THE NORTH SOLANO INTERGROUP 413 William St. P.O. Box 2355, Vacaville, CA 95696 (707) 446-2244 email: Regular Business Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday 7:00pm -9:00 pm Volume 28 Issue 11 District 90 website: November 2014 INTERGROUP DELEGATES MEETING OCTOBER 15, 2014 Chairman (Bea D.) – Asked that we keep our voices reasonable and wait our turn to speak and not crosstalk. It’s hard for minutes to be taken if we talk at same time. Asked for patience and common courtesy. Last month we were not able to get to all business and we want to make sure we do this month and that everyone has an opportunity to be heard. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2014 ULATIS COMMUNITY CENTER 1000 Ulatis DrIVE Vacaville DOORS: 5:30 DINNER: 6PM CHOIR * SPEAKER MEETING * RAFFLE * DANCE PLEASE BRING A DISH TO SHARE! Treasurer (Dick K.) – Summary from January to September - $9.33 to the good. Picnic lost $136.36. We brought back around 6 cases of sodas and 3 cases of water which will be used at Intergroup. Q: What do you see for the rest of year--solvent or in the hole? A: Paid the 2nd half of Holiday Party, so we will be in the hole, but should be recoup from party proceeds, Total cost for party is around $2,700, with $645 cleaning deposit which should be returned. $2000+ for renting Ulatis Community Center. Office Manager (Rich W.) – Received complaints about smoking too close to our door and our new neighbor’s doors. Posted sign stating the law that smokers must be 10 feet ± from any public door. Smoking should be at the curb. Thanks for cooperation. Answering Service (Bob G.) - We added whole bunch of people with phone numbers to revised list in July. Got form from IAF with 12 new names to go on the list tonight. Nice to see all this participation. Literature (Tim D.) – Things going swimmingly. Updated price increase list from GSO. Our prices will go up when we order at the new prices. Have inventory to last a month before we order new books. Will sell what we have at the old price. Big Book from GSO from $8 to $9.50. Q Do we still have 75th edition? A: Yes. Continued on page 2 8 Continued from page 1 Meeting Schedules (Bill Mc.) – Printing around 100, changes are going immediately on website. New group let him know right away. Takes about 10 to 15 days to use up schedules. As they go the new ones come out in 2 weeks max. NOTE: After September Delegates Meeting, Board Members met. Since the schedules are updated more frequently Board voted unanimously to have new groups listed upon request. Happenings (Tony) – Tony sent to Bill online. No problem printing and the Rio Vista Ladies folded them. Thanks District Liaison- DCMC Laurie J. - Elections next month. Invited Intergroup to help with elections. Having District elections at the November Meeting (1st Wed of month at 7 PM), everyone is invited to participate. December will be a Pot Luck. OLD BUSINESS: Events - Summer Picnic (Karen T.) – Karen wanted to thank everybody who helped with picnic and groups who donated. If you were not at picnic it sucks to be you—we had a good time. Christmas Party (Glenda & Jim L.) –Forms collected. Majority so far, speaker, choir and a dance. Overwhelming yes for all three. Fliers passed out. Doors open at 5:30 Dinner served at 6 PM. Need groups to donate turkeys and hams. List of what food to bring on flier. If you have to bring Kentucky Fried Chicken--bring mashed potatoes and Gravy too. Bob G. Choir Master and Karen accompanist. First practice at Beas & Mikes. Intergroup Mailboxes Update Up in back – Need to figure out how to label November Elections – November 19th– District members will run our election. NOTE: No business is conducted at this meeting—only Election and Board, Committee and Group Reports. Sobriety requirement for Officers (Chair; Alt. Chair; Treasurer; Secretary) is 2 years and for Board Members is 1 year. WHAT TO TAKE BACK TO YOUR GROUP -Christmas Party - December 13th - Ulatis Community Center, Thanksgiving Marathon Meetings Nov 26-Nov. 30 SERVICE MEETINGS All meetings held at the North Solano Intergroup Office _________________________________ NORTH SOLANO INTERGROUP DELEGATES MEETING 3rd Wednesday of the Month 7:30 PM _______________________________ HOSPITALS & INSTITUTIONS MEETING 2nd Wednesday of the Month 7:00 PM _________________________________ DISTRICT 90 MEETING 1st Wednesday of the Month 7:00 PM PUBLIC INFORMATION/COOPERATION WITH THE PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY MEETING 1st Thursday of the Month 7:00 PM BRIDGING THE GAP MEETING 1st Tuesday of the Month 7:00 PM LITERATURE/GRAPEVINE MEETING 4th Thursday of the Month 7:00 PM THANKSGIVING MARATHON MEETINGS AT THE INTERGROUP OFFICE Start Wednesday Nov. 26th at 4:30 pm and go till Sunday Nov. 30th ending at 4 pm Last meeting starts at 3 pm. INTO ACTION FELLOWSHIP SEEKERS BROWN BAGGERS GROUP 86 MEN’S STAG PRIMARY PURPOSE ON THE ROCKS SI SI PUEDE DIXON DRY DOCK TUESDAY LADIES TWIN CITIES UNITY GROUP LUNCH BUNCH SERENITY GROUP DIXON NO NAMES AS BILL SEES IT GOT RESENTMENT DIRT Y DOZEN RIVER RATS HOW GROUP THE HAPPENINGS SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE IS THE 10th OF EACH MONTH AT 2 PM Place legible submissions in the Happenings box at the intergroup, or email them to editor Tony W. at Please include a contact phone number on submissions that are not emailed. NORTH SOLANO INTERGROUP EMAIL CONTACTS Note: The Intergroup meeting minutes are a synopsis—for full minutes, please email—General Mailbox for Intergroup Office—Literature related info—Intergroup Board of Directors 2 7 DISTRICT 90 SOLANO NORTH DISTRICT COMMITTEE MEMBER CHAIR REPORT OCTOBER AA BIRTHDAYS Brown Baggers—Rick P. 26 yrs Men’s Stag—Ross T. 1 yr, Joe C. 3 yrs, Milton J. 6 yrs, Lee B. 23 yrs, Daryl C. 25 yrs District 90 will be hosting the 9th Annual Inter-District workshop at the beginning of Panel 65. Save the date of January 31, 2015. We will be using the 2015 General Service Conference theme with four presentation topics. Each topic will have a speaker from each district (Napa, Lake County, Solano North and Solano South). Come support your group’s GSR and learn about the following. "Celebrating 80 years of Recovery, Unity and Service: The Foundation for Our Future" a. "Diversity in A. A. - our Heritage of Inclusion" b. "Safety and Respect - practicing the Principles Begins in our Home Group" c. "Safeguarding our Traditions through the Evolution of Technology" d. "Inventory - Looking Back to Move Ahead" District 90 held elections for the new panel that starts in January and I want to thank the folks from Intergroup that did an amazing job facilitating the elections. Thank you to all who stepped up to fill positions. There are still some positions that need to be filled, so please come to our December 3, 2014 District meeting if you are interested in making yourself available. You can also check out the job guidelines at We need a treasurer, registrar, webmaster, Bridging the Gap chair and PI/CPC chair. The Fall Election Assembly for CNCA06 was a spiritual experience with several of the elections going to the hat. 15 people from District 90 were there to participate and learn firsthand how the third legacy procedure happens in A.A. This process helps our groups stay healthy and focused on our primary purpose-to carry the message to the alcoholic that still suffers. Yours in service, Laurie J. DCMC District 90- Panel 63 6 District 90’s website 3 TREASURER’S REPORT: DONATIONS FROM AA GROUPS AGENDA ----NORTH SOLANO INTERGROUP October 31, 2014 413 WILLIAM ST. P.O. BOX 2355 VACAVILLE, CA 95696-2355 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 11th ST EP YEAR 2014 ALL GROUP'S BIRT HDAY CHAIRPERSON BEA D. ALLENDALE BOOK ST UDY ALT . CHAIRPERSON RALPH M. T REASURER DIC K K. INT ERGROUP ACT IVIT IES SECRET ARY C ARO LE D. DURRING OFFICE HOURS BOARD MEMBERS KATHY M. 12 ST EP CALLS BO ARD MEMBERS 81.62 46.97 AS BILL SEES IT BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEMBERS 512.26 A.A. CALLS ALANON CALLS RIC HARD B. ALAT EEN CALLS C O MMITTEE C HAIRS ARCHIVES CHAIRPERSON VISIT ORS LIT ERAT URE CHAIRPERSON TIM D. SALES NEWSLET T ER EDIT OR TO NY W . INFORMAT ION MEET ING SCHEDULES BILL Mc. ANSWERING SERVICE BO B G. OFFICE MANAGER RIC H W . MARAT HON MEET ING COOR. C URTIS DIST RICT REP ORT LO RI BROWN BAGGERS CLEAN & SOBER 0 18 2 0 237 40 17 38.67 52.50 26.71 10.00 55.80 36.60 61.88 DIRT Y DOZEN DIXON DRY DOCK DIXON NO NAMES DIXON PROMISES GROUP EASY DOES IT 42.00 20.00 39.61 43.20 FRIDAY YOUNG P EOPLE FRIDAY NIGHT ST EP/ST EP GOT RESENT MENT S GROUP 86 15.00 107.80 135.00 HOW GROUP INT O ACT ION FELLOWSHIP 15.00 80.87 98.89 118.24 58.03 124.60 9.00 91.20 155.40 KEEP COMING BACK H & I REPORT LAST CALL GROUP 88.57 75.16 35.85 LIGHT HOUSE GROUP LUNCH BUNCH MEN'S ST AG 120.00 35.00 102.05 147.51 91.92 422.92 124.11 170.65 58.06 OUT SIDERS October ONE DAT AT A T IME PRIMARY PURPOSE YEAR 2014 October T O DAT E GROUP CONT RIBUT IONS MISCELLANEOUS CONT . INDIVIDUAL CONT RIBUT IONS SALES LIT ERAT URE ET C. EVENT S BIRT HDAY CONT RIBUT IONS 890.79 215.94 7.00 624.55 0.00 0.00 11478.24 3253.54 727.00 9520.39 475.50 136.00 1122.56 213.30 250.00 1000.00 0.00 151.29 125.97 0.00 185.49 0.00 0.00 2.10 EVENT S T ELEP HONE ANSWERING SERVICE RENT INSURANCE SUPPLIES UT ILIT IES PRINT ING PURCHASES LIT . ET C. T AXES REP AIR/MAINT /CLEAN MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL INCOME $1,738.28 $25,590.67 (INSURANCE, PHONE, T ELE-SERVICE, TOTAL EXPENSES 215.78 ON T HE ROCKS NORTH SOLANO INTERGROUP OF A.A. STATEMENT OF INCOME & EXPENSE FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2014 $3,050.71 BALANCE ON HAND ACCRUED EXPENSE YEAR 2014 T O DAT E RIO VIST A MEN'S ST AG 2,818.02 1,476.65 2,500.00 10,000.00 500.00 1,333.46 2,103.35 223.66 4,476.81 1,063.00 37.99 360.83 RIO VIST A MONDAY NIGHT GROUP 26,893.77 11,188.60 11,140.00 120.62 RIO VIST A BOOK ST UDY 100.00 180.00 RIO VIST A RIVER RAT S 120.00 SAT URDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 176.91 61.14 SEEKERS SERENIT Y 124.93 169.58 SUNDAY EYE OPENERS 227.96 ST ILL HUMAN 346.66 T HERE IS A SOLUT ION T HINK T HINK T HINK T UESDAY NIGHT LADIES T WIN CIT IES 24.61 38.46 48.69 41.31 80.73 UNIT Y 28.40 60.00 25.25 WINT ERS KIT CHEN T ABLE 110.71 WOMEN IN T HE BOOK PRECISOULY HOW RIO VIST A GOOD ORDERLY DIRECT ION RENT , LIT ERAT URE, UT ILIT IES, & RESERVE) FUNDS AVAILABLE CASH (CASH) RESERVE FUND C/D DELEGAT E AT NSIG MEETING 146.58 593.88 107.35 0.00 389.34 138.28 10.00 0.00 100.00 60.00 479.34 97.60 60.00 397.40 1205.52 657.61 155.40 0.00 326.29 123.60 1597.51 741.9 0.00 316.56 0.00 120.62 120.00 60.00 150.00 0.00 480.00 0.00 613.91 86.06 469.45 227.96 504.94 0.00 196.25 324.38 255.00 54.8 110.71 0.00 0.00 Debbie L. Dave E. Steve D. Steve L. Brendan R. Burt A. Carole D. Dave H. Ralph M. Moon Charlotte Doug Mc. Toni F. Julie J. Debbie L. Debra Mc. Gina I. Kerstin C. Patrica C. Shirley R. Shawn Linda D. 48.6 3000.00 1456.26 4 50.00 RIO VIST A T HERE SOLUT ION YTD T OT AL 1347.78 1165.01 1040.55 890.79 11478.24 5