STUDENT TECHNOLOGY - St. Cloud State University
STUDENT TECHNOLOGY - St. Cloud State University
STUDENT TECHNOLOGY 2011–2012 HANDBOOK The Student Technology Handbook The Student Technology Handbook is a guide to technology resources, services and tools available to you as a St. Cloud State University student. If you have a question related to technology at St. Cloud State and are unable to find the information you are looking for here in this handbook, please contact the HelpDesk at (320) 308-2077 or Additional copies available ... • In all general access computer labs on campus • At the HelpDesk in Miller Center B43 and Atwood 165 • Online as a PDF at • In bulk quantities by sending a request to IDs Table of contents News IT Security Library Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Research and resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Book and Article Searches • Interlibrary Loan • E-reserves and reserves • Ask a Librarian • Research Assistance and Tools Additional resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Equipment Checkout • Laptops • Study Rooms • Printers • Photocopiers • Assistance for Students with Disabilities • Library at a Glance Library Tools E-Learning Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Online courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Instructional technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Desire2Learn • MediaSite • Adobe Connect • ITV/video conferencing • Podcasting • iTunes U • RSS feeds Electronic classrooms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Classroom Performance System • Clickers Distance learning resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 HuskyNet • Software • Library • Internet E-Learning Involvement Involvement Opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Student Technology Fee Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable (TLTR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Policies Policies and Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Campus Map (general access computer locations). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 1 SCSU Map Get Connected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Wireless access (laptops, mobile devices, guests) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Wired connection (data jacks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Off-campus Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ResNet (residential network) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Safe Computing (IT Security) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Best practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Password Protection • Antivirus and Other Software • Updates • Firewalls • Creating Backups • Information Disposal Threat awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Spam • Phishing • Viruses • Malware • Peer-to-Peer File Sharing • Online Chat/Messaging Reporting technology theft, abuse, threats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Computing HuskyNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 HuskyNetID (username) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Activation • Acceptable Use • Student Organizations Password maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Requirements • Resetting Passwords Account expiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Deactivation & Removal • Exceptions & Extensions • Saving Files • Reactivation E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Advantages • Access • Storage Space • Unsolicited File/Web space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Access • Storage Space • Websites Get Connected Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 HelpDesk (technology) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Circulation desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Computer labs—main service desk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Computer Store. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Interlibrary loan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Reference desk (Ask a Librarian) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Periodicals desk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Technology training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 University Archives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Computing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 General access computers (table on page 20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Lab Seats Finder • Virtual Lab • Software • Campus Desktop Curriculum labs (table on page 21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Help and lab assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 General Computing • ADA Computing Technology and software training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Workshops • Microsoft Certification File storage and read/write media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Other duplication devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Scanners • Photocopiers • Fax Machines HuskyNet Announcements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Mobile website launched. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Virtual computing from anywhere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Emergency notification system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Software and operating system upgrades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Technology assistance from a distance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Antivirus software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Husky Connect: SCSU online alumni community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Technology training and workshops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Contacts ID Essentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Campus Card (Student ID) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SCSU ID number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HuskyNetID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Library bar code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 StarID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 IDs IDs Contacts Contacts News News ID Essentials This section provides general information to help you distinguish between the identification information required and provided by St. Cloud State University. These credentials allow you to access many resources and services at St. Cloud State University. Uses Location SCSU ID number (formerly known as TechID) Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Campus Card (Student ID) Uses Security ITITSecurity Location Naming convention LibraryTools Tools Library Password Requirements (minimum) Password Reset The SCSU ID number, library bar code and magnetic strip located on this card provide you access to SCSU resources and services. Go to the Campus Card office in Atwood to be issued a Campus Card photo ID. You must present a government-issued ID and be registered for classes. Information at www. or (320) 308-1683. • E-services • HuskyNetID activation • HuskyNet password reset • Library services • Parking registration • Access to other SCSU Web applications Given to you by Records and Registration upon admission. Eight digits, with or without zeroes. • • • • • Between 8–20 characters (case sensitive). Must contain a letter, number and special character. May not include your SCSU ID. Online at Call Records and Registration at (320) 308-3936. SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning TIP Student Resources Campus Card (Student ID) Where to find your SCSU ID Number: Your SCSU ID number is located on the front of your Campus Card (student ID). It is the eight-digit number stated after “ID#” and located in the lower left corner. Where to find your Library Bar Code: Your library bar code is located on the back of your Campus Card (student ID), below the universal bar code. Your library password is your last name by default unless you have changed your password to something else. 2 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Many student services are available to you online through St. Cloud State University’s main Web page by going to www. and clicking on “Current Students.” Visit this page often for up-todate information. IDs News Uses • Uses • Books, materials, equipment, study room checkout • E-reserves/print reserves • Interlibrary loan service Located on the back of your Campus Card (student ID). Refer to “Campus Card” information on the previous page. Composed of 14 digits. Your library password is your last name by default. Contact the circulation desk at (320) 308-3083 to reset your password. Not available at this time for students. Information at Library Tools Password Reset IT Security Composed of four letters and four numbers. • Reset every 180 days. • Minimum of eight characters (case sensitive). • Use three of the four types of characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters. • May not include your first name, last name, SCSU ID, or HuskyNetID. • May not use previously used passwords. • PC users may also reset their password on the login screen of a university-owned computer. Involvement Policies 3 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 E-Learning Naming convention Password Password Reset Uses Computing StarID Naming convention Password Requirements (minimum) Location Get Connected Library bar code • E-mail • Desire2Learn (D2L) • Lab computer access (including Virtual Lab) • Wireless access • Library databases • RefWorks • File/Web space • Ride share board • SCSU antivirus software Activate your HuskyNetID at HuskyNet Location Contacts HuskyNetID Mobile website launched Technology assistance from a distance St. Cloud State University’s new mobile website,, is a collection of tools and information re-purposed for smart phones and other wireless mobile devices. The site offers campus maps, news stories, events, Husky Athletics scores and Google-based search of the full website. When it isn’t practical to bring your computer to campus, you may take advantage of the HelpDesk’s remote access service. At your request, consultants can investigate technical issues or demonstrate answers to software questions, right in front of you, on your own computer screen. To learn more about HelpDesk services and locations, visit The mobile site is part of a larger mobile-communication effort that began in February 2011 with the launch of the St. Cloud State University Tour application. Virtual computing from anywhere All you need is your HuskyNetID and a device with Internet access to use the SCSU Virtual Lab. Programs include graphic design, math and statistical software. To get started, visit and click on the “Virtual Lab” button on the right. Emergency notification system IDs IDs Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News Announcements LibraryTools Tools Library Star Alert is SCSU’s emergency notification system that allows you to receive important e-mail and text message alerts. This service is free, but you must sign up for it at Star Alert messages briefly SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning note the nature of the emergency, what action, if any, should be taken, and where to find more information. Class cancellations due to weather are also announced via Star Alert. You can register multiple numbers and addresses, including those of parents or others whom you might want notified in the case of an emergency. Software and operating system upgrades Over the summer, general access lab computers were upgraded to include the following: • Microsoft Office 2010 (Windows) • Microsoft Office 2011 (Mac) • Adobe CS5 Suite • Windows 7 (Windows) For more software information, visit To take advantage of education discount pricing on software and equipment for your personal computer, contact the SCSU Computer Store at 4 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Antivirus software Download antivirus software for your Windows or Mac personal computer, at no additional cost, with your HuskyNetID at Husky Connect: SCSU’s online alumni community The Alumni and Constituent Engagement office now offers Husky Connect, an online community and service, for SCSU graduates. By signing up for Husky Connect, you’ll receive an alumni e-mail address (forwardable to the address of your choice), a place to update your contact information, the opportunity to learn about upcoming events and stay connected with classmates. For more information, go to Technology training and workshops SCSU offers free technology workshops and training each semester. You can polish your skills in digital photography, pick up tips on mobile computing, or learn programs such as Dreamweaver, PowerPoint, Excel, Minitab, Photoshop and RefWorks. To access registration and the complete list of current workshops, visit IDs News CONTACTS Contacts HuskyNet HelpDesk Summer session hours See Policies Dial this single phone number to access a variety of SCSU’s technology service areas. The automated system directs you to someone who can help you with your questions without needing to know the phone number of an individual service desk. 5 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Involvement 308-TECH Technology Support Line E-Learning Furthermore, the HelpDesk works with computer technicians to support the e-classrooms, campus offices, residence halls and campus phone and voicemail systems. If you reside in one of the on-campus residential halls, ResNet services provide you with access to the campus network and Internet (page 14), and technical support is available at the HelpDesk. In-room service is available for physical, network-related problems only. To learn more about ResNet, see page 14 or visit Library Tools Break hours (no classes in session) Monday—Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. except when the building is closed. IT Security Monday—Thursday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday: 1 to 9 p.m. Computing HelpDesk (Miller Center and Atwood): Contact the HelpDesk when you need computing or technical assistance. Student consultants answer how-to and troubleshooting questions on HelpDesk consultants provide you assistance with many topics including HuskyNet, technology-related issues. ResNet, campus technology and software. They can help you set up your computer and mobile devices for HuskyNet wireless (page 13) and assist you with removing malware (page 25). In addition, the HelpDesk offers a computer drop-off service to all current students, faculty and staff at the Miller Center location. If you can’t get to campus for drop-off service, student consultants can access your computer remotely with your permission. Also, check out the HelpDesk on Facebook by searching HelpDesk@SCSU. Post questions for our consultants, or become a fan and be the first to hear about the latest technologies, quick tips and important campus notifications. Get Connected Miller Center B43 (East Basement) Atwood Memorial Center 165 (Across from Copies Plus) (320) 308-2077 E-mail: Web: IDs IDs News News Contacts Contacts HuskyNet HuskyNet GetConnected Connected Get Computing Computing Security ITITSecurity LibraryTools Tools Library E-Learning E-Learning Involvement Involvement Policies Policies SCSUMap Map SCSU Circulation Desk Reference Desk Miller Center 130 (1st Floor West) (320) 308-3083 | Miller Center 140 (1st Floor West) (320) 308-4755 or (877) 856-9786 | • • • • • • • Information literacy and research instruction. • Assistance designing search strategies, creating bibliographies and evaluating sources. • Database searches. • RefWorks, Assignment Calculator and other tools. • 24-hour-a-day online chat research assistance. Equipment checkout (including laptops). Books and materials checkout. Study room reservations/checkout. Digital media (e.g. DVDs, videos, CDs). E-reserves/reserves. Interlibrary loan pick up. Computer Labs— Main Service Desk Miller Center 201 (2nd Floor East) (320) 308-2068 | • General access lab assistance (including help with software, scanning, burning CD/DVDs). Computer Store (SCSU) Miller Center B42 (East Basement) (320) 308-4944 | Periodicals Desk Miller Center 138 (1st Floor West) (320) 308-4758 | • Periodicals and scholarly journals (electronic and print). • Assistance with questions regarding journals, newspapers, microfilm, microfiche, bound periodicals, indexes, government documents and maps. Technology Training Miller Center 204, Centennial Hall 351 (320) 308-2077 | • Assistance with technology product selection. • Education discount pricing on most software and hardware purchases. • Warranty repairs on computers bought from the Computer Store. • Retail location for Apple, HP and many other technology gadgets and accessories. University Archives Interlibrary Loan Miller Center 130H (1st Floor West) (320) 308-2085 | • Interlibrary loan service is for SCSU students, faculty and staff to obtain books, articles and other materials not available through the Miller Center library. 6 • Free student technology workshops and training. • Training document and open consultations. Miller Center 314 (320) 308-4753 | • Information about the people, programs, policies and property of St. Cloud State University. • Research assistance. • Searchable digital access to archived records and more than 1,400 downloadable images. • Other special collections such as the Minnesota Authors and Manuscripts Collection. HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 IDs News hUSKYnet Contacts HuskyNet, short for Husky Network, is your online gateway to technology resources at St. Cloud State University. To learn more about HuskyNet and to access resources, continue reading this handbook and explore the HuskyNet website at Get Connected A HuskyNetID, often referred to as your username, provides you with access to SCSU’s computer network, including e-mail, File/Web storage space and a variety of additional resources that support your learning. Once you are enrolled in a course at SCSU and have an SCSU ID (page 2), you can activate your HuskyNetID from any computer with Internet access. HuskyNet HuskyNetID (username) Computing Activating your HuskyNetID To activate your account, you will need your SCSU ID and password (page 2). 7 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Policies Student organizations may obtain a distinct HuskyNetID to access e-mail, calendar, and private File/Web publishing space. Contact the Center for Student Organizations and Leadership Development (CSOLD) csold to register your organization. You will need the organization’s advisor to complete an account request form, available at the HelpDesk or the computer labs’ main service desk (page 6), in order to receive an account. Involvement Accounts for student organizations E-Learning You are responsible for knowing and adhering to all SCSU technology policies, the Student Code of Conduct, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) regulations and all applicable state and federal laws. You will find a condensed list of policies on pages 37-38. Click on the “Technology Policies, Plans & Presentations” link at to access the full-length policies. Library Tools Acceptable use policies IT Security Students can learn more about HuskyNet services at To activate your account: • Go to • Click the “Activate My HuskyNetID” button on the right side of the page • Follow the directions that appear You will be asked to read and accept SCSU’s policies and Code of Conduct, set your password and review important information about your account activation. You may print the final activation page to help you remember your HuskyNetID. IDs IDs News News Contacts Contacts Password maintenance Since your SCSU ID and HuskyNetID passwords provide access to many services at SCSU, you are required to change them at least every 180 days. Never give your password to friends, roommates or anyone else. Password requirements The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system requires that all SCSU passwords must meet or exceed the following criteria: SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet • Be reset every 180 days • Have a minimum of 8 characters (letters, number or special characters) • Have 3 of the 4 types of characters (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters) • Must not include your name, birth date, HuskyNetID, SCSU ID, or a previously used password. Resetting your passwords HuskyNetID password: Go to and click on the “Reset My Password” button on the right. You will need your SCSU ID password and SCSU ID number (page 2). If you need to reset a student organization password, you must have your faculty advisor contact the HuskyNet Accounts Manager at SCSU ID password: Contact the Office of Records and Registration in the Administrative Services building at (320) 308-2111. TIP Creating secure, easy-to-remember passwords • Use intentionally misspelled words (e.g. “Braekfast23”) • Include a punctuation mark in the middle of a word (e.g. “Wea!ther”) • Use numbers or punctuation instead of letters to encrypt your password (e.g. “Un1versity” or “Univer$ity”) • Use a song title or phrase to create a password (e.g. “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” could be come “TwTwLiSt!!”) Remember that changing your password can be as simple as taking a word— eight letters or more—capitalizing the first letter of that word and changing one of the letters to a symbol. Account expiration HuskyNetIDs remain active as long as you are continuously registered for courses at SCSU. The following information pertains to expiration of HuskyNetIDs and accounts. Please visit myHuskyNet/expiration.asp for complete details. 1st semester not enrolled: • Account Deactivation – If you are not registered for courses by the 10th day of fall or spring semester (summer and intersession are not included), your HuskyNetID will be deactivated. New e-mail will not be delivered and your existing e-mail and personal files will be retained but not accessible to you. This includes students working on an incomplete from the previous semester, but does not include recent graduates. See “Exceptions and extensions” for information regarding graduation from SCSU. 2nd semester not enrolled: • Account Removal – Deactivated HuskyNetIDs and the accounts associated with them will be deleted from the SCSU system on the 10th day of the second consecutive semester that you are not enrolled in classes at SCSU (summer and intersession are not included). SCSU is not responsible for deleted information that results from removing a HuskyNet account, files 8 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Resetting your HuskyNetID password: • Go to • Click on “Reset My Password” You are required to reset your password at least every 180 days. IDs Skipped a semester? Computing • Graduation - Graduate students: HuskyNetID accounts for graduate students will remain active for one year after the last semester of enrollment. If an extension beyond the one year is needed, your advisor must provide written notification. See “Extension requests” for details. Husky Connect—SCSU’s alumni online community IT Security Alumni and Constituent Engagement is offering the Husky Connect services for SCSU graduates. By signing up for Husky Connect, you’ll receive an alumni e-mail address (forwardable to the address of your choice), a place to update your contact information, the opportunity to learn about upcoming events and stay connected with classmates. For more information, go to Library Tools Saving your files HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 9 SCSU Map You are responsible for moving or copying your HuskyNetID files to another location before your HuskyNetID account expires. If you want to keep your Policies You are responsible for moving or copying your HuskyNetID files to another location before your HuskyNetID account expires. • Extension requests: If you need to extend your account access, please have your advisor fill out the online form located at myHuskyNet/extension.asp. Extension requests are decided on a caseby-case basis and are usually granted for one semester at a time (summer and intersession not included). Involvement Saving your files E-Learning • Active duty military leave: The SCSU Office of Records and Registration will notify the HuskyNet Accounts Manager when it receives notice from a student that s/he is called to active duty and will not be officially enrolled in classes. The student’s account will remain active during military duty and will still be available upon her/his return. TIP Get Connected • Graduation Undergraduate students: Your HuskyNetID and access to HuskyNet e-mail and File/Web SCSU graduates can maintain HuskyNetID access for six space will remain active months after graduation. for six months after your graduation date. To learn more about other alumni services, visit the SCSU Alumni Association’s website at HuskyNet Exceptions and extensions Contacts Reactivate your HuskyNetID! If you have not taken classes for a semester or more, you need to reactivate your HuskyNetID. No matter why you were gone, if you missed even one semester, you will need to go through the HuskyNetID account activation process by clicking on the “Activate My HuskyNetID” button at or e-mail. Upon account removal, SCSU cannot retrieve your files. News TIP IDs IDs News News Contacts Contacts HuskyNet HuskyNet GetConnected Connected Get Computing Computing Security ITITSecurity LibraryTools Tools Library E-Learning E-Learning Involvement Involvement Policies Policies SCSUMap Map SCSU files (including e-mail and Web files), you need to copy them to a CD or flash drive (memory stick) or move them to another location. If you need assistance, please contact the HelpDesk. Lab consultants (page 6) are also available to assist you in most general access labs. Reactivating your HuskyNetID If you are returning to SCSU from one semester away, you may reactivate your HuskyNetID by going to and clicking on the “Activate My HuskyNetID” button. If your HuskyNetID was deactivated while you were gone, you will be able to retrieve your previous account files upon reactivation. However, if you return from two or more consecutive semesters away, with the exception of active duty (page 9), your HuskyNetID account will be deleted, and your previous account files cannot be retrieved. Details on account expiration, deactivation and removal can be found on page 8. E-mail HuskyNet e-mail is an official means of communication between you and St. Cloud State. SCSU requires that you activate your HuskyNetID account and expects that you check your HuskyNet e-mail frequently for official university messages. Campus offices and employees use HuskyNet e-mail to convey important information to you. All official messages should be read promptly and acted on in a timely manner. Examples of official e-mail messages: • • • • • • • Public Safety and campus security alerts Student government election information Health Services notices Course registration information Financial aid information Messages from SCSU’s president Library and technology notices You are not required to close other personal e-mail accounts, but know that you will only receive official university messages in your HuskyNet e-mail account. Your HuskyNet e-mail provides you with access to 200 MB of e-mail storage space. HuskyNet e-mail advantages: • Access to instructors/advisors – Faculty and staff use HuskyNet e-mail as a reliable way to assign coursework, accept assignments and answer questions. • Information from campus offices – Campus offices use HuskyNet e-mail to inform you of important dates, services and announcements. • Antivirus scanning – SCSU uses antivirus software to filter out viruses, worms and other malicious items from HuskyNet e-mail. • Spam and junk e-mail filtering – SCSU uses filtering technology to keep the majority of unsolicited e-mail out of campus accounts (page 24). • Calendar – The calendar system helps you keep track of classes, work, appointments and activities. • Address book – The global address book lets you easily locate the HuskyNet e-mail addresses of your instructors, advisors and classmates. • Send/receive large attachments – HuskyNet e-mail allows you to send and receive attachments up to 20 megabytes. See myhuskynet/email for restrictions. 10 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 TIP Sending e-mail attachments More and more, professors are asking you to submit assignments to them as e-mail attachments. When you do this, always make sure that your filename includes a file extension, like “.doc” or “.docx”. Computers depend on these characters to be able to read the attachments. If you have trouble opening a valid e-mail attachment, contact the HelpDesk. IDs Increasing e-mail and File/Web storage space Accessing your e-mail You are able to access your HuskyNet e-mail account from on- and offcampus locations. For specific set-up information, go to huskynet.stcloudstate. edu/myHuskyNet/email/access.asp. If you need help configuring your e-mail, contact the HelpDesk. Mobile devices: Many users can synchronize their mobile devices (cell phones, iPods, PDAs, etc.) directly with the e-mail server. Contact the HelpDesk for assistance. Increasing e-mail storage space IT Security Unsolicited e-mail For details on spam, phishing and abusive e-mail, please refer to page 24. • E-mail: 200 MB • File and Web space: 500 MB 11 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Policies To access your File/Web space, you can go to and click on the “File/Web Space” button. The website portion of your space is located under the “WebSpace” folder. There are several additional ways to access your File/Web space depending on your location and your operating system. To learn more about these methods, go to myHuskyNet/filewebspace. Involvement Access to File/Web space E-Learning As an SCSU student, you have access to 500 MB of network space (quota) on which to store personal files. Your can upload files to your File/Web space from any computer that has access to the Internet, including your home computer. This space can be used to store research, assignments and other personal materials, or to publish a personal website. Many students post their resumes or portfolios on this public Web space. To check the amount of File/Web space that you are currently using, go to filewebspace and click on the “Check Your Quota” link. Library Tools File and Web storage space File storage space Computing If you need more than your allotted amount of e-mail storage space, consult with HelpDesk staff. They will discuss your e-mail needs and determine if you need additional space or if they can help you with file management to reduce the amount of e-mail you store. If space issues persist, you may complete a “HuskyNet Account Allocations Increase Request Form,” which is available at Get Connected by-case basis. email. Increases are decided on a case- Microsoft Outlook on-campus for PC and Mac: On-campus access to e-mail, contacts and calendars in computer labs or employee offices. Features a more robust look and feel than the Web–based access and includes many additional features. HuskyNet Outlook Web Access (OWA): Web-based access to e-mail, contacts and calendars. Great for off-campus access and for students living in the residence halls. Contacts Users who need to increase their e-mail or File/Web space allocation may complete a HuskyNet Account Allocations Increase Request Form found at huskynet. News TIP IDs IDs SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News Increasing your File/Web space To request an increase in your File/Web space, consult with staff at the HelpDesk or fill out a “HuskyNet Account Allocations Increase Request Form” available at Building your website There are a number of ways to create your website. All general access lab computers are equipped with Web publishing software such as Dreamweaver. These programs help you create Web pages without needing to know any special computer coding. To create a basic website at SCSU: • Log in to your File/Web space at filewebspace • Open the WebSpace folder • Edit the contents of the “index.html” file located in your WebSpace folder • Save your changes to the WebSpace folder when you are finished Contact the HelpDesk if you need further assistance. To register for one of the free workshops on Dreamweaver or Web publishing offered throughout the year, visit Informing others about your website The public address for your website depends on your HuskyNetID. Your Web address can be determined by replacing “HuskyNetID” (as shown below) with your actual HuskyNetID or organization’s HuskyNetID. • Student Web pages: • Student organizations: Your website is automatically added to the directory of student websites, which can be accessed from filewebspace/webspace.asp. Disclaimer: Personal Web pages St. Cloud State University recognizes the value and potential of publishing on the Internet and encourages students, staff and faculty to experiment with producing personal Web pages. However, SCSU does not accept responsibility for the content of personal Web pages. The personal Web page section of the SCSU website includes the home pages of SCSU students, faculty and staff. These pages do not in any way constitute official SCSU content. University personnel do not edit or pre-approve personal home pages. However, if any page is 12 found in violation of the SCSU Code of Conduct, SCSU computing policies or other SCSU policies (page 38), it may be removed and the owner of the information may be subject to disciplinary action by the university. If you would like to report a violation, contact the SCSU IT Security Coordinator at The views and opinions expressed in personal Web pages are strictly those of the page author, and comments on the contents should be sent directly to the page author. HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 TIP Checking your quotas You may check the amount of e-mail and File/Web space that you are currently using by visiting huskynet.stcloudstate. edu/myHuskyNet/email and clicking on the “Check Your Quota” link. IDs Get Connected News Contacts St. Cloud State University offers students a variety of resources for connecting to the SCSU computer network. The following section provides information and resources that will help you get connected at SCSU. Connecting checkout laptops You will need: • Wireless enabled laptop or hand-held device • Valid and active HuskyNetID • QuickConnect instructions located at to configure your device or assistance from the HelpDesk. Printing Wireless campus printing instructions are found at computers/printing.asp. Wired connection (data jacks) HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 13 SCSU Map An unendorsed list of off-campus Internet service providers can be found at for your convenience. Policies Off-campus Internet resources Involvement SCSU has several hundred wired data jacks available, providing you with the ability to plug in your laptop and use the campus network and Internet. Access can be found on each study table in the Miller Center library and in Miller Center 125 (coffee shop). Wired access is also available in the Engineering and Computing Center lab, ECC 103. Printing information can be found at E-Learning If you check out a laptop from the circulation desk, note that the instructions for connecting to the SCSU network are different than those provided in this section. Please refer to the instructions provided by staff at the time of checkout. Connecting Library Tools TIP For optimum performance, your computer and/or device must meet or exceed these minimum requirements. • Ethernet (wired) or wireless network capability • Current Web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) • Windows PC: Windows XP or newer, Macintosh: Mac OS 10.4 or newer • Antivirus software IT Security • A computer, laptop or other device with wireless capability • Windows 2000 or higher or Mac OS 10.2 or higher • Your HuskyNetID (page 3) Requirements Computing To connect to the SCSU wireless network, you will need: Get Connected Students have access to the wireless network which covers virtually 100 percent of campus. Short-term guests may also use the wireless service if they have an SCSU student or employee sponsor their connection. To sponsor a guest wireless connection, go to HuskyNet Wireless access IDs IDs ResNet provides access to the campus network and the Internet through wired and wireless connections to students living in SCSU’s residence halls. Your ResNet service is included in your housing costs so you pay no additional fee. Getting Connected Wired (Ethernet) devices: You need to register your computer the first time you use it on the SCSU network. Registration is a Web-based process and typically takes about 15 minutes to complete. • Open a Web browser • Follow the on-screen instructions • Use your SCSU ID number, HuskyNetID and password to complete registration. Wireless devices: You need to authenticate to the wireless network the first time you connect and each time you change your HuskyNet password. • Connect to the “HuskyNet Setup” network (use “HuskyNet Secure” if this isn’t your first time connecting your device) • Open a Web browser • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the wireless setup Ethernet connection: ResNet can help you get your computer or device connected from your residential hall. Responsible Use When you register your ResNet connection, you will receive the ResNet Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). You need to read and agree to this policy before your connection will be activated. The most current version of the AUP can be found at If you have any questions about the AUP, please contact the ResNet coordinator at Support Connection instructions will be provided to you upon move-in. If you need additional assistance, technical support is available to you through the HelpDesk. SCSUMap Map SCSU • Each residence hall room is wired with one Ethernet port per resident • Cables can be purchased at most electronic retail locations, including the SCSU Computer Store in Miller Center B42 Wireless connection: • SCSU’s wireless network covers most residential hall areas • Personal wireless access points and wireless routers are not permitted on SCSU’s network Gaming use: • • • • Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News ResNet (Residence Hall Network) Game consoles work on ResNet Limited support is available Consoles on ResNet need to be registered Registration instructions can be found at 14 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 IDs News Computing Contacts St. Cloud State University provides you with convenient, state-of-the-art computing resources, many of which are available to you both on and off campus. In this section, you will learn where to find computers, technology and software assistance, and about the additional computing resources available. HuskyNet General access computers Get Connected Students have access to more than 630 general access computers at SCSU. Most labs are available during daytime hours on days when classes are in session as well as evenings and weekends. For a list of lab locations and availability, go to Computing generalaccess or see page 19- 20 in this handbook. E-Learning Lab Seat screen locations: • Atwood – Inside the West entrance • Centennial Hall – CH 454 • Engineering and Computing Center – near the entrance of ECC 103 • Miller Center – Library atrium (inside the main library doors) • Stewart Hall – SH 326 • 51 Building – 51B 220 Virtual and 24 hour-a-day computing SCSU Map 15 Policies 24-hour computing: • Both the Miller Center 102 and 125 computer areas are open 24 hours a day to those with a valid SCSU Campus Card. Involvement Virtual lab: • All you need is your HuskyNetID and a device with Internet access to use the SCSU Virtual Lab. Available programs include graphic design, math and statistical software. Software works as if it is running on your desktop, recognizing keyboard strokes and mouse clicks. To enter, visit huskynet. and click on the “Virtual Lab” button on the right. HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Library Tools Lab Seats screen displays let you see up-to-the-minute availability of general access computers and where they are located on campus. To check for computer availability online, go to IT Security Finding an open computer The Wick Science general access lab has 22 Windows computers and is located in WSB 110. IDs IDs A variety of software applications is available in the general access labs, curriculum labs, Virtual Lab, residence halls and also for purchase at education discounts from the SCSU Computer Store (huskynet.stcloudstate. edu/computerstore). For complete information about software at SCSU, visit Campus desktop (roaming profile) GetConnected Connected Get When you are using the SCSU network, your computing desktop and all of your profile settings virtually “travel” or “roam” with you to any SCSU campus computer, including those in general access labs and electronic classrooms. You can also use a version of campus desktop in the Virtual Lab (Remote Desktop). If you use both Mac and PC computers, you will need to set up a campus desktop profile for each. Roaming profiles provide: • Direct access to your File/Web space through the “My Documents” folder • Ability to personalize desktop and program settings • Accessible bookmarks (also called “favorites”) for Web browsers • Availability of Microsoft Outlook to access your HuskyNet e-mail Computing Computing HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News Software To learn more, visit Security ITITSecurity Help and lab assistance SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning Many departments offer specialized computing resources in curriculum labs (see chart on page 21), only open to students enrolled in certain classes. Your instructor will tell you if you need to use equipment in these labs. For more information, go to LibraryTools Tools Library Curriculum labs General computing Student lab consultants are stationed in most general access labs and are trained to help you with your computing questions. They can be identified by their ID badges. The main computer lab service desk is located in the Miller Center 2nd Floor East lab and can be contacted at or by phone at (320) 308-2068. For assistance in other general access labs, look for the consultant desk within the lab, or contact the HelpDesk if a lab consultant is not available. ADA accessible computing Assistive technology computer workstations are located near the reference desk in the Miller Center library on 1st Floor West. They include software such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking, ZoomText, JAWS and OpenBook. Headphones, microphones and mouse rollerballs are also available. To use this equipment, you must contact Student Disability Services at (320) 3084080 or 16 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Most common software On Windows workstations: • Microsoft Office • Adobe Design Premium (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop, InDesign) • Statistics and math programs such as Minitab, Maple, Microcase, Eviews, Shazam, SPSS On Macintosh workstations: • Microsoft Office • Adobe Design Premium (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop, InDesign) • SFTP programs IDs Technology and software training HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 17 SCSU Map You may write to or “burn” CDs and DVDs on computers in all of the general access labs (page 22). For assistance, contact a lab consultant (page 6). Policies CD and DVD drives Involvement All computers in the general access labs include a labeled USB extension cable for connecting USB drives (also known as memory sticks or flash drives). This cable provides you with easy access to the USB port. Look for the cable, not the port. E-Learning USB and flash drives Library Tools You can save and upload files to your SCSU File/Web space from any computer that has access to the Internet, including your home computer. For more information about how to use your File/Web space, see page 11 or visit IT Security File/Web space Computing File storage and read/write media Get Connected SCSU is a testing site for those who want to become a Microsoft Certified Application Specialist (MCAS). The MCAS program is designed to test your ability to utilize the features of the most used Microsoft Office programs. Students who successfully complete the program by passing a certification exam show that they can meet globally recognized performance standards. The MCAS certification can be used as a way to provide proof to potential employers of your knowledge and abilities in Microsoft Office software. For more information, please visit or contact HuskyNet Microsoft business certification Contacts SCSU offers free student technology workshops and training each semester. You can learn programs such as Dreamweaver, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Minitab, Photoshop and RefWorks. These sessions are offered in the Miller Center, Centennial Hall and a few other campus Technology workshops provide students with a great way locations. To access to acquire new skills and polish up old ones. registration and a complete list of current workshops, visit You will need your SCSU ID number and SCSU ID password (page 2) to log in to the registration site. News Workshops IDs IDs Memory card readers, zip disk drives and other media reading devices are available for checkout—for general access lab use only—from the campus lab consultant service desks (page 6). Memory card readers are also available from the circulation desk (page 6). File storage accessories and media reading devices can also be purchased at the SCSU Computer Store (page 6). About printing: Per Page Costs Printing SCSU’s HuskyPrint allows students to use their Campus Card to print documents on campus. Each semester, the Student Technology Fee account deposits $8 into a separate account on your Campus Card for printing. If you spend the $8 (approximately 200 pages), any additional print costs are deducted from your Campus Cash funds. Print fund balances do not carry forward to the next semester. Most SCSU computer labs are equipped with black-and-white laser printers. Color printers are available in the Miller Center and the Kiehle Visual Arts Center. NOTE: Printing instructions are posted near each printer. Two-sided (duplex) printing is the default setting in most general access labs. Single-sided printing is available, but must be manually selected. For printing assistance, talk to a computer lab consultant (page 6) or contact the HelpDesk. Wireless and personal computer printing To use HuskyPrint from your personal computer, you can either use a campus open data jack plug-in or an on-campus wireless connection, as long as you first install the HuskyPrint driver on your computer. For requirements and installation instructions, visit Other duplication devices Scanners Most general access labs (page 15) are equipped with flatbed scanners (available for both Windows and Macintosh computers). There are 28 total scanners on campus, with detailed instructions located on each machine. For additional assistance, see a lab consultant (page 6). Photocopiers Policies Policies Photocopiers are available in the Miller Center (page 32). For additional duplication services, contact the Atwood Memorial Center Information Desk at (320) 308-4636 or Copies Plus at (320) 308-3759. Fax machines SCSUMap Map SCSU Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News Other read/write media 18 For faxing services, please contact the Atwood Memorial Center Information Desk at (320) 308-4636 or Copies Plus at (320) 308-3759. HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 • • • • • Black-and-white (one-sided) Black-and-white (two-sided) Color (8.5 x 11) Color (11 x 17) Color (transparency) $0.04 $0.07 $0.25 $0.50 $1.25 2-sided (duplex) printing All general access lab printers on campus are set to print, by default, on both sides of the page. Single-sided printing is available on these printers, but needs to be selected manually. IDs News Campus computer locations The tables that follow provide information and locations for all of the general access and Contacts curriculum-related computers on campus. To view up-to-the-minute lab seat HuskyNet availability, visit labs/labseats and labs/generalaccess for lab hours. Get Connected Student lab consultants are available in most general access labs on campus to assist you with technology questions. Computing Kiosk Computers Atwood – East Lounge AMC A109 Atwood – Information Desk Case-Hill (residence hall)* Windows Macintosh Scanner Printing 2 BW 308-4636 3 BW AMC 166 308-4636 2 BW CSH B16 308-5376 7 308-1907 Lobby EB 2nd floor Garvey Commons GC 1st floor Miller Center – Library Express Stations 3 Windows BW 2 BW 2 BW 3 BW MC each floor 11 BW Sherburne Hall SBH lobby 2 Shoemaker Technology Center SMH Lobby 5 Stewart Hall SH 3rd floor 2 BW Stearns Hall STH lobby 2 BW Twin Cities Graduate Center Maple Grove 2 BW Welcome Center Lobby 2 Wick Science WSB lobby 2 308-3789 E-Learning Coborns Plaza South Education Phone Library Tools Location AS lobby IT Security Lab area Administrative Building BW Windows BW Involvement 19 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Policies BW IDs IDs News News Contacts Contacts HuskyNet HuskyNet GetConnected Connected Get Computing Computing Security ITITSecurity LibraryTools Tools Library E-Learning E-Learning Involvement Involvement General Access Labs Lab area Location Phone Windows Macintosh Scanner Printing Atwood – The Quarry Cultural Center AMC B19 308-4636 9 BW Atwood – Cultural Center AMC 117A, 117C 308-4636 9 Atwood – Student Activities AMC 172 308-4636 9 Case-Hill (residence hall)* CSH B16 308-5376 6 Centennial Hall – Academic Learning Center CH 222 308-2353 28 3 BW BW 3 Windows BW Centennial Hall (training/general lab) CH 351 308-4936 16 Centennial Hall (general lab) CH 454 308-4936 20 6 Windows BW BW Centennial Hall (classroom) CH 455 308-4936 40 Windows BW Education – CTC (classroom) EB A124 308-3789 20 BW Education (general lab) EB B206 308-3789 16 4 Windows Engineering & Computing Center (ECC) ECC 103 308-2979 43 6 Windows/Mac BW Holes Hall (residence hall)* HoH 121A 308-2673 8 2 Windows/Mac BW Kiehle Visual Arts Center (KVAC) KVAC 106 308-4105 20 Mac Miller Center – Xcel Energy Extended Hours Study* MC 102 308-2068 20 Miller Center – Coffee shop* MC 125 308-2068 7 Miller Center – 1st Floor Reference MC 140 308-4755 27 Miller Center – 2nd Floor East MC 201 308-2068 96 (James W. Miller Learning Resources Center) Policies Policies BW BW & CLR BW 1 BW BW & CLR 24 Windows/Mac BW & CLR Miller Center – 2nd Floor Middle MC 216 308-2068 18 BW & CLR Miller Center – 2nd Floor West MC 216B 308-2068 49 BW & CLR Miller Center – 3rd Floor Middle MC 313 308-2068 36 BW & CLR Mitchell Hall* MH 276 308-3978 12 Riverview G07 308-1907 18 Stewart Hall – Social Science SH 326 308-4943 20 Student Recreation Center SRC 57A 308-3325 6 Wick Science Building WSB 110 308-8320 22 51 Building 51B 220 308-0047 20 2 BW BW Windows 2 BW BW BW Windows BW * NOTE: Case-Hill and Holes Hall are general access labs located in the residence halls. In addition, Miller Center 102 and 125, and Mitchell Hall 276 have a 24-hour lab. To enter after regular hours, swipe your Campus Card through the card reader near the door. SCSUMap Map SCSU BW Check the website at for additional lab information and availability. 20 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 IDs Lab Area Windows Anatomy 5 Location HaH 204 51 KVAC 105 1 EB A238 12 Aviation 44 HH 111, 114, 116, 120 Career Services 8 CH 215 25 MC B31 40 CH 491 College of Business Tutoring Lab 14 CH 415 Communication Sciences and Disorders 16 BH 105, 220 Communication Sciences and Disorders – (Speech) 18 BH 118 Communication Studies 9 EH 201, R 201 60 ECC 103 Computer Science 63 ECC 102, 102C, 102D 3 EB A126 27 WSB 21, 101 Economics Research 20 SH 304 Electrical and Computer Engineering 114 ECC 127, 201, 202, 203, 216, 221, 222A 18 51B 2 English – New Media 21 51B 221 73 HH 109, 115, 121, 122, 124, 212, 218, 232 7 Involvement Foreign Languages E-Learning English – Intensive English Center Library Tools Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Environmental and Technological Studies IT Security Computer Networking and Applications Curriculum Technology Center (CTC) Computing College of Business Get Connected Center for Information Media HuskyNet Assistive Technology Contacts Art Macs News Curriculum Labs (only open to students enrolled in specific courses) LH G10 Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports Science 26 HaH 331 Human Performance 9 HaH 111 53 SH 8, 18, 117, 119, 144 Mass Communications – (TV editing) 10 SH 23, 24, 25, 26, 123, 145, 146 Policies Mass Communications HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 21 SCSU Map Continued on next page ... IDs IDs News News Windows Math Skills Center 33 CH 224 Math and Statistics 48 ECC 103, 137 Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 60 ECC 103A, 119, 127 Multicultural Academic Support Center (MASE) 9 CH 221 Music Location PAC 158, 159 Nursing Sciences 33 BH 307, 322, 323 Physics Optics and Intermediate Labs 21 BH 316, 318, 320 Physics, Astronomy and Engineering Science 30 WSB 302, 303, 305 Psychology 17 SH 211, 213 SCSU Survey 20 SH 101 Social Sciences 29 SH 306, 324 Spatial Analysis Research Center 28 SH 310 Theatre, Film Study, Dance Write Place 4 E-Learning E-Learning Involvement Involvement Policies Policies SCSUMap Map SCSU Macs 2 LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Lab Area Contacts Contacts Curriculum Labs... continued 22 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 6 PAC 270 11 51B 116, 117 IDs Safe Computing News Contacts St. Cloud State University has security measures in place for campus computers, but not all unwanted activity can be stopped. We encourage you to protect your computer system and files, and we have provided the following tips and resources to help you do so. HuskyNet Best practices Protect your password 23 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Policies Installing all available system and software updates will help keep your computer safe. If you are a Windows user, you can configure your computer to automatically download and install updates by going to the Automatic Updates Control Panel. If you are a Macintosh user, you can configure the System Update located within System Preferences to download important updates on a regular basis. Involvement Update software E-Learning Remember that changing your password can be as simple as taking a word – eight letters or more – capitalizing the first letter of that word and changing one of the letters to a symbol. SCSU makes antivirus software available to all current students. You can download and install Download it by going to If Antivirus Software you choose to use your own antivirus software, be sure to keep it updated so it can provide for FREE! protection against the latest threats. Please note that even the best antivirus software will not protect you against all viruses. Practicing safe computing habits will help you avoid viruses that antivirus software is unable to prevent. Library Tools • Use intentionally misspelled words (e.g. “Braekfast23”) • Include a punctuation mark in the middle of a word (e.g. “Wea!ther”) • Use numbers or punctuation instead of letters to encrypt your password (e.g. “Un1versity” or “Univer$ity”) • Use a song title or phrase to create a password (e.g. “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” could be come “TwTwLiSt!!”) Install antivirus software IT Security Creating secure, easy-to-remember passwords Computing TIP A secure password should include: • At least eight characters • At least three different types of characters (e.g. upper and lower case letters, numbers, special characters) • No recognizable dictionary word Never give your password to friends, roommates or anyone else. Remember that you are responsible for activity that occurs under IDs registered to you, so it is in your best interest to choose a unique password and keep it private. Get Connected Since passwords provide access to your personal information, you should always make them difficult to guess. Changing your passwords frequently will also help protect you from identity theft and unauthorized access to your personal information. Note that Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system (MnSCU) requires that all SCSU passwords meet or exceed certain criteria. For specifics, see “Password Requirements” on page 8. IDs IDs SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News Firewall filtering Firewalls protect your computer by filtering the incoming network traffic and can prevent certain types of viruses and malicious network activity. Most operating systems such as Windows XP and newer and Mac OX 10.4 and newer have built-in firewalls, but they may need to be activated. Contact the HelpDesk for assistance. Create backups Hard drives and other storage devices occasionally go bad. By backing up your files often, you can minimize your potential for loss. We recommend that you back up and save your files frequently. You can back up your data by saving to a flash drive or memory stick (for short-term, working backups), writable CD/DVD or external hard drive (for long-term backups) or your HuskyNet File/Web space. Online backup services are also available. Dispose of information securely When discarding CD-ROMs, DVDs, hard drives and other storage devices, you should dispose of them safely to ensure that your information remains secure. You may bring CD-ROMs, DVDs, USB drives and paper documents to the HelpDesk, and they will place them in a secure drop box for disposal. If you have a computer or hard drive that you are getting rid of, please be sure that you use a secure method to wipe clean the hard drive before it leaves your possession. The HelpDesk can provide you additional resources about information disposal. Threat awareness Spam SCSU provides protection from unsolicited e-mail, also known as spam and junk e-mail. Unwanted e-mail uses your allotted storage space quota. You can work with HuskyNet staff to reduce the amount of spam you receive. Remember that e-mail sent from a mailing list to which you have subscribed is not spam. For more information on spam, best practices for dealing with it and other related resources, go to Phishing Phishing—a form of spam—is a prevalent online criminal activity involving fraudulent e-mail messages sent in an attempt to obtain your personal data such as credit card and banking information. These e-mails are usually written under the guise of “protecting” you by asking for “confirmation” or “verification” of personal and/or account information. However, please note that legitimate businesses will never ask you for personal or financial data via e-mail. For more SCSU will never ask information on phishing and how to protect for your password yourself from it, visit via e-mail or phone protectu/phishing.asp. 24 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Protecting yourself from spam and phishing • Don’t make it easy for spammers to get your SCSU e-mail address by giving it out. • When possible, don’t open suspected spam. • Never respond to suspicious e-mails, especially those requesting your private information. • Don’t click on links within the suspicious e-mail. Instead, type the Web address directly into your Web browser to check its legitimacy. • Don’t use phone numbers in suspicious e-mails. NOTE: SCSU will never ask you for your password via e-mail! IDs Protect your computer from malware Malware (Spyware) Use of St. Cloud State University (SCSU) resources for unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials is forbidden. SCSU prohibits illegal copyright infringement through its acceptable use policies as well as student conduct code. Disciplinary action, including loss of use of the university information technology systems, up to and including expulsion from the university, could result from violations of this policy. Involvement HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 25 SCSU Map There are some legitimate and legal P2P file-sharing applications. For more information on this topic and to link to a list of legal alternatives, go to Policies Record the information below and store it in a safe place (not in your laptop bag). This record will help you identify your laptop to authorities and claim it if it is ever stolen. • Make • Model • Serial No. • Purchase Date • MAC address • Lock Combination E-Learning Document laptop information Downloading or distributing copyrighted material, including through peer-topeer file sharing, without the permission of the copyright owner is against the law. Illegal downloading or distribution of copyrighted materials can result in you being prosecuted in criminal court and/or sued for damages in civil court. Criminal penalties for first-time offenders can be as high as five years in prison and $250,000 in fines. If sued in civil court, you may be responsible for monetary damages, attorneys’ fees and civil penalties up to $150,000 per work distributed. Library Tools TIP IT Security Peer-to-peer file sharing network programs like Kazaa, Ares, iMesh and LimeWire are popular ways to share music and movie files online, but they create legal risks and security concerns. Deleting P2P programs from your computer will help you avoid these potential problems. Computing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing Get Connected Malware (or spyware) are malicious and often annoying programs that are installed on your computer sometimes just by visiting a certain website or downloading a seemingly innocent program. They can cause pop-up ads and collect information about you and your computer use. Malware often interferes with your computer’s operation and can slow it down. To protect against malware, you can download antivirus software, available free to SCSU students, at The HelpDesk recommends also using anti-malware and removal programs. Three free, popular and effective programs are Ad-Aware, Malwarebytes and SpyBot-Search & Destroy, available at HuskyNet A virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. Viruses can corrupt computer data, reveal Download your personal information to others and send virus-infected e-mail to everyone in your Antivirus Software address book. Antivirus software, available for FREE! free to SCSU students, provides protection from viruses for your computer. It is available for download at Contacts Users must be careful about using peerto-peer file sharing programs and any other “free” programs downloaded from the Web. Many include malware that will transmit private information back to the website, slow down your computer, and prevent you from logging onto websites such as Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Desire2Learn (D2L). SCSU recommends that all Windows users install Ad-Aware, Malwarebytes or SpyBot—three of the free anti-malware programs available at Viruses News TIP IDs IDs News News Contacts Contacts HuskyNet HuskyNet GetConnected Connected Get Computing Computing Security ITITSecurity LibraryTools Tools Library Viruses and malware often spread through online chat/instant messaging communications. These messages may appear to be from a friend, family member or acquaintance and often contain a link to a Web page that will download and install malware on your computer. Unless you were expecting the message or are absolutely sure of its legitimacy, do not click on these links until you verify them with the apparent sender. Reporting technology theft, abuse and threats Theft If a technology (i.e. laptop) theft occurs on campus, contact Public Safety at (320) 3083333. They will help you file an SCSU report, contact the campus IT Security Coordinator and file a report with the St. Cloud police. If you have insurance, it is recommended that you also contact your agent to determine if your stolen item is insured for theft. The SCSU Public Safety Center is located across from the Miller Center on the corner of 4th Ave. and 6th St. S. Abuse and threats If someone is sending threatening e-mail to you, do not engage the individual in written or verbal conversation. Write to or tell the person to discontinue the activity. If the person will not stop sending harassing messages or if the threat becomes serious, contact the SCSU IT Security Coordinator at or (320) 308-3091. If you feel the threat is immediate or life-threatening, contact Public Safety (320) 308-3333 or your local police. SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning Online chat/messaging 26 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 IDs News Library Tools Articles search SCSU Map 27 Policies HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Involvement • Go to • In the Library Search area, select the “Articles and databases” tab and insert a topic or title in the “Find” box. • Evaluate the results by reading article titles and abstracts. • Find the full text. If the article is available electronically in the database, you can read, print or e-mail the article to yourself. Click on the “Full Text” link. If there is no link to the full text, click the “FindIt!” button. This will link you to other databases with the full-text version of the article, indicate that SCSU has the print, microfilm or microfiche version of the article, or take you to an interlibrary loan form that will request the item from a different library. Library Tools Graduate students who are not enrolled, but need access to library materials in order to complete their degree, may request an extension. Your advisor must provide written notification to the circulation desk or to stating that you require an extension for your library account in order to complete your degree. Extension requests are usually granted for one semester at a time. How to use the “Books and more” search (MnPALS Plus catalog) • Go to • In the Library Search area, under the “Books and more” tab, insert a keyword, title or author. • Write down the item’s call number (ex. F607.P45 1985) and locate it. Tools on the library site help you find resources • Check out your items at the Circulation Desk on 1st Floor West. Most books may be checked out for four weeks and renewed online using the “View/Renew Items” Quick Link on the library home page. You will need your 14-digit bar code number from your Campus Card (page 2). IT Security Library account extensions for graduate students: SCSU’s online library catalog, MnPALS Plus, allows you to search for materials maintained in the Miller Center library. This includes books, videos, CDs, DVDs, sound recordings, journals, magazines, newspapers and government documents. E-Learning “Books and more” search Computing For additional hours, visit Research and resources Get Connected Monday–Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. HuskyNet Library semester hours: Contacts The library is in the James W. Miller Learning Resources Center, located at the northwestern edge of the St. Cloud State University campus and online at In this section, you will learn about the wealth of library resources and services available to you. IDs IDs When you need a book, journal article or item that is not available at the Miller Center, you can use interlibrary loan. This service helps you get copies of articles and books from other libraries. The interlibrary loan service is available to SCSU students, faculty and staff at no charge. Request process: • Fill out a request form at • Wait 2-10 days for delivery. • Notification will be e-mailed to you when your item is available. • Pick up your item at the circulation desk (page 6) or online at the link provided. SCSUMap Map SCSU Retrieving electronic interlibrary loan articles: • If electronic delivery is available for an article, it will be sent directly to your HuskyNet e-mail account. You will receive an e-mail containing a Web address and a personal identification number (PIN). • Point your browser to the Web address provided in the e-mail and follow the directions on how to retrieve your article. E-reserves and reserves Faculty often put course materials on reserve in the library for ease of use and availability. The library offers the convenience of both print and electronic reserves. Note that not all reserves are available both ways. • Print reserves: These are available for checkout from the circulation desk. You will need to know the instructor and course name. You may need to specify the name of the document in case the instructor has more than one item on reserve. • Electronic reserves: You can access e-reserve items online. Go to and log in using your HuskyNetID and password (page 3). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader and/or Windows Media Player to use most e-reserve files. Ask a Librarian If you ever feel frustrated or confused about using the library, Ask a Librarian! Librarians help students from first year to graduate level with research. They can help you pick a topic; create a search strategy; find books, journals, newspaper articles or websites; create bibliographies and more. You can get help from SCSU librarians in four easy ways: 1.In person: The reference desk is located in the Miller Center on 1st Floor West. Librarians are stationed here seven days a week (page 6). 2.E-mail: Send questions to and you will get a response within an hour during reference desk hours (page 6). 3.Phone: Call (320) 308-4755 or toll-free (877) 856-9786. 4.Online chat: Go to and click on AskMN Chat, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News Interlibrary loan TIP 24 Hour Research Help AskMN is the chat reference service used at St. Cloud State University, and it is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AskMN provides you with live research help from academic librarians. To learn how to use the service, visit lrts. askalibrarian.asp. 28 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 IDs Research assistance & tools Get Connected Computing IT Security Additional library resources Audiovisual equipment is available at the circulation desk on 1st Floor West of the Miller Center and can be checked out using your SCSU Campus Card (page 2). Miller Center laptops SCSU Map 29 Policies Long-term laptops: Checkout requests are placed on a waiting list at the circulation desk, and you are e-mailed a pick-up notice when one is available. Long-term laptops are due by 12 p.m. (noon) one week from the checkout date; there are no renewals. Involvement For technical assistance, contact the Computer Labs Main Service Desk on the 2nd floor of the Miller Center (page 6). E-Learning Several Windows and Macintosh laptops are available for student checkout at the circulation desk using a valid SCSU ID. All laptops are equipped to connect to the SCSU network from any campus data port or the wireless network, and software may be temporarily installed on Windows laptops. Students are charged a $25 fine per day that a laptop is returned late. Any damage to the laptop during checkout is charged to the student accordingly. Library Tools Checkout equipment HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 HuskyNet Cassette recorder/tape player CD player Computer speakers (USB) Data projector Digital camera DV camcorder Digital voice recorder Laptop (Mac/Windows) Memory card reader/writer Microphone Overhead projector PA system Screen Slide projector Tripod TTY (telephone typewriter) Contacts • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • News Checkout equipment available: The library has online tools to assist you with your planning, research and writing assignment needs. The following resources can be found at lrts. • Research Basics: Consult guides for navigating the library, choosing hot topics, planning your research, identifying scholarly articles and more. • Assignment Calculator: Create a step-by-step guide for completing your research assignment on time by entering your assignment due date and topic. You can also sign up for e-mail reminders. • Subject Guides: Use this tool for an easy entry point into your research project. You select a subject and receive a list of related article databases, books, encyclopedias, websites and useful resources. • Course Guides: Utilize this online resource for helpful information specific to certain courses you are taking. Course guides are created by librarians, in consultation with your professors, to provide specific articles, books, databases, websites and tips for completing your assignments. • RefWorks: Manage and format your bibliography in seconds with this Web-based program. It works with your list of references and provides you with a bibliography in any style, from APA to MLA. • Citation Style Guides: Consult examples of APA, MLA, Chicago and other citation style formatting. • Reference Sources: Look up quick facts, definitions, statistics and overviews using online dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories and more. IDs IDs News News Contacts Contacts HuskyNet HuskyNet GetConnected Connected Get Computing Computing Security ITITSecurity Student study rooms Sixteen student study rooms are available for use during Miller Center library hours (page 27). Each room is equipped with a computer, network and Internet connection, television that also serves as a monitor, VCR/DVD player and white board. To reserve a study room up to seven days in advance, contact the circulation desk (page 6). Technical support for the study rooms is provided by the Computer Labs Main Service Desk on the 2nd floor of the Miller Center (page 6). Miller Center printers Black-and-white and color laser printing is available to you from all Miller Center computer workstations. If you need to print on transparencies or special paper, go to the Miller Center 2nd Floor East Lab for help. To learn more about printing on campus, click on the “Computers & Printing” menu at Photocopiers Two black-and-white photocopiers are available to the public in the Miller Center and are located in MC 127B. You will need “Campus Cash” on your Campus Card (page 2) to use the photocopy machines. Miller Center assistance for students with disabilities Assistive technology computer workstations are located near the reference desk on 1st Floor West. They include software such as ZoomText, JAWS and OpenBook. Headphones, microphones and mouse rollerballs are also available. For authorization to use this equipment, you must contact Student Disability Services at (320) 308-4080 or visit for more information. TIP: Library at a glance E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Short-term laptops: These are checked out on a first-come, first-served basis. They are due by 12 p.m. (noon) on the next day of library service; there are no renewals. Involvement Involvement 1st Floor • Reference desk and collections • Multicultural Resource Center • Periodicals • Circulation desk (Videos, DVDs, CDs, sound recordings, equipment) • Interlibrary loan SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies 2nd Floor • Main collections, A-D 30 3rd Floor • Juvenile collection • Joan K. Blaska Children’s Collection • University Archives/Special Collections • Main collections, M-N Basement • Main collections, E-L and P-Z • U.S. government documents • Minnesota government documents HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Printer locations (Miller Center): Black-and-white • • • • • 1st Floor West – Reference area 2nd Floor West Lab 2nd Floor East Lab 3rd Floor West Lab Extended Study Computer Lab (MC 102) Color • 2nd Floor East Lab Photocopier location (Miller Center): • 1st Floor West – 2 copiers IDs E-learning technologies News Contacts HuskyNet St. Cloud State University offers you many ways to participate in both on-campus and offcampus classes. Class delivery methods such as interactive television, podcasting and the Web give you greater access to St. Cloud State University’s academic programs. Many additional services are available to help you use SCSU’s resources without needing to be on campus. Instructional technologies at SCSU utilize media such as audio and video to provide interactive classroom experiences that are available to you both on and off campus, often 24 hours a day. The following are a few of these technologies used at SCSU. Desire2Learn (D2L) 31 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Policies Many SCSU instructors use Desire2Learn—a Web-based course management software—to create and distribute elements of their courses online. If you are registered for a course that uses D2L, you will need to log into D2L to complete a portion or all of your coursework. As your instructor posts coursework, it will be available to you upon login. To learn more about D2L and whether or not your computer system will work with D2L, go to Involvement require.asp for details. Instructional Technologies E-Learning • Be a registered SCSU student • Have an active HuskyNetID (page 7) • Be enrolled in a class that uses D2L (not all SCSU courses use D2L; some online courses use different technologies) • Use a Web browser and computer system that supports D2L. See huskynet. Library Tools To log into D2L you must: IT Security Some things to know: • Both on- and off-campus students may enroll in online courses. • Online courses are listed in the regular class bulletin and have a check mark beside them. You can also browse the list of online offerings through the Continuing Studies website at • Registration occurs through the Center for Continuing Studies’ website. • Most online courses follow the semester schedule. • Courses offered online have the same prerequisites as on-campus courses. • Online courses are billed at the off-campus tuition rate and have an additional course fee attached. Computing Through online courses, you may use the flexibility of distance or e-learning to work toward degrees. Most online courses are offered through the Center for Continuing Studies office at St. Cloud State University. For more information, contact, (320) 308-3081 or visit their website at Get Connected Online courses IDs IDs News News MediaSite MediaSite is a content distribution tool most often used to rebroadcast audio and video recordings of courses, lectures and presentations online. SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts Adobe Connect Adobe Connect is an online Web conferencing and collaboration tool. It provides multimedia capabilities that can be used for many activities such as group work, online office hours and interactive classes. ITV/video conferencing This technology allows two parties in different locations to interact with video and audio capabilities, simultaneously. It is most commonly used at SCSU between an instructor located in an ITV classroom on campus and a virtual classroom of students located off campus. Podcasting Podcasting is the distribution of media-filled programs such as audio, video and print files via the Web. Some instructors create podcasts of lectures, presentations, exam reviews and more, available to you online for download and playback on personal computers or portable devices (like iPods), 24 hours a day. Unlike simple downloads, you can subscribe to podcasts and use a content software program like iTunes (see below) to automatically retrieve new content as it is published. At SCSU, eight classrooms are equipped for creating podcasts. Visit for more information. iTunes U iTunes U is a customized version of Apple iTunes that allows you to access university-generated podcasts in a centralized location. Podcasts on iTunes U are available for download or playback 24 hours a day and can include lectures, presentations and exam reviews. SCSU has a customized site on iTunes U that houses materials for several academic courses as well as public programs for Athletics, Women on Wednesday, Music and SmallBytes. To access SCSU’s iTunes U, go to and log in using the link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is a file format used to distribute Web content. Unlike simple downloads, you can subscribe to RSS feeds and receive new content as it is distributed, often times using a program like iTunes to collectively manage your feeds. SCSU has many RSS feeds, which can be found by looking for the RSS feed icon when surfing through the website. HuskyNet has three RSS feeds that keep you abreast of technology-related news and announcements, and you can subscribe to them at huskynet.stcloudstate. edu. University Communications also provides a list of SCSU feeds and general tips for getting started with RSS at If you have questions or need assistance, contact the HelpDesk. 32 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 TIP Podcasting on iTunes U! St. Cloud State University is using iTunes U (a customized version of Apple iTunes) as a means to provide you with access to university-generated podcasts in a centralized location. For more information on podcasting or to check out iTunes U, visit instructional/podcast. IDs Electronic classrooms Get Connected Computing To access most online services, you will need one or more of the following: HuskyNetID (page 3), SCSU ID number (page 2), library bar code (page 3) and their respective passwords. If you have questions about registering for online courses, please visit IT Security HuskyNet: E-mail, File/Web space Library Tools Distance Learning Resources HuskyNet A Classroom Performance System (CPS) is a wireless response system that allows you to interact electronically with an instructor by using a wireless response device (clicker) to answer questions in real time with the click of a button. They are often used to take attendance, give quizzes and get instant feedback and participation. Eighteen classrooms are equipped with a CPS. Some courses require a clicker, and if purchased, will be compatible with all CPS-equipped classrooms on campus; however, a registration card needs to be purchased for each semester that you use the CPS. Visit Clickers allow you to interact electronically with instructors. clickers for more information. Contacts Classroom Performance System: Clickers News SCSU has more than 200 electronic classrooms that allow your professors to enhance their instruction with technology. E-classrooms are equipped with a computer, touch-screen audio-visual management system and multimedia equipment including a projector, DVD/VCR combo and speakers. The number of e-classrooms on campus grows each year. Your HuskyNetID gives you access to SCSU e-mail (page 10), File/Web space (page 11) and many other resources. To learn more about HuskyNet technology services for distance learners, visit SCSU’s Virtual Lab (page 15) provides you with online access to software. For more information and a list of available programs, visit huskynet. You have online access to most library services including research assistance, database searches, electronic article and e-book delivery, and interlibrary loan. For more information, visit Visit for information on finding an off-campus Internet service provider. Note that SCSU does not endorse any providers. 33 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Policies Off-campus Internet service Involvement Library resources E-Learning Software programs (Virtual Lab) Contacts Contacts In order to make technology at St. Cloud State University work for students, the university provides several chances for students to be involved in technology decisions. In this section, you will find three of those opportunities described. HuskyNet HuskyNet Student Technology Fee Committee SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get IDs IDs News News Involvement opportunities The Student Technology Fee Committee works with SCSU administrators to determine how the technology fee funds are used. The committee also makes recommendations to the Fee Allocation Committee for adjusting the cost of the fee. There are seven voting members (five students and two administrators), and a technology services staff member who serves as an ex-officio committee member. The Student Government president appoints voting student members. For member consideration, contact the Student Government president at (320) 308-3751 or If you have general questions or suggestions, please contact Mark Kotcho, exofficio, at (320) 308-2053 or Student Technology Fee Minnesota State Colleges and Universities sets standard guidelines for the use of technology fees for all of its schools ( MnSCU standards: • Colleges and universities may establish a policy to charge a fee to students for the acquisition, upgrading and/or maintenance of technology for academic and student support activities that provide/enhance student access to technology. • A technology fee advisory committee shall exist for each university. A majority of the members shall be students, and the campus student association(s) shall appoint the student members of this committee. Before making recommendations to the university president, the committee will present the recommendations to the campus student association(s) for advice and recommendation. • The campus student association(s) and the institution president/designee shall jointly determine a schedule for the technology fee advisory committee to ensure the plan and budget for the fee will be completed for action in spring. The necessary background materials shall be provided in advance to the committee in accordance with Procedure 2.3.1, part 2, subpart B. • The university president has final authority regarding expenditure of funds received from the technology fee. The president shall review any modifications to the recommendation with the campus student association(s) and the technology fee advisory committee prior to the implementation for that year. St. Cloud State University’s Student Technology Fee is approved at $4.92 per semester credit and typically generates at least $1.5 million each year. 34 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Student Technology Fee funds: • More than 400 general access computers • Network support services for computers, printers and servers • Furniture for general access labs • Software in general access labs • Student lab consultants • Computer technicians • Equipment maintenance and printer supplies • Printers (more than 65 locations) Committee responsibilities include: • Recommending an annual budget to Student Government and the SCSU administration • Reviewing the facilities and services that are provided by the Technology Fee • Discussing new ways of supporting student access to technology IDs Contacts HuskyNet SCSU’s Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) was established in the spring of 1997 as a subgroup of the St. Cloud State University Strategic Planning Committee. TLTR is an open committee, welcoming the campus community to attend and participate in TLTR meetings. The committee brings together students, faculty, staff and administrators to share information, coordinate technology planning and advise on issues related to technology. TLTR reviews, reflects, reacts to and disseminates technology information to others on campus. Students are encouraged to attend and participate in the meetings. For more information on TLTR technology plans, go to News Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable (TLTR) Get Connected Computing IT Security Library Tools E-Learning Involvement Policies 35 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News IDs IDs Policies & regulations As a student at St. Cloud State University, you are entitled to use the campus network and technologies. By using SCSU resources, you agree to abide by the policies and regulations set by SCSU, the Student Code of Conduct, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and all applicable state and federal laws. You will find a list of policies and regulations below that you are responsible for knowing and following. The full-length text and list of policies can be accessed at under the “Technology Policies, Plans & Presentations” link. Failure to comply with these policies and regulations may result in the loss of network privileges or other disciplinary actions. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) sets policies and procedures for all of its campuses, including SCSU. You are responsible for knowing and abiding by all MnSCU regulations, especially the “Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources” standards located at board/procedure/522p1.html. In addition, the MnSCU Office of the Chancellor has passed a new security guideline (Guideline Password Usage and Handling ( procedure/523p1guideline1.html) that requires all students, faculty and staff to create stronger passwords. The minimum password requirements are defined on page 8. SCSU Responsible Use of Computers In addition to other technology use policies, you are required to know and agree to the “Responsible Use of Computers” standard set by SCSU. Go to to read the full details, including a summary of current Minnesota computer laws. 36 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 IDs Technology policies, standards and guidelines News As an SCSU student, you are required to be ethical and responsible in your use of HuskyNet. You are also responsible for knowing and abiding by all HuskyNet policies and regulations, which can be found at huskynet.stcloudstate. edu under the “Technology Policies, Plans & Presentations” link. Contacts HuskyNet Sample of policies, standards and guidelines: • Reporting technology abuse • E-mail acceptable use • E-mail as an official communication to students • Student HuskyNet account allocations • Computing standards • Miller Center student study room use • Open data jack usage • ResNet acceptable use • Student Campus Desktop/iCampus Desktop • Student laptop checkout Get Connected Computing IT Security Library Tools E-Learning Involvement Policies 37 SCSU Map HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 MAP LEGEND HuskyNet HuskyNet Contacts Contacts News News IDs IDs St. Cloud State University Campus map SCSUMap Map SCSU Policies Policies Involvement Involvement E-Learning E-Learning LibraryTools Tools Library Security ITITSecurity Computing Computing GetConnected Connected Get AS Administrative Services C4 AH Alumni House D4 AIC American Indian Center E6 AMC Atwood Memorial Center*B3 BTH Benton Hall B1 BH Brown Hall B4 BG Buildings and Grounds E1 CRH Carol Hall B1 CSH Case Hall*C2 CH Centennial Hall*B4 CCS Continuing Studies (in Shoemaker Hall) B6 EH Eastman Hall A5 EB Education Building*D5 ECC Engineering & Computing Center*C6 FLDField B8 GC Garvey Commons B2 HaH Halenbeck Hall D7 HH Headley Hall C4 HiHH Health Center C2 HP Heating Plant B7 HiH Hill Hall C2 HoH Holes Hall*C1 Hub Husky Hub C10 HS Husky Stadium C8 KVACKiehle Visual Arts Center*A2 LH Lawrence Hall A3 MB Maintenance Building C7 MC Miller Center* D3 (James W. Miller Learning Resources Center) MH Mitchell Hall A2 NHC National Hockey Center D9 NOC North Office Center E1 NSP NSP Building B10 PA Performing Arts Center C3 PR Parking Ramp D2 Students studying outside the James W. Miller Learning Resources Center. PS Public Safety E2 RGH Richard Green House E5 SH Ritsche Auditorium (Stewart Hall) A4 RRiverview*A5 SBH Sherburne Hall B2 SMH Shoemaker Hall B6 SVN Stateview North D1 SVS Stateview South D1 STH Stearns Hall C1 SH Stewart Hall (Ritsche Auditorium)*A4 SRC Student Recreation Center*C8 WH Whitney House A2 WC Women’s Center E2 WSB Wick Science Building (planetarium)* B5 (Robert H. Wick Science Building) 51B 51 Building* A4 801B 801 Building C5 * Main general access computer locations Check the website at for additional general access lab information and availability. 38 HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 Stateview North Stateview South C Lot A-A Lot Women's Center Stewart Hall Centennial Hall Headley Hall E Lot Pay Lot ot J Lot Shoemaker Hall University Drive Maint. Bldg. M Lot 11th St. G Heating Lot Plant Chilled Water Plant Halenbeck Hall G Lot Hydroelectric Plant Student Rec. Ctr. 8 RIDG E Library Tools R Lot TO S ELK E FIE LD B IT Security Child Care Center Skalicky Plaza Riverview Eastman Engineering and Computing Center N Lot Robert H. Wick Science Building General access computers are located in 14 buildings on campus. You will find each of these buildings highlighted in red on the map to the immediate left. Computing F Lot V Lot American Indian Center F Lane Z Lot Education Building North H Lot Brown Hall HL P Lot 801 Building 5 7 General access computer locations Get Connected Alumni House Richard Green House E Lot D Lot HuskyNet Administrative Services Building Atwood Center TIP 51B Barden Park 8th St. 6 1st 2nd Performing Arts Center Lawrence Hall O Lot MTC Bus Stop V Lot Whitney Kiehle 7th St. 9th St. L Lot Garvey Commons Pay Lot James W. Miller Learning Resources Center 4 Mitchell Hall Hill Hall Public Safety X Lot B Lot Sherburne Hall A-2 Lot S Lot Benton Hall & O Lot 3 Carol Hall Contacts 6th St. Case Hall Admissions Parking 2 A-1 Lot Stearns Hall 4th Avenue Parking Ramp N North Benton Hall News 5th St. Holes Hall North Pay Lot Stateview Lot A I Lot XX XX Lot Lot North Office Center B IDs 1 C 3rd D 4th E 5th 4th St. Field Stadium DAM National Hockey Center Husky Pay Lot Lo t 9 E-Learning 12th St. K Lot 15th St. 16th St. Bike Path Husky Challenge Course IVER Q Lot HelpDesk | | 320-308-2077 | Miller Center B43 39 SCSU Map St. Cloud City Utilities 12 Policies Husky Hub 11 MISSIS SIPPI R K Lot NSP 10 14th St. 3rd Ave. S 4th Ave. S U Involvement 13th St. HUSKYNET Help Desk 320-308-2077 | SCSU Computer Store 320-308-4944 | General Access Labs 320-308-2068 | TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT LINE 308-TECH (8324) The Technology Support Line allows you to dial a single phone number to access a variety of St. Cloud State University’s technology services. The automated system directs you to someone who can help you with your questions. You can also reach each service area by dialing the individual number if you prefer, but for a convenient, easy-to-remember solution, dial (320) 308-TECH. LIBRARY Reference Desk 320-308-4755 or 877-856-9786 (toll free) Circulation Desk 320-308-3083 | ST. CLOUD STATE UNIVERSITY Campus Card Office 320-308-1683 | Online & Distance Learning 320-308-3081 | St. Cloud State University values diversity of all kinds, including but not limited to race, religion and ethnicity (full statement at ugb/generalinfo/nondiscrimination.asp). TTY:1-800-627-3529. SCSU is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator and employer. This material can be made available in an alternative format. Contact the department/agency listed above.
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