open pdf - AIDS Foundation of Chicago
open pdf - AIDS Foundation of Chicago
200 W Jackson Blvd., Suite 2100 Chicago, Illinois 60606 #MYACTION is expanding health equity for people living with and vulnerable to HIV in Illinois and across the U.S. John Peller, President/CEO (with Ben Stringfellow, left, Board Chair) 2015 Annual Report In 2015, through the largest coordinated HIV case management system in the country, AFC connected 5,480 people to equitable health care. AFC awarded $7 million in case management funding to 30 organizations across the Chicago Metropolitan area last year. AFC’s CommunityLinks initiative directly engaged with 386 highly vulnerable health insurance members and re-connected 89% of them to their health plans to facilitate appropriate use of their health plan benefits. 80% of AFC’s case managed clients have undetectable HIV loads, meaning they’re living healthier lives than those who have detectable viral loads. #MYACTION connected 5,480 people living with HIV to 133 case managers in the Chicagoland area who needed better health. Bashirat Osunmakinde, Director of Care Step Up. Get Tested. partners tested more than 5,000 individuals during the 2015 campaign, and held 18 testing events. AFC’s housing program supported 1,307 vulnerable Chicagoans with long-term subsidies, one-time payments and short-term rental assistance. The Center for Housing and Health, a supporting organization for AFC, secured an innovative three-year contract with the University of Illinois hospitals network to house their highest-cost patients, improving their quality of life and saving the system money. 291 Chicago-area residents received one-time emergency payments for rent, utilities, mortgage payments and more. #MYACTION gave a home to 156 youth under 30 living with HIV in Chicago last year. Angelique Miller, Senior Director of Housing and Behavioral Health Services More than half of the 880 clients who received a long-term housing subsidy in 2015 maintained a stable or increased income. AFC’s Policy and Advocacy department led the fight against HIV service cuts at the state level throughout the year. The team explored intersections between HIV and the movement for Black lives through community building and conferences, as well as connections between HIV and LGBTQ communities through the creation of Pride Action Tank. HIV Prevention Justice Alliance played a leadership role among national partners to block bills that criminalize HIV in four states. The 54-person Illinois Alliance for Sound AIDS Policy (IL ASAP) more than doubled in size in 2015. 1,575 providers nationwide received online training about HIV and the Affordable Care Act through #MYACTION mobilized a community of over 2,700 advocates to fight against an immoral, unjust budget in Illinois. Maxx Boykin, Community Organizer Special events, including marathon and triathlon training with TEAM TO END AIDS, our 30th Year gala in May, Dance for Life in August, AIDS Run & Walk Chicago in September and World of Chocolate in December, raised a combined net total of $1.2 million in FY2015. Targeted fundraising for PrEP, a daily HIV prevention pill for HIV-negative people, raised $480,462 from individuals, corporations and foundations that supported the groundbreaking PrEP4Love campaign and other PrEP education and awareness activities. #MYACTION motivated 2,500 runners and walkers to put their foot down and end HIV stigma at AIDS Run & Walk Chicago. Rhett Lindsay, Director of Special Events Positive Momentum: 2016-18 Strategic Plan In its 30th year, AFC forged a transformative plan to support people living with HIV and related chronic diseases while bringing an end to the HIV epidemic. Positive Momentum, a strategic plan that charts AFC’s course for the next three years, uses our strengths as a community mobilizer and HIV champion to change the story about HIV and AIDS. Our Mission The AIDS Foundation of Chicago mobilizes communities to create equity and justice for people living with and vulnerable to HIV and related chronic diseases. Our Vision People living with HIV and related chronic diseases will thrive, and new HIV infections will be rare. #MYACTION brought the community’s voice and ideas into the work AFC does. Caprice Carthans, co-chair, Community Advisory Board and trans community leader Access Community Health Network Affinity Community Services Agape Missions AIDS Institute AIDS United Alexian Brothers Housing and Health Alliance American Civil Liberties Union - Illinois American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) Anixter Center - CALOR Ann & Robert Luries Children Memorial Hospital Asian Human Services Athena Dental Institute Austin Health Center AVAC Beacon Therapeutic Diagnostic and Treatment Center Black AIDS Institute Black Treatment Advocates Network BYP100 Black Lives Matter Canticle Ministries Catholic Charities of Chicago Catholic Charities of Lake County Center for Budget and Policy Priorities Center for Health and Gender Equity Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation at Harvard Law School Center for HIV Law and Policy Center on Halsted Central Illinois FRIENDS of PWA, Inc. CHANGE (Center for Health and Gender Equity) Chicago Black Gay Men’s Caucus Chicago Coalition for the Homeless Chicago Department of Public Health Chicago House and Social Service Agency Chicago Public Schools Chicago Recovery Alliance Chicago Women’s AIDS Project Children’s Place Association Christian Community Health Center COC Netherlands COIP/UIC School of Public Health Connect 2 Protect CONRAD CORE Foundation Step Up. Get Tested. Counter Narrative Project Deborah’s Place Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation Drug Policy Alliance Erie Family Health Center HIV Medicine Association HIVE Housing Opportunities for Women, Inc. Howard Area Community Center Howard Brown Health Illinois Alliance for Sound AIDS Policy Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health Illinois Department of Public Health Illinois Public Health Association Illinois Public Health Institute Inspiration Corporation JH Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County JWCH Institute Lambda Legal Illinois Lake County Health Dept & Community Health Center National Women’s Health Network National Working Positive Coalition Near North Health Center New Age Services New York City Department of Mental Health and Hygiene Night Ministry North Side Housing and Supportive Services Open Door Clinic PATH PCI Inc. Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention Initiative Peer Health Exchange Planned Parenthood of Illinois Population Council Positive Justice Project Positive Women’s Network - USA THANK YOU TO OUR 2015 PARTNERS Equality Illinois EverThrive Illinois Families’ and Children’s AIDS Network (FCAN) Fifth Street Renaissance Greater Full Gospel Pentecostal Church Greater Good Studio Haymarket Center Healthcare Alternative Systems Inc. HealthHIV/National Coalition on LGBT Health Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights Heartland Health Outreach, Inc Heartland Health Outreach, Vital Bridges Center Heartland Human Care Services Legal Assistance Foundation of Metro Chicago (LAF) Legal Council for Health Justice MatCH (Maternal and Child Health) Research Men and Women in Prison Ministries Mercy Housing Lakefront Michael Reese Research and Educational Foundation Microbicide Trials Network Midwest AIDS Training + Education Center (MATEC) Mount Sinai Hospital National AIDS Housing Coalition National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) National Coalition of STD Directors National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable Primo Center Project Inform Project VIDA Provident Hospital of Cook County Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago Puerto Rican Cultural Center-Vida/SIDA RAND Europe The Red Pump Project Regional CARE Association Ruth Rothstein CORE Center San Francisco AIDS Foundation Sarah’s Circle Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law Season of Concern Sero Project Sex Workers Outreach Project Sex Workers Project at Urban Justice Center Sister Love Socios en Salud South Side Help Center South Suburban HIV/AIDS Regional Clinics (SSHARC) Southern AIDS Coalition Southern AIDS Strategy Initiative Taskforce Prevention and Community Services Test Positive Aware Network The Boulevard Thresholds Transgender Law Center Treatment Action Group Universal Access to Female Condoms Joint Programme University of California Los Angeles University of Chicago Care2Prevent University of Illinois Medical Center Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services (UCHAPS) U.S. Human Rights Network Westside HIV/AIDS Resource Providers Women with a Vision Youth Outlook Advocacy Prevention Housing Care AIDS Run and Walk/T2 CommunityDirect Partners *Service Providers Council, Executive Committee. FY 2015 Associate AFC Board Members Board Members J. Ben Stringfellow, Board Chair Kevin Moore, Co-chair Jasmine Tucker, Co-chair Craig Andree Deborah S. Ashen Manjima Bose Anthony Bruck Ronnie Chatterjee Martin Cournane Kristina Davis Edward W. Diffin, III Lucas Fleisher Kimberly du Buclet Anthony Guerrero Short Anne Feder Sean Kienzle Paula Friedman Ashley Loomis Dr. Terri Friel Samantha Michaels Neha Gandhi Brandon Patterson Larry Giddings Nico Rodriguez Jeffrey J. Green Kelsey Rosen Abbas Hyderi, M.D. Joey Scheiber Lori Kaufman Shivani Thaker Nicole D. Kazee, Ph.D. Amanda Wilkins Tom G. Kehoe Anna C. Laubach Brian C. Lighty Condon McGlothlen Robert H. Neubert Dr. Hilda Richards DeJuran Richardson, Ph.D. Ernie Rodriguez Brad A. Serot Joseph P. Stokes, Ph.D. Rev. Charles Straight Sally J. Stresnak Chad J. Thompson Kuliva N. Wilburn, M.P.H. SUPPORTERS AFC is incredibly grateful for each and every supporter who made a donation in 2015. Thanks to our donors, AFC is able to continue to sustain our momentum to mobilize communities to create equity and justice for people living with and vulnerable to HIV and related chronic diseases. Donations are from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2015, and include event ticket purchases of $1,000 and greater. Michael Golden Martin J. Gorbien, M.D. John F. Gordon Jeff and JoAnn Kunkel Anne Leighton Brian Lighty and Andrew J. Bigelow Teri Lindeman Dr. Charles R. Middleton and Mr. John S. Geary Laurie Paquette Eva M. Janzen Powell and Smith T. Powell IV Ernie Rodriguez Carl Ruzicka Brad A. Serot Senator Heather A. Steans Linda Toops Jean Van Wyk Founders’ Circle ($10,000+) Anonymous (3) Craig Andree and Frank Quinn Joanne P. Armenio and Joseph Armenio Deborah S. Ashen and Cara Meiselman Anthony Bruck Mark Cozzi Edward W. Diffin and Jeff Savage-Diffin Mr. James Embrescia The Friedman Family Mark S. Ishaug and Micah R. Krohn Lori and Steve Kaufman Tom G. Kehoe Lew and Laurie Leibowitz Condon McGlothlen Dr. Gerard F. Notario John J. Peller and David R. Jablonowski Rich S. Neal and J. Ben Stringfellow Leadership Circle ($2,500 to $4,999) John P. Ansehl Mariterese & Pat Balthrop Julie Barrish Jeffrey and Heather Boulanger Dr. and Mrs. J. Carl Craft Katherine D. Crane Gino Esposito Anne Feder Dr. Terri Friel Neha Gandhi and John Hennelly Larry Giddings Ted Grady Stephanie Graville President’s Circle ($5,000 to $9,999) Anonymous (3) Paul W. Besch Deborah A. Bricker Martin Cournane Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fogel Charles R. Gardner and Patti Eylar Heather Gardner Jeffrey J. Green Anthony Guerrero and Michael Black Abbas Hyderi, M.D. Andrew Kanfer and Kevin Janes Nicole D. Kazee Raymond J. Koenig III and Johnny Song Anna C. Laubach Laurence M. Leive and Manuel Pererias Kevin C. McGirr Robert H. Neubert and Barry L. Brunetti Carolyn Neuman and Frank Morreale Tom O’Reilly Jay Porter Edward J. Potocek Phillip Resnick and Nancy Resnick Dr. Hilda Richards Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Rosen Patrick Ryan Dave Samber and Darrell R. Windle Kevin L. Serba Dr. and Mrs. Renslow D. Sherer Jr. Caryn Skurmick Dr. Dusan Stefoski and Craig Savage Joseph P. Stokes, Ph.D. Karl B. Wenzel Katherine E. Willhoite Brett B. Williams Paul Williams Robert R. Williams Cleo F. Wilson David E. Woolwine Dr. Ryan Wubben Kristin Zelkowitz ALLIES CIRCLE ($250-$499) Anonymous (16) David T. Adams Lorin Adolph Dr. Glenn Amante Lorilyn Andor Julie Aronson Dr. Christopher Aviles Michael Baccash and Julie Baccash Ginny Barrett Sandra Bast Curt G. Behnke Tom Bejvan Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Bellagamba Barbara E. Berger Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bergland Benjamin A. Berringer Jeffrey L. Berry Troy Bienash and Tom Kowalczyk Kevin D. Billingslea Dr. John Blandford Simon J. Blattner Bonaventure House Billie Borms Shawn Ingall Katy M. Jablonowski Jaffe Foundation Trust Dr. Stacy Jenkins Kim Jenson Dr. Scott Johnson and Mr. Gary F. Metzner Arthur L. Johnston and Pepe Pena Neil K. Jones Joseph L. Kain William F. Karnoscak Dr. David A. Katz and Ms. Eileen C. Katman MaryAnn Kearns Dr. Darius Keblinskas John Kerney Brian Kerr Rajan Khurana Amy Khurana Karen Khurana Bernard P. Kienstra Paul M. Kilian Terry Kinsey Scott Knecht Aurelia Koby Temenak Christopher Koranek Kevin A. Krakora Jinna K. Kye Reverend Frances Landfear William Lavery Michael Leahy Steve Lempera Teri Lind Thomas J. Linden Leonardo Linian Lorraine A. Little-Bigelow Renee Logan Justin Lovely Renata Lowe Jacqueline Lucente Stephen Lueke Dennis Maloney Ronald Manrriquez Jeffrey Marcilliat David Marshack Lidia Martinez Rachael J. Marusarz Beulah Mathew Ashley McDougald Theresa McEachern Michael Mcguire Elizabeth McKnight Derek Mcniff Lawrence T. Dinaso Matthew Dixon Jennifer Dore Dr. Rebecca Eary Dr. Steven B. Edelstein Joe Fava Edward C. Fenelon Lynn Fesenmyer Susan Fried Howard Friend Linda J. Fudacz Ramon Gardenhire Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Goldman Jeffrey S. Gutierrez Julia Haley Seth Hanau John and Mary Harrington Melvin Harris Dr. Dane Hassani Jacquelyn C. Haynes and Robert E. Smyer Karl Heitman Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey Gaye L. Hill and Jeffrey A. Urbina Bill Hineline Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hirsch Keia Hobbs Brad Hofvander Christopher Horton Carrie H. Hoye Judy V. Huizinga Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Humenansky Susan M. Illing Elana R. Jacobs Linda Johansen Pat Johnson Tina Johnson Bruce P. Jones Joe King Sandra Kite Rachel D. Kohler Darrin W. Kolbet and Timothy R. Marlow Brett Kreisman Angelo Kritikos and Betty Kritikos Marvin L. Lader Kelly Laidler Karen G. Patinkin and Peter Landon John A. Langley Casey C. Lefurge and Ira J. Katzman Rebekah Levin Eric Levy Jody Lewis Reverend Terry Long Bruce Braun Catherine A. Brennan James A. Brown Scott Y. Brown Jodie Brown Aaron Brownlee William F. Buchman Derrick Burris Michael G. Cainkar David Camp Michael Carelly James L. Carter and James Schmettzer Ruth Castro Han Chang Kindler Chase Julie A. Christopher Julie Clay Tina Cohen Susan Cohn and Jon Klein Karen Coleman Marge Collens Shirley Z. Collins Richard S. Comerford Michael E. Corbin Vanessa J. Coronado Beth A. Coughlin and David Wang Luke Crawford Derrick Davis Gordon Dawson Tibbits David Deegan Sandra Defrancesco Thomas R. Demery Gordon R. Denboer Paul Denhard Julie Dennis Bertha DePriest Paul DeSimone Duane DesParte Amy Deuble Scott J. Dinkins Stephen Donald Daniel J. Dornbrook Robb Doser Jim Doust Dr. Patrick Duffie Deanna Dunagan Melinda Dunker Mark A. DuPont Peter Ermides Judith N. Eshleman Michael Everhart John K. McPherrin Reed F. Melton Stephen Metraux Barbara Michaelides Christopher Miller Aaron K. Mitchell Uriel Modiano Gavin J. Molloy Philip Montesinos David J. Moore Charle Moran Kevin Mork Gerald Morrow Gail H. Morse and Lauren Verdich Mary Morten F. Morten Miss Kristen Mortier Sarah Nadler James Nicholas Barbara Noonan Kara Norton Jim & Sally O’Brien Vince O’Brien Patricia O’Brien Daniel Olsson Stephen M. Oristaglio Alexis Owens Samantha Palmer Dr. Maria M. Paris Christian Parker Brandon Patterson Carl Perkins Michael Perkins Sanford Perl Scott M. Perlman Mary E. Philipps Dr. Jennifer Plumb Tom, Lori and John Poelking Jocelyn Powell Elizabeth Press Tim Price Jennifer Quinn Broda Dr. Taseer A. Rangrez Erica P. Regunberg Marianne Reinisch Karen Reitan Dr. Steven P. Rempas Stephen Reynolds Sherry Riad Traci Ribeiro Miss Jamie Richardson and Ms. Liz Cisneros Richard Ricketts Michele M. Rivkin Sue Hauswirth Brant Hewelt Deborah Hinde Naomi Hirsch Khoa Ho Sherie Huber Eva Janzen Powell Peter Jenkel Ed Jeske Renee Jones Neil Jones Barbara Kaplan Ira Katzman Brad Kisner Michelle Klopp Korrey Kooistra Joey Kosinski James Kowalsky Anna Laubach Demetri Lawson Lindsay Lefteroff Morgan Lougee Charles McClellan Milena McLaughlin John McManus Marcelle McVay Scott Miller Kate Miller Kevin Mork Kino Mostany Art Moswin Matt Nielson Mary Ann Ornelas Nicole Pallas Diane Pascal Christopher Pazdernik Mark Pence Cheryl Potts John Powers Bridget Purdome Cree Rankin Rondi Reed Kathy Rezai James Rinnert Sergio Rodriguez James Rohrbacher Norma Rolfsen Avi Rudnick Lisa Russell John Ryan Doug Ryan Ellen Sadur Neil Mack Diane Mareci Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Marusarz Anita Mauro Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. May Bryan Mccann Charles McClellan Marcia McClellan Camille Mcdougald Christian McGrath Michael T. McRaith Kimberly Mendiola Richard A. Miles Timothy Molloy Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Moser Dr. Art H. Moswin and Amanda Moswin Alan Naragon Dr. Lawrence T. Nash Ashley Netzky Dana Newman and Brian Newman David Norman April D. Oakes Dr. Timothy E. O’Connell Colin M. O’Donnell and Mike Pelter Josh Orem Miguel Orozco Hoyuela ViJay Patel Clark Pellett Mr. James D. Petzing Glen Pietrandoni John Pintozzi Jan Pomerantz Neil B. Pomerenke Cheryl A. Potts E. R. Primm Christina Putman Dr. Kermit Radke Peter Riddle Randy Rivera Dr. Rebecca R. Roberts Vince Roberts Michael Robillard Carol Ronen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rosskam Robert A. Roth Stephen Roy and Lloyd L. Kohler Jason Rudman Richard L. Ruzicka Doug Ryan Jackie Savinon Wilson Scanlan James Schulz Patricia Ewert Connie Fairbanks Dr. Liz Feldman Stephanie Fields and Geoff Cooke Maria T. Flores Brother Jon Foley Ann Foley Gregory Fown Dr. Lee Francis and Ms. Michelle Gittler Dan Frank Miss Amy Frazer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Friedman Danielle Galardi Tony Gale Gabriela Garcia Richard J. Geddes Debbie Geller Alan B. Gentry Amada D. Giordano Michael W. Goettsch Brendunn Golden Michael Goodridge Lee Goodwin Andrea M. Gordon Candice M. Gottschalk Christopher W. Grable David R. Granger Eli Grant Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Greening Karen Griebel Christopher Gunkel Peter W. Hall Louis G. Hammack and Peter J. Devlin Philip A. Hannema Kevin R. Hansen Joette D. Harrington Representative Gregory S. Harris Michael D. Harwood Sr. Susan Hauswirth Nancy R. Hessler Andrew Higney Cynthia Hildebrand Nancy L. Hill-Davis Ethan Hixson Broderick Hogue Bob Hong Becky R. Hooper Johnny Hsu Randine A. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Humphrey John W. Huntington Greg Hyder Bruce Roberts Jill and Ron Rohde Lisa Rosenberg Seth Rosensweig Dr. Paul Rubinstein Tina Ruredzo William H. Russell Robert K. Sanders William C. Santamour Don Sarubbi Luz Savinon Linda Scharnhorst Kyle Schirmann James Scullans Scott G. Serilla R. B. Shaw William Sherald Cdr. Preston Shumaker Linda S. Siegel Artemis Singers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sklar Suzanne T. Smart Leonard A. Smith John Sonnenberg Ronna Stamm and Paul Lehman Anne E. Statton Carol Steele Susan Stein Josch Steinmetz Amanda Stella Michael J. Stent Laura Lee Stewart Brian Stokes Patti Stowers Ted C. Strand Sally J. Stresnak Lalisa Subphayanonta Jamie Swenson Rebecca Thompson Peter M. Tortorello and Robert Wolf Terry Trauner Brian T. Travers Shelley Wallisch Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wambay Elliot S. Weisenberg, M.D. Michael Weishuhn Daniel J. Wessels and John Chimon Sean P. Whalen Esther Ruth White Paul Whitson Wyatt Whitworth Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilieko Hadeis Safi Steve Scott Barbara Sereda Cdr Preston Shumaker Curt Smith Dena Sonnenberg Rich Stoddart James Sullivan Andrea Tashiro Mario Treto Donald Trumbull Lung-Chieh (Ronald) Tuan-Mu Richard Turner Carmen Valentin Modesto Valle Carolyn Wahlskog Santina Wheat Eric Wilkerson Steven Young LOYALTY CIRCLE ($1,000 to $2,499) Anonymous (7) Jill L. Allread and Pamela Freese Patrick Ashley Alishja A. Ballard and Melissa Maclay Ericka Baran Richard P. Barker Susan Berghoef Craig Bergmann Gita Berk Sophia Bigg Sean Blaney Kevin G. Boyer David Brown Qiana Butler Dennis Centorbi Jennifer C. Cheng and Caesar K. Lastimosa Margaret Chesler Candace J. Chesler Matthew Chesnul Chris A. Coleman and Matthew A. Turner Miss Kelly Coyle Isiaah Crawford, Ph. D. and Kent A. Korneisel, O.D. Kenneth J. Creech Jeffrey J. Crump Pamela L. Crutchfield Bonita Dannen Travis DeRamcy and Matthew W. Goines Tim Drexler Toby Eveland Thomas J. Feie Helene Fishman Frances McCaughan and Nessan Fitzmaurice Bruce Fleisher and Laurie Regenbogen Donna Foley Craig R. Foley and Nejdet E. Unluata Martin Freeman Bridget Frizzie Lee Garrison David Gassman Gary Gephart Dr. William E. Gerardi Sharon Gilman Marguerite D. Hark Dr. Lisa M. Henry-Reid and Mr. Samuel Reid ADVOCATES CIRCLE ($500 to $999) Anonymous (7) Miss Samantha Abeysekera Douglas P. Abraham Gabriela Aldana Duke Alden Geoffrey A. Anderson Nadia Anderson Chukwuma U. Anyaoku Austin G. Baidas Tracy Baim Thomas G. Baker and Jennifer Urban Baker Paul Bartman MaryJo J. Basler H. Russell Bauer John Becvar Hope Bell Jared Beltowski James Bennett Kenneth J. Bertrand Dr. Thomas M. Betlej Jared Beverly Melissa Blake Dr. Teresa A. Blaxton Andrew Bohnker Caroline Bone Carl A. Branch Nick Bruce Peter J. Butler Thomas R. Butler Michael Camp Jason Canales Theodore J. Castanes Charles Cave Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chaleff Reverend Lawrence Choate Dr. Patrick G. Clay Betsy and Alan Cohen Foundation Robert Collins Joan Criswell-Merrilees Becky Critch Dennis Culloton Anthony D. D’Amato and James V. LoBianco Mary Davis Philip E. Dawkins Jeffrey P. DeJong and Ruth A. McBeth Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dibblee Lance Dibblee Louise Silberman Chad Slaughter Elizabeth L. Snyder Dr. Susan H. Socher David Stanford Frederick W. Stanton Edward C. Steele James Stone Aaron M. Strati Kurt Summers Jr. Howard S. Suskin Ron Thurber Dr. Christopher Vale Sam Valeo Bob Viola Lance Wahl Amy Walsh Brian Weil Don Welsh Ann S. Wolff Jennifer Wong Dana Wright Chenell York Steven Young Zach Zulkowsky and Daniel Glapa Deborah R. Hinde Ben Hladilek Dana Hokin Brent Holman-Gomez Daniel Izquierdo Nick Jankowski Michael Jefvert and Alexender de Hilster Nancy Johnson Tyrus L. Kaufman James P. Kelly Leslie J. Kenyon Heather KingenSmith and Rick KingenSmith William L. Klatt and James M. McHugh Lisa Kouba Larry Kuhn Marcia E. Lazar and Alan O. Amos Mr. and Mrs. John G. Levi Krista Linn Gabrielle J. Loring Christopher D. Lueking Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lyman Ryan Magnuson Robert A. Mariano and Nina Gianni-Mariano Stephanie P. Marshall, Ph. D. Mr. and Ms. Robert A. Martin Daniel Maung Nancy McGowan and Michael P. McGowan Michael Mcnamara Bill Melamed and Jamey Lundblad Pamela G. Meyer Scott C. Miller David Miner David E. Munar Jacqleen Musarra Brandon Neese Jordan Nerenberg and Jean Nerenberg Jeffrey Nieves and Randy Crete Christian F. Ochsner Karl F. Otto Jr. Dr. Lawrence Ouellet James Pacini Susan M. Patchin Alfredo A. Perez James C. Perry and Robert J. Horton Jim Pickett and Kevin Jack Ena Pierce Jeanie Pollack Kathryn Price William Pry Craig Pugh Anne Rea and Ken Bigg Barbara Reeder Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Richards DeJuran Richardson, Ph. D. Jeff F. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Roffe Cathy Rosenberg Betsy and Andrew Rosenfield Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ross Bonnie Rothman Marilyn A. Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Rubnitz Susan B. Rubnitz Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Anne Ruzicka and Anthony J. Ruzicka Jr. Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Norman Sandfield Judy A. Saslow Dr. John Schneider Joseph Schroeder and Allan Tenorio Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silver Thomas G. Sinkovic Reverend Stan J. Sloan Mark Smithe and William Forrest Daniel Stelter Laura Stempel Rich M. Stoddart Mary M. Styles Jerry Teske Chad J. Thompson Beth Treacy Cynthia J. Tucker Alderman Thomas M. Tunney Gustavo Varela Mindy Verson Daniel Villar Paul D. Waas Mark Wattley Richard G. Weinberg and Diane Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weisberg Aaron J. Weiss Kuliva N. Wilburn, M.P.H. Clifton Wilkow Gary M. Yeagle AIDS Run & Walk Chicago SuperStriders ($1,000+) Nick Abbamonte Evelyn Figueroa and Alex Wu Charles Benya Susie Bernero Kathryn Berringer Erica Bertrand Dan Bigg Jill Bollero Arick Buckles Judilynn Bult James Burns Alice Cameron Debbie Cano Beth Catlett Mike Checuga Diane Claussen Jeffrey Cobb Emma Cone-Roddy Linda Coon Brad Dalrymple Philip Dawkins Daniel Dever Jaime Dircksen Jill Dispenza Patricia Drott Scott Duff Evelyn Figueroa and Alex Wu Helene Fishman Tairen Foster Ron Fritz Teresa Garate Bridget Garrity Julie Geils Nancy Glick Luther Goins Mara Goldman David Granger Keith Green Gregory Gross Greg Hale Matthew Harper TEAM TO END AIDS participants who raised $3,000+ Cornell Bar Angel Casas Dante Cervantes Patrick Clay Travis DeRamcy Matt Goines Jeremy Gottschalk Bill Hineline Curt Hupe Dan Ingram Jason Karel Nancy Khurana Caesar Lastimosa Michael Lawrence Brian Lighty Kimberly Mendiola Craig Nichols Kathryn Price Natalie Quist Jim Ritter Kelsey Rosen Brooke Skinner Ricketts Leonard Smith Anne Statton Nejdet Unluata 2015 CORPORATE AND FOUNDATION SUPPORTERS ($1,000+) @properties Abbott AbbVie Aetna Better Health AFR Furniture Rental & Event Furnishings AIDS United Aligned Modern Health Allstate Insurance Company Alphawood Foundation Anonymous Art Effect Limited Artists Giving Back Bank of America Merrill Lynch Barry-Callebaut BBJ Rentals Bell Litho, Inc. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois BMO Harris Bank Boka Restaurant Bristol-Myers Squibb Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Chicago Beverage Systems, LLC Chicago Community Trust Chicago Cut Steakhouse Cigna-HealthSpring Comer Family Foundation Commonwealth Edison Czarnowski Display Service, Inc. Deloitte Digitas Égalité/Publicis Groupe FactSet Research Systems Inc. Fitness Formula Clubs Food for Thought Gilead Goldman Sachs Greater Kansas City Community Foundation Hall's Rental Service, Inc. Harmony, A WellCare Company Hell in a Handbag Productions Helms Briscoe Hilton Chicago Hilton Waikoloa Village Hotel del Coronado Humana ICF Consulting Group, Inc. IlliniCare Health Illinois Tool Works Foundation Janssen Therapeutics Jewish Community FoundationMilwaukee Jewish Federation Jim Karas Personal Training John Gress Photography Kehoe Designs/The Geraghty Kessler Orlean Silver Lady Gregory's Irish Bar & Restaurant Lawndale News Lehman-Stamm Family Fund Levi Strauss Foundation Life Time Athletic Events Linda Toops Clerestory Consulting Loraine Kaufman Foundation “Lori and Steve Kaufman” Macy’s Marathon Sportswear Mariano's Marsh & McLennan Companies McDonald's Corporation Merck Metzner Family Foundation Michael Reese Health Trust MillerCoors MGM Resorts International Mandalay Bay Resort & Casion Neumantree, Inc. Nielsen Northalsted Business Alliance Northern Trust Charitable Trust Northrop Grumman Northwest Speech & Hearing Center NorthwestCompass, Inc Orbitz Paterno Group The Peninsula Chicago PepsiCo Pfizer Polk Bros. Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation Public Communications, Inc. Related Realty Rise Interactive Robert R. McCormick Foundation Roscoe's Tavern and Cafe, Ltd. Shure Silicon Valley Community Foundation Starwood Retail Partners Stoli Takeda Pharmaceuticals The Chartis Group The Coffman Foundation The Crown Family The Field Foundation of Illinois The Franklin Philanthropic Foundation The GE Foundation The Peninsula New York The Perlstein Foundation The Reichert Foundation UBS United Way of Metropolitan Chicago Ventures Unlimited Incorporated ViiV VNA Foundation Walgreens Wilde Bar & Restaurant Winebow Whole Foods Media Partners A&U Magazine BOI magazine Chicago Magazine GC Magazine GRAB Magazine Lawndale News Michigan Avenue magazine Positively Aware magazine Windy City Media Group WGN TV World of Chocolate Chocolatiers The Brass Monkey CH Distillery Chicago Athletic Association Hotel Chocolat-Uzma Sharif Dove Chocolate Discoveries Fred's of Barneys New York Chicago Hilton Chicago Intercontinental Hotel Italian Village Restaurants Kendall College School of Culinary Arts Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Life's Sweeter Side Loews Chicago Hotel Mercat a la Planxa The Peninsula Chicago Prasino LaGrange Riques Cocina Mexicana RL Restaurant Sofitel Chicago Water Tower Starbucks Summer House Santa Monica Uptown Brownie Vanille Patisserie Virgin Hotels Chicago Walgreens Wow Bao ZED451 Sable Sherer Legacy Society Anonymous Ed Diffin and Jeff Savage-Diffin Toby Eveland Ron L. Fritz Roberta Hartnett** T. Ronald Jasinski-Herbert** Lori Kaufman Paul Ketz Robert H. Neubert John J. Peller Robert E. Schnuckel Thomas G. Sinkovic Joseph P. Stokes ** Deceased The Sable Sherer Legacy Society offers AFC’s most passionate supporters the chance to make a donation through their estate plans. Corporate Partnership Program Members AbbVie Bank of America BMO Harris Bank FINANCIAL STATEMENT Bristol-Myers Squibb Gilead ViiV FISCAL YEAR 2015 (JULY 1, 2014 - JUNE 30, 2015) Private Sources: Expenses: $2,805,404 Foundations/Corporations $5,976,475 Program & Policy Fee for Service/Other $598,785 General & Administrative $948,948 Individuals/Memorials/Bequests $351,935 Development $932,474 Grants & Awards: Private $1,158,976 Special Events (net) $1,220,394 $33,249 Grants & Awards: Public $14,885,074 Total Private Sources $5,009,767 Total Expenses $23,901,947 Direct Mail (net) Public Sources: Change in Net Assets Chicago Department of Public Health (Federal $) $7,629,327 Fund for the Future IL Dept of Public Health (Federal $) $4,954,706 (Board-Restricted) $61,000 $53,053 IL Dept of Public Health (State $) $738,292 IL Dept of Human Services U.S. Dept of Housing & Urban Development $5,117,013 Health Resources & Service Administration $249,946 U.S. Substance Abuse & Mental Services Administration $284,040 Centers for Disease Control & Prevention $155,607 Health and Human Service National Prev. Partnerships $241,924 Cash Flow for Subcontracting Agencies $510,911 Total Change in Net Assets $571,911 $40,183 Other Total Public Sources $19,464,091 TOTAL REVENUE $24,473,858 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES To realize our mission to mobilize communities to create equity and justice for people living with and vulnerable to HIV and related chronic diseases, we will: Improve health equity. We will increase access to high-quality, comprehensive prevention, care and housing services free from stigma. Prevent new cases of HIV. We will reduce new HIV infections through innovative approaches to prevention, care, housing and education with a focus on most-impacted populations. Serve as a collaboration and knowledge center. We will be a thought leader and resource center to create and share best practices, innovations and models. Be a bold voice for change. We will be a leading voice to mobilize advocates and people living with HIV and related chronic diseases to transform systems, policies and resources. TOTAL $24,473,858
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