Influence of radiation damage on single-particle
Influence of radiation damage on single-particle
Influence of radiation damage on single-particle XFEL diffraction imaging Stefan Hau-Riege X-ray Science and Technology Group Physical and Life Sciences, LLNL International Workshop on Science with and Instrumentation for Ultra-fast Coherent Diffraction Imaging of Single Particles, Clusters and Bio-Molecules at the European XFEL This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344. X-ray interaction with materials 1. Absorption • Bound-bound, bound-free, free-free • Bound-free (photoionization) dominates for harder x-rays • Free-free (inverse Bremsstrahlung) may be important for softer x-rays 2. Scattering • Elastic (Rayleigh scattering) • Inelastic (Compton scattering) 3. Emission • Inverse process • Fluorescence occurs for hot plasmas on a longer timescale • Auger electron emission tends to dominate for low-Z atoms Total interaction cross sections Nitrogen (Z=7) 106 104 Cross 102 section (barn) 1 photoabsorption K elastic scattering 10-2 inelastic scattering 10-4 102 103 104 105 X-ray energy (eV) 106 Veigele, Atomic Data 5, 51 (1973) • For large x-ray energies, inelastic scattering dominates over elastic scattering • Photoabsorption dominates in the XFEL energy regime • Low-Z materials absorb fewer photons than high-Z materials Effect of ionization on x-ray material interaction • Since absorption occurs predominantly through photoionization, the ionization state can easily be accounted for by correcting the cross sections • Scattering strongly depends on the subshell ionization state since the atomic form factor is the Fourier transform of the electron density: 2 Example: Carbon 2s F f 1 2p 0 0 neutral C C w/ core hole q = 4" sin # $ 1s ! 1 q (a-1 ) 0 2 photoionization core relaxation Details of ionization states influences the diffraction pattern Hau-Riege, PRA 76, 042511 (2007) Processes in short-pulse x-ray-material interaction • Processes in materials during the pulse: • Photoionization • Auger relaxation • Electron impact ionization • Electron equilibration • Three-body recombination • Electron-ion coupling • (Recombination) • Fast electrons escape the sample and charge it up • Electrons may be trapped (first secondaries, then Auger e-, then photo e-) • Sample expands due to Coulomb and hydrodynamic forces High-field effects • Multi-photon ionization and excitation (e.g. above-threshold ionization, highharmonic generation etc) are well known phenomena in the optical and (recently) EUV regime. • In the x-ray regime, inner-shell phenomena dominate. • Currently, little is known about multi-photon inner shell processes. • With a 100 fs pulse and 100 nm focus, we are not in the strong-field regime yet (Keldysh parameter γ ~ 10, assuming a flat-top pulse profile), but tighter focus or shorter pulses could lead to γ < 1. • In charged nanoparticles, the strong quasi-static electric field can lead to tunneling ionization • We are currently implementing high-field effects into our models. => We will need to investigate under which conditions this is needed, and adjust our models accordingly. Continuum model for XFEL-induced dynamics in single particles and clusters • Computationally very efficient to survey a large parameter space • Our two-fluid hydrodynamic model for large systems assumes that • Sample is initially a homogeneous continuum • Sample has spherical symmetry • Separate free electrons and ions fluids interact by the Coulomb force • Rate equations describe the ionization of each atomic species • Time-dependent electron trapping • We do not assume local charge neutrality “real” molecule Continuum model Hau-Riege et al., PRE 69, 051906 (2004), PRE 71, 061919 (2005), PRL 98, 198302 (2007), PRE 77, 041902 (2008) Example: Dynamics of Anthrax Lethal Factor R=50A, τ=40fs, fluence=6x1012 photons/100nm diameter Number of Atoms 2x104 Carbon (2,4) (K,L) (2,3) 4 1x10 (1,0) (2,2) (2,1) (1,2) 0 0 (2,0) (0,0) (1,1) Time (fs) 40 • Collisional ionization is dominant initially • Heavier atoms get ionized faster • Captured photoelectrons accelerate ionization Expansion dynamics 2.0 neutralized hot core 1.5 R/R0 charged layer 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 10 20 Time (fs) • Higher-charged outer layers explode faster than inner layers • Inner part of molecule is more strongly ionized 30 40 Atomistic model for XFEL-induced dynamics in single particles and clusters • Continuum model does not describe single-atom effects (e.g. escape of H) • We are developing a massively-parallel MD code to study XFEL-material interactions (based on our hot-dense radiative plasmas code (Glosli, Hau-Riege, et al., PRE 78, 025401 (2008)) • Includes relevant physics that is known today and allows studying XFELrelevant sizes (> 108 atoms) Example: Protein with 93,102 atoms Size-effects for XFEL-induced dynamics in biomolecules Evolution of biomolecules during the pulse strongly depends on the electron distribution, and with that on the particle size. size and electron dynamics at 8keV Content removed (pending publication). Hau-Riege et al., submitted X-ray material interaction at lower x-ray energies (FLASH) 0.15 • Absorption is complicated by inverse Bremsstrahlung absorption • We calculated the opacity using a screened average-ion model (LTE) 32nm 0.10 ! 0.05 Hau-Riege et al., Phys. Rev. E 76, 046403 (2007) Ryszard Sobierajski et al. 0.2 ! 0.1 Bergh, Timneanu, Hau-Riege et al., Phys. Rev. E 77, 026404 (2008), Coupled with hydrodynamic codes, these models have been incredibly successful in guiding and analyzing experiments performed at FLASH. C Si latex 0.00 0 0.3 • No major change in the index of refraction during the pulse, in agreement with FLASH measurements • At larger fluences, the system becomes non-LTE. SiC 0.0 0 Si3N4 25 50 75 100 Temperature (eV) Si3N4 C SiC latex Si 20 40 60 80 100 Temperature (eV) We were the first to demonstrate ultrafast coherent diffraction imaging at FLASH (13.5 nm wavelength) Single pulse FEL Focussed FEL 25 fs, 3x1013 W/cm2 Resolution limited to ~50 nm due to wavelength rad-hydro calculations Ab initio reconstruction w/ H. Chapman 1 micron We used a new method to measure FEL-induced explosion with fs time resolution (‘one-color pump-probe’) 300 fs time delay time delay = Δz/c d object reference ‘One-color pump-probe’ experiments match hydrodynamics simulations 1.5 I/I0 0 polystyrene, λ = 32 nm, F = 3.2 J/cm2, tL = 25 fs, LEOS FLASH beam 140 nm Diffraction Intensity (a.u.) 5 t = 26 fs 130 fs 830 fs 1.5 ps 7.8 ps 4 3.2 ps 3 2 0.5 ps 1 2.5 5.0 7.5 q (µm-1) 10.0 • The structure factor narrows, showing the particle exploding • The lower resolution shape of the explosion is different than expected • This is the first high-resolution observation of particle explosions We interferometrically measure the change in optical density of the particle at short delays d1 d2 Object, phase change of ϕ reference l Rings occur when ϕ1 + d1= ϕ2 + d2+Nλ Fitting the ring radii gives l and Δϕ The calculated optical density shows the same trends as the experiments, but some disagreement remains Phase shift (degrees) 30 Δn 0.02 1.6×1014 1.2×1014 20 0.01 10 0.8×1014 0.4×1014 0 0.00 0 200 400 600 Delay (fs) 800 W/cm2 1000 Disagreement may be due to uncertainties in the real part of the index (δ). Discovery at FLASH: Multilayer mirror works ONCE During 25 fs pulse (1014 W cm-2) 32 nm wavelength After the pulse Si/C multilayer 40µ mm Reflectivity unchanged B A B A 200nm 50nm Hau-Riege et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 145502 (2007) Hau-Riege et al., Rev. Sci. Instr. 78, 013104 (2007). C C D D E E F F Example for exploding single-pulse optics: Spherical lenses intensity of photon field 32 nm, 25 fs high z 155 nm Ø polystyrene low SEM (Michael Bogan) 0 123 100nm w/ M.Bogan Intensity (I0) r 20 nm Si3N4 1.5 Intensity inside membrane 1 2 3 4 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 R (nm) 300 Diffraction image single biological molecules with ultrashort pulses before the absorbed energy has time to alter the structure Particle injection XFEL output: 8 keV, < 70 fs, 2x1012 photons in 100 nm spot Neutze et al, Nature 406, 752 (2000) CCD collecting diffraction pattern Effect of the limited temporal coherence of the LCLS beam Coherence time ~ maximum time delay of two beams scattered into the highest resolution part of the diffraction pattern Scattering factor for a single SASE spike (Gaussian-shaped): Diffraction pattern is the incoherent sum of multiple SASE spikes. At LCLS at 8 keV, the particles have to be smaller than 500 nm to achieve atomic resolution Hau-Riege, Optics Express, Vol. 16 Issue 4, pp.2840-2844 (2008) Effect of XFEL radiation on diffraction pattern instantaneous diffraction pattern cumulative diffraction pattern 105 atoms 104 atoms 103 atoms Effect of radiation damage is surprisingly minor Contribution of the later part of the pulse to the diffraction pattern is smaller since 1.) Atomic ionization increases with time, and ionized atoms have less scattering power. 2.) Atomic motion increases with time, and the degraded diffraction pattern changes quickly in time, so that its contribution is averaged out • For a given fluence, short pulses are preferable Ionization damage averages out… Ionization damage is surprisingly minor and can be corrected for 1.) Need statistical information about the ionization process: (i) For the case of mono-atomic ionization-damaged particles, a perfect correction (“repair”) of pulse- and shot-averaged diffraction pattern is possible! (ii) For the case of a more generic particle, partial “repair” of the diffraction pattern is possible Works for • stationary atoms • randomly-ionized atoms (on average spatially homogeneous) 2.) Can be applied blindly even when atoms move and ionization is not spatially homogeneous The good news is that we do not have to know the details of the ionization process. Hau-Riege et al., PRL 98, 198302 (2007) Using a tamper to reduce expansion dynamics Encapsulating the molecule with a sacrificial layer reduces damage with tamper without tamper charged layer tamper e.g. H2O neutralized hot core 60 60 40 40 R (A) 20 R (A) 20 0 0 5 10 15 time (fs) 20 Tamper (H2O) 0 0 Hau-Riege et al., PRL 98, 198302 (2007) molecule 5 10 15 time (fs) 20 Combining biomolecular tamper with repair methods of diffraction patterns: Anthrax lethal factor Repair 25 -1.6% Tamper & repair -2.4% 20 distortion R of factor 15 diffraction (%) pattern 10 averaged Averaged and repaired -11.1% -18.0% 5 0 C0.31H0.52N0.08O0.09S0.01, D=80A, 40A tamper, 10fs pulse, 3x1012 photons/100nm 1 10 1 10 number of diffraction patterns Diffraction pattern of damaged molecule can be substantially “repaired”! Pulse lengths > 50 fs may be acceptable! FLASH experiment to demonstrate tamper concept Content removed (pending publication). Using one-color pump-probe at FLASH to demonstrate a Si tamper to reduce the effect of damage in x-ray free electron laser imaging Content removed (pending publication). Early imaging experiments at LCLS to verify XFEL-material interaction models Experiments at longer wavelength and low pulse energies (3x1011 photons): Measure the change in the Mie pattern of latex spheres (the position of first minimum) as a function of x-ray focus and energy reduced trapping beam size (µm) relative shift in the position of the Mie minimum reduced σphoto Hau-Riege et al., Phys. Rev. E 77, 041902 (2008) Conclusions Demonstrating atomic-resolution diffraction imaging of biomolecules and nanostructures will require • Classification under non-ideal conditions (not only due to noise but also damage) • Alternatively molecular alignment or determination of molecular orientation from explosion fragments • Image reconstruction under non-ideal conditions • Modification of particles upon injection