“WEEKLONG HORSEBACK RIDING ADVENTURE” From Guanajuato City to San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato – México www.coyotecanyonadventures.com “WEEKLONG ADVENTURE FROM GUANAJUATO TO SAN MIGUEL” Coyote Canyon Adventures is proud to offer this amazing adventure that will take you across the outstanding sierra or mountain range that once crossed on horseback the Mexican heroes of Independence, between the towns of Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende. It’s 6 days on horseback and 5 nights camping outdoor in the Guanajuato mountains –all the equipment is provided to guarantee a deep and resting sleep after riding for 3 to 6 hours a day. Once at the camp, you may spend the rest of the day still riding, if you feel like it, or either exploring on foot the mysteries of that historic land such as rivers, waterfalls and a hidden graveyard where the runaway revolucionarios that stayed hidden from the army in those mountains where buried, along with their treasures… www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 2 GUANAJUATO CITY The ci ty of Guanajuato is one of the mos t cha rming des tina tions in the nati on. Decla red a World Heri tage Si te by UNESCO, the ci ty’s histori c center will impress you with its unique structure and architecture, built in the colonial era during the mi ning boom between the 16th a nd 18th centuries. As you walk down the s treets and alleyways you’ll come across spots that ha ve inspi red the crea tion of myths and legends ,such as the famous Callejón del Beso (Alley of the Kiss ). You’ll also be able to walk through underground tunnels tha t connect one side of the ci ty to the other. At the plazas and fountains you will enjoy the mos t delightful tranquility –something reall y valuable in the otherwise bus y ca pital of the state. Va rious cul tural events also take pla ce in the squa res and s treets , such as the Cervantino International Festival, whi ch brings together many a rtists of di verse cul tural and artistic disciplines. www.coyotecanyonadventures.com DID YOU KNOW…? - Guanajuato has the most original Mummy Museum, displaying the local findings after a natural mommification process. - More than half of a million people enjoyed the 450 cultural events of the 40th Festival Cervantino 2012. 3 Weeklong > Guanajuato City www.coyotecanyonadventures.com SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE Sa n Mi guel de Allende is undoubtedl y one of Mexi co’s most beautiful colonial towns, i ts ri ch history da ting ba ck over four-hundred and fi fty years . San Mi guel is a town whi ch has a rt running deep wi thin i ts veins and plays hos t to an incredible va riety of celebra tions , fes ti vals and events , as well as worl d class concerts and theatre productions. Decla red World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2008, San Miguel has a magic of i ts own tha t captures the visitors ’ hea rts from the very firs t moment. Cradle of the Mexi can Independence, nowada ys San Mi guel stands as one of the mos t cos mopolitan cities in Mexi co. The key for success is its very interes ting cul tural melting pot, wi th its notorious Otomi des cent –the Cañada de la Vi rgen pyra mids ca n prove it– a nd residents from all over the world. DID YOU KNOW…? - 12.000 foreign residents live full or part-time in San Miguel, about 7.000 of these from the US. - Listed as one of the safest destinations in Mexico and the w orld by Travel & Leisure, Condé Nast Traveler and the Lonely Planet Guides. For those who enjoy fine dining, dancing, and shopping, San Mi guel will surel y be keeping you very bus y wi th i ts colorful assortment of restaurants , night-life, bouti ques, art galleries, pastry s hops and markets. www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 5 Weeklong > San Miguel de Allende www.coyotecanyonadventures.com Weeklong > San Miguel de Allende www.coyotecanyonadventures.com Weeklong > WEEKLONG ADVENTURE After ha ving thoroughly explored Guanajuato, your Mexi ca n Horseback Adventure begins as we work our wa y through the beautiful, a nd windy colonial ci ty. This fi rs t part of our ri de takes us not only through the town a nd i ts lavish historical district, but a lso down into its uni que tunnel system underneath the ci ty, which was once us ed to channel its ri ver. Once we a re on the edge of town we have a quick stop to s a y goodbye. We say goodbye to ci vilization. You say goodbye to your everyday world, and we prepare to enter a very different reality. From thi s point on we spend the next 6 da ys riding over mountains, high desert plains, rolling hillsides, a nd a cros s various river valleys on our faithful horses. You wi l l also have opportunities to hike and swim i n these na tural areas. The vi ews a re always spectacular, i n every di rection, and the landscape can change dra matically from one hour to the next. In the mountains we will explore both oak and pine gallery forests. The vi ews from the top of these mountains are a bs olutely breathtaking! www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 8 Weeklong > www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 9 Then a t other ti mes we a re exploring high desert plains l i ke a l onesome band of renegades reminiscent of Spa ghetti Westerns. You will forge a cross rivers a nd herd l ivestock. You will a lso get to l earn how to use a rope, a nd possibly even lasso a s teer with i t. We will expl ore remote vi llages a nd eventually a rrive a t one of the mos t beautiful colonial towns of all ti me. San Mi guel de Allende. Throughout all of this ti me you will come to form a uni que bond with your horse that you will come to cheri sh. You will find that your horse does not merely ca rry you a cros s the countryside, ra ther he helps to ground you to the earth, a nd to commune with God a nd the magnificent natural world around us. www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 10 Weeklong > www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 11 Weeklong > Ea ch of the 6 nights of our journey a re s pent a round the wa rm ca mpfire and under the moon and stars. A full s et of ca mping gear i s provided, including i nflatable mattresses for a good night's rest. All meals are a lso included, a nd a full ki tchen and support a nd s taff will be on site at base camps a l ong with tra nsportation for all of your ca mping gear a nd pers onal belongings. Ri ders s hould bring the essential items on the following list: Jea ns (2pair), l ong sleeve shirts (3), t-s hirts (3), s ocks (7pa i r), s unblock, personal medications, ca mera with extra ba tteries a nd memory, a nd a good pocket knife or multitool . There will be a s hopping tri p a vailable the day before our ri de begins to give ri ders the opportunity to purchase boots, ha ts , spurs, coats, and other gear a nd leather goods i n Leon, Gua najuato, which is known as the l eather capital of Mexi co. Here you ca n expect to find top quality l eather goods a t ½ or ⅓ the price you would normally pay el sewhere. Equi pment included: necessary ta ck and riding equipment, tents , sleeping bags, folding chairs, folding tables, ice chests, l a nterns and flashlights, full kitchen staff and gear, a nd i nflatable mattresses for a n extra comfortable nights sleep. www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 12 Weeklong > www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 13 Weeklong > 7 days/6 nights All inclusive price - $2,000 dollars per person (rappelling included) Mi ni mum group size - 5pa x. Ma xi mum group size - 15pa x Ri ding ti me ra nges from 4 - 6 hours per day + a dditional ri ding i s a vailable i f desired. In the ca se of requiring a s lightly s horter or longer itinerary s i mply ca lculate the price per night at 333 dollars per night. It i s recommended that you plan to s pend one or two nights i n the ci ty of Guanajuato before the ri de, and 3+ ni ghts i n San Mi guel de Allende a fterwards so that you can have s ome time to enjoy these amazing historical towns. We would be happy to hel p you with all of your additional a ccommodations. We ca n provide an optional transportation and food servi ce for ri ders who would like to have friends a nd family joi n them a t ca mpsite for the second half of the day. These additional guests would need cover a 40 dollar per person fee, which woul d cover dinner, access to hike a nd explore the a rea we are ca mped at, refreshments, a nd the transportation to-and-from Sa n Mi guel (4 person minimum). Additional guided riding tours coul d be arranged for vi siting friends a nd family a t an extra cos t. www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 14 Weeklong > www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 15 Weeklong > www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 16 More info & reservations: info@coyotecanyonadventures.com coyotecanyonadventures@gmail.com 415 154 4193 - (045) 415 153 5005 From the U.S.: 011 52 415 154 4193 011 52 1 415 153 5005 (cel l phone) www.coyotecanyonadventures.com 17