Student Technology HANDBOOK
Student Technology HANDBOOK
Student Technology HANDBOOK 2007 – 2008 Connecting you with Information and Technology The Student Technology Handbook is brought to you by: STUDENT TECHNOLOGY FEE – The Student Technology Fee is used to provide technology-related resources such as this handbook to St. Cloud State University students. The revenue for this fee is dispensed by a plan developed annually by the Student Technology Fee Committee and approved by the SCSU president. Learning Resources & Technology Services – Learning Resources and Technology Services (LR&TS) is the comprehensive campus-wide information organization at St. Cloud State University. LR&TS integrates information and technology resources to provide a wide range of state-of-the-art services for a diverse group of patrons, including students, faculty and staff. LR&TS encompasses the library, academic computing, media and network operations, instruction-related training, technology services and equipment. The technology services division of LR&TS provides campus-wide computing support, networking services, e-mail, the HelpDesk, the Computer Store, instructional television and video conferencing operations, as well as installation and support for over 135 electronic classrooms and maintenance/operation of 625 computers in the Miller Center and 24 other General Access computer labs/areas across campus. HuskyNet – HuskyNet, short for Husky Network, provides St. Cloud State University students, faculty and staff with e-mail, personal File and Web space, distance and online learning tools, wireless Internet and access to other technology resources. Essentials Forums Policies & Regulations Policies & Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Campus Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41 Administrative Services Student Technology Forums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Student Technology Fee Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable (TLTR) . . 36 LR&TS Student Advisory Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Distance Learning Administrative Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Records and Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Scholarships and Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Business Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Career Services Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Library Glossary & Map Computing & Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 General Access Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Roaming profiles (Campus Desktop) . . . . . . . . . 15 Lab location chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 LabSeats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Lab assistance & training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ResNet (Residential Network) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Wireless access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Wired connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Distance & Online Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Online courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Desire2Learn (D2L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Multimedia technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Library and technology services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Computer Protection HuskyNet Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 HuskyNetID (username) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Acceptable use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Password maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Account Expiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Exceptions and extensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Reactivation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Access to e-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Storage space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Unsolicited e-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 File and Web space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Access to space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Creating Web sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Library Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Research and resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Book and article searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Interlibrary Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Reserves and e-reserves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Ask a Librarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 QuickStart tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Additional library resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Checkout equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Student study rooms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Printers, self-checkout station, photocopiers . . . 29 Disability services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Computing Main Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 HelpDesk (technology) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Lab Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 InforMedia Services (training & workshops) . . . . . . 6 SCSU Computer Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Circulation Desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Reference Desk (Ask a Librarian) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Periodicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Statistical Consulting & Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Protecting Your Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Safe practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Threat awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Spam, phishing and abusive e-mail. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 HuskyNet What’s New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SCSU Web redesign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Microsoft Office 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Technology Support Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Virtual Lab (pilot project) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Off-campus Internet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Curriculum-Related Labs (chart on page 21) . . . . . 19 Electronic classrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Classroom Performance System (Clickers). . . . . 19 Podcasting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Portable data storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Scanners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Printers and printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Contacts Essential Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Campus Card (student ID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SCSU ID number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Personal Identification Number (PIN) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 HuskyNetID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Library bar code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 New Table of Contents Essentials New Essentials Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library Computer Protection Computing HuskyNet Contacts Campus Card (student ID) Atwood Memorial Center 162 (320) 308-1683 E-mail: Web: Your St. Cloud State University Campus Card, often referred to as your student ID, gives you access to resources and services across campus, including: • Computing, technology resources • Residence halls • Printing in computer labs • Residence hall laundry rooms • Photocopiers • Athletic facilities • Library materials • Food services Campus Card office hours: Semester hours Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Summer hours Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the first two weeks of Fall and Spring semester, the office is open until 6 p.m. To get your Campus Card, go to the Campus Card office in Atwood and bring a government-issued ID (i.e. driver’s license or passport) with you. If you have met all the requirements, they will take your picture and have your card ready within minutes. Please note that new students must be registered for classes before a Campus Card will be issued. Using Campus Cash Campus cash is a prepaid, stored-value account that is a part of your Campus Card. You can use Campus Cash to purchase items at many locations both on and off campus. To learn more, visit To deposit Campus Cash, use one of the following methods: • Value Transfer Stations – You may add funds at the Value Transfer Stations in the Miller Center or Atwood by using your SCSU Campus Card. You must use U.S. paper currency to deposit funds. • Phone – Call the Campus Card office at (320) 308-1683. • Campus Card office – Campus Card Office staff accepts U.S. currency, personal checks and debit or credit cards. • Mail – Send payment to the Campus Card office, Atwood Memorial Center, 720 4th Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN 56301. SCSU ID number To work within the SCSU computing world, you need your SCSU ID number which is assigned to you after you are admitted to SCSU. You will need it for using the online registration system (page 32), activating or resetting your HuskyNetID (page 9) and accessing other computing resources on campus. 2 Campus Card ID (student ID) Where to find your SCSU ID number: • On the front of your Campus Card (student ID) • In the lower left-hand corner • On the bottom line where it says “ID#” followed by an eight-digit number Essentials Your SCSU Personal Identification Number (PIN) helps the University keep your electronic records secure. SCSU sets your initial six-digit PIN as your birth date in year, month and day order (yymmdd). For example, if your birthday falls on Nov. 29, 1988, you would have a PIN assigned as 881129. If you do not indicate a birthday on your admission application, your PIN will be the last six digits of your social security number. The computer system will prompt you to change this number to your own unique PIN when you log in to the SCSU system for the first time. To activate your HuskyNetID, you will need: HuskyNetID Distance Learning You will need your library bar code, a 14-digit number on the back of your Campus Card (page 2), to check out library resources, including books, videos, laptops and study rooms in the Miller Center. A library bar code is also needed for using some online library services such as Interlibrary Loan (page 27). If you are asked for your password, type in your last name, unless you have changed your library password to something else. To have your barcode activated, contact the Circulation Desk (page 7). Library • Located on the back of your Campus Card, below the universal bar code • Password is the first 8 characters of your last name Library bar code Computer Protection You will find your library bar code: HuskyNet, short for Husky Network, provides you with access to campus technology services. Once you are enrolled at SCSU and get a Campus Card ID, you can activate your HuskyNetID. Your HuskyNetID provides you with access to e-mail, File and Web storage space and a variety of additional resources that support your learning. See page 9 or visit for more information. Computing • Your SCSU ID number • Your PIN HuskyNet • Activate your HuskyNetID • Reset your HuskyNetID password • Add/drop classes Contacts Personal Identification Number (PIN) New Use your PIN to: Administrative Services Forums Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map 3 Essentials New What’s New Contacts SCSU Website redesign St. Cloud State University announces its redesigned Web site located at Computer Protection Computing HuskyNet Technology Support Line SCSU’s redesigned Web site reflects the global campus vision Library The redesign comes as a part of the new marketing campaign, “What’s Your World?” which was developed to reflect and convey the University’s global vision. Distance Learning As a part of this redesign, Learning Resources & Technology Services wants you to know that you now have easy access to both our Library ( and Technology ( services through direct links located in the upper-right corner of every SCSU Web page. Administrative Services Microsoft Office 2007 on campus Forums Microsoft Office 2007, the latest version of the Microsoft Office suite, is now available on most campus Windows computers. It includes Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access and InfoPath as well as two new programs. New programs: • OneNote – An electronic note-taking program • Groove – A collaboration program that provides a space to help teams work together, both online and offline Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map at reduced prices for your home computer. For more information on Microsoft Office 2007, visit Microsoft Office 2007 for Windows is also available for purchase from the SCSU Computer Store (page 6) 4 308-TECH Now you can dial a single phone number to access a variety of St. Cloud State technology services. Just call 308-TECH (8324) anytime you have a technology related question or problem. Our automated system will direct you to someone who can help you with general computing support, campus computer labs, the Computer Store or library services. You can still reach each service area by dialing the individual number if you prefer, but for a convenient, easy-to-remember solution for all of your technology needs, dial (320) 308-TECH. The Virtual Lab: remote access to software The Virtual Lab is a pilot-project that provides remote access to software from any computer with an Internet connection and a HuskyNetID. SCSU students, faculty and staff can use software in the Virtual Lab 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any location without the additional cost or inconvenience usually associated with software accessibility. Many software programs are available through the Virtual Lab, including Microsoft Office and Adobe (Macromedia) applications. These programs appear as if they are running on your desktop, recognizing all keyboard strokes and mouse clicks. For more information, or to try out the Virtual Lab, visit Essentials New Main Contacts Break hours (no classes in session) Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map 5 Forums If you reside in one of the on-campus residential halls, ResNet (Residential Network) services provide you with access to the campus network and Internet though an Ethernet (wired) or Wi-Fi (wireless) connection in your residence hall room. ResNet Quick Connect Guides are provided to you during move-in. Should you require assistance, technical support is available at the HelpDesk for your ResNet connection at no additional cost throughout the year. In-room service is available for physical, network-related problems only. To learn more about the HelpDesk, visit Administrative Services The HelpDesk offers a computer drop-off service to all current students, faculty and staff. Priority is given to issues that affect your network connection (viruses, spyware and configuration problems) and access to online SCSU resources. Distance Learning In addition to these services, the HelpDesk works with college technicians to support the electronic classrooms, campus offices, ResNet rooms and the campus phone and voicemail systems. Library Summer session hours Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact the HelpDesk whenever you need computing or technical assistance. Staff members answer how-to and troubleshooting questions on many topics including HuskyNet, ResNet, campus technology and personal computer hardware and software. They can help you set up your computer system for HuskyNet wireless (page 18), remove spyware and viruses (page 24) from your computer HelpDesk consultants provide you assistance with technology-related issues. and recover deleted files. Computer Protection Regular semester hours Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Miller Center B43 (320) 308-2077 or 308-TECH E-mail: Web: Computing HelpDesk hours: HuskyNet HelpDesk Contacts Learning Resources & Technology Services (LR&TS) faculty and staff are available and ready to help you get the most out of St. Cloud State University’s information and technology resources. LR&TS and most of its services are located in the James W. Miller Learning Resources Center. In this section, we provide information on where to seek library and computing assistance in the Miller Center. Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Miller Center 201 (2nd Floor East) (320) 308-2068 or 308-TECH E-mail: Web: When you are working in a General Access Lab, the Lab Consultant’s service desk is your first line of help for technology issues. If you have questions or problems with software or burning CD/DVDs, ask for help from the student consultant at the lab service desk. There is a consultant desk in each General Access Lab on campus and a main service counter in the Miller Center 2nd Floor East Lab. InforMedia Services The InforMedia Services (IMS) faculty members are technology specialists who help students get the most out of campus computing resources. If you want professional help in applying technology to your coursework, ask for an IMS faculty Information Specialist in the 2nd Floor East Miller Center lab. IMS faculty also offer free software training for students. Watch for these workshop announcements throughout the year. To see a complete list of workshops and registration, go to Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Computer Protection Miller Center 204 (2nd Floor East) (320) 308-2069 or 308-TECH E-mail: Web: Library Computing Lab Consultants Service Desk SCSU Computer Store SCSU Computer Store hours: Miller Center B42 (320) 308-4944 or 308-TECH E-mail: Web: Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed holidays) Visit the SCSU Computer Store for help with all your personal computer and technology needs. Staff members are available to help you choose the system, software and accessories that are right for you. All products purchased through the Computer Store are available at educational discount prices. Some of the products available include computers, printers, disk drives, software, digital cameras and iPods. The Computer Store carries many brands, including Apple, Gateway, Dell and HP (Compaq) computers as well as software from companies such as Microsoft, Adobe and Apple. For more information, go to 6 Circulation Desk staff members help you access technology-based library resources, books and other circulating materials. Resources include Interlibrary Loan, reserves and e-reserves, government documents, periodicals and the Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange. You may also check out equipment at the Circulation Desk and make reservations for student study rooms. See page 28 for a detailed list of equipment and services. Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday: 1 to 9 p.m. Miller Center 140 1st Floor West (320) 308-4755 or (877) 856-9786 toll-free or 308-TECH E-mail: Web: Contact SCSU librarians in four ways: Administrative Services All hours the Miller Center library is open (see page 26) Periodicals Desk Distance Learning Periodicals Desk hours: In addition to referencing more than 675,000 books and 1.3 million government documents on the Miller Center library shelves, Reference librarians can assist you with access to more than 13,000 journals online. They also provide free course-related library orientation and research instruction throughout the year. Library • Reference Desk: Miller Center 1st Floor West • E-mail: • Phone: (320) 308-4755 or toll-free (877) 856-9786 • Online Chat: To check hours and availability, click on the Ask A Librarian icon on the library Web site, At the Reference Desk, librarians help you find useful books, articles and Web sites for your research projects. They assist you in designing search strategies, creating bibliographies and evaluating sources (see page 27). Computer Protection Reference Desk (Ask a Librarian) Computing Reference Desk hours: HuskyNet Visit Circulation for: • Book check-out • CD/DVD/VHS check-out • Equipment reservations and check-out • Study room reservations • Reserves check-out • Interlibrary Loan pick-up Contacts Miller Center 130 1st Floor West (320) 308-3083 or 308-TECH E-mail: Web: New Circulation Desk All hours the Miller Center library is open (see page 26) Essentials Circulation Desk hours: Miller Center 135 1st Floor West (northwest corner) (320) 308-4758 or 308-TECH Glossary & Map 7 Policies & Regulations Staff members can assist you with questions regarding journals, newspapers, microfilm, microfiche, bound periodicals, indexes, government documents and maps. They also provide assistance using the microfiche/microfilm readers and printers, and the library photocopiers. Forums The Periodicals Desk staff help you access SCSU’s collection of periodicals and scholarly journals, both in print and online. Nearly 1,600 current periodicals are available on the shelves, as well as 60 different local and national newspapers. Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Miller Center 204 (320) 308-4709 E-mail: Web: Statistical Consulting and Research Support provides assistance to students, faculty and staff using statistics in research projects. Staff offer help with designing your survey (both print and online), data entry, online survey collection and statistical analysis. Individual consultation is provided to assist you in interpreting your survey results. Workshops are also offered to undergraduate students on Minitab and SPSS software during Fall and Spring semesters. To view workshops available and registration, go to For more information on Statistical Consulting, visit Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library Computer Protection Computing Statistical Consulting and Research Support 8 Statistical Consulting & Research Support hours: Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during Fall and Spring semesters. Contact the department for limited summer hours. Essentials New HuskyNet Basics Contacts HuskyNet, short for Husky Network, is your main access to technology resources at St. Cloud State University. To learn more about HuskyNet and to access technology resources, continue reading this handbook and explore the HuskyNet Web site at HuskyNet To activate your account, you will need your SCSU ID and PIN (page 2). 9 Glossary & Map You are responsible for knowing and adhering to all SCSU technology policies, the Student Code of Conduct, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities regulations and all applicable state and federal laws. You will find a condensed list of policies on page 37. Click on the “Technology Policies” link at to view the full-length policies. Policies & Regulations Acceptable use policies Forums Student organizations may obtain a distinct HuskyNetID to access e-mail, calendar, and private File and Web publishing space. Student organizations need to have a faculty advisor complete a request form, available at the HelpDesk (page 5) or the Miller Center 2nd Floor East Lab service counter (page 6), in order to receive an account. Administrative Services Accounts for student organizations Distance Learning To activate your account: • Go to • Click the “Activate My HuskyNetID” button • Follow the directions that appear You will be asked to read and accept SCSU’s policies and Code of Conduct, set your password and review important information about your account activation. You may print the final activation page to help you remember your HuskyNetID. Library Activating your HuskyNetID Computer Protection A HuskyNetID, often referred to as your username, provides you with access to SCSU’s computer network, including e-mail, File and Web storage space and a variety of additional resources that support your learning. Once you are enrolled at SCSU and get a Campus Card ID (page 2), you can activate your HuskyNetID from any computer with Internet access. Computing HuskyNetID (username) Essentials New Since your password for your HuskyNetID provides access to many services at SCSU, please change it often and keep it guarded. Never give your password to friends, roommates or anyone else. Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library Computer Protection Computing HuskyNet Contacts Password maintenance Resetting your password Resetting your password: If you know your password and want to change it, or if you forget your password and need to reset it, go to and click on the “Reset My Password” button. • Go to • Click on “Reset My Password” You will need your PIN and SCSU ID number (page 2). If you need to reset a student organization password, you must have your faculty advisor contact the HuskyNet Accounts Manager at TIP: Creating a secure password A secure password should include: • At least six characters • No recognizable dictionary words • A combination of letters, numbers and symbols • Upper and lowercase letters HuskyNet Account Expiration HuskyNetIDs remain active as long as you are continuously registered for courses at SCSU. The following information pertains to expiration of HuskyNetIDs and accounts. Please visit for complete details. 1st semester not enrolled: • Account Deactivation – If you are not registered for courses by the 10th day of fall or spring semester (summer and intersession are not included), your HuskyNetID will be deactivated. New e-mail will not be delivered and your existing e-mail and private files will be retained but not accessible to you. This includes students working on an incomplete from the previous semester, but does not include recent graduates (see “Exceptions and extensions” on page 11 for information regarding graduation from SCSU). 2nd semester not enrolled: • Account Removal – Deactivated HuskyNetIDs and the accounts associated with them will be deleted from the SCSU system on the 10th day of the second consecutive semester that you are not enrolled in classes at SCSU (summer and intersession are not included). SCSU is not responsible for deleted information that results from removing a HuskyNet account, files or e-mail. Upon account removal, SCSU cannot retrieve your files. 10 Essentials Exceptions and extensions Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map 11 Forums If you are returning to SCSU from a semester or more away, you must reactivate your HuskyNetID by going to and clicking on the “Activate My HuskyNetID” button. Administrative Services Reactivating your HuskyNetID Distance Learning You are responsible for moving or copying your HuskyNetID files to another location before your HuskyNetID account expires. If you want to keep your files (including e-mail and Web files), you need to copy them to a CD, flash drive (memory stick), zip disk or move them to another location. If you need assistance, please contact the HelpDesk (page 5). Lab consultants are also available to assist you in all General Access Labs (page 6). Library Reactivate your HuskyNetID! If you have not taken classes for a semester or more, you need to reactivate your HuskyNetID. No matter why you were gone, if you missed even one semester, you will need to go through the HuskyNetID account activation process by clicking on the “Activate My HuskyNetID” button at Saving your files Computer Protection Skipped a semester? Computing TIP • Extension requests: If you need to extend your account access, you must make a special request. Each request must be approved by a faculty member/advisor who must then send the request to the HuskyNet Accounts Manager at citing the academic need for the extension. Extension requests are decided on a case-by-case basis and are usually granted for one semester at a time (summer and intersession not included). HuskyNet • Active duty military leave: The SCSU Office of Records and Registration will notify the HuskyNet Accounts Manager when it receives notice from a student that he/she is called to active duty. The student’s account will remain active for the period of time that s/he is on active duty. Contacts • Graduate degree-seeking students: HuskyNetID accounts for graduate students will remain active for one year after the last semester of enrollment. If an extension beyond the one year is needed, your advisor must provide written notification to the HuskyNet Accounts Manager at stating that you require an extension for your HuskyNetID account (see “Extension requests”). New • Graduation from SCSU: Your HuskyNetID and access to HuskyNet email, File and Web space will remain active for six months after your graduation date. The SCSU Alumni Association also offers alumni an e-mail forwarding service separate from HuskyNet e-mail. To Recent SCSU graduates can maintain HuskyNetID access learn more about this and for six months after graduation. other Alumni services, visit Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Computing Computer Protection Library Distance Learning Administrative Services Forums Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map If your HuskyNetID was deactivated while you were gone, you will be able to retrieve your previous account files upon reactivation. However, if your HuskyNetID account has been removed, your previous account files cannot be retrieved with reactivation. E-mail HuskyNet e-mail is an official means of communication between you and St. Cloud State University. Consider your HuskyNet e-mail as your educational e-mail account. Campus offices and employees use HuskyNet e-mail to convey important information to you. SCSU requires that you activate your HuskyNetID account and expects you to check your HuskyNet e-mail frequently for official University messages. All official messages should be read promptly and acted on in a timely manner. You are not required to close other personal e-mail accounts, but know that you will only receive official University messages in your HuskyNet e-mail account. HuskyNet e-mail advantages: • Access to instructors/advisors – Faculty and staff use HuskyNet e-mail as a reliable way to assign coursework, accept assignments and answer questions. • Information from campus offices – Campus offices use HuskyNet e-mail to inform you of important dates, services and announcements. • Antivirus scanning – SCSU uses antivirus software to filter out viruses, worms and other malicious items from HuskyNet e-mail. • Spam and junk e-mail filtering – SCSU uses filtering technology to keep the majority of unsolicited e-mail out of campus accounts (page 25). • Outlook calendar – The calendar system helps you keep track of classes, work, appointments and activities. • Address book – The global address book lets you easily locate HuskyNet e-mail addresses of your instructors, advisors, classmates and friends. • Send/receive large attachments – HuskyNet e-mail allows you to send attachments up to 10 megabytes. See for restrictions. Examples of official e-mail messages: • Public Safety and campus security alerts • Student government election information • Health Services notices • Course registration information • Financial aid information • Messages from SCSU’s president • Library and technology notices Tip Accessing your e-mail Sending e-mail attachments You are able to access your HuskyNet e-mail account from on- and off- campus locations. More and more, professors are asking you to submit assignments to them as e-mail attachments. When you do this, always make sure that your filename includes a file extension, like “.doc” or “.docx”. Computers depend on these characters to be able to read the attachments. On-campus: • Microsoft Outlook for Windows – Provides complete access to features such as e-mail, contacts, calendars, tasks and notes from campus Windows computers. •Outlook Web Access (OWA) – Provides access to most Outlook features such as e-mail, calendar and tasks through a Web browser. Off-campus and remote access: •Outlook Web Access (OWA) – Provides access to most Outlook features such as e-mail, calendar and tasks through a Web browser. • IMAP or POP – Provides access to e-mail only. Full Outlook features are not available. Most commonly used with Microsoft Outlook Exchange. 12 If you have trouble opening a valid e-mail attachment, contact the HelpDesk for assistance (page 5). Increasing e-mail storage space Unsolicited e-mail Computer Protection If you need more than your allotted amount of e-mail storage space, consult with HelpDesk staff (page 5). They will discuss your e-mail needs and determine if you need additional space or if they can help you with file management skills to reduce the amount of e-mail you store. If space issues persist, you may complete a “Quota Increase Request” form, which is available at Computing • Launch a Web browser • Go to and click on the “Check E-mail” button • Enter your HuskyNetID and your password and click “Log On” • Your Web browser should load your Inbox To access Outlook Web Access (OWA) through a browser such as Internet Explorer, go to and click the “Check E-mail” button. When prompted, enter your HuskyNetID and password and click “Log On.” If you need help configuring your e-mail, contact the HelpDesk (page 5). HuskyNet How to access your e-mail through a Web browser (OWA) Contacts New To access your e-mail using Microsoft Outlook, you must log in to your account using an on-campus computer. The campus version of Outlook provides more functionality and additional features not found in Outlook Web Access (OWA). Instructions on how to use Outlook are available at Essentials • Mobile Device – You can synchronize your mobile devices such as a Palm Pilots, Pocket PCs or cell phones directly with the e-mail server, allowing access to text-based e-mail and full Outlook features. For details on spam, phishing and abusive e-mail, please refer to page 25. Library File and Web space • E-mail: 50 MB • File and Web space: 500 MB As an SCSU student, you have access to 500 megabytes of network space (disk quota) on which to store private files. You can use this space to store research, assignments and other private materials, or to publish a personal Web site. Many students post their resumes or portfolios on this public space. There are several ways to access your File and Web space depending on your location and your operating system. To learn more about these methods, go to and click on the “File/Web Space” button. To request an increase in your File and Web space, consult with staff at the HelpDesk (page 5) or fill out a “HuskyNet Account Allocations Increase Request Form” form available at 13 Glossary & Map You have a number of ways to create a Web site. All General Access Lab computers are equipped with Web publishing software such as Dreamweaver, FrontPage and SharePoint Designer. These programs help you create Web pages without needing to know any special computer coding. Policies & Regulations Creating a personal Web site Forums Increasing your File and Web space Administrative Services Access to File and Web space Distance Learning Network storage space Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Computing Computer Protection Informing others about your Web site Once you have a Web site built and you are ready for others to view it, you can let them know your Web site address. Student addresses are based on this formula: (Replace “HuskyNetID” with your personal HuskyNetID.) Your personal Web site is automatically added to the list of student Web sites located on the main SCSU site. Disclaimer: Personal Web pages St. Cloud State University recognizes the value and potential of publishing on the Internet and encourages students, staff and faculty to experiment with producing personal Web pages. However, SCSU does not accept responsibility for the content of personal Web pages. The personal Web page section of the SCSU Web site includes the home pages of SCSU students, faculty and staff. These pages do not in any way constitute official SCSU content. Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library Another way to publish your site is to learn Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is the code language for Web pages. For information on where to upload your Web files, go to and click on the “File/Web Space” button. 14 University personnel do not edit or pre-approve personal home pages. However, if any page is found in violation of the SCSU Code of Conduct, SCSU computing policies or other SCSU policies (page 37), it will be immediately removed and the owner of the information may be subject to disciplinary action by the University. The views and opinions expressed in personal Web pages are strictly those of the page author, and comments on the contents should be sent directly to the page author. Essentials New Computing & Peripherals General Access Labs Roaming Profiles (Campus Desktop and iCampus Desktop) Forums Roaming profile benefits: •Customized settings, tool bars, layout, size and location of windows • Access to Windows Outlook e-mail client • Automatically mapped drives for File and Web space • Customized favorites and settings for Web browsers Administrative Services Campus Desktop and iCampus Desktop are available in all of the SCSU General Access Labs and electronic classrooms. You may customize your desktop by choosing application and operating system settings. Your profile also provides you with one-click access to your HuskyNet File and Web space. Distance Learning Roaming profiles are customized, personal settings that are automatically available when you log on to an SCSU campus computer. SCSU’s roaming profile systems are referred to as Campus Desktop (Windows) and iCampus Desktop (Mac). Library To learn more, click on “Computers & Printing” at Glossary & Map 15 Policies & Regulations • Microsoft Office suite • Internet browsers, including Safari and Firefox • AppleWorks • Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash • Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Premiere (LogicExpress in the KVAC 105 lab) • Telnet and SFTP programs Student consultants (page 6) are available in each lab General Access computing areas are located in 11 to answer your computing buildings on campus. questions. For more information, including hours, availability of specialty software or assistance, go to Computer Protection Most common software on Macintosh workstations Computing • Microsoft Office 2007 suite • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 • Visio Professional • Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash (all MX) • Photoshop • Statistics and math programs such as Minitab, Maple, Microcase, Eviews and Shazam • Telnet and SFTP programs • SPSS • SAS HuskyNet Most common software on Windows workstations General Access Labs are open to all SCSU students. The labs are available during daytime hours on days when classes are in session, although a lab might occasionally be in use by a class. Most General Access Labs are also open evenings and weekends. Contacts In this section, you will learn where to find computers, how to get connected to the St. Cloud State University network and about the additional computing resources available at SCSU. Essentials Lab area or name Location Phone Windows Mac Coffee shop* MC 125 Xcel Energy Extended Hours Study Room** MC 102 308-2068 7 1 308-2068 20 BW & CLR 1st Floor Reference MC 140 308-4755 29 BW & CLR 2nd Floor East MC 201 308-2068 96 2nd Floor West MC 216 308-2068 49 BW & CLR 2nd Floor Middle MC 216B 308-2068 18 BW & CLR 3rd Floor Middle MC 313 308-2068 36 BW & CLR * The computers in the coffee shop are available for use 24 hours a day, seven days a week. ** The Xcel Energy Extended Hours Study Room (MC 102) often serves as a classroom and may not be available for general student use. Library Distance Learning Administrative Services Forums Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map 24 Scanners Printing BW & CLR Windows/Mac BW & CLR To enter MC 102 and the coffee shop after library hours, swipe your Campus Card through the card reader near the door. General Access Labs across campus Computer Protection Computing HuskyNet Contacts New General Access Labs in the Miller Center Lab area or name Location Phone Windows Macintosh Scanner 3 Printing Atwood – Cultural Center AMC 117A 308-4636 5 Atwood – Information Desk AMC 166 308-4636 2 BW BW Atwood – East Lounge AMC A109 308-4636 3 BW Atwood – The Quarry AMC B19 308-4636 9 BW Atwood – Student Activities AMC 172 308-4636 9 BW Centennial – Academic Learning Center CH 222 308-2353 28 BW Centennial Hall (training/general lab) CH 351 308-4936 25 BW Centennial Hall (general lab) CH 454 308-4936 20 Windows BW Centennial Hall (classroom) CH 455 308-4936 40 Windows BW 7 Case-Hill (residence halls) CSH B16 308-5276 Education – CTC (classroom) EB A124 308-3789 Education (general lab) EB A125 308-3789 16 Engineering & Computing Center (ECC) ECC 103 308-2979 43 Kiehle Visual Arts Center (KVAC) KVAC 105 308-4105 R 10 308-0047 25 Sports Recreation Center SRC 57A 308-3325 6 Stewart Hall – Social Science SH 326 308-4943 20 WW Holes Hall (residence hall) HH 121A 308-2673 10 Riverview 16 3 Windows 24 6 20 Windows BW Windows/Mac BW Mac BW & CLR Windows BW 2 2 BW BW BW Windows BW Windows/Mac BW Essentials Lab Seats – finding a campus computer Contacts Lab Assistance and Training Library For your assistance, student lab consultants are stationed in each General Access Lab on campus. These consultants are trained to help you with your computing questions. Lab consultants are located in the 2nd Floor East and West labs in the Miller Center and can also be reached by phone at (320) 308-2068 (page 6). For assistance in other General Access Labs across campus, look for the consultant desk within the lab. You may also contact the HelpDesk (page 5). Computer Protection General Access Labs Computing Lab Seats displays can be found in four buildings on campus. HuskyNet Lab Seat plasma screen locations: • Miller Center – 1st Floor West (inside the main library doors) • Atwood – Inside the West entrance • Engineering and Computing Center (near the entrance of ECC 103) • Centennial Hall – CH 454 New By looking at one of the plasma screen displays on campus, you can see up-to-theminute information about where computers are available in General Access Labs across campus. To check for computer availability online, go to Technology training Requirements In order to receive installation and technical support for your ResNet connection, your computer must meet or exceed these minimum requirements. Glossary & Map 17 Policies & Regulations • Each residence hall room is wired with one Ethernet port per resident • One free Ethernet cable is provided to you at check-in Forums Ethernet connection: If you live in a campus residence hall, ResNet is responsible for supporting your connection to the campus network and Internet through an Ethernet (wired) or Wi-Fi (wireless) connection in your room. Your ResNet connection is included in your housing costs, so you pay no additional fee for this service. Administrative Services ResNet (Residence Hall Network) Distance Learning SCSU offers free student technology workshops each semester. You can polish your skills in or learn programs such as Dreamweaver, Office 2007, Minitab, Photoshop and RefWorks, plus how to get the most out of HuskyNet services. These sessions are offered in the Miller Center and a few other campus locations. For registration and to view the complete list of current workshops, visit Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Computing Computer Protection Library Distance Learning Administrative Services Forums Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map • Ethernet or Wi-Fi adapter • Current Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) • Windows PCs: Windows XP or Windows Vista • Macintosh: Mac OS 10.3 or later Most computers purchased within the past couple years will meet these requirements. If your computer does not meet these requirements, contact the HelpDesk for more information (page 5). Device Registration All devices connected to ResNet must be registered on the network. Once you have successfully connected to ResNet, your Web browser will direct you to our online registration site. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow the steps as you will not be able to browse the Internet until you have completed the registration. You will need your Student ID, HuskyNetID and password to successfully register your connection. Gaming use: • Game consoles work on ResNet • Limited support is available • Consoles on ResNet need to be registered • Registration instructions can be found at Responsible Use When you register your ResNet connection, you will receive the ResNet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). You will need to read, understand and agree to this policy before your connection will be activated. The most current version of the AUP can be found at If you have any questions about the AUP, please contact the ResNet Coordinator at Support ResNet Quick Connect Guides are provided to you during move-in. If you need additional assistance, technical support is available to you through the HelpDesk at or (320) 308-2077. Wireless access SCSU’s expanding wireless network service is available in all campus buildings. In addition to computers, SCSU provides wireless access for Palm OS and Windows CE handheld devices. To use the wireless network, you need to make sure that the device you are using has the necessary hardware, including a wireless card. You will also need an active HuskyNetID (page 9). To learn more, go to, or contact the HelpDesk (page 5) for assistance. Wired connection (open data jacks) SCSU has several hundred wired access plug-ins, called open data jacks, available to you. They provide laptop users with the ability to plug in and use campus technology resources and the Internet. Wired access is found throughout the Miller Center library, auditorium and coffee shop. Each Miller Center study table is outfitted with a data 18 To connect to the SCSU wireless network, you will need: • A computer, laptop or other device with a wireless interface card • Windows 2000 or Mac OS 10.2 or higher • Your HuskyNetID (page 3) Essentials jack and power receptacle. There is also wired access in the Engineering and Computing Center lab, ECC 103. Check with lab consultants in other locations for additional availability. New Printing with open data jacks For information on where and how to find an off-campus Internet service provider, see the list of resources provided at Please note that this list is not endorsed by SCSU and is supplied to you as a courtesy only. Administrative Services Classroom Performance System and Clickers Distance Learning SCSU has over 135 electronic classrooms that allow your professors to enhance their instruction with technology. E-classrooms are equipped with a computer, touch-screen audio-visual management system and multimedia equipment including a projector, DVD/VCR combo and speakers. Campus e-classrooms have seen major upgrades over the past couple of years, and the number of e-classrooms grows each year. Library Electronic classrooms Computer Protection Many departments offer specialized computing resources in Curriculum-Related Labs (see chart on page 21) only open to students enrolled in certain classes. The faculty teaching these classes will tell you if you need to use equipment in these labs. For more information, go to Computing Curriculum-Related Labs HuskyNet Off-campus Internet resources Contacts Using an open data jack, you can print from a laptop to SCSU printers, though you may need special software to do so. For requirements and configuration information, go to and click on “Computers & Printing” and “Wired Access.” If you need assistance, contact the HelpDesk (page 5). Forums A Classroom Performance System (CPS) is a wireless response system that allows you to interact electronically with your instructor by using a wireless response device (Clicker) to answer questions in real time with just the click of a button. Instructors often use the CPS to take attendance, administer quizzes and get instant feedback and class participation. Glossary & Map 19 Policies & Regulations Nineteen classrooms at SCSU are equipped with a CPS, including all classrooms with seating for Clickers allow you to interact 75 students or more. You may need to purchase a electronically with instructors. Clicker as a part of your required course materials. Your Clicker will be compatible with all CPS-equipped classrooms on campus; however, you will need Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Computing Computer Protection Library Distance Learning Administrative Services Forums Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map to purchase a registration card for each semester that you need to use the CPS. For more information on the CPS and Clickers, go to Podcasting Podcasting is the distribution of media-filled programs (podcasts) over the Internet. Podcasts can consist of media such as audio, video and print files and are available for download and playback on personal computers or portable media players (like iPods). You can subscribe to podcasts, unlike simple downloads, and use a content software program (like iTunes or an RSS aggregator) to automatically retrieve new content as it is published. At SCSU, more and more instructors each year choose to enhance their courses by creating podcasts of lectures, presentations and exam reviews, available 24 hours a day to students. For more information about podcasting, visit Portable data storage If you need to use storage space beyond your allotted 500 megabytes of campus network space, you may want to use a portable data storage device. Here is what you need to know. USB drives: All computers in General Access Labs include a labeled USB (Universal Serial Bus) extension cable for connecting USB drives (also known as memory sticks or flash drives). This cable provides you with easy, convenient access to the USB port. Look for the cable, not the port. Disk drives: You may check out Zip disk drives from the Lab Consultants in the General Access Labs for use on the lab machines only. If you want to use a 3.5-inch floppy disk or Zip disk in the labs, you should ask a consultant for help. CD and DVD read/write drives: You may write to or “burn” CDs and DVDs on computers in several of SCSU’s General Access Labs (page 16). For assistance or to learn which computers and labs have this capability, contact a Lab Consultant (page 6). Scanners Most General Access Labs (page 16) are equipped with flatbed scanners for scanning photos or documents. Scanners are available for both Windows and 20 Macintosh computers and detailed user instructions are located on each. For additional assistance, see a Lab Consultant (page 6). $0.04 $0.07 $0.40 $0.60 $0.85 $1.25 Printers and printing SCSU computer labs are equipped with black-and-white laser printers. Color printers are available in the Miller Center and the Kiehle Visual Arts Center. User instructions are posted near each printer. Accounting Windows 9 Art/Graphics 7 Business Computing & Information Systems 24 Center for Information Media HH 112 10 CH 491 25 5 MC B31 EB B216b 5 EH 201 16 HH 221 Computer Networking and Applications Network Simulation 10 ECC 103 Computer Networking and Applications Operating Systems 21 ECC 103 Computer Science – CA 61 ECC 102/102C/102D Earth & Atmospheric Sciences 24 WSB 25, 27, 28, 34, 37 Policies & Regulations Computer Network Research Center Forums Communication Studies BH 128 Administrative Services Biology/Chemistry KVAC 105 Distance Learning 18 Location CH 415 27 Aviation Communication Sciences & Disorders Macs Library Lab Areas Computer Protection Curriculum-Related Labs Computing The Student Technology Fee account deposits $8 into a separate account on your Campus Card for printing. After you use the $8, your additional print costs will be deducted from your Campus Cash funds. Print fund balances do not carry forward to the next semester. Most printers in the Curriculumrelated labs (below) accept Campus Card printing funds. If you have printing questions, speak with a Lab Consultant (page 6). HuskyNet In addition to standard one-sided printing, you have the option of two-sided (duplex) printing in the General Access Labs. You can request information about this option at the Consultant Desk in each lab. Print queues will hold your documents for 90 minutes. Contacts • Black-and-white (one-sided) • Black-and-white (two-sided) • Black-and-white (transparency) • Color (8.5 x 11) • Color (11 x 17) • Color (transparency) New Per Page Costs Essentials About printing: Glossary & Map 21 Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Computing Computer Protection Library Distance Learning Administrative Services Forums Policies & Regulations Curriculum-Related Labs... continued Lab Areas Macs Location Economics Research 20 SH 304 Electrical and Computer Engineering 103 ECC 127, 201, 202, 203, 216, 221, 222 English 21 R 218 Environmental & Technological Studies 19 HH 232 Environmental & Technological Studies – CAD 20 HH 212 Foreign Languages 7 LH G18 Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Sports Science 27 HaH 331 Human Performance 8 HaH 111 Integrated Circuit Design 13 ECC 127 Manufacturing Engineering 10 ECC 119 Mass Communications 38 SH 117/119 Math Skills Center 33 CH 224 Math and Statistics 33 ECC 103 Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering 9 ECC 103A Microcomputer Studies 50 ECC 103 Multicultural Academic Support Center (MASE) 16 CH 221 Music 12 PAC 163 Nursing 15 Health Partners Physics 33 WSB 302/303/305 Physics 9 BH 340/ WSB 342 Psychology 14 2 SH 211/213 ResLife – Mitchell Hall 21 3 Mitchell Hall – second floor Social Sciences 20 SH 306 Social Science Survey 15 SH 324 Spatial Analysis Research Center 40 SH 310 Special Education 4 TV Studio Glossary & Map Windows 22 4 EB A258 8 SH 142 Essentials New Protecting Your Computer Update software Firewalls protect your computer by filtering the incoming network traffic and can prevent certain types of viruses and malicious network activity. Most newer operating systems such as Windows XP, Vista and Mac OS X have built-in firewalls, but they need to be activated. Contact the HelpDesk (page 5) for assistance. Protect your password Glossary & Map 23 Policies & Regulations Since passwords provide access to your personal information, you should always make them difficult to guess. Changing your password frequently will also help protect you from identity theft and unauthorized access to your personal information. The best practice for computer security is to change your password at least one time per semester. Forums You have four pieces of information you must remember to use SCSU’s computing systems: • Your SCSU ID • Your SCSU PIN • Your HuskyNetID • Your HuskyNet password Keep all your SCSU login credentials in a safe, secure place. Don’t lose or forget these numbers. Firewall filtering Administrative Services Protect login information Distance Learning TIP Installing all available system and software updates will help keep your computer safe. If you are a Windows user, you can configure your computer to automatically download and install updates by going to the Automatic Updates Control Panel. If you are a Macintosh user, you can configure System Update in System Preferences to download important updates on a regular basis. Library If you choose to use your own antivirus software, be sure to keep it updated so it can provide protection against the latest threats. Please note that even the best antivirus software will not protect you against all viruses. Practicing safe computing habits will help you avoid viruses that antivirus software is unable to prevent. Computer Protection SCSU provides Symantec AntiVirus for Windows and Symantec’s Norton AntiVirus for Macintosh for all current students. You can download and install it by going to Computing Install antivirus software HuskyNet Safe practices Contacts When you connect your computer to a network or the Internet, it increases the risk for exposing your system to viruses and unauthorized access by others. St. Cloud State University has protections in place for campus computers, but not all unwanted activity can be stopped. We encourage you to protect your computer system and files, and we have provided the following tips and resources to help you do so. If you have additional questions, please contact the HelpDesk (page 5). Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Computing Creating backups Hard drives and other storage devices occasionally go bad. You can minimize your losses if this happens to you by backing up your files. We recommend that you back up and save your files often. You can back up your data by saving to a flash drive or memory stick (for short-term working backups), writable CD (for long-term backups) or your HuskyNet File space (see for more information). Threat awareness Spyware (sometimes called malware) are malicious and often annoying programs that are installed on your computer without your knowledge, sometimes just by visiting a particular Web site or downloading a seemingly innocent program. Spyware can cause pop-up ads and might collect information about you and your computer use. These programs often interfere with your computer’s operation and can really slow it down. The newest version of Symantec AntiVirus, available free to SCSU students, provides protection from viruses and some spyware. In addition to Symantec AntiVirus, the HelpDesk also recommends two free anti-spyware programs: Ad-Aware and SpyBot-Search & Destroy, available at Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Library Beware of spyware Distance Learning Computer Protection A secure password should include: • A combination of letters, numbers and special characters (#, $, *) • No recognizable dictionary word • At least six characters • Use of upper and lowercase letters Never give your password to friends, roommates or anyone else. Remember that you are responsible for activity that occurs under the HuskyNetID assigned to you, so it is in your best interest to choose a unique password and keep it private. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing Peer-to-peer file sharing networks pose many security concerns. Programs like Kazaa, Ares, iMesh and LimeWire are popular ways to share music and movie files on the Internet, but they create legal risks and security concerns that can result in serious trouble for you – including lawsuits and fines. Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, it is illegal to download and distribute copyrighted music and movies. The Recording Industry Association of America and Motion Picture Association of America have filed cases against students who have illegally downloaded and shared music and movies. In addition to legal issues, many P2P applications include spyware and are targeted by computer viruses. Deleting P2P programs from your computer will help you avoid these potential problems. 24 Tip Protect your computer from spyware Windows users must be careful about using music and file sharing technology and any other “free” programs downloaded from the Web. Many include spyware, a type of software that will transmit private information back to the Web site. Spyware can slow your computer and prevent you from logging onto Web sites such as Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Desire2Learn (D2L). SCSU recommends that all Windows users install Ad-Aware or SpyBot, two free spyware removers available for download at E-mail and instant messenger use Spam, phishing and abusive e-mail Phishing Administrative Services Forums If someone is sending threatening e-mail to you, do not engage the individual in written or verbal conversation. Write to or tell the person to discontinue the activity. If the person will not stop sending the harassing messages or if the threat becomes serious, contact the SCSU IT Security Coordinator at or (320) 308-3091. If you feel the threat is immediate or life-threatening, contact Public Safety (320) 308-3333 or your local police. Distance Learning Abusive e-mail Library Phishing – a form of spam – is a prevalent online criminal activity involving fraudulent e-mail messages sent in an attempt to obtain your account information such as credit card and banking information. These e-mails are usually written under the guise of “protecting” you by asking for “confirmation” or “verification” of personal and/or account information. However, please note that legitimate businesses will never ask you for personal or financial information via e-mail. For more information on phishing and how to protect yourself from it, visit Computer Protection Unwanted e-mail uses your allotted storage space quota. You can work with HuskyNet staff to reduce the amount of spam you receive. Remember that e-mail sent from a mailing list to which you have subscribed is not spam. For more information on spam, best practices for dealing with it and other related resources, go to Computing SCSU provides protection from unsolicited e-mail advertising, also known as spam and junk e-mail. When you receive spam, you may send the unopened message to, and system staff will attempt to block future e-mail from that address. HuskyNet Spam Contacts Viruses and spyware often spread through e-mail and instant messenger communications. These messages might appear to be from a friend, family member or online acquaintance and often contain a link to a Web page that will download and install malicious software on your computer. Unless you were expecting the message or are absolutely sure of the message’s legitimacy, do not click on these links until you verify them with the apparent sender. New • Don’t make it easy for spammers to get your SCSU e-mail address by giving it out. • When possible, don’t open suspected spam. • Never respond to suspicious e-mails, especially those requesting your private information. • Don’t click on links within the suspicious e-mail. Instead, type the Web address directly into your Web browser to check its legitimacy. • Don’t use phone numbers in suspicious e-mails. • Report spam by following the SCSU spam reporting instructions at Essentials Protecting yourself from spam and phishing Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map 25 Essentials Learning Resources & Technology Services staff and faculty provide library resources and services at the James W. Miller Learning Resources Center, located on the northwestern edge of the St. Cloud State University campus and online at The Miller Center’s library collection offers books, scholarly journals, magazines and electronic resources. In addition to the more than 675,000 books and 1.3 million government documents in the Miller Center, you have access to more than 13,000 journals online. Research and resources Book search SCSU’s online library catalog, MnPALS, allows you to search for any materials maintained in the Miller Center. This includes books, videos, CDs, DVDs, sound recordings, journals, magazines, newspapers and government documents. How to use the MnPALS library catalog •Go to and click on “SCSU MnPALS.” • Search using keywords, title or author. • Write down the item’s call number (ex. F607.P45 1985) and locate it. • Check out your items at the Circulation Desk on 1st Floor West. Most books may be checked out for four weeks and renewed online through MnPALS using your 14-digit bar code number from your Campus Card (page 2). Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library Computer Protection Computing HuskyNet Contacts New Library Technologies The library provides plenty of workspaces to meet your study and research needs. 26 Miller Center library hours: Semester hours: Monday-Thursday: 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. For additional hours, visit When you need a book, journal article or item that is not available at the Miller Center, you can use Interlibrary Loan. This service helps you get copies of articles and books from other libraries. The Interlibrary Loan service is available to SCSU students, faculty and staff at no charge. •Electronic reserves: You can access e-reserve items online. Go to and log in using your HuskyNetID and password (page 3). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view e-reserve documents. 27 Glossary & Map You can get help from SCSU librarians in four easy ways: • Reference Desk: Located in the Miller Center – 1st Floor West. Librarians Policies & Regulations If you ever feel frustrated or confused about using the library, Ask A Librarian! Librarians help students from first year to graduate level with research. They can help you pick a topic, create a search strategy, find books, journals, newspaper articles or Web sites, create bibliographies and more. Think of librarians as your guide to the world of information. Forums Ask a librarian Administrative Services • Print reserves: These are available for checkout from the Circulation Desk. You will need to know the instructor and course name. You may need to specify the name of the document in case the instructor has more than one item on reserve. Distance Learning Faculty often put course materials on reserve in the library for ease of use and availability. The library offers the convenience of both print and electronic reserves. Library Reserves and E-reserves Computer Protection Request process: • Fill out a request form at • Wait 2-10 days for delivery • Notification will be e-mailed to you when your item is available • Pick up your item at the Circulation Desk (page 7) or online at the link provided Computing Interlibrary Loan HuskyNet • After filling out a request at lrts.stcloudstate. edu/library/guides/illrequest.asp, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing a personal identification number (PIN). • Point your browser to the Web address provided in the confirmation e-mail and follow the directions on how to retrieve your article. • Go to • Select a database and search by topic or title. Be sure to break down your topic into keywords and think of other words that describe the same topic, for example, “teen” or “adolescent.” • Evaluate the results by reading article titles and abstracts; look at 25-50 citations and pick the best. • Find the full text. If the article is available electronically in the database, you can read, print or e-mail the article to yourself. Click on the link that says “HTML,” “PDF” or “Linked Full Text.” If there is no link to the full text, click the “FindIt!” button. This will link you to other databases with the full-text version of the article; to SCSU MnPALS to search for the print, microfilm or microfiche version of the article; or to an Interlibrary Loan form that will request the item from a different library. Contacts Retrieving electronic Interlibrary Loan articles: Articles search New • Academic Search Premier – most subjects • ERIC – education • PsycINFO – psychology • ABI/INFORM – business • MLA International Bibliography – literature • ProQuest Newspapers – newspapers • SCSU MultiSearch – simultaneous databases Essentials Most commonly used databases: Essentials New Contacts QuickStart tools Additional library resources LR&TS provides you with audiovisual equipment that you may need for your studies. Equipment is located at the Circulation Desk on 1st Floor West and can be checked out using your SCSU Campus Card (page 2). Policies & Regulations Forums Distance Learning The library has e-tools to assist you with your research. Here are a few online resources that can help you plan, research and write your assignments. • Assignment Calculator: Enter your assignment due date and topic in the appropriate boxes and the Assignment Calculator will create a step-by-step guide for completing your research assignment on time. You can sign up for e-mail reminders, too. Go to • Research QuickStart: This tool provides you with an easy entry point into your research project. You select a topic and receive a list of article databases, books, encyclopedias, Web sites and useful resources, selected by librarians. To start, go to •Course QuickStart: This online resource gives you helpful information specific to certain courses you are taking. Course QuickStart provides specific articles, books, databases, Web sites and tips for completing your assignments. SCSU librarians compile all resources listed. Go to to see if your course is listed. • RefWorks: This Web-based program helps you manage and format your bibliography in seconds. It works with your list of references and provides you with a bibliography in any style, from APA (American Psychological Association) to MLA (Modern Language Association). To learn more go to Administrative Services Library Computer Protection Computing HuskyNet are stationed here seven days a week to help you in person (page 7). • E-mail: Send questions to and you will get a response within an hour during Reference Desk hours (page 7). • Phone: Call 308-4755 or (877) 856-9786 toll-free. • Online chat: Click on the “Ask A Librarian” icon on the library Web site, to be connected with a reference librarian. Look for posted hours of this service during Fall 2007. Checkout equipment available Miller Center laptops You can check out Windows or Macintosh laptop computers at the Circulation Desk for up to three days. These laptops are available to students only. Each laptop is equipped to connect to the SCSU network from any data port on campus as well as to the wireless network. Software can also be installed on these laptops. When they are not reserved, laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Student study rooms Glossary & Map Sixteen student study rooms are available for use during Miller Center library 28 Checkout equipment available: • Boombox with CD player • Digital camera • Headphones • Digital recorder • Graphing calculator • Laptops (Mac/Windows) • Microphone/microphone stand • Overhead projector • PA system • Screen • Slide projector • Tape player • Tripod • TTY • Video camera (Digital/VHS) Black-and-white and color laser printing is available to you from all Miller Center computer workstations. If you need to print on transparencies or special paper, go to the Miller Center 2nd Floor East lab for help. To learn more about printing on campus, click on the “Computers & Printing” menu at • 2nd Floor East Lab • 2nd Floor West Lab • 3rd Floor West Lab • Reference area on 1st Floor West • Extended Study Computer Lab (MC 102) Self-checkout station Miller Center photocopier locations Photocopiers Miller Center assistance for students with disabilities Administrative Services Tip: Library at a glance 3rd Floor West • Juvenile collection • The Joan Blaska Children’s Collection • SCSU University Archives/Special Collections • Main collections, M-N Basement West • Main collections, E-L and P-Z • U.S. government documents, I-Z Forums Policies & Regulations 1st Floor West • Reference collection • U.S. government documents, A-H • Minnesota government documents • Multicultural Resource Center • Periodicals • Circulation Desk (Videos, DVDs, CDs, sound recordings) 2nd Floor West • Main collections, A-D Distance Learning Learning Resources & Technology Services provides special computer software and hardware for students with disabilities. This technology aids students who are visually impaired, learning disabled or who are unable to use a conventional computer keyboard and mouse. Disability accessible workstations and printers are available near the Reference Desk on 1st Floor West. Students with disabilities should go the Student Disability Services site at for more information. Library • Basement West –1 copier • 1st Floor West – 3 copiers • 1st Floor Periodicals area – 2 copiers, including a wheelchair accessible copier • 2nd Floor West – 1 copier Seven black-and-white photocopiers are available to the public in the Miller Center and are located in MC 127A, 135A, 219 and Basement West. You will need “Campus Cash” on your Campus Card (page 2) to use the photocopy machines. Computer Protection You may check out books using the self-checkout station on the counter across from the Circulation Desk on 1st Floor West. You will need your SCSU Campus Card (page 2). Follow the instructions on the front of the self-checkout station, and remember to take your receipt so you have a record of the due date. Computing Color • 2nd Floor East Lab HuskyNet Black-and-white Contacts Miller Center printers New Miller Center printer locations: Essentials hours (page 26). Each room is equipped with a computer, network and Internet connection, a television that also serves as a monitor, a VCR and DVD player and a white board. Instructions for printing are included in the pages fastened to the computing equipment cart. To reserve a study room, contact the Circulation Desk (page 7). Glossary & Map 29 Essentials The Center for Continuing Studies at St. Cloud State University offers students who cannot travel to campus a variety of course delivery options. Courses offered through the mail, interactive television, the Web and off-campus locations give students greater access to SCSU’s academic programs. With increasing frequency, faculty members are using the Web to offer distance courses. Through our online courses, you may use the flexibility of distance or e-learning to work toward degrees. Online courses are offered through the Center for Continuing Studies office at SCSU. For more information, contact, (320) 308-3081 or visit the Web site at Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library Computer Protection HuskyNet Online courses Computing Contacts New Distance & Online Learning Some things to know: • Both on- and off-campus students may enroll in online courses. • Online courses are listed in the regular class bulletin and have a checkmark beside them. You can also browse the list of online offerings through the Continuing Studies Web site at • Online course registration takes place through the Center for Continuing Studies’ Web site. • Online courses follow the semester schedule. • Courses offered online have the same prerequisites as on-campus courses. • Online courses are billed at the off-campus tuition rate and have an additional course fee attached. Off-campus Internet resources For information on where and how to find an Internet service provider, see the list of resources provided at Please note that this list is not endorsed by SCSU and is supplied to you as a courtesy only. Podcasts Some instructors use podcasting as a way to enhance their course offerings by creating podcasts of lectures, presentations, exam reviews and more, available to you online 24 hours a day. For more information on podcasts, see page 20 or visit Desire2Learn (D2L) Instructors at SCSU can use a specialized software package, called a Course Management System, to create and distribute elements of their courses online. SCSU uses Desire2Learn (D2L) as its Course Management System. As a student, you might be required to log in to D2L for a portion or all of your course work. To 30 To log onto D2L you must: • Be a registered SCSU student • Be enrolled in a class that uses D2L (not all SCSU courses use Desire2Learn; some online courses use different technologies) • Have an active HuskyNetID (page 9) • Use a Web browser and computer system that is supported by D2L ITV/Video Conferencing This technology allows two parties in different locations to interact with video and audio capabilities, simultaneously. It is most commonly used at SCSU between an instructor located in an ITV classroom on campus and the virtual classroom of students located off campus. MediaSite MediaSite is a content distribution tool most often used to rebroadcast audio and video recordings of courses, lectures and presentations online. WebEx and Adobe Acrobat Connect are online Web conferencing and collaboration tools. They provide multimedia capabilities that can be used for many activities such as group work, online office hours and interactive classes. Computer Protection WebEx and Adobe Acrobat Connect Computing To change your Pop-up Blocker settings in Internet Explorer 7: • Open Internet Explorer 7 • Under the “Tools” menu, select Pop-up Blocker • Click Pop-up Blocker Settings and adjust them accordingly Multimedia technologies at SCSU utilize multiple mediums like audio and video to provide interactive classroom experiences that are available to you both on and off campus, often 24 hours a day. The following are a few of these technologies used at SCSU. HuskyNet In order to function properly, many campus Web sites such as Desire2Learn, Outlook Web Access (OWA) and library databases, require pop-ups to be enabled. You can adjust the default setting to allow more or fewer pop-ups. Multimedia technologies Contacts By default, the Internet Explorer 7 Pop-up Blocker is turned on in all General Access Lab computers. New Pop-up Blocker settings learn more about D2L and whether or not your computer system will work with D2L, go to Essentials TIP Library Library and technology services Library bar code and password HuskyNetID, Student ID and PIN Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map 31 Forums You will need to activate your SCSU HuskyNetID (page 9) to use many of the online library databases available. Your HuskyNetID gives you access to your SCSU e-mail account, File/Web space and many other electronic resources. Before you can activate your HuskyNetID, you will need your SCSU ID number and a Personal Identification Number (PIN) (page 3). To learn more about HuskyNet technology services for distance learners, visit Administrative Services To use some of the library resources, you will need a library bar code (page 3). Your library bar code number is included in the packet sent to you by the Center for Continuing Studies after you complete the registration process. To learn more about library services for distance learners, visit Distance Learning Learning Resources & Technology Services provides many library and technology services to distance learners. All of these services are aimed at helping you use SCSU’s resources without needing to come to campus. Essentials Many student services are available to you online through St. Cloud State University’s main Web page, This page is frequently updated, so visit it often for up-to-date information. Computer Protection Computing HuskyNet Contacts New Administrative Services Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library The Administrative Services Building is home to many student resources. Records and Registration Administrative Services 118 (320) 308-2111 Student Registration Help Line: (320) 308-3936 E-mail: Web: You will find registration instructions at Click on the “Online Services Sign-In” link and follow the instructions provided. If you need additional assistance, call the Student Registration help line at (320) 308-3936 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays or send a message to To access online registration, you need: • Your SCSU ID number (page 2) • Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) (page 3) Unofficial transcripts To view your unofficial transcript, go to the “Student Services” menu at , and click on “Transcripts” and then “unofficial transcripts.” 32 With online registration services, you can: • Search for open sections of classes • Add or drop classes • View your class schedule • Check grades • View your unofficial transcript • Check on holds on your records • View/change your local or permanent address Essentials Official transcripts HuskyNet Administrative Services 106 (320) 308- 2047 E-mail: Web: Contacts Scholarships and Financial Aid New To receive official verification of your grades or to order an official transcript, you must complete a Transcript Request Form. There is a fee for official transcripts. Forms are available online at by clicking on the “Student Services” menu and then linking to “Transcripts” and the “Transcript Request Form.” You may also pick up a form in the Office of Records and Registration. Library Administrative Services 122 (320) 308-4003 E-mail: Computer Protection Business Services Computing SCSU’s Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid provides you with several online resources, including access to account information, financial aid status and scholarship searches. You will also find important financial aid application information, deadlines and reminders. All of these resources can be found at Administrative Services You will need • Your SCSU ID number (page 2) • Your SCSU PIN (page 3) Distance Learning You can access bill-pay as well as billing and account information online by following the steps below. You can also view your balance due by term, full account details and procedures for paying online. Forums To access billing information • Go to the SCSU home page • Click on “Current Students” • Click on “Billing Information” • Enter your SCSU ID and PIN • Choose “My Account” Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map 33 Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Computing Computer Protection Library Distance Learning Administrative Services Forums Policies & Regulations Glossary & Map Career Services Center Administrative Services 101 (320) 308-2151 E-mail: Web: Career Services Center Registration: At the Career Services Center Web site, you will find resources for career exploration, choosing a major and job search strategies. You can view the schedule to find one of the Career Service Center workshops on topics such as resume writing and interviewing skills or find job fairs and other career events at Career Services also provides access to Interview Stream, an online program that allows you to participate in a digitally recorded mock interview, held in the Career Services Center. At the Career Services Center registration site,, students and alumni can register online and upload their resumes into resume books to be made available to employers with job openings. If you register for this service, you may also view and apply for internships, full-time employment and sign up for on-campus interviews with visiting employers. These are no-cost services for all SCSU students and alumni. For more information, contact the Career Services Center. DISCOVER: Career interest exploration online SCSU’s Counseling Center (SH 103) offers DISCOVER, a free computer-based career-planning program. This program is designed to help you learn more about yourself and discover occupations that may be right for you. DISCOVER helps you: • Measure your interests, abilities, experiences and values through career interest inventories • Develop a customized list of occupations to explore • Identify majors related to those occupations • Gather information about more than 500 occupations • Identify schools with programs related to the occupations you want to explore • Find job search information such as resume writing and job interviewing skills Counseling Center staff recommend that you meet with a staff member after you use the DISCOVER program so one of their professionals can help you interpret your results. 34 To use the DISCOVER career planning program, you will need to: • Contact the Counseling Center staff at (320) 308-3171 or in SH 103 for a username • Go to • Log in and skip the password (first time log in only) and click the “submit” button • Click on the red tab labeled “My Profile” • Click on “Personal Information” • Click on “My User ID or Password” • Change your username and password Essentials New Student Technology Forums Contacts Student Technology Fee Committee Send questions or suggestions to: Kristi Tornquist, dean of LR&TS Miller Center 112 (320) 308-2022 Policies & Regulations Forums To be considered for appointment to the committee, contact: Student Government president Atwood Center (320) 308-3751 Administrative Services St. Cloud State University’s Student Technology Fee is approved at $4.28 a semester credit and typically generates $1.5 million each year. Distance Learning MnSCU standards: • All colleges and universities may develop a policy to charge a fee to all students for the acquisition, upgrading and/or maintenance of technology for academic and student support activities. •This fee shall not be used for providing computer access to institutional employees. •Revenue from this fee shall be used according to plans developed annually by a campus technology committee and recommended to the college or university president. • Increases in this fee must be approved by an affirmative vote of the campus student association. •The maximum amount of this fee shall be determined by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees. Library • Recommending an annual budget to Student Government and the SCSU administration • Reviewing the facilities and services that are provided by the Technology Fee • Discussing new ways of supporting student access to technology The Student Technology Fee provides technology-related resources for St. Cloud State University students. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system standardizes the use of technology fees for all of its schools. Computer Protection The committee is responsible for: Student Technology Fee Computing • 387 General Access computers • Network support services for computers, printers and servers • Furniture for General Access Labs • Software in General Access Labs • Student Lab Consultants • Technicians • Equipment maintenance and printer supplies HuskyNet The Student Technology Fee funds: The Student Technology Fee Committee works with SCSU administrators to determine how the technology fee funds are used. The committee also makes recommendations to the Fee Allocation Committee for adjusting the cost of this fee. There are seven voting members (five students and two administrators), and a Learning Resources & Technology Services staff member who serves as an ex-officio committee member. The Student Government president appoints voting student members. Glossary & Map 35 Essentials New Contacts HuskyNet Computing Computer Protection SCSU’s Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable (TLTR) brings together students, faculty, staff and administrators to share information, coordinate technology plans and advise the University’s leadership on issues related to technology. TLTR members develop technology plans for SCSU that establish goals and objectives, as well as policies and procedures, for the use of computer technology in teaching and learning. Committee members also offer advice to SCSU’s senior administration on developing the campus network and campus computing facilities. Students are encouraged to attend and participate in the meetings. For more information on TLTR technology plans, go to To have your name included in the e-mail distribution list and receive notices of meeting agendas, times and places, send an e-mail message to: Kristi Tornquist, dean of LR&TS, LR&TS Student Advisory Group Students interested in serving on this group should contact: Kristi Tornquist, dean of LR&TS Miller Center 112 (320) 308-2022 Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Distance Learning Learning Resources & Technology Services invites students to be a part of the Student Advisory Group. Members provide input and make recommendations to the dean on practical problems encountered by students in the Miller Center, including those related to policies and services. Discussions are informal, yet provide the dean with valuable information from student perspectives. Administrative Services Library Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable (TLTR) 36 Essentials New Policies & Regulations As an SCSU student, you are required to be ethical and responsible in your use of HuskyNet. You are also responsible for knowing and abiding by all HuskyNet policies and regulations which can be found at under the “Technology Policies” link. Administrative Services HuskyNet policies and regulations Distance Learning In addition to other technology use policies, you are required to know and agree to the “Responsible Use of Computers” standard set by SCSU. Go to to read the full details, including a summary of current Minnesota computer laws. Library SCSU Responsible Use of Computers Computer Protection Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) sets policies and procedures for all of its members, including SCSU. You are responsible for knowing and abiding by all MnSCU regulations, especially the “Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources” standards located at Computing Minnesota State Colleges and Universities HuskyNet You will find a list of policies and regulations below by which you are responsible for knowing and abiding. The full-length text and list of policies can be found at under the “Technology Policies” link. Failure to comply with these policies and regulations may result in the loss of network privileges or other disciplinary actions. Contacts As a student at St. Cloud State University you are entitled to the use of the campus network and technologies. By using SCSU technology resources, you agree to abide by the policies and regulations set by SCSU, the Student Code of Conduct, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and all applicable state and federal laws. Forums Policies & Regulations Sample of HuskyNet policies: • Student HuskyNet account • Account allocations • E-mail usage • E-mail as official communication to students • Student Campus Desktop/iCampus Desktop users • ResNet (Residential Hall Network) usage • Open data jack usage Glossary & Map 37 Essentials Antivirus software: Blog Campus Desktop/iCampus Desktop: Clicker: Desire2Learn (D2L): HuskyNet Contacts New Glossary Computing Download: E-classroom: Computer Protection Database: Desktop: Encryption: Ethernet: File space: Firewall: Gigabyte (GB): HuskyNet: IP Address (Internet Protocol): Kilobyte (KB): MAC Address (Machine Access Code): Malware: Megabyte (MB): Modem: MP3: Open data jack: Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library Flash drive: Operating system: P2P File Sharing: 38 A program that searches a hard drive and removes any viruses found (page 23). A Web site that contains reverse-chronological journal or diary-like entries. See Roaming Profiles. An electronic response pad that enables students and professors to instantly tally digital responses in a classroom (i.e. attendance - see page 19). A course management system that enables access to course information online (i.e. course calendars, quizzes, discussions and grades - see page 30). An electronic filing system. The initial screen appearance on a computer. It consists of icons that show files, folders and various types of documents (page 15). To transfer data from another source to your computer. Classrooms on campus equipped with an audio-visual management system and equipment, computers and instructor consoles (page 19). Encoded information that can only be viewed by the sender and intended recipient. Common technology used to network computers in local areas. Storage space for computer information on a computer network (page 13). Software or hardware that filters network traffic coming into your computer. It provides a layer of protection against malicious network activity (page 23). A memory card that plugs into a computer’s USB port and functions as a portable hard drive. Also known as a USB drive or memory stick (page 20). A unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 megabytes. Short for Husky Network: a set of SCSU technologies linked together and accessed by a common username (HuskyNetID) and password (page 3). A unique number assigned to every computer on the Internet (i.e. A unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 bytes. A unique number assigned to every networking device. A MAC address is often needed in order to register a gaming device to the SCSU network. Any software that damages or infiltrates a computer system without the user’s informed consent (i.e. spyware, viruses, worms - see page 24). A unit of computer memory or data storage capacity equal to 1,024 kilobytes. A device that enables a computer to transmit data over telephone or cable lines. A compressed audio file-format most often used for music downloads. A plug-in for laptop computers, also referred to as “Wired Access” that provides access to campus technology resources and the Internet (page 18). A computer program that performs basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen and keeping track of files and directories on the disk (i.e. Windows XP). Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing networks allow individuals to download and share files with other users on the Internet (page 24). Portable data storage: Proxy Server: Roaming profiles: Smartphone: Upload: Virtual Lab: Web space: Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity): WPA (Wireless Protected Access): Glossary & Map 39 Policies & Regulations Wireless Access Point (WAP or AP): Workstation: Forums Wireless: Administrative Services Web browser: Distance Learning VPN (Virtual Private Network): Virus: Library Tech Fee: TCP/IP: USB (Universal Serial Bus): Computer Protection Spam: Spyware: Computing Server: HuskyNet RSS: Contacts ResNet (Residential Hall Network): New Podcast: An online criminal activity that involves fraudulent e-mail messages sent to obtain personal/private information (i.e. credit card or banking data - see page 25). A Web-based program that is broadcast over the Internet and can be downloaded to a portable media player (page 20). Small, lightweight devices that carry information (page 20). Also, see Flash Drive. An intermediary computer between a user’s computer and the Internet. It serves as a firewall or a security buffer between computer networks. A service that provides students living in the residence halls with technology assistance and connections to the campus network and Internet (page 17). Customized personal settings accessed anytime you log on to a computer in any SCSU General Access Lab (page 15). A format that is used to syndicate Web content and distribute it to subscribers for playback. An RSS aggregator, like iTunes, is then used to “read” the content as it becomes available. A computer that allows users access to certain resources through a network connection (i.e. Web, FTP, Windows File Sharing and P2P programs). A mobile phone that has additional functions and capabilities like e-mail, Internet, personal digital assistant (PDA) or camera. Electronic junk mail (page 25). Also, see Phishing. Software that covertly gathers information about a user while s/he navigates the Internet and transmits the information to a third party. A fee students pay that supports campus computing services (page 35). Protocol that allows computers to connect and talk to each other on the Internet. Extension device used to connect portable drives (flash drives, memory sticks) or other devices such as your keyboard or mouse to a computer (page 20). To transmit data from your computer to another computer or server. An application that allows users to access certain software anytime from anywhere on and off campus via the Internet (page 4). A protocol used to create a secure wireless network connection. A computer program or piece of a program that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes (page 23). A software application used to locate and display Web pages. Examples include Safari, Mozilla, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Netscape. Computer storage space used for Web pages (page 13). A set of standards used to create wireless local area networks. The three main standards are 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g. A computer technology that allows communication signals to be transmitted through the air rather than over telephone or Internet cables (page 18). A device that connects wireless users together by relaying wireless signals. A computer that sits on a desk or table and is made up of a central processing unit (CPU), memory and disk storage, a monitor and a keyboard. Security technology for wireless computers that allows only authorized users to access a network. It is used at SCSU (page 18). Essentials Phishing: Essentials New SCSU Campus Map Contacts MAP LEGEND Glossary & Map Policies & Regulations Forums Administrative Services Distance Learning Library Computer Protection Computing HuskyNet AS Administrative Services C4 AH Alumni House D4 AIC American Indian Center E6 AMC Atwood Memorial Center* B3 BTH Benton Hall B1 BH Brown Hall B4 BG Buildings and Grounds E1 BB Business Building A4 (G.R. Herberger College of Business) CRH Carol Hall B1 CSH Case Hall* C2 CH Centennial Hall* B4 CCS Continuing Studies (in Shoemaker Hall) B6 ECC Engineering & Computing Center* C6 EH Eastman Hall A5 EB Education Building* D5 FLD Field B8 GC Garvey Commons B2 HaH Halenbeck Hall D7 HH Headley Hall C4 HiHH Health Center C2 HP Heating Plant B7 HiH Hill Hall C2 C1 HoH Holes Hall* Hub Husky Hub C10 HS Husky Stadium C8 MC James W. Miller Learning D3 Resources Center (library)* KVACKiehle Visual Arts Center* A2 LH Lawrence Hall A3 MB Maintenance Building C7 MH Mitchell Hall A2 NHC National Hockey Center D9 NOC North Office Center E1 NSP NSP Building B10 40 Students enjoy studying outdoors along the Mississippi River. PA PR PS RGH R SBH SMH SVN SVS STH SH SRC WH WC WSB 801B Performing Arts Center Parking Ramp (future site) Public Safety Richard Green House Ritsche Auditorium (Stewart Hall) Riverview* Sherburne Hall Shoemaker Hall Stateview North Stateview South Stearns Hall Stewart Hall (Ritsche Auditorium)* Student Recreation Center* Whitney House Women’s Center Robert H. Wick Science Building (Planetarium) 801 Building * General Access computer locations C3 D2 E2 E5 A4 A5 B2 B6 D1 D1 C1 A4 C8 A2 E2 B5 C5 1 Stateview North Stateview Lot Stateview South C Lot 2 Women's Center A-1 Lot Carol Hall N S Lot Benton Hall B Lot Sherburne Hall A-2 Lot Mitchell Hall Hill Hall Y Lot X Lot 1st Av 2nd Av Case Hall A North Benton Hall Stearns Hall Future site of Parking Ramp Public Safety B Garvey Commons L Lot Whitney Kiehle O Lot Admissions Parking Performing Arts Center Atwood Center MTC Bus Stop Administrative Services Building P Lot Headley Hall t 5 Education Building E Lot Pay Lot Child Care Center Skalicky Plaza J Lot Shoemaker Hall Maint. Bldg. M Lot R Lot Chilled Water Plant Halenbeck Hall G Lot Hydroelectric Plant Student Rec. Center 8 BRIDG E Distance Learning 11th St. G Heating Lot Plant TO S ELKE FIELD Library University Drive 7 Riverview Eastman Engineering and Computing Center N Lot E Lot Robert H. Wick Science Building General Access computers are located in 11 buildings on campus. You will find each of these buildings highlighted in red on the map to the immediate left. Computer Protection 6 F Lot V Lot American Indian Center F Lane 801 Building Z Lot H Lo Richard Green House 9th St. North H Lot Brown Hall Computing Alumni House 8th St. V Lot Stewart Hall Centennial Hall Business Building Barden Park 4 D Lot Tip: General Access Computer Labs HuskyNet 7th St. O Lot James W. Miller Learning Resources Center 3 Lawrence Hall Pay Lot Contacts 6th St. Holes Hall North Pay Lot Ramp Lot A-A Lot C New 5th St. D I Lot XX XX Lot Lot North Office Center 3rd Av 4th Av 5th Av E Essentials 4th St. Field Stadium DAM Administrative Services 12th St. National Hockey Center Husky Pay Lot Lo t 9 St. Cloud City Utilities 12 Bike Path Husky Challenge Course R Q Lot 41 Glossary & Map 16th St. IPPI RIVE NSP K Lot 15th St. Policies & Regulations Husky Hub 11 MISSISS K Lot 3rd Ave. S 10 14th St. Forums 4th Ave. S U 13th St. Information and Technology Connections 308-TECH Technology Support Line • 308-TECH (8324) The Technology Support Line allows you to dial a single phone number to access a variety of St. Cloud State’s technology services. The automated system directs you to someone who can help you with your questions. You can also reach each service area by dialing the individual number if you prefer, but for a convenient, easy-to-remember solution, dial (320) 308-TECH. HuskyNet ~ HelpDesk • 308-2077 SCSU Computer Store • 308-4944 General Access Labs • 308-2068 Library ~ Reference Desk • 308-4755 or 877-856-9786 (toll free) Circulation Desk • 308-3083 St. Cloud State ~ Campus Card Office • 308-1683 Online Courses • 308-3081 Records and Registration • 308-2111 Scholarships and Financial Aid • 308-2047 Career Services • 308-2151 St. Cloud State University values diversity of all kinds, including but not limited to race, religion and ethnicity (full statement at TTY: 1-800-627-3529 SCSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator and employer. This material can be made available in an alternative format. Contact the department/agency listed above.
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