
Official Publication of the Slovene National Benefit Society
USPS: 448-080
ISSN: 1080-0263
Lodge 643 slates honors in December
Lodge 643 Secretary
Sister Jean Orsuto, H.M.
[second from right],
executive director of the
Emmanuel Community
Center in Girard, Ohio,
accepted a monetary gift
from Golden Eagles Lodge
643 as part of Make A
Difference Day in October.
Presenting the gift were
[from left] Lodge 643
Secretary Tony Kren,
Sergeant-at-Arms Jack
Twaddle, Treasurer
Joan Twaddle and
President Andy Kocjan.
GIRARD, Ohio — During the Lodge 643 Nov. 19
meeting, Golden Eagles Lodge members will receive
nominations and elect new officers for 2010. In addition, we will also review the Lodge 643 bylaws
and update as necessary.
For our Dec. 12 Christmas party, Lodge 643
President Andy “Sonny” Kocjan and Golden Eagles
members will honor our 50- and 60-year members.
This year’s honorees include 50-year members
Barbara Popovich and John Chiec, and 60-year
members Frank Tomazin, Ruth Beard and Jeannette
on the
Up-and-Coming Calendar of Events.......... 2
Slovenia From the Source.......................... 3
Slovenska Stran......................................... 4
SNPJ Recommender Coupon.................... 6
SNPJ Family Twosome Entry Form............ 8
Fraternal Sympathies................................. 8
brief ly
Home Office closed for
the Thanksgiving holiday
Office will be closed Thursday, Nov.
26, and Friday, Nov. 27, in observance
of the Thanksgiving holiday. Normal
office hours, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., will
resume Monday, Nov. 30. We wish all
SNPJ members and friends a very happy
Lodge 634 sets annual
meeting, Dec. gathering
SHEBOYGAN, Wis. — Moderns Lodge
634 members will hold their annual meeting and Christmas get-together Friday,
Dec. 11, at Zieggy’s. Lunch will be served
at 11:30 a.m. followed by the meeting and
drawings. Please note the date change.
See you there!
Lodge 634 Secretary/Treasurer
New date for Lodge 257
meeting, holiday dinner
Slovenia’s Flip
acrobats wow
the crowds in
Southern California
In This Issue
CLEVELAND — The Lodge 257 meeting date has been changed to Thursday,
Dec. 3, at the West Park Slovenian Home,
4583 W. 130th St., beginning at 6 p.m.
We will have a Christmas dinner prepared
by President Marie Pivik and members.
We’re hoping to see some unfamiliar
faces. Our special guest for the evening
will be Bro. Joe Valencic (5), president
of the Cleveland Federation.
Lodge 257
The Flip Acrobatic Club from Piran, Slovenia,
performed in Southern California Nov. 1.
Lodge 786 Secretary/Treasurer
ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. — The Flip Acrobatic Club from Piran, Slovenia, came to the
beautiful Orange Coast of California Nov. 1 for
a great beach party. It was a glorious day at Salt
Creek State Beach. It was so clear and warm,
you could almost touch Catalina Island.
Attending were approximately 40 members
of the acrobatic club, and over 40 Lodge members and friends as well as families from the
San Diego area, which is where the acrobats
stayed during the early part of their visit. The
members of the club were mostly girls ages 1115, but there were a few boys and coaches who
also got into the act. The one hour performance
featured a lot of comedy, flips, tosses, dances
and costume changes, all done to music.
Of course, the show attracted a lot of folks
down at the beach who took advantage of the
Lodge 138 making
plans for its centennial
Circle 19
making plans
for the holidays
Youth Circle 19 Director
The hour-long
Flip Acrobatic
Club performance
featured comedy,
flips, tosses,
dances and
costume changes,
all set to music.
STRABANE, Pa. — It hardly seems possible,
but Christmas is right around the corner. The
Youth Circle 19 annual Christmas party is
scheduled Sunday, Dec. 13, from 1 to 3 p.m.
in the upstairs hall of Lodge 138.
One of the events being planned for the
party is a talent show. Selina Progar has offered to coordinate the show and would like to
know how many youth members are interested
in participating. Please contact her at (724)
825-9588 or progar0202@aim.com as soon
as possible so that she may begin planning the
show. Other activities being planned include a
cookie decorating table (always a favorite!) and
Chinese auction.
Planning is still in the early stages. As always,
if anyone would like to help with planning and
decorating, please let me know. To RSVP for
the party, please e-mail me at circle19director@
yahoo.com. I hope to see everyone there!
STRABANE, Pa. — Lodge 138 will hold
its final meeting for 2009 Monday, Dec.
7, beginning at 7 p.m. at the Lodge 138
Hall. The main order of business will be
the election of officers for 2010. Also on
the agenda will be the upcoming Lodge
138 centennial anniversary celebration.
Anyone interested in serving on the planning committee for this momentous event
is welcome to do so. Ideas on how to add
to the celebration are also welcome.
Finally, the 2010 Miss SNPJ calendars
are in. They are available in the Lodge
138 Grill Room and bowling alley. Stop
by and pick one up.
Lodge 138 Secretary
The next two PROSVETA issue dates
are Dec. 2 and Dec. 16. All material
must be received by Monday, Nov. 23,
for the Dec. 2 issue, and by Monday,
Dec. 7, for the Dec. 16 issue. If you are
running short on time and concerned
about making the deadline, try faxing
your submission to (724) 695-1555 or
e-mailing prosveta@snpj.com.
Fright night leads Lodge 603 into the holidays
Lodge 603
The winners of the Samsula Lodge 603 adult costume contest were Pauline
Lockwood (Cat Woman), Kayla Thomas (Lucy), and Bill Benedict
and Sheryl Lauck (Frankenstein and bride).
SAMSULA, Fla. — Lodge 603 members met Nov. 8 with
President William Benedict presiding. All officers were present except Secretary Mary Ann Reichel who was ill at home.
George Benedict was the lucky winner of the meeting gift.
Several members installed a new waste system for our kitchen
drains. It is much appreciated.
The Friday night cooks, Ruth Benedict, Sue Reichel and
yours truly, plan to serve dinner beginning at 6 p.m. each
Friday, except Nov. 27. In December, the cooks plan to serve
meals Dec. 4, 11 and 18. After Dec. 18, the kitchen will close
until after the new year.
George Benedict continues to operate the Lodge bar, serving your favorite libations. George and Ruth celebrated their
40th wedding anniversary Nov. 15. They planned a four-day
cruise to the Bahamas with their children, Ashley and Bill, and
friend Sheryl Lauck.
Youth Circle 57 hosted a frightful Halloween party. We
didn’t seem to have as many guests as in previous years, but
that could be due to the fact that the party took place on HalSEE SAMSULA SCARE
• Ella and Claire Abraham
Euclid, Ohio, Lodge 158
The members of Lodge 158 welcome their
newest additions, Ella Aisling Abraham and
Claire Caroline Abraham. Ella and Claire
are the daughters of Kirk and Kelly Abraham
(158), the granddaughters of Joseph and
Judy DeFrank, and the great-granddaughters of Eleanor Godec (158) and the late
Joseph Godec (158). We welcome Ella
and Claire to the Slovene National Benefit
Society and extend our best wishes to their
entire family.
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
November 18, 2009
(USPS 448-080)
(ISSN 1080-0263)
The Official Publication of the
Slovene National
Benefit Society
SNPJ Fraternal Director
247 W. Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
Phone: (724) 695-1100
1-800-843-7675 (THE SNPJ)
Fax: (724) 695-1555
e-mail: prosveta@snpj.com
web site: www.snpj.org
Jay Sedmak
Associate Editor:
Kimberly Gonzalez
Subscription rate is $8 per year for non-SNPJ
members in the United States (Fla. subscribers,
please add 6 percent sales tax). Canadian and
foreign subscriptions, $50 per year. Advertising information available by writing our office.
Material concerning the official workings of
the Slovene National Benefit Society is given
publication priority. Unsolicited manuscripts
returned only if a self-addressed, stamped
envelope is enclosed.
Postmaster: Send all address changes to:
PROSVETA, 247 W. Allegheny Rd.,
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
(Issued biweekly on Wednesday)
(Periodical postage paid at Imperial, Pa.,
and additional mailing office.)
SNPJ National Board
Executive Committee:
National President
Joseph C. Evanish
National Secretary
Karen A. Pintar
National Treasurer
Robert J. Lawrence
Wing Night a
welcome return
at Lodge 138
Region 3 fraternal activity
ushers in Christmas spirit
Fraternal Department is pleased
to announce the next SNPJ Regional Fraternal Activity. Please
join SNPJ Region 3 Vice President Nancy Koutoulakis as we
enjoy a Christmas tradition in
Sis. Koutoulakis will be serving as hostess for a noon matinee
performance of the Charles
Dicken’s classic “A Musical
Christmas Carol” at the Byham
Theater in downtown Pittsburgh
Saturday, Dec. 19. Tickets are only
$21.50 for adults and $13.50 for
children ages 3-14. Tickets can
be purchased by sending a check
made payable to “SNPJ” to the
SNPJ Fraternal Department, 247
West Allegheny Road, Imperial,
PA 15126. Seating is limited, so
be sure to place your order soon.
Please indicate the number of adult
tickets and youth tickets you are
If your Lodge is looking for
one more activity to qualify for the
Lodge 138
SNPJ members in the Pittsburgh
area are invited to join Region 3
for “A Musical Christmas Carol”
Dec. 19 at the Byham Theater.
Star Lodge Reward Program, this
is the perfect event! I’ll see you at
a regional activity soon.
The Slo-Po’s, [front row, from
left] Sally and Rachel
Dempsey, Mary Dirk,
Sharon Sledzik, [second
row] Suzanne Dempsey,
Christine Curran,
Beth Perdan, [third row]
Andy Curran, Allison
Varanelli, Pam Dirk, [fourth
row] Rudy Perdan, Sue
Weber, Beth Schroeder,
[fifth row] Bob Weber, Allie
Perdan and Bill Sledzik
helped raise money in Cleveland
for the fight against Alzheimer’s.
Jolly Allis
Lodge 686
playing host to
Utopians aid in the Alzheimer’s fight a holiday lunch
Lodge 604
It’s difficult to believe that Frances is not Slovenian; she has been active in SNPJ, the Slovene
Women’s Union (SWU), Progressive Women and
Ladies Auxiliary of Waterloo. She even served as
an officer in some of these organizations.
The Slo-Po’s was made up of family members and
friends, some of whom are also Utopian members.
The team shirt was designed by Allie Perdan. The
front of the shirt not only included the team name,
but also contained pictures of both Bob and Frances.
The back had the team name along with the flags of
Slovenia and Poland.
This year $2,660 was raised, and our team placed
15th in the area. Beth plans on chairing a team next
year, so keep this in mind. You are invited to walk
or make a donation.
Finance Committee:
CLEVELAND — Utopians Lodge 604 member Beth
Perdan of New York organized “The Slo-Po’s” team
to raise funds in Cleveland to help fight Alzheimer’s.
“Slo” (Slovene) was in memory of Beth’s uncle
and former Utopian member Robert “Bob” Perdan.
Bob was the husband of Marlene, son of Adolph
Perdan and Mary Dolsak, brother of Bill and Rudy,
and father to Sharon (Bill) Sledzik, Christine (Andy)
Curran, Tom, Phil and Suzanne (Jim) Dempsey.
“Po” (Polish) was in honor of her grandmother,
Frances Ogoreuc, wife of the late Frank, and mother
of Charlotte (Rudy) Perdan and Frank (Kathi), all
Lodge 604 members. The team name was suggested
by Christine Curran.
Supervisory Committee:
Lodge 8 members opt for cultural fare
Correspondence received at:
247 West Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
Office hours are Monday -Thursday, 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m.; Fridays 7:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Chrm.: Joseph P. Cvetas — 356
Golfview Road, Unit 602, N. Palm
Beach, FL 33408
Robert Lawrence, Secretary
Joseph C. Evanish
Kenneth Anderson — 2400 Derby Road,
Birmingham, MI 48009
Roger C. Clifford — 102 Lang Road,
Sewickley, PA 15143
Chrm.: Phyllis Wood — 9519 Evergreen
Lane, Fontana, CA 92335
Vincent Baselj — 1001 Grandview Ave.,
Apt. 903, Bridgeville, PA 15017
Louis J. Novak — 6308 Highland Rd.,
Highland Heights, OH 44143
Stan Repos — 1255 McCaslin Rd.,
Imperial, PA 15126
Joseph M. Grkman Jr. — P.O. Box 584,
South Park, PA 15129
Lodge 8 Secretary/Treasurer
Regional Vice Presidents:
Edward Kuzma, Region 1 — Box 217,
Tire Hill, PA 15959
James L. Curl, Region 2 — 503 Orchard
St., Carnegie, PA 15106
Nancy Koutoulakis, Region 3 — 4321
Beverly Dr., Aliquippa, PA 15001
Dorothy Gorjup, Region 4 — 23760
Farringdon Ave., Euclid, OH 44123
Tracey Anderson, Region 5 — 1014
Edgewood Dr., Royal Oak, MI 48067
Justina Rigler, Region 6 — 1116 Berkley Lane, Lemont, IL 60439
John Zibert, Region 7 — 284 N. 200
St., Arma, KS 66712
Fred Mlakar, Region 8 — 13592
Onkayha Cir., Irvine, CA 92620
SNPJ Recreation Center
(724) 336-5180 • fax (724) 336-6716
Toll-free: 1-877-767-5732
web site: www.snpjrec.com
e-mail: snpj@snpjrec.com
Type of Event
Phone (
Complete and return to:
247 W. Allegheny Road
Imperial, PA 15126-9774
e-mail: prosveta@snpj.com
WEST ALLIS, Wis. — Jolly Allis Lodge
686 is hosting a luncheon followed by our
annual meeting with election of officers Sunday, Dec. 6. The luncheon and meeting will
be held at Klemmer’s, 10401 W. Oklahoma
Ave. in Milwaukee.
The doors will open at 11:30 a.m. and a
family-style luncheon will be served at noon.
The meals for Lodge 686 members will be
paid for by the Lodge. Guest meals are $15
each, and meals for children 12 and under
are $7.50 each.
Reservations are required and seating is
limited. Phone Mary Alyce Francis at (414)
421-3525 by Monday, Nov. 23, to reserve
your seat or if you have any questions.
Golden Eagles
Lodge extending
honors in December
Williams. Sonny always does a great job introducing our award recipients and providing a
biography of their personal accomplishments.
Many of our members have a storied past
and we are proud to have them as part of our
American-Slovenian family.
Please make an effort to attend our Nov.
19 meeting and participate in the election of
new officers. Reservations for our Dec. 12
Christmas party are due to Tony Kren by Nov.
30. Your check ($12 for members and $17 for
non-members) will serve as your reservation
and must be sent to Tony Kren, 1550 Oak St.,
Girard, OH 44420.
A look at events planned by the Slovene National Benefit Society
Have something for
Who to contact
Delavec Lodge 8 members enjoying the dinner at the Slovenian Cultural
Center in Lemont, Ill., included [seated from left] DOLORES NOVOTNY,
CICERO, Ill. — During
a recent Delavec Lodge 8
meeting, it was decided that
our members would attend
a dinner at the Slovenian
Cultural Center in Lemont, Ill. The center sponsors
monthly homecooked meals
on Sundays, and what a treat
it was!
Dinner included breaded
rolled pork, chicken, potatoes,
salad, vegetables and a plate of
delicious pastries. A drawing
was also held, and there were
beautiful prizes galore.
It was an enjoyable afternoon. Many of us renewed
acquaintances with Lodge
members we haven’t seen in
Lodge 686 Secretary/Treasurer
270 Martin Road
Enon Valley, PA 16120
If a concert or dance, who is
STRABANE, Pa. — Have you started getting ready for the holidays yet? Before all that
pressure gets you frazzled, make time in your
busy schedule for the annual Strabane Lodge
138 Wing Night on Thanksgiving eve, Nov.
25. This has become a successful tradition at
our Lodge. We always look forward to hosting
Wing Night because it brings people together
who always seem to have such a great time.
As its name suggests, we will have a variety
of wings with great sauces available beginning
around 6 p.m. This year, live entertainment
will be provided by Blind Date from 9 p.m.
until 1 a.m. Mark your calendar and make plans
to come to Strabane on Thanksgiving eve to
enjoy the company of good friends, try a few
wings and maybe get out on the dance floor.
As always, we hope to see you there!
• NOV. 21......... Milwaukee Family Twosome Bowling Tournament; noon. For information
phone Mary Donovan at (414) 817-0192.
• NOV. 22......... Herminie, Pa., Lodge 87 polka
dance in the Crystal Ballroom, 2-7 p.m.
Music by the Mikey Dee Band and The
Polka Quads. For information phone
Shirley Bailley at (724) 864-1606.
• NOV. 22......... Spring Hill, Fla., Lodge 778 Thanksgiving dinner dance. Dinner served from
noon-1:30 p.m.; dancing to Steve Juricic
& Tropical Squeeze from 2-5 p.m. For
additional information phone Eileen
Harfmann at (352) 799-6616.
• NOV. 29......... Imperial, Pa., Lodge 106 Polka
Sunday, 2-8 p.m.; doors open at 1. Music
by the Bob Kravos and Mikey Dee bands.
For more information phone the Lodge
106 Hall at (724) 695-1411.
• DEC. 5��������� Badger Lodge 584 youth Christmas
party, 2 p.m. All youth members in the
Milwaukee area are welcome to attend.
For additional information phone Mary
Donovan at (414) 817-0192.
• DEC. 6����������� Herminie, Pa., Lodge 87 variety
dance in the Crystal Ballroom, 2-6 p.m.
Music by the Silver Sky Duo. For additional information phone Shirley Bailley
at (724) 864-1606.
• DEC. 9��������� Spring Hill, Fla., Lodge 778 Christmas party, 2-6 p.m. RSVP by Dec. 2 to
Eileen Harfmann at (352) 799-6616.
• DEC. 11.......... Detroit Lodge 677 Christmas
party and book signing at the Slovene
American Club, 7:30 p.m. For additional
information phone Ken Anderson at (248)
• DEC. 13........... Herminie, Pa., Lodge 87 Christmas party, 2-7 p.m. Must present 2009
membership card. For details phone
Shirley Bailley at (724) 864-1606.
• DEC. 14......... La Salle, Ill., Lodge 2 holiday luncheon, 11:30 a.m. at 4 Star Restaurant,
Peru, Ill. For details phone Eleanor Kuhar
at (815) 883-8983.
• DEC. 27........... Herminie, Pa., Lodge 87 polka
dance in the Crystal Ballroom, 2-7 p.m.
Music by the Mikey Dee and Karl Lukitsch
bands. Phone Shirley Bailley at (724)
864-1606 for details.
• DEC. 31......... Sygan, Pa., Lodge 6 New Year’s
Eve dance, 7 p.m.-1a.m. Music by Frank
Palombi’s Good Time Band. For more
information phone Marianne Carchidi at
(412) 200-2398.
• JAN. 16.......... Verbick Fraternal Memorial Bowling Tournament at Riviera Lanes, West
Allis, Wis. Bowling begins at noon. For
more information contact Mary Donovan
at (414) 817-0192.
• JAN. 23-24..... Spring Hill, Fla., Lodge 778 Snowflake Dance Weekend. Entertainment
featuring Frank Moravcik 6-10 p.m. Jan.
23; 2-6 p.m. Jan. 24. For information contact Mary Ann Hiltz at (727) 376-8486.
• JAN. 30.......... Spring Hill, Fla., Lodge 778 dance.
Dinner served from 5-7 p.m.; dancing to
the music of Bob Kravos from 6-10 p.m.
For details phone Mary Ann Hiltz at (727)
• FEB. 6���������� San Francisco Lodge 304 dinner
dance at the Slovenian Hall, 2101 Mariposa, San Francisco. Dinner served at
6 p.m.; dance music by the Joey Bajuk
Trio. For additional information contact
Diane Kresevich at (650) 588-3863.
• FEB. 19-21..... Florida SNPJ Days hosted by
Lodge 603, Samsula, Fla.
• MARCH 5-7.... Florida Slovene Days hosted by
Spring Hill Lodge 778.
• JAN. 1���������� Spring Hill, Fla., Lodge 778 New
Year’s Day dinner dance. Dinner served
from noon-1:30 p.m.; dancing to the Bob
Turcola Orchestra from 2-5 p.m. For
additional information phone Mary Ann
Hiltz at (727) 376-8486.
• MAY 1-2......... SNPJ National Bowling Tournament hosted by Indianapolis Lodge
34. For tournament information contact
SNPJ Fraternal Director Kevin Richards
at 1-800-843-7675 or e-mail krichards@
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
November 18, 2009
Slovenian cabinet
welcomes Fiscal Council
Marketing Director
The gift that
keeps on giving
s we near Christmas, some of you may be wondering
what kind of present to get your child or grandchild.
Will it be clothes, money, an Xbox or some other
new toy that just came out in time for the holidays? Let’s
face the facts – most of our children and grandchildren
already have everything they really need.
So one of the most useful gifts you could give someone
is one that lasts forever. The SNPJ Single Premium plan
of insurance would be the perfect choice. This one-time
payment plan allows you to make a single deposit and
have a paid-up policy for life. Here are several other good
reasons to consider the single premium plan:
• The single premium plan features increasing cash
or loan values, so if somewhere down the road you
want to cash-in the policy, you may do so.
• The plan pays dividends (which are not guaranteed)
that can be used to buy additional insurance, so
the original face amount will become greater in the
• As an SNPJ member, this child may participate in
our fraternal benefit program which includes scholarships (worth up to $3,200); youth programs and
camps; local Lodge activities; athletic events; and
our bi-monthly publication, The Voice of Youth.
For a single premium plan of insurance, the minimum
face amount is $5,000 and the maximum is $50,000.
This plan is available from ages 0 to 80. Here are some
sample premiums so you can see how affordable this gift
could be:
$5,000 Single Premium Plan of Insurance
Age 0......................... $355.70....................$309.40
Age 5......................... $411.80....................$358.60
Age 10....................... $484.70....................$420.45
Age 15....................... $570.30....................$493.85
Think about this idea for a few minutes: while other gifts
may become broken or the child outgrows them, this plan
could last a lifetime. It is a legacy that will be here long
after you are gone.
Contact your Lodge secretary, local sales representative or the SNPJ Home Office at 1-800-843-­7675 for more
information. Let us know if any purchase is for a gift, and
we will try to accommodate your plans.
• Thought for the Week — What do
children do 150 times a day and the
average adult only does 10 times a
day? Laugh! Maybe we can learn
something from children.
at your fingertips
Looking for information on your SNPJ
life insurance and annuity policies?
Simply log on to snpj.org and follow
the step-by-step instructions.
Ljubljana (STA) — According to
the terms of amendments to Slovenia’s
Public Finance Act passed in June, the
govern­ment established a Fiscal Council, a consulting body that will examine
the effectiveness and sustainability of
fiscal policies and recommend improvements.
Slovenian Finance Minister Franc
Krizanic told the press that the Finance
Council included three strong macroeconomic experts, two experts in tax
system and tax policy, and an expert
in the European financial market. The
government hopes that the Fiscal Council
will help bring about a balance of public
finances as soon as possible. “This means
that the exit from the [economic] crisis
will be faster with the Fiscal Council,”
the minister announced.
The council will provide their assessments on sustainability and stability of
the public finance policy determined in
annual budget memorandums and in
compliance with the terms of the Stability
and Growth Pact. It will also evaluate
the adequacy of the set public finance
goals relative to Slovenia’s overall fiscal
framework. Working from the closing
account, the council will provide an
annual assessment of efficient use of
public funds, including those from the
EU budget.
The councilors will serve a five-year
term without the possibility of extension
and will be only paid session fees. The
council will operate within the prime
minister’s office.
Additional road safety
measures are planned
Ljubljana (STA) — In late October, Slovenia’s transportation, justice
and interior affairs ministers unveiled a
package of measures aimed at beefing up
safety on Slovenian roads. The measures
include more severe punishment for DUI
offenses and a more effective system of
road signage.
Interior Minister Katarina Kresal announced a stricter punishment of DUI offenders. Those convicted of DUI offenses
could be permanently stripped of their
licences for a period of up to five years.
It will also be possible for authorities to
treat repeat DUI offenders caught driving
on a suspended licence as criminal offenders. Kresal also highlighted the plans
to erect additional road signs, focusing on
more “no entry” and “wrong way” signs,
before the end of November.
Transportation Minister Patrick
Vlačič announced an increase in the
number of stationary radar devices along
with the introduction of section-based
speed supervision. Justice Minister Aleš
Zalar said that more would be done to
secure priority treatment of cases involving victims of road accidents in an effort
to reduce the stress of family members
as much as possible.
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in the making
Proud of your SNPJ membership? Then you
owe it to yourself to delve deeper into SNPJ
history through the pages of An Inspired Journey
— The SNPJ Story: The First One Hundred Years
of the Slovene National Benefit Society.
This richly-illustrated chronicle of SNPJ
history compiled and written by SNPJ Publications Editor Jay Sedmak is now available
for purchase.
$15.00 each — plus $2.50 s/h
add $1 shipping for each additional copy ordered
Slovene National Benefit Society
247 West Allegheny Road • Imperial, PA 15126-9774
Number of copies_ _______________________________ Payment in full must accompany all orders. Make checks payable to SNPJ.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
New tax IT system
rests with IBM Slovenija
Ljubljana (STA) — The Slovenian
Tax Administration (DURS) has selected
IBM’s Slovenian subsidiary as the successful candidate for building the new
internal revenue computer system.
IBM estimated a cost of $32 million
to build the system and was the only
company to meet all the requirements of
the international bid, DURS announced
via press release.
DURS published the open bid in late
May, after initially toying with the idea of
establishing a public-private partnership.
The idea was later scrapped in favor of
a formal public bid. The bid for the new
tax computer system was originally published in 2007, but subsequently annulled
by the National Audit Commission due to
complaints from unsuccessful parties.
More passengers, cargo
moving across Slovenia
Ljubljana (STA) — According to
the Slovenian Statistics Office, transportation of both passengers and cargo by
rail, air and sea increased across Slovenia
in 2008, while the distance traveled by
passengers on public roads remained
roughly stable.
Public transportation carriers in Slovenia recorded slightly over 90 million
passengers, which is 0.7 percent less than
in 2007. Slovenian railroads carried over
from the
16.6 million passengers. A total of 1.6 million passengers passed through Slovenian
airports. International traffic increased by
slightly over eight percent compared
to 2007 figures, and the total distance
traveled increased almost 14 percent.
Cargo traffic at Slovenian ports increased four percent to over 16,500 tons.
Slovenian cargo vehicles transported
over 91 million tons of goods, which
is two percent more than in 2007, and
recorded an increase of 18 percent in
total miles carried. Rail transportation of
goods fell by two percent in comparison
to 2007, registering 17 million tons of
goods transported across the country.
The portion of cargo transported by
road thus rose to 82 percent of total
cargo hauled.
The number of registered cars in Slovenia grew by 30,000 to over 1,045,000
cars in 2008. This figure represents an
average of 514 cars per 1,000 inhabitants.
The average age of registered cars in
Slovenia was 7.8 years in 2008, a figure
which remained stable in comparison
to 2007. The death toll on Slovenian
roads fell to 0.6 per 62 miles of public
roads, and to one road fatality per 10,000
Ex-foreign minister
publishes political thriller
Ljubljana (STA) — Dimitrij Rupel,
a former Slovenian Foreign Minister
who has never tried to hide his passion
for literature, presented his new novel,
a political thriller titled “Predsednik ali
Tako, kot je bilo” (“Presi­dent, or the
Way It Was”) in mid-October, almost
20 years since publication of his last
literary work.
Luka Novak, director of publisher
Vale-Novak, pointed out that Rupel’s
literary work includes 10 novels and
several plays. Now, after a two-decade
break, Rupel penned “this extraordinary
political thriller” with high artistic value,
he noted. The novel is a work of fiction
based on historical facts, but the dividing
line is blurred. “The more we look for it,
the more lost it seems,” Novak said.
The story is told by deceased professor and Slovenian independence activist
France Globokar, whose manu­script is
later published by his partner, Sonja
Novak. Rupel refused to reveal any more
details about the novel, except that the
story begins with the murder of a presi­
dential candidate. The story very much
resembles the true story of Ivan Kramberger, who ran for president in 1990 and
was shot to death during a campaign for
the parliamentary elections in 1992.
The author said he wanted to share
with the readers “some things” which
could not be expressed in political writings, but only in a literary work. “The
last couple of years have been crucial,
so the book is also kind of a reaction to
the problems of the Slove­nian political
and social arena,” Rupel said.
Even though the novel is imbued
with humor and irony, Rupel hopes that
readers would give it serious thought.
He also hopes that the book will attract
a wider audience, but makes no illusion
that it will awaken them politically. Those
times are gone and “we have to count on
that,” he said.
The Vale-Novak bookshop, which
hosted the book launch, was teeming
with journalists. The event was also at­
tended by former Prime Minister Janez
Janša, Rupel’s former boss. Janša was
also among the first to receive a signed
copy of the book.
First Slovenian book now
out in modern language
Ljubljana (STA) — Primož Trubar’s
16th century book, “Cathecism,” the first
book written in Slovenian alongside his
spelling book, “Abecedarium,” is now
available in modern Slovenian. The project was carried out by the Trubar Forum
Association in cooperation with the Fran
Ramovs Slovenian Language Institute.
Drago Sukič, chairman of the Trubar
Forum, said at the book launch in
Ljubljana that Protestant priest Trubar
(1508-1586) was a man for all times,
so translating his works into modern
Slovenian was appropriate. “People
seem to know some general facts about
Trubar, however, they need to read his
works,” Sukič said, noting that not many
people would read works written in the
16th century.
The new edition of “Cathecism”
includes a transcript of the original text
along with a translation. It also includes
a tran­script of poems accompanied with
modern notations, an accompanying
study and photos.
According to Kozma Ahacič, the
book’s editor and one of the translators,
the Cathecism, which was writ­ten in
1550, was a great turning point in the
history of Slovenian language, literature,
theology and for the Slovenian nation in
general. Ahacič noted that Trubar was the
first to use the term “Slovenian” for his
fellow countrymen and laid the foundations of the Slovenian language. He added
that this was not some simple language
designed only for simple rural people,
but a language that also – and above all
– suited the needs of the aristocracy, the
middle class, priests and preachers.
Sukič stated that just like 500 years
ago when Trubar had to publish the
book with the help of spon­sors from
abroad, the project received no support
from the Slovenian Cultural Ministry
but was published with the help of
American donors. The Trubar Forum
was established two years ago to publish
Trubar’s works in modern Slovenian. A
year ago it published “Abecedarium,”
and additional works are expected in the
coming years.
Bishop Geza Ernisa, the leader of the
Evangelic Lutheran Church in Slovenia, welcomed the association’s work.
Ernisa labeled Trubar a “prophet of the
Slovenian nation” who dared dream of
a Slovenian church and books in those
hard times. His ideas continue to live in
the modern language.
Primož Trubar was a priest and the
central figure of the Protestant Reformation in Slovenia. Last year, Slovenia
celebrated the 500th anniversary of his
birth with a number of events staged
throughout the year.
Slovenians third among
the thriftiest Europeans
Ljubljana (STA) — Slovenians
rank third among their fellow Europeans in terms of gross savings rate, the
national Statistics Office announced in
a press release marking World Savings
Day, observed Oct. 31.
“Slovenians are a thrifty people.
We do many things ourselves, we are
reluctant to take risks, we don’t trust
bankers very much, and if we do borrow money, we borrow it to buy homes.
In most cases we decide on traditional
forms of savings in banks, which can be
attributed to the fear of losing money,”
the office wrote.
Among the European nations, in
2007 only the Swiss (17.8 percent) and
Germans (16.7 percent) saved a greater
portion of gross disposable income than
Slovenians. In Slovenia the gross household saving rate was 16.4 percent. Slovenia’s savings rate was down 0.7 percent
in 2007 compared to the year prior, but
it was still much higher than the average
household saving rate in the euro area,
which stood at 13.8 percent. Overall,
the EU savings rate was 10.8 percent.
The lowest saving rates were recorded
in the Baltic nations (hovering around 0
percent) and the United Kingdom (2.2
percent). An interesting comparison is
made to the United States, where the
savings rate stood at 5.2 percent.
World Savings Day was introduced
in 1924 in Milan, Italy, at a meeting of
700 savings banks representatives from
27 countries. The day is dedicated to
highlighting the importance of individual
and governmental savings.
Slovenj Gradec marks
20 years of peace status
Slovenj Gradec (STA) — The
town of Slovenj Gradec marked the 20th
anniversary since being designated a UN
Messenger of Peace with a Peace Festival
in late October. The 11th annual Peace
Festival, titled “You and Me, Friends in
Diversity,” featured presentations, a variety of workshops, performances, exhibitions, a run for peace and a school camp.
In 1989, then-UN Secretary General
Javier Perez de Cuellar awarded Slovenj
Gradec its Messenger of Peace status due
to the town’s international connections
and efforts to promote peace and nonviolence. Slovenj Gradec is especially
active in the International Association
of Peace Messenger Cities which connects 96 cities and towns, and recently
accepted the position of association
secretary general.
The articles comprising this feature have been
reprinted with permission from the Slovenian
Press Agency (STA).
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
18. Novembra 2009
Za izkoreninjenje otroške paralize
Ureja Vida Kosir
Rojstna hiša – muzej
Simona Gregorčiča
HEADLINE: The birth
house – museum of Simon
TOPIC: The house with
the balcony in which poet
Simon Gregorčič was born
on Oct. 15, 1844, is decorated
with flowers in the summer
and in the fall with a reddened original vine the Slovenians maintained for the
60th anniversary of the poet’s
death (1966). For the 100th
anniversary of his death (in
2006), architects Janez and
Mima Suhadols gave the
house its current look. They
completely renovated the
upper rooms and added a
timeline which puts the poet’s
life into historical perspective. The lower room opened
in 1951 as a memorial room.
Furniture and articles which
the poet used in daily life,
such as plates, cups, a glass
with his initials, eyeglasses,
an ink well in the shape of a
rose, an alarm clock, etc., are
exhibited in the museum.
Hišo z gankom s pelargonijam poleti in v jesenskem času
pordelo samorodno vinsko
trto, v kateri se je 15. oktobra
1844 rodil Simon Gregorčič, so
Slovenci uredili ob 60. obletnici pesnikove smrti (1966),
današnjo obliko pa sta mu
leta 2006, ob stoletnici smrti, dala arhitekta Janez in
Mima Suhadolc. Takrat so
popolnoma prenovili gornja prostora, dodali časovni
trak, ki postavlja pesnikovo
življenje in njegove sodobnike
v zgodovinski čas, ter opremili
z rodovnikom spodnjo izbo,
ki so jo kot spomisko sobo
odprli že leta 1951, ko je v
hiši še živel Franc Gregorčič
z ženo Angelo. V muzeju so
postavljeni izvirno pohištvo
in predmeti, ki jih je uporabljal
pesnik v vsakdanjem življenju:
krožniki, skodelica, kozarček z
njegovima začetnicama, očala,
črnilnik v obliki vrtnice, budilka... Pesnikov prapranečak
Pavel Gregorčič je tu živel s
starši do leta 1966, ko so na
pobudo odbora pod vodstvom
Franceta Bevka s samoprispevkom po en dinar, zbranim v
slovenskih osnovnih šolah,
ter z okrajnim, občinskim in
državnim prispevkom odkupili domačijo in jo preuredili v
muzej, katerega uradna lastnica
je občina Kobarid.
HEADLINE: To root out children’s
TOPIC: In connection with a Rotary
International activity, the Slovenian
branch of Rotary International helped
to collect money to root out polio around
the world. This was the final event of
a humanitarian activity that started
30 years ago and reached six million
children around the world in its first
year. Polio is one of the worst viral illnesses for the human race, and it is still
raging in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India
and Nigeria.
UNICEF and the World Health
Organization joined the project in
1988, and to date more than 2.5 billion children have been vaccinated. In
Europe this illness was eliminated in
2002, but the danger of reoccurrence is
still possible. Twenty years ago 350,000
new cases of this illness were registered
worldwide; two years ago only 1,300 to
1,400 cases.
“1.2 million Rotary club members
were engaged in collecting money for
the vaccine. In three decades they have
been able to collect more than $5 billion
which we have used to root out this illness,” said Stanislav Ojnik, Governor’s
Assistant for Rotary District 1910 in
Rotary Slovenija je v okviru mednarodne akcije matičnega Rotary International
pomagal zbirati denar za izkoreninjenje
otroške paralize v svetu. To je bilo sklepno
dejanje humanitarne dejavnosti, ki se je
začela pred 30 leti in je že prvo leto po
svetu zajela šest milijonov otrok. Otroška
paraliza je eno najhuših virusnih obolenj
človeštva in je navzoča še v Afganistanu,
Pakistanu, Indiji in Nigeriji.
Projektu sta se leta 1988 pridružila Unicef in Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija,
doslej je cepivo dobilo več kot 2,5 milijarde
otrok. V Evropi so bolezen izkoreninili
leta 2002, a dokler so še oaze, je nevarnost
ponovitve tudi na naši celini. V Rotary
can create many problems for
As Pogačar said, the pinnacle of his previous work is a
model of a Mačkov hay rack,
which was moved a few years
ago from Šmartno near Litija
to the estate in Pule, in the
Dolenjsko region. Pogačar
worked on the model for a
year and a half, and invested
close to 4,000 hours in its construction. At a well attended
event, Pogačar announced
than his next project will be
the Russian Chapel on Vršič,
HEADLINE: The mighty
viaduct still without a usable
TOPIC: One of the largest
viaducts in the Julian Alps,
the bridge near Mlinč above
Log below Mangrt, is still
without a usable permit even
though the road that connects the Bovec area with the
Predel border pass has been
open to traffic since the end of
the summer. This structure,
a demanding construction
project that cost $4.2 million,
lasted less than two years.
The viaduct extends more
than 190 feet above Predelica,
the arch is 280 feet long and
the bridge is almost 326 feet
long. They used more than
410 tons of iron mesh and
more than 2,000 cubic meters
of concrete. The temporary
steel bridge that was erected
two months after the devastating landslide in 2000 is
now history.
Eden največjih viaduktov
v Julijskih Alpah, most pri
Mlinču nad Logom pod Mangrtom, še vedno nima uporabnega
dovoljenja, čeprav so cesto,
ki povezuje Bovško z mejnim
URA - Upravljavcu dvigala je šlo na živce, ker so ga ljudje
kar naprej spraševali, koliko je ura, zato je na steno dvigala obesil uro. Zdaj ga ljudje cele dne sprašujejo: “Ali
gre ta ura točno?”
which is a very challenging
and demanding project.
Na gradu Bogenšperk so
odprli razstavo maket osmih
kozolcev toplarjev mojstra
Franca Pogačarja iz Novega
Polja, ki se z izdelavo teh
etnoloških posebnosti ukvarja
že 18 let. Njegovi kozolci, ki so
izdelani iz smreke in hrasta – za
koroške kozolce pa uporablja
rdeči macesen – so pomanjšani
izvirniki v razmerju 1: 25, kar
velja tudi za strešno kritino,
ki sicer mnogim izdelovalcem
povzroča precej težav. Kot je
povedal Pogačar, sicer upokojeni kirurški brivec, je krona njegovega dosedanjega dela
maketa Mačkovega kozolca,
katerega izvirnik so pred leti iz
Šmartnega pri Litiji preselili na
posestvo Pule na Dolenjskem.
Avtor ga je izdeloval poldrugo
leto in porabil približno 4000
ur. Na dobro obiskani priredtvi
je Pogačer napovedal, da se
bo v prihodnje lotil izdelave
ruske kapelice na Vršiču, ki
je tehnično zelo zapleten in
zahteven projekt.
Dobra volja in nasmeh sta pol zdravja
HEADLINE: Good will
and a smile are half of
TOPIC: The Red Noses
Association to help the sick
and suffering has been operating in Slovenia for five
years. Sick children know
them best, because the clowns
who are members of the
Red Noses Association visit
the hospital pediatric units
regularly. A few days ago
they were in Novo mesto.
Elektro Ljubljana, which
celebrated the 100th anni-
versary of electrical power
in the Dolenjsko region and
Bela krajina, had supported
Red Noses in the past, and
now they have signed an
agreement to support them
for the next four years.
V Sloveniji že pet let delujejo Rdeči noski, društvo
za pomoč trpečim in bolnim.
Najbolj ga poznajo bolni
otroci, saj njegovi klovni redno
obiskujejo otroške oddelke v
Pred dnevi so bili namenoma v Novem mestu. Elektro
Mogočni viadukt še brez uporabnega dovoljenja
Razstava kozolcev toplarjev
HEADLINE: Exhibition
of hay racks
TOPIC: An exhibition of
eight hay rack models, the
work of Franc Pogačar from
Novo Polje who has been
making these unique ethnological pieces for 18 years, recently opened at Bogenšperk
Castle. Pogačar’s hay racks,
which are made of pine and
oak (for Carinthian hay
racks he uses red larch) are
1:25 reduced-scale originals.
The roofs are particularly
hard to make in this size, and
International so na podlagi statističnih
kazalnikov ugotovili, da je zdaj priložnost
zadati otroški paralizi smrtni udarec. Pred
20 leti je bilo v svetu registriranih 350.000
novih primerov te bolezni, predlani samo
še 1300 do 1400.
“Za dokončno uničenje otroške paralize potrebujemo pol milijarde ameriških
dolarjev, od tega mora rotarijsko gibanje
zbrati 200 milijonov dolarjev, pri nas pa
26.000 evrov. Od Avstrijcev in Nemcev
smo prevzeli Sončnice, s katero zbiramo
denar za cepivo,” je pojasnil Tone Simonič,
ki je v Sloveniji odgovoren za izvedbo
akcije. “Z zbiranjem denarja za cepivo se
v svetu ukvarja 1,2 milijona rotarijcev. V
treh desetletjih nam je uspelo zbrati večino
od pet milijard dolarjev, kolikor smo doslej
porabili za iztrebljenje bolezni, zdaj je
napočil čas za zadnji udarec,” je dodal
Stanislav Osojnik, asistent guvernerja
distrikta 1910 za Slovenijo. Akcija se je
končala po vsem svetu 21. oktobra.
Ljubljana, ki je praznovalo
stoto obletnico elektrifikacije
Dolenjske in Bele krajine,
je Rdeče noske podpiralo že
doslej, podpisalo pa je pogodbo
še za štiri leta. “Danes je vse
v znamenju dobre številke
pet. Delujemo pet let, sedmim
zdravnikom klovnom se je
pridružilo še pet novih, pet let
pa že sodelujemo z Elektro
Ljubljana, ki je s podpisom
nove pogodbe omogočilo
izvajanje našega programa še
naprej,” je v igralnici otroškega
oddelka novomeške bolnišnice
povedala prva dama Rdečih
noskov, klovnesa Eva Škofič
Dejavnost klovnov
zdravnikov je podprl tudi
minister za zdravje Borut
Miklavčič. Povedal je, da je
ob svoji nedavni bolezni videl,
kako je poleg dobre medicinske pomoči pomembno dobro
razpoloženje bolnika: “Pri
otrocih je to še bolj pomembno.
Dobra volja in nasmeh sta pol
zdravja, so govorili že naši
stari starši.”
prehodom Predel, odprli za
promet že konec poletja. Izvajalec del ajdovsko podjetje
Primorje namreč še ni pridobilo
vse dokumentacije. Zahtevna
gradnja, ki bo stala 2,8 milijona
evrov, je trajala manj kot dve
leti. Viadukt je razpet več kot
60 metrov nad Predelico, lok
je dolg 86 metrov, most pa v
celoti skoraj 130 metrov. To je
prvi objekt v Sloveniji, ki so
ga zgradili s tehniko drsnega
ločnega opaža. Vanj so vgradili
več kot 410 ton železne mreže
in več kot 2000 kubičnih
metrov betona. Začasni železni
most, ki so ga postavili v dveh
mesecih po katostrofalnem
plazu leta 2000, je zgodovina,
prav tako del dovoznih poti
proti prehodu čez potok, ki
so jih zdaj zasuli. Viadukt pri
Mlinču je varno odmaknjen
nad strmo plazovito območje in
bi po zagotovilih izvajalca del
zdržal potres devete stopnje. V
okviru sanacije plazu v Logu, ki
je takrat zgrmel s pobočja pod
Mangrtom in pod seboj pokopal sedem vaščanov, je bila
gradnja mostu najzahtevnejše
To in ono iz Slovenije
– This and that from Slovenia –
CELJE – Z novimi odličji sta se z Malte pred dnevi vrnila
Dekliški pevski zbor Gimnazije Celje Center, ki ga že 15.
leto vodi prof. Barbara Arlič Kerstein in fantovska vokalna
zasedba Oktet 9, ki jo vodi prof. Gregor Deleja. Zbora sta
sodelovala na mednarodnem zborovskem festivalu in tekmovanju, ki se ga je udeležilo 20 zborov iz desetih evropskih
držav; med njimi je bil še en slovenski zbor in sicer Moški
pevski zbor Srečko Kosovel iz Ajdovščine. Celjska zbora
sta osvojila po eno zlato in eno srebrno plaketo. Oktet 9 je
nastopil še na nekaj drugih koncertih in med drugim zapel
tudi ministrskemu predsedniku Malte Lawrencu Gonziju.
Zaradi uspeha na festivalu je prejel povabilo na novo koncertno turnejo decembra na Malti. Zbora z Gimnazije Celje
Center sodita zadnje čase v sam vrh evropske zborovske
glasbe. Dekliški zbor je lani osvojil zlato odličje na tekmovanju na otoku Jersey in srebrno plaketo na letošnjem
tekmovanju v Bratislavi, fantovksi oktet pa je letos imel že
60 koncertov po Sloveniji, ves avgust pa je bil na koncertni
turneji po Avstraliji.
The girl’s chorus from Celje Center High School,
directed by professor Barbara Arlič Kerstein for the
last 15 years, and the Oktet 9 boy’s vocal group, under
the leadership of professor Gregor Deleja, recently
returned from Malta with their new distinctions. Both
choruses participated at the international chorus festival
and competition (at which 20 choruses from 10 European countries participated), and the Srečko Kosovel
men’s chorus from Ajdovščina also participated in the
competition. The choruses from Celje took home one
gold and one silver award. Oktet 9 also performed at
a few other concerts and sang for Prime Minister of
Malta Lowrenc Gonzija. Because of their success at
the festival, they were invited for a new concert tour in
Malta in December. Last year, the girl’s chorus captured
the gold award at a competition on Jersey Island and
a silver award at this year’s competition in Bratislava.
The boy’s chorus performed 60 concerts across Slovenia
this year and completed a concert tour of Australia in
the month of August.
Za bivak jim manjka še 7000 evrov
HEADLINE: They still
need $10,500 for the bivouac
TOPIC: The Kamnik
mountain rescuers are awaiting only appropriate weather
conditions to transport a
bivouac, which weighs 5,000
pounds, with a Slovenian
army helicopter to Velike
pode below Grintavec. The
old building, which served as
a shelter to mountaineers for
more than three decades, is
in such bad shape that it has
to be replaced. Miha Kajzelj,
an alpinist and architect,
drafted the plans for the new
bivouac, and it will be placed
in the same spot as the old
structure, close to the paths
to Krško sedlo, Mlinarsko
sedlo and Skuta. According to Rado Nadvešnik, the
leader of GRS Kamnik and
coordinator of the project,
this is a voluntary project
with the aim of giving shelter
to as many mountaineers
as possible because many
times the mountaineers in
this area take wrong turns.
The bivouac has room for
eight people to sleep in and is
furnished with aluminum insulation which will also with-
stand low temperatures.
Kamniški gorski reševalci
čakajo samo še na primerno
vreme, da bodo s helikopterjem
Slovenske vojske na Velike
pode pod Grintavcem dvignili
bivak, težak 2300 kilogram.
Stari, ki je bil zavetje več kot tri
desetletja, je tako dotrajan, da
ga bodo umaknili. Novega so
izdelali po načrtih alpinista in
arhitekta Miha Kajzlja, stal pa
bo na istem mestu kot sedanji,
v bližini poti proti Kokrškemu
sedlu, Mlinarskemu sedlu
in Skuti. Po besedah Rada
Nadvešnika, vodje GRS Kamnik in koordinatorja akcije,
gre za prostovolenj projekt,
zasnovan z imenom, da se čim
več gornikov obvaruje pred
nesrečo, saj planinci prav v tem
delu pogosto zaidejo. Bivak, ki
ima ležišča v treh ravneh, lahko
sprejme osem ljudi (v sili tudi
kakšnega več) in je opremljen
z aluminijasto izolacijo, ki bo
kljubovala tudi nizkim temperaturam. Ker kamniškim
prostovoljcem še ni uspelo
zbrati vsega denarja za plačilo
računov, pozivajo morebitne
darovalce, da primaknejo nekaj
denarja za ohranitev življenj
v hribih.
Petdeseta obletnica pediatrije na Jesenicah
HEADLINE: The 50th anniversary of the pediatric section in
TOPIC: The pediatric section of
Jesenice Hospital, which by its size is
the third largest regional pediatric
department in Slovenia, recently
celebrated its 50th anniversary. Section Director Dr. Sandra Tušar said
that in this time period the pediatric
section has achieved professional
and organizational progress. Six pe-
diatricians, six graduate nurses and
18 nurses examine 4,500 children
annually from the larger part of
the Gorenjsko region. Only a small
portion of young patients have to be
sent to other medical establishments
across Slovenia for treatment. The
average stay of young patients in the
hospital is three days, and during
that time their parents can stay with
them in the hospital.
Pediatrični oddelek jeseniške
bolnišnice, ki je po velikosti tretji
največji regionalni pediatrični oddelek v Sloveniji, praznuje 50. obletnico delovanja.
Strokovna direktorica dr. Sandra
Tušar je ob tej priložnosti dejala, da
je padiatrični oddelek v tem obdobju
dosegel velik strokovni in organizacijski napredek. Šest pediatrov, tri
diplomirane medicinske sestre in 18
medicinskih sester na leto opravi 2000
sprejemov in 4500 pregledov otrok
z večjega dela Gorenjske. Večino
mladih pacientov oskrbijo sami,
le manjši delež jih na zdravljenje
pošljejo v druge medicinske ustanove
po Sloveniji, dobro sodelujejo tudi
z drugimi gorenjskimi pediatri, je
ocenil dr. Peter Najdenov, predstojnik
pediatričnega oddelka v jeseniški
bolnišnici. V prihodnje želijo povečati
kakovost oskrbe in po besedah dr.
Sandre Tušar organizirati dnevni oddelek za zdravljenje otrok. Povprečna
ležalna doba mladih pacientov je tri
dni, med zdravljenjem pa lahko z
najmlajšimi v bolnišnici bivajo tudi
njihovi starši.
Tušarjeva je povedala, da bodo
s sistemom vodenja kakovosti na
vseh ravneh delovanja bolnišnice
izboljševali kakovost zdravstvene
oskrbe in poslovnih procesov. Sistem
je usmerjen v preventivno prepoznavanje mogočih napak.
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
November 18, 2009
Lodge 355 schedules annual meeting, holiday party
Lodge 53 members
renew their vows
Cleveland Federation
sponsored a polka Mass
Oct. 4 at the SNPJ
Farm in Kirtland, Ohio.
Joseph (53) and Ann
(Opara) Barbish of Euclid, Ohio, renewed
their vows after 59 years
of marriage. They were
wed Nov. 11, 1950.
Officiating the
Mass was Father Frank
Perkovich of Chislom,
Minn., with musical JOSEPH (53) and ANN
BARBISH renewed their vows
accompaniment by the at the Oct. 4 polka Mass at the
Wayne Tomsic Orches- SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio.
tra. Also exchanging
their commitment were Ed (53) and Theresa (Hribar) Petric
of Mentor, Ohio. The Petrics were married Nov. 27, 1954.
On behalf of Lodge 53, congratulations to both couples
and best wishes for many more happy years together.
Azman & Sons Market
6501 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103
(216) 361-0347
• Slovenian smoked sausage •
• Fresh garlic sausage •
• Zelodec •
• Potica •
• Vegeta •
sausages for freshness!
In Business At This Location Since 1924
Blood Will Tell
Thousands of Slovenians immigrated
to western Pennsylvania and eastern
Ohio at the turn of the century
to supply the labor market in the
expanding steel and manufacturing
industries. Craig Paulenich traces
that legacy through his newest book
of poetry, Blood Will Tell.
$20 each, includes shipping/handling
Mail your order and payment to:
Craig Paulenich, 6603 Depot Road, Lisbon, OH 44432
Keep your holiday tradition alive
Order NOW from
Wojtila’s Bakery
(216) 731-7080
3 lb. potica for only $24.95plus s/h
Available in
Nut, Poppyseed and Raisin Nut
Family owned by
Don Wojtila • Baker and Polka Musician
Chrissy Wojtila • Miss SNPJ 2000
Lodge 355 Secretary/Treasurer
— The Fairport Lodge 355
annual meeting and Christmas party are scheduled for
Sunday, Dec. 6, at the Fairport
Slovenian Club, 617 Third St.,
Fairport Harbor. The Club
opens at noon, when our social
will begin. The annual meeting
will commence at 12:30 p.m.
and will include the election
of officers. The open house
1. Wash out with solvent
6. “___ City”
9. Composer Johann
13.Return punch,
especially by boxer
14.Female reproductive cell, pl.
15.Nilotic language of East Africa
16.Oct. edition of “Vogue,” e.g.
17.One in a green pod
18.Liquors from molasses
19.Jewish Sabbath bread
21.English muffin
24.October birthstone
25.Food regulator
28.Mummy’s home
30.Type of swimming race
35.Totes or tugs
37.Suggestive look
39.Talk in a monotone voice
40.Spanish earthen pot
41.Popular spring flower
43.Verdi’s popular opera
44.Service patrons,
especially on Internet
46.Kind or courteous
48.Selling of goods to consumers
50.Pop group “’N ____”
52.Put down
53.Work area
preparations for a gala time of
camaraderie with your fraternal
Brothers and Sisters. Please
RSVP to Frank Sajn at (440)
639-2239, or Lee Jackopin at
li_jakopin@yahoo.com or at
(440) 943-3170. Thank you.
Holiday activities keep Lodge 603 busy through year-end
loween day and everyone had already
enjoyed plenty of candy. Appreciation
is extended to Youth Circle Directors
Nancy Bass and Teresa Clancy, and the
many volunteers who came out to help
with the Halloween party. The Circle did
an outstanding job this year. It requires a
lot of planning and work to prepare the
Lodge with food, games, and the haunted
hay rides and houses.
Clay Benedict lined up area volunteers
to assist him with the haunted hay ride; it’s
always a favorite. Glenn Carter supplied the
tractor and hay wagon, and so many took
part in scaring everyone during the frightful
night. It seems Sheryl Lauck pulled off a
winning game at the Lodge pavilion with
her hermit crab races. Her booth stayed
extremely busy all night long. After the
night of fun, everyone returned on Sunday
to clean the Lodge hall and grounds.
President Benedict, along with Lodge
officers Jim Pleterski, Mary Ann Reichel,
Anna Lou Luznar, and Ruth and George
Benedict, were present for Halloween
this year. The Lodge gives each child
who dresses up a dollar bill, and the prize
money for the costume contest is shared
with the Samsula Woman’s Club. The
costume winners were Braedyn Clerkin,
Waylon Samrov and Landon McLain in the
4-and-under age group; Michael Luznar,
Cole Malcom and Madison Reese in the
5-to-9 age group; Dalton Rathburn, Zach
Ford and Justin Ferreira in the 10-to-16
age group; and Pauline Lockwood, Kayla
Thomas, Sheryl Lauck and Bill Benedict
in the adult category. Thanks to all who
came out in support of the Youth Circle
and Lodge 603.
Get well wishes continue to be sent to
Ray Wright who spent 10 days at Shands
Hospital recovering from medical problems. He was released home to the care
of his wife, Jane. Ray is awaiting a heart
transplant and has moved to the top of the
list. In the meantime, he and Jane are enjoying their new grandson, James, who is just
a few weeks old. Ray and Jane donate ice
and vegetables to our Lodge several times
a year for dinners.
We are happy to report that Lodge 603
welcomed Cathy Weaver as a new member
during our Nov. 8 meeting. Cathy joined our
Society earlier, but had not been sworn-in as
a member. We also have three additions to
Youth Circle 57. We welcome Austin and
Brook Benedict, and Chase Wrenn. Let’s
continue to bring in more members.
Lodge 603 will be decorating for
Christmas Sunday, Nov. 29. Please come
and lend a hand in beautifying our Lodge
for another holiday season. On Dec. 11,
our Lodge welcomes the Sandspur Riding
Club for its annual Christmas party and
awards program.
The SNPJ Samsula Tractor Parade is set
to run at 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12. Entries
will begin lining up at noon at the Lodge
hall. The parade will leave the parking lot
and travel south on Samsula Dr. to State
Road 44. After parking in the Frank Luznar
parking lot on the corner, participants will
head back to the Lodge for a lasagna dinner, the announcement of winning entries
and more fun.
Nancy Bass has volunteered again this
year to chair the parade. If you can help
her in any way, please let her know. She
plans to make the lasagna at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 5. It will be kept in the freezer
and baked on the day of the parade. The
adult meal donation is $8; $4 for children
12 and under. The Lodge bar will also be
open. No coolers will be allowed on the
Lodge property.
The SNPJ Samsula Tractor parade is
an anything-goes parade that I founded 10
years ago. The theme remains “Christmas
in the Country.” It’s a fun time for our
Lodge and the Slovenian community. We
are thankful to have Lodge 603 sponsor the
event every year on the second Saturday
in December at 3 p.m.
Youth Circle 57 members will present
their annual Christmas program and welcome a visit from Santa Claus Saturday,
Dec. 19. The Lodge will open at 6 p.m. and
the program will begin at 7. If you would
like your child to receive a gift from the
jolly old gentleman, purchase a gift, mark it
with his or her name and place it under the
Lodge Christmas tree before the program
begins. The SNPJ Home Office will provide
money for the Christmas party. Each child
will receive a goody bag of candy, fruit,
nuts and an apple.
Please make arrangements to celebrate
Florida SNPJ Days with us here in Samsula
Feb. 19-21, 2010. We are always happy to
welcome you to our Lodge hall. It makes
for a great celebration weekend, and we
look forward to seeing you.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in
our great Society. Lodge 603 also wishes
everyone a happy holiday season!
BraedYn Clerkin (lobster in a pot)
and Landon McLain (Charlie Brown)
were the first-place youth winners in the
Lodge 603 costume contest.
Minnie Mouse Ruth Benedict
extended a warm Florida welcome
to the Lodge 603 Halloween party.
of terror
the brave
along the
Lodge 603
Lodge 786 members flip for Slovenian acrobat team
great entertainment. As for our
group, they were all treated
to burgers and brats grilled
by Arnie and Ken Koci, as
well as generous portions of
fruits, veggies, chips, cheese
and crackers, and cookies.
Thanks so much to everyone
who brought the extras to share.
Thanks as well to Chuck and
Diane Blasick, and Norbert
and Ana Bernhardt who came
early to help us transport the
beverages and supplies it takes
to feed over 80 people. It was
a long walk from the parking
lot, but the trip was really
worth it!
It was great seeing Stasja
Mehora, the director of Flip,
along with her son Mitja and
counselors Robert and Pa-
PROSVETA Crossword
In The Bakery
Christmas party for youth and
adult members will take place
from 1 to 4 p.m. All members
are encouraged to attend these
important Lodge events.
Take a break after Thanksgiving and before your holiday
(#2309) by StatePoint Media
55.The best part of the muffin?
57.Mischievous fairy
61.Place in solitary confinement
68.Buckwheat gruel sometimes
baked into a knish
69.Cannoli and Biscotti
are two of its famous treats
71.Line artist for comic book
72.Animal coat
73.Junkie’s craving
74.City in western Germany
1. Homer’s “Iliad,” e.g.
2. Eye hair
3. ____ Major or ____ Minor
4. Sincerely
5. Hole for a lace
6. Short for sophomore
7. I have
8. Civil rights organization
9. Old World leavening agent
10.Please do not delay
11.Lucky if you can
have it and eat it too
12.Hush, archaic
15.Mangled, as if by a dog
20.Coral reef island
22.Player in St. Louis
24.Pointy monument
25.Main ingredient of bread
26.Edible red seaweed
27.End of shoelace
29.Chow ____
31.Her clothes on him
32.Cuts of meat
between ribs and rump
34.Bakery raiser
36.___ Lee, known for its treats
38.Risque and naughty
42.“If it don’t make dollars,
it don’t make _____”
45.Actor Poitier
49.Hawaiian welcome
51.Type of monster on
“Sesame Street”
54.Sans-_____ font
56.Even best-laid ones can go awry
57.Radar object
58.Intersecting nerves or vessels
60.Whipping mark
61.Type of mountain goat
63.Shakespearean “you”
64.Bring home the bacon
67.Uniform Resource Identifier
The solution to puzzle #2309 will
run in the Dec. 2 issue.
tricia, who are also involved
parents in the program. Stasja
is such a devoted leader of this
group. Her 9-year-old twin
grandchildren took part in the
performance, their first time in
the U.S. The first time we were
involved with the group, the
twins were newborns and not
able to travel, but now they are
an integral part of the action.
And so, another fun day on the
Orange Coast!
By the time you read this,
we will have hosted another
event featuring friends from
across the sea. The Slowind
Quintet from Ljubljana performed Nov. 7. Don’t forget
Family Twosome Bowling
Friday, Nov. 27, and the Lodge
Christmas party Dec. 6. For
information contact me at (949)
495-0097 or ajkoci@cox.net.
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
November 18, 2009
July 4th parade an annual affair for Lodge 138
Lodge 138 Secretary
STRABANE, Pa. — Once
again Lodge 138, in cooperation with the SNPJ Home Office, participated in the Fourth
of July parade held annually in
Canonsburg, Pa. The parade is
considered among the largest
held in the United States and
draws thousands of spectators
each year.
Strabane Lodge 138 is always well represented in the
parade. Our young adults and
especially our Youth Circle 19
youngsters enjoy walking the
parade route and passing out
SNPJ favors supplied by the
Home Office. It’s a two-mile
parade route but the youngsters
seem to enjoy it.
The Lodge officers would
like to thank those who participated this year. Youth Circle
19 participants were Austin
Butka, Jenna Butka, Alexis
Keyes, Zachary Keyes, Ian
Brumbaugh, Tyler Filby, Billy
Hervol, Allie Jo Vogrig, Hunter
Semple, Robert Lawrence and
Lexi Lohm. The young adults
were Carol Nesti and Courtney Pabian. A special thanks
goes out to Tom Sedora who
graciously volunteers his time
and pickup truck each year for
the parade.
News from
Here & There
by Grace Doerk
Lodge 559
CHICAGO — It’s hard to believe that
we’re having such wonderful temperatures
in our area. The last two days have been
in the near 70-degree range. We’re not
complaining; we certainly deserve some
nice autumn temperatures. We’ve received
all kinds of conflicting reports of what the
winter will be like, so we’ll just have to
see who is right.
It can be scary sometimes to hear all
this swine flu information. I was upset
when I learned that my granddaughter
had it. Fortunately, after a week of being
quarantined she is doing O.K. But it was
a scare. Hopefully more swine flu vaccine
will be available.
Alumni of the former Perfect Circle
Senior Corner
Lodge 800
DEVON, Pa. — I live in a building with
quite a history. This place was built in 1893
as a retirement home and has been one
since. In 1896 an addition was built with
a chapel that is still in use today. Over the
years there were other additions as well as
a change in the entrance. This home is in a
residential area today because it was here
first; the town grew around it. An adjacent
private school is in a mansion, which was
originally a home. Their athletic grounds
and our several acres give us open space
that is so valued in dense urban areas.
Because this area is heavily treed, houses
blend in. Whoever picked the location over
100 years ago did a fine job.
Its design is of the mansions of the day,
with a rough-hewn exterior constructed
by skilled stone masons. The interior
has retained its old world charm through
the modernizing changes over the years
to conform to regulations as they came
along. There’s a blend, to the extent possible, of the past with the present. It may
not be everyone’s cup of tea, but at a
McMansion price for the service I wanted,
I was sold.
There are window wells nearly two
feet deep and twice that width, where I
Strabane Lodge 138 is always well represented in the annual
Canonsburg, Pa., Fourth of July Parade.
are invited to attend a dinner at the
Bohemian Crystal Saturday, Dec. 12,
beginning at 5 p.m. Please give me a
call if you are interested in attending.
Did you know that a bust of former
president Bill Clinton was unveiled by the
Albanian majority in Kosovo to thank him
for saving them by stopping a wave of Serbian ethnic cleansing? It will be interesting
to see how the Senate votes in response of
the health reform bill passed by the House.
There has been so much controversy over
this bill. I’m sure many of the those voting
on the issue are thinking how their vote
may encourage citizens to vote or not
vote for them in the upcoming elections.
I can’t help but compliment those
instrumental in making the NovemberDecember issue of The Voice of Youth one
of most informative and best issues of the
year. Accolades to those responsible – it
was a great issue.
On Nov. 8, the Lemont, Ill., Slovene
Catholic Center celebrated their 14th anniversary. It was a wonderful celebration
with over 350 workers in attendance.
What a nice dinner and program. I always
enjoy the program consisting of Slovenian
dances by children of various ages. Much
time is spent teaching the dances, but all
in all it is most rewarding.
Throughout the day we had an opportunity to taste all kinds of Slovenian
delicacies. There was also a wine tasting
contest among roughly 14 contestants.
We hope for many more celebrations of
this kind.
November is a busy month for activity,
but December will be even busier. The
Chicago Federation will host a Christmas
party for SNPJ youth members Saturday,
Dec. 5; Slovene Pensioners’ Club members will hold their Christmas party Dec.
9; and Pioneer Lodge 559 will celebrate
the holidays Dec. 11.
I’m always a little disturbed by the fact
that all the Christmas decorations are up
before Halloween is even over. Somehow,
Thanksgiving is always bypassed. Thanksgiving is a very important family day for
our family and many others. We all have
so much to be thankful for.
can stand with an overhead foot to spare.
There are stairs with ornate railing, wallpapered walls and orphans of change that
are decorative, such as grandfather clocks.
There are two residual fireplaces, now
decorations, and a number of “retired”
chimneys. The chapel has its version
of stained glass windows and exposed
beams with ornate carvings covering the
intersections. Calling the place “homey”
rather than institutional is an expression
heard often.
There are vestiges of the distant past
in the building. Found recently was a
portrait of the banker who left $200,000
for the original building in honor of his
mother. In the lobby there are portraits
of a couple whose daughter endowed the
chapel and its addition. And in the foyer
there are plates, appearing as old as the
portraits, recording the dedication dates
as Nov. 25, 1897, for the original building
and June 6, 1896, for the chapel addition.
Just recently a porch was rebuilt, exposing
construction-detailed floor support beams
with one end encased in a stone wall and
the other end going through a stone column.
The beams were like new. Just as well, as
there was no way to change them short of
tearing into the stone.
I can’t forget that there are ghosts, of
course, as this is an old building. I hear of
noises that go bump in the night, but have
never heard for myself. There are also the
eyes on a portrait in the lobby that follow
one through the room. Maybe so, maybe
not, but I remember the “Uncle Sam wants
you” eyes that did, so what’s new?
50-Year Members
November 2009
Claudia Nieder
James A. Vehar
Dolores G. Sambol
Charlotte R. Grosdeck
Patricia Matkovic
Marian D. Stubbs
Marcolina C. Flesik
Franklin Zupon
Kenneth C. Zupon
Margaret A. Mosurak
Stephen Fereza
Robert J. Kostick
Roger K. Petrovich
Frank R. Yankovic
Rose Mary Blatnik
Raymond A. Nolte
Carol J. Gahagan
John A. Yauch
Nancy Ann Cowan
Kathleen A. Gorman
Arlene M. Hudale
Richard F. Krueger
Joseph R. Gratchner
Dolores A. Banal
Marianne Baier
Virginia E. Burton
Marian A. Mosley
Judith A. Trimm
Dennis R. Japel
Joan M. Gregorcic
Jacqueline A. Jamison
Albert D. Delach
Beatrice T. Novak
Edward J. Roberts
Frances K. Rickner
60-Year Members
November 2009
William J. Konestabo
Anthony J. Dvorsak
Mildred Vuksinick
Mildred J. Sivavec
Elizabeth M. Kozuch
Rosemarie Biondich
Mike Strho
Rudy A. Perpich
Margaret Maid
David Koschak
Delores A. Sixma
Jennie M. Flisek
Lena C. Pivirotto
Jacqueline Blatnick
Roger D. Wick
Veronica R. Wright
Dorothy M. Coughenour
Frances A. Kellar
Lucille M. Matyasich
Mary A. Pender
70-Year Members
November 2009
Henry M. Ursitz
Caroline A. Katz
Matt Draftina
Katherine Paine
James Skoda
Rose Kiselich
Pauline Ducci
Emma Morice
Ann Zalokar
Mary A. Starkovich
Charles Sumrada
Olga Florjancic
Edward March
Louis A. Janezic
Helen Shaffer
Mary J. Evanick
Anna M. Fabina
Marie J. Bednar
Angeline Strenfel
Frank Dougan
Rose Lebolo
Frank J. Mlakar
Frances Cady
Joseph D. Kernz
Louis J. Gorshe
80-Year Members
November 2009
Adolph Senica
John Lah
Margaret Sulkowski
William Doles
Photo courtesy of Five Star Senior Living.
The Devon Senior Living Community located in Devon, Pa.
SNPJ Recommender Program
I would like to introduce
_________________________________________ for SNPJ membership
Please contact:_ __________________________________________
The SNPJ Recommender Program provides an
opportunity for adult members to encourage
family, friends, children and acquaintances to join
the Slovene National Benefit Society and take
advantage of SNPJ’s competitive products and
numerous fraternal benefits. Not only will you
be helping a friend and strengthening our Society,
you’ll also be receiving benefits yourself:
Recommender Benefits
• Receive $10 for each valid referral submitted.
• Every valid referral earns the recommender
one chance in the Quarterly Drawing for an
opportunity to win $100.
• Every valid referral also earns the recommender
one chance in the Year-end Drawing for an
opportunity to win $500 cash.
By submitting one valid referral,
you have the opportunity to earn
a total of $610 in cash prizes!
(Parent or guardian if under age 18)
Address:_ _______________________________________________
City/State/Zip:_ ___________________________________________
Phone: (
Indicate Preferred Agent____________________________________
My Name:_ ______________________________________________
My Lodge Number:_ _______________________________________
Address:_ _______________________________________________
City/State/Zip:_ ___________________________________________
Phone: (
Each individual must be informed that an agent will contact him/her and the referral
must have some interest in SNPJ in order for the recommender to be considered valid.
Complete this coupon and return to
Slovene National Benefit Society
Att’n: Marketing Department
247 West Allegheny Road • Imperial, PA 15126
Cookbook for
the Ages
The cookbook sponsored by
the SNPJ Heritage Center is now
on sale! For additional information,
contact Carol Maruszak
at (440) 944-4229.
$20 each
plus $3 s/h for first 2 copies
For 3 or more books,
add $1 shipping for each copy.
Return this order form to:
SNPJ Heritage Center • 270 Martin Road • Enon Valley, PA 16120
Phone __________________ Number of copies _______
Make check or money order payable to SNPJ Heritage Center.
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
November 18, 2009
Line dancing continues at Lodge 778
was well
at the
Picnic held
at Mentor
Beach Park
in Mentor,
Ohio, Aug. 4.
Lodge 778 Secretary
Heritage takes center stage at
the Mentor All Nationality Picnic
Lodge 53
CLEVELAND — The Slovenian Culture group
at the Mentor Senior Center once again participated in the All Nationality Picnic held Aug. 3
at the Mentor Beach Park pavilion. Everyone
brought something to share, be it an ethnic dish
or common picnic food, so the assortment of
Badger Jabber
by Bob Smole
Lodge 584
Milwaukee — Now that all the
ghosts and goblins are back in their
hiding places for another year, we focus on the next holiday, Thanksgiving.
I’m sure that each and every one of us
has much to be thankful for. Especially
this year, when many are suffering the
effects of this languid economy, we
need to be thankful for the things that
we do have. Hopefully, those who are
suffering more than others will find
help that will see them through these
difficult times.
Thanksgiving and the upcoming
Christmas holiday season are the times
of year that we tend to think more of
those in need. That’s a good thing. If
at all possible, if you are better off than
your neighbor and can help them in
some way, the exuberance and satisfaction you will feel is uplifting.
Of course, we know the traditional
bird of feast is the turkey. I suspect
that next week there will be one on
most everyone’s table to celebrate
the Thanksgiving tradition. Dressing, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pies
and cranberries are some of the other
trimmings that seem to accompany the
wonderful dinner that is served. The
delicious aroma that fills the kitchen
and is associated with the preparation
is alone worth the wait for this day.
On Sunday, Nov. 21, just prior to
the turkey day feast, the SNPJ Family
Twosome Bowling Tournament and
social will be held at Riviera Lanes on
85th and W. Greenfield Ave. in West
Allis, Wis. The tournament will start at
delicious food was enjoyed by all.
SNPJ members in attendance, including
Pauline Barbish (53), Ginny Pinkava (5) and
Patricia Wilks (53), asked Kathy Hlad (158) to
entertain for a few hours in the early afternoon.
She graciously performed polkas and waltzes on
her button box. There was even some singing
and dancing. Everyone had a good time.
noon and will cost $20 per two-some.
The fee includes bowling, shoes, pizza
and soda. I realize this is scheduled
this coming Saturday, so you need to
contact Sis. Mary Donovan at (414)
817-0192 and see if she can still arrange for you to participate.
The date of the USPEH Slovenian
Chorus annual Christmas concert is
Sunday, Nov. 29, starting at 2 p.m. at
St. John’s Evangelist Church, 8500 W.
Coldspring Road in Greenfield, Wis.,
with a reception immediately following. This annual holiday concert is
one that you should not miss. We in
the Milwaukee area are fortunate to
have an ethnic singing group like this,
and we should support their talent and
efforts. Please make arrangements to
attend. Tickets are available for $7
from any chorus member. For additional information and tickets contact
Mici Bregant at (414) 543-6695.
The SNPJ youth Christmas party is
scheduled Saturday, Dec. 5, starting at
2 p.m. at St. Peter’s Church hall, 7929
W. Lincoln Ave. Members of Lodges
other than Badger Lodge 584 must
contact Sis. Mary Donovan to make
arrangements. I’m sure that invitations
have been circulated or will be very
soon. If you have not received one, if
you would like to help at this event or
if you would like additional information, please contact Sis. Donovan at
(414) 817-0192.
Now for something near and dear
to the Smole family’s heart, the annual Christmas fund-raiser that we
do for the Wisconsin Breast Cancer
Showhouse (WBCS). Each year we
devote days and many hours preparing
for this event. When it arrives, we don
our Christmas costumes to create a
Spring Hill, Fla. — First
things first. I have a few corrections regarding our Nov. 22
Thanksgiving dinner dance.
The correct price is $7 for the
dance and $12 for the dinner
and dance. RSVPs can be made
to me at (352) 799-6616. I
apologize for the mistake and
hope I didn’t inconvenience
At our November Lodge
meeting, plans were finalized
for our 2009 Christmas party.
Our Christmas party will be
held from 2 to 6 p.m. at the
Lodge hall on County Line
Road. The cost for members
is $5 and guests are asked to
contribute $15. Musical entertainment will be provided by
CDs and our talented jammers.
Dinner choices are turkey, roast
magical and mythical atmosphere for
young and old alike. The purpose is to
raise funds that will support research
which will hopefully find a cure for
breast and prostate cancer.
Our daughter, Donna Smole, lost
her battle with breast cancer in 2002
at the age of 37. In 2001 Donna
picked the WBCS and worked that
year to raise funds for the research
project. After her passing, our family decided to continue to support the
WBCS, and the search for breast and
prostate cancer cures. Since then we
have been able to raise a total of over
$29,000, all of which has been given
to the WBCS, and in turn been part
of over $3.5 million dollars donated
to the Medical College of Wisconsin
for breast and prostate cancer research.
You can learn more about WBCS by
visiting their web site at http://www.
In past years the Smoles did this
at our home. Unfortunately, we had
to change this last year. It became too
much to handle at our home. We were
able to get a local newly constructed
retirement community to donate their
dining area. We deck the large dining
hall in yuletide season decorations that
fascinate and excite both young and
old. It will put you in the Christmas
spirit just being there.
You’d be amazed at how the children’s eyes light up with excitement
at the sight of Rudolph the Red-Nosed
Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, Elmo
and the Gingerbread man all there and
talking with them. Then the anticipation builds as they talk with Mrs. Claus
and, of course, with Santa himself.
All this takes place while enjoying
homemade cookies and juice.
beef or ham with all the trimmings. Those who would like
to attend are reminded to RSVP
to me with your meal choice by
Dec. 2 so we know how much
food to prepare.
We also set the dates for our
2010 Lodge meetings. They
will be held at 11 a.m. the first
Wednesday of the month with
a luncheon to follow around
noon. As has been the practice,
there will be no meetings during the months of June, July or
August. During this time many
of our Lodge members are on
vacation or visiting family and
friends up north.
Catherine Feil has agreed to
continue her line dance classes
Wednesday afternoons from
1:30 to 2:30 p.m. This is a great
chance for us to get out of the
house and socialize while we
exercise. It’s also a lot of fun!
The opportunity to make a taxdeductible donation to the WBCS is
always welcomed and accepted during
this two-day event. Friday, Dec. 11,
from 6 to 9 p.m., and Saturday, Dec.
12, from 4 to 8 p.m. are the dates and
times to remember. The location is
Willowbrook Place, 205 Green Bay
Road, Thiensville, WI 53092. This is
the same place we were at last year.
If you can make it, we would surely
like to see you all there. If you are not
able to attend, you can still donate by
making your tax-deductible donation
check payable to WBCS and sending
it to Bob Smole, 11445 N. Glenwood
Dr., Mequon, WI 53097-3115. I will
certainly get it to the right place.
The Smoles want to thank all of
those that have supported us in the
past, and for your continued support. We are working toward a very
important goal, the cure for breast and
prostate cancer. This day will come.
It’s not too early to start putting
your teams together to participate in
the annual Verbick Fraternal Memorial Bowling Tournament. This will be
taking place at Rivera Lanes, 85th and
W. Greenfield Ave., Saturday, Jan.
16, 2010, starting at noon. You must
be a member of SNPJ, KSKJ, CFU
or Sloga in order to participate in this
tournament. The price will remain the
same as last year, $80 per five-man
team. Mixed teams, both of men and
women and also between the four
participating fraternal organizations,
are acceptable team entries. Full-paid
team entries will be given priority. If
you have any questions or would like
to be placed on the list of available
bowlers to fill in as needed, you need
to contact Sis. Mary Donovan at (414)
The only exception to this
schedule will be Dec. 9 when
the dancers will meet from
noon to 1 p.m. A short Lodge
meeting will be held from 1 to
2 p.m. and our Christmas party
will follow from 2 to 6 p.m.
We’re glad to see that
members John Laurich and
Mary Ann Hiltz are up and
about again. On the mend are
Walt and Wilma Stauffer, and
Marge Thomas. We wish them
all a speedy recovery.
A hall and grounds clean
up day has been scheduled for
Thursday, Nov. 19, beginning
at 8:30 a.m. A warm meal will
be served for lunch. We would
appreciate any volunteers to
help spruce up our property.
The officers and members of
Lodge 778 would like to wish
everyone a bounty of blessings
this Thanksgiving!
Bro. and Sis. Rudy and Lorraine
Poklar have left the wonderful Wisconsin climate for their winter haven,
Tucson, Ariz. I guess you could say
that Wisconsin is their summer haven.
Whatever the case may be, the thought
of the winter white stuff makes one
want to relocate to an area were they
don’t have to deal with that. I know
that as I get older, I’m not looking forward to the winters that we experience
here in Wisconsin. Molly and I spent
some time with my brother, Rudy, in
Melbourne, Fla., last winter, and we
enjoyed being in the warm climate.
Hopefully we will do something like
that again this year.
If you receive your PROSVETA on
time, then you can possibly make this
month’s Badger Lodge 584 meeting
which is scheduled Thursday, Nov.
19, at the St. Peter’s Church hall, 7929
W. Lincoln Ave. The meeting starts at
7:30 p.m., and will be followed with
coffee, delicious homemade desserts
and, of course, the chance to discuss
world, local and other topics that need
hashing out.
The Badger Lodge 584 annual
meeting will be held at the same location listed above beginning at 7:30
p.m. The date for this meeting is Dec.
17, the third Thursday of the month. At
the top of the agenda for this meeting is
the election of officers. Those elected
will run our Lodge for the 2010 year.
So if you are interested in taking one
of the officer’s positions, you need
to attend the meeting and must have
been a member of the SNPJ and the
Badger Lodge for at least three months
to be eligible. Make plans to attend,
if you can.
Hvala lepa for the SNPJ Scholarship Fund money
Dober dan! My name is
Marija Watson and I am a
lifetime member of Lodge 34.
I attended Marian College,
now Marian University, with
a four-year scholarship from
SNPJ. I completed my bachelor’s degree in biology in May
and graduated with summa
cum laude honors. The SNPJ
scholarship was used to pay
for my books, and for that I’m
truly grateful.
As a graduation present,
my dad, sister and I traveled
to Slovenia. We drove to Ljubljana, the Bohinj region and the
coast, among other places. We
visited family and friends for
two weeks; it was the first time
I met my cousins in Podbrezje.
My great-grandfather, Louis
Valant, left the family farm in
Podbrezje in 1913 to come to
America. My grandmother is
Stella Watson and her mother,
Louise Dragan Valant, came
from Stara Baka.
New Address?
Please use this form so PROSVETA will move with you. Type or
print name and new address in the space provided below. Mail
to: PROSVETA, circulation, 247 West Allegheny Road, Imperial,
PA 15126-9774; or e-mail snpj@snpj.com.
New Address___________________________________
Attach old
label here
enjoyed an
evening out
with friends in
PROSVETA welcomes
letters to the editor from all
SNPJ members. All submissions to Letters to the Editor
must include a name, address, Lodge and telephone
number for verification, and
all are subject to editing. The
views expressed in Letters
to the Editor are those of the
contributor and not necessarily those of the SNPJ or
Letters to the Editor submissions should be addressed
Letters to the Editor, 247
West Allegheny Rd., Imperial, PA 15126. Letters may
also be faxed to (724) 6951555 or e-mailed to snpj@
snpj.com. Not all letters will
be printed or individually
This past summer, my sister
and I traveled back to Slovenia
for another visit. Now, Slove-
nia feels like home to me. We
truly experienced the Slovenian
lifestyle in Dolenjsko when we
worked on a farm for a few days.
It was an amazing experience
to celebrate with domač vino,
as every family has their own
I absolutely love the Slovenian culture and people; they
are so welcoming and kind.
This summer was a time for
celebrations that we were able to
experience with our joyful family and friends in Slovenia.
Thank you again for the
money, which has empowered
me to further my education. I
would also like to mention that
SNPJ Lodge 34 is hosting the
National Bowling Tournament
May 1-2. I certainly hope you
will participate as I will be
there with my bowling shoes
on and ready for a fantastic
Lodge 34, Zionsville, Ind.
www.snpj.org • prosveta@snpj.com
November 18, 2009
SNPJ fraternal sympathies
Bro. August W. Podobnik
• Lodge 715 •
Podobnik family and members
of Lodge 715 sadly report
the Sept. 3, 2009, passing of
Bro. August William “Huck”
Podobnik, 79, of Plum Borough, Pa.
A lifetime resident of Plum
Borough, Huck was born in
Cen­ter, Pa., a son of the late
Frank and Anna Podobnik. He
resided on his farm in Renton,
Pa., where he en­joyed working the land and caring for his
Huck owned and operated
A. Podobnik Garbage and
Septic Tank Cleaning from
1957 until his retirement in
August 2005. He loved to
work, and enjoyed listening to
polka music, going to dances
and playing computer games.
He was a lifelong mem­ber of
SNPJ Lodge 715.
Bro. Podobnik was the
beloved father of Matthew
(Rose Marie), Cheryl (Larry),
Christine (Shawn) and An­drew
(Becky) Podobnik; loving
grandfather of Christo­pher,
Sharon, Daniel, Tara, Alysha,
Michael, Austin and Grace;
great-grandfather of Riley;
brother of Frank (Josie) and
Phillip Podobnik, and the late
Matilda Yearm; and longtime
com­panion of Jane Machen.
A Mass of Christian Burial
was celebrated Sept. 11 at St.
Januarius Catholic Church,
Plum. Interment followed in
Plum Creek Cemetery.
On behalf of the members of
Lodge 715 and the entire Slo-
SNPJ Crossword
WORLD CITIES (#2209) solution
In loving memory of
Harry Cebron
Who passed away Nov. 13, 2000
Sadly missed by wife Irene;
son Harry Jr.;
daughters Karen Fournier
and Sandra Sobata;
nine grandchildren; and six
Always in our Hearts Forever
2009 SNPJ Family Twosome Bowling Tournament
Bowl anytime during the month of November
Submit all entries to SNPJ Fraternal Director,
247 West Allegheny Road, Imperial, PA 15126
Entry Deadline is Dec. 11, 2009
TEAM 1: Indicate Division and Entry Class within division
Age Division determined by age as of Aug. 1, 2009
MAJORS (ages 15-18)
JUNIORS (ages 12-14)
PREPS (ages 9-11)
BANTAMS (age 8 and under)
Adult Bowler’s Lodge No._ _____
Youth Bowler’s Lodge No.______
Entry Class
Avg. Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Series Total
vene National Benefit Society,
we offer our condolences to
Bro. Podobnik’s friends, family and relatives on their loss.
Sis. Pauline D. Ulyon
• Lodge 391 •
Ulyon family and members
of Lodge 391 sadly report the
Sept. 8, 2009, passing of Sis.
Pauline D. Ulyon of Sheffield, Pa.
Pauline was born Jan. 28,
1921, in the former Yugoslavia
to the late John and Irene (Sustarsic) Znidarsic. She came to
the United States at the age of
18 months and became a U.S.
Sis. Ulyon resided in James
City, Pa., until she married her
husband of 59 years, Louis.
They moved and she established Ulyon’s Carry Out in
Fredonia, Ohio.
Pauline is survived by three
daughters, Dianne (Gene)
Bullard of Northridge, Calif.,
Frances Beebe of Utica, Ohio,
and Andrea (Bill) Elk of Somerset, Ohio; three grandchildren, Samantha (Scott) Beatty,
Jacqueline Elk and Christopher
Bullard; and sisters Anne Orcechowski and Emma (John)
Morgan. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Louis
G. Ulyon, who passed away
March 17, 2006.
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 391 and the entire
Slovene National Benefit Society, we extend our deepest
sympathies to Sis. Ulyon’s
family, relatives and friends
on their loss.
Bro. Raymond E. Jakse
• Lodge 2 •
LA SALLE, Ill. — The Jakse
family and members of Lodge
2 sadly announce the Sept. 10,
2009, passing of Bro. Raymond
E. Jakse, 85, of Murphysboro,
Ill., formerly of La Salle.
Bro. Jakse was born July 10,
1924, in La Salle to Frank and
Antonia (Kramarsic) Jakse. He
married Mary Jane Logan.
Raymond was an optician,
and the owner and operator of
Dioptics in La Salle until retiring and moving to Florida. He
was a member of Murdale Baptist Church in Carbondale, Ill.,
a lifetime member of Masonic
Lodge and a member of the
National Rifle Association.
Survivors include his wife;
one son, Jeffrey R. Jakse of
Ramsey, Ill.; one daughter,
Joan M. Davis of Carbondale;
five grandchildren; and one
brother, Eugene Jakse of Peru,
Ill. He was preceded in death by
his first wife, Mary Joan Jakse,
one brother and one sister.
On behalf of the members
Lodge 2 and the entire Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
offer our sincerest sympathies
to Bro. Jakse’s family, relatives
and friends on their loss.
Bro. Wayne G. Hoffman
• Lodge 2 •
LA SALLE, Ill. — The Hoffman family and members of
Lodge 2 sadly announce the
Oct. 24, 2009, passing of Bro.
Wayne George Hoffman, 87,
of Moline, Ill.
Bro. Hoffman was born Jan.
30, 1922, in Tonica, Ill., to Fred
G. and Frieda (Hasselman)
Hoffman. He married Bertha
“Momo” Hauptman Jan. 2,
1944, in La Salle.
Wayne served in the U.S.
Army Air Corps for four years
during World War II where he
became sergeant first class. He
was stationed in India for two
years and supported the efforts
in China, flying the “hump.”
Bro. Hoffman worked for
Moline Tool Co. as a design
engineer for 43 years. While at
Moline Tool, he ran the Hole
Hog Credit Union. He later
worked for Santa Barbara Research Center in California for
eight months, and then owned
and operated Victorian House
Antiques for 13 years before
selling the house in 2007.
Wayne was active in the
Dad’s Club at McKinley Grade
School in Moline for 13 years
and Boy Scout Troop 304 for
17 years, and was a 45-year
member of SNPJ
“Popo” is survived by
three sons, Alan (Mary) Hoffman, Dale (Teresa) Hoffman
and Scott (Sandra) Hoffman;
grandchildren Christopher,
Matt and Andy Hoffman,
and Brandt, Bryce and Brady
Hoffman; and several cousins,
nieces and nephews. His wife
Bertha passed away six days
later on Oct. 30, 2009.
Graveside services were
celebrated Oct. 28 at Rock
Island National Cemetery. Rev.
Douglas Schoonover officiated
and Moline American Legion
Post #246 presented military
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 2 and the entire
Slovene National Benefit Society, we extend our deepest
condolences to Bro. Hoffman’s
family, relatives and friends on
their loss.
Sis. Bertha Hoffman
• Lodge 2 •
LA SALLE, Ill. — The Hoffman family and members of
Lodge 2 sadly report the Oct.
30, 2009, passing of Sis. Bertha
Hoffman, 85, of Moline, Ill.
Sis. Hoffman was born
Dec. 28, 1923, in La Salle to
Egidy and Josephine (Jamsek)
Hauptman. She mar­ried the late
Wayne Hoffman Jan. 2, 1944,
in La Salle. He passed away
Oct. 24, 2009.
During World War II,
Bertha worked in the Green
River Ordnance Plant where
she loaded bazooka shells with
explosives. She later worked
for The May Co. in Moline
and John Deere. Bertha also
worked for Augustana College
as a member of the support
team and sec­retary to the director of the College Center. She
was a member of SNPJ Lodge
2, a lifelong member of the
PTA and worked in scouting
as a Den Mother of Troop 304
for six years.
Bertha is survived by three
sons, Alan (Mary) Hoffman, Dale (Teresa) Hoffman
and Scott (Sandra) Hoffman;
grandchildren Christopher,
Matt and Andy Hoffman,
and Brandt, Bryce and Brady
Hoffman; and several cousins, nieces and nephews. She
was preceded in death by her
husband, sisters Emma Folty
and Sue Querciagrossa, and
brothers Adolf, Emil, Joseph
and Victor Hauptman.
Graveside services were
celebrated Nov. 2 at Rock
Island National Cemetery with
the Rev. Douglas Schoonover
On behalf of the members of
Lodge 2 and the entire Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
offer our sympathies to Sis.
Hoffman’s family, relatives
and friends on their loss.
Robyn M. Tempfer
• Lodge 113 •
PRICE, Utah — The Tempfer
family and members of Lodge
113 sadly announce the Sept.
11, 2009, passing of Robyn
Madison Tempfer. For only 6
years old, she had a marvelous
spirit and a loving, sensitive,
shining soul.
Robyn was born Feb. 16,
2003. She was a princess who
left magical handprints on
every being she was able to
touch in her all too brief time
among us. Most of all, she
enjoyed playing with her best
friend and brother, Aidan, and
with her dog Ellie.
Robyn will be a guard­ian
angel for her parents, Tom and
Jenny; siblings William, Megan and Aidan; grandparents
Steve and Diane Hague, and
Paul and Marcella Tempfer;
great-grand­mother Ruth Stevens; and many aunts, uncles
and cousins.
Funeral services, oriented
toward children, were celebrated Sept. 16 at Our Saviours
Lutheran Church, Holladay,
Utah. Buri­al was held Sept.
18 at Fillmore City Cemetery,
Fill­more, Utah.
On behalf of the members
of Lodge 113 and the Slovene
National Benefit Society, we
offer our sincerest sympathies
to Robyn’s family, relatives
and friends on their loss.
SNPJ Scholarship Fund Donations
for the month of October 2009
SNPJ Lodge 689, Helper, Utah......................$200
Ruth Roberts (190), Birmingham, Mich..........$100
SNPJ Lodge 225, Girard, Kan..........................$30
In memory of Ann Grilz
Joe & Bea Cvetas (787), N. Palm Beach, Fla....$50
In memory of Mary Knaus
Jolly Allis Lodge 686, West Allis, Wis...............$25
In memory of Bill Demshar
Pauline Saftich Barrett (603), New Smyrna Beach, Fla..$50
In memory of Dorothy Kapel Golze
Rosemary Mlakar (786), Irvine, Calif................$25
In memory of Bill Demshar
Sara Striner & family (6), Canonsburg, Pa.......$50
In memory of Anthony Striner Jr.
Roger & Ann Evanish (715), Oakdale, Pa........$25
In memory of Harry & Mary Knaus
Bob & Julie Tracht, Washington, Pa.................$50
In memory of John Skusek
Centennial Lodge 776, Borough of SNPJ, Pa....$25
In memory of Katherine Bellissimo
SNPJ Lodge 225, Girard, Kan..........................$30
In memory of Charles Ales
Harry Barbish (158), Wickliffe, Ohio.................$20
In memory of Ludwig “Lud” Barbish
Pauline Barbish (53), Willowick, Ohio...............$20
In memory of Ludwig “Lud” Barbish
Harry W. Barbish (158), Wickliffe, Ohio............$10
In memory of Jock Germovsek
SNPJ Lodge 265, Southview, Pa.....................$10
In memory of Julia A. Jobkar
The following individuals made donations in
memory of Bro. Joe Brinocar (2):
Virginia & Harold Sperry, Washington, Ill.
Bennie & Shirley Blackburn, Metamora, Ill.
Josephine Sneckus (2), Springfield, Ill.
Joe & Ruth Marek, Bloomington, Ill.
Dr. Frank & Mrs. Sue Lewis, Lewisville, Texas
Marjorie Roth (2), Springfield, Ill.
PROSVETA 2010 Publication Dates
Publication dates are highlighted in black boxes; deadline dates are circled. The deadline for submissions
is noon on the Monday a week prior to the issue date, unless otherwise noted below or on the front page.
TEAM 2: Indicate Division and Entry Class within division
Age Division determined by age as of Aug. 1, 2009
MAJORS (ages 15-18)
JUNIORS (ages 12-14)
PREPS (ages 9-11)
BANTAMS (age 8 and under)
Adult Bowler’s Lodge No._ _____
Youth Bowler’s Lodge No.______
Entry Class
Avg. Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Series Total
1 2
8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
/31 25 26 27 28 29 30
MAY 2010
7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 29
3 4
9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
9 10 11
14 15 16 17 18
21 22 23 24 25
13 14
20 21
27 28
JUNE 2010
9 10
15 16 17
22 23 24
29 30
1 2
8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
/31 25 26 27 28 29 30
5 6
12 13
19 20
26 27
4 5
11 12
18 19
25 26
TEAM 3: Indicate Division and Entry Class within division
Age Division determined by age as of Aug. 1, 2009
MAJORS (ages 15-18)
JUNIORS (ages 12-14)
PREPS (ages 9-11)
BANTAMS (age 8 and under)
Adult Bowler’s Lodge No._ _____
Youth Bowler’s Lodge No.______
Entry Class
Avg. Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Series Total
14 15
21 22
28 29
MARCH 2010
9 10 11
16 17 18
23 24 25
30 31
APRIL 2010
11 12 13 14 15
18 19 20 21 22
25 26 27 28 29
5 6
12 13
19 20
26 27
JULY 2010
11 12 13 14 15
18 19 20 21 22
25 26 27 28 29
5 6
9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
2 3
9 10
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23 24
15 16
22 23
29 30
6 7
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3 4
9 10 11
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