PRIORITIES BENEFICIARIES CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION 2007-2013 Introduction to the brochure The new European Cohesion Policy for the 2007-2013 period defines as its third objective “European territorial cooperation”, which represents an upgrade of the INTERREG III Community initiative. The Objective 3 is directed towards strengthening the cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. It encourages a joint approach of European regions to solve issues and at the same time to overcome the most common obstacles of territorial cooperation that originate from the differences in the legal systems, administrative arrangement, geographic location and language. The continuity of the former INTERREG IIIA programmes can be found today in the cross-border cooperation programmes with the fundamental objective to connect the regions divided by a state border and thus contribute to a balanced development in the territory of the entire Community. The main priority tasks of border region cooperation programmes are directed towards supporting the economy growth and creating new jobs, environment protection, and conservation of natural resources and values. The transnational cooperation programmes are the continuation of the programmes, which were implemented in the 2000-2006 period under the joint name INTERREG IIIB. The basic purpose of transnational programmes is to encourage institutional cooperation to reduce regional, economic and social differences, and achieve Lisbon and Gothenburg objectives in large but geographically complete territorial regions faced with specific difficulties or opportunities. The objectives of the programmes are realised by implementing transnational projects focused on: strengthening of innovation networks and development of competitive development environment, implementation of environmental values and reduction of environmental risks, increase of accessibility with the help of transport and communication infrastructure, polycentric regional development, in particular of cities, and development of endogenous potentials. Like all European territorial cooperation programmes, interregional programmes also concern long-term achievement of the Lisbon and Gothenburg objectives (growth, jobs, sustainable development). The objectives are realised by implementing projects with the participation of partners from the public sector. The Objective 3 is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, namely 4.2% of the funds are planned for the implementation of the Cohesion Policy in the 2007-2013 period or the total of 14.2 billion Euros. The programmes on the European Union external borders are co-financed by the funds of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, which provides all partners with equal conditions to acquire European Union funds and implement projects. We invite you to put into action joint development plans with your innovative ideas by implementing projects that shall be able to cope with the challenges, which the European regions are facing today in different fields. Contact person: Tanja Rener Tel: +(386) 1 478 3667 E-Mail: Splet: OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION SLOVENIA-AUSTRIA 2007-2013 Programme area Slovenia: RegioNS of Gorenjska, Koro{ka, Savinjska, Podravje, Pomurje, Osrednjeslovenska (20%) Austria: East Styria, West and South Styria, Graz (20%), Upper Styria-East (20%), Upper Styria-West (20%), Lower Carinthia, Klagenfurt-Villach, Upper Carinthia (20%), South Burgenland Funds provided for the programme by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): EUR 67,111,477.00 Share of co-funding by the ERDF: 85% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat Regional Body in Slovenia Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Unit for managment of cross-border programmes Svetozarevska 6 2000 Maribor Slovenia Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Unit for managment of cross-border programmes Svetozarevska 6 2000 Maribor Slovenia Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Unit for objective 3, ipa, interreg and phare Kotnikova 28, 1000 Ljubljana and Svetozarevska 6, 2000 Maribor Tel.: (+386) 2 229 4214 E-mail: Internet: Tel.: (+386) 2 229 4215 E-mail: Internet: Tel.: (+386) 2 229 4232 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES 1.Competitiveness, knowledge and economic cooperation: • Sms devolepment • Tourism • Framework for knowledge-based economy • Thematic field of strenghts 2.Sustainable and balanced development: • Natural resources management • Environment and energy • Urban and regional development • Social and cultural development 3.Technical assistance BENEFICIARIES Beneficiaries of 1st priority: • • • • • • • • • private and public bussines support institutions enterprises, clusters and networks national, local and regional authorities research institutions universities and bussines oriented high schools tourism institutions, associations and agencies local and regional development organisations training and education organisations and institutions institutions and organisations representing economic and social interests of employees, employers, cities and/or municipalities • Beneficiaries of 2nd priority: Horizontal themes, tool and principles: • human resources development, networking, innovation, • information and communication technology, • sustainable development and equal opportunities • local, regional and national authorities and organisations • enterprises, clusters and networks • institutions and organizations in the fields of nature protection and conservation, the environment and risk prevention, crisis management, spatial planning, public transportation, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, culture, health, medicine, education and training, rural development, tourism, social issues, labour market • associations and non-governmental organisations in the field of nature protection, the environment, culture, education, social affairs, rural development, tourism, sport and leisure • institutions and organisations representing economic and social interests of employees, employers, cities and/or municipalities • research institutions, universities and high schools • associations and agencies • local and regional development agencies • training and education organisations and institutes OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION SLOVENIA-HUNGARY 2007-2013 Programme area Slovenia: Regions of Pomurje and Podravje (20%) Hungary: counties of Vas and Zala Funds provided for the programme by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): EUR 29,279,283.00 Share of co-funding by the ERDF: 85% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat National Authority in Slovenia Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Unit for managment of cross-border programmes Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Unit for managment of cross-border programmes Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Unit for Objective 3, IPA, INTERREG and PHARE Svetozarevska 6 2000 Maribor Slovenia Svetozarevska 6 2000 Maribor Slovenia Svetozarevska 6 2000 Maribor Slovenia Tel.: (+386) 2 229 4213 E-mail: Internet: Tel.: (+386) 2 229 42 16 E-mail: Internet: Tel.: (+386) 2 229 42 32 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES BENEFICIARIES 1.Increasing the attractiveness of the area of cooperation: • Developing joint tourist destination • Preservation and development of culture • Improving cross-border transport connections 2. Sustainable development: • Cooperations in the field of regional development • Preventive health care • Environmental protection and management • Efficient use of energy 3.Technical assistance Horizontal topics: • human resources development and • information society Beneficiaries of 1st and 2nd priority: Non-profit legal persons established by public or private law acting in the interest of public or general benefit and belonging to one of the following groups: • regional and local public authorities; • public bodies (funds, institutes, agencies) established by the state or municipality, such as: research and development institutions, education and training institutions, health care institutions, institutions for the protection of natural and cultural heritage, local and regional development agencies, etc.; • non-governmental organisations, such as associations and foundations; • chambers of commerce, agriculture. crafts and industries, clusters registered as non-profit legal persons; • legal persons established by private law (societes) with the nonprofit status and purpose, such as local and regional development agencies registered as companies, local tourist organisations, training organisations, etc.; • public institutes for economic development, public companies and also other legal persons in which the state or municipalities have predominant influence on the management. OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME IPA CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION SLOVENIA-CROATIA 2007-2013 Programme area Slovenia: Regions of Pomurska, Podravska, Savinjska, Spodnjeposavska, Southeast Slovenia, Notranjsko-kra{ka, Obalno-kra{ka and Osrednjeslovenska (20%) Croatia: counties Me|imurska, Vara`dinska, Krapinsko-zagorska, Zagreba~ka, Karlova~ka, Primorsko-goranska, Istarska, city of Zagreb (20%) Funds from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for the 2007-2009 period: EUR 14,152,158.00 Share of co-funding from the IPA: 85% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat National Authority in Slovenia Goverment Office Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Department for Objective 3, IPA, INTERREG and PHARE Goverment Office Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Department for Objective 3, IPA, INTERREG and PHARE Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Department for Objective 3, IPA, INTERREG and PHARE Kotnikova 28 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Kotnikova 28 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Kotnikova 28 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: (+ 386) 1 3083 152 E-mail: Internet: Tel.: (+386) 1 478 3735 E-mail: Internet: Tel.: +386 1 3083 155 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES 1.Economic and social development: • Social Tourism and development • Development of entrepreneurship • Social integration 2.Sustainable managment of natural resources: • Environmental protection • Preservation of protected areas 3.Technical assistance Horizontal topics: • human resources development • information society BENEFICIARIES Upravi~e Beneficiaries of 1st and 2nd priority: Non-profit legal persons established in accordance with public or private law acting in the interest of public or general benefit and belonging to one of the following groups: • Regional and local public authorities; • Public bodies and public equivalent bodies. Definition of public equivalent bodies: Established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having industrial or commercial character and having legal personality and: • either financed for the most part by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law, • or subject to managment supervision by those bodies, • or having an administrative managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by others bodies governed by public law. such as: (funds, institutions, agencies) established by the state or municipality, research and development institutions, education and traning institutions, health care institutions, institutions for protecting natural and cultural heritage, local and regional development angencies etc.; • Non-governmental organisations such as associations, foundations; • Status as a freelance art workers/freelance artists; • Chambers of commerce, agriculture, craft and industry, clusters registered as non-profit legal persons; • Legal entities established by privale law (societies) with non profit status and purpose of operating, such as local and regional develepment agencies registered as companies, local turism organizations, traning organizations etc. CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION PROGRAMME ITALY-SLOVENIA 2007-2013 Programme area Slovenia: Regions of Gori{ka, Gorenjska, Obalno-kra{ka and Notranjsko-kra{ka (20%) and Osrednjeslovenska (20%) Italy: Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia: provinces Trieste, Udine, Gorizia and Pordenone (20%), Region Veneto: provinces Venice, Rovigo, Padua (20%) and Treviso (20%), Region Emilia-Romagna: provinces Ferrara and Ravenna Funds provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): EUR 116,206,931.00 Share of co-funding by the ERDF: 85% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat Slovenian info point Autonomous Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Regional Directorate for Community Relations and Local Autonomies Community Relations and European Integration Service Autonomous Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia Regional Directorate for Community Relations and Local Autonomies Community Relations and European Integration Service Government Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy Department for Objective 3, IPA, INTERREG and PHARE Via Udine 9 34100 Trieste Italy Via Udine 9 I34100 Trieste Italy Tel.: (+39) 40 3775 974 E-mail: Internet: Tel.: (+39) 40 3775 993 E-mail: 10 [tanjel 1a 6222 [tanjel Slovenia Tel.: (+386) 5 731 8530 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES BENEFICIARIES 1.Environment, transport and sustainable territorial integration: • Preserving biodiversity and ensuring sustainable management of natural resources • Protecting the environment against natural and technological disasters and pollution, reducing energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable energy sources • Improving accessibility and transport systems and increasing integration between cities and rural areas • Strengthening territorial cohesion within functional cross-border areas 2.Competitiveness and knowledgebased society: • Increasing competitiveness of small and medium companies • Jointly developing tourism potentials • Promoting research and development and knowledge-based economy • Improving and increasing employment opportunities with coordinated higher education programmes and training 3.Social integration • Improving communication systems and educational systems • Preserving knowledge in the filed of cultural heritage and the use of cultural heritage and promoting cultural exchange • Improving the quality of life through coordinated development of health care and social system Beneficiaries of 1st, 2nd and 3rd priority: • • • • • • • • • • public authorities public and private consortiums universities and research institutions non-governmental organisations non-profit agencies and associations regional development agencies, institutions dealing with protected areas companies and their consortiums commerce chambers professional organisations other beneficiaries related to the nature of the priority task 4.Technical assistance 11 ADRIATIC CROSS-BORDER PROGRAMME IPA 2007-2013 Programme area Italy: Pescara, Teramo, Chieti, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Rimini, Ravenna, Trieste, Gorizia, Udine, Pesaro-Urbino, Ancona, Macerata, Ascoli Piceno, Campobasso, Foggia, Bari, Brindisi, Lecce, Venice, Rovigo, Padua. 20%: L’Aquila, Pordenone, Isernia, Taranto. Slovenia: Regions of Obalno-kra{ka; 20%: Notranjsko-kra{ka, Gori{ka. Greece: Corfu, Thesprotia. Croatia: Dubrovnik-Neretva County; Istria County; Lika-Senj County; Primorje-Gorski Kotar County; [ibenik-Knin County; Split-Dalmatia County; Zadar County. 20%: Karlovac County Bosnia-Herzegovina: Bile}a, ^apljina, ^itluk, Gacko, Grude, Jablanica, Konjic, Kupres, Livno, Ljubinje, Ljubu{ki, Mostar, Neum, Nevesinje, Posu{je, Rama/Prozor, Ravno, [iroki Brijeg, Stolac, Berkovi}i, Tomislavgrad, Trebinje, East Mostar. 20%: Sarajevo Economic Region, North-eastern Economic Region and Central Economic Region Montenegro: Bar, Budva, Cetinje, Danilovgrad, Herceg Novi, Kotor, Nik{i}, Podgorica, Tivat, Ulcinj. 20%; Pljevlja, Bijelo Polje, Berane, Ro`aje, Plav, Andrijevica, Kola{in, Mojkovac, Savnik, @abljak, Plu`ine Albania: Fier, Durrës, Lezhë, Shkodër, Tirana, Vlorë. Serbia: the entire country (expiring). Funds from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) for the 2007-2009 period: EUR 90,441,137.00 Maximum share of co-funding from the IPA funds: 85% Minimum share of national funds: 10% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat National Authority in Slovenia Regione Abruzzo Direzione affari internazionali Joint Technical Secretariat Office for Local Self-Government and Regional Policy Piazza Santa Giusta, Palazzo Centi 67100 L’Aquila Italy E-mail: cooperazioneaq@regione 12 Piazza Santa Giusta, Palazzo Centi Italy E-mail: Kotnikova 28 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel:(+386) 1 478 3767 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES 1.Economic, social and institutional cooperation: • Research and innovation • Financial support for small and medium companies • Social, labour and health networks • Institutional cooperation 2.Natural and cultural resources and risk prevention: • Protecting and improving marine and coastal environment • Managing natural and cultural resources and preventing natural and technological risks • Saving energy and using renewable energy sources • Sustainable tourism 3.Accessibility and networks • Physical infrastructure • Sustainable mobility • Communication networks 4.Technical assistance BENEFICIARIES Beneficiaries of 1st priority: • research institutions, universities, companies and public institutes • small and medium companies, joint ventures and development agencies • voluntary organisations in the field of welfare and health, local institutions and public institutes • public authorities, organisations and agencies supporting entrepreneurship, non-governmental organisations. • Beneficiaries of 2nd priority task: • public authorities, research institutes, non-governmental organisations, small and medium companies • public authorities and small and medium companies • tourism organisations, public and private agencies in the field of tourism and management of cultural buildings • Beneficiaries of 3rd priority task: • public authorities and semi-public companies, public authorities, public and private companies, public authorities, non-governmental organisations Beneficiaries of 2nd priority: • public authorities, research institutes, non-governmental organisations, small and medium companies • public authorities and smal and medium companies • tourism organisations, public and private agencies in the field of tourism and managment of cultural buildings Beneficiaries of 2nd priority: • public authorities and semi-public companies, public authorities, public and privat companies, public authorities, non-governmental organisations 13 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION ALPINE SPACE 2007-2013 Programme area Austria; France (Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Franche-Comté, Alsace); Italy (Lombardy, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria); Liechtenstein; Germany (administrative regions Upper Bavaria and Swabia in Bavaria, Tübingen and Freiburg in Baden-Württemberg); Slovenia; Switzerland. Total value of the programme: EUR 130,000,000.00 Maximum share of co-funding by Slovenian project partners from EU funds: 76% Minimum share of national funds: 24% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat National Authority in Slovenia Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, Bayerisches Landesamt fur Umwelt Joint Technical Secretariat Alpine Space Programme Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning European Affairs and Investments Directorate Department for International Affairs Abt. 15/01 Südtiroler Platz 11 5010 Salzburg Austria Tel.: (+43) 662 8042 3799 Internet: 14 Lazarettstr. 67 80636 Munich Germany Tel.: (+49) 8992 14 1800 Internet: Dunajska cesta 47 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: (+386) 1 478 7008 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES 1.Competitiveness and Attractiveness of the Alpine Space: • strengthening innovation capacities of small and medium companies, creating an adequate environment for their development, and fostering stable cooperation between research and technological development centres and small and medium companies • enhancing development options based on traditional sectors and cultural heritage, as well as on emerging sectors at the transnational level • strengthening the role of urban areas as engines of sustainable development; strengthening rural-urban relations and the development of peripheral areas 2.Accessibility and Connectivity: • securing fair access to public services, transport, information, communication and knowledge infrastructure within the programme area • promoting and improving access and use of existing infrastructure in order to optimize the economic and social benefits, and to reduce environmental consequences • enhancing connectivity for the reinforcement of polycentric territorial patterns and for laying the basis for a knowledgedriven and information society • promoting sustainable and innovative mobility models with specific regard to environmental, human health and equality related issues • mitigating the negative consequences of traffic flows across the Alps 3.Environment and Risk Prevention: • enhancing cooperation on environmental protection issues • stimulating integrated approaches to conservation, planning and management of natural resources and cultural landscape • stimulating the development of resource efficiency with respect to water, energy, land use, raw materials and other natural resources • coping with the effects of climate change; forecasting, predicting, mitigating and managing the impacts of natural and technological hazards 4.Technical assistance BENEFICIARIES Beneficiaries of 1st priority: The most important institutions and interest groups in the area of development policies and innovation, such as: • local, regional and national authorities of public administration, • local, regional and national development agencies, • technological and science-research centres, • education and training centres, • public/private organisations representing companies, primarily small and medium companies (for example, networks of small and medium companies, cluster organisations), • chambers of trade and industry, • labour market services, • chambers of commerce and crafts. • Beneficiaries of 2nd priority task: • national, regional and local authorities of public administration, • public and non-profit providers of transport services, • providers of public services and • education, training and technological research centres. • Beneficiaries of 3rd priority task: • local, regional and national authorities of public administration, • research institutions; • environmental agencies, water management agencies, authorities managing protected areas; • energy agencies and similar institutions; • technological and science-research centres, • non-governmental organisations and non-profit organisations in the field of the environment, water management, natural resources management and risk management. 15 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION CENTRAL EUROPE 2007-2013 Programme area Austria; the Czech Republic; Germany (Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, MecklenburgVorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Thüringen); Hungary; Italy (Piemonte, Aosta Valley, Liguria, Lombardy, Autonomous Province of Bolzano-Bozen, Autonomous Province of Trento, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, EmiliaRomagna); Poland; Slovakia; Slovenia; Ukraine (Volyn, Lviv, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi). Total value of the programme: EUR 300,000,000.00 Maximum share of co-funding by Slovenian project partners from EU funds: 85% (differently by countries) Minimum share of national funds: 15% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat National Authority in Slovenia Central Europe Programme Managing Authority Department for EU-Strategy and Economic Development City of Vienna Central Europe Joint Technical Secretariat Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning European Affairs and Investments Directorate Department for International Affairs Schlesingerplatz 2-4 1080 Vienna Austria 16 Museumstrasse 3/A/III 1070 Vienna Austria Tel.: (+43) 1 4000 76142 E-mail: Internet: Dunajska cesta 47 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: (+386) 1 478 7008 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES BENEFICIARIES 1.Promotion of innovation throughout Central Europe: • Improving the framework for innovation • Establishing institutions and personnel for the transfer and use of innovation • Promoting the development of knowledge 2.Improving the accessibility of Central Europe and its interoperability: • Improving interoperability in Central Europe • Developing multimodal logistics cooperation • Enhancing sustainable and safe mobility • Promoting information-communication technologies and alternative solutions for improving accessibility 3.Responsible use of our environment: • Developing a high quality environment by managing and protecting natural resources and heritage • Reducing the risks and effects of natural and manmade hazards • Supporting the use of renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency • Supporting environmentally friendly technologies and activities 4.Improving the competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions: • Developing polycentric structures and territorial cooperation • Addressing the territorial effects of demographic and social change on urban and regional development • Capitalising on cultural resources for more attractive cities and regions 5.Technical assistance Upravi~e Beneficiaries of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th priority: • public administration bodies at the national, regional and local levels • private sector companies, small and medium companies, chambers, regional agencies for innovation, financial institutions, business incubators • research and development institutions: research institutes, research and technology centres, universities, institutions for technology transfer • applied services and training: regional development agencies, planning institutes, educational institutions, employment offices, education and training centres • interest groups: associations, employers’ associations, trade unions, environmental protection associations, building societies, culture centres and organisations, non-governmental organisations • infrastructure: public associations and public companies in the field of transport, public commercial institutions, logistics centres and platforms, providers of energy services 17 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION SOUTHEAST EUROPE 2007-2013 Programme area Programme area: Albania; Austria; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Romania; Croatia; Macedonia; Greece; Hungary; Italy (Lombardy, Autonomous Province Bolzano-Bozen, Autonomous Province Trento, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Basilicata); Serbia; Montenegro; Slovakia; Slovenia; Turkey (Bati Marmara, Istanbul); Moldova; Ukraine (Chernivitsi Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Zakarpattia Oblast, Odessa Oblast). Total value of the programme: EUR 245,000,000.00 Maximum share of co-funding by Slovenian project partners from EU funds: 85% Minimum share of national funds: 15% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat National Authority in Slovenia South East Europe Programme Managing Authority VATI National Development Agency South East Europe Programme Joint Technical Secretariat VATI Hungarian Public Non-profit Company for Regional Development and Town Planning Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning European Affairs and Investments Directorate Department for International Affairs Pozsonyi út 56 1133 Budapest Hungary Internet: 18 Gellerthegy u. 30-32 1016 Budapest Hungary Tel.: (+36) 1 224 3272 E-mail: Internet: Dunajska cesta 47 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: (+386) 1 478 7008 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES 1.Facilitation of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: • Developing technology and innovation networks in specific fields • Developing the enabling environment for innovative entrepreneurship • Enhancing the framework conditions for innovation 2.Protection and Improvement of the Environment: • Improving integrated water management and flood risk prevention • Prevention of environmental risks • Promoting cooperation in management of natural assets and protected areas • Promoting energy and resource efficiency 3.Improvement of the Accessibility: • Improving coordination in promoting, planning and operation for primary and secondary transportation networks • Developing strategies to tackle the „digital divide” • Improving framework conditions for multi-modal platforms 4.Development of Transnational Synergies for Sustainable Growth Areas: • Tackling crucial problems affecting metropolitan areas and regional systems of settlements • Promoting a balanced pattern of attractive and accessible growth areas • Promoting the use of cultural values for development 5.Technical assistance BENEFICIARIES Beneficiaries of 1st priority: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • representative bodies for collective business support, co-participants operating in the field of technological innovation, local, regional and national authorities of public administration, co-participants from the field of culture and education, non-governmental organisations, state agencies, non-governmental organisations and networks, utilities, energy supply companies, technological centres, scientific institutions, associations and chambers, tourist agencies, authorities managing natural resources. Beneficiaries of 2nd priority: • national and regional authorities of public administration, • co-participants from the field of education and • from the fields of technology and innovation. Beneficiaries of 3rd priority: • • • • • • national and regional authorities of public administration, planning institutions, cities and rural communities, chambers and associations, authorities in the area of transport, international organisations and bodies. Beneficiaries of 4th priority: • • • • • civil society, non-governmental organisations, local, regional and state administration, co-participants from the field of culture and education, business support agents, private sector 19 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION MEDITERRANEAN 2007-2013 Programme area Cyprus; Montenegro; France (Corsica, Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Rhône-Alpes); Greece; Croatia; Italy (Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Guilia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Umbria, Piemonte, Sardinia, Sicily, Toscana, Veneto); Malta; Portugal (Algarve, Alentejo); Slovenia; Spain (Andalusia, Aragon, Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Murcia, Valencia, Ceuta and Melilla); the United Kingdom (Gibraltar). Total value of the programme: EUR 257,000,000.00 Maximum share of co-funding by Slovenian project partners from EU funds: 85% (differently by countries) Minimum share of national funds: 15% Managing Authority Joint Technical Secretariat National Authority in Slovenia Autorité Unique de Gestion MED Managing Authority MED Direction Générale Adjointe des Relations Internationales et des Affaires Européennes Joint Technical Secretariat MED Hotel de Region Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning European Affairs and Investments Directorate Department for International Affairs Place Jules Guesde 13481 Marseille Cedex 20 France Région Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur 27 Place Jules Guesde 13481 Marseille Cedex 20 France Tel.: (+334) 8810 7614 E-mail: 20 Dunajska cesta 47 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: (+33) 4 9157 5296 E-mail: Internet: Tel.: (+386) 1 478 7008 E-mail: Internet: PRIORITIES BENEFICIARIES 1.Developing innovation capacities: • Expanding innovative technologies, knowledge and experience • Improving strategic cooperation between bodies promoting economic development and state authorities 2.Environmental protection and promotion of sustainable territorial development: • Protecting and improving natural resources and heritage • Facilitating renewable energy sources and improving efficient use of energy • Preventing maritime risks and increasing safety at sea • Preventing and managing environmental risks 3.Improving mobility and accessibility: • Improving accessibility by sea and transport capacities by means of multi-modality and inter-modality • Supporting the use of information technology for better accessibility and territorial cooperation 4.Promotion of polycentric development and integration in the Mediterranean: • Coordination of development policies and improvement of territorial administration • Strengthening of the identity and improving cultural heritage resources for better integration of the Mediterranean space Beneficiaries of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th priority: • EU agencies cannot be beneficiaries; they can participate without co-funding from the ERDF, for example: European Environment Agency, European Agency for Safety at Sea, European Railway Agency, European Space Agency, etc. • State administration authorities: ministries, government agencies, national agencies and institutes, offices (for example, for statistics) • Public administration authorities at regional and local level, including associations and authorities for territorial cooperation in the fields of the programme priorities • Other legal persons governed by public law or under majority control of legal persons governed by public law: chambers, regional development agencies, professional associations, universities, research institutes, training institutes, urban planning institutes and agencies, business and innovation centres, regional innovation centres, technological centres for transfer of knowledge, science and technology parks • Private sector: associations of small and medium companies, business networks and clusters, industrial, technological, culture and education centres, expert bodies • Non-governmental sector: associations for economic and spatial development, professional associations in the field of the programme priorities, associations in the field of education and employment, the environment, cultural heritage, promotion of innovation, etc. • Other, for example: Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, Conference of the Mediterranean Cities, Mediterranean Institute, Euro info centres, etc. 5.Technical assistance 21 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INTER-REGIONAL COOPERATION URBACT II 2007-2013 Programme area • 27 EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom; • Norway and Switzerland; • candidate countries Total value of the programme: EUR 68,000,000.00 Maximum share of co-funding from EU funds: 70-90% (depending on priority, country and type of project) Minimum share of national funds: 10-30% Managing Authority Ministere en charge de la politique de la Ville Delegation interministerielle a la Ville 194, Avenue du President Wilson 93217 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex France Tel.: (+33) 1 49 17 45 71 Joint Technical Secretariat Secretariat d’URBACT 194, Avenue du President Wilson 93217 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex France Tel.: (+33) 1 49 17 47 52 E-mail: Internet: National Authority in Slovenia Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Spatial Planning Directorate Dunajska cesta 21 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: (+386) 1 478 7049 E-mail: The programme is implemented on the basis of: • exchange within networks and joint learning, • exchange of examples of good practices, stuffy results, joint tools, conferences, etc., • dissemination. 1. Priorities: Cities, engines of innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and creation of employment opportunities (promotion of entrepreneurial spirit, support for innovativeness and knowledge-based economy, employment and human resources) 2. Priorities: Attractive and cohesive cities capable of creating social cohesion (integrated development of degraded or unprivileged areas, social integration, environmental positions, urban strategies and management, urban planning). Beneficiaries are from the public sector: 1. cities, 2. regional and state authorities , 3. universities and research institutions 22 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INTER-REGIONAL COOPERATION ESPON 2007-2013 Programme area • EU member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom; • partner countries: Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein Total value of the programme: EUR 45,000,000.00 Maximum share of co-funding by Slovenian project partners from EU funds: Differently by priorities – between 79% and 90%. Minimum share of national funds: 10-21%. Managing Authority Ministere de l’Interieur et de l’Amenagement du Territoire Direction de l’Amenagement du Territoire, DA Ter 1 Rue du Plebiscite 2341 Luxembourg Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 478 6936 E-mail: Joint Technical Secretariat ESPON Co-ordination Unit 70, rue de Luxembourg 4221 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 545 580 700 E-mail: Internet: National Authority in Slovenia Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Spatial Planning Directorate Dunajska cesta 21 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: (+386) 1 478 7061 E-mail: 1. Priorities: Applied research on territorial development, competitiveness and cohesion: • territorial development, competitiveness of regions, city areas and rural areas; • territorial cooperation; • influence of European policies on territorial development 2. Priorities: Target analyses in accordance with the needs of users – European aspects of development of different types of areas 3. Priorities: Scientific platforms and tools – territorial indicators and data, analytic tools and scientific support 4. Priorities: Expanding knowledge and further use of the results of the projects Beneficiaries of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th priority: Different levels of state administration and research institutions acting at European, regional and national levels, sectoral or multi-sectoral. 23 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INTER-REGIONAL COOPERATION INTERACT II 2007-2013 Programme area: EU member states, Switzerland, Norway and neighbouring countries Funds provided by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): EUR 34,033,512.00 Co-funding share: 85% Managing Authority Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria Hohenstaufengasse 3 1010 Wien Austria E-mail: Internet: Joint Technical Secretariat INTERACT Programme Secretariat Franz-Josefs-Kai 27 1010 Wien Austria National contact point Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy European Territorial Cooperation Department Kotnikova 28,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: Tel.: (+386) 1 3083 183 E-mail: Internet: 1. Priorities: Development and provision of services: • Information sources • Cooperation • Information distribution and publicity • Quality management 2. Priorities: Technical assistance Beneficiary, with the meaning of item 2 of Article 4 of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/06, refers to ”‘an operator, whether public or private, responsible for initiating or initiating and implementing operations”. With this respect – formally – beneficiaries of the INTERACT II programme are those units which have a management system (see chapter 5 OP INTERACT 2007-2013). 24 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INTER-REGIONAL COOPERATION INTERREG IVC 2007-2013 Programme area: EU member states, Norway and Switzerland Funds provided for the programme by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): EUR 321,321,762.00 Share of co-funding by the ERDF: 85% (for Slovenia) Managing Authority Conseil Régional Nord Pas de Calais Hotel de Region 59555 Lille Cedex France Joint Technical Secretariat INTERREG IVC Joint Technical Secretariat Les Arcuriales - 5D 45 rue de Tournai 59000 Lille France 1. Priorities: Innovation and knowledge-based society: • innovation, research and technological development, • entrepreneurship and small and medium companies, • information society • employment, human capital and education. 2. Priorities: Environment and Risk Prevention: • environmental and technological risks, • water management, • prevention of pollution and waste management, • biodiversity and preservation of natural heritage, • energy and sustainable transport, • cultural heritage and transport. 3. Priorities: Technical assistance Horizontal topics: • equal opportunities • the environment National Authority in Slovenia Government Office for Local SelfGovernment and Regional Policy Kotnikova 28 , 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: (+386) 1 478 3667 E-mail: Internet: Beneficiaries of 1st and 2nd priority: Public authorities and entities whose assets are, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 2 of the Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006, are public. This particularly refers to entities acting in accordance with Directive 2004/18/EC. The part of the directive in question runs as follows: A “body governed by public law” means any body: • established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character; • having legal personality; • financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or administrative board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law. 25 Sitemap 26 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION SLOVENIA-AUSTRIA 2007-2013 4 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION SLOVENIA-HUNGARY 2007-2013 6 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME IPA CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION SLOVENIA-CROATIA 2007-2013 8 CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION PROGRAMME ITALY-SLOVENIA 2007-2013 10 ADRIATIC CROSS-BORDER PROGRAMME IPA 2007-2013 12 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION ALPINE SPACE 2007-2013 14 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMMETRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION CENTRAL EUROPE 2007-2013 16 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION SOUTHEAST EUROPE 2007-2013 18 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION MEDITERRANEAN 2007-2013 20 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INTER-REGIONAL COOPERATION URBACT II 2007-2013 22 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INTER-REGIONAL COOPERATION ESPON 2007-2013 23 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INTER-REGIONAL COOPERATION INTERACT II 2007-2013 24 OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME INTER-REGIONAL COOPERATION INTERREG IVC 2007-2013 25 PRIORITIES BENEFICIARIES 27