Green Agenda 2015: From Hybrid to Zero Emission Agenda: Short introduction to Scandlines Scandlines Green Agenda 2 Scandlines is a central part of the infrastructure between Scandinavia and Continental Europe. Sweden Denmark 3 Germany Scandlines traffic machine concept on Puttgarden-Rødby Complete Process Ownership Efficiency Reliability and Frequency Capacity More than 90 departures daily 4 Agenda: Short introduction to Scandlines Scandlines Green Agenda 5 Scandlines Green Agenda Our ambition is Emission Free Ferries – we take One Nautical Mile at a Time. We invest responsively in tomorrows technology Leading Towards a Greener Future. 6 Past Diesel/electric Present Diesel/battery/ electric hybrid Future Zero emission - 100% battery - Hydrogen/battery hybrid ZERO EMISSION Present Scandlines HYBRID FERRY Prinsesse Benedikte, built in 1997, hybrid since August 2013 The world’s largest hybrid ferry – 2.7 MWh battery bank / capacity of 364 cars Reduce CO2 emissions by 15 % (approx. 15,000 tons CO2 yearly) when fully implemented The system equals approx. 600 hybrid cars and can propel the vessels for 30 minutes Large international recognition for this industry leading concept 7 Present Scandlines HYBRID FERRY Prinsesse Benedikte battery bank 8 Present Benefits: Scandlines HYBRID FERRY • • Reduce CO2 emissions by 15 % (approx. 15,000 tons CO2 yearly) when fully implemented on Puttgarden-Rødby Large potential among other diesel-electric ferry operators • • Hybrid system generates large interest and positive feedback from customers Large employee interest – especially among technical staff! Awareness • • • More than 200 articles in Danish and German media and television coverage Speakers at conferences and awards won Growing political understand of ferries environmental improvement potential Cost • • • Lower fuel consumption Lower maintenance cost Smaller scrubber investment needed for 2015 environmental regulations • Learning allows continued journey towards zero emission – accumulated experience with use of batteries a door opener Environment Customers and employees Knowledge 9 Future Our future is zero emission ferries We are ready for zero emission by 2018 – and we have a clear roadmap on how to achieve this Today Hybrid Ferries Diesel Generator Battery bank 2015-2017 Plugin Hybrid Ferries Diesel Generator Battery bank Charging in harbor 10 2018Zero Emission Ferry Charging in harbor 3-4 battery banks Future Puttgarden-Rødby Zero Emission concept Concept road map 4 double ended vessels Rødby Puttgarden 45 minutes crossing 15 min. in harbor Today Hybrid diesel/electric propulsion Hybrid ferry 11 100% battery propulsion Diesel electric propulsion with emission funnel cleaning (scrubbers) 100% battery propulsion 100% battery propulsion Charging Zero Emission ferry Charging 2018 Charging Charging Plugin hybrid ferry “near coast zero emission” Charging 2015-17 15 min. in harbor More than 90 departures per day Future Challenges What does it take – 3 potential roadblocks Large scale charging Investment payback needs to be secured Electrical infrastructure Build competence in large scale shore side charging – 4 MWh to be charged to batteries in 15 minutes Secure sufficient electrical infrastructure to harbors Approx. 50-60 MEUR investment needed – need to secure realistic business case • • • Partner with specialists to develop charging solution 12 Current electrical grid to be investigated – most likely not sufficient to support large scale charging • Understand funding available and finance possibilities Understand fixed link timeline and mitigate predatory pricing from state owned operator Future Roadmap to reach our ambition - emission free ferries 2015-2016 2013-2014 2017-2018 2019-2020 Puttgarden-Rødby Convert existing 4 double ended ferries into hybrid ferries Develop “Plugin Hybrid” solution – capability to charge in harbors Ready for zero emissions operation – 100% electrical ferries Rostock-Gedser Introduce next generation hybrid vessels in 2015 with double capacity and lower emissions Develop “Plugin Hybrid” solution based on experience from Puttgarden-Rødby shore side charging Other improvement projects to lower electricity consumption Operational parts replacements Hull coating program Engine renewal program 13 Lightning Other – continuous process Hotel load Backups: How the hybrid system works Scandlines Rostock-Gedser plans 14 Present How it works (1 of 3) Conventional diesel electric ferry Electricity supply Electricity demand Diesel generators Switchboard Propulsion Hydraulic pumps Ventilation Lightning Commercial areas … 15 Present How it works (2 of 3) Scandlines HYBRID FERRY Electricity supply Electricity storage Electricity demand Diesel generator Switchboard Propulsion Energy storage system (ESS) ESS control device 2,7 MWh battery bank with 399 lithium polymer batteries 16 Hydraulic pumps Ventilation Lightning Commercial areas … Present How it works (3 of 3) Scandlines HYBRID FERRY Conventional diesel electric ferry Scandlines Hybrid ferry Constant electricity supply, ESS provides buffer and demand varies Diesel generator output Power Power Electricity supply and demand varies ESS Vessel electricity demand Time Vessels run with 1-3 Diesel Gensets at 40-55% load at sea on average and 810% load in ports However optimal engine efficiency at load factor >85% 17 ESS ESS + Time Vessels run with 1 Genset at 85-90% load at sea and in ports Present How you convert a ferry to hybrid Scandlines HYBRID FERRY 18 1 85 ton motor taken out 2 50 ton batteries installed 3 4 ESS control system installed Integration into operations Backups: How the hybrid system works Scandlines Rostock-Gedser plans 19 Future Our ambition is emission free ferries They way to achieve zero emission depends on route profile Zero emission concept by route: • • Battery propulsion with shore side charging Battery/fuel cells propulsion Puttgarden-Rødby Rostock-Gedser Conversion of current hybrid ferries into fully battery operated ferries Current electrical grid infrastructure needs to be upgraded ZERO EMISSION 20 • • • Next generation is hybrid (2015) Near Coast Zero Emission to be developed Longer term: Combined battery and fuel cell Future Rostock-Gedser Plugin Hybrid concept Shore side charging allows “near coast zero emission” solution 2 plugin hybrid vessels Charging 15 min. in harbor Charging Gedser 1h 45 minutes crossing 22 minutes Charging 22 minutes 100% battery propulsion Diesel electric propulsion with emission funnel cleaning (scrubbers) 100% battery propulsion Rostock 15 min. in harbor Future Gedser- Rostock Zero Emission concept Fuel Cell / Hydrogen future Using energy onboard Storing energy Electricity generated from windmills Use of electricity to create hydrogen fuel Water in Solar cells covering top deck Onboard: electricity generated by hydrogen in fuel cells Water out Hydrogen fuel deposit Batteries Fuel cells Overall reduction of energy consumption (schedule, hull, propellers, sub systems …) Electricity running propulsion and all onboard facilities Flettner System (onboard wind turbines that can replace up to 25% of energy needed) Thank you for your attention Green Agenda presentation
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