Mark Tanchel Dina Madonick - Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley
Mark Tanchel Dina Madonick - Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley
May – June 2016 Vol. 67 No. 5 Nisan - Sivan 5776 Presidents Dinner Invitations have been mailed to each household RSVP via response card enclosed with invite. Questions? Call the Temple Office YOU ARE WARMLY INVITED TO ATTEND A CELEBRATORY SHABBAT DINNER TO HONOR AND THANK Mark Tanchel Outgoing Synagogue President Join Us to Celebrate Lisa Lonschein Sunday, May 22nd 9:30 am to 11am King David Ballroom Lisa Lonschein is retiring after many years of teaching, loving and caring for thousands of our children as a member of our Early Childhood Program Faculty. She has shared her love of Judaism and has spread joy AND through song. Lisa has served our community in many Dina Madonick capacities as Sisterhood President, a choir member, Outgoing Sisterhood President For their dedicated service to our congregation. Friday, the Tenth of June Two thousand Sixteen Board of Trustees and as a Board Officer. If you would like to share a photo or a special memory about Lisa please email it to by April 28th. Free of Charge—RSVP required Check e-letter for link Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey Purim at Temple Emanuel Mitzvah Makers, our 3 year olds Making masks for our Purim Celebration held on March 23, 2016. From the Rabbi Shavuot 5776 SHALOM As I prepare to say goodbye to TEPV, I want to tell you how pleased I am that you have succeeded in identifying the congregation’s needs and in finding a rabbi who can call forth your trust and collaboration. Mazal tov! I realize that there were plenty of things that I wasn’t able to do here, or didn’t have time to do, or didn’t even realize needed to be done. But a transitional rabbi serves a very different purpose than a settled rabbi. A transitional rabbi is like the friend you find after a breakup, a divorce, or the death of a partner. He is the person who helps you believe in yourself again. That is what I have tried to do. I have many outstanding memories of my year here: sharing special moments in your lives, both happy and sad; working with wonderful clergy and office staff; feeling uplifted by your participation in Shabbat and holiday services; enjoying the stimulation of your questions at our family and adult education programs. At this moment of transition, I am reminded of a passage in the Talmud which describes the greetings exchanged by the watchmen in the ancient Temple as they changed shifts. As the guards passed by each other, they would say, “We wish you love, we wish you brotherhood, we wish you peace, we wish you friendship.” As Randy and I leave TEPV, we wish you the things that so many of you have given us—love, brotherhood, peace and friendship. When I leave TEPV in July, it will not be appropriate for me to discuss any synagogue business with you—I will no longer be your rabbi. But I will always be your friend. Please stay in touch! You may contact Randy and me at . Best of life, Rabbi David Klatzker Saturday night June 11 Tikkun Leil Shavuot Night of Study Join Rabbi Klatzker for a Tikkun Leil Shavuot Night of Study 9:30 PM Erev Shavuot Services 10:15-11:15 PM. Night of Study Refreshments: Coffee and Cheesecake Details to follow in the eBulletin Teen Tikkun Leil Shavuot & Midnight Breakfast Saturday night, June 11 from 11:00 PM – 1:00 AM High School Students (grades 9-12) are invited to the home of Cantor Alan & Erica Sokoloff for stimulating discussion and awesome food. We’ll begin with an informal “Ask the Cantor” session (Ask whatever you want!) followed by a homemade breakfast Pancakes, Waffles, Eggs, Strawberries & Cream and of course, Ice Cream!! At the home of Cantor & Erica 54 Indian Drive in Woodcliff Lake Rsvp please to 2 CANTOR’S NOTES lessons that a new committee chair or trustee must learn is to suppress their individual needs for the good of the congregation; this is not a lesson always easily learned, but one that is vital to performing a successful leadership role in the community. The past two years have been momentous in the life of our congregation. We have witnessed significant change in our religious leadership. Cantor Biddelman’s retirement after almost fifty years brought a circumstance unknown to the vast majority of the membership. It has been a privilege for me this year to befriend Cantor Sokoloff and I wish to acknowledge and thank him for all he has achieved in his first year. Special mention should be made of his impact on a Bnai Mitzvah class who viewed this transition with much trepidation, but gained magical memories to last a lifetime. I am confident that the entire community will go from strength to strength with him as part of our spiritual leadership. With the unexpected resignation of Rabbi Shull, we turned to Rabbi Klatzker who proved to be a steadying influence in our congregation. His contributions are deeply appreciated. We will embark shortly on a new phase of our journey as a community with the arrival of Rabbi Monosov this summer. I am confident that she will be a strong leader who will touch every part of our community, and that this congregation will soar to new heights under her guidance. Finally, I would like to use this forum to thank all those who offered me unflinching support during my tenure. These include my family and friends, members of our clergy, the many volunteers, committee chairs and trustees, members of the executive and past‐presidents, as well as the educational, administrative and custodial staff. I worked hard to lead by example, but no task was concluded by me alone. It has been my privilege to serve the community; I am humbled by the trust placed in me, and am grateful for it. Mark Tanchel Dear Friends, Could it be? Are we nearing the end of our first year together? It seems like yesterday that you so warmly welcomed Erica and me into the TEPV family and the Woodcliff Lake community. There are many people to whom I owe a sincere debt of gratitude. At the risk of leaving anybody out, please know that each of you have a special place in my heart and I look forward to being your Cantor and teacher and friend for many years to come. I would be remiss were I not to acknowledge and show my appreciation to my new friend and our interim rabbi, Rabbi David Klatzker. Rabbi Klatzker came to our aid when we needed him most. He has guided us through our year of transition and helped to ensure that our future is bright. I extend to Rabbi David and Randy my best wishes for many years of success and happiness. Finally, I am thrilled that in July we will welcome to our congregational family Rabbi Loren Monosov together with her husband, Jeremy and their beautiful daughters, Hannah and Yael. I look forward to partnering and collaborating, learning and davening with Rabbi Monosov in the years to come. Cantor Alan Sokoloff President’s Message This is the last entry I will write for The Bulletin as President of the synagogue. I hope that future presidents will also choose to use this publication to communicate with the membership. I have found it to be a useful vehicle to impart practical information, and also to share my observations about life in our community and a vision for our future. Being the president of a congregation is a labor of love. It is, in its essence, no different than the commitment that every volunteer or member of our lay leadership shows to do their part to for the good of the community. We are confronted with decisions of varying magnitude, but are guided by an overarching desire to do what is best for the whole. One of the most important TODAH RABAH TO ALL WHO KINDLY REMEMBERED US WITH MISHLOACH MANOT — RABBI Klatzker & RANDY KATZ, CANTOR AND ERICA SOKOLOFF, RABBI KNIAZ, MARGIE, THE RELIGIOUS SCHOOL TEACHERS, RICHARD, GAIL, CAROL SCROFANI, BARBARA, LINDA, MARILYN AND THE MAINTENANCE STAFF 3 Religious School News celebrates survival while Pesah celebrates Liberation – with a capital “L”. What does this mean? It is a challenge in life to balance doing what has to done to get from one day to the next (as in Purim) with moments of transformation (as in Pesah). Both are necessary in Jewish history, as well as in our own lives today. Think about it . . . We need to go to work and make a living, but we also need time with our family and friends and to replenish ourselves. Our students need to work hard in school, but they too need time with family and friends and to replenish themselves. We need time for our secular pursuits, but we also need time to nurture our spiritual selves ‐‐ for reflection, God, community, comfort and celebration, all of which are there for us in our beautiful and wise religion. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven,” writes Kohelet (Ecclesiastes 3:), “. . . a time for weeping and a time for laughing, a time for wailing and a time for dancing, . . . a time for silence and a time for speaking . . .” A time for work and a time for rest; a time to be silly and a time to be serious; a time to reflect and a time to refrain from reflecting . . . a time for the day‐to‐day and a time for the Transcendent. We should recognize that we need both – and be careful that we do not sacrifice one for the other. A note of thanks, since my last bulletin article, we have had many wonderful programs. Among these were our guest speakers for our 7th graders. We would like to thank survivors Hanna Wechsler and Charles Ticho, and veteran of the Yom Kippur War, Moshe Rotstein. I would also like to share some photos from our fabulous 4th grade Kashrut brunch. Thank you to our students, teachers, aides, Kim, Sue Romanoff, parent volunteers and family guests – and a huge thank you to Margie for taking care of all the logistics! See our website for more photos. From Purim into Pesach If Purim is over, can Pesah be far behind? (Gasp!) We had such joyous Purim celebrations for all ages at Temple Emanuel. We thank our secret “angel” for the delicious food & Sisterhood and Men’s Club for the carnival & entertainment (Matty Roxx performed for the pre‐K – 2nd grades). Thanks too, to Cantor Sokoloff and his 7th grade students for doing our megillah reading for 3 – 6th grade students. How does Purim compare to Pesah? What a silly question, they are so different! One is serious and one is silly; in one we eat NO hametz and the other LOTS; in one, God is at the center of the story and in the other ‐‐ God is not mentioned even once! There are many other ways they are different: One is mostly a private home celebration, the other is very public. One is literally the first step on the way to our own land in Israel, the other is firmly set in the Diaspora. One is a harvest festival as well as a historical commemoration – Pesah is a pilgrimage festival in which the fruits of our harvest were brought and offered in the Holy Temple, while Purim takes place in a specific, urban setting that is not in our own land. As a result, Pesah is possibly more spiritual than Purim. Yet there are some commonalities. Among others, Purim and Pesah are both wonderful family holidays that are designed to be children‐centered; a time for inviting guests and giving to the poor (Matanot LaEvyonnim on Purim and Ma’ot Hittim on Pesah); they are both in the TaNakh, the Hebrew Bible (Pesah is in the Torah and the Purim story is in the last book of the Bible, Ketuvim or “Writings); we recite some (but not others) of the same prayers on both holidays. Both holidays celebrate our deliverance from evil. However, the first is short‐term and on a local scale while the latter is forever and for the people as a whole. In my opinion, the most important difference is that Purim 4 Early Childhood Program Spring has brought renewed energy to the children and teachers alike. The opportunities to learn and play outside in our magnificent setting abound. We are delighted to be back in the playgrounds and the outdoor classroom. During April we were thoroughly immersed in the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of Pesach. Each grade had a spirited Seder in school where the children had the opportunity to share their knowledge of the wonderful story of Passover. We sang “Thank you God, we’re free!” Dayenu. All of the children will be singing on the bima for our special Shabbat evening service on Friday, May 13. Shabbat is a special time here in ECP every Friday morning, but there is extra spirit felt when we come to synagogue at night (well 5:30) with our families to celebrate with prayers and music and of course, food. The staff so appreciates the parents who volunteer to organize the dinner – and all the parents who step up to help year‐round. It gives us much nachas to “graduate” 35 of our ECP students as we send them off to kindergarten. There will be a special graduation ceremony on June 7. We know they are ready to move on and up and we are proud. Registration for Fall 2016 is on‐going. Plans are underway for another fun‐filled summer at our CAMP. We also invite high school students (15 and up) to volunteer with us in the summer. They will have a great time being adored by the young children and earn some service hours as well. It’s a mitzvah! Please contact us for information on camp or school. Here’s to sunny skies! Lisa Lonschein and Beth Hirschberg Temple Emanuel welcomes new member families: Jennifer and Steven Fleckner and their children Benjamin and Madelyn Stacey and Dan Lazar and their children Samantha and Abigail 5 Will be called to the Torah. . . May 7, 2016 Daniel Fuchs Lives in Upper Saddle River with mother, Amy, father, Bruce, and sister, Devon, 11.; a seventh grader at Cavallini Middle School…interests include animals, sports, card games, hiking, bike riding…Ambition: entrepreneur…School Activities: track and field…Community Service Projects: Big Brother. “I’m excited to become a Bar Mitzvah and celebrate with my family.” May 21, 2016 Eli Engler Lives in Park Ridge with mother, Jordana, father, Mitch, and brother, Joshua, 15…is a seventh grader at Park Ridge Jr/Sr High School…interests include basketball, math, science…Ambition: to be a doctor…School Activities: Student Council, Math Club, Brain Busters, Science Club, Chess Club. “I’m excited to become a Bar Mitzvah and celebrate this special day with my family and friends.” May 28, 2016 Arielle Solomon Lives in Woodcliff Lake with mother, Elyse, father, Michael, and sister, Cayla, 8…is a seventh grader at Woodcliff Middle School…interests include singing, acting, ice skating, movies, hanging out with friends…Ambition: would like a career in the fashion industry and wishes to continue to advance her singing ability…School Activities: Art After Hours, Chamber Choir…Community Service Projects: Friendship Circle, Linking Hearts. “I am very excited about spending time with my family and friends to celebrate my becoming a Bat Mitzvah. The time and effort I put in over the past year has been very rewarding.” June 11, 2016 Rachel Sara Blume Lives in Woodcliff Lake with mother, Erika, father, Mark, and brother, Harrison, 16…is a seventh grader at Woodcliff Middle School…interests include music, theatre, dance, sports, animals…Ambition: either professional musician or veterinarian…Youth Group: Animal Rescue…School Activities: plays the clarinet, bass clarinet, tenor sax, and alto sax. In band, jazz band and woodwind ensemble, also participates in school plays…Community Service Projects: volunteers at the Pascack Navigators Sports Program for soccer, basketball, baseball and music activities. “I am so very excited to read from the Torah and become a Bat Mitzvah while sharing my special day with all my friends and family!” June 12, 2016 William Higgins Lives in River Vale with mother, Kathy, father, Mike, and sister, Evie, 11…is a seventh grader at Holdrum School…interests include basketball, baseball, football, hanging out with friends…Ambition: to be happy and successful throughout my life…School Activities: basketball and baseball teams…Community Service Projects: Friendship Circle, Junior Police Academy. “I am looking forward to becoming a Bar Mitzvah and spending the day with family and friends.” 6 Rabbi André Ungar Scholarship Award June 18, 2016 Adina Kestenbaum Elise Friedland Susan Heskins Andrew Lustigman Michael Benstock David Cohen Danny Nevins Ben Sommer Ronni Namerow Marcia Pik Meredith Herman Adam Katz Ethan Ungar Mark Biddelman Debra Blecher Alyssa Gray Marilyn Hamburg Edith Weinthal Mark Zames Jennifer Abramowitz Deborah Barcan Marc Cohen Joshua Noble Lisa Cohen Lucy Buxbaum Tamar Rotstein Rabbi Andrew Bloom Emily Kurzweil Dov Wilker Lauren Herman Lisa Lonschein Steven Melman Penni Zivian David Rotstein Rachel Herman Adam Rotstein Stephanie Gold Barry LeVine Rachel Deblinger Andrew Bromberg Jacqueline Gold Alexandra Gold ( Please note that the names are in the order of the year of receipt of the award) Lives in Ridgewood with mother, Jodi, father, Russ, brother, Ben, 16, and dog, Pippa, 5 …is a seventh grader at Benjamin Franklin Middle School….. interests include swimming, diving, softball, skiing, spending time with friends …Ambition: engineer…School Activities: volleyball, organized first ever school wide Gold Out to raise awareness for pediatric cancer…Community Service Projects: pediatric cancer awareness organizations: Go4theGoal and Michael Feeney’s Best Day Ever, Ridgewood softball special All Stars program for kids with special needs. “I am excited to become a Bat Mitzvah and to share this special occasion with my family and friends.” August 27, 2016 (at Temple Emanuel) Alexa Faye Shachar Lives in Israel with mother, Cindy, father, Albert, brother, Zevick, 9…brothers Lior, 25 and Sivan, 27 …is a 7th grader at Mor Junior High School…interests include baking, movies, television, hanging out with friends…Ambition: to become an actress – but a babysitter in the meantime…School Activities: art and drama clubs…Community Service Projects: working with animal shelter. “I cannot wait to be a Bat Mitzvah and officially become an “adult”. I’m extremely excited to see all of my friends and family as well as the entire congregation of Temple Emanuel and share my journey into adulthood.” These are the recipients of the Rabbi André Ungar Scholarship Award since its inception in 1986. Is your name among the recipients or is the name of a member of your family on this list? If so, we would be interested in knowing what these individuals are doing now and how the Ungar Scholarship has been a significant influence in their accomplishments. Please email the Temple office if you have information about the latest achievements of these individuals. Are you planning to major in Judaic studies? In Jewish communal work? Synagogue clergy? Jewish education? Perhaps you are eligible for the award. Please let us know!!! Temple Emanuel Homeless Program Family Promise is an organization that works with people from Bergen County who have come upon hard times and fine themselves homeless. If you and/or your family are interested in volunteering this year, Temple Emanuel is scheduled to host the families at a local church on Tuesday, June 14 and Wednesday & Thursday August 3‐4. To find out more, please contact Jen Romanoff 201‐406‐7402. 7 IN MEMORIAM Yahrzeit List – May, June, July, August Mildred Paul Harry Sternberg Alfred Stewart Henry Tandy William Glazer Hannah Mills Lena Gordon Gary Levant Rose Gladstein Issac Smith Lou (Ludwig) Walter Alice Bessen Peter Wallach Anne Schupak Sadie Keller Alexander Seigel Ann Cutler Fischel Fischbein Fam. Renee Kissler Samuel Nevins Rubin Reicher Odille Ross Steven F Ticho Leonora Messer Elliot Botwin Sadie Ballinger Isadore Berger Irving Friedman Walter Heskins Hannah Heyman Margaret Sasson Seymour Kazan David K. Kleiner Arnold Kopeloff Daniel Grossmann Ronald Albert Robert Fingerman Irene Yaker Marcia Sitzer Isabelle Allison Herb Arginatar Ruth R. Gottlieb Harry Kaufman George Warshaw Ruth Cord Ben Hofstadter Minnie Stern Ida Kaufman Jack Markman Sam Perlman Paul Robbins Shirley Siegelman David Keeperman Paul LaPoff Fanny Nestler Julian Steinfeld Abesalom Ajiashvili Rebecca Carpenter Minnie Kempner 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/6/2016 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 5/7/2016 5/8/2016 5/8/2016 5/8/2016 5/8/2016 5/8/2016 5/9/2016 5/9/2016 5/10/2016 5/11/2016 5/11/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/12/2016 5/13/2016 5/13/2016 5/14/2016 5/14/2016 5/15/2016 5/15/2016 5/15/2016 5/16/2016 5/16/2016 5/16/2016 5/16/2016 5/17/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 Sadie Kolton William Kurfist Edward Levey Ceilia Margolis Hildegard Marx Sara May Frances Scheer Irving M. Zorowitz Shigeru Inagaki Freda Levere Dorothy S. Meyerson Irving Siegel Mary Tandy Seymour Markowitz Lucy Benado David N Farber Alex Kronick Hattie Abrams Frida Beckman Sanford E. Berger Harvey Blech Mollie Goldstein William Rothman Louis Saltman Lawrence Arons Reuben Bushell Walter Green Rochelle Jacobs Susan Yoskowitz Herman Bader Nathan Diamond William Goldberg Harry Romanoff Etta Siegel Anne Smith Lena Burstein Helen Grossman Solomon Kissler Judi Oliver Frances Hohauser David Lipkin Paul Speck Irving Grossman Haskel Lichtstein Mildred B. Freeman Celia Heskins Sidney Heyman Seymour Minot Barbara Shapiro Rabbi Max Wall Ruth Weiner Mildred Freeman Sabina Brenner Arnold Mandelman Lilyan Shmookler Alan S. Blume Molly Gordon Gladys Levinson Saul Seigel Nisan 23 Nisan 23 Nisan 23 Nisan 23 Nisan 23 Nisan 24 Nisan 24 Nisan 24 Nisan 25 Nisan 25 Nisan 25 Nisan 25 Nisan 25 Nisan 25 Nisan 26 Nisan 26 Nisan 27 Nisan 27 Nisan 27 Nisan 27 Nisan 27 Nisan 27 Nisan 27 Nisan 27 Nisan 28 Nisan 29 Nisan 29 Nisan 29 Nisan 29 Nisan 29 Nisan 29 Nisan 30 Nisan 30 Nisan 30 Nisan 30 Nisan 30 Iyar 1 Iyar 1 Iyar 2 Iyar 3 Iyar 3 Iyar 4 Iyar 4 Iyar 4 Iyar 4 Iyar 5 Iyar 5 Iyar 6 Iyar 6 Iyar 7 Iyar 7 Iyar 7 Iyar 8 Iyar 8 Iyar 8 Iyar 8 Iyar 9 Iyar 10 Iyar 10 8 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/18/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/19/2016 5/20/2016 5/20/2016 5/20/2016 5/21/2016 5/21/2016 5/21/2016 5/21/2016 5/21/2016 5/21/2016 5/21/2016 5/21/2016 5/22/2016 5/22/2016 5/22/2016 5/22/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/24/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/25/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/27/2016 5/27/2016 5/27/2016 5/27/2016 Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar Iyar 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 Samuel Blechman Leo Haberfield Harry Hasenfeld Paul Kleinberger Molly Mendelson Bessie Schaffer Sol Goldberg Sonia Doppelt Gertrude Friedman Francis Buchwalter Stanley Kaplan Samuel Gutmore Myles Wilcove Richard Grossman Rose Brower Emily Danine Irwin Heyman Harry Kriger Doris Winter Anna Edelson Gerald Kapiloff Leo Bessen Eileen Davidoff Joseph Gubman Julius Zuckerbrod Melvin Gold Amalia Adler Louis Gold Rose Wilcove Gail Charnow Hyman Liebowitz Bernard Dorfman Frieda Horowitz Abraham Fernand Edith Levinson Bernard Lyon Ida Wolfin Sidney Axelrod Joseph Barth Ray Binder-Katz Samuel Jacobson Helen Osherowitz Morris Rosenbaum Chaim Denker Daniel Billig Estelle Kobrin Dan Silver Harry Perlmutter Samuel Garry Rose Desatnik Abraham Steinhauser Irving Zucker Isidor Schneiderman Mollie Silodor Leo Bessen Lena Garry Max Grunfeld Frances Levine Barnett Schwartz Hinda Weinstock Kate Hofstadter Molly Liebeskind David Rothaus Leib Shapiro Louis Silodor David Friedland Sarah Kobrin 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 5/28/2016 5/29/2016 5/29/2016 5/30/2016 5/30/2016 5/30/2016 5/30/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 5/31/2016 6/1/2016 6/2/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/3/2016 6/4/2016 6/4/2016 6/4/2016 6/4/2016 6/4/2016 6/4/2016 6/5/2016 6/6/2016 6/6/2016 6/6/2016 6/6/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/7/2016 6/8/2016 6/8/2016 6/8/2016 6/8/2016 6/8/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/9/2016 6/10/2016 6/10/2016 6/11/2016 6/11/2016 6/11/2016 6/11/2016 6/11/2016 6/12/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/13/2016 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 Pauline Lazarus Gary Franklin Rosenfeld Sara Kaufman Mollie Feig Gerri Goldberg Oscar Kaffee Robert Sheinberg Morris Yaker Martin Reich William Aptaiker Azriel Barnett Samuel Katz Ruth Starrett Julius Kessler Ellen Sabloff Harold Gray Samuel Kramer Harold Gray Alvin Shoham Murray Bazer Lillian Blumenson Martin Feldman Simeon Kass William Kaufman Helen Licker Jane Robin Saslow Rudolph Starr Eileen Zeitz Charlotte Kapner David Pik Lena Singer Ethel Mandel Max Auerbach Hilda Berger Ralph D. Gottlieb Max Granett Sidney Hirsch Bella Isaacs Sheila Rubackin Meyer Shapiro Cheryl Kaufman Walter Maas Ralph Zalusky Katy Nawi Jack Band Joseph Bender Minna Feldman Hanni Kaufmann Sylven L. Schaffer Murray Kessler Sara Bushell Arthur Cole Samuel Garelick Marian Zalusky Sophie Friedman Beatrice Gillman Kathryn Kaufman Frank Mactas Dara Wolbrom Jack Swidler Abram Goldman Beatrice Chodroff Rose Gluck Lawrence Pattap Liselotte Stern Harvey Frank Gussie Gordon Iyar 20 Iyar 20 Iyar 20 Iyar 20 Iyar 20 Iyar 20 Iyar 20 Iyar 20 Iyar 21 Iyar 21 Iyar 22 Iyar 22 Iyar 22 Iyar 22 Iyar 23 Iyar 23 Iyar 23 Iyar 23 Iyar 23 Iyar 24 Iyar 25 Iyar 26 Iyar 26 Iyar 26 Iyar 26 Iyar 26 Iyar 27 Iyar 27 Iyar 27 Iyar 27 Iyar 27 Iyar 27 Iyar 28 Iyar 29 Iyar 29 Iyar 29 Iyar 29 Sivan 1 Sivan 1 Sivan 1 Sivan 1 Sivan 1 Sivan 1 Sivan 1 Sivan 2 Sivan 2 Sivan 2 Sivan 2 Sivan 2 Sivan 3 Sivan 3 Sivan 3 Sivan 4 Sivan 4 Sivan 5 Sivan 5 Sivan 5 Sivan 5 Sivan 5 Sivan 6 Sivan 7 Sivan 7 Sivan 7 Sivan 7 Sivan 7 Sivan 8 Sivan 8 9 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 6/14/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/16/2016 6/17/2016 6/17/2016 6/17/2016 6/17/2016 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 6/19/2016 6/19/2016 6/19/2016 6/19/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/20/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/21/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/22/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/23/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/24/2016 6/25/2016 6/25/2016 6/25/2016 6/25/2016 6/26/2016 6/26/2016 Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan Sivan 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 Meyer Kastan Daniel Rostolder Jerome H Simon Rita Mittman Irving Richmond Malka Duhovny Robert S. Kramer Edith Maas Joseph Sall Alberto Tovi Joseph Frieberg Edith Katz Alfred Mendel Lillian Peligal Raquel Steinwurzel Irving Draznin Samuel Fihma Eugenie Saltzman Lena Warshavsky Bea Frisch Bluma Rubenstein Jacob Weiss Fred Strauss Marsha Cohen Lillian Seiden Mollie Alpert Julius Davis Michael Gillman Wolfe Romanoff Helen Sinofsky Mac Pearl Wexler Bernard Cohen Maurice Kronowitz Edith Sankie Abraham Rosen Barbara Wilkes Sam Bialkin Minnie Lustigman Abraham Rosen Karen Rosbruch Paul Rubenstein Helen Barcan Fannie Kriger Sally Pattap Max Olesker William Romanoff Gertrude Treistman Julius Friedman Lillian Hopp Albert Liszovics Maurice Weinberger Bernie Wilker Mildred Kramer Howard Crane Bernard Levine Ronald Schick Manuel Gottlieb Pearl Massa Isadore Albert Daniel Crane Frances Samuels Molly Clements Sandra Eichenblatt Philip Kodack Ida Mayer Sadie Perlmutter 6/26/2016 6/26/2016 6/26/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/27/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/28/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/29/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 7/1/2016 7/2/2016 7/3/2016 7/3/2016 7/3/2016 7/3/2016 7/3/2016 7/3/2016 7/4/2016 7/4/2016 7/4/2016 7/4/2016 7/4/2016 7/5/2016 7/5/2016 7/5/2016 7/5/2016 7/5/2016 7/6/2016 7/6/2016 7/6/2016 7/7/2016 7/7/2016 7/7/2016 7/8/2016 7/8/2016 7/8/2016 7/8/2016 7/8/2016 7/9/2016 7/10/2016 7/10/2016 7/10/2016 7/11/2016 7/11/2016 7/12/2016 7/12/2016 7/12/2016 7/12/2016 7/13/2016 7/13/2016 7/13/2016 7/13/2016 Harry Berger Benjamin Romanoff Barnett Weiner Simon Rosen Stephen Friedman Irving Solomon Rudolf Stern Helen Fernand Aaron Fishman Allan Cohen Meyer A. Biddelman Frieda Fraiman Dora Gottlieb Irving Gordon Claire Kurtz Judith Markowitz Ruth Saltman Irving Bross Sylvia Dorfman Irene Goldberg Meyer Reiff Otto Berger Dr. Daniel Sugarman Iris Weisberg Nathan Weiss Bertie Scult Miriam "Mimi" Wall Rose Noble William Landau Sarah Testa Craig Bross George Kessel Betty Frankenthaler Ethel Fried Cylvia Kravitz Joseph Langer Jeannette Sternberg Alvin Cantor Morris Goodman Lee Hoffman Jack Feldman Rachel Morin Shirley Rosenbaum Shirley Harris Kenny Cardaci Martin Chodroff Marvin Glazer Doris Mitnick George Spirer Isadore Tuchman Susan Klein Irving Fishman Sylvia Schwartz Beatrice Simon Evelyn Christenfeld Samuel Eisenstadt Saul Singer Leo Weiner Murray Winter Debra Blecher Abraham Berman Bernard Levy Abraham Adler Lena Hodos Samuel Modes Zvi Strycouski Sivan 20 Sivan 20 Sivan 20 Sivan 21 Sivan 21 Sivan 21 Sivan 22 Sivan 22 Sivan 22 Sivan 22 Sivan 23 Sivan 23 Sivan 23 Sivan 23 Sivan 23 Sivan 24 Sivan 24 Sivan 24 Sivan 24 Sivan 25 Sivan 25 Sivan 25 Sivan 25 Sivan 25 Sivan 26 Sivan 27 Sivan 27 Sivan 27 Sivan 27 Sivan 27 Sivan 27 Sivan 28 Sivan 28 Sivan 28 Sivan 28 Sivan 28 Sivan 29 Sivan 29 Sivan 29 Sivan 29 Sivan 29 Sivan 30 Sivan 30 Sivan 30 Tammuz 1 Tammuz 1 Tammuz 1 Tammuz 2 Tammuz 2 Tammuz 2 Tammuz 2 Tammuz 2 Tammuz 3 Tammuz 4 Tammuz 4 Tammuz 4 Tammuz 5 Tammuz 5 Tammuz 6 Tammuz 6 Tammuz 6 Tammuz 6 Tammuz 7 Tammuz 7 Tammuz 7 Tammuz 7 10 7/14/2016 7/14/2016 7/14/2016 7/15/2016 7/15/2016 7/16/2016 7/16/2016 7/17/2016 7/18/2016 7/18/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/19/2016 7/20/2016 7/20/2016 7/20/2016 7/20/2016 7/21/2016 7/21/2016 7/21/2016 7/21/2016 7/22/2016 7/22/2016 7/23/2016 7/23/2016 7/24/2016 7/24/2016 7/25/2016 7/26/2016 7/26/2016 7/26/2016 7/26/2016 7/27/2016 7/27/2016 7/27/2016 7/27/2016 7/27/2016 7/27/2016 7/28/2016 7/28/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/30/2016 7/30/2016 7/30/2016 7/30/2016 7/30/2016 7/30/2016 7/30/2016 7/31/2016 7/31/2016 7/31/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 8/1/2016 8/2/2016 8/2/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 8/3/2016 Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 George Schick Leo Cutler Myrna B. Levine Edward Paley Morris Abramowitz Irving Glass Sylvia Gotkin Norman Palefski David Rukin Nathan Shiff Sylvia Gotkin Rae Grant Robert Mellin Ethel Pakett Ben Clements Ethel Mitnick Herman Ritter Kurt Seldis Ilse Adler Emanuel Dutka Gerald Kapiloff Roslyn Sheinberg Nathan Wilcove Sam Winter Rochelle Grossman Blanche Messinger Nathan Nadler Norman Rubenstein Joyce Starr Larry Gray Shirley Leibowitz Myra Sheinker Morris Brenner Aba Nussbaum Jeannette Post Sheva Rosen Samuel Brower Gertrude Segal Herman Borsuk Harry Ehrlich Sally Fingerman Vera Mendlovitz Morris Newman Lorin Sherman Cassie Sklover Richard Bardach Natalie Kazan Warren Lipkin Helen Schulman Nettie Waters Helen Schulman Babette Isner Mary Lyon Willi Sachsendorfer Chelle Kraus Abraham Hasner Elinor Levin Jacqueline Mark Erich Marx Martin Rothman Anna Myerson Ruth Stern Jack Alpert Jennifer Freilich Katherine Freilich Jeffrey Laden Milton Mandel 8/3/2016 8/4/2016 8/4/2016 8/4/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 8/5/2016 8/6/2016 8/6/2016 8/6/2016 8/7/2016 8/7/2016 8/7/2016 8/8/2016 8/9/2016 8/9/2016 8/9/2016 8/9/2016 8/9/2016 8/9/2016 8/10/2016 8/10/2016 8/10/2016 8/11/2016 8/11/2016 8/12/2016 8/12/2016 8/12/2016 8/12/2016 8/13/2016 8/13/2016 8/13/2016 8/14/2016 8/14/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/15/2016 8/16/2016 8/16/2016 8/16/2016 8/16/2016 8/16/2016 8/16/2016 8/17/2016 8/17/2016 8/17/2016 8/17/2016 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 8/18/2016 8/19/2016 8/19/2016 8/20/2016 8/20/2016 8/20/2016 8/20/2016 8/20/2016 Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Tammuz Av 1 Av 1 Av 1 Av 1 Av 1 Av 1 Av 1 Av 2 Av 2 Av 2 Av 3 Av 3 Av 3 Av 4 Av 5 Av 5 Av 5 Av 5 Av 5 Av 5 Av 6 Av 6 Av 6 Av 7 Av 7 Av 8 Av 8 Av 8 Av 8 Av 9 Av 9 Av 9 Av 10 Av 10 Av 11 Av 11 Av 11 Av 11 Av 11 Av 11 Av 11 Av 12 Av 12 Av 12 Av 12 Av 12 Av 12 Av 13 Av 13 Av 13 Av 13 Av 14 Av 14 Av 14 Av 14 Av 14 Av 15 Av 15 Av 16 Av 16 Av 16 Av 16 Av 16 Oscar Stern Selma Zorowitz Edward Abrams Charles Lempart Benjamin Sachs Samuel Singer Fannie Deutsch Martin Bachman Esther Feldman Louis Katz Jack Horowitz Florence Wolf Adele Fruminsky Beatrice Fischer Freda Raskin Schrager Lenore Warsoff Ann Goldfarb Ida Kanter Adolf Kugelmass Abraham Perlmutter Louis Weinberg Stewart Bardach Norman Rothman Roy Soldano Arthur Wolf Shari Cole Richard Allen Mayo Kraemer Marion Baum Samuel Leonard Maurice Runyon Jennie Cimmet Perry Meyerson Irving Sanders Alice Silberman Philip Slapack Clara Rabinovitch 28 29 29 29 8/20/2016 8/20/2016 8/21/2016 8/21/2016 8/21/2016 8/21/2016 8/22/2016 8/23/2016 8/23/2016 8/23/2016 8/24/2016 8/24/2016 8/24/2016 8/25/2016 8/25/2016 8/25/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 8/27/2016 8/27/2016 8/27/2016 8/27/2016 8/27/2016 8/28/2016 8/29/2016 8/30/2016 8/30/2016 8/30/2016 8/31/2016 8/31/2016 8/31/2016 8/31/2016 8/31/2016 8/31/2016 Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av Av 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 Permits for the opening of graves at Cedar Park Cemetery are available through the Temple Office Monday – Friday. On weekends, please contact: Simone Wilker, 201-978-8822. Interested in sponsoring a Minyan Breakfast? Are you interested in sponsoring a Sunday Minyan Breakfast? With a donation of $75, you can sponsor a breakfast on a Sunday of your choice. Your contribution will be acknowledged with a certificate. Please call the main office to schedule your date. 11 Now on to some highlights of recent programs and events. They include our annual Purim Basket fundraiser, a Passover programming event entitled “300 Ways to Enhance Your Seder” and our spring Book Club, all of which took place during March and April. Coming up in May, we have our Yom Ha’Shoah commemoration on May 3, GrandPals scheduled for May 13, the Sisterhood Directory deadline on May 15, and a dessert exchange on May 24. This summer has our usual lineup of fun activities including Sisterhood Goes to the Movies, the summer Book Club and the Sisterhood Summer Social. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who have made our recent events possible: • Lisa Lonschein and Renee Friedman for the wonderful job they did coordinating Sisterhood Shabbat. Thank you to all of our participants: Melanie Cohen, Cindy Fox, Rachel Rimland, Michelle Mandelman, Jen Levison, Debbie Wescott, Susan Liebeskind, Ronnie Silver, Susan Richmond, Randy Katz, Sue Romanoff, Erica Sokoloff, Anita Nussbaum, Rachel Baskin, Deborah Barcan, Kelli Shill, Debra Feiler, Alicia Simpson, Heather Kaplin, Jen Romanoff, Debbie Rubenstein, Michele Loskant, Mark Tanchel, Elaine Padva, Rabbi Klatzker and Cantor Sokoloff • Lauren Gross and Michele Loskant for organizing a wonderful Ladies Night Out Dinner at A Mano Restaurant. • Wendy Zuckerberg for the excellent job she did organizing both the One Book, One Community showing of “Refusenik” as well as our spring book club with author Anna Solomon and her book “The Little Bride” • Ronnie Silver for organizing and hosting our Rosh Chodesh women’s study group. Thank you to Miriam Stern for being our speaker and to the Sisterhood at Temple Beth Or for joining us. Thanks also to Ronnie’s committee that helped set up and clean up: Berta Fromme, Michele Loskant and Diana Rosner • The Purim Basket Committee led by Debra Feiler and including Diane Fond, Karen Steinfeld, Adrienne Harris, Susan Liebeskind, Debbie Rubenstein, and Michelle Mandelman for another very successful fundraiser • Michele Loskant for organizing our recent Passover program: “300 Ways to Enhance Your Seder” with speaker Murray Spiegel In closing, it has been a pleasure and an honor serving as Sisterhood President for the past two years. I look forward to continuing to serve our congregation in a variety of different capacities in the years to come. Wishing you all a happy spring and a relaxing and rejuvenating summer, Dina Madonick, Sisterhood President Religious School Registration 2016-17 Registration for religious school is now in progress and class assignments are being reviewed. If you have not yet registered your children, kindergarten through 7 th grade, please contact us as soon as possible. Your Temple account must be paid in full prior to or with your registration. For more detailed information, or to receive a registration form, contact Margie Shore at 201‐391‐0801, ext. 12. Sisterhood Chai It seems like only yesterday when I was installed as Sisterhood President in June 2014. Two years later I can honestly say that time has flown by. There are so many outstanding people that have guided me, helped me and supported me throughout my tenure. I am grateful first and foremost to my wonderful Executive Board: Administrative Vice President: Debbie Wescott Ways and Means Vice President: Debra Feiler Program Vice Presidents: Lauren Gross and Michele Loskant Membership Vice Presidents: Karen Steinfeld and Wendy Zuckerberg Financial Secretary: Lisa Cohen Treasurer: Jamie Weinstein Corresponding Secretary: Jordana Engler Recording Secretary: Sandra Forman I would also like to thank past Presidents Lisa Lonschein, Susan Liebeskind, Cari Brandon, Robyn Reifman, and Sue Romanoff for their advice and guidance as well as Rabbi Kniaz, Rabbi Klatzker, and Cantor Sokoloff for their unwavering support. In addition to the clergy, I am grateful to the office staff ‐ Richard, Margie, Linda, Gail, and Marilyn – with whom I worked closely and got to know very well. Thanks also go to Anthony and Oscar from maintenance who set up rooms for every event, meeting, and program. Finally, to everyone who has led a committee, chaired an event, volunteered to help out, or attended one of our many amazing programs, I am sincerely thankful for your continued support of Sisterhood. Last but not least I would like to thank my wonderful family – my husband Brian and my children Brandon and Sabrina – for allowing me to take on this challenge for the past two years. They understood how much this opportunity meant to me, and they supported all of my efforts wholeheartedly. 12 GUARDIANS Julia Edelman Patti Goldman BENEFACTORS Deborah Barcan Mark Biddelman, Cantor Barry Blecher Melanie Cohen Sybil and Irwin Grace, in memory of Donna Sommer‐Batkin Barbara Grossman Randy Katz Audrey Kurtz Susan Maier Eileen Mandel Ilene Pakett Susan Prince Sue Romanoff Enid Ruzinsky David Seidenberg Virginia Soussa Dolores Spirer Jill Strassberg Rona Weinberg Harriet Zuckerman SUPPORTERS Lyn Birenbaum Janice Blumenthal Selma Dubnick Rita Elias Diane Fond Lyn Frankel Berta Fromme Linda Ganz Leta Gordon Florence Gosdin Sara Heskins Susan Liebeskind Helen Meyers Dina Madonick Dan Mitnick Rosa Nitzan Robyn Reifman Barbara Remnick, in memory of Dr. Edward Remnick Diana Rosner Debra Rubinstein Leta Sabin Naomi Samkoff Lois Shuman, in memory of N. B. Shuman Michelle Sicklick, in memory of Natalie Kaplan Ronnie Silver Alicia Simpson Sachiko Soskin Karen Steinfeld Eileen Steinvurzel Loretta Weinberg Elena Zislin, in honor of Rabbi Ponte Community of Caring Donations In memory of Frieda Friedmann by Jackie Kessel and Family In memory of Frieda Friedmann by Rob & Gary Cohen In memory of Frieda Friedmann by Barry Blecher In memory of Fred Maier by Barry Blecher In memory of Fred Maier by Sherman & Berta Fromme In memory of Fred Maier by Rosa Nitzan In memory of Fred Maier by Gary & Debra Mendeloff In memory of Fred Maier by Alan & Lynn Gold In memory of Fred Maier by Martin & Susan Prince In memory of Fred Maier by Shoshana & Abe Elson In memory of Fred Maier by Sachiko Soskin In memory of Fred Maier by Norman Cohen In honor of Saige Soskin by Arlene Beckman By Jodi & Russell Kestenbaum Torah Fund Reading the website of the Jewish Theological Seminar, is like entering a wonderland of Judaism. The richness of its resources and intellectual and cultural offerings is a little overwhelming. It is hard to believe the modest origins of this world‐wide institution, founded in 1886. Two well‐known Rabbis, Dr. Sabato Morais and Dr. H. Pereira Mendes, met with lay leaders from Sephardic congregations in Philadelphia and New York with the vision to, in the words of the Seminary’s mission statement, “ preserve the knowledge and practice of historical Judaism.” From its first class held a year later of ten students (was this number chosen expressly so that they would always have a minyan?) to today’s large institution spread out on several continents, it produces exceptional leaders for Conservative Judaism, training rabbis, cantors, scholars, educators and lay activists who are “inspired by our vision of Torah and dedicated to assisting in its realization.” Thanks to the many dozens of members who have contributed to the JTS furthering its work, Temple Emanuel has played a role being part of the mission to underwrite the next generation of Jewishly literate and dedicated Conservative leaders. As a congregation we have more than met our financial goal for fund raising during the past four years. That is an accomplishment we should all be proud of. Enjoy your summer, and don’t forget the Torah Fund – it never goes on vacation! B’Shalom from your co‐chairs, Eileen Mandel and Debby Barcan 13 KERUV CORNER Like life under the sea, there is tremendous diversity in the Jewish community and that extends to moms. Whether you are a Jewish mom, mom of another religious background, married mom, single mom, adoptive mom, or helicopter mom, your kids see you as ʺmom.ʺ Whatever your family structure, thank you for making the effort to bring Judaism into your childrenʹs lives, since they are Happy Motherʹs Day! the faces of our future. The next Keruv facilitated session Our Jewish dreams for our children and grandchildren Thursday, May 19, 2016 Temple Emanuel following 7:30 pm minyan RSVP Alayne Pick or temple office Ava and Steven Silverstein on the engagement of their daughters, Julie and Nina. Evie and Moishe Rotstein on the upcoming marriage of their daughter, Tamar. Condolences Temple Emanuel, Sisterhood, and Men’s Club extend sincere condolences to: The family of Dr. Seymour Rosenthal. The family of Ruth Goodman. The family of Berthold Salz. Patricia Goldman on the loss of her mother‐in‐law. Barbara Baum on the loss of her mother. Arlene Beckman on the loss of her companion, Herbert. Temple Emanuel extends condolences to the family of Cecil Jackson who was the custodian of TEPV for many, many years. His many years of dedicated service to the Temple was greatly appreciated. Primary Education Department On Sunday, June 5th, The K 2nd grade students will take part in their Closing and Moving Up Exercises as they finish this year and prepare for the next. For the Bet (second grade) students, this is an especially momentous occasion as they will be leaving the primary department and joining the elementary school in the fall. Simchas Temple Emanuel, Sisterhood, and Men’s Club wish a life full of simchas to: Kelli Shill on Lauren becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Jill and Andrew Lustigman on Matt becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Lori and Andrew Arons on Lindsay becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Jill and Steven Strassberg on Danielle becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Debbie and Steven Meyerson on Haley becoming a Bat Mitzvah. Melissa Wilkison and Cantor David Wallach on Jacob becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Marcia Kaplan on becoming a great grandmother to Harrison. Felicia and Steven Metz on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Justin. Student Aides of Temple Emanuel Appreciation Brunch Sunday, June 5th, 2016 9:30 am in the Oneg Room Light Brunch In appreciation of the work and dedication to our school and to our students. RSVP to Following the brunch, K-2nd Grade to Closing Program 3rd-6th Grades Regular class session 14 CONTRIBUTIONS Cantorʹs Discretionary Fund Shoshana Sokoloff The Heskins Family Chai Fund Amy & Seth Shulman Board of Education Donna & Ed Sirlin Gary Gorodokin Geri & David Cantor Helen Friedland Irene & Mark Rosen Jodi & Russ Kestenbaum Lisa & Bruce Mactas Michelle Sicklick Miriam & Bob Gray Rabbi Andre & Judy Ungar Religious School Susan & Peter Liebeskind Wendy & Ken Zuckerberg David Shore Memorial Fund Amy & Seth Shulman General Fund Marjorie & Murray Shore Leah Mactas Fund for Children Amy & Brad Frolick Amy & Rob Wexler Amy & Seth Shulman Amy & Seth Shulman Arlene & Michael Cohen Barb & Jon Achenbaum Dan Mitnick Diana & Jeff Teitel Dolly & Arnie Sobel Doris & Bernard Goldstein Dorothy & Aaron Henschel Dr. Arline Lowenthal Leah Mactas Fund for Children ,cont. Ellen & David Mactas Ellenor Mueller & Bill Stern Elyse & Lee Alper Geri Perkal Glenn & Lynn Movish Helene & Stan Kleiner Helene Lacoff Iris & Jerry Spiewak Joyce & Eric Bloom Julie & Ivan Grunbergers Karen & David Weiss Kim & Christopher Kralik Leslie & Marc Server Lisa & Marc Sobel & Family Mitzie & Lou Tick Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Perella Mr. & Mrs. R. Goldberg Pat & Gary Cohen Phyllis & William Bogen Renea & Samuel Hammerman Robyn & David Schlossberg Ruth & Martin Kornheiser Selma Krupnick Sondra & Burt Kornfeld Stanley Freilich Stephanie & Barry Kissler Susan & Mark Bromberg Terri & Barry Schneck The Berg Family The Family of Mark V. Mactas Vicki & Gary Squires Rabbi Ungar Scholarship Fund Miriam & Bob Gray Religious School Fund Miriam & Bob Gray Sue Gold & Larry Farber 15 Simcha Fund JoAnne & Bert Siegel Marcia Kaplan Yahrzeit Fund Anita Saslow‐Rafkin Barbara Cohen Barbara Grossman Barbara Mitchell Beth Solomon Bette Biddelman Cari Brandon Cindi Wellins Daniel Mitnick Dennis Paul Dr. Allen Griggs Edward Atlas Fred Soussa Gary Mendeloff Helene Benado Lee Arnold Lenore Lieberman Lillian Kessler Lynne Bolson Marcia Kaplan Mark & Joan Winter Mimi Leiner Rachel Rimland Rachel Rimland Randi Paul‐Heskins Rhonda Fernand Richard Mendel Rita & Leonard Singer Sandy Kleiner Selma Dubnick Sonia Keller Susan & Mark Bromberg Terri Griggs Memorial/Yizkor Fund Alayne Pick Barbara Rubenstein Debra Mendeloff Karen Albert & Family Susan & Mark Bromberg Yizkor 2016 Roll of Remembrance YOUR NAME:_____________________________________________ (First name{s} & Last) Children’s names (optional):________________________________________________ Phone #: _____________________________ The 2016 Yizkor Roll of Remembrance will be published for Yom Kippur, (October 12, 2016) and be used for Yizkor services throughout the year. In this beautiful booklet of prayers, you may memorialize your family and loved ones. The Roll of Remembrance will include hundreds of families in our congregation who observe this cherished tradition. It is a mitzvah to give tzedakah at the time of the High Holy Days. While we do not formally charge, we suggest a minimum contribution of $18 per name memorialized. Tzedakah accumulated from the Roll of Remembrance will be used for our children’s educational programs. Please fill out the form now. Make checks payable to Temple Emanuel and return to the office. Attn: Alicia Simpson Yizkor Book. Thank you for your cooperation. August 24th is the latest date that your contribution and memorial list can be accepted. Yizkor Memorial Booklet 5777– 2016/2017 Please check to repeat the same as last year Loved ones remembered: Print carefully Please be sure to ADD recent deaths of your loved ones. ______________________________________________ Suggested Contribution: ____Memorials @ $18 =______ Additional Contribution =______ Amount Enclosed: _____________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Please attach sheet for additional names PLEASE NOTE: IN ORDER TO KEEP THE YIZKOR BOOK CURRENT, YOU MUST INDICATE ANY NEW/RECENT CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS TO YOUR MEMORIAL LISTING. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOUR CHANGES OR CHECK OFF THAT YOU WISH TO REPEAT LAST YEAR’S LISTING. Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley invites Graduating High School Seniors and their Families אלה מסעי בנינו ובנותינו “These are the Journeys of our Sons and Daughters” Friday May 13 at 8:00 p.m. Graduation from high school and transitioning to college is an exciting and challenging time for every family. Your Temple family has always and will always be there to share all the important milestones and occasions in your life and this is no exception. Please join us for a special Friday Night Service during which we will both honor our graduates and invite parents and grads to participate in a short ceremony to celebrate this significant accomplishment of graduating high school and transitioning to college. GRADUATING HS SENIORS CO-CHAIRS: LISA COHEN, KAREN KENT, LIZ STEWART AND HELEN TANCHEL For more details contact Gail in the synagogue office Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley Religious School 2016 ZAYIN CLASS PROMOTION Thursday evening, May 26 —7:30 p.m. Certificates will be presented to those Zayin (7th grade) students who are completing their elementary Jewish education. The program will begin promptly at 7:30 p.m.—CLASS PHOTO WILL BE TAKEN PRIOR TO PROGRAM, please have Zayin students arrive no later than 7:00 p.m.—and will be followed by a short service and an elaborate reception, which will be sponsored by Temple Emanuel Sisterhood and the Board of Education. On Tuesday, May 24, the Bergen County High School of Jewish Studies will hold their graduation ceremony at Temple Emanuel. The graduates of the BCHSJS —David Janowsky, Jonathan Levin, Ariel Sabo, Alex Sobel, Joshua Speck and Samantha Tanchel — deserve our admiration and congratulations. Thank you to all the people represen ng Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley at AIPAC IN Washington, DC. A special shout out to Sco Miller, our group leader, and all the par cipants: Corey Cantor, David Cantor, Geri Cantor, Alex Cas el, Moshe Cas el, Susan Black Cas el, Jeff Cohen, Josh Cohen, Barbara Gold, Jeffrey Gold, Andrew Knopf, Rachelle Knopf, Dan Kramer, Felicia Metz, Randy Miller, Sco Miller, Mar n Prince, Susan Prince, Cantor Sokoloff, Alec Stewart, Todd Stewart, Mark Tanchel, Samantha Tanchel, Simone Wilker, and Jacob Younessi. Ask us about our mee ngs with Senator Corey Booker, Senator Robert Menendez, and Representa ve Sco Garre . SCHEDULE OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES: Fridays Saturdays Sundays Monday-Thurs. Saturdays Saturdays 1st Friday 8:00 PM Sabbath Eve Services 9:30 AM Sabbath Morning Service 9:00 AM Morning Service - Join us for breakfast following services 7:30 PM Evening Service 10:00 AM 6th Grade Learners Service ** 10:00 AM 3-5 Gr. Mini Minyan Service ** 6:00 PM Shabbat 4 KidZ Service **Learners Service and Mini-Minyan will be in session when noted on the calendar. SHAVUOT 5776 SERVICE SCHEDULE SATURDAY, JUNE 11 9:30 PM EREV SHAVUOT SERVICE TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT NIGHT OF STUDY SUNDAY, JUNE 12 MONDAY, JUNE 13 REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED 9:30 AM 1ST DAY SHAVUOT SERVICE 9:30 PM 2ND DAY EVENING SERVICE 9:30 AM SHAVUOT INCL. YIZKOR Summer Service Schedule Beginning on Shabbat, July 1st through August 20th Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 a.m. Friday Evening Shabbat Services, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 13 Erev Tisha B’Av Service – 9:00 pm IT’S AN EMERGENCY! RABBI KLATZKER IS AWAY! WHAT DO I DO? In the event of a death, serious illness or other emergency during a time when Rabbi Klatzker is away (rabbinic conference or vacation), you should call Rabbi Klatzker’s cell phone number 978-852-1817 and he will reach Cantor Sokoloff and/or a local Rabbi who is covering for him. Also, please inform the office staff about your emergency or leave a message in the general voice mailbox informing the office. IT’S AN EMERGENCY! IT’S SHABBAT! In the event a death occurs immediately prior to Shabbat or during Shabbat, please contact the funeral home to make initial arrangements and then contact the Rabbi and/or Cantor after Shabbat (one hour after candle-lighting) at their emergency numbers (Rabbi Klatzker's cell phone at 978-852-1817 and Cantor Sokoloff’s cell phone at 914-7724260) to make the final arrangements regarding date and time of the funeral. If you contact the Rabbi and/or Cantor and leave a voice message during Shabbat, they will get back to you as soon as Shabbat is over. If you think that a death is imminent in the days leading up to Shabbat, you are encouraged to inform the Rabbi and/or Cantor before Shabbat to keep them apprised. UPCOMING EVENTS: TEMPLE: TUES, MAY 3 TUES, MAY 10 FRIDAY, MAY 13 THURS, MAY 12 THURS, MAY 19 FRIDAY, MAY 20 SUNDAY, MAY 22 TUES, MAY 24 FRIDAY, JUNE 3 TUES, JUNE 7 FRIDAY, JUNE 10 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL: SUNDAY, MAY 1 AND 8 SAT, MAY 7 SERV. FINAL WEDS, MAY 11 SUNDAY, MAY 15 WEDS, MAY 18 SUNDAY, MAY 22 TUES, MAY 24 WEDS, MAY 25 THURS, MAY 26 SUNDAY, MAY 29 SUNDAY, JUNE 5 PROGRAM 7:00 PM YOM HA’SHOAH PROGRAM 7:30 PM BOARD OF TRUSTEES 6:30 PM HS GRADS SHABBAT DINNER & SERVICE 7:00 PM KERUV JEWISH DREAMS CONGREGATONAL MEETING TIME TBA 6:30 PM CONGREGATIONAL SHABBAT DINNER 9:30 AM BRUNCH HONORING LISA LONSCHEIN 7:30 PM BCHSJS GRADUATION AT TE 6:00 PM SHABBAT 4 KIDZ 7:30 PM BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5:45 PM PRESIDENTS DINNER 8:00 PM INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS NO SCHOOL MINI MINYAN & LEARNERS 4 :00 PM YOM HA’ATZMAUT PROGRAM 10:00 AM CLUB KATAN 10:00 AM LAG B’OMER CELEBRATION 12 NOON BOARD OF EDUCATION MTG. 10:00 AM MITZVAH MAKERS 4:00 PM ZAYIN CLASS REHEARSAL 4:00 PM ZAYIN CLASS REHEARSAL 7:30 PM ZAYIN CLASS PROMOTION NO SCHOOL 10:15 AM KIND, 1ST & 2ND CLOSING 10:00 AM FINAL DAY OF CLASSES 3-6 GRADES EARLY CHILDHOOD: FRIDAY, MAY 6 FRIDAY, MAY 13 TUES, JUNE 7 PROG. WEDS, JUNE 8 JUNE 14-16 MONDAY, JUNE 20 SISTERHOOD: TUES, MAY 24 TUES, JUNE 14 MOTHER’S DAY SHABBAT & TEA GRAND PALS 6:00 PM SHABBAT DINNER 5:15 PM 4 YEAR OLDS END OF YEAR LAST DAY OF CLASSES PRE-CAMP 1ST DAY OF CAMP DESSERT EXCHANGE LOCATION TBA 7:50 PM BOARD MEETING D O Y OU H AVE M INYAN R ESPONSIBILITY ? I N OUR COMMUNITY , WE MUST DEPEND ON THE KINDNESS AND COOPERATION OF ALL OUR MEMBERS TO MAINTAIN THIS PRECIOUS HERITAGE OF D AILY M INYAN . I N AN EFFORT TO SIMPLIFY OUR EVENING M INYAN PROCEDURE , EVERY FAMILY IS BEING ASKED TO ARRANGE FOR 5 ( FIVE ) PEOPLE TO BE PRESENT ON THEIR GIVEN EVENING . P LEASE JOIN US FOR SOME FIFTEEN MINUTES TO THANK G OD , TO LOOK INTO OUR HEARTS , TO TRY TO MAKE SENSE OF OUR LIVES . MAY 2016 Monday Tuesday 2 D. Berkowitz Goldfaden Conrad S. Leibowitz 3 9 Lichtstein Lieberman Liebeskind Lieberman 10 16 Lustigman Lyon Mactas Madonick 17 23 Meisner D. Mendel Mendeloff Merson 24 30 Nathin Ornstein Padva Paikin Leipsner Leschinsky Levant Leventhal Wednesday Thursday 4 A. Levine Le Vine Levitz J. Levin 5 Levison W. Levin D. Levy Lewites 11 Lipkin Litt London Lonschein 12 Lober Loskant Lubell Luftig Maged Malbin Mandelman Mandel 18 Marcus Margolis Margulis Markowitz 19 Marx Mason E. Mayer M. Mayer Messinger Metz Meyerson G. Miller 25 F. Miller S. Miller Milston Mindich 26 Minot Mintz Mitnick Nathan Board of Trustees JUNE 2016 Monday 6 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Pakett Palatnek Pardes Pattap 2 G. Perkal Pernick Pick Pitkowsky 8 Popiel Portnoy Prince Rahmin 9 Rak Rauch Reich Reichner H. Perkal Podos Pollack Polson 7 13 Reifman Reiser Rice Richmond 14 Rimland J. Romanoff Rosa Rosenblatt 15 E. Rosenberg M. Rosen M. Rosenberg D. Rosenblatt 16 Ross Rubinstein Rothchild Rothstein 20 J. Rubin Rotstein A. Rubenstein Runyon 21 Ruzinsky Sabloff Sabo Sachs 22 Saferstein Sagat Salk Samkoff 23 Sanders Sarfin A. Schaffer Scharfstein M. Schaffer Schilling Schneck Schoem 28 Schrager G. Schulman B. Schwartz J. Schwartz 29 Seidenberg Sendik Shamash Shandler 30 Shapiro Sharfstein Sheinberg Shereck Board of Trustees D O Y OU H AVE M INYAN R ESPONSIBILITY ? I N OUR COMMUNITY , WE MUST DEPEND ON THE KINDNESS AND COOPERATION OF ALL OUR MEMBERS TO MAINTAIN THIS PRECIOUS HERITAGE OF D AILY M INYAN . I N AN EFFORT TO SIMPLIFY OUR EVENING M INYAN PROCEDURE , EVERY FAMILY IS BEING ASKED TO ARRANGE FOR 5 ( FIVE ) PEOPLE TO BE PRESENT ON THEIR GIVEN EVENING . P LEASE JOIN US FOR SOME FIFTEEN MINUTES TO THANK G OD , TO LOOK INTO OUR HEARTS , TO TRY TO MAKE SENSE OF OUR LIVES . JULY 2016 Monday 4 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sherman Shill G. Shorr S. Shulman 5 R. Shorr Sicklick C. Siegel Silna 6 M. Silverman H. Silver M. Silver Silverstein 7 J. Simon P. Simon L. Singer Slaten 11 Simpson Sloan Smith Sobel 12 Wilkes Winikoff Wolf Wolpov 13 M. Solomon M. Solomon Soskin Spector 14 Speck Spivak Squadron Starr 18 Stein Steinfeld Steinvurzel D. Stewart 19 T. Stewart Strosberg Strassberg Stupak 20 Swenson Tanchel Ticho Tuchman 21 Tucker Tukhin Twersky Ulin 25 Verbal Wald Waldman Wallach 26 Walsky D. Warsoff Weber Weinberg 27 S. Warsoff Weinberger Weinstock Weinzoff 28 Weiner Weiss Wescott Wilker AUGUST 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Allen Alter Antonoff Argintar 2 Yellen Yoskowitz Zalensky Ziff 3 Zislin Zivian B. Zuckerman Zucker 4 K. Zuckerman K. Zuckerberg Adler Albert 8 Arons Auerbach Bader Baer 9 J. Bakhash Band Ban Barcan 10 R. Bakhash Barcus Berman Barnett 11 Barrett Baskin Baum Beckman 15 Beiman Benedict D. Berger G. Berger 16 M. Berger E. Berkowitz D. Berkowiz Berkowicz 17 Berkley Bharak Bittman Blau 18 Blecher Blechman Bloch Block 22 Bloom Blume Boden Bolson 23 Borchardt Botterman Brandman Brandon 24 Brief Bromberg Bronstein Burns 25 Burrows Bushell Cantor Carter 29 Cataliotti Ceslowitz Chaikin Charnow 30 Cochin A. Cohen D. Cohen G. Cohen 31 Jeffrey Cohen Jeffrey Cohen N. Cohen Alboum Latin Shabbat Dinner May 20, 2016 CHALLAH—Mini Challah Rolls BLACK BEAN DIP with TorƟlla Chips ADOBE CEASAR SALAD POLLA ALA BRASSA GRILLED SALMON with Chipotle Sauce SPANISH RICE GREEN RICE VEGETABLE FAJITAS SEASONAL FRESH FRUIT BROWNIES AND BLONDIES Available for Every Shabbat Dinner Served aŌer Services Chicken Fingers COFFEE AND TEA, COLD BEVERAGES Broccoli Pasta with sauce on the side SHABBAT DINNERS 2015-2016 Please join us for our Shabbat Dinners throughout the coming year. The following dates may change, watch for the Bulle ns. Themes will be listed in the Bulle n along with the menu. November 20, 2015 ‐ Asian April 15, 2016 ‐ Italian January 8, 2016 ‐ Classic May 20, 2016 ‐ La n February 5, 2016 ‐ Super Bowl Shabbat March 18, 2016 ‐ Greek If you are having a Bar/Bat Mitzvah the weekend of a scheduled dinner and would like to reserve tables for your family for the Shabbat dinner, please let the office know a couple of weeks in advance. I will contact you about reserva ons for your family. If anyone wants to reserve a table they must contact me at You must have a minimum of eight people and you must provide me with all names. All special table reserva ons must be in by the Tuesday prior to that Shabbat. All dinners must be booked by the Tuesday prior to that Shabbat. No reserva ons will be taken a er Tuesday of that week. Dinner will start at 6:30 p.m. and dessert will be served a er services. There will be two menus: Adults and Children (10 and under). Regular Kiddush wine will be served. Prepaid Kosher Red or White wine will be available for $15.00 per bo le. No wine may be brought in from the outside. Pricing: Adults: $25 per person Children: (10 and under) $15 per child Family price includes ONLY your own children 18 or under: $80 maximum. Four or more prepaid reserva ons will get a 10% discount throughout the year. To find out more informa on call or e‐mail Sue Romanoff. ‐ cell #201‐310‐3325 Eileen and Walter Mandel 2016 College Scholarship Fund The fund is now accepting applications from this year’s candidates! Any current Temple member family student accepted for September 2016 matriculation at an accredited four‐year college or university is eligible for this award. The applicant must have been involved in a community service project over the past two or more years. Eligibility is determined by the student’s commitment, concern, and in‐ volvement within the community. The appli‐ cant should submit a le er outlining his or her project and goals, and include personal recom‐ mendations from a teacher and a supervisor within the community action program. The Rabbi, Marjorie Shore, and a member of the Mandel family will review all submi ed materi‐ als. All applications must be received at the Temple office before May 16, 2016. The winner will be announced in June. THANK YOU! Sisterhood’s Mishloach Manot committee extends a sincere “THANK YOU” to all who supported our Purim Fundraiser and to the following individuals and companies who assisted us with this enormous undertaking! Michael & Matthew Alaimo Karen Albert Allstate Packaging Erica, Jordyn & Alexis Ban Rachel, Todd, Andrew, Hannah, Joshua, Owen & Baxter Baskin BJ's Wholesale Club, Paramus Barry Blecher Joyce Bloom Cari & Eric Brandon Susan Bromberg Rob & Gary Cohen Melanie & Jeff Cohen Lisa Cohen Dolly & Andy Cooper Michele, David, Max & Brooke Dryerman Matt Elias Larry & Brian Feiler Barry Fond Berta Fromme Amy Gerard Robin Glucksman Erika Goldman Sybil Grace Harold's Kosher Supermarket Satu, Gary, Max & Alex Heymann Rhonda & Larisa Kaplan Staci, Michael, Carly & Justin Klonsky Rabbi Shelley Kniaz Sharon Kozinn John Kraemer Barbara & Michael Kurman Abby, Alan, Emma & David Leipsner Lauren, Rick, Alyssa & Leah Levant Linden's Cookies Lisa Lonschein Michele Loskant Dina Madonick Walter Mandel Randy Margulis Suzanne Nathin Elaine Padva Betty Widman & Michael Pardes Paterson Papers Geri Perkal Wayne Pollack Benji Polson Andrea & Michael Prell Promotion in Motion Howie Rauch Gary & Michael Reifman Michelle Rickert Jen Romanoff Sue Romanoff Michael Rosenberg Diana, Elias & Bennett Rosner Laurie, Guy & Max Runyon Traci Sachs Barbara & Glen Shorr Bobby Shorr Amy, Seth, Sam & Rachel Shulman Michael Sicklick JoAnne Siegel Burt Simpson Jana, Michael, Jeremy & Becca Slaten Elise, Michael, Arielle & Cayla Solomon Melissa, Sophie & Evan Starr and Cousin Kaitlyn Jeffrey & Serena Steinfeld Jill & Steven Strassberg Helen Tanchel Jamie Weinstein Beatrice Wolf Elena Zislin Barbara Zucker Wendy, Samantha & Coco Zuckerberg Ken Zuckerman Thank you also to Wayne Pollack for the juggling guy logo, Temple Emanuel Maintenance Staff, Temple Emanuel Office Staff, and any volunteers we may have inadvertently neglected to mention! 2016 Mishloach Manot Committee: Debra Feiler, Chair Diane Fond, Adrianne Harris, Susan Liebeskind, Michelle Mandelman, Debbie Rubenstein & Karen Steinfeld TEMPLE EMANUEL OF THE PASCACK VALLEY DONATION FORM PLEASE ACCEPT A DONATION FROM: NAME: ADDRESS: DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER: (IN THE EVENT OF A QUESTION REGARDING YOUR DONATION) MY DONATION SHOULD BE MADE TO THE FOLLOWING FUND (S): • Annual Fund (Please make check payable to :Temple Emanuel) $ • Simcha Fund (Please make check payable to :Temple Emanuel) $ • Memorial/Yizkor Fund (Please make check payable to :Temple Emanuel) $ • Memorial Plaques ($400)* (Please make check payable to :Temple Emanuel) $ • “Leave Your Mark Engraved in Stone” – Commemorate a significant event* 6x9 engraved paver -$250 12x12 engraved paver -$375 $ • TEPV Rabbi Discretionary Fund $ (Please make check payable to: Temple Emanuel Discretionary Fund) • • • $ TEPV Cantor Discretionary Fund (Please make check payable to: Temple Emanuel Discretionary Fund) $ Men’s Club of Temple Emanuel (Please make check payable to: Temple Emanuel) • • • • • • Temple Emanuel Sisterhood Funds: Tribute Fund: Synagogue Prayer Book ($36) Israel Scholarship Fund Student Mentoring Initiative Fund (Religious School Aides) Mitzvah Fund Torah Fund Community of Caring Fund (Please make check payable to: Temple Emanuel Sisterhood) $ $ $ $ $ $ * Call Temple office for information and order form MY DONATION IS: IN HONOR OF IN MEMORY OF OTHER PLEASE SEND AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THIS DONATION TO: (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) NAME: ADDRESS: I WOULD LIKE YOU TO SEND ME AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THIS DONATION YES NO Please Note the following: When donating stock, in order to allocate payment correctly to your account, the Temple Accounting Department should be notified in writing the name of the stock and the number of shares being donated. Sunday Morning Minyan Study Group Shabbat 4 KIDZ Friday evening, Rabbi Shelley Kniaz Sundays 8‐9 am in the Bet Midrash beginning October 18 when Religious School is in session Now in its 8th year, the Minyan study group continues to meet for an in‐depth look at our essential texts. The topic is still being decided by the members of the study group, but it is always exciting, moving and stimulating. It is also a wonderful social group. Join the morning Minyan and a friendly breakfast after class! No prior participation is required and “drop ins” are welcome. Contact Rabbi Kniaz for more information. May 6 and June 3 Come and celebrate with Rabbi Klatzker & Cantor Sokoloff The songs, stories, and sweetness of Shabbat. The EFS will be held one Friday per month through June. BEGINNING AT 6:00 P.M. This service is the perfect way for your family to enjoy Shabbat in a child-friendly and informal atmosphere. We invite children 7 years old and younger with their families to attend. We look forward to your participation. Your Temple Executive Council Members Dates for 2016-17 TBA An engaging, Participatory, Spiritual, and spirited Friday night service. Take home a CD. Listen, enjoy, and learn the prayers. Then come to the service and sing and pray CD available from Cantor Biddelman Mark Tanchel President 201-2474841 Susan Bromberg Vice Pres. 201-573-1459 Marc Mandelman Vice Pres. 201-782-0374 Gary Reifman Vice Pres. 201967-1889 Howard Pakett Treasurer 201-930-9794 Lisa Cohen Financial Secretary 201-802-1756 Elaine Padva Recording Secretary 201-666-6287 Feel free to contact your Temple representatives with any of your suggestions or concerns. Shabbat 127a Community of Caring will be there to meet the immediate needs of Temple Emanuel members in times of crisis. Community of Caring will be there to prepare meals for your family. Community of Caring will be there to carpool your children. Community of Caring will be there to run your errands. Community of Caring will be there for you. Please allow us to help you. Due to privacy laws, Temple Emanuel is NOT notified when a member is admitted to the hospital. YOU MUST CONTACT US! Notify: Rabbi David Klatzker or the Temple Emanuel office at 201-391-0801 or Susan Liebeskind 201-666-6696 ALL INFORMATION CAN BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. The Bulletin of Temple Emanuel 87 Overlook Drive Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey ATTENTION 5th, 6th and 7th Grade Students! THIS SECTION OF THE BULLETIN IS RESERVED ESPECIALLY FOR YOU! YOU MAY USE THIS SPOT TO POST REQUESTS FROM THE CONGREGATION FOR YOUR MITZVAH PROJECTS ARE YOU COLLECTING… COATS? FOOD? GENTLY USED SPORTING EQUIPMENT? THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO INFORM THE WHOLE CONGREGATION OF YOUR NEEDS FOR YOUR PROJECT CONTACT MARGIE IN THE OFFICE 201-391-0801 COPY MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE 1ST OF THE MONTH IN ORDER TO BE INCLUDED IN THE FOLLOWING MONTH’S BULLETIN Interim Rabbi Cantor Executive Director Director of Cong. Ed. Early Childhood Director Rabbi Emeritus Cantor Emeritus David Klatzker Alan Sokoloff Richard Tannenbaum Rabbi Shelley Kniaz Amy Fingeret Dr. Andre Ungar Mark Biddelman President Sisterhood President Men’s Club President Editor Advertising Mark Tanchel Dina Madonick Brian Friedman/Jason Gross Dona Eichner Marlene Denker Address All Communication To: Dona Eichner c/o Temple Emanuel TEMPLE TELEPHONE: 201-391-0801-02 E-Mail Address: Visit our web page Published 5 times per year Stained Glass design by Nancy Katz OPEN TO ALL BUT REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED (GAIL@TEPV.ORG.) SOME CLASSES MAY REQUEST A NOMINAL DONATION TO COVER THE COST OF A TEXTBOOK. A LA CARTE ADULT LEARNING With Rabbi David Klatzker, Cantor Alan Sokoloff, and Rabbi Shelley Kniaz YOUR CHOICE! You choose the place (the coffee house, your home, the park), the time and the topic (for example, Bible, Holidays, Understanding Siddur, Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparations, as you wish!). The rabbis and cantor will bring some thought-provoking Torah. Gather some friends to join you, or come by yourself. CALL OR EMAIL GAIL AT TEPV TO SET UP YOUR LEARNING DATE: GAIL@TEPV.ORG OR 201-391-0801 THURSDAY NIGHT MINI-COURSES With Rabbi David Klatzker, Ph.D. "A RABBI READS THE NEW TESTAMENT," - 8:00 PM (AFTER MINYAN) TO 9:15 PM THURSDAYS NIGHTS MARCH 3, 10, 17, 31, APRIL 7, 14 We will read selections from the New Testament, focusing on the Jewish background and Christian foreground of the text. We will briefly survey such topics as: Hebrew Bible vis-à-vis New Testament, Jewish movements of the NT period, Jewish Messiah vs. Christian Christ, Antisemitism vs. Anti-Judaism. Recommended purchase: Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Z. Brettler, eds., The Jewish Annotated New Testament . RSVP to (201) 391-0801 SUNDAY MORNING MINYAN STUDY GROUP With Rabbi Shelley Kniaz SUNDAYS MORNINGS 8:00 - 9:00 AM FOLLOWED BY MINYAN AND BREAKFAST Now in its 8th year, the Minyan study group meets for an in-depth look at our essential texts. This year’s topic is still being decided, but it is always exciting, moving and stimulating. It is also a wonderful social group! Join us for Minyan and a friendly breakfast after class. “Drop ins” are welcome. Texts in English; no Hebrew knowledge required. Bet Midrash, next to the Daily Chapel. When Religious School is in session; beginning October 25, 2015. READ IT IN HEBREW With Rabbi Shelley Kniaz BEGINNING HEBREW READING - MONDAY MORNINGS 11 AM-12:00 PM INTERMEDIATE HEBREW READING - TUESDAY AFTERNOONS 12:00-12:30 PM SISTERHOOD ADULT EDUCATION OFFERINGS BOOK CLUB One Book, One Community is a community-wide program to enhance adult Jewish Learning. Synagogues, agencies, and Jewish organizations adopt a selected book as a vehicle for conversation and study. This year the book is: A Backpack, A Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka by Lev Golinkin - January 25, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. The book is Lev Golinkin’s riveting personal story. A thrilling tale of escape and survival, a look at the life of a Jewish child caught in the last gasp of the Soviet Union. (check eBulletin for additional Book Club offerings) ROSH CHODESH - CELEBRATING THE NEW MOON, TWO-PART SERIES Part Two - Tuesday, February 9 at 12 Noon at Temple Emanuel Honoring Jewish Women through the Ages. Discussion led by Miriam Stern. Bulletin Adver A rtising g 2016-201 17 DEADLINE E—JULY 7, 2 2016 Support S t the Tem mpleMembers Supporrt You! Tell the me embers of the t congreg gation abou ut your business and a let them m show theiir support fo or you. We are e planning our o bulletin fo or the comin ng year. Pub blications are e issued d Septemberr through Jun ne. Our bullletin reaches s a thousand d households s in the Berg gen & Rockla and commun nities. IN N ORDER T TO INSURE Y YOUR P PLACE IN OUR SEPTEM MBER ED DITION. Maiil in your advvertisement (camera read dy art) or bu usiness card with the form m below and d a check ma ade out to : Templle Emanuel Attention: M Marlene Deenker Show w your suppo ort as well as s provide a resource r for our Temple members, place an ad dvertisementt in our Bulletin. Reserve R yo our space now!! Nam me: ________ ____________ ___________ ____________ _ Telephonee No: _______ ____________________________ Adddress: _______ ___________ ____________ ___________ __________________________________________________ Ad Ratte for a full y year Busiiness Card Back k Cover * Full Page $325 $550 $1,000 Quartter Page Halff Page Please P enclosee a check payab ble to Temple E Emanuel $____________ SU UBMISSIONS S DUE BY JU ULY 7, 2016 preciated. Your Y support is i Greatly App *Based d on availabiliity $500 $700