annual report 2008
annual report 2008
ANNUAL REPORT 2008 Contents 4 71 Introduction Group Profile & Basic Indicators Message from the Founding Partners Vision and Mission Board of Directors/Audit Board Message from the President Other Activities Eurobank Tekfen Tekfen Industry Papfen Tekfen Insurance Antalya Studios Management 21 Contracting Group Tekfen Construction, the main company of the Contracting Group, ranked among the top 100 international contracting companies for many years, an important indicator of the Company's progress 79 over the past 52 years. Social Responsibility Support for social, cultural and environmental initiatives flows naturally from Tekfen's corporate structure. Tekfen Holding has been active in this regard for many years. 41 Agri-Industry Group Tekfen places great emphasis on its Agri-Industry Group in the belief that increasing Turkey's agricultural productivity and quality are vital for 87 sustainable development. Corporate Governance Corporate Goveranance Principles Compliance Report Dividend Policy Risk Management & Internal Control 59 Real Estate Development Group Tekfen Real Estate Development Group creates attractive projects with distinctive concepts and develops them in unique ways that provide users with living and work spaces of superior quality. 111 Independent Auditor's Report > Corporate Profile & Basic Indicators Tekfen Group is a publicly traded corporation consisting of 49 companies and seven partnerships operating in the areas of contracting, agri-industry, real estate development, and banking. With annual revenue of TL2,518 million and total assets of TL2,997 million, 16,868 employees, market-making abilities and brand power in its areas of operation, and consistent values, Tekfen Group is one of Turkey's model corporations. Revenues Consolidated (Millions of Turkish Lira) Breakdown (Millions of Turkish Lira) 2,518 2007 1,902 1,319 1,111 1,031 Tekfen Group is a publicly traded corporation operating in the areas of contracting, agriindustry, real estate development, and banking. The largest area of operations is contracting. Tekfen Contracting Group has an active portfolio of $1.33 billion and operates in 10 countries on three continents. The Contracting Group has amassed considerable competency in industrial and infrastructure contracting, with special expertise in oil and natural gas facilities. According to Engineering News Record data for 2008, Tekfen Contracting Group ranks 75th among the world's top 225 international contracting companies. Eurobank Tekfen name through a partnership with Eurobank EFG formed in 2007. Despite the global crisis, the equity of Eurobank Tekfen increased in 2008 and the bank progresses confidently towards its goal of becoming one of Turkey's leading commercial and consumer banks. In the agri-industry field the Company is engaged in chemical fertilizer production, seedling production, tissue culture, sapling production, grain and feed stuff trade, marine terminal operations, free trade zone management, and bag production activities under its Toros Tar›m brand. These activities have turned Tekfen Agri-Industry Group into Turkey's largest corporation in this field. Toros Tar›m is market leader in all its areas of activity. Tekfen Holding, owner of all the Company's subsidiaries, is Tekfen's standard bearer. Tekfen Group has gained a reputation for integrity, transparency and quality and it is these values that, embraced by the Company and its employees for the 52 years since its establishment, constitute the Group's most important asset. Banking is one of the Company's most rapidly developing business branches. Tekfen Holding started banking operations under the Tekfenbank brand in 1989 and continued under the 4 2008 775 47 2007 2008 Contracting Agri-Industry 31 49 Real Estate 58 Other Breakdown (%) 2007 Agri-Industry 40.7% The Real Estate Development Group has put its hallmark on its sector through its unique projects. It operates in a dynamic sector with high potential. 2008 Real Estate 2.5% Contracting 54.2% Real Estate 1.2% Agri-Industry 44.1% Other 2.6% Contracting 52.4% Other 2.3% EBITDA Distribution of Total Assets Consolidated (Millions of Turkish Lira) Breakdown (Millions of Turkish Lira) 2008 2007 Real Estate 1.1% 247 109 191 Contracting 44.4% 111 147 75 Agri-Industry 28.9% 14 Total assets -8 (2008) TL 2,997 million 2007 2008 Contracting Agri-Industry Real Estate -9 -2 Other Other 25.6% 5 Summary Balance Sheet Profit for the Period Consolidated (Millions of Turkish Lira) Current Assets Breakdown (Millions of Turkish Lira) Non Current Assets 2007 280 2008 Total Assets (’000TL) 2007 2008 1,443,211 1,930,324 977,574 1,066,426 2,420,785 2,996,750 1,020,350 1,530,977 183,331 123,050 1,201,340 1,323,472 15,764 19,251 2,420,785 2,996,750 151* 91 155* Current Liabilities 73 91 Non Current Liabilities 36 23 Equity of Parent Company 15 Minority Interest 125 -3 2007 Contracting 2008 Total Shareholders Equity and Liabilities -14 Agri-Industry Real Estate Other Summary of Revenues * In 2007, TL 155 million profit generated from Discontinued Operations. 2007 2008 1,901,909 2,517,891 Gross Profit 275,271 319,157 Operating Profit 125,654 158,494 Profit Before Taxation from Continuing Operations 150,894 133,227 125,001 90,855 279,890 90,855 Revenue 11 Countries, 49 Companies, 7 Partnerships 16,868 Employees (’000TL) Profit for the Year from Continuing Operations Profit for the Year (’000TL) Important Ratios Number of Employees 2007 2008 1.41 1.26 Total Shareholders Equity and Liabilities / Equity of Parent Company 1.00 1.25 Current Liabilities / Total Shareholders Equity and Liabilities 0.85 0.93 Gross Profit Margin 14.47% 12.68% EBITDA Margin 10.05% 9.80% Profit Margin from Continuing Operations 6.57% 3.61% Profit Margin for the Period 14.72% 3.61% Liquidity Current Ratio Liability and Indebtness Consolidated Breakdown 16,868 Agri-Industry 1,119 15,738 Contracting 13,426 Agri-Industry 1,113 Contracting 14,659 Other 705 2007 6 2008 Profitability 2008 2007 Real Estate 494 Real Estate 328 Other 762 7 Our Group has achieved its current status by meeting many challenges from the day it was established in 1956. During this period, trust, mutual support and collective faith made us strong. Even though our management philosophy of “moving with small but assured steps” and “avoiding business adventures” seems, from time to time, to slow us down, it has consistently sheltered us from risk and strengthened our leadership in our areas of activity. > Message from the Founding Partners “It has been proven once again that money easily made can be easily lost. Responsibility and conscience in the business world are more important than ambition.” The rapid diffusion around the world of the financial and economic crisis born in the most developed countries created severe economic difficulties in 2008. Sudden and devastating fluctuations in the financial markets translated into a steep drop in global demand which led to negative growth rates. Globalization allows economic crises to leap national borders and impact regional and even global developments. Financial fluctuations triggered by the US mortgage crisis in 2007 brought many major influential financial institutions in the USA to the verge of bankruptcy, and then swiftly became a global loan crisis. Stock exchange indices around the globe fell precipitously and one government after another had to declare rescue plans to halt the crisis and limit the damage. The crisis has proved once more that money easily made can easily be lost. Responsibility and conscience in the business world is more important than ambition. It is virtually impossible for a company to escape the effects of the crisis. Business goes through a purification process during economic crises. Tough though the prospect of company closures is, this process is indispensible for the health of the overall economy. However, as a company that has always thrived on hard work and has moved forward with sure steps, Tekfen stands as robust as ever on its firm foundation and by its essential values. Tekfen will meet the present challenges through mutual understanding and trust. The importance of a strong financial structure is obvious in times like these and presents an advantage for Tekfen. Our employees, free from the anxiety and pessimism that pervades society at times like these, continue to work creatively, efficiently, and with high levels of motivation to drive the Group forward. The confidence our shareholders and stakeholders have shown in Tekfen has been essential in supporting our efforts. We salute and thank the entire Tekfen family whose dedication, energy and hard work generated the success we experienced in 2008 and will continue to enjoy in 2009. Turkey was no exception. The crisis struck deep and revealed itself in almost every economic indicator. As the crisis unfolded, economic growth, previously stable, slowed significantly in 2008. The real sector shrank with industrial capacity utilization rates tumbling and unemployment soaring. Though these developments were clearly detrimental to our companies regardless of sector, inhibiting their ability to achieve their financial and profit targets, overall the damage posed no threat to either Tekfen Holding, which has strong foundations, or to its companies, which are all leaders in their respective sectors. Feyyaz Berker A. Nihat Gökyi¤it Necati Akça¤l›lar > FROM LEFT TO RIGHT 8 Feyyaz Berker - A. Nihat Gökyi¤it - Necati Akça¤l›lar 9 > Board of Directors > Our vision “To be a leading force for Turkey's growth in our areas of operation: contracting, agri-industry, real estate development, and finance.” Chairman of the Board and Executive Board Member Feyyaz BERKER Vice Chairman and Executive Board Member Ali Nihat GÖKY‹⁄‹T Vice Chairman and Executive Board Member Cansevil AKÇA⁄LILAR Board Member Dr. M. Ercan KUMCU * Board Member Ifl›k Zeynep Defne AKÇA⁄LILAR ** Board Member Murat G‹G‹N > Our mission “While keeping faith with our traditional values, we aim to focus on our areas of operations, deliver the highest quality Independent Board Member Dr. Rüfldü SARAÇO⁄LU Independent Board Member Hasan S. SUBAfiI Independent Board Member fiefika PEK‹N products and services, become leader of our segments and, at the same time, generate value for all of our stakeholders, namely, our customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and society.” > Audit Board Auditor Cengiz YAMAN Auditor Mehmet ERKT‹N Board Members and Auditors were elected for a one-year term during the Ordinary Shareholder's Meeting held on 8 May 2008. * Mrs. Meltem Berker served as Board Member between 1 January 2008 and 8 May 2008. ** Board Member Ms. A. Leyla Akça¤l›lar passed away on 13 September 2008. Ms. Ifl›k Zeynep Defne Akça¤l›lar was elected to the Board in line with the provisions of the Article 315 of Turkish Code of Commerce. 10 11 > Message from the President 2008 was a memorable year of historic proportion. The financial crisis, which even bore comparison to the Great Depression of 1929 for the damage it has wreaked on the US economy, hit the global economy like a tsunami. The main reason for the crisis, which originated in distressed sub-prime mortgage loans in the U.S., was the serious loss of value of asset-based securities and complex derivative products. Declining financial markets wiped out wealth overnight, causing global demand to plummet and forcing governments to formulate rescue plans for banks and other financial institutions. Fluctuations in the financial markets swiftly radiated around the world and had a negative impact on the real sector. Pressure on the real sector set up a second wave composed of a serious decline in production and employment and, hence, in global demand, bringing the global economy to the verge of a vicious circle of economic recession. Another important development at this point was a sharp decline in commodity prices, mainly in the price of oil. This global crisis seriously affected the Turkish economy which, after the economic liberalization measures of the 1980s, integrated with the world economy. Since a national economic crisis in 2001, the Turkish economy has displayed continuous growth. However, the 2008 financial crisis curbed GDP growth from 4.7% in 2007 to 1.1% in 2008. ...The global crisis seriously affected the Turkish economy which, after the economic liberalization measures of the 1980s, fully opened and integrated with the world… The global crisis seriously affected the Turkish economy which, after the economic liberalization measures of the 1980s, fully opened and integrated with the world. These developments are highly significant for Tekfen Group, which is active in a variety of sectors. Our Contracting Group was seriously affected by the sudden decline in industrial and infrastructure investments abroad; our Agri-Industry Group felt the effects of the shrinking agriculture market, declining commodity prices and volatility in foreign exchange markets; our Real Estate Group felt the recession in the real estate market; our Banking Group had to deal with fluctuations in financial markets; and our Investment and Services Group coped with instability in the commercial environment. ...Despite the crisis, Tekfen Group managed to increase its assets and equity base and posted both profit and growth in 2008... Tekfen Group's performance in the first three quarters of 2008 exceeded expectations. However, due to the worsening economic climate during the last quarter, the Group experienced some difficulties in maintaining that performance. Tekfen Group's revenue in 2008 increased by 32% to TL2,518 million. During this period, the EBITDA of the company increased by 29% to TL247 million and its operating profit increased by 26% to TL158 million. Crisis-led foreign exchange rate increases in the last quarter of 2008 caused the financial expenses of the company to rise. As a result, the Company's income before tax decreased by 12% to end at TL133 million and the period's income from continuing operations decreased by 27%, declining to TL91 million. Other indicators also weakened in the last quarter of 2008. Turkey's imports and exports decreased, unemployment increased, and the level of incoming foreign capital dropped sharply. 12 13 Despite the crisis, Tekfen Group managed to increase its assets and equity base. Accordingly, the total assets of Tekfen Group, which was TL2,421 million at the end of 2007, increased by 24% to end 2008 at TL2,997 million. During the same period, the Company's equity increased by 10% to TL1,343 million. Tekfen Real Estate Development Group continued to invest despite market uncertainty. The Group, which targets the premium segment and develops projects based on real customer needs, focuses on investments that create their own demand and so are relatively insulated from prevailing market conditions. As a result, even though some profit-related financial parameters of the Company worsened somewhat, Tekfen Group posted both profit and growth in 2008. Even though it is still too early to determine at which stage of the crisis Turkey is in, it would be overly optimistic to expect the global storm to be over in the short term. It is quite probable that the impact of the crisis will continue into 2009. What matters at this point is to take precautions to minimize the impact of the crisis on our Group and to prepare plans for 2009 accordingly. Our Contracting Group, with operations concentrated in the petrochemicals industry and oil producing countries, was negatively affected by the crisis as clients deferred projects because of the sharp decline in oil prices and uncertainty about the duration of the decline. As a result, the Contracting Group failed to meet its target in terms of number of new projects secured. Projections concerning projects for which the tender processes could not be completed have been transferred to the coming period. Even though in the coming term we anticipate no serious problems in terms of winning new projects, we expect that the global crisis environment and the resulting difficulty in obtaining loans will slow the plans of clients. Our Agri-Industry Group displayed extraordinary performance during the first nine months of 2008. However, because fertilizer prices decreased sharply during the last three months of 2008, the Group was obliged to sell products made with expensive raw materials at far below their cost. Farmers' expectations of further price decreases made the Group's sales targets unattainable despite selling at a loss. In the face of all these obstacles, our Agri-Industry Group's sales revenue increased compared with the previous year, resulting in a net profit. ...Plans for 2009 are based on a strategy of staying immune to the impact of crisis as much as possible and protecting our employees... 14 Plans for 2009 are based on a strategy of remaining immune to the impact of crisis as much as possible and protecting our employees. The challenges we face test our ability to grow our business profitably despite all the possible obstacles 2009 may throw at us. Provided we utilize our existing resources and opportunities more efficiently in line with our principles of integrity, hard work, commitment and keeping the Company's interest above our individual interests, Tekfen Group will emerge from this difficult environment strong, successful and ready to move forward. We are grateful to our employees and business partners, who deserve fulsome praise for their acceptance of the need to walk hand in hand through this challenging marathon; to our investors who have demonstrated their confidence in Tekfen; to our customers for rewarding our hard work by consistently choosing Tekfen; and to our founding partners for establishing the solid foundations that enable us to keep our heads above water. Erhan Öner Tekfen Group of Companies - President and CEO 15 > Management FROM LEFT TO RIGHT Erhan Öner Dr. Osman Reha Yolalan Esin Mete Ümit Özdemir Mehmet Erktin Dr. Ahmet ‹pekçi 16 President & CEO Vice President / Corporate Affairs Vice President / Agri-Industry Group Vice President / Contracting Group Vice President / Real Estate Development Group Vice President / Investment and Service Companies Group 17 > Management Erhan Öner Dr. Ahmet ‹pekçi Esin Mete Ümit Özdemir Mehmet Erktin Dr. Reha Yolalan Tekfen Group - President & CEO Tekfen Holding - Vice President Investment and Service Companies Group Tekfen Holding - Vice President Agri-Industry Group Tekfen Holding - Vice President Contracting Group Tekfen Holding - Vice President Real Estate Development Group Tekfen Holding - Vice President Corporate Affairs Education Education Education Education Education Istanbul University Academy of Economics and Trade, B.A. 1968 Bosphorus University, Chemical Engineering, B.S., 1973 Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Civil Engineering, BSc, 1973 Education Middle East Technical University (METU) Mechanical Engineering, BSc, 1968 University of Texas, USA, Pipeline Engineering, MSc, 1969 Istanbul University School of Economics, PhD, 1972 Career Istanbul University School of Management, Associate Professor, 1977 Case Western Reserve University Cleveland USA, Construction Management, MSc, 1988 Bosphorus University, Industrial Engineering, MSc, 1987 University of Miami, USA, Mechanical Engineering, Certificate Programme, 1969 Istanbul Technical University Ground Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Department, MSc 1975 Career Université Laval (Canada) Management Science, PhD, 1990 Career Career Erhan Öner started his career at Tekfen Construction as a Project Engineer in 1969, gaining promotion to Project Manager in 1976 and then Assistant General Manager in 1979. In 1980, Mr. Öner was appointed General Manager of Toros Fertilizer. In 1991, Mr. Öner became an Executive Board Member of Tekfen Group and, after serving seven years in this position, he became the General Manager of Tekfen Construction. From 2000, Mr. Öner has served as President and CEO of Tekfen Group of Companies. He also serves as Chairman or Board Member of some Group companies. Mr. Öner was elected President of the International Fertilizer Industry Association in 1993 and served in this position until 1995. He is also a former president of the Turkish-Spanish and TurkishPortuguese Business Councils under the Foreign Economic Relations Board, DE‹K. In 2004, Mr. Öner was awarded the Royal Order of Merit of Spain by the King of Spain. 18 Mr. ‹pekçi started his career as an Assistant at the Academy of Economics and Trade in 1968. He earned his PhD in 1972 and served as Assistant Professor between 1977 and 1982. Mr. ‹pekçi joined Tekfen as Tekfen Construction's Assistant General Manager in charge of Finance and Administration and served in this post until 1992. In 1992, Mr. ‹pekçi became a Board Member of Hallesche Mitteldeutsche Bau AG (HMB) and, in 1994, he became the Finance Coordinator of Tekfen Holding. Since 2000, Assoc. Prof. ‹pekçi has served as Tekfen Holding's Vice President in charge of Investment and Service Companies. Mr. ‹pekçi is also a Board Member of many Group companies, with Tekfen Construction, Toros Tar›m and Eurobank Tekfen being the major ones. Esin Mete started her career as a Chemical Engineer at Tekfen Construction in 1973 and she worked in this position until 1980, when she transferred to Toros Fertilizer. Between 1980 and 1984, she served as Assistant General Manager and between 1985 and 1991 as Senior Assistant General Manager. In 1991, she was appointed General Manager of Toros Fertilizer, now known as Toros Tar›m. In 2000, she was appointed Tekfen Holding Vice President in charge of the Agri-Industry Group. Ms. Mete is Vice Chairman of Toros Tar›m and Hishtil-Toros and also serves as Chairman of all other AgriIndustry Group Companies. Between 2002 and 2004, Ms. Mete served as the International Fertilizer Industry Association's (IFA's) Vice President in charge of the Middle East and, from 2007, she has served as Vice President of the IFA's Executive Management Group. Career Ümit Özdemir started his professional career at Tekfen Construction in 1975. He served at construction sites abroad as Project Engineer, Site Manager, Project Manager and Project Coordinator. In 1988, he was appointed Assistant General Manager in charge of operations. Since 2000, he has served as Tekfen Holding Vice President in charge of the Contracting Group and as Tekfen Construction's General Manager. Mr. Özdemir also serves as President of the Board of Directors of the Contracting Group Companies. Ümit Özdemir is a member of the Supreme Advisory Board of Turkish Contractors' Association and Board of Trustees of the Istanbul Technical University Foundation. Bosphorus University, Department of Civil Engineering, BSc 1987 Mehmet Erktin started his professional career as a Field Engineer at Tekfen Construction and, until 1993, he worked as a Planning Engineer and Planning Manager. Between 1993 and 1994, Mr. Erktin worked as IT manager at Hallesche Mitteldeutsche Bau AG (HMB) and as a member of the Restructuring Team. In 1994, he was appointed Project Manager at Tekfen Construction. In 1995, he served as Branch Manager and Project Manager at HMB. Between 1997 and 2000, Mehmet Erktin served as a Board Member of Tekfen Engineering. He also served as Secretary-General at Tekfen Construction between 1997 and 1998, and as Assistant General Manager between 1998 and 2002. In 2003, he served as the Vice Chairman at Tekfen Tourism. Since 2002, he has served as Tekfen Holding Vice President in charge of the Real Estate Development Group and as Tekfen-OZ Chairman since 2007. Mr. Erktin also serves as a Board Member of various Group companies. Istanbul Technical University, Industrial Engineering, BSc, 1984 Career Reha Yolalan started his professional career as a specialist in the Strategic Planning Group of Yap› ve Kredi Bankas› in 1991. Between 2000 and 2004, he served as the Assistant General Manager in charge of Financial Analysis and Credit Risk Management and then as Yap› ve Kredi Bankas› General Manager between 2004 and 2005. From 2006, Mr. Yolalan has served as Tekfen Holding Vice President in charge of Corporate Affairs. Mr. Yolalan is also a member of the Board of Eurobank Tekfen. 19 Tekfen Construction and Installation Co., Inc. Contracting Group Tekfen Engineering Co., Inc. Tekfen Manufacturing Co., Inc. Hallesche Mitteldeutsche Bau- A.G. (HMB) Azfen J.V. Cenup Tikinti Servis ASC GATE Co., Inc. TGO J.V. Agri-Industry Group Real-Estate Development Group Other Activities Social Responsibility Corporate Governance Audit Report Maritza East-1 Thermal Power Plant Construction Bulgaria > Profile Tekfen Contracting Group, the locomotive and the largest subsidiary of Tekfen Holding, grew out of a company established by three partners in 1956 under modest circumstances to serve in the construction consultancy and engineering fields. Today, with around 15,000 employees, operations on three continents, and sales revenue of TL1.32 billion, it is one of the region’s leading contracting groups. The Contracting Group’s principal company, Tekfen Construction, ranks among the world’s top 100 international construction companies, an important indicator of the progress achieved over the past 52 years. Tekfen Contracting Group’s main area of specialization is the construction of oil and natural gas infrastructure. It provides customers in Turkey and abroad with turn-key solutions encompassing engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC). The Group’s portfolio includes the construction of land and sea terminals, sea platforms, tank farms, pipelines, oil refineries, pumping stations, power plants, highways, subways, bridge, tunnel construction and infrastructure projects, telecommunication systems, production facilities, commercial and technical building complexes, and major sports complexes. The scale and quality of the Group’s experience make it a world-class company. Known for timely project completion and operations that meet all international health, safety, and environment regulations, Tekfen Contracting Group has earned the privilege of receiving invitations from reputable clients to bid for tenders in its areas of activity. Tekfen Contracting Group carries out 94% of its operations abroad and, as of the end of 2008, the total value of the Group’s projects in Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Libya and Morocco was around $1.33 billion. Tekfen Contracting Group conducts its construction operations together with Tekfen Engineering, Tekfen Manufacturing and its specialized steel fabrication centers, and, with its equipment pool, qualified labor force, and experience, the Group successfully accomplishes even the most challenging projects. Tekfen Contracting Group has received numerous awards which, coupled with its zero-accident record of recent years, has established its reputation in the sector as a whole. Extensive oilfield expansion project Khurais Oilfield Development project is Saudi Arabia’s largest oilfield expansion project. Among other tasks, Tekfen undertook the prefabrication and installation of the pipe system, pipe racks, boiler erection, fire water system, turbine erection, hydro testing, instrumentation, water wells, and gas fuel system. 22 23 Harweel Cluster Pipeline Oman > Overview of 2008 > In the world > In Turkey After gaining momentum with increasing oil prices in 2007, the global contracting sector entered a challenging era as the financial crisis took hold in the second part of 2008. This crisis, which started with unstable financial markets and led to a worldwide decline in demand and hence production, posed a significant threat for the contracting sector. In particular, the fall in oil prices (along with many other commodity prices) in the last quarter of 2008, caused a slowdown in petrochemical infrastructure investment in oil producing countries and superstructure investments slowed to a halt. Turkey, as the world’s 17th largest economy with a high growth potential, did not remain immune to the global crisis. The country’s strong economic growth of the last seven years has slowed. The recession has decreased Turkey’s trade in goods and services and the major fluctuations in the global financial markets put pressure on Turkey’s financial markets. The Turkish lira, which had gained value against the U.S. dollar and euro for the last seven years, depreciated in the last quarter of the year. As exchange rates against the lira rose, interest The crisis also carried with it other problems, such as low liquidity levels and deferred payments. rates increased and domestic stock market indices fell sharply. In addition to these developments, which disrupted the finances of contracting companies and contractors and increased their financing costs, the sharp decrease in construction material prices caused clients to re-evaluate proposals that had been based on higher prices. All these developments made cost and supply chain management in the construction sector vital. The most vulnerable sector in this scenario is the construction sector. Real estate prices, inflated over the previous decade, started to decline sharply, particularly from the last quarter of 2008. As interest rates increased, demand for housing loans fell, making the situation worse for the sector. This was compounded as the expected growth in public infrastructure investments did not materialize in 2008. In addition to decreased liquidity and the increased cost of borrowing, deferral of big public projects had a detrimental effect on contracting companies. Despite recent setbacks, the contracting sector is optimistic that infrastructure investments, particularly in oil and gas producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Libya, will continue and that global energy network projects will be only slightly affected by the downturn. Eight Crude Oil Tanks Enhancement of Export Facilities / KUWAIT A praiseworthy project High standards and quality at Tekfen Construction’s Petrorabigh Site in Saudi Arabia won the appreciation of US-based Foster Wheeler Arabia, one of the world’s leading engineering, contracting, construction and project management companies. 24 25 SAMIR Refinery Mohammedia, Morocco > Activities in 2008 > Tekfen Construction Tekfen Construction’s activities are mainly focused on pipelines, refineries, oil and natural gas facility construction and, despite the lack of appetite for investment due to the drastic fall of oil prices and the economic crisis, the Company managed to overcome obstacles and maintain its position in 2008. According to the 2008 Engineering News Record (ENR) report, Tekfen Construction moved from 69th the year before to 75th place in the list of the world’s top 225 contracting companies, We are also proud that Tekfen is one of only two Turkish construction companies ranked among the world’s top 100 construction companies, according to Deloitte’s European Construction Leaders 2008 report. The increase in material, labor and equipment costs caused by the project boom in 2007 adversely affected profitability from the last quarter of 2007. The Contracting Group increased its EBITDA margin during the last quarter of 2007 and the first quarter of 2008 by charging material price differentials to clients from the last quarter of 2007 onward while at the same time initiating a successful move to protect itself against rising material costs in new projects. With sales revenue of TL1,318,909,000 in 2008, the Contracting Group generated 52% share Tekfen Holding’s total annual revenue. During 2008, the company participated in various tenders to reach its target level of backlog and worked hard to sign contracts for these projects during the last quarter of the year. However, as the emerging economic crisis turned money markets upside down and oil prices dropped from $150 per barrel to less than $40 dollars per barrel in five months, most clients suspended, indefinitely deferred or completely cancelled projects. While none of the projects followed up by the Contracting Group has been cancelled, the trend towards project deferment caused a decline in successful bids and delays in contracts. As a result of all these developments, Tekfen Construction’s active business backlog as of the end of 2008 was TL1.33 billion. The negotiations for the sale of 50% of Tekfen Construction’s shares to Azerbaijan State Oil Company (SOCAR), valued at $520 million in 2008, have been deferred to September 2009 due to the economic crisis, despite a draft agreement initialed between the companies. Business development efforts in 2008 established contacts for the construction of a pipeline in the United Arab Emirates and a petrochemical plant in Tatarstan and the bidding processes have started. However, for reasons already mentioned, these projects have been deferred to 2009. To improve its current operation capacity, the Company purchased machinery and equipment worth $36.6 million for the Contracting Group’s projects and partnerships and a further $2 million worth of new equipment was ordered for projects in Libya and Qatar. As in previous years, on-going projects are concentrated in three main regions: the Caspian, the Middle East, and North Africa. The Company operated at 21 sites in 10 countries. In order to continue these operations non-stop and to maintain Tekfen’s superior standards, the recruitment of qualified personnel remained as important as ever in 2008. The company faced a shortage of qualified personnel in the first three quarters of the year due to excess demand in the contracting sector. This was no longer the case after the sector entered recession during the last quarter. Workers from Southeast Asia were recruited, for projects in the Middle East, and North Africa in 2008 through an employment office the Company opened in Mumbai. Values its employees Tekfen Construction achieved another brilliant zero-accident performance in 2008 and maintained its staff training on zeroaccident work methods. 26 27 Kashagan Main Works Project Kazakhstan Caspian Region Azerbaijan is one of Tekfen Construction’s two main markets in the Caspian Region, where the company has several operations underway. Work at the Sangachal Terminal in Azerbaijan continued flawlessly in 2008. The mechanical portion of the additional work packages introduced to the Phase III operations of the AzeriÇ›rak-Güneflli (ACG) Project was completed by the end of 2008. Additional works deferred the finalization date of the entire project to 2009. New phases of this project will ensure Tekfen’s continued presence in the region. As part of efforts to increase the capacity of the BakuTbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Crude Oil Pipeline, Azfen completed renovation of a river crossing in Azerbaijan in 2008. Work at the Georgian pumping station, commissioned under the same project in 2008 is scheduled for completion by April 2009. Kazakhstan is another important country in the Caspian Region for the Contracting Group and, despite the recent increases in labor and material costs, this market has preserved its strategic importance and potential. The facilities that Tekfen owns in this country provide the Company with an important advantage in terms of upcoming projects. The Kashagan Main Works (KMW) Project, which began in 2005, reached a new record of 27 million man-hours of Day Away From Work Case (DAFWC). KMW will process oil obtained from Kashagan. It has an overall project value of $465 million and provides employment for 3,000 people. Health-Safety-Environment and Zero-Accident Performance in 2008 As part of its Health-Safety-Environment (HSE) policies, Tekfen Contracting Group, places great emphasis on the occupational safety of its employees and approaches the environmental risks that arise from its operations with great sensitivity. The Group supports its HSE efforts with a Total Quality System comprised of OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety, ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management, and ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management systems. In 2008, Tekfen Contracting Group carried out operations totaling 55,523,483 man-hours. Of this amount, 43,395,111 man-hours came from operations carried out solely by the Group while the remaining 12,128,372 manhours came from projects carried out with partners. As an indicator of the emphasis the Company places on training, 660,875 man-hours (1.19 per cent of total man hours of work) were allocated for training. Zero-Accident Achievement 2008 was another excellent year for Tekfen Construction in terms of zero-accidents without time loss and the Company received the following awards in recognition of this from its clients: ACG Terminal Project: Kashagan Main Works Project: Samir Refinery Upgrade Project: UOU and UO1 Projects: Khurais Project: Kashagan Industrial Buildings Project: Maritza Power Plant Project: Harweel Pipeline Project: Ma’aden Phosphoric Acid Plant Project: 32 million man-hours without lost time incident 27 million man-hours without lost time incident 17 million man-hours without lost time incident 10 million man-hours without lost time incident 5.5 million man hours without lost time incident 2 million man-hours without lost time incident 2 million man-hours without lost time incident 1.7 million man-hours without lost time incident 412,000 man-hours without lost time incident (Azerbaijan) (Kazakhstan) (Morocco) (Saudi Arabia) (Saudi Arabia) (Kazakhstan) (Bulgaria) (Oman) (S. Arabia) Another success Tekfen gained significant know-how from the topside of the C&WP Offshore Platform which was completed in 2007, the Company’s first project in this field, 28 29 Rabigh Refinery Saudi Arabia Middle East The Middle East and Gulf Region, the heart of global oil and natural gas production, provides significant business opportunities to contracting companies such as Tekfen that have expertise in petrochemicals facilities and infrastructure projects. Since undertaking its first project abroad in Kuwait 30 years ago, Tekfen Construction has completed countless projects in the region, gaining a reputation for quality and expertise that has made it one of the most sought after contracting company operating in the region. Thus, Tekfen Construction carries out a significant portion of its operations in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia allocates a greater portion of its national budget to infrastructure than any other country in the area. From its first project in Saudi Arabia, a water storage facility started in 1980, Tekfen Construction is now one of the few contracting companies with complete competency in the country. Phase I and II Mechanical Works of the Khurais Oil Field Development Project is among the projects currently underway. Begun in 2007 it is planned for completion in May 2009, with a value of $136.5 million. Another important Tekfen Construction project in Saudi Arabia is the phosphoric acid plant built for the fertilizer factory for the state-owned Ma’aden company. Tekfen Construction works in partnership with the French Litwin company on this project scheduled for completion in mid-2010. Utilities and Offsites Package 1(UO1), part of the Petrorabigh Refinery Development Project, was started in 2006 and completed successfully by the end of 2008. Utilities and Offsites Umbrella (UOU) leg of the project is planned for completion by the end of the first quarter of 2009. These projects have also distinguished themselves for achieving zeroaccident operations in 2008. Qatar also contributes significantly to Tekfen Construction’s business volume in the region. Qatar has initiated impressive infrastructure investments in recent years. The country holds 15% of the world’s natural gas reserves with proven reserves of 25.7 trillion cubic meters. With average per capita income of $67,000, Qatar is one of the most affluent countries in the world. Major urban development initiatives, in addition to industrial investments, have attracted global construction companies to the region. Tekfen Construction’s completion of the 137km-long ethane gas pipeline in Qatar opened the doors of the country to the Company. In 2006, Tekfen Construction started building the 80km-long Umm Bab-Mesaieed Oil Pipeline Project. Construction of this pipeline continues smoothly and is expected to be completed in May 2009. Additionally, the $597 million highway project Tekfen Construction contracted with Qatar Highway Authority, Ashghal, in 2007 has reinforced Tekfen Construction’s position in this country. The North Road will connect the Ras Laffan area on the country’s northern shores with the capital and Tekfen Construction will complete the 94km section of it. Thirty bridges and crossroads will be built on this 2x4 lane highway. Taking into account additions made to this project, it is scheduled for completion by the end of 2010. In 2008, Tekfen Construction continued its projects in other countries. Oil storage tanks started in Kuwait in 2005 were commissioned by the beginning of 2008. The 234km natural gas and oil pipeline, which was planned to be completed by mid-2008 in Oman, was deferred to 2009 due to a delay in the procurement of pipes. The Red Sea: A new energy hub Petrorabigh Facility is within a developing industrial zone 150km northwest of Jeddah on Red Sea coast. 30 31 Great Man Made River Al Khufra-Tazerbo Water Conveyance System Libya Eastern Europe In 2008, Tekfen Construction continued construction of the Maritza East-1 Thermal Power Plant (ME1) in Bulgaria, which was awarded to TGO in 2006. This thermal power plant will meet a large portion of Bulgaria’s demand for electricity and detailed engineering work, material and equipment procurement, and construction work was carried out by the TGO Company, of which Tekfen has a 50% share. The project is planned for completion by the beginning of 2010. North Africa In recent years, North Africa has provided Turkish contracting companies new business opportunities with notable infrastructure investments taking place in Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Modernization of Morocco’s Samir Refinery is one of these projects. Tekfen completed the majority of this $640 million project in 2008, while work continues towards its planned completion in mid2009. Tekfen continues work on the Al Khufra-Tazerbo Water Conveyance System, the biggest contracting project a Turkish company has ever undertaken in Libya and one of the most comprehensive engineering projects in the world. When completed, the project will bring water buried under the Sahara desert in the last Ice Age through enormous pipes to cities on the Mediterranean coast. The Great Man Made River, includes a 380km section awarded to a Tekfen-TML partnership under Tekfen’s leadership with a two-thirds share. This section will help deliver water obtained from wells in Tazerbo to production sites in Al Khufra. The project agreement, valued at $500 million, was signed in 2006 and work started in 2007. The project is planned for completion by the end of 2011. Turkey Tekfen Construction currently carries out almost all of its operations abroad, though the Company also follows closely preparations for infrastructure investments expected to be made in the near future in Turkey. Tekfen Construction successfully completed construction of the terminals at both ends of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Crude Oil Pipeline in 2007 and, recently British Petroleum awarded Tekfen with a new project to increase the pipeline’s capacity. This project will increase the capacity of the pipeline by 20% by means of chemical additives. The first phase of the project consists of construction of chemical storage and injection plants at pumping stations in Posof, Erzurum, Erzincan and Sivas. Work on this project is carried out at six stations and the manufacturing of steel structures are underway at the Ceyhan Steel Factory. The project is planned for completion by mid 2009, despite challenging physical conditions. Work on the motorways connecting Gaziantep-Birecik and Adana-Pozantı, both parts of the Trans European Motorway (TEM) continued throughout the year. The Gaziantep-Birecik section is planned for completion during 2009 and the Adana-Pozant› section in December 2010. Turkey’s biggest viaduct The TAG Highway is not only the biggest highway construction project that Tekfen has undertaken, but also the biggest project carried out with a single contract, valued at $1.8 billion. 32 33 Gaziantep-Birecik Highway Turkey > Tekfen Engineering Since 1984, Tekfen Engineering has provided engineering services, project inspection and consultancy services for industrial and infrastructure projects, building on Tekfen’s expertise in these areas. Today, with over 100 engineers, architects and city planners and extensive experience, the Company is capable of managing highly sophisticated and complex turn-key projects and is able to provide a wide array of services to construction projects, mainly for pipelines, industrial facilities and highways. In recent years, following the lead of the Tekfen Construction, Tekfen Engineering has placed greater emphasis on its operations abroad and, in 2008, the majority of the Company’s work was on large scale international projects. Preliminary engineering work carried out for the Tatarstan Nizhnekamsk Refinery and the complete engineering services provided for the construction of the Tüprafl Izmir Refinery’s Methanator Plant are key contracts in the Company’s portfolio of EPC-type projects. In 2008, Tekfen Engineering successfully completed the engineering work on the Samir Refinery Project, Morocco, and the engineering work on the Maritza Thermal Power Plant, Bulgaria. Currently underway are the detailed engineering work for the Ma’aden Phosphoric Acid Plant (Saudi Arabia) steel structures and the Great Man Made River (Libya) field work, expansion work for Toros Tar›m’s Ceyhan Terminal and the construction of a jetty for the fertilizer plant in Samsun. Work related to Istanbul’s transportation system, which included design and construction inspection works for the city’s expanding metro for Istanbul’s public transport authority, ‹ETT, was completed in 2008. Studies for the 51km long Bak›rköyBeylikdüzü, Befliktafl-Tekstilkent-Kirazl› lines were completed and submitted to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality for tendering purposes. Publications The Scaffolding Safety Handbook was prepared to standardize within occupational safety norms practices related to the design, erection and dismantling of construction platforms. It was published in 2008 in English and Turkish and it was distributed to all sites. Similarly, Introduction to Arc Welding contains basic information about arc welding techniques widely used in our operations and on various pilot applications. Prepared in Turkish, it was distributed to all sites. Management System Certificates Tekfen Contracting Group revised OHSAS 18001:1999 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, which it implemented across the board, in 2008 to bring it into line with OHSAS 18001:2007 standards. All operations were inspected and documented in line with the requirements of this later standard. Unlimited service Tekfen Manufacturing fabricates various pressurized vessels, heat exchangers, and spherical tanks and other similar equipment for Tekfen’s projects, delivering important support services to Tekfen Construction. 34 35 > Fabrication Yards Tekfen Manufacturing Tekfen Manufacturing and Engineering was established in 1970 to manufacture pressurized vessels, columns, reactors, storage tanks, heat exchangers and similar items for oil, petrochemical, chemical and fertilizer plants. Today, at its factory in Derince (Istanbul), the company provides comprehensive manufacturing and fabrication services that require a high level of know-how in line with the international standards. In 2008, Tekfen Manufacturing manufactured various pressurized vessels, heat exchangers and spherical tanks for projects in Turkey and abroad and made business contacts with foreign companies for projects in 2009. Among the projects completed during the year are reactor and heat exchanger works for the Tüprafl Izmit Refinery and a pressurized vessel and heat exchanger for the Izmir and K›r›kkale refineries. Additionally, the Company completed production and assembly of two 5,000m3 propane spherical tanks for the Aygaz Dörtyol Plant and one 5,000m 3 LPG spherical tank for the Akpetgaz Samsun Plant. Six autoclaves with a length of 47m and diameter of 3m for Nuh Yap› and four oxygen tanks for the Kardemir Plant were delivered during the first months of 2008. Among the work completed for projects abroad in 2008 are pressurized vessels for Tunisia and a spherical tank exported to Senegal. The Company received new orders for the international market for 2009 as well and, due to increased business volume and heavy equipment demand, it has decided to increase its production capacity. Accordingly, construction of a production hall with a total indoor area of 3,500m2 was started at the Derince Plant in 2008 and the hall will be commissioned in April 2009. trained welders to Tekfen Construction. Training in the first six months allowed the School to dispatch 160 welders with international certificates to various sites. The total weight of the projects that the plant is following up in cooperation with Tekfen Construction is 78,000 tons while its total value amounts to ğ240 million. Tekfen Bay›l Steel Fabrication Plant, Baku-Azerbaijan Cenub Tikinti Servis (CTS) was established to support Tekfen’s operations in platform topsides in the Caspian Region. It carries out manufacturing and assembly of all types of steel construction to the highest quality and safety standards, as required by leading oil companies. PCWU Topside Platform, which was completed and floated in 2007, is a premier example of the Plant’s technical competency. In 2009, the Plant will start preparations on projects to manufacture the topside of a sea platform to be tendered by the AIOC/BP consortium as part of its plans to increase oil capacity in 2009. Awards Tekfen Ceyhan Steel Structure Fabrication Plant Ceyhan Steel Structure Fabrication Plant was established to manufacture and provide erection services for steel works Tekfen Construction requires for its contracting work in Turkey and abroad. The Plant has an annual production capacity of 25,000 tons. The plant is equipped with advanced technologies and, during the last 17 years, it has manufactured over 141,000 tons of steel works. In 2008, the total production was 7,128 tons. Among the projects that the Ceyhan Steel Fabrication Plant served in 2008 are the Samir Refinery in Morocco, the Petrorabigh Refinery in Saudi Arabia, the Sangachal Onshore Terminal in 36 Azerbaijan, the Khurais Oilfield Development Project in Saudi Arabia, the Maritza East-1 Thermal Power Plant in Bulgaria, Ma’aden Fertilizer Plant’s Phosphoric Acid Facility in Saudi Arabia, BTC pumping stations, and the DRA Storage and Injection Units and Expansion Project. The Company’s Welding School allows the Ceyhan Steel Structure Fabrication Plant to provide qualified, Superior performance on occupational safety issues garnered Tekfen Construction various international awards in 2008. In a contest organized by the International Pipeline & Offshore Contractors Association (IPLOCA) and sponsored by Chevron, the Company was judged second in the category of Safety. The award was presented to Tekfen Construction at a ceremony held during the 42nd IPLOCA General Assembly in Athens, 29 September-3 October. Tekfen Construction received the same award in 2005 and 2007. Also, in 2008, the ACG (Azeri-Ç›rak-Güneflli) Field Development Project carried out by the partnership of Tekfen Construction-Azfen in Azerbaijan was awarded the Helios, deemed to be one of BP’s most prestigious awards. The Project received this award in the Performance category, which was fiercely competed by 540 projects and 1,337 participants from 51 countries. Tekfen previously received this award for the Sangachal Terminal Upgrade Project in 2003. This award is BP’s way of thanking people and companies that implement BP’s brand values in the best way. Production at Derince continues The Caspian Sea’s secret power Tekfen Manufacturing’s Derince Plant has an annual production capacity of 20,000 tons and encompasses a 9,000m2 indoor area and a 20,000m2 outdoor area. PCWU Offshore Platform Topside of 15,000 tons is a Caspian Sea oil exploration support unit. 37 Tekfen Manufacturing Plant Derince, Turkey STRATEGIC DIRECTION Tekfen Contracting Group consistently works on the following issues in line with the goals of its Strategic Plan: Existing and new projects will be undertaken within the framework of the adopted business principles and health, safety and environment (HSE) policies. Maximizing work quality and maintaining accident-free operations in line with occupational safety standards are the main priorities. The Company will continue to focus on projects that emphasize the EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) concept and will continue to improve its competency in this area. The emphasis will be on increasing business volume in countries where operations continue. The goal is to secure new projects that at least maintain the current level of revenue generated from projects in these countries. In addition, the goal is to increase backlog to $2 - $2.5 billion in the short and mid-term and to $3.5 billion in the long-term. Activities geared towards increasing efficiency and profitability will continue. All requirements to preserve Tekfen’s strong and prestigious brand image in existing markets will be met. Ready for production ISO 9001 standard semi-processed steel pipes are waiting to enter the assembly line at the Derince Plant. 38 39 Contracting Group Toros Agricultural Industry & Trade Co., Inc. Agri-Industry Group Toros Terminal & Maritime Co., Inc. TAYSEB - Toros Adana Yumurtalık Free Trade Zone Founder and Operating Co., Inc. Toros Ship Agency Services Co., Inc. TAGAfi-Turkish-Arabian Fertilizer Co. Inc. Hishtil-Toros Seedling Industry and Trade Co., Inc. Real-Estate Development Group Other Activities Social Responsibility Corporate Governance Auditor’s Report Toros Tar›m Ceyhan Plant Adana > Profile The Agri-Industry Group originated from the fertilizer production and distribution activities initiated by Tekfen in 1981. Over the years, under the 'Toros' brand, Tekfen Agri-Industry Group developed its agricultural input operations, especially the fertilizer production, and grew into one of Turkey's leading companies. The main fields of activity of Toros Tar›m are production and distribution of fertilizers, seed and seedling, and sapling and seed production using tissue culture method. In addition to these, the company is also active in the grain trade, bag production, marine terminal operations, pilotage, towing and ship agency services, free trade zone management, and gas station operations. The AgriIndustry Group carries out all its operations through its five companies and a partnership. The Group does not currently benefit from any government incentives. The Agri-Industry Group is one of the main groups of the Tekfen Holding, creating a turnover of TL1,110,777,000 in 2008 and accounting for 44% of Tekfen Holding's annual turnover. The Group's largest business volume comes from fertilizer production, importation and distribution. With its production plants in Adana-Ceyhan, Mersin and Samsun, the company controls 38% of Turkey's installed fertilizer production capacity. In 2008, Toros Tar›m maintained its leadership of the fertilizer market with a market share of 34%. The Group carries out its sales and distribution activities via 797 dealers managed by seven regional offices. Toros Tar›m's product range covers the full range of fertilizers that Turkish farmers require and the Company places great importance on product development to expand its product range. Toros Tar›m is the first company in Turkey to produce cropspecific fertilizers. Ammonium Nitrate, DAP and compound fertilizers are the Company's main products. Tekfen Holding believes that productivity and quality are indispensible for sustainable agricultural growth in Turkey and, to this end, places great importance on the activities of Agri-Industry Group. Regarding the fertilizers, the Group offers farmers a wide range of fertilizers either produced in its facilities or imported to meet the demand of farmers. It also provides high yield disease-resistant potato seeds produced using tissue culture, other field crop seeds such as wheat and corn, and several agricultural inputs like seeds, seedlings and water-soluble fertilizers. The Group's country-wide farmer training programs, pilot stations for R&D to adapt new vegetable seed varieties to regional soil conditions, and the free soil analysis service all contribute to the development of Turkish agriculture to its full potential. With its modern, well-established, innovative, result oriented and long-term initiatives, the Agri-Industry Group not only supports, but leads the development of Turkey's agriculture industry, which has entered an era of restructuring as Turkey moves towards EU membership. One of the Group's non-agricultural operations is marine terminal operations taking place in its two terminals, located in Adana-Ceyhan and Samsun. Unloading and handling operations of the Group's own raw material and commodity import operations are also carried out through these terminals. The terminals handle about four million tons of goods only for third parties. From Toros Gübre to Toros Tar›m 42 Toros Gübre, established in 1981, began its operations by producing fertilizers in its Adana-Ceyhan facilities. Over the years, as Toros developed its agricultural expertise and gained a better understanding of the needs of farmers, the Company undertook a wider mission of producing and marketing agricultural inputs such as crop and vegetable seeds, seedlings and saplings in addition to fertilizers. The Company's name was changed to Toros Tar›m in 2005 and, with the products and services it offers Turkish farmers today; it ranks among Turkey's leading agri-industry companies. 43 Toros Tar›m’s productspecific fertilizers boost productivity. > Overview of 2008 > In the world The financial turmoil of 2008, particularly that of the last quarter shook the foundations of the global economy, upset balances, and created new realities. The crisis undermined consumer confidence, depressing demand. Prices of crude oil, minerals and grain all declined sharply. After reaching an all time high of $150 a barrel, and phosphorus fertilizers while potassium fertilizer crude oil prices came down to $40 a barrel in prices increased. December. At the beginning of the year, the US dollar fell below TL1.15, equivalent to its 2001 level, During this period, farmers, dealers, wholesalers, and then it rose rapidly in the last quarter of the international traders and even producers had year to close at TL1.52. During this period, global difficulty in obtaining sufficient loans. This credit trade slowed and, as a result of the increased fleet crunch consequently caused consumption to capacity, freight rates dropped significantly. decrease while forcing the supply chain stocks to be kept at minimum levels. All these developments in the global economy affected agriculture and, hence, the fertilizer sector. Fertilizer prices that had increased with strong Speculative hedge funds, which had caused demand caused by the rapid growth in the global commodity prices to soar to all time highs prior to economy during the first half of 2008, quickly the crisis, took cash positions at the onset of the dropped during the last quarter as a result of sudden crisis, disrupting the equilibrium in the grain markets fall of demand. All fertilizer producers were caught and causing prices to fall far below the levels required with high cost inventories of raw materials and to sustain the market. products in their hands and had to stop production to deplete their inventories. The producers were Low grain prices and the financial crisis curbed bound to wait for the prices to increase before farmers' ability to draw support from the service starting production again. Ukrainian nitrogen and finance sector and this led them to use less fertilizer producers, whose gas supply was cut due fertilizer, which exerted downward pressure on to a price disagreement with Russia and the fertilizer prices. European ammonia and urea producers who purchased gas based on the high oil prices of the Global fertilizer consumption decreased by 1.5% in third quarter of 2008, had to close their plants. 2008 (Source: IFA, International Fertilizer Producers' Association). Although nitrogen consumption In addition to these developments, fertilizer increased by 1.4%, phosphorus consumption investment projects, which had gained momentum decreased by 4.9% and potassium by 6.7%. Fertilizer in recent years, have come to a halt in 2008 due to prices returned to their original levels for nitrogen the rising cost of commercial loans, equipment and Toros Tar›m Samsun Plant, Samsun 44 45 materials. The production of bio-fuels which for a while has brought dynamism to the fertilizer market, decreased in line with the decline in oil prices. In case the low oil prices and lack of government incentives for bio-fuel continue, bio-fuel production will no longer be viable. The drop in freight rates due to decreased demand and trade in 2008 is expected to continue. > In Turkey Turkish agriculture sector, which grew by 2.7% between 2002 and 2006, shrank by 7% in 2007. In 2008, the sector grew by 4.1%. (Source: TU‹K, Turkish State Institution for Statistics) The main factors that affected the fertilizer sector 2008 agricultural production is expected to remain in 2008 were climatic conditions, crop prices and at the same level as 2007. wheat production is high fertilizer prices which were a result of rising expected to increase by 3.2% to 17.8 million tons raw material prices worldwide. In 2008, raw material and corn production by 20.9% to reach 4.3 million prices soared: phosphoric acid by 267%, ammonia tons. On the other hand, it is estimated that barley by 91%, sulfuric acid by 153%, and phosphate rock production will decrease by 18.9% to 5.9 million by 405%. Commodity prices also increased: tons, while unginned cotton production will decrease ammonium nitrate (AN) by 52%, ammonium sulfate by 20%, dropping to 1.8 million tons. (Source: TÜ‹K, (AS) by 83%, and urea by 38%. Consequently the 2008 Forecasts for Agricultural Products). average sales price of fertilizers to dealers rose from US$ 305/ton in 2007 to US$ 518/ton in 2008. Record high fertilizer prices and the drought induced decrease in farmers' purchasing power shaped the Drought affected even a larger part of Turkey this performance of the sector in the fall season. DAP year; South Eastern Anatolia was particularly hard (Diammonium phosphate) and compound fertilizer hit with a decrease in rainfall of 36.4% compared prices increased by 200% compared to 2007 fall with the previous year (Source: DS‹, Turkish State prices. As a result of such an increase, 2008 fall Water Works). The severe drought in certain season DAP fertilizer consumption decreased by provinces of Eastern Anatolia, Central Anatolia, the 64%, NP compound fertilizer by 29% and NP Aegean and Mediterranean Regions gravely impacted compound containing zinc by 25%. A 39% decrease the income and hence, purchasing power of farmers. in total consumption of these products was recorded for the whole year. Contrary to expectations, prices of products that are the major revenue source for farmers could not > Our activities in 2008 > Fertilizer As Turkey's largest fertilizer producer, Toros Tar›m produces in three plants - Adana-Ceyhan, Mersin and Samsun - and controls 38% of Turkey's annual installed fertilizer production capacity of 5.3 million tons. Due to the sharp decrease in demand in Turkey during the fourth quarter of 2008 as a reflection of the global economic crisis, our capacity utilization rates decreased and 1,123 million tons were produced in 2008 compared to 1.3 million tons in 2007. The total production achieved by Toros Tar›m in 2008 constitutes about 38% of Turkey's total fertilizer production. (Source: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs) In 2008, fertilizers that cannot be produced at existing facilities and those that cannot be produced in sufficient quantities were imported as was done in the past years. To economize on inland freight costs and ensure timely distribution, imported fertilizers were shipped to Tekirda¤, Izmir-Alia¤a and Antalya ports in addition to Ceyhan and Samsun terminals and were bagged and then dispatched from these ports. The Group owns a total storage capacity of around 550,000 tons in several locations throughout the country. To prevent bottlenecks in distribution, warehouses were rented from third parties and products were stored in advance in In Turkey, drought induced worsening income levels of farmers and record high fertilizer prices were the determining factors in the fertilizer consumption during 2008. These factors acutely affected the total fertilizer consumption in Turkey that resulted in a 20% decrease compared to the previous year, falling to 4.129 million tons (Source: Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs). As of 2008 year-end, Toros Tar›m sold 1,402,738 tons of fertilizers in total: 1,288,470 tons to dealers, 88,016 tons mainly to local cooperatives, and 26,252 tons as exports. Though domestic consumption decreased by 20%, Toros Tar›m's sales to the domestic market decreased by only 13% as opposed to 2007, increasing the Company's market share from 31% in 2007 to 34% in 2008. Nitrogen fertilizers drove growth in 2008. The company's market share in this category increased by 5.8% compared with that of the previous year. Toros Tar›m’s Plants PRODUCTION CAPACITY (THOUSAND TONS/YEAR) CAPACITY UTILIZATION RATE IN 2007 (%) CAPACITY UTILIZATION RATE IN 2008 (%) NPK 660 76 61 MERS‹N AN 594 101 92 SAMSUN NPK / DAP 527 48 42 1.781 76 66 PLANT PRODUCT serious frustration. Because corn crop prices CEYHAN remained low in the Mediterranean Region, farmers were reluctant to plant corn as their second crop. even maintain their harvest time levels and caused preparation for the upcoming season. TOTAL The farmers' guide Turkey's largest fertilizer producer With the goal of improving agricultural yield and product quality in Turkey, Toros Tar›m regularly organizes training sessions on agricultural techniques and balanced fertilizer use. 46 Toros Tar›m carries out its production activities at three plants - in Adana-Ceyhan, Mersin and Samsun - and controls 38% of Turkey's annual installed fertilizer production capacity. 47 Steel Grain Silos Torbal›, ‹zmir Toros Tar›m makes 92% of its sales via dealers, evidence of the importance the company places on its dealers. The 797 Toros dealers, operating in Turkey's 81 provinces, have made a major contribution to the improvement in the company's market share. The ability of Toros Tar›m to preserve its strong dealer structure differentiates it from the competition. More than one-third of its dealers have been Toros dealers for over 10 years, a clear indicator of Toros Tar›m's stability as well as of its sales power. > Specialty fertilizers Specialty fertilizers are fertilizers that are fully water-soluble so they can be applied via drip irrigation systems. The increase in international fertilizer prices that started during the last months of 2007 and gained momentum in 2008 was reflected in domestic prices. The resulting decrease in demand negatively affected the specialty fertilizer category. Contrary to developments in recent years and what was expected in 2008, Turkey's specialty fertilizer market shrank by 35% in the year. Toros Tar›m's sales figures for specialty fertilizers reflect this situation. Sales slid by 33% to 17,029 tons. However, despite the serious decrease in sales, predictions of price increases in international markets, and the impact of early purchases before the price hikes improved operational profitability by 136% compared with that of the previous year. In 2008, the company continued to expand its product line to meet the market demand for the specialty fertilizers. The 'chelated trace element' product group, which will significantly improve the productivity and quality of the products to be exported, has recently been added to the specialty fertilizer product portfolio. The chelated plant nutritional products that can be absorbed by plants despite high pH levels which prevent absorption of water and micro-elements in the soil are particularly vital for agricultural activities in countries where soil and water have high pH levels and bring significant output and quality improvement in agriculture. Seeds Seeds have been an indispensable input since the early stages of agriculture. One of the most important factors that determine agricultural productivity is the genetic potential of the seed. No matter how favorable the conditions are, unless the seed has the required genetic potential, it is impossible to achieve high yields. Thus, the seed and stock seed selection and seed-related activities are essential for agricultural production. Aware of the fact that having quality seeds is vital for improving agricultural productivity, Toros Tar›m continued to strive to provide Turkish farmers with high quality and certified seeds in 2008. Vegetable seeds Toros Tar›m offers Turkish farmers many types of standard and hybrid vegetable seeds. In 2008 Toros continued its activities in this field both via production and imports. In addition to activities at its testing facilities in Antalya and Bursa, where the Company develops high yield, disease-resistant vegetable seeds with high market value, Toros Tar›m also continued its R&D activities at its seed testing stations in Antalya-Çand›r. This facility carries out research and development activities for local hybrid vegetable breeds and conducts adaptation and registration trials of new seed varieties. A fruitful partnership Toros Tar›m started seedling production in the nurseries of Hishtil-Toros in 1999 and currently produces 20 million disease resistant, high yield, grafted seedlings every year. 48 49 Toros Tar›m Ceyhan Plants, Adana Toros Tar›m works in cooperation with ZeraimGedera in this area and the following programs have been executed in 2008: • The research and trial activities carried out on tomato, pepper and cucumber varieties at Toros Tar›m's seed R&D station in Antalya-Çand›r gained a new dimension and momentum by complementary tests carried out under actual farming conditions in the region. • Seven programs initiated in the previous years to determine and develop new varieties compatible with various planting seasons and geographical regions, were accelerated to meet the market demand, • As part of studies to develop new varieties, the registration procedures for nine new varieties of tomato, pepper, radish, rocket and lettuce were completed in 2008 and the conditions for the requisite regulations were met for their commercialization. Seed sales increased by 2% from 55,926 kilos to 57,123 kilos in 2008 for varieties sold on kilo basis whereas, for varieties sold on a unit basis, sales decreased by 19% from 176.9 million to 143.9 million units. This decrease was partly caused by a shift in demand towards virus resistant varieties due to intensified effects of viruses and partly by the fact that two new varieties developed from R&D efforts over the year could only be commercialized during the last months of 2008. The superiority of the 50 new varieties over competing products, both during trials and with actual market performances, indicates that the decrease in sales observed in 2008 will be compensated for in 2009. Adana 99 wheat variety in Turkey. The company also won the breeder's rights of the “Osmaniyem” wheat variety for five years that was recently registered by the Ministry. Field crop seeds As part of the partnership with Syngenta in the field of corn seed production, sales and distribution of “NK Atria” corn seed variety were carried out throughout Turkey in 2008 and 9,145 bags ea 15 kilo of corn seed was sold, corresponding to an As part of the Field Crop Seeds Production activity, wheat seeds were produced on farms of contracted farmers under the control and surveillance of our experts in 2008. As part of the cooperation between Toros Tar›m and the Ministry of Agriculture's Çukurova and Anadolu Agricultural Research Institutes, 9,770 tons of wheat seed were produced and 10,094 tons were sold. During this period, due to the drought that particularly affected the Southern and Central Anatolia regions, the purchasing power of farmers diminished and this affected the wheat seed market adversely. Producers preferred to cut costs by using the wheat they produced as crop rather than purchasing certified seeds. Though data from the General Directorate of Agricultural Establishments (T‹GEM) indicates that the wheat seed market shrank by 24% against that of the previous year, Toros Tar›m made great progress by increasing its market share from 5.8% in the previous year to presumably 11.3% (Source: T‹GEM). During 2008, Toros Tar›m joined a tender organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Çukurova Agricultural Research Institute and obtained a “plant breeder's rights” until 2013 as the sole authorized producer and distributor of the increase of 47% from 2007. > Tissue culture Because Turkish potato production is particularly vulnerable to economic losses caused by diseases and pests, the procurement of potato seeds resistant to diseases has been of upmost importance. Toros Tar›m continued its production at its laboratories located in Agripark in Adana in 2008, increasing its potato seed production by 307% against that of 2007 to produce 5.12 million units of potato minitubers. The potato tubers imported in collaboration with the Australian Technico Company were planted in fields available through the contracted farming, on completion of land and product controls by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in various districts of Konya, Kayseri and Sivas. These efforts yielded 13,415 tons and out of this production 6,154 tons were sold as seeds. > Seedling production Hishtil-Toros Fidecilik is the most prestigious and reliable brand in the seedling sector. It continued to grow in 2008, increasing its production area by 60%. The Company produces in greenhouses equipped with the latest technology and it has reached its target production level of 120 million seedlings, increased its grafted seedling production, as well as its revenue by 46% in 2008. Hishtil-Toros introduced “RS type” production viols to the market in 2007 and started to use such viols for all products in 2008. RS viols are designed for single use and in addition to their sanitary advantages, thanks to their special design; these viols support the kind of root of development that improves the ability of seedlings to cling to soil. In Turkey, the industrial design patent of RS viols belongs to Hishtil-Toros and the process of obtaining patents for these viols in EU countries is underway. The Turkish seedling market has been growing rapidly in the last ten years and there is an increasing trend towards higher quality and reliability. Hishtil-Toros pioneers the sector in terms of technology in a corporate structure and continues to set the highest product and service standards. > Grain and animal feed raw materials After 2005, Toros Tar1m started to focus on the trade of grain and animal feed raw materials produced domestically. The Company’s activities in this area continued in 2008 and the company made use of its two 20,000 ton grain silos, one in Adana-Agripark and the other in Izmir-Torbal›, as well as grain silos owned by the State Grain Board in the Thrace, Aegean, and Central Anatolia regions. Toros Tar›m is the leader in the tomato segment Product development at world standards Toros Tar›m carries out its R&D studies for seed development at its seed trial station in Antalya-Çand›r. With 30 varieties of tomato seeds, Toros Tar›m is the market leader in the indeterminate, determinate and industry tomato seed varieties. Toros hosts a Seed Quality Laboratory and a Biotechnology Center founded to produce and prepare high quality and high productivity seeds, seedlings and saplings free of diseases in its Agripark facilities in Adana. 51 Toros Terminal Ceyhan Jetty Turkey In addition to the 14,055 tons of wheat and 8,319 tons of corn purchased in 2007 and carried over to 2008, the 2008 harvest allowed the company to purchase 92,013 tons of products (51,712 tons of wheat and 40,301 tons of corn). In 2008, together with the wheat and corn carried over from previous years, a total of 44,475 tons of product was sold. On the other hand, 51,712 tons of wheat and 17,734 tons of corn purchased in 2008 have been carried over to 2009. > Marine terminal operations Port activities in Turkey After the global financial crisis that started in the United States took hold of the real sector as of the second half of 2008, cargo-handling levels at the ports decreased rapidly in the last quarter. One of the most obvious consequences of the crisis in marine trade was that the Baltic Dry Index (BDI), an indicator of dry bulk freight rates around the world and which had reached an all time high at 11,793 on 20 May 2008 dropped below 800 points. It is widely anticipated that the decline will continue in 2009 and that maritime trade volume will decrease by 25-30%. Recovery is only expected after 2011. These global developments in maritime trade affect port operations in Turkey, as well. The total cargo handling, which was 285 million tons in 2007, is believed to have increased by 9% and reached 310 million tons in 2008 (Source: Under-secretariat for Maritime Affairs). Analyzing the distribution of total cargo handled in Turkey, it is noted that Marmara Region ports are far ahead of the others with a share of 42%. The shares of the other regions are as follows; Mediterranean Region 29%, Aegean Region 21%, and Black Sea region 9%. It is anticipated that the crisis will create even more pressure on the real sector in 2009 leading to a decrease in cargo handling of at least 20%. Terminal operations With its high handling and storage capacity, Toros Ceyhan Terminal is one of the most important deepwater terminals in the Eastern Mediterranean. The facility is modern and versatile with two independent jetties offering eight berths, a daily cargo handling capacity of 17,000 tons and land facilities to provide storage services to these piers. The terminal is able to provide discharging, loading and storage services for many product groups, mainly in the dry bulk category, ranging from grains to fertilizers, coal to petro coke, clinker to cement, pumice stone to chrome. In 2008, the greatest portion of the cargo handled by Toros Terminals; excluding Toros’ own cargo, consisted of coal, minerals and ore, grains and fuel oil. In 2008, 4,000,383 tons of cargo was handled in the following product-mix: 2,687,529 tons of coal, 162,157 tons of mineral and ore, 488,024 tons of oil and fuel oil products, 421,254 tons of cereal and grain, and 241,419 tons of other products. The shrinking of the transit storage market due to the sudden drop in oil prices adversely affected the crude oil trade. On the other hand, among the ports in ‹skenderun Gulf handling dry bulk, Ceyhan Terminal ranked second with a 17.5% market share in 2008. (Source: ‹skenderun Chamber of Shipping) In line with company goals of increasing the capacity of the terminal and becoming the largest port of the region it serves, two new cranes were ordered in 2008 to increase the dry bulk cargo handling capacity. Toros Samsun Terminal, commissioned in the second half of 2006, operates two berths and has a daily handling capacity of 14,000 tons of dry bulk. Toros Tar›m on the coast of the Black Sea Samsun Plant, which produces compound and DAP fertilizer, was the last plant to be added to the Toros chain of plants. 52 53 The terminal is also equipped with pipelines for loading and discharging liquid chemical products. The terminal mainly handled coal during 2008 for the third parties. The open storage facilities of terminal were allocated for use to coal companies in 2008, however due to some administrative issues, the terminal operations were disrupted and only 278,276 tons of coal were handled. The trade volume was also hit by logistical problems in Russia and sustained coal price increases in 2008. Other than coal, 82,323 tons of liquid products, clinker and bagged products were handled at Samsun Terminal and it provided 360,599 tons of cargo handling services to third parties. The recession in the construction sector caused a decline in the amount of clinker imported via Toros Terminals. In 2008, TAYSEB’s total business volume increased by 64% over that of 2007 to exceed $264 million. The total area of the open land leased reached 1,332,554 sqm. A total of 140 sqm of office space and 1,360 sqm of storage space were also rented. The number of companies operating at the free zone at the end of 2008 was 21 and the number of operating permits was 33. Apart from these activities, the Company’s main focus in 2008 was to obtain certification to operate the Toros Ceyhan and Samsun Terminals in line with the Coastal Facilities Operational Regulation published by the Under-secretariat of Maritime Affairs, and this process was virtually completed in 2008. Ceyhan’s development towards becoming Turkey’s energy hub constitutes great potential for the Ceyhan Terminal while the increase in Turkey’s trade with other Black Sea countries offers great potential for the Samsun Terminal. Developments in the upcoming term are expected to create important opportunities for both facilities. Insufficient vessel maintenance-repair facilities in the Eastern Mediterranean, despite increased vessel traffic in the ‹skenderun Gulf, and its vicinity to Suez Canal, TAYSEB has attracted the attention of investors considering ship repair and maintenance yards. In 2008, 1,009,000 sqm open land was leased for shipyard investment. As a result, seven shipyards were granted with operating permits in the Free Trade Zone. In line with the requirements of their projects, these companies are preparing environmental impact assessments (EIA) and they are following procedures to obtain permits for land reclamation. Shipyard investors are expected to start construction during the second half of 2009. > Free trade zone management > Plastic bag production Toros Adana Yumurtal›k Free Trade Zone (TAYSEB), located at Ceyhan, is attracting the attention of investors due to its location. Its proximity to Botafl, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, and to the Energy and Industry Zone (dedicated to energy investments, principally oil refineries) makes TAYSEB an attractive option for investors who prefer to invest using free trade zone incentives. The bag production factory in Adana, producing polypropylene and polyethylene bags to cater for the fertilizer production of Toros Tar›m, could only produce 26 million units of bags against its 2008 goal of 30.7 million units and had to procure 2.5 million additional units from the market. In 2008, the plant also sold 3,634 sqm of laminated greenhouse plastic covers to third parties. A complete product and service chain All bags required at Toros Adana-Ceyhan, Samsun and Mersin facilities are produced at the plastic bag production factory located near Adana and owned by Toros. 54 Because it is directly connected to Tarsus-AdanaGaziantep highway, TAYSEB provides great logistical opportunities and is able to provide investors with whatever infrastructure they may need. > Gas stations Toros Tar›m’s gas station activities are carried out via BP dealerships for motor and fuel-oil, and via Mobil and Shell dealerships for motor oil. In 2008, 10.7 million liters of fuel oil were sold as wholesale and retail. In addition, 590,000 liters of gas oil and 6,622 tons of fuel oil were shipped to Toros Tar›m production plants. Fuel-oil sales declined by 6% compared with 2007 due to unfavorable market conditions. Still, the gas stations run by Toros Tar›m were successful compared with others and received the Service Quality Award as part of BP’s secret customer program and various other awards as part of BP’s Health-Safety-Environment-Security program. Toros Tar›m’s Social Responsibility Activities Toros Tar›m has placed great importance on education since the 1980s. Playing a leading role in the agricultural sector, the Company organizes Farmer Training Seminars across the country to improve productivity and quality and thus contribute to farmers welfare. Toros Tar›m continued to organize such seminars and field days in 2008 and contributed to educational efforts by supporting sector specific scientific meetings. Toros Tar›m sponsored the Grain Symposium organized by the Bahri Da¤dafl Research Institute, known for its contribution to the agriculture sector, and the Stars of Agriculture contest organized by Izmir Trade Exchange for creative and innovative farmers. Toros Tar›m was the main sponsor of the “1 Anthem 12 Compositions” project organized by the Tekfen Foundation. For this project, 12 pieces composed for the national anthem composition contest in 1921 were gathered from the dusty pages of history after 87 years. These were performed by the Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra in a concert sponsored by Toros Tar›m. As part of its social responsibility activities, Toros Tar›m places great importance on the education of students living in the provinces where the production facilities are located. The Company founded Toros Tar›m Samsun Education Center at its Samsun production plant and provided courses for university entrance exam offered with support from the Foundation of Social Volunteers (TOG). Toros Tar›m also supported local projects for children organized by the Turkish Foundation of Education Volunteers (TEGV). Toros Tar›m supports students Toros Tar›m supported skill development activities organized by the Turkish Education Volunteers Foundation (TEGV) in Samsun. 55 63 Toros Tar›m Ceyhan Jetty, Adana > Energy Toros Energy produces electricity for the AgriIndustry Group’s various facilities at Ceyhan and Mersin co-generation units. Because naphtha prices continued to remain well above economical levels, gas turbine generators were not used in 2008 and only steam turbine generators in Mersin were employed to generate 28.5 million kWh of electricity. Toros Energy merged with Toros Tar›m at the end of June 2008. Under new legislation, companies generating electricity as part of their operations will procure electricity from TEDAfi or TE‹Afi (both State Energy Production and Distribution Enterprises) on a subscription basis. If the electricity generation companies supply electricity to the national grid, a net settlement procedure will be carried out with TEDAfi and TE‹Afi. 56 > Pilotage, tugboat and shipping agency services Toros Shkip Agency provides ship agency services to all vessels carrying Toros’ cargo at Ceyhan and Samsun terminals and at Mersin Port as well as to certain third parties using its terminals. In 2008, Aygaz and Milangaz plants in Samsun were added to the terminals for which we provide pilotage and tugboat services. In 2008, 127 vessels at Ceyhan, 54 vessels at Samsun and 15 vessels at Mersin were provided with ship agency services. During the same period, 528 vessels at Ceyhan and 994 vessels at Samsun were provided with pilotage and tugboat services. STRATEGIC DIRECTION A memorandum of understanding was signed between our company and OCP S.A., a Moroccan state enterprise that produces phosphate. Feasibility studies have been initiated on cooperation in the fertilizer, agricultural industry and construction sectors. This study will be reviewed at the end of 2009 to determine the scope of the cooperation. Tekfen Agri-Industry Group will continue its solution-oriented efforts to strengthen its leadership of all its areas of operation. In line with its concept of expanding and diversifying its operations, the Company aims to focus more on marine terminal operations and to accelerate investments in this direction motivated by the fact that Ceyhan has been declared an Energy Zone. Toros Tar›m at Growtech Eurasia 2008 Fair A sustainable future for Turkish agriculture Turkey’s largest agriculture fair, organized annually in Antalya, provided the opportunity for Toros Tar›m to present farmers, greenhouse operators and producers, with various products, including water-soluble specialty fertilizers, vegetable seeds, fruit saplings and potato and wheat seeds produced at Agripark. Tekfen Agri-Industry Group believes that quality and productivity improvements in Turkish agriculture are essential for sustainable development and, with its modern, profound, innovative, results oriented business approach and long-term initiatives, it supports and pioneers the development of Turkey’s agriculture. 57 Contracting Group Agri-Industry Group Tekfen-OZ Real Estate Development Co., Inc. Real Estate Development Group Tekfen Real Estate Development Investment and Trade Co., Inc. Tekfen Tourism & Facility Management Co., Inc. Other Activities Social Responsibility Corporate Governance Auditor’s Report Yal›kavak Tekfen Residences Bodrum > Profile Tekfen Real Estate Development Group develops prestigious private living and work space projects with a unique commitment to quality and superior features. Akmerkez, Taksim Residences, Tekfen Tower and Yal›kavak Tekfen Residences, all designed, built and managed by the Group, display this distinctiveness. Turkey’s dynamic and fast-growing real estate sector suffers from poorly researched projects based on uncompetitive concepts. Thus the sector lacks diversity and distinctiveness. These deficiencies create opportunities for Tekfen Real Estate Development Group, which has adopted the principle of developing a unique style rather than following the herd and has embraced this notion as a long-term strategy. During Tekfen Holding’s restructuring in 2000, real estate development was declared one of the Holding’s main areas of business. The Group operates the following companies in various segments of the sector: Tekfen-OZ Real Estate Development Co. Inc. in the development, investment and marketing segment; Tekfen Real Estate Development and Investment Co. Inc. in the construction segment; and Tekfen Tourism and Management (Tekfen Services) in the management segment. The three companies complement each others areas of operation. Tekfen-OZ, established in 2007 as a partnership with a leading American asset management company, Och- Ziff (OZ), invests in residential and commercial real estate projects in Istanbul and other parts of Turkey. Tekfen Real Estate conducts project planning, consultancy, architectural and engineering operations and sells its projects to Tekfen-OZ at cost plus a certain profit margin. Tekfen Services undertakes real estate management, repair and maintenance services. The Company’s main areas of operation include delivery of office space to clients, the management of parking lots, conference rooms, private dinner halls and fitness centers, special cleaning services, and electronic access card sales. As part of its philosophy of providing its customers with high quality, distinctive products, the Group provides services in all aspects of the real estate development sector, ranging from design to management. The client satisfaction the Group’s projects create place it among the top players in the Turkish real estate sector. Tekfen Services Tekfen Services was established in 2003 with the purpose of applying to real estate management the same diligence the company maintains in design and construction. The company carries out these operations under the Tekfen Services brand and, in addition to commercial real estate projects, it manages residential projects such as Taksim Residences and Yalıkavak Tekfen Residences. The company also manages the Tekfen Tower conference hall and Energym Fitness Center, as well as S Café in Akmerkez shopping mall. Ka¤ıthane Office Park is designed in line with the neighbourhood’s characteristic traits 60 61 K⤛thane Office Park Project Istanbul > Overview of 2008 The economic crisis that started in the US in 2008 deeply affected the volatile and market-sensitive real estate sector. The construction sector, which maintained its momentum in the first half of the year, was also hard hit, slipping into recession in the third quarter. During the year, many projects came to a halt or were cancelled. This situation caused the prevailing high prices in the real estate sector to plummet. The annual growth rate of 10% projected at the beginning of the year turned into a decline of 1.1% over the first nine months. The number of new building licenses, one of the main indicators of the level of investment, decreased by 20% in the second half of the year when compared with the same period the previous year. The recession in the housing market, the locomotive of the Turkish construction sector, caused by excess supply in the mid-price segment and by overpriced projects in the premium segment, was magnified by the economic crisis. This has resulted in a sharp decline in the number of residential projects. Housing loan usage declined in the year and house prices and rents dropped by as much as 25% from the second half of 2008. Larger numbers of borrowers had problems paying their mortgages and fluctuations in the housing inventory and construction material prices made the situation worse. Developments in the shopping mall segment in 2008 confirmed that this segment has reached the saturation point. In Istanbul alone there are 250 prospective shopping mall projects. Most projects remained on paper while only a few were built. Increase in demand for Class A office buildings and the resulting rent rises continued in 2008. Many companies experienced difficulty in finding office buildings with the features they wanted. Rising rents of Class A office buildings in central locations encouraged companies to seek space outside city centers. Tekfen Services guarantees success property management Taksim Residences’ spacious garden is an oasis in the middle of the city. 62 63 Levent Office Project Nominated for LEED Certificate Istanbul > Operations in 2008 In 2008, Tekfen Real Estate Development Group has been planning and preparing for new projects in Istanbul, Konya and Bodrum. Among the Group’s on-going projects, Yalıkavak During the project development process and Tekfen Residences was completed in 2008 and the depending on market conditions, Tekfen-OZ carries units have been delivered to their owners. This out a wide spectrum of activities ranging from project is managed by Tekfen Services. The boutique detailed market analyses to purchase of the land, hotel built as part of this project will be opened from entering into revenue sharing or payment-by- during the summer of 2009. flat agreements with land owners to establishing project partnerships. In 2008, Tekfen-OZ moved to The five-year rental periods in Tekfen Tower, Istanbul, its new office building in Karaköy and, in line with its which started with the opening of the Tower, expired increased business volume, strengthened its at the end of 2008 and new agreements providing management team. rent increases of up to 100% were signed with tenants for the new term. Most of the following projects completed the preparations stage in 2008 and will go forward on Tekfen Real Estate Development Group seeks a clear schedule: opportunities in Istanbul and other Turkish cities with high development potential to create distinctive • Levent Office (Levent-Istanbul) projects with good investment terms. Residential • Bomonti Apartments (fiiflli-Istanbul) and commercial real estate investments of the Group • Müflkülüm Farm (Gümüfllük-Bodrum) have accelerated with the Tekfen-OZ partnership. • K⤛thane Office Park (K⤛thane-Istanbul) • Izmir Project (Bayrakl›-Izmir) According to assessments made by ULI (Urban Land • Konya Residential Project (Meram-Konya) Institute) Emerging Trends in Europe 2009, Istanbul continues to be one of the top three European cities in terms of potential for investors and real estate development companies looking for long-term revenues. This fact proves that projects that are correct in every aspect will remain in demand despite the crisis and that companies investing in financially sound and realistic projects have a chance to turn crisis into opportunity. Thus, despite the crisis, Tekfen-OZ has decided to continue its investments in 2009. Bodrum’s secret heaven: Müflkülüm Farm As a project sensitive to the textures of the natural world, Müflkülüm Farm, set amongst tangerine gardens and covered in Aegean flora, is for people who prefer a relaxed lifestyle. 64 65 Levent Office (Levent-Istanbul) Müflkülüm Farm (Gümüfllük-Bodrum) To create a second Class A office project to follow Tekfen Tower in Levent, the most prestigious business area of Istanbul, Tekfen-OZ purchased a valuable land in 2008 in partnership with Sayman Kimya company. Preparations were completed in the first quarter of 2009. Designed by the architect Juan Pablo Molestina, the project presents various innovations from design to application. Levent Office, planned as an environmentally-sensitive building and to be constructed in accordance with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)-Green Building Certification, has extraordinary design features, such as plantings on the facades and floors, and innovative functional features. The building will consist of prestigious 800 sqm office suites for local or international companies. The interest generated by Yal›kavak Tekfen Residences, completed in Bodrum in 2007, motivated the Group to continue investing in prestigious environmentally friendly projects in the Bodrum peninsula and surrounding area. Hence, the Müflkülüm Farm project in Gümüfllük, a village on the Bodrum peninsula. This is a boutique residential project of 18 units on 27,400 sqm land. It is designed for year-round living and one of the distinguishing features of the project is that the well-established tangerine orchard on the land will be preserved. As a result, a unique project for clients seeking a relaxed and comfortable lifestyle in the midst of nature Bomonti Apartments (fiiflli-Istanbul) has been created. The architectural design and approval process of the project was completed in 2008 Bomonti has been going through rapid change in recent years. One of Istanbul’s first industrial zones, it has been cleared of industrial establishments due to its proximity to the city center. Bomonti Apartments and construction has commenced. It is planned to be completed in 2009. will be one of the most important agents of this district’s transformation. Designed by the architect Bünyamin Derman, the approach of this project is to integrate urban textures and street life through the medium of modern architecture. Bomonti Apartments is designed for those who prefer to live in the heart of the city and to meet the needs of urban living. It consists of 84 units that can be used as residential-home office space or commercial space. The project is complemented by a fitness center, a shopping area, and a parking lot, and construction is scheduled to begin during the second half of 2009. 66 All the colors of life at Yal›kavak Tekfen Residences Urban texture meets modern architecture Yal›kavak Tekfen Residences is now complete and the homes have been delivered to their owners. Yal›kavak brings a brand new life under Tekfen Services management. Bomonti Apartments, designed by Bünyamin Derman, is an example of urban transformation in Bomonti, one of Istanbul’s first industrial zones. 67 K⤛thane Office Park (K⤛thane-Istanbul) Ka¤›thane Office Park project is in Istanbul’s Ka¤›thane district, which is slated for urban transformation in the near future because of a rapidly developing transportation infrastructure and its proximity to the city center. The project consists of Class A office for multinational companies that prefer proximity to the city center and who are facing difficulty finding space at a rent they can afford. Ka¤›thane Office Park concept and architectural project, developed by Emre Arolat, already won an award in the Office Buildings category at the 2009 MIPIM Architectural Review Future Project Awards, one of the most prestigious awards in the world of architecture. The project is for multiple units around a courtyard with a playful layout instead of a single tall office block. It consists of nine blocks of four to seven stories. The courtyard is planned to serve as a social area with shops and cafes. Construction is planned to commence by the first half of 2009. Izmir Project (Bayrakl›-Izmir) Tekfen-OZ and Rönesans Shopping Malls are cooperating on Izmir’s largest real estate development project. This complex to be built on 58,800 sqm at the intersection of Karfl›yaka, Konak and Bornova in the Bayrakl› district of the city, will be a multi-functional living space with residential units, office units, and a shopping mall. The project will be designed by US-based 5+ Design and Swanke Hayden Connell Architects (SHCA) and is Izmir’s first mixed-use real estate project. As such, it will undoubtedly become a popular meeting point for the people of Izmir. This investment will provide employment for around 2,500 people during and after construction and it will go a long way towards meeting the city’s need for quality residential and office units and retailing space. Construction of the project is planned to start by the beginning of 2010. Konya Housing Project (Meram-Konya) Konya is one of the most rapidly developing and promising cities in Anatolia. As a result of market analyses conducted for the city, Tekfen-OZ decided to invest in some of the city’s real estate. Utilizing 244,000 sqm in the city’s Meram-Koza¤aç district, one of the most beautiful and rapidly developing parts of the city, the land for this project was purchased from the municipality through a tender in 2008. When the project is completed, people in Konya will have access to a living center of 1,200 exclusive, environmentally friendly residential units enriched with social facilities. The project is planned to commence in 2010 and it will be completed in several phases. It will be the most advanced real estate project ever built in the city. 68 STRATEGIC DIRECTION Tekfen Real Estate Development Group believes that, despite uncertainty in the real estate market, the right location and project will outweigh market drawbacks and create its own demand. Economic fluctuations will in the long-term allow reliable companies with sound financial structures, like Tekfen, to rise to the top. The decline of the real estate sector is a favorable development given that it has curbed the hyped-up market prices of recent years. In the mid-term, the market will reach a new equilibrium and continue to grow. In this process, those groups that have financially sound structures and develop realistic projections will lead the sector and turn crisis into opportunity. Guided by this understanding, the Group conducts its projects according to its previously set schedule and does not postpone its investments. With its cautious growth strategy that is selective about projects, the Group will continue to underwrite distinctive, much admired projects in the future. Tekfen Real Estate Development Group’s strategy is to conduct its commercial and residential real estate development operations throughout Turkey. Urban development projects for the premium segment which provide the opportunity to create high quality, distinctive spaces will remain the Group’s focus. Tekfen Services adds value to service A prestigious project in Bodrum Tekfen Services manages the conference room and Energym Fitness Center at Tekfen Tower and the S Café at Akmerkez. The Company adds further value with building management and maintenance services to the projects undersigned by Tekfen Real Estate Development Group. Yal›kavak Tekfen Residences, delivered to its owners in the summer of 2008, is Group’s first project in Bodrum. 69 Contracting Group Agri-Industry Group Real-Estate Development Group Eurobank Tekfen Co., Inc. Other Activities EFG Leasing Co., Inc. EFG ‹stanbul Securities Co., Inc. Tekfen Industry and Trade Co., Inc. Papfen Joint Stock Company (Uzbekistan) Tekfen Insurance Brokerage Services Co., Inc. Antalya Studios Co., Inc. Akmerkez Real Estate Investment Co., Inc. Tekfen Culture and Arts Production and Publishing Industrial and Trade Co., Inc. Social Responsibility Corporate Governance Auditor’s Report New face for Eurobank Tekfen > Eurobank Tekfen > Profile In view of the new economic realities, Eurobank Tekfen bases its strategies and business plans on three points: strong capital, strong management, and strong customers. With 42 branches, internet banking operations, and 744 employees, Eurobank Tekfen is a specialized bank active in commercial banking, small business and retail banking, leasing, factoring and investment banking. Eurobank Tekfen has set change, motivation, and open communication as its corporate priorities and it focuses on providing its customers with uninterrupted service regardless of market conditions. The bank places great Eurobank Tekfen is a member of Eurobank EFG, an international banking group with a focus on New Europe. With strong growth potential in its main business areas, the Bank’s shareholders decided at their Ordinary emphasis on quality, efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction and, with a high capital adequacy ratio, it is a model of reliability. General Meeting, 25 December 2008, to increase the Bank’s paid-in capital to TL380 million. > Overview of 2008 The global crisis defined 2008 while governments and organizations found themselves battling on all fronts to stay on top of the crisis. Originating in the finance sector and worsening in the last quarter of the year, the global crisis caused serious economic disruption and the growth rate of all economies to fall. Turkey was not exempt, with secondhalf domestic economic indicators paralleling those in foreign markets. During the final quarter, when interest rates and foreign exchange rates increased, domestic growth dropped to the lowest level in six years. The affects of the crisis rumble on in Turkey’s real sector. However, following measures taken after the domestic financial fluctuations of 2001, the local banking and finance sector remained strong and largely resistant to the crisis affects. In any event, it is essential to minimize the detrimental effects on loans, exports and local markets. In addition to measures taken to return the economy to its normal state by limiting production losses and unemployment, it is vital that we build the confidence of local consumers and of foreign investors. Turkey’s expert broker EFG Istanbul Securities, a subsidiary of Eurobank Tekfen, is one of Turkey’s leading brokerage companies. EFG Istanbul provides stock and futures brokerage, trading operations, corporate finance, market and macroeconomic research, and asset management services. 72 73 > Operations in 2008 Despite the extraordinary events of 2008, Eurobank Tekfen performed well overall and achieved a growth rate of 27%. With its strong capital structure, competent and committed human resources, and advanced technological infrastructure, Eurobank Tekfen has confidently approached its goals and achieved significant growth. Eurobank Tekfen’s assets grew in 2008 to reach TL3.481 billion. Loans to customers across all sectors increased by 24% to TL1.113 billion and deposits increased by a significant 56% to TL1.796 billion. The bank closed 2008 with a net profit of TL12.4 million and its consolidated profit was TL40.1 million. Eurobank Tekfen’s high capital adequacy ratio, 17.9%, demonstrates the Bank’s sound financial structure. > World quality financial services 74 Additions to the product and service ranges draw ever more customers to Eurobank Tekfen. > Change, motivation and open communication > Segmentation efforts Eurobank Tekfen, which set its corporate priorities as change, motivation and open communication, supported these in 2008 with a strong human resources policy. Eurobank Tekfen has adopted a segmentation strategy for its services. For many years, the Bank’s main focus had been on corporate and commercial banking. However, from 2009, preparations will start to enter the retail banking sector. Intense work on various areas, ranging from branch restructuring to products and services, from human resources to infrastructure, will position Eurobank Tekfen as the preferred business partner for small businesses. Eurobank Tekfen’s vision is to provide world standard financial services and, in line with this, the Bank approached commercial, corporate and individual customers as a solution partner, furthering its aim to be the bank of preference. While placing emphasis on small businesses, Eurobank Tekfen also aims to improve its cooperation with corporate and commercial customers. To this end, the Corporate Banking Center was newly established at Head Office to provide corporate customers with the best possible service. The Bank’s strategic priority is to grow its corporate and commercial banking, small business banking, and capital markets activities by expanding its branch network. In 2008, the number of branches was increased from 36 to 42 despite volatile market conditions while the Bank also expanded its distribution network as well as its product and service range. Eurobank Tekfen also sees retail banking as an important complementary business area and continues to diversify its services in this field by developing innovative products. Eurobank Tekfen aims to win new clients through concentrating on private banking and to differentiate itself through its competency in providing the appropriate services. This strategy also required that Eurobank Tekfen strengthen its sales network in 2008 and continue to win new customers. As of 31 December 2008, 5,694 customers obtained loans while 5,793 held deposit accounts. These results indicate that the bank has made great progress towards becoming the bank of preference of many companies and individuals. While growing, Eurobank Tekfen remains committed to the national and international principles, regulations and ethical values of banking and gives emphasis to sharing with its stakeholders the added value the Bank creates. indispensible for a synergistic structure, dictate the need to constantly enrich its human resources by updating competencies to create the talent pool a growth-oriented organization requires. The Bank’s motivation and open communication, coupled with its corporate philosophy that views change as STRATEGIC DIRECTION Despite the expected continuation of the challenging economic climate in 2009, Eurobank Tekfen will continue to grow and generate added value by maintaining its financial structure. Without compromising its customer-friendly policies, the Bank will stand beside its productive customers in various sectors. In the corporate and commercial banking fields, where the Bank is particularly strong, Eurobank Tekfen will continue to provide its clients with innovative services that carry a high level of added value. Retail banking is a promising field that is expected to grow further in the near future. The Bank will complete its restructuring for retail banking at various branches and focus even more on this area towards the end of 2009. Maintaining liquidity and asset quality will continue as one of the Bank’s priorities. Eurobank Tekfen will continue its strong risk management practices and, by following national and international market developments closely, it will modify its strategies as necessary. Eurobank Tekfen believes possessing a strong and healthy financial foundation is as important and valuable as profitability. By the end of 2009, the Turkish economy will be among those emerging first from the crisis and this will present important opportunities for everyone. At this point, Eurobank Tekfen, which has maintained its healthy structure, will continue to create value for everyone and to move up in the industry, with the aid of its sound financial structure, competent and committed human resources, and advanced technological infrastructure. World-standard financial services EFG Leasing An international banking group with over 22,000 employees, Eurobank EFG has operations in Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Ukraine, Luxembourg, Cyprus, and the UK, in addition to Turkey. EFG Leasing, another subsidiary of Eurobank Tekfen, reaches its customers via its direct marketing team, in addition to its branches. The company has for many years been serving various sectors, such as construction, manufacturing, agriculture and medicine, and it has remained at the forefront through its support for technological investments in recent years. 75 > Tekfen Industry > Tekfen Insurance Brokerage Tekfen Industry’s activities can be gathered under two main topics: Lighting and chemicals. Tekfen Insurance Brokerage, an authorized agency for 21 insurance companies, has one of the highest premium production levels of any agency in Turkey and it offers insurance in all main branches. Tekfen Industry operates in the lighting sector by distributing its own brand of incandescent bulbs produced in China and Wiselite energy-saving bulbs. Tekfen Industry is sensitive to technological developments and, thanks to its two brands, it is one of the strongest players in the market. With the motivation of greater competition in the lightbulb sector, the Company maintained its market share in 2008 by using the latest technology and making bulbs and carries out various projects to this end. Tekfen Industry won a Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources tender in 2008 to distribute 2,800,000 energy-saving bulbs to primary schools all over the country. This project is one of the most important social responsibility projects of the year in terms of the number of people reached. successful strategic marketing moves. via a wholesaler network but, in 2008, it started a project to achieve a similar widespread distribution network through retailers. To enable this, the Company has made agreements with national retail chains and switched emphasis to marketing to end users. As a result, energysaving product sales in 2008 increased by 70% on a unit basis and 78% on a revenue basis. Tekfen Industry’s broad product range, consisting of various types of bulbs, such as sodium vapor, mercury vapor, and energy-saving bulbs, has been extended further with the addition of LED lamps, which are important for new trends in the illumination sector. To date, Tekfen Industry has launched 99 new products in ten different categories in the LED product group. Tekfen Industry supports the Enver (Energy Efficiency) Project, which aims to increase usage of energy-saving Tekfen Industry continued to market its Fentox pesticide under the Fentox Stop, Super Fentox, Water-based New Fentox, Fentox Liquid and Fentox Mat brands and preserved its market share in this sector. and liability, travel and life insurance, can all be completed online. The platform, also allows online policy tracking and detailed reporting. Tekfen Insurance Brokerage uses subsidiary insurance agencies to supplement its own sales of insurance products and increase its premium production. Tekfen Insurance Brokerage uses a fully online system developed by the Company to provide uninterrupted services to its direct customers and subsidiary agencies. This system enables its agencies to offer insurance products with extensive coverage at reasonable premiums while keeping operational costs down and minimizing the operational load, especially for individual insurance services. Tekfen’s system integrates with those of the insurance companies and transactions, such as quotation preparation and policy sales for car and home insurance, mandatory earthquake insurance, In 2008, the number of Tekfen Insurance Brokerage subsidiary agencies increased to 9 while the number of online products increased to 6 and the number of insurance companies it works with increased to 21. > Papfen > Antalya Studios Papfen, a Turkish-Uzbek investment 85% owned by Tekfen, has produced cotton yarn in Uzbekistan since 1997. Antalya Studios provides domestic and foreign movie producers with advanced technology and infrastructure in a 186,000 sqm venue. In line with Tekfen Holding’s decision in 2000 to concentrate on its core business Modern production facilities, ISO 9001 Quality Management System, and a concern for high quality, make Papfen an exemplary industrial establishment. The annual production capacity of the Company is around 4,000 tons, including yarns of various sizes. In 76 The Company had distributed its lighting products mainly In 2008, Tekfen Insurance Brokerage exceeded its goals by increasing its premium production by 32% and brokerage revenues by 42%. 2008, the Company worked at full capacity and reached its tonnage-revenue goal. 58% of the yarn produced in 2008 was sold to foreign markets, such as Turkey, Russia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, and 42% to the local market, together generating revenue of $9.2 million. In 2008, the Company was also active in corporate insurance provision, serving many Tekfen Group companies and non-Tekfen companies in all insurance branches. Tekfen Insurance Brokerage has always emphasized a professional attitude in its operations and, with its subsidiary agencies individual and corporate customers, it has further extended its portfolio. areas, the Holding has decided to sell or lease Antalya Studios to foreign investors and negotiations continue on this issue. Light bulbs on the way Tekfen in the insurance sector The first Energy-saving Bulb Tender organized by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources was won by Tekfen Industry and truckloads of energy-saving Tekfen Wiselite bulbs are on their way to schools in 23 Turkish provinces. Tekfen Insurance Brokerage, an authorized agency for 21 insurance companies, has one of the highest premium production levels of any agency in Turkey and it offers insurance in all the main branches. 77 Contracting Group Agri-Industry Group Real-Estate Development Group Other Activities Tekfen Foundation for Education, Health Culture, Arts and Protection of Natural Habitat Social Responsibility Corporate Governance Auditor’s Report > Social Responsibility Tekfen has stood for professionalism, quality and honesty since the day it was founded. The Company has never limited its responsibilities solely to business activities and, as part of its notion of corporate citizenship, it exercises its responsibilities with regard to the social and environmental issues of the community of which it is an integral part. With this perspective, Tekfen regards supporting social, cultural and environmental activities as a natural requirement of its corporate constitution and it has been developing and managing various initiatives in these realms for many years. Tekfen has incorporated the concepts of usefulness, harmony and conservation into its corporate structure and, in addition to efforts of the Group Companies, Tekfen Foundation generates Hasan Uçarsu, the composer of the Concerto entitled “Uninvited Guest”, and Harpist fiirin Pancaro¤lu Topkapı Palace resources for activities in various fields such as education, social support, culture, and environmental protection. In 2008, the Holding and the Group Companies granted TL462,069 to various societies, foundations, and organizations that work for the benefit of society. > Operations in 2008 > Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra Founded in 1992, the Tekfen Philharmonic is one of Süreyya Opera House in Kadıköy, Istanbul. This was Tekfen’s most important contributions to Turkey’s followed by performances at Ankara Bilkent University cultural life. 2008 was a very busy year for the orchestra on 11 February and at Trakya University State with both local and international performances. The Conservatory on 13 February. Orchestra gave its first performance abroad, February 6, 2008, in Doha during Turkish President Abdullah The world premiere of the piece entitled Uninvited Gül’s visit to Qatari Emir fieyh Hamid Bin Halife El Tani. Guest: Concerto for Harp and Çeng, composed by Hasan This was followed by a performance in Barcelona, Uçarsu, took place in Hagia Eirene, June 24, as part of October 5, 2008, at the opening ceremony of a the 36th International Istanbul Music Festival. The piece, conference of the World Conservation Union-IUCN, the composed for the çeng, an instrument that had an world’s most comprehensive environmental important place in Eastern music from earlier ages, was organization. The Orchestra performed in Baku, October performed by the harpist fiirin Pancaro¤lu and the 8, 2008, at an event hosted by Tekfen Vice Chairman Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra. This performance, which Mr. Ali Nihat Gökyi¤it and Turkey’s Ambassador to brought the çeng to life after 350 years and attracted Azerbaijan Mr. Hulusi Kılıç. considerable media attention, was part of a series of works Tekfen had had composed for early music 80 Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra opened its performances instruments. The çeng used for the concert was in Turkey on 10 February 2008 at the newly renovated reproduced from archived documents. 81 > Tekfen Foundation Tekfen Foundation scholarship Support for theatre Every year, the Tekfen Foundation awards scholarships with no repayment to 180 successful high school, undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at schools in Turkey and in need of financial support. To date, the Foundation has helped over 1,000 students to graduate. In the 2008-2009 academic year, a record number of applications, 17,000, was received and from these 180 students were selected on the basis of their academic performance for scholarships. In 2008, the Tekfen Foundation sponsored the play Victoria, adapted for the theatre by the famous Canadian actress Dulcinea Langfelder, who was inspired by a story written by Charles Fariala, a famous playwright who died in 2004 at the age of 36. The play, performed in January 2009, featured Defne Halman and Engin Hepileri, and was directed by Turkey’s famous actress Yıldız Kenter, who celebrated the 60th year of her career during the pre-performance rehearsals. “Flowers of Anatolia” Documentary Work on turning the book The Flowers of Anatolia, published in 2007, into a documentary film with support from the Tekfen Foundation continued in 2008. Completion of the filming for this documentary, prepared by the photographer and documentary producer Fatih Orbay in six episodes, are expected to be completed by the beginning of 2010. The documentary will make an important contribution to promoting Turkey’s natural beauty. “1 Anthem 12 Compositions” Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra performed for the 85th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey on 24 October 2008 at the Lütfi Kırdar Convention and Exhibition Center, Istanbul. The Orchestra’s special program consisted of 12 pieces, all rearrangements of submissions in the contest organized during the Turkish War of Independence in 1921 to choose the emerging republic’s national anthem. The book “Notes of Freedom the Story of National Anthem”, by Mehmet Altun, the creator of this project, was released simultaneously with the concert. It gives an interesting insight into the heated debates in the National Assembly before the final selection of the national anthem. The book also relates the recollections of the composers and is a rich source of critiques and documents, and the stories behind each composition. Work on a CD of the concert is underway. ”Train of Freedom” Documentary The Tekfen Foundation is one of the sponsors of a documentary film about the struggles of Behiç Erkin, Turkey’s Ambassador to Paris, who saved 9,000 Jews from the Holocaust that followed the Nazi invasion of France during World War II. Produced by Günefl Çelikcan and directed by Cüneyt Karaahmeto¤lu, the film is still in production. Grant to the Oncology Institute Television presenter U¤ur Dündar initiated a campaign through his program, Arena, to upgrade medical equipment at Istanbul University’s Oncology Institute and turn the Institute into one of Turkey’s leading cancer treatment centers. The Tekfen Foundation granted TL100,000 on behalf of Feyyaz Berker. 82 Financial support for Erzurum Baflçakmak Primary School Tekfen Foundation responded to a request from the Principal of Erzurum Baflçakmak Primary School to install a central heating system at the school for the health of the school’s 170 students and 13 teachers. The Foundation’s support ensured that central heating systems were installed at the school and the nearby village polyclinic. > Tekfen Construction In Damal district of Ardahan, where Tekfen Construction is working on increasing the capacity of the Baku-TbilisiCeyhan Oil Pipeline, the Company provided winter coats and shoes for children in need. A documentary about the flowers of Anatolia A warm surprise The book “Flowers of Anatolia”, published in 2007 with support from the Tekfen Foundation, is being turned into a six-episode documentary by photographer and documentary producer Fatih Orbay. Three years in the making, the documentary is planned to be completed in 2010. Children of Damal show their gratitude for their new clothes and shoes donated by Tekfen before the tough winter set in. 83 Illustrated cover of a score for a “National Anthem” composition > Tekfen Industry Tekfen Industry renewed the lighting system at Yaflar Gazio¤lu Primary School in Ünye district of Ordu at the request of the school’s teachers, who aimed to increase the awareness of the school’s 600 students and their families about the importance of energy saving. Tekfen Industry equipped the school’s 18 classrooms with energysaving bulbs. > Toros Tar›m Supporting students in their preparations for university Toros Tarım renovated its Samsun Plant’s old head office building and turned it into the Toros Tarım Educational Center. The Center, operated in cooperation with Community Volunteers Foundation (TOG), will support students from Samsun’s Tekkeköy village in their preparations for university entrance examinations. The Republic’s Notes Toros Tarım was the main sponsor of the “1 Anthem 12 Compositions” project that, for the first time after many years, brought together twelve compositions discarded among the dusty pages of history after they had been submitted in a contest organized in 1921 to select the new Turkish Republic’s national anthem. > Tekfen Holding Tekfen Holding sponsors the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association’s (TÜS‹AD) promotion and communication campaign in support of Turkey’s membership of the European Union. The campaign focuses on transforming the European public’s sometimes negative opinion of Turkey’s membership into a positive one. Twenty-six companies supported the Foreign Communication Fund that TÜS‹AD established between 2005 and 2008 to communicate the mutual benefits of Turkey’s membership of the EU by establishing close relations with European media. Tekfen Holding will extend its support to the Fund for a further five years. Toros Tarım supports students With support from the Community Volunteers Foundation and local young people, Toros Tarım renovated its Samsun Plant’s old head office building, turning it into the Toros Tarım Educational Center. 84 85 Contracting Group Agri-Industry Group Real Estate Development Group Other Activities Social Responsibility Corporate Goveranance Principles Compliance Report Corporate Governance Dividend Policy Risk Management & Internal Control Auditor’s Report > Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Report Tekfen Holding, which has a distinguished 52-year history and a strong corporate foundation, has embraced the Capital Markets Board (CMB) of Turkey's Principles of Corporate Governance. Within the framework of its management philosophy - which is based on the principles of equality, transparency, accountability, and responsibility - the Holding, through embracing the Principles of Corporate Governance, aims to maximize its value by protecting the interests of all its shareholders and stakeholders. March 20, 2009 1. Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Statement Tekfen Holding understands that good corporate governance brings great benefits to the Company. An important indicator of the emphasis the Company places on Corporate Governance Principles is establishment of an Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Department at the end of 2007, as outlined in the following sections. The Holding has also established a Corporate Governance Committee to evaluate its performance against the Principles and to ensure the highest level of compliance. Regarding the disclosures that appear in the rest of this report, the Company is fully compliant with the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles with the following exceptions: • Since the minority share holders who hold a 5% share in the Company, in accordance with the Turkish Law of Commerce and the Capital Markets Law, hold the right to demand for a legal auditor to be arranged, there is no provision in the Company's articles of association for the appointment of a special auditor. • The Articles of Association contain no provision for the representation of minority shares in management or the utilization of the method of cumulative voting. • No structure has been established to involve stakeholders in the Board of Directors. • There is no representative appointed to manage relations with the Company employees. The Company's relations with its employees are actively managed through the human resources and personnel departments of the Holding's companies. • To allow board members to take positions in other Group companies, it was decided at the ordinary Annual General Meeting that its members would not be subject to the prohibitions and limitations outlined in articles 334 and 335 of the Turkish Law of Commerce. In this regard, board members are in no way restricted from taking positions outside of the Company for the period covered by the General Meeting decision. • A performance-based award system has not been adopted for the determination of remuneration of board members. However, according to the Company's Articles of Association, in compliance with regulations and the Articles of Association, dividends not exceeding 2% of the profit after deduction of legal reserves and distributed profits may be distributed to the board members in accordance with the amounts and provisions set by the Board. All work and appraisals necessary for full compliance with the CMB's Principles of Corporate Governance is currently underway. The Tekfen Board of Directors believes that the present level of non-compliance does not constitute a basis for significant conflicts of interest. 89 > Section I - Shareholders 2. Shareholder Relations Department 2.1 Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Department In order to ensure that the practice of shareholder rights complies with CMB Corporate Governance Principles and all relevant legislation and to provide communication between existing and potential shareholders and the Board of Directors which is active concerning the exercise of shareholders rights, an Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Department was formed prior to the Company's initial public offering in November 2007. This department reports to The Corporate Governance Committee and to Dr. Reha Yolalan, Vice-President in charge of Corporate Affairs. The Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Department can be contacted as follows: Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Coordinator: Ça¤lar Gülveren, CFA Tel : +90 (212) 359 34 20 Fax : +90 (212) 257 00 81 E-mail : or The Investor Relations Department can also be reached via the contact form on the Company's official website: Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Coordinator Ça¤lar Gülveren holds all licenses issued by CMB is responsible for the Company's compliance with all obligations arising from capital market regulations and coordinating corporate governance applications. • To supervise and monitor all matters related to public disclosures, including preparing and sending announcements of material events as required to the Istanbul Stock Exchange; • To obtain financial and operational data required by analysts for research reports to be prepared by analysts provided this data has been previously disclosed to the public and does not contain any trade secrets, to ensure the speedy preparation of research reports from complete, accurate and current data and to examine and monitor analysts reports prepared in this context; • To answer by telephone or electronic mail the questions and requests for information of existing and potential local and foreign investors to the degree that legal regulations allow; • To organize teleconferences and meetings with the participation of Company senior managers for investors and analysts following announcements of quarterly Financial Reports to the public; • To prepare detailed quarterly presentations regarding the activities and financial condition of the Company with the support of the relevant departments; • Within the framework of regulations related to public announcements of material events, to prepare lists of those with insider information and to keep this list up to date; • To keep up with the information contained in the Registry System held by the Central Registration Agency. 2.3 Activities of the Investor Relations and Coporate Governance Department in 2008 A large percentage (34.5%) of the publicly traded portion of the Company's capital is owned by foreign institutional investors. Consequently, many existing and prospective foreign institutional investors and 2.2 Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Department Responsibilities brokerage companies' analysts who render services to such investors request visits to the Company. The department strives to meet these requests by facilitating the active participation of the Company's senior The main regulatory responsibilities of the Investor Relations Department are as follows: • To keep shareholder records in a sound, current, and secure manner and to respond to written shareholder requests to the fullest extent possible while not divulging confidential or trade information that should not be disclosed to the public; and held 17 teleconferences. In addition, it participated in the conference organized by Deutsche Bank in Göçek and held talks with • To ensure that the General Assembly is held in accordance with the current legislation, the articles of association, and other internal Company regulations; representatives of 11 foreing institutional investors. • To prepare, in cooperation with other Company departments, the General Assembly documents for shareholders; Two “Investor Meetings” were organized with the participation of all interested investors and analysts in • To keep records of voting and to send the relevant reports to any shareholders who may request them; operational results for 2007 and for the first six months of 2008 following the public disclosure of these • To supervise and monitor all matters related to informing the public, including issues such as legislation and the disclosure policy of the Company; the conference hall of Tekfen Tower that belongs to the Company to evaluate and discuss the financial and results. Senior managers of the Company attended these meetings. The date and time of these meetings was advertised on the Company website approximately three weeks in advance. In addition, the Investor Relations Department carries out the following activities: Additionally, “Investor Presentations” prepared in this regard are posted on the Company website and four • To supervise and monitor the implantation of obligations arising from capital market regulations; teleconferences with all interested investors and analysts were held regarding the quarterly activities and • To monitor and update on a regular basis the contents “Investor Relations” section of the website; • To respond to requests for information regarding the Holding and its Group companies from investors and analysts, to conduct one-on-one talks when necessary or to attend conferences and meeting organized on this subject; 90 management. In this context, in 2008, the Department conducted face to face interviews with 89 investors, financial results of our Company. During 2008, in the period following the public offering, the Investor Relations Department replied to approximately 200 e-mails received from investors and analysts and 300 telephone requests for information. 91 3. The Use of Shareholders' Rights to Obtain Information 3.1 Right to Obtain Information The shares that represent the issued capital of our Company are all registered bearer shares. The Invitation to the Ordinary General Assembly is issued in compliance with all regulations and the Company's Articles of Association within the specified period of time, and together with a sample proxy form and the agenda, is published in the Turkish Commercial Gazette and one of Turkey's leading national newspapers. All requests for information from shareholders that reach the Investor Relations Departments are answered At the General Assembly Meeting, out of a total number of shares of 296,775,000 representing TL296,775,000 without prejudice in a fair and equal way provided that this information has been previously disclosed to in shareholders' equity, 195,467,942 shares (65.86% participation ratio) were in attendance. Of these the public and does not contain any trade secrets. 34.29% (67,028,415 shares) were represented in person while 65.71% (128,439,527 shares) were represented by proxy. The meeting was not attended by the press or other stakeholders other than shareholders. In 2008, the Investor Relations Department answers 200 e-mail enquiries and 300 telephone calls from investors and analysts related to quarterly financial results and developments in the sectors in which the According to Article 24 of our Company's Articles of Association, voting at General Assembly Meetings is Company's subsidiaries are active. done by raising hands, with proxies showing the appropriate documents as per the Capital Market Board directives. However, shareholders owning 10% of the capital represented at the meeting may request secret In addition, investors can obtain accurate and current information and data from the “Investor Relations” voting. section of the Company's website ( which appears in both English and Turkish. At the General Assembly Meeting, there is the opportunity to question the partners. Questions related to 3.2 Right to Request a Special Auditor matters outside the agenda items are answered by our Company's managers. At the General Assembly Meeting, no proposals were made by shareholders. Since the minority shareholders who hold a 5% share in the Company, in accordance with the Turkish Law of Commerce and the Capital Markets Law, have the right to request the appointment of a statutory auditor, The agenda of the General Assembly Meeting, together with the register of attendance and meeting notes there is no provision in the Company's articles of association for the appointment of a special auditor. may be obtained from Company headquarters or from our website ( No request to make such an appointment was received during this reporting period. 4. Information about the General Assembly 4.1 Annual Ordinary General Assembly Our financial reports are prepared on a consolidated basis according to International Financial Reporting Standards since our Company is a publicly traded holding subject to the Capital Market Law. Consequently, annual financial reports prepared on a consolidated basis according to the Capital Market Law and the associated independent auditors report are sent within 14 weeks after the end of the accounting period to CMB and ISE. Taking into consideration the legal period allowed for the partners to examine the General Assembly invitation and documents related to this invitation, our Company's Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting takes place not within the three months following the accounting period in compliance with Article 21 of the Turkish Commercial Law and Articles of Association, but in the shortest possible period of time in compliance with the Capital Market Law. Accordingly, our Company's Ordinary General Assembly was held on May 8, 2008 at 14:00 in the Conference Hall of Tekfen Tower located at Büyükdere Cad. No. 209, 4. Levent-‹stanbul. The date, place, agenda, dividend distribution table and the dividend policy approved by the Board of Directors was announced to the public on April 4, 2008. At the same time, the meeting's agenda, annual report, financial tables and reports, dividend distribution recommendations and proxy form were made available to shareholders on the same date on our Company's website ( In addition, explanatory information regarding the items on the General Assembly Meeting agenda were published on 4.2 Special Decisions In Article Three, entitled Purpose and Subject, of the Company's Articles of Association, the business and operations that may be undertaken are outlined. In accordance with this article, the Company can enter other necessary business areas only with the General Assembly's approval on the proposal of the Board of Directors. While fulfilling the provisions of Article 3, the Company will also fulfill the public disclosure requirements of the Capital Markets Law and other relevant legislation. The latest version of the articles of association is posted on the Company's official website. 5. Voting and Minority Rights 5.1 Voting Rights Prior to our Company's IPO, privileged rights were removed by an amendment of the articles of association in compliance with the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles. Currently there are no privileged rights. As a result, every share carries a single vote; this point is clearly stated in our Company's Articles of Association. In line with the CMB's regulations, shareholders may use their voting rights directly or via a duly authorized proxy. The Company's capital contains no cross ownership. our website as “General Assembly Informative Documents.” 92 93 5.2 Minority Rights The Company's Articles of Association contain no provision for the representation of minority shareholders in the management of the Company or about utilization of the method of cumulative voting. 6. Dividend Policy and Deadline for Dividend Distribution Company dividend policy is determined according to the Turkish Law of Commerce, Capital Market Law; Capital Market Board Regulations and Directives, Tax Laws, other relevant legislation, and the Company's Articles of Association. Our Company's “Dividend Policy” which was approved by the Board of Directors on April 4, 2008 was presented to our shareholders at the general Assembly Meeting on May 8, 2008. Our Company's Dividend Policy is as follows: “Company dividend policy is determined according to the Turkish Law of Commerce, Capital Market Law; Capital Market Board Regulations and Directives, Tax Laws, other relevant legislation, and the Company's Articles of Association. 1- Article 28 of the Holding's Articles of Association reads as follows: Profit will be distributed as outlined below from the net profit stated in the Holding's balance sheet and reached after deducting the general expenditure of the Holding, various amortization costs, and mandatory taxes. The relevant provisions of the Capital Markets Law and notifications of the Capital Markets Board will be followed during the process of profit distribution. First Level Legal Reserves: The decision as to how and when the annual profit will be distributed to the shareholders will be decided by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Tax Laws and the Capital Markets Law. Profit distributed according to the provisions of the Articles of Association cannot be recovered. 2- The place and date of dividend payments are set in accordance with Capital Market Board Regulations. 3- Within the framework of Article 29 of the Holding's Articles of Association, if the Company General Assembly so authorizes the Board, interim dividend payments may be made (for that specific year only). The Capital Markets Law is taken into account during this process.” Additionally, in compliance with Capital Market regulations, if the financial statements prepared according to the Turkish Commercial Code and Tax Laws does not show a net distributable profit for the period, dividends should not be paid, even if the financial statements prepared according to IFRS and Capital Market regulations do show a “net distributable profit for the period.” Taking into consideration the legal period of time following the completion of the General Assemblies of our subsidiaries and partnerships included in the consolidated financial statements, dividend payment recommendations are announced to the public in accordance with relevant legislation upon the resolution of the Company's Board of Directors. The basic principles of profit distribution are announced to investors on the Company's official website ( a) Legal reserves at a rate of 5% will be allocated. In this regard, the distribution of profit of the 2007 accounting period was completed by the end of May 2008 within the terms set by the Capital Markets Law and in accordance with the Articles of Association. First Dividend: 7. Transfer of Shares b) To the remaining amount, grants delivered during the year, if any, are added, from this total at least 30% first dividends are allocated provided the rate or the amount is not below those set by the Capital Markets Law. The Company's Articles of Association place no limitations on the transfer of shares (cf. Article 6) within the limits set by the Capital Markets Law. c) A maximum of 3% of the remaining amount will be allocated to the Tekfen Foundation for Education, Health, Culture, Art and Preservation of Natural Resources d) After the above mentioned deductions, the General Assembly has the right to decide on an allocation of dividends that does not exceed 2% of the remaining profit to members of the Board (in line with the limits and principles set by the Board) Second Dividend: e) The General Assembly is entitled to distribute the amount remaining (after the deduction of the items outlined in a, b, c, and d, above) from the net profit as second dividends or allocate it as extraordinary legal reserves. Second Level Legal Reserves: f) Subject 3 of paragraph 2 of Article 466 of the Turkish Law of Commerce and the provisions of the paragraph of the same article do not apply to the Holding. g) Until the reserves required to be set aside as required by law have been so set aside and until the first dividend is paid to shareholders in cash and/or shares, no decision may be made to set aside profits for other reserves to transfer profits to the following year, or to distribute dividends to the founders or dividend right certificate holders, board members or Company officials, workers or foundations or other similar real/legal entities established for specific purposes. h) Dividends shall be distributed to all the existing shares at the end of the accounting period without taking into account the date of issue or acquisition of such shares. 94 95 > Section II Public Disclosure and Transparency 10. Official Company Website and Its Content 8. Company Information Disclosure Policy The official website of the Company is The Company's Board of Directors developed its disclosure policy in accordance with the CMB's Corporate The website includes all the information outlined in Article 1.11.5 of Section II of the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles, other than Board meeting minutes that might affect the value of investment instruments. Governance Principles and this policy was first publicly announced in the Company's IPO prospectus. The disclosure policy holds a permanent place on the Company's official website. According to the Company's disclosure policy: Minutes of Board decisions that might affect the values of investment instruments are not presented via the website in the format of a separate report, as they are disclosed via disclosure of material events. • In accordance with the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles, the Holding has adopted the concepts of transparency, equity, integrity, objectivity, consistency, comprehensibility, and punctuality with regard to disclosing financial and non-financial information about the Holding (excluding commercial secrets 11. Disclosure of Ultimate Controlling Shareholder(s) and confidential information) to its shareholders and other stakeholders. All announcements and The ownership structure of the Company is as follows: explanations made under the jurisdiction of this policy will be timely, complete, accurate, comprehensible, and analyzable, and should be made at minimum cost. • In following an active and transparent disclosure policy, the Holding acts in accordance with Capital SHARESOLDER’S NAME 16,87 7.223.744 2,43 Berker Family - Total 57.290.407 19,30 Necati Akça¤l›lar 50.066.663 16,87 7.223.744 2,43 57.290.407 19,30 Ali Nihat Gökyi¤it 25.883.731 8,72 A.Nihat Gökyi¤it Yat›r›m Holding 25.758.370 8,68 5.648.306 1,90 57.290.407 19,30 3.848.867 1,30 Necdet Bozdo¤an 3.315.207 1,12 Naim Özkazanç 3.379.427 1,14 Feyyaz Berker framework of the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles. Alev Berker writing to all shareholder, stakeholder, financial analysts', and media inquiries and requests for information and printed material. Cansevil Akça¤l›lar Akça¤l›lar Family - Total Meetings presenting the Company's annual and semi annual operational results with the participation of senior managers are planned. After the disclosure of the annual and semi annual financial statements, four conference calls involving senior managers will be organized for investors and the analysts. A.N.Gökyi¤it E¤.Sa¤l.Kült.San. Ça¤lar Gülveren, head of the Company's Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Department, is responsible for supervising and applying the disclosure policy. 9. Disclosure of Material Events During 2008, as required by CMB regulations, 42 disclosure statements were made. Three of these were SHARE RATIO (%) 50.066.663 Markets legislation and ISE regulations and implements an effective communications policy within the • For this purpose, the Holding's Investor Relations and Corporate Governance Department responds in NUMBER OF SHARES Gökyi¤it Family - Total Günay Ünlüsoy additional disclosures made at the request of ISE and one item was made in response to the request of Elçin Erktin 846.866 0,29 ISE. Mehmet Erktin 1.234.173 0,42 Emine Erktin 1.234.173 0,42 3.315.212 1,13 6.424.347 2,16 2.233.919 0,75 8.658.266 2,91 These disclosures were also sent to the Public Information Platform in electronic form. Erktin Family - Total Our company is not listed on foreign securities exchanges and therefore is not required to issue any Erhan Öner disclosures of material events other than those required by the Capital Markets Board and Istanbul Stock Öner Yat›r›m ‹ç ve D›fl Exchange. Öner - Total During 2008, no sanctions have been imposed by the Capital Markets Board to the Company for not making Free Float 102.386.800 34,50 material events disclosures on time. GROSS TOTAL 296.775.000 100,00 The Investor Relations Departments is responsible for disclosures of material events in our Company and carries out all processes related to this topic. 96 97 12. Disclosure of Individuals Who Have Access to Insider Information The list of individuals who have access to insider information made public for the first time in our Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Report for 2007. > Section III - Stakeholders 13. Informing Stakeholders There are numerous undisclosed transactions and events which have potential to affect the Company The Holding informs stakeholders of important Company developments via internal correspondence, share price. Thus, many Tekfen employees and managers who participate in the decision taking and meetings, the intranet and internet, press meetings, briefings, and other written and visual media. reporting processes and as well as the personnel of companies providing services to the Holding have access to inside information. In this regard, the Company management takes all precautions to prevent Stakeholders, investors, and analysts can access financial reports, annual reports and other presentations misuse of such information. and information regarding the Holding via the official Company website. The list of senior managers and other employees who, as a result of their positions, have the ability to Because the Company is a holding company, it is not directly involved in commercial activities. However, access to the inside information that might affect the share price of the Company is given below: depending on the business area of the Holding's companies, stakeholders (such as customers who have affiliation with the Company, franchisees, and suppliers) are informed about issues of interest to them, via franchise meetings or training sessions. 98 NAME SURNAME POSITION Feyyaz Berker Chairman of the Board Ali Nihat Gökyi¤it Deputy Chairman of the Board Cansevil Akça¤l›lar Deputy Chairman of the Board Murat Gigin Board Member Ifl›k Zeynep Defne Akça¤l›lar Board Member Dr. M. Ercan Kumcu Board Member Dr. Rüfldü Saraco¤lu Independent Board Member Hasan S. Subafl› Independent Board Member fiefika Pekin Independent Board Member Cengiz Yaman Auditor 15. Human Resources Policy Erhan Öner Group Companies President The Human Resources Policy of Tekfen Holding and group companies is formulated on the following Dr. Ahmet ‹pekçi Vice-president Investment & Service Companies Group principles: Ümit Özdemir Vice-president-Contracting Group Esin Mete Vice-president-Agri-industry Group Mehmet Erktin Vice-president-Real Estate Development Group, Auditor Dr. Osman Reha Yolalan Vice-president-Corporate Affairs Ali fievket Tursan Director of Finance & Administrative Affairs Burçin Kuzgun Finance Coordinator Dr. Ahmet Burak Emel Strategic Planning and Reporting Coordinator Dorottya Maria Kiss Kalafat Corporate Communications Coordinator Ça¤lar Gülveren Investor Relations & Corporate Governance Coordinator Hakan Dündar Audit Manager Toca Tonya Chief Accountant Arzu Dodurga Finance Manager Atila Purut Chief Legal Consultant / Attorney fiule Özkaner Legal Consultant / Attorney Ramazan ‹brahim Eker Consultant Employees are informed via various events, periodical meetings with managers, and the intranet. Some important announcements and messages are communicated to all employees via email. Tekfen Holding places great emphasis on dialogue between the employees and managers and facilitates such an information flow. 14. Participation of Shareholders in the Management No structure for the involvement of stakeholders in the Company's management has been established. However, managers evaluate requests and recommendations emanating from meetings held with the employees and other stakeholders and thus, relevant policies and applications are developed. • Continuous customer and employee satisfaction is a guarantee of the present and future success of a company. • To minimize any possibility of damage to employees, third parties, property, or the environment, Tekfen Holding arranges all its operations according to the following work principles, presented in order: - Abide by all relevant laws, regulations and directives regarding Health, Safety, the Environment, and Quality for which all managers and employees are responsible, - Keep strict adherence to standards and customers' specifications so as to eliminate or minimize customer complaints, and repeat and maintenance charges, - Increase the effectiveness of management systems and continuously monitor and improve applications. 99 Tekfen Holding is not only concerned with managing its own human resources policy effectively, but in investing in Turkey's future. In this regard, social, cultural, and environmental protection activities, as well as the Company's scholarship program for successful students (which we have undertaken since the Company's foundation) are among the tasks that are covered by the policy and that carry Turkey to a brighter future. This management concept is based on a belief in people's unlimited potential to succeed and an understanding that a brighter future can only be attained through technology and science. Therefore, investing in human intelligence and skills is essential. The fact that no complaint of discrimination came from the employees in 2008 indicates the objective attitude of Tekfen Group towards its employees. Its employees are the Company's most valuable assets and their quality is the most important guarantee of the quality of out services and products. The Company shows the same diligence for employee development programs as it does for employee selection. Employee development programs develop the employees' ability to act in a coordinated fashion, to develop recommendations, and to make rational decisions. The Human Resources and Personnel Units take active roles in managing relations with employees. 16. Information on Relations with the Clients and Suppliers Because the Company is a holding company, it is not directly involved in commercial activities. However, the Holding places great emphasis on relations with and the satisfaction of stakeholders, such as its clients, franchisees, and suppliers. The Agri-industry Group takes great care to reply to all emails regardless of whether or not they come from its customers. All complaints, recommendations, or technical inquiries from customers via email or 17. Social Responsibility As a responsible member of society, the social, cultural, and environmental activities of Tekfen are an integral part of the Holding's corporate culture. In 1999, Tekfen established the Tekfen Foundation for Education, Health, Culture, Art, and Preservation of Natural Resources, which is known as the Tekfen Foundation, with the aim of increasing Tekfen's contribution to social and cultural activities and to establish a better future in harmony with the natural environment. Tekfen Foundation The Foundation; • Provides scholarships every year to 180 successful high school, undergraduate, and graduate school students in need of financial support. To date, these scholarships have helped more than 1000 students to graduate. • Supports a large number of NGOs, including TEMA Foundation (The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and the Protection of Natural Habitats), the Family Planning Foundation of Turkey, the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and the Arts, in addition to developing and maintaining the Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra, which was established in 1992. • Published Flowers of Anatolia by Fatih Orbay, with the aim of preserving Turkey's natural, historical, and cultural heritage for future generations in addition to supporting various projects and publications for similar aims. • Provides social support for various needs. telephone are replied to as soon as possible and relevant solutions are provided. Periodical dealer meetings involving senior level managers are organized to provide information to dealers and to manage dealer relations in the best possible way. There is a mutual sharing of information during these meetings. Solutions are created for the problems of dealers. Questions that go unanswered at these meetings are evaluated Tekfen's contribution to society is not limited to the activities of the Foundation. Tekfen Group Companies continue to work in collaboration with local authorities and the public with regard to issues arising in those regions and sectors where the companies operate. later and information is provided to the dealers concerned. In addition to these meetings, senior level managers and the sales teams from regional offices visit dealers throughout the year to nurture warm Tekfen Contracting Group relations. On average 30 training sessions a year are organized to increase the awareness level and Tekfen Construction is a reliable partner for international contracting companies, with the emphasis it places on occupational health and safety and the environment, its know-how, experience, project delivery punctuality, business ethics, and EU-compatible standards. knowledge of the end users. During these meetings, Company training consultants with academic backgrounds provide information on various agricultural practices. In addition to these meetings and training sessions, the official website includes a comprehensive section on recommendations about fertilization practices for the farmers. The Agri-industry Group has many years of reliable relations with foreign suppliers. There is a continuous information flow with suppliers with regard to current and future market conditions and expectations. To maximize customer satisfaction, the Contracting Group places great emphasis on product, human, and environmental health. Product quality is guaranteed by the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, the safety of the employees, property, and third parties is guaranteed by OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and environmental protection is guaranteed and continuously improved by the ISO 14001 Environment Management System. Suppliers are also asked to operate in accordance with these management systems and to improve themselves on a continuous basis. 100 Tekfen Construction's business concept has been established and developed over many years in accordance with the following principles: • To minimize any possible harm to employees, third parties, property and the environment during general operations; • To act with the goal of benefiting society and the environment during all its operations, and to set high standards with regard to environmental awareness; • To strive to avoid breaches of environmental rules that might endanger the health and rights of clients or inhabitants of the areas where the Company operates; • To act in a way that minimizes the environmental impact of its operations and to take precautions to eliminate environmental pollution; • To respect the traditions and cultures of the countries it operates in and to avoid practices that might adversely affect the social environment; • To take all precautions necessary to preserve archeological, historical and cultural artifacts, as well as the natural environment during the course of operations; • To minimize the consumption of natural resources; • To determine all environmental issues and their effects, as well as risk levels with regard to all business practices and projects, and to minimize the determined risk levels with corrective and preventive action. • Within the framework of its social responsibility obligations, to support education, activities that increase environmental and social awareness, as well as cultural and social responsibility activities. 101 The core of Tekfen Construction's quality concept is the HSE (Health, Security and Environment) system. Additionally, Toros Tar›m carries out various educational events for children living in the environs of Ceyhan With this system, Tekfen undertakes not to harm people, to protect the environment, to use natural and Samsun. Toros Tar›m initiated the establishment of Toros Primary School and Toros High School, near resources efficiently, and to develop and maintain the HSE system. With HSE, Tekfen's goal is to win the the Ceyhan production facility, and continues to meet all the needs of these schools. The training center trust of its clients, shareholders, and the general public and to contribute to sustainable development. established in the Sumsun Production Plant offers free university preparation for high school students living in the area in cooperation with TOG (Foundation for Community Volunteers). Tekfen Construction gives great importance to on-the-job training. In 2008, out of a total of 55,523,483 man-hours, 660,875 man-hours were used for training. In other words, 1.19% of working time was spent Toros Tar›m continues to support scientific and cultural activities related to the sector. It sponsors the on training in 2008. “Grain Symposium” organized by the Bahri Da¤dafl Research Institute which is well-known for its contribution to agriculture in Turkey and the “Agricultural Stars” contest held by the ‹zmir Mercantile Exchange for Tekfen Construction continued to achieve international success. In 2008, it won the International Pipeline creative and innovative farmers. and Offshore Contractors Association's (IPLOCA) “IPLOCA Health and Safety Award” for 2007. Toros Tar›m has two Toros Houses, one in Antalya Kumluca and the other in Mersin Erdemli, where Tekfen Construction was recognized by its clients for the absence of accident-related lost time incidents producers are offered technical know-how and support as well as practical information about monitoring on the following projects; seed performance. Agricultural engineers attached to the Toros Houses deal with farmers' problems and provide solutions. • ACG Terminal Project (Azerbaijan) 32 million accident free man-hours award; • Kashagan Main Work Project (Kazahkistan) 27 million accident free man-hours award; Toros Tar›m has developed its quality, environmental, and occupational safety performance in line with • Samir Rafinery Modernization Project (Morocco) 17 million accident free man-hours award; international standards and obtained ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification, demonstrating • UOU and UO1 Projects (Saudi Arabia) 10 million accident free man-hours award; the company's adherence to occupational safety, environmental, and quality standards in all its operations. • Khurais Project (Saudi Arabia) 5.5 million accident free man-hours award; • Kashagan Industrial Buildings Project (Kazahkstan) 2 million accident free man-hours award; Finally, Toros Tar›m sponsored the “1 Anthem, 12 Compositions” project carried out by Tekfen Foundation • Maritza Power Plant Project (Bulgaria) 2 million accident free man-hours award; to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey and contributed material and moral support • Harweel Pipeline Project (Jordan) 1.7 million accident free man-hours award; to the performance by the Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra of 12 of the compositions which vied in the • Ma’aden Phosphoric Acid Plant Project (Saudi Arabia) 412,000 accident free man-hours award. National Anthem competition held in 1921. In order to standardize applications related to the design, assembly and disassembly of scaffolding on our Tekfen Real Estate Development Group projects within work safety norms “Scaffolding Safety Handbook” was published in Turkish and English Tekfen Real Estate Development is a founding member of the Turkish Green Building Council, which was and distributed to all projects and worksites. A book entitled “Introduction to Ark Welding” containing established to construct energy-efficient buildings and inform the sector about the need for energy basic information and various test procedures regarding ark welding which is widely used in our operations conservation to combat global warming. was also prepared in Turkish and English and distributed to all projects and worksites. With its trained technical and administrative personnel, Tekfen Contracting Group reinforces its reputation in the national and international contracting sector. The Group has ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Safety and Health, and ISO 14001 Environment Management System Certificates. Group employees and the management systems are audited under these certifications by independent organizations on a continuous basis and improvement programs are implemented. Toros Tar›m In addition to its main business activity, Toros Tar›m aims to improve the income and the living standards of farmers and agricultural sector employees and to contribute to the development of the Turkish agricultural sector. To help solve farmers' problems, Toros Tar›m has over several years organized Field Day activities and regular training seminars for farmers focused on improving agricultural techniques, increasing yields, and ensuring correct fertilization. Toros Tar›m also provides farmers with free soil analysis. With the help of this service, farmers can understand the nature of their soils' and ascertain fertilizers they need to maximize yields and crop health. 102 103 > Section IV - Board of Directors 18. Structure of the Board and its Independent Members 20. The Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals of the Company 20.1 Our Mission and Vision The Company's vision and mission statement are published on the official website. The Company's administration is undertaken by a Board of Directors of nine members chosen by the General Assembly. The current board members and their positions in the Company are as follows: NAME SURNAME POSITION Feyyaz Berker President and Managing Director Ali Nihat Gökyi¤it Deputy Chairman and Managing Director Cansevil Akça¤l›lar Deputy Chairman and Managing Director Ifl›k Zeynep Defne Akça¤l›lar Member Murat Gigin Member Dr. M. Ercan Kumcu Member Dr. Rüfldü Saraco¤lu Independent Member Hasan S. Subafl› Independent Member fiefika Pekin Independent Member Due to the death of Ayfle Leyla Akça¤l›lar on September 13, 2008, who had been appointed as a Member of the Board of Directors on May 8, 2008 at the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting , Ifl›k Zeynep Defne Akça¤l›lar was appointed to take her place pending approval at the first General Assembly. In 2008, three members had executive roles in the Company as managing directors and the remaining members had non-executive roles. Tekfen Group's vision is; To be one of the leading forces of Turkey's growth in our areas of operation, namely, Contracting, AgriIndustry, Real-Estate Development and Finance. Tekfen Group's mission is; While remaining committed to our traditional values, we aim to focus on our core operations, deliver the highest quality products and services, become the leader of our segments, and at the same time, generate value for all of our stakeholders, namely, our customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and society. 20.2 Our Values Tekfen Holding operates in accordance with the corporate values it has developed over its 52 years and which have been fully adopted by its employees. These corporate values, which are also stated on the Company's official website, are as follows: • To do what you know best in the best possible way • To benefit the country • To stand by the employees • To talk less and to do more • To act ethically and fulfill commitments regardless of the circumstances • To be in harmony with others and not to disillusion anyone to attain your goals • To prevent greed overtaking wisdom • To believe in the power of technology and science (as is reflected in the Company's name) • To conserve nature and protect the Company's employees. 20.3 Strategic Objectives Among the board members, Rüfldü Saraco¤lu, Hasan S. Subafl› and fiefika Pekin are independent members in line with the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles and each has made a written statement about his or her independence. Up to the end of the period covered by this report, no situation arose that undermined the independent status of these members. To allow board members take positions in other Group companies, it was decided in the ordinary Annual General Meeting that the board members would not be subject to the prohibitions and limitations outlined in articles 334 and 335 of the Turkish Law of Commerce. In this regard, board members are not limited in any way from taking positions outside the Company for the period covered by the General Assembly's decision. 19. Qualifications of Board Members As a matter of principle, all board members, independent or otherwise, are chosen from among candidates who have relevant expertise and experience, and a high level of skill and knowledge in their respective areas. In this regard, the qualifications required of board members match those outlined in Articles 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and 3.1.5 of Section IV of the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles. However, the Company's articles of association contain no provision about the minimum qualifications for board members. There has been no need up to now to organize a training and orientation program for board members. However, if the need should arise, a training and orientation program for the new board members will be organized in accordance with the principles set out by the Company's Corporate Governance Committee. 104 The Board of Directors holds quarterly evaluation meetings with senior representatives of each business group where the Board monitors the financial and operational performance of the Group companies against their budgetary and other objectives. The meetings also develop recommendations with regard to the Company's core business areas and strategy. 21. Risk Management and Internal Control Mechanism The Board of Directors is responsible for minimizing imminent and potential risks by establishing risk management and internal control mechanisms. As a holding company, the Company's financial statements are consolidated and the financial results and performance of all the Holding's companies are controlled and followed up at the holding level, as the relevant legislation requires. In line with the provision of the Capital Markets Law and other relevant legislation, internal auditing is the responsibility of the Audit Committee and is undertaken by the Financial and Administrative Tasks Directorate of the Holding, Audit Department and Finance Directorate. Risk management and reporting tasks related to the Holding's companies are followed up at the vice-presidential level. The financial results required for public disclosure are presented to the Board after they have gained the approval of the Audit Committee. Reports of the companies' operational results, the degree to which they have attained their goals, and the risks encountered, are assessed at the periodical Board meetings with the participation of the relevant group vice-presidents. 105 22. Authority and Responsibilities of the Members of the Board and Executives 25. Ethical Rules According to the Company's Articles of Association, the Board of Directors executes the tasks given to it as a result of the Turkish Law of Commerce, the articles of association, and the decisions of the Company's General Assembly. In line with Article 319 of the Turkish Law of Commerce, the Board can delegate some or all of its authority and responsibilities, including its authority to represent the Company, to a committee made up of its own members or to managing director(s) or manager(s). Tekfen Holding gives great importance to ethical rules and commercial conventions and takes care to ensure that all employees follow these rules in their relations with stakeholders. These rules, which are incumbent on all Company employees, were printed and presented as part of the requirements of the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles and they were publicly announced in the Company prospectus prepared for the initial public offering, after the approval of the Annual General Meeting. During the first Board meeting held after the ordinary Annual General Meeting, the authority and responsibilities of the board members are determined and announced and a circular documenting the authority and responsibilities of the board members is prepared. Tekfen Holding's ethical rules are published on the Company's official website. In this regard, the board members Ali Nihat Gökyi¤it, Feyyaz Berker, and Cansevil Akça¤l›lar were appointed as managing directors at the 2008 Board meeting. The Board determines and announces the basic management principles of the Company every year. 23. Principles of Activity of the Board of Directors Issues related to the Board's meeting frequency and quorum are defined in the Company's Articles of Association. The Board of Directors meets at least once a month or when the need arises. In 2008, Board of Directors made a total of 32 resolutions at 22 meetings. The quorum required for a Board meeting to commence is half the membership plus one and all decisions require a majority. Board decisions may also be made by obtaining the written decision of each member provided that none of the members demands a discussion of the subject in hand. The secretariat of the Board of Directors determines the agendas by the taking the proposals of the President of Tekfen Group Companies and approval of the Chairman of the Board. Supporting documents are prepared by the secretariat of the Board of Directors and submitted in a single dossier to the members at least ten days before the meeting date. All Board decisions in 2008 were passed unanimously, so no dissenting view is recorded in the Resolution Book. Should it arise, all details of dissenting views would be recorded in the Resolution Book. In 2008, two meetings were held to discuss the issues outlined in Article 2.17.4 of the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles and it was ensured that all board members participated in these meetings. In cases where the Capital Markets legislation so requires, important Board decisions are publicly announced with a disclosure of material events. The board members do not have privileges such as controlling a vote or a negative right of veto. 24. Prohibition of Engaging in Transactions and Competing with the Company To allow board members take positions in other Group companies, it was decided in the ordinary Annual General Meeting that the board members would not be subject to the prohibitions and limitations outlined in articles 334 and 335 of the Turkish Law of Commerce. Currently, none of the board members is engaged in any activity that would cause a conflict of interest or would be deemed as competing in the same business area. 26. The Number, Structure and Autonomy of Committees Formed by the Board of Directors During the initial public offering, two committees, namely the Audit Committee and the Corporate Governance Committee, were formed upon Board decisions dated November 22nd, 2007. In the present structure of the committees, no member of the Board of Directors serves on more than one committee. The Tasks and Operational Principles that outline the general procedures related to the tasks of the Corporate Governance Committee and the Audit Committee are in effect following the Board of Directors' approval. The Tasks and Operational Principles of these committees are published on the Company's official website. These committees meet at least once every three months and at least four times per year. 26.1 Audit Committee An independent board member, Dr. Rüfldü Saraco¤lu was selected to head the Audit Commitee, and Dr. M. Ercan Kumcu, a non-executive board member, was selected as a Committee Member. In line with Capital Markets Legislation, the Audit Committee is responsible for supporting the Board of Directors by overseeing the Company's accounting system, the public disclosure of financial information, the independent auditing, and by monitoring the effectiveness and performance of the internal audit mechanism, and for reporting on its evaluations to the Board of Directors. 26.2 Corporate Governance Committee An independent board member, Mr. Hasan S. Subafl›, and Mr. Murat Gigin, a non-executive board member, were selected to head the Corporate Governance Committee. In line with Capital Markets Legislation, the Corporate Governance Committee is responsible for monitoring the Company's compliance with the CMB's Corporate Governance Principles, proposing improvements in compliance, and making recommendations on compliance issues to the Board of Directors. 27. Remuneration of the Members of the Board of Directors In line with the Company's articles of association, board members receive an annual or monthly stipend or a certain fee per meeting, as determined by the General Meeting. At the Annual Ordinary General Assembly held on May 8, 2008 it was resolved to pay a gross fee of 20,000 TL per month to Board of Directors Executive Directors and 5,000 TL per month to the other members. Dividends shall be distributed to board members according to the amounts and provisions set by the Board. However, they may not exceed 2% of the profit after deduction of legal reserves and the amounts to be distributed under the Company's articles of association. Financial benefits are not determined and granted in line with a performance-based system but paying dividends out of profits can be accepted as a performance based awarding system. No board member or manager may obtain loans or guarantees, such as letters of guarantee, from the Company. 106 107 > Tekfen Holding Dividend Policy Company dividend policy is determined according to the Turkish Law of Commerce, the CMB's legislation and its regulations and decisions, the tax laws, other relevant legislation, and the Company's articles of association. 1- Article 28 of the Holding's Articles of Association reads as follows: Profit will be distributed as outlined below from the net profit stated in the Holding's balance sheet and reached after deducting the general expenditure of the Company, various amortization costs, and mandatory taxes. The relevant provisions of the Capital Markets Law and notifications of the Capital Markets Board will be followed during the process of profit distribution. First level legal reserves: a) Legal reserves at a rate of 5% will be allocated. First Dividend: b) To the remaining amount, grants delivered during the year, if any, are added, from this total at least 30% first dividends are allocated provided the rate or the amount is not below those set by the Capital Markets Law. c) A maximum of 3% of the remaining amount will be allocated to the Tekfen Foundation for Education, Health, Culture, Art and Protection of Natural Habitat. h) Dividends shall be distributed to all the existing shares as the end of the accounting period without taking into account the date of issue or acquisition of such shares. The decision as to how and when the annual profit will be distributed to the shareholders will be decided by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Tax Laws and the Capital Markets Law. Profit distributed according to the provisions of the Articles of Association cannot be recovered. 2- The place and date of dividend payments are set in accordance with Capital Market Board Regulations. 3- Within the framework of Article 29 of the Company's Articles of Association, if the Company General Assembly so authorizes the Board, interim dividend payments may be made (for that specific year only). The Capital Markets Law is taken into account during this process. > Risk Management and Internal Control In accordance with laws applicable to Tekfen Holding, financials tables are prepared on a consolidated basis. The main operating groups of Contracting, Agri-Industry and Real Estate Development prepare IFRS based financial tables on a quarterly basis using their own internal control mechanisms. At the Holding level, elimination of transactions between groups is done and consolidated financial tables are prepared. The financial results and performance of all companies included in the consolidation are analyzed by the operating group to which they belong and included in the consolidated financial reporting. d) After the above mentioned deductions, the General Assembly has the right to decide on an allocation of dividends that does not exceed 2% of the remaining profit to members of the Board (in line with the limits and principles set by the Board). Second Dividend: Internal control activities of Tekfen Holding are carried out by the Audit Committee in coordination with the Financial Affairs Directorate as per the relevant legal regulations. The risk management and financial reporting of the three main operating groups is monitored by the relevant Group Vice-Presidents. When quarterly financial tables are disclosed to the public; consolidated financial tables are presented to the Company Board of Directors after being checked and approved by the Audit Committee. e) The General Assembly is entitled to distribute the amount remaining (after the deduction of the items outlined in a, b, c, and d, above) from the net profit as second dividends or allocate it as extraordinary legal reserves. Second level legal reserves: f) Subject 3 of paragraph 2 of Article 466 of the Turkish Law of Commerce and the provisions of the paragraph of the same article do not apply to the Holding. g) No decision may be made to set aside profits for other reserves to transfer profits to the following Major financial indicators such as revenues, profit before interest, taxes and depreciation, net income, net operating capital and net liabilities to bank are reported periodically and analyzed by senior management. Determination and reporting of operational results of companies, degree of achievement of objectives and possible risks are evaluated at Board of Directors meeting periodically with the participation of the relevant Group Vice-Presidents. The above-mentioned financial tables are audited and reviewed during the operating year. year, or to distribute dividends to the founders or dividend right certificate holders, board members or Company officials, workers or foundations or other similar real/legal entities established for specific purposes, unless the first dividend is paid as provided and unless the reserves required to be set aside as required by law have been so set aside. 108 109 Directory • Tekfen Holding Co., Inc. Kültür Mahallesi, Tekfen Sitesi Ayd›nl›k Sokak, A Blok, No:7 Ulus-Befliktafl 34340 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 359 33 00 Fax : (90.212) 359 33 05 e-mail : website : • Tekfen Foundation for Education, Health, Culture, Art & Protection of Natural Resources Kültür Mahallesi, Tekfen Sitesi Ayd›nl›k Sokak, A Blok, No:7 Ulus-Befliktafl 34340 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 359 33 49 Fax : (90.212) 359 33 05 e-mail : website : CONTRACTING GROUP • Tekfen Construction & Installation Co., Inc. Kültür Mahallesi, Tekfen Sitesi Ayd›nl›k Sokak, B Blok, No:3 Ulus-Befliktafl 34340 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 359 35 00 Fax : (90.212) 359 35 08 e-mail : website : • Tekfen Engineering Co., Inc. Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No:209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 03 03 Fax : (90.212) 357 03 09 e-mail : website : • Tekfen Manufacturing & Engineering Co., Inc. Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No:209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 00 60 Fax : (90.212) 357 00 61 e-mail : website : • Hallesche Mitteldeutsche Bau - A.G. (HMB) Magdeburger Strasse 27 (06112) Halle / Saale, Germany Telephone : (49.345) 511 62 39 Fax : (49.345) 511 68 13 e-mail : website : • Azfen J.V. Istiglalijat Street 31, Baku, Azerbaijan Telephone : (99.412) 492 58 35 - 57 25 Fax : (99.412) 492 57 27 e-mail : website : • Cenub Tikinti Services ASC Sabail Rayonu, Cenub Köprüsü AZ1003 Baku, Azerbaijan Telephone : (99.412) 491 18 82 Fax : (99.412) 447 41 28 • GATE Construction & Trade Co., Inc. Kültür Mahallesi, Tekfen Sitesi Ayd›nl›k Sokak, No:4 Ulus-Besiktas 34340 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 359 37 50 Fax : (90.212) 359 37 52 • TGO Construction Contracting Transport Trading Industry Co. Ltd O¤uzlar Mahallesi Ceyhun At›f Kansu Caddesi 45. Sokak No: 13/12 Balgat - Ankara, Turkey Telephone : (90.312) 286 54 73 (90.312) 286 09 73 Fax : (90.312) 286 54 96 210 AGRI-INDUSTRY GROUP REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT GROUP • Toros Agricultural Production & Marketing Co., Inc. Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No:209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 02 02 Fax : (90.212) 357 02 31 e-mail : website : • Tekfen-OZ Real Estate Development Co., Inc. Kemankefl Caddesi, No:81 Kat:4 34420 Karaköy-Beyo¤lu Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 377 07 77 Fax : (90.212) 377 07 78 e- mail : website : • Toros Terminal & Maritime Services Co., Inc. Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No:209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 02 02 Fax : (90.212) 357 02 31 e-mail : website : • Tekfen Real Estate Development Investment and Trade Co., Inc. Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No: 209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 10 10 Fax : (90.212) 357 10 15 e-mail : website : • TAYSEB - Toros-Adana-Yumurtal›k Free Trade Zone Founder and Operating Co., Inc. P.K.10, 01920 Ceyhan - Adana, Turkey Telephone : (90.322) 634 20 80 Fax : (90.322) 634 20 90 e-mail : website : • Tekfen Tourism & Facility Management Co., Inc. Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No:209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 00 00 (10 lines) Fax : (90.212) 357 00 12 e-mail : website : • Toros Ship Agency Services Co., Inc Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi No: 209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 02 02 Fax : (90.212) 357 02 31 e-mail : website : INVESTMENT & SERVICE COMPANIES GROUP • Hishtil-Toros Seedling Industry & Trade Co., Inc. Tekke Köyü, Pürenli Mevkii, Serik - Antalya, Turkey Telephone : (90.242) 717 40 45 Fax : (90.242) 717 41 99 website : • TAGAfi - Turkish Arabian Fertilizer Co. Inc. Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No:209 4.Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 02 02 Fax : (90.212) 357 02 31 e-mail : website : BANKING GROUP • Eurobank Tekfen Co., Inc. (Headquarters) Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No:209 4.Levent 34330 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 07 07 Fax : (90.212) 357 08 08 e-mail : website : • EFG Leasing Co., Inc. Tekfen Tower, Eski Büyükdere Caddesi, No:209 4.Levent 34330 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 357 07 07 Fax : (90.212) 357 08 25 e-mail : website : • EFG Istanbul Securities Co., Inc. Büyükdere Caddesi, No:195 Kat:7 Levent 34394 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 317 27 27 Fax : (90.212) 317 27 26 website : • Tekfen Industry & Trade Co., Inc. Kültür Mahallesi, Tekfen Sitesi Ayd›nl›k Sokak, D Blok, No:2 Ulus-Befliktafl 34340 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 359 37 80 Fax : (90.212) 359 37 90 e-mail : website : • Papfen Joint Stock Company Yakkasarayskiy Rayon Ul: Vasit Vahidov, No:41 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Telephone : (99.871) 120 40 82 Fax : (99.871) 120 40 81 e-mail : • Tekfen Insurance Brokerage Services Co., Inc. Kültür Mahallesi, Ayd›nl›k Sok. No:6 Ulus-Besiktas 34340 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 359 38 80 Fax : (90.212) 359 38 81 e-mail : website : • Antalya Studios Co., Inc. Kültür Mahallesi, Tekfen Sitesi Ayd›nl›k Sokak, A Blok, No:7 Ulus-Befliktafl 34340 Istanbul, Turkey Telephone : (90.212) 359 33 00 Fax : (90.212) 359 33 05 e-mail : website :
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