4th Oct 2015 - St Mary`s Catholic Church Dandenong


4th Oct 2015 - St Mary`s Catholic Church Dandenong
St Mary’s Parish
160 Foster Street, Dandenong
P.O Box 22, Dandenong
 (03) 9791 4611  (03) 9791 7119
dandenong@cam.org.au  www.stmarysdandenong.com.au
Fr. Declan O’Brien
Fr. Abraham Kunnatholy
Rev. George Piech Meat
Mrs. Cate Kavanagh
Franca Van Boxtel
Maree Walker
Mr. Geoff Harkin
Mr. Kevin McLaren
Ms Sue Findlay
Monday to Friday : 9.00am-3.00pm
If you urgently need a priest please call 9791 4611,
if Father does not answer, please leave a message
and he will call you back.
Sunday Mass held in the St Mary’s school
Auditorium McCrae street until further notice.
Saturday Evening: 6.00pm
Sunday: 8.30am, 10.30am and 5.30pm
Monday: 9.15am - St Mary’s School Auditorium
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9.30am
( Parish office meeting room)
Thursday: 11.00am (Cardinal Knox )
Friday: 9.30 am (Word and Communion Service
in the Parish office meeting room)
Saturday morning: 9.30am (Parish office meeting room
After the 9.30am Mass Saturday morning.
From the desk of the Parish
Priest…………..Father Declan
This Sunday we centre on the theme of marriage. Jesus connects a call for fidelity in marriage to our first reading from the Book of
Genesis, which describes the creation of man and woman. That connection
seems to say that faithfulness in marriage--working hard to make it work-is rooted in our very humanness, in how we are created by God.
Now, there are lots of self-help books and plenty of jokes stressing the
differences between men and women. But out of those differences, expressed in many cultures around the world, comes the stuff of which good
marriages are made.
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is busy proclaiming the Kingdom. He wants
marriage, the relationship of man and woman, to be part of that proclamation. It is in that most human of institutions, in the nitty-gritty of daily life,
that God is at work. Let's celebrate that this weekend.
As many of you are no doubt aware, I travel to Ireland tomorrow to spend
some time with my family and I just plain and simply need a break! A
change of scenery to renew myself spiritually , psychologically and physically. In my absence Father Alwin Bobis will be in residence in Saint
Mary’s for the period of my break - I return to Dandenong on October 29th.
Father Bobis will be assisted by Father Tryvis Moyo; a Redemptorist Priest
from Zimbabawe for Masses next weekend as well as our own Father
Brian Gleeson. Please make them welcome, thank you.
Peace and Joy in the Lord until I return home to Saint Mary’s at the end of
the month.
Cheryl Thomas
Ramona Dias
Meryl Thomas
Teresa De Feo
Eucharistic Elizabeth Fernandes Ulalia Niupuluso
Theresa Fernandes
Bibiana Fernandes
Roseline Alain
Gerry Netto
Elizabeth Lam Sam
Edna Lee
Pamela Spink
Margaret McLaren
Neville Thomas
Graham Newberry
Anna Minenna
Ria Green
Remy Palat
Rosters for Weekend of 10th-11th Oct 2015
Marina Walles
Diane Rivera
Eucharistic Russell D’Costa
St. Mary’s Primary School Phone: 9791 7650 New St, Dandenong:
Principal: Mr. Greg White
St. John’s Regional College Phone 9791 3366 Caroline St, Dandenong:
Principal: Mr. Andrew Walsh
St. Mary’s Community Centre 9792 4884
New St, Dandenong: Download brochure from
If you are going
to Hospital and
would like to be
anointed please
call Fr Declan
9791 4611
St Mary’s Tennis Club
Ladies are you interested in playing competition tennis on a
Tuesday as a regular
team member or emergency? Please contact
Ann on 9791 1417.
After the 9.30 am mass Saturday Mornings , 5 to
5.45 Saturday (before 6pm Mass) or upon request.
The Regulars
Please join the Public Square Rosary, As we all
know, Australia is in need of public prayer,
repentance and conversion. We must ask
God’s merciful blessing upon Australia
through the powerful intercession of
Our Lady of Fatima.
Please join us in praying for our
nation on 10th October, 2015 at
10.30 am . The local Public
Square Rosary will take place at
the Grotto, St Mary’s Church.
Valerie D’Costa
Janet Murray
Frank Hempel
Tim Evans
Belen Satuito
Veronica Gislingham Susan Rodrigues
Robert Commaraswamy
Carmel Simmonds Orito Owo
Ulalia Niupuluso Samaria Nepa
Ofelia Alvarado
Remy Palat
Marilyn Meyer
Meditation Retreat Day
Spring is the season to enliven us to ‘come to our senses’.
This retreat day supports us in reconnecting and opening to the present moment and the colour and
richness around us.
Through awareness meditation, music and poetry, we also connect to nature and there is a creative
space to express the symbolic meanings to us.
To connect with each other over lunch is also a time to appreciate each other, to enjoy all that is
here, to feel truly alive.
Join us on this Spring retreat day.
When: Sunday 11 October 9.30am – 2.30pm
Where: 110 Ann Street, Dandenong
Suggested Donation: $10 (includes a light lunch)
Led by Ellie Chatto
Book now – spaces are limited 9791 8664
8.30 am
Pearl Roberts, Maria De Petra, Alice & Joe Van Es, Janina Gorski
10.30 am
Helen Anderson, Pepe Perez, Sharon Fonceca, Adriana Catchort
After morning Mass (except Sunday)
Centering prayer meditation at
The Open Door, 7pm
2nd Wednesday: Cancare at Endeavour Hills**
3rd Wednesday: Friendship Club
lunch at Dandenong RSL
1st Sunday: Hospitality Sunday ~Cuppa’s
3rd Sunday: Presentation of Baptism
candidates at 10.30am Mass followed by
Baptism preparation
Youth Group after 5.30 Mass
4th Sunday: Baptism at 10.30 Mass
** CanCare sponsored by St Paul Apostle Parish Endeavour Hills it is led
by cancer survivors, and its members are all people who have been
touched by cancer. All who have been touched by cancer are welcome. You don’t have to be Catholic. Meetings are on the
2nd Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm at St Paul Apostle Parish Endeavour Hills Parish Centre. For more information call 97003781 during
office hours.
This weekend we pray for
Recently Deceased :
Gina Ciconte , Joan Gardner, Noel
O’Conor, Saturino Entice
Michelangelo Cerminara, Dennis Pereira,
Miguela & Joviito Sr. Villarente, Martin Augustine
2015 Christian Singles Network Conference—
‘Enjoy: the Joy of the Lord is my Strength’
A weekend conference for singles of all ages to grow in faith, friendship and fullness of life in Christ as single people.
17-18 October at the Clifton Centre, St Clement of Rome Parish,
Bulleen. Cost: $100
To book, please go to www.trybooking.com/IADB
For more information see csn.coglife.org or email Johanna on
After school Sacrament classes for First Eucharist and Reconciliation
resume on Wednesday, 14th October, the second Wednesday of
Term 4, at 4pm, in the Parish Centre.
Neville Thomas
Cuppas Roster 4th Oct 2015
Daily Rosary:
*The Open Door is part of the St John of God Ministries,
110 Ann Street Dandenong 9791 8664
Rosters for Weekend of 3rd-4th Oct 2015
BAPTISM: Enrolments take place after 8.30 am
Sunday Eucharist with Cate Kavanagh
MARRIAGE: please book the Church at the same
time as you book your venue.
As marriage preparation is an essential condition of
marriage, you must book your preparation course at
least 4 months prior to the wedding. Further details
can be obtained from Fr. O’Brien.
“Though many we are
One in faith and one in
the Gospel values
of hospitality and welcome, compassion and
Knights of the Southern Cross Information Evening
The Knights of the Southern Cross will be holding an Information Evening for
any practising male Catholic who is interested in finding out what the Knights
are about, or would be interested in joining. For anyone who is interested in
attending the Information Evening, to be held on Monday October 12, please
contact Andrew Vaccaro on 9795 7851, or e-mail at avaccaro@internode.on.net, no later than Friday 2nd October, for further infomation.
Next Week’s readings are on the notice board at the back of the auditorium
Sharon Rozario, Jeff Fisher, Marlene Frawley, Aileen
Leahy, Shelley Campbell, Ryan Robinson, Anthony Tan, Col
Cormick, David Morrison, Tyrone De Silva , Margaret Deegan,
Jenny Stivic, Ruth Caia, Michael Kelly, Kim, Faye Waring, Gary Van
Hostauyen, Angela Sumyla, Daren Vukmirovic, Keith Donovan,
Beryl O’Neill, Desmond Hopper, Mark Hyzy, Josephine Thomas
The privacy legislation requires us to have written permission by an
authorised person before any name can be printed in the Marian.
Shirley Wilkens would like to thank everyone for their
prayers and good wishes during her time of illness.
Be Not Afraid: The Gift of Palliative Care
A new video and print resource addressing end of life care
and euthanasia will be available from Sunday 11th Oct in
parishes. The video and other material can be viewed and
downloaded free from the Life, Marriage & Family website: www.cam.org.au/lifemarriagefamily
Collections for last weekend…
Thanksgiving: $1542.00
If any Parishioner would like their house to be
blessed, please contact Franca or Maree at the
Parish office 9791 4611 to make a booking with
either Father Declan or Deacon George.