for the , in-depth traveller^ History I Cultures I Shopping Hotels ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE for the in^pth traveller btanbid ISBN: 975-521-807-6 ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Reşadiye C a d . 3 4 1 1 2 Eminönü/İstanbul/Turkey T e l e p h o n e : + 9 0 2 1 2 4 5 5 61 0 0 Telefax: + 9 0 2 1 2 5 1 3 15 65 - 5 2 0 15 2 6 / BOYUT PUBLISHING GROUP This guide has prepared by Boyut Publishing Group © BOYUT PUBLISHING GROUP, ISTANBUL 2004 Editor in Chief Bülent ÖZÜKAN General Art Director Murat ONES General Manager Nilgün ÖZÜKAN Editorial NİIYÜZBAŞIOĞLU Mısra ÖNCEL Cemal BALCI Burçin ÜNLÜ PR & Sales Development Ferda SEYLMVI Coordinator Art Director Yıldız ERTAN Translation Deniz TANIŞ Photo Credits Boyut Publishing Press Boyut Group archives Printhouse Boyut Publishing Group Matbaacılar Sitesi. 1. Cad. No:115 34560 Bağcılar / Istanbul / TURKEY Tel:+90 212 629 5300 Pbx Fax:+902126290574-75 All rights of the texts and maps are reserved by Boyut Publishing Group. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior permission of the publisher. Contents jin Intercontinental Meti'opol The M o s t p j e s in I s t a n b u l 4 4 Haghia S o p h i a Acit> ofworkl 4 8 Kalerderlnane M o s q u e 4 8 Felhve Mosque T h e t U s t o r ) ' ol Istanl>uJ Pavilions anil P a l a c e s 4 8 K ü ç ü k Ayasofya M o s q u e 48 Beyazıt M b s q u e 2 2 TlneTopi<apiPdace 4 8 Fatih M o s q u e 2 8 D o l m a b a h ç e P£^ace 5 0 Mihrimah I v b s q u e 3 0 A y r ^ i Kavak Kasn 5 0 Ortaköy M o s q u e 3 0 Beylerbey Kasn 5 0 R ü s t e m F^şa M o s q u e 3 0 B a b - i / ^ i a r d / ^ a y Köşkü 5 0 Şehzade Mosque 3 0 K ü ç ü k s u Kasn 5 0 Sokullu M e h m e t P a ş a M o s q u e 3 0 Maslak Köşkleri 52 The Süleyrrenye 3 0 Teklur Saray 5 4 T h e Blue M b s q u e MiLS4'Uins l l i e C h u i - c h e s in İ s t a n b u l 3 2 T h e Archaeological M u s e u m 5 6 T h e Armenian Patriarchate 3 2 T h e MunicipaliV M u s e u m 5 7 St. A i t a y of P a d u a Cafhiolic C h u r c h 3 3 Çinili K ö ş k 5 7 St. G e o r g e Fener G r e e k 3 4 T h e Naval M u s e u m O r t h o d o x Patriarchate C h u r c h 3 4 T h e ömn Uterature M u s e u m 5 7 N e v e Şdcjın S y n a g o g u e 3 5 Carpet arxd Kilim M u s e u m 5 7 S u r p Kirkor Lusaroviç Armenian 3 5 Mosaic M u s e u m 3 5 S a k p Sabancı M u s e u m 3 5 T h e MilitBiy M u s e u m 3 6 S a d b e r k Hanım M u s e u m 3 6 M u s e u m of Turkish a n d Islamic Art 3 7 Rahmi M . K o ç M u s e u m OrttxxJoks C h u r c h 5 8 Aya Istefarx3s 5 8 Sakızağacı S u r p Asdvazazin CathedrsJ 5 8 Ortaköy S u r p Kirkor Lusavoriç C h u r c h 5 9 St. Rerre C h u r c h 5 9 Haghia B r e n e C h u r c h S t a t u e s anıl M o n u m e n t s 3 8 Beyazıt TcAA/er 3 8 KJztaşı 3 8 T h e Rumeli Fortress 3 8 T h e S e l i m c e Barracks l i f e in I s t a n b u l 6 1 Ferries - B o s p h o r u s 62 TheGotienHom 6 3 Strolling through istanbul 38 TheodosionW^ls 6 3 T h e Maiden's T o w e r (Kz Kulesi) 38 Bozdoğan/^ueduct(Vdens) 6 4 MiniaTuri<: 3 8 Yedikjie 6 6 Lütfî Krdar C o n g r e s s arxJ b<hibition Center 3 9 Çemberlitaş P a r k s , };;artlens antl .s([uar«:'s Fftntains ant I C i s t e r n s 6 7 T h e Yildz G r o v e 4 0 T h e G e r m a n Fountain 6 8 T h e R o r r a n t i l o Fenerioahçe Park 4 0 Fountain of S u l t a n / ^ m e t i l i 6 8 T h e Bmirgan G r o v e 4 0 T o p h a n e Fountain 6 8 The Çubuklu Grove 4 0 Yerebatan Basilica 6 9 ^ e Nale Suten Grove 6 9 T h e Mihrabad G r o v e R(ili<4«n-'* a J « l C ı d l ı m î s 6 9 T i e Gülhane Park 7 0 DK/anYolu SllO]}piil^ ill Jr^latibiiJ 7 0 A t Meydanı (Hippodrome) Co>ere4İ ainJ <)|>eij B a z a a i * s 7 2 EmİTOnü S q u a r e 1 1 2 T h e Egyptian Market 7 2 T h e istiMci Street 1 1 2 Antique B o o k s M ^ e t 7 2 Taksim S q u a r e 1 1 3 Galatasaray R s h Mart<et 1 1 3 Sarver R s h Mari<et 7 5 B o ğ a a ç i Bridge 1 1 4 Kapalı Çarşı G r a r r i Bazaar 7 5 Fatih Suttan M e h m e t B r t ì g e 7 5 T h e G ^ a t a Bridge Maik.'l.s 1 1 5 S t o p p i n g Cenfres Tlu Tasl-^nfkanİHÜ 7 7 Turkish Cuisine 116 Çukurcuma 1 1 6 Sti-eet Markets C u l t u i f ami AJ1 7 8 M e y h a n e s a n d Taverns 8 0 Sea Food 8 2 intemationd Cuisine 8 4 Russian Cuisine 8 4 M i e r i c a n Cuisine 8 5 telian Cuisine 8 6 French Cuisine 8 7 Me>^can Cuisine 1 1 8 istanbul t t ^ t a c c u s t o m e d t o "the u n i v e r ^ l culture" 1 2 0 Culture, i n d a l y Ife 121 T t o preferred city I s t a n h ı ü . t l i r c i t v Mtl'i\sli\iilb 1 2 5 Intemati'or^ istanbul Rim Festival 1 2 6 I n t e r a t i o r ^ istanbul Theater Festwal • 8 7 G e r r r a n , Austiian a n d Ö A ^ S S Cuisines 1 2 7 I n t e r r ^ t i o ^ istanbul Music Festive 8 8 Mediterranean Cuisine 1 2 8 IntematibrBl istanbul Jazz Festive 8 9 Vegetarian Cuisine 1 2 9 IntematioTBl istanbul Biennio 8 9 T h e Far fest a n d Asian Cuisines 9 0 Turi^sh-Ottoman Cuisine \ a«ation E v a s i o n s 9 1 K e b a b arxJ M e a t 131 B ü y ü k a d a 132 \ lstai)Jml:Nifihl.>- 93 Nightclubs 9 4 T h e V\^ne Delight 9 5 Bars 132 [ 133 Kn^iada 134 M^os 1 3 4 Şile 1 3 4 T h e Rumeli Ughtt^use (Rumeli Feneri) 1 3 5 Polonezköy S i x i a l riiilis 1 3 6 Other side of tine sea 1 0 3 W a t e r Sports 1 0 3 Beneath the S e a s 1 0 4 Tenis 1 0 4 Riding 1 0 4 Golf 1 0 5 Gymnastics, b o d y b u i l d i n g , aerobics 1 0 5 Carting Ti'aiisjxnialion 1 3 8 There are m a n y alternatives 139 Rane 1 3 9 Fenies 1 3 9 Rai^^/ay 140 Bus Companies Boat Tours 1 4 0 RaikA/ays 1 4 0 Ariines An Intercontinental Metropol The guide you are holding aims to introduce the modern life style of Istanbul, the huge metropolis founded on an extremely rich historical background and a unique geography. here is no other metropolis in the world that is founded on two continents. One should spend days in order to follow its traces from the three great empires it served as the capital in its old palaces, monumental mosques challenging the time, antique churches and in its museums resembling treasures. Istanbul is a unique geography. A bridge, where not only the East and the West, but also the past and today, the antiquity and the m o d e m meet. Istanbul, a unique geography. A bridge where not only the East and the West, the past and today, but also the antiquity and the modern meet. The guide you are holding aims to introduce the modern way of life in Istanbul, a giant metropolis founded on a unique geography and historical background. Where the social life of Istanbul is intensified, where and how one can do shopping, how about the cuisine, where you can have the best breakfast in this huge city on a Sunday morning, on what parts of the city a rich brunch or a countryside restaurant is waiting for you, what you should do for a boat trip through Bosphorus there is no counterpoise in the world, at which pools you can refresh during the hot summer days, where the restaurants you can find almost all examples of the world cuisine are; how to spend a perfect weekend, where the hidden summer places of this city for one-day or a few-day evasions that you can enjoy the sea and the sun in this city. How you can join the night hfe, the bars and clubs that suit your preferences, where the cultural life of Istanbul forms; when the film, music and theater festivals and cultural activities that mostly have international significance will begin, the social clubs that you can become a member, practice your hobbies and have various connections, where you can play what sort of sports, how about 'İstanbul for the kids?' These are just the questions we explored, found and suggested for you in Istanbul Guide. Among the leading qualities that makes Istanbul an intercontinental metropol are is that it contains the opportunities, beauties and attractiveness enabling people to evaluate their time to its largest extent from any nationality, culture and class. Enjoy it! • A city ofworld The city that has been constantly changing in terms of culture and architecture f o r thousands of years, welcomes us as a tasty and rare mixture of the East and the West. Istanbul; the capital of three great empires, the host for the cultures of the communities that have been living in Anatolia for thousands of years, and the city housing the most significant structures of the three major religions. Istanbul, extending to Asia on one side and to Europe on the other, is the only city that lies on two continents in the world. The Bosphorus, passing through the middle of the cily guides the waters of the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara and the Golden Horn. Having served as the capital of Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires respectively, Istanbul is hopeful for its modem future whilst preserving the heritage of the past proudly. A tourist visiting İstanbul m u s t absolutely take a ferry cruise t h r o u g h Boğaziçi and spare a day for seeing the Princes' Isles. The variety one can enjoy in the city is really fascinating. Istanbul, known with its museums, churches, palaces, mosques, marketplaces and natural beauties, and has also begun to be known with its skyscrapers which are the necessity of modem hfe, makes its guests feel that it is one of the most famous cities of the world in every breath they talce. Istanbul is a very special place hosting several different areas of tourism with its historical heritage, cultural past and mmierous attractions in addition to its very modem hotels, very special restaurants, night clubs, cabarets, historical markets and shops and intemational festivals. In the 1 9 ^ ^ century, Istanbul used to be laud up to the skies as "The Peari of the Orient" or "The Mermaid of the East" by the daydream lovers. Seeing the lands of Asia while looking from the hill where the Topkapi Palace (Topkapi Sarayı) is located or the charming scarlet of the sun setting at the Golden Horn are just some of the daily hfe's decorations. The city that has been constantly changing in terms of culture and architecture, welcomes us with a unique and delicious mixture of East and West. Istanbul is an ever expanding metropolis. The ridges of Bosphorus, the Anatolian side, and the neighbouring areas of the airports located in both European and Asian sides have been continuously expanding. Despite the inhabitants were reported to be some 9 million after the last census, the actual figure is estimated to be pretty more than that. The transportation in some parts of the city is fairly easy owing to the subway and other railway systems. However, the city is so huge that the best practice would be to determine two or three targets and having occasional breaks between them in order to enjoy the city. The place for the break can be a park, a small interior court, or a scenic hill as well as a nice restaurant at the Bosphorus (Boğaziçi). You can easily walk through the old city and the small neighbourhood. Çemberhtaş and outsldrts of Boğaziçi or Taksim and Pera (Beyoğlu) can be reached from the old city. A tourist visiting Istanbul must absolutely take a ferry cruise through Boğaziçi and spare a day for seeing the Princes' Isles. Among the cities that has been rising in congress tourism market, Istanbul creates significant opportunities in this area with its international airports, first class hotels, accommodation estabhshments as well as its historical and cultural richness along with Lütfi lürdar Congress Centre that has all the necessary facihties and 21 meeting salons with a capacity of 2000 people in total. The fact that the Centre is located at Harbiye, a culture and business centre circled by hotels, brings an additional advantage that enriches the activity of the tourism. The ones that want to see Istanbul from where it can be seen the best, namely the sea, will have experienced an unforgettable journey if they take a ferry from Eminönü to Kadıköy. A ferry through Boğaziçi is another alternative. You can sit on the deck, sipping your tea while at the same time; visiting once the Asian then the European shore, and so on, one after another, watching the waterside residences (Tali's) and fascinating old wooden mansions, during the whole afternoon. Living in this big city that is on both coasts of Boğaziçi, becomes much easier when you find small but lovely places for resting. Princes' Isles, for instance, or a tea garden estabhshed among columns and caps such as the one next to the Archaeological Museum; Yıldız Parkı, a restaurant in a good hotel or at the seashore; or at a restaurant with plane trees and a small fountain at the interior court of a soupIdtchen in Süleymaniye Complex. You can store some energy at such places before you mix into the chaos of the city that lies on the two continents. In the 19th century, İstanbul used to be laud up to the skies as ' T h e Pearl of the Orient" o r "The IVIermaid of the East" by the daydream lovers. The History of Istanbul istanbul lived its "Golden Age'' between 527 and 565. It was the most magnificent and the greatest city of its era with a population more than half a million. jvffr;- During the golden age of istanbul, Rome, Hellenism and Orient had unified here in a unique and unimitable monument. ^ / A capital that hosted East Roman-Byzantine Empire for i,6oo years and then Ottoman Empire. A hundred and twenty Kaisers and Emperors had passed from this city. Its origin goes far back to dark labyrinths of the mythology. "Land of the Blind!" This is how Delphi Byzas, the leader of Megarian, defined the other side of Bosphorus; because he thought the residents of Chalcedon whose leader was also Greek, must have been blind to skip the beauty of European shores and for settling down there. Thus, Megarons founded their new settlement right here, just the opposite side of Chalcedon, called Kadıköy today, in 667 AD on the ridges the Topkapi Palace is located today. Then they named it "Byzantium" attributed to their leader. Becoming an active business centre after a short while, the city was taken by Persians 100 after its foundation. After avoiding the Persian danger; Byzantium, ruling the trade in the Black Sea, thus had vital importance for the Greek, was tried to be taken by Sparta and Athens M one after another. During the Greek civil war, King Phihp II of Macedón the besieged the city W for three years but he could not take it. 'ÉtM Byzantium did not give itself to Alexander the Great, either. In 196 AD, the city was conquered by Roman Emperor Septimus Severus. And in 330, Emperor Constantine gave his name to the city and declared as the new capital of Roman Empire. The bronze and marble statues and the masterpieces of the most skilful artists were brought to the capital, hence the city developed and expanded five times more than before. Large squares and wide roads were built, however there isn't much remaining from those days: The Hippodrome (At Meydanı) that had been initiated by Septimus Severus in 230 A D and completed by his successors, the Column of Constantine (Çemberlitaş) and the splendid Aqueduct of Valence (Bozdoğan Kemeñ). The Theodosian city walls that were built during the first half of the 5 ^ ^ century and have a length over 6.5 km designated not only the borders but also the appearance of the city until the 20^^ century. Constantinople had become the capital of East Roman Empire and lived its "Golden Age" during the Justinian period (527-565). After the suppression of a rebellion that 30,000 people had died, Justinian made Constantinople the most magnificent and the greatest city of its era with a population more than half a million. Rome, Hellenism and Orient had unified here in a unique, and never imita ble monument. Apart from the Küçük Ayasofya churches, Haghia Eirene Church, the Underground Palace (Yerebatan Sarayı) and Binbirdirek are what have survived since those ghttering days. First of all, however; Haghia Sophia, the church of "the divine wisdom", is the most significant indicator of the power and splendour of the Justinian period. The roots of İstanbul go to the dark labyrinths c mithology. In spite of the internal competition and the threat of radiply spreading Islam, the commercial power in Bosphorus stayed as the most magnificent and great focus point of the Medieval age until the 1 3 ^ ^ century. However, it was also the centre of competition of noble dynasties struggling to rule this power, a corrupted administration, several intrigues and horrifying murders. After the Byzantine army had been defeated in Malazgirt in 1 0 7 1 , Asia Minor was talcen by Selculcs; this was the first sign for the coming catastrophe of the East Roman Empire. In r 204, Constantinople experienced the most hurtful stroke of its history; the Fourth Crusade armies led by Venetian Duke Enrico Dandolo backed by Venetian Navy, passed the Golden Horn barrier and plundered the invaluable masterpieces of the richest city of the era, for 58 days. That was when the city of Constantine and Justinian had fallen down. After the short rule of "Latin" Crusade State in 1 2 6 1 , Constantinople lived its second best period during the paleographer emperors' period. Marvellous mosaics, the frescoes at Kariye and Fethiye Mosques have survived from those days until today. The Ottomans passed the Dardanelles i n i 3 5 4 and stepped into the European land for the first time in Gallipoli. Bursa replaced Edime as the new capital i n i 3 6 i . The ChristianOrthodox Constantinople had already become an island in the sea of Muslims. In 1452, Constantinople was totally isolated from the Black Sea commerce by the construction of Rumeh Hisan fortresses in a time span as short as two months. The Europeans did not react while the Byzantines were trapped. The bronze and marble statues and the masterpieces of the m o s t skilful artists were brought to the capital, hence the city developed and expanded five times more than before. On May 29,1453; the Janissaries of Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Mehmet the Conqueror) entered the city that had been under their besiege for a long time. The greatest Ottoman Sultan, called "The Man who Opened an Era" by a biographer, considered himself heir of Byzantium and the hero of a new Alexander romance. He declared Constantinople as the capital and gave it a new name by inspiring the Greek words "is tin polin" (into the city): Istanbul. Istanbul was occupied by the Alhed forces in the end of World War I. The country regained its freedom after the Independence War that had begun in the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Atatürk could foresee the future and was reahstic as well as being a perfect statesman and one of the greatest politicians of the 20^^ century. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk realized what no other statesman could do in the 20^^ century and changed his people's lives completely. This was an exact cultural revolution. He established a common platform much further and deeper than it can be observed. The repubhc was declared in 1923 and Ankara became the capital. Istanbul has remained the biggest and the most significant city of Turkey up to now. The words of a Turkish poet are still vahd: "The best part of Ankara is the way back to Istanbul." Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a perfect statesman and one of the greatest politicians of the 20^h Century. -w^ ^ . Istanbul was conquered by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1453. in the beginning of the 15^h century, the Christian-Orthodox Constantinople had already become an island in the sea of Muslims. w > 1 Pavilions and Palaces The palace once Ottonnan Sultans lived is visited by thousands of tourists f r o m all parts of the world and the m o s t splendid m o n u m e n t of Istanbul. The famous Ottoman historian Evliya Çelebi describes the Topkapi Palace (Topkapi Sarayı) as "the loveliest sultanate palace that h u m a n skill could have created." The Topkapi Palace The famous Ottoman historian Evhya Çelebi describes the Topkapi Palace (Topkapi Sarayı) as "the loveliest sultanate palace that human sldll could have created"One can not help doing anything but ruling if living in here! If you can come out of this complex game that is made of terraces, corridors, stairs and interior courts; you find yourself in the world of Arabian Nights again. The palace once Ottoman Sultans lived is visited by thousands of visitors from all parts of the world, is the most splendid monument of Istanbul. Topkapi Palace, on the other hand, does not have a threatening look despite all those walls, towers and gates. The palace had a concept pecuhar to the East, accommodating several quahties in it: The residence of the Sultan and the centre of a world empire, the rehgious centre of half of the world and the stage that incredible intrigues displayed, the focus of cruel murders and the cradle of breathtaldng successes. Once, 4,000-5,000 people used to live in Topkapi Palace. This was a city in the city. Fatih Sultan Mehmet decided to have a vast palace built to the ridges of old Byzantium Acropolis. Little pavilions, Turkish baths, workshops, mosques and libraries... The palace complex is divided into strictly separated sections in order to suit its dual status; as the residence of Sultan and the administrative centre of Ottoman Empire. The reason Sultan Mehmet chose this place was not only the beauty of the ridges. He was planning to have a residential fortress built where Istanbul could be protected best. A high city wall, extending from Golden Horn as far as the Sea of Marmara, separating Topkapi Palace from the rest of the city. The Byzantium walls, beginning from the comer of the palace and stretching to Theodosian Walls through the shores of Marmara were protective against a possible sea attack. The First Court This front court that is connected to the main entrance with Bab-i Hümayun (the Imperial Gate), once the Janissaries used to accommodate, serves as the parking area for the buses and cars bringing thousands of visitors today. On the left are Defterdar Dairesi (the Financial Department) and İç Cephane (the Interior Arsenal, the former Haghia Eirene Church); while the Archaeological Museum and Çinili Köşk (the Tiled Pavilion) that Mehmet II had built are located at the back. The Second Court The entrance to the palace is through the next gate, Bab-üs Selam. Everybody had to get off his horse at this gate, but the Sultan since he was the only authorised one to pass through this gate on horse. When the foreign ambassadors would be welcomed, this court used to be crowded by the notables of the empire, the Janissaries and court guards used to gather here with their showy costumes. The participants of these welcoming ceremonies could be up to 10,000 and the foreign guests mostly expressed their bewilderment against the silence that was dominant during the ceremonies. In the court, visited by thousands of people today, once gazelles, deers, goats and peacocks used to stroll under the cypress trees. This court, the garden of silence and peace, and where the great and carefully planned ceremonies took place, used to reflect the spirit of the empire. The Divan (council of the state) used to gather at Kubbealti on the left. This domed, rectangular, plain place has low sofas ("divan", in Turkish) covered with carpets, extending along v^th the walls in three sides of it. The legendary grilled window above the Grand Vezir's place is still tliere, the Sultan used to watch the discussions in Divan behind this window. Generally, the Divan used to gather four times between Sunday and Tuesday, and all sort of decisions relevant to administration were taken here. Orders were given, feudal fiets (tımar) were delivered, complaints were listened, the decrees (firmans) were signed and the negotiations with the foreign ambassadors; all these used to take place here in Divan. It was easy to understand the status of the officials and notables by looking at the arm shape and colour of their costumes or even linings, the fur, but first of all the turban and the style of their beard. The vezirs used to wear green, muftis white, mullahs light blue and ulema purple; while the ones relating to the court used to be distinguished by their red costumes, the colour of sheikhs was blue. Across Divan, the East of the second court, were the Dolap Ocağı and the kitchens. Meal for the ones living in the palace, which means thousands of people, was cooked here. It was one of the important porcelain III. Selim The f a m o u s Topkapi Dagger, ornamented with three emerald stones as well as 12 big and 124 small diamonds. The palace had a concept 1 peculiar to the East, a c c o m m o d a t i n g several qualities in it: The residence of the Sultan and the center of a world \ empire, the religious center of half of the world I and the stage that incredible intrigues displayed, the focus of cruel murders and the cradle of breathtaking successes. This frontcourt that is connected t o the main entrance with Bab-i Hümayun (the Imperial Gate), once the Janissaries used t o accommodate, serves as the parking area for the buses and cars bringing thousands of visitors today. collections of the world due to the variety of kitchen tools made of Chinese, Japanese and European porcelains as well as copper pots, bowls and cups. Behind the third gate, Babüo-:5aadet, was the Throne Room (Arz Odası) where the Sultan waited for notables, ambassadors and foreign guests. In this room, furnished Ottoman/Turkish style, the Sultan used to accept his visitors sitting on showy pillows and precious carpets. The world beyond it, Enderun, was close for them too. It will be helpful to see some part of the Harem before going this section. Harem was directed with strict rules and great care, and this director was never a man, it was the mother of the ruling Sultan, Valide Sultan. As a concept, Harem means the forbidden or holy place. There were many women slaves and eunuches in Harem along with the women taken into by the Sultan for their beauty. The most powerful one in the Harem was the Kızlar Ağası. That was the third important person of the Ottoman Empire, after the Grand Vezir and Sheikhuhslam. The Third Court The walk in the Harem ends at its actual entrance in the Third Court. This lovely building, built in the 8^^ century is The Library of Ahmet III. The buildings that are arranged in an order where the thrones, valuable costumes, ornamented weapons, miniatures and the legendary treasures of the Sultans are exhibited today used to be the palace school. This school was probably the most important official institution of the East and one of the best educational institutions that survived in a feudal system. 48 of the 60 Grand Vezirs whose lives are well known were educated here, including four vezirs of Süleyman the Magnificent. The costume collection of the Sultan can be seen in the Turkish bath located to the East of the Third Court: Turkish fabrics woven of silk and artificial fibre, silk caftans, the Sultan's garments and precious prayer rugs. In the four rooms of the world famous Treasury, also the first residence of Fatih Sultan Mehmet in Topkapi Palace, the legendary treasures that were collected by Ottoman Sultans for centuries are exhibited. Helmets, daggers, the candlesticks made for the tomb of Prophet Mohammed and also an elephant-shaped play box made of gold are exhibited in the first room. In the second room is the famous Topkapi Dagger that has three emerald stones as well 1 2 big and 124 small diamonds on its handle; this dagger has become world famous after the movie that Melina Mercouri performs a skilful burglar. In the third room is the biggest emerald of the world, and In the four r o o m s of the world f a m o u s Treasury, the legendary treasures that were collected by Ottoman Sultans for centuries are exhibited. In the Treasury are the arms, helmets, daggers, the candlesticks made in IVIedinah for the t o m b of Prophet M o h a m m e d and also an elephant-shaped play box made of gold, the f a m o u s Topkapi Dagger that has three emerald stones as well 12 big and 124 small diamonds on its handle, the biggest emerald of the world and K a ş ı k ç ı E l m a s ı (The Spoonmaker's Diamond) that is 86 carats and ornamented with 4 9 diamonds. The Harem, a separate w o r l d isolated f r o m the rest of the palace, w a s c o m p o s e d of corridors, secondary courts, small gardens, stairs and various places around 3 0 0 in total. ^ Kaşıkçı Elması (The Spoonmalcer's Diamond) that is 86 carats and ornamented with 49 diamonds. The name of the diamond comes from the incident that it was bought by a junlc dealer in charge of three wooden spoons in the 17''^^ century. Each of the two candlesticks made of pure gold and weighs 49 kilograms and has 6666 diamonds. Sultan Abdülmecit had them made for Kaaba at Mecca. The gold plated throne that is decorated with 954 emerald and ruby stones, is the one the Sultans used to sit during their admissions in Bab-üs Saadet. The passage to the fourth room is through a terrace with a perfect view of the Sea of Marmara. A part of the Iran and Turkish miniature collection that has very much importance in terms of history of art, is exhibited in the building next to the Fourth Court. The Turkish miniature art was at its peak in the i5^^and 1 6 ^ ^ century. The volumes of manuscripts were decorated with flowers, buds, the sky, ^ ^ clouds and people. The variety in the V '\ way that the nature, animals, rocks and architecture, , ^ » \^ * J ü f c t A j ^ ' ^ • drawings and the usage of '' ^ 7 gold are the indicator that r these creations were made by several artists. Although the Turkish miniatures look like Iranian and Arab miniatures at the first ghmpse, generally they reflect the daily life; and it is possible to come across with the traces of romanticism and decorative examples. There is partial perspective in the miniatures as well as no Hghting and shading. The remains of the holy MusHm personalities are exhibited in Hirka-i Saadet dairesi. The overcoat, a piece of beard, flag and sword of the Prophet as well as the sword of the first four caliphs Abu Bekr, Umar, Othman and Ali are here. Also, the holy objects from Mecca *^ are here: The keys and locks of ^f^/^ ^ Kaaba, the sohd gold covering for ; . ^^^Hfet^İF s i c S&jJflB^ " the black Hacer-ül-Esved stone that is holy for the Muslims. The Fourth Court In the adjacent garden - - ^ stepping down in form of terraces are the fountains, Revan Köşkü (1636), Bağdat Köşkü (1639), an arbour from 1 6 4 1 and Sofa Köşkü from 1 8 ^ ^ century. Ending the visit to the Saray at the terrace of Mecidiye Köşkü or at Teras Café at its lower floor. Y o u can enjoy the wonderful panorama here. Open between 930 AM - 5 PM everyday except Tuesday. The portraits of the Ottoman Sultans are in the salon where the miniature collection is exhibited. Particularly, the copy of M e h m e t II portrait made by Gentile Bellini and the pictures of the important sultans such as Süleyman the Magnificent, Selim III, A h m e t III, Abdulmecit, Abdulaziz and Abdulhamit II are very Interesting. On the contrary what is thought to be, the w o m e n living in the Harem in Topkapi Palace were very influential in administrative affairs of the state. Dohnabahçe Palace The Auction Hall, was the m o s t important part of the Dolmabahce Palace. Sultan Abdülmecit moved his court from Topkapi Palace to Dolmabahce Palace in 1 8 5 5 . The palace that was built in showy style called Şekerci Style, is built by the Armenian Balyan family. It forms a complex with Dolmabahce Mosque and the Clock Tower. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, died in this palace in 1938. The interior decoration of the palace is in harmony with the complexity of the exterior surface which extends as far as 500 meters parallel to the sea. Open between 9 AM -4 PM everyday except Monday and Thursday, Dolmabahce Caddesi (Dolmabahce). Dolmabahge Palace, constructed in 1855, after Topkapi Palace, is an imposing building on the sea shore. K ü ç ü k s u Kasrı is a pretty pavilion built at the Bosphorus shore in the 19^^ century. Aynair Kavak Kasrı Küçüksu Kasrı Aynalı Kavak Kasrı, located at the shore of Bosphorus, is a palace decorated with Venetian mirrors. The palace that was built in the 1 8 ^ ^ century by the order of Sultan Selim III and rebuilt i n i 8 3 0 , hosts the cultural activities today. Open between 930 AM - 5 PM everyday except Monday and Thursday, Kasımpaşa Hasköy Yolu (Kasımpaşa). Next to Anadolu Hisarı, right at the shore is Küçüksu Kasn with its pretty fountain, from the 1 9 ^ ^ century. Open between 9.30 AM - 5 PM everyday except Monday and Thursday, Anadolu Hisan Beylerbeyi Kasrı Istanbul, there are several hunting pavilions in a park next to Maslak Askeri hastanesi (the müitaıy hospital). Open between 9.30 AM - 5 PM everyday except Monday and Thursday, Beylerbeyi Kasn that is located on the Asian side, to the north of the Bosphorus Bridge was a pavilion where the empires and sultans hosted their guests. Its construction was completed ini865. Open between 9.30 AM - S PM everyday except Monday and Thursday, Beylerbeyi. Bab-i Ali and Alay Köşkü Beylerbeyi Kasrı It is a typical exannple of 19th century Ottoman Rococo style. Bab-i Ali used to have the same impression between 1843-1922, what Kremlin has today for the European politicians. Alay Köşkü, with its wavy roof and two fountains is across the building that was once the administrative centre of Ottoman Empire. Alemdar Caddesi (Sultanahmet). Maslak Köşkleri On the way from Levent to istinye, to the north of Tekfur Sarayı As the best palace in terms of condition remained from Byzantium, Tekfur Sarayı, with its three-floor decorative exterior surface, is dates to the late 1 3 ^ ^ century with a great possibility. It was built between the front and main walls of Theodosian Walls. Open between 9 AM-12.30 PM and 1.30 PM-5 PM everyday except Monday, Hoca Şakir/Şişhane Caddesi (Ayvansaray). Beylerbeyi Kasrı, completed in 1865, was a pavilion where the empires and sultans hosted their guests. Tekfur Sarayı, dating to the late 13^h century, is one of the best palaces in terms of condition a m o n g the ones remained f r o m Byzantium. Museums The artistic and traditional works exhibited in museums of İstanbul visualize the life styles of the Roman-Byzantine and Ottoman periods. Most of the buildings worth to see in İstanbul -such as the Topkapi Palace and Byzantine churches have been converted to museums. For instance, the name of the palace is The Topkapi Palace Museum. We listed the museums that are "museums" according to our understanding, too. Many of the museums are close to the other historical buildings: The Archaeological Museum is in the First Court of the Palace, The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art is at At Meydanı (Hippodrome). You can combine a walk to these historical places with a visit to a museum. Say, you have visited The Archaeological Museum and Çinili Köşk, do not skip drinking a cup of tea in the garden next to Çinili Köşk. The marble portrait of Alexander f r o m the 2nd century BC, based on a w o r k of sculptor Lysippos s h o w s us a restless young man attacking a certain target, rather than a ruler w h o has the power and the consciousness of having it. The Archaeological Museum It has an important place among the similar museums: Haghia Sophia, Topkapi Palace and other antique buildings are almost next to each other. The most significant exhibition object of the museum is the Alexander Sarcophagus. He is not buried in it, though, on the sarcophagus is his figures. Alexander's war, a lion and panther hunt are all in relief with an extraordinary realism. This world famous work of art firom 3 1 0 BC has been protected until now, even with its colours that can be distinguished. The marble portrait of Alexander from the 2nd century BC, based on a portrait of sculptor Lysippos shows us a restless young man attacking a certain target, rather than a ruler w h o has the power and the consciousness of having it. It is worth coming to Istanbul even just for the Head of Alexander. The busts of numerous Roman emperors are exhibited in the museum as well as other tombs, Greek, Roman and Byzantine columns. Among the emperor busts are Augustus, Tiberius, Hadrian (childhood), Marcus Aurelius and Diocletian, Arcadius and Constantine the Great. The Ancient Orient Works Museum, next to the Archaeological Museum, provides a unique collection of Babylon and Assyria works. The Municipality Museum Handicrafts, handworks, cards, old Istanbul panoramas and colour pictures of old Turkish shadow play Karagöz are exhibited in the museum that is located in a medrese -former moslem theological school- near Bozdoğan Kemeri. Open between 9 AM-12 PM and 1PM -5 PM everyday except Saturday and Sunday, İtfaiye Caddesi The Archaeological M u s e u m , including many important collections, is especially w o r t h seeing tor the bust and t o m b of Alexander, the Great. Çinili Köşk The pavilion that was after the wish of Sultan Mehmet II is the oldest building in Topkapi Palace. The Selcuk influence is apparent in its architecture. The interior wall coating of the building is attractive with colourful tiles, coloured mosaics, hexagonal tiles ornamented with gold. These decorations combine the traces of Selcuks and earlyOttoman periods. Besides the goods of sultans, extremely beautiful and valuable tiles and ceramics from various periods are exhibited here. İznik, was the main tile production centre of the age in terms of quality. In the second half of the 1 5 ^ ^ century, after Mehmet II had acceded, the production of the white-blue ceramics began for using in the palace in Istanbul. These ceramics were much more qualifed than the ones produced in other Muslim countries. The potters in İznik had realized a technical revolution and could produce ceramic in marvelous colours and quality at very low temperatures. After 1545, large amounts of tile was ordered to the craftsmen in İznik, for the restoration of the exterior The Archaeological M u s e u m is located at the First Court of the Topkapi Palace. The mosaics f r o m Byzantine imperial palace are exhibited in the Mosaic M u s e u m . The scenes of hunting and shepherd are w o r t h seeing. Sadberk Hanım Museum Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art The splendid collection of Koç Family: Archaeological findings dates back to 6,000 BC, Ottoman and Islamic art, ceramics, silver, porcelain; an interesting ethnography section. The museum is located in recently restorated Ibrahim Paşa Palace, at At Meydanı. The palace that has a salon in monumental magnificence is the biggest one that a Grand Vezir had it built. The great carpet collection from Ottoman and Selcuks period can be seen. Valuable miniatures, examples of calligraphy, ceramics, writing desks and an example of a living room from the Ottoman period is waiting for the visitors. Open between 10 AM - 5 PM everyday except Wednesday, andlOAM-17PM between october-march. Piyasa Caddesi 27-29 (Büyükdere). Open between lOAM-SPM everyday except Monday, At meydam (Sultanahmet). The great carpet collection f r o m Ottoman and Selcuks period can be seen in the M u s e u m of Turkish and Islamic Art. Valuable miniatures, examples of calligraphy, ceramics, writing desks and an example of a living r o o m f r o m the Ottoman period are also waiting f o r the visitors. In Emirgan, Atlı Köşk, which is the building used f o r long years as the domicile of Sabancı Family and the gallery built in this w o o d , is today rendering service as Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum. Rahmi M. Koç Museum The Rahmi M. Koç Museum, which is on the shore of Golden Horn, is the first museum that display the historical objects of transport, industry and communications in Turkey. A lot of historical objects in the categories of road transport, rail transport, marine, aviation, engineering, communications, scientific instruments, models and toys being displayed and the development of industry being shown phase by phase. Opening Hours Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-17:00 Saturday - Sunday: 10:00-19:00 (The Rahmi M. Koç Museum are closed on Mondays) Statues and Monuments Yedikule Beyazıt Tower The tower has the best panorama of the city; however no visitors are allowed due to the tower is still serving its original purpose since it was built, fire-watching. Beyazıt meydanı. Kıztaşı (Column of M a r d a n ) This 10 meter high granite column rising on a marble base was built for the Emperor Marcianus in 450. Its Turkish name (the Maiden's Column), most probably, comes from the goddess figures on its base. Macarkardeşler Caddesi (Fatih). The Rumeli Fortress Rumelihisarı; w a s ordered t o be constructed by Fatih Sultan M e h m e t (Mehmet, the Conqueror), in 4 m o n t h s for the conquest of istanbul. The Clock Tower in the garden of Dolmabahge Palace has an aesthetic integrality with the splendour of the palace. Fatih Sultan Mehmet had this fortress in the European part built during the preparations for the conquest in an incredibly short time i n i 4 5 2 . Rumeli Hisan is probably the best example of typical Ottoman fortress architecture. Right across it, in the Anatolian side, is a smaller fortress, Anadolu Hisan. Open between 9 AM 12.30 PM and 1.30 PM - 5 PM everyday except Monday, Rumelt ' Hisan. |f The Selimiye Barracks This square shaped barracks from the 1 9 ^ ^ century stands at the ridges of Üsküdar with its magnificence. It had become famous with j Florence Nightingale who treated the British soldiers here during the Crimea War. Üsküdar Theodosion Walls These city walls, that are made of stone and partially roof tile, 6.5 kilometers long with 7 gates were built during the reign of Theodosius II between 412423. The walls extend from the Sea of Marmara to the golden Horn could not be taken over for more than 1,000 years and kept its fame as the strongest construction of the Medieval Age. Bozdoğan Aqueduct (Valens) Some 800 meters of this aqueduct, made by Emperor Valens (364-378), is standing that used to be 1,000 meters originally. The water for the great fountains in Beyazıt Square used to pass through these dLTches. Atatürk Bulvan. Yedikule Yedikule, a pentagon inner fortress built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet and his successors, is located at southwest intersection point of the city walls. A perfect fortress and the panorama the old city can be watched from Altm Kapı, one of the parts of the fortress that was added later. Open between 9.30 AM-SPM everyday except Monday, Yedikule Caddesi, Yedikule. Çemberlitaş (The C o l u m n of Constantlne) Çemberlitaş is the oldest construction in Istanbul. Constantine the Great had it built after Constantinople had been declared as the capital of Byzantine, Roman Empire in 330. It had been in the middle of Constantine Forum then. At the top, there had been a statue of the emperor in the form of HeHos, the God of Sun. Its name comes from the iron circles . surrounding its body. Divanyolu, Vezirhane Caddesi (Cağaloğlu) Fontains and Cisterns Yedikule was a part of İstanbul ramparts and was changed into an inner fortress during Ottoman period. T h e G e m í a n Fountain The German Fomitain (Alman Çeşmesi) or the Fountain of Kaiser Wilhelm II, surrounded with columns that are open at the top and a dome, is located between the Hippodrome and the Blue Mosque. The fountain is built owing to a trip of Kaiser Wilhelm II to the East, thus named after him. At Meydam (Sultanahmet) Fountain of Sultan Âhf?ıet ill The fountain is called the "German Fountain" referring t o the German emperor Wilhelm I I . This decorative fountain, standing just next to the outer entrance of the Topkapi Palace was built in Ottoman-Baroque style in 1728 and taken the name of Sultan Ahmet III. The beautiful relieves on it, framed bow-windows, stalactite decoration and tiles as well as its overhanging roof are dazzling. Topkapt Saray t (Sultanahmet) Tophane Fountain Tophane Fountain j (Tophane Çeşmesi), J the most dazzling ^ Baroque fountain in '^'^ Istanbul, is located between Kılıç Ali Paşa and Nusretiye mosques in Tophane. It was built by Sultan Mahmut I in 1732. Its marble walls ornamented with flowers, arabesques and its overhanging roof are good examples of liveliness of Ottoman Baroque style. Necatibey Caddesi, (Tophane). Y^iebatan Basilica Across Haghia Sophia, Yerebatan BasiHcawas built as an underground cistern in the 6^^ century. Its 3 3 6 columns in total are arrayed in 1 2 rows of 28 each. The capitals of the columns have Corinthian and early Byzantine qualities. Two fine Medusa heads were revealed during the carefully made restorations in this cistern that is the biggest and the only one open to visitors among the 70 cisterns in the city. Open between 9AM-SPM, everyday except Monday, Yerebatan Caddesi (Sultanahmet). For us to understand the present, to embrace the future. KULTUR A.$. ETROPOLITAN MUr Religions and Cultures Istanbul presents a very colourful cultural mosaic consisting of M u s l i m s , Christians, Armenians, Syrian Christians, Greeks and Circassians. Throughout its history, Istanbul has always been either the capital or the commercial centre that is as important as the former one, of various civihzations. Hence; Istanbul has taken its share excessively from, the city planning approaches, religions and cultures of several civilizations, in this sense, that hardly had anything in common. You can come across with all these variety of culture and religion frequently in the city. Many common points, as the result of a life together for hundreds of years, reflects the cultural riches of Turkey and forms a rich chain of traditions that had come from the neighbouring geographies one within another in the Turkish tradition. Istanbul presents a multicoloured cultural mosaic extending from Muslims to Christians; Armenians to Syrian Christians or Greeks to Circassians. The languages spoken in Istanbul said to be 72,5 languages of last is the Gypsy language. Innumerable churches, and as many mosques, synagogues, patriarchate, Buddhist, atheists are all in Istanbul. Despite it is possible to find the tracks of these "72 nations" when carefully traced; Genoese that came in waves and then Arabs from Granada, Jews from Andolusia meanwhile Greeks, Armenians, White Russians, Although it is possible to find the traces of seventy-two Aations; waves of Genoese, followed by Arabs f r o m Granada, Jews f r o m Andolusia, Greeks, Armenians, White Russians, Syrian Christians, Kurds, if put under a microscope, there is still an overall temperate environment which gives everyone a right to live. This temperate climate is what makes Istanbul cosmopolitan. Syrian Christians, Kurds; above all is the mild environment that gives the right to live to everybody. It is that mild environment that makes Istanbul cosmopolitan. The importance of the city throughout its long history is very much related with its geographical position. Bosphorus brings the two continents along its shore next to each other, as a water way connecting Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. The nature and geography has decided Istanbul to be an important city from the very beginning. Istanbul continues to grow rapidly and to be the biggest, the most cosmopohtan and interesting city of Turkey, while containing the colours of the whole country and its past; as long as the lives of Christians, Muslims and people from many sects stay close, different cultures and traditions unite in a blend. The Mosques in Istanbul Some of the mosques in Istanbul reach out the sky while some others are hardly noticeable due to their small size. Some old churches had begun serving as mosques after the Ottomans conquered the city. The most splendid ones of \ these mosques are accepted to be national monuments and I are not usedfor religious purposes today. Ha^iia Sophia Haghia Sophia, built on a hill in the centre of Old Byzantine, has a perfect appearance from the sea. Emperor Justinianus demanded a new church to be built in a short time after the one before Haghia Sophia had collapsed in 532. After the construction had been planned and ready to begin, Justinuanus appointed the mathematician Anthemius of Tralles and Isidoms of Miletus, who was a static expert and an architect. Haghia Sophia became the most powerful and respected church of Christianity over i,ooo years. It was considered to symbolize the composition of the imperial thought peculiar to Rome and the understanding of God in Christianity. W h e n the construction of the church completed in a short time, in six years (532-537), Haghia Sophia is accepted t o be the 8th w o n d e r of the w o r l d . Haghia Sophia, has been the strongest and m o s t respected church of Christianity for more than 1000 years. "Solomon, now I am superior to you" Justinuanus shouted against the appearance of the church. The breathtaking fact is the brilliant unity in the interior classification of Haghia Sophia the visitors, as well as the splendid design with marble panels and mosaic ornaments; so that the church is called "The Eighth Wonder of the World." It is almost impossible to have an idea about the size and proportions of the building w h e n you pass through the "Emperor's Gate" that gives a sight area up to the dome in terms of width and height. This extraordinary situation that the builders intended to realize stems from the structure of the place, the feeling that the dome is "as if hanging down the sky" and the light that is coming in directly or indirectly. Considering the conditions when it was built, there is no doubt that Haghia Sophia was the bravest construction that had ever been built since then. The marbles are arranged in such a way that, the veins t u m into o m a m e n t s s o m e people interpret as "The Evil's Face" o r similar meanings. The column vaults of the side areas are not the same with the ones in the gallery around it, saving the area from the pressure of all types of weight. Such as the pair of columns in each comer of the main area made of red porphyry; these columns made of greenish marble and were brought Ephesus and Baalbek city of Lebanon are ornamented with Byzantine capitals that are composed of a rich knitting decorations. The dome is hung all those as the symbol of the sky. It is challenging the gravity since the windows were not built within a tambour inserted the dome. There are two semi domes adding to the dome. The distance from the floor up to the top of the dome is 55.60m. The width of the dome is 33m and sitting on four comers decorated with angel wings; these are meeting with four piers that size (8m x 20m) and do not attract attention among the vaults and the high walls of the side galleries. They just have a chunky outer look because of the thick endurance vaults added to the western side and eastern section against the earthquake risk. W h e n it was built, Haghia Sophia was decorated with pictures similar to the ones in St. Vitale Church in Ravenna, apart from the gold and mosaics. The panthocrator medal replaced the cross symbolizing peace at the far end o the church, in the 9^^ century. Also are the mosaics of Virgin Mary on the abscissa and the side galleries; among them, the most attractive is the one showing Jesus Christ, the Virgin and St. John the Baptist in Deesis (the last judgment) from the 1 2 t h or 1 3 ^ ^ century. The Venetian Duke Enrico Dandolo, the commander of the 1294 Crusade army that plundered everything he had come across with, was added across the mosaic. Fatih Sultan Mehmet thinks "how temporary the life is" when climbed up the dome and saw the ruined annexes the next day he conquered istanbul. It must be a strange feeling for someone at the top of victory, though younger than 26! Haghia Sophia Mosque had seen five sultans. It had been the main mosque until turned to be a museum i n i 9 3 4 Open between 9.30 AM - 5 PM everyday except Monday; the Gallery is open between 9 AM - 10.30 AM and 1 PM - 3 pm. The walls are covered with multicolour and valuable marble panels: These are horizontal bands made of green marble, red Egyptian porphyry, yellow Numidia marble, light-yellow Orient white marble, f a m o u s white o r purple veined stone mined in Frigia and marble f r o m the Ancient Greek city located at the lower slopes of Ohi Mountain. The marbles are arranged in such a way that, the veins turn into ornaments s o m e people interpret as " The Evil's Face" o r similar meanings. Kalenderhane M o s q u e Kalenderhane Mosque that is around Bozdoğan Kemeri (Aqueduct) was allocated for dervishes during Ottoman period. Kalenderhane Mosque (Camii) that is around Bozdağan Kemeri (Aqueduct) was allocated for dervishes during Ottoman period. Bozdoğan Kemeri (Aqueduct) was built by the end of the 1 2 ^ ^ century. The mosaics and pictures that were found during the restoration, including a Franciscan Epic have not been open for visitors yet. 16 Mart Şehitleri Caddesi (Beyazıt) Fethiye M o s q u e Theotokos Pammakaristos, The Joyous Mother of God, from 1 2 ^ ^ - 1 3 ^ ^ century was the centre of Orthodox patriarchs. The church was converted to the mosque in 1 5 9 1 . The southern chapel with mosaics is worth to see. Among these mosaics are the Christ Pantocrator, surrounded by twelve prophets and the Deesis (mosaic of the last judgment) showing Christ in abscissa, the Virgin and St. John the Baptist are especially attractive. Küçük Ayasofya M o s q u e Küçük Ayasofya was a church devoted SS. Sergius and Bacchus, two Roman soldiers, originally Syrian, martyred for choosing Christianity, before it was converted to the mosque. The church was built only a few years before than Haghia Sophia; it can easily be understood that the possibilities of building the main dome is explored during its construction. The Joyous Mother of God, f r o m 12th-13^h century was the centre of Orthodox patriarchs when Constantinople was conquered. The dome is standing on piers forming an octagon with 16 spherical and flat pendants as well as concave sections; it opens to a square that is surrounded by a two storey vault but not properly symmetrical. It is only the marble coverings and columns remained from its rich interior decoration. Mehmet Paşa Sokak (Sultanahmet). Little Haghia Sophia was a church, dedicated to the Syria rooted, Roman legionnaires Sergius and Bacchus. Beyazıt M o s q u e Beyazıt Mosque (Camii) is the oldest sultan mosque of Istanbul that was built by Sultan Beyazıt II, the son of Fatih Sultan Mehmet between 1 5 0 1 - 1 5 0 6 . A construction that reveals the tendency dome architecture due to Haghia Sophia. The front court, square shaped with pointed vaults is attractive. The entrance to this court is through a ornamented stalactite like domed gate, similar to examples from Selcuks. There are 24 domes on 20 antique columns made of green porphyrit, red porphyry and pink granite. The hospice that is part of the complex at the entrance of the university between the theological school (medrese) and Sahaflar Çarşısı serves as a library today. Yeniçeriler Caddesi (Beyazıt). Fatih M o s q u e The mosque that had been built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet on the fourth hill of the city collapsed after an earthquake and rebuilt in 1770. The inner part of the mosque is disappointing; besides, there is very little left from the complex that contained the eight Koran schools, Turkish baths, kitchens, a caravanserai and a hospital. The front court with plane trees and the entrance gate is from the times of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. Apart from these, the tomb of the sultan is worth to see. ^ Open between 9.30 AM - 4.30 PM everyday except Monday/Tuesday, Istanbul Caddesi (Fatih). Beyazıt IVIosque, built between 1 5 0 1 - 1 5 0 6 for Sultan Beyazıt II, is the oldest mosque built for a sultan. Mihrimah M o s q u e Architect Sinan, worked this nnosque for the daughter of Süleynnan the IVIangnificent, M i h r i m a h Sultan. Ortakoy Mosque is an excellent w o r k of 19^h century late Ottoman architecture. Mimar Sinan built this extremely beautiful mosque on the highest point of the city for Mihrimah Sultan, the daughter of Süleyman the Magnificent in 1560. The mosque is one of the dazzling late-period masterpieces of the master. The significant form of the construction is lively and original: A cube, a 3 7 m high dome on it, and a thin and long minaret next to it. The light passing through the curves of the walls with three rows of windows enlighten the area and increases feeling of relief. Edimekapt Ortakoy M o s q u e The mosque, built for Sultan Abdülmecit in the 19th, century right at the seashore, is one of the stunning examples of the late period Ottoman architecture with its elegance. Ortakoy Rüstern Paşa M o s q u e A few steps away from the Egyptian Bazaar (Mısır Çarşısı) a genuine example of the Ottoman Istanbul is hidden: The mosque of Rüstem Paşa, Grand Vezir and son-in-law of Süleyman the Magnificent. Mimar Sinan built this mosque i n i 5 6 i after completing The Süleymaniye as the sultan demanded. One should absolutely spare some time to see this mosque not much visited by the tourists, but perhaps the most attractive mosque in the city, and enjoy the old carpets and the elegant patterns on the tiles from the greatest period of Ottoman ceramics art. After the chaos and noise of the neighbourhood where the marketplaces have gathered, the time feels as if it stopped. Hasırcılar Caddesi (Eminönü). You should see Rustempa§a M o s q u e w h i c h is an Ottoman masterpiece. Şehzade Mosque The mosque, bmlt between 1544-1548 is the first great work of the master; Şehzade Mosque stands at the crossroads of Haghia Sophia and the first steps of the great master on the way to become the brilliant head architect of Ottoman Empire. Sinan had examined the dome and the area understanding of Haghia Sophia thoroughly. He took the meaning of the domed area one step further by adding four semi domes to the main one instead of two and adding a series of semi domes to each of those. Thus the whole structure became a great area that is full square and sharpening upwards. It has a large, plain and light look inside; while has a dynamic look outside due to its decorative form, the significant division of the outer wall and the rhythmic structure of the domes. The tued decoration in Mehmet's tomb in the garden is very beautiful. Şehzedebaşt Caddesi (Beyazıt). Sokullu M e h m e t Paşa M o s q u e None of the mosques in İstanbul are as well-settled and proportional as Sokullu Mehmet Paşa Mosque. As Mimar Sinan had formerly built a smaller mosque for Sokullu Mehmet Paşa, one of the most important vezirs of the empire between 1 5 7 1 - 1 5 7 2 , he reached the perfect solution for building hexagon domes. He managed to place the main dome on the rectangular with four small semi domes that the pedestal of the dome joined with the rectangle of the community area so that the area is open and spacious. Mehmet Paşa Sokak (Sultanahmet). Şehzade Mosque; Sinan describes this mosque, built in m e m o r y of Mehmet, the son of Süleyman the Magnificent w h o died at a very y o u n g age, as his "apprentice w o r k " in modesty. The mosque, built between 1 5 4 4 - 1 5 4 8 is the first great w o r k of the master. The Süleymaniye The Ottoman Empire was a dominant power all over the world during the reign of Süleyman the Magnificent (Kanuni Sultan Sülej^man); this period is naturally accepted as the peak of Turkish history. In Sinan, the sultan found an architect at the same intelligence level with himself. The mosque, built between 1550-1557 brings such a beauty to the atmosphere of the city, no other building can. As the best example of Ottoman classicism in Istanbul; only The Sehmiye Mosque in Edime, "the mastery work" of Sinan that was built when he was old can be superior to The Süleymaniye in terms of perfection. In his autobiography, Sinan says that Haghia Sophia had accompanied to him as a criterion until the last building he built; he wanted to show that he "could do better than the Greeks." Indeed, he showed he was superior to the architects of Justinianus with The Süleymaniye. The architecture of the mosque is apparent, the four piers are not hidden as they are in Haghia Sophia. The dome is carried by four piers that get sharper The light comes through windows, over 130 with valuable glass, f r o m all directions. The perfect static of the mosque, with its 4 9 . 5 0 m height and the d o m e that has a 2 6 . 2 0 m diameter, indicates that it has not been damaged after all the earthquakes it experienced. upwards, thus giving this well-proportioned structure a weight that is "as light as feather". The sharp vaults, made of dark red granite brought from Ballbek and At Meydanı (Hippodrome), takes the main area to the side ones; and the semi domes over the mihrap -the niche indicating the direction of Mecca - and the entrance in perfect harmony with the side domes, removing the feeling of limitation. The heaped dome system presents a wonderful view when looked outside. The mosque standing on the hills with great majesty can be watched especially from the Galata Bridge and the Bosphorus with a great taste. The four minarets with ten balconies in total are the symbols for Sultan Süleyman, the tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the fourth sultan to rule in Istanbul. Sinan had built two of the minarets shorter than the others; a perfect invention to show the building more harmonious with the slope of the hill. The tombs (Türbe) of Sultan Süleyman and his wife Hürrem Sultan is located in the cemetery behind the mosque. "The Sultan is so much in love with and devoted to his wife that, his subjects think that Hürrem Sultan has bewitched /zzm." a Venetian wrote about this couple. Hürrem Sultan, originally Russian and called Roxelane by the Europeans in Istanbul, had given a cold reception to Kanuni Sultan Süleyman until he said he was ready to marry her -an instance that never occurred among other Ottoman sultans. You can find the modest tomb of Sinan right next to the Süleymaniye, where Mimar Sinan Caddesi makes a junction. "The only person that never disappointed me."said Kanuni Sultan Süleyman for Sinan. Tiryaki Çarşısı Sokak (Süleymaniye). The four minarets with ten balconies in total are the s y m b o l s for Sultan Süleyman, the tenth sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the fourth sultan to rule in İstanbul. The Bhie Mosque Sultan Ahmet Camii is the sign of Istanbul and the favorite of Muslims tourists: It is the biggest mosque of the city with its six minarets and called "The Blue Mosque" because of its tile decoration. The Blue Mosque, built on a high hill at the shore of the Sea of Marmara across Haghia Sophia, has domes that symmetrically widening in all directions with three storeys. The interior of the building is in great unity and simplicity, such as the exterior. The blue and white of more than 20,000 İznik tiles are in a perfect harmony with golden manuscripts of Koran and the red of the carpets. The giant area (^imb]; s3) is full of light but also in a mystic darkness owing to its more than 260 windows, mostly coloured. The Blue Mosque, completed in r 616, is the example of the last point the Ottoman architecture reached. The Empire began loosing power in the following years. Sultanahmet Meydanı (Sultanahmet). The biggest mosque of the city w i t h its six minarets and also called "The Blue M o s q u e " because of its tile decoration. The Churches in Istanbul St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church The Armenian Patriarchate in istanbul is one of the four hierarchical centers of the Armenian Church. Istanbul met Christianity in the 4th century, while. Paganism was dominant before. The first Christian churches are Havariyyun, Haghia Sophia and Haghia Eirene. Many churches had been buik until the conquest of Istanbul. There the churches of different sects and religious orders such as Nestorianism, Monophysism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Syrian Christianity, Gregorianism, Keldani, Dominicanism, Franciscanism has been in Istanbul. Moreover, different nations such as Greek, Armenian, Latin and Genoese also has had their own churches. The Armenian Patriarchate The Armenian Patriarchate in istanbul is one of the four hierarchical centres of the Armenian Church -the others are in Erivan, Beirut and Jerusalem. The first patriarch of istanbul, Hovaghim I, was in charge during the reign of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. Since 1 6 4 1 , the Virgin Mary (Meryem Ana) Central Church and the traditional wooden Patriarchate building of istanbul Armenian Patriarchate is in Kumkapi, a harbour once called Konstancalion. Patriarchate complex (Külliye) is twenty minutes away from Haghia Sophia, the Blue (SuUan Ahmet) Mosque and the Topkapi Palace on foot. In 2003, all of the istanbul Armenians will celebrate the 542^^ anniversary of the foundation of the Armenian Patriarchate. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Neve Şalom Synagogue The architect of St. Anthony Church, at İstiklal Caddesi in Pera (Beyoğlu) is Guilio Mongeri. The construction of the church that lasted six years, was completed in 1 9 1 2 . St. Anthony is not only one of the biggest churches in Istanbul, but also has the largest Catholic community. The church, in a large court, is a good example of Itahan neo-Gothic architecture in red brick. . Neve Şalom -meaning "The Oasis of Peace"- Synagogue is at Büyük Hendek Caddesi, Beyoğlu, Kuledibi. St. George Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Church The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate is also in the court of the church in Fener. The Patriarchate moved to St. George (Aya Yorgi) in 1602 that was formerly a monastery. Despite of the church was severely damaged in the fire in 1941 and several other damages occurred in time, it was restorated all the time. The last restoration finished in 1991. St. George is famous with the priceless objects it houses. The patriarchate throne believed to be from the 5 ^ ^ century, three mosaic icons that there are very little similar examples in the world, a column believed to be the one Jesus Christ had been fastened to and whipped, the coffins of the three saints are some of these objects. It was built by rearranging the gymnasium of a Jewish primary school, however could not be used until the necessary permissions are ready in 1949. The project of the Synagogue is made by two Jews graduated from the Technical University of Istanbul (ITU), Elio Ventura and Bernard Motóla. The Synagogue opened for worship in 1 9 5 1 . Surp Kirkor Lusaroviç Armenian Orthodoks Church The church located at the Sakizcilar Sokağı No:3 in Karaköy, is the oldest Armenian Church of İstanbul (built in 1 4 3 1 ) . Kirkor Lusaroviç, one of the churches built in the Republican period, has a distinctive place among the Armenian Churhes with its conical dome. There are few churches in Istanbul with this this type of domes. The Bell tower, built at the entrance is in classical Armenian church architecture style. The interior of the church is ornamented with tiles remained from the church that had collapsed. There are few pictures used for decoration in the church. The interior illumination is through very few and narrow windows, in accordance with Armenian church style. S t George Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Church in Fener is f a m o u s with its priceless properties. S t George Fener Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Church Aya Istefanos Aya Istefanos Church, also named "Bulgarian Church", is located at Miirsel Pasa Street by the shore of Golden Hom and completely made of iron casting including the Aya Istefanos has a mobile quality, in other words can be dismantled and mantled again. It can be moved to and assembled at somewhere else in case needed. The church was made by Aznavour, the famous architect of the age. The church is built f o r the Bulgarian minority that left Fener Greek Patriarchate, which is located o n the hills of Balat. M columns and mezzanine floors in it... The irons were cast in Vienna in 1871 and sent to Golden Hom via sea. The constmction has a mobile quality, in other words it can be dismantled and mantled again. It can be moved to and assembled at somewhere else in case needed. The church was made by Aznavour, the famous architect of the age. The church is built for the Bulgarian minority that left Fener Greek Patriarchate, which is located on the hills of Balat. The church is still used by this community. The tombs of the first Bulgarian patriarchs ;\ are in the garden. The church attracts the visitors with its splendour in a green and pretty garden at the shore of Golden Hom. Sakızağacı Surp Asdvazazin Catliedral The Armenian Church in Beşiktaş, Sakızağacı was built in 1866. Apart from the main altar ornamented with four columns, devoted to Virgin Mary; there are four other altars decorated with the paintings by the Roman artists. Although the annexes were seriously damaged during the fire of Pera i n i 8 7 0 , the main church building was saved with little damage. Ortaköy Surp Kirkor Lusavoriç Church The Armenian Cathilic Church built between 1 8 3 7 - 1 8 3 8 costed 5961 golden liras then. Although partially, the architecture of the church resembles the Roman basilicas. The church has a cental section and two corridors. The fairly decorative ceelings rise over eight columns in the middle section. There is a painting on the main altar, depicting Surp (Saint) Kirkor Lusaroviç baptizing Dirtat II the king of Armenia. There are four more altars in the church. 4 ^ St. Pierre Church, remaining f r o m 1 8 4 1 , made by the Fossati brothers, the Italian-Swedish originated architects w h o also worked for the restoration of Haghia S o p h i a . St. Pierre Cliurcli The Dominican priests had to move to this place down the Galata Tower owing to the fact that their original church (Arap Cami) was converted to mosque. The current building, remaining from 1 8 4 1 , was made by the Fossati brothers, the Italian-Swedish originated architects w h o also worked for the restoration of Haghia Sophia .The rear wahs of the church were built in some parts of the old Genoese city walls. There used to be a Maltese minority among the mixed people of İstanbul until recently and this church was mostly serving to them. The most important property of the building is the icon of Hodegetria (The Guiding Virgin Mary), the protector of Byzantium in a silver bowl. Behind the church are a beautiful annexe and a monastery, again in Italian style. Two more towers of the Genoese wall can be seen in the street behind the church. A court should be passed in order to get into the church, because the front side of a building never faced the street in Ottoman order. Y o u must ring the bell to get in. The church was built in basilica style with its four sided altar. The sky blue dome above the chorus stage was decorated with golden gildings. Haghia Eirene Church "The Church of Holy Peace" is in the first court of the Topkapi Palace. It was built in the 4^^ century and the oldest church in the city. It took its current form in 740 and used for storing arms and munitions during the Ottoman Empire. It has been used for exhibitions and cultural activities after the restoration. Haghia Eirene, "The Church of Holy Peace" is in the first court of the Topkapi Palace. It was built in the 4^h century and the oldest church in the city. life in Istanbul ^ he God Zeus, transforms his lover lo into a cow in order to avoid his wife Hera's anger. However Hera sends a gadfly to bother this cow and lo runs from one continent to another, however can not get rid of the gadfly, finally she jumps into the sea on a shore and swims to Asia, thus gives her name to a sea and a strait: The Bosphorus, or The Ford of the Cow. It is hard to imagine while looking at its deep blue waters today that once it was the topic of a great disagreement. T The Troyan War was a war that began for the city of Troy and Argonauts that were in the quest for the Golden Fleece, had been the first humanbeings that passed the Bosphorus. The deepest point of the Bosphorus is 120m and is 3 1 k m long; it is 660m at its narrowest while 4.7km at its widest. The predominant surface current flows from the Black Sea to the Marmara, while the main current moves towards the reverse direction. The deepest point of the Bosphorus is 1 2 0 m and is 3 1 k m long; its width is 6 6 0 m at its narrowest part. The Bosphorus neighbourhoods such as Arnavutkoy, Bebek, Yenikoy and Tarabya are on the European side. You can anchor at one of the fish restaurants there m the way back f r o m the ferry trip. Ferries - Bosphorus The visitors must absolutely take a trip to Bosphorus by ferry. The ferry passes below the two bridges, visits the landings of neighbourhoods as beautiful as paintings, and creeps away from one continent to the other, one shore to another during the whole afternoon. The commercial ships, generally with Russian flag that want to get in touch with the world through Bosphorus pass nearby you. A marvellous panorama that changes in every kilometer is awiting for you, once you pass below the Bosphorus Bridge. 'Tali"s, the wooden waterside residences began to be built at the Bosphorus shores beginning from the 1 7 ^ ^ century. The best ones are between Çengelköy and Kanlıca, on the Asian side. Most of them were restorated. Especially 'Ostrorog Yalısı' at Kandilli and 'Amcazade The Galata Tower, 36 meters high, with its characteristic conical peak was built by the Genoese in 1348 and was used as a fire observation tower. You can view the whole city f r o m its restaurant and its balcony w h i c h surrounds the entire tower. Hendek Street (Beyoğlu). Hüseyin Paşa Yalısı' in Kanlıca are very attractive. Almost every yah has a landing that the small boats cruising by rowing in the Bosphorus can come alongside. Most of the yalis remained until today are from the 19^-'^ century. The yalis lived their golden age during the Tuhp Age, the period of Sultan Ahmet III, interested in art, in the 1 8 ^ ^ century. The yalis are built in harmony with the environment so that to meet the demands of the dwellers that wish to sit and rest, the warm weather and the flow of the water reinforces this pleasure. It is possible to understand this from the scenes, reflecting a kind of Ottoman 'summer ambience', depicted to the walls and ceilings of the rooms. Unfortunately, these pictures give a feeling of nostalgia today. The wooden structure of the buildings is completely suitable for this kind of life. The wooden framework and railings carved artistically, prevents the hot weather coming in. The interior of the buildings are also full of ornaments and wooden carvings decorated with gold. Rooms are generally furnished with low divans (sofas) and carpets. In the middle is a brazier, ready for the colder days. Besides, the landscape gardening is very important. The gardens are full of palm trees, pines, cedars due to the appropriate weather conditions; oleanders, tulips, magnolias are the main adornments of the gardens; the walls of the small arbours are covered with ivy, and the smell of honeysuckles surrounds everywhere. Departure from Boğaziçi İskelesi at Eminönü; everday 1035 AM, 12.00 PM and 13.35 PM; Beşiktaş everday 10.50 AM-12.15 PM and 13.50 PM Modern hotels are located next to "Yair's, rustic palaces next to the fortresses and stylish buildings next to the fisher villages. - . The Golden Horn .„.:_m , | * The shores of the Golden Horn that used ^ to be an excursion spot during the • Ottoman period, has lost this quality i S ! * ^ completely because of air and water pollution as a result of uncontrolled development of industry. The recent betterment efforts beautyfied these shores; a boat tour for seeing Eyüp is strongly recommended. Scheduled boats every hour from Haliç İskelesi next to Galata Köprüsü (Galata Bridge). É Strolling through İstanbul ]in the days you will spend in Istanbul by visiting Galata Tower. Enjoy the dreamlike panorama of this giant city, whose not only showy hut also clearly spread topography is below your feet, while leaning against the hand rails: The mosques and minarets of the Topkapi palace is rising above the hills of thr old city, right across you. In front of it is the natural bay formed by Golden Horn, embracing with the Sea of Marmara; and in the horizon, The Princes'Isles hardly visible in the must. On the lefr across the Bosphorus Kadıköy and Üsküdar can be recognized, if you look to the a bit more to the north, you can see the bridge that connects Europe and Asia. The distant whistles of the ferries mix into each other. You will begin to notice how unique Istanbul is due to the calming view of Galata Tower. There is probably no visitor who wouldn't be eager to know about this extraordinary city, to feel it and to see the secret comers of its life. You can have your meal, sip your coffee and also enjoy the Bosphorus at its restaurant. Transportation to Kiz Kulesi is very easy with the small boats departing from the shore. Mîmaturk: A minimized theme park of a great countiy A mini Turkep theme park has established in İstanbul This project has led bi; Istanbul Municipal and KulturAŞ and settled on Golden Horn. The establishment contains more than 100 miniatures of important cultural sites inTurkej;. The Miniaturk theme park project contains 50 architectural sites which are resembled in 1 / 2 ^ scale from İstanbul and beside from thatHagi Soafta, Mouseleum ofAtaturl^ Ephesus, Dolmabahçe Palace, Nemrut Temple, Saint Antoine Church, aspendos Amphitheatre, İshakpasa Palave and Cappadoccia are also included to themes. Miniaturk has inspired forom its similar which is located in Netherland... Miniaturk also has recreation areas such as cafeterias and restaurants. Sütlüce, Teh (0212) 222 28 82 pbx Halikarnasos times and locations of Anatolia are at the same place at the same time... miniaturlcj KULTUR A . $ . Istanbul Lütfi Kirdar Convention & Exhibition Centre (I.C.E.C) The Professional Facilities and Service Planners Demand , the Exotic Destination and Memorable Events Delegates Expect Break - out rooms, session rooms and satellite conferences No matter how complicated your event is, ICEC has the infrastructure to meet your needs and ensure that your conference or trade fair runs smoothly. The main ICEC building features a total of 21 meeting rooms with capacities ranging from 2000 to 60. The Rumeli Fair & Exhibition Hall offers a further 5 boardrooms and 6 VIP suites as well as a 45 sq.m. (485 sq.ft.) business centre. Plus, on the lower level of the Rumeli Hall, there is enough stand space to accommodate a full-size trade fair in conjunction with your event. The Istanbul Lütfi Kirdar Convention & Exhibition Centre (ICEC) has everthing you need to organize memorable and successful congresses and exhibitions in the imperial city of Istanbul. The only place in Istanbul where 3,500 delegates can sit down together for a five-star gala dinner, ICEC offers you an outstanding combination of state-of-the-art facilities and superior service. Istanbul's Largest Ballroom and Auditorium ICEC's brand new Rumeli Fair & Exhibition Hall features Istanbul's largest Ballroom measuring 2,roo square meters, which includes simultaneous translation in eleven languages, full audio-visual support and more. The ballroom also divides easily into two smaller ballrooms using sound-proof seperators. For large receptions , the Ballroom can be combined with Rumeli's 1,100 square meter and 900 square meter foyers or the foyers can be used staging and registration areas. The Anadolu Auditorium seats 2,000 in arm-chair comfort and offers complete technical facilities for even the most elaborate performances. From full 16 m m and 35 m m projection facilities to professionally tuned acoustics, the Anadolu Auditorium is a world-class event venue. It was here that world leaders, including Bill Clinton and Jacques Chirac, enjoyed a performance of the epic "Lyrical History of Anatolia", a stage extravaganza featuring a cast of more than 500 and sophisticated lighting, set changes and more. The Anadolu Auditorium was also the site of the Turkish launch of Windows 2000, featuring an address by Bill Gates, broadcast live by satelHte up-link. An Integrated facility in the heart of a unique Conference Valley ICEC and its new Rumeli Fair & Exhibition Hall, which hosted the International Telecommunications Union's World Radiocommunications Conference 2000, are the centerpiece of a complete Conference Valley. Offering more than 6.000 guest rooms within easy walking distance of ICEC, including 6 five-star hotels, the Conference Valley offers meeting planners unrivalled convenience and flexibility. Istanbul Lütfi Kirdar Convention&Exhibition Centre Harbiye 80230 Istanbul Turkey Phone:(90-2i2)296 30 55(pbx) Fax:(90-2i2) 224 08 78 E - m a i l : kirdar (â) Parks^ gardens and squares The green parks in the city, give a chance f o r small evasions. The historical pavilion in Yıldız Parkı can serve 5 0 0 people simultaneously with its inner and outer sections. Romantika THE ROMANTİKA FENERBAHÇE PARK The Romantika Park on the Fenerbahçe peninsula is a an undertaldng by Turing and bears the signature of Çelik Gülersoy. The Park which serves in both an open and a closed area has a breathtaldng view of the Princes Isles from the front side. In summers you can enjoy the beautiful geraniums in the garden while the winter panorama accompanies you under the glass covered inner side during cold weathers. You can taste the life in Istanbul by hstening to the intoxicating tunes of classical music in the freshly green park. THE EMiRGAN GROVE Emirgan Komsu covers an area of 325,000 square meters that has many pine, cypress, fir, umbrella pine, willow and lime trees. It also houses some historical pavihons. The grove is hke a heaven on earth. THE ÇUBUKLU GROVE The grove in Beykoz can also be considered a small forest. Rare pines, firs and cedars call the people of Istanbul in their cool shades. Mısır Hıdivi Abbas Hilmi Paşa Sarayı in the covert is a real architectural masterpiece. It is possible hstening to nightangales in the covert during spring months. THE NAİLE SULTAN GROVE The grove between Ortalcöy-Kuruçesme has the name the daughter of Sultan Abdülhamid n, Naile Sultan. The grove where the history and nature embrace is decorated by several Idnds of valuable trees and flowers as well as a magnificent pavilioa THE MİHRABAD GROVE A 25-hectare area covered by trees, overlooldng the Bosphorus, in Kanlıca. There are monumental cypresses, umbrella pines, bay-trees and Judas trees. THE GULHANE PARK Gulhane, once was a rosary shelter and garden development establishment for Ottoman Palace in that era. This garden has been renovated in 2003 and turned baack to its glorious and magnificient times once again. Today, Gulhane has huge green grass areas, flower gardes and viewing terraces to wellcome its its visitors and gift them with a peaceful atmaosphere.. Sultanahmet Square is the oldest region known in the Historical Peninsula. Million Stone which is accepted t o be the beginning point of everything, St.Sophia, Hippodrome, Sultanahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque), Dikilitaş, Burmali Sütun (Serpent Column), Yerebatan Cistern and Topkapi Palace are located here. Divan Yolu Divan Yolu begins at Haghia Sophia and extends to Topkapi Gate of Theodosion Walls, was the most important road of the capital during the Byzantine period. Today it is the street used for reaching the beauties in the environs: Beyazıt Mosque, Kapah Çarşı (Grand Bazaar), At Meydanı (Hippodrome) and Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque). Cağaloğlu. At Meydanı (Hippodrome) Its construction began in 203 by Septimus Severus and it was reconstructed as hippodrome during the reign of Constantine the Great (324-337). It was a place for official celebrations and parades. Besides chariot races, circuses and pohtical meetings used take place here. In one of them "Blues" and "Greens" had fought; and in Nika Revolt in 532, 30,000 people that rebelled against Emperor Justinianus gathered and were killed here in At Meydanı. Again on these grounds. Sultan Mahmut II Idlled the Janissaries that rebelled in 1826. The square was 400m long and i2om wide. There were 40 rows that could totally host 100,000 spectators. The central axis of the arena is determined by three statues. The first of them is the Egyptian Obehsk that had already been 1900 years old when it was brought from Kamak, was erected here in 390 after broken apart from its base. The original weight of the stone was three times more than its present weight that is 800 tons. The relief scenes on the base represent Emperor Theodosius and his family. The second statue is Serpentine Column (it is better to say 'the rest of the column') from Temple of Apoho at Delphi; one of the missing serpent heads was found and kept in Archaeological Museum. The last statue in the arena, Colossus, is not in its original condition. The horsemen of the Fourth Crusade had removed the gold plated bronze panels of the column and took it to Venice with the famous carriage quartet statue of Lysippos that was also made of bronze plated with gold. The four antique horses are on the west gate of San Marco Church since then. (Sultanahmet). Divan Yolu was the most important road of the city during the Byzantine period. Eminönü Square is a unique place t o observe the harmonious colours of the city. Eminönü Square Innumerable people; sellers on the street, the customers and visitors of Kapalı Çarşı pass through this square that is between Galata Köprüsü (Bridge) and Yeni Camii (Mosque). It is not surprising that the first and last stops of many buses and minibuses are in this square. Eminönü The İstiklal Street İstiklal Caddesi is the main street of Beyoğlu (Fera) and is a pedestrian area. The street that used to be called "Grand-Rue de Péra" during its bright times, was a modem meeting point by the beginning of the 20^^ century, during the best times ("Belle époque") of istanbul. The cultural and social activities for different tastes as well as the cafes, cinemas, bookshops, restaurants, bars come out of İstiklal Caddesi or the streets it has connection. There are many shops on the street. At the south end of the street is the entrance of Tünel. Tünel is an underground railway system that is 570m, from 1875 extending to Galata Bridge and is the second underground of the world in terms of construction date after that of London. While walking towards Taksim, after passing Galatasaray Lisesi, you will see Çiçek Pasajı (Cite de Pera) on the left hand side. As its Turkish name implies it used to be a passage that flowers were sold; today has many cheerful bars and 'meyhane's. It's an ideal atmosphere to eat, to drink Turkish Rakı and to feel Beyoğlu. Balık Pazan is worth to see just next to the passage. Although it is prefered for finding fresh fish, you can explore the shops that y o u can find kind of meat, cheese, desserts, pickles, almost anything you can buy as you walk further. Beyoğlu Taksim Square Tal<:sim is one of the important centres of this multi-centred city. After Pera became popular and crowded the new type of urbanization moved to Nişantaşı and Şişli neighbourhood; thus, Taksim has become an important centre. It was a cemetery area until the end of 1 9 ^ ^ century. There was a large barrack in the middle of the square and the biggest football field in the city used to be in this barracks. Taksim Square is the m o s t important centre of the Turkish Republic. Taksim had become the most important square of the city during the years when the Republic was founded. It was the most expensive residential area in 1950s. The name of the square is Taksim due to the water coming from Belgrat Ormanlan used to distributed here in 1 8 ^ century. The cistern, made by Mahmut II i n i 7 3 2 , is still at the entrance of İstiklal Caddesi. At the southwest of the square is the monumental statue of Taksim Cumhuriyet Anıtı showing the founder of Atatürk, the founder of the Repubhc of Turkey and his friends, made by the Italian artist Canonica in 1928. The transportation between Tiinei-Taksim is made with the perfectly renovated tram through the middle of the street. The İstiklal Street represents the Western face of İstanbul. The name of the square is Taksim due to the water c o m i n g f r o m Belgrad Ormanları used to distributed here in 18^h century. The cistern, made by M a h m u t II in 1732, is still at the entrance of İstiklal Caddesi. Bridges Boğaziçi Bridge The oldest bridge built on the Bosphorus had been the one built for the Persian King Darius in 5 1 3 BC. Leonardo da Vinci offered Suhan Beyazıt II in a letter to build a bridge 'that extends to Anatohan coast'. But the opening of the giant suspension bridge realized only in 1973, at the 50th anniversary of the foundaition of the Republisc of Turkey, after a three year construction period. The total length of the bridge is 1622 m; the distance between the pier legs is 1074m; the height is 64m and the width is 34 m. The construction cost of the bridge was amortized much earlier than expected. The toll is charged only towards one direction. The Galata Bridge, constructed in 1912, had a nostalgic meaning for İstanbul with its historical importance. The old bridge was changed with the new one in 1987. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge In order to diminish the traffic density, the need for a second bridge on the Bosphorus had occurred. The company built the first bridge was a German-English partnership. The Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge was built by a consortium of Japan, Italian and Japan companies. There are eight lanes on the bridge; its length is 1 5 0 0 m and height from the sea is 64m. The radius of the wire ropes is 58cm. The elegance of its lines, the bridge itself and its columns, the bridge looks beautiful. The Galata Bridge The Galata Bridge was replaced with a new one i n i 9 8 7 after the barges of the one built i n i 9 i 2 creaked under the weight of the six-lanes of vehicles containing trucks, buses and cars. Even the taxi drivers that had to bear the traffic jam a few times a day when going to or returning from the old city to Beyoğlu are sad that the old Galata Bridge that once used to be the symbol of Istanbul, does not exist anymore. T w o suspension bridges, connecting t w o continents, are the s y m b o l s of Bosphorus. The Tastes ofİstanbul Istanbul, has a rich mixture of the inheritance of a great cuisine culture and a close contact with the experimental approaches in the world cuisines. Fish (balık) is one of the indispensables of Istanbul. The shores of Bosphorus and Kumkapi are the places the freshest and the m o s t delicious seasonal fish can be f o u n d . The gastronomic spectrum of Istanbul extends from the common street and excellent kebab restaurants (lokanta) to the distinguished cuisines of the luxurious hotels. Istanbul has a rich mixture of the inheritance of a great cuisine culture and a close contact with the experimental approaches in the world cuisines. You can come across with all kinds of food in any comer around Istanbul including the traditional tastes of the Ottoman court cuisine or fresh fish of the Bosphorus; various kind of sushi, the favorite dish of the Japanese cuisine; the fusion cuisine of Australia; the mystical Indian cuisine and the spiced dishes of Mexico from distant geographies; all of the delicate examples of the Mediterranean, Spanish and French dishes; and of course the fast food that has become indispensable all over the world. The most stylish and distinguished restaurants of Istanbul are gathered in the Bosphorus, Taksim, the districts famous with the luxurious shopping centres such as Nişantaşı, Teşvikiye, Etiler and Levent. All of the specialized and high quality restaurants in the five star hotels of Istanbul also provide the examples of different cuisines. The "Meyhane"s are the most typical examples of the restaurants peculiar to Istanbul. They present the most authentic entertainment in Istanbul with a rich selection of Turkish 'meze's (Hors d'Oeuvres), in accompaniment with Turkish rakı and live Turkish music. There are hundreds of kinds of mezes. Since they are generally vegetal and contain very little meat or fish, mezes can be good alternetives for the vegetarians. Although rakı is the most consumed drink, Turkish wines and beers of good quality and all kind of important drinks are available. Kebab, pide and lahmacun are very popular foods in the West, although they are originally the tastes of the eastern and southeastern regions of Turkey. Hence, there are many kebab restaurants (kebapçı) in many parts of Istanbul. Turkish Cuisine The Ottoman culture has originated, evolved and become famous with the cuisine and eating customs that are the most part of the culture, from the historical background going back to Asian Turks. Thus the qualities of Ottoman cuisine must be evaluated by considering the variety coming from its cultural and historical background, the wealth brought by its geography and climate and finally the abundance coming from the sea. These conditions have brought Ottoman Cuisine to the degree of being one of the three great cuisines of the world. The rich variety in Turkish cuisine is related to many factors. In other words; the variety of the products provided by the lands of middle Asia and Anatolia, the interaction with many different cultures throughout the history, the new tastes evolved in the courts of empires such as Selcuk and Ottoman, have all played a role in the new structure of Turkish cuisine. The Turkish Cuisine is generally composed of dishes prepared with grain, various vegetables, soups, cold dishes, cooked with olive oil (zeytinyağhlar), pastry and self grown herbs. Besides, pekmez (grape molasses), yoghurt, bulgur (boiled and pounded wheat) are some of the healthy foods that are peculiar to Turkey. In addition to fish, meat, kebabs, lahmacun (pancake with spicy meat filling) and pide; desserts such as aşure (Noah's pudding), kazandibi (a caramel based pudding), profiterol, tavukgöğsü (chicken breast pudding) and baklava; special drinks like tea, ayran, cherry juice, Turkish coffee and rakı have taken their place in the taste geography as Turkish inventions. Although Rakı is c o n s u m e d mostly, it is possible to find all kinds of foreign drinks beside quality Turkish wines and beers. Restaurants Meyhanes, the cornerstone of the nightlife, are no longer "the men's place"; but where the whole family enjoys the night while eating and drinking. The entertainment in the taverns is usually at a higher t e m p o . KEYİFLİ MEYHANE YalıSok.3E Tel: 261 75 21 UKALA Nispetiye Cad. 28/A Levent Tel: 284 73 04 AGORA Leblebiciler Sok. 8 Balat Tel; 523 78 77 KİMENE Çiçek Pasajı Beyoğlu Tel: 244 12 66 YAKUP Asmalımescid Sok. 35/37 Tünel Tel: 249 29 25 ALEM Nevizade Sok, Beyoğlu. Tel: 249 60 55 KONYALI Topkapı Sarayı içi Sultanahmet Tel: 513 96 96 ZEVKİ S E F A Abdi ipekçi Cad. 21/26 Nişantaşı Tel: 219 95 53 ANAHTAR Kuruçeşme Cad. 36 Tel: 257 71 50 Yerebatan Cad. Salkımsöğüt Sok.18, Sultanahmet. Tel: 512 42 62 KÜPELİ MEYHANE Ortaköy Tel: 327 03 83 MANDRA Ergenekon Cad. 73 Pangaltı Tel: 241 4736 ZİNDAN istiklal Cad. Oliva Han Geçidi 13 Beyoğlu Tel: 252 73 40 ASIR Kalyoncukulluk Cad. 94/1 Tünel. Tel: 297 05 57 MİMİ TAVERNA 1. Cadde 68 Arnavutköy Tel: 265 09 49 AYNALI MEYHANE Tramvay Cad. 104 Kuruçeşme Tel: 265 96 00 NEYLE MEYLE Nevizade Sok. Balıkpazarı Tel: 249 81 03 BALIKÇI SEBAHAHİN Cankurtaran Sultanahmet Tel: 45818 24 NEYHANE Gazeteci Erol Dernek Sok. 15/A Beyoğlu Tel: 252 47 62 BEKRİYA I.Cad. 28Arnavutköy Tel: 257 04 69 SARNIÇ SoğukçeşmeSok. Sultanahmet Tel: 512 42 91 BONCUK Nevizade Sok.19 Beyoğlu Tel: 2431219 TAS PLAK istiklal Cad. Akarsu Sok. Beyoğlu Tel: 2511139 BORSA Lütfi Kırdar Kongre Merkezi Harbiye Tel: 296 30 55 TESADÜF Nispetiye Cad. 49 Etiler Tel: 265 89 98 E U R O P E A N SIDE ©aeecocte (0)216 CİLVELİ MEYHANE Nispetiye Cad. Etiler Tel: 268 66 61 CUMHURİYET Sahne Sok. 47 Beyoğlu Tel: 2431219 DEDİKODULU Kasaplar Çarşısı No:2 Bostancı Tel: 0216 48918 00 DEMGAH Nevizade Sok. Tel: 245 09 65 FELEK Sakızağacı Mah. Kennedy Cad. 29 Bakırköy Tel: 543 92 02 FERİYE Ortaköy Tel: 227 22 16 GALATA Orhan Apaydın Sok. 11 Beyoğlu Tel: 293 11 39 GÜNAY •eCad.Beytem işhanı Mecidiyeköy Tel: 230 33 33 HASIRLI Nevizade Sok. 21/A Beyoğlu Tel: 244 39 42 İMROZ Nevizade Sok. 24 Beyoğlu Tel: 249 90 73 KALLAVİ 20 Kallavi Sok.20 Beyoğlu Tel: 2511010 K A L U V İ ETİLER Aytar Cad. 3/2 Etiler Tel: 282 7070 KALİSPERA Tarlabaşı Blv. Kuytu Sok 2 Tepebaşı Tel: 293 88 94 Tİ ASIAN SİDE ©arşı code ( 0 ) 2 1 6 1 DEDİKODULU MEYHANE Kasaplar Çarşısı 2 Bostancı Tel: 489 19 00 HATAY Bağdat Cad.526 Bostancı Tel: 361 3357 KALLAVİ KADIKÖY ZühtüpaşaMah.ŞefikbeySok.9 Fenerbahçe Tel: 414 44 68 MODA BALOZ Moda Cad. Tipi Apt 243/1 Moda Tel: 418 82 36 TODORİ Bağdat Cad. 294 Caddebostan Tel: 386 30 31 "Meyhane"s are the traditional, unchanged and ever-demanded colours of istanbul. İstanbul and fish. One of the indispensable symbols of the city. You will not forget the taste of the fish whether you eat at street sellers at Eminönü Square or at luxurious restaurants at the Bosphorus. , EUROPEAN SIDE ®aBaax]e (0)216 ADEM BABA DALYAN Satış Meydanı Sok. 2 Arnavutköy Tel: 263 29 33 ®arraoxie (0)216 ARİFİN YERİ Anadolu Feneri Köyü, Beykoz Tel. 32014 42 CAPARİ SalıilboyuCad. No:104 Küçükyalı Tel: 366 93 71 Tel: 669 33 35 DAYİCİM KennedyCad.lOO, Yenikapı Tel: 589 00 50 NEYZEN Kumkapı Tel: 512 48 54 ALİ BABA Kireçbumu Cad, 20 Tel: 262 08 89 DOĞA BALIK Akyol Sok. 55, Cihangir Tel: 244 31 72 AMBASSAOEURS Bebek Otel, Bebek Tel: 263 30 02 ORFOZ Liman Cad. 23 Yeşilköy TEL: 663 09 97 FAÇYO Kireçbumu Cad. 13, Tarabya Tel: 262 00 24 AOUARİUS Balıkçılar Çarşısı Sarıyer Tel: 271 3434 GARAJ Kefeliköy Cad. 30 Tarabya Tel: 262 04 74 BABA İskele Cad. Anadolukavağı Tel: 320 20 47 GELİK BALIK Sahilyolu, Zeytinburnu Tel: 547 13 20 BALIKÇI SABAHATTİN Cankurtaran, Sultanahmet Tel: 4581814 GRAND ÇELLO Yahya Kemal Cad. 8 Rumelihisarı Tel: 263 03 30 BALIKLAMA RESTORAN Köybaşıcad. No: 10 Tel: 223 45 07 GULET Paşalimanı Cad. Tahtalı Bostan Sok. 1/1 Kuzguncuk 391 5710 AKVARYUM Çapari Sok. 39 Kumkapı Tel: 517 22 73 BAY BALIKÇI KIreçburnu Cad. 14 Tel: 262 22 94 BEBEK CevdetpaşaCad.123 Bebek Tel: 263 34 47 HASAN Rıhtım Sok. 8 Yeşilköy Tel: 573 83 00 HFJSTO Kf,feliköyCad. 96 Tarabya Tel: 262 05 35 BOĞAZ CANLI BALIK İskele Cad. IRumelikavaği 271 0073 HANEDAN Barbaros Meydanı 27. Beşiktaş Tel: 260 48 54 CASADOMARİSCO iman Sok. 3. Yeşilköy Marina Tel: 5 7 3 4 9 2 2 KALYON RESTAURANT Sahilyolu, Cankurtaran Tel: 517 44 00 ÇAPA Rumelitıisarı Tel: 263 61 88 KARIŞMA SEN KennedyCad.Ahırkapı Tel: 517 68 92 LAPINA BALIKÇI Eski Bağdat Cad. Çamlık Çıkmazı, Küçükyalı Tel: 417 83 95 ÇENGEL İskele Meydanı 20 Çengelköy DOĞANAY Anadolu Kavağı Tel: 320 20 36 PARK FORA Muallim Naci Cad. 134 Kuruçeşme Tel: 265 50 67 jSMETBABA İskele yanı, Kuzguncuk Tel: 33312 32 PESCATORE Kefeliköy Cad. 29 Kireçbumu. Sarıyer KAYIKHANE Moda Cad. 267 Kadıköy Tel: 338 03 64 Tel: 2231819 KİNGFISHER IskeleSok. 11 Caddebostan Tel: 350 21 26 SAKİ Balık Pazarı, Kameriye Sok. 11 Beyoğlu Tel: 244 16 83 SEVİLLAS Kefeliköy Cad. 62 Tarabya Tel: 262 27 27 KOCO Moda Cad. 265 Kadıköy Tel: 336 07 95 KÖRFEZ Körfez Cad. 78 Kanlıca Tel: 413 4314 SAFA ilyasbeyCad.169Yedikule Tel: 585 55 94 LİVAR İskele Cad. 25/1 Caddebostan Tel: 4111700 TALİP Çapari Sok. 47 Kumkapı Tel: 517 22 71 TARİHİ KARAKÖY BALIKÇISI Tersane Cad. Kardeşim Sok. 30 Karaköy Tel: 251 1371 YELKEN Yat Limanı Cad. 2 Yeşilköy Tel: 573 02 12 j PELİT Bağdat Cad. Kasaplar Çarşısı, Bostancı Tel: 366 35 02 ^ SEAPORT Yalıboyu Cad. Beylerbeyi Tel: 422 28 51 YOSUN İskele Meydanı 1, Anadolu Kavağı Tel: 320 21 48 International Cuisine The "world city" quality of Istanbul applies in food and beverages area too. Almost all of the world cuisines are represented by outstanding restaurants in istanbul. The restaurants where you can find the main specialties of various countries serve within the grand hotels or independently istanbul has gained a respected status in the area of gastronomy by sailing towards the "universal". There is no " n o " in istanbul in t e r m s of f o o d . Istanbul provides you the examples of y o u r favourite cuisine or the food culture of the geography you wish to explore. ®aiBaccdeP212 ABSOLUT Tambru Ali Efendi Sok. 11 Etiler Tel: 225 70 00 CHANGA LYRA RESTAURANT Sıraselviler Cad. 87/1 Taksim Tel: 24013 48 Orhangazi Cad. Mutlu Sok 63, îTel:442 16 160 DAILYNEWS MARINABRASSERIE RESTAURANT Tepecik Yolu, Alkent Sitesi, Hillside Club, Etiler Tel; 257 86 85 LE SELECT YEŞIL EV Manolya Sok. 21, Levent Tel: 268 21 20 Kabasay Cad, 5 Sultanahmet Tel: 517 67 85 N E W YORKER ZEYTIN AND SARDUNYA Cevatpaşa Cad. Manolya Sok. No:1 Bebek Tel.: 287 52 95 Yıldız Posta Cad. 25, Gayrettepe Tel: 274 87 13 DOWNTOWN Abdi ipekçi Cad. 7/2 Nişantaşı Tel: 224 2915 DUBBıNDIAN Alemdar Mah. inciliçavuşSoklO, Sultanahmet Tel: 513 73 08 PARKŞAMDAN Mim Kemal Öke Cad. Nişantaşı Tel: 225 0710 ©aBacocte (0)216 FERIYE Feriye Sarayı, Çırağan Cad. 124 Tei: 227 2216 FISCHER inönü Cad51/A Gümüşsüyü Tel: 245 33 75 FOUR SEASONS istiklal Cad. 509 Tünel Tel: 293 39 41 KURUÇEŞME DIVAN Kuruçeşme Cad. 36 Tel: 257 71 50 LA BOHEME 4. Gazeteciler Sitesi A 28/2 Levent Tel: 283 48 35 LECIGARE Meşelik Sok. 3,4. Levent Tel: 279 86 98 SÜREYYA AKASYA istinye Cad. 26/1 istinye Acarkent Çubuklu, Beykoz Tel: 485 00 36 Tel: 277 58 86 PAYSAGE Hekimler Sitesi, Kanlıca Tel: 322 70 60 SAKLıKÖYCOUNTYCLUB Bayramköyü Mevkii 2 ishaklıköyü. Beykoz Tel: 434 55 21 T H E PRINCES' ISLES ©area cette (0)216 ETHEMEFENDI36 Ethemefendi Cad. No:36 Erenköy Tel: 385 41 31-32 Kalamış Marina Tel: 414 5713 REST CAFE EL FARO AyyildizCad.18, Heybeliada Tel: 351 92 72 Rus Lokanti Russian Cuisine istanbul has relatively less Russian restaurants in quantity, but not in quality. These restaurants were founded by the Russians that had left their country and come to istanbul during 1910s; and they are managed by their children or grandchildren now. They have not lost anything f r o m their tradition, quality and authenticity. Your wonderful " B o r s h " soup, "Kievski" and "Piroski" are cosy, and accompanied by "vodka!" AYAZPAŞA RUS LOKANTASı HAVYAR BAR RUS LOKANTASı REJANS inönü Cad, Günnüssuyu, Taksinn Emir Nevruz Sok. 17, Galatasaray Tel: 0.212.43 A8 92 Tel: 0 . 2 1 2 . 2 4 Á 1 6 1 0 Çırağan Palace Kempinski Cırağan Cad. No: 32 Beşiktaş Tel: 0.212.258 3 3 77 American Cuisine The American cuisine is not only "Kentucky Fried Chicken." For instance, Americans have mastery of cooking the steak as thick as a brick while as soft as butter. No one can hold a candle to Americans in "grilled steak" area. The American cuisine has other surprises in terms of dishes made of meat, fish and seafood with shells. Meeting these in istanbul is very easy. ALL SPORTS SUNSET GRILL-BAR Camlık mevkii 1/2 Etiler Tel: 257 A2 99 Adnan Saygun Cad. Kirechane Sok. Ulus Tel: 287 03 57 CALIFORNIAN BRASSERIE Ceylan Inter-Continental Oteli, Taksim Tel: 231 21 21 FOOD COURT Ataşehir Tel: 456 08 58 THE BRIDGE NakkaştepeYolu, No: 62 Kuzguncuk Tel: 391 95 85 Italian Cuisine The number of restaurants serving the delicious examples of the Italian cuisine that matches with Turkish taste on a large scale has practically " b o o m e d " in recent years. When considered with the restaurants serving pizza, istanbul is almost a complete substitute for Rome in terms of "the existence of Italian restaurants!" There are Italian restaurants on either sides of the city ranging from the pretty places you gobble pizza, to the super luxurious "ristorante"s that suits all budgets and pleasures. EUROPEAN SIDE © a e a code {0)212 BELUNI Çırağan Sarayı içi, Beşiktaş Tel: 258 33 77 DA VINCI Vali Konağı cad. Kodaman Sok. 15/8, Nişantaşı Tel: 230 75 08 DAMARIO MEZZALUNA RıSTORANTEROSA Abdi ipekçi Cad. 38/1 Nişantaşı Tel: 231 31 42 Cumhuriyet Cad. 131/A Elmadağ Tel: 241 2827 PAPER MOON TIENDES Akmerkez, Etiler Tel; 2821616 Setler Yıldızı Sok. No: 6 Etiler Tel: 265 32 02 POPÜLER PIZZERÌA VENÜS NispetiyeCad. Günaydın Sit. ikizler Apt. Etiler Tel: 263 13 24 Mim Kemal Öke Cad. No: 29 Nişantaşı Tel: 225 46 40-41 DiltiayatSok. 7, Etiler Tel: 265 51 86 RISTORANTE ıTAU ANO GINOMARGARINO Cumtiuriyet Cad. 6/B Elmadağ Tel: 247 86 40 İstiklal Cad. 316, Beyoğlu Tel: 251 52 71 D'ARGENTO ® a s a oxte (0)216 BACı Züttü Paşa Matı. Şefik Bey Sok. No: 1 Kadıköy Tel: 418 88 08 IL PADRINO iskele Cad. 8/1 Tel: 385 93 19 PIZZA PINO Bağdat Cad, 337, Caddebostan Tel: 369 7511 French Cuisine You long f o r a good "Chateaubriand" or a French style cream of onion soup. You do not have t o dream it in İstanbul. You can give yourself an "a la Française" feast of taste at one of the French restaurants in İstanbul that can compete with the ones in Paris in terms of taste as well as ambience. You may also choose to enjoy the w a r m atmosphere of French style bistros. Koyu Kahve iaea code (0)212 } CAFE D E PARIS CARPEDıEM Çalıkuşu Sok. ^. Aralık U. Levent Tel: 325 68 02 Bağdat Cad. 418/12, Suadiye Tel: 360 75 51 CONTACT 1 Valikonağı Cad. No: 8/B ^ Nişantaşı ^ Tel: 224 97 24 LECLASSIQUE Yeniköy Tel: 2621313 ROOF GARDEN Swissotel, Maçka Tel: 32611 00 UPSTAIRS Özsezen İş Merkezi, Zincirlikuyu Tel: 266 50 31 VERANDA Mahmut Çavuş Sok. 10, İstinye Teİ: 277 8718 LYRA Orhangazi Cad. Mutlu Sok. 63, Dragos Tel: 44216160 M e x i c a n Cuisine Turks are not afraid of hot Mexican food and sauces, because the kebabs do not fall short of them in terms of hot taste. Mexican restaurants and fast food stands used to be in the hypermarkets, however they are in the outer world now. Modern and clean restaurants decorated with cute Mexican accessories serve "Mexican specialties" in various districts of İstanbul. G e m i a n , Austrian a n d Swiss Cuisines The distinguished examples of the European cuisine are served especially in the restaurants of 5 star hotels. The kitchens of these hotels are directed by the most reputable and prestigious chefs of Europe. Special "taste nights", introducing the dishes of European cuisine are frequently organised in 5 star hotels. On the other hand, there are many restaurants, other than those of 5 star hotels, in Istanbul. CAFE SWISS SCHNITZEL Köybaşı Sok. No: 237 Yeniköy/istanbul Tel: 223 27 77 Eytam Cad. No: 33 Maçka/istanbul Tel: 23131 61 CAFE WIEN Teşvikiye Cad. Reasürans Pasajı No: 62 Teşvikiye/İst. Tel: 233 78 60 Mecütenanean Cuisine There is no other city as convenient as istanbul for meeting "the miracles made by the wizards of art of cooking, using olive oil." The restaurants that will enable you to taste those delicious, wonderful and healthy dishes of the Mediterranean cuisine are waiting for you in Istanbul. The m o s t delicious examples of Mediterranean cuisine, Residents of istanbul, accustomed to one of the constant gustoes of the city, are dedicated customers of Italian restaurants. EUROPEAN SIDE ©a-eacode (0)212 CARERA Gazeteciler Sitesi, Keskinkalem Sok. 47 Tel; 288 65 93 CARNE Muallim Naci Cad. 41, Ortaköy Tel; 260 84 25 CHEFS Yıldız Cad. 6, Beşiktaş Tel; 258 44 07 KARAFAKI CumtluriyetCad. No; 14 Elmadağ Tel; 292 73 90 SOFA Nispetiye Cad. 6, Etiler Tel; 257 89 89 TURKUAZ Topçu Cad. 23, Taksim Tel; 254 51 00 VILLA KEYIF I Sok. Levent Tel; 264 07 20 Tel; 350 30 48 LACIVERT Körtez Cad. 57/A, Kandilli Tel; 413 37 53 Vegetarian Cuisine "Healthy nutrition" is the "rising trend" in Turkey, as it is all over the world. The number of people preferring "healthy alternative nutrition methods" instead of the "risky tastes" including "much cholesterol and calorie" are increasing, especially among youngsters. Thus, the vegetarian restaurants in İstanbul become widespread and their menus are varied with interesting inventions. J" T h e Far East a n d Asian Cuisines The Chinese restaurants have become the c o m m o n colours of İstanbul. You can taste the specialties of the Chinese cuisine in an authentic atmosphere in these restaurants, whose staff is mostly Chinese. The first Chinese restaurant in İstanbul was founded in Taksim some 25 years ago by Ahmet Wang from East Türkistan, however it is not possible to know the number of the Chinese restaurants in İstanbul today. The Chinese and the Far Eastern restaurant managers are happy in İstanbul, so are the people. EUROPEAN SIDE © a a a code (0)212 ÇERKEZZO feşvikiye Cad. 101, Teşvikiye Tel: 260 85 87 NATURE A N D PEACE Büyükparmakkapı Sok. 21, Beyoğlu Tel: 252 86 09 ©area cede (0)216 © a r ^ c o d e (0)216 GREAT HONG TANDORı ZERDECAL KONG Caferağa Matı. Halis Efendi Sok. 5/1 Kadıköy Tel: 414 8141 Dünya Sağlık Sok. 27, Gümüşsüyü Tel: 252 42 68 Alkent Sitesi, Tepecik Yolu, Etiler Tel: 257 84 79 ŞEMSIYE GUANGZHOU TOKYO Âsmalımescid Jurnal Sok. 6, Tünel Tel: 29251 27 OCEAN RESTAURANT inönü Cad. 53, Taksim Tel: 242 63 79 TaşbasamakSok. 3/20rtaköy Tel: 261 22 77 SAFRAN İstiklal Cad. 1/1 Beyoğlu Tel: 243 40 37 CHINESE IN TOWN Bağdat Cad, 466. Suadiye Tel: 359 32 63 T u r i d s h - O t t o m a n Cuisine There is no cuisine as rich as traditional Turkish-Ottonfian cuisine in the world. this cuisine Because is a harmonious synthesis of the local cuisines tastes that the Turkish-Ottoman social and cultural forms mosaic. The number people of in devoted Istanbul themselves to survive the traditional culture cuisine is not little. Turkish-Ottoman cuisine keeps still its at the position top. Dishes are different. Even their look o n s n o w - w h i t e tableclothes, in plates embroidered with T u r k i s h patterns and glittering sahans (frying pans) is t h e m o s t beautiful painting. ORIENT EXPRESS EUROPEAN SIDE ©area code (0)212 ACI SOĞAN Kuruçeşme Cad. 116, Kuruçeşme Tel: 263 66 38 AHıRKAPı PANDELI ESKI OSMANLı MUTFAĞı Armada Oteli Tel: 63813 70 Mısır Çarşısı 1, Eminönü Tel: 527 39 09 Bağdat Cad. 336, Şaşkınbaktel Tel: 358 85 45 lhlamurdereCad.AlaybeySok.18, Kariye Otel, Edirnekapı Tel: 534 84 14 the O t t o m a n - T u r k i s h BOĞAZIÇI BORSA full of people every t i m e of the day. Lütfi Kırdar Kongre Merkezi, Harbiye Tel: 232 42 01 DARÜLZIYAFE Şifahane Cad. 6, Süleymaniye Tel: 5118414 HACı ABDULLAH Sakızağacı Cad. 17, Beyoğlu Tel: 293 85 61 HACı SALIH istiklal Cad. 201, Beyoğlu Tel: 243 45 28 " O t t o m a n Cuisine" f o r the diverse palated. GÜNÜMÜZE UYARLANMIŞ 99 OSMANU YEMEĞİ ® a B 9 code (0)216 BORSA LOKANTASı Tel: 260 84 25 restaurants preserving tradition in İstanbul are PAFULI Kalamış Cad. 87, Fenerbahçe Tel: 336 64 60 ASITANE That's w h y t h e Sirkeci Garı içi Tel: 522 22 80 HASıR Valikonağı Cad. 65, Nişantaşı Tel: 255 45 45 KABURGA SOFRASı Guraba Hüseyin Ağa Mahallesi, Şekerci Sok., Aksaray Tel: 532 73 73 KıZKULESI RESTAURANT Tel: 342 47 47 LIMAN Karaköy Yolcu Salonu Tel: 292 39 92 NIHAVEND Aytar Cad. 3/10 Levent Tel: 268 58 62 KANAAT SeimanıpakCad.25, Üsküdar Tel: 333 37 91 Kebab and Meat Kebab (kebap) inevitable and parts "ocakba§i" of Istanbul need to go to those cities Today, skills and present - — ^ — — ^ There is no for tasting Urfa and Antep. in Istanbul are life. the great "' the delicious masters magical kebabs of kebab of art show Adana, their tastes. HASıR 1 EUROPEAN SIDE ©areacocle (0)212 Beykoz Korusu 2, Beykoz Tel; 322 29 01 BAY KEBAP Tepecik Yolu 22, Etiler Tel: 263 25 71 KAŞıBEYAZ Çatal Sok. 10, Florya Tel: 663 28 90 BEYTI Orman Sok, 8, Florya Tel: 663 29 90 BORSA istiklal Cad. 87/89, Beyoğlu Tel: 292 58 82 KOSOVA FloıyaTel:663 84 85 OBA ET Baltalimanı Cad. 54, Rumelihisarı Tel; 277 57 51 O R M A N EVI BURSA ISKENDER Beşiktaş Tel; 227 59 55 ÇAMLıK ihsan Aksoy Sok. 5/6, Çamlık Mevkii, Etiler Tel; 26518 93 Kemer Countıy Club, Kemerburgaz Tel; 239 76 96 ŞAYAN 24 Nispetiye Cad. Petrol Sitesi 8/2, Levent Tel; 270 29 47 ŞARK SOFRASı DEVELI Kebabs decorated w i t h aubergine, t o m a t o and plenty of pepper strike t h e w o r l d with admiration. The kebabs w i t h hot and mild Adana, Urfa and Gaziantep style sizzling o n the "ocakba§i"s draw people like m a g n e t s . Samatya Balıkpazarı Tel; 529 08 33 EMINÖNÜ HAMDI Tahmis Cad. Kalçın Sok. 17, Eminönü Tel: 528 03 90 Yaprak Sok. 5, Ulus Tel; 287 32 99 SAZELI Örtaköy Tel; 2 TARIHI SULTANAHMET ® a e a a x J e (0)216 AŞIYAN Kalamış Yat Limanı 17, Kalamış Tel: 349 55 69 ÇEŞNI Cemil Topuzlu Cad. Mahur Sok. 3/1 Çiftehavuzlar Tel; 360 38 60 E M M I M OCAKBASı Bağdat Cad. 439 Suadiye Tel: 355 29 86 GREEN HOUSE Acarkent Topaz Kapısı, Beykoz Tel: 320 75 83 LAL KEBAP Sahilyolu Cumhuriyet Cad. 86 idealtepeTel:4173618 KATIBIM Şemsipaşa Sahil Yolu 53, Üsküdar Tel: 310 90 80 NAKKAŞTEPE Nakkaştepe Yolu 62, Kuzguncuk Tel; 391 95 87 GALATA KULESI KÖFTECISI Şişhane Tel: 24511 60 NEZIH YUVALAMA DivanyoluCad.12/A, Sultanahmet Tel: 51314 38 Atatürk Cad, 64, Erenköy Tel: 411 6875 GELIK TIKE Sahil Yolu, Bakırköy Tel; 560 72 82 Hacı Adil Cad. 4. Aralık 1,2. Levent Tel: 281 88 71 HACıDAN T E K BASıNA ULUDAĞ NispetiyeCad. 23, Etiler Tel; 28012 76 istanbul Cad. Florya Tel; 624 95 90 The Night Life if you wish, you can visit a house at Sulukule and watch the lively belly-dancing "beautiful girls" while sipping your rakı. One of the programs of the night clubs in rows will definitely suit you! The variety of Istanbul nights has no limitsl Ken/ansaray V The Most Famous Restaurant & Night Club in Turkey Since 1949 I Fun and Entertainment Kervansaray Restaurant & Niglit Club is located in beautiful Istanbul, between Lütfi Kırdar Convention & Extiibition center and Hilton Hotel If you are planning to be in Istanbul Kervansaray invites you to ttie most famous traditional Turkisti show for an unforgettable night. Since 1949 the most legendary night club in Turkey has welcomed millions of spectators who have come to admire the famous shows. Kervansaray offers private salons which are ideal for events of every size and kind, including weddings, receptions, business meetings and parties. Whether you are planning for 10 or 500 guests, our experienced special events staff will work with you to select a menu, arrange entertainment and special services and create the perfect setting for your event. Our chefs have designed menus that assure your guests impressive cuisine, with packages to fit any budget. Every night at the sound of our orchestra guests fram all over the world taste our delicious Turkish & intemational foods and make fun of Kervansaray's new show. Dinner Time: 19:30 Show Time: 21:00 Cumhuriyet Str. No:30 Harbiye-İstanbul-TÜRKİYE Between Hilton Hotel and Lütfi Kırdar Convention & Exhibition Center (Congress Valley) Tel: (0212) 247 16 30/31 -(0212) 246 08 18 Fax: (0212)231 58 88 Night Clubs EUROPEAN SIDE ®a-eaOTİe (0)212 ALİ PAŞA KONAĞr Palanga Cad. No:1 Ortaköy Tel: 3275252-53 ORIENT HOUSE Tiyatro Cad, No: 27 Beyazıt Tel: 517 34 88 PLUS Beyoğlu Tel: 243 63 95 REINA ANGELIQUE Kuruçeşme Tel: 259 5 9 1 9 - 2 1 Meşrutiyet Cad. No: 151 Beyoğlu Tel: 24317 94 SEVENTH HOUSE ANGELIQUE BUZ Nizamiye Cad, 14, Taksim Tel: 361 0718 Salhane Sok, No: 10/2 Ortaköy Tel: 327 28 43 COOL BAR Levent Tel: 284 80 89 GALATA TOWER SHAMAN Kazancı Yokuşu, Dilson oteli altı, Sıraselviler Tel: 249 96 06 Şişhane Tel: 24511 60 SWITCH HAMMAM Tel: 292 74 58 Sepetçiler Kasrı, Eminönü Tel: 5116316 THE LAB KERVANSARAY RESTAURANT&NIGHTaUB Cumhuriyet Cad, No: 30 Harbiye Tel: 246 0818 U l U Muallim Naci Cad, 241/142, Ortaköy Tel: 2271711 MAKARA Nispetiye Cad, 25, Levent, Tel: 270 45 02 Orient House Beyoğlu Cumhuriyet Cad. 349/1, Elmadağ Tel: 240 68 49 THESHEBEEN Terkos Çıkmazı, Beyoğlu Tel: 292 2010 In an Oriental atmosphere, enjoy the "Kanun", a typical Turkish musical instruments: discover the delights of a typical "Fasil" orchestra: and then a pmgram extravaganza to expenence the flavour of words and customs of our folklore and belly dancing. Have a Turkish coffee in a Turkish home fumished with lacework all amund. And as a final, enjoy a nostalgic journey into the very heart of entertainment. A unique enviranment, good taste and first class semce. VENUE Maslak Tel: 231 3021 ZARİFİ Çukurlu Çeşme Sok, 13, Beyoğlu Tel: 292 54 80 Tiyatro Cad. No:27 Beyazıt / İstanbul Tel: (0212) 517 3 U 8 - 5 1 7 61 63 Fax: (0212)517 75 63 The Pano Şarapevi (wine house), once used to be the much frequented place of vagabonds, has changed its identity. The new customer profile of Pano is youngsters and Intellectual of İstanbul. The wine culture has revived with a new perspective. The wine houses opened one after another in Beyoğlu district has turned to be "distinguished places." One of tfie wine houses that intensify in Beyoğlu district and increasing in terms of number, Şarabi... The waiters sing arias while serving in this interesting place. EUROPEAN SIDE ©área oocte (0)212 ENGINAR ŞARABI Şark Kapısı Sok. 4/AKuledibi, istiklal Cad. 174. Beyoğlu Tel: 244 46 09 Galata Tel: 293 96 97 ANDÓN Siraselviler Cad. 89, Taksim Tel: 251 02 22 TANHSIAVARELI PANO Hamalbaşı Cad. 26, Galatasaray Tel: 292 66 64 ÇARDAK Nevizade Sok. 13, Beyoğlu SAPPHO Iel;E49.25,39 Bekar Sok. 6, Beyoğlu Tel:245 06 68 Oteller Sok. 7-9, Beyoğlu Tel: 292 55 16 VIKTORLEVI Hamalbaşı Cad.12, Tel: 249 60 85 Le Cigare is one of the names of ambience in istanbul. It never compensates f r o m "high quality" with its atmosphere, music and menus. Disco music increases the t e m p o in Le Cigare at late hours. Bars Bars are mostly in European side of Istanbul. The Anatolian side has adapted to bar culture and gusto. The "Street of Bars" in the historical market of Kadıköy is lively very active at nights. In some bars of istanbul, there is high-volume music and maximum entertainment. In some others, a romantic atmosphere is dominant. Nispet ALL SPORTS EUROPEAN SIDE icocle(0)212 Şakayık Sok. 49/1 Nişantaşı Tel: 247 46 23 ADRESS13 Tamburi Ali Efendi Sok. 11, Etiler Tel: 263 66 98 ALWAYS Yeni Sülün Sok. 103/3 Levent Tel: 280 73 97 AMBIANCE Hüsrev Gerede Sok. 13/1 Etiler Tel: 2665750 ANCHOR ASPARAGAS AVNIPUB Büyükpamakkapı Sok. 32A Beyoğlu Tel: 252 66 31 Cumhuriyet Cad. 239, Harbiye Tel: 24611 36 Ataköy Yat Limanı Tel: 56012 40 ALEXANDERS BABYLON Sümbül Sok. 51, Levent Tel: 284 0096 Şehbender Sok. No:3 Aşmalı mescit Tel: 292 73 68 Buz Bar is one of tfie interesting nightclubs with a glittering ambience. Foreign tourist groups also s h o w great interest to Buz Bar. The bar of Buz Bar is desolate early in the m o r n i n g , for the habitues. BACHUS COUSIN'S BAR GÜVERTE Küçükparmakkapı İpek Sok. No: 27 Taksim Tel: 245 29 72 Birinci Cadde 108-110 Arnavutköy Tel: 263 63 97 Emirgan Cad. 18 Tel: 277 87 53 BARCELONA CHURCHILL'S BAR Mis Sokak 10, Beyoğlu Tel: 292 43 21 Birinci Cadde 41-43 Amavutköy BARVA ÇALıNTı Marina Regetta karşısı, Ataköy Tel: 5606035 BAR-O-METRE SıraseMlerCad. 77, Taksim Tel: 293 02 87 BILSAK5.KAT Soğancı Sok. 7, Cihangir Tel: 293 37 74 Abdi ipekçi Cad. 23/3 Teşvikiye Tel: 219 90 09 CABARET CINE YeşilpınarSok. 2, Arnavutköy Tel: 257 74 38 CADDE-I KEBIR İmam Adnan Sok. 7, Beyoğlu Tel: 251 7113 HEZARFEN SıraseMler Billurcu Sok. 25, İstiklal Cad, 365/2, Beyoğlu Tel: 252 58 44 Beyoğlu Tel: 244 26 19 ÇUBUKLU JAMES JOYCE HAYAL Zambak Sok 6, Beyoğlu Tel; 23418 92 Tel: 413 68 80 JAZZCAFE DALMAZ CENTER Hasnun Galip Sok, 20, Beyoğlu TeL2450516 Nispetiye Cad, 50 Tel: 257 60 60 DULCıNEA Meşelik Sok, 20 Beyoğlu Tel: 24510 71 İnönü Cad.30/AGümüşssuyü Tel: 251 7251 KAKTÜS İmam Adnan Sok. Tel: 249 59 79 KARAOKE ECE Tramvay Cad. 104, Kuruçeşme Tel: 265 96 00 CUE POINT BILLIARD BAR ıRıSHPUB Bumnbahçe, Çubuklu CAFEıN imam Adnan Sok. 30, Beyoğlu Tel: 293 57 61 Büyük Parmakkapı Sok. 19, Beyoğlu Tel: 413 68 80 ÇIÇEK BAR (ARIFIN YERIı Abdi ipekçi Cad. 17/1 Nişantaşı Tel: 341 09 36 CHARIOT Maslak Oto Sanayii Tel: 285 27 30 HAYAL KAHVESI Küçükparmakkapı Sok. 27. Beyoğlu Tel: 244 57 43 KAHVESI BUZ BAR HANGAR 2019 ESKI KULIS Atlas Pasajı, Beyoğlu Tel: 243 20 46 ESCOBAR Çalıkuşu Sok, 13, Levent Tel: 281 91 49 EYLÜL Birinci Cadde 23, Arnavutköy Tel: 25711 09 Nispetiye Cad, 50/2 Etiler Tel; 263 60 78 KEMANCı ROCK BAR Sıraselviler Cad. 69/1 Taksim Tel: 251 2723 LECIGAR Neşeli Sok. No;3 4.Levent Tel; 276 86 88 LıFEROOF İstiklal Cad. İmam Adnan Sok. No: 12 Beyoğlu Tel: 244 04 86 MAGMA Akarsu Sok, 5, Galatasaray Tel; 29511 19 FERMUAR Muallim Naci Cad, 120, örtaköy Tel; 227 70 62 FELIÇITA Cevdet Paşa Cad. 342, Bebek Babyîon MANASTRE Dernek Sok, 16, Beyoğlu Tel: 238 09 33 MARINA Tel; 26314 39 Rıhtım Sok 18, Yeşilköy Tel; 574 55 75 FLAMINGO MIĞFER Ataköy Marina TeL661 7604 İstiklal Cad. Adakule yanı Beyoğlu Tel: 292 73 90 KARAFAKI GRAMOFON BAR NISPET Tünel Meydanı 3, Tünel Tel: 293 07 86 Nispetiye Cad. Etiler Tel: 287 27 57 w- ^ w NORTHSHıELDS ŞAZIYE HERA Akaretler Sıraevleri 1/3 Beşiktaş 2591806 Yıldız Posta Cad. 28/1 Gayrettepe Tel: 229 62 63 Kadite Sok, 10 Kadıköy Tel: 346 0413 Alaşehir Blv. Ata 4-Plaza,Ataşetıir TESADÜF LA BARBA Tel: 45614 74 Nispetiye Cad. 49, Etiler Tel: 265 89 98 iskele Sok. 23, Caddebostan Tel:411 9808 AFM Fitaş Beyoğlu Tel: 29211 11 THE WALL Ayhan Işık Sok. 5-A Beyoğlu Kaymakçı Sok. 14, Ortaköy Tel: 23619 03 Tel: 251 1428 TRIBUNAL PUPA Muammer Karaca Çıkmazı 3, Beyoğlu Tel: 240 71 79 PAPIRÜS Birinci Cadde 17/2 Arnavutköy Tel: 265 65 33 VOGUE RIO BRAVO Spor Cad. BJKABlok, Beşiktaş Tel: 227 44 04 NATURELSAMBAR PavlonyaSok. 40, Bahariye Tel: 414 77 66 NORTHSHıELDS iskele Cad. 19 Caddebostan Tel: 36314 31 PANDORA Kadife Sok. 20, Kadıköy istiklal Cad, 303, Beyoğlu ZIHNI & FRIENDS Tel: 292 92 69 Muallim Naci Cad. 119, Kuruçeşme Tel: 25811 54 ROCKHOUSE Dereboyu Cad. 36/38 Ortaköy RUBIN İskele Cad. 8, Üsküdar Tel: 391 8824 Tel: 2591942 SEFAHATHANE Atlas Sineması Pasajı. Beyoğlu SHAFT • ASIAN SIDE ©aıeaccde (0)216 Tel: 251 2245 AMPHORA SHERLOCKHOLMES Bağdat Cad. 474. Suadiye Tel: 355 35 08 Çalıkuşu Sok. 5, Levent Tel: 281 63 72 BOTANıC LOKANTA Bağdat Cad. 304, Caddebostan Tel: 356 38 80 Tepebaşı Meşrutiyet Cad. No: 147 Beyoğlu Tel: 245 5810 GEORGE ŞAMATA : Adnan Saygun Cad. 36, Ulus Tel: 325 47 47 Beykoz Bumn Bahçe Ağaçlı Mesire Yeri G+H Blok Çubuklu Tel: 425 07 21 I Serasker Cad, Osmancık Sok, No: 13, Kadıköy Tel: 349 99 56 TEACHER'S BRITISH PUB Kadife Sok, 1/2 Kadıköy Tel: 414 29 54 TELIS Misbah Muhayyiş Sok, No: 6/3 Kadıköy Tel: 345 87 27 TELEPHONE Kalamış Marina Tel: 414 35 71 Vogue- Cafes are the itidispensable parts of the cultures of the cities. The typical symbol of the cultures that the city forms an identity and language on its own. The cafe alternatives that suit every budget and taste, from the stylish and elite ones, to the modest ones in istanbul. I kinds of tea and coffee, local and imported, can be found in the cafes. Cafe's by the Bosphorous, places where residents of all ages seek refugee. EUROPEAN SIDE ©aeacocts {0)212 ARKA BAHÇE KalebahçeSok.19, Rumelihisarı Tel: 265 38 48 ASSKCAFE Muallim Naci Cad. 170, Kuruçeşme Tel: 265 47 34 ALLSPORTS Çamlık Yolu, Biler Tel: 257 42 99 ARMANı CAFE Maçka Cad. 35, Teşvikiye Tel: 224 44 77 BAOUETTA Küçük Bebek Cad. 6, Bebek Tel: 263 60 64 BEBEK KORU CevdetPaşaCad. 120, Bebek CAFE CıTY CAFECREME CAFE DE PERA Süleyman Saba Cad. 45, Değirmen Sok. 12, Ortaköy Hava Sok. 17/2 Beyoğlu Tel: 249 95 98 Tel: 327 63 63 Tel: 236 9517 CAFE ÇAYDANLıK CAFE CONTACT ıCad.8, İskele Meydanı, Ortaköy Tel: 227 83 69 CAFE DES THEATRES Muallim Naci Cad. 80, Ortaköy Tel: 259 39 90 CAFE DIVAN Tel: 224 97 24 CAFE DE PERA CAFECONTERTO inşirah Yokuşu, Bebek Çıkmazı 1, Nispetiye Cad. 60, Etiler Tel: 287 58 89 Tel: 52710 53 Hollywood Cafe Bebek Cevdet Paşa Cad. 125, Bebek CAFEDU LEVANT Rahmi Koç Sanayi Müzesi, Hasköy Tel: 235 63 28 CAFEFRAPPE Bekar Sok. 21, Beyoğlu Tel: 29315 24 CAFE GRAMOFON Tünel Meydanı 3, Tünel Tel: 293 07 86 CAFE KAFKA BELLA Rumeli Cad. 53/A Nişantaşı Tel: 247 87 26 Yeni Çarşı Cad. 26/1 Galatasaray Tel: 24519 58 CAFE KEYIF BEYOĞLU S A N A T EVI Abdullah Sok. 22/1, Beyoğlu Tel: 252 61 96 Mim Kemal Öke Cad,1/4 Nişantaşı Tel: 225 2019 CAFELEBON CAFE ARA Tosbağ Sok. 8, Galatasaray Tel: 245 45 05 istiklal Cad. 445, Beyoğlu Tel: 252 54 60 A r k a Bahçe Cafe in Rumeli Hisarı is especially the favourite of the youngsters. CAFEM&N istil<lal Gad. 74, Beyoğlu Tel: 244 57 8 They enjoy the fascinating beauties of the B o s p h o r u s in this d r e a m y cafe a m o n g the f l o w e r s and green, w h i l e laying on the c u s h i o n s on the floor, h a m m o c k s and deck chairs. CAFE MAVI Abdi ipekçi Cad. 20, Nişantaşı Tel: 246 51 05 CAFE OPERA Hotel Mercure.Tepebaşı Tel: 251 46 46 CAFEPARK Meşrutiyet Cad. 149, Tepebaşı Tel: 293 62 79 CAFE RENOIR Beyaz Karanfil Cad. 7,3. Levent Tel: 27013 48 CAFE SWISS Köybası Sok. 237, Yeniköy Tel: 2 ¿ 32 77 CAFETANTUNI istiklal Cad. 445, Beyoğlu Tel: 252 42 47 CAFEWIEN Reasürans Çarşısı, Teşvikiye Tel: 231 89 63 CAFE ZANZÍBAR Reasürans Çarşısı, Teşvikiye Tel: 233 80 46 KAHVEDAN PARK CAFE Akarsu Cad. 50, Cihangir Tel: 292 40 30 Akmerkez Etiler Tel: 2821058 KOYU KAHVE PATISSERIE GEZI Çukurcuma, Beyoğlu Tel: 251 77 14 Nispetiye Cad. Petrol Sitesi 7. Blok, Levent Tel: 282 82 20 KÖY CAFE Eyüp Tel: 581 2696 K.V REFIKA istiklal Caddesi, Tünel Tel: 25143 38 MüeyyetSok.11, Tünel Tel: 245 56 52 L E R E R Çukurcuma, Beyoğlu Tel: 245 26 08 LIVING ROOM CAFE FERIYE COOKBOOK Güzelbahçe Sok. 5/2 Nişantaşı Tel: 21913 94 ÇırağanCad.1240rtaköy Tel: 257 89 31 LINAS SANDWICH CAFE HOLLYWOOD CAFE PIERRE LOTı CAFE Holiday Inn Crown Plaza, Ataköy Tel: 560 81 00 ROCK HOUSE CAFE Princess Hotel, Ortaköy Tel: 25911 42 SPORT HOUSE CAFE Pnncess Hotel, Maslak Tel: 285 09 00 TEALOUNGE Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel, Taksim Tel: 231 21 21 Aznavur Pasajı 212 Kat:6 Beyoğlu Tel: 29319 43 Valikonağı Cad. 30, Nişantaşı Tel: 2251212 HOME STORE MANGIA Akmerkez, Etiler Tel: 282 02 53 Ihlamur yolu Sok. Nişantaşı Tel: 230 29 83 Rumeli Cad. 58., Nişantaşı Tel: 234 26 20 TOUCHDOWN ISTASYON CAFE MANHATTAN Ray Sok. 2, Bakırköy Tel: 310 30 40 Güzelbahçe Sok. 14, Nişantaşı Tel: 234 33 79 Abdi ipekçi Cad. 53/11 Teşvikiye Tel: 231 3671 KAFIKA MYOTT BolahenkSok.8, Cihangir Tel: 244 51 76 iskele Sok. 14, Ortaköy Tel: 2589317 TIKINA VAKKOCAFE istiklal Cad. 123-125, Beyoğlu Tel: 251 40 92 Every cuisine also has its cafe in istanbul. The extremely attractive and m o d e r n cafes that serve French, G e r m a n , Italian and even Portuguese-Spanish tastes are no longer f o r e i g n t o the people of i s t a n b u l . VAKKORAMACOFFEE ESKICI Osmanlı Sol<. 13, Taksirm Tel: 251 15 71 Rumeli Cad 80, Osmanbey Tel: 224 40 30 Tulumbacı Asım Sok. 6, Söğütlüçeşme, Kadıköy Tel: 345 76 21 KADIFE CHALET YENI OPERA CAFE Kadife Sok. 29, Kadıköy Tel: 347 85 96 inönü Cad. 73/A Taksim Tel: 245 20 42 KAHVE BAHANE Kadife Sok. 27, Kadıköy Tel: 292 40 30 Dareacode (0)216 LIMONLUK mm istiklal Cad. E Tel: 243 55 30 35 İcadiye Cad. 30, Kuzguncuk Tel: 492 96 44 MADO ANTÍQUECAFE Göksu Cad.1,Anadoluhisarı Tel: 332 24 00 Cemil Topuzlu Cad. Kurukahveci Sok. 9, Fenerbahçe Tel: 360 34 06 PANDORA Kadife Sok. 20, Kadıköy Tel: 346 8814 ART CAFE Bağdat Cad. 174, Selamiçeşme Tel: 359 23 89 BAHÇE & BAHÇE Mektep Sok 7/9 Moda Tel: 338 70 40 CAFE ANTRE Miralay Nazım Sok. Kadıköy Tel: 338 34 83 CAFE & SHOP Miralay Nazım Sok. 35, Bahariye Tel: 337 49 20 ROMANTIKA Fenerbahçe Parkı Tel: 336 97 45 CAFETERAS Bağdat Cad. 312/4 Erenköy Tel: 369 00 37 TRıARDAART Caferağa Mah. 18/1 Moda Tel: 418 02 77 CAFE VIVACE Marks& Spencer içi, Şaşkınbakkal Tel: 467 4213 WHOLLY WOOD CAFE CAFE DEL MONDO CHAKRA WISHNECAFE Bağdat Cad. 495/A,Suadiye Tel: 478 34 91 Çınarlı Sok. 4, Suadiye Tel: 368 21 53 Je) CAFE COGNAC Ogün Sok. 288/A Caddebostan Tel: 386 28 38 Bağdat Cad. 246/B Erenköy Tel: 467 4411 Koşuyolu Cad. 31,Koşuyolu Social Clubs Sports ıs not only connposed of football and basketball. The areas such as tennis, riding, shooting and water sports are also very popular a m o n g the young and old people of istanbul.The possibilities of performing and improving these sports are highly available in istanbul. T h e Color of T h e Life The social life is coloured by clubs now. The social clubs that you can meet your any kind of need, also enable you to have new hobbies. If you wish to satisfy to green, ride, play tennis and golf or enjoy sailing, here is the list of fullfeatured equipped clubs: Water Sports Beneath the Seas Diving Is an ideal sports for those willing to explore the mystery beneath the sea. This sports, many people Interested In, Is as dangerous as exciting It Is. Hence, It Is a must to get trained and experienced for those who are willing to explore the blue depths. The training diving generally begins in the pools and then continues In Marmara, Saros and Ayvalık with accommodated tours. You can also get training on underwater photography salvage diving, yachting, lifeguarding and first aid as well as obtaining diving equipments In these centres and clubs. 9 ~ BALıKADAM AKTIF İskele Çıkmazı 69 81070 Caddebostan/İst Tel: O 216 355 56 Hata! Bilinmeyen anahtar değişkeni. KULÜBÜ SPOR DERNEĞI Eşref Efendi sok. 5/1 Pangaltı-İstanbul Tel: O 212 230 38 39 TURKUAZ BALıKADAM SCUBA YAK-ARGOS DALıŞ MERKEZI EĞITIM MERKEZI Tevfik Erdönmez Sok. No: 22/2 Esentepe/İST Tel: O 212 213 08 57 POSEIDON SUALTı MERKEZI Yıldız cad. 10/A Beşiktaş/İst Tel: 0 212 259 16 06 ISTANBUL DALıŞ OKULU Zuhurat Baba mah. Gençler cad. 36/1 Bakırköy/İst Tel: O 212 570 66 83-570 29 51 BALıKADAMLARı Recep Paşa Cad. Selçuk Apt. U/8 Taksim/İst Tel: 0212 238 51 07/08 MARESDıVıNGCENTER Recep Peker Cad. Varol Sitesi. 44/G Kızıltoprak/İst Tel: O 216 349 53 28 i Tenis One of the favourite sports in recent years is tenis. Actually despite of the fact that we explored this sports a bit late, however we are working hard to compensate. Tennis clubs are providing a wide range of possibilities for the ones to that are interested from beginners' training to tournaments. Riding Riding is an extremely aesthetic sports that is the outcome of the perfect harmony of the horse and the human. Besides being aesthetic, there lies love and trust In the basis of riding. In the riding courses in the various clubs the subjects such as horse care, feeding, riding equipment, beginning of a competition are taught DURUSU PARK BINICILIK KULÜBÜ B. Çekmece (0212) 767 90 38 GALATASARAY BINICILIK KULÜBÜ Maslak (0212) 276 22 93 KEMER ATLı SPOR Kemerburgaz (0212) 239 72 02 SIPAHI OCAĞı KULÜBÜ Maslak (0212) 276 2231 Golf The pleasure of getting rid of stress on green lawn is great Golf, the sports of all ages, invites the ones who want to save their mental and physical 4. LEVENT TENİS KULÜBÜ 4. Levent (0212)279 2710 ISTANBUL TENIS KULÜBÜ istinye (0212)22919 68 TENIS, ESKRIM V E DAĞCıLıK KULÜBÜ 4. Levent (0212) 262 01 68 health. Kemer Golf Kulübü, located at Belgrat Ormanı next to Kemerburgaz, 18km away from İstanbul, is almost testing your golf skills with its 9 hole field. Klassis Golf Kulübü at Silivri, at 65km distance from İstanbul, is the second biggest golf club In the city with its 9 and 18 hole fields. The curing effect of golf sports, described as the harmony of human with the nature and concentration, on human health is determined. KEMER GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Kemerburgaz (0212) 239 77 70 KLASSIS GOLF CLUB Silivri Tel: 0212 748 46 00 Gymnastics, body building, aetiobics One of the most popular ways of getting rid of extra weight and becoming healthy is attending to a gymnasium. There are many alternatives in this area from the most modest ones to the most famous ones. Choose one of them and attend regularly You will see the difference. GYMNASIUM Sports & health club Maslak (0212) 276 8 8 65 KORUKENTGYM Korukent (0212) 2 5 7 26 3 6 VAKKORAMA Taksim ( 0 2 1 2 ) 2 5 1 15 71 THE MARMARA GYM Taksim (0212) 251 46 96 SQUASH Veges Etiler (0212) 257 55 56 Carting Karting was a sports we used to know little about until recent years. But now the number of the carting runways in istanbul has increased a lot. Carting is a starting point for those interested in motorsports. The crating tournaments, including races in various categories, organised by Federation of Automobile Sports, are generally very competitive. It is possible to find various carting tracks in the city. KARTING SPOR KULÜBÜ DERNEĞI Şişli (0212) 233 0 0 4 0 Boat Tours io6 Boat T o u r s Enjoying the Bosphorus on Board İstanbul and Bosphorus are an inseparable couple. Thinking of them separately Is almost Impossible. Even If Its attractiveness remain unchanged during cold winter days, the delight of Bosphorus is another beauty during the summer. You can enjoy the view on the boat that is cruising between the "yali"s lined up on either sides of the Bosphorus, while eating delicious dishes or sipping your drinks. And if there Is moonlight in the dark of the night, a cool night, you can't get enough, Is waiting for you. ADA TURIZM GÜZELCEHISAR 0 2 1 2 2 8 7 52 95 0 2 1 6 4 6 5 3 3 67 PORTAS KAMERA TURIZM 0 2 1 2 6 2 5 61 75 MAVI GEZI TURIZM (0212) 233 0 7 74 DIPATOURVE 0 5 3 2 6 3 6 75 75 YATÇıLıK TOYGAR 0 5 4 2 4 3 3 8 8 51 0212 265 83 83 BOOMERANG DENIZ LÜFERDENIZ TURIZMI TURIZMI VE YATÇıLıK 0216 308 67 40 0 2 1 6 4 6 2 05 56 SWISSOTEL GEZI TEKNESI 0 2 1 2 3 2 6 11 0 0 0 2 1 2 287 8 3 7 0 - 7 1 Shopping in İstanbul N e w world trend in s h o p p i n g : TURKCELL STANBUL SHOPPING FESr ISTAMU'I-, WHCRH SHOrnNG A risrivAi. Istanbul Shopping Fest 2004 is an Istanbul Chamber Of Commerce (ITO), Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TURSAB), Istanbul Municipality and Turkish Hotel Associations (TUROB) initiated tourism project envisioned primordially to support the important mission of establishing Istanbul as a world brand. The fest involves many urban and cultural aspects such as traveling, shopping, entertainment and arts, and envisions to promote the strong economical potential of Istanbul as well as become a yearly awaited event. To increase off-season tourism and further raise its profile as the shopping capital of Europe and Asia, Istanbul will host the Second Annual Istanbul Shopping Fest from Jan.15 through Feb.15, offering a variety of products and services at discounts up to 50 percent throughout the city. Among 5000 participants who joined Istanbul Shopping Fest in 2003, there were the city's best hotels, restaurants and merchants,. The festivity united all retails, platforms and organizations offering consumer products and services under this "istanbul Shopping fest" movement and provided discounts and advantages to multiple consumer segments through adherence to this structure. Given the success of both the test run in 2002 and last year's inaugural shopping festival, the second annual event is expected to receive an overwhelming response in every aspect attracting more participants, domestic tourists from outside of Istanbul and Turks living abroad and foreign visitors as an ideal shopping and cultural escapade during the city's typically slow winter season. Famous for the quality, diversity and value of its goods, Istanbul attracts shoppers from all around the world in search of top quality as well as cheap products. Each and every Istanbul Shopping Fest organization will certainly contribute in consolidating Istanbul's image as a world brand with its successful organization. Everyone is invited to experience such an exclusive festivity in Istanbul! For more information visit www. istanhulshoppingfest. com. Kapaligar§i, the trade centre of the old city, is an authentic shopping centre that suits every taste and budget. Akmerki Shopping in Istanbul Amazing new and old pieces can be f o u n d in the flea markets of İstanbul. One can meet a new thing every day when walking t h r o u g h Sahaflar Çarşısı and Çmaraltı in Beyazıt. istanbul can be visited just for shopping. There is a real variety of brands in the shopping centres opened next to traditional markets and bazaars in Istanbul. The world famous brands are sold much cheaper than the world markets in Istanbul. The best place to begin shopping is the Kapah Çarşı (Grand Bazaar) at he old part of the city. There are more than 4,000 shops in the streets resembling labyrinths. The name of the streets such as Kuyumcular Sokağı (jewellers), Halıcılar Sokağı (carpet sellers), Takkeciler Sokağı reminds the different trade groups that used to work at parts of the Bazaar peculiar to them. This is still, the trade centre of the old city and an authentic shopping area that has something for any taste and budget. Turkish handicrafts, world famous carpets, hand-dyed bright ceramics, copper and brass mirrors and pipes made of meerschaum are lovely souvenirs and presents. The golden jewellery in the welllighted windows dazzles the passers-by. The leather and suede goods of the best quality have very reasonable prices. Rare antiquity can be found in Eski (Old) Bedesten, located in the middle of the Bazaar. Hoping to find a piece remaining from decades ago makes it worthy to stroll around here. Next to Yenicami at Eminönü is the Egyptian Bazaar (Mısır Çarşısı) or the Spice Bazaar takes you to the dreamy world of the East. The attractive smell Cinnamon, cummin, mint, thyme and many other types of herbs and spice spreads in the air. Another point in the old city, Sultanahmet, has also become a shopping area. It is possible to watch the craftsworker and buy their products in Istanbul Sanatları The atmosphere of the distinguished shops in Taksim, IMişantaşı and Şişli is just the opposite of the chaos in the market places. In the shops at İstiklal, Cumhuriyet and Rumeli streets, selling the stylish models made of the high quality textiles of Turkey, you can do your shopping comfortably. To no Çarşısı in Mehmet Efendi Medresesi from the : century and Caferaga Medresesi made by Sinan in the r6^^ century. The Under the vault of the Arasta (the part of the bazaar for the same artisans) of Sultanahmet Mosque creates interesting view and possibility of shopping. The atmosphere of the distinguished shops in Taksim, Nişantaşı and Şişli is just the opposite of the chaos in the market places. In the shops at İstiklal, Cumhuriyet and Rumeli streets, selling the stylish models made of the high quality textiles of Turkey, you can do your shopping comfortably. Wonderful jewellery, delicate bags and shoes are also available. Ataköy Galleria in Ataköy and Akmerkez in Etiler houses branches of the most elegant stores of istanbul. In the Asian part, similar goods are available in Bahariye and Bağdat streets, and Capitol shopping centre. Amazing new and old pieces can be found in the flea markets of istanbul. One can meet a n e w thing every day when walking through Sahaflar Çarşısı and Çmaraltı in Beyazıt. The goods are sold in the wheelbarrows or on the ground clothes on Sundays in the pedlar market between Sahaflar Çarşısı and Kapalı Çarşı (Grand Bazaar). Horhor Çarşısı is full of shops selling furnitures of all ages and quality. The flea markets are open everyday; in Topkapi district, Cihangir Çukurcuma Sokağı (street), Üsküdar - Büyük Hamam Sokağı, Kadıköy - around Çarşı stop, between Eminönü and Tahtakale. W h e n driving towards the upper parts of the Bosphorus on a Sunday, the lively market place between Büyükdere and Sarıyer must be seen. You should ask to sales represantatives if tax free is applicable to the goods. Covered and Open Bazaars The small and attractive Sahaflar Çarşısı that tourists enjoy walking around is located between Kapali Çarşı (Grand Bazaar) and the Sultan Beyazıt Mosque. The Egyptian Market A considerable part of the Yeni Cami Complex is the Egyptian Market (Mısır Çarşısı) or the Spice Market. The name originates from the fact that the market was originally endowed with the Cairo imposts, especially the spices. Although the number has decreased recently, the majority of the loo shops in the market are traditional spice or meze shops. The flower market, fish market, cheese shops and green grocers also talce part in the market. You can taste and buy different kind of cheese from the various parts of Turkey, traditional Turldsh delight, spice and coffee, the fruits and desserts you have never tried such as date, dried fig, oleaster, kuş üzümü, lokma, baldava and tulumba here. Eminönü Meydanı Antique Books Market Sahaflar Çarşısı, a small market of second hand and antique book sellers is located between the Kapah Çarşı (Grand Bazaar) and the Sultan Beyazıt Mosque. In some 20 shops, of which some are really small, there are many books ranging from the classics of Marxism to Turkish and Arabic editions of Koran. Books on the Ottoman history, translation from world literature, old volumes on German Empire wars are some of the things you can come across with in Sahaflar Çarşısı. Open between 8 AM - 7 PM every day except Sunday, Beyazıt Meydanı Passing through the Balık Pazarı (fish market) behind Çiçek Pasajı means experiencing a new adventure' Desserts, fresh fish, the crustácea, very fresh fruits washed and arranged with great care. Galatasaray Fish Market Passing through the Balık Pazan (fish market) behind Çiçek Pasajı means experiencing a new adventure: Desserts, fresh fish, the Crustacea, very fresh finits washed and arranged with great care, delicious sheep cheese, lots of lands of vegetables and a wrigghng crowd without an end. Open between 8 AM -10 PM ever day except Sunday, Galatasaray Sarıyer Fish Market The variety of alternatives in the fish market of Sanyer, located at Bosphorus is astonishing. The ones that cannot help their mouths watering against the appetising look of the stands, can satisfy their delight in the fish restaurants beside the market. The variety of alternatives in the fish market of Sanyer, located at Bosphorus is astonishing. Kapalı Çarşı Kapaligar§i (Grand Bazaar) is an enclianting place. This labyrnth-like complex is completely an Ottoman architectural work. Grand Bazaar Almost a city; founded on 50 streets on an area of I 3 3 6 m 2 , with 4,400 shops, 40 inns, mosques, mescits (small mosques), 19 Turkish baths and fountains, workshops, coffee-houses and pudding shops. As the Turkish names point out, once all kinds of goods were -and actually still is- sold here. It is safer, since it is a covered area, hence has been an ideal place for the shops selling valuables. Everything can be found from souvenirs to copper, jewellery to leather, garments to carpets and kilims, wooden objects to antiquity, tile to glassware, nostalgic accessories, coffee shops to Turkish delight shops. "An extraordinary beehive composed of shops" Mark Twain described Kapalı Çarşı. Only 2,000 of the 4,000 shops are jewellery shops. It is not difficult -but beneficial in fact- to get lost in the biggest covered market of the world, despite of its systematic plan divided into rectangular. A l m o s t a city; founded o n 5 0 streets on an area of 1 3 3 6 m 2 , with 4,400 shops, 4 0 inns, mosques, mescits (small m o s q u e s ) , 19 Turkish baths and fountains, w o r k s h o p s , coffee-houses and pudding shops. The streets are seperated according to the professions Eski Pazar (the Old Bedesten) is full of antiquities that are genuine or good imitations. Silk, cotton, satin and synthetic fabrics can be found in the north-west of the market. The workshops processing gold are at the east section of the market, spread in more than 60 streets. The market, where more than 20,000 people work, is visited by nearly half a million people w h i c h is doubled in the eve of great holidays. By the way. Kapalı Çarşı is just a part of a much greater and open market district, Tahtakale. Tahtakale is on an area that extends from Beyazıt Camii to the shores of Haliç (Golden Horn). The unofficial exchange that determines the daily rate of exchange of gold and foreign currency is here. Kapah Çarşı is a money machine as well as being the greatest show istanbul presents to the tourists. The iron gates are closed bolts are slid every evening. There are not many incidents of robbery in the hundreds of year history of istanbul markets. Open between 8 AM - 7 PM everyday except Sunday, Beyaztt Meydanı Markets Shopping Centres Galleria Shopping centres are the favourite meeting centres among the preferrences of those who wish to find everything at one point. The multifunctional centres gives you the chance to have a break, eat and even enjoy a movie while shopping. Of course, everything you need is in these shopping centres. M e t r o City AKMERKEZ CARREFOUR OLıVıUM Etiler T e l : 0 2 1 2 2 8 2 01 7 0 E-5 Karayolu A n k a r a İstikanneti üzeri E r e n k ö y 0216 416 23 22 Prof. Dr. M u a m m e r Aksoy Cad. N o : 1/1 Zeytinburnu 0212 582 0 0 3 4 ATRIUM Ataköy 0 2 1 2 6 6 U 8 3 3 BAUHAUS E-5 Karayolu İçerenköy GALLERIA PABETLAND Bakırköy-İstanbul 0 2 1 2 5 5 9 95 6 0 B ü y ü k d e r e Cad. 5 7 / 1 M a s l a k 0 2 1 2 2 8 5 21 8 5 M A Ş U K PROFILO ALıŞVERIŞ CARSI E r e n k ö y 2 1 6 - 4 1 6 85 90 M a s l a k 0 2 1 2 2 8 5 05 2 0 CAPITOL MAYADROM ALıŞVERIŞ Tophanelioğlu Cad. Altunizade 2 1 6 - 3 9 1 19 20 MERKEZI Yıldırım G ö k e r Cad. Etiler 212-284 57 06 CAROUSEL METROCıTY ALıŞVERIŞ Halit Ziya Usaklıgil C a d . No:1 3 4 7 1 0 Bakırköy 212 570 8 4 3 4 MERKEZI B ü y ü k d e r e Cad. N o : 1 7 1 , 1.Levent 80620 212-282 49 63 MERKEZI C e m a l Sahir Cad. Mecidiyeköy Tel: 0212 2 1 6 4 4 0 0 TEPENAUTıLUS ALıŞVERIŞ MERKEZI Fatih Caddesi No:1 A c ı b a d e m 3 4 6 5 0 Kadıköy Tel: O 216 339 39 29 Profilo! Istanbul is literally an attraction centre of shopping with its endless colours and alternatives. Street markets promise a few hours full of joy and nostalgia f o r remembering the acquintant smell of that enthusiastic and colourful c r o w d , as well as an economical shopping. Street Markets Street markets (pazar) still create a good alternative for economical shopping. People who generally do their shopping at various stores get astonished when they somehow come across with the prices in street markets located at different neigbourhoods on specific days of the week. The street markets at Ulus on Thursdays, Yeşilköy on Wednesdays, Çukurcuma Kadıköy on Tuesdays are the most popular ones. You can buy the garments of the latest fashion at a reasonable price range. Besides you can meet your needs ranging from clothes to kitchenery, bags and decorative furniture in the street markets at Fatih on Wednesdays, Beşiktaş on Saturdays and Fmdikzade on Fridays. Street markets promise a few hours full of joy and nostalgia for remembering the acquint smell of that enthusiastic and colourful crowd, as well as an economical shopping. Çukurcuma is the neighbourhood of Beyoğlu, famous with the antiquaries. It is the favourite place for the ones seeking very valuable antiquities or buying cheap furniture. Çukurcuma is such a world that you can buy a very cheap and old good as well as paying billions of lira for an antiquity. Visit Çukurcuma to feel the special atmosphere even if you will not buy anything. Which Pazar, where, when? Cuma Pazan Cuma Pazan Cumartesi Pazan Fındıkzade Üsküdar Bakırköy Beşiktaş Friday Friday Saturday Bostancı Pazarı Çarşamba Pazan Bostancı Saturday Wednesday Fatih Wednesday Yeşilköy Pazan Yeşilköy Wednesday Çarşamba Pazan Pazar Pazarı Pazartesi Pazarı Ihlamur Küçükçekmece Bahçelievler Wednesday Perşembe Pazarı Perşembe Pazan Etiler Merter Perşembe Pazarı Perşembe Pazarı Perşembe Pazan Erenköy Ulus Suadiye Kadıköy/Söğütlüçeşme Cumartesi Pazarı Salı Pazarı Sunday Monday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Tuesday One of the other popular trends of recent years is wearing second hand garments. The number of the followers of this style is increasing, especially among the marginal. It Is an economical and original style. What do you think? If you are Interested in "second hand", we listed the necessary addresses. BISIKLET M Y N A M E Galatasaray Erenköy 0216 3 8 5 8 4 0 9 0212 2 4 9 4 7 6 8 CAV'S Moda0216 3 3 0 4 2 67 GARDEROBE Beyoğlu 0 2 1 2 2 4 3 4 8 68 ORTOBELLO Beyoğlu 0212 2 4 5 4 9 05 Culture and Art İstanbul that accustomed to "the universal culture" The come and goes of the most famous artists of the world are no longer "sensational events" for the people of İstanbul; because İstanbul has a determining role in "the universal culture circulation." Istanbul has taken its place among the main cultural capitals of the world. Not so long, some 20-25 years ago, Istanbul used to be all over the place v^^hen a foreign artist came. This famous guest used to be the focus of the public opinion. All the columns and cameras used to be directed to that person. Even the most serious columnists could not help mentioning "the sensational visit." It has changed now. The visits of the most popular, the most distinguished, the most famous singers, stars and groups are simply not m u c h "sensational" for Istanbul. Because, Istanbul has taken its place among "the main cultural capitals" of the world such as Paris, Rome, N e w York, Vienna and London. Istanbul, with its cultural/historical/natural riches that the whole humanity admires, is "an open air museum." Its giant surface area and population, whether they want or not, is taking Istanbul next to the main megapolises of the world. W i t h all these "plus" and "minus" qualities, istanbul is an an open air m u s e u m with its unique cultural, historical and natural riches that the whole humanity admires. istanbul is certainly a "world city" and "city of culture" today... The population of istanbul is a very interesting mosaic. People from all social groups are represented in this city. The immigration rush from all parts of Turkey has brought istanbul to be "the synthesis of this country." It is hard to say that "the education and culture level" is at the same level with western cities, in the demography. But the "intelligentsia" of is strong enough to be dominant in the cultural life of the city. Or, "the intellectuals of istanbul" are not only in "art/literature areas", they are represented in many areas. For instance, most of "the businessmen at the top" are the active elements of this "intelligentsia." istanbul is organizing most of the festivals that has universal prestige owing to their efforts. Besides, istanbul has gained many of the cultural complexes that evoke admiration by the "culture and art foundations" they estabhshed. Briefly; The very strong "intelectual consensus" of istanbul in terms of quality has accomplished the mission to take this city among "the universal culture capitals" with a great success, istanbul has taken its place among "the world cities that could assimilated universal culture" despite of its mixed demographic structure by the efforts of its intellectuals. Most of "the businessmen at the t o p " are the active elements of this "intelligentsia." istanbul is organizing most of the festivals that has universal prestige owing to their efforts. Art galleries with great ambition, bookstores and artcafes have become c o m m o n places in Istanbul. Ibrahim Çal Today, culture is a part of the daily life in istanbul. Even the people at the "average" cultural level can not be out of the cultural activities. Culture, in daily life Today, culture is a part of the daily life in istanbul. Even the people at the "average" cultural level can not be out of the cultural activities. W e can watch the movies that are in vision at the same time with America and Europe, while enjoying the technologies such as the "Dolby Full-Stereo" in comfortable seats at the multi-salon cinemas. Art galleries with great ambition, bookstores and art-cafes have become common places in istanbul. The names of the western cities such as Paris Rome, London, New York could create the association of a "Pantheon" even in an intellectual's mind some 20-25 years ago. In other words, we used to consider these cities as "culture-art temples." ' W h y can not istanbul be such a city?" we used to lament, istanbul has shown such a dynamic during the past years that, it even left some of those "Pantheons" behind in terms of universal artistic activities, istanbul has literally accustomed to famous western artists, whose visit would be considered as a miracle some 20-25 years ago. The biggest "stars" of the world are coming to international cinema, classical music and jazz festivals. Massive A t t a c k The interest to their concerts and recitals are of course very much. The tickets are sold out immediately. However, except from this interest that has completely "artistic and aesthetic" qualities, these "famous guests" are not in the focus of the pubhc opinion. Their visits do not create "sensations" but considered to be "normal." Only the "culture-art section" of the printed and visual media is interested in them with an academic point of view. They just give their concerts and go. Sultans of the Dance has achieved a first in Turkey in terms of practising the folk dances in m o d e m music f o r m s . The s h o w that the spectatir shoed great interest is going on a w o r l d tour... The preferred city istanbul is "a preffered city" in terms of international art activities. This is because the art-lovers of İstanbul are respectful to the art and the artist. The famous performance artists feel themselves very comfortable in İstanbul concerts. Because the audience is very well aware of "the rituel of watching an artistic performance." The artist knows that he or she v^ll not come across with a impudent or disrespectful behaviours. It is the same for the international picture galleries, biennials and visual activities. Neither the spectator nor the critic leave their "respectful attitude against the artist." Hence the myths of traditional pop-rock genres, giants of jazz, contemporary legends of classical western music are always in İstanbul, on the stage. The preferred city. İstanbul is "a preferred city" in terms of intemational art activities. To sum up; İstanbul is a city that can add compassion next to its giant size in terms of living area and population, and sailing to assimilate the universal culture while "welcoming" it v^th utmost hospitality: a "world city"... In this case, it deserves to be called "universal culture capital" A scene f r o m Bolshoi Ballet Bostancı Gösteri Merkezi The cultural activities in İstanbul are intensified especially in Beyoğlu district in Istanbul. Cultures Centers Merkezi Tel: 346 51 0 9 - 3 4 8 80 7 2 Aksanat Bulunmaz Kültür Merkezi Rıfat İ l g a z K ü l t ü r M e r k e z i TeL(0212)2523500(4hat) Tel: (0212) 251 8 5 23 Tel: 293 23 9 8 - 9 9 Goethe Enstitüsü (Alman C e m a l Reşit R e y K o n s e r Tarık Zafer T u n a y a Kültür Kültür Merkezi) Salonu Merkezi Tel: (0212) 249 20 09 249 45 82 Tel: (0212) 248 0 8 63 Tel: Evin S a n a t G a l e r i s i Yapı Kredi K ü l t ü r M e r k e z i Altunizade Kültür Merkezi Tak H a m a m Sk. 12/1 Tel: Tel: 333 65 28 The Italian Cultural Centre Müjdat G e z e n S a n a t Bostancı Tel: (0216) 3 8 4 72 10 Artmosfer Sanat Köybası C a d . P a r k A p t . 2 7 4 Yalılar Yeniköy Tel: (0212) 223 13 14 Bebek Y u n u s E m r e Kültür v e S a n a t Merkezi Fransız Kültür Merkezi Tel: Taksim TeL: (0212) 249 07 76 İngiliz K ü l t ü r H e y e t i Hacı E m i n Efendi S k . - Tel: (0212) 252 7 4 7 4 - 7 8 37/5 Nişantaşı İspanyol Kültür Merkezi A t a t ü r k K ü l t ü r Evi Tel: 3 9 0 40 19 İstanbul S a n a t Merkezi Tel: (0212) 256 3 7 51 - 2 3 5 14 99 Tel: (0212) 251 56 0 0 - 2 4 3 3 2 61 Tel: İ s t a s y o n S a n a t Evi 252 9 2 22 Tel: Beşiktaş Kültür Merkezi Beşiktaş Japon Enformasyon ve Tel: (0212) 260 11 56 Tel: Tel: ( 0 2 1 6 ) 3 4 9 91 5 5 - 5 6 B i l s a k Bilim S a n a t K ü l t ü r Kurumu 243 28 79 243 28 99 Tel: hat Kültür Merkezi Tel: 558 89 83 Cinemas Altunizade Capitol: 3 1 0 06 16 Ataköy P r e s t i g e Galeria İtalyan K ü l t ü r M e r k e z i TeL: 223 7 8 4 3 - 4 4 Beksav 661 19 41 / 2 Zeytinburnu Atatürk Tel: (0212) 225 20 99 Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Avusturya KültürMerkezi hat) 293 08 25 Tel: (0212) 2 6 4 81 5 8 Valikonağı C a d . Tel: (Ü2Î2İ 233 8 5 2 8 293 12 70 (2 293 98 4 8 KültürMerkezi 293 3 2 49 Kadıköy Belediyesi Kültür v e S a n a t Merkezi Tel: 360 90 95 K a r t a l H a s a n Ali Y ü c e l Kültür Merkezi Tel: 353 3 7 78 Tel: 560 72 66 Ataköy Atrium Tel: 559 80 63 Ataköy Y u n u s e m r e Tel: 661 3 8 94 Avcılar S t a n d a r d : Tel: 6 9 5 3 6 4 5 Bahçelievler Holidayplex Tel: 575 29 52 The artistic and cultural life in istanbul is extremely c o l o u r f u l . M a n y activities s u c h jazz concerts, f i l m s , picture exhibitions, happenings, theatre festivals, art biennial f o r m the cultural perspective of the city. Kadıköy Atlantis: 336 22 06 As: 336 00 50 Bahariye: 4 1 4 3 5 0 5 Brodway: 345 14 81 H a k a n : 337 96 3 7 Hollywood: 3 3 8 90 7 6 Kadıköy: 337 01 28 Moda: 3 3 7 01 2 8 Ocak: 336 3 7 71 R e x x : 3 3 6 01 12 Süreyya: 336 06 8 2 Kartal Kartal: 386 0 6 1 6 Kozyatağı Cinepol: 3 6 2 51 00 Levent Movieplex: 284 3 0 0 4 Ç e v r e R a d y o : 105.7 Tel: 241 04 62 H B B F M : 93.3 Tel: 281 4 8 00 H ü r F M : 92.6 Tel: 232 21 21 İ s t a n b u l F M : 106.0 Tel: 326 86 96 İTÜ R a d y o s u : 103.8 Tel: 285 36 96 J o y F M : 100.5 Tel: 697 98 46 Karadeniz FM:98.2 Tel: 266 33 3 3 Maltepe Grandhouse: 4 4 2 60 3 0 Maslak A F M Princess: 285 0 6 95 Mecidiyeköy Cineplex Odeon: 216 3 7 90 Nişantaşı Movieplex: 219 09 60 Ortaköy Feriye: 236 28 64 A F M Princess: 236 2 0 7 2 Bakırköy Avşar: 583 A6 0 2 A F M Carousel: 571 83 8C İncirli: 572 6Ü 3 9 Renk: 572 18 63 S i n e m a 74: 572 0 4 M Beylikdüzü The German Cultural Centre M e t a F M : 105.6 Tel: 2 5 2 79 55 N u m b e r O n e F M : 102.5 Tel: 503 87 14 P o w e r F M : 100.0 Tel: 252 8 6 9 4 - 9 5 R a d y o C o n t a c t : 91.1 Pendik Güney: 3 5 4 1 3 8 8 Oscar: 390 0 9 69 Tel: 227 42 92 Silivri Maxi Parlıment: 736 01 60 Tel: 502 95 77 Suadiye Cinemax: 467 4 4 67 Movieplex: 411 90 61 Şişli R a d y o S p o r t : 107.2 Radyo F o d e k s : 95.3 Tel: 215 53 26 R a d y o m e g a : 103.6 Tel: 614 46 56 Radyo 2019:96.2 Kent: 241 6 2 03 Tel: 281 91 6 1 / 2 6 9 3 3 17 Teşvikiye A F M E r i c s o n : 2 2 4 0 5 05 A F M Migros: 852 01 90 Topkapı Sur: 523 6 7 1 2 Beyoğlu A k a d e m i istanbul: 251 74 84 Alkazar: 293 24 66 Atlas: 252 85 76 Beyoğlu: 251 3 2 4 0 E m e k : 293 8 4 3 9 A F M Fitas: 249 93 61 Lale: 249 25 24 Pera: 251 3 2 4 0 Sinepop: 251 11 76 Çemberlitaş Şafak: 516 26 60 Ciftehavuzlar Büyük Klüp: 355 25 6 2 Ümraniye A F M Princess: 461 03 8 2 Belediye: 443 66 4 6 Radyo 3 4 : 9 6 Tel: 326 86 67 Radyo B l u e : 94.5 T e l : 697 70 26 Radyo Klas:98.7 Tel: 503 87 14 R a d y o D: 104.0 Radios Tel: 215 51 88 S h o w Radyo: 89.9 Açık Radyo: 94.9 Tel: 296 23 89 Tel: 285 12 60 A k r a F M : 107.6 Tel: 3 2 6 28 80 Tel: 698 49 13 B a k ı r k ö y F M : 92.2 Tel: 561 36 88 S ü p e r F M : 90.8 TRTFM:91.^ Tel: 231 12 00 Etiler A F M A k m e r k e z : 282 05 05 A F M Cinemaya: 284 57 06 B a l i n s F M : 106.8 Tel: 326 74 62 P a r l a m e n t : 263 18 3 8 B a y r a m p a ş a F M : 104.8 Tel: 576 6 1 ' l 9 Florya Prestige: 663 2 8 86 BestFM:98.A Tel: 280 4 4 3 4 Gaziosmanpaşa Cinemass: 587 50 62 Burç F M : 88.8 Tel: 3 4 4 86 58 Harbiye As: 247 63 15 Kiss F M : 90.3 Tel: 502 95 88 The French Cultural Centre Can F M : 89.5 Tel: 881 50 50 Ü s k ü d a r F M : 101.3 Tel: 391 03 3 4 VeysFM:87.7 Tel: 326 74 55 Voice of A m e r i c a : 92.8 Tel: 288 50 83 Y a ş a m Radyo: 92.3 Tel: 231 41 31 Istanbul, the dty offestimls M e r c e d e s Sosa Istanbul is a city of festivals besides its thousands of years ofpast. Classical music fans, jazz lovers, operas, operettas, ballets, movies, exhibitions and conferences add new colours to the cultural structure of the city. In Istanbul, muny festivals are organized; in which the most famous and successful artists of the world come and present their works in exhibitions and shows. Malia Festivals, organised since 1973 by Istanbul Kültür ve Sanat Vakfi (Istanbul Culture and Art Foundation), have taken many awards such as ''the best festival organization of Europe." These festivals, organised by professional teams each have achieved many projects successfiiUy in their own areas, meet the expectations of and please the national and international guests. 124 International İstanbul Film Festival involves the activities such as the projection, discussion and conversation with the directors of the important and rare films of the world cinema d u r i n g April every year. istanbuj The great city of Istanbul is presenting at its whole spectrum. International İstanbul Film Festival The Istanbul Intemational Film Festival, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, was first realized in the Summer of 1982, within the frame of the Intemational Istanbul Festival as a "Film Week" of six films. The theme of the films participating in the Festival was limited to "Arts and the Movies", to keep the event within the context of the Intemational Istanbul Festival. In 1983 the event was realized under the title of "Istanbul Filmdays", taldng place throughout the Festival. That year 36 films were presented to the film lovers within a span of a month. Beginning from 1984, the event gained an identity as a separate activity; it was shifted to the month of April and 44 films from 16 countries were screened. In 1985, two competitive sections, one being national and the other intemational, were included in the festival program. The Intemational Competition section of the program consisted of films having the theme of "arts and artists" which were evaluated by an intemational jury, and the best film received the "Golden Tulip Award". As for the National Competition, a national jury evaluated the participating Turkish films and chose the film to receive "Eczacıbaşı Foundation the Best Film of the Year Award". The Festival, which showed a steady growth from the days of its establishment, aimed "to encourage the development of cinema in Turkey, to help Turkish Cinema to attain intemational recognition and to promote the films of quality in the Turkish market". In the following years. The Istanbul Intemational Filmdays firmly established its position by screening 69 feature films in r985, 78 in 1986, ro3 in 1 9 8 7 , 1 1 4 in 1988 and took its place among the major "Uzak"- Nuri Bilgi Ceylan, International İstanbul Film Festival's winner. film festivals of the world not only with the great nmnber of films shown but also with the quality and the versatility of its program. International İstanbul Music Festival, 1972, is the oldest international of İstanbul. At the beginning of 1989 the event was recognized as "a competitive speciahzed festival" by FIAPF (Intemational Federation of Film Producers Associations) and was accredited as one of the eminent film festivals of the world. Parallel to this development, "Istanbul Filmdays" was renamed as "Istanbul Intemational Film Festival". Beginning from 1996, "Lifetime Achievement" and "Honorary" Awards began to be presented to local and intemational cinéastes, actors and actresses such as Robert Wise, Türkan Şoray, Gillo Pontecorvo, Michelangelo Antonioni, Claude Sautet, Elia Kazan, Peter Greenaway, Istvan Szabo, Muhterem Nur, Faruk Kenç, Bertrand Bher, Jerry Schatzberg ve Abbas Kiarostami, to name a few. Since the beginning of the Festival, a total of 2.065.000 spectators attended the screenings of 2.330 films from 72 different countries. 23th Istanbul Intemational Film Festival 10-2S April 2003 International İstanbul Theater Festival The ainfi of the Festival is not only to present the finest examples of the international and Turkish theatre t o the audience and critics, but also to give young theatre students and professionals the opportunity to improve their profession by realising w o r k s h o p s , conferences and exhibitions. Each year the International/ Istanbul Theatre Festival attracts an audience more than 20.000 people. Theatre performances used to be a part in the programme of the Intemational Istanbul Festival, f r f. ^ ^ » ^ ' ' organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts since 1973. By 1989 theatre performances gained an independed identity and the new event was named 'The Intemational Istanbul Theatre Festival'. Every year, The Intemational Istanbul Theatre Festival includes in its programme the finest examples of classical and experimental theatre, dance/ physical theatre, music theatre, theatrical concerts. From its start until today, the finest examples of national/ intemational Groups, artists and productions participated in the Festival. Since 1997 the Intemational Theatre Festival presents two "Honorary Awards" to one intemational and one Turkish theatre personalities for their lifetime achievment in the field of performing arts. The awards are presented each year during the opening ceremony of the festival. In the last few years the Intemational Istanbul Theatre Ferstival started to print its name under significant Turldsh and intemational productions as a coproducer. The intention of the Festival is to improve this attempt in future as far as conditions alow. 14th Intemational Istanbul Theatre Festival May 2004 International istanbul Music Festival International Ìstanbul Music Festival, 1972, is the oldest international of Istanbul. The festival brings the greatest names of the world and the country together during JuneJuly period every year. The festival, almost turning to be the official parade of the famed, gains another importance with the galas of many albums. The festival has hosted the most important artists and groups of the world for 28 years in istanbul such as; New York Philarmony, Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, Alban Berg Quartet, Tokyo String Quartet, Aldo Ciccolini, Itzhak Perlman, Julian Lloyd Webber, Mischa Maisky, Christopher Parkening, Montserrat Caballé. The festival is also an intermediary that brings Turkish Turkish conductors and groups with the foreign artists on the same stage: Kronos Quartet and Burhan Öçal (2000). The special project in 1999 was staging. That was performed at Haghia Eirene Museum for the first time in the world in the 27th International istanbul Music Festival by the long time efforts of Fabio Biondi, a violinist, conductor and musicologist. Marianne Faitfull 32nd International Istanbul Music Festival June 4-July 1, 2004 Fazıl Say International İstanbul Jazz Festival Jazz fans in Turkey, will most readily remember the 8th of July 1984. On that very day, hearing that Chick Corea and Steve Kujala were going to give a concert in Atatürk Cultural Centre as part of the istanbul Festival, they had raided the box offices, and tickets were immediately sold out. On the day of the concert there was an unprecedented crowd outside the ACC, and many people missed it as there were no tickets left. Chick Corea made his own surprise at the end of the concert when he brought Gayle Moran on stage. This unforgettable concert was the beginning of things to come. It was a reminder that jazz should occupy a bigger part in the istanbul Festival, and that the musical spectrum of the Festival should be extended to cover many other musical styles. As years went by the emphasis on jazz in the istanbul Festival increased. The first real rock concerts in istanbul were held in the Open-Air Theatre as part of the İstanbul Festival program. The number of concerts under the heading of jazz, rock and pop grew in number every year. Then the line was crossed in 1988 and the legendary Miles Davis presented unforgettable musical feasts in the Open-Air Theatre three nights in a row. He was followed by Dizzy Gillespie, the Modem Jazz Quartet, Stan Getz, Omette Coleman and many others. As the years went by," jazz" also went beyond the limits of its literal meaning, and the Board of Directors of the istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts annoimced that the ist Intemational istanbul Jazz Festival was to be held as a separate event. The festival was planned to be an activity embracing concerts of many styles of music in addition to jazz; like rocl<:, pop, blues, reggae, new age, etc. It would surpass the boundaries of the concert sites, and question the boundary separating the people who produce music from those who consimie it. In short, it would be more than a series of concerts. The result has been seven years of success with over 250 concerts by hundreds of performers and guest artists at ten different venues and clubs... A jubilant festival taldng place in the very heart of the city! 10th Intemational Istanbul Jazz Festival July 4 - 20, 2003 International İstanbul Biennial The istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts has been organising art events for twenty four years in the fields of classical music, jazz, film, theatre and visual arts to start a dialogue between the Turldsh art world and intemational art circles. Since 1987, İFCAhas pioneered an intemational Biennial which aims at establishing an open-ended intemational visual art exchange between artists from different cultures. Through the four biennials that İFCA has organised, the opportunity for the development of an intemational cultural network has been secured not only for the Turldsh art scene but also for the intemational artists, curators and art critics. September-November period every two years. From the ist Intemational Istanbul Biennial held in 1987, Istanbul becamehost to intemationally known artists such as Bmce Nauman, Tony Oursler, Ilya Kabal<:ov, Sarlds, Nam June Paik, Sigmar Polke. There were special exhibitions from Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Germany, USA, England and Yugoslavia. Turkish artists, galleries and collectors also participated. With the 4th Biennial, directed by Fulya Erdemci, the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts started a new and contemporary approach in curatorial systems, allowing the artistic director to make the selection of all the artists and to lead the exhibition to a statement of its own through the critical dialogue between the art works. The Artistic Director of the 4th Biennial, René Block, invited artists who produced works in accordance with the concept of the exhibition: "ORIENT/ATION, The Vision of Art in a Paradoxical Worid", and his selection of artists focused especially on the intemational diaspora of artists. With the participation of 1 1 9 artists from 47 countries in the exhibition, Istanbul became the centre of attention for the intemational art circles. 8th Intemational Istanbul Biennial 20 September - 16 November 2003 Curator: Dan Cameron The Biennials take place at different historical places of Istanbul as the Feshane, Hagia Eirene M u s e u m , Yerebatan Cistern, one of the adjunct buildings of the Süleymaniye Mosque and also a former customs warehouse by the Bosphorus named Antrepo I used as exhibition sites. International Istanbul Biennial has the quality of being the festival, which artists and art lovers that wish to experience the variety, the colourful atmosphere and all branches of the art at one point await with great excitement during Vacation Evasions Aya Yorgi, where people of all religions gather for wishing and praying on the certain days at Buyukada that is decorated with the monasteries and churches on its hills. The Princes' Isles ^ T p ^ along one of its old names from the exiled princes and I the other from the monies that prefer here to retire into _•_ seclusion, now they are now simply called The Princes' Isles (Adalar) -it used to be Papadonissia-, perhaps the qualities that had formed their former names are the matter of history now. Kmahada, Burgazada, Ka^ilcadasi, Heybeliada, Biiyiilcada, Sedefadasi are the islands that are lined parallel to the shore. The majority of their population are minorities such as Armenian, Greek, Jewish and recently Syrian Christians. Tav§anadasi, Yassiada and Sivriada are located further behind. It is imclear whether it ever used to be so, but the ferries to the islands (ada vapuru) are no longer so pompous as mentioned in the lyrics of a Turldsh song. Especially the ones prefer the weekend must be ready for a noisy joumey dripping with sweat, due to the crowd. Thus it is recommended to prefer the worldng days of the week and spring or autumn. On the other ' hand, Adalar is still a wonderful, almost without any alternative for the tastes of nostalgia such as brealdasts with Easter calce, walldng with your lover on "amildar yolu" (the lovers' road), renting a boat in the full moon for phosphorescence tours in the sea, showing yourself in the evenings around the port, watching the movies in the open air cinema while eating sunflower seed, drinking wine accompanied by delicious "meze"s in a fish restaurant; picnics with rala in the tea-glass, pajamas and swing. The Princes' Isles is an area where the natura is best preserved in istanbul. Büyükada Büyükada; the island of monies retired into seclusion, the centre of Adalar district, the biggest of the nine islands is a big island as its Turldsh name refers, famous with being a land where people of all religions gather for wishing and praying on the certain days at the monasteries and churches decorating its hills, drinlc Aya Yorgi (St. George) wines and where there are no motor vehicles if you ignore the ones "official use" whose number has increased up to the limits of patience recentiy, with its pavilions, Anadolu Kulübü, hundreds of phaetons, thousands of bicycles with plate numbers. The five and twelve Idlometer phaeton tours are the easiest and the most enjoyable way of exploring Büyül<:ada. Those who have never tried the phaeton before, must definitely try it once. Another way as enjoyable as this one is renting a bicycle from one of the "rent-a-bilce"s you can find in the islands. The only altemative left for those who do not want the former ways is walldng. Especially, the walks up to Aya Yorgi through the historical pavilions with well-cared gardens are recommended. There are nine Greek-Orthodox, an Armenian and a Latin churches as weU as a Jewish synagogue. There are extremely nice picnic areas, countryside restaurants with magnificent panorama, fish restaurants and beaches you can swim. Apart from the political personalities such as Trotslcy, one of the main leaders of the Soviet Revolution, once housed the people of literature lilce Reşat Nuri Günteldn and Halikamas Balıl<:çısi; Büyülcada the exile place of "ex" rulers that were dethroned and princes who lust after the throne, place of monies retired into seclusion has been the centre of an extremely colourful social life over a century due to the close interest of artists, politicians and high society as well as carrying on its quality of being a shelter for the dwellers and guests of istanbul where they can have a rest, despite everything. You can go to Büyükada by ferry from Sirkeci, Kadıleöy and Kartal; and by ferry and sea bus from Kabataş and Bostancı. Big motorboats also have a shuttie service from Kartal and Bostancı in the weekends during summer. The List ferry (vapur) from Büyükada to Sirkeci is at 8.30 PM during the working days and 9.30 PM in the weekends. The List ferry to Bostancı is at 11.30 PM everyday. One of the inseperable pieces of the urban texture are the ferry quays. One of the m o s t beautiful of the artistic quays is that of Büyükada's which was built in the latter half of the 19th century and which has been restored t o house Cafe Turing for those w h o want to take a good rest on the Isle. Büyükada, in the shade of wooden mansions away f r o m the noise of the city. Due to its flora and atmosphere resembling Mediterranean climate, Heybeliada is a place that m u s t be visited during winter, not only s u m m e r ; but certainly during spring and fall. Burgaz has gained its fame with Sait Faik. There is a statue of Sait Faik at the port. Heybeliada A marriage under the comet Heybeliada that had housed the important personalities of Turkish Hteratur such as Ahmet Rasim, Esat Mahmut Karakurt, and Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpmar, is the second biggest island in Adalar. The green coverts, shore and beaches, pretty architecture are the leading qualities that make the island popular. Heybehada, the oldest known name is Domonissos (Demon Isles), has a very old and colourful story dating back to 2,500 BC. Due to its flora and atmosphere resembling Mediterranean chmate, Heybeliada' is a place that must be visited during winter, not only summer; but certainly during spring and fall, like the rest of the islands. The splendid monasteries of Heybeliada are famous. One of them is Aya Triada, first turned into Greek Orthodox School of Theology, then into the Greek Highschool for Boys, with a director but without any students. Aya Nikola Church (St. Nicholas) and Terk-i Dünya Monastery (meaning, leaving the world) with its sad name are the others. The current name comes from its "profile" when looked from the sea (Heybehada means -the island with a- saddlebag). Its full moon is as beautiful as being the theme of songs and poems. The last ferry from Heybeliada to Sirkeci is at 8.40 PM during the working days and 9.25 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to Bostancı is at 11.40 PM everyday. Burgazada The castle of Sait Faik The smallest, thus the prettiest of the islands. The name during the Byzantine period was Antigone, coming from a castle built by one of the generals of Alexander the Great. Its current name is similar, Burgaz means castle. Burgazada is calmer than the other islands. The island that has a width and length of 2km, used to be Greek vülage, before Turks began settling down here after the second half of the 1 8 ^ ^ century. The only hill of the island, Bayrak Tepesi (170m) or Hristos with its old name, has a beautiful view for those who does not get tired and climb. Burgaz has gained its fame with Sait Faik. There is a statue of Sait Faik at the port. The house where the story writer used to live, can be visited at Burgaz Çayırı Sokak, no: 1 5 , between 9 A M 1 2 PM and 2 PM - 5 PM during the working days. It can be visited until i PM on Saturdays and is closed on Sundays. If you visit Burgazada, you must definitely go to Kalpazankaya countryside restaurant. You will see a dazzling sun set especially in September and October. The last ferry from Burgazada to Sirkeci is at 8.SS PM during the working days and 9.55 PM in the weekends. The last ferry to Bostancı is at 11.55 PM everyday. Kinaliada The melancholia of voluntary exiles The first stop of a journey towards Adalar is Kmaliada. That is why its name during Byzantine period is Proti, in other words First. The current name, Kmali (henna-coloured) comes from the colour of its soil with plenty of ferric oxide. It is so small that, phaetons are not used in the island, because you can walk from one side to the other in half an hour. Kmaliada is suştable only for excursions, because there is no hotel in the island. Ayazma restaurant or Ayazma Beach is the only place you can swim in the sea or pool. Kirkor Lusaroviç Armenian Church, Panagia and Khristos monasteries must certainly be seen with their magnificent architectures. Burgazada is calmer than the other islands. The island used to be a Greek village, before Turks began settling d o w n . The last ferry f r o m Kmaliada to Sirkeci is at 9.10 p m during the working days and 10.10 p m in the weekends. The last ferry to Bostancı is at 00.10 am everyday. Kilyos The blue gate to the Black Sea One of the northern gates of Istanbul opening to the sea is Kilyos. Kilyos is a place preferred for swimming, eating fish and having picnic, walldng barefoot on the long beaches and staying alone in the shelter bays for a while by the residents of Istanbul. Road to Kilyos, occasionaly passing through Belgrat Ormanlan, is worth to have frequent breaks for enjoying the meal grilled on brazier or trout cooked on tiles served in the countryside restaurants here. There are good restaurants in Kilyos as well as markets where you can meet your any Idnd of need for daily trips. It is a good idea having spent a different weekend at Kilyos before it is completely occupied by villaciries. The Rumeli Lighthouse (Rumeli Feneri) Şile The wild flower of the north Şile is a typical summer resort whose known history dates back the 7^^ century BC with its booth fish restaurants you The Rumeli Lighthouse can find various kinds of fish, festivals, artists, long and (Rumeli Feneri) golden beaches, giant rocks, famous fabric used for stylish is very a typicalfishertown and light garments. Ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine and taking its namefrom the lighthouse that was built by Ottoman civihsations had passed from this small town by the French during Crimean leaving their particular traces. Şile war. With its booth fish had been an outpost for these restaurants, scenic picnic areas, angry sea, beach and civilisations against the dangers that ^Jy. rocks, it is ideal for a weekend would come from the Black Sea. ruled by silence and peace. A fortress, built for this purpose by the Byzantine, still exists, though in ruins. A mark left by the Ancient Greek is the name: Şile means wild flower in Ancient Greek. It is possible to come across with hidden cave churches and religious structure in the adjacent villages. Polonezköy For evasive vacations There is always a suitable alternative of accommodation in Polonezkoy, where the first Polonezlcöy is a land where traditional village life, respect for pensions of Turkey appeared, nature and green still rule with persistence next to the for almost every budget '^modem^Me in Istanbul. According to Çelik Gülersoy, whether you c o m e for a day or for a few days during the Polonezköy is "a close and attractive school that taught Istanbul the weekend. concept of cleanfamily pension in a village house." Even the increasing number of the guests in recent years could have changed the clean air, the cherry that has festivals organised for, the butter, the honey, the cheese which is very rare, the sincerity of the pensions changed from old village houses of this "village'called 'the magical land' by the first owners of the area. There is always a suitable alternative of accommodation in Polonezköy, where the first pensions of Turkey appeared, for almost every budget whether you come for a day or for a few days during the weekend. Sleeping in silence, long walks in the nature after an excellent brealdast, having a tea breal<: in a village house as lovely as the ones in the primary school books, listening to the story of these lands from an old Polish -if left any, cleaning your bronchus that got full of exhaust smoke with an oxygen bath, staying away from noise and visual pollution for a while, stopping the time a bit and to be purified; these are what this village founded by Polish immigrants two centuries ago presents to its guests. There are a few places you can see their authentic architecture and taste special dishes. Take your hammock, walldng and jogging shoes, your bike if you have, and of course the book you could not finish ever, and a bag to put all these in with you. Who Imows, may be you try to riding, playing tennis for the first time. For those who want to battie, there is even a paintball club. Go, stay and live this original village before Istanbul suffocates it, where it owes a "colour". You will like it. Kadıköy is the major district of the Anatolian side. Megarians were Kadıköy's first settlers and BC 675 is accepted as its establishment date according to the Greek sources. Some historical sources claim Phoenicians were the first settlers w h o called the area as Chalcedony. Other side of the sea Istanbul is a matchless city on earth with its imique characteristic of setting the two continents apart. The Bosporus which passes right through the middle of the city also borders the continents of Asia and Europe from each other. Asian side incorporating the eastern part of the city is a region which embraces many surprises worth seeing although they are out of the travelers' routes. Asian side, which is called as Anatolian side as well, offers more peaceful life to its residents when compared to the other side of the city. Less cosmopolite nature and more established neighborhoods constitute the major reason of preference to reside here together with a greener and better constructed areas than the European side. Kadıköy is the major district of the Anatolian side. Megarians were Kadıköy's first settlers and BC 675 is accepted as its estabhshment date according to the Greek sources. Some historical sources claim Phoenicians were the first settlers who called the area as Chalcedony. Restaurants with marvelous scene of islands present one of the most beautiful the city panorama to its visitors while the chic stores located side by side provide the latest trends along one of the most popular avenue that lies to Bostancı in parallel Istanbul is ready to welcome Formula 1 The ongoing construction w o r k s at the site of 2.180 million square meters o n Tepeoren region of Tuzia district t o w a r d s t h e management buildings w h i c h will h a v e c o m p l e t e d untill 31 M a r c h 2 0 0 5 will w e l c o m e the Formula 1 in the year of 2005. These s t r u c t u r e s will c o n t a i n 3 0 running tracks and two separated s t a n d s for totally 60 thousands of people. Total length of running t r a c k s will b e 5, 3 k m . to the Marmara Sea. The recreational sites located along the coastline which passes through Maltepe and Kartal districts and ends at Pencük are the meeting points for those at all ages. The Baghdad Avenue among the most popular avenues of the city presents the famous brands of fashion within the limits of Kadıköy. Touring along this avenue could be joyful and tipsy for those who are willing to see the latest trends and their live applications. There are lots of alternatives for a pleasant bréale on that avenue where you can find elegant restaurants and cafés. Bostancı which is considered as the beginning of the Baghdad Avenue constitute a significant area for the sea transportation. From here, you have the chance to reach to several points in and outside of the city. Bostancı jetty next to the central jetty of the sea buses is the most significant meeting point for the island travelers. Kalamış and Fenerbahçe yachting marina are the hosts of the boats coming from all around the world. Setur Kalamış Marina, the four anchored member of "The Yacht Harbor Association" as of the mid 1999 has also a function serves as an entertainment place for those at all ages with the restaurants, stores and night clubs. Üsküdar, another district of the Asian side is an important place with its historical buildings. Maiden Tower, fountains, mosques and madrasahs are among the samples as being the best structures of the Ottoman Imperial period art and architecture. The Bosporus coastline from Üsküdar to Beykoz is a strip where the most elegant waterside residents can be seen. Some districts such as Beylerbeyi, Çengelköy, and Kandilli are the places where the ancient Istanbul can be noticed against the test of time. Çamhca Hill is one of the best places that allows the visitors to observe the islands and the Bosporus from the bird's eye. Sabiha Gökçen International Airport The Airport which is called Sabiha Gökçen, the name of the first female war pilot of the world has been at service since 2001. The airport at Kurtköy, Pendik is situated on 655 hectares of land; 22 thousand square meters of which is for the foreign lines with the annual capacity of 3 million visitors. The capacity of the internal lines is for 500 thousand visitors. Sabiha Gökçen Intemational Airport gathers all lands of facilities which must be available at any airport including land services, air traffic control, operation, cargo, fire, security and medical units besides two miming tracks of 3 Ian in length and 45 meters wide, one of which is used for landing/take-off while the other one is for the parldng of the planes. Airport terminal building has a total 28 passport counters; 16 of which are located at the outgoing and 12 are at the incoming sections. Tramportation The airport, 2 5 k m away f r o m the city centre, provides a comfortable journey opportunity to the passengers at its new and modern building. There are many alternatives Istanbul, such as any modem metropolis, provides many transportation alternatives for its guests. After arriving Atatürk Airport, a tourist can reach to the city centre by taxi, or choose more economical altematives such as HAVAS, subway (called "hızlı tramvay" by Turldsh people) or mimicipality buses. An Alebil token, a unified transportation system that one can purchase credits as needed, malees getting on the city buses, subways, ferries and the trams more economical. "Dolmus" (a Idnd of shuttle that leaves the first stop when all seats are full), and minibuses are the means of transportation peculiar to Istanbul. All taxis in Istanbul have taximeters. Climbing up to Pera from Karaleöy by taldng the "nostalgic tunnel" subway train is not only practical but also fun. With Istanbul Metrosu, the subway, you can reach from Talesim to 4. Levent very fast. The ferries, fast sea buses and motorboats shuttie regularly in the sea. The bridges on the Bosphorus provides uninterrupted connection between Asia and Europe. Many ships f r o m abroad come alongside the harbour at Karaköy; and the passenger ships in the harbour never disappear throughout the year. Plane Atatürk Hava Limani is the international airport located in the European side of Istanbul. The Sabiha Gökçen Hava Limani that has recently completed, is located in the Asian part of the city. There are scheduled and charter flights to Istanbul from many cities of Europe. Ferries The ferryboats of Maritime Lines (Deniz Yollari) have voyages between Izmir-Venice, Mersin-Famagusta and Çesme-Brindisi. , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f T ' - l^^^^^M Many ships from abroad come alongside the harbour at Karaköy; and the passanger ships in the harbour never disappear throughout the year. The ferries ("Vapur") that bridge the two continents provide the best scenic w a y of transoprtation in the city. The working lines are along the Bosphorus (Boğaziçi) and the Golden Horn (Haliç). The ferries run between 7.30 A M - 9 PM at Eminönü-Kadiköy line and 6 A M - 1 1 . 3 0 PM Eminönü-Üsküdar line. Railway Istanbul has two big train stations. One is Sirkeci Gari, used by the trains coming from Europe; the other is Haydarpaşa Gari, used by the trains coming from 7\natolia. The subway and the tram are very useful for transportation in the city for the dwellers and the tourist. The tram line starts from Eminönü, passes by Sultanahmet, Al<:saray and reaches to Zeytinburnu. It serves between 5 A M - 1 2 am. The used part of the subway, Taksim-Levent, makes the transportaion easier. The t w o lines beginning f r o m Aksaray and reaches to Esenler and Atatürk Airport is called "hızlı tramvay" by the people. Bus Companies Kamil Koç Taksim Tel: 102121 252 72 2 3 - 2 4 Pamukkale Turizm Taksim Tel: (02121 249 27 91 Ulusoy Seyahat Gümüşsüsü Taksim Tel: (02121 249 43 73 Varan Turizm Taksim Tel: (02121 251 7481 Reservations: Tel: (02121512 99 63 Maritime Lines KaraköySea Port Where cruise ships disembark from. Tel: (02121 249 57 76 Sirkeci Sirkeci Train Station istasyon Cad. 24/2 Sirkeci Tel: (02121 511 5888 Railways Trains Haydarpaşa Tel: (02161336 08 75-348 80 20 Sirkeci Tel: (02121 527 00 51-50 Helicopter Rental MachAir Tel: (02121 541 14 23 İstanbul Havayollan Tel: (02121 54Í52 58 Top Air TeG (02121 541 60 40 Güven Air Tel: (02121 662 03 62 Jet Havacılık Tel: (0212) 676 48 69 Airlines Atatürk International Airport Tef:'S 21 663 6400 Sabiha Gökçen International Airport Pendik Tel: (02161 585 50 00- 585 51 14 Adria (Slovanian) Airv^ays and Air Bosnia Laleli Tel: (02121512 42 31 Fax: (02121 512 42 34 Liubljana Air Canada Tel: (02121 252 65 44/45 Air France Taksim Tel: (02121 256 43 56 t e l : (02121 663 06 00 Paris Air Maroc Nişantaşı Tei: (02121 231 71 21 Morocco Alia (Jordanian Airlinesl Elmadağ Tel: (02121 230 40 74/231 99 09 Airport Tel: (02121 663 67 36 Amman Alitalia Elmadağ Tel: (02121 231 33 91 Airport Tel: (02121 663 05 77 Rome, Milan Austrian Airlines Elmadağ Tel: (02121 232 22 00 Airport Tel: (02121 663 07 07 Vienna Azerbaijan Airlines Tel: (02121 245 18 52 Baku, Frankfurt, London Balkan (Bulgarian) Airlines Taksim Tel: (02121 245 24 56 Sofia British Airways Elmadağ Tel: (02121 23413 00 Airport TeL (02121 663 05 74 London Czech Airlines Elmadağ TeL (0212) 230 48 32 Prague Delta Air Lines Elmadağ TeL (02121 231 23 39 Airport TeL (02121 663 07 52 Direct flights to New York Egyptair Harbiye TeL (02121 231 11 26 Airport TeL (02121 663 33 01 Cairo El Al (Israeli Airtines) Nişantaşı Tel: (02f21 246 53 03 t e f f i l 2 l 663 08 10 - 663 00 62 Tel Aviv Emirates Airlines Gümüşsüyü TeL (02121293 50 50 Airport TeL (02121 663 08 27 Dubai Gulf Air Harbiye TeL (02121 231 34 50 Airport TeL (02121 663 08 25 Bahrain Iberia Elmadağ TeL (02121 237 31 04 Airport TeL (02121 663 08 26 Barcelona, Madrid Iran Air Harbiye TeL (02121 225 02 55 Airport TeL (02121 663 07 55 Tahran Jal (Japan Airlines) Elmadağ TeL (02121 233 08 40 Tokyo, Osaka Jata (Yugoslav Airlinesl Taksim TeL (0212) 293 28 94 Belgrade KLM Nişantaşı Tel: (02l'2l 230 03 11 Airport TeL (02121 663 06 03/04 Amsterdam KTHY (Northern Cyprus Turkish Airlines) Airport TeL (02121 663 07 59 Lefkosa (Nicosia) Kuv\/ait Airlines Harbiye TeL (0212) 240 40 81 Airport TeL (02121 663 05 81 Kuwait Lot (Polish Airlines) Elmadağ TeL (02121 240 79 27 Warsaw Lufthansa Esentepe TeL (02121315 3434 Airport TeL (0212) 663 05 9 4 - 3 5 Frankfurt, Munich, Düsseldorf, Berlin, Stutgart Malev (Hungarian Airlines) Elmadağ TeL (0212) 241 09 09 Airport TeL (0212) 663 05 89 Budapest MAS (Malaysian Airiines) Elmadağ TeL (02121 230 71 30 Airport TeL (02121 663 08 14 Kuala Lumpur Middle East Airlines Harbiye TeL (02121 248 22 41 Airport TeL (0212) 663 05 50 (Sunday and Wednesday only) Beirut Olympic Airways TeL (0212) 247 37 01 PIA (Pakistani Airlines) Harbiye TeL (0212) 233 05 71 Airport TeL (0212) 663 05 21 No direct flights from Istanbul Qaittas (Australian Airlines) TeL (0212)219 82 23 Australia, New Zealand, Fiji Sabena Taksim TeL 10212) 231 28 46 Airport TeL (0212) 663 08 24 Brussels Saudi Arabian Airlines Elmadağ TeL (0212)213 09 80 Airport TeL (0212) 663 06 82 Medina, Jeddah, Riyadh Singapore Airlines Harbiye TeL (0212)232 37 06 Singapore, Dubai Swissair Taksim TeL (0212)232 22 0 0 231 28 44 Airport TeL (0212) 663 67 78 -663 66 76 Zürich South African Airways TeL (0212) 252 65 4 4 - 4 5 Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban Syrian Air Taksim TeL 10212) 246 17 81 Airport TeL (0212) 663 08 15 Damascus Tarom (Romanian Airlines) Taksim TeL (02121 230 73 09 Bucharest Tunisair Nişantaşı Tel: (02121 241 70 9 6 - 9 7 225 88 53 Tunisia Turkmenistan Airlines Elmadağ TeL (02121 233 93 06 Turkmenistan and London Turkish Airlines (THY) offices Airport TeL (02121 663 63 63 (20 linesl Aksaray TeL (02121 514 00 2 2 / 2 3 Harbiye TeL (02121 230 18 17 Sirkeci TeL (02121 522 88 8 8 528 42 61 Taksim TeL (0212) 252 11 06 Flies to major Turkish cities and capitals of2 the world VASP Brazilian Airtines Bankalar Cad. 31/33 Karaköy TeL (0212) 293 42 2 7 - 293 42 68 Fax: (0212) 293 74 51-293 91 29 HOTEL S UL F u r t h e r R e a d i n g On İ s t a n b u l & T u r k e y DBOYUT TURKISH HOTEL ASSOCIATION • # PUBLISHING GROUP INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING TORSAB ASSOCIATION OF TURKISH TRAVEL AGENCIES HOTELS Akgun Istanbul Hotel Adnan Menderes Bulvarı 3^270 Topkapi / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 5 3 U 8 79 |PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 53^ 91 26 Ceylan İnter-Continental istanbul Capacity: 390 total rooms. 516 total beds. 4 king suites, 55 suites, 19 connected rooms, 4 handicapped rooms. Sea, city views are available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, safe box, cable tv, satellite tv. central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception. 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, health club, closed parking space, shopping center. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, Turkish bath, sauna, massage, fitness center, gym. Capacity: 275 total rooms, 550 total beds, 2 king suites, 8 suites, 16 connected rooms, 8 handicapped rooms, 241 standard rooms. City view is available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar, cable tv. satellite H central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, w/c, hair dryer, Jacuzzi in suites, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, tv room, internet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, diy cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, children section, Turkish bath, sauna, massage, fitness center. * Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, patisserie, lobby bar, pool bar, roof bar. snack-bar. 2 a la carte restaurants ¡140 pax), 1 open buffet restaurant 1170 pax). 310 pax open, 70 pax closed total capacity. International Cuisine. Turkish Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 13 meeting rooms 12545 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, microphone, video player, television, fax, simultaneous translation system. Location: Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city center. Asker Ocağı Cad. No:1 34435 Taksim / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 231 21 21 Fax:+90 (0212) 231 21 80 Conrad istanbul Yıldız Cad. 80700 Beşiktaş / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 227 30 00 Fax: +90(0212)259 66 67 • •**• Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, snack bar, pool bar. roof bar, restaurant bar. 1 a la carte restaurant. 2 indoor restaurants 1300 pax), 4 ball room restaurants (lOOO pax). Ottoman Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine, French Cuisine, vegetarian cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 4 meeting rooms 11000 max. capacity). Overhead projector, projection screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, projector, baroovision, sound system, microphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax, air conditioning, light system. Largest room capacity 500. Location: Atatürk Airport 10 km. In city center, shuttle bus to airport with fee. **••• Capacity: 584 total rooms, 1 royal health center, aerobics, tennis court, suite, 6 two bedrooms suits, jogging. 6 garden suits, 5 junior suites. Wining & Dining: Patisserie, pool 2 handicapped rooms. bar. International Cuisine, Turkish 4 non-smoking floors, 51 executive Cuisine, French Cuisine, Italian rooms, 1 presidential suite, 6 office Cuisine. torrents, 11 long term apartments. Sea, garden, city views are available. Meeting & Congress: 30 meeting rooms. Hospitality center, LCD Room Details: Voice mail, direct projectors, smart card electronic dial telephone, minibar, broadband internet access, hair dryer, bathrobe, lock, battery powered back-up outlets, broadband intemet access, smoke detector, electronic lock, touch screen remote control daity newspaper. plasma screen. 4 Board Rooms. General Facilities: Central air 2 Ballrooms. 4 Services Offices. conditioning, garden, business Location: In city center. center, hair dresser, gift shop, 24 hrs room service, doctor, baby sitter, garage, limousine service. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, steambath, sauna, massage, Crowne Plaza Istanbul Capacity: 296 total rooms, 461 total beds, 27 club rooms, 28 junior suites, 2 special suits. 1 senior suit, 138 connected rooms. 125 double bed rooms, 2 handicapped rooms. Sea view is available. Room Details: Telephone, voice mail, music, minibar, safe box, internet connection, television, cable tv, satellite tv, interactive tv, split air condition, bathtub, hair diyer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central heating, garden, internet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop. U hrs room sen/ice, power generator, doctor or nurse, baby sitter, parl<ing without fee, health cabin, closed parl<ing space. iiüJ Sahilyolu 34710 Ataköy/İstanbul Tel: +90(0212) 56081 00 Fax:+90 (0212) 560 81 55 Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, tennis. joggingWining & Dining: Patisserie, snacl< bar, pool bar, roof bar. 1 a la carte restaurant (90 pax), 1 open buffet restaurant (180 pax). 270 pax open total capacity. International Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 11 meeting rooms. Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart. barcovision, sound system, microphone, video player, television, fax. 2 Ballrooms with a capacity of 2000 pax, Executive Boardroom. Location: City center 10 k m . Atatürk Airport 8 km. Shores of the Marmara Sea, shuttle bus without fee. Çınar Hotel Capacity: lU total rooms. 458 total beds, 4 suites, 21 comer rooms, 1 handicapped room, 25 non-smoking rooms, 2 presidential suites. Sea, land views aro available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, balcony, minibar. safe box, television, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, wc, hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, intemet, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, jewellery store, music-book store, cinema. 24 hrs room service, power generator, parking with fee. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool, health club, tennis, jogging. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, snack bar, pool bar, terrace bar. Outdoor a la carte restaurant (120 pax), indoor a la carte restaurants (160 pax), banquet indoor (700 pax), banquet outdoor (600 pax). Meeting & Congress: 9 meeting rooms (920 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, projector, microphone, video player, television, fax. Largest room capacity 550 pax. largest space 455 m l Sevketiye mah. Fener Mevkii 34800 Yeşilköy / İstanbul Location: Atatürk Airport 5 k m . Tel:+90 (0212) 663 29 00 Shores of the Marmara Sea. Fax: +90 (0212)663 29 21 Çırağan Palace Hotel Kempinski İ s t a n b u l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Çırağan Cad. No:32 34347 Beşiktaş / İstanbul Tel: +90 (0212) 258 3377 Fax:+90 (0212) 259 66 87 Capacity: 315 total rooms, 684 total beds, 3 king suites, 31 suites, 44 connected rooms, 1 handicapped room. 128 non-smoking rooms, 56 executive rooms, 284 standard rooms. Sea view is available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, balcony, minibar, safe box, cable tv, pay tv, satellite tv, digiturk, central air conditioning, split air condition, shower, bathtub, wc. hair dryer, music in bathroom, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, split air condition, central heating, garden, tv room, intemet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, jew/ellery store, 24 hrs room sen/ice, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, health cabin, outdoor parking space, closed parking space, shopping center, heliport and helicopter. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool children's swimming pool heated swimming pool, Turkish bath, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, healths beauty center, fitness center, children's playground. Wining & Dining: Lobby lounge. 5 a la carte restaurants. 210 pax open, 410 pax closed total capacity. International Cuisine. Ottoman Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine, Japanese Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 14 meeting rooms [1200 max. capacity). Overhead projector, projection screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, baroovision, sound system, microphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax, light system, simultaneous translation system. 2 Fair / Exhibiton areas, Ballroom with a capacity on025m',2VIPRooms. Location: Atatürk Airport 25 km. In city center, on the B HOTELS Divan İstanbul Capacity: 177 total rooms, 352 total beds, 11 suites, 2 junior suites, 18 connected rooms, 1 handicapped room, hi non-smol(ing rooms. Room Details: Telephone, music, balcony, minibar, safe box, television, cable tv, satellite tv. central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer, music in bathroom, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, business center, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, jewellery store, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, parl<ing without fee, health cabin, shopping center. Cumhuriyet Cad.No:2 80200 Sisli / İstanbul Tel: +90(0212)231 Ü1 00 Fax:+90 (0212) 248 85 27 Golden Tulip Eresin Hotel Capacity: W total rooms, 408 total beds, 3 suites, 9 junior suites, 19 connected rooms, 1 handicapped rooms, 17 non-smol<ing rooms, 3 standard rooms. City view is available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, wc, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, intemet business center, laundry, imning, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor on demand, parl^ing without fee. Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool, heated swimming pool, Turl^ish bath, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, solarium, health & beauty center, fitness center. Wining & Dining: Beds breakfast half board, full board. breal<fast lounge. • • • • • • Sports & Recreation: Sauna, massage, health & beauty center, fitness center. Wining & Dining: Breal(fast lounge, patisserie, lobby bar, restaurant bar. 1 a la carte restaurant, 3 indoor restaurants 1320 pax). 180 pax open total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 8 meeting rooms (250 max. capacity). Overhead projector, projection screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, projector, barcovision, micmplione. video player, television, air conditioning, simultaneous translation system. Largest room capacity 180, largest space 250 m l Location: Atatürl< Airport 25 l<m. In city center. • • • • patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, pool bar, pub. 1 a la carte restaurant 1 indoor restaurant H 00 pax), 1 ballroom restaurant 1550 pax). Ottoman Cuisine, Turldsh Cuisine, French Cuisine, Itaüan Cuisine, Dutch cuisine, any cuisine can be prepared on demand. Meeting & Congress: 12 meeting rooms 11450 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, microphone, video player, television, fax, light system. Largest room capacity 550 pax, largest space 550 m\ Fair / Exhibiton area with a capacity of 500 m l Location: Atatürl( Airport 10 l<m. In city center. Millet Cad.N:186 34270 Topkapi / Istanbul Tel: +90(0212)631 12 12 Fax:+90 (0212) 631 3702 Grand Cevahir Hotel & Convention Center • * • • • .^piUJ Darülaceze Cad. Sisli / Istanbul Tel:+90(0212)31'Û242 Fax: +90(0212)3144244 Capacity: 323 total rooms. 812 total beds, king suites, 7 executive suits, 36 suites, 3 handicapped rooms, 16 non-smoking rooms, 4 non-smoking suits, 32 executive rooms, 222 standard rooms. City view is available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, balcony in some rooms, minibar, safe box, intemet connection, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, wc, hair dtyer, music in bathroom, telepiione in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, business center, hair dresser, laundry, iraning, diy cleaning, safety box at reception, market, gift shop, 24 hrsroomservice, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, dosed parking spacell 000 vehicles). Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pooL heated swimming pooL Turkish bath, sauna, massage, solarium. healths* beauty center, fitness center, aerobics. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, snack bar, pool bar, terrace bar, restaurant bar 1 a la carte restaurant, 1 open buffet restaurant, 1 outdoor restaurant (200 pax), 2 indoor restaurants 1450 pax), 1 ball room restaurant (2000 pax). Intemational Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 22 meeting moms (4500 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, projector, barcovision, sound system, microphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax, air condiOoning, light system, simultaneous translation system, internet, conferance, UPS. Largest room capacity 3000 pax, largest space 2300 m l Fair/ Exhibiton area with a capacity of 3000 m l Auditorium 1050 pax. Location: AtatOr1< Airport 12 km. In city center Hilton Istanbul Cumhuriyet Cad. 80200 Harbiye / İstanbul Tel: +90(0212)3156000 Fax: +90(0212)24041 65 Hotel Dedeman Istanbul Capacity: 498 total rooms, 51 executive rooms, 431 standard rooms. Sea, garden views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, minibar, safe box, intemet connection, split air condition, shov^er, bathtub, wc, bidet, hairdryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Split air condition, air condition heating, central heating, garden, intemet. business center, hairdresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, market, gift shop, jewellery store. 24 hrs room service, doctor on demand, baby sitter, parking with fee, parking without fee, shopping center, pets are allowed. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool. •*•** Turkish bath, sauna, massage, solarium, health & beauty center, fitness suite, squash, tennis, jogging. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, breakfast lounge, lobby bar, pool bar. raof bar, terrace bar, restaurant bar. 3 a la carte restaurants, 1 open buffet restaurant. Intemational Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine, vegetarian cuisine. Mediterranean Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 25 meeting rooms. Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart. projector, barcovision. sound system, micraphone. video player. DVD player, television, fax. air conditioning, light system. Largest space 3000 m'. Fair / Exhibiton area with a capacity of 3000 m'. Location: 3 km to the sea. Atatürk Airport 24 km. In city center. **••• Capacity: 338 total moms. 602 total beds. 54 executive sauna, massage. Jacuzzi, rooms, 2 presidential suites, solarium, health & beauty 276 standard moms, center, fitness center, aembics. 6 comer suits. Wining & Dining: Lobby bar, Room Details: Direct dial roof bar, cafe. telephone, minibar, electmnic Meeting & Congress: Freshtaurant. safe box, data port, interactive 15 meeting rooms (1500 min. tv. central air conditioning, capacity). Overhead projector, : sliov\/er, \nc. vifhiteboard, slide projector, \ General Facilities: Intemet flipchart, cassette player, connection, barber, hair dresser, secretarial services. laundry, imning, dry cleaning, Location: Atatürk Airport dmgstom, tailor, post office, 20 km. In cit^ center. boutique, shoe stom, parking. Sports & Recreation: Semiolympic indoor swimming pool, , Yıldız Posta Cad.No:50 34394 Esentepe / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 274 88 00 Fax:+90 (0212) 275 11 00 istani Hyatt Regency Istanbul Taskisla Cad. No:l 34437 Taksim / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 368 12 34 Fax:+90 (0212) 368 10 00 Capacity: 360 total rooms, 1 king suite, 28 suites, 3 handicapped rooms, 7 apart rooms. Sea, garden, city, historical views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, minibar, safe box, intemet without cable, tea/coffee machine, paytv, satellite tv. interactive tv, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, wc. hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. Apart Details: Kitchen equipment, refrigerator, washing machine, dish washer, oven, Iran. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, tv room, internet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, jewellery store, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, babysitter. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pooL Turkish bath, sauna. ***** massage, solarium, fitness center, aembics, night club, tennis. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, cafeteria, lobby bar, snack bar, pool bar. restaurant bar. 1 a la carte restaurant, 1 open buffet restaurant, 1 ball mm restaurant 1320 pax). Intemational Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine, Italian Cuisine, Japanese Cuisine, Far East Cuisine. Meetings Congress: 10 meeting rooms (1650 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart. projector, barcovision, sound system, micraphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax, air conditioning, light system, smart wall. Largest room capacity 500 pax, largest space 395 m'. Location: Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city center, underground station walking distance. RENOVATED IN 2003 HOTELS Istanbul Princess Büyükdere Cad. No: 49 34398 Maslak / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 285 09 90 Fax:+90 (0212) 285 09 51 Kumburgaz Marin Princess Hotel Capacity: 398 total raoms, 850 total beds, 5 grand suits, 48 deluxe rooms. 25 junior suites, 280 standard rooms, 40 triple bed raoms. Sea, city views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, minibar, safe box, satellite tv, digiturk, central air conditioning, bathtub, wc, hair dryer, Jacuzzi in some suites, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, game room, hair dresser, laundry, iraning, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, market, gift shop, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor and nurse, baby sitter, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, waterslide, heated swimming pool, Turkish bath, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, health & beauty * * * * * center, fitness center, table tennis, billiards, beach volley, bowling 6 bands. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, snack bar, pool bar, beach bar, restaurant bar. 1 a la carte restaurant, 1 open buffet restaurant, 1 outdoor restaurant (350 pax), 1 indoor restaurant (500 pax), 4 ball room restaurants. Intemational , Cuisine. Meetings Congress: 12 meeting ' raoms, Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart, projector, barcovision, sound system, micraphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax, air conditioning, light system. Largest room capacity 1200 pax. Location: Atatürk Airport 40 km. At the beach. me ^ :i E-5 Karayolu İJzeri 34910 Kumburgaz / istanbul Tel:+90 (02121 885 90 00 Fax:+90 (0212) 88405 30 Merit Antique Hotel Capacity: 274 total rooms, 550 total beds, 1 king suite, 4 non-smoking raoms. City view is OrdüCad.No:226 34134 Laleli/Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 513 93 00 Fax:+90 (0212) 513 93 40 ***** Capacity: 305 total rooms. 506 Jacuzzi, health & beauty center, total beds, 1 king suite, 12 suites, squash, billiards. 1 connected room, 1 handicapped Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, room, 52 executive rooms. Sea, city half board, full board, breakfast views are available. Room Details: Telephone, minibar, lounge, patisserie (40 pax). Boulevard Cafe (20 pax). Lobby bar safe box, internet connection, television, pay tv, satellite tv, centrai (45 pax). Roof Bar (80 pax), Lobster House (160 pax). Princess air conditioning, bathtub, bidet, hair Restaurant (250 pax). Sport House dryer, telephone in bathroom. Cafe (250 pax). Meyhane Turkish General Facilities: Central air Traditional Restaurant (75 pax). conditioning, central heating, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety Meetings Congress: 13 meeting rooms (8 min. 850 max. capacity). box at reception, market, gift shop, jewellery store, cinema, ll hrs raom Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart, service, power generator, doctor or barcovision, sound system, nurse, baby sitter, garage, health microphone, video player, television.. cabin, pets are allowed. Location: Atatürk Airport 30 km. In Sports & Recreation: Indoor city center. swimming pool, heated swimming pool, Turkish bath, sauna, massage. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar, cable tv, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, wc, bidet, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, business center, hair dresser, laundry, iraning, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, solarium, fitness room. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast ***** lounge, patisserie, fast food unit, lobby bar. 1 restaurant, 1 a la carte restaurant, 1 open buffet restaurant. Turkish Cuisine, Chinese Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 5 meeting raoms (350 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart, projector, sound system, micraphone, video player, television, fax, air conditioning, light system. Largest raom capacity 120 pax. Location: Atatürk Airport 18 km. In old city center, private airport transfer with fee. Klassis Resort Karga Burun Mevkii 34930 Silivri / İstanbul Tel: +90(0212)72740 50 Fax: +90(0212)7274049 ¡ Klassis Golf Country Club Capacity: 116 total rooms, 2 king suites, 11 suites, 103 standard rooms, 7 villas. Pool, mountain views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar, internet connection, satellite tv, central air conditioning, electric heater, shower, bathtub, wc, hair dryer, music in bathroom, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, tv room, game room, intemet hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, market, power generator, doctor or nurse, baby sitter, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool children's swimming pool aquapark, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, solarium, health & beauty centej. SPA. fitness center, aerojjics. Capacity: 304 total rooms, 766 totat beds, 10 suites, 74 connected roonfis, 6 non-smoking rooms, 20 executive rooms. 201 standard rooms, 5 apart rooms, 5 garden villas, 29 garden standarts,18 garden minis, 2 garden executives, 14 pod villas. Sea, garden wm are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar, intemet connection, satellite tv, central air conditioning, refrigerator, bathtub, w/c, hair diyer, jacuni in aparts, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, game room, intemet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, market, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, baby sitter, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool, children section, heated swimming pool, water slide, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, solarium, health & beauty center, SPA, fitness center. • • • • ^ aerobics, table tennis, billiards, disco, night club, live entertainment shows, tennis, beach volley, basketball, jogging, children's playground. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, snack bar, pool bar, beach bar. 1 a la carte restaurant, 1 open buffet restaurant, 2 outdoor restaurants (250 pax), 2 indoor restaurants (423 pax), 1 ball room restaurant (700 pax). 600 pax open, 550 pax closed total capacity. Intemational Cuisine, Ottoman Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine, French Cuisine, Mexican Cuisine, vegetarian cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 13 meeting rooms i (1500 max. capacity). Overhead projector, projection screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, projector, sound system, microphone, video player, television, fax, air conditioning, light system. Largest room capacity 679. Location: Silivri 3 km. Atatürk Airport 55 km. At the beach, shuttle bus to airport with fee, shuttle bus to city center. u table tennis, billiards, night club, tennis, golf, academic corse, football volleyball, basketball cycling, jogging, archery, horse riding, children's playground, trekking. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, pool bar, terrace bar, restaurant bar. 1 a la carte/open buffet restaurant, 2 outdoor restaurants (400 pax), 2 indoor restaurants (400 pax), 1 bad room restaurant (100 pax). International Cuisine, Ottoman Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine, French Cuisine, Italian Cuisine, vegetarian cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 6 meeting rooms (500 max. capacity). Largest room capacity 180. Location: Silivri 13 km. Atatürk Airport 55 km. Near mountain. Altmtepe Mevkii Seymen Köyü 34930 Silivri / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 727 40 50 Fax: +90(0212)7274049 Kiz Kulesi/Maiden's Tower; For Dinner Reservations: Maiden's Tower; 90 (216) 342 47 47 For group reservations and Special Events; Klassis Hotel Sales Office at; 90(212)727 40 50 wvra. This little island, which history dates back over 2500 years, has silently witnessed the city of Istanbul as a mysterious flower of Bosphoros. Regarding the tower, innumerous tales from many period of time aro told. One of them is about the sad love of Leandros and Hero. Hero is a virgin nun of Aphrodite, who promised not to fell in love with anyone. She lives in the tower in seclusion. One day she left the tower to attend a festival where she meets Hero. They bond with eternal love. Leandros started to visit Hera every night by swimming in the light of the tower that was lifted by his lover. That secret love and passionate meetings lasted till a stormy night when the wind blowed off the tower light. Leandros drowned in the Bosphorus. Hearing the dead of Leandros, Hero throwed herself from the tower to the Bosphoros. In 2000, with the restoration by Hamoglu Holding A.S. that mysterious building opened to the public welcoming. Including mini museum, cafe, bar and restaurant inside, Maidenjs Tower let you discover Istanbul from a different angel with i t s j unigue view of which covers a sightseeing in 360. Except Monday Maiden's Tower serves to the pubUc of Istanbul and tourists with it's special menu by reservation. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights j G r u p Leandros J which has gathered only for Maiden's Tower; makes your night enjoyable with it's quality and orginal music from Rome to Byzantine and from Ottoman to nowadays. On Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday nights, our own OJ makes enjoyable during your dinner. In our bar excursion floor, you can have a drink with a romantic music while watching Istanbul 360 degree. Romantic Wedding Ceremonies can be also held on mondays with 4 different wedding HOTELS MövenpickHotelİstanbul fi Büyükdere Cad. 34330 4.Levent / İstanbul Tel: +90 (0212) 319 29 29 Fax:+90 (0212) 319 29 00 Capacity: 249 total rooms, 320 total beds, 1 king suite, 21 suites, 22 connected rooms, 2 handicapped rooms, 124 non-smoking rooms, 71 executive rooms, 154 standard rooms. Sea, city views are available. Room Details: Voice mail, direct dial telephone, music, minibar, in-raom safe large enough to accommodate a laptop, internet connection, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, wc, hair dryer, music in bathroom, telephone in bathroom, extra large desk. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, wireless internet, intemet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, parking without fee, travel agency •**•* Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, solarium, health & beauty center, fitness center. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, "Boradax", vitamin bar. 1 indoor restaurant (158 pax) "Azzur Restaurant offers contemporary Mediterranean Rim Cuisine". Meeting & Congress: 9 meeting rooms (600 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart, projector, barcovision, sound system, microphone, CD player, DVD player, television, light system, simultaneous translation system, ISDN internet line, paper shredder, minibar. Ballroom, 7 Break out rooms with a capacity of 12-70 pax. Location: Atatürk Airport 28 km. In city center, shuttle bus with fee. Ortaköy Princess Hotel Capacity: 82 total rooms, 165 total beds, 2 king suites, 1 suite, 1 junior suite, 6 connected raoms, 2 handicapped raoms, 70 standard raoms. Sea, garden views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar, safe box, cable tv, pay tv, central air conditioning, hairdryer,telephone in bathraom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, split air condition, central heating, tv raom, intemet, hairdresser, laundry, iraning, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, market, gift shop, cinema, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming jiool, sauna, massage, health & beauty center, gym. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, cafeteria, american bar. 1 a la carte restaurant, 1 open buffet restaurant, 1 outdoor restaurant (250 pax), 1 indoor restaurant (450 pax), 1 ball raom restaurant (350 pax). International Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine, Italian Cuisine, Mexican Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 8 meeting rooms (15 min. 50D max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart, barcovision, sound system, micraphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax. Location: Sirkeci Train Gar 10 k m . Atatürk Airport 17 k m . In city center. Dereboyu Cad.No:10 Ortaköy Beşiktaş / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 227 60 10 (29 lines] Fax:+90 (0212) 227 91 85 -260 21 48 Sürmeli İstanbul Hotel Prof.Dr.Bülent Tarcan Sok.No:3 Gayrettepe / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 272 11 60 (10 lines) - 27205 15 Fax: +90 (0212) 266 3669 Capacity: 210 total rooms, 420 total beds, 4 king suites, 10 suites. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, safe box, television, cable tv, satellite tv, digiturk, central air conditioning, bathtub, hairdryer, telephone in bathraom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, tv raom, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor or nurse, parking without fee, health cabin, closed parking space. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, Turkish bath, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, gym. Wining & Dining: Patisserie, lobby bar, pool bar, snack-bar. 2 a la carte ***** restaurants (370 pax). Intemational Cuisine, Turkish Cyisine. Meeting & Congress: 8 meeting raoms (1045 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart, barcovision, sound system, micraphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax. Location: Ataturk Airport 20 k m . In city center. SwissôtelThe Bosphorus, istanbul Capacity: 600 total rooms, 25 suites, 2 presidential suites. Bospliorus view is Bayıldım Cad. No: 2 Maçka 34357 Besiktas/İstanbul Tel:+90(0212) 326 11 00 Fax: +90(0212)326 11 22 The Marmara istanbul Capacity: 387 total rooms. 568 total beds, 20 suites. 2 club floors. Sea, city views are available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, safe box, internet connection, television, satellite tv. central air conditioning, split air condition, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv room, internet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning. Ik hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, health cabin, closed parking space. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool children's swimming pool, Turkish bath, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, fitness center, gym. • • * * • simulators, 9 hole putting green, jogging, children's playground, gym, gym with cardiovascular equipment, 500 m. jogging path in Sultan Park. Wining & Dining: Lobby lounge, lobby bar, snack bar, roof bar, terrace bar. h a la carte restaurants, 1 open buffet restaurant, 2 indoor restaurants. Intemational Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine. Chinese Cuisine, Japanese Cuisine, Mediterranean Cuisine, Swiss Cuisine, Pasific Rim. Meeting & Congress: 22 meeting rooms (1600 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, microphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax. 2 Baliraoms. Location: 50m. to the sea. Atatürk Airport 25 km. In the European side of the city, shuttle bus to airport, walking distance from shopping district. Room Details: Voice mail, direct dial telephone, music, minibar, safe box, internet connection, cable tv, satellite tv, central air conditioning. General Facilities: Central heating, tv room, game room, internet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, jewellery store, U hrs room service, power generator, doctor and nurse, baby sitter, parking without fee, health cabin, closed parking space, pets are allowed. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool, children section, Turkish bath, sauna, massage. Jacuzzi, solarium, health & beauty center, tennis court, mini golf, golf *••** Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, breakfast lounge, patisserie, lobby bar, pool bar, roof bar, snack-bar. 1 a la carte restaurant, 1 open buffet restaurant. International Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 11 meeting rooms (1000 max. capacity). Overhead projector, projection screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, microphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax, simultaneous translation system, speakers desk, podium, VCD player, computer, internet, telephone, laser pointer. Location: 1000 m to the sea. Taksim Meydanı 80090 Taksim / Istanbul Atatürk Airport U k m . In city center. Tel:+90 (0212) 251 4696 Fax: +90(0212)244 05 09 The Ritz Carlton, istanbul Capacity: 241 total rooms, 311 total beds, 1 king suite, 24 suites, 2 handicapped rooms, 110 non-smoking rooms, 227 standard rooms. Sea, park views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, minibar, safe box, cable tv, satellite tv, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, wc, hair diyer, music in bathroom, telephone in bathroom. General Faciüties: Central air conditioning, central heating, wireless intemet, business center, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, cinema, 24 hrs room sen/ice, power generator, doctor, baby sitter, valet parking. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming Askerocağı Cad.No:115 80200 Elmadağ / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 334 44 44 Fax:+90 (0212) 334 44 55 Pool indoor swimming pool, Turkish bath, steambath, sauna, a few different kind of **••• massages and therapie, Jacuzzi, health & beauty center, SPA fitness center. Wining & Dining: Lobby Lounge, Cintemani Restaurant (Mediterranean Cuisine) Deck Pool Terrace, Güney Park ' (summer only) RC Bar (sing(e matt whiskies and cigars). Meeting & Congress: Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, shde projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, DVD player, television, fax, air conditioning, tight system, simultaneous translation system, high speed intemet access, UPS, teleconferencing facilities. Largest room capacity 150 pax, 6 Break-out rooms, Ballroom 450 pax. Location: Taksim Square, istanbul Convention and Exhibition Center 500 m. Atatürk Airport 20km. In city center. Undergrand station walking distance. HOTELS Antik Hotelİstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 638 58 58 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 638 58 65 wvm.antikliotel.coiii Arcadia Hotelistanbul Capacity: 48 total rooms, 102 total beds. 7 junior suites. Sea, historical views are available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar. safe box. television, cable tv. satellite tv, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair diyer. telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, t v room, internet, business center, laundry, dry cleaning, gift shop, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, baby sitter, parking without fee, health cabin, shopping center. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar. roof bar. terrace bar. 1 a l a carte restaurant (100 pax). ***• Capacity: 96 total rooms. 200 total Wining & Dining: Bed & breal<fast, beds, 1 honeymoon suite, 4 suites. half board, full board, breal<fast 1 handicapped room, 90 standard lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, rooms. Sea, city, historical views are terrace bar, restaurant bar. 1 a la carte available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, restaurant, 1 open buffet restaurant, 1 outdoor restaurant (50 pax), 1 indoor music, minibar, safe box, internet restaurant (200 pax). Ottoman Cuisine, connection, satellite tv, central air Turl<ish Cuisine, French Cuisine, Italian conditioning, bathtub, wc, hair dryer, Cuisine, vegetarian cuisine. music in bathroom, telephone in Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting bathroom. room (150 max. capacity). Overhead General Facilities: Central air projector, screen, whiteboard, slide conditioning, central heating, tv projector, flipchart, projector, room, internet, e-business room, barcovision, sound system, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety microphone, video player, DVD player, box at reception, gift shop, 24 hrs television, fax, air conditioning, light system, intemet. Location: Atatürk Airport 15 km. with fee near facility. Grand Bazaar 500 m. Blue l^osque, Sports & Recreation: Disco, night Topkapi Palace 1 km. In city center, club. shuttle bus to airport. •*** Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room (30 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision. sound system, microphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax. internet. Location: Blue Mosque and the StSophia 0.1 k m . 800 m to the sea. Atatürk Airport 15 k m . In old city. Dr. imran Oktem Sok. No:1 34400 Sultanahmet / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 516 96 96 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 516 61 18 Armada Hotel Capacity: 110 total rooms, i 8 connected rooms. breakfast, bmakfast lounge, 2 handicapped rooms. lobby bar, terrace bar. 1 a la 4 corner moms. carte restaurant. Sea. city, historical views are Meeting & Congress: available. 4 meeting moms (250 max. Room Details: Telephone, capacity). Overhead projector., minibar, safe box. television, slide projector, flipchart, satellite tv. centml air barcovision, sound system, conditioning, bathtub, hair micraphone, video player, diyer. television, fax. General Facilities: Centml air Location: In city center. conditioning, centml heating, 34122 Ahirkapi/Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 638 1370 (10 lines) Fax:+90 (0212) 5185060 Wining & Dining: Bed & internet cafe, business center, laundry, dry cleaning, power generator, closed parking space. Aziyade Hotel Gedikpaşa Piyerloti Cad.No:62 Sultanahmet/İstanbul Tel: +90(0212)638 22 00 Fax:+90 (0212) 518 50 65 Capacity: 106 total rooms. 215 total beds. 1 suite. 6 connected rooms, 18 non-smoking rooms, 80 standard rooms. Sea. city views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar. satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, wc, hair dryer, telephone in bathmom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, intemet. hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, market, gift shop, 24 hrsraomservice, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, parking without fee. closed parking space. Sports & Recreation: Turkish bath, sauna, massap.Jacuzzi. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar. snack bar, terrace bar. restaurant bar. 1 a la carte restaurant. 1 open buffet restaurant. 1 outdoor restaurant (50 pax), 1 indoor restaurant (150 pax). International Cuisine. Turkish Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room (50 max. capacity). Flipchart, television, fax. Largest room capacity 50 pax. Location: Grand Bazaar 700 m. Topkapi Palace 1 km. Atatürk Airport 18 km. In old city center, shuttle bus with fee. Bestwestem Istanbul Savoy Capacity: 88 total rooms, U 6 total beds, 2 suites, 7 junior suites. Sea and city views are available. Room Details: Telephone, minibar, data port, television, safe box. central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair diyer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, internet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, ambulance service, baby sitter, car parking with fee near by hotel. Wining & Dining: B e d & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar, snack-bar. 2 a la carte restaurants (180 pax). Meeting & Congress: 2 meeting rooms (150 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, sound system, microphone, video player. DVD player, television, fax. Location: 500 m to the sea. Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city center. Sıraselviler Cad. No:29 Taksim/Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 25293 26 (10 lines) Fax:+90 (0212) 24320 10 Bestwestern Senator Hotel GençtürkCad.SirvanizadeSok.No:7 34470 Şehzadebası/istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 528 18 65 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 522 73 93 ¡ Capacity: 102 total rooms. 210 total beds, 1 king suite. 5 junior suites. 4 connected moms. 1 handicapped room. 4 corner rooms. City view is available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar. data port, television, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv raom, gameraom,internet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception. 24 hrsraomservice, power generator, doctor or nurse, parking without fee. closed parking space. Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool, sauna. Turkish bath, fitness centre. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, cafeteria, lobby bar. snack bar. 1 a la carte restaurant 170 pax). 1 open buffetrastaurant(200 pax). 210 pax closed total capacity. International Cuisine. Ottoman Cuisine. Meetings Congress: 2 meeting rooms (70 min. 100 max. capacity). • Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart. barcovision. sound system, microphone, video player, television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 15 km. HOTELS Best Western Tiyatro Cad.No:25 34490 Beyazıt / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 516 69 80 (20 lines) Fax: +90(0212) 5166998 www.thepresidenthotel.coni Capacity: 204 total rooms, 407 total beds, 2 king suites. 6 suites. Sea, city views are available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, television, cable tv, satellite tv, cine 5, digiturk, central air conditioning, bathtub, hairdryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, baby sitter, health cabin, closed parking space. Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool, heated swimming pool, steam room, sauna, fitness center, night club. Büyük Saliinler Hotel Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, pool bar, terrace bar, snack-bar. 1 a l a carte restaurant (125 pax). Intemational Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 4 meeting raoms (400 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart. sound system, micraphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 15 k m . In old city center. **•• Capacity: 133 total roofns, 266 total beds, 1 king suite. The President Hotel restaurant [180 pax). City view is available. 180 pax closed total capacity. Room Details: Telephone, Meeting & Congress: 1 nnusic, nninibar, television, meeting raom (130 min. central air conditioning, 150 max. capacity). bathtub, hair dryer. can be provided on demand. Equipments General Facilities: Central air Location: Atatürk Airport conditioning, central heating, 15 k m . In old city. 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ laundry, dry cleaning, gift sliop, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor on dennand. Sports & Recreation: Sauna, gym hall. Mesihpasa Cad. No:73 Laleli / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 518 74 40 (PBX) Fax: +90(0212) 51874 50 www.hotelbuyul<sahinler.coni Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, cafeteria, lobby bar. snack-bar. 1 open buffet Color Hotel Millet Cad. No:82 34270 Fmdikzade / istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 631 20 20 (PBX) Fax: +90(0212)523 48 42 Capacity: 106 total raoms, - J 220 total beds, 2 suites, 4 comer "j 1 raoms. City view is available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, television, cable tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathraom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv raom, game raom, intemet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, parking without fee, health cabin, shopping center. Sports & Recreation: Turkish bath, massage. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, raof bar. snack-bar. 1 a la carte restaurant (200 pax), 1 open buffet restaurant (110 pax). 310 pax open total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 2 meeting raoms 1140 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart, sound system, micraphone, video player, television, fax. Location: The old istanbul Area 3 km. Atatürk Airport 15 k m . In city center. Eresin Taxim Hotel Best Western Intemational Topçu Cad. No:34 80090 Taksim / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 256 08 03 Fax:+90 (0212) 253 22 47 Capacity: 75 total rooms, 156 total beds, 2 suites. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar. television, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, hairdryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, U hrs room service, power generator, baby sitter. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, cafeteria, lobby bar. 2 a la carte restaurants. 100 pax closed total capacity. • Meeting & Congress: 3 meeting rooms (170 min. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart. barcovision. sound system, microphone, video player, television, fax. internet. Location: Lütfü Kirdar Kongre Salonu 1 km. Atatürk Airport 18 km. In city center. II Grace Hotel Capacity: 52 total rooms. 110 total beds. 4 suites. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, safe box. television, satellite tv. cine 5, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv room, intemet, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at mception, 24 hrs room service, power generator. Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool, sauna, massage, gym. • Wining & Dining: Bed& breakfast, breakfast lounge, roof bar. 2 a la carte restaurants. 150 pax open total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting rooms (150 min. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, flipchart, video player, television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 17 km. In city center, shuttle bus without fee. m - n I Meşrutiyet Cad. No:38 Tepebasi / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 293 39 55-56 ' Fax: +90(0212) 252 4370 Grand Anka Hotel Molla Gürani Cad. No:46 Fmdikzade / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 635 20 20 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 534 18 55 - 6356467 Capacity: 108 total rooms, 230 total beds, 1 suite, 1 handicapped room. Sea. city views are available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, television, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, tv room, game raom, intemet, business center, hair dresser, laundiy, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, health cabin, parking, closed parking space, shopping center. Sports & Recreation: Turkish bath, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, fitness center. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, snack bar 1 a la carte restaurant (75 pax), 1 open buffet restaurant (250 pax). 475 pax open total capacity. Turkish Cuisine, French Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room (100 min. 300 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, micraphone, video player, television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 12 km. In city center. HOTELS • • • • Grand Star Hotel Capacity: 110 total rooms. 229 total beds. Sea. city views are available. Room Details: Telephone, balcony, minibar, mini refrigerator, television, satellite tv. central air conditioning, safe box, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, split air condition, central heating, tv mom, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, U hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, baby sitter, closed parking space. Sıraselviler Cad. No:79 80090 Taksim / İstanbul Tel:+9010212) 252 70 70 Fax:+90 (0212) 252 90 90 Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi. Wining & Dining: B e d & breakfast, lobby bar, pool bar. 1 a la carte restaurant. Meetings Congress: 1 meeting room (100 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, sound system, micraphone. television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 19 km. In city center, shuttle bus without fee. • • • • Holiday Inn Istanbul sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, tennis, Capacity: 170 total rooms. 2U total beds, 27 suites. 1 handicapped jogging, gym. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, room. 25 executive rooms. 117 snack bar. 1 open buffet restaurant standard rooms. Sea view is (70 pax). available. Meetings Congress: 2 meeting Room Details: Telephone, voice rooms. Overhead projector, mail, music, balcony, minibar. safe vi/hiteboard. slide projector, flipchart, box. intemet connection, television, satellite tv. interactive tv. central air barcovision. sound system, microphone, video player. DVD conditioning, bathtub, hair diyer. player, television, fax. General Facilities: Central air Location: City center 10 km. conditioning, central heating, Atatürk Airport 8 km. Shores of the garden, tv room, internet business Marmara Sea. shuttle bus without center, hair dresser, laundry, dry fee. cleaning, safety box at reception, power generator, doctor or nurse, babysitter, parking without fee. health cabin. • Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool, f r Millet Cad. No:187 34280 Topkapi / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 530 99 00 Fax:+90 (0212) 530 99 24 r -, Sahilyolu 34710 Ataköy/İstanbul Tel:+9010212) 560 4110 Fax:+90 (0212) 559 49 05 Capacity: 148 total rooms, 290 total beds. 5 suites. 14 connected rooms. 2 handicapped moms. 33 non-smoking rooms. Garden, city views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar. electronic key-card systems, safe box. intemet connection, data port, television, air condition, shower, bathtub, wc. hair dryer. ^ General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, tv room, intemet business center, laundry, iraning. dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop. 24 hrs mom service, power generator, doctor on demand, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool, sauna, fitness center. *••* Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast half board, breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar. pool bar. 1 a la carte restaurant. 1 indoor restaurant (300 pax). 1 ball room restaurant (500 pax). Intemational Cuisine. Turkish Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room (300 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart. barcovision. sound system, micraphone. video player. DVD player, television, fax. air conditioning, light system. Largest space 450 m\ Ballraom with a capacity of 600. Location: Taksim 6 km, Sultanahmet 5 km. Atatürk Airport 12 km. In city center, shuttle bus with fee. Hotel Euro Plaza Tarlabası Bulvarı No:292Tı 80070 Taksim/İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 254 59 00 Fax: +90 (0212) 238 1374 Capacity: 158 total rooms, 322 total beds, 2 suites, k connected rooms, k handicapped rooms, 7 corner rooms, 2 family rooms. Sea, city, historical views are available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, safe box, television, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Internet, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, gift shop, 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor or nurse, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool, Finnish bath, sauna, massage, Jacuzzi, health & beauty center, gym. *•** Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, lobby bar, pool bar, terrace bar, 1 a la carte restaurant 11 00 pax), 2 open buffet restaurants [160 pax). 340 pax open, 80 pax closed total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 6 meeting rooms (5 min. 300 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, microphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city center. Hotel Interroyal Capacity: 90 total rooms. breakfast lounge, restaurant bar, 204 total beds, 6 suites & 6 Delux 1 restaurant (160 pax), 1 a l a carte suites. 1 handycapped room, restaurant (150 pax. indoor 6 non-smoking rooms. City view is & 50 pax. outdoor), 1 Beer Garden available. (150 pax. outdoor). 1 nightclub Room Details: Direct dial (undergmond 750 pax.) Telephone, music, minibar, safe box Meetings Congress: 2 Meeting with out fee, satellite tv, central moms (30 min. 75 max. capacity), A/C. hair dryer, W C , bathtub, whiteboard, barcovision, projection telephone in bathroom screen, sound system, micraphone, General Facilities: Central A/C, video player, CD player, DVD player, Central heating, loundry, imning. television, fax, PC, http, air dry cleaning, safety box at conditioning, UPS reception, gift desk, 24 hour m o m Location: In city center, service, power generator, doctor on undergraund station walking demand, valet parking. distance, Atatürk Airport 20 k m , Wining & Dining: Bed & shuttle bus to airport with fee. Breakfast, half board, full board. Balo Sok. No:19 & Nevizade Sok. No:31 Beyoğlu 80070 İstanbul Tel: +90 (0212) 292 82 30 & 3 Lines Fax:+90 (0212) 293 79 56 Hotel İstanbul Kervansaray Capacity: 65 total rooms, 154 Wining & Dining: Bed 8< total beds, 4 suites. City view is breakfast, breakfast lounge, available. lobby bar, snack-bar. 1 a la Room Details: Telephone, carte restaurant (150 pax). music, minibar, safe box, 200 pax open total capacity. tea/coffee machine, television. • Meeting & Congress: cable tv, satellite tv, central air Şehit Muhtar Cad. No:61 80090 Taksim / İstanbul Tel: +90(0212) 235 50 00 (16lines) Fax:+90 (0212) 253 43 78 - 253 43 79 2 meeting raoms (150 max. conditioning, bathtub, hair capacity). Overhead projector, dryer. whiteboard, slide projector, General Facilities: Central air flipchart, barcovision, sound conditioning, central heating, system, micraphone, video tv room, intemet. business player, television. 2 VIP Rooms center, laundry, dry cleaning, with a capacity of 5-15 cap. safety box at reception, 24 hrs Location: Lütfi Kirdar İst. raom service, power generator, Congress & Conv. Center baby sitter, closed parking 0.8 km. Atatürk Airport 20 k m . space. In city center. HOTELS Hotel Yaşmak Sultan EbusuudCad.No:18/20 Sirkeci / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 528 13 43 (PBX) Fax: +90(0212)528 1348 Hotel Yenişehir Palas Capacity: 171 total rooms. 307 total beds. 4 connected raoms. 20 comer raoms. City view is available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar. television, satellite tv. central air conditioning, split air condition, shower, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, power generator, parking without fee. closed parking space. Capacity: U total rooms. 6 junior suites. 2 connected rooms, 1 handicapped room. 6 non-smoking rooms. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar. safe box without fee. television, satellite tv. central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair diyer. telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv room, game mom. internet, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception. U hrs raom semce, power generator, doctor or ••** nurse on demand, garage. Sports & Recreation: Turkish bath, sauna, gym hall. Wining & Dining: Lobby bar, terrace bar. 1 raof restaurant (250 pax), 1 indoor restaurant (100 pax). Meeting & Congress: 2 meeting rooms (30 min. 60 max. capacity). Fully equipment. Location: St.Sophia.Topkapi Palace.Blue Mosque 200 m. In old city. •*•* Wining & Dining: Bed 8< breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar. 1 a la carte restaurant (42 ' pax). 1 open buffet restaurant [150 pax). 192 pax open total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 2 meeting rooms [14 min. 60 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart. baraovision. sound system, micraphone. video player, television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 15 km. In city center. It Cad. oteller Sok. No:1/3 80050 Tepebasi/islanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 25271 60 (10 lines) Fax:+90 (0212) 2497507 ^ Hotel Yigitalp Gençtürk Cad. Çukurçeşme Sok. No:38 Sehzadebasi/istanbul tel:+90 (0212) 512 98 60 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 512 20 72 Capacity: 83 total raoms. 165 total beds. 5 suites. 3 connected raoms. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar. television, pay tv. satellite tv. central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathraom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv raom. intemet, business center, hair dresser, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, gift shop. 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, health cabin, closed parking space. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, lobby bar. 1 restaurant [110 pax). Meeting & Congress: 2 meeting raoms [70 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, fiipchart, sound system, micraphone, video player, DVD player, television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 15 km. In old city. Konak Hotel Cumhuriyet Cad.Nisbet Sok.N:9 Elmadağ 34437 Sisli/istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 225 82 50 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 232 42 52 konak@hotelkonal( Richmond İstanbul Capacity: 104 total rooms. 206 total beds. 2 suites, 6 connected rooms, 8 non-smoking rooms, 26 executive rooms. Sea, city views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar, safe box, internet connection in executive rooms, plasma tv in suites, cable tv. satellite tv, cine 5, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, wc. hair dryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, intemet room, photocopy machine, colour printer, business center, executive lounge, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning. 24 hrs room service, power generator, car parking with fee near facility. Capacity: 87 total rooms. 160 total beds, 3 suites. 2 family moms. Room Details: Telephone, minibar. safe box. free tea/coffee tmy. television, satellite tv. cine 5. central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, safety box at reception, U hrs mom service, power generator, doctor or nurse, baby sitter, garage. Wining & Dining: 6ed8< breakfast, breakfast lounge, *••• Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast breakfast lounge, patisserie, cafeteria, roof bar & restaurant with Bosphorus view, american bar. 2 a la carte restaurants (one of them is roof restaurant & bar with Bosphorus view), 1 main restaurant (320 pax closed total capacity). Intemational & (Mediterranean Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 5 meeting rooms (20 min. 150 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, projector, barcovision, sound system, microphone, video player. DVD player, television, fax. air conditioning, video conference. Location: Atatürk Airport 17 k m . In city center, shuttle bus to airport with fee. İstiklal Cad. No:445 34433 Tünel / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 252 54 60 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 252 97 07 ¡ Royal Hotel Aksaray Cd.N:16 34480 Laleli / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 518 51 51 Fax: +90(0212)518 51 60 www.royalhotelistanbuLcom ¡ **** lar. 1 a la carte restaurant (80 pax]. Turkish Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting mom (80 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, sound system, micraphone. video player, television, fax. Location: Harbour 5 km. Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city ceater.. Capacity: 130 total rooms, 258 total beds. 2 suites. City view is available. Room Details: Telephone, minibar. television, cable tv. satellite tv. central air conditioning, shower, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv raom, laundry, safety box at reception. 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand, parking without fee. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, lobby bar, snack-bar. 2 a la carte restaurants (350 pax). 350 pax open total capacity. • • • • Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room (100 min. 150 max. capacity). Location: Atatürk Airport 15 km. In old city. HOTELS The Madison Hotel Receppasa Cad. No:23 34437 Taksim / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 238 54 60 (PBX) Fax: +90 (0212)238 51 51 Capacity: 108 total rooms, 210 total beds, 2 suites. Room Details: Telephone, minibar, safe box, television, satellite tv. central air conditioning, hairdryer, telephone in bathroom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, internet, business center, laundry, dry cleaning, 24 hrs room service, power generator, art gallery. Sports & Recreation: Indoor swimming pool, Turkish bath, Finnish bath, sauna, massage, **•• Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast. 1 a la carte restaurant (100 pax). Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting rooms. Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, sound system, microphone, television. Location: 300 m to the sea. Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city center. Antea Hotel Capacity: 45 total moms, 100 total beds. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, television, satellite tv, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub. hairdryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv raom, laundry, safety box at reception, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, parking without fee. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar. 1 a la carte restaurant (70 pax). 170 pax open total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting raom (40 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, sound system, micraphone, video player, television, fax. Location: In old city. , Piyerloti Cad. No:21Cemberlitas Eminönü / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 638 11 21 (8 lines) Fax:+90 (0212) 517 79 49 Bestwestern Kücükayasofya Mah. Cinci Meydanı Yusuf Aşkm Sok. No:28 Sultanahmet/İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 518 48 01 PBX Fax:+90 (0212) 518 81 19 Hotel Amber Capacity: 58 total raoms, 120 total beds. 3 suites. Sea view is available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, television, cable tv, satellite tv, split air condition, shower, bathtub, hair dryer. General Facilities: Tv raom, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor or nurse. Sports & Recreation: Turkish bath, sauna, massage, billiards. Wining & Dining: Bed& breakfast, half board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar, terrace bar. 2 a la carte restaurants (150 pax), 2 open buffet restaurants (150 pax). Location: 100 m to the sea. Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city center. Blue House Hotel Capacity: 27 total rooms. 50 total beds, 1 suite. 1 connected room. 26 standard moms. City, historical views are available. Dalbastı Sok. No:U 3U00 Sultanahmet/ İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 638 90 10 Fax: +90(0212)63890 17 Room Details: Minibar. intemet connection, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathmom. General Facilities: Centml air conditioning, central heating, garden, intemet, laundry, imning, dry cleaning, safety box at reception. Ik hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, car parking with fee near facility. Wining & Dining: Bed8< breakfast, half board, lobby bar. restaurant bar. 1 a la carte restaurant, 2 outdoor restaurants (90 pax), 1 indoor restaurant (80 pax). Ottoman Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine, vegetarian cuisine. Meeting & Congress: Sound system, micraphone, video player, DVD player, television. Location: Atatürk Airport 17 km. In old city, shuttle bus with fee, shuttle bus to airport. Cartoon Hotel Capacity: 72 total rooms. U4 total beds. 1 suite. 2 connected rooms. 7 non-smoking rooms, 62 standard rooms. City, historical views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar. safe box. television, satellite tv. central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, wc, hair dryer. Jacuzzi, hydro massage. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, internet, hair dresser, laundry, ironing, dry cleaning, market. 24 hrs room service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter, parking without fee. pets are allowed. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, breakfast lounge, cafeteria, lobby bar, terrace bar. americanbar. restaurant bar. 1 a la carte restaurant, 1 outdoor restaurant 170 pax). 1 indoor restaurant (90 pax). Ottoman Cuisine. Turkish Cuisine, vegetarian cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting raom (100 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, projector, barcovision. sound system, micraphone. video player, DVD player, television, fax, air conditioning, light system. Location: Kilyos 65 km. 800 m to the sea. Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city center. Taksim. Tarlabası Blv No:36-38 80080 Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 238 93 28 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 238 52 01 www.cartoonhoteLcom Erboy Hotel Ebusuud Cad. No:32 34410 Sirkeci / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 513 37 50 (PBX) Fax:+90 (0212) 513 37 59 Capacity: 85 total raoms. 170 total beds. 2 connected raoms. 20 comer raoms. Sea. city, historical views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, satellite tv. split air condition, shower, bathtub, wc, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, intemet cafe, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, pets are allowed. Wining & Dining: Bed 8< breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar. terrace bar. 2 a la carte restaurants (160 pax). 80 pax open. 80 pax closed total capacity. Location: Atatürk Airport 20 km. In old city. HOTELS EyfelOteli Capacity: 85 total rooms. 45 total beds. City view is available. Room Details: Telephone, . music, balcony, minibar. l i y television, cable tv. satellite tv, centml air conditioning, bathtub. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv room, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception. 24 hrs mom service, power generator, doctor on demand, closed Kurultay Sok. No:19 34470 Laleli / İstanbul parking space. Tel: +90 (0212) 520 97 88 (PBX) - 520 97 89 (Pbx linesjí Fax:+90 (0212) 512 42 20 -527 0771 Wining & Dining: Breakfast www.hote( lounge, lobby bar. snack-bar. *** 1 a la carte restaurant (60 pax). 2 open buffet restaurants (100 pax). 100 pax open total capacity. Alacarte cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room (40 min. 50 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, sound system, micmphone. video player, television, fax, equipments can be provided on demand. Location: Atatürk Airport 15 km. In old city. Feronya Otel Capacity: 102 total rooms, 197 total beds. 13 junior suites, 1 handicapped raom, 88 standard raoms. City view is available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, music, minibar, safe box, intemet connection, satellite tv, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub in some raoms. wc. hair dryer, telephone in bathraom. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv raom, intemet, business center, gift shop, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand, car parking with fee near facility. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar, snack bar, raof bar, terrace bar. 1 a la carte restaurant. 1 indoor restaurant (215 pax). Intemational Cuisine, Turkish Cuisine. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting raom (80 max. capacity). Overhead projector, screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, projector, sound system, micraphone, video player, television, air conditioning, light system. Location: Atatürk Airport 20 k m . In city center. Abdülhakhamit Cad. No:70-72 80090 Taksim / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 238 09 01 - 237 26 35 Fax:+90 (0212) 238 08 66 -237 2832 Grand Yavuz Hotelistanbul Piyer(oti Cad. No:71/B 34490 Sultanahmet/İstanbul Tel: (0212) 5171712 Fax:(0212)517 82 69 info@grandyavü Capacity: 84 moms, 2 suit rooms, 6 single bed raoms, 64 double bedrooms, 12 triple rooms, sea. city and historical view. Room Details: Central airconditioning. telephone, bathtube. hairdryer, cable tv. minibar. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, outdoor parking, laundry, dry cleaning, safe boxes, gift shop, power generator. Wining&Dining: Bed&breakfast, halfboard. fullboard. Roof bar&alacarte *•* restaurant with seaview. 100 pax (indoor), main restaurant capacity: 150 pax (indoor) Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room capacity: 50 pax. Location: Walking distance to all historical places Blue Mosque, St. Sophia, Topkapi Palace, Grand Bazaar 0,5 km. Atatürk Airport 15 km. Harem Hotel Selimiye Ambarı Sokak No:2 34668 Üsküdar / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0216) 310 68 00 (PBX) Fax: +90(0216)33477 30 Capacity: 100 total rooms, 200 total beds, 9 suites. Sea, land views are available. Room Details: Telephone, balcony, minibar, television, cable tv, satellite tv, split air condition, bathtub, hair dryer. General Facilities: Split air condition, central heating, garden, tv raom, intemet connection, laundry, safety box at reception, 24 hrs raom service, power generator, parking without fee, pets are allowed. Sports & Recreation: Outdoor swimming pool, children's swimming pool, Turkish bath, sauna, table tennis, children's playgraund. Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar, pool bar. 1 a la carte restaurant 1150 pax). *•* Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting raom (200 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, fiipchart, sound system, micraphone, video player, television, fax. Location: Atatürk Airport 30 k m . Sabiha Gökçen Airport 13 km. In city center. Hotel Grand Ons Capacity: 92 total rooms, 190 total beds. City view is available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, television, cable tv, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv room, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, U hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand, pets are allowed. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, aquarium bar with fire place. 1 open buffet restaurant [200 pax). 200 pax open total capacity. Far East Cuisine. Location: Atatürk Airport 15 km. In old city. Azimkar Sok. No:32 34480 Laleli / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 518 63 70 (PBX) Fax: +90(0212)518 63 74 Hotel Mosaic VidinliTevfikPasa Cad. 34490 Laleli/İstanbul Tel: (0212) 512 98 50 Fax: (0212)512 98 57 Capacity: 118 standart rooms, 250 beds. Room Details: Sat-TV. Minibar, direct dial telephone, dush&WC, hair dryer, central heating&cooling sistem, balcony. Activities: Main Restaurant, Patisserie Flora, Cutty's Bar [with TV section). Conference raom (80 pax), Bilüards, Turkish Bath, Sauna, Fitness Center, Sun Terrace, Laundry Service. Room Service. Location: In Istanbul City Center, Topkapi Palace 2 km. Atatürk Airport 12 km. HOTELS Hotel Nena Binbirdirek Mah.Klodfarer Cd.No:8-10 Sultanahmet/istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 516 52 64 Fax:+9010212) 638 30 59 *** Wining & Dining: Bed & breakfast, half board, full board, breakfast lounge, lobby bar. terrace bar. 1 a la carte restaurant (80 pax). 1 open buffet restaurant (80 pax). Turkish Cuisine. Meetings Congress: 1 meeting room (40 min. 50 max. capacity). Sound system, television, fax. Location: 1000 m to the sea. Atatürk Airport 20 k m . In old city. *** Taşlık Hotel Capacity: 77 total rooms. 154 total beds. Sea view is available. Room Details: Telephone, music, balcony, minibar. television, cable tv. split air condition, bathtub, hair diyer. General Facilities: Central heating, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception. 24 hrs room service, power generator, parking without fee. closed parking space. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, lobby bar. 1 a la carte restaurant (100 pax). 100 pax closed total capacity. Capacity: 29 total rooms. 58 total beds. 4 suites. 1 family room. Sea. historical views are available. Room Details: Telephone, music, balcony, minibar. television, satellite tv. central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair diyer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, tv room, intemet. laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception. 24 hrs room sen/ice. power generator, doctor or nurse, baby sitter, parking VKithQUtfee, Meetings Congress: 1 meeting room (100 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, fiipchart. television. Location: Atatürk Airport 24 km. In city center. | Süleyman Seba Cad. No:75 Valideçeşme 34357 Maçka/Istanbul Tel: +90 (0212) 227 8310-13 (4 lines) Fax: +90(0212)2604243 info@tasükhoteUom tasUkhotel@superü Best Western Taşhan Tashan Cad.No:57 34142 Bakırköy / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 543 65 75 -5728540 Fax:+90 (0212) 561 0988 GSM: (0533) 738 88 39 Business & Airport Hotel Capacity: 40 total rooms. 80 total beds, 10 non-smoking rooms. Room Details: International direct dial-telephone, balcony in some raoms, electranic key-card systems, safe box, data port, cable tv, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathraom. central heating, smoke detector. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, digiturk. internet, business center, laundry, iraning. dry cleaning. 24 hrsroomservice, power generator, doctor on demand, parking without fee. Credit Card accepted. Wining & Dining: Open buffet breakfast. 1 indoor a la carte restaurant (80 pax). Intemational Cuisine. Turkish Cuisine. ** Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting raom (30 max. capacity). Overhead projector, projection screen, television, fax, VCD player, electronical print board. Largest room capacity 30. Location: Train station and sea-bus 1 km., center of the old city 10 km.. Atatürk Airport 9 km. In city center, free transfer to airport, free transfer to fair center. ** Celal Sultan Hotel Yerebatan Cad. Salkım Söğüt Sok. No:16 34410 Sultanahmet/İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 520 93 23 -52093 24 Fax:+90 (0212) 522 97 24 ¡ Hotel Erdim Capacity: 52 total raoms. m total beds. 2 connected raoms. Sea, garden views are available. Room Details: Telephone, music, balcony, minibar. television, satellite tv, split air condition in some raoms, shower, bathtub, hair dryer, telephone in bathraom. General Facilities: Central heating, garden, laundry, dry cleaning, safety box at reception, market, power generator, doctor on demand, outdoor parking space. Capacity: 32 total rooms, 2 suites, 1 junior suite, 2 connected moms, 1 family room. Historical view is available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, safe box, television, satellite tv, central air conditioning, shower, bathtub, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, internet, safety box at reception, U hrs mom service, power generator, parking without fee, pets are allowed. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, lobby bar, terrace bar. 1 a la carte restaurant (85 pax). 85 pax open, 30 pax closed total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room (10 min. 25 max. capacity). Flipchart, video player, television, fax. Location: In old city. •* Sports & Recreation: Table tennis, cycling, jogging. , Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge. 1 a la carte restaurant (125 pax). Location: 150 m to the sea. Atatürk Airport 45 km., Sabiha Gökçen Airport 15 km. Ankara Cad. No:156 Kartal/istanbul Tel: +90(0216)30658 94-95 Fax:+90 (0216) 353 78 88 hotelerdim@superonü Otel Pisa Feth¡ Bey Cad. Kurultay Sok. No:3/1 34470 Laleü/istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 512 59 40 -511 43 00 Fax: +90(0212) 511 55 39 www.p¡sahotel¡stanbuLcom ¡nfo@p¡sahote(¡stanbü(.com Capacity: Ik total raoms. 48 total beds. 4 suites. City view is available. Room Details: Telephone, music, minibar, television, satellite tv, split air condition, bathtub, hair dryer. General Facilities: Central heating, tv room, safety box at reception, Ik hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, lobby bar. snack-bar. 48 pax open total capacity. Location: Atatürk Airport 15 km. In old city. *• HOTELS Sultanahmet Sarayı Hotel & Restaurant Torun Sok. No:19 %m Sultanahmet/İstanbul Tel: +90 (0212) 458 04 60 (pbx) Fax: +90(0212)518 62 24 Located at the very heart of the Old City in Istanbul Sultanahmet Palace Hotel offers you all the authenticity and glomour of Antique Istanbul with its functionally decorated 36 rooms, including 6 Deluxe rooms with a private balcony. All rooms have direct dial telephone. AirConditioning with heating option. Satellite TV, Radio, Minibar. Hair dryer, and finally, a breathtaking Traditional Turkish Bath and toilet in each room. You may also benefit from the Safe Boxes at the reception. Laundry & Dry Cleaning, 24 hours Room Service, Generator. Parking and Garden facilities. Away from the bustle of the city. Sultanahmet Palace hotel provides you a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere, both with is Byzantium * * Period decoration style and with its outer silhouette inspired from the remarkable Ottoman architecture. The authentic and the relaxing garden is also at your service for your outdoor entertainments and organisations... You may try the selective dishes of the sophisticated Emperial Ottoman Cuisine at Sultans's Restaurant with 140 persons capacity, while you enjoy the magnificient viex of the marmara Sea, Prince's Islands, Sultanahmet Mosque and finally the Bosphorus shores... Acropol Hotel Best Western (Historical Hotels) Capacity: 26 total rooms, 58 total beds, 2 suites. Blue Mosque, St.Sophia and Marmara Sea view raoms are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, mioibar, cable TV, shower or bathtub, hair dryer, air condiboning, heating system General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, tv raom, intemet connection, laundry & dry cleaning, safe box at the reception, parking without fee, credit card accepted. Stay two days or more get free transfer tram the airport to the hotel 24 hours. Wining & Dining: Open buffet breakfast, half board, A la carte The Marmara Roof Restaurant with Bosphomsview 140 pax), 1 indoor restaurant ( 60 pax) lobby bar Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting raom 160 cap.), with equipments Location: 14 km to the Atatürk Airport, In old city Descreption:.... Reconstructed as a 19th Gentry Ottoman Mansion, Best Western Acrapol Hotel Istanbul is a boutique hotel located in the center of Istanbul just a short walk from Sultanahmet Square, Topkapi Palace, and the Basilica Cistem..You can overlook the sea of Marmara and see the Blue Mosque tram the terrace cafe and most of the raoms. This deluxe hotel is 14 kilometers tram the Istanbul Atatürk Airport. The lobby you will be impressed by the hand made ceiling ornamentations and the ceiling paintings made by professionals. These paintings relate to the concept of the ceiling ornamentation of Ottoman Architecture which had a vital significance in the tradition of arahitecture of the six centuries lasting Ottoman Empire. BestWestern Akbiyik Cad. No:25 Sultanahmet / Istanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 638 90 21 Fax:+90 (0212) 518 30 31 Capacity: 31 total rooms, Meeting & Congress: 73 total beds, 6 suites. Sea. 2 meeting rooms (200 max. historical views are available. capacity). Overhead projector, Room Details: Telephone, whiteboard, slide projector, music, balcony, minibar, flipchart, barcovision, sound television, cable tv, central air system, micraphone, video conditioning, shower, bathtub, player, television. hairdiyer. Location: Atatürk Airport 17 General Facilities: Central air k m . In old city, at the beach. conditioning, central heating, garden, safety box at reception, power generator, parking. Wining & Dining: Bed8( Kennedy Cad. Sahilyolu No:32 Ahirkapi 34400 Sultanahmet/istanbul Tel: +90(0212)51623 13 Fax:+90 (0212) 516 13 84 S Citadel Hotel breakfast, breakfast lounge, snack-bar. 1 a la carte restaurant (90 pax). Intemational Cuisine. Eresin Crown Hotel Küçük Ayasofya Cad. No:40 Sultanahmet / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 638 U 28 Fax:+90 (02121638 09 33 Capacity: 59 total rooms, 5 suites, • connected raoms. Sea, iiistoricat views are available. Room Details: Music, minibar, electranic key-card systems, safe box, television, satellite tv, central air conditioning, bathtub, hairdryer, Jacuzzi, telephone in bathraom, working desk, parquet floor, black out curtain. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, split air condition, central heating, business center, laundry, dry cleaning, jewellery store, Ik hrs raom service, power generator, parking without fee. Sports & Recreation: Jacuzzi. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, lobby bar, terrace bar. 1 a la carte restaurant 145 pax). 1 outdoor restaurant (110 pax). 200 pax closed total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 2 meeting rooms (180 max. capacity). (]verhead projector, projection screen, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, micraphone, video player, television, fax. Location: St.Sophia-Blue Mosque 0.5 km. Grand Bazaar 1 km, Topl<api Palace 0,5 km. Atatürk Airport 15 km. In old city center. Fuat Paşa Oteli Capacity: 51 rooms, 107 beds. Room Details: Allraomsara equipped with diract dial teleptione, bathtub, music, TV, air conditioning, minibar, hair dryer and balcony. Rooms ara heated by central heating. General Facilities: This hotel also has air conditioning and central heating in public areas, outdoor&indoor parking areas. Market, generator, dry cleaning, safety box at reception. Airport/hotel/airport transfer service and Ik hrs room service are also available. Wining & Dining: There is a restaurant with 280 pax indoor and 80 pax outdooor capacity. The breakfast lounge can serve up to 280 pax. The Paşa Bar and cafeteria will be setving for your leisure time. Meeting & Congress: There ara 2 meeting halls which include overhead projector, slide projectory video player, TV and whiteboard. The meeting facilities have a total capacity \ of 100 pax. Location: The hotel is located at Büyükdere-Sarıyer and is on the Bosphoms. The distance fram Atatürk Airport is 35 km. Çayırbaşı Cad. No:238 80890 Sariyer/lstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 242 98 60 (10 Lines) Fax: +90(0212)242 95 89 PeraPalas Tepebasi / istanbul Tel: +90(0212)251 45 60 (12 tines) Fax: +90(0212) 251 40 89 info@perapa( Capacity: U O total rooms, 275 total beds, 6 suites. City, historical views are available. Room Details: Telephone, balcony, minibar. safe box, ^ intemet connection, television, split air condition, bathtub, hair dryer. General Facilities: Air condition, central heating, terrace, laundry, dry cleaning, gift shop. Ik hrs raom seivice, power generator, doctor or nurse, closed parking space. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge. 3 a la carte restaurants Meeting & Congress: 3 meeting rooms (300 max. capacity). Overhead projector, whiteboard, slide projector, flipchart, barcovision, sound system, micraphone, video player, television, fax, intemet. Location: Pera Palace Hotel is just at the heart of istanbul. It is in the middle of business, cultural, social & historical places. Atatürk Airport is 25 km. to the hotel. HOTELS Vardar Palace Hotel Sıraselviler Cad. No:54 34433 Taksim / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 252 28 88 (PBX) -2445548 Fax:+90 (0212) 252 15 27 ¡ Capacity: 40 total rooins. 96 total beds. 40 standard rooms. City view is available. Room Details: Dimct dial telephone, minibar. safe box. intemet connection, cable tv, split air condition, shower, bathtub, wc, hair dryer. General Facilities: Split air condition, central heating, intemet. laundry, iraning. dry cleaning, safety box at raception. 24 hrs raom service, power generator, doctor on demand, baby sitter on demand, parking with fee. Wining&Dining: Bed& breakfast, breakfast lounge, terrace bar. Location: 1 km to the sea. Atatürk Airport 20 km. In city center, shuttle bus. Arena Hotel Capacity: 27 total raoms, 54 total beds. 2 suites, 2 junior suites. Sea. city views are available. Room Details: Direct dial telephone, balcony in some raoms. minibar. safe box. cable tv. central air conditioning, central heating, shower, bathtub, wc. hair dryer, central heating. General Facilities: Central air conditioning, central heating, garden, laundry, dry cleaning. 24 hrs raom service, power generator, outdoor parking space. Sports & Recreation: Turkish bath. Wining & Dining: Breakfast lounge, garden bar. vitamin bar. 1 outdoor restaurant (30 paxl. 1 indoor restaurant (30 pax). 30 pax open, 30 pax closed total capacity. Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting raom (30 max. capacity). Location: Blue Mosque-StSophiathe underground cistern 300 m.. Grand Bazaar 500 m.. Topkapi P a t o 400 m. AtatOrk/^rportlSkm. In old diy center *Special Küçük Ayasofya Mah. Şehit Mehmet Paşa Yokuşu üçler Hamam Sok. No:13-15 Sultanahmet / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 458 03 64 Fax:+90 (0212) 458 03 66 certificate pending. Seres Hotel Hüdavendigar Cad. No:49 34420 S¡rkec¡ / İstanbul Tel:+90 (0212) 5193020 Fax:+90 (0212) 519 36 36 Capacity: 54 rooms. 110 beds, 4 suties. Room Details: TV, satellite tv, air-conditioning, minibar, music, direct dial telephone, private bathraom, hair dryer, smoke detector and sprinkler system. General Facilities: 24 hrs raom service, intemet. secreterial services, safe box at reception, doctor, dry cleaning, laundry service, generator. Wining & Dining: 2 restaurants (total cap:60). breakfast hall (total cap:60). 2 bars (Sultan. Teras restaurant & bar with panoramic Bosphoms and Istanbul view) Meeting & Congress: 1 meeting room (total cap:50] Location: 5 minutes walk to the Topkapi Palace. Saint Sophia. Blue Mosque. Cistems, Covered Bazaar, Railway station, Harbour and 10 minutes to the dining and entertainment districts. 15 km to Atatürk Airport. *Special certificate pending.