about M2M TV


about M2M TV
 What we do We give people the choice to create their own channel package based on an a la carte system per channel or small packages of for instance 2-­‐3 channels, depending on your wishes. Our service can be used both as stand-­‐alone product as well as add-­‐on package for the current TV providers. We will have a lot of regular channels as well as channels that are currently not broadcasted in a lot of countries because of the limited bandwidth available at the cable providers. On top of that, based on our model, people are more inclined to buy a channel if they have to pay only for a specific channel instead of a complete package. Why we do it We believe there is more to television that just the channels we have in our packages. We live in a world full of different cultures. We think that a part of all those cultures should always be available. Just like you can bring your newspaper to anywhere in the world or have your favorite songs available everywhere. We provide that in the form of television. We give people a choice. Therefore we don’t have standard packages or minimum guarantees. Why join? Because it’s free! No stinky deals or small print, if you deliver your content in the right streaming format, it is completely free of charge. Once a month we also provide you with real statistics and ratings and of course it is a brand new way of reaching new markets, new country’s and broaden the horizon. In the following pages we will provide you with more details about M2M TV platform. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to help. We will contact you soon about how to proceed from here. Kind regards, Edwin Snelderwaard Machiel Hamaker Mobile2Morrow BV - Kruisbes 37 - 2318 BA Leiden
BTW 8227.16.033.B01 - KvK 50390503
www.M2MTV.nl - info@m2mtv.nl
M2M TV M2M TV is a new a la carte platform. Our soft launch is in November/December and we will be fully up and running by the end of the year. The countries we go live in in phase 1 are Holland, Belgium and England. In 2016 we plan to go live in many more countries, like Germany and Scandinavia. Set your own price As a TV Channel and content owner, you are free to set your own price for your TV streams. This way you can set more money per subscriber than you currently have to negotiate with the big players that own the market. We also have a lot of reporting tools to give you real insights. What’s being watched, when, and for how long are a few examples of insights we provide. Broaden the horizon We can show your channel(s) in all the country’s our service works in. That way TV channel owners can broaden their horizon and reach out to new customers you couldn’t reach before, especially for channels that have their own content. When a program or show isn’t available or not eligible to be shown in countries other than the home country, we can black out the channel for the time being. We also give content owners the possibility for offering on demand content. Setup your own channel As we’re not limited by bandwidth as normal cable operators, there’s room for everybody who has a TV channel or On Demand content. We even offer the possibility for i.e. companies or a group of young documentary makers to setup their own TV channel through one of our partners, or their own partners or in-­‐house, and immediately have an international platform where they can promote their channel on. Single channels or small packages It is also possible to offer your channels as small packages consisting of, for instance, 2 to 3 channels instead of just one. Combine more profitable channels, promote a new one in combination with other channels or add just the single ones to our service, it’s all up to you. Advantages We have a wide arrange of advantages for TV channels and content owners. Our most important advantages are: -­‐ No fee for being on our platform if the TV channel provides their stream in the right format to our backend. It’s free! -­‐ Market expansion, we can show the channel in all the country’s our service works in Mobile2Morrow BV - Kruisbes 37 - 2318 BA Leiden
BTW 8227.16.033.B01 - KvK 50390503
www.M2MTV.nl - info@m2mtv.nl
An easy and no-­‐risk way of growing your customer base. Single channels or small packages, everything is possible. Real insights and statistics because of our reporting tools. TV Channels and content owners are free to set the price for their streams Not limited by bandwidth. Room for everybody who has a TV Channel or On Demand content M2M TV will cover distribution of the TV channels to customers through our own CDNs, so this won’t cost you anything at all Mobile2Morrow BV - Kruisbes 37 - 2318 BA Leiden
BTW 8227.16.033.B01 - KvK 50390503
www.M2MTV.nl - info@m2mtv.nl
The apps We’ve developed apps for Android and iOS. Functionality -­‐ Now on TV: a selection of 4 channels a customer already purchased. -­‐ Most watched: most watched TV channels based on statistics -­‐ Recommended: where TV-­‐channels can promote their content -­‐ On Demand: A selection of our on demand offer. -­‐ EPG: information about purchased channels -­‐ Set notifications: never miss a show -­‐ Recording In the apps it is also possible to use the device as a remote control. If someone would like to watch another channel on for example television, just hold the channel a bit longer and swipe the channel to your television. This functionality works between all supported devices within your account. Mobile2Morrow BV - Kruisbes 37 - 2318 BA Leiden
BTW 8227.16.033.B01 - KvK 50390503
www.M2MTV.nl - info@m2mtv.nl
Advantages over the competitors -­‐ OTT and A la Carte TV model. The choice lies always with the consumer -­‐ M2M TV supplies real ratings and statistics based on the info from their users, not an average based on 1.300 boxes throughout the Netherlands -­‐ Cheaper than the standard packages in almost all use cases -­‐ Content providers/TV Channels can get better pricing for their content, which they can set themselves -­‐ Everyone is welcome on our platform and there are no limits in amount of channels or other limitations Upsell We provide an extensive and easy-­‐to-­‐use search function to make every channel findable. We range every channel in different genres and subgenres, for example, it is possible to search on country, spoken and subtitled languages and genres like anime, food, reality, movies and series, music and specific interest the country or origin and special interest. Upsell methods -­‐ E-­‐mail marketing: In the mailings we show important and interesting channels, most watched channels and shows and channels and shows that will get extra attention. -­‐ During the ordering process, customers will receive a confirmation of their order in which we promote several channels / on demand content that might be of interest to them. Mobile2Morrow BV - Kruisbes 37 - 2318 BA Leiden
BTW 8227.16.033.B01 - KvK 50390503
www.M2MTV.nl - info@m2mtv.nl
After the ordering, people will see a ‘thanks for your order screen’ on which we can promote some more channels that might be of interest to the customer. Offer promotional discount codes for a next purchase. A ‘recommended channels for you’ part during the ordering process on the site that shows channels of interest to the customer, which can be ordered directly. Promotion on social media by updates and retweets about programs/channels/shows, new channels, most popular and most watched channels within several subgenres. Promotional actions in cooperation with content providers like a position in the EPG and a prominent place in the channel overview. Every channel gets a separate page/pop up with information about the channel. Here we’ll show 3 to 4 same-­‐category channels as a recommendation to purchase. Blogs about new channels, shows and more on the M2M TV website. A place in the recommended section in the apps. Interactive promotion channel where we can put channels, shows and on-­‐
demand content in the spotlights. Search channels based on country, genre and more to get better search results. Advertise in searches to get a standard first position. Show previews of linear channels and on demand on our website Mobile2Morrow BV - Kruisbes 37 - 2318 BA Leiden
BTW 8227.16.033.B01 - KvK 50390503
www.M2MTV.nl - info@m2mtv.nl