Bulletin August 24, 2014 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Bulletin August 24, 2014 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
WEEKLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT SUMMARY & FISCAL YTD SUMMARY AUGUST WEEKLY INCOME CHURCH SUPPORT 8/3 8/10 17,549 14,006 11,547 Weekly Church Support Budget 17,549 Church Support (Offertory) 8/17 17,549 16,030 MASS INTENTIONS DEBT REDUCTION Mon Aug 25 @ 8:30AM Greg Zaar (dec) Weekly Debt Reduction Budget Tue Aug 26 @ 8:30AM Greg & Leann Zaar (dec) Debt Reduction Wed Aug 27 @ 8:30AM Joshua Fritz (dec) Thu Aug 28 @ 8:30AM Jerry Popp (dec) ATTENDANCE / ASISTENCIA Fri Aug 29 @ 8:30AM Zaar Family (int) Sat Aug 16 @ 5:00 PM 284 Sat Aug 30 @ 5:00PM Eleanor E. Beal (dec) Sat Aug 16 @ 7:00 PM 439 Sat Aug 30 @ 7:00PM People of St. Thomas Sun Aug 17 @ 9:00 AM 343 Sun Aug 31 @ 9:00AM Gerry & Jody Zaar (int) Sun Aug 17 Total @ 11:30 AM 279 1,345 Sun Aug 31 @ 11:30AM Jeffry Walsh (dec) PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Mary Ann Johnson, Betty Sprott, Berry Hill, Joyce Lewis, Julie Sheffer, Marian Knieriem, Alma Bennett, Jean Gondoly, Jeremy Tinsley, Angie Ovens, Murray Causey, Roy Walsh, Kelly Croswait, Margaret Holsenbeck, Dick Myers, John Bowser, Shirley Hetzel, Don Henry, Wanda Bolchko, Judi Sneesby, Gerry Zaar, Al Bartkoski, Christine Kingsbury, Joe Krzysik, Wes Becker, Joan Bonta, Joe Salada, Anna Aseltine, Marilyn Macheske, Shatha Ankawi, Cheryl Nadeau, Candi Smith, Red Gilbert, Mary Ann Herlihy, John Hvizdos, Jo Doster, Roberto Ibarra, Mary Ellen Gurbacki 6,923 4,090 6,923 3,050 6,923 3,507 COME EXPLORE CATHOLICISM Do you have a family member or friend who is interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Do you know someone who was baptized Catholic as an infant, but never received any other sacraments, or attended religious education or Mass while growing up? Are you a visitor, curious about what the Catholic Church teaches? Perhaps thinking about joining the Catholic Church? For more info, please call Edie Shanahan, 865-2719276, or els947@comcast.net. LITURGY OF THE HOURS – EVENING PRAYER CURSILLISTAS English-speaking women’s group meets on Thursdays at 7:30AM in the church. For information, call Bette Purvis 458-8070. For information about the English speaking men’s group, call Tony Hartman, 458-0936. Join the Regina Caeli Schola for sung Vespers each Tuesday at 5:30pm. ROSARY Immediately following Daily Mass. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY “What I have will belong to another someday, but what I am will be mine for all eternity.” View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 1 Friday, Sept. 5 from 9:00am – 3:00pm nd 2 Wednesday, Sept. 10 from 9:00am – 7:00pm 3rd Thursday, Sept. 18 from 9:00am – 7:00pm st DIOCESAN CAPITAL CAMPAIGN As you can see from the enclosed letter from Bishop Stika, the diocese is moving forward with a capital campaign that will benefit all of our parishes and the diocese. It will be comprised of a pilot wave and three subsequent waves as well as a major gift component. The pilot wave, which will include about 5-6 parishes will begin this September. I wanted to inform you that St. Thomas plans to be participating in the last phase of the campaign which means that our fundraising for the campaign will not begin until early 2016. However, in the meantime you may be contacted directly by the diocese to contribute to the major gift portion of the campaign. Over the coming months, we will begin to plan a project for our campaign as well as form committees to assist us with the campaign process. We will continue to inform you about our campaign planning phase through our website and the bulletin. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. In Christ, Fr. Doug Evenings with Father Doug RECONCILIATION Wednesday, September 10 6:30-8:00 pm St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Father Doug will enrich our understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and its three elements: Conversion, Confession and Celebration. Our main intention in this sacrament is to reconcile with God like the “prodigal son”; and to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest. Reading and listening to the Gospels we understand how important forgiveness of our sins is for all of us. Growing in holiness we will have a stronger sense of sin, sorrow for sins, and a need for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. No registration necessary. We will meet in the PFLC. MEN’S GROUPS STUDY OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION The book of Revelation will be a 10 week study for two men’s groups. Starting Monday, Sept 8 Bill Twohig will facilitate the study at 9:15 AM each Monday. Contact Bill 408-9783 to join the Monday study group. Starting Tuesday, Sept 9, Stu McFadden will facilitate the study at 9:15 AM each Tuesday. Contact Stu 458-3911 to join the Tuesday study group. The study book cost is $25 ADULT FAITH FORMATION PROGRAMS FOR FALL Time to register for the the Adult Faith Formation programs that will begin in September. Please stop by the registration table in the narthex after Mass. Two exciting DVD programs will be offered simultaneously in morning sessions and evening sessions. Fr. Robert Barron’s beautiful series, Catholicism, and Steve Weidenkopf’s, Epic. See descriptions, dates, and times below. Choose one or both. A Journey through Church History Presented by Steve Weidenkopf Mondays, Sept. 8 – Nov. 10 Facilitator – Jim Gescei 7:00–8:30 pm PFLC Thursdays, Sept. 11 – Nov. 13 9:30–11:00 am PFLC Facilitator – Jill St. Yves Church history is not just the recitation of popes, people, places and events: it is a story of adventure, intrigue, rebellion, reform and devotion. The story is our story: this is our family. Come and learn the true story of the Crusades, the Protestant Reformation, Spanish Inquisition, the major people and events of the past 2,000 years. Discover how the Catholic Church helped build a great civilization and spread the Gospel throughout the world. Catholicism Presented by Fr. Robert Barron Mondays, Sept. 8 – Nov. 10 7:00–8:30 pm PFLC Facilitator - Pam Wallace Thursdays, Sept. 11 – Nov. 13 9:30–11:00am PFLC Facilitator – Deacon Dave Lucheon What is Catholicism? In Catholicism, Fr. Robert Barron examines this question and more, bringing the mysteries of the faith to life. Beautifully filmed in more than 50 locations around the world, the 10 sessions of Catholicism unlock the beauty and truth of the Catholic Faith. WHAT THE ALL SAINTS PARISHIONERS SAID ABOUT THE ALPHA PROGRAM AT ALL STS PARISH FALL 2013 - register now space is limited “Before Alpha I would describe myself as a Sunday Catholic, after Alpha I am closer to the Holy Spirit and stronger in prayer – I am no longer a Sunday Catholic, it is part of me.” ~ George Fredrich View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com CREED kicks off this Sunday, August 24th with a new twist this year. Families can choose between an early session, 4:00-5:30pm or a later session, 6:30-8:00pm on CREED Sundays. Dinner will be served at 5:45pm for both sessions. So, come to the early session and then eat dinner or eat dinner and stay for the later session-either way CREED is a faith formation experience for the entire family and a wonderful opportunity to fellowship together. On August 24th, parents will have an opportunity to register for Religious Education and Youth Group and receive important information for the coming year. We look forward to seeing all of our families at CREED this year. Register for RELIGIOUS EDUCATION online: www.sthomaslc.com 2ND COLLECTION FOR TUITION SUPPORT Today is the Second Collection for Catholic School Tuition Support for our Catholic School Families in the Diocese of Knoxville. The Diocese of Knoxville Catholic schools provides spiritual and intellectual growth for over 3,100 students. We welcome you to visit the Diocesan website at www.dioknox.org/schools to find out more about our schools, including school highlights and links to individual school websites. For your convenience, you may now make a donation online. When you are on the school page, click button “Support Catholic School Tuition” and it will take you to a page to register, and once you have completed that process, you will be asked about your payment. Thank you! May God bless you for your generosity. MINISTRIES DAY The diocesan Office of Christian Formation is sponsoring a Ministries Day on October 18, 2014 at Sacred Heart Cathedral School in Knoxville. This event is open to all who share the Catholic Faith … Parents, Student Youth Leaders, Youth Ministers and Core Teams, RCIA Teams, Adult Educators, Liturgy & Ministry Teams, DREs, Catechists & Assistants, etc. Twenty-five individual workshops will be offered, including a Spanish tract – there will be something for everyone! Cost is $20 before October 11. After October 11, the cost remains $20 but lunch is not guaranteed. Sessions are first come, first served. Class sizes are limited, so register early to get your first choice. Registration forms are available at your parish or on the diocesan website under the Calendar page. View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com From the Music Ministry: NEW MASS COMING Our parish will begin using a new Mass setting this fall called The Mass of Glory. It is found in our hymnal on page 58. You should begin to start hearing parts of this Mass sung as a prelude to Mass each week by our choirs and cantors. In September you will begin hearing the Gloria sung as a prelude. We will incorporate the Gospel Acclamation and the Amen into our current Mass setting on the very first weekend in September. Then, each week we will add one new Mass part until we have incorporated all of them into our Mass setting. So, as we gradually add Mass parts, we will gradually move into this new Mass setting. By October we should be good to go with the entire Mass! However, have no fear! We will not abandon The Heritage Mass! We plan on returning to the Heritage Mass at Christmastime, as well as the Octave of Easter. We are planning on using Mass of Glory only during Ordinary Time. So, give a listen over the next several weeks. And then join us as we introduce this new Mass setting! THE ALPHA COURSE IT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Christianity interpreted in simple practical terms, in relation to the world we live in today. ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ Eight-week course meets, Tuesday evenings September 9th – November 4th Course begins at 6:15 pm and ends at 8:30pm Meal is served with each session – donations will be appreciated For more information, contact either: Deacon Dave Pecot, 865-458-9628 or Jill St. Yves, 865-986-9885 ext. 15 Registration Form: Please Print Complete this form & send it to the office / drop it in the collection basket or e-mail registration to: alpha_presentsknox@yahoo.com Name: _______________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City: _____________________ Zip: _______________ E-mail:________________________________________ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Volunteers needed the night of the event St. Thomas Casino Night Friday, September 26th from 6:30 – 10 pm Please visit www.sthomaslc.com for details. Please sign up on sheets in PFLC or e-mail Don Hoyle – donhoyle@charter.net or Donna Curry – dmcurry49@yahoo.com. ONE HEART ONE MISSION Wine/Cheese Party with Colombian Coffee/Dessert on Friday, October 3rd - 6:30 p.m. at Country Kinfolk Cafe in Lenoir City, TN -Tickets are $25 -Many prizes available including the first pen turned in Marsella, Colombia by Fr. Antonio -Entertainment and slide show throughout the party -For more info or to buy tickets call Sherry Qualkenbush 865-643-0750 or email us at oneheartmarsella@gmail.com CREED comienza este domingo 24 de agosto con un nuevo giro este año. Los domingos de CREED, las familias pueden elegir entre una sesión temprano, 4:00-5:30pm o una sesión más tarde, 6:30-8:00pm. La cena se servirá a las 5:45pm para las dos sesiones. Así que, comience con la sesión y luego se queda para la cena o venga a la cena y después a la sesión, de cualquier manera CREED es una experiencia de formación en la fe para toda la familia y una oportunidad maravillosa para compañerismo. El 24 de agosto, los padres tendrán la oportunidad de registrar a sus hijos para la Educación Religiosa y Grupo de Jóvenes (Youth Group) y recibir información importante para el año que viene. Esperamos ver a todas nuestras familias en CREED este año. R.I.C.A. RICA, Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos, es una “Jornada de Fe”, un proceso gradual de iniciación cristiana para aquellos adultos quienes: EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO 1er viernes, 5 de septiembre de 9:00am – 3:00pm 2do miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 9:00am – 7:00pm 3er jueves, 18 de septiembre de 9:00am – 7:00pm CAMPAÑA CAPITAL DIOCESANA Como pueden ver en la carta adjunta del Obispo Stika, la diócesis se está moviendo hacia adelante con una campaña de capital que beneficiará a todas nuestras parroquias y la diócesis. Se compone de una “oleada piloto” y tres oleadas sucesivas, así como un importante componente de un donativo. La oleada piloto, que incluirá cerca de 5-6 parroquias comenzará este mes de septiembre. Quiero informarles que St. Thomas planea participar en la última fase de la campaña lo que significa que nuestra recaudación de fondos para la campaña no comenzará hasta principios de 2016. De manera que, mientras tanto puede que usted sea contactado directamente por la diócesis para contribuir hacia la mayor parte de los donativos de la campaña. En los próximos meses, vamos a empezar a planificar un proyecto para nuestra campaña, así como formar comités para ayudar con el proceso de la campaña. Vamos a continuar informándole acerca de nuestra fase de planificación de la campaña a través de nuestro sitio web y el boletín. Por favor póngase en contacto conmigo si tiene cualquier pregunta o preocupación. En Cristo, Padre Doug 1. No han sido bautizados y quisieran ser recibidos plenamente en la Iglesia Católica a través del Bautismo. 2. Han sido bautizados en otra comunidad cristiana y buscan ser parte de la Iglesia Católica. 3. Han sido bautizados católicos como infantes, pero no han recibido los sacramentos de la Confirmación ni la Eucaristía. RICA comienza el domingo 7 de septiembre a las 5:00pm en el Salón de Diacono José Rivera del centro parroquial. Para más información contactar a Cayetano Perez (865) 635-6436 o Rolando Galicia (865) 363-9317 o la oficina (865) 986-9885. INFORME DEL COMPROMISO PARROQUIAL COLECTA DEL OBISPO 2014 Nuestra comunidad parroquial está participando activamente en la Colecta del Obispo 2014. La Colecta del Obispo ayuda a las parroquias y sostiene ministerios en toda la Diócesis. Su apoyo ayuda a la formación de sacerdotes, diáconos, y líderes de la parroquia; revela a Jesucristo a los demás a través de la educación religiosa y de los sacramentos, y cambia un sinnúmero de vidas a través del trabajo de Caridades Católicas. ¡Gracias por su apoyo! Meta Parroquial: $97,100 Compromiso Total: $105,420 Colectas a la Fecha: $84,232.50 Cantidad necesitada para alcanzar la Meta: $12,867.50 View this bulletin online at www.TheCatholicDirectory.com View these Sponsors @ TheCatholicDirectory.com Southeast Pest Control For Advertising Information CALL BBB–rated A+ 986-2497 Since 1971 Tim Kukla–Affiliate Broker Cell: 865-403-0400 • Office: 865-986-4646 Tellico Village Resident/Agent 502 HWY. 321 N., Ste. B • Lenoir City, TN ELECTRICAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL LICENSED & INSURED 141 N. Martinwood Rd. Knoxville, TN 865-851-6238 $99 ACTIVATION & INSTALLATION John Tatman 753 Hwy. 321, Lenoir City, TN 37771 Joe Duby-Parishioner 865-363-6011 www.myelitechoice.com 865.986.1234 kjtatman3@yahoo.com www.bladefitnesscomplex.com BED & BISCUITS All Inclusive / All Suites Dog Boarding & Grooming Resort 2145 Beals Chapel Rd., Lenoir City Pets Are Our Kids! We treat your pets as our own. ConCord MediCAl Center 721 Hwy. 321 N 10215 Kingston Pike Suite C Suite 100 Lenoir City, TN 37771 Knoxville, TN 37922 Phone (865) 986-3283 Phone (865) 691-0733 1-800-282-5106 E & L (865) 986-6325 mscsbedandbiscuits.com John and JeanAnn Carrigan, parishioners Antoin MArdini, Md Internal Medicine Accepting New Patients www.summitconcordmed.com Summit Medical Group at Fort Loudon Providing Compassionate, Patient-Centered Primary Care to Loudon County Since 1992 101 Cheeyo Way, Ste. E, Loudon Tellico Greens Shopping Center Dr. Gail-Marie Walter Board-Certified Family Medicine MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED For appointments, call (865) 986-4450 Summit Medical Group at Fort Loudon 1018 Highway 321 North Lenoir City, TN 37771 www.summitmedical.com Next to Food Lion Mon-Fri 9-5, Sat 9-2 865.458.3960 Vickie Harness, Owner hablamos espanol 2404
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