December/Holiday 2010 - San Dieguito Union High School District


December/Holiday 2010 - San Dieguito Union High School District
CTA Award Winner
San Dieguito Faculty Association/California Teachers Association/National Education Association
Vol. 22, Issue 3
December/Holiday, 2010
President’s Update
by Bob Croft
Enjoy Your Winter Break!
With Winter Break nearly here, your SDFA Executive Board would like to wish all District staff a very happy and safe holiday season! I am sure we are all looking forward to
the opportunity to have a nice, relaxing break. We should be proud of the manner in
which we have continued to succeed in spite of the many challenges that come with
working in public education. After our much deserved holiday, we will return to our
classrooms and continue providing an excellent education for our students, and SDFA
will continue its efforts on behalf of our members. Finally, let me once more wish
everyone a very enjoyable Winter Break and a very Happy New Year! May we all return
in January just a little more healthy and a great deal more refreshed to face the new
challenges that await us in 2011!
Grade Challenges & Parent Civility Policy
Detailed information has been given in past issues of the Vanguard on these two topics.
Dealing with a grade challenge and/or an abusive parent can be a very frustrating and
stressful situation for any member. If you find yourself involved in either of these two
areas, please do not hesitate to contact SDFA immediately—either see your site’s SDFA
Building Representative or call SDFA directly, 760-208-1644. SDFA will not only ensure that your rights are protected but make certain that the administrators involved
are handling the situation correctly. If you need more information about either grade
challenges or the Parent Civility Policy, our SDFA website,, not only has
that information for you, but also many other very valuable advice articles.
2 SDFA Vanguard
December/Holiday, 2010
The 2010-11 SDFA Executive Board
Vice President
Bob Croft
Duncan Brown
Terry Hendlin
Adrienne St. George
(760) 280-1644
C.C. Academy
Carmel Valley
Earl Warren
La Costa Canyon
Oak Crest
S. D. Academy
Sunset/N. Coast
Torrey Pines
Jennifer Chufo
Jason Sowers
Julia Van Cleave
Suzanne Brown
Mario Flores
Sharon Senese
Sheryl Bode
Michelle Horsley
Jerry Galiley
SDFA Vanguard is published for the information and edification of SDFA members. The editorial philosophy of
the Vanguard is governed by the practices of the San
Dieguito Faculty Association. Unless noted, the opinions expressed are those of the author, not necessarily
of the Association. Also, unless specifically indicated,
inclusion of editorials, an advertisement and/or insert
does not constitute Association endorsement. SDFA is
an affiliate of the California Teachers Association and
the National Education Association.
Vanguard Contact
Bob Croft
Editor Emeritus
John Kohler
Format & Production
Vetha Simpson
All letters to the editor to be considered for publication
in the Vanguard must be sent to Bob Croft at Earl Warren:
1) Must be submitted directly to Bob Croft by
the first Friday of the month.
President’s Update
Did You Know?
2) Must include the name and site of the author.
3) May be edited for length or clarity.
If in the opinion of the editor, any letter clearly contains
false or inaccurate statements, it shall be referred to the
Editorial Committee. If the Editorial Committee concurs with the editor’s opinion, the letter will be referred
to the SDFA President. The President shall then either
respond in writing to the author of the letter or shall
invite the author of the letter to the next appropriate
Executive Board meeting where the letter will be addressed.
Legal Notes
Out of Sites
Lighter Side
December/Holiday, 2010
Important Phone Numbers
Below are some numbers which may prove useful
to our members at some time during this school
SDFA ........................................ 760/280-1644
EMERGENCY NUMBER .............. 760/635-3402
Retirement Appointments (SDCOE) 619/292-3565
District Office ................................ 760/753-6491
Paycheck/timecard/leave/jury duty
(Dawn Pearson, A-C) ........................... Ext. 5522
[Courtney Rock, D-M) ......................... Ext. 5524
(Donna Corder, N-Z) ........................... Ext. 5513
Workers’ comp/income protection
(Sue Barnes) ....................................... Ext. 5525
Substitutes (Linn Willhite) ................... Ext. 5503
Report an Absence, Request or
Cancel a Sub ............................... 877/214-9162
Contracts, Credentialing &
Coursework (Debbie Rowe) .................. Ext. 5506
Credentialing & Adult
Education (Cristina Gamino) ............... Ext. 5501
Curriculum (Lesley Rhodes) .................. Ext. 5550
Curriculum (Rick Schmitt) .................... Ext. 5565
Book/supply order (Sheila Graciano) .... Ext. 5527
Personnel evaluations (Terry King) ........ Ext. 5566
Special education or 504’s
(Bruce Cochran) ................................. Ext. 5556
Sheltered English Program ................... Ext. 5531
Applications or interviews
(Linn Willhite) ..................................... Ext. 5503
Coaching applications/
coaching contracts (Tina Peterson) ..... Ext. 5660
Benefits (Kathleen Margiotta) ................ Ext. 5626
Blue Cross HMO ............................ 800/227-3771
Blue Cross PPO ............................. 800/627-7244
Blue Cross Dental .......................... 800/627-0004
Kaiser ............................................ 800/464-4000
Safeguard: ..................................... 800/880-1800
Wellpoint Pharmacy ....................... 800/700-2541
STRS ............................................. 800/228-5453
SDFA Vanguard 3
2010-11 Calendar of
SDFA Executive Board Meetings
Below is a partial list of the upcoming
SDFA Executive Board meetings for this
school year. All meetings begin at 3:00
p.m. All meetings will be held at Earl Warren Middle School in Room 43. Executive Board meetings are scheduled to facilitate the on-going official business of
the San Dieguito Faculty Association.
Your Executive Board welcomes you to all
of its meetings and encourages your constructive participation. Time is set aside
at the beginning of each meeting for members who wish to share some concern or
information with the Executive Board. If
you would like to address the Executive
Board, please be present at the beginning
of the meeting you plan to attend.
If you are unable to attend a meeting but
would still like to share some information
with the Executive Board, please don’t
hesitate to contact your site’s SDFA Building Representative and request that he/
she share the information on your behalf,
or at any time, you may phone (760-2801644) or email ( directly to the SDFA.
September 13
October 5
November 1
December 6
January 11
February 2
4 SDFA Vanguard
December/Holiday, 2010
Visit our website and check out the Latest News & Updates
link for the most recent and timely information on important
issues such as state and district budget bulletins, SDFA scholarships, contract information, and the school calendars.
The SDFA Web Page offers all listed below and more:
• Master Contract
• E-Mail to E-Board
• Vanguard Archives
(complete copies of the current and present issues)
• Important Phone Numbers
• Valuable Advice for Members
• Legislative Updates
• District Health Newsletter
• And More!
December/Holiday, 2010
SDFA Vanguard 5
Applications are now available
for California Teachers Association Scholarships. In 2006,
CTA will offer: Five (5) $2,000
scholarships for active members, twenty-five (25) $2,000
scholarships for Dependent
Children of Members. Scholarship applications with
all required supporting materials must be postmarked by
the deadline date of February 4, 2011.
Members may download application forms from the CTA
From Your SDFA Executive Board
6 SDFA Vanguard
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December/Holiday, 2010
SDFA Vanguard 7
Energy Conservation Ideas
for the Classroom
SDFA and the District are working together to encourage energy conservation during
these lean budget times. Recently, the district-wide gas and electricity costs were in
excess of $3 million. Working together to lower energy costs is in everyone’s best interest.
The following list of general tips is being provided to assist certificated staff in participating with the district in lowering utility costs:
• Turn off lights when the classroom is not occupied.
• Turn off lights when natural light is sufficient for instruction.
• Reduce the use of small floor heaters or electric fans.
• In air conditioned spaces, make certain windows and doors are closed when air
conditioning is on.
• Turn off lights when not needed, especially in unoccupied spaces.
• Turn off computer when not in use.
• Adjust computer settings in the control panel display/screen saver, energy saving feature to shut off monitor at 15 minutes or less.
• Participate when practical, in the established thermostat settings of 74-78 degrees for cooling and 68-70 degrees for heating.
At the district level, work is in progress to retrofit air conditioning, heating and ventilating systems and to install energy saving devices such as motion detectors for lighting in
offices and classrooms to reduce energy costs.
Thank you for all your efforts to conserve energy!
8 SDFA Vanguard
December/Holiday, 2010
DID YOU KNOW.......?
Debate Growing Over Bonuses To Teachers With Masters
The AP (11/20, Blankinship) reports, “Every year, American schools pay more than $8.6 billion in bonuses to teachers with master’s degrees, even though the idea that a higher degree makes a teacher
more effective has been mostly debunked. Despite more than a decade of research showing the money
has little impact on student achievement, state lawmakers and other officials have been reluctant to
tackle this popular way for teachers to earn more money. That could soon change, as local school
districts around the country grapple with shrinking budgets. Just this week, Education Secretary Duncan
said, “the economy has given the nation an opportunity to make dramatic improvements in the productivity of its education system.” Duncan told the American Enterprise Institute on Wednesday that, “master’s
degree bonuses are an example of spending money on something that doesn’t work.” Bill Gates echoed
Duncan with similar thoughts on Friday.
WPost: More Must Be Done To Attract “High Caliber” Teacher Candidates
The Washington Post (11/21) editorialized that teacher training remains vital to enhancing student outcomes, more must be done to attract high caliber candidates to the profession. The Post lauds the
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education for its report that called for better teacher training. While the report “calls for raising admission, performance and graduation standards for aspiring
teachers but leaves largely unanswered how to attract top talent.” T he Post says that “by comparison
with other nations, America’s smartest and most accomplished college graduates don’t want to be teachers.”
In his New York Times (11/21) column, Thomas Friedman writes that the President correctly proclaimed
“that whoever ‘out-educates us today is going to out-compete us tomorrow.’” Friedman applauds the
education reform effort by the federal government, states, and cities, but concedes we’re “in a hole.”
According to Friedman, Education Secretary Duncan’s “biggest to raise the status of the teaching profession.” Friedman writes that Harvard education expert Tony Wagner notes that teacher nations
with better education accomplishments such as Denmark, Finland, South Korea, and Singapore recruit
teachers from the top third of college graduating classes. Friedman maintains that Duncan must be
successful in his campaign to attract from the top third of college graduates. Better parenting, Friedman
opines, remains central to improve education attainment.
Hand-Held Devices See Increasing Use In Classroom Instruction
The New York Times (11/16, A14, Steinberg) reports that “the greatest impact” of hand-held technology
devices in the classroom, which can be used to take attendance, answer quizzes or signal confusion,
“may be cultural: they have altered, perhaps irrevocably, the nap schedules of anyone who might have
hoped to catch a few winks in the back row, and made it harder for them to respond to text messages, email and other distractions.” While some “students say they resent the potential Big Brother aspect of all
this,” others say they appreciate the heightened level of attention it requires of them. “Though the technology is relatively new, preliminary studies at Harvard and Ohio State, among other institutions, suggest that engaging students in class through a device as familiar to them as a cellphone...increases their
understanding of material that may otherwise be conveyed in traditional lectures.”
December/Holiday, 2010
SDFA Vanguard 9
Did You Know? continued
Latino Students Now Make Up Majority In California Public Schools
The San Francisco Chronicle (11/13, Kane) reported, “Latinos now make up a majority of
California’s public school students, cracking the 50 percent barrier for the first time in
the state’s history, according to data released Friday by the state Department of Education.” State data from the 2009-10 school year showed, meanwhile, that out of 6.2
million students throughout the state, 27 percent were white, nine percent were Asian,
and seven percent were black. “Students calling themselves Filipino, Pacific Islander,
Native American or other total almost 7 percent.” UC Berkeley Education Professor
Bruce Fuller said that Latinos’ large impact on public education in California will continue to grow, “as Latino parents — now in the majority — realize many of the schools
their children attend are underfunded.”
NAEP Scores Show Modest Improvement
The Washington Post (11/19, Anderson) reports, “The nation’s high school seniors are
performing slightly better in math and reading than they did in the middle of the last
decade, new test results show, but a large majority continue to fall short of the federal
standard for proficiency. Results from the 2009 National Assessment of Educational
Progress, made public Thursday morning, documented a modest rise in achievement
for 12th-graders since 2005.” However, NAEP “results suggest that public schools must
make quantum leaps to approach President Obama’s goal of college and career readiness for all graduates.”
The New York Times (11/19, Dillon) adds that on “the 500-point scale used in the
reading assessment, the average 12th grader scored 288 on the 2009 test, up from 286
in 2005... on the math assessment, which is scored on a 300-point scale, the average
12th grader scored 153 in 2009, up from 150 in 2005. Because the governing board
changed the math test before its 2005 administration, the latest results cannot be compared with previous math tests given in the 1990s and early 2000s.”
Education Week (11/18, Gewertz) added that the “report shows significant disparities
among subgroups of students. White students in Connecticut, for instance, produced
an average reading score of 301, while African-American students’ average in that state
was 265.” According to Education Week, “Achievement gaps among subgroups didn’t
shrink between 2005 to 2009 in either reading or math, even though all racial and
ethnic groups and both males and females turned in higher average math scores than
they did in 2005.” The Chicago Tribune (11/19, Malone) and the Miami Herald (11/18,
Crline) also covered this story.
10 SDFA Vanguard
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New Hampshire Court Upholds Constitutionality
Of Voluntary US Pledge In Schools
The AP (11/15, Lavoie) reported that 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston on Friday
upheld “the constitutionality of a New Hampshire law that requires schools to authorize a
time each day for students to voluntarily recite the Pledge of Allegiance.” The three-panel
court’s decision came in response to a lawsuit filed by the Wisconsin-based Freedom From
Religion Foundation on behalf of two parents “who identified themselves and their children as atheist and agnostic.” The lawsuit claimed that “the pledge is a religious exercise
because it uses the phrase ‘under God.’” But Chief Judge Sandra Lynch wrote on behalf of
the court, “In reciting the Pledge, students promise fidelity to our flag and our nation, not to
any particular God, faith, or church. ... The New Hampshire School Patriot Act’s primary
effect is not the advancement of religion, but the advancement of patriotism through a
pledge to the flag as a symbol of the nation.”
Sexual Relations Between Teachers, Students Are Illegal,
Court Rules
The AP (11/19, Blankinship) reports, “The Washington Supreme Court ruled on Thursday
that student age doesn’t matter in teacher-sex cases, even if the student is 18 and considered
an adult by other state laws. The case involves Matthew Hirschfelder, a former choir teacher
at Hoquiam High School, who had been charged with first-degree sexual misconduct with
a minor in 2006.” Hirschfelder “denies any relationship occurred” and “asked a lowercourt judge to dismiss the case because the girl was not a minor.” According to the AP,
Hirschfelder’s attorney, Rob Morgan Hill, “said he expected his client will want to appeal
this decision to the US Supreme Court.”
December/Holiday, 2010
SDFA Vanguard 11
by SDFA Building Representatives
by Jeannie Chufo
With the holiday season officially around the corner, I thought I would delve into this
month’s edition of Amy Vanderbilt’s Everyday Etiquette, the quintessential source for
manners and protocol (published in 1952), for some tips on appropriate gift-giving. My
selection for today focuses on gift-giving from one high school student to another, so
perhaps you can use this information to help guide any lost soul in your classroom who
desires to find the perfect gift for that special someone.
Q: I am in high school and have been going with a boy for about a year. Would it
be all right to give him a white shirt and tie for his birthday?
~ “Patty,” Duluth, Minnesota
A: Well, the shirt I would consider too personal, but the tie is permissible these days.
Other possible gifts would be a sweater, socks, gloves, scarf, or handkerchiefs.
Whew, thank goodness for Ms. Vanderbilt. And here I thought sweaters were as personal as white shirts. Faux pas averted once again.
Okay, now seriously, here’s what is happening on campus, beautiful people:
The Pretty Project. Yates is spearheading a two-day event where on Day One the
students ‘gussy’ up and on Day Two they wear no make up at all AND can do nothing to
their hair but wash and wear. The pictures and videos will be compiled into a documentary-style piece and viewed at “Words within the Movement” Envision Dance’s show
in January. Stay tuned.
Math Team Domination. Brian Shay and eleven
CCA math team members went to Harvey Mudd
College to compete in the Cal Tech - Harvey Mudd
Math Competition. Our A Team came in FIRST
PLACE out of 35 teams throughout California (including Torrey Pines and Bishops)! Also, Sophomore
Thomas Swayze also came in 2nd and Junior Henry
Maltby came in 9th place overall! The winning squad
was Henry Maltby, Marco Gentili, Thomas Swayze,
Raymond Wu, Brandon Zheng and Paolo Gentili. Go
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Out of Sites continued
Gamelan Love: The Gamelan has entered its second year of making music at CCA.
Anne Whatoff’s students are working with world-renowned gamelan master, Pak Djoko
Walujo, to learn the music of Java, Indonesia. The gamelan is a traditional orchestra
that consists of beautiful tuned metallophones and gongs, and can include strings,
flutes and voices. The musicians meet after school from 3.30-5:00 each Friday, and
will have their first performance Saturday, January 8, at the Festival of the Arts. While
the students are currently using instruments on loan from a private owner, they are
excited to announce that plans are underway to purchase their own ensemble from
Java! CCA is looking forward to having these very unique instruments by the end of the
school year.
The Nest is here. Jeannie Chufo (yours truly) and some brazen students have finally opened the first student-run café in
the district, perhaps in Southern California. We are open from
7:30 to noon, Monday through Friday. Business is booming as we
have added about 500 dollars in
sales to the campus each day. And,
other classes are starting to cross
over and help with the venture.
Jackie Bergeron’s sculpture class
is working on some installations for
the space. We look forward to expanding our business and our partnerships. Feel free to stop in or e-mail us at to get that cup of
joe delivered to your room.
Mr. Michael Schwartz is promoting The 25th ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING
BEE that runs in December; ANON(YMOUS) by Naomi Iizukya runs in January.
Congratulations to Chuck Hayden. The girls finished
the regular season Saturday winning the league championship meet with 8 runners in the top 20.
Just for smiles:
Samuel Schwartz eats the best hot dog in NYC (GRAY’S PAPAYA).
On that note, Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Break. - Jeannie
December/Holiday, 2010
SDFA Vanguard 13
Out of Sites continued
by Jason Sowers
The full and busy weeks during the fall sure does make time fly by fast. In late October,
our annual Red Ribbon Week was full of activities and was overall a huge success.
Kudos goes to Jamie Swope and her Club Live students along with Holly Vermilyea
and her ASB students. Thanks to their leadership and the support from administration, students and staff we were able to get involved in a multitude of meaningful activities to make students more aware of a drug-free life full of healthy choices.
As usual, fall at Carmel Valley Middle School also means a fall play produced by the
drama program. This year, drama program director Katrina Peterson, was once again
able to put on an amazing production. This fall’s production consisted of a festival of
plays that included: Anne Frank and Me, The Outsiders, and The Giver. Students, staff,
and administration that attended the plays have been truly amazed at the entertainment level of these productions.
A big Bobcat thank you goes to Science teacher Andrew Corman for coordinating this
fall’s intramural program. Andrew was even able to get a few teachers out on the
blacktop to play against some of the youthful and highly energetic student teams throughout the basketball tournament that was held in parts of October and November. The
talented and tough staff team consisted of: Chuck Adams, Brett Williams, Analia
Carlsson, Tyler LaSalle, Jonathan Loeffler, Katrina Peterson, Jason Sowers, and
player/manager Jackie Busch. The staff team was just one point away from advancing to the finals.
14 SDFA Vanguard
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Out of Sites continued
Congratulations to Physical Education teacher Kasey
Galik for coordinating another fun and successful APE
softball tournament. The tournament was held at Earl
Warren and included Adapted Physical Education (APE)
students and their peer buddies also from throughout
the San Dieguito Union High School District. A spirited
group of students and staff from Carmel Valley Middle
School, Earl Warren Middle School, Diegueno Middle
School, Oak Crest Middle School, La Costa Canyon High
School, and Torrey Pines High School participated in
the inspirational event. The event was filled with exciting activities, prizes, awards, posters, and music.
Pictured here are the APE and Buddies
students from Carmel Valley with Special
Education teacher Scott Jay.
Staying within the PE department, congratulations to Jasmine Stiles for her continued
achievements in competitive swimming. This past month, Jasmine was a member of a
freestyle relay (400) held in Mira Mesa that broke the San Diego record by 10 seconds!
In the academic arena, subject area grade level teams have been busy this fall with
their continued collaboration efforts in areas like formative assessment. Thank you to
the administration team (Laurie Francis, Adam Camacho, and Jeff Copeland), and to
core-subject department chairs (Sally Hackworth, Jamie Swope, Lori Meyer, Heather
Michael, and Tamara Espinoza) for their leadership and support to help make collaboration manageable and meaningful.
Thank you to Mike Starr for leading the Bobcat Social Committee this year and for
organizing a winter get-together. More to come on the social in the next column…
Until next time, that’s it from Bobcat land!
by Julia Van Cleave
The Great American Spell-Check is back! The English department kicked off this amazing
fund-raiser in English classes on November 3rd and 4th.
The student studies 50 spelling words and collects pledges from family and friends for
every word that he or she spells correctly on the Great American Spell-Check 50-word
test. If each student improves his or her spelling skills, our school enjoys the financial
benefits! The goal is to raise $6,000 for English department technology purchases.
December/Holiday, 2010
SDFA Vanguard 15
Out of Sites continued
The Great American Spell-Check timeline for Diegueño’s 2010-11 school year is:
- Wednesday and Thursday, November 3rd and 4th - Great American Spell-Check
Classroom Kick-Off!
- Monday, November 15th - Students receive Pledge Forms and their grade-level
list of 50 words to study.
- Friday, November 19th - Students return pledges to their English teachers and
begin to prepare for the test.
- Tuesday, January 11th - Great American Spell-Check tests in English classes.
- Friday, January 14th - Teachers send home participating students’ graded tests
along with their pledge sheets.
- Tuesday, January 18th- Tuesday, January 25th - Supporters turn in their pledged
- Friday, January, 28th - Awards for top scorers/fund-raising and participation
are distributed.
Kudos to the English department for putting on this great fund-raising project and
learning activity for the students of Diegueno.
Spirit Day on October 26th was AWESOME!! What a terrific day we had! Students,
parents, and staff spent a wonderful two hours just playing, competing, dancing, and
having fun. Robby Shockney and our Leadership class organized an incredible day
with their planning and activities. Our students and staff played hard and had a great
time. I have never seen so many staff members participating and just having great fun
with the students. Our parent volunteers were fabulous; they kept everyone on task
and had fun doing it. The DJ played crazy music to move by. At the end of the day,
everyone pitched in and there was not a piece of equipment or a speck of trash to be
seen. The day was a culmination of the week long spirit week.
16 SDFA Vanguard
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Out of Sites continued
Robby Shockney and the Leadership class have the entire school involved in our canned
food drive for the Encinitas Community Resource Center. The competition was on to
see classroom challenges that are occurring all for the good of helping people.
Julie Aselstine and her Peer Mediators had various fun activities planned for Red
Ribbon Week on October 25-29th. The Peer Mediators made beautiful red and white
bracelets out of yarn for the entire student body!
Diegueno is eligible to apply for the California Distinguished School Award! Thank you
to Mary Anne Nuskin and Bryan Marcus, and all staff involved in the lengthy application process.
Anna Garfinkel, Robby Shockney, Erika Pavlovich, and Laura Neklia all attended
the California League of Middle Schools Conference on December 2nd and 3rd.
Have a great winter break!
Thank you to Laura McCormick and Kari Smith for photos.
December/Holiday, 2010
SDFA Vanguard 17
Out of Sites continued
by Suzanne Brown
ASB, under the leadership of Steve Ruecker, is taking a collective, and well-deserved, deep breath after Sammy the Seahawk makes his
debut at Spirit Day
successfully completing the fast-paced
schedule that consumes the beginning of the
school year – Welcome Week, the Magazine Drive, Spirit Week,
Red Ribbon Week and the first school dance. Activities for November, however, included a rain-delayed Spirit Day (during which
Sammy the Seahawk made his first debut), support of the APE
Kelli Noonan and
Softball tournament, and the Canned Food and Jacket Drive.
Heidi Robson battle it out at
Spirit Day
On November 10th, Earl Warren hosted the 5th Annual Adapted Physical Education Softball Tournament. Adapted physical education students and their peer buddies from throughout the
district attended the event which was filled with
activities, prizes, awards, music, and spirited stuAPE Softball Tournadents and staff. Our thanks to the PTSA for proment participants
viding players and staff with t-shirts and for providing awards and food for the day, but especially to Adapted PE
teacher Kasey Galik and her colleagues around the district for coThe Earl Warren Crew
ordinating this annual event.
Aaron Nelson and Jenny Oehler’s Humanities classes completed their Middle Ages
unit with the annual Medieval Faire in early November. Students completed in-depth
research on various topics pertaining to the Middle Ages and the faire itself was a
culminating event for their research project. Students – and teachers – dressed in
Medieval attire and presented the “booth” they had created to showcase their research
project. Parents, teachers, administrators and students all perused the booths and
enjoyed music, food and games created by the Humanities students. As an intermission to the Medieval Faire, students performed 6 student-written plays about life in the
Middle Ages. The event was a huge success with close to 250 people in attendance.
And last, The Earl Warren Arts Festival in early December was a success. Parents, staff
members, and students attended in celebration of the first semester accomplishments
of our Visual and Performing Arts students. Warren Hall was transformed into an art
gallery featuring work from Tami Austin’s General Studio Art students and Lindsay
Hern’s Digital Art and Art for New Media students. Entertainment was provided by
Scott Drechsel’s Band and Guitar students.
18 SDFA Vanguard
December/Holiday, 2010
Out of Sites continued
by Mario Flores
This time of year we give thanks as we reflect on the things we have. I will now use this
moment in time to give thanks:
Thank you to all the teachers at LCC for making a difference to students and the whole
educational process. We have had many a meeting this year and many were to work on
the focus of learning process, but looking around we have stayed on the main course of
helping students learn. As we have been shown through data, we have a lot to celebrate
and we have some room for improvement. We are not shying away from the challenge,
but using our moments together to learn how to get better at what we do. In the focus
group I am involved with there is reflection as we speak and collaborate to further our
knowledge and find better ways to guide our students. A job well done and Thanks to
our teachers for keeping your eyes on the prize: A positive educational experience for
all of our students.
On that note, thanks to our WASC (Focus on learning) groups leaders: Vision and
Leadership (Speed Farris and Sarah Chi), Curriculum (Erica Wanczuk and Randa FastMedley), Instruction (James Etheridge and John Digiulio), Assessment (James Teague
and Debbie Elliott), Support and Culture (Damian Wallace and Suzie Van Steenbergen).
Thanks for your leadership and all the extra time you committed to the process. Thanks
for all your time and the little praise you received. I know you did not volunteer for the
acknowledgement, but never-the-less you deserve to be acknowledged.
To our on-campus coaches, our club advisors, our extra-curricular advisors -- thanks
for enhancing the lives of our students and for being part of the total high school experience. This is all done despite teaching a full day and raising your own families. I
know from experience you are not thanked enough for all the time you put in. The pay
does not come close to making up for the long hours, but we know that is not why you
do what you do. The love of working with kids deserves more than thanks, but for now
that is what I offer you.
I would like to challenge the staff here at LCC and ask you to make sure that you, too,
thank your colleagues and friends who work with you daily. Let’s make this a goal for
the second semester. A thank you one day and a good job the next will always go along
way. We may not always agree, but we must always respect and encourage each other.
For all you veterans who where once at Diegueno with Penny Cooper-Francisco, “Who
you are Makes a Difference.” Thank you all for continuing to make a difference in our
student’s lives, their parent’s lives, and each other’s lives including mine.
December/Holiday, 2010
SDFA Vanguard 19
Out of Sites continued
by Sharon Senese
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on
what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.—Oprah Winfrey
Thankfulness: a noun
A being grateful: appreciation, gratefulness, gratitude, thanks. See grateful/ungrateful.
I am sure everyone takes the time throughout the year to reflect on what we have and to
look on the bright side of things. We are reminded (almost daily) about budget woes
and financial problems—not only within our own circles but also within the nation. As
the holidays approach, we are thankful to have jobs to support our families but we are
more fortunate that we have the loved ones that we share our lives with. This season
forget about the cost and concentrate on the time-for time is limited and often taken
for granted.
Spirit Day
We celebrated our school Spirit Day this past October and the day went off without a
hitch. The weather gave us a much needed break in the rain and staff had the opportunity to bond with their students as we all participated in 14 relay games. K udos to Jo
Dube and Sean Saville for working so hard to make the day a success and a big thanks
to our parent foundation who fed us after the games.
Here are a few teachers in their spirit day mode:
Maya Lomalie and her “spirited” girls dance team helped
the teal team score the extra points needed to achieve the big
win for the day.
Raul Rojas and Enid Robert are all smiles
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Bonnie Capron goes over strategies with her math students
Dave Ash waves to his fans
Jo Dube had a big hand in making this day a success
“Cruiser” Deb Cruse and Jesse Mindlin…superstars!
Mariah Weible : representing for the grey team
Two sweethearts:
Anne Marie Castellanoes and Renee Sowers
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Science sisters Margie Herr and Celia Walsh
That’s my Soul Sister Jackie Parks—
she doesn’t realize I’m taking her pic
Enid Robert, Anjellica Arrellano, Mariah Weible, Lynn
Chapman and Linda Nelson. Everyone loved Linda’s Boots
Two magnanimous personalities: Bill Reynolds and Leah Perellie
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After Spirit day we eat!
In Closing:
“If you have a good name, if you are right more often than you are wrong, if your
children respect you, if your grandchildren are glad to see you, if your friends can
count on you and you can count on them in time of trouble, if you can face your
God and say “I have done my best,” then you are a success.” ~ Anne Landers
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Out of Sites continued
by Sheryl Bode
Welcome to the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter. In honor of the premier of
the movie of the last HP book, “The Deathly Hallows,” I have chosen to write my article
with a Harry Potter theme. Ed Cooper has helped me immensely with this piece of
writing, and I wish to thank him for this. Hold on to your broomsticks as you read
about our paranormal events here at SDA or rather Hogwarts!
This past month at Hogwarts has been filled with
undying action and undiluted joy. The results
of our annual Quidditch match are in. Our adult
Professors easily defeated the student Halfbloods and Pure-bloods without any help from
the refs this year! As usual, our wizardly quarter-back Professor “Lupin” Hrzina led our team
to victory with many long-bomb passes and
crafty hand-offs. Professor “Slughorn” Ross had
a magical run for a 60 yard touchdown, and Professor “Sprout” Tashijian snared a 20 yard pass.
Additionally, Professor “Trelawney” Bode flew in
for a touchdown, cradled a 20 yard pass, and
survived a well-hit bludger to the jaw by quarter-blood Josh Pupping. Dear, we musn’t
forget “Sirius Black” Santos with his quick hands and feet that made students appear
to be confused little Dobbies stumbling about. Finally, Professor “Snape” Martinez left
Fluffy on the side-lines and streaked past the perplexed little goblins to score a touchdown of his own. Also, special thanks are in order for Professor “Flitwick” Jeremy
Wuertz for being a ref and a player, Professor “Hagrid” West for 80 minutes of non-stop
announcing entertainment, and Professor “Quirrel” Kim Dinh, “Trewlaney” Bode, and
“Tonks” Amy Johnson for chaperoning the inflatable games at the carnival.
These amazing images were captured by
“Madam Hooch” Carrie Land, witch and Quidditch extraordinaire.
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“Hogwarts” SDA also celebrated “Water Day” at lunch on the softball
field. The witches and wizards brought a change of clothes so that
they had something dry to put on after splashing around in the bloody
brilliant water slides. We also had feast vendors, an art wall, and
Triwizard Battle of the Bands Tournament
performing. This day had a little bit of
something for everyone and the atmosphere
around the castle was joyous throughout
the day. It is one of those times that you
ask yourself if you really get to work in such
a wonderful school of witchcraft and wizardry.
As our Triwizard Tournament of the Bands continued in front of our Great Hall, we also
had an information booth and activities about suicide prevention. Many witches, wizards, goblins, and elves at Hogwarts dressed up in yellow to support this day.
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One would think ASB was already busy enough this past month; however, the little
ghouls found time to hold Mock Elections at supper and during class time in front of
the Great Hall. Just over 400 witches and wizards participated in election and it is a
wicked experience to compare the students results official result of the Burrow known
as California.
Minister of Magic
Jerry Brown 57.8%
Meg Whitman 14.6%
Carlos Alvarez 11.4%
Dale Ogden 5.7%
Chelene Nightingale 5.4%
Laura Wells 5.1%
Head Auror
Barbara Boxer 54.8%
Carly Fiorina 14%
Marsha Feinland 10.9%
Duane Roberts 8.2%
Gail K Lightfoot 6.8%
Edward C. Noonan 5.3%
Yes 57.5%
Yes 42.6%
Yes 62.3%
Yes 63.6%
Yes 38%
Yes 53.3%
Yes 60%
Yes 52%
Yes 55%
No 42.5%
No 57.4%
No 37.7%
No 36.4%
No 62%
No 46.7%
No 40%
No 48%
No 45%
Let’s move on to theatre news. Our Drama Production wizards presented 13 Past Midnight in the Forbidden Forest at the end of October. It was bloody brilliant and congratulations to our new Drama professor, “Madam Pomfrey” Stephanie Siers.
Finally, On the Friday before Halloween, Hogwarts wizards and witches dressed up in
costumes and had a pumpkin carving and costume contest.
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I am proud to announce that 650 cans were collected for the North County Feast Tournament. Thanks go out to our homeroom professors “Mr. Binns” Conn, “Arthur Weasley”
Cooper, Professor “Umbridge” Newman, “Molly Weasley” King, “Charity Burbage”Butler,
Professor “McGonagle” McCluskey, “Hagrid” West, “Tonks” Johnson, “Sinistra” Vasquez,
“Sirius” Santos, “Firenze” Brice, “Rosmerta” Coppock, “Madame Pudifoot” Youmans
and “Madam Pomfrey” Siers whose classes all contributed to this event. Interact Club
announced that “Binn’s” Conn’s homeroom collected the largest amount: 125 cans.
On November 2nd Professor “Mad-Eye Moody” Russ Davidson invited the staff to come
to his class for a Liquid Nitrogen Demo festival with a prix fixe menu consisting of
“balloons, and half-bubbles for ambience, flowers for that organic touch, racquetball,
superball and rubber bands for sport, scientifical facts for stimulating conversation,
liquified oxygen to keep the party bumpin’, frozen banana starter followed by a main
course of delicious chocolate frogs simmered on low heat, and to finish with a delectable morsel of 1 minute ice cream...”
For those of you who need to go out and enjoy some fine art, Professor “John
Ratajakowski” is having an art exhibition starting December 8th to February 23, 2011 in
La Jolla at the Gotthelf Gallery.
Congratulations are also in order, again, to “Madam Hooch” Carrie Land and the yearbook extraordinaires. The Hoofprint was named the seventh best yearbook in the Big
Schools competition in Kansas City. There were 4,600 witches and wizards and hundreds of high schools in attendance.
Our Headmaster Professor “Dumbledore” Michael Grove was bloody fantastic at Harry
Potter day with his amazing costume and Elder Wand. In our next magical edition of
the Vanguard, the sorcerous details of our first HP Day will be unveiled.
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Out of Sites continued
by Michelle Horsley
We are in full swing here at Sunset. Students have settled in and are getting classes
done. Teachers are getting to know all of the students and have been working hard on
keeping kids motivated. A great thing about Sunset is teachers have the opportunity to
get to know all of the students -- even those that aren’t in our classes. This creates a
strong sense of community and a family-like environment.
Terry Hendlin along with our social work intern, Beth Martinez, have gotten SHO
(Students Helping Others) off to a fantastic start again this year. This is a program that
students at Sunset have been participating in for many years. Groups of students
travel to Diegueno and Oak Crest to tutor and provide support to middle school students. This is a positive activity for all students involved. Our students gain a sense of
responsibility and community involvement and the middle school kids benefit from the
extra help and emotional support.
Finally, what would my November article be without a Halloween report? I think the
staff at Sunset loves to dress up more than the students! In fact, we usually choose a
“theme” for our costumes. In previous years the staff has dressed up as rock stars,
Wild West characters, super heroes and pirates. This year we went traditional -- plain
old scary costumes. We also had our Third Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest. Each
advisor supplies two pumpkins and their students battle it out to see who can create
the most interesting and creative pumpkin. It was an upset this year with Jim Fritts
getting knocked off the throne by Terry Hendlin. Carol Anschuetz came in a close
second and I earned third. It was a great day.
Carol Anschuetz’s Second place pumpkin
Terry Hendlin’s First place Pumpkin
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Jim Fritts was scary!!
Michelle Horsley and
her Third place pumpkin
Mike Wahlstrom is clearly a lover of
by Jerry Galiley
Jerry Galiley is out of town due to a family issue.
Our own cute witch, Jackie Fletcher
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