ix concurso internacional de calidad aceite de oliva virgen extra de
ix concurso internacional de calidad aceite de oliva virgen extra de
XV International Contest of Organically Produced Extra Virgin Olive Oil Considering that the incitement of the quality of the organically-produce extra virgin olive oil is important. Considering that it is important to award the best organic extra olive oil brands in order to contribute to their and their commercialization. Furthermore, holding an tinternational competition will assist in supporting these objectives, the organisers; Delegation of Córdoba, the town hall of Pozoblanco and the Association Valor Ecológico have decided to announce the 15th International Contest of organically produced extra virgin olive oil, following: RULES AND REGULATIONS I.- Participation I.1.- This competition is open to the owners of oil mills, bottling companies and authorised distributors registered in the databases of the corresponding Organic organic certification bodies and that do not possess any withdraw authorisation. I.2.- Participating in this competition implies the acceptance of these rules and regulations, and the final decision of the judging panel. II.- Accepted oils to enter into the competition II.1.- The competition is open only to extra virgin olive oils, obtained from certified organically produced olives, harvested in the 2014/2015, season, pursuant to the provisions of Council Regulation (EC) 1638/98, of 20 July, amending Regulation No 136/66/EEC, on the establishment of a common organisation of the market in oils and fats. These oils must comply with the requirements established for extra virgin olive oils pursuant to Commission Regulation (EC) No 640/2008 of 4 July on the characteristics of olive oil and oliveresidue oil and on the relevant methods of analysis, or with the equivalent official regulations in non-European conuntries. II.2.- Every oil sample entered in the competition must come from a batch that is available on the market or that has been prepared to be brought to market during the current year. The organisation may request documents to prove this fact (dispatch note, sles invoice, warehouse stocks, bank movements or whatever is deemed necessary to prove that is is a batch that can be brought to market). Every sample must come from a batch of a minimum of 3.000 litres. II.3.- Ther is an entry fee of € 65 (including tax) per sample were stable from the second sample 20% discount, you must enter the name of Asociación Valor Ecológico CAAE the account BBVA: ES37 0182 5566 72 0201506789 Proof of payment must be sent to the following email: comunicacion@ecotrama.org III.- Sample sendig and collection III.1.- For each sample entered in the competition, it is necessary to send 6 bottles with a capacity of 0,5 litres (or an equivalent amount in another format) with their labels, hermetic seal and with the batch number stated on the label or bottle, just as they are brought to market. III.2.- Each sample (of 6 bottles) must be sent in a single package, including the registration form giving the competitor´s data, the batch number of the oil entered in the competition and documentation proving that it has been certified by an organic farmeng control body. XV International Contest of Organically Produced Extra Virgin Olive Oil IV.- Tasting Panel and sample evaluation. Given that there are methods for checking the origin of the oil through advanced analysis, the organisation may perform this check, and the competitor must allow a sample to be taken from the tank or the batch that has been brought to market, if required. For this reason, the competitor should keep at least 200 litres during 30 days following the decision of the judging panel. This is how the origin of the competing oils will be guaranteed, especially for winning oils. At the discretion of the organisation and in order to guarantee the origin of the oil, the product may be traced, starting with the batch number stated on the label. Samples are to be sent to the address given below. Please write "XV Concurso Internacional de Aceite de Oliva Virgen Extra Ecológicos" in large, clear letters, on the outside of the package. Address: Centro Agropecuario Provincial. Diputación de Córdoba. Ctra. de Córdoba-Alcolea, km 395 14014. Córdoba Tfno.: 957 32 53 13 III.3.- Any costs arasing from the actions described in the preceding sections are to be faced by the competing company. III.4.- The deadline to entry in the competition is 12 february 2016. IV. 1.-The Ecotrama Organising Committee will appoint a Competition Manager with an outstanding professional reputation and extensive experience in the subject. His or her role will be to ensure compliance with these Rules and Regulations and to safeguard the total anonymity of the samples. The Competition Manager will not participate in the tasting. IV. 2.- Expert judging panels will be set up and each judging panel will belong to an independent organoleptic judging table, wich will work under the management of a Table Chair. The Competition Manager will appoint the members of the judging panel and the chair for each table. IV. 3.-Finalist oils will be tasted by the judging panels and each will be given an averege score per table, with a maximum score of 100. The Table Chair will notify the Competition Manager of these scores. IV. 4.- The Competition Manager will then calculate the avereges of the evaluations from the tables and use these calculations to organise all the oils tasted in order of their score. The judging panels will be required to respect the absolute anonymity of the samples and are to correctly complete the tasting forms, with the scores that they deem appropriate. The Table Chair may significantly different from the average awarded by the judging panel they represent. IV. 5.-Tasting will take place on 20 february 2016 XV International Contest of Organically Produced Extra Virgin Olive Oil V.- Tasting procedure. V.1.- The Competition Manager will assign a code to each of the samples entered, which will be kept in a sealed envelope until tasting is complete. V.2.- The oils will be served in standard tasting conditions, in coloured glasses and at appropriate temperatures and each will be identified by a code assigned by the Competition Manager. V.3.- The Competition Manager, aware of the codes assigned to the samples, will produce the list of names of the oils and their scores, and will make the Competition decision public at the end of the tasting. VI.- Prizes. VI. 1.- The GOLDEN ECOTRAMA will be awarded to oils with more than 75 points and the SILVER ECOTRAMA to those with 70 to 75 points. VI. 2.- The Diputación de Córdoba Special Award will be given to the oil whose samples receives the highest score in the competition. VI. 3.- All prize-winning oils will receive a certificate of the prize obtained, signed by the Competition Manager. VI. 4.- Winners will be notified of their prizes, and they may show these awards on the packaging of their winning oils. VI.5.- There will be a public ceremony to present the prizes. Deadline to suscribe until 12th february 2016 Further information 955 018 961 comunicacion@ecotrama.org www.ecotrama.org