10/2015 - Eastside Intergroup


10/2015 - Eastside Intergroup
Pass It On
Eastside Intergroup Newsletter
October 2015
Page 1
ESIG Open House
Page 2
Thoughts on Relapse by John
Page 3
Please Join Us
in Celebrating
Upcoming Sober Events and
Meeting Updates
the Opening of
Page 4
Sept Office News by Nancy O.
Page 5
Birthday Club
Faithful Fivers
Pink Can Contributions
Page 6
Notes from the Archives
by David C..
When: Saturday October 10th
YOUR New Intergroup Office
Where: Eastside Intergroup Office
13401 NE Bel-Red Rd. Suite B6
Bellevue, WA 98007
Page 7
Tradition 10 by Bill W.
Page 8
Office Information
Newsletter Volunteers
Hotline Volunteers
Come see all that we have to offer our
groups and members while you enjoy
some fellowship!
Page 9
ESIG September Meeting
Thoughts on Relapses
By John M.
I preface these thoughts by stating that I am not offering anything definitive or research backed regarding
relapses. Rather, my observations have led me to conclude that two factors seem to have a significant role
in many relapses.
1. Honesty – It is lacking in the alcoholic who still suffers; the drug addict who still uses. It is missing in our
complex rationalizations to justify our behavior, our addiction. Honesty is perhaps the first thing we address
when getting sober: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol . . . “. This truth begins a journey that
for some leads to an honest and productive life in which they will stay sober for the rest of their lives. For
others it is temporary and they relapse.
Honesty can fade over time or in a heartbeat. For those who stay a while before relapsing it might go like
this: “I’m too busy for meetings;” “I’ve got this under control;” “I’m not getting anything out of meetings
anymore.” Whatever the thought, it’s the rationalization machine telling us to believe something that just
isn’t true.
Those who relapse soon after coming into the fellowship might say “Ah screw it, I can have a few drinks” or
“This is a stupid program” or “What a bunch of do-good losers.” Again, the honesty is abandoned for the
Honesty that lasts and grows has a source from which it comes. Hence, point 2.
2. If you have decided you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it, then you are
ready to take certain steps – This appears to factor into both the long time person who relapses and to the
short time person who doesn’t seem to get any traction.
As the honesty fades for commitment to their program, the long time fellowship member begins to believe
more and more that “I’ve got this under control.” And then one day a thought, perhaps a former trigger enters their mind and, WHAM! Back out. It didn’t occur to them that “. . . willing to go to any length to get it .
. .” means a lifetime commitment.
The short term relapse person decides early on that they are not willing to go to any length to get it. It
doesn’t compute with where they are at in committing, surrendering to a program that requires rigorous
honesty and working a process. It is hard to comprehend that this is indeed “the easier, softer way.”
Honesty and sustained commitment to the work that keeps us sober and growing are the two simple principles that I need to keep at the forefront of my program. Maintaining honesty for me means living my life in
the steps, applying the relevant ones to situations, challenges, opportunities, commitments, to whatever I
need to address. I “get” to go to meetings, I don’t “have” to go. I get to work with other alcoholics and I get
to share my thoughts with you. I truly do want what I have now in my life and I am willing to continue to go
the distance to retain it.
Big Books Sold YTD —1,288!
Meeting Updates
October 10th: Eastside Intergroup Open House from 1pm to
5pm at Intergroup’s new office in Bellevue. Food & Fellowship!
October 10th: Live at Pine Lake Speakers Meeting at 7 pm at
Pine Lake Covenant Church, 1715-228th Ave SE, Sammamish.
Doors open 6:30pm. Speaker: Clancy, L.A., CA (childcare)
October 17th: Conway Oldtimers Speakers Meeting at Fir
Island Lutheran Church, 18101 Fir Island, Conway, WA 5pm potluck followed by 2 speakers, Nancy O., and Jack K.
AA Tradition Study Meeting
Every third Monday
Starting July 20th (1.5 hours)
Valley Foursquare Church
14610 Main St. NE #102
Duvall, WA 98019
Wednesday Willingness
Wednesday evening at 7 pm
LK. Washington Christian Church
343 15th Ave. Kirkland
B.Y.O.L. Men’s Meeting
November 7th: District 35 Gratitude Dinner at Pine Lake Cov(Bring Your Own Lunch)
enant Church 1715 228th Ave SE, Sammamish. 5:30pm-:9:30pm
Wednesdays 12-1pm
AA Speaker Sheree P. Alanon Chuck G. Potluck & Raffle.
Hope Hall in Snoqualmie
November 7th: District 36 Gratitude Dinner at Si View ComSUPPORT NEEEDED
munity Center 400 SE Orchard Dr., North Bend. Doors open at
Kirkland Study Group
5:30pm, potluck dinner, silent auction and speakers.
November 7th: Treatment & Bridging the Gap Workshop
11am –1pm Grace Lutheran Church 9625 NE 8th St. Fireside
Room, Bellevue. Hosted by ESIG Treatment Committee.
October 2nd to October 4th: 4th Annual Wenatchee Valley
Round Up 2015 at the Red Lion in Wenatchee. The theme is
“Thoroughly Followed Our Path” Journey Through the 12 Steps
AA &Al-Anon. Register online at www.wenatcheevalleyroundup.org.
October 16th to October 18th: Pilgrim Firs Spiritual Retreat
in Port Orchard at the Pilgrim Firs Spiritual Retreat Center. The
cost is $50 and hosted by PSYPC.
October 16th: 2015 Western Washington Area Assembly at
the Bell Harbor International Conference Center in Seattle. The
cost is $52. Online registration at www.area72aa.org/quarterlies.
October 17th: Sunlight of the Spirit Workshop at Stillpoint at
Beckside Spirituality Center in Bellingham from 9 am to 3 pm.
The cost is $55. Tea and coffee provided, bring your lunch.
October 23rd to October 25th: 23rd Annual Sponsorship
Conference at LaQunita Hotel in Tacoma. $30.
October 30th to Nov. 1st: 27th Annual Mt. Baker Roundup in
Bellingham from 3 p.m. to 11:30 a.m. The cost is between from
$43 to $78. It will be hosted at the Hampton Inn.
Open Step Study Meeting
Saturday night 8 to 9 p.m.
Rose Hill Presbyterian Church
Steps to Freedom
Thursdays 12:30 p.m.
St. Judes
10526 166th Ave NE, Redmond
Volunteer Opportunities
Eastside Intergroup
Openings in the Office
PI Committee
Treatment Committee
CPC Committee
Events Committee
& More!
Live at Pine Lake
Held the second Saturday of
every month. Service positions
available. contact darryl@liveatpinkelake.org
February Office Report
Thank you to our office volunteers during the month of September. Leah W., Leslie G., Ted W., Rick L., Maisey B.,
Dina L., Sandy C., Steve C., Carrie, Steve E., and Anne C.
September 12th our Hotline Coordinator Eric C. and I held our quarterly hotline training at the new Intergroup Office.
Betsy N., Dina L. and Steve C. all went through the training. We suggest the hotline training for people that want to
answer phones in the office as well as work on the hotline. Thank you Eric C. & Bill J. for taking over the Hotline and
making my life a bit easier. You are greatly appreciated!
Oh my goodness! We have had so many people dropping in at our new office, some just to check it out but others
back several times with literature and coin needs for their groups. The traffic through the Office has increased by at
least double! We love seeing everyone and are here to be of support to all of the groups and members in Districts 34,
35, 36, 38 and 39. Keep Coming Back!
In addition to your AA World Service books and pamphlets, Grapevine Books, various types of sobriety medallions
ranging from aluminum all the way to tri-plate with bling, we are now also carrying recovery related greeting cards.
And when you stop by to shop be sure to ask us to show you the section we have of free literature and bookmarks.
About 4 or 5 months ago, we added our 24 phone number to the front page of the website and the number of calls for
help has soared! Not everyone is aware but our hotline number is the number when someone calls Alcoholics Anonymous in the greater East King County area. We often get calls from other areas too, but the increase in calls here in
our area has been substantial. I really think that with the phone number not buried in the “contact us” tab but rather
front and center, we have been able to reach so many more people. We are carrying the message to the still suffering
alcoholic and quite often to the family member that calls about help for a loved one as well. We suggest resources
for them while still letting them know we are happy to help the alcoholic if he or she calls us for help.
Back in early August we held a 12th Step Workshop which received really good feedback from those that attended.
Some of you suggested that we hold it at least twice a year which is a great idea. The group size for this kind of interactive workshop needs to be around 25 or less people so if you’re interested, please send me an email and I will keep
you on a list showing interest and when we get enough people we will schedule something. It’s a good workshop for
12th step calls but is also good information for working with others.
Thank you Shannon T. & Dave T. for nursing the Bill W. plants back to life and getting them into pots and returned to
the Intergroup Office. Anyone that would like one, stop by any time, they are looking for new homes!
Also thank you Margaret for the donation this month of an almost brand new two drawer file cabinet! We appreciate
the donation—thanks for thinking of us!
Thank you Wade S. for the donation of the new Eastside Intergroup sign outside of our office. You will see the circle
and triangle almost as soon as you pull into our parking lot—you can’t miss it!
It is such a pleasure to be in our new office and to be of service in our community. Thank you to all of the individuals
and groups that help to support ESIG financially. We depend on the money you put in the basket at your meetings
and our literature & coin sales to sustain operations of the Intergroup office.
Nancy O.
ESIG Office Manager
Don’t forget our Open House
October 10th from 1pm-5pm
How Can You Help Support Your Intergroup in
Addition to the 7th Tradition at your Meetings?
Become a Faithful Fiver! Or Join Our Birthday Club!
Eastside Intergroup Birthday Club!
What are Faithful Fivers?
Faithful Fivers are AA members who graciously pledge to contribute $5.00
each month to support Eastside Intergroup in its efforts to carry the AA
message of hope and recovery to those alcoholics who still suffer in the
Eastside area. As a Faithful Fiver, your contribution can and will make our
vital services possible.
The Faithful Fiver idea came about when we remembered that we wasted
much more than $5 each month during our drinking days.
Contributions to Eastside Intergroup from AA members are limited to
$3,000 per member per year and are tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code: 501(c)3.
Many of our members contribute to ESIG $1, $2
or $5 per year during their
AA Anniversary month.
We’ll print your name, sobriety date and home
group in our Newsletter.
Your Birthday Club contributions directly
support your Eastside Intergroup Office which
provides a 24 hour phone line, literature, coins
and more!
Birthday Club!
Home Group_________________
Thank You September 2015 Faithful Fivers!
Sobriety Date_________________
Contribution $________________
Dave W.
Pat A.
Barbara M.
Pam Z.
Beth L.
Nancy O.
Ulf W.
Get your name & homegroup in the newsletter!
September 2015 Birthday
Mary A—4 Years
Yes! Please enroll me as a
Faithful Fiver!
Ron A. has donated a medallion – does anyone
have the AA birthdate of 5/27/84?
Here is my contribution of
Return this form to:
Eastside Intergroup
13401 NE Bel-Red Rd. Suite B6
If so, call 425-454-9192 and it’s yours!
Bellevue, WA 98007
Notes from the Archives
By David C., District 38 Archivist
Hello from the vaults of the District 38 Archives this month I want to let you know about my recent trip
to Akron, as part of the National Alcoholics Anonymous Archives Workshop, held in Cleveland, Ohio.
Our tour bus first took us to the Akron Intergroup Office, where we were shown all the archival
materials that were on display. Of note was a cabinet filled with Oxford Group materials, most of which
were signed by Dr. Bob and Henrietta Seiberling. I was able to hold a big book signed by Bill and Lois,
Bob & Anne. We also were shown the original note that Bill sent to Lois saying “I have met a new
friend, his name is Bob”.
After that we went to St. Thomas Hospital where Dr. Bob and Sister Ignatia helped cure over 5,000
alcoholics. We were treated to a visit to the Ignatia Chapel, which contained many artifacts from the
good Sister. I couldn’t help but feel her presence in that room with us. Next we were off to Dr. Bob’s
home, where we all climbed the twelve steps to his and Anne’s residence. It was very small inside, and
I understood why Bob’s daughter Sue had to be sent up into the attic when they held meetings there.
Sitting at the kitchen table with that coffee pot in front of me, I could almost imagine Bill and Bob sitting
there also talking about their newfound sobriety. I then went to the house next door, where there is a
museum and gift shop. I was able to bring home many items for a wonderful display. Next we went to
the Seiberling Gatehouse and were able to sit in a tiny room where Bill and Bob met for the first time.
Afterwards we were treated to a tour of the Stan Hewett Mansion, where the Seiberling family lived.
Lastly we went to Bob and Anne’s grave. All in all a wonderful tour of the sites in Akron which brought
about our Fellowship.
The workshop was a very good one. I presented a two hour talk and demonstration on Preservation of
documents. There were many talks on AA history in Akron and on Bill D., AA #3 and other noted people
from the area. We heard from GSO Archivist Michelle Mirsa and April Henniger on Photo preservation
and GSO Archive holdings. There were sessions on how to archive materials and how to work with
digital materials. On Saturday evening at the dinner we were treated to a skit entitled “Snow White and
the Seven Defects”, which was a riot. Michelle GSO Archivists played the part of a bunny rabbit and
bunny hopped all the way through the skit. We couldn’t stop laughing. Afterwards Jay M. told us about
his new book, “AA and the Rockefeller Connection”, where we learned that the Rockefeller’s didn’t just
give Bill $5,000 at the dinner, but $37,555 over twenty years! Bill never revealed it because he didn’t
want others in AA to know he was getting help! All in all a wonderful time in Ohio. More will be
P. S. Stop by the Archive room at the District 38 Gratitude dinner on
Nov. 14th at the 4 Square Church in Bothell and see all the new exhibits.
Till next time……
Tradition Ten
“Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A. A . Name ought never be draw into
public controversy . “ A.A. Grapevine Editorial by Bill W. on September 1948
No A.A. Group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate A.A., express any opinion on outside controversial issues -- particularly those of politics, alcohol reform, or sectarian religion. The
Alcoholics Anonymous Groups oppose no one. Concerning such matters they can express no views
To most of us, Alcoholics Anonymous has become as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. We like to believe
that it will soon be as well known and just as enduring as that historic landmark. We enjoy this
pleasant conviction because nothing has yet occurred to disturb it; we reason that we must hang
together or die. Hence we take for granted our continued unity as a movement.
But should we? Though God has bestowed upon us great favors, and though we are bound by
stronger ties of love and necessity than most societies, is it prudent to suppose that automatically
these great gifts and attributes shall be ours forever. If we are worthy, we shall probably continue to
enjoy them. So the real question is, how shall we always be worthy of our present blessings?
Seen from this point of view, our A.A. Traditions are those attitudes and practices by which we may
deserve, as a movement, a long life and a useful one. To this end, none could be more vital than our
10th Tradition, for it deals with the subject of controversy -- serious controversy.
On the other side of the world, millions have not long since died in religious dissension. Other millions
have died in political controversy. The end is not yet. Nearly everybody in the world has turned
reformer. Each group, society and nation is saying to the other, "You must do as we say, or else".
Political controversy and reform by compulsion has reached an all-time high. And eternal, seemingly,
are the flames of religious dissension.
Being like other men and women, how can we expect to remain forever immune from these perils?
Probably we shall not. At length, we must meet them all. We cannot flee from them, nor ought we
try. If these challenges do come, we shall, I am sure, go out to meet them gladly and unafraid. That
will be the acid test of our worth.
Our best defense? This surely lies in the formation of a Tradition respecting serious controversy so
powerful that neither the weakness of persons nor the strain and strife of our troubled times can
harm Alcoholics Anonymous. We know that A.A. must continue to live, or else many of us and many
of our brother alcoholics throughout the world will surely resume the hopeless journey to oblivion.
That must never be.
As though by some deep and compelling instinct we have thus far avoided serious controversies. Save
minor and healthy growing pains, we are at peace among ourselves. And because we have thus far
adhered to our sole aim, the whole world regards us favorably.
May God grant us the wisdom and fortitude ever to sustain an unbreakable unity.
Office Information
Mailing Address
13401 NE Bel-Red Suite B6
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: 425-454-9192
Email: esig@eastsideintergroup.com
Website: www.eastsideintergroup.com
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10am—6pm
Thank you September Hotline Volunteers!
Bob B.
Carmen A.
Carrie W.
Chuck M.
Elton B.
Eric C,
Fred M.
Ginny K.
Guy P.
Newsletter Contributors
Intergroup Meeting
First Thursday of each month
7:30 - 8:30 pm
Publisher……................Alma O.
Editor……………..…….Sandy B.
Archivist……………..…David C.
All members welcome!
Bellevue Christian Reformed Church
1221 148th Ave NE, Bellevue 98007
Personal Story…..…… John M.
Office News …….…… Nancy O.
Office Manager— Nancy 0.
Email: Nancy@eastsideintergroup.com
Group Contributions
Thanks to the following groups for sending contributions to the Eastside Intergroup office in the month of September 2015. Group contributions enable us to
pay the rent and bills for your Intergroup Office, maintain our phone lines 24
hours a day 7 days a week, publish a monthly newsletter, provide a meeting
directory, and carry AA information and literature.
Nameless Bunch of
90 Minutes in
A Way Up
Eastside Men’s Group
Fresh Start
Gay Men in Recovery
Living Sober
Serenity Break
Seven & Sober
Sober Women
Sobriety Life Line
Jim R.
Sara K.
Backup on Hotline:
Joe M.
Sheree P.
Bob F.
John K.
Susan M.
Pat A.
John R.
Ted W.
Bill R.
Keith S.
Tim B.
Sheree P.
Leslie G.
Tina B.
Mark J.
Matthew M.
Travis S.
Merrill G.
Hotline Coordinators: Eric C. & Bill J.
Mike S.
Tuesday Night
Tuesday Night
Women’s Saturday
Women’s Saturday
Thank you to our office volunteers too!
They ensure that when someone reaches
out for help by calling Alcoholics
Anonymous, the caller always reaches a
real person!
Leah W.
Leslie G.
Ted W.
Rick L.
Maisey B.
Dina L.
Sandy C.
Steve C.
Carrie W.
Steve E.
Anne C.
Intergroup, Area, GSO & District Info
Eastside Intergroup:
Eastside Intergroup
13401 NE Bel-Red Rd. Suite
Bellevue, WA 98007
Western WA Area 72
702 Kentucky St., #535
Bellingham, WA 98225
General Service Office (GSO)
P.O. Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
District 34
Bellevue, Redmond, East Lake
Sammamish, Mercer Island
District 34
P.O. Box 50081
Bellevue, WA 98015
District 35
District 35
P.O. Box 442
Issaquah, WA 98027
District 36
Snoqualmie Valley, Duvall,
North Bend
District 36
P.O. Box 1963
North Bend, WA 98045
District 38
District 38
P.O. Box 322
Kirkland, WA 98083
District 39
Bothell, Kenmore, Woodinville
Thank you Intergroup Reps!
The following Intergroup Reps were in attendance at our Thursday, Sept. 3rd meeting. Thank you!
Andy G. – Core Relations, Dist. 35 PI,
Betsy N. – Women of Worth
Brian G. – Living Sober
Eric C. – ESIG Hotline Coordinator
Eric D. – Gay Men in Recovery
Eric M. – Moss Bay
Erin A. – ESIG CPC Chair
Erin E. – District 34 Intergroup Liaison
Gerry Z. – ESIG Literature Chair
Hayley H. – Millennium Group
Holly F. – Women’s Way
Jack S. – Eastside Nooners
Jerry B. – Anchor Group
Jim B. – Redmond Recovery
John K. – Sammamish BB Study,
Live at Pine Lake
Karen F. – Issaquah Women
Kathy H. – Sober Seniors
Kerry A. – Reflections,
Saturday Women’s Share
Kristi G. – Issaquah Tuesday Night, ESIG
Events Chair
Margaret H. – Eastside Women
Mary B. – Eastside Beginners
Matthew M. – Live at Pine Lake Liaison
Norine W. – Any Lengths Group
Phil K. – Area 72 Corrections Chair
Rob P. – Lifeline
Robbie D. – Better Odds Sober
Sandy B. – FSHQ, ESIG Newsletter Editor
Scott H. – Nameless Bunch of Drunks
Staci Dill – Friday Night Firehouse
Susan M. – Sober Cartooners,
Sanity in Sobriety
Tim M. – A Way Up,
Newport Hills Study,
ESIG H&I (Treatment) Chair
What does an Intergroup Rep do?
An Intergroup Rep is elected at his/her Home Group and attends the Eastside Intergroup Meeting on the 1 st
Thursday of each month from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. You represent your home group at the monthly meeting
and hold a vote for your group.
Because Eastside Intergroup covers five Districts and is a central clearinghouse for local AA
activities and information, you become a vital link between the Intergroup office, the Districts, and your
home group. The Intergroup Rep keeps his or her home group informed about work being done, activities
going on, etc. You become a part of the networking between Eastside Intergroup and the groups.

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