AHAA 09-13 - Arkansas Hospital Association


AHAA 09-13 - Arkansas Hospital Association
Sep/Oct 2013
AHAA Board
I can't believe this year is winding down! What a ride it has been! I will
miss all the traveling and spending quality time with the auxiliaries
around our beautiful State. I would like to thank each auxiliary member
for sharing your time and talents as you serve as ambassadors to your
hospitals. You have done a great job writing the songs for your
auxiliaries and the Arkansas Hospital Auxiliary Association. Thank you
to an AWESOME State Board! I appreciate each one of you as we
continue to work in harmony to ensure the continued success of the
Arkansas Hospital Auxiliary Association. Thank you to each District
Chair for making sure the auxiliaries in each of your districts are kept
informed and continually receives any assistance they may need.
As most of you know, there is a lot of thought and planning that goes
into our annual convention and the convention committee has been hard
at work to ensure its success. This year’s Convention Chair and CoChair, Mary Frauenhoff and Judy Shaffer have a great convention
planned for you. There may even be a surprise or two...you'll just have
to come and find out what they are! I hope you have made your
reservations to attend this important and informative event. Let's make
this the best convention ever! For those of you who take a back seat and
don't want any recognition, and you know who you are, we appreciate all
your hard work and support for this annual event.
A quick note to everyone about a few new things for this year's
Sharon Huffmire
Baxter Regional Medical Center
287 Howard Creek Road
Midway, AR 72651
Sharon Sly
Siloam Springs Memorial
847 Deer Lodge Ct
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
Jerry Berley
Quachita County Medical Center
415 Cherry St.
Warren, AR 71671
Margaret Underwood
North Arkansas Regional Med Ctr
2811 Harmon Road
Harrison, AR 72601
Melissa Williamson
St. Vincent Health System
5913 N. Hills Blvd
Sherwood, AR 72116
Shirley VanHorn
Washington Regional Med. Center
11879 Red Oak Dr.
Fayetteville, AR 72704
First, I am excitedly that we are implementing our first Annual Parade of
Presidents. This is an idea I got when brainstorming with other state
auxiliary presidents at the State Auxiliary Leaders Conference in
Washington, D.C. At the time, I thought wow, what a wonderful way to
recognize and showcase our auxiliary presidents. I suggested that AHAA
implement this ceremony and everyone on the state board thought it was
a great idea and something we could do at our convention each year. I
have asked each Auxiliary President to provide a 20" x 24" banner
representing their auxiliary. (Even if you do not have a banner I want
you to participate.) This ceremony will take place at the very beginning
of the General Business Meeting on Wednesday. Each president will
walk in carrying their banner.
Lynn Smith
Medical Center of South AR
250 Forest Lake Dr.
El Dorado, AR 71730
(870) 864-0473
All auxiliary presidents are requested to meet outside the grand ballroom with their banners
at 1:30 and line up by district, just as you are listed in the handbook. As you are being
announced you will walk in and line up in front of the head table. This will allow others to
see just how many presidents we have in our state organization and give a visible account to
all. This is a great opportunity for us to recognize ALL of our auxiliaries and their
presidents at the convention each year for their hard work and dedication, for without you
there would be no AHAA.
Second, since the Thursday evening theme is 'A Night at the Grammy's', formal attire (your
choice), we will have an area where, if you so choose, you may walk a red carpet to a
designated area to have your picture taken by our own AHAA Paparazzi. This is optional of
course but could be a fun thing for all. There will also be a DJ for your listening & dancing
In closing, I want to thank each one of you for making my year as your AHAA President so
special. I look forward to seeing each of you at the Convention!
Remember...even though my year is coming to an end, we must continue to write the songs
for our auxiliaries.
Notes, Rhythm,
Let's Continue Writing the Songs!
See you at the 2013 Convention!
Take a music bath once a week for a few seasons. You will find music is to the soul
What a water bath is to the body...Oliver Wendell Holmes
In Loving Memory
Southwest District
National Park Medical Center
Hot Springs Medical Center Malvern Ar
Herman Young, Lavern Hughes, and Gary Fraley
Dorothy Broome, Flora Rondeau and Mary Matis
Baptist Health Med Center, Arkadelphia
Ouachita County Medical Center Auxiliary
Pat Wood
Jenny Grabert, Mona Hurley and Katherine Stone
Metropolitan District
Baptist Health Medical Center-NLR
Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Inst.
Harold Riggs
Marcelline Giroir, Nancy Goode,Patti Ledbetter,
Melba Munnerlyn, Carol Ann Penick
Northwest District
Mercy Hospital
Northwest Medical Center Bentonville
Rose Doty and Donna Smith
Dorothy Pitts Coleman
Northeast District.
Southwest District
Crittenden Regional Hospital
Medical Center of South AR
Bernadeen “Deen” Nanney Stutts
Merlynn Ware
Ralph Wallis
Mercy Hospital, Rogers, Monday, October 21
Mercy Hospital, Fort Smith, Tuesday, October 22
AR. Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, Wednesday, October 23
Baptist Health, Arkadelphia, Thursday, October 24
White Co. Medical, McRae, Tuesday, October 29
Crittenden Regional, West Memphis, Wednesday, October 30
Jefferson Regional, Pine Bluff, Thursday, October 31
North Arkansas Regional Medical Center, Harrison, Monday, April 14
St. Mary’s Regional Medical, Russellville, Tuesday, April 15
Baptist Health, Little Rock, Wednesday, April 16
Quachita Co. Medical Center, Camden, Thursday, April 17
White River Medical Center, Batesville, Tuesday, April 22
Cross Ridge Community Hospital, Wynne, Wednesday, April 23
McGehee Hospital, McGehee, Thursday, April 24
North Central District
Janet Mruk, District Chair
Submitted by: Terri Lee
After a slower summer pace the fall shifts into full speed ahead for our auxiliary. We began the
latter part of the summer by hosting the first Alzheimer support group for patients and/or caregivers. It is facilitated by a Licensed Master of Social Work as well as a member of Alzheimer’s Arkansas and meets the 3rd Thursday of every month in our hospital dining room. In September
we will host a book sale of new books for all ages and interests. This is following a successful
used cookbook sale and bake sale that we held in August.
October is always our busiest month of the year. It begins with participation in the annual AHAA
convention of which our auxiliary is chairing the silent auction this year. We will also participate
in the Cleburne County Business Expo which is held that same week. A blood drive will be held
on October 18th followed by our biggest fundraiser of the year. Our Style Show and Luncheon,
which this year will be our largest production ever attempted. It will be held in the Heber Springs
Community Center with entertainment by the very gifted songwriter & musician, A.J. Croce from
San Diego. For the very first time this will be a catered affair. October 25 th is the date and all
are invited.
The end of October will find us at the Fall District meeting @ White County Medical.
Stone County Medical Center - Mountain View
Submitted by: Donna Sullivan, Newsletter Editor
Thanks to our volunteers for their great involvement at our monthly meetings, it was a good time to
catch up on what everyone is doing and take care of necessary business.
Our Bird Cage Gift Shop is having end of summer sales with great bargains.
The “New and Gently Used Purse Sale” held in July raised $1,084.00. Purses and jewelry left from
the sale have been donated to another hospital auxiliary to help them with their fundraising endeavors.
We had three applicants for our scholarship program and all three were approved for a scholarship
at our August meeting.
Upcoming events include New and Used Cookbook and Bake Sale in September and our Handcrafted Craft Sale in November.
We are sad to be losing our Administrator, Renie Taylor, who is retiring. She has been very supportive and helpful to our auxiliary. We will miss her great smile and thoughtfulness.
Looking forward to attending the State Convention in October.
Submitted By: Frances Dubach
Congratulations go to Dorothy Ball, founding member, in celebration of her 94 th birthday on June
25th. She was honored with a very special birthday cake and friends at the hospital on her birthday.
She was again honored with refreshments and special memories at the July Auxiliary regular meeting. She is still on the Executive Board serving as Corresponding Secretary and still volunteers at
the reception desk assisting patients to appointments. She continues to turn out a record number of
pot scrubbies and dishcloths as a fund-raiser for the Auxiliary. Words cannot express her value to
the hospital and Auxiliary.
Two Chris Alexander Scholarships were awarded at the August monthly meeting to hospital LPN
employees to assist them in attaining their RN degrees.
Several Ozark Health Auxilians
will be doing the GREERS FERRY LAKE AREA ALZHEIMERS OF ARKANSAS WALK on September 14th in Fairfield Bay starting with a pancake breakfast at the Lion’s Den, which also benefits Alzheimer’s of Arkansas. Buddy, our mixed Lab in Nursing Center Resident will also be walking (in
Auxiliary uniform).
Recent equipment donations to the hospital have been ten IV Pumps, a new Anesthesia Machine for
surgery and weighing scales for Chemotherapy.
A Purse Blitz was held in the Gift Shop on August 26th.
Six Ozark Health Auxilians have signed up for State Convention in Little Rock.
On September 28th we will have a booth at the KFFB Health Fair, where we will be promoting MEDIC ALERT by handing out water bottles. We will also raffle off a child’s helmet for H.E.L.P.
Our ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR will be held in the hospital board meeting room on Thursday and
Friday, November 7th and 8th.
Baxter Regional Hospital
Submitted By: Paul R. Mruk Auxiliary President
September and October are going to be a busy time at Baxter Regional Medical Center, and when
the Hospital is busy, the Auxiliary is busy.
The Hope Committee, which stands for Hospitality, Orientation, Placement, and Enthusiasm,
comprised of Hospital Volunteers, will meet September 5 th to discuss events remaining in 2013,
mentoring our New Volunteers, and planning a September and October birthday celebration.
The General Auxiliary Meeting will be held on September 11 th, we will welcome back many of our
Auxilians who have been away during the summer months. At our September General Meeting,
our Director, Mr. Ron Peterson, will address our Auxilians with an update on the many changes that
will be taking place in October due to the new Health Care Bill.
Our Auxilians, / Our Yellow Army, which our Hospital Board refers to us as, will play a vital role in the
Annual Woman’s Health Forum taking place on September 25 th. We will have several of our Female
Doctors speaking to all women regarding Health Issues, performing various health screenings, and a
very special Guest Speaker. Oh, the power of the Women!!
Our Hospital is blessed to have our “Community Houses” which provide support for Aging, Cancer,
Diabetes, and the Women’s Center. Our Volunteers assist in support groups, exercise groups, training and various other duties.
We are also looking forward to having Dynamic Cookware for the first time as our September Fundraiser. Will give you a report on how we did.
October will be an even busier month with the State Convention in Little Rock. Our Hospital Foundation conducts an Annual Fundraiser every October and it is always a success because of the committed, enthusiastic, response of our Volunteers.
I am so proud of my Hospital, especially the so many Loving, Giving People who give so much of
their time in the service of others.
We must keep all our Hospitals in our thoughts and prayers this coming year.
Northwest District
Darlene Tuohy, District Chair
Submitted by Neta Stamps
Our first Alzheimer’s Seminars were presented on June 27th. The two sessions were well attended
and plans are made for two sessions on September 3rd.
On July 16th, active auxiliary members and their family members were invited to “Mercy Night at the
Main Theater”. Appropriately, the movie was EPIC – which just happens to be the name of the Mercy patient information system.
Auxiliary members manned the reception desk of X-ray and Lab during the absence of the receptionist July 24 – August 2nd.
At the August board meeting, Kathy Dignan of Materials Management presented President Joy Flake with the Hospitality Cup “for
the amazing everyday service the auxiliary provides to our patients and coworkers”.
In October (the last quarter of the year) the auxiliary board will refill the cup with goodies and pass it on to a department in the hospital.
Mercy Auxiliary has joined with
Mercy Health Foundation in assisting Operation Food for Hungry
Kids. $3000.00 was donated toward purchase of food items to be
packed to provide food for two
days (the week-end) for designated school children. The items will
provide easy to prepare meals of
approximately 1800 calories per
August 22 – first scheduled Operation Food for Hungry Kids
75 bags were prepared August
Wilma Keller, Dale Hunter, OFHK Chairman, Debra Lang22nd within 45 minutes!
ston and her son Austin, Anita Spearman and Ann Coleman
On August 29th 93 bags were prepared within 30 minutes!!
We continued with the Operation Food for Hungry Kids theme for our county fair educational booth.
The booth presented a sampling of foods included for week-end meals and information on assisting
the program.
A jewelry sale is scheduled for September.
Plans are being made to attend the State Convention in October.
Washington Regional Medical Center Auxiliary
Submitted by: Jimmie Beauchamp
The Auxiliary made profits in the following fundraising areas during the months of July & August:
Gift shop $11,238, Flowers & Balloons $2,539. We hosted a Blood Drive on July 19 th collecting 26
units for the Community Blood Center of the Ozarks. In July we hosted a Books Are Fun Sale profiting the Auxiliary $1,840.
Our most exciting news occurred at our August 29 th Volunteer Awards Luncheon. Dan Webb,
WRMC Auxiliary President Elect, invited Lorraine Holland and Butch Clinton, two past presidents of
the Auxiliary and the current Auxiliary treasurer, Carol Hawkins to join him for a check presentation.
He presented a “mock” check for $550,000 to James Kimbrough, Executive Director of the Washington Regional Foundation. It is with pride and admiration of this great group of men and women, that I
report this check signifies the fulfillment of three financial pledges to the hospital. $320,000 for the
first campaign to build the new hospital, $180,000 for the “Rise and Shine” campaign for the additions needed for the hospital and $50,000 for the Willard Walker Hospice Home.
Northeast District
Shirley Grady, District Chair
SMC Regional Medical Center
Submitted by: Dorothy Crockett, Secy.
The SMC Medical Center Auxiliary (Osceola Pink Ladies) held a reception Sunday, July 28th in
the Hospital lobby for the recipients of their Scholarships. This year, President Pud Thomas was
proud to present six local students with a $750.00 scholarship. The criteria to receive the scholarship are: the student must be enrolled in a health care related field, be from Mississippi County or be the child of a hospital employee.
Pictured left to right, Kelsey Victory, Joe Robertson, Peggy Darty, President Thomas, Brandy
Thomas and Courtney Shaffer. Not pictured, Christie Baugus.
St. Bernards Medical Center
Submitted by: Dean Rossa
St Bernards Auxiliary issued $40,000 this month for our first payment on our $200,000 obligation
for the new Assisted Living Level II and Alzheimer’s Special Care Facility to be built on 28 acres
on Parker Road...
The hospital Gift Shop was busy with a 50% off sale.
Our summer Junior Volunteer program had an outstanding group of 15 young people. Once
again, St. Bernard’s put many people and many departments at our disposal so that we could
have a fulfilling time together.
Crittenden Regional Hospital, West Memphis
Submitted By: Melba Nolan
The Pink Ladies Mini-Bake Sale was a success. We raised over $270 for the Auxiliary.
The Ladies will host the Fall District meeting on October 30, 2013 at the First United Methodist
Church in West Memphis.
Valley District
Theresa Erwin, District Chair
Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center Auxiliary
Submitted by: Janet Thurber, President
Summer is almost over and we are welcoming back many of our volunteers who took the summer
off. We’re also saying goodbye to the great group of Volunteens who helped us fill the spots left by
volunteers on vacation.
In June the Auxiliary installed new officers and enjoyed a delicious Awards Lunch provided by Saint
Mary’s. Bright colored decorations carried out the Moroccan Night at the Kasbah theme. There was
even live Moroccan music to entertain us while we ate.
Donnie Frederic, Saint Mary’s CEO, installed the new officers and handed out the hourly award pins.
Donnie also presented Carlene Knox a silver tray as an acknowledgement of her 25 years as a Saint
Mary’s Volunteer.
Volunteers brought their scissors to the August meeting and cut out 100 Christmas stockings.
Volunteers took the cut out stocking home to sew up so that they are ready to welcome the 100 babies born at Saint Mary’s in December. In August volunteers also participated with Saint Mary’s in
the Russellville Business Expo. We greeted visitors to Saint Mary’s booth and handed out stress
balls along with information about volunteering. We also handed out Stroke pamphlets and helped
people sign up for Saint Mary’s on-line health newsletter.
In September we hold our Volunteer Roundup Potluck. The potluck is our annual recruitment event.
Volunteers are encouraged to invite a potential volunteer to learn more about being a volunteer as
well as enjoy a lot of good food. It’s also a chance to welcome back volunteers who took the summer off. Also in September we’re looking forward to another successful scrub sale with Swift Uniform.
In October we attend the State Convention and Valley District Meeting.
A Night at the Kasbah
Officer Installation and Volunteer Awards Lunch
Southwest District
Dorothy Berley, District Chair
Mercy Hospital Hot Springs
Submitted by: Peg Kuhnly
The summer was a busy time with volunteers on vacation and tasks that had to be covered. We
are very fortunate to have our junior volunteers to help us out and to also share their wonderful
computer skills with us.
We have a number of people who have expressed interest in attending the state convention. It is
always a good learning experience (and a good time) the registration form shows a number of
workshops that should be very interesting.
The ownership of our hospital has been uncertain for over a year. We are still Mercy Hospital Hot
Springs. The Kapella group will not be purchasing the hospital at this time. We still really have no
idea if we will remain part of Mercy long term or if we might be sold to another system. Life is
many things; dull is not one of them. Our hospital has been a part of Hot Springs history since
1888, even the possibility of major change has been difficult.
Ouachita County Medical Center Auxiliary
Submitted by: Daphne Bennett, Newsletter Editor
We are so proud of our hospital! On April 29, the Armstrong Institute of Patient Safety and Quality
from Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, informed our CEO Peggy Abbott that
OCMC was identified as a "top performer" in the Doctor Communication domain of the Hospital
Consumer Assessment Health Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Survey. OCMC was nationally
ranked among the top 8 for small size hospitals, to quote from the letter, "Congratulations to you
and your leadership on this remarkable achievement." The hospital, as a "top performing" hospital, is invited to participate in a research study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Medicine Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality. The purpose of this study is to identify and disseminate best practices for improving the patient's hospital experiences. This study will culminate in a
national conference September 26-27, 2013, where "top performing" hospitals will be invited to
present and be recognized for their work. Select hospitals will then be given awards for their
achievements. ** We have awarded one $2,000 nursing scholarship to an RN candidate and one
for $1,500 to an LPN candidate for the fall semester. ** We have four new members since the
first of June.
Baptist Health Medical Center
Submitted by Grace Calhoun
July and August were relatively slow months for our auxiliary with planning meetings beginning for
the Fall Southwest District Meeting hosted by our auxiliary in October.
The auxiliary was active in celebration of our hospital’s 30-year anniversary in early July. A hamburger cookout for employees and volunteers was held during the week of the anniversary, complete with games and contests. A drop-in reception was on Thursday, 7/11 from 2 – 4 pm, with
punch and cake served. A slideshow featuring employees over the past three decades was
shown throughout the week on TV screens throughout the hospital. Scrapbooks for the past thirty
years were displayed also. The cafeteria featured 1983 prices for breakfast and lunch. Employees celebrating 30 or more years of service were recognized.
On Saturday, 8/17, our auxiliary participated in a “Party on Pine” with a booth displaying HELP
literature. Drawings were held for three cyclist helmets. This event was sponsored by Ascent
Children’s Health Services and was an excellent opportunity to hand out safety literature and discuss with parents and children the importance of wearing helmets while riding bikes and motorcycles.
Medical Center of South Arkansas
Submitted By: Lynn Smith
MCSA Auxiliary members enjoyed a banquet sponsored by MCSA for our July Installation of Officers. . We were excited to have our CEO, Kyle Swift, attend the meeting. Officers installed were:
President- Verne Harris, Vice President-Peggy Plummer, Secretary- Dollie Stratton and TreasurerDeanie Connor. A memorial candle light service was held to honor Merlynn Ware. MCSA Cafeteria
staff prepared and served the meal. Each server was given a gift certificate for our Gift Shop to show
our appreciation for their service. The banquet was enjoyed by all, especially, Debra Hudson, the
door prize winner. What a great start for our new year of volunteering!
Auxiliary members attended a mandatory in-house training at the August monthly meeting under the
direction of Rachel Scriber, Marketing Director. Safety, color codes, and emergency procedures
were a few of the very important topics discussed. Tests were completed by all in attendance and
will be filed for possible review by Joint Commission.
We are excited about our upcoming fundraiser with Sheets Galore and More next week. Volunteers
are signed up to help and shop the sale. With the continued support of our community and staff, the
sale is sure to be a great success!
Your Name Is Volunteer
Your name is love, because you showed me love and compassion when I needed it the most.
Your name is patience, you took time to listen to me when my stories were long & my heart was
Your name is kindness, because you used healing hands to touch my pain and guide me when I
was lost.
Your name is mentor, because you taught me the lessons that life cannot teach so soon.
Your name is a volunteer; you are love, patience, kindness, a mentor and so much more….
Southeast District
Marsha Scott, District Chair
Delta Memorial Hospital
Submitted By: Darby O’Shaughnessy
Delta Memorial Hospital auxilians have kept busy throughout the summer staffing the gift shop,
saying good-bye to a beloved and long-standing member, assisting with the August 27th blood
drive, planning a September scrubs sale, and looking forward to autumn’s State and District conventions.
In June, Auxilian Donnie Hollie was honored at a BBQ luncheon for her years as an outstanding
member of the DMH auxiliary prior to her departure for Little Rock where she will be nearer family
and doctors. Her intelligence, kindness, and generosity will be sorely missed.
Also in June, the DMH auxiliary presented its annual scholarship to Jessica Miller of Dumas. Jessica is a nursing student and a repeat recipient of the scholarship which is awarded to a qualifying
student pursuing a career in the medical field.
Auxilian Evelyn Murphy organized the August blood drive assisted by auxilians Shirley Sandlin, Jeri
Brewer, Bonnie McFalls, and Roseann Bradley who volunteered to work the drive by helping donors and registering them for the auxiliary-sponsored hospital gift shop gift-certificate drawing, and
by offering snacks to those who donated.
A representative number of DMH auxilians have signed up to attend the fall convention in Little
Rock where former Southeast District Chair Nedra White has recruited us to seat attendees. DMH
auxilians plan on attending the convention together on Thursday, October 10 th.
Jessica Miller, center, receives the DMH Auxiliary scholarship from L, Treasurer Shirley Teeter, and
R, President Maedene Weser.
By Shirley VanHorn
Thank you all very much for your timely submissions of your articles Well the time has come, and I
will be passing this privilege on to another very capable auxilian. I have learned so much about all
the great auxiliaries in this great state!! The friends that I have made along this journey will always
be dear to my heart. Again thank you all the this opportunity.
Newsletter Schedule/Reminder
Issue Date
Nov/Dec 2013
2012Cutoff Date
5 Nov 2013
Covered Activities
Activities for Nov and Nov
It is highly appreciated if submissions are made electronically via email to (nsos@hbeark.com) as a Microsoft Word attachment. But, if you absolutely must submit via snail-mail, please mail early so that I receive
it by the cut-off date. Photos using the .jpg extension may also be submitted – just let me know what event it
goes with and, if appropriate, identify those in the photo. Please do not send photos that you have scanned
from a newspaper…these are too blurry to publish. – Thank you!