9/2015 - Eastside Intergroup


9/2015 - Eastside Intergroup
Pass It On
Eastside Intergroup Newsletter
September 2015
Page 1
Why Should I work the Steps
by John M.
Page 2
Why Should I work the Steps
by John M.
Page 3
Upcoming Sober Events and
Meeting Updates
Page 4
Aug Office News by Nancy O.
Page 5
Why Should I Work the Steps
We hear many folks say in meetings “. . . my life changed for the better when
I worked the Steps” or “. . . working the Steps relieved the insanity in my life”
or “. . . all the excess baggage was eliminated when I worked the Steps.”
These are all profound statements of big results from working the Steps. Yet,
are they specific enough to reach the alcoholic who still suffers and is dubious about the Steps or fearful of what they might reveal?
Here is my experience.
With Step 1 I admitted I was powerless over alcohol. It took working the
next 4 Steps before I acknowledged that my life had been unmanageable.
Step 1 addresses the “alcohol” part in being an alcoholic. What’s left though
is the “ic” part. “Ic” is our excess baggage, a deterrent to personal growth, or
just plain yuck. Therein lies the key to what I have received from working all
12 Steps. . . addressing the “ic” of this alcoholic.
Faithful Fivers
It started with discovering self awareness, which led me to learning what the
specific “ic” was in my life:
Pink Can Contributions
how unhappy I was
Page 6
how angry I was
Notes from the Archives
how depressed I was at times
by David C..
how negative I was in my thinking
Page 7
how unreliable I could be
Tradition 9 by Bill W.
how detached I was
Page 8
how egocentric I had become
Office Information
how little of my potential I had tapped
Newsletter Volunteers
how blind to my weaknesses I was
Hotline Volunteers
how little passion I had for the important things in my life
how much I wanted help
Page 9
how immature I was
ESIG Meeting Attendance
how little self discipline I had
how prejudice I was – especially with spirituality
Birthday Club
(cont’d on pg. 2)
Why Should I Work the Steps
By John M.
continued from page 1
I was truly clueless that all of this was my alcohol(ic) reality. Without the self discovery and addressing these
conditions/defects of character through the 12 Steps I would have been sober, period. Every one of these
things would have continued to be a part of me, preventing me from experiencing the growth and joy that
define my life today.
That’s what a dry drunk looks like.
My solution to “ic” –
Go to meetings – as many as I can
Have a sponsor
Work the Steps with my sponsees
Do other service work
Live my life by the Golden Rule – treat others the way I would like to be treated
I am a very grateful alcohol(ic).
Attention District Gratitude
Dinner Committees
Please send your Gratitude Dinner flyers
to us as soon as you have them made so
we can post them on our website.
Please send in pdf format to
Meeting Updates
September 12th: Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline Training
from 10 to 11:30 am at Eastside Intergroup Office in Bellevue.
September 12tht Live at Pine Lake Speakers Meeting at 7 pm
at Pine Lake Covenant Church 1715-228th Ave SE,
Sammamish. Doors open at 6:30pm. Speaker is Tom W. from
Oakland, CA (childcare available)
AA Tradition Study Meeting
Every third Monday
Valley Foursquare Church
September 12th: Wit’s End Warriors Summer Outdoor Potluck and BBQ from 5 to 7:30 pm at Haller Park in Arlington,
WA. The outdoor meeting takes place in the covered area.
14610 Main St. NE #102
September 18th: Open Mic Jam Night at 8 p.m. at the Alano
Club of the Eastside in Bellevue. A $5 donation requested from
the musicians.
Wednesday Willingness
September 19th: Relationship in Sobriety Workshop at the
Our Savior Lutheran Church in Issaquah from 1 to 4 pm.
September 20th: S’More Sobriety at Carkeek Park in Seattle
from 6 to 9 pm.. Hosted by WSCYPAA. Bring your own sticks.
Fixings provided but S’More’s better.
September 26th: Whidbey Island Women’s Luncheon at First
United Methodist Church in Oak Harbor rom 11:30 am to 2 p.m.
Tickets will not be sold at the door. Cost is $25.
September 26th: Everett Conference Salmon Bake & Speaker Meeting at the Tulalip Tribal Center from 5 to 10 p.m.
Adults are $15, Couples are $25 and Children are $5. Balloon
animals and hot dogs for the children.
September 29th: The Heart of AA—Sponsorship Workshop
at the 12 & 12 Fellowship Hall in Bothell from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
October 10th: Eastside Intergroup Open House—Saturday
1pm to 5pm. 13401 Bel Red Rd. #B-6, Bellevue 98005. Food &
Fellowship. Come see your new Intergroup Office!
Duvall, WA 98019
Wednesday evening at 7 pm
Lake Washington Christian
343 15th Ave. Kirkland
Steps to Freedom
Thursdays at 12:15 p.m.
St. Judes
10526 166th Ave NE, Redmond
Eastside Intergroup
Openings answering phones
during office hours 10am-6pm
6 months sobriety required
Call 425-454-9192 for info
Live at Pine Lake
Held the second Saturday of every month. Service positions avail-
October 2nd to October 4th: 4th Annual Wenatchee Valley
Round Up 2015 at the Red Lion in Wenatchee. The theme is
“Thoroughly Followed Our Path” Journey Through the 12 Steps
AA &Al-Anon. www.wenatcheevalleyroundup.org.
able. For further information,
please contact
October 16th to October 18th: Pilgrim Firs Spiritual Retreat
in Port Orchard at the Pilgrim Firs Spiritual Retreat Center. The
cost is $50 and hosted by PSYPC.
February Office Report
August Office News
Thank you Volunteers! Leah W, Ted W, Maisey B, Leslie G, Michelle W, Don D, Kristi G, Beth L, Rick L, Travis
S ,Sandy B, Betsy N, and Mary B all volunteered i Eastside Intergroup Office in August.
What a month! At the beginning of August I told my husband Terry not to plan on seeing me much until September
and that’s been accurate as of this writing.
On August 10th we held a 12th Step Workshop with about 20 people in attendance. Rather than a panel or a training for the 12th Step call, this was an interactive workshop with those in attendance being involved in the discussion
around each topic. We had several people sign up to be on our 12th Step call list and feel more comfortable about it.
Thanks everyone that attended. If there is more interest in another workshop, let me know and we’ll get one scheduled.
Next on August 15th we held the annual Eastside Intergroup Picnic which was a totally fun day! Thank you Kristi G.
from the Issaquah Tuesday Night meeting for chairing this event. Kristi did a fantastic job on planning, shopping, delegating, running the raffle and even sun shine for the day! We had around 150 or so people and there were over 20 raffle prizes donated this year. Thank you everyone that participated. Thank you Wake Up Group for setting up in the
morning and thank you Living Sober for cleaning up at the end of the day!
Scott H, Aaron M, Charlie L, Jeff L, Gerry Z, Shaun R, Richard B, Anne C, Betsy N,
Sandy B, Molly D, Dave T, Shannon T, John M, John N, Bobby N,
Shelly N, Terry O, Maisey B, Jon S, Willy H, Pat A, Mike O, Wade S,
Mike S. David B, Ted W, Leah W, Bob B. & Me
And a very special thanks to DOLENE B. who cleaned our old office!
My sincere apologies if I missed anyone!
HOW TO FIND US: We are on Bel Red Road at 134th, but of the three stucco buildings, we are in the middle in
suite B6. Our office is on the south side of Bel-Red Road across the street from Sherwin & Williams and Habitat for Humanity which are both on the north side of Bel Red Road. FROM EITHER DIRECTION ON BEL-RED ROAD YOU CAN
Find is at:
13401 NE Bel Red Rd. #B-6
Bellevue, WA 98005
We’ve sold 1,184
Big Books
since January 1st!
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service,
Nancy O.
ESIG Office Manager
How Can You Help Support Your Intergroup in
Addition to the 7th Tradition at your Meetings?
Become a Faithful Fiver!
Or Join Our Birthday Club!
What are Faithful Fivers?
Faithful Fivers are AA members who graciously pledge
to contribute $5.00 each month to support Eastside Intergroup in its efforts to carry the AA message of hope
and recovery to those alcoholics who still suffer in the
Eastside area. As a Faithful Fiver, your contribution
can and will make our vital services possible.
The Faithful Fiver idea came about when we remembered that we wasted much more than $5 each month
during our drinking days.
Contributions to Eastside Intergroup from AA members
are limited to $3,000 per member per year and are tax
deductible under Internal Revenue Code: 501(c)3.
Eastside Intergroup Birthday Club!
Many of our members contribute to ESIG $1, $2
or $5 per year during their
AA Anniversary month.
We’ll print your name, sobriety date and home
group in our Newsletter.
Your Birthday Club contributions directly
support your Eastside Intergroup Office which
provides a 24 hour phone line, literature, coins
and more!
Birthday Club!
Home Group_________________
Thank You August 2015 Faithful Fivers!
Sobriety Date_________________
Barbara M.
Nancy O.
Contribution $________________
Colin R.
Pat A.
Get your name & Home Group in the newsletter!
Beth L.
Dave W.
Pam Z.
Ulf W.
August 2015 BIRTHDAYS
Graham S: 8 years, Wake Up
Laura C: 3 years, Wake Up
Yes! Please enroll me as a
Tom V: 2 years; Eastside Sunday Breakfast
Faithful Fiver!
Leah W: 3 years; Bill’s Story
Here is my contribution of
Mary A: 4 years
Living Sober
Seven & Sober
Return this form to:
Sober Seniors
Eastside Intergroup
Women of
City__________________ State/Zip________________
13401 NE Bel Red Rd. #B-6, Bellevue, WA 98005
Issaquah Big
Book Study
Anchor Group
Notes from the Archives
By David C., District 38 Archivist
Hello from the vaults of the District 38 Archives this month I want to let you know about my
upcoming trip to Cleveland and Akron for the National Alcoholics Anonymous Archives Workshop at
the end of the month. I will be attending the Workshop and presenting a two hour presentation on
Preservation of paper. While I am there I will also be going on a tour of Akron and Dr. Bobs House.
This will be my second trip to the birthplace of our Fellowship, and I am looking forward to re-visiting
all those historical sites once again. What it must have been like in 1935 when Bill met Dr. Bob, and
the two of them, struggling alcoholics who knew that they needed help. Just like all of us.
Bill Wilson and Dr. Smith sought to develop a simple program to help even the worst alcoholics, along with a more successful approach that empathized with alcoholics yet convinced them of
their hopelessness and powerlessness. They believed active alcoholics were in a state of insanity rather than a state of sin, an idea they developed independently of the Oxford Group, which both men
belonged to. During the summer of 1935, both cofounders worked tirelessly to maintain their own
sobriety while trying to help others. The first success was with Bill Dotson. He was a lawyer, who had
been in the hospital six times in the preceding four months. He went completely out of his mind
when drinking, and he had just roughed up a couple of nurses. Bill D.’s sobriety date was June 26,
1935. As the two men continued to find new prospects in Akron, our Fellowship began to grow and
the first principals of AA were established. With the help of Sister Ignatia, over 5,000 alcoholics were
saved from the clutches of alcoholism.
I wish I could turn back the pages of time and view those early times and the challenges our
founders must have faced. They had no written material other than the Bible and other Christian
books to go by. There were no treatment centers and only a small handful of men in two cities, Akron
and New York to hold the new Fellowship together. But they did succeed and I for one am eternally
grateful to those early people who brought this movement to fruition. More will be revealed….
P.S I hope to tell you next time of my travels and adventures in the birthplace of Alcoholics Anonymous. Till next time……
Bill Dotson
Sister Ignatia
Tradition Nine
“A.A. as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve. “ A.A. Grapevine Editorial by Bill W. on August 1948
"Each A.A. Group needs the least possible organization. Rotating leadership is the best. The small group may elect its secretary, the large group its rotating committee, and the groups of a large Metropolitan area their central or intergroup
committee, which often employs a full-time secretary. The Trustees of The Alcoholic Foundation are, in effect, our A.A.
General Service Committee. They are the custodians of our A.A. Tradition and the receivers of voluntary A.A. contributions
by which we maintain our A.A. General Service Office in New York. They are authorized by the groups to handle our overall public relations and they guarantee the integrity of our principal newspaper, "The A.A. Grapevine." All such representatives are to be guided in the spirit of service, for true leaders in A.A. are but trusted and experienced servants of the whole.
They derive no real authority from their titles; they do not govern. Universal respect is the key to their usefulness."
The least possible organization, that's our universal ideal. No fees, no dues, no rules imposed on anybody, one alcoholic
bringing recovery to the next; that's the substance of what we most desire, isn't it?
But how shall this simple ideal best be realized? Often a question, that.
We have, for example, the kind of A.A. who is for simplicity. Terrified of anything organized, he tells us that A.A. is getting
too complicated. He thinks money only makes trouble, committees only make dissension, elections only make politics,
paid workers only make professionals and that clubs only coddle slipees. Says he, let's get back to coffee and cakes by
cozy firesides. If any alcoholics stray our way, let's look after them. But that's enough. Simplicity is our answer.
Quite opposed to such halcyon simplicity is the A.A. promotor. Left to himself he would "bang the cannon and twang the
lyre" at every crossroad of the world. Millions for drunks, great A.A. hospitals, batteries of paid organizers and publicity
experts wielding all the latest paraphernalia of sound and script; such would be our promoters dream. "Yes sir," he would
bark "My two year plan calls for one million A.A. members by 1950!"
For one, I'm glad we have both conservatives and enthusiasts. They teach us much. The conservative will surely see to it
that the A.A. movement never gets over organized. But the promoter will continue to remind us of our terrific obligation
to the newcomer and to those hundreds of thousands of alcoholics still waiting all over the world to hear of A.A.
We shall, naturally, take the firm and safe middle course. A.A. has always violently resisted the idea of any general organization. Yet, paradoxically, we have ever stoutly insisted upon organizing certain special services; mostly those absolutely
necessary to effective and plentiful 12th Step work.
If, for instance, an A.A. group elects a secretary or rotating committee, if an area forms an intergroup committee, if we set
up a Foundation, a General Office or a Grapevine, then we are organized for service. The A.A. book and pamphlets, our
meeting places and clubs, our dinners and regional assemblies -- these are services too. Nor can we secure good hospital
connections, properly sponsor new prospects and obtain good public relations just by chance. People have to be appointed to look after these things, sometimes paid people. Special services are performed.
But by none of these special services, has our spiritual or social activity, the great current of A.A. ever been really organized or professionalized. Yet our recovery program has been enormously aided. While important, these service activities,
are very small by contrast with our main effort.
As such facts and distinctions become clear, we shall easily lay aside our fears of blighting organization or hazardous
wealth. As a movement, we shall remain comfortably poor; for our service expenses are trifling.
With such assurances, we shall without doubt, continue to improve and extend our vital lifelines of special service; to
better carry out our A.A. message to others; to make for ourselves a finer greater society, and, God willing, to assure Alcoholics Anonymous a long life and perfect unity.
Office Information
Mailing Address
13401 NE Bel-Red Suite B6
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: 425-454-9192
Email: esig@eastsideintergroup.com
Website: www.eastsideintergroup.com
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10:00am-6:00 pm
Intergroup Meeting
Thank you August Hotline Volunteers!
Bob B.
Carmen A.
Carrie W.
Chuck M.
Elton B.
Eric C,
Fred M.
Ginny K.
Guy P.
Jim R.
Joe M.
John K.
John R.
Keith S.
Leslie G.
Matthew M.
Merrill G.
Mike S.
Sara K.
Sheree P.
Susan M.
Ted W.
Tim B.
Tina B.
Travis S.
Eric C. & Bill J.
Bob F. Pat A., Bill
R., Sheree P.
First Thursday of each month 7:30-8:30pm
All members welcome!
Bellevue Christian Reformed Church 1221
148th Ave NE, Bellevue 98007
Office Manager
Newsletter Contributors
Publisher……................Alma O.
Editor……………..…….Sandy B.
Archivist……………..…David C.
Nancy O.
Personal Story…..…… John M.
Email: Nancy@eastsideintergroup.com
Office News …….…… Nancy O.
Directions to ESIG Office
Thank you to our office volunteers too!
They ensure that when someone reaches
out for help by calling Alcoholics Anonymous, the caller always reaches a real
Leah W.
Ted W.
Leslie G.
Bob B.
Maisey B.
Kristi G.
Michelle W.
John M.
Thank You!!!!
Group Contributions
Thanks to the following groups for sending contributions to the
Eastside Intergroup office in the month of August 2015.
Group contributions enable us to pay the rent and bills for your
Intergroup Office, maintain our phone lines 24 hours a day 7
days a week, publish a monthly newsletter, provide a meeting
directory, and carry AA information and literature.
Nameless Bunch of
Beyond Sobriety
Anchor Group
Bel-Kirk Saturday
Moss Bay
Sharing the Legacy
Clyde Hill Step Study
Kenmore Big Book
12 & 12 Fellowship Hall
The Nooners
Up the Creek
That 12 & 12 Meeting
Pine Lake Stag
Living Sober
Steppin’ Up
Came to Believe
Bellevue Group
Redmond Recovery
Duvall Big Book Study
Tiger Mountain Stag
District, GSO & Area Info
Eastside Intergroup:
Please note new address:
Eastside Intergroup
13401 NE Bel Red Rd. #B-6
Bellevue, WA 98005
Western WA Area 72
702 Kentucky St., #535
Bellingham, WA 98225
General Service Office (GSO)
P.O. Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
District 34
Bellevue, Redmond, East Lake
Sammamish, Mercer Island
District 34
P.O. Box 50081
Bellevue, WA 98015
District 35
District 35
P.O. Box 442
Issaquah, WA 98027
District 36
Snoqualmie Valley, Duvall,
North Bend
District 36
P.O. Box 1963
North Bend, WA 98045
District 38
District 38
P.O. Box 322
Kirkland, WA 98083
District 39
Bothell, Kenmore, Woodinville
Thank you Intergroup Reps!
The following Intergroup Representatives and Committee Representatives were in attendance at our
Thursday, August 6 meeting. Thank you!
Andy G.
Betsy N.
Brian G.
Eileen L.
Ellen G.
Chris P.
Dan H.
David B.
Eric C.
Erin A.
Holly F.
James D.
Jane L.
Jeff B.
Jerry B.
Joel M.
John K.
ESIG PI Chair, Core Relations & Dist. 35 PI
Women of Worth/Sober Women
Living Sober
Bellevue Group
Redmond Friday Night Study Group
ESIG Board & North Creek Study Group
ESIG Corrections Chair, Pine Lake Stag
ESIG Board
ESIG Hotline Coordinator
A Woman's Way
District 35 Alternate PI
ESIG Accessibility Chair
Issaquah Big Book Study
Anchor Group
Dist. 39 Lifeline
Sammamish BB Study/Live at Pine Lake
Jon S.
Kathy H.
Kristi G.
Lisa S.
Margaret H.
Mary B.
Mike O.
Mike S.
Nancy O.
Pam Z.
Pat A.
Phil K.
Sandy B.
Shelly N.
Vicky C.
Willy H.
ESIG Board & District 39 Rep
Sober Seniors
ESIG Picnic Chair/Issaquah Tuesday Night
59 Minutes at Pine Lake
Eastside Women
Eastside Beginners
ESIG Board
ESIG Board
ESIG Manager
Sharing the Legacy
ESIG Board
Area 72 Corrections Chair
ESIG Newsletter Editor/FSHQ
ESIG Board
Any Lengths Group
ESIG Board
What does an Intergroup Rep do?
An Intergroup Rep is elected at his/her Home Group and attends the Eastside Intergroup Meeting
on the 1st Thursday of each month from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. You represent your home group at
the monthly meeting and hold a vote for your group.
Because Eastside Intergroup covers five Districts and is a central clearinghouse for local AA activities and information, you become a vital link between the Intergroup office, the Districts, and your
home group. The Intergroup Rep keeps his or her home group informed about work being done,
activities going on, etc. You become a part of the networking between Eastside Intergroup and the

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