Chapter 19 Ceremonies Wizcraft Part4
Chapter 19 Ceremonies Wizcraft Part4
Annexure 14 Extracts of the contract dated 0I.12.2009 entered with Wizcraft relating to performance security 2471 :g frFil DELHI H 9 64258 EVENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT This Event Management Services Agreement is made in Delhi on 01 Decembgr 2009 Between Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2O1O Delhi, a society existing and registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and having its registered office at Gate No. 25, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, l-odi Road, New Delhi - 110 003, India (herelnafter neferred to as "Delhi 2O1O") through its Secretary General. AND g t M/s Wizcraft International Entertainment Pvt. Ltd, A Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at Satyadev Plaza, Sth Floor, Fun Republic Lanen Off New Link Road, Behind Bhagwati House, Mumbai - 400053 and a \/\/ branch office at Plot No 2, Shambu Dayal Bagh, Opposite Modi Mill, Kalkaji. Road, New - [ Delhi - 110020 (hereinafter referred to as "service Provider") through its Director Mr. Viraf Sarkari, who has been duly authorised by Board of Directors vide resolution dated Wizcraft Delhi 2010 / Page 1 2472 \ ' (g) ensure that its Personnel at all times comply with all occupational health and safety and all Laws ielating to the piovision oi Services under this Agreement i (h) ensure that all personnel working on the Delhi. 2010 premises acknowledge that thev have understood ano shau compty ;itf personnel statement as set out in Schedule 12;anA (i) D;iiil 2ilil';;;;* at any time after a request from Delhi 2010, withdraw any person frorn providing any part of .the Services if Delhi zolo has ieisonaute grounds for making the request. on request, the servic" Fr*id", ,nrri ni"*;, aL?ngg for the person to cease being involved in any way in the provision of the services. The service provider *y:.t reprace the person with a person of suitable ability, experience and qualification" *iinin a reasonabte Lrrr / 'Yevv"vv'v time period specified by Delhi 2010. 11 Fee 11'1 In consideration of the service Provider performing the services in accordance with the obligations contained in this Agreement, o"rnizoio *iil p"v"lle Fee set out in Schedule 3. 1'L'2 Delhi 2010 may.withhold payment of any amount that it disputes in good faith until the dispute has been resoived under clause 39" 11'3 The service Provider will be responsible for and will pay all fees, charges and costs ingurred in the provision of the services. This claus" *iii that any payment is expressly stated in this Agreement noi-l#rv to the extent as oling Delhi 2010,s responsibility, or if an authorised representative o? o"tni'zoio ug.u"r in writing to be responsible for any payment" 11.5 Performance Security ' (a) (b) (c) within 10 days of the signing of this Agreement, the seruice provider must provide the Performance security to oetni 2010 to ,".rr. ihu performance by the service of its obligations uniJer this Agreement" The Performance security should be furnis-hed in the form oi an Account Fayee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt from a National Bank, Bank Guarantee from a commercial Bank in anCommercial acceptable form safeguarding the interest of the oc in respect. The validity of the .all 'Performance security' would be upto 60 days rrom tne-oate or the closing ceremony. The senvice Provider agrees that the performance security encashed by Delhi 2010 in the event that the Service piovioer shall be deliver the services in accordance with tn" s.op" oi wo.rr does not set out in Schedule Z, provided that such non_delivery non_compii.n." / is not a direct or indirect result of default on the part of the Delhi zaL:o The Performance security shall be returned to the seruice provider at the end of Term provided the Performance security has not neen rorr"iieo fre t5 2473 t,i, +++t ****+r "+ *-' rcTi February zg,zlt0 The Special DG (Ceremonies), Organizing Committee Commonwealth NDCC Building, phaseil, Games 2010 Delhl Opposite Jantar Mantar, Jai Singh Road NEWpErHt ll0ool su8: pavmert]LBs lOg.OO tacs Dear Sir, This has reference to the Event Managem:n"t services Agreement dated t/12/200g for the commonwealth Games ceremonles. ln terms of clause 11.5(a)ind schedule I to g,e sria agreement, we are hereby pleased to provide you performance bank g;r.;a"" dated 2Z/O2/2OtOof Rs l@.00 organizing commfttee commo-nweatth Games ,n;;o:o"lii punjab i:il:,Tl"il,Jffi;:,.'f A <Y'ornXh o -J rI'rr):/ ^ -O CxXolJ- sp::id E g+R6.q \t3(E E 36-rF* by Further' as per schedule"3 (Fees and Payments) of the agreement, service provlder is entitled to a payment Rs'54'00 Lacs, being 10% of total Management Fee failing due within 7 days of submission of performance security and inother 1o/o of Managemenii." Rs.S4.oo Lacs hai also fallen due or rerevant rnvoices are aftached herewith ror your ;::ffiffi::itil,l11li3;.":?:il'rfi,"'j:ies "t we therefore request your good setf to acknowtedge the receipt of the performance Bank issue the necessary instructions for reteie oi o*r"n, of Rs.108.00 Lacs fanen sf ry g f ffi:t?:nd ti.b5c; E {IisiFN* -_''--q * I3 lrr l.ld ..- fti E c {lr -:G evvl .9.o-oQ A€V g e t sH ; "-iv ; E due E =3 EErF * fi -& =*S? ,oco_" : c H-oP Your co-operation in the matter shall highly be appreclated. Thanking you, Sincerely yours Entertainment fut. ttd. N4>F6 ^- =c ;U it €co fo FC rEJ (n O 6 ,o Enclosed: 1. 2' Perfonmance Bank Guarantee of Rs. 100 Lac issue by punjab Nationar gbnk, Mumbai. scanned copies oftwo invoices ofRs.54 lacs each oateuieuru aryzznd,zoro. 2474 r. organising committee cornmonwearth Games 2010 Delhi DEtHt2010xrgllgllllm* \t- i i 8th December 2009 To, Wiz Ajay i Rao i l Associate Vice "! \. i'l 'S+- erefident Wizcraft lnternati{nal Entertainment pvt" Ltd. sth Floor, Satyadev plaza, Fun Republic tane,]Off New Link Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai _ 53 Dear Ajay, This is with referenfe t6 your letter dated sth December 2009 requesting for an extension in the duration for submitfing the Bank Guarantee. I we have accepted as mentioned in your letter and you ]you' '"quest extension to providd the Bank Guarantee. "r" t.r"uy granted an i Please note that thei rirst installrnent of your payment wiil onty be made once we have received the Bank Guaranteeifrom you. I Yours Sincerely, Special DG {Ceremonlies) 2475 Annexure 15 Minutes of M 2006 cultural event committee held on 5.09 .2005 2476 Event commrttee held on 5th September 2005 Minutes of the Meeting of M 2006 curtural at 2 P.M. at IOA, JN'Stadium, New Dethi Present: Shri.l\l.Varadarajan Shri. AJ(.lVlattoo Shri Rajiva SrivastaYa Chairman Member Member & today' only the following tumed up: DNA' RAMS Of the 4 Firms invited to make their presentations tg beg-b-lg not would rh"y .o.*enc" and t"srelt"d *IZ.RAFT. -frc .utt"iiu.i i-.ior!-if"- m..ting_*us to , --^ ^:-^^ *!.^,, korr -^iT-.llr nienared their material. comesinceth"Yhu@ presentation' which Firms to make an illustrated / PowerPoint oppornrnity was given to all the above three they did. in Queensland, AuSffalia as being significant in DNA highlighted their association wit.h STAGESP.RT only sporting Event they had managed rn v *.ntio*a *it rh" the event DNA were p"rrii- No'oltr.t internarional event had been orchestrated by them' was the olympic T"r.h"R;;t in However,theymadeadetailedpresentationof'tttto,nponentstheyhadvisualizedforthelndiansegment of drum music' in which there was the usual mix of elements at rhe closing ."r"*onf oT it int"tuou*" Harmony)" " io.rrrutionr and the finale (with fopus on folk dances, classical .#;; f- *: i"it. iil;,6;il experience of orchestratt"q-tl:1t:g^.::-:'l::"t RAMS acknowledged that they have had no presentatlons' to product and corporate promotions and confined wholly their experience was more or liss said they they event' could be for ihe Melboume what the fnai* When asked for their "" it o}t and prylggt to' the co4ni1tpe' :lTj':::: *.n[ i;;; trafrgGyeryI11t.:g?-qgyglgry9flesh various cultural and sporting ev.ents After listing -here and abroad, large scale ylzg+Ag+* tht'dt:1,lll::1""Y:::::t5:::*:y"';*::it"ltilto the lf,'n::?fiJffiffi"'ff spirit audiovisuars speciaitv pi"o"::9 to rocus on the htr tti onrnrtq fnlk lffi,tT'ilfl:"S:ff:1il'jdffiffi;-iii". wi,r' -..^r:]-,^r.t: ^Lra/t t., y:ryl'yi::*l'9:i:::1.11'#?:i'iii: :Tilli'iXT1ilJffi:,"ffiT#A;;;1ft Fii",":' ;t;;';;;i ::i.::H:Jffi'H:i..'"io ;i'il';*I1"',t'v,q:.r:r:ll'*:":*?.i,1"::Sli5T:;:::T^'#11 'h";'"'d',:l9l'di:'^1',?::11*'f"::i"":H::T:'#: I'H:il;Hfi'#ffi;;iii;iih" L.: il:,il:11ilff':T"':H"'J""t";'"i'd;':!4;j:i'-T:*'i"::*"::*"llY"'"1T',XTi:LiXi3fJtr"I and sunidhi chauhan, :i H::lffit"?Efi;; and sung by popularmusicians like Shankar Mahadevan their presentation was exhaustive' RAMSwereaskedtosubmitadetailedproposal,indicatingtheprecisenatureandcontentofthe SegmentSoftheEvent.t'"v*""LJp,opo,",uiong'io"ofu@udgettherefor. DNAweresimilarlyaskedtoPreSent@asedontheirproposalsfortheEvent. a ro:sh.buds:t WIZCRAFT were also asked similarlY to Prelent .e:tiT1t:i vreruoume, this wburd be difficurt. !-yqs4tatnel:p ;:ililt -i;d;;"fot *ut;il?d;Jat size of the *t u Hf,",H what was being utk"d llT?Li,,ll; ttem ttut 9,T19,:l^**:i:l; t^^r!^- ^f ^- ^--rnvin rough budget estimates 2477 5q to viz', DNA, RAMS and wIZCRAFT were given time ln consideration of the forgoing, all the 3 Firms (ihd R-ajiva Srivastava) the data and inforrnation requested of rrle with DG, commoo*;fi,t 6u-", 2010 zo05 ( It is reiterated that the rough them. This should be done by 11 AM "" s;;rdtl-todieptemuer, price bid)" budset estimates, as asked for, is not the the -be intheafternoon,astheCommitteesatinsession,statingthattheyhadnot ved from TIC in to been aware that t ,t ui ,tt y would propose would also be required H:';:F1l#.'lliJd"Jild;; j:X*"*i:i:;t:.m:tr""f f#f :',ff Jffifi ;i'"J11y5r,*i**j::i:T-I;5"J"1il3;##ffi ii:::l[iJ:,T:':"ffi ilA{"',ffi event at Merboume, arong with 1 h il;;il,,;v$!v;4 ,%ffir'#ft:",;;##;ililf ry1gg: propose' might Event of the kind that they iff ffi:ffi *ogtr UuOg.t estimates for the RAJiVA SRIVAST,q MUTHUSAMY VARADARAJAN 2478 Annexure 16 Minutes of committee held on 12.09 -2005 2479 IN MARCH 2006 The full Committee het at 6.30 PM on September 12,2OO5 at the office of the lndian Olympic Association and reviewed the minutes of the earlier meetings held on August 26 and September 5, 2005. Member Mr. Mattoo, being away*to' China, the Committee also took into account the presentation made by T-|.C. and percept D'Mark before the Chairman and Member Mr. Rajiva Srivastava on September 9, 2005. The Committee recognized that it would be impossible to have any cost estimate at this point that would even be remotely r6liable, in the absenee of a ffisalsowithoutanideaofthepreciseinput.sthatwouldbe forthcoming from other sources at both the Delhi and Melbourne ends which would have a bearing on the numerous components of the events, as well as the 4 contributions and support expected from various Agencies like the Government of Delhi, lndian High Commission in Australia, lndian Associations ihere and the Organisers of M2006 games. Thus, .the Committee concluded that the. qriterion could /onlyJ be the past experience of the partL in managinO similar cultural events in internationS! sports meets and its.performance. ln the light of this, and keeping in mind the satisfactory WIZCRAFT as evidenced by its past presentations at sports events its event management and presentation at the Opening and Closing C of the first Afro-Asian Games (2003) at Hyderabad and at IOA's Bid (.2 the Commonwealth Games 2O1O at Jamaica, the Committee decided to shortlist Ms. WIZCMFT INTERNATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT (P) Ltd,, as V Event Manager for the Flag Handing Over Ceremony at M2006 Games at Meib)ourne. R/"--." (l-., 2480 The Committee also took note of the urgency to get on with the exercises that are, imperative to coordinate with the Organisers of the M2006 Games and all other concerned Agencies at both the lndian and Australian ends, in order to a( make the Evqnt a resounding success. N.-d^^-,{71 .-. RAJIVA SRIVASTAVA 'Moo / // TTauIHusAMYVAMDARAJAN a. 2481 "t rtb Annexure T7 Minutes of evaluation of pre qualification bid held on 10.05.2008 2482 A committee comprising of the following members met on 1Oth May 200g at 3.30 p'm' to open the bids received in response to the RFp proposals for creative, technical, production & Management of opening & crosing ceremonies. i) ii) iii) iy) v) Jabbar patel_ Eminent Film Director Ms. suilajja Firodia Motwani- working-chairperson, curture & Ceremonies Ms. Narayan _ Jt DG(Arts & Culture) Gp. Capt. K U K neOOy _ DDG Finance- - ' Ms. purnima pendse Director cuttuie & ceremonies Or" The proposars received from the foilowing two firms were opened. 1. 2. M/s Alternate Brand Sotutions Ltd (ABSL) M/s wizcraft rnternationat Entertainment Fvt Ltd. (wrEpl) The firm M/s ABSL.was.lgprg:ej'ted by Mr. Krishna Menon represented the firm M/s WIEPL itre representatives and Mr. Viraf sarkari of both companies attended the opening of their bids by the committe"'Ln 10/05/0g at 1530 hours. The unopened sealed covers were shown to both ih" ,"pr".entatives and their signatures obtained on the covers. The committ"" in"r"after master covers and took out three sg9!gg-reg!9lg_a"",r,r,ro opened the sealed on orrlqll s were also shown to the representatives and they signeo tne covers arteiverifying the same.-"--' The committee then opened the pre qualification cover wIEPL' The EMD amount of Rs.10, Oob in the rorm or of M/s ABSL and M/s DDs from found duly encrosed and verified by the committee ,#o"rr" each firm were The committee scrutin5eo tlr.9 pre qualification bid document as per the eligibility criteria specified for pre quarification as.given in.pag" r+ of the RFp document, flyring.the above, the repres"ntrtiu", clirified ,6ffi of the queries made by the committee members in relation to their turnover in vt! organizing 'vrrve rrr national and internationat even$ "nJ "rp"rience The evaluation made by the committee on the eligibility criteria and the status of submission of documents required to be uy both the nrms I given in l the enclosed statement. "n.los""J 2483 f_: .e. Tle c.omlittee, after due evaluation of all the pre qualification norms and after The committee noted that M/s ABSL fulfill four out of the seven pre qualifying r'- -r norms and M/s WIEPL tumlt ln the circumstances, the s available before the committee are either to re_ invite the tender or td at tne salle tevel and choose to r their offers fu ln view of the fact that the prAs€n was lnvlteo Inrougn advertisement, in the most competitive and transparent manner and in view of paucity of time available to fix the creative agency for opening and closing ceremony of CYG, given the fact that CyG is tj oe netO during October 2008, the committee is oi the view that the latter option is the most appropriate, practical and fulfills the need of the hour. Therefore, the committee recommends that both M/s Agt!_e!d M/s wlEpl may be asked to come and make their presenta ai 2008 at 1500 hours. Thereafter the committee will take up the evaluation of the technical bid, ?Nq Dr. Jabbar Patel Eminent Film Director Jt. DG (Arts & Culture) oc cwc D2010 Chairperson, Culture & DDG (Finance) oc cwc D2010 rfi""lrp-Ms. Purnima Pendse Director Culture & Ceremonies 2484 t\ .€,*C o + c o .9 't 0) o U .C + o C) c + o o E E '11 + o U o o u +o 'O ll,n l0) vl I zl ol t-'{ I C) .E lc tl lo lo t0) lo of lo lci lz t> a t; lo l0) l>- la) l>- lc) l>- l6 \- sf +C) l:lui a) o ! l+ lo l# ld) lo) -o Io +C) -c. '-E lo EC lo lo lz o 'c o +o o o l>- 2+- c, 3t .9 ot 3l =U EI EI il DI El gi Ol ral 3l -F.l !3 sl &l sbl:H El 3iH i$ rO O ltA.= l- O. IE E lo + c) C) o 0) c) + + E _o l a rvi l0) o lo. +() \ (f, +l CI c) 9c u'-- ,o IN -b C l-o lo E o t u o c p \8 lo f l-.o l9lo lo c ls 6 lc lF + to IC lla) lo o a q, lE lr.! I l'6 lc E C) + + o _o ) (n o lo t0) l>I I -> tL t.-.= c) -v lCOc # '= o= E l! e lt.9o s l-lt ltolo rc E lo 0) lo 't> lz o OE C o E <i E C) + o .g t-'(l il -C + + l6e lo 'E la- lz O ol _l d E c) o C lE la lo .9 l() lo lE8 + .C o u slA st o .C + C) 0) l*b l:l0 o Il+ C ll0) lo to l. lo lz P: e:e: pn q) E + to lc llo) lo lo lo I lz i o C o') c o t6 tl0) ?Ei:EL€g -cl +l g,€ \ sg P',, lg IE ic) lo lc =t PI ol l-lol IE I lEl lo lo) tE!,€eEEc'E lsE ,l o IO lP IB lFlo I= Pi5 eP" 'l-c *l lc rl* ol =! l>0) lol 15" " lo lo p*": 6O olil:10>olhl l= -l ol)lo o l> Itsl Itn I 0) 1F- I H I | I l6 r ol o i\" E a;8*g :l;al C '-lol;l 6 -l lc ls €l ll o le^E* HqP E Ol fl lo il;9) lo "l= -l Dl O=l ol ol o l+ =l s Ll +lilEiEHb:8€i'-l oc) '-l 1= EI11 8E ls oil8 g' o Oo) X5l- a lo E o l r\5,Fi*gE'gi .= E. uJ IO E =l u) l_o .14 C) ll Plo o CI IF€'o)dl< ! t_ c) l l> l elU o o Fl L- al8 o EEEe€EE! ^o() Hlo u Ul + o o l-o l^x 9a -94la P ot^ ElaaS;OzLt) c ol-o lo c> It I I 2485 I )\ \\" +$ + E =7 o U c o o. E o u ,o o () ! o # tc -E l la af \7 c---r _o rl IV, -o /)\ ,/ u + + .E + + .E _o /)- o0) !() -\fCb 3* cj E\\ 9at tu EI d €l bl !l !3 cl @_gi''.E\ €tEg'5 FP I tl 4 HI llol ',:9 'el b0 L1 ol HI 5l f la'?\ e L o) la C o -o ) t laPe P Iltl I il-o la f la P \rxg =or l:E o lSot-r '9'"1 eJa\€ b?\le la:Pl ld3e 9l\;61; l*o 6l g e HE lar*otl \a :{ =E _o or l"o t b .d l: C'-^ I ( o o t; B"d o o) +o + a) =E -o ) la IE? <i oo TJ lo -9 IEE fl la- :1 dl oo l.n I- =CL IC E lo ou lE C) C) O) -io !4olco) l( lcco L g:= 5s P liE 8-*s 5 a l:() 6 a lj!() \F= B lc o*^ p\'t-ic> oC lo,s O IF lcr l-c l+ l>. l( 19.= I C o ol E',6ll€ i:ge:\ l_o *cl e >r Cl .ool +l ccl c ool)-l ool il + *s e*e8l g5' 5l OU OO lBr qlrce\H;a o :l 9l bo# -^O Ov lo o 9 B8i\[ax;t lo il6€€€c t+t63-c ilE:infi H ro€ E Ila-oH l.- - L \qE loo trqlaElai = t6 3 2486 b rnu RF t4-) i $\2r' fl E \t€a) 5r Jo o- gd OU po oo oo O./ $--+< o o o €G Tr. o=' fc_ o3 NO oo o C) ^7 o \t-- /.L--€----1 L/1 c o 3_. + + o (o = g.r -t 9o oo ) c)CI< <-'a g$P;-., 5:je\ o -"e (\--E-r l Hsg 3 o @ o_ =t 8;Eqal o o" Eal Q +=H + vt .1 +(J *-; g-d lg 9a J+=' " -< () _ f +O f 9., = >l 4P ol o o o o o 3 ol o to o t o ct o a g o. da lp l=' <n 9. c bi i9 o 5 1?,61_ffi \i'ia=e Lt) c ) o' 3 + + o o o. tr' =4, ='o ori d+ 6t lo lo lr l6 p lr IP o o 3 g o:F< F !q* I 6e3 8F 9i/t d 3 o $) g. f! o = o E o 3 o o -l@ g ) o o) 6' @ o = € q) i-5 'o 3q O .<l 3q-=3 iO oe €.C 5 = cl r2.=J-rl-l o o -ol --tJA=l - o >l =.o )4. *-l O {* o\ o-\ o-\ del o )l o o_t c q ol 3 q gl o tll+ ol -l lo o o_ 6' gf f, (o ? '5 o o o t o 3 o F ? tse"t- BPq =o) 5E v_ 2487 .A -5-