Bulletin June 8, 2014 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Bulletin June 8, 2014 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
WEEKLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT SUMMARY & FISCAL YTD SUMMARY MAY WEEKLY INCOME MASS INTENTIONS Monthly YTD CHURCH SUPPORT 5/4 5/11 5/18 5/25 Total Total Weekly Church Support Budget 15,885 15,885 15,885 15,885 $ 63,540 $ 746,595 Church Support (Offertory) 15,026 11,338 13,341 12,372 $ 65,903 $ 869,106 Monthly Online Donations - 13,826 Monthly Ahead/(Behind) $ 2,363 $ 122,511 Mon June 9 @ 8:30AM Robert Brumbaugh (dec) Tue June 10 @ 8:30AM Michael Finnegan (dec) Wed June 11 @ 8:30AM Pio Abcede (dec) Thu June 12 @ 8:30AM Amelia Tarantino (dec) DEBT REDUCTION Weekly Debt Reduction Budget Debt Reduction Monthly Online Donations Monthly Ahead/(Behind) Fri June 13 @ 8:30AM Vera Lowe (dec) May 31 will be included in June 1 Sat June 14 @ 5:00PM Susan Archambault (dec) Sat June 14 @ 7:00PM José Almanza (dec) ATTENDANCE / ASISTENCIA Sat May 31 @ 5:00 PM 262 Sun June 15 @ 9:00AM People of St. Thomas Sat May 31 @ 7:00 PM 396 Sun June 15 @ 11:30AM Joseph F. Dionne, Jr. (dec) Sun June 1 @ 9:00 AM 337 Sun June 1 Total @ 11:30 AM 268 1,263 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Mary Ann Johnson, Betty Sprott, Berry Hill, Joyce Lewis, Julie Sheffer, Marian Knieriem, Alma Bennett, Jean Gondoly, Jeremy Tinsley, Angie Ovens, Murray Causey, Roy Walsh, Kelly Croswait, Margaret Holsenbeck, Dick Myers, John Bowser, Shirley Hetzel, Don Henry, Wanda Bolchko, Judi Sneesby, Gerry Zaar, Gary Stickel, Al Bartkoski, Christine Kingsbury, Joe Coriaci, Joe Krzysik, Wes Becker, Joan Bonta, Joe Salada, Anna Aseltine, Marilyn Macheske, Shatha Ankawi, Tom Manley, Cheryl Nadeau, Dan Coughlin, Candi Smith, Red Gilbert, Mary Ann Herlihy CURSILLISTAS English-speaking women’s group meets on Thursdays at 7:30AM in the church. For information, call Bette Purvis 458-8070. For information about the English speaking men’s group, call Tony Hartman, 458-0936. ROSARY Immediately following Daily Mass. HOMEBOUND HOMEBOUND MINISTRY “When the world seems at its worst, Christians must be at their best.” LITURGY OF THE HOURS – EVENING PRAYER Join the Regina Caeli Schola for sung Vespers each Tuesday at 5:30pm. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com 8,077 5,410 - 8,077 2,538 - 8,077 3,395 - 8,077 $ 32,308 $ 379,619 3,648 $ 21,991 $ 411,946 7,000 $(10,317) $ 32,327 COME EXPLORE CATHOLICISM Do you have a family member or friend who is interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Do you know someone who was baptized Catholic as an infant, but never received any other sacraments, or attended religious education or Mass while growing up? Are you a visitor, curious about what the Catholic Church teaches? Perhaps thinking about joining the Catholic Church? For more info, please call Edie Shanahan, 865-271-9276, or els947@comcast.net. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Second Wednesday, June 11th 9:00am – 7:00pm Third Thursday, June 19th 9:00am – 7:00pm CUMBERLAND MOUNTAIN DEANERY TRAVELLING ICON Monday, June 30 - Tuesday, July1, 2014 As part of our 25th Anniversary Celebration St. Thomas the Apostle Church will house the Travelling Icon for two days. It will be placed in the front steps of the sanctuary. During these couple days, St. Thomas the Apostle will be a station church. Those who come and pray for the intention of the Holy Father, receive Communion, and attend Confession all within ten days will receive plenary indulgence. Prayer cards will be available on a table in the narthex. Prayer cards include dates of when other parishes will receive the Traveling Icon. NEXT FAMILY FUN NITE Friday, June 13th from 7:00-9:00pm BOOK DISCUSSION WITH FATHER DOUG In His Spirit, A Guide to Today’s Spirituality PARISH FAMILY CAMPOUT DATE: Wednesday, June 11TH 6:30 pm, Deacon Jose Rivera Room, PFLC Celebrate Feast of St. Thomas Campfire, S’mores, Music, Breakfast provided Grab a tent! Questions? Call Kevin 865-310-5440 Totus Tuus is a diocesan program that sends college students and seminarians to our parish to spread the Good News of our Lord among children and youth. There will be catechetical instruction, songs, games, Mass, lunch and so much more. Come join the fun! July 14-18 Monday - Friday 9:00am-2:30pm Grades 1-6 Free lunch! TOTUS TUUS FOR TEENS! Teens gather with the Totus Tuus team in the evenings for catechetical instruction and fellowship. Together they will come to know the Lord and love him more deeply. July 13-17 7:00 – 9:00pm Sunday - Thursday Grades 7-12 Registration for all after Masses this weekend. Space is limited. ATTENTION CRAFTERS The next work session for the crafters will be Monday, June 16 in room 123 PFLC at 9:00 AM or when you can make it. We will continue with jewelry making and will start an assortment of Christmas ornaments. Call Linda (408-2339) for supply lists. Welcome to come and work on your own items or just come for a cup of coffee and a few laughs. Hope to see you there. Father Doug will lead our book discussion on Wednesday, June 11th. Our book “In His Spirit, A Guide to Today’s Spirituality” by Richard J. Hauser, S.J.; was our parish Easter gift. This book will make you think about the world you live in and how it influences our thinking about spirituality. There are Two Models of Spirituality outlined, which guide our thinking. This book will guide for living in the Spirit. If you do not have a copy, pick up your free copy (red cover) in the St. Thomas narthex. Father will guide us, as he has in the past, in our spiritual journey. TWO MODELS of SPIRITUALITY Scriptural Model: Western Model: SELF-IN-GOD SELF-OUTSIDE-GOD MAINTENANCE COLLECTION IN JUNE In June, we will have our annual collection for parish maintenance needs. This year’s collection will be used to help pay for our new maintenance building. Upon receiving excellent feedback on our drawings, minor changes to the design were made, resulting in a projected cost of $40,000. We are grateful for your support of the Capital Collection in January which fully funded our new security system. However, that collection was not sufficient to pay for the maintenance building. Please prayerfully consider donating to this year’s maintenance collection. If you are an envelope user, you have an envelope in your June supply. If you would like to give online, you may do so by going to the Maintenance Fund giving opportunity on the WeShare site which is accessible from our website, www.sthomaslc.com CATHOLIC CHARITIES PREGNANCY HELP CENTER BABY BOTTLE DRIVE This weekend, St. Thomas parishioners will have the opportunity to help the Catholic Charities Pregnancy Help Center by taking home a baby bottle, filling it with change, bills, or a check, and returning it next weekend, June 14 - 15. The Pregnancy Help Center offers unconditional support to mothers, fathers, and babies and to any woman facing a difficult or unplanned pregnancy. Your generosity will make a big difference in their lives. Thank you for your support. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com WOMEN’S GUILD JUNE PROGRAM CHANGE Due to an out-of-town scheduling conflict which has just arisen, Cardinal Rigali has had to cancel his evening visit and event at St. Thomas for Monday, June 23rd. The Women’s Guild will change their meeting back to the regular time of 9 a.m., immediately following the 8:30 a.m. morning Mass on Monday, June 23rd. We are very fortunate to have Stu and Jan McFadden, representing NPH (Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos), present their program; the topic will be “Giving your Heart and Support to the Kids of NPH”. Please mark the change to your calendar and join us for an informative meeting and slide show presentation. LET’S CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENT AND COMMITMENT OF MARRIAGE! Bishop Stika to celebrate three bilingual Masses throughout our diocese this year in honor of the sacrament of marriage! Couples will have the opportunity to renew their vows during Mass and continue to celebrate with family and friends at a luncheon following the Mass. Masses for 2014: • FEAST OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL Who: Young Adults (18-39) What: Outdoor Mass at 2:00 p.m. with Bishop Stika, Picnic to follow, (grilled chicken and burgers will be provided). Volleyball court will be set up. Where: Christ Prince of Peace Retreat Center 250 Lock Lane, Benton, TN 37307 When: Sunday, June 29 beginning at Noon Bring: Dish to share, your favorite beverage, games to play, chairs, and/or blanket. R.S.V.P. Elijah Martin, emartin@dioknox.org Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 11:00 am Register by Friday, August 29 Holy Family Church 307 Black Oak Ridge Road Seymour, TN 37865 • Frassati Fellowship invites you to celebrate FIRST COMMUNION PHOTOS Saturday, October 11, 2014 at 11:00 am Register by Thursday, October 2 Holy Trinity Church 475 N. Highway 92 Jefferson City, TN 37760 • Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 11:00 am Register by Friday, November 14 St. Stephen Church 7111 Lee Highway Chattanooga, TN 37421 Register by due date and receive free gifts from the Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment, a commemorative certificate and one professional photo with Bishop Stika: To register contact: Marian Christiana mchristiana@dioknox.org or 423-892-2310 Karen Byrne kbyrne@dioknox.org or 865-584-3307 At time of registration provide: • names as you want them on the certificate • how many years you have been married • # of people in your party for the luncheon View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com Your child’s First Communion picture is here! The pictures are on the table in the narthex. Please check it to make sure it is the correct picture before taking it home. ANNOUNCEMENTS In an effort to improve and streamline parish communication, we no longer have announcements from the pulpit. If you would like to publicize events or information, please direct bulletin notice requests to Lupe at lupe@sthomaslc.com and for website requests, please email the webmaster at webmaster@sthomaslc.com. EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO Segundo miércoles, 11 de junio de 9:00am – 7:00pm Tercer jueves, 19 de junio de 9:00am – 7:00pm Totus Tuus es un programa diocesano que envía a estudiantes universitarios y seminaristas a nuestra parroquia para compartir el Evangelio del Señor a niños y jóvenes. Habrá catequesis, canciones, juegos, misa, comida y mucho más. ¡Ven y únete a la diversión! Julio 14-18 lunes - viernes 9:00am-2:30pm Grados 1-6 ¡Almuerzo gratis! TOTUS TUUS PARA JÓVENES Los jóvenes se reunirán con el equipo de Totus Tuus por las tardes para la catequesis y compañerismo. Juntos llegan a conocer al Señor y amarlo más profundamente. Julio 13-17 7:00 – 9:00pm domingo - jueves Grados 7-12 Registración para todos, después de Misa este fin de semana. El espacio es limitado. PLÁTICAS PREMATRIMONIALES Las pláticas prematrimoniales ya iniciaron. Todas las parejas con planes de casarse este año, favor de comunicarse con German Juárez al 640-5782 o con Rosalba Cornejo al 394-1095 lo más pronto posible. CONVIVIO PARROQUIAL Los catequistas de la Liturgia de La Palabra para niños les hacen una invitación a toda la comunidad de Santo Tomas para un día de convivio que se llevara a cabo el domingo 15 de junio de 12:30pm–6:00pm en el Centro Parroquial. ¡Los esperamos! artesanales ACAMPADA PARROQUIAL FAMILIAR Celebrar La Fiesta de Santo Tomás Apóstol Fogata, Música, Bombones quemados, Desayuno ¡Traiga su tienda para acampar! ¿Preguntas? Llame al 865-986-9885 CARIDADES CATÓLICAS CENTRO DE AYUDA PARA EMBARAZOS COLECTA DE BIBERONES Este fin de semana, los feligreses de Santo Tomas tendrán la oportunidad de ayudar al Centro de Ayuda para Embarazos de Caridades Católicas, al llenar el biberón que recibirá con monedas (cambio), billetes o un cheque y regresarlo el siguiente sábado o domingo (14 y 15 de junio). Su generosidad hará una gran diferencia en las vidas de muchas mujeres y sus bebes. Gracias por su apoyo. CELEBREMOS EL SACRAMENTO Y COMPROMISO DEL MATRIMONIO El Obispo Stika celebrará tres Misas bilingües en nuestra diócesis este año en honor al sacramento del matrimonio. Las parejas tendrán la oportunidad de renovar sus votos durante la Misa y continuarán celebrando con familia y amigos en un almuerzo después de la Misa. Las fechas de las Misas en 2014 son: Sábado, 6 de septiembre de 2014 a las 11 a.m. Inscripciones hasta el viernes 29 de agosto Holy Family Church, 307 Black Oak Ridge Rd. Seymour, TN 37865 Sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014 a las 11 a.m. Inscripciones hasta el jueves 2 de octubre Holy Trinity Church, 475 N. Highway 92 Jefferson, TN 37760 Sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014 a las 11 a.m. Inscripciones hasta el viernes 14 de noviembre St. Stephen Church, 7111 Lee Highway Chattanooga, TN 37421 Inscríbase antes de la fecha límite y reciba un certificado conmemorativo y una foto profesional con el Obispo Stika por parte de la Oficina de preparación matrimonial y enriquecimiento. Para inscribirse contactar a Marian Christiana en mchristiana@dioknox.org ó 423-892-2310 o a Karen Byrne en kbyrne@dioknox.org o 865-584-3307. Por favor háganos saber: • Sus nombres como desean en el certificado • Cuántos años de casados tienen • número de personas que vendrán de su parte para el almuerzo Próxima noche de Diversión familiar: Viernes 13 de junio de 7-9pm. ¡No faltes, te esperamos! View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com View these Sponsors @ TheCatholicDirectory.com Southeast Pest Control For Advertising Information CALL BBB–rated A+ 986-2497 Since 1971 Tim Kukla–Affiliate Broker Cell: 865-403-0400 • Office: 865-986-4646 Tellico Village Resident/Agent 502 HWY. 321 N., Ste. B • Lenoir City, TN ELECTRICAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL LICENSED & INSURED 141 N. Martinwood Rd. Knoxville, TN 865-851-6238 $99 ACTIVATION & INSTALLATION John Tatman 753 Hwy. 321, Lenoir City, TN 37771 Joe Duby-Parishioner 865-363-6011 www.myelitechoice.com ConCord MediCAl Center 721 Hwy. 321 N 10215 Kingston Pike Suite C Suite 100 Lenoir City, TN 37771 Knoxville, TN 37922 Phone (865) 986-3283 Phone (865) 691-0733 865.986.1234 kjtatman3@yahoo.com www.bladefitnesscomplex.com Antoin MArdini, Md www.summitconcordmed.com Internal Medicine Accepting New Patients 1-800-282-5106 E & L BED & BISCUITS All Inclusive / All Suites Dog Boarding & Grooming Resort 2145 Beals Chapel Rd., Lenoir City Pets Are Our Kids! We treat your pets as our own. (865) 986-6325 mscsbedandbiscuits.com John and JeanAnn Carrigan, parishioners Tennessee Single Catholics 101 Cheeyo Way, Ste. E, Loudon Tellico Greens Shopping Center Next to Food Lion Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-2 865.458.3960 CatholicMatch.com/goTN Vickie Harness, Owner hablamos espanol 2404
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