June 2014 - Evangelistic Faith Missions


June 2014 - Evangelistic Faith Missions
JUNE 2014
Volume 101
Number 6
Marc Sankey
Vice President
n Monday, March 3 of this year, I
found myself on a plane headed
for Kenya to visit a church in a place
called Kisii. For months leading up to
my departure I had been in communication with Peter Jimmy Nyabuto, a
Kenyan church leader.
I had found out about Peter in August 2013 while representing Evangelistic Faith Missions at a camp meeting
in Christiansburg, VA. While I was there,
a local pastor, Dwayne Martin, mentioned that Peter had been calling him
and inviting him to go and preach to
his young and inexperienced group
of new believers. Peter had found the
church’s website and had read the conservative holiness doctrinal statement
written there. Something about that
statement of faith rang true in his spirit, leading to his invitation for Brother
Martin to visit Kenya.
Pastor Martin asked for EFM’s help
in reaching out to Brother Peter to
determine the best course of action.
Marc Sankey
with Peter
and his wife
Theresa and
their son
After months of seeking God’s guidance, it was decided that I should visit
Peter in Kenya.
I arrived in Nairobi around 10:00
p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, and was
greeted by three Kenyan men I had
never formally met. They whisked me
away into the night and we began the
five-hour trek to Peter’s home. I have
been in several countries where people
drive on the left side of the road, but
I could not get used to it that night.
Each time headlights approached us, it
seemed as if we would have a head-on
collision until, mercifully, each car would
pass us on the right. I did not sleep on
that nocturnal trip to Peter’s home.
We finally turned off the main
highway and onto a narrow dirt road,
both rocky and rutted, that led into
the bush. Making two more turns onto
even narrower dirt paths we finally
reached our destination. The rural
African night was black and silent as I
stepped out of the car. It was 3:30 a.m.
when Theresa, Peter’s wife, appeared
in the doorway of their humble home
and greeted me with a warm hug
and a kiss for each cheek. “Welcome
to Kenya, Bruddah Mahk.” She spoke
cheerily and genuinely, especially for
the middle of the night.
The next day I awoke to brilliant
sunshine and pleasant temperatures. I
was finally here! I was about to find out
that God had been busy in Kisii, Kenya,
long before I arrived . . . .
(Go to page 6)
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Missionary work in Bolivia, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt,
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras,
Kenya, Sudan, and two Asian countries,
plus Hispanic outreach in the USA.
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Marc Sankey with a
congregation from EFM’s
new work in Kisii, Kenya.
Steven E. Hight
Warren Buffet, a famous investor,
once said, “In the business world,
the rearview mirror is always clearer
than the windshield.” Not so in God’s
investment world. Here the forward
look is very clear indeed!
Investing makes a person part
of what he invests in. Another
well-known businessman, Peter
Lynch, stated, “A share [of stock] is
. . . part-ownership of a business.”
Owning shares makes a person a
member of that business organization, even though he never sets foot
in the factory or store.
Investing in missions makes us
part of the great missionary enterprise, even though we never go to
another culture. Do you want to be
part of something world changing?
Give to missions! Paul told the Philippians (4:17) that, when they gave
to support his work, he believed
they would receive credit on their
heavenly account. They were part of
his ministry and they would share in
Paul’s eternal rewards!
Successful investing is done intentionally. Warren Buffet advised,
“Do not save what is left after spending; but spend what is left after
saving.” Why? Because if one does
not save, or invest, before spending
on other things, he will have little or
nothing for his investment account.
Missions giving should also be
intentional. Our top priority after receiving our paychecks or calculating
our business profits should be
giving our tithe to God through the
local church. Our second priority
should be giving to His cause, which
includes missions. If we wait until
after we have spent our money
on other things, we’ll have little or
nothing to give to God. Donating to
missions as an afterthought severely
limits those eternal investments.
However, if we give to God first, He
will take care of our needs (see Malachi 3:10 and Matthew 6:33).
Successful investing is done
consistently. Most people don’t
have $10,000 to invest at one time.
However, counselors tell us that
investing modest amounts on a
regular basis brings good results.
One noted financial advisor says,
“Invest consistently and for the long
haul.” For the long haul? How about
for eternity?
Unfortunately, too many people
give only when they feel moved
upon in a missionary service. Or
they say, “I don’t have much to give
to missions.” However, modest
offerings given consistently across
many years add up to great investments in God’s work. Evangelistic
Faith Missions has thrived for over
a century because of people who
consistently and regularly invested
in EFM’s missionary work.
Invest in your eternal future; lay up
treasures in heaven; give to missions!
(Next month: Principles from Ecclesiastes)
June 2014
ay up for yourselves treasures
in heaven,” Jesus instructs us
in Matthew 6:20.
One way to do that is to help others. When we feed the hungry, care
for the sick, and visit the lonely, we
do it to Jesus (Matthew 25:40), and
He will reward us. That’s one means
of laying up treasure in heaven.
Another is giving to missions.
Revelation 7:9 is one of my favorite prophetic verses. It tells about a
great multitude “of all nations, and
kindreds, and people, and tongues”
gathered around God’s throne.
Here God foretells the successful
culmination of missionary work. It
is His guarantee that the ministry of
missions will be fruitful.
Giving to missions is an investment in eternal souls.
Successful investors have a goal
in mind. An investor looks for profit
and seeks to place his money where
he will get a good return. And what
better gain can there be for our dollars than the salvation of the lost?
If you are looking for a guaranteed investment, this is the best one
I know. In fact, it’s the only one I
know. Every investment brochure
has to include a disclaimer which
says that its predictions are based
on past performance and cannot
be taken as absolute predictions
for future performance. But we can
fully trust in God’s declaration of His
future returns.
Marching around the church property and praying at Kilometer 32
t the 2013 Annual Assembly of our Dominican national church it was decided that pastors and leaders
would join together bi-monthly for fasting and prayer.
This now is a service they look forward to. In March 2014
people gathered at the Kilometer-32 church at 10:00 a.m.
and we had a good season of prayer. Then, after singing
a couple of hymns, David Middleton gave a talk concerning our responsibility of winning souls and conquering
areas for the Lord.
We followed with another time of prayer together
and then one sister sang an appropriate song as she
continued to kneel at the altar. Others followed with testimonies. Yolanda told about a dispute that was going on
in her neighborhood when she arrived home from work.
She went to the Christians who started it and showed
them their poor testimony and helped bring peace once
again. Others told how the Lord had worked in their behalf to allow them to be in this service. One gave thanks
that missionaries had come to their area and taught
them of the Savior. It was a precious time for everyone.
Someone else suggested that we walk around our church
buildings seven times and claim victory for this area as
was done many years ago in a similar gathering. The
entire group joined the march at the end of our service.
Then the Kilometer-32 church fixed a meal and set a
table in a quiet area on the property so we could have a
time of fellowship together.
Our folk have also decided to join together and
canvas each area where our churches are located. They
planned to first visit Kilometer 26 the week following our
prayer service. Their idea was to pray together, receive
instruction, and then go out two by two and visit the
homes there. We hope this will help us to see more souls
won to the Savior. Christians from each church will participate in canvassing. Pray with us as our folk become
more agressive to see souls won while there is yet time
and freedom to evangelize.
June 2014
and a meal
follow fasting
and prayer
…I soon became immersed in the rural sights and
sounds of Kisii, Kenya. Peter’s home is situated partway
up an incline surrounded by tea fields and sugar-cane
plantations. He fulfills the role of host to many who live
above and below him. There were always several people
present, both working and visiting, throughout each day.
As I interacted with those people, I began to hear them
talk about the man, Peter: “He is a very good man.” “He is
known for his compassion.” “Everyone knows and appreciates Brother Peter,” they would say.
Peter left the Roman Catholic Church because they
discouraged him from reading the Bible for himself. He
began Bible studies in his home and before long a church
was born. Soon, under his supervision, two other congregations were flourishing in the area. The first congregation numbers 85 adults and the other two average 45 for
worship services, and numerous children also attend.
These people do not have great means or resources,
but the love that Christ has put in their hearts has compelled them to reach out into their culture with hands of
mercy. After post-election violence in 2007, God began to
show Peter the many children whose parents had been
killed during the bloodshed. His heart broke as he saw
them as “sheep having no shepherd.” With little aid, he
founded an orphanage to care for some of those precious little ones. Once or twice a year the government
gives them some food. Besides that, the church members
volunteer sacrificially and give of their tithe to care for
these helpless children.
I found that my Kenyan brothers and sisters were motivated to spread the good news that has changed their
lives. Peter and his leadership team have organized evangelistic crusades in different villages. They have a vision
to begin a women’s ministry and to craft an evangelistic
tool to equip women to lead other women to Christ. One
way the church leaders have conceived of witnessing to
women in that culture is through a women’s clinic.
They have an unquenchable thirst to be discipled and
are dreaming of a Bible institute where one day pastors
and church planters can be properly equipped and
trained to minister. In Kenya I witnessed a group of people who had been radically transformed by God’s grace
and whose hearts had been turned inside out to share
the Gospel with those who surround them.
About a year ago, Peter providentially stumbled across
the conservative holiness website of a church in Virginia.
He read the statement of faith in its entirety. He told me,
“When I read that, I said to myself, this is what we believe.”
He made contact with the pastor and, through a series of
God-ordained circumstances, he was soon corresponding
with me. During that time, Peter never asked EFM or me
for money. He simply expressed the needs of his people.
I heard the same expression of need among Peter’s
friends. “We need Bibles in our own language.” “We need a
Marc Sankey and Cosmus,
a church leader
Group of church leaders
missionary to help us know more about God.” While there,
I preached two simple messages on being born again and
on the fruit of the Spirit. Afterwards, the people came to me
with much sincerity to say, “Now you need to stay with us
for a month and teach us more about what you preached.”
A young man sat beside me while I perused my sermons
and asked if he could read through some of them. As he was
doing so, with urgency he told me, “We have never heard
these teachings before. Please preach this truth to us.”
As I was preparing to leave I met with the leaders and
Peter said to me, “They are not happy that you are going,
but we understand that you have other mission fields to
visit. When you come back, please bring your family to
live here and be our missionaries.”
Many of them had never seen a white man before in
person. They have never had contact with any mission
organization and no missionary had ever visited them
before I went. In Kisii, Kenya, I observed new and inexperienced believers, authentically converted, but woefully
ignorant of much biblical truth. God has opened a door
for EFM to fulfill our mission in Kenya. He has also provided a wonderful family who feel called to go to our new
friends in Africa and help them in their quest to make the
gospel known to their culture.
I met Keith and Crystal Schaper in Troy, MO, last
November. After representing EFM to their local congregation, Keith came to me and expressed interest in
The church where 85 adults
meet for worship
missionary service. As we began to discuss options for
fields of service, God began to close certain doors and to
open others. Even though they did not know a specific
destination, the Schapers soon stepped out in a major
step of faith and resigned their employment, believing
that God would provide guidance for their future. After
weeks of prayer, we had narrowed the options to two
fields. They were willing to go wherever the board sent
them, but they could not receive a clear sense of God’s
will for either one.
In mid-March they visited EFM headquarters and met
President Hight. After profitable discussion, I decided to
show them pictures of my recent trip to India, one of the
fields they were considering. I quickly hurried through
the Kenya pictures, which were in the same program, to
those from India. After they had viewed all the pictures
of both countries, there was silence in the room and at
last Keith spoke: “You never told us about Kenya.” Crystal
chimed in, “Yes, when I saw those black faces, my heart
reached out to them!” In a matter of minutes, I stood
back and witnessed as God placed the call to Kenya on
their hearts. Of course, prayer and discussion ensued
about Kenya before reaching a final confirmation, but
God once again has been faithful to call forth laborers
into His harvest.
We are thrilled to see how God is going to use Keith
and Crystal Schaper in Kisii, Kenya!
Keith & Crystal Schaper
and children
The three men who met Marc Sankey
at the airport, Peter at right
Group of orphan
girls and Peter in front
of girls’ dorm
vangelistic Faith Missions is looking
for new donors or for donors who can
increase their giving to missions. If you
have a Vision for missionary work, we
invite you to join the 20/20 Club. As part of
this group you pledge to donate $20 per
month for 20 months to EFM.
Or perhaps you’re interested in New
Frontiers in missions. Join the 10/40 Club
and contribute $10 per month for 40
months to EFM’s missionary work.
Whichever club you join, your added
giving will be a great benefit to Evangelistic Faith Missions as we seek to extend the
gospel into new fields, even in the face of
economic difficulties.
Join the club! Be a participant in EFM’s
expanded outreach!
June Offer~
Lawton Family Family Worship Favorites
The Timothy Lawton family sings worshipful songs that direct
our attention in reverent praise to our Lord. The melodies on
this CD will probe your heart (Have You Been To The Cross?),
encourage your soul (My Sheep Know My Voice), and stimulate
your faith (Ask What You Will). They will challenge you to believe
in difficult times (Trust God In The Dark) and point you to the
future (We Shall Shine As The Stars).
Have You Been To The Cross?
My Sheep Know My Voice
One Day When I Was Walking
I Cannot Fail The Lord
We Shall Shine As The Stars
Ask What You Will
Trust God In The Dark
What You Are
There Is A River
He Became Poor
Hold On Medley
Request this CD when you send an offering of $20 or more for the ministry of Evangelistic Faith Missions.
YES, I would like to receive the “Family Worship Favorites” CD.
Enclosed is my offering of
$___________________ for the general fund of Evangelistic Faith Missions.
City__________________________________________________ State________________ Zip Code_______________________
Complete this form and mail to: Evangelistic Faith Missions, P. O. Box 609, Bedford, Indiana 47421
or, to purchase by credit or debit card, visit www.efm-missions.org or call EFM at 877-864-7480.
any pastors struggle with the concept of personal discipling because we relegate it to church
membership classes, candidates for baptism, or group
gatherings to help people mature in their faith. The
New Testament model, though, is that of duplicating
ourselves one on one with someone new in the faith,
preparing him to carry the Good News and mentor
someone else.
I awoke one morning recently realizing that Shari
and I are, indeed, duplicating our ministry here through
eight young Christian teachers. Most of them already
have their primary teacher certification here in Guatemala. There were four new young teachers last year
and four more this year. Wow, God is doing something
wonderful in our midst!
What if these eight interns would continue the
duplication, and help another eight to enter into
Christian Education ministry? What if each group of four
would help to start another Christian Academy after
their three years of training here at Hope Evangelical
Bilingual Academy? Yes, we are taking those who are
certified Guatemalan teachers and training them to run
a Christian Bible-based program. Some are bilingual,
and others are well on their way. They are receiving
special English classes as well as training seminars in the
philosophy of Christian Education, plus they are daily
under our care and tutoring.
Let me introduce our four interns from 2013.
Claudia Marroquín is the granddaughter of Mario
Recinos, a revered pastor back in the 1980s. She is very
bilingual and a devoted
Christian. Her interest in our
school began in 2012 when
she was practice teaching,
and now she is continuing her
university training for the Profesorado degree in Primary
Teaching. This year she is our
Supervisor the kindergarten
Claudia Marroquín
class of thirteen.
Jonathan Dionicio first came to us by the recommendation of Claudia and her college friend Darlyn. He
started a couple of weeks after the beginning of the
2013 school year. Jonathan
is very quick to learn English,
a whiz on the computer, a
very sharp Spanish teacher,
and very involved in his local
church. He is also soft spoken,
but commands the attention
of the eleven second graders whom he teaches as our
Jonathan Dionicio
Supervisor in Training.
Norma Constanza graduated with her teaching degree
eight years ago and at 26 is the oldest of our interns of
2013. She, like many new
graduates could not
find a place to teach, so
worked as a bank teller.
However, her prayer
was always to be able to
some day work full time
in a Christian ministry.
During her teaching
Norma Constanza
practicum she was a friend to our director, Blanca Pinto,
who was enduring difficult physical problems, and
friendship led to Norma’s hiring last year as monitor.
This year she is a Supervisor in Training over the middle
learning center.
Darlyn Berganza, a college friend of Claudia’s, is also
very active in her local church.
She worked with Norma as
monitor in our main learning
center last year, but also was
Blanca’s right-hand helper as
our first school secretary. She
continues in that capacity, but
also as an auxiliary Monitor in
Training in our middle learnDarlyn Berganza
ing center. One of the greatest
blessings to the Academy is the way Darlyn satisfies the
bureaucratic demands of the Ministry of Education with
reams of paperwork requirements every month.
Help us pray for these four Christian teachers as
we mentor them and watch them deepen their walk
with God.
June 2014
Stephen Gibson
Steven E. Hight
Marc Sankey
No, it isn’t fair. People who hear the
gospel have an advantage over those who
do not. But what does the question imply?
To say that something is unfair is to say
that someone is unfair. Who is unfair in this
case? Usually it is the fairness of God that is
questioned, as if any unfairness that exists
can be blamed on God. But God does not
guarantee that everything will be fair, and
the existence of billions of free-thinking,
mostly self-centered decision makers means
that there will not be fairness, since God
allows real results of their actions. God is
not to blame for sinners’ guilt in the first
place, but He provided the atonement, gave
the gospel, calls messengers, empowers
by the Spirit, gives conviction and desire to
the hearers, and gives grace to those who
respond. So if it’s unfair that some have not
heard, who is it that is unfair?
God and His judgments are perfect and
just. His declaration in Romans 3:23 that “all
have sinned,” doesn’t refer simply to breaking the Ten Commandments or refusing to
trust Jesus as Savior. Paul, in Romans 1 and
2, reveals at least four other yardsticks for
God’s creation (1:18-21): Through nature
God has revealed things about Himself and His
character. Because of what they know, men
are “without excuse” if they turn from God.
Their own standards (2:1-3): Some people condemn others for doing wrong things
that they themselves commit. When they
don’t live up to their own standards, they
become guilty of wrongdoing.
Known law (2:12-13): How much or
little of moral law do people know? Their response to what they know is a fair standard
by which God will judge them.
Conscience (2:14-16): Even depraved
mankind has some inward sense of morality and rightness. The most primitive tribes
have rules that indicate some sense of right.
When people disobey and excuse themselves, they become guilty.
Let’s consider the reverse question. Is it
fair that people be saved in spite of their sin?
As sinful humans, we justly deserve God’s
righteous wrath. Instead, Jesus died to provide a way of escape. Those who place their
faith in Christ’s atonement are promised
eternal life. That’s not fair. That’s not what we
deserve. That’s mercy.
The Bible declares that somehow Jesus
gives light to every man (John 1:9). Paul
writes that all humans are without excuse
because they have received the general
revelation of creation (Romans 1:20). In
the end, people are lost, not because they
haven’t heard the gospel, but because they
reject the knowledge of God that they do
possess. To review, all people have light and
are without excuse before God. Inasmuch as
they accept the limited revelation they possess, they are saved. Since human beings are
sinful in heart, they generally reject God and
need the gospel to be saved. That’s fair.
THERE’S MORE… from David Fry, Eric Himelick, and Steven Mowery.
To read the responses of all six writers, go to www.efm-missions.org/MissionSpeak
We welcome your questions and comments. efm.pres@gmail.com
Consider honoring a living loved one or the memory of a loved one with your gift to EFM!
Complete this form and mail to:
P.O. Box 609
Bedford, IN 47421
We will publish the name of the person or persons you
choose to honor. In addition to the honor you bestow
on your loved ones, your gift in their honor will carry
the love of Christ and the power of His Word to people
on faraway mission fields.
Dear EFM Friends, the enclosed gift of $________________ is being sent to honor:
c This is a MEMORIAL
c This HONORS one(s) who are LIVING
Your Name_______________________________________________________________
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City_____________________________ State_____________ Zip Code_______________
Robert & Emma Adams
George Adams
Ben & Neda Turney
Charles & Lillian Arnold
Ms. Carolyn Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Donald White
Betty Colburn
Mrs. Joanne Adams
Roland Wiford
Mrs. Darlene Wiford
George Colburn
Mrs. Joanne Adams
Stephen Wiford
Mrs. Darlene Wiford
Robert & Emma Adams
Helen Beveridge
Walter Keller
Shelby Adams
Ray Brannigan
Pauline & Mike Von Fange
Peggy Burton
Mary Frances Cottingham
Eugene Cottingham
Dr. Dale Yocum
Sonny Davis
Mrs. Frieda Stuck
Jeannette Williams
John Williams Jr. (son)
Rev. & Mrs. Steve Beveridge
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Daniel
Olive M. Davis
Patricia D. Fester
Our 50th Wedding
Anniversary (June 27)
Faith Hemmeter
Irene Maurer
George & Alice Bissinger
Luther & Nina Guthrie
Miss Faith Hemmeter
Pearl Schappell
Art & Ruth Flail
Mrs. Allene Fleck
Miss Irene Maurer
Elizabeth Boyer
Art & Ruth Flail
Mrs. Donna DeArmond
Miss Irene Maurer
Miss Irene Maurer
Mary Boyer
Luther & Nina Guthrie
Mrs. Eunice Knight
Rev. Walter & Lillian Hemmeter
Miss Faith Hemmeter
Rev. & Mrs. J Stevan Manley
The Middletons
Alverta Miller
Glenn & Cindy Himes
Anita Brechbill
The Middletons
Helen Holloway
Rev. Jack Holloway
Faith Hemmeter
The Middletons
Michael Holloway
Rev. Jack Holloway
Irene Maurer
The Middletons
Edwin D. Jones, Jr.
Carol F. Mohl-Jones
Rev. & Annette Easley
Mary Stanley Lacy-Mother
My wife, Maggie
Bob Lacy
Lorene Smith
Miss Irene Maurer
Miss Irene Maurer
Rev. & Mrs. Marlin Straub
Miss Irene Maurer
Rev. Juddie Peyton
Mrs. Lydia Moser
Our Loved Ones
Mrs. Mary Moyer
Ruth M. Spangler (wife)
Rev. Guy Troyer
Mr. Charles Troyer
Rev. Guy Troyer
Mrs. Dana Troyer
Rev. & Mrs. Raymond Rice
Elbert Vaughan
Mrs. Lydia Moser
Ardon & Viv Smith
Mr. Ira Lewis
Rev. Juddie Peyton
John W. Spangler
Irene Maurer
Rev. & Mrs. Arnold Van Horn
Pray for Rio 14, a special
evangelistic effort in
Brazil June 12–July 13
during the World Cup
soccer tournament.
Joy Vaughan
June 2014
“And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God”
Andrew and Morgan Street were in the
Please pray for Eritrean refugees in
church planting. Pray that God will use
ordered all immigrants to be registered
studies to make them effective.
unjustly arrested and put in prison
U.S. in April and May for training in
Khartoum, Sudan. The government has
this training and their Hindi language
and to get I.D. cards. Some have been
while waiting for their I.D. papers.
The Cala Cala church has been closed since
their pastor died, but his son has agreed to
The national staff did a fine job keep-
return and pastor the flock. Please contin-
ing Hope Bilingual Academy running
ue to pray for this need for more pastors.
while Shari Rickenbach recovered from
hepatitis. However, there is an urgent
need for two nationals to be trained as
Tony is a Chinese man who is living in
Australia alone, far from his family. He
supervisors for the middle and upper
spent time with the Asburys while they
Going to church in Kenya.
learning centers.
to talk to him about his need of the Lord,
were in Australia in March. It was easy
although he didn’t seem quite ready to
seek God. Pray especially for Tony.
President Steven Hight and Rex McDowell II are to be in Costa Rica in
early June to take care of some legal
matters as well as hold services in
Our city pastor doesn’t consider herself
A new family attended the initial ser-
been away much of the time, she has
in Beavertown, PA. Ninety-one people
a pastor, but since the Middletons have
had to take over. We are thankful for
the Lord’s help as He gives her messages and keeps her encouraged.
EFM’s churches. Please ask the Lord to
Please continue to remember our Egyp-
solution to these legal arrangements.
from terrorism, especially during times
intervene for a speedy and beneficial
Remember a church in Cuba that asked
David Middleton to come and bring
tian brothers that God will protect them
of celebrations. In July there will be
graduations from the Bible college.
vice of the new Hispanic congregation
were in that service, including a nice
group from the church in Trenton, NJ.
The EFM board was pleased to appoint
a new missionary couple, Keith and
Crystal Schaper, to a new field, Kenya.
Daniel and Tiffany Melton have returned to the US for a few weeks this
more teaching on Holiness. They have
The doors are open in Ethiopia. The
summer. They will be doing some
to come to minister to them.
for truth.
needed rest and recuperation.
been praying for ten years for someone
people are hungry for God and seeking
traveling as well as getting some much-
For more current prayer requests go to www.efm-missions.org/pray-for-us
Or call 877/864-7480 (toll free) and ask to receive the EFM monthly Prayer Letter.