May 2012 (pdf download)
May 2012 (pdf download)
Kingstonian Volume 19 u May 2012 Official Publication of the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corp. 2012 HOME EXPO Saturday, May 19 • 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Snyder Center • 6540 S. Van Dorn St. FREE ADMISSION Improve your home…all in one place! 3 Over 40 exhibitors! 3 Amazing renovation ideas! 3 Experts on site to answer questions! 3 Clowns and face painting for the kids! Requested In-Home Delivery by May 1-2, 2012 Kingstowne Home Expo Thank You, Sponsors...pages 24-25 List of Exhibitors...pages 24-25 Parking and Shuttle 24 KINGSTOWNE RESIDENTIAL OWNERS CORPORATION 6090 KINGSTOWNE VILLAGE PARKWAY KINGSTOWNE, VA 22315 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 2282 MERRIFIELD, VA CALL DAVE! Contents 26 May Features 22 Summer Kickoff Pool Party–May 26 23 Kingstowne Summer Camp Begins June 25 24 Kingstowne Home Expo Is May 19 26 Farmers’ Market–May 4 28 Three Dive-In Movies 29 Family Pool Party–July 13 30 Adult Swim at the Pools 32 Glow-in-Dark Mini Golf–Aug. 2 34 Community Yard Sale–May 5 29 May 2012 34 Monthly Departments 2 KROC News 2 2 3 5 7 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 April BOT Meeting Highlights 2012 BOT Meeting Dates Who’s Who in Kingstowne KROC Announcements Join Kingstowne’s Email List! Land Use Meeting–June 6– Chick-fil-A near Kohl’s Swim Lessons Announced Big Change for Pool Guest Pass Purchases Is Your Facilities Pool Pass Ready for Pool Season? Neighborhood Inspections 2012 Pool Rules Springtime Look at Your Yard A Call for Memories Amendment Adopted for Privacy Screening Guideline 18 Activity & Fitness Programs 18 Play Tennis Kingstowne– Free Event on May 19 19 Special Events & New Activities 20 Ongoing Paid Events & Clubs 20 Ongoing Free Clubs 34 NABorhood News 35 Around the Towne 35 Local Government Reports 37 Kingstowne Library 38 School News 40 Clubs, Organizations, and Events 40 New Announcements 41 Existing Clubs & Groups 43 Classified Ads 48 Community Calendar Board Highlights April 4, 2012, Board of Trustees (BOT) Meeting Highlights Below is a summary of actions taken at the April 4, 2012, meeting of the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation (KROC) Board of Trustees (BOT). Board highlights are written from draft minutes prior to board approval and are subject to change. n The 2012 Board Focus Items were discussed. As part of the Private Lot Initiative, a short presentation was made regard� ing the deve�opment of archi� tectura� guide�ines regarding minima� requirements for �andscaping on private �ots. n The board approved the nomi� nation of two new Neighbor� hood Advisory Board repre� sentatives: Pame�a Vojtik from the Prestwick neighborhood and Shanon Ga�vin from the Edinburgh neighborhood. n The board reviewed an inquiry from a �oca� �and use firm regarding the potentia� for a Chick�fi��A restaurant to �ocate within the Koh�’s parking �ot. A �and use presentation wi�� be he�d at the June 6 board meet� ing beginning at 7 P.M. Page 2 Kingstonian May 2012 n The board discussed an inquiry regarding rea� estate signage. n The board accepted the gen� era� manager’s monitoring reports regarding contract� ing and purchasing, financia� conditions, asset protection, covenants and deed restriction enforcement, and communica� tions with members. n The trustees reviewed the most recent reports for the meetings of the Architectura� Review Committee (ARC), Capita� P�anning Task Force, Financia� Advisory Commit� tee (FAC), Grounds Task Force (GTF), Home Expo Task Force, Poo� Pa�s, 2011�2012 board ac� tivity schedu�e, and the BOT’s additiona� topics. BOT Meeting Agendas The monthly board agenda and draft meeting highlights are available on the Kingstowne website, www. The agenda contains a preview of subjects that the KROC Board of Trustees will discuss during the upcoming board meetings. The draft agendas are available to view two weeks prior to the monthly meetings; the draft highlights are available to view three business days following each board meeting. 2012 KROC BOT Meetings Meetings are held at 7 P.M. in the Thompson Center. 2012 BOT Meetings May 9�New Date September 12 June 6 October 3 Ju�y 11 November 7 August 1 December 5 Who’s Who Contacts Kingstowne Residential owneRs CoRpoRation (KRoC) The Thompson Center, 6090 Kingstowne Vi��age Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 703�922�9477 • 703�922�2713 fax Emai�: • Website: who’s who and how KROC Board of Trustees KROC Staff Directory (Alphabetical Order by Last Name) Administrative Assistant Taryn Barc�ay Grounds and Facilities Coordinator Roberta Cain Conk�in ........................... Grounds Manager Vicky Crews WTS Director of Recreation Services Amanda General Manager Ronda DeSp�inter.......................... Communications Coordinator Carrie Doug�as ......................................... Facilities Manager Jim Henderson Kingstonian Editor B�anche Kapustin Architectural Administrator Susan Livingstone.................................... Receptionist/Customer Service Coordinator Ange�a Po��ard.........................................ange� Finance Administrator Nancy Vasser Event Staff .............................................. KROC Community Services AAA Recycling and Trash Removal ............................... 703�818�8222 A Republic Services Company Armstrong Management (Assessment Payments) ....... 703�385�7256 NEW! Mail Payments: Armstrong Mgmt., PO Box 11983, Newark, NJ 07101�4983 KROC Community Centers & Fitness Facilities KROC Business Office • 703-922-9477 Thompson Center, Top F�oor 6090 Kingstowne Vi��age Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.�Fri. 9 A.M.�5:30 P.M.; Wed. 9 A.M.�8 P.M. Monday, May 28: Business Office Closed for Memorial Day Thompson Center Fitness Facility • 703-922-4216 6090 Kingstowne Vi��age Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.�Fri. 6 A.M.�10 P.M.; Sat.�Sun. & Ho�idays 8 A.M.�7 P.M. Snyder Center Fitness Facility • 703-719-7909 6450 South Van Dorn Street, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.�Fri. 6 A.M.�10 P.M.; Sat.�Sun. & Ho�idays 8 A.M.�7 P.M. Saturday, May 19: Snyder Center Closed for Home Expo Pool: May 26-June 19: Mon.-Fri. Noon-9 P.M.; Sat.-Sun.-Holidays 10 A.M.-9 P.M. June 20-Sept. 3: Every Day 10 A.M.-9 P.M. South Center • 703-922-4099 (Pool–Summer Only) 6080 Kingstowne Vi��age Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Pool: May 26-June 19: Mon.-Fri. Noon-9 P.M.; Sat.-Sun.-Holidays 10 A.M.-9 P.M. June 20-Sept. 3: Every Day 10 A.M.-9 P.M. ContaCt them Emergency and Government Services Emergency Po�ice/Fire and Rescue...................................................911 Po�ice (Non�Emergency) .................................................... 703�691�2131 Neighborhood Watch Po�ice Officer ................................. 703�922�8263 Kingstowne Fire Station ..................................................... 703�719�9294 Franconia Fire Station ......................................................... 703�971�5858 Poison Contro� Center/Information .............................1�800�222�1222 Fairfax County Anima� She�ter ......................................... 703�830�1100 Kingstowne Post Office ...................................................... 703�971�3093 Kingstowne Library ............................................................ 703�339�4610 Wi�d�ife Rescue League (injured/orphaned anima�s) ... 703�440�0800 INOVA Hea�thp�ex (9 A.M. to 5 P.M.) .............................. 703�797�6801 INOVA Hea�thp�ex (24 Hours/Emergency).................... 703�797�6809 Hazardous Waste Remova� ................................................ 703�324�5068 ! President ........................................................................ Kath�een Snyder Vice President .........................................................................Gary Ezard Secretary/Treasurer ....................................................Jeanne McCarro�� Trustee................................................................... Cynthia Jacobs Carter Trustee................................................................................... Jennifer Guy Trustee........................................................................................Tim Nank Trustee................................................................................... Rory Nesbitt to Utilities and Roadways Miss Uti�ity (ca�� before you dig) .......................................................811 Virginia Power (a�so to report outages) ........................1�888�667�3000 Washington Gas................................................................... 703�750�1000 Verizon ...............................................................................1�800�837�4966 Cox Communications ......................................................... 703�378�8400 Fairfax Water ........................................................................ 703�698�5800 Virginia VDOT (Cust. Service) ...... 1�800�FOR�ROAD; 1�800�367�7623 School Numbers Edison High ......................................................................... 703�924�8000 Hayfie�d Secondary/High ................................................. 703�924�7400 Francis Scott Key Midd�e Schoo� ...................................... 703�313�3900 Mark Twain Midd�e Schoo� ............................................... 703�313�3700 Franconia E�ementary......................................................... 703�822�2200 Hayfie�d E�ementary........................................................... 703�924�4500 Lane E�ementary ................................................................. 703�924�7700 Apartment Management Companies The Edgemoore (Ste��ar Management Co.) ..................... 703�971�4949 The E�ms at Kingstowne (Legend Mgmt. Group) .......... 703�922�6336 Sussex at Kingstowne (Vi��age Green Management) ..... 703�922�1808 Condominium Management Companies Chancery (Cardina� Mgmt.)................................... 703�569�5797, x5008 Eton Square (Condominium Services, Inc., “CSI”) ........ 703�370�1600 Stratford P�ace (Legum & Norman) ................................. 703�600�6000 Kingstonian Publisher Marlborough Publishing P.O. Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678�0448 Emai�: Mar� • Website: MPub� Fran Po�ing and Brian Po�ing, Pub�ishers........................ 301�855�9650 Victoria Po�ing, Disp�ay Advertising Sa�es...................... 301�627�4220 Copyright Marlborough Publishing 2012. All rights reserved. The Kingstonian is the officia� pub�ication of the Kingstowne Residentia� Own� ers Corporation. It is distributed month�y to KROC residents and owners, under contract with KROC. The dead�ine is the 7th of each month or the prior business day when the 7th fa��s on a weekend. (Disclaimer: Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing reserve all rights to exercise their sole discretion concerning the inclusion of all material herein. The inclusion herein of advertisements, articles or references to the websites of third parties does not indicate an endorsement by Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation or Marlborough Publishing of the goods, services, materials or information of the third party. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing are not affiliated with these third parties.) May 2012 Kingstonian Page 3 KROC News Comprehensive and Cosmetic Dentistry 6420 Grovedale Drive, Suite 100 A NEW PATIENTS WELCOME • Over 20 Years of Experience • Accept Benefits from Most Insurance Co. (Including Military Insurance) Lisa R. Goodfriend Goodfriend Is More Than A Name...It’s A Commitment! Manchester Lakes/ Kingstowne Resident for Over 26 Years Over 21 Years Successful Real Estate Experience & NVAR Lifetime Top Producer Full-Time Real Estate Consultant • VISA & MasterCard Accepted Sharon S. Roberts, D.D.S. (Corner of Beulah and Grovedale) Alexandria, VA 22310 (703) 719-9305 FREE Cosmetic Consult Comfortable Payment Options Trust all your real estate representation to someone who has the experience and dedication to give you the value & successful transaction you deserve! RE/MAX Gateway Office: 703-871-9301 Cell: 703-966-7977 Visit My Website: DON J. PISCIOTTA, D.D.S., LTD. FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY 25 YEARS DEDICATED TO PROVIDING QUALITY CARE AND LASTING SMILES ➣ Dentistry with a Light Touch ➣ Single Visit Crown Technology ➣ Non-Surgical Gum Therapy ➣ Certified invisalign® Provider ➣ 1 Hour In-Office Whitening System ➣ State of the Art Sterilization Center ➣ Digital X-Ray–90% Less Radiation Exposure ➣ Accept Most Major Insurance Plans ➣ Visa and MasterCard Accepted ➣ Flexible Payment Options NEW PATIENTS WELCOME • FRIENDLY AND KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF Conveniently located at 6408 Grovedale Drive, Suite 100, Franconia, Virginia 22315 703-313-0404 Page 4 Kingstonian May 2012 KROC News KROC Announcements Current�y, this is the on�y avai�ab�e way to obtain these documents, and a sma�� fee is charged. If you have questions, p�ease ca�� CondoCerts at 800�310�6552. Local Land Use Projects, Road Construction, and Comments May BOT Meeting Change The May meeting of the Board of Trustees has been changed from May 2 to May 9. Business Office Closed Memorial Day The KROC Business Office wi�� be c�osed May 28, in observance of Memoria� Day. Fitness Center Closings and Holiday Hours On May 19, the Snyder Center fitness center wi�� be c�osed for the Home Expo. P�ease use the Thompson Center fitness center at 6090 Kingstowne Vi��age Parkway. On May 28, both fitness centers wi�� be open for ho�iday hours, 8 A.M.�7 P.M. Pool Hours Both poo�s open May 26. A va�id faci�ities pass or guest pass must be shown for each person entering the poo� area. May 26�June 19, poo�s are open weekdays 12�9 P.M. and weekends and ho�idays 10 A.M.�9 P.M. June 20�September 3, poo�s are open 10 A.M.�9 P.M. Facilities Pass Poo� season starts this month– beat the rush–stop by the KROC Business Office to update your faci�ities pass. The office is open 9�5:30 weekdays and unti� 8 P.M. every Wednesday. You need a va�id faci�ities pass to use the fitness centers and poo� areas, and you need a va�id faci�ities pass to enjoy some resident�on�y events. A�� residents age one and over must have a faci�ities pass, and those who are age 12 and over must have their photo taken. The first faci�ities pass and first rep�acement pass are free. After that, there may be a $5 charge. What to Bring: New Homeowners: Photo ID and the HUD1 sett�ement paper. Homeowners wi�� need to author� ize other residents of the house� ho�d to receive passes. This can be done in person or in writing. (Homeowners do not need to renew their passes.) Tenants: Photo ID and current �ease. Faci�ities passes wi�� on�y be issued to residents named on the �ease. Passes wi�� automati� ca��y be cance��ed at the end of the �ease term. A new �ease must be presented at the business office to update the passes. Refinancing? If your �ender or financia� insti� tution requests a “Lender PUD Questionnaire” or “Insurance Dec�aration Page,” p�ease visit For updates on �oca� �and use projects, visit www.kingstowne. org, c�ick on “Community In� formation” under the “Resident Resources” tab, then se�ect “Land Use & New Dev.” The page exp�ains the �and deve�opment process in Kingstowne. Summa� ries and �inks are avai�ab�e for �oca� �and use projects. For updates on road construction projects in northern Virginia, visit Com� ments on proposed deve�opments, and on other topics, can be emai�ed to Storm Water Management Ponds Storm water management faci�ities, inc�uding dry ponds, are never safe p�aces to p�ay, swim, or fish. P�ease heed posted warning signs. Kingstonian Online Earlier! The Kingstonian is now avai�ab�e on�ine 7�10 days before it wi�� arrive by mai�. Visit www.kings� and c�ick “Kingstonian Magazine” under the Resident Re� sources tab. If you are �ooking for the advertising rates, go to www. MPub� Yard Debris Pickup on Wednesdays Wednesdays are yard debris pick� up day throughout Kingstowne. AAA/Repub�ic wi�� pick up branches that are bound and cut to three feet or shorter. P�ease use See Announcements, cont. on page 7 May 2012 Kingstonian Page 5 KROC News OB-Gyn Associates of Northern Virginia, Ltd. Jennifer Santiago, M.D. • Marion Bissell, M.D. Aditi Agarwal, M.D. • Tina T. Pham, M.D. Women’s Care for All Generations Inova Franconia-Springfield Healthplex 6355 Walker Lane, Suite 408 • Alexandria, VA 22310 703-719-5901 • Essure • • Minimally Invasive Surgery • “Top-Rated Doctors List” for Northern Virginia Magazine Internal Medicine Primary Care Dr. George Silis and Dr. Manny Silis of Franconia Internists, P.C. Franconia Internists specializes in the care and medical treatment of adults and adolescents. Early Morning and Evening Hours Available Appointments Can be Made by Calling 703-922-4222 Participating with All Major Health Plans Page 6 Kingstonian May 2012 • • • • • • • • • • Complete Physical Exams Hypertension Management Diabetes Management Headache Treatment Neck and Back Pain Relief Smoking Cessation Routine Gyn Care 24 Hour Holter Monitoring EKGs Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Our Office is located in the Rose Hill Shopping Center 5115 Franconia Road, Suite G Alexandria, VA 22310 KROC News Announcements, cont. from page 5 reusab�e containers or brown paper yard waste bags �abe�ed “Yard Debris” for a�� �oose yard debris. C�ear and dark p�astic bags may a�so be used. Remember dirt, rocks, stumps, sod, and branches �arger than three feet in �ength wi�� not be picked up. For more informa� tion on these ru�es set by the county, visit www.�ing/yardwaste.htm. Fairfax County Electric Sunday Recycling Events Fairfax County residents may use E�ectric Sunday re� cyc�ing events to recyc�e te�evisions, computers, moni� tors, and periphera� e�ectronic devices such as printers, scanners, speakers, keyboards, mice, and externa� drives. Residents may a�so recyc�e their unbroken fluo� rescent tubes and �ight bu�bs at these events as we��. This is a free service for Fairfax County residents. I-66 Transfer Station 4618 West Ox Road, Fairfax, VA 22030, 10 A.M.�3 P.M. Dates: May 20, Ju�. 22, Aug. 26, and Oct. 21 I-95 Complex 9850 Furnace Road, Lorton, VA 22079, 10 A.M.�3 P.M. Dates: Jun. 24, and Sept. 23 Farmers’ Market: May 4-Oct. 26 Kingstowne’s farmers’ market returns this month to the Giant parking �ot at 5935 Kingstowne Towne Cent� er. May is a�ways a great month for fresh, �oca� straw� berries! The market runs Fridays 4�7 P.M. from May 4 through October 26. To vo�unteer at the market, visit�farm�mkt.htm. See page 26 for this year’s vendors. Community Yard Sale: May 5 The spring community yard sa�e is here! Turn to page 34 for more information on se��ing �ocations, times, and rain dates. May 2012 Kingstonian Page 7 KROC News Land Use Presentation Set for June 6 Chick-fil-A in Kingstowne? Presentation: By Loca� Land�Use Firm Topic: Possib�e Location of a New Chick�fi��A Restaurant within Koh�’s Parking Lot When: Wednesday, June 6, 7 P.M., at KROC Board of Trustees Meeting Where: Thompson Center Check the Kingstowne website for further infor� mation coming soon, • Smile Makeovers • Invisalign-Invisible Braces • Tooth Whitening • Periodontal Treatment • Preventive Care • Root Canals & Oral Surgery • Bonding & Porcelain Veneers • Dental Implants • Dentures & Partials • Crowns & Bridges $ 69 Offer Expires 9/15/12 Phuong Phan D.M.D., P.C. Thien Dao D.M.D. Iyad Alyo D.D.S. Hours: Monday 10-7 • Tuesday-Friday 8-4:30 • NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 9-3 Page 8 Kingstonian May 2012 BEULAH ST. Ruben Miranda D.D.S. Periodontist Offer Expires 9/15/12 KROC News Swim Lessons Announced Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Mini-Session: June 25�Ju�y 5 (mornings only) Ju�y 9�Ju�y 19 (mornings & evenings) Ju�y 23�August 2 (mornings only) August 6�August 9 (1 week–mornings & evenings) Morning swim �essons are he�d at the South Poo� and are conducted 9:15�9:45 A.M. Evening �essons are he�d at the Snyder Poo�, 6:30�7 P.M. Due to avai�ab�e space restrictions, a �imited number of c�asses wi�� be offered. Registration for All Lessons Begins Tuesday, June 1 A�� students must be screened by Anna, the �esson coordinator, for c�ass p�acement. Payment is due at the time of registration. The price wi�� be $62 per student for a two�week (Mon�Thu) session. The one� week mini�session in August is $31 per student. Information sheets wi�� be avai�ab�e at the poo�s when they open on Saturday, May 26. To Register: Ca�� 703�922�4099 or visit the South Poo� on or after June 1. Big Change in Pool Guest Pass Purchases…BIG! KROC is making the switch from paper guest poo� passes to e�ectron� ic passes. Starting May 16, guest passes for the 2012 poo� season wi�� be avai�ab�e for purchase by credit card via the Kingstowne website. So…what does this mean for you? wi�� deduct that amount from your guest passes. wi�� use your comp�imentary passes before your purchased ones. • Paper passes WILL NO LONGER BE SOLD at the pools. Get More Details Via Email! If you don’t have access to the inter� net, e�ectronic guest passes can be purchased at the business office by cash, check, or credit card. • Paper passes WILL BE ACCEPTED at the pools. If you have paper passes �eft over from a previous poo� season, you are ab�e to use those at the poo�s. • If you have access to the internet, you can now purchase guest passes to the pools by credit card via the Kingstowne website. When you make your purchase on�ine, the passes wi�� be credited to your property account. After your purchase, and upon arriva� at the poo�s, you wi�� simp�y te�� the attendant how many guests you have with you and the attendant • Two complimentary passes given for 2012 season! Visit the KROC Business Office to credit your two comp�imentary guest passes for 2012 to your account. (Two complimentary passes per household.) Within the next few weeks, specific instructions on how to purchase e�ectronic guess passes wi�� be sent to a�� residents for whom King� stowne has an emai� address on fi�e. Residents who have not yet provided Kingstowne with an emai� address are encouraged to do so by registering at and c�icking “Homeowner Sign�In” from the home page. Questions as to how the process wi�� work can be sent to kingstowne@ or by ca��ing 703� 922�9477. • Complimentary passes will expire at the end of the 2013 season. Comp�imentary passes given out in 2011 and 2012 wi�� expire at the end of the 2013 season. The poo� attendant May 2012 Kingstonian Page 9 KROC News Ashton Physical Therapy Center Restoring the Human Masterpiece™ Hands-On Treatment Ortho/Sports Rehab Tricia Ashton, PT Clinical Director & Owner 36 Years of Experience Evening Hours Available All Insurances Accepted, Except Medicaid I-395 / Edsall Road West, 5510 Cherokee Avenue, Alexandria 703-916-0202 Website: Page 10 Kingstonian May 2012 KROC News Is Your Facilities Pass Ready for Pool Season? The Kingstowne pools will open May 26–are you ready? Review this simple checklist and make certain you are ready to be first in line when warm weather hits. For pool rules, see page 13. 1. Do you have a facilities pass? If yes, skip to question 3. If no, go to question 2. 2. Do you know where to get them? Facilities passes, which allow unlimited personal use of the fitness centers and pools, are issued without charge to Kingstowne residents only at the Thompson Center business office (not at the swimming pools) during its normal business hours. Passes issued to property owners automatically remain valid and do not need to be renewed for use in 2012, except that renters’ passes become invalid on the date of lease expiration on file in the business office. To ensure continued access to recreational facilities, renters must bring a copy of their latest lease to the business office. 3. Is your lease current? Call the business office at 703-922-9477 to verify. If not, please bring a copy of the latest lease to the business office, both to obtain the passes and to extend the leases. 4. Are you on a month-to-month lease? KROC grants three months of usage with proof of a month-to-month lease. 5. Do your “Kings-tiny-ians” have a pass? All patrons over aged one must have a pass. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PET One-year-olds need facilities passes, too. 6. Do you have children 12 years or older? They need their pictures on their passes. The photo identification means they can go to the pool unsupervised. 7. Does your property have ARC violations? Pool privileges may be suspended by the KROC Board of Trustees if the owner’s property has current ARC violations. 8. Are your assessments current? Pool privileges may be suspended by the KROC Board of Trustees if assessment payments are delinquent for two months. 9. Can you bring guests? Do I have to stay with my guests? Absolutely and absolutely. The resident must purchase guest passes online (see page 9 for information) or at the business office. The only way guests may remain in the pool area is that the resident host remains with them. 10. May children use the pool? Children 11 years of age and under must be accompanied by a responsible person, 16 years of age or older, while in the pool area. Groups of children who are under 10 years of age must be accompanied by one adult, 21 years of age or older, for every group of four or fraction thereof to be admitted to the pool area. May 2012 Kingstonian Page 11 KROC News Neighborhood Inspections KROC’s architectural administration staff, using smartphone technology, will be conducting inspections in the following neighborhood during the next several months: Winsford, Queens Court, Kingstowne Overlook, Coventry, Collingwood, Canterbury, Wiltshire, and Wickford. KROC staff member using smartphone to record inspection results. Now is an excellent time for owners to review the maintenance needs of homes and schedule any needed repairs. In addition, if you are contemplating a large home improvement project, such as a landscape overhaul or the addition of a deck or patio, this is a good time to begin planning for those as well. Please remember the annual inspection process helps keep Kingstowne a highly valued and sought after community. Questions about maintenance issues or home improvement projects, or suggestions for improving the process, can be directed to the KROC Business Office. COMPLETE LAWN MAINTENANCE Mowing • Mulching, Pruning & Trimming Fertilization, Liming, Weed & Fungus Control Pesticide Treatment • Aeration • Seeding • Sod LANDSCAPE DESIGN & INSTALLATION Perfect for Townhomes–Rock Walls, Floral Designs & Annual Displays, Trellis Design and Construction Call Today For A Free Consultation & Estimate 703-913-6167 Visit us on the Web at $50 OFF Spring Clean-up & Mulch Min. $500 • New Service Only Not Valid with Any Other Offers with this Coupon thru 6/30/12 Page 12 Kingstonian May 2012 1/2 PRICE First Mowing or First Lawn Fertilization Application New Service Only (with annual program) Not Valid with Any Other Offers with this Coupon thru 6/30/12 $50 OFF Any Landscaping Project Min. $500 • Restrictions May Apply New Service Only Not Valid with Any Other Offers with this Coupon thru 6/30/12 KROC News 2012 Pool Rules The “official” pool rules are posted on the Kingstowne website www.kingstowne. org, and we hope that everyone will read them. Here is a brief synopsis of what they say in language that can be remembered. The rules pertain to both pool facilities. Following these guidelines will ensure all residents have a safe and enjoyable experience at the pools. Please take a few minutes to review them with the family. Who Can Use The Pools? • All residents in good standing of Kingstowne (including tenants who have had the use of amenities transferred to them by the home owner) are entitled to use the swimming pools. • All facilities passes will be issued to the resident. If the homeowner has transferred their use of amenities to a tenant, a copy of a valid, non-expired lease (showing transfer of use of amenities) must be presented to the business office. • �uest passes are re�uired for all visitors one year old or older and can be purchased online by logging into the Kingstowne website or by visiting the KROC Business Office during normal business hours of Monday-Friday 9 A.M.-5:30 P.M. with extended hours on Wednesday to 8 P.M. �uest passes are not sold at the pools. Discounts are available with the purchase of multiple guest passes. No guests are allowed in the pool area without a pass. • All guests must be accompanied by a Kingstowne resident who is 16 years old or older. A maximum of four guests per resident is allowed. The conduct of the guest(s) is the responsibility of the resident. • Adult supervision is re�uired for all children 11 years old and younger while in the pool. One adult per four children (11 years old and younger) is re�uired. Kingstowne families with more than four children will be granted an exception. How to Use the Pools • Lifeguards will be on duty at all times. • Lifeguards and pool managers may ask anyone to leave the pool area when safety is threatened and pool rules are (Simplified Version) not being followed. They also have the authority to suspend usage of the pools. • All persons use the pool at their own risk and agree to abide by the rules. KROC assumes no responsibility for accidents or injury connected with pool use. Residents are responsible for their actions and those of their children and guests. • Adults and children must shower before using the pools. • Do not have any open wounds or infections while in the pool. • Food and beverages may be consumed and smoking is allowed in designated areas only. • Stay clear of the lifeguard stations. • If the lifeguards notice a resident is unable to swim, the deep end of the pool is off limits. • A swimming suit is re�uired. NO cutoffs, shorts or tee shirts will be allowed in the pool. • Place all trash in the proper containers. • Babies must wear rubber pants or swim diapers at all times. • One 15-minute break will be called for children each hour. During this time, only adults 18 years old or older will be allowed in the pool. Adults may take one child (2 years old and younger) into the pool during break time. If the number of people in the pool is excessive, the manager may call more than one break. • Children 3 years old and younger will not be in the pool at any time without an adult 21 years old or older). • Parents are responsible for children in the wading pool. This pool is for children 6 years old or younger. Any unattended child in the pool will be removed and a report made of the incident. KROC Board of Trustees will administer any action deemed necessary against the resident. The same rules regarding safety apply at the wading pool. • The manager may close the pool due to weather or operational breakdown. If the air temperature falls to 69 degrees Fahrenheit or below, the facility will be closed. • One lane will be dedicated to lap swimming. • Any other specific situations that are not covered by these rules will be addressed by the KROC Board of Trustees. • KROC has instructed pool managers and lifeguards to enforce the rules. If they cannot resolve an issue, it will be forwarded to the KROC Board of Trustees. The Following Are NOT Allowed on the Pool Premises • NO gum • NO breakable objects • NO alcohol in the pool area • NO pets (except seeing eye dogs) • NO running, pushing, wrestling, dunking, or standing/sitting on another swimmer’s shoulders • NO water toys, tubes, play pens, or remote control cars • NO balls, rafts or flotation toys (unless on Raft Nights) • NO radios unless personal earphones are used Diving Board Guidelines • Keep the diving areas and ladders clear • NO running, pushing or horseplay on the board • One person at a time is allowed on the board • One bounce can be taken before diving • Dive away from the board • No one can be waiting in the pool to catch you • Don’t toss anything into the water to retrieve it while diving Regular Pool Hours May 26-June 19 Monday-Friday, noon-9 P.M. Weekends & Holidays, 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. June 20-September 3 Every day, 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. See Pool Kickoff Party, page 22. May 2012 Kingstonian Page 13 KROC News Springtime Look at Your Yard Every home in Kingstowne had a landscape bed with foundation plants when it was new. Over the years, the original plants may have died or become overgrown and that landscaping is no longer as attractive as it was when it was new. Answer these questions as you inspect your yard and landscaping. • Have plants died and not been replaced? The dead or missing plants should be replaced. Consider installing evergreens so the landscaping is attractive all year round. • Are your plants overgrown? Does 50% of the plant appear to be dead? Shrubbery needs to be trimmed to maintain its shape. A rule of thumb is to keep your shrubbery trimmed Page 14 Kingstonian May 2012 below the windows. As shrubbery matures, it is normal for some areas to eventually die off. When a plant is 50% dead, it is time to replace the plant. • What is the condition of your stone edging and/or retaining wall? Edging and retaining walls need annual maintenance to keep them structurally sound. They should have a professional appearance and should not be falling apart. Well maintained edging and retaining walls can enhance the landscaping but only if it is in good condition. • What is the condition of the trees on your property? Do they need to be trimmed or removed? Make sure the branches of the tree in your front yard do not encroach on the common sidewalk. If you have an aging tree such as a Bradford Pear and Leyland Cypress, you may want a landscape professional to inspect the tree to make sure it is not a liability. Removing a large tree can be expensive. Spring time is a good time to take inventory of the trees and shrubs in your yard and plan for expenses such as large tree removal. Remember tree removal requires Architectural Review Committee approval. Great Examples of Lovely Yards on Every Block! Well maintained landscaping enhances the curb appeal of a home and the entire neighborhood. There are great examples of well-maintained yards on every block. Take a walk and steal some ideas for your home. See photos on page 15 KROC News undation beds? o Plants in the fo issing? Healthy, dying, m klist Spring Chec o Condition of stone edging or retaining walls? o Shrubbery overgrown? Die off noticed? Windows obscured? o Overall curb appeal! o Well-tended landscaping! May 2012 Kingstonian Page 15 A Call for Memories Attention history buffs! KROC will be celebrating Kingstowne’s 30th anniversary in 2015. In preparation, the Board of Trustees has begun the search for items to document our community’s history. We are looking for newspaper articles, photos, stories, or any other items chronicling Kingstowne’s history and growth. Please contact the KROC Business Office via email at kingstowne@ or call 703-922-9477 if you have any materials you could share with KROC. Page 16 Kingstonian May 2012 Minor Amendment Adopted to Privacy Screening Guideline The Board of Trustees have adopted a minor amendment to the privacy screening guideline. This amendment clarifies the intent of the guideline to apply to both single family homes and townhouses and to incorporate the use of composite material in the construction of screening. The adopted amendment follows. The amended portions are in bold and italics. PRIVACY SCREENING: Privacy screening for elevated decks must be constructed only of cedar, redwood, or pressure treated lumber, either of framed alternating board-on-board construction identical to that of ground level town home fences, or consisting of heavy duty three quarter (3/4”) lattice-framed 2 inch by 4 inch (2” x 4”) lumber or composite material. Privacy screening composed of both wood and composite material must be a single color matching the color of the deck. Screening must extend upwards from the walking surface of the deck, except for lattice-framed screening, which may be affixed to the top of deck railings. Screening height must be a uniform six feet (6’) above the enclosed walking surface, or the height of screening constructed by the builder, whichever is greater, except that a 45 degree corner bevel is permitted at the ends of side screens furthest from the house. Lesser heights are permissible for latticeframed screening affixed to deck rails. To protect adjacent neighbors’ sight lines, town homeowners may not screen the rear of their decks, nor install side screening which extends more than eight feet (8’) from the rear wall of the house. Variances may be granted if the application includes a description of extenuating circumstances. The screening across the back of this deck could be approved with a variance if there were special circumstances. Screening can provide privacy from neighbors, streets, and parking areas. May 2012 Kingstonian Page 17 Activity & Fitness Activity and Fitness Programs Thompson Fitness Center, 703-922-4216 • Snyder Fitness Center, 703-719-7909 Amanda Daugherty, Director of Recreation Services • Complete Listings A full listing of activities, including prices and information for non-residents, is available online at and at the fitness centers. To Sign Up or Get Info Unless otherwise noted, sign up for all activities listed in this Kingstonian by calling a fitness center or emailing Director of Recreation Services Amanda Daugherty (phone numbers and email address above). For all other up-to-date changes, please visit and click the link to sign up for the email distribution list. Play Tennis Kingstowne – Free Event on May 19! Try tennis for free and learn to rally in one hour! Kingstowne will host Play Tennis Kingstowne on May 19. This free community tennis event will include two sessions at the Snyder Center courts. The first session is 9:30 A.M.12:30 P.M. The second session is 12:30 to 3:30 P.M. The event will feature tennis instruction for beginners in three age groups: age 10 and under, ages 11-14, and adults. Kingstowne and the United States Tennis Association staff will demonstrate and explain the USTA’s 10-and-under tennis learning format. All levels will be able to rally with as little as one hour of practice. Wilson Sporting Goods will be displaying rackets and other merchandise. Demo rackets will be available for use during the event. This event is presented by Kingstowne, WTS International, USTA, and Wilson Sporting Goods. Page 18 Kingstonian May 2012 Play Tennis Kingstowne Event Session Schedules Held at Snyder Center Courts Morning Session for 10-and-under players, limited to 50 players: Registration 9:30-10 A.M. Tennis 10-11:30 A.M. Snacks & Raffles 11:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M. Afternoon Session for beginner adult players, limited to 25 players: Registration 12:30-1 P.M. Tennis 1-2:30 P.M. Snacks & Raffles 2:30-3:30 P.M. Registration and Contact Info Registration is required. Register for only one session. Registration is accepted by email or by calling 703-719-7909. Each player needs to supply their name, age, contact information and which session they are interested in. For more information, call 703-719-7909. NO Snyder Center Parking on May 19 No parking will be available at the Snyder Center on May 19 due to the Home Expo! The exhibitors will occupy the parking lot of the Snyder Center, closing that area to vehicles. Parking will be available along Castlewellan Drive and Lake Village Drive. A shuttle will be available from parking areas to and from the Snyder Center and shuttle stops will be clearly marked. Tennis Clinics Available Visit the fitness centers or to check out our list of tennis clinics! There’s something for everyone: classes for individuals, groups, adults, children, beginners, intermediate players, and those striving to excel. See Program News, cont. on page 19 Activity & Fitness Program News, cont. from p. 18 uSpecial Events & New Activities • Ballroom(waltzandfoxtrot),6P.M. •Swing,7P.M. •Salsa,8P.M. •Cost:SingleResident$100,Registeras aCouplefor$175 Osteopenia?SafePilatesforOsteoporosis willshowyouhowtoavoidunsafespinal flexion while discovering the benefits of developingstrongercoremuscles,whichis preciselywhatyouneedtoprotectanosteoporoticspine! This lecture and Master Class will teach you: •SafePilatesFundamentstoimprove yourcorestrengthandposture • Identifycontraindicatedmovements toavoid • Importantbonehealthinformation Date: Sunday, May 20, 3-4:30 P.M. at the SouthCenter Cost:$15residents$25non-residents An Evening of Dance– Next Session–May 10 Safe Pilates for Osteoporosis–May 20 New! Salsa dance classes come to Kingstowne Thursdaysat7P.M.! These7-weekcoursesmeetintheThompsonCenterBallroomonThursdays. Ever wanted to try Pilates or other exercise, but were concernedaboutOsteoporosisand Couch to Triathlon Training–May 30– New Coach Kim Baumgartner! BeginningMay30,Kingstowne fitness centers are partnering with USATriathloncertifiedcoach,andIronmanfin- See Program News, cont. on page 20 Long & Foster Alexandria/Kingstowne Center Alexandria $284,950 6804A Brindle Heath Way #263 FRESHSTARTFORSPRING! LOCATIONANDCONVENIENCE! Single-level living in the heart of Kingstowne. BRAND NEW carpet and paint,updatedappliancesandgorgeousgranite.Relaxonthe patiooverlookinggreenspaceorinfrontofthegasfireplace. TwolightandbrightMasterSuites.9-ftceilings.Easyaccess to2Metros&VRE.Thisonehasitall! Laura Dunkel 703-217-8971 Marcy Bates 703-606-7605 Aldie $400,000 24166 Corktree Lane Twofortheprice of one! 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with 2 car garage and additional3bedroom2bathtraileron5.19acresinLoudoun County!Largelivingroomwithvaultedceiling,hardwood floors&woodstovewithmantel.Formaldiningroom,eatin kitchenwithnewerappliances,masterbedroomwithwalk incloset,renovatedbathrooms,built-ins,additionalwoodburningfireplace,lowerlevelrecroom.Tonsofstorage,large garagewithworkshop.AMustSee!! Meg Olympia 703-475-1552 Dumfries $369,900 Arlington $366,900 Alexandria $229,900 Reston $265,000 Gorgeoushomeinbeautiful Montclair with tons ofupdates!Remodeled kitchenwithmaplecabinets,upgradedstainless steelappliancesandgranitecounters.Bathroomupdates.Hardwoodfloors,fireplaceinfamilyroom,hugemasterbedroomwith walk-incloset.Finishedwalkoutbasementwithrecroom,fullbath, denwithcloset.Extrastorage,laundryroom.Fabulousscreened porchandbigdeckinfencedbackyard. Becky Berning 703-930-3400 1608 Mount Eagle Pl, #967-16 Beautifulpatiogarden,780 square feet, 1-bedroom, 1-bath condo. French patiodoorsopentoflowering trees and shrubs. Hardwood floors, replaced windows, new electrical panel ,andfreshlypainted.QuietandpopularMt.Eaglelocation. EnjoyParkfairfax’smanyamenitiesforspringandsummer enjoyment.Greatlocation.MinutestoDC. Rita Tassa 703-629-8624 3650 Glebe Road S, #846 Location! Location! Spectacular city & Potomac River view from private balcony living room. Luxury onebedroomandden(824sqft)nearCrystalCity.Upgrades galore.Gourmetkitchenw/stainlesssteelappliances,granite countertops,built-incabinetindenconvey.Garageparking, minutestoMetro.Enjoymanyamenities. Rita Tassa 703-629-8624 11033A Villaridge Court #A Well maintained, move in ready condo in walk friendly neighborhood!Entirehomehasbeenfreshly painted,openlivingspace,cozyfireplaceinLR,DRleadstodeck.Bright kitchenincludespantry&breakfast bar.LargeclosetsinBRs.Updated bath,newerw/d,&windows.Lots ofparking,busatcorner,walkacrossstreetforshoppingand dining,walktoparks/pool/lake.FutureMetrowithinamile. Valerie Hardee 703-401-9169 If you are interested in a career in real estate, call today! Office: 703-313-6500 Fax: 703-922-8835 Toll Free: 1-877-241-1560 May 2012 Kingstonian Page 19 Activity & Fitness Program News, cont. from p. 19 Massage Swedish, deep tissue, sports, and pregnancy massage 8 A.M.-8 P.M., daily by appt. Snyder Center Massage Room, 703-629-6442 Don’t Forget Mom on Mothers Day– Gift Certificates Available! Private One-on-One Pilates–Pat Backe Kingstowne’s Kids Soccer–June 16 isher, Kim Baumgartner, to offer a beginner triathlon training program. The program is designed to take you from the couch to the finish line of a sprint triathlon! You will get three weekly workout sessions in swim, bike, run, and strength training for 12 weeks. You will receive training in race tactics, transitions, and equipment. You will have access to Coach Kim by email and phone for questions and concerns between workouts. You will have tons of fun! The cost of the 12-week program is $199 per person. Sessions will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings starting May 30. See registration form, available at either fitness center, for more details. Our Kids Soccer program is offered to children ages 3-10 years. Join us for six weeks of forty-five-minute soccer fundamentals classes, Saturday mornings. Develop your child’s soccer skills through a session that covers all areas of play! Class begins at 9:15 A.M. for ages 3-6, and 10 A.M. for ages 7–10. Please note there must be a minimum of four participants in each group in order for them to run. Cost: Resident $89, Drop-In $20. Please fill out a registration form at either fitness center. Group Exercise Updates Session V starts Monday, June 18, and the deadline to register for these classes is Monday, June 11, 10 P.M. Fitness Center Orientations Fitness center orientations are being offered now! Please make an appointment with the director of recreation services, fitness director, or front desk supervisor. You don’t have to be a new resident to Kingstowne to receive an orientation. Aqua Aerobics Classes to Begin on June 4 A fun, safe, and effective class for all ages and abilities. This class is designed to improve strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination. Exercise at your own speed and intensity, utilizing the water’s natural resistance. Bring a noodle; gloves and aqua shoes optional. Classes located at Snyder Center Pool. Registration forms will be available in May for an all-summer class! Page 20 Kingstonian May 2012 uOngoing Paid Events & Clubs Karate Kingstowne Family Martial Arts Snyder Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays South Center on Saturdays Brian Oviatt at 703-862-4396, Personal Training Contact one of our certified trainers today to kick-start your workout! South Center Aerobics Room $50 per 60-minute session. Packs available. u Ongoing Free Clubs Bike Club–Stan Weekday and weekend rides or 703-313-0756 Chess Club–Rob McKinney 7 P.M., Tuesdays; South Center Great Room Dance Club–Ron Maierhofer Kingstowne Ladies Social Group Line Dancing Club–Paula 10 A.M.–12 P.M., Wednesdays Thompson Center Ballroom Nutrition Club–Amy Andrejewski or 703-967-1148 Passport Nicaragua Club–Juan Playgroup–William 10-11:30 A.M., Tuesdays; Snyder Center Ballroom Singles Club–Rob Tai Chi Club–Paula 9-10 A.M., Saturdays; South Center Aerobics Rm Tennis Club–Ulrike Registration and Cancellations Please note the Kingstowne Fitness and Activities Staff reserves the right to cancel any program or class due to lack of registration. To help ensure that all classes and activities will take place, please register at least two weeks in advance. Activities posted in the Kingstonian are subject to change. Activity & Fitness May 2012 Kingstonian Page 21 Features Page 22 Kingstonian May 2012 Features Kingstowne’s Summer Camp Kingstowne’s Summer Camp has added two additional sessions, extending camp through August 3. Sessions run: June 25-29; July 2-6* (*no camp July 4th); July 9-13; July 16-20; July 23-27; and July 30-Aug. 3. Activities Kingstowne campers enjoy daily pool time, a fun way to ensure exercise is part of the agenda every day. Other activities vary by week so campers experience a wide variety of sports, crafts, and entertainment. Depending on the week, activities may include a beginners’ self-defense lesson from Kingstowne Family Martial Arts Sensei Brian Oviatt, puttputt at Top Golf, a water balloon fight, soccer or kickball, a movie at Regal Kingstowne Stadium 16, a safety lecture from firefighters or police officers, and much more. Flexibility to Meet Your Schedule • Full Day Sessions (8:30-4:30 M-F)–$250 • Half Day Sessions (8:30-Noon M-F)–$175 • Before Care (7-8:30 A.M. M-F)–$50 • After Care (4:30-6 P.M. M-F)–$50 • Both Before and After Care–$90 • 2nd Child Discount–10% off for 2nd or 3rd child when registering at same time as 1st child. • No Refunds May 2012 Kingstonian Page 23 THANK YOU SPONSORS! Academy Door 703-740-3836 ADT Security Systems 703-801-2794 Saturday, May 19 Snyder Center Grounds FREE AD Anchor Landscape & Property Services 2012 List of 703-989-8744; Arganica Concept.0 Innovation Painti Ayoub Carpet Service Décor and You DC Jerry’s Paint & W Center Inc. 202-905-3099 703-255-6000 John C. Flood, In Blue Door Painters eShield of VA Key Home Manag Brian McGarry Interiors Exterior Medics Kingstowne Arch Review Committe 571-344-0763 Capital Remodeling Inc. SHUTTLE SERVICE A shuttle will be available from parking areas and shuttle stops will be clearly marked. MORE INFO? Visit for more information. Page 24 Kingstonian May 2012 703-569-2622; dmargo Embrace Home Loans 703-504-2000 The exhibitors will occupy the parking lot of the Snyder Center, closing that area to vehicles. Parking will be available along Castlewellan Drive and Lake Village Drive. 703-599-0648 571-276-0951 luisrodriguez226@yaho Better Windows by Beth Inc. 703-327-1200 EVENT PARKING 703-732-4411 800-939-0728 Case Design/Remodeling Inc. 703-667-7397 Champion Windows of Northern VA 571-490-7888 City Remodeling 703-901-6067 703-279-8800 804-249-1011 703-942-6553 Fairfax County Garage Hero 703-273-HERO 571-217-1571 Lemongrass Truc 703-996-9978 lemongrasstruck@gma Live Green 301-742-0960; dcliveg Guardian Protection Services Maid Brigade Gutter Pros of VA Maid Solution LL 301-330-1399 703-626-6982 Complete Landscaping Service Home Network Solutions 301-218-1800 703-914-1800 703-444-1733 703-823-1726 sales@maid-brigade.c 703-909-8411 Marshall Roofing Siding-Windows 703-550-0055; troy@m Stone Depot 703-372-2232 Tech Painting 9 • 10 A.M.-3 P.M. • 6450 S. Van Dorn St. DMISSION f Exhibitors ing LLC Wallpaper nc. om gement hitectural ee ck com LC m g- THANK YOU SPONSORS! McLean Irrigation Inc. 703-790-4600 703-684-7702 The Bratwurst King 703-930-6455 Tom & Cindy & Assoc. at Long & Foster and T&C Home Mgmt. 703-822-0207; MidAtlantic Contracting Inc. Trademasters Service Corp. Olde Towne Pet Resort Transnational Corporation Poop 911 USA Home Construction 703-492-4663 703-455-9000 877-POOP911; Prince William Home Improv. 703-492-1294 RE/Max Allegiance 703-585-8289 Root Electric 703-494-3989 Samson Properties 703-980-2054 Select Heating & Cooling Corp. 703-764-0005 Smart Choice Cleaning 703-455-1440 703-496-4250 703-778-5300 703-888-8536 Vulcan Materials Company 703-354-7100 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 703-760-6942 Wilkinson PM & Home First Realty 703-971-1800 Willow House 703-971-1044 Your Man Friday 703-372-4443 CELEBRITY APPEARANCE BY LaVar Arrington! Former Redskin player and 3-time Pro Bowl Champ, LaVar Arrington, will be making a celebrity appearance at the Home Expo, 12 Noon-2 P.M. (Courtesy of John C. Flood, Inc.) EVENTS FOR KIDS The Home Expo will also feature clowns and face painting to entertain the children. May 2012 Kingstonian Page 25 Kingstowne Farmers Market Opens May 4! Bring your craving for fresh foods to the Kingstowne Farmers Market beginning on Friday, May 4, through Friday, October 26, 4-7 P.M. The market is located in the parking lot across from the Sunoco gas station on Kingstowne Boulevard, near S. Van Dorn Street. Select from a variety of fresh produce, dairy products, baked goods, herbs, nuts, meats, honey and flowers. Many of your favorite vendors from years past will be joined by a few new merchants to offer you homegrown products. Special thanks to our Market Master, Laura Sweatt, who will manage the operations of the market in accordance with Fairfax County guidelines. If you would like to sell your product at any of the Fairfax County Farmers Page 26 Kingstonian May 2012 Markets, call Green Spring Gardens at 703-642-0128. List of Vendors A Bit More Sweets and Specialties Bonjour la Parisienne Cenan’s Bakery Inc. Rockahock Farm Stone Soup Bakery Red Fox Creamery Smith Family Farm Bees ‘n Blossoms Colonial Kettle Corn Inc. Fresh Crunch Old World Kitchens “The Pasta Lady” PK Hot Sauce Salsa Las Glorias Stachowski Brand Charcuterie C&T Produce Chesley Vegetable Farms & Allenberg Orchards Level Green Farm/ Sissons Produce Mt Olympus Farm Penn Farm New Vendors Bonjour la Parisienne is a new baker – they do savory breads, ciabattas and some sweets like cookies, brownies and muffins. With pride and joy we introduce to you Bonjour La Parisienne Artisan Bakers. Under the work and direction of Keith Rinaldi, artisan baker, this is a bakery dedicated to producing and offering truly fresh artisan breads and sweets. We start with one Biga and four Levain doughs as natural starters and use unbromated and unbleached flours, filtered water, sea salt, and the finest natural kosher fruits, nuts, eggs, oils, and butter. We then shape by hand and bake our products in brick ovens. Our bakery blends centuriesold traditions with our passion for new, exciting and innovative American breads and sweets. Bon Appétit! Rockahock Farm has a variety of products—they do sweet breads, jams and jellies, pies and homemade mustards. Stone Soup Bakery does pies and sweets (cookies, brownies, fudge bars), and can take custom orders. Their pies are highly seasonal. Located in Lanexa, VA, Rockahock Farms offers jams and jellies, chutneys and mustards in addition to seasonal baked goods. They also sell delicious sweet potato biscuits, cheese straws and a variety of cheese cakes. Welcome to Stone Soup Bakery! We are a brother-sister team of baker’s intent on amazing you with our products. Everything we make is always fresh and from scratch. It’s just like your grandma made, but better. Just don’t tell her that! PK Hotsauce sells different varieties of hot sauce and wine jelly. Our special blend of sauce is all natural–containing no chemicals or preservatives. Stachowski Brand Charcuterie is our new value-added meat vendor. They sell charcuterie and pate. “Hands down the best charcuterie in town.” -Don Rockwell May 2012 Kingstonian Page 27 Features Three Dive-In Movies This Summer Kingstowne will host three dive-in movies this summer: June 27 at the South Center Pool, July 25 at the Snyder Center Pool, and August 29 at the South Center Pool. You can watch from poolside or while in the pool. Movies t ypically start at 8 P.M.–when it is dark enough to see the screen properly. Which movies will be shown? You decide! Vote for the movies at the Summer Kickoff Pool Part y on May 26, at the South Center Pool. Page 28 Kingstonian May 2012 Features Family Pool Party–July 13 Kingstowne’s annual Family Pool Party is July 13! Enjoy pizza, games, music, and hanging out at the pool with families, friends, and neighbors. Tickets are $3 per person or $10 for four tickets. Tickets will be sold June 11-July 11 (or until tickets are sold out) at the fitness centers and pool locations only (not at the KROC Business Office). Checks only, please– made payable to KROC. May 2012 Kingstonian Page 29 Features Adult Swim This summer Kingstowne will offer a NEW event–Adult Swim. Adult Swim opens the entire pool to adults only, so serious swimmers can swim laps without worrying that a child might be in the path. Children will not be allowed in the pool during Adult Swim, but FREE childcare is available inside the building. Please register in advance for child care by contacting either fitness center, so we can appropriately staff this event. Adult Swim will be held on four different Fridays–twice in July and twice in August. More details will be available in late June. Page 30 Kingstonian May 2012 Clubs, Orgs, Events Charles H. Brown III, D.D.S. Boyd Glasgow, D.M.D. Gary Moller, D.M.D. Frank Romano, D.D.S. Kenneth Lee, D.D.S., F.A.G.D. Tara Zier, D.D.S. Frances Hamman, D.D.S. – Orthodontist Features Glow in the Dark Mini-Golf–August 2 Enjoy a FREE night of mini-golf at Top Golf. First 30 residents can use glow-in-the-dark balls. Residents will be able to play as much mini-golf as they like, 6-9 P.M. Please show KROC facilities pass when checking in. Bring out the whole family! Photo by Dimpal Shrestha, Terrington resident Exp. July 1, 2012. Exp. July 1, 2012. Exp. July 1, 2012. Page 32 Kingstonian May 2012 May 2012 Kingstonian Page 33 Features NABorhood News s teams! ake great sale Kids and pets m Don’t forget ad dlike cookies and on sales lemonade! Good Neighbor, Russ Peter Spring Community Yard Sale–Sat. May 5 Newcastle resident Russ Peter, in a neighbor’s Dunman Way garden, works hard to keep it looking great for all to enjoy! This is the time to clean out your garage, attic, basement, and your bedroom closet. This is one of two authorized yard sales in this community, the other being in the fall. The association will publish these events in the Washington Post and the local periodicals. Dumbarton Spring Clean Up and Potluck–May 12 The Annual Community Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, May 5, 8 A.M. until 5 P.M. (Rain date-Sunday, May 6, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.) If you would like to post other signs for your sale, please make sure they are removed at the end of the day (5 P.M.). Residents may place their sale items along Summer Ridge Road, Kingstowne Commons Drive, Park Village Drive, Lake Village Drive, Greendale Village Drive, Horgan Court and Castlewellan Drive. Please remember, Community Centers and the surrounding areas are not authorized sale areas-there may be paid events occurring during this time. Good luck and have fun! The HOA does not maintain the naturalized areas of Kingstowne. We all either have naturalized areas in our back yards or at the end of our streets. If you walk around you will see a lot of trash in the naturalized areas. I know we all want our neighborhood to look good. Therefore, I hope you will participate in the Dumbarton spring clean up on Saturday, May 12, 3 P.M. After the clean up, we will have a neighborhood potluck at 5 P.M. The meat will be provided. We will need attendees to bring a side dish, dessert, sodas, etc. For further information, please email Chatsworth to Hold Memorial Day Picnic and Bike Parade The Chatsworth Neighborhood will be having a Memorial Day picnic near the Tot Lot on Monday, May 28, 1 P.M. Please RSVP Brenda at no later than May 21 if you plan to attend. This picnic will be a potluck, so plan on bringing a dish to share. Decorate for Our Chatsworth Bike Parade! There will be a bicycle parade for all ages, so decorate your bike and have some fun. Page 34 Kingstonian May 2012 Around the Towne Local Government Reports Monthly Report from Ch. Sharon Bulova Sharon Bulova, Ch., Fairfax County Bd. of Supv. 703-324-2321; Redevelopment of Older Commercial and Industrial Areas Much of Fairfax County’s future will be redevelopment of our older commercial and industrial areas. In June of 2010 the Board of Supervisors approved a new Comprehensive Plan for the redevelopment of Tysons Corner. Despite the severe economic downturn, over a dozen applications have been working their way through the pipeline. The Transforming of Tysons, to include four new Metro Stations, will be a long-term redevelopment process. To keep up-to-date on what is happening in Tysons, you can visit the Fairfax County Website at tysons/. The Evolution of Fairfax To those of you who may be wondering what the fascination is with Tysons–or for those of you are fascinated and want to hear more–I hope you will save the following dates in June for my upcoming series The Evolution of Fairfax that I think you will enjoy: Wednesday, 7:30-9:30 P.M. June 13, 20 and 27, location still to be determined. The series will track the history of growth and development in Fairfax County and will conclude with a collective peek into our county’s future – where are we going? Where do we want to be? I’m really excited about this series and hope you will be able to join me! Kim McClary ✥ L&F Top 20 Producers ✥ L&F Master’s Club ($20 million+ in annual sales) ✥ Life Member, NVAR Top Producers Dedicated to meeting the needs of Kingstowne residents, whether buying or selling, since 1988! Kingstowne client references are always available. Phone today for a complimentary market analysis 703-929-8425 Direct Line (Immediate Response Line) 703-866-1097 Home Office E-Mail Dr. Christina S. Michael Internal Medicine 2050 Countywide Transit Network Study The Fairfax County Department of Transportation has launched its 2050 Countywide Transit Network Study to determine the type of transit systems needed to accommodate desired economic growth throughout the county over the next several decades. The study will develop recommendations for where Metrorail should be extended, where streetcars, light-rail or other transit modes are appropriate, and where dedicated lanes that allow buses to move faster could be built. The study will recommend transit improvements in various corridors that work together to improve/facilitate movement throughout the county, as well as how these transit modes can be phased-in and funded over time. To participate in the 2050 Countywide Transit Network Study survey, visit There will be additional opportunities for public involvement throughout the duration of the study. The study is anticipated to take approximately 18 months, with an estimated completion of Summer 2013. Inova HealthPlex 6355 Walker Lane, Suite 505 Alexandria, Virginia 22310 703-971-4444 • Over 15 Years Experience • Accepting New Patients • Participating with All Major Health Plans Medical Treatment of Adults and Adolescents • Complete Physical • Hypertension • Diabetes • • Preventive Health Care • May 2012 Kingstonian Page 35 Around the Towne Message from Lee Dist. Supv. McKay Report from Sen. Barker’s Office Jeff C. McKay, Lee District Supervisor 703-971-6262; George Barker, Senator, 39th District 703-303-1426; When I was growing up in Lee District, Springfield Mall was a modern retail center with stores like Garfinkels and W. Bell Company. I spent a lot of time there and have fond memories. Times changed; other malls were developed and redeveloped, yet Springfield Mall’s 80 acres of stores and restaurants remained fixed in time with an absentee owner who saw no reason to invest in his property. The results were predictable–B-list retailers, less than adequate security, and customers who preferred to spend their retail dollars at Tysons, Pentagon City–any place that wasn’t Springfield Mall. With the partisan debate over the state budget still underway (although possibly resolved by the time this goes to print), and with what promises to be a contentious campaign season in front of us, I thought it beneficial to share a story about one of my bills this year. This is a bipartisan story. We’ve been waiting–since 2006 when Vornado originally put the mall under contract; since 2009 when Fairfax County approved its development plan; through the end of 2010 when Vornado finally purchased the property outright. The great recession did its part to slow things down. The county has expedited every element of the mall project; it’s been the private sector that has not acted. Finally, it looks like our waiting is over and construction is about to begin. Tenants–with the exceptions of the anchors Macy’s, Target, and J. C. Penny–have been given three months’ notice to vacate to make way for a full renovation of the mall to begin this summer. The first phase will take about two years and will completely redo the interior of the mall, including a movie theater, food court and one central entrance instead of the confusing multiple entrances of the old mall. Later phases of the renovation will complete the town center with a mix of retail and commercial uses, a hotel, pedestrian plazas, and recreational facilities. Transportation and pedestrian improvements are key parts of this renovation. This is the most important redevelopment project in Springfield. I’m pleased that it’s finally moving forward and I’ve already pulled together a county team to ensure that Vornado moves through the county’s final permitting process as quickly as possible. I’m looking forward to two Christmases from now when my children will be sitting on Santa’s lap at a revitalized Springfield Mall. SERVING YOU SINCE ‘82 Friendly, Personalized Service ★ Quality & Satisfaction FRAMING SPECIAL ★ 20% OFF Custom Picture Framing ★ Complete orders only. Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon at time of order. Discounts do not apply to Ready-Made Frames, Rushes, Completed Orders or Orders in Progress. (Offer Expires 10th of Next Month) 5876 Kingstowne Center, #170 Page 36 Kingstonian May 2012 (703) 922-5501 I introduced SB 217 on the first day of session, and it didn’t pass until the final day—the closing hours of the final day, actually. The bill would make it easier for children living in kinship care arrangements to attend the school district where they live. As a proud foster parent myself, I know how important it is for a child to grow up in a loving home, and when there is a family member in the picture, that’s often the best place for the child to be. Opponents of this legislation contended that easing this process could lead to school shopping. They said that parents would send their children to live with grandma, because grandma lived in a county with a better school system. We addressed this concern, but in order to get the bill passed and help the children across the Commonwealth who needed help as soon as possible, it was clear that we would need a broad and bipartisan coalition behind it. The Senate passed SB217 on a 23-17 vote; voting yes were five Republicans. Debate continued in the House of Delegates, but there the bill passed 86-14; voting yes was nearly every single Republican R.E. LEE HIGH SCHOOL and Democrat. (Across from Springfield Mall) Girls & Boys Basketball Camp The story goes on from there, but the point that I want to highlight is that in spite of what we read in the papers, and as much as we disagree with those of the opposite political party, it is possible to work together. July 9-13, 2012: Day Camp - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Open to girls and boys ages 8-15 (rising 3rd to rising 10th graders). August 6-10, 2012: Day Camp - 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Open to girls and boys ages 8-15 (rising 3rd to rising 10th graders). August 6-9, 2012: Evening Shooting Camp 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Open to boys and girls ages 12–17. For more information email Around the Towne Kingstowne Library KINGSTOWNE INTERNAL MEDICINE 6500 Landsdowne Centre, Kingstowne 703-339-4610 PRIMARY CARE • Closed May 27-28 for the Memorial Day Holiday • Registration is not required for “preschool” events; tickets will be distributed beginning 30 minutes before the event, first come, first served. n May Programs for All Ages Nikki Waddell, MD Accepting New Patients and Most Insurance Plans! Call 571-384-6304 to schedule an appointment today! 5901 Kingstowne Village Pkwy, Suite 300, Kingstowne (Behind Regal Theaters) u Check out our website for the Art Gallery Open House in May. Friends Book Sale. Saturday, May 12, 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Gems and finds for all readers. All ages. n May Programs for Preschoolers Spring Fling. Monday, May 21, 10:30 A.M. Let’s have a blooming good time with songs and stories. Age 12-23 months with adult. April Showers. Monday, April 16, 10:30 A.M. Rainy day stories. Age 12-23 months with adult. Wheels! Monday, May 14, 10:30 A.M. Stories, songs and fun about things that go. Storytime for age 2-3 with adult. Sweet Dreams: Bedtime Stories for the Whole Family. Tuesday, May 1, 7 P.M. Stories for children and their families. GARAGE DOOR PROBLEMS? Repairing All Makes of Garage Doors & Electric Openers 703-266-0067 GARAGE DOORS & ELECTRIC OPERATORS • SALES & SERVICE n May Programs for Adults ★ THE #1 DANCE STUDIO IN THE NATION ★ ★ IS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD!! ★ STRICTLY RHYTHM DANCE CENTER ★ TAP ★ JAZZ ★ BALLET ★ ★ ★ PRE-SCHOOL DANCE ★ (Starting at Age 1-1/2) Conveniently located in Franconia Center 6118- A Franconia Road ★ Classes Available for Children and Adults ★ ★ (Boys Breakdancing Ages 4 -12) ★ ★ ★ HIP HOP ★ BBoyz ★ ★ ★ MUSICAL THEATER ★ LYRICAL ★ ★ Personalized Internet/Computer Training. One-onone sessions with a technology volunteer. Call for an appointment. Genealogy Tutorials. One-on-one sessions with a genealogy volunteer using library online resources. Call for appointment. Practice Your English. Each Wednesday, 10:15 A.M., and each Thursday, 7 P.M. Conversation group for people learning English. Daytime Book Discussion. Wednesday, May 2, 12:15 P.M. Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. Adults. Second Tuesday Evening Book Discussion. Tuesday, May 8, 7 P.M. Call branch for title. Adults. Visit the group’s blog at secondtuesdaybookgroup.blogspot. com. Older Adults Book Group. Wednesday, May 9, 2 P.M. Bend in the River by V.S. Naipaul. Meet next door at Kingstowne Center for Active Adults (KNCAA). Cosponsored by KNCAA. Learning English/Evenings. Thursdays in May, 7 P.M. Conversation group for people learning English. Adults. Learning English/Mornings. Wednesdays in May, 10:15 A.M. Conversation group for people learning English. Adults. 703-719-6878 May 2012 Kingstonian Page 37 Around the Towne School Board Report Tamara Derenak Kaufax, Lee District Fairfax County School Board 571-423-1081; Budget Work Continues Summer break may be just around the corner, but your School Board is busily preparing for next year as we make the final revisions to the FY 2013 budget. Work on the budget began several months ago. On March 28, the Lee District As- sociation of Civic Organizations held a meeting at the Franconia Government Center where Supervisor Jeff McKay with county staff presented the county side of the budget and FCPS Budget Services Office Coordinator Michele New accompanied me as we discussed our school system’s goals and presented on the FY 2013 advertised school budget. Public Hearing is May 15-16 If you would like to comment on the budget, you may sign-up to speak at the Public Hearing on May 15-16. The following link provides information, instructions, and online registration: http:// requestspeak.shtml. A public work session will be held at Luther Jackson Middle School on May 17 with a final budget approved on May 24. Support our Schools If you dine at a Glory Days Grill between now and June 1, 2012, the restaurant will contribute 10% of your total food purchases to the Hayfield Hawks Student Activities organization. Edison High School is presenting “Oklahoma” on May 4 at 7 P.M. and May 5 at 2 P.M. and 7 P.M. JOIN US AND FEEL GREAT! YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY TAE KWON DO • HAP KI DO • SELF DEFENSE 6700 Fleet Drive, Alexandria 703-313-8804 Our reward system improves children’s self-esteem, discipline and confidence! Master Instructor Kwang Weon Woo SUMMER CAMP Summer Camp includes 4 field trips per week and a pizza party. We have one day of introduction and fun at Chuck E. Cheeses, one day of learning cooperation through sports at a park, one day at the pool, one day of excitement through a new world at Museums (Washington, DC), and finally the last day includes a PIZZA PARTY provided by us with drinks. Full day camp students will attend Tae Kwon Do class from 4-4:50 P.M. They will learn basic kicking, punching, stepping, and sparring techniques. Schedule–CALL NOW! Space is Limited 6:30-9 AM Drop Off and Check In 9-Noon Adventure of the Day / Field Trip** (**Half Day Camp Students will be going home at this time.) Noon-1 PM Lunch Time 1-1:30 PM Free Time 1:30-3:30 PM Movie Time / Structured Game Time 3:30-4 PM Change into uniform and prepare for class. 4-4:50 PM Tae Kwon Do Class 5-6 PM Clean Up and Go Home NEW STUDENT SPECIAL MASTERS OF YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY Page 38 YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY/TAE KWON DO Kingstonian YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY/HAP KI DO May 2012 Call for Details With this coupon. Expires 7/3/12. Contact Yong In Academy for full details of this offer. 2 Private Classes 1 Group Class Free Uniform Lee High School has some great concerts coming up: May 17 – Band Spring concert May 22 – Chorus Spring concert May 24 – Orchestra Spring concert Graduation Dates • Hayfield Secondary School – June 14 at Hayfield SS; 4:30 P.M. • Lee High School – June 14 at GMU Patriot Center; 7:30 P.M. • Edison High School – June 15 at Constitution Hall; 2:30 P.M. • Mount Vernon High School – June 15 at Mount Vernon HS; 4:30 P.M. Around the Towne School News Lane Elementary School PTA Meeting Tuesday, May 1, 7-8 P.M., Lane Elem. School Library (Open to all Lane parents, caregivers, teachers and administrators) PTA Board Elections to be discussed Restaurant Days Mention you are with Lane Elementary and a portion of your meal’s revenue will be donated back to the school. Thursday, May 24 – BOARDWALK BURGERS AND FRIES ( All Day) Tuesday, June 12 – TGI FRIDAYS (4-9 P.M.) Upcoming Events Friday, May 4, 7 P.M. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT – FREE Family Fun Night for all Lane Families! Contact Vicky. for more information. Saturday, May 5, 8 A.M.-Noon: BEAUTIFICATION DAY - An opportunity to work as a community and spruce up our school grounds. Volunteers and donations needed! For more information contact Vicky at . Saturday, May 19: 5K RUN/WALK – All are welcome! For more information and the Registration Form/ Waiver please visit or contact sue. Special Thanks! A special “Thanks!” to Chuck E. Cheese on Route 1 for hosting a very successful Restaurant Day, along with all the members of the community who came out to support our school! New Partnership! Red Hot and Blue, located in the Landsdowne Shopping Center (at Beulah and Telegraph) has partnered with Lane Elementary. Every time you dine-in or take-out, mention Lane and RHB will donate 10% back to the school on a monthly basis! No coupon needed! Thanks, Gray! Support Lane Elementary School! General Mills Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s’ Labels for Education: Collections take place monthly at the school. The school receives 10 cents for every Box Top we submit! Supermarket Cards - It’s never too late! Encourage neighbors, friends, and relatives to register, too! Safeway: e-mail your card number to clubcards@ Keep in Touch FACEBOOK - “Like” the Anthony T. Lane Elementary PTA Facebook page TWITTER - Get Twitter alerts. Follow us @LanePTA. Don’t have a Twitter account? Text to 40404 with the message, “Follow LanePTA” WEBSITE - Visit for all your PTA information and “News You Need to Know”. Thomas Edison High School Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! The school’s Visual & Performing Arts presents “Oklahoma.” With music by Richard Rodgers, book and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein, and original dances by Agnes de Mille, this classic favorite will delight young and old alike. Evening performances are April 27-28 and May 4-5 at 7 P.M. Matinees are April 28 and May 5 at 2 P.M. Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students and seniors. They are available online at For questions, email Mattress Sale Fundraiser for Edison Band Saturday, May 12, 10 A.M.-5 P.M. Thomas Edison High School, 5801 Franconia Road Save up to 50% off retail and support Edison’s band! • Pillow-top, Plush top, Orthopedic, Latex and Memory Foam Sets • Prices start: Twin $199, Full $289, Queen $299, King $499 • Name Brands: Southerland & Restonic • BRAND NEW with Factory Warranties • Delivery Available • Bed Frames & Mattress Protectors Available • Cash, Checks and Credit Cards Accepted • Lay Away Available Questions: Email “Excelling in Dance Education for 22 years” ancensations dance center COMPETITIVE & NON-COMPETITIVE DANCE & GYMNASTICS CHEER / TUMBLING Pat Hawkes, Director, FDC’s Teacher of the Year Hayfield Shopping Center 7572 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria 703-719-9315 May 2012 Kingstonian Page 39 Clubs, Orgs, Events Clubs, Organizations, and Events In Alphabetical Order ◆ New Announcements Send announcements for new clubs and events to by the 7th of each month for publication the following month. New clubs and events are listed for two months; afterwards a shortened listing is provided under “Existing Clubs & Groups.” Existing Clubs and Groups may submit information for special events; it will be run if space allows. Alexandria Black History Museum The Alexandria Black History Museum plans to show free monthly “movies with a mission,” 4:30 P.M., the second Saturday of the month, at the museum, 902 Wythe Street. Screenings are followed by discussion and a gallery walk. RSVP 703-746-4356. May 12—Slavery by Another Name June 9—Banished: An Investigation into Ethnic Cleansing in PostReconstruction America Bike to Work Day–May 18 Need some encouragement on Bike To Work Day? Stop by the Bike To Work Day pit stop, sponsored by the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce, at the gazebo on Walker Lane, across from the INOVA Springfield Healthplex, approximately 6-9 A.M., on Friday, May 18. Crimean Oven Lecture at Fort Ward Museum–May 12 On Saturday, May 12, 1 P.M., Fort Ward Museum will sponsor a lecture on “The Story of Alexandria’s Civil War Crimean Ovens and Camp California.” Wally Owen, Assistant Director at Fort Ward Museum, in the Museum library, will present the lecture. Admission Page 40 Kingstonian May 2012 Alexandria’s Fort Ward during the Civil War. See information below about the May 12 lecture describing the Crimean ovens discovered at the fort. Also see summer camp opportunties at Fort Ward for children and teens on p. 42. is $10 per person; reservations are recommended. Mr. Owen will discuss new research highlighting the story behind Alexandria’s rare archaeological find in 2003 of Crimean ovens, underground heating structures built by Union troops during the Civil War to heat hospital tents, and their relationship to Camp California. Camp California was home to 10,000 Civil War soldiers from December 1861 to March 1862. Located in today’s west end of Alexandria, the camp was an early war training ground for the Union Army of the Potomac. Mr. Owen is a Civil War historian, curator and author who specializes in the defenses of Washington and the Civil War history of Alexandria. He is the co-author of the book, Mr. Lincoln’s Forts: A Guide to the Civil War Defenses of Washington. Fort Ward is the best-preserved fortification in the Civil War defenses of Washington, an extensive system of forts built to protect the Union capital. The museum offers changing exhibits, tours, lectures, and interpretive programs throughout the year. Fort Ward Museum & Historic Site is located at 4301 West Braddock Road. For more information, please go to www.FortWard. org or call 703-746-4848. Firefighting History Tours Friendship Firehouse Museum offers a walking tour on Saturday, May 12, 1-2:30 P.M., starting and ending at the Friendship Firehouse, 107 South Alfred Street, in Old Town. Learn about early Alexandria volunteer firefighting, historic buildings that served as fire stations, three major fires, and how the Union occupation affected local firefighting. RSVP to www. or 703-7464994; $6 for adults, $4 for ages 10-17. FAB, FIT, and FUN–NEW CLUB Fab, Fit and Fun is a social organization, particularly designed for men and women over the age of 40 who live in and around Kingstowne, Virginia, (or who don’t mind traveling to our locality). The objective is to provide men and women a means to participate in fun activities within a supportive, nurturing environment while committing to weight management and fitness goals. Therefore, activities are tailored for the purpose of sharing information about healthy choices while promoting a fun and fit lifestyle. Fab, Fit, and Fun is designed for people who share common interests in activities such as R & B concerts, See Clubs et al, cont. on page 41 Clubs, Orgs, Events Clubs, Organizations and Events, cont. from page 40 Jazz concerts, An Annual Gala, Art and Cultural Tours, Cocktails, Comedy Performances, Cook-Outs, Dance Performances, Dining Out, Exercising, Fashion Shows, Meet and Greets, Movies, Plays, PotLuck Dinners, Shopping, Sightseeing, Spa Treatments, Travel, Walking Groups, Weight Management Forums and many other activities. Street, is hosting new volunteer training June 2, 9 A.M. to noon. This three hour class includes a tour and the basics of giving museum tours. Pre-registration is required. Volunteers can complete an application online through or email Michele. Join us for a Meet and Greet on the last Saturday of each month in Kingstowne, at 3 P.M. For more specific information about the types of activities planned for Fab, Fit and Fun, please see the Calendar of Events page on our website, http://www. You may also call our event line at 1-888-Club- 4 – U – 8, or 1-888-258-2488 and press option 2 or 3. May 12, join the largest one-day food-collection event in the nation by leaving nonperishable food donations at your mailbox. The National Association of Letter Carriers will pick up donations as they deliver the mail. Last year 70.2 million pounds of food were collected. Local donations go to local food banks. Gadsby’s Tavern Museum Seeks Volunteers Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, 134 N. Royal Street in the heart of Old Town, Alexandria, is hosting new volunteer training June 2 from 1 to 4 P.M. for those interested in volunteering their time to give tours of this historic building. This threehour class will cover all of the basics of giving tours of the museum. No experience is necessary, just a love of history! Stamp Out Hunger ◆ Existing Clubs & Groups Alexandria-Kingstowne MOMS Club Habitat ReStore 703-360-6700 or 7770-G Richmond Hwy., behind Gold’s Gym Kingstowne Area Artists Association–Sandy and Ginny or Kingstowne Center for Active Adults 6488 Landsdowne Ctr, Alexandria 9 A.M.-4 P.M. M-F, 703-339-7676 Beginner Facebook–Friday, May 4 at 2 P.M. Call center to RSVP. AARP Driver Safety Class for Older Adults–May 10 and May 11 Weight Loss Support Group–Tuesday, May 8 and Tuesday, May 22 at 10:30 A.M. Community Game Night ($9 per person, includes dinner)–Friday, May 18 at 6 P.M. Call center to RSVP. Kingstowne Center is hosting its annual crafts fair on September 29 and the center is looking for crafters interested in displaying their work. Call the center for details. Kingstowne Motorcycle Group–Tim Nank Kingstowne Stitch In 7-9 P.M., Mondays 6488 Landsdowne Center All stitchers are welcome! See Clubs et al, cont. on page 42 Pre-registration is required. Volunteers can complete an application online through or email Michele.longo@ Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum Volunteer Training Want to share your interest in Alexandria history with others? Curious about early American medicine and health? Then consider volunteering as a tour guide at the StablerLeadbeater Apothecary in historic Old Town Alexandria. Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum, at 105-107 South Fairfax May 2012 Kingstonian Page 41 Clubs, Orgs, Events Clubs et al, cont. from page 41 Kingstowne Striders Running, walking, and fitness La Leche League of Kingstowne 10:30 A.M., 1st Friday each month Kingstowne Library La Leche League for Moms of Twins/Multiples Breastfeeding_MomsofmultiplesinDC/ 10:15 A.M., 3rd Saturday each month Kingstowne Library Mount Vernon Genealogical Society– Phyllis Kelley 1 P.M., Tuesday, May 15 703-660-6969 or phylliskelley@msn. com or Room 112, 1500 Shenandoah Rd., Alex. “Turning Biographical Facts into Real Life Events” Phoenix Rising Meal Program Prepare (6:30 P.M. Thursdays) or deliver (5:30 P.M. Fridays) meals to homeless. Page 42 Kingstonian May 2012 703-971-5151, admin@franconiaumc. org Franconia United Methodist Church, 6037 Franconia Road May 24 & 25, Jun. 21 & 22, Jul. 26 & 27, Aug. 23 & 24, Sep. 27 & 28, Oct. 25 & 26, Nov. 21 & 23, and Dec. 27 & 28 Presents 4 Pets Campaign Collecting pet supplies for animal shelters and rescue groups. or 703-924-1616 Summer Camp: Archaeology at Fort Ward July 16-20, or 23-27; 9 A.M.-3:30 P.M. ages 12-15, cost $400 Fort Ward Historical Park 4301 Braddock Road 703-746-4399 or Summer Camp: Fort Ward June 25-29; 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. ages 8-12, cost $200 4301 Braddock Road 703-746-4848 or Summer Camp: Historic Alexandria July 24-26; 9 A.M. to noon ages 5-7, cost $105 The Lyceum, 201 S. Washington Street 703-746-4994 or Toastmasters International, Kingstowne Toasties Chapter–David Posner 7:30 P.M., 1st and 3rd Thur. each month 6488 Landsdowne Center http://kingstowne.freetoasthost. com/index.html Facebook: Kingstowne Toasties Toastmasters International, Mount Vernon Chapter 7:30 P.M., 1st and 3rd Mon. each month 8350 Richmond Highway South County Govt. Ctr. http://mountvernon.freetoasthost. org/ Facebook: Mt. Vernon (VA) Toastmasters Classified Ads Classified Advertisements Placing Your Classified Ad Is Easy! Classified Ads are $11 for 25 words or fewer and $0.25 for each additional word thereafter. The Deadline Date for Ads is the 7th of each month for the following month’s issue. Ads must be printed or typed, accompanied by a check payable to Marlborough Publishing (not Kingstowne), and mailed or brought to the Kingstowne Business Office, 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315, by the 7th of the month prior to the month you want your ad to run. Classified Ads for Lost and Found Items are printed free. You may deliver your notice to the KROC Business Office or email it to Free Ads for Lost and Found Items: Other Options: • You may also mail your Classified Ad and check directly to Marlborough Publishing, PO Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678, before the 7th of the month for the next month’s issue. • Order Forms for Classified Ads are available on the Web at: Scroll down to the bottom of this screen and click on “Classified Advertising.” This will open the form as a pdf file which you may print out and mail. It is helpful if you ALSO email the text of your ad to MarlbPub@comcast. net and include a copy of your email in the envelope with your Order Form and check. • If you want your Ad to run for more than one month, you may pay in advance for several months. Be sure to specify the months you want. • For questions, email Disclaimer: The inclusion herein of advertisements, articles or references to the websites of third parties does not indicate an endorsement by Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation or Marlborough Publishing of the goods, services, materials or information of the third party. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing are not affiliated with these third parties. Copyright Marlborough Publishing 2012. All rights reserved. • CHILD CARE AVAILABLE CHILD CARE: In Kingstowne, opening available for Infant/Toddler. In a modern, caring, and new day home setting. State License, CPR/First Aid certified with Medical Assistant background, and continuing education in child development. Excellent references, hours of operation from 6:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. With years of experience, call Claudia at 703-4078199. Reasonably priced. (5/12) CHILD CARE: Before School – After school only. Next to Lane Elementary School. CPR/First Aid certified. County Permit. Openings available! Call Kallia at 703-719-5850. Visit www. 2/13 CHILD CARE: Full-time or part-time in my home near the Kingstowne Wal-Mart. Occasional evenings and weekends OK. Mother with 15 years of child-care experience, licensed and trained in CPR and first aid. Excellent references. Call Lusine at 703-971-5621. 5/12 CHILD CARE: Full-time & part-time within short walking distance from Lane Elementary license CPR/First Aid. Well experienced & good references. Call 703-820-0304. 7/12 CHILD CARE NETWORK OF KINGSTOWNE/FRANCONIA: Is a non-profit association of licensed providers within the CCNKF. Go to or call Libby Keenan at 703-971-1889. 12/12 • EMPLOYMENT & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ARE YOU A DEAL HUNTER? Never miss a sale again! Find the best prices on the web instantly. To download App, log on to Http:// 6/12 DOG WALKER / PET SITTER: Alexandria, Springfield, Lorton, Fairfax Station Areas. Hours 11 A.M.-3 P.M.; Monday-Friday. Morning, evening & weekend work also available for an autonomous person who LOVES ANIMALS and outdoors. Contact: SHANNON@WALKINGPAWS. NET. 9/12 READY FOR FINANCIAL FREEDOM? Go to or call 571-533-1355. (5/12) • FOR SALE AVON: Call Gail Parkinson, Independent Avon Sales Representative 703-866-6129. Email: Includes: Skincare, Bug Guard, Cosmetics, Fragrance, Jewelry, Clothing and more. 3/13 • HEALTH, FITNESS, FOOD, AND NUTRITION. CAKES & PASTRIES: By Sweet Ladies Bakery. $10 off first order!!! “Made from scratch” specialty cakes, wedding cakes & pastries Contact Nikki at or 703-371-7661. 6/12 JAZZERCISE CLASSES! ONE WEEK FREE! Weekday Mornings (w/childcare) & Weekends at Kim’s Karate in Springfield Mall next to Target (upper level). Tuesday & Thursday evenings at Tucker Elem. School in Cameron Station. Call Mary, 703-550-9867, or email 12/12 • HOME IMPROVEMENT & MAINTENANCE A+ RATINGS AND SUPERIOR REFERRALS: We provide aluminum, vinyl and wood Windows, Doors, & Siding for your home, townhome, condominium and apartment. WINDOWS PLUS owners have 21 years experience in this industry. We have an in-house install crew and can do one job or multiple projects. We provide free estimates. Licensed and insured in VA, MD and DC with offices in Springfield and Chantilly. Call Reg or Tom at 703-916-8372. See our ad in this issue. 12/12 A HANDYMAN THAT LOVES HIS JOB & CARES: ONE CALL IS ALL IT TAKES. 30+ years servicing NOVA. Interior/exterior home repairs, renovations & improvements. Cell 703-338-1908 Office 703941-5006 (5/12) AAA IRON WORKS: Specialists in iron railing repairs, mobile welding services. Custom made ornamental iron products: railing, gate, fences, stairs, and window guards. 7034033272. 8/12 AAAWESOME SERVICE – JOEL RIGGS HOME REPAIR: Kitchen, Bath Remodeling, Interior/Exterior Painting, Carpentry, Drywall, Ceramic Tile, Exterior Wood Rot. Class A License, Insured. 25 Years Northern VA Experience. Call 703-929-4676. 6/12 AMERICAN CONTRACTOR SERVICE: We build Custom Wood Fences, and Decks, also, Patios, Walls, Stone, Flagstone, Drywall, Tile, Painting, Hardwood Floors, and Carpentry Trim Wood, 703859-4328. 6/12 AMERICAN DECKS AND FENCES: We build custom wood fences and repair fences and decks. Cleaning and sealing services are available also. 703-859-4328. 6/12 AMERICAN GUTTER CLEANING: We clean gutters, downspouts and windows; and provide chemical house-washing and gutter screen installation. Reasonable prices. 703-859-4328. 6/12 CARPENTRY/HANDYMAN: Wood rot repairs, crown moldings & custom trim, interior & exterior painting, and handyman services. 20+ years experience. Licensed/Insured. www. 703-971-2669. 7/12 (See Classified Ads, cont. on page 44) May 2012 Kingstonian Page 43 Classified Ads Classified Ads, cont. from page 43 C & C GLASS & MIRROR: Frameless Glass Shower Doors. Fogged Insulated Glass/Reg. Glass. Patio Door Glass. Store Front Glass. Wall Mirrors, Table Tops. Glass Shelves. All Window Repair & Replacement Window Balances & Hardware’s. Board Ups & Emergency Service 24/7. Licensed & Insured VA 703-425-6477. 9/12 CLIMATROL HEATING & COOLING CORP: 703-981-6664, www. Only $59.95 for heating and cooling system inspections or diagnostic service fee. 10% Discount on repairs with this ad. FREE second opinion on heat exchangers and compressors. Honesty and integrity. Licensed and Insured. Better Business Bureau accredited business. 4/13 DECKS AND FENCES: Make your deck like new. We provide quality repairs, cleaning and staining of decks and fences. Beautiful work. Licensed and insured. 703-859-4328. 6/12 DON’T HAVE THE SKILLS, TOOLS AND TIME FOR THOSE ODD JOBS? Your Man Friday does – painting, carpentry, drywall, plumbing, gutters, light fixtures/outlets/ceiling fans, tile repair, deck repairs/washing/treating, and more! “Give US the TO-DO LISTS” Contact Robert at or 703-372-4443. 6/12 ELECTRICIAN: Local Licensed and Insured Master Electrician. Affordable rates. 10+ years experience. See www.codymaloneservices. net or call 703-409-0232. 5/12 FENCES & DECKS: Quality craftsmanship for 30+ yrs. Wood fences and decks built, repaired, cleaning, sealing & deck renovation. Cell (703) 338-1908 & 703-941-5006 (O) msg. E-mail thomasamalcolm@ 5/12 FENCING BUILT AND REPAIRED: All phases of wood fences worked on and new fencing built. Gates and posts fixed or replaced, too! REASONABLE RATES. Call Dave, 703-346-7034. 12/12 FRANCONIA PAINTING SERVICES: Interior/exterior, residential and commercial, caulking, drywall instal and repairs, rotten wood replacement, power washing, and more. From one wall to whole house. Check our website Call Doug 703-850-9907. 2/13 GENERAL CONTRACTING: L.R. Bennett Inc. Licensed and Insured Class-A Contractor • Plumbing. Heating • Cooling • Kitchens • Baths • Additions. Randy Bennett, President and CEO. For service call 703-765-3543. Fax 703-765-7352. 2/13 HANDYMAN–DOUG’S REPAIR SERVICE: NO JOB TOO SMALL. Caulking, painting, drywall repair, plumbing, electrical, pressure washing, rotten wood replacement, roof repairs, junk removal, dryer vent cleaning, property management, and MUCH MORE. Check our website Call for free estimates 703-850-9907. 5/13 HOUSE HUSBAND–HANDYMAN/HOME REPAIRS: Don’t have time or desire to tackle all those projects around your home? Call– “The House Husband.” Painting, plumbing, drywall repair, minor electrical, grounds maintenance, etc. No job too small. Kingstowne homeowner for 15+ years. 571-276-0074, 5/12 KITCHEN AND BATHROOM: We offer innovative Architectural & Sustainable design services for a wide range of projects. Residential Architecture; Quality custom work for complete renovation, or new Kitchen and/or Bathroom; Tailored & Dynamic Interior and Exterior Design. Eco-friendly design-Build. Experience with Kingstowne ARC requirement. Call 703-732-4411 or email:; Website: 6/12 MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR: Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges, Ovens, Icemakers, Refrigerators, Disposals, Microwaves. Honest Work, Friendly Service, 37 Years Experience. Call Phil at 703-660-9703. 7/12 Page 44 Kingstonian May 2012 NOVA HOUSEWASHERS & PAINTING COMPANY: Painting, Int/Ext; Carpentry; Drywall Repair; Pressure Washing. Licensed, Insured, 20 Years Experience. Local References. 703-971-3644, 703728-3644 (cell). 1/13 PAINTING: Interior/Exterior painting, custom trim work, wood rot repairs, and handyman work. 20+ years experience. Licensed/Insured. Knickerbocker Decorators, Inc. www. 703-971-2669. 7/12 PAINTING: FG Painting Interior/Exterior, deck cleaning, sealing. Licensed & Insured. Kingstowne references. Call for free estimates: 571-722-3840 or 703-455-3349. 7/12 PAINTING AND PAPERING: Interior and exterior. Free estimates. Licensed, bonded, insured. Call Steve Chute, Chelsea Paper and Paint, 703-912-1450. 2/13 PAINTING: Interior/Exterior, carpentry, drywall repair, power washing, staining, sealing, gutter cleaning. Licensed and insured. Call Kingstowne Painting, 703-339-8706, for FREE in-home consultation. Visit 2/13 PAINTING–AND MORE: Bradwell Painting Service–Int./Ext. Highest quality paints and workmanship. Drywall repairs. Wallpaper removal. Powerwashing and deck staining. Free Estimates. Licensed, excellent references. 703-866-6225. 12/12 PAINTING–PROFESSIONAL PAINTING: Interior, exterior, quality workmanship. Reasonable. Licensed, insured. Free estimates. You can’t afford not to call! Please call Gary’s Painting at 703-971-4016. 10/12 PEST AND TERMITE CONTROL SERVICES: PermaTreat Pest Control serving Northern VA since 1967. FREE Inspections & Telephone Estimates Visit for a money saving coupon. Call 703-644-7530 8/6. BBB Accredited Business (A+ Rating) also on Angie’s List. Additional $10 off new service with mention of this ad. 9/12 PLUMBING: Dawson’s Plumbing. All types of repairs. Repair or replace all types of faucets and toilets, water heaters, garbage disposals; electric drain cleaning. Licensed gas contractor-run gas lines for appliances and gas logs. First service call, $10 OFF. Call Warren Dawson at 703-354-9358. Licensed, bonded, insured. Master Plumber. 10/12 PLUMBING: L.R. Bennett Inc. Licensed and Insured Class-A Contractor • Plumbing • Heating • Cooling • Kitchens • Baths • Additions. Randy Bennett, President and CEO. For service call 703-765-3543. Fax 703-765-7352. 2/13 R. R. HOME IMPROVEMENT: 25 years experience. Very low rates for this season. We do renovations and improvements, painting, drywall, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, floors, and general household repairs. Call us for a FREE ESTIMATE at 703-801-9151 or 703-495-0781. Visit our website 5/12 RICHARD’S PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING: Exterior & interior painting, 25 years experience. Excellent References. Carpentry, drywall repair, powerwashing, staining, and sealing. Licensed & insured. Visit our website Call for FREE ESTIMATE, 703-495-0956 or 703-501-9007 (cell). 5/12 • HOUSE, CARPET, & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AAAAA MAID SOLUTION HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES: Serving Kingstowne since 1993.*Locally Owned and Operated* Licensed and Insured *Weekly*Biweekly*Monthly *Saturdays appointments available*Move-ins/ Move-outs* Military Discounts *Supplies & Equipment provided *Excellent References*Reasonable Rates* FREE Phone or On-site Estimates 703-909-8411. www. 12/12 (See Classified Ads, cont. on page 45) Classified Ads Classified Ads, cont. from page 44 A AFFORDABLE CARPET CLEANING AND RESTORATION: Five rooms deep cleaned $125. Carpet STRETCHING. 24-hour Emergency water damage. Mold remediation. Upholstery Cleaning. 30 years experience, including the White House. 703-978-2270. 12/12 ANDREA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE: Licensed, bonded, insured, free estimates, good references, reasonable prices, excellent work. The best cleaning service in the area call Nelly 703-494-0800, 571-264-3208 cell. 5/12 B&A HOUSECLEANING SERVICES: 25 Years experience. Excellent references in all areas. We clean offices also. Daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly rates available. Call for references and FREE ESTIMATES. 703-501-9007 or 703-495-0781. 5/12 B&L CLEANING SERVICE: Experienced House Cleaning. Owner Operated. References Available. FREE Estimates. Special for New Customers-$25 OFF first cleaning. Bonded/Insured. Call 703-216-7329. 12/12 HOUSE CLEANING: Reliable and experienced, good references. Flexible scheduling. Reasonable rates. We bring our own equipment. Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Occasionally, One-Time, Move In/Out, Offices. For Free in-home estimate, Call Maryen/Raul at 703-321- 5335. 6/13 HOUSE CLEANING BY HUSBAND & WIFE TEAM: Experienced and Owner-Operated. References Available. FREE Estimates. $25 OFF first cleaning for new customers. Bonded & Insured. Call Billy for free consultation, 703-232-9036. 12/12 • LAWN & LANDSCAPING BUSH AND SHRUBBERY CARE: Trimming, Pruning, Shaping, Deadwooding, and complete removals. Mulching, weeding, and edging of beds. Leaf Cleanups & yard spruce-ups. All phases of Tree Work and stump grinding. “SPRING SPECIALS.” FREE ESTIMATES. Winsor Tree Service. 703-346-7034. 12/12 EMILY’S REVERSIBLE PATIO UMBRELLAS: Visit our booth at the Kingstowne Home Expo May 19. Create your custom, one-of-a-kind patio umbrella from our beautiful selection of fabrics and styles. Visit for a preview! 5/12 LANDSCAPING: SEASONAL CLEAN UPS AND MORE! Limited slots available. Master Gardener 30+ year’s tree work, planting, pruning, mulching, walkways & patios. Cell 703-338-1908, Office 703-941-5006 & E-mail 5/12 LAWN CARE SERVICE: Mowing, fertilization, weed control, pruning, weeding, mulch. Call Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, 703-339-8706, for FREE maintenance estimate. Visit for more information. 2/13 TREE SERVICE 30+ YRS: Help protect your trees from severe storms damage with preventative elevation, thinning & shaping. Storm damage/ removal. 703-338-1908(C) 703-941-5006 (O) thomasamalcolm@ 5/12 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL: All Phases of Tree Work. Including Pruning, Trimming, Thinning, Dead-Wooding, and Complete Removals. Also do Stump Grinding and Storm Damage Work. FREE ESTIMATES, Reasonable Rates. “SPRING SPECIALS.” Winsor Tree Service. 703-346-7034. 12/12 • PET SERVICES A BEST CHOICE PET SITTER: If you would like to have a highly qualified care giver that provides compassionate and consistent care with an emphasis on meeting the individual client and pets needs along with strong communication, then PETSRME is for you. I have a wealth of experience with over 10 years pet medical background, geriatric specialty – 15+ years of hands on experience. Recommended by clients, veterinarians, and other professional sitters. Let me plan a positive experience for your pet. Call Laura @ PETSRME 703-924-1616 Bonded/Insured/References. 5/12 A+ HEADS AND TAILS ABOUT THE REST: “No-Bones-About-It Pet Care Service” with over 12 years experience. We offer mid day walks, vacation sits, cat care, overnight services and more. Call today for your free consultation, 703-495-9255 or visit us at www. new clients mention this ad and receive 5% off your first service. 5/12 A+ PET AND HOUSE-SITTING: Going out of town? I can help! MIDDAY WALKS AVAILABLE. Great references and rates. In business 20 years! Licensed, bonded, insured. Karin the Pet Sitter, Inc. 703-924-0092 or 571-259-4440. 12/12 ASK OUR CLIENTS! The Content Pet has been providing personalized, quality, loving care for pets and homes in Northern Va. since 1998. Bonded, Insured and Certified. “Your pet deserves the best!”,, 703-244-1410. 5/12 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING. Our 25th Year – www. – 571-237-5813 – Puppies, Senior, Special Needs, and All Family Pets. Personalized, Professional, Fun! 12/12 DOG WALKING / PET SITTING: BONDED & INSURED w/ FREE CONSULTATION! Walking Paws Exceptional Pet Care @ 703-4340910 or Be more productive at work and relaxed on vacations. Our pet sitting software supports a busy and changing schedule. 9/12 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: Claws & Paws Luv N Kare, daily, vacation, emergency, midday walks, house-sitting Bonded, Insured, Licensed, References, Member Pet Sitters International, 703-915-0006, Waynes_Claws_N_Paws 12/12 DOGGY WALKS/PET CARE: Professional Care since 1998. Bonded/ Insured. Becky’s Pet Care: Quality service from a trusted friend. $20 off first service. Code: KINGSTONIAN20., 703-822-0933. 4/13 PET SITTING / DOG WALKING: BONDED & INSURED w/ FREE CONSULTATION! Walking Paws Exceptional Pet Care @ 703-434-0910 or We offer a wide range of affordable and reliable services that cater to your busy and changing schedule. 9/12 • SERVICES AND NOTICES CAREER COACH: 14 years experience, J.D/M.B.A grad., Publ.,author. Call Brandon at 703-447-5878. 5/12 DONATE YOUR USED CELL PHONES TO A WORTHY CAUSE: Support educational scholarships for Nigerian girls. Please drop off your used cell phones at the Kingstowne Thompson and Snyder Fitness Centers or call Albert Hannans at 703-924-1474 for pick up. ++ ERRANDS AND MORE: Our 10th Year – – 703-859-4889. Giving you back your free time. Please give us a call. Let us help. 12/12 FAMILY AND CHILDREN PORTRAITURE: Let Malina’s natural style capture your family dynamics in a unique lifestyle photography session. For more information and to schedule your session, please visit 5/12 LOCAL COLLECTOR PAYING CASH: For vintage tin, rubber, and pressed steel toys; and military memorabilia from Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam. Please call 703-304-8639. 5/12 HOME ORGANIZER CONSULTANT: Creative ideas, excellent experience. Call Rebecca at 703-341-6185 for free est. 5/12 PRIVACY CONSULTING: For business practice, do not expose security numbers. Call Brandon at 703-447-5878 for free est. 5/12 SEWING CLASSES FOR CHILDREN 6 AND UP! Private sewing lessons and group classes for all ages. Custom sewing and alterations. Grace Rascati, 703-922-7050, 9/12 May 2012 Kingstonian Page 45 Mini Ads Mini-Business Card Ads $45 and $90 Order Form and Information: Victoria Poling, Ad Sales Director, L&L Home Improvement LLC Licensed • Insured Excellent References • Free Estimates • Additions • General Home Repairs • Kitchen & Bath Remodeling • Tile & Hardwood Flooring • Carpentry • Interior & Exterior Painting • Electrical & Plumbing • Power Washing INSTALLATION AND REPAIR OF: • Siding • Roofing • Gutters • Windows • Doors • Fencing • Porches • Decks 703-371-9861 (cell) Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates Winsor Tree Service • Trimming and Removals • Fences Built & Repaired • Landscaping & Yard Spruce-Ups “All Phases of Tree Work” 703-346-7034 email: E.J. Abrah am Electrical Ser vices, Ltd. I can light up your life! • No job too small! 3 Having electrical problems? o 3 Want to do some home improvements? o Call EJ at 703-402-4132 for a FREE Estimate 50+ Years Exp. • Reasonable Rates • Licensed & Insured Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Service Old & Young Pets / Exotics / Special Needs 571.237.5813 L.R. BENNETT INC. Established 1984 • Class A Contractor Kitchens • Baths • Additions Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Randy Bennett, President and CEO 703-765-3543 Chelsea Paint & Paper, Inc. Interior & Exterior Painting Wallpaper Hanging & Removal Decks–Wash & Stain 26 Years Experience / Licensed And Insured References/Free Estimates Call Steve at 571-216-9338 or 703-912-1450 Email: Page 46 Kingstonian May 2012 Mike’s Carpet Cleaning 5 Rooms $125 • Carpet Stretching 24-hour Emergency Water Damage & Mold Remediation 30 Years of Experience Including the White House! Call 703-978-2270 703-765-7352 (fax) 703-924-3100 • Family Owned & Operated • Licensed & Insured • All Work Guaranteed $20 Discount with this ad HOUSE CLEANING Free In-Home Estimates MAID 703-909-8411 SOLUTION CLEANING SERVICES Locally Owned and Operated 5810 Kingstowne Ctr. #120, Unit 270 LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Kingstonian Online - A Few Keystrokes and Clicks Away Volume 19 tion of the May 2012 u Kingstowne Residential Owners Corp. stow www.king E HOM 2012 EXPO -3 P.M. • 10 A.M. St. , May 19 Van Dorn Saturday • 6540 S. er nt Ce ON Snyder ISSI ADM one place! home…all in ovation ideas! ImOvprerov40eexhyoibiurtors!site3toAmanaziswnger qurenesttheionkids!s! FREE on for 3 Experts d face painting s an 3 Clown 3 me ted In-Ho Reques 2 y 1 - 2, 201 by Ma Delivery Dumpster & Shredding Day 8000 Morning View Lane, Alexandria 22315 Saturday, May 5, 8 AM to Noon • ALL WELCOME NOW nian Kingsto Official Publica The Landsdowne Community Expo24-25 me pag e stowu,neSpHo Kingank onsors... Yo s 24-25 Th Vendors page 24 List of le Info... and Shutt Parking posted online a week or more before arriving by mail! CoRpoRation owneRs Residential paRKway Kingstowneowne Village 6090 Kingst Va 22315 Kingstowne, Visit and click on “Kingstonian Magazine” under the Resident Resources tab. For ad rates, please go to Info: SpecialEvents@Landsdowne.Org Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services WeLovetoClean Fully Bonded & Insured 703-339-6260 LAURA and LEE JACOBS 6504 Osprey Point Lane Alexandria, VA 22315 Providing exceptional property management services for Northern Virginia residents for the last 20 years. PROMAX MANAGEMENT INC. Realtors ® Northern Virginia is our neighborhood Meeting our clients’ needs with a full range of real estate services. May 2012 Kingstonian Page 47 Community Calendar May 2012 Community Calendar SOG=South Ctr. Great Room SOA=South Ctr. Aerobics Studio SOP=South Ctr. Pool SNB=Snyder Ctr. Ballroom SFC=Snyder Fitness SNP=Snyder Pool June 2012 Community Calendar Page 48 Kingstonian May 2012 THB=Thompson Ctr. Ballroom THO=Thompson Ctr. Office THF=Thompson Ctr. Fitness King Centre Dental EXCELLENCE “Emphasizing Excellence Everyday” We would like to extend this invitation for ONE FREE CLEANING (PROPHY) With Your Dental EXAM ($125 VALUE). A healthy mouth leads to whole body health. Offer does not include any periodontal disease treatments. 5695 King Centre Dr., Suite B-100, Alexandria VA 22315 703-719-9824 Visit us at
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