November 2014 - Evangelistic Faith Missions
November 2014 - Evangelistic Faith Missions
N O V E M BE R 2014 | Volume 101 | N u m b e r 11 A publication of EVANGELISTIC FAITH MISSIONS EFM’S USA HISPANIC WORK PAGE 6 PETITION AND PRAISE Page 2 EFM SHARPENS FOCUS—PART 4 Page 3 NEWS AND NOTES FROM EGYPT Page 5 MISSIONARIES’ CONTACT INFORMATION Page 9 PETITION AND PRAISE I 2 .......... began my years of Christian service in pastoral ministry at a wonderful church. Across the thirteen years that I pastored that congregation we practiced a delightful annual tradition as the Thanksgiving season drew near. The mid-week prayer service directly before Thanksgiving Day became a special meeting for all those who attended. Instead of taking prayer requests as we typically did, we comprised a list of “praise requests,” or notes of thanksgiving, from everyone present. Then we purposed not to ask God for anything during that particular prayer time. Our collective prayers were to only include praise and thanksgiving to God for His character and redemptive activity in our lives. As you might imagine, those prayer times blossomed into sweet moments of communion with the Lord as we narrowed our focus on giving thanks. We shouldn’t have been surprised at the joy we experienced in those meetings. After all, the Bible declares, “God inhabits the praises of His people” (Psalms 22:3). I recall a personal experience during one such prayer meeting. The congregation had just gathered around the front of the church as I began to pray, “Heavenly Father, I thank You today for the privilege of coming to You in prayer. I praise You for who You are and glorify You for all that You have done. Lord, I ask that You would . . . .” I caught myself and inwardly cringed as I realized what I had done. So I continued, “Lord, I ask that You MISSIONARY HERALD would . . . help me to keep praising You during this prayer!” That occasion became pivotal for me as I recognized how much more prone I was to petition than to praise. It was my instinct to ask, seek and knock, all of them biblical imperatives, yet I was slow to mix those requests with generous amounts of thanksgiving for all of the blessings from God’s gracious and giving hand. Are we wrong to present God with regular petitions? Absolutely not! In fact, the Bible encourages us to come before God with our needs. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6). But did you catch the two words sandwiched between “supplication” and “requests?” We are to present our petitions with thanksgiving! What a difference praise can make in our circumstances! It might mean the difference between victory and defeat for us. “Praise the Lord, He can work through those who praise Him Praise the Lord, for our God inhabits praise Praise the Lord, for the chains that seem to bind you Serve only to remind you That they drop powerless behind you When you praise Him.” —Michael Hudson During this season of the year, I invite you to join with me in giving thanks to God for his unspeakable gifts! Marc Sankey Vice President MISSIONARY HERALD (USPS 353-460) A wholesome monthly magazine published in the interest of aggressive, world-wide missionary work. Subscription only $2 per year. Published by Evangelistic Faith Missions 168 Ikerd Lane P. O. Box 609 Bedford, Indiana 47421-0609 Periodical postage paid at Bedford, Indiana 47421, and other mailing offices. Layout design: Jon Plank Printed by Country Pines Printing, Shoals, IN All business communications, manuscripts, exchanges, subscriptions, etc., should be addressed to: Evangelistic Faith Missions P. O. Box 609, Bedford, Indiana 47421-0609 Telephone: 812-275-7531 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. local time Website: Please advise us of any change of address, sending us both your old and new addresses. Missionary work in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Sudan, and two Asian countries, plus Hispanic outreach in the USA. Please send all offerings to Evangelistic Faith Missions, at the above address. We cable and deposit funds monthly for each mission field and missionary. PLEASE DO NOT SEND OFFERINGS DIRECTLY TO THE MISSIONARIES; the possibility of losing money in foreign mail is high. In the event that Evangelistic Faith Missions receives more donations than are required for any project or ministry, EFM reserves the right to use the excess funds in other areas of need. EFM is a 501(c)(3) religious organization Donations are tax deductible Postmaster: Send address changes to EFM, P. O. Box 609, Bedford, IN 47421-0609 ABOUT THE COVER PHOTO District Board President David López stands in front of other board members. They represent EFM’s Hispanic churches in the northeast. EFM SHARPENS FOCUS PART 4 Evangelistic Faith Missions is a conservative holiness organization that seeks to glorify God by planting the church where it does not yet exist and by partnering with national believers in training, facilitating, and motivating them to fulfill the Great Commission in their culture and beyond. EFM MISSION STATEMENT, JANUARY 10, 2014 Steven E. Hight President Part 1, August: New EFM mission statement Part 2, September: Implementing the mission statement Part 3, October: Existing fields and the mission statement vangelistic Faith Missions’ new mission statement is helping sharpen our focus. We’re in a time when funds are more limited, expectations more demanding, and many obstacles to the gospel more daunting, than in previous decades – an epoch in which we want to make our time, money, and efforts count as much as possible. The new mission statement helps us do that. We seek to glorify God. This is a primary aim of true believers. We want to do what pleases Him in ways that please Him. Paul wrote to the Philippians about “being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God” (1:11). Do a word search in the Bible and see how often God says that He wants us to glorify Him! We seek to plant the church where it doesn’t exist. One thing that pleases God greatly is the declaring of His name and the offering of His salvation. In Matthew 16:18 Jesus declared, “upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Too often we see in this verse a vision of hellish forces attacking the church, but that isn’t the picture here. Rather, the church is assaulting the gates of hell, seeking to advance God’s kingdom, and Jesus says that He will cause His church to prevail. Often in the Old Testament God expressed His desire that the world know Him. “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 45:22). The Apostle Paul makes a notable plea in Romans 10:8-15, ending with, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” Our calling is not to stay in a few places and coddle the churches we’ve planted. Rather, we are to reach into new areas, taking the salvation message where it hasn’t yet been preached. We seek to partner with national believers to help them fulfill the Great Commission. God has not called just the American church to preach the gospel; He has also tasked the Egyptians (our Faith Church now has 61 congregations), the Eritreans (our people minister to over 5,000 students daily, even though their churches are closed!), the Hondurans (our national church has more than 50 churches and seeks to plant one in every department [state] of the nation), the Guatemalans (who have more than 100 churches and preaching points and are reaching into the neighboring country of Belize), and others. “Training, facilitating, and motivating” will take different forms. We want to help national churches know and do God’s will and enable them to accomplish the task God gives to them, but we don’t want to make them dependent upon us. The three participles used in our mission statement intend to convey the idea that we want to help local and national churches stand on their own feet through trust in God. Perhaps we will challenge them with matching fund offers as a way of teaching them to give. Probably we will send people to train them in new ministries or provide ongoing education to help them rise to new levels of service. We will likely identify ministries that are vital to the development of the church, but which they cannot support in the early stages, such as Bible institutes. Whatever EFM’s future holds, we pray that God’s direction and our mission statement’s guidance will help us keep the sharp focus that enables us to please the Author of the Great Commission. November 2014 .......... E 3 NEWS AND NOTES FROM EGYPT SAIED IBRAHIM | NATIONAL LEADER W Worshipers waiting to enter the new church building at Prayer Mountain in Egypt. People joyously worshiping God in the Prayer Mountain church. One of the newly purchased buildings in Cairo (L) is right next to the entrance to our main church (R). This newly purchased building is six stories tall. The second newly purchased building is across the street from the church entrance. November 2014 .......... e praise the Lord that we now have sixty-one Faith Churches in Egypt. During this past summer we held about twenty-nine conferences for Sunday school, youth, and family groups. Approximately 820 people were saved during these special services and they are now in discipleship programs to establish them in the faith. In addition, many people were healed of various sicknesses. Throughout 2014 we have been working especially with fifteen of our churches to strengthen them by training their pastors, elders, and others who serve in various ways. In early October we held a special prayer conference for about 120 leaders from these churches. Next year we plan to choose another fifteen churches and do the same thing. Faith Bible College, located in the city of Cairo, graduated fifteen students in July 2014. To date we have graduated 175 young men and women. Enrollment for this semester totals twenty-four. God is helping us! We have many building programs going on. Construction in Egypt is expensive and the current economy, following much unrest over the last several months, works against us. One of the new constructions is the beautiful church at Prayer Mountain. What is Prayer Mountain? It is a place that we have established, and are still developing, to which believers from all Christian churches can come and pray. They can seek God’s face away from the distractions of the city. People can come to pray individually and churches can hold prayer conferences for several hundred followers. Prayer Mountain is also a place where people can come for training in church leadership and evangelism. In Cairo we have completed the purchase of two buildings near our main church. They will not only provide a buffer around our church edifice, but will also house several growing ministries. You can help us by praying for: —The hard situation we are facing in Egypt, spiritually, economically, and politically, which affects our churches in many ways; —More pastors and workers, for the work continues to grow in spite of the difficult situation; —Finances to enable our churches to finish their building projects and new congregations to have their own church buildings. We would also be happy for you to give so that our work in Egypt can have the finances it needs to continue to grow. Thank God for what He is doing in Egypt! Let’s pull together to see still greater things accomplished. 5 The group meeting in this Windsor, NJ, church building would like to purchase it Our Hispanic congregation in Hyde Park, MA, meets each week in this Presbyterian church W .......... MISSIONARY HERALD The Stamford, CT, congregation met in the kitchen of one of the members because the lights were out at the church. EFM’s USA Hispanic Work DAV I D A N D M A R I LY N M I D D L E T O N e are grateful for the privilege of getting to visit the EFM Hispanic churches in the northeastern USA. Having read reports and heard about them, we were happy to see them for ourselves and meet their Christians. We left home in late August and had pretty weather for traveling. Our first visit was to the Trenton, NJ, church, which has a large sanctuary. Rent is costly and they must share the building with another group. We were so happy that a nice young couple invited us to stay in their home for several days. They went beyond what was necessary to assure our comfort. Most of the church is composed of Guatemalans. Many of the men do some form of landscaping, so they work long, hard hours. We appreciated the fact that most of the young mothers are homemakers and are concerned that they care for their own children rather than leaving them with strangers. While in the Trenton area we also visited the Windsor church. The small building has an apartment on the second floor for the pastor and his family. They had to do much remodeling to make it adequate for their use. This congregation’s “rent” is much more reasonable – they simply pay the utilities. We were with them on a Sunday morning and a Tuesday evening. Someone worked hard and prepared a delicious meal for all who attended on Sunday morning. We took our dessert of pumpkin pie upstairs and visited with the pastor awhile. We were happy to meet these folk. We moved on to Spring Valley, NY, where EFM has another work and a very special couple serving as pastors. The husband works at landscaping and meets people from 6 Spring Valley, NY: David Middleton dedicates the pastor’s baby before preaching. all walks of life. One is an influential Jewish man, who talks about spiritual matters with the pastor. He was anxious to meet others from EFM, so the pastor arranged for a Sunday afternoon meeting. We went to the synagogue to meet Moses and we had an interesting visit. Dave testified of his conversion before parting and Moses said that is exactly how he feels after the annual Day of Atonement, when they fast and pray for 24 hours. The pastor told us about some times of serious illness since his coming to the USA. During one bout he promised God that he would serve Him no matter what lasting debilities he might have because of the afflictions. The Lord heard and touched him. It was exciting to listen to his testimony. Dave had the privilege of dedicating the pastor’s new little daughter, Genesis Mishall. The Lord blessed that service with several seekers at the end of the message. The Spring Valley congregation is working on a building that they won’t have to share with any other group, so we worshiped in a back room of a Latin restaurant called The Manna. We had a back entrance and parking, making it a nice quiet place to worship. When we moved on to Stamford, CT, the electrical service was turned off for some reason at the church building they share with a Haitian congregation. We met in a good-sized kitchen in a third-floor apartment belonging to one of their Christian families. Somehow word reached all their people and many were there on time for the service. At the close of the message several came forward to pray, giving encouragement to the current pastor. On the last weekend we were with the congregation of Hyde Park, MA, a suburb of Boston. Folks from the other Hispanic churches came to give support in this weekend revival meeting. Some were members of the District Board and they had a time of meeting together. We were happy to see them making changes in some areas and showing interest in keeping to the old paths and the way of holiness. They have chosen a new board president and are united in working together to see churches established in new areas. Many spoke of cell groups, where they hold Bible studies and invite neighbors to join them as a means of winning them to the Lord. Others are passing out tracts in new areas to see what interest there might be in starting a new work. Some showed willingness to leave their homes and move to another state as missionaries to a group of workers to get a new church established. These folk have their battles to confront. Some are in the United States alone, trying to begin anew in a strange country, having left spouse and/or children back in their homeland. Many of these people have less than desirable living situations, being at the mercy of uncaring landlords or demanding employers who take advantage of them. One lady sobbed terribly because her sister had run off from her family, leaving three young children with their father. She helps care for the children, making extra work for her, but she is concerned about the future of these little ones. Pray for our Christians in these churches. They are more aggressive than many Americans in witnessing and inviting others to church and then continuing to follow up on their contacts. May the Lord help them to see fruit for their labors and answers to their prayers. LEFT: Steven Hight teaching a class session in the holiness seminar. RIGHT: Philip Burch prays for people seeking God at the close of the seminar’s evening service. Holiness Seminar T he last weekend in September marked the beginning of a new level of support for ministry in Hispanic churches in the northeastern region of our nation. Almost eighty adults from six Hispanic congregations gathered at the God’s Missionary Church in Lebanon, PA, for a day of study, fellowship, and worship. Philip Burch, pastor of the Iglesia Evangélica de Santidad in Lebanon, gave two class sessions on Steps in Holiness from I Thessalonians. Rex McDowell I and Steven Hight, EFM president, each taught a class. Local ladies worked together to provide a delicious lunch that was a mix of traditional Mexican foods and American desserts. In the evening Steven Hight preached in the closing service from Hebrews 12:14, “Follow peace with all men, The seminar participants sang joyfully in the evening service. and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” God blessed the preaching with His anointing and with a dozen people seeking Him at the close of the service. Reactions from those who attended have been very positive. “Let’s do it again,” has been the common refrain, with some people asking for an entire weekend. Plans are in the making for future gatherings such as this. We have at least two motives for these meetings. One is the need for fellowship; they need to be encouraged by fellow believers. The second is that our Hispanic leaders need training in both doctrine and practical church matters. The work among Hispanics in America is growing and they want our help. May God make us a blessing to them! November 2014 .......... STEVEN E. HIGHT 7 Watch for a full report of the 2014 Matching Fund challenge in the December issue of the Missionary Herald. A note about year-end giving… If you want your tax-deductible offering to count for 2014 you must: For checks: (1) Date your check no later than December 31, 2014; and, (2) make sure the envelope is postmarked no later than December 31, 2014, and send it to Evangelistic Faith Missions, P. O. Box 609, Bedford, IN 47421-0609. For credit/debit card donations: (1) Call us at 877-8647480 before 11:30am EST on December 31, 2014; or, (2) visit and make your donation before midnight. “CHRISTMAS WITH THE YANCEYS” is a collection of Yuletide music that you will appreciate for its spiritual emphasis. The first and last songs are nicely sung familiar carols – “O Holy Night” is a resounding close for this CD. Other songs are less familiar, but have a wonderful message. “Reaching” – His love reached me where I was. “I’ve Been to Heaven” – Simeon’s testimony when Jesus was presented in the temple. Enjoy a blessed Christmas as you listen to these carols. 1. O Come, O Come Emmanuel 2. Reaching 3. In The Manger Lay The King 4. A Night To Be Remembered 5. Infant Holy, Infant Lowly 6. Happy Birthday Jesus 7. Redeeming Love 8. I’ve Been To Heaven 9. He’s The Reason 10. O Holy Night REQUEST THIS AUDIO CD WHEN YOU SEND AN OFFERING OF $20 OR MORE FOR THE MINISTRY OF EVANGELISTIC FAITH MISSIONS. YES, I would like to receive the CD titled, Christmas with the Yanceys. Enclosed is my offering of # c $___________________ for the general fund of Evangelistic Faith Missions. Name____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________________ State________________ Zip Code_______________________ Complete this form and mail to: Evangelistic Faith Missions, P. O. Box 609, Bedford, Indiana 47421 or, to purchase by credit or debit card, visit or call EFM at 877-864-7480. MISSIONARIES’ ADDRESSES, BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Because many of you like to remember our missionaries with cards or letters at Christmas, we have listed the most recent addresses available. Check with postal authorities concerning postage rates and mailing deadlines. Christmas cards and letters must be sent directly to the missionaries, not to the Bedford office. Please do not send gifts of money to the field, because they may not reach the missionaries. Such gifts should be sent to Evangelistic Faith Missions, PO Box 609, Bedford IN 47421 and designated “personal gift for (missionary’s name).” We will securely forward all gifts to them. Remember that such gifts are not tax deductible. MISSIONARY NAME FIELD ADDRESS EMAIL BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Elverne & Olive Asbury China/Deputation 315 S Third St Elwood, IN 46036 Elverne: 12/06 Olive: 06/06 Emeline: 12/16/92 Lorraine: 07/01/95 06/06 Faith Hemmeter Prayer Ministry PO Box 609 Bedford, IN 47421 Faith: 08/03 Steven E. & Kathy Hight President 515 Heltonville Rd E Bedford, IN 47421 Steven: 02/20 Kathy: 02/03 Irene Maurer Prayer Ministry PO Box 609 Bedford, IN 47421 Irene: 08/23 Rex & Hannah McDowell On Call PO Box 970 Penns Creek, PA 17862 Rex: 07/29 Hannah: 05/05 Jeffrey: 12/15/94 07/04 Daniel & Tiffany Melton Honduras C/O Aerocasillas #SAP 6947 6703 NW 7th St Miami, FL 33126 Daniel: 10/09 Tiffany: 09/10 Kendrick 12/24/02 Kaleb: 12/14/05 Kenton: 08/07/08 Kaden: 08/10/13 10/17 David & Marilyn Middleton Domincan Republic, Bolivia, Cuba 1130 Beechwood Rd Salem, OH 44460 David: 03/07 Marilyn: 01/04 06/29 Lee & Sharen Rickenbach Guatemala 4-24 Calle Transito Rojas “A” Zona 6, Jalapa Jalapa, Guatemala Lee: 09/28 Sharen: 06/28 06/05 Zack & Sarah Robberts Administrative Assistant 2419 J St Bedford, IN 47421 Zack: 05/25 Sarah: 01/05 Larissa: 08/27/06 Eleyna: 08/10/08 Nathaniel: 11/22/13 06/05 Marc & Melodie Sankey Vice President 217 16th St Bedford, IN 47421 Marc: 03/03 Melodie: 01/08 Jordan: 03/15/95 Cameron: 06/17/97 Logan: 02/08/99 06/20 Keith & Crystal Schaper Guatemala 201 S West St Ochelata, OK 74051 Keith: 11/20 Crystal: 09/18 Kristyn: 06/14/04 Owen: 02/13/06 Megan: 11/07/07 Jeren: 07/06/09 Ashlyn: 11/18/10 07/29 Donald & Bessie Smith Director of Medical Missions/ Board Chairman 1503 Bryantsville Rd Mitchell, IN 47446 Donald: 12/23 Bessie: 03/30 Elizabeth: 05/22/92 Erin: 08/31/94 12/18 Andrew & Morgan Street Asia Home address: 21769 Bowman Rd Defiance, OH 43512 Andrew: 10/27 Morgan: 06/11 Amos: 04/20/10 Justice: 05/20/12 Josiah: 11/12/13 06/07 Amy Weddle Honduras c/o Aerocasillas #SAP 6947 6703 NW 7th St Miami, FL 33126 Home address: 6526 Rogers Ln Burlington, KY 41005 Amy: 07/20 November 2014 .......... 06/09 9 MUST ONE HAVE A MISSIONS CALL TO BE A MISSIONARY? Steven A. Mowery Marc Sankey Stephen Gibson To correct a big misconception, not everyone is a missionary. Biblically, we are all witnesses. Thus, every Christian must find his/her role within the Great Commission—no exceptions. So, must one be called to be a missionary? From my perspective, one’s level of commitment to missions means more than if one declares himself to be “called.” I know different people who are “called to missions” who are not currently on the field for one reason or another. I also know some people doing missions who are not specifically called to be missionaries, but have a deep commitment to and passion for mission work. Herbert Kane, a great missions teacher from yesteryear, stated that the phrase “missionary call” should never have been coined. I agree with him. Where is it in the Bible? Some would point to the “Macedonian Call.” No, that was provided for guidance and direction, as Paul was already a missionary. Think about it! Why did Jesus ask His disciples to pray that “the Lord of the harvest would send forth laborers?” I believe it was because He foreknew the lukewarm and languishing state of His Church in the age to come— our age to be precise. Why does one need a call when all have been commanded by Christ to make disciples of all nations? Does an authentic Christ-follower really need a “call” to keep him from muddling through a mediocre Christian life in our hedonistic and materialistic culture if he is gripped upon knowing, for instance, that there are 1.2 million Bedouins in Algeria who have never heard the gospel? I gladly echo this sentiment of Jim Elliot: “Our young men are going into the professional fields because they don’t ‘feel called’ to the mission field. We don’t need a call; we need a kick in the pants.” There is a special call that comes to some, leading them to devote themselves full-time to the work of missions, either lifelong or for a specific period. Most other people are working to establish their lives and families somewhere, unconsciously giving material things most of their attention, and justifying their lifestyles with the words, “I don’t have a call to ministry.” It is a sad reality that it is almost impossible that such a person would ever hear a call. If the thought ever entered his mind he would dismiss it immediately. In the meantime, he falls far short of what he could be doing for missions. There is a shortage of people with a call, but there is a greater shortage of people with a heart in tune with the heart of God. THERE’S MORE… from David Fry, Steven Hight, and Eric Himelick. To read the responses of all six writers, go to We welcome your questions and comments. Consider honoring a living loved one or the memory of a loved one with your gift to EFM! Complete this form and mail to: EFM P.O. Box 609 Bedford, IN 47421 We will publish the name of the person or persons you choose to honor. In addition to the honor you bestow on your loved ones, your gift in their honor will carry the love of Christ and the power of His Word to people on faraway mission fields. Dear EFM Friends, the enclosed gift of $________________ is being sent to honor: ________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF PERSON(S) TO BE HONORED c This is a MEMORIAL c This HONORS one(s) who are LIVING Your Name_______________________________________________________________ Your Address______________________________________________________________ City_____________________________ State_____________ Zip Code_______________ # IN MEMORY of Rev. Bedsaul Agee Robert & Emma Adams From Verda Agee Mr. George Adams Charles & Lillian Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Don White Rev. James Witmer Ron & Mary Witmer Jerry Witmer Ron & Mary Witmer Betty Colburn Mrs. Joanne Adams George Colburn Mrs. Joanne Adams Mrs. Geneva Lee Jerry & Deb Alexander Geneva Lee Andrea Lee Ernie & Debra Asbury Geneva Lee Rev. Daniel & Lynda Lee Janice R. Bearden Geneva Lee Deborah Lee Eugene & Vivian Asbury Ruth Thomas Mary Frances Cottingham Leonard & Virginia Davis Peggy Gorner Opal Pruiett John Cureton Margaret Gornor Eugene Cottingham Mrs. Emma Rundell Bonnie Slagenweit High school teachers of Hobe Sound Christian Academy Mary Lou Modzel Rev. & Mrs. James Davis Paul J. & Beverly Gardner Mr. Jerald Goodwin IN HONOR of From Miss Faith Hemmeter Leroy & Myrtle Adams P. Helen & Robert Bitner Jenkins Care Community Geneva Lee Edward H. & Betty J. Johansen Geneva Lee Teresa Lee Keith & Crystal Schaper & family The Hobelman Family Mrs. Saundra McBryant Philip & Jean Davolt Mr. Charles Ginter Martha Gordon Mr. Ira Lewis Our Bolivian believers Miss Irene Maurer Charles & Dorothy Maurer Miss Irene Maurer Our Eritrean believers Miss Irene Maurer Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Stetler Miss Irene Maurer Our Egyptian believers Miss Irene Maurer Miss Irene Maurer Irene Maurer My wife, Maggie Rev. & Mrs. Omar Lee Deborah McGugan Earl Maurer Mrs. Lydia Moser William Schmidt Mrs. Lydia Moser Our Loved Ones Mrs. Mary Moyer Frank B. Schmidt Mrs. Lydia Moser Jewell M. Massey Rev. D. L. Patton Virginia Nottingham Smith Reunion Group Geneva Lee Lewis Smith Family James F. Steele Pauline J. Steele Rev. Guy Troyer Mrs. Dana Troyer Rev. Guy Troyer Mr. Charles Troyer Elbert R. Vaughan Ben & Neda Turney Faye Shelly Mrs. Mabel Patton Geneva Lee Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Rice Anita Brechbill Rev. & Mrs. Arnold Van Horn Joy Vaughan Carolyn Walters MONTHLY OFFER FOR DECEMBER! Babies, Bullets, and Bee Stings, a book by Hannah McDowell describing her ministry as a nurse and midwife. Pre-order in November and we’ll do our best to have it to you by Christmas! Yours for a gift to EFM of $20. You’ll enjoy Hannah’s writing! November 2014 .......... 11 EFM NEWS and NOTES “I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” JOHN 15:5 GUATEMALA ASIA Andrew Street has reported that there It was so good to have Mikah Litchfield campus where they have been living. She was a blessing to students and staff. is an outbreak of dengue fever on the assisting at Hope Bilingual Academy. Ask for God’s hand of protection as the Pray for the staff as they are on their Street family moves and settles into ‘summer’ break and preparing for the their new housing. new school year which begins in Janu- BOLIVIA Steven Hight will be visiting Bolivia This trio provides music for the Hyde Park Hispanic congregation in Massachusetts. Middletons are there. Pray for his safe DOMINICAN REPUBLIC the first part of this month while the trip and that his visit will be an encouragement to the people. The church people planned to join together in evangelizing the entire community and surrounding areas of the CHINA Let’s pray for those underground church leaders with whom Elverne Asbury works while visiting China. Praise God for the ministry that is still being done. K-32 church, but hard rains made this impossible. Instead of being defeated, the ones who came held a service in the sanctuary which lasted for an extended time and all left rejoicing. EGYPT COSTA RICA Rev. Leshaa Morice pastors Malawy church who remain faithful to the truth. a very big project. He purchased a We are thankful for the brethren in the Pray for several families with whom we desire to start Bible studies and those mothers and children who attend the Saturday Bible Club. CUBA Praise God for those churches who still church in Minia province. He has ary, 2015. HONDURAS The Chicken Project is a big success! Daniel Melton was able to purchase 1,000 chickens with the idea of sell- ing eggs in the community. The ones working with the chickens are hoping to collect around 850 eggs per day. Pray that God will protect and prosper this project, as well as the others, in order to help make the ministry in Honduras self-supporting. USA HISPANIC MINISTRIES Our Hispanic congregations enjoyed a holiness convention the last week- large piece of land and needs to build end in September with Steven Hight biggest churches in the city with more will provide the pastors needed for and his project. Trenton, NJ. and finish it. His church is one of the and others. Continue to pray that God than one thousand people. Pray for him our churches in Stamford, CT, and ERITREA/SUDAN HOMELAND have an interest in the holiness way. The church in Sudan now has three Keith and Crystal Schaper spent two David Middletons to make another istrator, they have two evangelists. A a short orientation. They are actively do- of January. for going to Guatemala in January. Pray that God will make a way for the visit to Cuba and give liberty to preach where they’ve been invited. workers. Besides Nathan Simon, admin- and a half days in the Bedford office for revival is being planned for the month ing their deputation work in preparation For more current prayer requests go to Or call 877/864-7480 (toll free) and ask to receive the EFM monthly Prayer Letter.
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