Winter 2011 Newsletter
Winter 2011 Newsletter
HOOK the Employee Newsletter: Winter 2011 THE BOARD OF MANAGERS OF AMQUIP HOLDINGS LLC, UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED TO RECOGNIZE JEFF HAMMONS FOR ALL OF HIS SAFETY ACHIEVEMENTS AND INNOVATING PROGRAMS ON BEHALF OF AMQUIP CRANE RENTAL LLC. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Page 2 – 7: Happenings Page 7: Personnel & Recipes Page 8: Safety Corner & Human Resources Corner THROUGH JEFF’S LEADERSHIP, AMQUIP HAS ONE OF THE TOP SAFETY RECORDS IN THE CRANE RENTAL INDUSTRY. Happenings A Day to Remember AmQuip participates in The Charlestown Mothers Association’s 4th annual Touch-A-Truck. BOSTON, MA With over 2,500 people in attendance, AmQuip’s 90 ton Hydraulic truck crane was the main event. Crane operator Rick Bujnowski safely escorted each and every child to the driver’s seat to experience life as a crane operator. Rushing floodwaters from Hurricane Irene caused major structural damage to the middle pier of the Green Mountain railroad bridge over the Connecticut River line. AmQuip responded to stabilize the bridge in an effort for work crews to make the necessary repairs. ATLANTA, GA Hats off to Boston, Bensalem and Atlanta who collectively joined forces to relocate equipment from Boston to Atlanta to satisfy our customer’s needs. TENNESSEE AmQuip on location at South Boston’s Fan Pier constructing the new corporate headquarters for a major pharmaceutical company. The project will require four tower cranes over the course of a year with expected completion in Fall 2012. AmQuip’s Manitowoc 888 onsite at Boston University setting steel for the seven story Center for Student Services Building scheduled to open in Spring 2012. the HOOK Employee Newsletter: Winter 2011 AmQuip’s 300 ton crane successfully setting the 50 ton crane onto the structural mat. AmQuip’s Boston division erects three wind turbines in Kingston, Massachusetts which will generate power for thousands of nearby homes. The relationship between AmQuip and the Band U2 began on a beautiful fall day back in September of 2009. AmQuip provided six cranes to support the erection of the stage at the Gillette Stadium in Boston. With the return of U2’s 2011 North American 360 (degree) tour, AmQuip was called on again to make two more encore appearances to support the erection of the bands unique stage in Nashville, Tennessee for the July 2, 2011 concert and again in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the July 14, 2011 concert. The performance by AmQuip’s talented team of operators and support staff insured that the U2 concert would begin on time as advertised. AmQuip’s Birmingham, Atlanta and Nashville branches join forces to assemble four tower cranes in four days at the future site of the Omni Hotel. Atlanta supplied the GMK 7550 (550 ton) to assemble (2) MD485 Potains and (2) SK415 Terex tower cranes. Birmingham supplied the tower cranes, labor and technical support for the assembly process. Nashville supplied the hauling of the tower loads, loading on Nashville yard and labor. The tower cranes range in heights of 182 feet to 272 feet of which two towers will climb to 330 feet and 380 feet. the HOOK Employee Newsletter: Winter 2011 Happenings TENNESSEE NORTHEAST REGION AmQuip together with River City Erectors work to take down old precast using AmQuip’s LTM1300/1 (360 Ton). The heaviest precast panels are set to weight 31,800lbs and AmQuip’s 360 Ton is set up with 248 cwt, 82 ft main boom and 161 ft luffer. St Jude Children Research Hospital is adding on an addition to the Childs Care Center. AmQuip partners with Temple University to assist with constructing state-ofthe art facilities for students, faculty, patients, staff and visitors. Memphis, Tennessee Hernando Desoto Bridge Batesville, Mississippi Fayetteville Express Pipeline BENNETT STEEL The addition of the Terex RT130 reinforces AmQuip’s commitment to replace older equipment with state-of-the-art technology. Onsite at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, AmQuip assists in the construction of the “American Trail”; a new exhibit for its seals and sea lions. The new exhibit will open in 2012 offering visitors a multi-sensory experience with great animal viewing opportunities. Memphis has a unique connection to 9/11. AmQuip’s first crane on site at Ground Zero was a 300 ton Liebherr LR 1280 crawler crane. Today, the same crane is working for Nelson Inc., a plumbing contractor from Memphis. Jonesboro, Arkansas Jonesboro Baptist Hospital Bartlett, Tennessee Saint Francis Hospital addition the HOOK Employee Newsletter: Winter 2011 AmQuip’s GMK300B (300ton) crane with a total main and luffing jib combination of 277’, operated by Joe Nugent & Billy Kronenbitter working for Bennett Steel out of Oklahoma. They are completing a furnace rebuild for Leone Industries out of Bridgeton NJ. Leone Industries is largest family owned and operated glass manufacture in the United States. Memphis, Tennessee Memphis International Airport, Parking Garage TOWER DIVISION Oklahoma City, OK Devon Energy topped out at 1020 feet and 970 feet AmQuip is currently dominating power projects in the Northeast Region. Although there are not currently any “mega” projects as we have been accustomed to in the last few years, we are capturing the project opportunities that are there, regardless of pricing. AmQuip is capturing these opportunities at significantly discounted rental rates to ensure employment opportunities for our employees and to retain market share. • Bayonne Energy • Conoco Phillips Bayway • PSE&G Kearney • Vineland Co-Gen Some of the major picks of this job are and old 36 foot long 7,000lb furnace rod coming out and a new 18 foot long 19,000lb furnace rod going in through the roof of a 90 foot tall building. A big part of the job was the assembly process of the crane due to limited space on the job site. The assist crane was operated by Shawn Follin and the assembly was executed as planned. The customer’s response to our operators’ performance was “WOW, what a knowledgeable group of operators!” the HOOK Employee Newsletter: Winter 2011 Got News? Email with your story ideas and details. Check your mailboxes in May for the Spring edition of The Hook Happenings out their talent, skill, professionalism as well as their commitment to working safely every day”. OHIO We’re taking the bull by the horns for our customers Tim Hassellbeck, as a tribute to his grandfather and father’s meat packing business, recruited AmQuip to set a 2,000 lbs bull on a 2,100 lbs. base at his residence. AmQuip’s Manitowoc 999 alongside the Ohio River at the Kentucky/Indiana State line performing maintenance to Highway 421. SAFETY The National Maintenance Agreements Policy Committee, Inc. (NMAPC) recognizes AmQuip with its seventh award in five years for working one year with Zero OSHA Recordable Injuries at a Power plant construction project in the Midwest. Vice President of Risk Management, Jeff Hammons says “This is a truly incredible feat considering that, at peak, AmQuip employed over 60 cranes and crane related services to more than 3,000 construction employees. Our team executed the above mentioned crane services in combination with our partners from the International Union for Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local No. 841 demonstrating our pride in the joint labor-management partnership that exists within the AmQuip organization and the IUOE. As one of the largest employers of Operating Engineers in the country, AmQuip recognizes that these accomplishments would not be possible withthe HOOK Employee Newsletter: Winter 2011 AmQuip has become the first crane rental company in North America to fit the TRAM fall prevention system to its cranes. The Hess Port Reading, NJ Refinery recently received a Meritorious Safety Performance Award from the National Petrochemical & Refiners Association. During Hess’s 2010 Turnaround, AmQuip Crane Rental provided 23 cranes and forklifts along with 60 operating engineers for the project. A special thank you and job well done goes out to everyone involved in this project, especially the operating engineers, drivers, and mechanics who contributed on a daily basis the highest standards of safety. October 1st marked the 365 consecutive days that AmQuip worked without a lost-time injury. This milestone takes an enormous amount of pre-task planning, job specific safety orientations, daily safety meetings, and job site safety inspections to bring it all together. More importantly, this milestone would have never been possible without the daily commitment and belief by all AmQuip employees that working injury free is not only achievable, but expected. This is a huge accomplishment and all AmQuip employees should be proud to reach this milestone. While there are many people and processes behind the scenes that help pave the way for AmQuip’s success, its field and shop workers deserve special credit for their efforts. Safety is and always will be AmQuip’s No. 1 value. This milestone proves that the people in our organization share this value. During the month of October, the Ohio and Northeast regions participated in a first aid class & CPR training in order to meet MSHA requirements. PERSONNEL Congratulations to The Snelling family who welcomed Emma Grace to the world on September 22nd at 1:05 pm at a healthy 7lbs. Congratulations to The Pace family (Joe & Cass) who welcomed Mia to the world on July 21st at a healthy 8 lbs. 2 oz. Congratulations to The Lawlor family who welcomed Sean Jr. to the world on June 14th at a healthy 8 lbs. Todd Rump lost a few strands of hair while watching his first and only granddaughter Evelyn Ann MaCluer take her first steps! Happy Birthday to Randy Sirbaugh who celebrated his 34th birthday on October 9th with his very own crane cake compliments of Sweet Girlz. Special recognition to driver Mark Johnson who was standing in line at a local hardware store who overhead the man charge items to O’Neal Construction for the Mitsubishi Plant (Memphis). Mark introduced himself to him as an employee of AmQuip and informed him our branch was located within minutes from the jobsite. Coincidently, the man turned out to be the Senior Construction Manager for O’Neal Construction who we have been attempting to contact for several days. They traded business cards which transpired into scheduling a meeting with O’Neal Construction. Congratulations to Dianne Vache taking first place in Corporate’s 1st Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest. New Employees – Welcome Chris Norton (Crane Rental Specialist) covering southern New Jersey, replacing Greg Hannold’s territory coverage, so Greg can focus on project work in the Northeast region. Welcome Teresa Jones (Inside Sales Customer Service Rep) working out of Bensalem branch. Teresa contacts low end using customers ensuring that when a crane rental is required, regardless of customer’s potential, we are involved and pursuing every opportunity out available. RECIPES Submitted by LaClaire Crouch CORDON BLEU- MADE EASY Ingredients 1 can cream of mushroom soup mixed with 1 can of milk 2 large chicken breasts cut 1/2 length wise 4 thin slices of ham, 4 slices Swiss cheese Slice chicken. Lay in crock pot flat, top w/1 slice cheese and 1 slice ham, fold each chicken breast in half and top with the cream of mushroom soup and milk. Cook 4-5 hours on low. Serve on top of mashed potatoes, pasta or rice. CANNED OKRA Ingredients 5 quarts of cut okra (sliced) ½ cup white vinegar Bring large pot of water to a rapid boil (8 to 10 quart pot) Add sliced okra and vinegar, allow the water to boil again then dip okra and water solution into your mason jars (make sure to cover okra with enough water) seal them as normal and turn upside down until cool or sealed. When you are ready to fry okra simply dump okra into a colander and gently rinse with water. Batter and fry as normal. (Tip) Allow the okra to brown good on the bottom before you began to flip and stir in skillet. Got News? Email with your story ideas and details Check your mailboxes in May for the Spring edition of The Hook the HOOK Employee Newsletter: Winter 2011 AmQuip CORPORATE OFFICE 1150 Northbrook Drive, Suite 100 Trevose, PA 19053 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHILA PA PERMIT 5634 SAFETY CORNER Jeff Hammons Commitment to Safe Performance – As we begin the 2012 calendar year, let’s pause a moment to reflect back on 2011, the year, the challenges, and the safety success. 2011, a year most of us couldn’t wait to end, has brought many significant challenges to our employees as well as our organization. From a double dip recession, to numerous organizations reducing their workforce, to customers closing their doors. Through all of the challenges, AmQuip and its valued employees have maintained their focus toward the importance of protecting our employees and families. Our employees are our strength and our success. Born from the belief that work performed in our industry, high degree of risk inherent to construction, can be performed safely using safe work practices and mutual respect for one another’s health and well-being, great things were again achieved. Our teamwork and ability to deliver safe crane services separates us from most and provides us with something we all can benefit from, a safe work environment. A work environment that supports the ability for our employees to prosper and build family dynamics. family members for your daily pursuit of safety perfection. AmQuip would not be the organization today without strength and talent of our employees. We want to thank you and your families for the hard work and dedication you represent each day and encourage you to not rest on your past success but rise each day with the knowledge and lessons learned to achieve world class safety performance and even more difficult but no less important, maintain it. In 2011, AmQuip and our family of personnel were awarded six more safety awards from various organizations and owners further recognizing your hard work and dedication to our safety culture. This coupled with the above average attendance in our safety meeting and training sessions provides a recipe for success that you should be proud of. We know we certainly are proud of each and every one of our AmQuip The New Year is a good time to consider increasing your 401k contribution or reviewing your current plan year medical benefits and deductible. Please contact Kate or Kristilyn for assistance. From the safety department, we wish everyone a safe and prosperous new year and look forward to the many initiatives we will tackle this year together along the pursuit for safety perfection. Safety Perfection is a Never Ending Journey of Continuous Improvement! HUMAN RESOURCES CORNER Kristilyn Strongin Wishing you and your family safe and happy holidays!
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