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AlphaCity Mobilise. Manage. Motivate. With the Corporate CarSharing solution from Alphabet. Optimising the way you finance, manage and use company vehicles To meet your company’s mobility requirements, you need a solution that lets you select and allocate vehicles efficiently, evaluate fleet utilisation levels and control costs at all times. There are many variables in fleet management – but only one solution: AlphaCity Corporate CarSharing from Alphabet. How can I ich make business Wie kann meine mobility TCO um more bis zucost-efficient 70 % and sustainable? reduzieren? AlphaCity See pages 4 – 5 What concrete eniem hcbenefits i nnak eiW does Corporate % 07 uz siCarSharing b mu OCT offer me? ?nereizuder See pages 6 – 7 How canich I get the best Wie kann meine mobility solution for my TCO um bis zu 70 % fleet? reduzieren? See pages 8 – 9 How ecan I significantly niem hci nnak eiW cut my % 0total 7 uz cost sib mofu OCT ownership? ?nereizuder See pages 10 – 11 Wie kann ich meine What experiences have TCO um bis zu 70 % other customers had? reduzieren? 7 egap eeS See pages 12 – 13 eniem hci nnak eiW How does Corporate % 07 uz sib mu OCT CarSharing work for me? ?nereizuder See See page 14page 7 Page 2 Page 3 AlphaCity – innovation from Alphabet — Keeping pace with changing mobility needs Corporate mobility on a new path Corporate CarSharing is becoming more and more popular. Many fleet and mobility managers see it as an efficient, cost-effective way of delivering personal mobility within their companies. It also addresses wider sustainability challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity and traffic congestion in cities. In fact, the potential of CarSharing is prompting many managers to completely re-evaluate their business mobility strategy. AlphaCity is the first leasing-based Corporate CarSharing solution for tailor-made Business Mobility solutions and we are constantly looking for new ways of meeting the ever-changing needs of our customers. This mature, innovative product provides you with automated, secure processes that can take your company’s fleet management strategy to the next level. The concept is simple: we provide you with a fleet of leased vehicles, backed by our all-round service offering. You can choose from a wide range of BMW and MINI models and select a CarSharing concept tailored to your company’s needs – all embedded within our modular full-service package. AlphaCity couldn’t be easier for your employees. After registering and confirming their identities, they can just book any car online using the booking portal that we set up. Their vehicle will then be booked for them for the requested time slot – evenings and weekends included. And because car access is keyless, employees do not need go through a time-consuming pick-up or drop-off process. AlphaCity is a great way to motivate employees and optimise fleet utilisation. AlphaCity – the smart way to engage your employees and drive cost efficiency into your fleet. TCM Total cost of mobility Up to 40 % savings from business use At the same time, you can reduce your costs by up to 70 per cent while improving employee satisfaction and increasing fleet utilisation. In short, AlphaCity is the easy, efficient and engaging way to deliver mobility. Up to 70 % cost reduction incl. AlphaCity private use Taxi Rental car 77% 77% 77% Mobility usage Km allowance/ private vehicle AlphaCity Typical leisure vehicle Mobility usage Typical leisureusage vehicle Mobility Cost-saving potential Typical leisure vehicle 94% 94% 94% Mobility usage Typical fleet vehicle Mobility usage Typical fleet usage vehicle Mobility Typical fleet vehicle Page 4 Page 5 55% Business use 85% Business use 55% Private Business use 22% use 85%Private Business 9% useuse AlphaCity – benefits at a glance — 70 % decreasing costs More efficiency, less cost Savings that really add up AlphaCity translates into immediate cost savings and increases the efficiency of fleet management. As an alternative to taxis and rental cars, AlphaCity CarSharing offers you the greatest savings potential. In fact, you can save up to 40 % on normal business usage. You can also give employees the opportunity to use AlphaCity cars privately. The income generated from employee contributions for private use can be used to reduce fleet costs further – by as much as 30 % in many cases. In addition, newer car models avoid the high fuel and repair costs associated with older vehicles. More flexibility AlphaCity – mobility that pays off — AlphaCity The clever and flexible way to maximise your benefits. More flexibility, less effort For your peace of mind At last, you can enjoy a fleet management solution that works perfectly, is easy to manage and significantly increases fleet utilisation. And Alphabet is on hand to help at all times with all-round service and support for AlphaCity. AlphaCity is designed for the best possible user experience with features such as keyless entry, an online booking portal and a mobile app . With a few simple clicks, users can book the car of their choice without filling out registration forms or collecting keys. Plus users know exactly what to expect and are familiar with the cars. And your AlphaCity drivers don’t need to worry about maintenance, tyre changes, insurance, roadside assistance or claims handling. AlphaCity is a modular, full-service offering that builds on Alphabet’s long-standing experience to relieve you of tedious administrative tasks through automatic management capabilities. AlphaCity helps you maximise vehicle utilisation rates by complementing business travel and commuting with private use in the evenings and on weekends. In addition, this CarSharing solution is a bespoke ‘learning’ system. Once you have defined your own booking times, pricing and optional extras, you can dynamically monitor usage patterns, finetune your processes and optimise fleet usage. −CO2 Less emissions More fun, less emissions Your contribution to the environment Fun way to experience mobility – any time, any place. This sustainable mobility solution is an attractive alternative to owning a private car. Leadtext FS Albert Pro Regular. Size 9 pt / tr 10 / ls 12 pt. Colour White. voluptia coneste volut ut exeratur? Mil is num, officatetObiti demod magniam nihit occus doluptae sinus aturibus ent eos quuntor uptaque labore volorro rporit ex eumeni aut facesequas idis in pediame est digentet quo dus reprempos illaboreiunt exerum voleceria quas volorio que reicipsae. Featuring only the latest BMW and MINI cars, AlphaCity is also an appealing, high-tech prospect for your employees. AlphaCity cars come with the latest fuel-saving technology, including EfficientDynamics, to reduce your carbon footprint. Smaller engines can help reduce fuel consumption further. You also have the option of integrating electric cars into your fleet to reduce CO2 emissions even further. The BMW i3 is the first electric car to be included in the AlphaCity Corporate CarSharing solution. Page 6 Page 7 Page AlphaCity – Corporate CarSharing Consulting — AlphaCity – Corporate CarSharing Consulting — AlphaCity Tailor-made CarSharing solution in just a few easy steps At Alphabet, we believe in offering individual advice and support. It starts with an in-depth analysis of your company's mobility needs and results in a comprehensive, customised solution. Your business benefits from its own fully managed CarSharing scheme, accessed and booked online, directly by your employees. Moving forward, you can analyse and optimise your fleet performance on an ongoing basis with your individual Alphabet reports. AlphaCity Simplyfies your life with excellent fleet management. Analysis Efficient fleet mobility starts with a holistic evaluation of your current mobility and fleet needs. Concept Building on the results of the analysis phase, we develop various mobility concepts – business case included – that are tailored specifically to your individual requirements. Implementation Now it is time to implement the mobility concept of your choice. Optimisation You can continue to count on our in-depth expertise even after the implementation phase. Page 8 Page 9 AlphaCity user journey Mobilise your fleet the easy way With AlphaCity, you can mobilise and motivate your employees, manage your fleet, save time and reduce costs. Page 10 Page 11 AlphaCity – user cases — Convinced of the benefits of AlphaCity? See why some of our customers have chosen AlphaCity. AlphaCity puts you on the way to success. More and more companies are discovering the benefits of our clever CarSharing model. We serve a broad range of customers from global players through medium-sized businesses to small companies. As you’ll see from our customer testimonials, AlphaCity really gets corporate fleets moving. 100 % ‘It’s a triple-win situation – for our company, our employees and our bottom lines.’ Freiherr von Hornstein Managing Director | Serviceplan Group ≥70 % ‘The high-tech system ensures our car pool operates at optimum capacity.’ Alisha Bird Fleet Coordinator | RFU 5' ‘We want to be at the forefront of this evolution.’ Marc Thiollier Geographic Services Lead | Accenture Page 12 Germany: The Serviceplan Group for innovative communication is the largest privately owned agency group in Europe, with more than 40 specialist agencies and over 1,300 employees. The company has been using AlphaCity since 2012. ‘We wanted to minimise administrative effort, raise service quality and save money.’ explains Axel Schörner, Head of Purchasing and Facility Management. The group operates AlphaCity under its own ‘weDrive’ brand. It has proven very popular with employees. ‘The income returned through private use currently finances almost 100 % of our leasing costs. That’s really impressive.’ enthuses Schörner. Serviceplan’s sustainable mobility concept also includes e-bikes that can be reserved online. United Kingdom: The Rugby Football Union is the national governing body for rugby in England, with 2,000 autonomous rugby clubs in its membership. The Union wanted to replace its mix of pool, hire and private vehicles with more efficient, convenient and sustainable mobility for its employees. It found the answer in AlphaCity. ‘We were very impressed with AlphaCity’s simple, hassle-free approach. It’s like Corporate CarSharing on a plate. We didn’t actually have to do a thing to implement it.’ says Alisha Bird, Fleet Coordinator at the RFU. AlphaCity also complements the RFU’s environmental goals and makes the most efficient use of resources. France: Accenture is one of the largest management consulting, technology services and outsourcing companies in the world, employing around 280,000 people. The company decided to go with AlphaCity after a make-or-break test phase of six months. The company was also swayed by the savings in total cost of ownership and the simple, decentralised vehicle booking system. The most striking aspect of the system is that everyone has a key to every car – with RFID chips integrated into the driving licences. The driver uses this chip to access and drive the car they have booked. This is much more convenient and means that employees no longer have to waste time picking up keys from a specific location. ‘With AlphaCity, you simply reserve the car on the Internet and can access it five minutes later. That’s something we really appreciate.’ explains Marc Thiollier, Geographic Services Lead at Accenture. Lower costs, greater mobility: Corporate CarSharing with AlphaCity is a plus for companies of all sizes. AlphaCity – winner of numerous awards Frost & Sullivan: 2014 European Corporate Carsharing Company of the Year Finance Director Europe: 2013 Best in Mobility Management Page 13 AlphaCity – nine easy steps to a new mobility vision — AlphaCity – your new mobility vision. Just log on – it couldn’t be easier. AlphaCity on the move. Corporate CarSharing without boundaries. Register, reserve, drive – AlphaCity puts you in the driver’s seat in just a few easy steps. And if you need help when you’re on the road, you can always call our 24-hour AlphaCity hotline. Getting yourself and your employees mobile has never been easier. Membership registration You and your employees simply register for a membership card via the booking portal. Membership card After registration, members receive a welcome pack and their AlphaCity membership card. This card is the key to the vehicle. Vehicle booking Bookings are placed through the dedicated online booking portal or mobile website. Request the dates and times and type of vehicle you want and highlight the hire is for business or private use. Keyless vehicle access To unlock and lock the AlphaCity vehicle, simply swipe the AlphaCity membership card over the sensor in the windscreen. Vehicle check-in Follow the in-car instructions and enter a dedicated PIN to start the booking. Keyless vehicle Use the Start / Stop button to start the vehicle and off you go! Fuel Should you be prompted to refuel the AlphaCity vehicle, use the fuel card stored in the vehicle. AlphaCity already available Vehicle return Return the vehicle to the dedicated AlphaCity parking bays before your booking has expired. Select end reservation on the in-car screen and use the membership card to lock the vehicle. Alphabet Austria Alphabet Belgium Alphabet Denmark Alphabet France Alphabet Germany Alphabet Italy Contact customer services We support you and your AlphaCity drivers 24 / 7 to ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip. Alphabet Netherlands Alphabet Spain Alphabet United Kingdom Page 14 Page 15 Company: Alphabet International GmbH A BMW Group Company Postal address: Georg-Brauchle-Ring 50 D-80992 Munich Germany Phone: +49 89 382-79002 Email: Internet: