Cycling routes in Newham
Cycling routes in Newham
C D E F G H Key to facilities towards Wanstead L.B. Redbridge A > > EA RE SP E K A ROAD T CRESCEN O R I N G W N B R O SH LEIGH VI Recommended cycle route on-road One-way street Recommended cycle route off-road Contraflow system U G H T C RES N DO D A A R M A L Powerleague Soccer Centre Jubilee Greenway access point Walking / Cycling path (approx 5 miles, connecting Beckton - Victoria Park, Hackney) ST LE 12 C YPR U S PLAC E FERND + 11 A AR MAD A WAY 8 es Gallions Point Marina Alber t Basin Riv P IE R R D Nor th Woolwich Librar y R O A D > Woolwich Foot Tunnel to ExCel 4.2 miles / 2½ hours 10 Royal Docks Walk 2.8 miles / 1½ - 2 hours Start: Custom House DLR. Finish: London City Airport DLR Points of interest: ExCel Centre, Thames Barrier Park, London City Airport. Audio guide available - visit www. for details. 11 Royal Docks Circular Walk (optional route to Gallions Reach Shopping Park) Start / Finish: Stratford Station. Circular Walk - moderate, can be muddy, some steps. Points of interest: The River Lea, The Greenway, 3 Mills Studio, Olympic Park View Tube - visit www. Start / Finish: Upton Park Station. Linear walk - easy, can be crowded. Points of interest: Barclay Hall, Priory Park, Champions Statue, West Ham United FC, Queens Market, Asian culture. See herbs, spices, Asian food and fashion, Jewellery and mosaic pavements. 2.2 miles / 1½ hours. Start: Little Ilford Park. Finish: Wanstead Flats. Picturesque walk to Wanstead Flats and lake - suitable for dog walkers, uneven terrain. Start: Central Park. Finish: ASDA. Linear Walk - easy, some steps, paved route. Points of interest: Formal gardens, shopping, parks and Newham City Farm. Takes in Capital Ring Walks 14 & 15. W OO DM A N ST RE ET M Fight For Peace I C H W O O L W 13 Woolwich Foot Tunnel Not to Scale 9 Administrative boundaries redrawn from material supplied by Ordnance Survey. 19th Centur y steam hammer Railway Museum 9 N O R AN © Crown Copyright All rights reserved LB Newham 100019272 2012 R o y a l Vi c to r i a G a rd e n s Digital mapping © Geospatial Team LB Newham towards S. Woolwich L.B. Greenwich H J K Start: Woolwich Foot Tunnel. Finish: ExCel Centre Points of interest: 19th Century steam hammer from a smithy in Royal Albert Dock, three riverside parks, London City Airport, North Woolwich Station Railway Museum, Thames Barrier Park, ExCel Centre. Start / Finish route at any point. Easy, mostly flat, some steps. Take in some of Newham wartime history, regeneration, beautiful parks, optional shopping. DLR Depot U N I V E R S IT Y WA Y R O A D G 9 12 The River Area North Walk 4.4 miles / 2 - 2½ hours Start: Canning Town Station. Finish: Cyprus Station. Linear Walk - easy, some steps, watch traffic on route. Points of interest: The O2, Royal Docks, Millennium Mills, Beckton Park. 13 Capital Ring Walk 4.5 miles / 2 - 2½ hours Start: Royal Albert. Finish: Woolwich Foot Tunnel. Linear Walk - easy, some roads to cross. Points of interest: Parks, Park Gardens, UEL, Marina, Sir Steve Redgrave Bridge. 14 Capital Ring Route 5 miles / 2½ - 3 hours Start: Carpenters Road. Finish: Beckton District Park. Linear Walk - easy, some steps, some roads to cross. Points of interest: Old Ford Lock, Greenway, Memorial Park. 7 WAY Spor tsdock Woodman > F Central Park to ASDA (Beckton) 3.4 miles / 2 hours Gallions Reach Shopping Park W A Y Woolwich Free Ferr y 8 WA R WA LL Beckton + Thames Barrier Little Ilford Park to Wanstead Flats Winsor Park Youth Centre Cyp rus A llots NEWLAND S TREET Kennard St Health Centre Viewpoint 7 6 King George V Dock St Johns Green Street Walk 2.7 miles / 1½ hours B e c k ton Cre e k s i d e (by arrangement only) Nor t h e r n Lagoon Beckton Gas Works adiZone R O A D B E R T 6 NG Gateway Retail Park NE W AR K KN OK University of East London A L F A C T O R Y Th a me s Barrier Pa r k Stratford to Green Street 2.6 miles / 1½ hours Start: Stratford Station. Finish: West Ham FC stadium. Linear walk - easy. Points of interest: Parks, shopping and Asian culture, West Ham FC stadium. Newham Showcase Cinema ROA D R O A D 5 K Start / Finish: Stratford Station. Circular walk - easy. Points of interest: Stratford Cultural Quarter, Stratford Park, Market, The Old Dispensary, shops. LA Superstore Beckton Retail Park Royal Docks Medical Centre 10 Three Mills Walk 1.4 miles / 1 hour Start: Bromley-by-Bow Station. Finish: West Ham Station. Linear walk - easy. Points of interest: Three Mills Island, Bow back rivers, See Britain's oldest surviving tidal mill, Three Mills Green, The Meridian Sundial, Bazalgette's Cathedral of Sewage and the Channelsea River. Youth Centre er A Drew DREW Rd ROAD 4 Water/Sand Play, Paddling Pool Beckton Triangle Retail Park WI NS OR TE RR AC E S DS W AY AY N Olympic Park Walk 3.5 miles / 2 - 2½ hours towards Dagenham Y R O Y A L DO C KS R O A D > D A D OA CO NN AU GH T M ILL ROAD D W O O D F O R D R O A D C U M B E R L A N D YS T XLE BO LION R R O A D AD L M A BA LA ROAD HERS TC BU AD RO Water Sports Centre ng HARTMANN ROA D M EL 3 Jog trail with exercise equipment M Sir Steve Redgrave Bridge CA Stratford to Three Mills Green 1.2 miles / 45 mins Start: Stratford Station. Finish: Three Mills Green. Linear Walk - easy, some steps, varied, some off-road. Points of interest: Abbey MiIls pumping station, Three Mills Green. di AY Trim Trail / Outdoor Gym - 2 Ro ND GP Surgery / Health Centre er BR ID GE U P T O N PELLY GG ST CLE S T R E E T R O A D E R U P P ST RO M A RG E R Y PA R K ROAD C A IS T E Clements Road, Stratford Bus Station, West Ham Park and Westfield Riv G E R S ROA D A H W A W R OYAL RO E RE R O A D G ROAD Gardening Club D O C K S TA R L I N Gooseley P l a y i n g Fi e l d Y WA n) Y N WAY io Toilets - may be a charge except at L A N E SE E F AL E OR ct AD OL AV N H AME MA N tru Football Pitch INS RO W T HAM ns NE R OAD Tennis Court Stratford Walk 2.3 miles / 1½ - 2 hours TO H E R M I T Food J E NK SE T EAS co Table Tennis ES LA E NU WAY er Food Growing Project 1 L.B. Barking & Dagenham O N UE S H I R L EY ST LK O EN nd Synthetic Turf Pitch Cuckhold ’s Haven N ature Re s e r ve Folke s tone Road Allotme nts Y D AV (u Fishing > FO NS L M E A O C H W O O LW I ar Summer Programme (Children and Young People Services) Langdon Sports College GO LE S EL RN BU AVE N G ROAD Fencing E LANE RAGE BA EXNI Sports Facility 5 The Well AL eC Disability Club Enjoy your walk and discover Newham! 4 Joyce Campbell Clinic AV E N U R O A D ST T H bl R T ST O NE W AL A L B E R T Sensory Garden Fland e rs P laying Fie ld Ne w Beckton Pa r k B eckton Distric t Pa rk (South ) Cricket Pitch/Nets A D R O + Horses Sculpture DEN Rugby Pitch towards Barking D A O M A N O R S T R A I T PARKE R ST Ca Lad y Trower Trus t P laying Fie ld s (d is us e d ) B arking Rd R e c G rd D M A N O R WAT S ON AVEN UE Flanders 8 GAR Community Centre J E R OA S O U E Play, Sow and Grow Project Sports G ro u n d T YRON E T S T R E A D R O AG S AV Changing Room Sports Facilities & Swimming D R O A E T S T R E ROAD H H I G R D F O N D S A OSE L A N E LANE E G A VIC AD RO Y BE AB E E AR E R PA RK R OAD THE GROVE > J U P P RD T T ES W RD RO GE + St Mar y Magdalene Church r Play Area A R U L R C CI > R > > >> PP A EN East London Gymnastic Centre rido Cafeteria H R T N O T Walk Routes Paid Parking £ A 4 0 6 JU AV EN U E S UGH D ORO H Olympic Park Entrance Leisure Centre - RD PA R K DE R R O A D NSB G Bowling Green Ticket holders Games time led walks AD D R O A G TO N ERS I Neighbourhood Sports Programme Handball B arring ton P laying Fie ld ON Dr Dubal & N R Patel AD RNE RO MELBOU W E L L IN RIV R O A D GAI UE E N D I U L A R C I R C 2 R T H NO A M N T H G R A A1 BMX L.B. Barking & Dagenham ASDA or nC kto Bec R O Y A L IN G T L WA L AY LEIGHT O N W H 6 RO AD EN A V CR r Lea 0 W ALTO N > E N U AV E LANE Rive MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) 4 ROAD G H A M D E R S I N H A M ILFO RD RON 14 W A LT O N G S H E R I N LIT TLE E + + Royal Alber t Dock RD TH AMES E U E E N AV OV US EV Tollgate Health Centre London Regatta Centre N 1917 Silver town Explosion Memorial A R C H AV E N U E The Docklands Equestrian Centre Newham Dockside O AD R O A D Little Ilford Park 3 Y S. Be ckton A llots Connaug ht Allots Brick Lane Music Hall ROAD es D Basketball Court Hathaway R O A D D HO ARD LEY ES RO A D C W O O LW I C H R O M A N 7 St Pauls Church R O E DR T E . Ham N ature Re s e r ve A ROAD > GR AM NH S TE N EL DE CH GAR R R O YA L D O C K S AV E N U E CA R O A D Will Thorne Pavilion D R IC H Footbridge + BARR D R O A S N D E R F L A Memorial Kingsford School The REC Centre 11 Royal Victoria Dock U E E N AV USE A D R O ROAD E Royal Docks Learning Centre Market Street Health Group A V E N U E Wi ldflower meadow VE E ORGE A E S CEN 2 AY ST Dr Inayatullah’s Surgery (branch) Beckton Globe L H AW D S N EL SO N + ROAD R OA D R O A K E T M A R Beckton Librar y F D ALES R E OF W East Ham Librar y ST DORE K I N G B A R Town Hall St Marks King G e o rg e V New h a m Pa r k Cit y Fa rm KING G H X T S I DHO S West Beckton PMS Practice West Beckton Health Centre U East Ham Leisure Centre BECKTON 13 ExCeL Exhibition Centre D R O A TO N N P T O K E M Ce ntra l Par k T O L L G A T E + STER D R O A 3G Football pitch (West Ham Utd F.C.) N S S T A PRINC + CL Ascension Halls A CHE T EAST HAM East Ham Jewish Cemetery RO AD C AV E S NOEL R D W O + R AN C L I F F E M A N T E R M A S M S T S M E N C L E East Ham Medical Centre 8 A D R O R K PA S T O K E S A REC D EN H T Dr Dubal & N R Patel Newham College of Fur ther Education + R O A D UE + Boleyn Road Medical Centre H TO N B A + WELL OAD R ORY H AT St Bartholomew’s Surgery The Hartley Centre E Th A Ly l e Pa r k ST LD L O N S D A L E Brampton Manor School AN ARY L r am IE EFIE T REE Bingo Hall CREIG AV E ve F AD BR WW1 Memorial Water Fountain FRIAR R O AD H O S K IN CL Leyes R o a d A llo t s BA RRI ER PO INT RD Ri 9 LD D R BOUND Dr T Lwin’s Surgery Cu n d y Pa r k R O A D NORTH RO R T IN S AY ST MA W > EET WA K AV EAST A D R O VIN D COL R OA RD DISH BEN > R O A D FU D E ENU B ec kt o n Di stric t Park ( N o r t h) R ME ROA Little Ilford Youth Centre G E S B U R M H A I G H E D R CE REN L AW E IORY AD I PR Custom House Surgery 9 E V E LY N R L R A N T C E R OA D RO Britannia Village Hall E STR O ER H + N H N RLEY C LOSE LAW S ON M ON A R C H D R AD AN RO BAXT W T AV E N NE D S TO Trinity Dr G Kugapala’s Practice D O IC MO A + & Youth Centre CL NDOME E N AN + D M O COL M W RID LOSE Dr C Raina GLA D R O A R T LW A Priory Park Centre H Little Ilford School Sports Facility The Centre Church Rd LEAM INGT ON C D + The Shrewsbury Centre V E O R G Footbridge Terence McMillan Stadium ROA D R O2 Arena O Britannia Village Surgery W E S L E Y A D R O D D WI R Y DA U N B O RD Sports Rehab Clinic AT K I N SO N O O R WOO A A TO N + ROAD + Wordsworth Health Centre Y N E IC K R Jack Cornwell J A CK C ORN A D O C H U R C H N O R T H O O UHG IT L A N E T O L L G A T E East London Cycle Speedway Track AD W AD + O Prior y Park F R I N T O N RO V RO R CLA C SL WO L FE R TO N RD R T R E E S T R E OAD ON R NG CK IL TH Y B U R W S R E S H K A T H E R I N SD T RE E S T SEL W Y Footbridge S G H H I D E N G R E E A DO 8 OA L R N Cumberland Medical Centre D O C K 10 AD Y L E A N M E RD ORA D KI D AN G WEST ERN GATE WAY RO Indoor Multisports Centre NE V I C T O R I A ON WILS Ne w Cit y Hoskins + Champions Statue Dr N Bhadra’s Surgery T H U R F O ION BALM ROA Peacock Boxing Club ABC ON + + Newham Leisure Centre Custom House Librar y VA + Froud Centre Dr S Dhariwal’s Surgery + Dr Inayatullah’s Surgery Walk-in Centre D LA MB ER T R OA HARTINGTON Shipman ROAD Adult Training COOLFIN ROAD WA R W WO R Cumberland Sports College LA AD M AV E D 5 T RO BOREHA Appleby Centre M A PP L EB Y UN + Newham Six th Form College Cundy MU R OA FFE West Ham Utd F.C + Newmartin Community Youth T AN D LN B r a m p to n Pa r k N R E G E Keir H a rdie R e c G rd R A D L I Glen Rd G L E N Medical Centre W R U SSEL L R O A D RD CRED ROAD RK RN SP A WESTE RD G N GE IA D OR R Newham University Hospital P R I N C E FO S AV E NE T E E S T R RGE ST GEO SIN LA RD Y OS U Greengate BEA Medical Centre Ca n n i n g Tow n R e c G rd D R O A WA + M South Canning Town Youth House T RD MON T LANE GE N RE C E PRIN N CR AV E OW LEA E + A S O N S RT LOWER + F R EEM VE towards The City RO A D St Luke’s Health Centre JUDE ST A WELL CL BOTH V I N C E N T S T RE E T TANT AVE S V I L LE HA L L H W E N FOR T Y A C R RATH BO NE S T SIL B ow Cre e k Ecolog y Par k L IN E Rathbone Market TUD Francis House Health Centre B E13 Mix Esk Rd Medical Centre Rokeby School D N ROA A Community House S T R E E T ORDNA NCE RD B Canning Town Librar y EE T Footbridge + L O INC + G RAN LY REDC Newham Medical Centre R CK UI S T O M H O U S E &R C A N N I N G T O W N A Ascot 12 towards Poplar NDO The Hub Trinity L.B. Tower Hamlets R N STR EE T 7 A O G Community Links SON STR Lea HEN ER er STEP BI D D Riv Balaam Leisure Centre Queens Market D + T YA S R D Sta r Pa r k D GWE + U OA N R D BARN LA NE Granwell LL 6 AD Tunmarsh A R S H Centre DO S T AR EN B E T H EL L A V WE Balaam Park Health Centre W NE STAR LANE Star Lane Medical Centre FALC ON Arc in the Park ITE RO Newham Asian Women’s Project Newham K African/Caribbean Resource Centre LID R O A D Her m it R d R e c G ro u n d R PRETORIA RD KIMBE R ROAD L EY Eastlea School WH S + M A N O R PA R K Sangam Surgery London Tamil Sangam E T H LL T ES A AMI LTO N RD T W E LVET R E E S C R E S C E N T C O D Y R O A D N G E G R A R O A D H G A I NS B O R O U G 6 + + P L A Green St Librar y RD FO M SHE East Ham Memorial Hospital PA R K Essex Lodge Plaistow Pa r k Balaam Street Practice FI RS T VE H + Plashet Rd Dr B K Sinha Medical Centre AT ek 4 HANCOCK ROAD East London Cemetery Memorial Park Woodgrange Park Cemetery Dr Krishnamurthy / Dr Yesufu Field + + AD R O Katherine Rd RY T U E F S B SHA Plaistow Pla y in g Hospital NG Grassroots iver Plaistow Librar y Manor Park K + HER S OU T EE Cre aR Three Mills else T V Studios C h a n n + ROAD A D R O D L TER. R OQueens H A S Ter. Q U E E N GR NE R O A D ME M ORIA L A V E N U E OPS BISH AVE S EB R OA D WA Y The Upper Rd Medical Centre EW VI ST A D RO Manor Park Librar y RO Plashet Pa r k + PLAISTOW EE T nnel LL LA Bow E MI H E FOR Jewish Cemetery Dr C M Patel’s Surgery ROAD Dr S Rafiq’s Surgery ROAD Allots TR Cha + House Mill THRE Lis t er Gdn s + Katherine Rd Medical Centre Queens Park Plaistow Park Q U E E N S Terrace Somali Youth Project St. Lister School Marys T WES AD Jeyes TH > + PA R K R O A D CLA DU E R O A D JAM ES CL N ott 4 S RO N O sc Thre e Mills G re e n Allots ROAD Curwen E N G R E L A N E REET D e EN QUE West Ham Boys ABC ST YS T RD D A E RO ERS AVE BR ER L O O K T S AN CH E E COL Dr M K Shetty’s Surgery Manor Pa r k ROAD ANTON EE S NEVILLE E T P L A S H RAC TER T + R ST GH E GEORG > AD + Birchdale Rd Medical Centre Upton Lane Medical Centre UPTON Dr S Qureshi’s Surgery OR >> West Ham Medical Practice C O R P O R AT IO N + ST HI + Westbury Rd Medical Practice A D R O + D O R M F R O U P T O N RO N Pr 2 L.B. Tower Hamlets AD E RO D RD LO towards Stepney WO OD GRANG A RA TFO ALD > Forest Gate Librar y One Love Upton + ST Claremont Clinic + BOLEYN + The Project Surgery D LANC ASTER ROAD Y STOPFORD ROAD E RD Stratford School Multi Sports Location Boxing Club D S TAT AD RO D RO W A D R O Woodgrange Medical Practice OAD HR A N R OA D T r A W T R Manor Park Cemetery ROA N WIC IS TO EY TIO NOR RSO TYLN D S TA D HA RB E O A FO RE S T DR IVE S D ROA P KS D O R ROA PL A MI T R AD Abbey Mills Pumping Station LD Newham Boys ABC + East End Medical Centre O r n a me n ta l G a rd e n WIC BEY FIE A D N T O M P H A E R N B O O S ST Wes t Ha m Pa r k LEY ROA AB RO Running Track (summer months only) C H U RCH N iv e a ll R ls W e M il 5 ESS R OD RS OW ABBEY ROAD GAY RD Footbridge CL Y NE KE PIE WA T h re E BISSO BA Football Ground 1 City of London Cemetery + A D R O GREEN STREET Rounders Pitch (on request) S H AM R O A D EN A D R O R T B E S E Durning Hall towards Ilford L.B. Redbridge + MAG Abbey Gdns r LA N Footbridge O K R O A D F O R E S T G AT E R O A D P A R K M H A New Canteen S TREET + Depot E RD Vicarage Lane Health Centre S T R A+T F O R D & WEST HAM D S ve L MI L LA D NR ROA Ri NG EY SO GE ill DI A BB S TR R D F O M R O Community College Vicarage Lane Stratford Pa r k N E L A Paul Street T EE Abbey Rd Medical Centre th a Pa M RT ST West Ham Lane Health Centre ID nelse ty PUD BE RD L PAU Chan Ci RO O HF M STRATFORD HIGH ST. Performance Space RAG + D A C PIT RD R O A H RT O R D O GF DW AL A R I N F TE NNY ST BR AD K AN BRY VICA LEY S H IR RD H RO RIC T RS Olympic Park View Tube S Discover Cour t Centre E TE reen way > > The Old Dispensar y L P E C A D A D RO OAD N R Stratford Village Surgery W EN lee G T TS T RP + 2 AN 14 Carpenters Rd Medical Practice CA Jubi R OA D Carpenters & Docklands Centre Old Town Hall Project 15 CH Bryant Street 1 + Youth Information Club R TO Y WA University of East London R OA Forest Gate Centre E O V G R E AT H BR D OA Park RD Stratford Centre D + T RES Lord Lister Health Centre D DAY R L A N FARA D FA R St John’s Church AD A M R L H E A Dr P G Shankar & Partners RD DE AN ERY RO Y ER D N R Quar ter ROA GH FO O A R N E L A Chatsworth Ather ton Leisure Centre ANE R L E Stratford Librar y IO N River The + TE LAN EA Stratford Medical Practice WA EL G T RE A RO A D RN S T E Cultural S TAT works Aquatics Centre Fores t La n e Pa r k D KEO 5 Wa t e r 4 AD Field AD S T R E F O A ST ANG Westfield Stratford City 3 M ET R OA AD AD 3 Olympic Stadium Stratford Medical Centre RO RO ALM Water Polo Arena ASH N Community Rd Athletes Village Orbit ITT Hibiscus N E Y CAGE - Chatsworth GUR Active Games Enclosure + H AM R O I S TO O Dr A Qadri’s Surgery KING IDM NE D YT + D ROA BUC RD OA ROAD CHOBHAM ANK RR LE Basketball Arena ROAD CHANDOS JO Velodrome Chandos IKSH RA CE CRU LEG R OA D VE LEY MA CO ROAD LD TON STO LE MI L L L A NE D rape rs Fi e l d O B r i d l e p ath Allotments > E MP Velopark NS RO T AR West Ham Cemetery NFIE D M VA TE BMX BMX Track Track L.B. Hackney R 7 ROA A L.B. Waltham Forest L.B. Waltham Forest 2 B Y D towards Leytonstone towards Leyton towards Hackney S RO SIDNE W CRO R Ball Cage A 3 minutes cycling 7 - 10 minutes walking average 1,000 steps E Wanstead Flats Playing Fields, Epping Forest C E N T R E One grid square = approx ½ mile 1 D K I NG SF O R D WAY 4-mile Jog Route 0 L R O A D 1 Km > ½ mile W Scale > Wa n s te a d Flat s am B Th A It is recommended children aged 5 to 19 should take part in at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity every day. Adults aged 19 to 65 and over should aim to be active daily for a minimum of 30 minutes per day on at least 5 days a week. This can also be achieved by participating in 3 sessions of 10 minutes per day, and will help to improve fitness and health. Guide to facilities in Newham The Jubilee Greenway offers a traffic-free West to East and East to West route across the borough from Beckton to Victoria Park in neighbouring Hackney. This shared use path can be used to cycle or walk for leisure or a gentle route to travel without the hustle and bustle of public transport. There are bicycle parking facilities across the borough. These are located at places such as railway and DLR stations, shopping centres, and other popular sites. Please note, cycling is not permitted in Newham’s parks except North Beckton Park and Memorial Park which have cycle routes. There are a number of safe local walks and cycling routes, varying in length throughout the borough. Transport for London has 12 superhighway cycle routes from outer London into central London. Newham Parks For more information regarding sports cycling such as mountain biking, BMX biking and cycle speedway racing, call 020 3373 0664 or email: Newham’s parks are among the best in the country, East Ham’s Central Park holds a prestigious Green Flag Award in recognition of excellence in management and maintenance. The council manages 22 parks, 45 open spaces and 7 allotment sites. For information on walking for health or Nordic Walking email: Walk journey planners can be found at: For sports, clubs and physical activities visit: NewhamLeisure or For activities in your postcode area visit: Note: Consult your GP for a health check prior to commencing physical or sports activity if you have concerns about physical or medical conditions, if you are aged 40 and over, have been inactive over an extended period of time or have pre-existing medical conditions. For health benefits, we recommend you follow a structured exercise programme. For information about cycle training, email: If you want to go for a walk, a picnic, read a book, play sport, enjoy an event or just relax, Newham’s parks offer a clean, safe and green environment with something for everyone. They are free and open every day from dawn till dusk. For activities and events in parks such as outdoor gym locations, community gardens, growing projects or gardening clubs, visit: or email: For City of London owned parks and activities in Newham such as nature trails, school activities, tennis, health walks and multi sports programmes visit: or email: Us Girls – Female Sports & Activities Initiative As part of the Active Women Campaign to tackle the gender gap in sport, the Sports & Activities team deliver a variety of sport and physical activity sessions for women aged 16 to 25 to improve health and confidence. The sessions are led by StreetGames and funded by National Lottery investment. To be active is to be involved in life, to make friends and try new activities - Newham Council provides all of these for free at the Active Centres - so come along and try something new. They are available to Newham residents aged 50 and over. For further information please call 020 3373 0625, e-mail: getactive@ or visit: * A small charge may apply for some activities Contact: Bus: 5, 15, 115, 241 Tube: Plaistow / Canning Town - Sports facilities & swimming G5 East Ham Leisure Centre Bus: 5, 58, 101, 104, 238, 474 Tube: East Ham - Sports facilities & swimming E7 Newham Leisure Centre Bus: 147, 262, 300, 376, 473 Tube/DLR: Plaistow / Prince Regent - Sports facilities & swimming H4 Barking Road Recreation Ground F7 Beckton District Park North F8 Beckton District Park South F6 Brampton Park E7 Canning Town Recreation Ground G5 Central Park E8 Cundy Park G5 Flanders Playing Field D2 Forest Lane Park H6 Gooseley Playing Field C6 Hermit Road Recreation Ground D7 Keir Hardie Recreation Ground Community Centres Outdoors in the City There are more than 28 council owned community centres in the borough. From large multi-purpose buildings to smaller single halls, the centres are a hive of activity throughout the year. Many activities take place such as: The Brede Arkless Outdoors in the City Centre in Canning Town offers the thrills, challenges and excitement of the great outdoors in inner city Newham. It has a huge range of outdoor activities including abseiling zip wires, archery, bush craft, high rope courses, orienteering, powerfan, wall climbing and more. A team of qualified instructors cater for every kind of group and individual to deliver an experience that is both fun and empowering. Volunteering is a fantastic way to get involved with your community including discovering events and projects taking place in Newham and surrounding boroughs. 324 Barking Road, East Ham E6 281 Prince Regent Lane, Plaistow E13 Barking Road, East Ham E6 Tollgate Road, Beckton E6 Stansfeld Road, Beckton E6 Masterman Road, East Ham E6 Prince Regent Lane, Custom House E16 High Street South, East Ham E6 Victoria Park Road, Custom House E16 Melbourne Road, East Ham E6 Magpie Close, Forest Gate E7 St Albans Avenue, East Ham E6 Hermit Road, Plaistow E13 Tarling Road, Canning Town E16 Bus: 5, 238, 300, 325 Tube: East Ham 1.2km Bus: 262, 300, 376, 147, 473 DLR: Royal Albert / Beckton Park 1.6km 1556 * Orienteering Bus: 262, 300, 376, 147, 473 DLR: Beckton Park 800m 2178 * Orienteering Bus: 104, 101, 300, 58, 115 Tube: East Ham / Upton Park 2.4km 1239 Bus: 147, 325, 473, 271, 241, 300 Tube/DLR: Plaistow / Prince Regent 800m 1696 Bus: 5, 15, 58, 101, 104, 147, 300, 115 Tube: East Ham 800m 1740 Bus: 147, 325, 473, 241 DLR: Prince Regent / Custom House 400m 1011 Bus: 58, 308, 330 Tube: East Ham 800m Making the most of the 993 Bus: 58, 308, 330 Rail: Forest Gate 500m 1161 Bus: 101, 104, 173, 300 DLR: Beckton 1.2km 1327 Bus: 5, 15, 69, 241, 276, 330, 300, 474 Tube/DLR: Plaistow / Canning Town 800m 1040 Bus: 147, 241. DLR: Canning Town / Royal Victoria 600m 849 D5 Lister Gardens Bus: 69, 241, 262, 473 Tube: Plaistow 400m 284 Little Ilford Park Bus: 25, 86, 551, 147 Tube: East Ham 1.3km 3643 King George V Park Upper Road, Plaistow E13 Church Road, Manor Park E12 Bus: 69, 474 DLR: West Silvertown 400m * wheelchair access limited to parts of park C5 Memorial Park Bus: 69, 276 Tube/Rail: West Ham 1.2km 2472 G8 New Beckton Park Bus: 101, 300, 678, 366, 474, 376, 173 DLR: Beckton / Cyprus 1.2km 1539 D5 Plaistow Park Bus: 5, 15, 147, 156, 241, 262, 276, 325, 330, 274, 473. Tube: Plaistow 800m 1507 F3 Plashet Park Bus: 101, 104, 147, 238, 300, 325 Tube: East Ham 500m 1388 F4 Priory Park Bus: 5, 58, 104, 115, 147, 330, 376 Tube: Upton Park 400m 1411 H9 Royal Victoria Gardens Bus: 101, 474, 473 DLR: King George V 400m 1299 C4 Stratford Park C6 Star Park G6 East Ham Nature Reserve & St Mary Magdalene Church Memorial Avenue, West Ham E15 Savage Gardens, Beckton E6 Greengate Street, Plaistow E13 Plashet Grove, East Ham E7 Grangewood Street, nr Green Street E6 Pier Road, North Woolwich E16 West Ham Lane, Stratford E15 Star Lane, West Ham E16 Bus: 69, 104, 238, 241, 262, 276, 473 Tube/DLR/Rail: Stratford 800m Bus: 69, 115, 276, 323 Tube/DLR: Canning Town 400m Newham City Farm Stansfeld Road, Beckton E16 Tel: 020 7474 4960 (Closed Mondays except Bank holidays. Partial access for the disabled. Toilet for disabled available) There has never been a better time to discover what Newham has to offer. 1000 * cricket nets only 994 1369 Bus: 101, 104, 173, 300 DLR: Beckton - Bus: 300, 147, 473 DLR: Royal Albert - Norman Road, East Ham E6 Tel: 020 8470 4525 F7 * Arc in the Park This map provides opportunities to explore your local area, and landmarks in addition to activities and facilities that are available within the borough. Use the map to get to your destination or to see a friend; it is the ideal way to fit activity into your daily life. 1586 Bradfield Road, Silvertown E16 Lyle Park Facilities 901 Bus: 473, 147, 300 DLR: Prince Regent 1.2km * wheelchair access backs onto City Farm Further info: Churchyard is largest in London - 9 acres foxes, owls, kestrels and butterflies. Caters for wheelchair users. Church is Norman - constructed in 12th Century, the Tower is 16th Century. Further info: See, hear and handle farm animals. Small cafe, picnic area and garden. Horse and cart rides available by arrangement. Regular childrens farm club and special animal displays. Visitors Centre with classroom, study areas and guided tours by arrangement. Honey, jams and fresh eggs available to buy. 28841 For further information, visit: The following parks are managed by authorities other than London Borough of Newham. C7 Bow Creek Ecology Park E9 Thames Barrier Park B5 Three Mills Green E1 Wanstead Flats Playing Fields D4 West Ham Park Volunteering There are lots of volunteering opportunities that you can take part in to make a difference in helping others improve your neighbourhood. Get involved with fantastic events, gain new skills, meet new people, achieve lifetime experiences and give something back to your community. 14 Balaam Street, Plaistow E13 Steps guide King George Avenue, Custom House E16 D9 The centres are available for hire to community groups and activities, in addition to private functions. For further information call 020 3373 0625, e-mail: or visit: For more information see: or email: Balaam Leisure Centre London previously hosted the Olympic Games in 1908 and 1948. The Games return to London on July 27 until August 12 with the Paralympics taking place on August 29 to September 9. chair based exercise • New age kurling • Wii league • Healthy eating and nutrition • Tea dances • Aerobics • Salsa • Bingo D6 Owned and maintained by the City of London since 1874, It is the largest park in Newham. It provides a wide range of facilities, and is a pleasant and relaxing environment for all visitors. Visit: • Adult education classes including language and ICT classes • Dressmaking • Flower arranging Some of the different sports that are available include athletics, basketball, cricket, football, handball, hockey, rugby, multisports, non-contact boxing, cardio tennis, volleyball and ultimate frisbee. Sports facilities H2 • Afterschool clubs • Physical activity sessions including dance, aerobics, yoga and Newham’s Active Centres are great places to get active and make new friends. There are more than 30 centres that are free* to attend and provide excellent opportunities to improve your health while taking part in fun and social activities. The centres run a range of free* sessions including: - The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games The Olympic Torch representing peace, unity and friendship will be carried by 8,000 inspirational torchbearers over 70 days through more than 1,000 cities, towns and villages in the UK from May 19 to July 27. The Olympic Torch will reach Newham on July 21 for the Mayor’s Town Show at Central Park, East Ham. To track its journey visit: paralympic-torch-relay The Neighbourhood Sports Programme provides a variety of activities throughout the year for young people in Newham, aged 8 to 24. Sessions include coaching, tournaments and leagues in a range of sports. All are delivered by National Governing Body (NGB) qualified coaches and open to people of all abilities. Bus: 25, 86 Tube/DLR/Rail: Stratford West Ham Park Westfield Stratford City is the largest retail mixed-use urban regeneration project ever undertaken in the UK and is adjacent to the Olympic site. Active Centres Atherton Leisure Centre F7 The Olympic Village is located in Stratford City and is where the Olympians and Paralympians will live during the Games. After the Games the Village will be transformed into 2,800 new homes. Neighbourhood Sports Programme D3 189 Romford Road, Stratford E15 wheelchair access Newham Newham is an ideal place to walk and cycle. Being outdoors can improve mood, reduce stress and help control certain medical conditions. Evidence suggests being active on a regular basis can help reduce or prevent more than 20 health and medical conditions. An active lifestyle maintains health, strength and coordination and can be fun for the whole family! Plan a route with cycle journey planner and find out about cycle hire at: How to get there 2012 Walking and Cycling in Newham Location Newham Map Throughout Newham there are hundreds of opportunities to participate in physical activity and sport. There is something for everyone. To become a Newham Volunteer visit: yourcommunity/volunteering/volunteering.htm Bidder Street, Canning Town, E16 managed by: Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Barrier Point Road, Silvertown, E16 managed by: London Development Agency Three Mills Lane, E3 managed by: Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Managed by the City of London, Epping Forest wansteadflatsplayingfields Tel: 020 8532 1010 Upton Lane, Forest Gate E7 9PU Managed by the City of London email: Tel: 020 8472 3584 Bus: 5, 69, 115, 147, 241, 276, 300, 309, 330, 474, N15, N550, N551 Tube/DLR: Canning Town - Bus: 474, 69, 161, 472 DLR: Pontoon Dock - Bus: S2, 323, D8, 8, 25 Tube/DLR: Bromley-by-Bow, Pudding Mill Lane - Bus: 58, 101, 308, 328, 330, W19 Rail: Wanstead Park, Forest Gate, Manor Park - Bus: 238, 325, 25, 330, 86, 104, 238 Tube/Rail: Plaistow / Forest Gate / Stratford - Further info: East of the Blackwall Tunnel. Open daily 8 to dusk. Observation points and seating. Small stream, ponds, wildflower meadow and birds. The first riverside park built in London. The green trench running through the park is a reminder of the site's dockland heritage. Great views of the Thames Flood Barrier. Opens daily from 7am. The largest of the 4 remaining tidal mills. Open to visitors Sunday afternoons. Owned by the Olympic Park Legacy Company. Further info: Provides 60 mini, youth and adult football pitches along with walking, jogging and horse ride routes. In summer months, a 400m grass athletics track is available. At Harrow Road, a brand new, fully accessible changing pavilion with a meeting room is available by arrangement. Wanstead Flats is in the southern most part of Epping Forest, with acres of forest to get active. Further info: Facilities vary with the sporting season with several all-weather surfaces available - please enquire. Several guided walk and trail guides are available, including fully accessible routes. Disclaimer: All information on this map is as accurate as possible but as it has been gathered from different sources, it cannot be guaranteed to be fully accurate. Although we have tried to ensure that the information within this leaflet is valid and correct, unforeseen errors or changes may occur. Newham Council and its employees cannot be held responsible for damage or delay as a result of using this map or the information contained within it. The steps, time logged and distances in this map are guidelines and estimates only. 020 8430 6291
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