FORT BLISS BUGLE • December 17, 2015 • 13B Chelsea Square Family Dentistry And Orthodontics Cosmetic, General and Orthodontic Dentistry for Adults and Children We are providors for most dental insurances including: Metlife, Tricare & Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare Full amount for metal braces: $3,100* Full amount for clear braces: $3,600* • Requires $400 down payment on initial visit • Complete orthodontic exam and retainers included • Requires $400 down payment on initial visit • Complete orthodontic exam and retainers included * Other fees and restrictions apply * Other fees and restrictions apply • Monthly payment of $75 for 36 months • Monthly payment of $95 for 34 months Dr. Oscar A. Vargas 811 Chelsea St. El Paso, TX 79903 Phone: (915) 779-5553 Fax: (915) 779-2566 FREE ZOOM 50% OFF Electric toothbrush with every new Orthodontic patient To all active duty with military ID FIND THE PERFECT PAL ADOPT A SHELTER ANIMAL Your new best friend is waiting at the Humane Society of El Paso or the Animal Rescue League of El Paso 吀漀 愀氀氀 漀甀爀 洀椀氀椀琀愀爀礀 瀀攀爀ⴀ 猀漀渀渀攀氀 愀渀搀 琀栀攀椀爀 昀愀洀椀氀椀攀猀⸀ 䰀愀瘀攀渀 倀甀戀氀椀猀栀椀渀最 䜀爀漀甀瀀 㜀㈀㈀ⴀ 㤀㌀㐀 COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS RENTALS >> “All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise ‘any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin, or any intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination.The Bugle will not accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. All dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.” SERVICES RENTALS NORTHEAST 8836 Norton B 3BD 10804 Opalstone 3BD 10504 Ponderosa 3BD 9528 Salisbury 3BD 10941 Whitey Ford 3BD 9752 Blue Wing 4BD 5734 Waycross 3BD 5110 Marcillus 3BD 9124 Matterhorn 3BD 4601 RL Shoemaker 3BD 10996 Northampton 3BD 6920 Jaricho Tree 3BD 10421 Orpheus 3BD 12045 Copper Mine 3BD 4720 Harmony 3BD 11929 Mesquite Miel 3BD 11832 Auburn Sand 3BD 5469 Francisco Roque 3BD 4994 Round Rock 3BD 5045 Stampede 4BD 11517 Pedro Lucero 4BD WEST tion counts as one entry. Three grand-prize winners will win a bill paid up to $8,200 and a minimum of $2,500; 10 second prize winners will be awarded a $1,000 credit and 25 third-place winners will earn a $500 credit. Win $1,800 for holiday memories: Soldiers, Airmen and their families can win a $1,000 Army & Air Force Exchange Service gift card by sharing a favorite holiday memory in the Wrigley Sweet Storybook Sweepstakes. Through Dec. 25, authorized Exchange shoppers can send an essay of 500 words or less detailing one of their warmest, fuzziest holiday memories to sweepstakes@ The grand prize winner will be awarded a $1,000 Exchange gift card, while second- and third-place runners-up will respectively win $500 and $300 gift cards. 214-312-2714 Teen 4-H Retreat: Members of 4-H in grades eight-12 can hone their leadership skills during several 4-H programs at the 2016 Teen Leadership Retreat Jan. 8-10 at the Texas 4-H Conference Center near Brownwood. Registration is $115 for youth and $85 for adults, which includes two nights lodging, four meals, snacks and all supplies. Registration ends Dec. 31. Register at AAU Training: Registration for training for the Amateur Athletic Union National Championships is ongoing through Jan. 16. Cost: $85 a month for grades one through three, $90 a month for grades four through six and $95 a month for grades seven and eight. 252-3180 or College scholarships: The Sun City United States Army Warrant Officer Association is accepting applications for the spring 2016 college school year scholarships for family members of local area Fort Bliss active duty or retired warrant officers. Entries must be received no later than Feb. 1, and awards will be given the last week of February. Applicants must be a senior in high school or attending college full time. Send for an application at or contact CW5 Steven Lapping at 540-6761. Research help requested: Patrick O’Keefe, a Capella University doctoral student, is conducting a research project to explore what Army wives experience when using Facebook to communicate with their deployed husbands. Contact Patrick at (757) 406-3083 or pokeefe@capellauniversity. edu. Participants will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences survey control number: DAPE-ARI-AO-14-21. Raytheon scholarships: Raytheon, in partnership with Student Veterans of America, is accepting applications for the 2016 Raytheon Patriot Scholarship. Two $10,000 scholarships will be awarded to Army student veterans pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited university. Apply on the SVA website through April 4, 2016. Summer Camp Registration: Registration for the New Mexico Museum of Space History’s Rocketeer Academy Summer Camp 2016 in Alamogordo, New Mexico, is open. The camp begins June 6, 2016 and runs through the end of July. To register, visit www. 575-437-2840 signing up for the district’s emergency alert system. Go to or parent portal to ensure the district has your most current information. Murals at Fort Bliss: The Murals at Fort Bliss organization is raising money for four murals here – the Mendoza Soldier and Family Care Center, the Soto Physical Fitness Center and Freedom Crossing. The purpose of these murals is to bring the military community and El Paso together through the storytelling of murals. Gaspar Enriquez will be the artist. Military Order of World Wars: The Military Order of the World Wars, El Paso Chapter, will host its Annual Christmas Luncheon at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Great American Cattleman’s Restaurant by Cohen Stadium. The meeting will include a Christmas sing-along and the picking of this year’s raffle winner. Wear your Christmas best. 755-4038 National Park celebration: The National Park Services and White Sands National Monument are holding a gallery show and presentation in the visitor center to highlight the history of the service and how the monument fits into the story. The free program is at 1 p.m. Jan. 2. Military Winterfest 2016: The 2nd Annual Military Winterfest at Angel Fire, N.M. will be five days of snow-filled fun, live entertainment, savory food and special discounts Feb. 18-22. Enjoy discounted skiing, snowboarding, sleigh rides, tubing, snow shoeing and s’mores parties. Will feature an American flag jump in by former Army Golden Knight and double amputee Dana Bowman. 575-224-4848, militarywinterfest@gmail. com Free keys: From now until the end of the year, if a customer enters the Saucedo Lock Company store located at 709-711 N. Copia St. in central El Paso, and says “Merry Christmas” to one of the sales reps, the person will receive a free duplicate key. Free holiday hotel rooms: El Paso Holiday Inn Express and Suites and El Paso Staybridge Suites are participating in a program that offers free hotel rooms to those who have friends or family in hospitals, nursing homes, or treatment centers over the Christmas holiday as part of TMI Hospitality’s program, Room in the Inn. Operation Ride Home: The Armed Services YMCA is partnering with Jack Daniel’s for the 5th Annual Jack Daniel’s Operation Ride Home, which helps bring junior enlisted service members home to their families during the holidays. ORH assists with up to $400 per airline ticket and $100 per individual for POV travel. A distance of 350 miles or more from the service members’ duty station is required. Travel must be within the continental U.S. and excludes Alaska and Hawaii. 564-0009 AAFES Sweepstakes: AAFES wants to make holiday wishes come true for military shoppers by paying their Military Star card up to $8,200 with the “Your Holiday Bill is on Us” sweepstakes. Through Dec. 31, shoppers will be automatically entered in the worldwide sweepstakes each time they use their card at the Fort Bliss Exchange or online at Each transac- 704 Springfire 7963 Starry Night 1137 West Bend 1479 Shelby Ridge 3BD 3BD 4BD 4BD $700 $750 $750 $750 $850 $875 $895 $900 $950 $975 $975 $1025 $1075 $1100 $1100 $1100 $1150 $1200 $1300 $1400 $1450 $1050 $1295 $1500 $1800 HORIZON 14453 Desierto Bueno 3BD $795 400 Oakhurst 3BD $1200 13269 Walker Post 3BD $1200 455 Coldridge 3BD $1250 727-3947 RENTALS EAST 6400 Edgemere #29 1BD 12117 Goya 3BD 11768 Kingdom 3BD 12138 Yvonne Richardson 3BD 12352 Tierra Volcan 4BD 12516 Flora Alba 3BD 2621 Aquatic 3BD 1677 Dennis Babjack 3BD 2505 Penwood 3BD 1433 Francesca 3BD 12245 Tierra Azteca 3BD 12301 Angie Bombach 3BD 11879 Vere Leasure 4BD 14161 Cristal Point 3BD 1243 John Phelan 3BD 2601 Steffi Graff 3BD 3248 Vogue 3BD 3175 Sarina 4BD 2256 Tierra de Paz 3BD 14184 Strata Rock 4BD 1236 Olga Mapula 3BD 14528 Jesus Almeida 3BD 3250 Gold Point 3BD 2416 Escape Point 3BD 3644 Pablo Sanchez 3BD 3174 Samantha Rae 3BD 12948 Cozy Cove 4BD 10133 Stoneway 4BD $525 $825 $850 $850 $875 $895 $875 $875 $900 $900 $950 $950 $975 $1000 $1000 $1100 $1200 $1225 $1050 $1150 $1300 $1300 $1350 $1350 $1350 $1350 $1400 $1550 727-3947 Eastside custom home for rent. 3 BR, 2 BA, 2100sq ft refrigerated air, shutters, stainless steel appliances, lots of upgrades. 15 mins to Ft. Bliss (915)887-1067 PLEASE REC YCLE! THE FORT BLISS BUGLE IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER COMMISSIONED BY FORT BLISS Banners Stickers Posters Same Day Printing (915)313-5335 Piano Lessons Pre-K through Adult Betty Bassuk BS Degree MTNA Membership 821-8070 • 525-3056 “The Key to Your Career Success” RÉSUMÉS BY TAMMY® 590-7885 (East) 307-2546 (West) Professional Résumés Federal Résumés Résumés for Washer & Dryer Rentals Just Say No To Those Pests! Monthly From $25 Washer Leasing Service 779-0048 SINCE 1990 Hill’s Automotive Center “Quality Workmanship since 1967” Founder SFC Grady L. Hill FULL SERVICE AUTOMOTIVE CENTER MILITARY DISCOUNT ASE Certified Technicians * State Inspections/Emission Repairs 7735 Alabama St. (915) 755-1681 BOB’S PEST CONTROL 755-7378 PEST IT’S SO EASY TO ADVERTISE IN THE FORT BLISS BUGLE JUST CALL 772-0934 AND WE’LL TELL YOU HOW!!!
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