If unclaimed please return to - Canberra and Region Multiple Birth


If unclaimed please return to - Canberra and Region Multiple Birth
Two Up
If unclaimed please return to:
PO Box 1162
Two Up
Patron: Dr Tim McDonald M.B.B.S., F.P.A.C.P.
Founded in 1973
ASSOCIATION INC. (Affiliated with AMBA)
Objectives of the Club: to provide a means of communication for sharing information on the care and raising of
multiple birth children; social meetings and functions for its members; and to cooperate with related
organisations with related interests.
Membership: Open to parents and/or legal guardians of multiple birth children. Associate membership is
available to other interested individuals or groups.
Club Services: Hire of twin prams and strollers; a library specialising in multiple births, premature babies, older
twins and related topics; hire of breastfeeding pillows; new and expectant parent information sessions and
maternity and baby clothes are available for loan at no cost for two months (donations are welcome).
July –
Olivia and Ava Kenningham enjoying
rare cuddles
Obstetrician &
Gynaecologist and
also father of five
children including
8 year old twins,
Luke & Elizabeth
July-August 2011
Two Up
Outgoing President’s Report
Hello All,
This will be my last President’s Report in Two-Up as I am no longer president. The new
president voted in is Amelia Haddock. I have really enjoyed the people that I have met
during my time as president and am incredibly grateful to the committee members that
have supported me in this role. It is time for someone that is able to put more in to the position to take over, as
lately my family has required a lot of my time. I will continue on in the Special Needs role and like before am
happy for you to call or email me if you want someone to talk to. My dream of the Family Support Program is
nearly up and running and I ask that you support this program or if you need assistance contact Alex (in the
contact details section at the back of Two-Up). Once again thank you very much for joining CARMBA and
supporting us. I wish you all the very best with your multiples.
Incoming President’s Report
Firstly big thanks go to Adrienne Cottell as outgoing President, for her passionate and
dedicated contribution to CARMBA.
I am very excited to be taking on this role – especially with a fantastic Vice President to back me up in Ali
Mountifield. We are looking forward to a very busy time ahead for the CARMBA Committee, working to support the
multiple birth community in and around Canberra.
A little bit about me: well, if I seem familiar to you, it’s because until the end of last year I was the editor of Two Up.
My husband, Matthew, and I have identical boys who just turned two. I’m a Canberra girl, born and bred. And that
article I wrote for the last issue of Two Up on how to host a stress-free birthday party? If only I had taken my own
advice! The pictures tell the whole story...Oh well, live and learn (my motto since becoming a parent of twins!).
We have a really exciting program of events and activities for the 2011-12 CARMBA year. We are looking to improve
and upgrade our website and member-management systems, kick-off and officially launch the new Family Support
Program and establish a swimming program for multiples in partnership with the Queanbeyan pool. Stay tuned for
more exciting details, and as always, if you’re keen to lend a hand in any way (big or small) we would LOVE to hear
from you! In this edition, you’ll see little ads calling for helpers with fundraising efforts, the Family Support Program
and vacant committee positions. See the individual ads for contacts.
Our fundraising efforts continue, and before we know it, Christmas will be upon us, and plans for the next CARMBA
Fun Day are already underway!
If you have any suggestions, questions or thoughts on CARMBA, please feel free to contact me at
July-August 2011
Two Up
Note from the Editor
Hi Everyone,
I’d like to thank Adrienne for her wonderful time and all the things which she presided
over as CARMBA President and we welcome Amelia Haddock as our new President.
Well Winter is definitely upon us with that crisp Canberra chill in the air every morning. I
hope you are all keeping warm and well.
In this edition of Two Up we explore some challenges faced when having twins and we look at the
development of Children’s speech. We have articles ranging from a personal story about Juvenile Diabetes to
challenges with speech and the involvement of Breastfeeding.
We also launched out Water Awareness Program with the help of Laurie Lawrence; there is more information
on page 10. If you have anything you’d like to see in Two Up or any photos you would like to share with us
please email me at twoup@carmba.org.au
You are now able to keep up to date with everything CARMBA on our Facebook page. Our Facebook page is
going to have information about all upcoming CARMBA events, you are able to post about things you have for
sale or are looking to buy, any fundraising activities we have planned or simply any questions you may have
that you need answered.
You can find us here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/home.php?sk=group_230980323595260
Also don’t forget to check out our website: www.carmba.org.au which is being updated constantly with events
and information.
We look forward to seeing more of you around there.
Twin Emmalunga Pram with boot
cover and fly net. Comes with
adjustable seats - upright or flat.
New wheels and suspension.
Reversible push handle - kids can
face away or towards you,
Would you like
to ‘Go Green’ and
receive your copy of
Two Up electronically?
Storage basket.
Good condition.
Very reliable and easy to push.
$650 ONO.
If so, please contact Teresa Duve
at membership@carmba.org.au or
on 6299 0211
July-August 2011
Contact on:
AH: 6281 7241
BH: 6265 3003
Two Up
Happy Birthday!
For the month of July 2011 - best
wishes to:
Kane & Jai DANIEL
Jessica, Tara & Jacob MARSHALL
Rose & Sophie MCLOUGHLIN
Max & Harry SAISELL
Angus & Will CUPITT
Angelina & Dion KATTAS
Somon & Nomon VOS
Selena-Rose BOWER
Kate & Jack FALCONER
Andrija & Anthony RAKIC
Lachlan & Caitlin BREINER
Lily & Charlotte MULLINS
Oliver & Kaitlin HAMMOND
Ryan & Jackson CROWE
Seneca BOYCE
Griffith & Austin ZERK
1 year old
1 year old
1 year old
1 year old
2 years old
2 years old
2 years old
2 years old
3 years old
3 years old
3 years old
3 years old
4 years old
4 years old
4 years old
5 years old
5 years old
7 years old
7 years old
8 years old
10 years old
18 years old
28 years old
For the month of August 2011 - best
wishes to:
Monica & Charlotte BRIMMER
Ruby & Connor BROWN
Olivia & Phoebe WARREN
Willow & Sam ASHE
Aiden & Lachlan CRAWSHAW
Anneliese TURNER
Sasha MEAD
Solomon & Reuben VASSAROTTI
Joshua, Olivia & Jasmine MURRAY
Elise & Katelyn BIRCHALL
1 year old
1 year old
1 year old
1 year old
2 years old
2 years old
3 years old
3 years old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
5 years old
6 years old
6 years old
7 years old
7 years old
17 years old
A big congratulations and welcome to the newest additions to the CARMBA family:
Ilea & Conrad Buffier welcome twins Ellie & Amaya 23/4/11
Celia & Ricky Vuckovic welcome twins James and Alice 24/5/11
Samantha Layton of Campbell welcomed twins Scarlett and Ethan on 17/5/11
Kate and Kane Morse of Harrison welcomed twins Molly and Josie 8/6/11
Jean Stoff of Queanbeyan welcomed her twin boys Cyrus and Joel 16/6/11
We welcome the newest members to the CARMBA family:
Toni and Ben Smith of Gordon with twins due September
Erin and Ashley Haebich of Weetangera with twins Nathan and Gabriella
Skye and Carlo Cappucio of Dickson with twins Samuel and Nico
Kylie and Greg Waddington of Turner with twins Maxwell and Avelyn
July-August 2011
Two Up
By Adrienne Cottell
I am reluctant to tell our story and it has taken me a
Hannah was tolerating her condition and I was trying to
little while to get it into words, but I feel that it needs to
get my head around all the new requirements and
be told so that no other family with young multiples has
regime. On the Tuesday morning, I was racing around
to go through the same trauma.
to collect all of Hannah’s medical necessities and was
In January last year I guessed that Hannah (2 years 2
months) had diabetes as she was losing weight,
constantly eating and drank 3 litres of water in a day
whilst toilet training. I took her to my GP on a Friday
and by the next afternoon we were in Emergency. It
was agreed that night that Hannah was to stay in
dropping Olivia at day care to then pick Hannah up
from hospital. At that point I realised that Olivia was no
longer my Olivia.
She had stopped eating, talking,
smiling or laughing and using the toilet. I had a massive
feeling of dread, not only did I have a diabetic child
but did I also have an autistic child?
hospital and Olivia would be taken home, as her
Hannah’s condition required a lot of time from me and
Nanna just happened to be in town. It was the first time
she got a lot of attention as people learnt to deal with
in the girls’ lives that they were to be separated. This
her continuous blood sugar monitoring, needles and
made all of us cry; as Olivia did not want to leave her
carbohydrate counting.
sister, and I felt a huge loss due to their separation.
pushed into the background, which caused her to
It was hard going into hospital on a weekend as little
could be done until the Monday. So whilst Hannah and
I were in hospital, Olivia was stuck at home. I requested
that Olivia come in to be with Hannah, but was
convinced by well-meaning family members that it
would only increase the burden on me. I know now
that I should have trusted my own instincts and
demanded that she come to the hospital, at the very
least, just to spend time in the playroom with Hannah.
Olivia only got to see Hannah for 30 minutes a day.
Hannah was fine as she had a new environment to
explore and I was with her. I was informed that Olivia,
who was usually vital and full of life, just sat in front of
retreat even more.
Olivia was unfortunately
Olivia then started to develop
incredibly challenging behaviours which would leave
me in tears. She had lost so much weight (she already
was on the light side) by refusing to eat which in turn
caused Hannah to not eat which resulted in her
diabetes became harder to manage. Olivia continued
to be disengaged and just sat in front of the television
and did not interact.
In order to try and avoid her
losing more weight, I would have to spoon feed her
yoghurt and custard while she was watching television
and not paying attention. It got so hard that I begged
the Diabetes Team at the hospital to get Olivia an
emergency paediatric appointment.
the television. This was most unlike Olivia, as she rarely
Olivia was diagnosed with Post
stopped and never sat still.
On the third night I
Disorder, which is very hard to treat in a toddler. We
convinced the girls’ dad to stay in hospital (he had
agreed that Olivia and Hannah were not to be
been away and refused to come home early) so that I
separated for the next year or so.
could go home. When I arrived home Olivia cried the
most gut wrenching cry I have ever heard.
screamed uncontrollably for 30 minutes, clinging on to
me. It was so traumatising that I was left crying and
rocking her. She then whimpered for another hour. She
would not let go of me until she fell asleep.
July – August 2011
Traumatic Stress
Two Up
The other problem is that Olivia and Hannah have quite
strong ESP. When Hannah’s blood sugars were low or
We still have some residual behavioural issues – she is still
high, Olivia would throw a massive tantrum. At first I
grossly underweight (she only put on 50 grams in 6
didn’t pick it up on this fact and would be incredibly
months), but has now started to gain some weight and
stressed trying to treat Hannah, so Olivia would be told
still has a very high pitched baby voice. She acts out
off. Then it dawned on me. Now I blood test Hannah
when Hannah gets a lot of attention for her diabetes.
when Olivia is playing-up and treat two hypos if Hannah
Recently they changed Kindergarten and the staff had
is low (Olivia gets the juice too).
to spend a lot of time to learn Hannah’s pump and
In September, Hannah got a pump site infection and
regime. This caused Olivia to feel left out and I had two
deteriorated rapidly to semi consciousness.
weeks of hideous behaviour until the staff spent less
Both she
and Olivia were rushed to hospital and raced into
time with Hannah.
‘Rescus’ where we spent the next 2 ½ hours until
The reason for telling our story...
Hannah was stable. Several times staff tried to remove
Olivia, but I insisted she stay with Hannah. She lay on
If you have a gut instinct, follow it – I should
Hannah’s bed holding her hand and kissing her, telling
have followed mine and insisted Olivia be with
her that she loved her. Hannah never once pulled her
hand away. It was hard to watch, but made me realise
the incredible bond they have.
There is an incredible bond between twins
(mine are identical and had spent every
moment knowing where the other was).
Hannah was to be admitted and I insisted that Olivia
was to be with her, as per the paediatrician’s
And lastly, push the boundaries. If one of your
twins (especially if they are young) requires
instructions. We met a lot of resistance but this time I
hospitalisation and if you think that they should
stuck strongly to my guns and was not going to be
be together, and then insist. If Olivia had of
swayed. We arrived on the ward in Paediatric HDU at
spent three days in hospital with Hannah, we
4am and the three of us shared 2 beds. Although it was
would, most likely, not have gone through the
cramped and I had to do a lot of explaining, a miracle
months of pain and suffering we experienced.
happened. As Hannah began to get better and go to
the playroom, Olivia went too. I watched my incredibly
tortured child start to blossom, she started to smile and
giggle spontaneously.
If you have any concerns about your
children’s health, contact your local GP.
Hospital was no longer a
mystery. Within a month Olivia started to tell me she
was hungry and became toilet trained again.
For Sale
Mountain Buggy Twin Bassinette to fit any Double Mountain Buggy Urban, Elite and Duo models from last 5
years. Exc condition, used for 4 months. Black Colour. RRP$239, sell for $100
2 x cradle swings for sale (2 way motion, side to side and back to front). RRP $260, sell for $120
Fisher Price Rainforest Open Top Cradle swing. Exc condition, 18months old.
Bright Starts Bella Vista Cradle Swing. As new, 7 months old.
Please contact Amaly on 0403328378, tonyandamaly@aapt.net.au
July – August 2011
Two Up
Playgroup Reports
HOM Morning Tea
Central Morning Tea
Our June morning tea was a great success with four
mums getting together and can you believe it only six
kids. We visited the Thayer’s house as Elena’s boys are
Well Winter is here and although numbers attending the
morning tea have dwindled we still manage to hold the
morning tea every second week. We have a few
only five months old and she wanted us to go to her
rather than having to get them out of their routine,
not to mention the effort. We had an extra mum as a
lady from Dubbo gave birth to triplets two weeks ago in
Canberra and they are still in the NICU. She appreciated
getting out with other like minded mums for a chat.
expectant mums due soon and have gained a few new
members. Anyone interested in attending morning tea
at Chifley, it is held every second Thursday at 10:45am.
Melissa, whose triplets will be 7 in December managed
to join us as she’s on uni holidays. It was great to have
a catch up with her as well.
Winter is definitely upon us…
Queanbeyan and Southside have been hit with many illnesses
so we have not been able to hold all our usual morning tea’s
over the last couple of months. We are wishing those all
involved a speedy recovery and remind our CARMBA
members to check the calendar for your next morning tea.
Older Brother David, 4, is
enjoying some sunshine with
James and Claire who are 8
July – August 2011
Two Up
Learning to speak and listen What to expect in the first five years
By the age of four, your child should be able to:
Many parents wonder if children's language and listening
skills are developing normally. While individual children
develop their talking and listening skills at different rates,
there is a general pattern to children's language
• understand shape and colour names
• understand some "time" words, such as lunch time,
today, winter
• ask who, what and why questions
• use lots of words, about 900, usually in four to five
word sentences
• use correct grammar with occasional mistakes, such as "I
falled down"
• use language when playing with other children
• speak clearly enough to be understood by most people
By the age of one, your baby should be able to:
• respond to familiar sounds, such as the telephone
ringing, the vacuum cleaner, or the car in the driveway
• understand simple commands, such as "no"
• recognise their own name
• understand the names of familiar objects or people
• say "dad", "mumma" and a few other words
• enjoy songs, music and books
• try to make familiar sounds, such as car and animal
By the age of five, your child should be able to:
• understand opposites, such as high and low, wet and dry,
big and little
• use sentences of about six words with correct grammar
• talk about events which are happening, have happened
or might happen
• explain why something happens, such as "Mum's car
stopped because the petrol ran out"
• explain the function of objects, for example, "This
scrunchie keeps my hair away"
• follow three directions, for example, "Stand up, get you
shoes on and wait by the door"
• say how they feel and tell you their ideas
• become interested in writing, numbers and reading
• speak clearly enough to be understood by anyone
By the age of two, your toddler should be able to:
• say the names of simple body parts, such as nose or
• listen to stories and say the names of pictures
• understand simple sentences, such as "where's your
• use more than fifty words such as "no", "gone", "mine",
• talk to themselves or their toys during play
• sing simple songs, such as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star",
or "Baa baa black sheep"
• use some pronouns instead of names, such as "he", "it"
• try simple sentences, such as "milk all gone"
When to seek help
A speech pathologist is professionally trained to advise,
diagnose and work with children and adults who have a
communication disability. They work in a variety of
settings including schools, health centres, and hospitals or
in private practice.
Contact a speech pathologist if you are worried about
your child's speech or language, if your child sounds quite
different from the ages and stages outlined above, or if
your child's teacher is concerned.
Most speech pathologists belong to Speech Pathology
Australia, which are the official body representing speech
pathologists, the professionals who work with and
advocate for people who have a communication disability.
By the age of three, your child should be able to:
• understand how objects are used - a crayon is
something to draw with
• recognise their own needs, such as hunger
• follow directions
• use three to four word sentences
• begin to use basic grammar
• enjoy telling stories and asking questions
• have favourite books and television programs
• be understood by familiar adults
For more information visit the speech pathology website
or speak to your Doctor.
Taken from: http://www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au/library/2.2_Learning_to_speak_and_listen.pdf
July – August 2011
Two Up
Multiple Munchies
These are a quick and easy lunch you could get your children to help make.
English Muffin Pizzas
 1 split English Muffin
 pizza sauce
 pizza cheese (shredded)
 your favourite toppings such as: mushrooms, pepperoni, green pepper, pineapple,
1. Toast your English muffins.2. Spread pizza sauce evenly on muffin halves. 3. Sprinkle
cheese on top and add your toppings!
4. Put on tray and put into toaster oven set on broil. Cook for about 5 to 10 minutes
Special Offer for Multiple Birth Club!
Hire for Baby would like to extend a 10% discount on all hires and restraint fitting
services to the Multiple Birth Club. (Please present this letter for discount. Valid until
September 30th 2011.)
Hire for Baby services include:
For newborn babies:
baby capsules, travel systems, bassinettes, full size cots, Amby baby
hammocks, electric breast pumps, baby monitors, single and twin
strollers, and much more
For holidaying with children:
 car seats, portacots, lightweight strollers, high chairs, back-packs
 we can have customers baby equipment ready on your arrival at your
holiday accommodation
Providing Restraint fitting service:
 ensuring that children's’ car restraints are fitted correctly
Hire for Baby Advisor in the Canberra region is Nicole Nermansen
Email: canberra@hireforbaby.com Phone: 02 6140 2110
July – August 2011
Two Up
CARMBA Water Awareness Program
Kids Alive Do The Five and The Canberra and Region Multiple Birth Association (CARMBA) are calling for
volunteers to help families with regular swimming lessons for twins and triplets in the pool.
Swimming lessons can only be given to children if there is an adult in the pool holding each child and this can be
impossible for multiple birth families which leaves them at a disadvantage.
Accidental drowning accounts for 19 per cent of all child related deaths. Children aged less than 5 are most
vulnerable to drowning. Reasons for children drowning include lack of efficient water skills and lack of
resuscitation skills.
The CARMBA Water Awareness pilot program with Queanbeyan Aquatic Centre aims to increase water safety
awareness through a number of pool based activities for multiple birth families, including regular swimming
Volunteers are a critical element of the CARMBA Water Awareness pilot program and will assist families in the
pool during regular swimming lessons by accompanying a child aged between 4 months and 4 years old.
Anybody interested in volunteering can contact CARMBA on 0411 883 844 or email contact@carmba.org.au
If you would like to
participate in our Water
Awareness Pilot Program,
keep an eye out in coming
editions of Two Up
L-R: Alex Frawley, Evelyn Frawley, Laurie Lawrence, Lucy Smit,
Emma Lawrence and Hannah Smit
L-R: Laurie Lawrence, Ali Mountifield and Emma Lawrence
with Children Lucy, Hannah and Oscar Smit
L-R: Laurie Lawrence and Evelyn Frawley
July – August 2011
Two Up
Chatter and Challenges with Breastfeeding.
My best friend struggled to breastfeed her oldest
child when he was a newborn and eventually went
Breastfeeding twins (or more) is more difficult
than breastfeeding a single baby but many of the
to a bottle when he was six days old. Years later he
needed help from a speech pathologist because his
problems encountered whilst breastfeeding
multiples are experienced by those breastfeeding
speech was so delayed. It is hard to know if the
singletons. The advantages need to be weighed up
breastfeeding difficulty was because of those
problems that later needed speech pathology or
against any negative impact that can be
experienced in breastfeeding multiples. It is up to
whether these problems could have been
overcome if she had persisted with the
each family to work out what will work for them
but the longer your babies are breastfed the better.
breastfeeding. She decided to give up the
breastfeeding because it was causing emotional
trauma to her, her baby and her husband. For her,
the positive impact of this choice may well have
outweighed the negative impact of the early
As for my friend’s child, following speech
pathology he now speaks really well, is doing well
in school and has represented the region for
swimming so he seems to have made up for any
difficulties of the early months/years!
If you need support to continue breastfeeding for
Research shows that breastfeeding positively
impacts on babies’ ability to speak later. Dr Brian
a little longer or to overcome breastfeeding
challenges please contact me: often mothers find
Palmer has done research on the effects of
breastfeeding on the shape of the mouth,
particularly the palate, the teeth and the placement
of the mouth: "Breastfeeding is important to the
proper development of the swallowing action of
the tongue, proper alignment of the teeth, and the
shaping of the hard palate." All of these will have
an impact on speech development.
that information and support can help them
through the challenging emotional times most of
us experience with new babies.
Ros Lockley
Ros is a breastfeeding counsellor
with the Australian Breastfeeding
Association (ABA) and a mother of
Common sense says that the movement of the
tongue (which is pivotal to breastfeeding) and the
four children including 2½ year old
twins who were all breastfed. This
jaw (just watch your baby’s ears next time he/she
is breastfeeding) will be good exercise to prepare
for eating and speaking so the longer you can
article has been written by Ros using
her own research and experiences
breastfeed the better for speech development.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association has further information
on their website; www.breastfeeding.asn.au , as well as has a range
of helpful booklets on ‘Breastfeeding Twins’, ‘Breastfeeding
Triplets, Quads and More’, ‘Looking after Yourself’, ‘Survival Plan’
and ‘Postnatal Depression and Breastfeeding’ ($5 ea plus postage
from http://www.mothersdirect.com.au/).
and is not endorsed by ABA. She
can be contacted on 02 6286 5689
or at roskym@bigpond.net.au.
For information and help with breastfeeding, you can also ring the
ABA’s Breastfeeding Helpline 1800 68 62 68.
1. http://www.brianpalmerdds.com
2. Palmer, B. Breastfeeding: Reducing the Risk for Obstructive Sleep
Apnea. Breastfeeding Abstracts. 1999 February;18(3):19-20.
July – August 2011
The Australian Twin Registry is a not-for-profit organisation which facilitates and supports
medical and scientific studies that involve the participation of twins and/or their relatives, and
that use the special characteristics of twins to enable questions of health and wellbeing
relevant to Australians to be answered in ways that they otherwise could not. The Australian
Twin Registry is funded by the federal government through the National Health and Medical
Research Council in order to put researchers in touch with twins who might be willing to take
part in particular projects. More than 35,000 twin pairs have joined the Registry since its
beginnings, making it one of the largest volunteer registries of its kind in the world.
Registry twins/triplets are playing
an important role in the worldwide fight against disease, the
on-going quest for knowledge
about twins and multiple births,
and the search for answers to
the profound questions posed by
genetic research. A wide range
of research projects have been
undertaken in conjunction with
the Registry, including studies on
alcohol and tobacco use; asthma;
diabetes; anxiety; depression;
reading ability; osteoporosis;
heart disease; epilepsy;
dementia; eating disorders; male
infertility; premenstrual tension;
endometriosis; teeth; Attention
Deficit Disorder; Autism; and
All requests to use the Australian
Twin Registry are carefully
reviewed. Approved projects
must satisfy ethical guidelines
and be of significant value to the
area of proposed research.
Information concerning
individuals on the Registry is
strictly confidential; personal
details will not be given out
without prior consent.
If you are interested in finding
more about the ATR you can do
so via our website at:
www.twins.org.au or by ringing
freecall 1800 037 021
July – August 2011
Two Up
Two Up
Vegie Smugglers – Help raise money for CARMBA
‘Vegie Smugglers’ is a collection of easy to cook, healthy recipes
that your whole family will love.
With this clever cookbook at your side you’ll sneak carrots, beans –
even lentils – into tasty kid-friendly fare. Your kids will be happily
eating mushrooms at one meal and broccoli at the next! With handy
sections including prepare ahead, quick meals and freezing, Vegie
Smugglers is designed to help even the busiest Mums and Dads
make mealtimes a dream. Each recipe has great photos, easy to
follow instructions and simple ways to convert kid-friendly winners
into grown-up gourmet – no more cooking twice in one night!
Cost: $30
CARMBA retains $12 per copy
Email: twoup@carmba.org.au if you would like to purchase a copy
Themes for Two Up!
Do you have an issue you’d
like to read more about in
Two Up? Please let us know!
We’d love to hear from you!
Please email
Liam and Tom having lots of fun together
July – August 2011
Two Up
School Aged Multiples
Fast forward 6.5 years and it continues, with
more swapping of personalities than I can
remember. Grace now eats like a horse, sleeps
like a baby, is an angel at school, passing
everything with flying colours and not a single
complaint from anyone....she gets more school
awards and invites to birthday parties than you
can poke a stick at. Aidan on the other hand,
has been a right royal terror for quite some
time...not sleeping, refusing to eat his dinner,
detention, sent to the principal's office, notes
coming home, no playtime, etc. So what do
you do????
Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all winning the war with cold
and flu and the general freezing weather we
are experiencing. This issue's article is all
about a common challenge us parents with
multiples face - what do you do when you have
a 'good' twin and a 'bad' twin? (HOM parents, I
am sure you experience this but with a 2:1
I can tell you I have experienced this issue a lot
over the last 6.5 years. Occasionally I have
both twins either good or bad, but more often
than not, it is one child being an angel and the
other one being a horror. Let me start at the
beginning...even when my darlings were in my
tummy I sensed two very different babies.
Aidan barely moved and therefore had me
panicking for most of the last trimester,
whereas Grace just kicked and elbowed the
crap out of my ribcage - this continued during a
very long and painful labour. Come delivery
time and Aidan barely cried and went to sleep Grace however; (you guessed it) screamed the
hospital down and wanted her mother NOW.
Well that pretty much continued for the first
year - Aidan was the placid boy who turned out
to be a brilliant feeder and sleeper; nothing
phased him. I often said if Aidan was a
singular baby, oh how my mat leave and
introduction to parenthood would have been
nothing but bliss. But no, Grace would not let
that happen - she was the baby from hell. She
was the cranky and wirey baby - never happy
and generally always ticked off about
something - whether it was not settling, not
wrapped enough, not getting enough cuddles,
hating being changed, hating the bath and
feeding was a nightmare (even the midwives
told me to put her on formula because she was
waking up the entire nursery at John James, I
kid you not).
July – August 2011
For multiple children according to Christina
Baglivi Tinglof in her book "Parenting SchoolAge Twins and Multiples", 'it's a bit easier to
break the rules when you have someone else
who's willing to break them with you.' How
true. Some other interesting observations and
suggestions she made were:
* From the time they can crawl all the way
up through the school years, multiples will
inevitably argue over toys - so learn to deal
with it pretty quick
* Resist the temptation to buy two (or more)
of everything - twins and triplets need to learn
to share - a great alternative is to choose the
toys carefully, such as one football, one car and
one truck, etc.
* To counteract toy fights, buy items that
have many different parts, such as lego or
blocks - great for thinking, problem solving and
fine motor skills too
* Solo play for a twin is great - just because
they have spent the whole day together, does
not mean that they must play with the other as
soon as they get home
* Twins and triplets, especially around school
age, are experts at finding their sibling's
weaknesses and exploiting them to their
advantage - beware of this if you haven't
worked it out already!
* Never punish both twins (or all triplets)
simply because you didn't see who did the
crime - say something like "I know whoever did
it will tell me they did it" or words to that effect
to make it clear that they must take
responsibility for their actions - obviously the
older the kids the easier this should be to
* Never compare one child's actions to the
other(s) by way of shaming
* If your multiples fight a fair bit, pick your
battles i.e. - deal with the really bad fights,
don't always intervene - they need to work out
their differences sometimes
* If the 'bad' child needs time out, make sure
they are not in sight of the other one who will
tease them and it will defeat the purpose (trust
me, my two do that all the time!)
* Notice and praise good behaviour in
individuals if you see it - any positive
reinforcement does wonders
* Be aware that if one of your children
suddenly starts using negative (and usually
attention-seeking) behaviour, it is often their
way of saying they need mum or dad time.
Instead of punishing them which only makes
their behaviour worse, try to give them some
extra cuddles or assurance because that is what
they feel is missing (I know how hard this
sounds when your child has pushed your
buttons all week!)
Some other good old advice I can offer (from
firsthand experience) is to stay firm and let the
recalcitrant one know that their behaviour is
unacceptable. Do your best to reward the good
child and not the other - very hard to do I
know, especially when you are outnumbered :)
The key is to let them know that you are the
boss and any attempt to be naughty, or indeed
success in being difficult, is not on. Sometimes
I know it is easier to just let them get away
with it, especially when all concerned are tired
and all you want to do is get them fed, bathed
and in bed, or stop making a scene where this
is all happening (i.e. - in public like shopping
centres where you just want the floor to
swallow you up).
July – August 2011
Some days you just think "what on earth is
going on" when the 'good' child becomes the
horrible one and vice versa...even worse is
when they swap back again as quick as a flash
and you forget which is which - yes I've done
with my two - totally forgot which child was a
terror the day before!
If you are noticing behaviour that is continuing
over many days, star charts and reward stickers
often work well. If your darlings are constantly
fighting, you may need to put them in separate
bedrooms, if you can. Teachers are also a great
source of information about what your kids are
doing at school and they can make suggestions
too - most of them have seen it all. If your
kidlets are fighting at school you can always put
them in separate classes, if they have
constantly been together since day one. You
know your kidlets better than anyone else
though, and I would strongly suggest you
discuss the issue with the school before you
make that decision, especially if they are in
Year 1 or higher.
And finally remember that parenting is hard and if you ask me, with multiples it can be
VERY hard - some days kids will be kids and
you just have to do the best you can....and I
hear you all, it's far easier said than done.
Good Luck!!
9 month old Nathan and Gabriella Haebich
Two Up
Weekend Activity – Gluten Free Play Dough
Two Up
What You Need:
1 cup rice flour
1 cup corn flour
1 cup salt
4 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 cups hot water
2 teaspoon vegetable oil
Food colouring
Mix all ingredients in a saucepan over a low heat until all is combined well and a dough
consistency is reached.
Let it cool completely before giving it to your child to play with.
Store in an airtight container or resealable bag to extend the dough's play life.
CARMBA in association with Baby & Kids Market Canberra are offering members a discounted rate for hire of tables for the Markets held on
7 May and 5 November 2011. This deal is run in place of our usual Buy n’ Sell Market.
This deal is for CARMBA members only. Tables will be $32, which is a discount of $20. This discount only applies to the Markets held on 7
May and 5 November 2011.
Email: contact@carmba.org.au
to book your table.
July – August 2011
Two Up
1 x Black ABC Twin Adventure Buggy side-by-side pram (designed in NZ by Phil & Ted Green). VG cond. Retails in Aust. through GoBubbaGo for
$1199. Sell for $600.
2 x Mothers Choice ‘Jacoma’ Car Seats, newborn to 18kg (reward & forward facing), manufact.08, used for 2.5yrs, no accidents, VG cond. $75
1 x Multi-function Porta-Cot, had little use, excellent condition. $60.
1 x Basic Porta-Cot, had little use, excellent condition. $45.
1 x Mamas & Papas Star-Lite baby swing, EX cond., paid $260 new. Sell for $140.
1 x Outdoor Baby Twin Breastfeeding Pillow, VG condition. $50.
1 x Outlook Shade-a-babe double pram shade/wind cover, hardly used. $30.
1 x Valco Baby Cocoon carrier travel bed, black, VG condition. $30.
2 x Kidsline cot bedding sets (1 x Pooh Bear, 1 x Barn Yard), VG cond. $40 each.
1 x Ryco 4in1 Baby Carrier, hardly used, excellent condition. $20.
1 x Fisher Price Brilliant Basics Big Discovery Table, VG cond., in box. $20.
1 x Fisher Price Brilliant Basics Activity Walker, VG cond., in box. $15.
Large selection of baby & little girls’ clothes (sizes 000-2), many sets x 2 for dressing matching twin girls.
PLUS MORE baby & toddler gear & toys in great condition – too much to mention!
Call Kath on 0458 728 101 or email: katherinemcclelland@bigpond.com for a COMPLETE list of items, more info or to come and have a
The Fun Factory
Indoor Adventureland
$4 per child on Thursdays for multiple birth
11 Nyrang Street, Fyshwick
Open 7 Days
9.30am to 5.00pm
Ages 1-3 $6.50
Ages 4-10 $8.50
Ph 6295 0033
The perfect venue for your child’s party.
July – August 2011
Two Up
CARMBA's Family Support Program:
Families and Volunteers required.
CARMBA is proud to introduce the Family Support Program. This program seeks to provide assistance to
multiple birth families in need, as adapting to a newborn baby is a challenge all by itself and raising multiples can
be even more challenging financially, physically and emotionally for all members of the family.
The Family Support Program aims:
" ...to provide emotional, physical and material support to multiple birth families in need so that they can enjoy
a harmonious home environment, quality family time and emotional well-being".
The program will be offering support in the following areas:
 Buddy link - linking existing members with new members for support, and
 In home support - linking volunteers with families for support in day to day child related duties and light
household chores.
Can you help?
Working with multiple birth families is a very rewarding role, there are a number of areas we are seeking support:
1. CARMBA is seeking volunteers from the community to provide much needed in home support to multiple
birth families with child care and light household duties (e.g.: feeding, nappy changing, washing, vacuuming,
even lawn mowing). No experience is necessary.
2. CARMBA is also appealing for current members to register to become a buddy to families with similar
situations. Buddies are asked to provide advice, support and friendship to new members.
3. Program posters are needed to be distributed and displayed. If you are able to display a poster at work or
somewhere else in public view, please let us know.
Do you need help?
To qualify for assistance through the Family Support Program, families must meet the following criteria:
Be the primary carer for twins or Higher Order Multiples (HOMs) under school age;
Be a current member of CARMBA; and
Reside in the ACT or the surrounding areas (Bungendore, Cooma, Jindabyne, Yass and the NSW South
For more information, to volunteer or to register for assistance contact Alex at fsp@carmba.org.au
CARMBA Committee meetings are held on the second
New and Expectant Parent Information
Monday of every month.
Our next meeting will be held on Monday July 11th
Dates: 5th September & 7th November
2011. Meetings are held in the Meeting room in
If you are interested in attending contact
QE11, 129 Carruthers St Curtin.
Petrina Cole
Email: contact@carmba.org.au to let us know.
Email: infosessions@carmba.org.au
July – August 2011
Two Up
Club Member Discounts
The following businesses generously offer discounts to CARMBA members on their products
and services. Please consider purchasing from them and show your CARMBA membership
card to receive a discount. We would also love to hear your suggestions for any other
businesses which may wish to offer our members a discount for advertising in Two Up. Please
contact Catherine (president@carmba.org.au or 6241 0726). Unless otherwise stated, the
following discounts exclude items on special and lay-bys.
Bulk Buy Express - offer a 10% discount to all
CARMBA members. Tel: 6238 1816
Hire for Baby – 10% discount on hire of twin
strollers. Hire two or more of the same item
and receive a 10% discount. Complete
baby equipment hire service from capsules
to cots to prams. Tel: 6296 6550 or 02 6140
Baby Direct – 5% discount when buying two
of any item. 10% discount for parents of
HOMs. Tel: 6280 6680.
Zamboni Comedy Magician – 10% discount
on all shows for children’s parties. Tel: 0423
522 585.
Studio MAP - art classes and workshops for
kids and teens focussing on painting and
drawing. 5% discount on term fees for
enrolments of more than one child and a
further 10% discount on early bird
enrolments (a saving of just over $100!). Tel:
6295 2721.
Bentley’s Hair Jamison – 20% for the whole
family! Tel: 6251 2681.
Sun Protection Connection – 10% discount
on all items. Tel: 6230 2887.
Kids Essentials – 10% off RRPs. Tel: 6260 4604.
Rise + Shine – 10% discount when buying
two of any item. Tel: 6239 1999.
Carlee Children’s Wear – 10% discount
when buying two of any item. Tel: 6230
Scallywags Shop – 15% discount on multiple
purchases of cots, mattresses, cradles,
change tables, car seats and highchairs.
5% discount storewide to Scallywags Club
members (free to join). Tel: 6293 1114.
Retro Kids – 10% discount on all purchases,
trade-ins welcome. Tel: 6251 0645.
July – August 2011
If you know of a business
or own a business that
offers a multiple birth
discount to CARMBA
members, email:
with the details.
Two Up
July 2011
Session –
Morning Tea
*HOM &
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
Meeting QEII
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
July-August 2011
Two Up
August 2011
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
Meeting QEII
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
Morning Tea
July-August 2011
Two Up
CARMBA Contacts
CARMBA Contacts
Committee Members
Membership Secretary
AMBA Liaison
Hire Coordinator
Newsletter Editor
Newsletter Distribution
Breastfeeding Pillow Hire
Contact Officers
Clothing Pool
School-Aged Multiples
Public Officer
Media Liaison
HOM Adviser
Information Sessions
Hospital Visitor
Website Coordinator
Area Reps & Event Hosts
Queanbeyan Rep & Host
HOM Rep & Host
Northside Rep & Host
Central Rep & Host
Southside Rep & Host
Yass Rep & Host
Support Contacts
Family Support Program
Breastfeeding Multiples
Special Needs
Bereavement Support
Amelia Haddock
Ali Mountifield
Briony Templeton
Jessica Griffiths
Teresa Duve
Linda Nitschke
Amelia Haddock
Peta Kenningham
Teresa Duve
Amelia Haddock
Dianna Fitzsimons
Amelia Haddock
Emma Griffin
Amanda Hayes
Robyn Porter
Alex Frawley
Ali Mountifield
Petrina Cole
Lerissa Reilly
Andrew Gray
0421 993 358
0411 250 758
0404 347 162
0412 801 562
6299 0211
0430 562 675
0421 993 358
0409 662 983
0404 940 729
0421 993 358
0411 883 844
0414 882 579
6248 8410
0429 878 557
0407 223 600
0438 364 541
6231 7528
6223 2544
6294 6255
0422 515 360
Teresa Duve
Ali Mountifield
Sara Bates
Dianna Fitzsimons
Robyn Baker
Christie Boyd
Angela Stewart
6299 0211
0411 250 758
0408 279 558
6282 1249
6294 8231
0407 983 302
0438 661 604
Alex Frawley
Ros Lockley
Bronwyn Messenger
Peta Martin & Dulce
David Jones
Clare Kelly
0438 364 541
6286 5689
6258 9872
0412 127 091
6254 1435
6299 8218
6294 0862
Male Support
Caesarean Birth
Other Useful Contacts
ACT Infant Restraint Loan Service
ACT Playgroup Association
Australian Breastfeeding Association
Australian Twin Registry
Centrelink Family Payments
Child Health Clinics
Health Direct
Postnatal Parenting Information & Referral Service
6290 2244
6251 0261
6258 8928
1800 037 021
13 61 50
6207 9977
6207 7777
6205 8800
6205 2000
July-August 2011