St. Teresa of Avila - Good Shepherd Catholic Church
St. Teresa of Avila - Good Shepherd Catholic Church
Palm Sunday March 20, 2016 Thronging the Way of the Cross St. Teresa of Avila Welcome to our Tri-Parish Community Visitors are always welcome at our celebrations. For more information about our communities, please contact the tri-parish or parish offices. Fr. David Roehrich Pastor 901 S. 3rd St. PO Box 472 Beresford, SD 57004 605-670-0802 Cell Tri-Parish Office Linda Peterson Administrative Assistant 605-763-2028 Office 605-763-2058 Fax 605-660-3112 Cell Directors of Religious Education Nicole Hurlbert 810-923-0402 Kay Winquist 605-934-2605 Jackie Austin 605-310-2827, Heather Logue 605-267-2948 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE January, February, March Saturday, 6:00 PM St. Patrick, Wakonda Sunday, 8:30 AM St. Teresa, Beresford Sunday, 10:30 AM Good Shepherd, Centerville Reconciliation: 5:15 pm St. Patrick 7:45 am St. Teresa Hardly any person, however proudly carnal he may be, wishes to believe of himself that he has no religion at all. The man who does come near to that asserts and reasserts, with the overemphasis of the unconvinced, that he has ”his own religion.” Humiliated by their own not understood, but deeply felt, spiritual impotency, people try to compensate by material success. They attempt to fill the emptiness within themselves by money, position, flattery. They try to answer and quiet the unappeasable longing to achieve the glory of complete humanity by the achievement of human power; and a humiliated man who does manage to grasp power over other human beings is a potential danger to the world, far more terrible than an atom bomb or bacteriological warfare. For no man who does not nail his hands with the nails that nailed Christ to the cross, and does not plunge himself into the magnitude of the littleness of the infant Christ, is safe to exercise power. Ideologies could not come into being without this epidemic humiliation, for they depend on a multitude of young men and young women identifying themselves with a human leader. Every member of the group accepts the ideas of the leader. He accepts the leader’s mind and his conscience. He lives, not by his own conscience, his own will, but by the conscience and will of the leader, until the time comes when he has no will but the leader’s. He loses sight of his own lack of mind and of purpose, and of his own limitations and littleness, and he abandons all personal responsibility for his own thoughts and actions. He is always in costume. He is always acting a part, and in time he really believes that he shares the force and genius of the leader. Thus, for a little while, he has a drug to anesthetize the ache of his own humiliation. Even when a group is passive, group mentality fosters delusion ad pride. But when the group is driven or “led,” into action, it simply becomes the most dangerous and most horrible of all things: crowd mentality. Identified with a crowd, possessed by it, a man who is really just and temperate behaves like an irrational creature. He will blaspheme, lynch, murder, all without any sense of his personal responsibility. He is in worse shape than a man who is drunk, for he is not only himself out of control, but has in him the uncontrolled evil in several hundreds or thousands of other men, too,. Undoubtedly many who thronged the Way of the Cross hurled curses and insults at Christ only because they were possessed by a crowd. Had they had the strength to be alone, perhaps, like Saint Veronica, they would have wiped the spitting of that crowd from the suffering face of Innocence. The only identification which deepens a man’s awareness of his personal responsibility as a human being is identification with Christ. The only solidarity with others which enables an individual to be wholly himself, and yet really one with all other men, is the Mystical Body of Christ. Caryll Houselander Caryll Houselander (+1954) was a British mystic, poet,. And spiritual teacher. The Corporal Works of Mercy The Spiritual Works of Mercy Feed the hungry Instruct the ignorant Give drink to the thirsty Counsel the doubtful Clothe the naked Admonish the sinner Shelter the homeless Comfort the sorrowful Visit the sick Forgive injuries Visit the imprisoned Bears wrongs patiently Bury the dead Pray for the living and the dead Parish Life Lord, through the intercession of Mary Most Holy, hear our Prayers for the members of our parishes enduring patiently their bodily illness: Leonard Roehrich, Helen Beckwith, Spencer Young, Tanya Person, Ron Thompson, Carol Heidebrecht, Delilah Limoges, Dorrie Lynch, Anita Girard, Bob Johnson, Corrine Pawlichek, Lee Barrows, Laura Bohlman, Leo Samuelcek, Vicki Feist, Rita, Darlene, David Yaggie, Sam Gaidelis, Amy Albers Lamp, Roger Berg & family, Wendy Wrigg, Ken Kaltenbach, Opal Mark, Carol Nelson, Bob Kast’s sister, Pat Schmidt, Matt Smolik, Thelma Alton’s granddaughter, Nikki Perry’s Grandson, Kade Bratzel, Carol Nelson, D. Pease friend Laura Jean, Michael Chambers, Warren Scherschlight, S. Holm’s sister-in-law, Sandy, All those in our parishes battling cancer & serious illness. Call the prayer chain contacts to be added or removed from prayer list St. Patrick Donna Keeley 605-660-4094 209 Iowa St, PO Box 386, Wakonda, SD 57073 T 605-267-2676 Collection Total = $1861.00 CFSA Goal 2016: $12,000 Collected $4520 38% *************** Prayer chain contact & Bulletin announcements Submit before Thursday AM Knights of Columbus meet 3rd Wednesday 8:00pm McMahon Hall NOTE: Wakonda CCD ser ves the Banquet in Yankton on Thursday, March 31 not Thursday, March 24. Confessions: March 21, 7:00pm, St. Patrick Mark Your Calendars March 20: March 20: March 21: March 24: March 25: March 25: April 2: April 2/3: Bible Study, St. Teresa, 5:00pm Confessions Centerville, 7pm Confessions St. Patrick, 6:00pm Holy Thursday 7pm Good Shepherd Good Friday 5pm St. Teresa & Fish Fry Good Friday 7pm St. Patrick CDA luncheon, Tea 11:30-3:00 Mass times rotate, Saturday nite at 5pm Please remember in your prayers Eileen Donahue (3-14) and all who recently entered their new and eternal life in Christ. Do you belong to one of our three parishes but find you are going to another church because of schedules? You can put your envelope or check in the basket at any of our three parishes and it will be forwarded on to your home parish. If you are going elsewhere than our three parishes, please remember we still need your support every week. If you would like to have an automatic withdrawal taken every week or every month, please contact Donna, Peggy or Linda RCIA Classes: Interested in becoming Catholic? This is a great opportunity if your spouse comes to Mass with you but is not Catholic. Talk to Fr. David about RCIA classes. Sacrament of Matrimony: Schedule at least 6 months before the wedding date to begin Marriage Instructions Sacrament of Baptism: Schedule Class & Baptism Sacrament of the Sick: Going to hospital for a procedure or are ill, call for Anointing of the Sick Contact Fr. David at the parish office at 605-763-2028 or 605-670-0802 St. Teresa of Avila Linda Peterson 605-660-3112 901 S. 3rd St. PO Box 472, Beresford, SD 57004 Facebook: St Teresa of Avila Catholic Church Beresford SD T 605-763-2028 T 605-763-2028 F 605-763-2058 Collection Total = $1309.60 CFSA Goal 2016: $18,900 Collected $8710.00 46% ********************* Prayer Chain Contacts Pat Hubert: ********************* KC’s meet 2nd Wed. of month at 7pm Catholic Daughter’s meet 1st Mon. of month 7pm Upcoming Events: March 6 Lifesaver Project Rosary at Bethesda March 26 Carmen Neurmayr March 30 CCD Serving Jared/Emily Olsen . Elderly members are in need of a ride to & from Mass. Volunteers willing to offer rides please talk with Linda . Priests study group meets 2nd Monday of month, volunteers needed for supplying lunch. Interested—talk with Linda April 6: Serving at Banquet Sign up in church entry way to serve at The Banquet Wed eve, 04-06-16. A bus is lined up to take the students. Please be generous with your time & your talent. Good Shepard and St. Patrick parishioners are welcome to join us. If you are unable to sign up in person, feel free to send an e-mail to noting your name and if you are going up in the afternoon to assist preparing the dinner or later to serve the dinner. Good Shepherd Peggy Mach 605-660-6873 411 Wisconsin Ave, PO Box 98, Centerville, SD 57014 or T 605-563-2220 Collection Total = $657.67 CFSA Goal 2016: $10,200 Collected $3862 38% *********************** Prayer Chain Contacts Email: Gloria Adamson:jgadmason@hcinet/605-563-2303 Deb Pease: Phone: Mary Frederickson: 605-212-0445 Nikki Perry: 605-552-2688 *********************** CCD Serving Group March 30: Eloise Hybertson Ministry Calendars are in the lobby, please pick up. Money Counters needed, contact Peggy Mach Thank you to Duane and Georgia Pokorney and Dennis and Mary Kay Smith for all of their years of dedication as Collection Counters! Your time and talent was and still is a valuable asset to Good Shepherd Confessions: March 20, 7pm, Good Shepherd, Adults & CCD students Fr. John Fischer assisting St. Teresa CDA Baked Eggs for Babies April 10, 2016; Sunday after Mass St. Teresa’s parish is invited to join us in celebrating the baptism of babies this past year and the celebration of life. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do. John 13:15 Liturgy and Worship Schedule Saturday, March 26, 2016 Commentator Lector Mike Logue Mike Kolbeck Karl Libby Deb Sokolowski Rodney Deacon Sunday, March 27, 2016 Commentator Lector Mary Ellen Kennedy Commentator Lector 8:300pm St. Patrick Servers Gifts/Greeters/ Ushers Musicians Alison Logue Garrett Logue Mike & Heather Logue 8:30am St. Teresa Servers Gifts/Greeters/ Ushers Musicians Easter Sunday Eucharistic Ministers Scott Kennedy Greg Heiberger Terri Kennedy Kay Winquist Sunday, March 27, 2016 Pat Sees Easter Vigil Eucharistic Ministers Debbie Pease Linda Andersen Bernie Nesheim Denise Miller 10:30am Gifts/Greeters/ Ushers Musicians Duncan Pease Ellie Pease Tim Ganschow Matt Hybertson Michelle Franker Ana Pease Gifts/Greeters/ Ushers Pat O’Malley Chris Wixon Mary Frederickson Delana Mach Kristi Lee Denae Mach Jan Hansen Friday, March 25, 2016 Good Friday Commentator Lector Sally Dolan Greg Heiberger Eucharistic Ministers Scott Kennedy Shelley Jensen Rosemary Weiland Servers Gabe/Lillian Traxler Linda Glas Pam McGill Pauline Weiland Rosary Collection Counters Peggy Mach Good Shepherd Musicians Rosary Collection Counters Lisa Wixon Peggy Mach Gifts/Greeters/ Ushers Mike/Janelle O’Connor Musicians Rosary Cosette Hemen Geri Fitzgerald St. Patrick Musicians Collection for Holy Land Rosary Collection Counters Good Friday Eucharistic Servers Ministers 7:00pm Gifts/Greeters/ Ushers Pat Donahue Don Logue Cathy Ganschow Karl Libby Tom & Angie Logue Isabelle Libby Sean Steffen Collection Counters Tim Ganschow Darrell Frederichson 5:00pm Friday, March 25, 2016 Commentator Lector Darby Ganschow Rosary Good Shepherd Servers Thursday, March 24, 2016 Holy Thursday Commentator Lector Eucharistic Servers Ministers Collection Counters Jim Barnett Darby Ganschow Breanna/Sabrina Mike/Jean Sievert Jim Greene Swee Easter Sunday Eucharistic Ministers Rosary St. Teresa Collection for Holy Land Collection Counters To be counted on Monday Don Logue Mike Logue Weekday Mass & Service Schedule 3/21 Monday 8:00am Beresford St. Teresa +Bob Dolan 3/22 Tuesday 10:30am Wakonda Heritage Manor +Tom & Pat Connelly 3/23 Wednesday 10:00am Irene Sunset Manor For the 3 Parishes 3/24 Holy Thurs. 7:00pm Good Shepherd Centerville +Joe & Esther Kunerth 3/25 Gd Friday 5:00pm St. Teresa Beresford xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3/25 Gd Friday 7:00pm St. Patrick Wakonda xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3/26 Saturday 8:30pm St. Patrick Wakonda Easter Vigil + Clare & Mae Keeley 3/27 Sunday 10:30am Good Shepherd Centerville Easter Sunday + Roy & Esther Alton 3/27 Sunday 8:30am St. Teresa Beresford Easter Sunday + Ryan John O’Connor