February 2016 - ACTS Missions
February 2016 - ACTS Missions
ACTS MISSIONS Connection Volume 2, Issue 2 February 1, 2016 Updated Teen ACTS Leadership Training Is Now Available! Eric Martinez, Teen ACTS Director I am very excited to announce that the new Teen ACTS leadership workshop training is complete! Teen ACTS directors, co-directors, spiritual companions, youth ministers, Teen Directors, and any adult members of the team, Core, and Chapter are welcome. I encourage all adults involved with Teen ACTS to attend the training. The training is only mandatory for directors but we encourage all of the adults on team to attend so that everyone is on the same page. Please check on our website for training dates. If your area would like to schedule training please contact me at emartinez@ost.edu . The new presentation includes updated and expanded training on: Teen culture The role of adults, young adults, and teens Team formation Personal testimonies Icebreakers Retreat overview and essentials I just want to restate: Teen Directors are welcome to the workshops. I would like to thank the attendees in San Antonio, TX in September and those in Beaumont, TX in October for helping me refine the presentation. Your feedback sharpened the presentation materials and highlighted the areas of focus. Thank you to Melissa Cervantes, the previous Teen ACTS Director, and Josemanuel Banales, Director of Outreach, for sharing your valuable input and guidance. Love is more than just a feeling; it’s more than just sharing goods and spending time together. I have been priviLily Escobedo, Volunteer in Spanish Outreach leged to witness the life of my “Valentine” who’s grown into a man whom I am proud to stand next to. I have witEveryone loves to receive flowers, candy and thoughtful nessed his maturity in faith & prayer greeting cards because that’s what Valentine ’s Day is all life. I have learned how to properly about, right? Well maybe not. We know that Valentine say these words: Can I, may I? was a roman priest who lived in the time of the emperor Thank you & I’m sorry with deep Claudius Gothicus who reigned between the years 268humility and genuine sentiment. We 270. Valentine was arrested, beat, stoned and finally like to celebrate every dinner we decapitated because he was secretly marrying young spent together and enjoy our occapeople against an edict that prohibited the marriage of sional long talk with a cup of coffee young soldiers. Now, ask yourself, if Valentine lived toin our hands after breakfast, on our day, would young peodays off. I return to my first question: If Valentine lived Inside this issue: ple look for him to get today, would young people look for him to get married ACTS Store 2 married “forever”? “forever”? My answer is definitely yes and my reason for some of us wonder: is it it is this: We can only give testimony of one life with love Letter of Approbation 3 possible to love in our hearts, let this love grow in humanity as man and Spanish Outreach 5 “forever”? I can only wife who’s actions reflect the desire of becoming better speak of my own expeversions of ourselves day by day. With love, your ValenDevelopment 6-7 rience. tine <3 ST. VALENTINE Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 2 ACTS Missions Board of Directors Patrick Zurek, DD Bishop of Amarillo Rev. Lawrence Christian Vicar General, Archdiocese of San Antonio Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI Oblate School of Theology, President Deacon Mark Arnold Mike Barry Lawrence Bock Chair Gina Cartwright James Epp Deborah Estrada Laura Guerrero-Redman Francisco Gonzalez Brooke Irey All items with the ACTS Fish/Cross logo are currently on sale in our store at 285 Oblate Dr., and online at www.actsstore.org under the Clearance tab! *All sales on these clearance items are final. For any questions or concerns, please call our store at 210-525-9360. Blessings to you all! Debbie Lopez Barbara Marrou Secretary/Treasurer Becki McQueen Jody Nash Bradley Stach Cesar Valenzuela Russ Weil Mark Wittig ACTS Missions “Connection” is published monthly by ACTS Missions Headquarters San Antonio, Texas Chapters are encouraged to send story ideas or articles to: ACTS Missions Connection Editor Esther Gomez-Wilkson at egomez-wilkson@ost.edu Participants at the January 23rd Leadership Workshop taking a break and doing some shopping at the ACTS Store! Stop by for YOUR retreat supplies! Store Hours: M—F 10 a.m.—5 p.m. Workshop Saturdays: 11:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Page 3 ACTS MISSIONS Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 4 KICKING OFF 2016 Josemanuel Bañales, Director of Outreach As ACTS Missions begins 2016, Outreach to extend a very warm welcome to our new Board members, and celebrate Mr. Lawrence Bock’s “yes” to serve as President of the Board of Directors. Mr. Bock and senior staff gave new Board Members an orientation on January 15th. The Board and Mr. Moore held their annual strategy session on January 16th. The Board, in discussions with the Chapters, recognized the need to begin inviting directors from outside the Archdiocese of San Antonio, and make the organization representative of the regions in which ACTS is present. Two candidates from Corpus Christi, TX and St. Louis, MO have joined. There will be more information forthcoming on more opportunities for directors from outside of San Antonio. Outreach thanks St. Timothy’s of Mesa, AZ, and the parishes from Southern California that participated in a remote ACTS Retreat training on January 9th. There were many takeaways from this experience, but their feedback indicated that the information provided empowered attendees with a greater understanding of ACTS. Outreach is developing content for the online training scheduled for a rollout on March 1st, however this rollout is contingent on the rollout of the new ACTS Missions website. Updates on this will be provided in the upcoming newsletters. If you would like to request an Outreach training we will publish our travel availability schedule in the in the newsletter and on the new website, along with criteria to request an ACTS Missions representative. These dates will be final and there will not be additional dates added. Requests will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. The availability schedule for 2017 will be published in the 4th quarter of 2016. Outreach is finalizing the agenda for the Chapter Gathering. We are very excited to host the Chapters again and introduce them to the new Board members and our new Executive Director. ACTS Missions cannot overstress that its volunteer Chapters are instrumental in the success of ACTS. We look forward to updating them on initiatives and strategies, and having a great exchange of ideas. While 2015 proved to be a year of much transition, this provided ACTS Missions with an opportunity to reflect on its first principles and mission “to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide through ACTS.” For all of us in Outreach, we are ever mindful that ACTS is a gift we have inherited; a beautiful gift that meets people where they are in their journeys, and invites them to experience God’s love. This gift is not “ours” in the sense that we can modify according to our wants or desires, or conform it to the things we find personally meaningful. It is, however, ours to safeguard and optimize in a manner that reconciles with the intent and purpose, and mission. This is a responsibility we all share in, and as we “go forth” in 2016, we invite all participating in ACTS to a renewed commitment to the mission of evangelization, which is the mission of the Church; a mission we are so blessed to participate in. ACTS MISSIONS Page 5 SPANISH OUTREACH Victor Quintanilla, Director Spanish Outreach The year started with a tremendous gift. We moved!!! After many years on the third floor of the Oblate School of Theology the ACTS Missions Staff were given the opportunity to move into one of their buildings located on the corner of Madonna and Mount Sacred Heart streets, where we now are not only enjoying more space with very nice offices but we will not have to clime those three flights of stairs to our old offices several times a day like we used too. We also started the year with a Leadership workshop at Saint Cyril parish in Houston, Texas. We had an attendance of 45, and a lively discussion all with a healthy intent of following the ACTS Missions formats, and keeping the integrity of our wonderful ACTS Retreats in Spanish. Saint Cyril Parish, Houston, TX On January 26th we held our first monthly “ACTS Misioneros” training meeting. We enjoyed the fellowship with Misioneros from 18 diocese including Panama, Mexico City and El Paso, Texas via internet. Meetings are held the last Tuesday of each month; next meeting is February 23rd. All interested in training to become a missioning Director and join this extraordinary group of Catholic Evangelizers are invited. You can call our office and ask for Victor or Diana 210 342 1007. May the Lord look kindly on your efforts to please Him this year and bless all who have decided to be his disciples. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S CORNER Jeff Moore, Executive Director In mid-December, ACTS Missions requested a Letter of Approbation from Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS while the subject of canonical status is considered by our Board of Directors. This type of letter states that a given apostolate or Catholic organization has the bishop’s approval to operate in their diocese. This letter has canonical status. Throughout our travels across the country, several dioceses have requested this letter to ensure the Archbishop supports ACTS Missions. I would personally like to thank Archbishop Gustavo and Sister Jane Ann Slater, CDP for their continuous support of ACTS Missions. On January 21, 2016, Sister Slater graciously provided us with the Letter of Approbation that will open new opportunities for ACTS Missions within our diocese and other dioceses throughout the country. We are so privileged and blessed to have such companionate and dedicated Catholic leaders that are always willing to serve our community, and most importantly, our Lord Jesus Christ. Once again I want to thank you for all you do for the Archdiocese of San Antonio! Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 6 ACTS MISSIONS WOULD LIKE TO RECOGNIZE AND PUBLICLY THANK ALL THOSE WHO CONTRIBUTED IN 2015 TO SUPPORT OUR APOSTOLATE! Abboud, Guillermo Abrahams, Ophelia Acosta, Richard & Celia Acosta, Carlos ACTS Missions Houston Chapter ACTS Missions-St. Louis Chapter Aguirre, Rose Maria Alonso Jewelry Design Alvarez, Courtney Archdiocese of San Antonio Arispe, Diann Arzola, Xochitl Assumption Seminary Aucoia, Shiela Avila, Linda Babcock, Shawn Baca, Robert Baffin, Bay Rod & Gun Ballard, Elaine Ballin, Carolyn Barry, Mike & Lee Basaldua, Sara Baudoin, Scotty Bazaldua, Maria Rosario Behlmann, Br. Cletus Bellacosa, Richard & Jody Ann Belter, John & Jeanette Belz, J. Michael & Esther Bendele, James Benedictine Ministries Bernard, Celeste Blair, Randall & Nancy Bock, Larry & Kim Bohanan's Restaurant Bonfield, Thomas Bonnette, Barry Borrego, Trudy Boudreaux, Bryan Braeuler, Peter & Karen Brooks, Rachael Brown, Connie Brumley, Jonathan Bubble Bath Car Wash Burke, Michael & Louise Burlington-Cameron Br. Busbey, Charlie Campbell, Linda Cantu, Bernardo Cardenas, Jose Cardenas, Melinda Carlisle, Jim & Sandra Carpenter, Michael & Melissa Cartwright, Steve & Gina Carvajal, Raymond Casmus, Carol Catholic Life Insurance Cervantez, Adrienne Cervera, Joseph & Judy Cevallos J. Chamblin, Jeff Charow, Eugene Chavez, Delma Cheever, Charles & Nancy Chiscano, Alfonso & Mary Alice Cieslewicz, Mary Clark, Angela Clark, Ron Clary, Greg Clester, Floyd & Stephanie Cloud, Bruce Collins, John Cormier, Tess Cortes, Maricela Cortez, Alex Crenwelge Motors Darr, Paul Davila, Mary C. Sally Davis, Mike De La Pena, Malena DeHaro, Judy DeLaHoya, Dotti DeLara, Kathleen Delgado, Christina Denali Pro Jewelers DeSalme, Clay & Cheri DeSonier, Emery DeWitt, Don Diaz, Claudia Dion, Nanette Dirksen Engineering Drum Cafe Drury Southwest, Inc. DuBois, Tracy Dubroc, Darrell & Charlotte Duncan, Mike & Martha Dunlap, Pamela Edelen, Gregory & Lauren Edmiston, James Ejedawe, Margaret Elliott, Justin Emmett, Marsha Epp, James & Cynthia Estrada, Deborah Fahey, Tom Fairbanks, Marshall & JoAnn Falks, Connie Farace, Jennifer Feest, Douglas Felan, Anita Felderhoff, John Fetchick, Dcn. Richard & Dianne Flannery, Bob Flores-McQueen, Rebecca Fontenot, Mary Forina, Amalia Foster, John & Karen France, Scott Franklin, Robin Franqui, Nancy Freasier, Robert & Pat Fredericksburg B&B Fresquez, Melinda Frick, Bob & Donna Gadel, Brad Garcia, Enrique Garcia, Erma Garcia, Elizabeth Garcia, Jessica Garcia, Erica Garcia, Adelmo Garner, Zana Garza, Joseph & Lu Nell Garza, Cynthia Garza, Ramiro Garza, Rene Gatica, Laura Gennuso, Penny Giltner, Thomas Goertz, Richard & Sharon Gonsalves, Ann Gonzales, Gordy & Minnie Gonzales, Diana Gonzalez, Roberto and Pita Gonzalez, Francisco and Eileen Gordon, Edward & Cheryl Grace, John Greathouse, Jeanne Greulich, Kathleen Guerra, Frank & Teresa Guerra, Raul Guerrero, Maria Guindon, Teri Gurule, Stephanie Gutierrez, Jay & Pearl Gutierrez, Roberto Guzman, David Hacker, Shelly Hackley, Michael Haessler, Jeff Hamon, Phillip & Julia Hancock, William Hartley, Penny Hassenger, Daniel & Kathy Healy, Luke & Catherine Ann Hennessy, John Henson, Patsy Herbst, Josh and Melanie Hernandez, Gilbert & Josephine Hernandez, Maribel Hewson, Jim Heyen, Kirk Highsmith, Patricia Hill, Jane Hillis, Rob Holy Cross High School Holy Spirit Catholic Parish Holy Trinity Parish Holy Trinity Retreat Center Holyfield, Gregory Hondl, Kerry & Sundi Hudgens, Carol Hughes, Reed Hughes, Franklin Hurzeler, Andrew Ibarria, Elizabeth Irey, Brooke Jaeger, Matt & Christy Jamroz, Rebecca Jesus the Good Shepherd Parish Jimenez, Gilbert Jimmy F. Ritchie Appraisal Co., Inc. Johnson, Richard Kansas ACTS Ministry Kashiwabara, Kathryn Keefe, Victor Kiesau, Vicki Killam Development LTD Kinberger, Robert Koop Diane Krawczzyk, Jeff LaMaestra, Laura Lapps, Joanne Latham, John Laudadio, Tim & Nanette Leo Daniel Foundation Leonards, Melissa Lira, Gerardo Locke, Russell Lopez, Theresa Lopez, Juan & Jeanie Lopez, Larry Lopez, Dennis and Debbie Lovell, Kathy Loya, Amanda Luna, Joe Luna, Gloria Lynch, Miranda Magallanes, Francisco Magi Realty, Inc. Marek Family Foundation Marrou, Frank & Barbara Marsh, Elsa Martin, Andy Martinez, Richard Masty, Jonelle Matos, Karla McBride, Mary McClure, Ken & Beverley McCourt, Eamon McCoy, Mark and Amanda McManigle, Rick McMullen, Pat & Kathy Medina, Armando & Lupita Melendez, Genaro Mendez, Linda Mengler, Thomas & Mona Mesquite Country Enterprise LP Meyer, Don and Carol Mighty Men of God Miles, Karen Milford, Doug Miller, Douglas & Paula Miller, Stephen Moczygemba, Lester & Mary Jane Moczygemba, Robert Molina, Rick & Bonnie Molnar, Michael Moore, Jeff & Christine Moore, Richard & Denise Mora, Jesse Morales, Paula Moreau, Jennifer Morell, Jerry & Noreen Muenster, Gregory & Sydney Mullen, Jim & Eileen Murphy, Marilyn Murray, Lauren ACTS MISSIONS Page 7 MAY GOD BLESS YOUR GENEROSITY! Mussman, Steve & Mary Napleton, Alan Nash, Bill & Jody Nay, Barbara Neal, Luis Neiman Marcus Neuberger, Gary Nevarez, Hector Nieto, Amy Nixon, Mark North Park Lincoln Notre Dame Parish O'Brien, Donald & Susan O'Donnell, Matt O'Shel, Brenda Oblate School of Theology Opersteny, Martha Ordaz, Michael Orellana, Mario Orta, Johnny Ortiz, Sylvia Osgood, Rich and Maribeth Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Our Lady of the Lake University Our Lady Queen of Heaven Parish Palasota, Joanna Peltier, Peter & Maureen Peña, Belia Peña, Sonia Perez, Laura Pernudi, Roberto Perry, Larry & Edna Peterson, Tom & Ginia Peterson, Tommy & Loren Pierson, Mary Pollock, David & Janet Portillo, Rodolfo Post, Frank & Dina Potts, Chuck & Tammie Price, Kathy Primrose, Michael Przystasz, Wojciech Pucheu, Rebecca Pulver, Shane Quintanilla, Roland Quintero, Anthony & Dorelia Rabalais, Don Rademacher, Kevin & Victoria Ramirez, Paul Rincon, Esmeralda Rizzuto, Troy Robicheaux, Marika Robles, Esperanza Rocha, Patricia Rosales, Robert Rosenberger, Larry & Diana Rothe, Eric Ryan, Patrick Sacred Heart Catholic Parish Salazar, Daniel San Luis Rey Parish Sanchez, George & Sonya Santos, Dolores Scanlon Foundation Schiffer, Jan Schindler,William Schmidt Family Foundation Schroeder, Mark & Johnna Schuette, William Sebastien-Roberts, Katheryn Sefcik, Lourdes Segovia, Gloria Seguin, David & Julie Serafini, Charles & Annette Serena, Antoinette Shephard, Les & Darlene Sifuentes, Cynthia Silva, Matias Silva, Ella Silver Eagle Distributors Charitable Fund Smejkal, Daniel & Terry Smith, Daphne Smith, Charles SmithPrint Sobczak, Elva Soccio, Julia Solis, Roland Sosa, Arthur Soto, Karinna Spellios, Peter & Rebecca St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish St. Dominic Parish St. Francis of Assisi Parish St. Joan of Arc Parish St. Louis Parish St. Luke Parish St. Luke Men's Club St. Mark the Evangelist Parish St. Mary Magdalen Parish St. Paul the Apostle Parish St. Peter Upon the Water Parish Stehling, Mik & Carol Stehling, Pat & Marcia Stevens, Jennifer Stewart, William & Esther Stewart, William & Sylvia Stift, Danny Stock, Monica Stovall, Pete and Rita Strabala, Anne Suarez, Rick Tanner, Gina Thompson, Kathy Thrash, Sue Tinoco, Janet Torres, Tomas Toups, Deborah Treu, Steven & Karen Treviño, Naomi Tschoepe, Bruce & Janis Tschoepe, Leslie & Colleen Valdillez, Anthony Valenzuela, Cesar & Cindy Vance, Vivian Vance, Paul Vaughan, Cyndy Vick, Paul Villegas, Enrique Von Bertrab, Hermann & Cecilia Wallace, Mike Waters, Carolyn Weinand, Leonard & Susan White, John & Marion Whitley, Sharon Wiederstein, Kathryn Wilbur, Jason & Deborah Wilkson, Warren and Ann Williams, Julie and Bruce Williams, Sandy Williams, Laine Williamson, Rodney Winegarden, Kristin Witham, Cristina Wittig, Mark & Bebe Wong, Alfonso Yoder, David ACTS Missions –The Big Give S.A.!!! Did you know ACTS is in more than 120 parishes in San Antonio alone? We are also in all 15 Dioceses in Texas, in 27 states, 58 Dioceses, and in 8 countries, for a total of more than 600 parishes worldwide. This year’s Big Give S.A. will take place from midnight to midnight on May 3 rd! The Big Give S.A.is a 24-hour day of giving that brings donors and nonprofits together by creating a shared region-wide experience and connecting people to the causes that matter to them the most. Last year YOU came together to raise $4.3 million dollars for 882 charitable causes in 24 hours. This year, with a goal of $6,000,000, we are hoping to do even more for South Central Texas. All you have to do is donate to ACTS Missions through the Big Give SA website: http://www.thebiggivesa.org/ and you help us become eligible for prize money and matching dollar opportunities. Help us spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Worldwide. One soul at a time. Remember, Go Forth and Light the World! www.actsmissions.org Volume 2, Issue 2 Page 8 You don’t want to miss this event. Our 2016 Agape Fest Casino Night is scheduled for Friday, April 1, 2016 at the Whitley Theological Center on Oblate School of Theology. ACTS brothers and sisters will gather as a community from 6:30 p.m. – 11 p.m. for the annual casino night fundraiser. Dive into the casino tables, shop the silent auction, and enjoy the free food and drinks. Highlights also include our live auction, gaming prizes, music and dancing, and the 50/50! “Every year Agape Fest gets better and better! The ACTS community comes out for an evening of fun and fellowship that also supports the spread of ACTS around the world,” said Shirley Wallace, of St. Francis of Assisi parish in San Antonio. Tickets are $100 for two adults. To purchase a ticket, interest in sponsoring the event or to volunteer to help, please call Nanette or Kathryn at (210) 342-1077 or visit actsmissions.org. All proceeds benefit ACTS Missions. Help us spread ACTS worldwide, one soul at a time. ACTS MISSIONS Connection ACTS Missions 7711 Madonna Drive San Antonio, TX 78216