meeting. Focus Canada is a meeting where members can share national perspectives on industry issues and learn more about what the association is working on. Gas fireplace efficiency dominated the meeting this year with presentations and discussion on the EnerGuide for Gas Fireplaces program and the brand new EnerChoice certification mark for more efficient gas hearth appliances being promoted in BC. Education was another topic of discussion. Rick Vlahos of the HPB Education Foundation talked about the new online training opportunities available for hearth courses such as Hearth 101 and Why Does my Fireplace Smoke? These interactive, instructor-led programs are available on a continuing basis. MEMBERSHIP HPBAC MEMBERSHIP HPBAC Membership has steadily increased since 2002 with a total increase of 45%. Memberships reached a record total of 504 in 2007. HPBAC is the largest of the 13 HPBA affiliates by a fair margin and has one of the highest member retention rates at 91%. Membership Retention has shown a steady improvement from 86.2% in 2002 to its current excellent level. We have also seen a steady increase in the number of new members. In 2007 membership increased by 18% with increases of 28% in the Independent/Service category, 18% in the Retailer category, 13% in the Distributor category and 8% in Manufacturer’s Reps. Regionally, the largest increase was in Ontario at 39% with significant increases in the Prairies of 30% and the West of 19%. The Atlantic Chapter experienced growth from 2002 through 2006 with an average annual growth rate of 23.75%. Over the course of the past six years we have worked to improve member benefits adding an Insurance Program with Errors and Omissions Liability coverage, a Financing Program for Retail members and Mystery Shopping. We’ve also started an annual Beyond the Black Box Hearth Design Contest with the objective of developing an Idea Showcase of beautiful hearth designs for our members to display in their showrooms. Work with regional Chapters continues to offer training and education opportunities all across Canada. 2008 OBJECTIVES In 2008 we plan to provide funding and help to each region to host Education Days and regional meetings in June. We are also working to improve some of our Affinity programs, including the Merchant program currently offered through Global Payments. We will be looking for more opportunities to save our members money and provide member benefits. HPBAC TOTAL MEMBERS 2002 - 2007 FINANCIAL HPBAC’s financial results for 2007 were not final at the time of publication but it would appear that we will see a modest profit of approximately $900. The association continues to grow each year and is in a sound financial position with reserves slightly in excess of 50% of its annual operating expenses as is recommended by HPBA. Most of HPBAC’s income is derived from membership and EXPO profit sharing. We also receive income from education days and Mystery Shopping registration but these are break-even projects. Certain projects, such as education days and the EXPO Reception are subsidized by sponsorship income from our distributor and manufacturer members. Expenses include revenue sharing with HPBAC Chapters, administrative expenses and member services expenses. ■ Total 2007 Projected Revenue - $391,478 ■ Total 2007 Projected Expenses - $390,579 In 2008 we have projected a modest increase in non-manufacturer membership but have been conservative with our projections for EXPO and manufacturer revenue due mainly to the high Canadian dollar and the slowdown in the economy. We have also planned for an overall decrease in administrative expenses of 5.5%. HPBAC MEMBERSHIP GROWTH 2002 - 2007 WORKING WITH REGIONAL CHAPTERS Each of the HPBAC Chapters faces challenges and HPBAC offers financial, administrative and other support wherever we can. The Chapters help HPBAC to promote membership, member programs and relay important information about regional issues. Chapters are managed by regional boards and staff. C H A P T E R S TA F F Atlantic Administrator ■ Ontario Administrator ■ Prairie Administrator ■ Western Administrator ■ Norma Bourque Laura Litchfield Roger Leach Zigi Gadomski 506-854-9332 705-788-2221 403-282-2033 604-941-4172 Atlantic Chapter The Atlantic Chapter publishes an excellent annual magazine called East Coast Home & Hearth. The project is funded by selling advertising and is professionally written in consultation with industry members. It is distributed to members and to subscribers of Saltscapes magazine in Atlantic Canada. In addition to this annual project the Chapter offers an Education Day and Annual Meeting in the spring and is heavily involved in local government relations issues. Ontario Chapter The Ontario Chapter is administered by national HPBAC staff members. In June of 2007 the chapter hosted a two day Summit in Huntsville including over twenty education sessions, an indoor and outdoor tradeshow, an outdoor room display and a Luau. The event was attended by over 300 industry members. The Chapter also hosted a Barbecue Education Day in Ottawa in January, developed and launched the Beyond the Black Box Design Contest and ran a Burn it Smart program for Environment Canada. Opening the Ontario Summit. Prairie Chapter Although the Prairie Chapter has grown, the participation of the members in local meetings has decreased due mainly to the labour shortage in Alberta. A group of members did attend a meeting with Tony Gottschalk in June where they agreed on the importance of keeping the Chapter going despite the current level of activity. An Education Day and a regional meeting will be held in June of 2008. Western Chapter The Western Chapter was very busy in 2007 dealing with government affairs issues, working on the launch of the new EnerChoice certification mark, delivering Burn it Smart workshops, and planning a province-wide 3-year woodstove changeout in BC. Also, a membership directory was published in BC Homes magazine. Regional meetings are held regularly and a new BC Government Affairs Committee has been formed with Rebecca McKay, Alan Murphy, John Johnson, Rod Eide, Lisa Martin and Tom Pugh, as well as staff member Zigi Gadomski. BC is the hotbed of government regulation affecting the hearth industry. All industry members should pay close attention to the issues in BC as they will likely spread across the country in due time. For 2008, the Chapter is working with Terasen Gas on an awareness campaign for EnerChoice and continuing to work on the province-wide changeout. Happy Hour at the Summit. Quebec / APC APC, with assistance from HPBA, ran a Woodstove Changeout in Quebec and changed out Participants check out the infrared barbecue approximately 700 stoves. Once again APC helped Quebec Hearth Dealers attend HPBExpo by at the Barbecue Education Day in Ottawa. coordinating shared travel arrangements and holding a dinner for members. The magazine Poeles & Foyers was published in the Fall with TV ads running from August through October. APC’s annual meeting was, as always, a fabulous day of golf and dinner, where they elected the 2008 Board of Directors. Technical Bulletins were produced periodically throughout the year and APC represented the industry at Home Shows in Sherbrooke, Quebec City and Montreal. LOOKING FORWARD 2007 was a year of change and expansion for your industry association. Changes in staff and programs, membership growth and developments in government affairs made for a busy and rewarding year. We continued to work on improving our committee structure in order to make the management of our various activities run more smoothly and involve more members in the planning and implementation of policies, projects and programs. Staff along with board and committee members have spent a great deal of time and effort in planning for the coming year and we look forward to an exciting and equally successful 2008. HPBAC ■ PO Box 5422 Huntsville, ON P1H 2K8 Tel: 705-788-2221 or 1-800-792-5284 ■ Fax: 705-788-0255