Carrying the Message - Overeaters Anonymous
Carrying the Message - Overeaters Anonymous
The Newsletter of January 2014 Carrying the Message Now you can read Expressions of Unity online every month at Step One: We admitted we were powerless over food— that our lives had become unmanageable. Accepting My Food Addiction My experience with Step One began in July of 1974 when I entered the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), at the suggestion of my sober mother. While I didn't like what happened to me when I drank, I convinced myself that I wasn't an alcoholic, and Step One definitely did not apply to me. I was not powerless over alcohol, as I quit frequently, and my life was definitely not unmanageable - I was managing just fine, as long as people, places, and things fell into my prescribed guidelines. Fast forward 39 years to June of 2013 when I entered Overeaters Anonymous (OA) for the second time in my life. Still sober, and humbly assured that I was indeed an alcoholic, I was becoming more painfully aware of the importance food had assumed in my life. My weekly Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings became points of personal reflection in which I began to see that my addiction to food paralleled my addiction to alcohol. This scared me, because I didn't want to be powerless over TWO things. But I was. I was in agony with my food addiction. Admitting that I was powerless over food was easy - the unmanageability still eluded me. There were certain foods that I knew I could not eat one of. Once I started, I knew I would not stop until I ran out or numbed out. My Higher Power had taken away my desire to drink alcohol. Could my desire to overeat compulsively be removed? I have been surprised to learn that a peaceful relationship with Step One is dependent upon my relationship with my Higher Power. When I maintain close contact with my Higher Power, I do not feel the powerlessness about food, and my life does not feel unmanageable: food does not have control over me, and I feel in control of my choices. But when I do not use the OA program tools that are readily available to me and I lose contact with my Higher Power, food regains its control over me, and life becomes unmanageable, once again. ~Sheri M., Crystal, Region 4 Fundraiser Items Available Now! See p. 4. “We Carry the Message” tote bags and “Lighten Up” magnifiers. Unity Intergroup hotline number: (612) 377-1600 1 2013: The Year of Abstinence Awareness The World Service Board of Trustees voted to declare 2013 “The Year of Abstinence Awareness.” This means there was a special focus on abstinence during 2013. Stay tuned for the special focus for 2014. Abstinence Corner RECOMMITTING AFTER THE HOLIDAYS Did you have trouble staying abstinent through the holidays? Do you want to recommit? To what are you recommitting? As you have probably heard by now, Overeaters Anonymous (OA) is not a diet and calories club so there are no New Year’s diets or resolutions, only a new way of life. Are you truly ready to recommit, and what does that mean exactly? Recommitting is different for each person of course, but there are some things that are the same. Do you have a list of binge foods that you do not eat under any circumstances? If yes, perhaps it needs to be fine-tuned. If not, I highly recommend having a list written down somewhere and pledging to not eat foods from this list. It may seem daunting to think of it as a forever list, but it gets easier. You may also want to ask yourself “how are your old ways of eating working for you?” Are you powerless over food or not? Maybe you’re not a compulsive eater, but if you are, just like the alcoholic, this has to be a new way of living for you. It is normal to mourn this fact, but you have to move on and live in the solution. Tough it out! Many people in this world have far worse problems than just not being able to eat their favorite binge food. What else is involved in recommitting? A spiritual life including the 12 Steps is essential to remaining abstinent. Are you working the 12 Steps? Are you working with a sponsor? A sponsor’s main job is getting you through the 12 Steps. If you are not able to find a sponsor, often a person is willing to at least temporarily sponsor you to get you through the Steps. Then perhaps if you go through the Steps with a buddy, you can sponsor each other when you’re done. There are also online and phone sponsors that are available. If you need a sponsor, there are lists of people willing to sponsor at the Region and Intergroup level. Contact the Region and Intergroup Chairs for more information. The main thing is to get abstinent and work the 12 Steps. There is help available if you need it, and don’t forget to ask your higher power for strength to make this your new way of life! ~Anonymous “Many times I have recognized the insanity of my behavior. The admission that I have a problem with eating is the beginning of my willingness to recover. I am powerless over food and over my eating habits. I learn in Overeaters Anonymous that my powerlessness is the bedrock on which I can build a new life. Weakness is the glue that binds me to others in this program, and I can accept that I need help even after I have abstained from compulsive eating for years.” ~Voices of Recovery, September 12 2 Finally, I Am Powerless When I came to Overeaters Anonymous (OA) this last time – over 26 years ago, Step One felt like a no-brainer; it was clear that when I started eating, I couldn’t stop and I only had to look at the state of my home to know that my life was not only unmanageable; it was downright out of control. Therefore, I felt like I had taken this Step long ago – before I had even heard of OA. But the result of this ‘knowledge’ was not recovery. In fact, my weight went up in OA, not down and the obsession continued. Why was that? Like many of us, I had to do more research. I did not leave the rooms of OA, but I did have more to learn about my disease. In the year 2000, following our MN State Convention, I went off desserts for good. From this I learned that sugar wasn’t my only problem because I still overate. At the same time, I eliminated many other binge foods, only to take them back one by one. From this I learned that a lot of trouble occurs ‘on account of one thing leading to another’ or as I put it, when I open the door to one food, it unlocks the door for the next one. A couple of times, when I was actually abstinent for what seemed like a significant amount of time, I would do service beyond the group level. Because of this service, I was blessed to be able to spend time with abstinent people; people who ate way differently than I did. From them I learned that a person can plan meals and weigh and measure their portions – and be really happy. (I admit that I needed to experience this for myself in order to really believe it.) But during all that time of struggling with on-again-off-again abstinence (nearly 17 years), I learned that I hated being an example of the program not working and that I really did want recovery. But the single biggest thing I learned was that I wasn’t willing to do what I needed to do to be abstinent (or even willing to say what that was) and that I couldn’t make myself be willing. I determined that if it was going to happen, it was going to have to come from ‘a power greater than myself.’ In short, I had tapped into a full experience of my own powerlessness. I had finally truly taken Step One. Amazingly, within a very short time after arriving at this conclusion, I became abstinent. When I stopped trying to make it happen, gave it to God (visualize throwing up of hands saying ‘I give up; you do it!’) and then just did my part (i.e. use the tools) while I was waiting, the willingness came. It was just that simple and I have been gratefully abstinent since that day nine and a half years ago. ~Annette P-R 3 Region is Rockin’ Chattin’ with the Region 4 Chair In Overeaters Anonymous (OA) the World level is structured into ten Regions. The purpose of the Regions is to offer support and communication to all of the Intergroups and Service Boards (called Service Bodies). The Service Boards function like Intergroups, but are outside of the United States. Regions are the communication liaison between the World Service Office to the Service Bodies. All regions have Business meetings (Assemblies) several times a year – from one to three due to size of fellowship, funding and ability for the Reps to meet face-to-face. Most Region Assemblies rotate around their Region. For Region 4 the Assemblies meet in April and October. The meeting begins on Friday evening and then reconvenes for all of Saturday. The hosting Intergroup has a Super Saturday, based on the Assembly theme. For an hour both the Region Reps and the Super Saturday attendees meet for a workshop. This allows each groups to meet and work together. The business portion of the Assemblies are going over the running of the region; planning the budget, working on fun ways to engage those Intergroups whose area and numbers are small and share awesome ideas. Region 4 has three main service committees: (Check out the Region Overview on p. 5!) • Region convention – Occurs on the even years and the location rotates around the region. • Outreach – Focuses on direct support to the Intergroups. • Ways and Means/Finance Committee – Creates opportunities to raise funds to share the message to the still suffering compulsive eater and creates the yearly budget for the Assembly review. The Board consists of the following positions (all are two year terms, with the exception of the Region 4 Trustee, which is a three year term): • Chair – Liaison to the Region Convention (Elected on even years). • Vice Chair – Liaison to the Outreach Committee (Elected on odd years). • Secretary – Liaison to the committee of their choice (Elected on even years). • Treasurer– Liaison to the Ways and Means/Finance Committee (Elected on odd years). • Trustee – Elected at the World Service Business Conference. It’s fun to meet other fellows from Region 4. I find that it enlarges my community of members to hook-up with and work with. I love going to Conventions and Workshops and I get to see my new friends yet again. ~Meg M. 4 OA Region Overview Region Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Region 4: Region 5: Region 6: Region 7: Region 8: Region 9: Region 10: View a Map of the OA Regions here. States and Countries AK, ID, MT, OR, WA, WY – Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, NW Territories, Saskatchewan, Yukon CA, HI, Mexico AZ, CO, NM, NV, OK, TX, UT – a bit of NE and WY This is us! IA, IL (nonChicago area), KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD- Canada: Manitoba, NW Ontario, Nunavut Territories IL (Chicago area), IN, KY, MI, OH, WI CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT – Canada: New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Bermuda DC, DE, MN, NJ, PA, VA, WV AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN – Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Central America, South America Africa, Europe, Middle East, Western Asia Australia, Far East, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Western Pacific Basin # of Intergroups/ Service Bodies 25 35 25 19 31 40 24 58 60 11 New “OA In Action” Meeting in Wayzata beginning January 7 When: Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Where: Wayzata Community Church 125 Wayzata Blvd E Wayzata, Lower level—Geo Lab Enter at the circular set of doors on the Ferndale Ave side of the church For those interested in a meeting between Traditional OA & HOW meeting formats. All Are Invited! 5 The Unity of OA This is my second time around coming to Overeaters Anonymous (OA). The first time I found OA was 30 years ago. I knew I often went a “bit” out of control around food but the reason I walked away (blind to or afraid of the real truth) was because I believed the people in the OA meeting were crazy! They kept talking about food as though food was out to destroy them! What I didn’t know was that they were not crazy and that their relationship with food would indeed destroy them and in the process cause painful, harmful damage to those around them. Now some 30 plus years later I’m back. Today I realize that the people at that first OA meeting were insane and so was I. Today I give thanks to God for bringing me back to OA. Today I know the sisters and brothers in my groups are probably the only people on earth who truly understand my unhealthy, dangerous, insane (yes, insane) relationship with food. I no longer feel as though I’m alone in my day by day, minute by minute journey of recovery from compulsive eating. Because of the unity in OA, I never, and I mean never, have to feel or believe no one understands. I’m grateful for our unity. Today I see those ahead of me on the journey and those yet to come after me and I have hope. Today I know that this is a lifetime journey with no ending point but that’s okay. I am not and we are not traveling this road alone. With a humble heart, I give thanks for our unity. ~Anonymous “There is a solution. Almost none of us liked the self-searching, the leveling of our pride, the confession of shortcomings which the process requires for its successful consummation. But we saw that it really worked in others, and we had come to believe in the hopelessness and futility of life as we had been living it. When, therefore, we were approached by those in whom the problem had been solved, there was nothing left for us but to pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet, We have found much of heaven and we have been rocketed into a fourth dimension of existence of which we had not even dreamed.” ~The Big Book of Alcoholics, P. 25 “In OA we learn that our lack of willpower isn’t what makes us compulsive overeaters. In fact, compulsive overeaters often exhibit an exceptional amount of willpower. But compulsive eating is an illness that cannot be controlled by willpower. None of us decided to have this disorder, anymore than we would have decided to have any other disease. We can now cease blaming ourselves or others for our compulsive eating.” ~The 12 & 12 of Overeaters Anonymous, p. 1 6 Tradition One Now YOU can Carry the Message! “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon OA unity.” I like the part of this tradition that states ‘personal recovery depends upon OA unity.’ This idea is sometimes challenging for me when I hear how someone is working their program differently than I am. The old “my way is best” comes to mind and I may think how can that person expect to recover doing it that way? When I take a step back and think about those thoughts for a minute I realize that my old enemy pride is trying to get involved in my life again. What it comes down to is that there are many different and equally successful ways to work this program just as there are many different people in OA. This is where unity comes in-- we need to accept the variety that we hear in our meetings and not slip back into the mindset that kept us in isolation and feeling miserable for so many years. Support Region 4 by purchasing a “We Carry the Message” tote bag for only $7. Region 4 is also selling “Lighten Up” magnifiers with a mini flashlight for $5. Ensure you can always see your message to share it with your fellows! I left OA a few years back because of a person that was part of my group. To me this Contact your person was really a mess and shouldn’t be a part meeting’s intergroup rep or reach out to of OA. After spending some time withdrawing Unity Intergroup to purchase. into my isolation again and gaining back all the weight I had lost plus a few extra pounds I came back to OA and the person I resented for so long greeted me when I walked in the door. I knew that my Higher Power had brought me back and that I needed to put my resentment behind me if I was to grow and enjoy the recovery I desired. Not long after coming back to OA I realized that I was the one with the problem not the other person and I made amends so that I could experience unity and the fullness of love that OA has to offer. I am so thankful I was able to experience tradition one first hand and the recovery that comes from working it to the best of my ability. ~ Anonymous Unity Intergroup hotline number: (612) 377-1600 Volunteers Needed for Treatment Center Outreach Committee Have you ever attended an eating disorders treatment program in the Twin Cities and have now found a solution in Overeaters Anonymous? Please help us by volunteering with the Treatment Center Outreach committee. We are trying to establish ongoing partnerships with local facilities and to provide their participants with post care support options. We are basing our approach on the parallel efforts of Alcoholics Anonymous. If you are interested please contact Howard at 952-930-1212. 7 World Service Business Conference (WSBC) Intergroup Mentor/ Mentee Program On November 9, 2013 Unity Intergroup voted to become a mentor for World Service. The WSBC Public Information Committee started a mentor/ mentee outreach program and we are in need of volunteers with experience at the intergroup level in any area, including professional outreach, public information, leading workshops, and 12 Steps Within. Our primary purpose is to reach out to those compulsive eaters that still suffer. The goal of this mentor program is to help other OA intergroups who do not have experience in these areas and to reach out to them to share our experience in any or all of these areas of service. Volunteers will work with another intergroup primarily through telephone conversations or e-mail communication to help them in the particular areas you have experience in. Traveling to another intergroup location may occur, but this would be a very rare occasion. If you feel led by your Higher Power to serve as a mentor for the Unity Intergroup Mentor Program, please contact Lance at 763-427-1984 or Thank you in advance for your willingness to serve in this way. With love and in service, ~Lance The truth shall make you free. ~ The Bible: John Do I call an addiction, “a little problem with ….” —a minor inconvenience on par with measles? Addiction can kill me. Perhaps fast, perhaps slowly, but either way the trip is hell. I can hang onto old ideas: “This time I’ll do it,” “It’ll be different,” “I’ll stop for good.” Old ideas shun words like fat, drunk, obese, compulsive overeaters, alcoholic, addict, in favor of gentler, easier words. Words do not change a meaning. I can call the sun and the moon by other words, but they are still what they are. An addiction is a fact, like my height and coloring. In recognizing that truth, I am able to admit I am powerless over food, give up my will—and become free. For Today: It is not disgrace or a weakness to admit my powerlessness over food. That is an idea that has nothing to do with the truth. ~For Today, July 15 Speakers Needed for Outreach Meetings at the Anoka Regional Treatment Center Each speaker will have 15 minutes to share their experience, strength and hope on the following topics: 1) Abstinence: One Day at a Time; 2)The Disease Concept; and 3) The 12 Steps: How It Works. If you are willing and able to serve in this way, (90 days of abstinence required) please contact Lance at 763-427-1984 or This is a wonderful way to achieve our primary purpose of reaching out to those who still suffer. Speakers are needed for the following dates: March 4, 2014: Tuesday, 7 PM -1 speaker; Topic: How It Works-The 12 steps. May 6, 2014: Tuesday, 7 PM -1 Speaker; Topic: The Disease Concept. -1 Speaker: Topic: The 12 Steps: How It Works. July 8, 2014: Tuesday, 7 PM -1 Speaker; Topic: Disease Concept. -1 Speaker; Topic: The 12 Steps: How It Works. September 2 & November 4, 2014: Tuesday, 7 PM -Speakers needed for all three topics. 8 Unity Intergroup Rocks! Who is Unity Intergroup? Unity Intergroup (UIG) is a group of people from the various Overeaters Anonymous meetings in the Twin Cities and outlying areas who serve our area meetings. We are working hard to keep your program of recovery strong, and to reach out to the still suffering compulsive eater. What does Unity Intergroup do for you? What can you do for Unity Intergroup? We need your help! Please consider volunteering for one of many positions opening up in January. You will be blessed through growth in your Communications: program! Here are some examples: Produce Expressions of Unity newsletter Emails regarding newsletters, workshops, UIG Board members: Chair, Vice Chair, convention, etc. Secretary and Treasurer Print and mail flyers Anoka Treatment Outreach Website maintenance OA Quick Steps Update meeting lists Big Book Study Buffalo/Spring Retreat Events for members: By Laws Chair Big Book Study Fall Retreat/Workshop Buffalo/Spring Retreat Professional Outreach Fall Retreat/Workshop Public Information State Convention Registrar OA Quick Steps Sponsorship Workshop Sponsorship Workshop State Convention Twelve Step Within events Treatment Center Outreach Twelve Step Within events Outreach to the still-suffering compulsive eater: Email and Event Coordinator Newcomer meetings Hotline Volunteer Coordinator Women’s Expo Literature Coordinator Pride Festival Newcomer Meeting Coordinator Diabetes Expo Newsletter Editor Health Care Professional outreach Print Coordinator Health fairs Teleconference Coordinator And more… Virtual Speaker Coordinator Web Coordinator Here are a few examples of what we are doing: Visit Us Online at for a full listing of volunteer opportunities and job descriptions, or contact Julie C at 612-558-3687 or for more information. Interested in receiving the newsletter electronically? Sign up at 9 Mark Your Calendar Expressions of Unity The February Expressions of Unity will focus on Step Two: “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity,” and will be sponsored by the Anoka Monday, 7pm meeting. Although one meeting or group generally sponsors each newsletter, we welcome articles from anyone. Please indicate if it is okay to print your name with your article and email your contributions to by Saturday, January 18. Saturday, January 11 Unity Intergroup Meeting, Elections for 2014 will be held! Saturday, January 18 Newcomer Meeting & Newsletter Articles Due Saturday, February 1 Website Deadline Saturday, February 8 Unity Intergroup Meeting All articles written are the opinion of the writer and not of OA as a whole or of the Expressions of Unity newsletter. Saturday, February 15 Newcomer Meeting & Newsletter Articles Due Saturday, February 22 Unity Day, New Ulm, MN Fri-Sun April 4,5, & 6 Spring Retreat, Buffalo Retreat Center, Buffalo, MN Fri-Sun, April 11,12, Big Book Study & 13 Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0360 UIG Meeting Participant Access Code: 468702# Details of the telephone system and keypad options; Intergroup Board Julie C., Chair 612-558-3687 Cal N., Vice Chair 952-212-7097 Marilyn S., Treasurer 612-578-4627 Amy D., Secretary 952-270-0098 10
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