5/2015 - Eastside Intergroup


5/2015 - Eastside Intergroup
Pass It On
Eastside Intergroup Newsletter
May 2015
Page 1
Carry the Message by Chuck C.
Page 2
Carry the Message by Chuck C.
Page 3
Upcoming Sober Events and
Meeting Updates
Page 4
April Office Report by Nancy O.
Page 5
Birthday Club
Faithful Fivers
Pink Can Contributions
Page 6
Notes from the Archives
by David C..
Page 7
Tradition 5 by Bill W.
Page 8
Office Information
Newsletter Volunteers
Hotline Volunteers
Page 9
Thank you Representatives
Carry the Message
I got sober January 10, 1989, which makes today over 26 years
of continuous sobriety. This morning, I was in a meeting of Alcoholics
Anonymous listening to a young man who admitted drinking yesterday, although he has been coming to that meeting regularly. He said
he wanted to stay sober, but couldn't during the week, because his
work caused anxiety, and that he didn't believe he had hit bottom
yet. When he finished, I shared that I was still sober, despite daily
bouts with anxiety, frustration, resentment and self-centered expectations. I admitted that I have no idea why I am still sober, and that I
didn't believe anyone hits bottom until they either stop digging or
I recalled when I first came to AA in 1981, I stayed sober about 90 days,
but went back to drinking. When I returned to the program in 1989, I
had no faith that it would work for me and I didn't particularly want it
to. My boss made me get sober. I figured that, if l lost my job, I couldn't afford my scotch so I agreed to try sobriety. I still wanted to drink. I
got a sponsor because my treatment center gave me an ultimatum. My
sponsor got drunk and died when I was about three years sober. He had
been a very spiritual man, but had gone back to drinking when both of
his sons were killed the same weekend in separate drug deals. He told
me he had to drink or commit murder. He died in his trailer, choking on
his own vomit. Alcoholic death is rarely pretty.
I stayed sober, despite not believing in God. My sponsor had
told me I had to have a personal relationship with a Higher Power if I
wanted to stay sober. I had been raised in the church -my stepfather
was a preacher -and I had studied comparative religion in college. I
figured I knew all about "God" and that there wasn't one. Still, I tried
to build a relationship with a Higher Power. I started with "The Force"
from Star Wars and went from there.
(continue on page 2)
Carry the Message
by Chuck C.
It took me five years, reading all the literature I could find on the subject. Finally, I gave up.
That's when I had my "spiritual awakening." I believe in God, today. Looking back, I can see how
God had been keeping me sober all along.
When I was in early sobriety, they had this thing they called "the railroad." Basically, it referred to
the way newcomers were forced into service work. I remember when the GSR of my home group
moved out of town. The Alternate GSR became GSR and the Treasurer became Alternate GSR. The
Treasurer came up to me, handed me a ledger and announced, "You are the new Treasurer." I had
about 30 days at the time. Later, I became Alternate and GSR. Then I was District Secretary and
chaired a variety of District committees. Did service keep me sober? It helped. A friend of mine
who had gotten sober about the same time as I did got drunk at about five years. He had been in
service with me, the whole time. Why did he get drunk while I stayed sober? I don't know. I remember that, at nearly seventeen years, that Treasurer who railroaded me into service got drunk. I
didn't. I don't know why, except that I did, eventually, develop a personal relationship with my
Higher Power. I kept doing the things I was doing in service, meeting attendance and carrying the
message, and I was keeping sobriety my number one priority. Maybe, that last part has something
to do with it.... I can't guarantee I'll be sober tomorrow, but I don't have to drink today by the
Grace of God and the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Anyway, I'm here to tell you that if l can stay sober, anyone can stay sober. Just don't drink
between meetings, and keep up the good work. Oh, and it would probably help if your meetings
aren't too far apart. I go every day, pretty much.
By the way, I was told early on that an "old timer'' was someone with thirty years or more. So, I
still have some growing to do. Meanwhile, I'll keep carrying the message. You can't keep it unless
you give it away. That young man I mentioned has asked me to be his new sponsor. I told him I'd
be honored to serve.
Upcoming Sober Events
Meeting Updates
May 9th: Live at Pine Lake Speakers Meeting at 7 pm at Pine
Lake Covenant Church 1715-228th Ave SE, Sammamish.
Doors open at 6:30pm. Speaker is Kerry A. (childcare available)
May 9th: Wit’s End Warriors Summer Outdoor Potluck and
BBQ at 5 pm at Haller Park in Arlington, WA. The outdoor meeting takes place in the covered area. Plenty of parking.
May 10th: Gene Coulon Beach Bonfire Meeting in Renton
from 2 pm to 5pm. The outdoor meeting takes place under the
North Shelter around a huge fire pit. Rain or Shine!
May 25th: Bellevue Group 60th Anniversary Celebration at
St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Medina, WA. Potluck begins at
6:30 p.m. and speaker at 8 p.m.
June 27th: District 35 Workshop “Unpacking Steps 6 & 7”,
Our Savior Lutheran Church 745 Front St. S. Issaquah 1pm-4pm
August 2nd: 4th Annual Redmond Contingency Potluck/
Picnic at Grasslawn Park in Redmond 11am to 5pm.
August 15th: Eastside Intergroup Annual Picnic at Beaver
Lake Park in Sammamish 11am—3pm. Watch for flyers!
May 14-17th: 31st Annual Tri-State Roundup. www.tristateroundup.com.
June 5th-7th: 35th Annual Woman to Woman Conference at Pilgram Firs.
June 18th—21st: 12 X 12 Annual Campout
June 18th to 21st: PSYPC 21st Annual Alta Lake Campout on
Father’s Weekend. Check out www.psypc.org for more information.
July 2nd to 5th: The 2015 International Convention Alcoholics
Anonymous in Atlanta, Georgia. Eighty years—Happy, Joyous
and Free.
August 7th to 9th: Step Ashore 2nd annual at Ocean Shores
Convention Center in Ocean Shores. Full package preregistration is $79. Check it out at www.nwwoodstockofaa.org
August 2015: Rock Sober 9th Annual. Contact Ray H. at
rvbutcher@yahoo.com for more information
Valley Girls Big Book Meeting
Friday mornings 10 am
Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Church
‘Green Room”
(White building in church parking
lot )
36017 SE Fish Hatchery Rd
Fall City, WA 98024
Wednesday Willingness
Wednesday evening at 7 pm
Lake Washington Christian Church
343 15th Ave. Kirkland
Kirkland Study Group
Open Step Study Meeting
Saturday night 8 to 9 p.m.
Rose Hill Presbyterian Church
Kirkland Thursday Niters
7:30 pm— 1 Hour
Kirkland Congregational Church
106 5th Ave, Kirkland
Recov ‘R We
Saturday & Sunday Mornings
time change from 8:30am to 10am
VFW Hall 4330 148th Ave NE
Soul Shiners
Sunday time change from 9:30pm to
9pm at the 12 X 12 Fellowship Hall
Open Minded Recovery
Wednesday 7pm in Redmond
Saturday 7am 12 X 12 Fellowship
Hall in Bothell
February Office Report
Welcome Spring! April showers bring May flowers and we already have roses blooming at the
Intergroup Office!
My office report is shorter this month because I was on vacation for a couple of weeks on Maui
with my husband Terry. We had a fantastic time and I found it easy to relax because of the coverage at the office and knowing everything was being taken care of. Leah W. filled in and managed the office
during my absence and I’m sure a lot of you are as grateful as I am for her service. Thank you Leah!
April Volunteers in the office were: Leah, Leslie, Ted, Marita, and Margo. Thanks everyone!
Keep in mind that we have all kinds of service work available from answering phones to various other general
office duties. I have a schedule for people to sign up if interested in answering phones. It’s a wonderful way
to see the miracles that happen in Alcoholics Anonymous when you get that first time caller or even a caller
having a difficult time. It’s even fun to talk to those people just looking for a meeting. You’re really on the
front lines of AA when answering the phones at Intergroup. We’re the ones that get that first call from an alcoholic that is suffering and we get to help them to their first meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. If interested
give me a call 425-454-9192 during office hours 10 to 6 Monday through Friday.
I am excited to be working with several new Board members over this next term which runs May through
April every year. You all elected three new Board members at the April meeting, Shelly N. was re-elected,
Wade S., and David B. were also elected. We had a 4th Board position open up and Mike S. was elected to
fill the remainder of the term. In February we elected Pat A. as our Treasurer and Pat also holds a position
on the Board. Welcome all of you and thank you for your service!
Our outgoing Board members are Pauline S., Sharon H. and Jane L. Thank you all for your service with
Eastside Intergroup.
We have switched vendors on the medallions that we carry and have an even wider selection than before. In
addition to new colors in the tri-plate coins, we now are carrying the “bling” coins in some years. Most anything can be added to our monthly order but I encourage you to stop in and take a look. Our prices are low
too! We have some great ideas for a sponsor or sponsee if you want to present them with a special coin.
Our website seems to be struggling a bit lately. It’s been difficult to use it on cell phones and it’s because of
something that was changed within the platform that we’ve been using the past three years. Our web committee has been working to get our new website ready to launch and we’re hoping it will be very soon.
Thank you all for your patience.
It seems that we don’t have many people participate in our Birthday Club now-a-days and so I thought I
would mention it this month. It’s a way for Eastside Intergroup to raise extra funds but it also gets your name
in our newsletter along with your home group and sobriety date. I have always put in the names of sponsees
when they celebrate their birthdays. The donation is generally anywhere from $1.00 to $5.00 per year of
your sobriety. It helps us to continue to carry the message to the Alcoholic that still suffers and also celebrates you or a sponsee! You can find a form in the newsletter that can be completed and sent in.
Mark your calendars for August 15th for Eastside Intergroup’s Annual Picnic at Beaver Lake
Park in Sammamish. Our Picnic Committee Chair is Kristi G.— She’ll need volunteers so let us
know if you’d like to be on the committee and we’ll put you in touch with Kristi.
Nancy O.
Office Manager
How Can You Help Support Your Intergroup in
Addition to the 7th Tradition at your Meetings?
Become a Faithful Fiver! Or Join Our Birthday Club!
What are Faithful Fivers?
Faithful Fivers are AA members who graciously pledge
to contribute $5.00 each month to support Eastside Intergroup in its efforts to carry the AA message of hope
and recovery to those alcoholics who still suffer in the
Eastside area. As a Faithful Fiver, your contribution
can and will make our vital services possible.
The Faithful Fiver idea came about when we remembered that we wasted much more than $5 each month
during our drinking days.
Contributions to Eastside Intergroup from AA members
are limited to $3,000 per member per year and are tax
deductible under Internal Revenue Code: 501(c)3.
Thank You April 2015 Faithful Fivers!
Pat A.
Dave W.
Colin R.
Nancy O
Terry O.
Barbara M.
Shelly N.
Eastside Intergroup Birthday Club!
Many of our members contribute to ESIG $1, $2
or $5 per year during their
AA Anniversary month.
We’ll print your name, sobriety date and home
group in our Newsletter.
Your Birthday Club contributions directly
support your Eastside Intergroup Office which
provides a 24 hour phone line, literature, coins
Birthday Club!
Home Group__________________________
Sobriety Date_________________________
Contribution $_________________________
Get your name & home group in the newsletter!
April 2015 BIRTHDAYS
Yes! Please enroll me as a
No Birthday
Faithful Fiver!
Donations in April
Here is my contribution of
$_______ for _________months
forget to celebrate!
PINK CAN Contributions in April
City__________________ State/Zip___________________
Return this form to:
Eastside Intergroup
1299 156th Ave NE Suite 160
Bellevue, WA 98007
Sober Seniors
Fresh Start
Seven & Sober
Women of
Notes from the Archives
By David C., District 38 Archivist
Hello from the vaults of the District 38 Archives. This month I want to talk about one of the pivotal moments
in our history. I am talking about the Rockefeller Dinner. In the early days of AA, after the new program ideas
were agreed to by Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob Smith and the majority of AA members, they envisioned paid AA missionaries and free or inexpensive treatment centers. But initial fundraising efforts failed. In 1938, Bill Wilson's
brother-in-law Leonard Strong contacted Willard Richardson, who arranged for a meeting with A. Leroy Chapman, an assistant for John D. Rockefeller Jr. Willard convinced John D. Rockefeller, Jr. to help out. Rockefeller
arranged for a dinner for all his friends to hear about this wonderful new movement. One Hundred and Eighty
Seven engraved invitations were sent out to some of the richest and most powerful men in the United States.
Of the 187 Invitations that were sent, 127 were sent back with regrets. Among those who responded in the
affirmative were included several of the invited AA members. Among the 60 people who actually attended
this dinner there was Bill, Dr. Bob, Clarence S., Fitz M., Bert T., and Bill R. on the AA side. Others included
members of Rockefeller's staff, Frank Amos, Gordon Auchincloss, Dr. Russell E. Blaisdell, Horace Crystal, A.
Leroy Chipman, Leonard V. Harrison, Dr. Foster Kennedy, Dr. William Duncan Silkworth, Dr. Leonard V. Strong,
Jr. and Wendell L. Wilkie. Many of these men went on to be great friends of AA. Wilson envisioned receiving
millions of dollars to fund AA works. Mr. Rockefeller ordered copies of the Big Book for all those who were
invited and gave an additional $1,000 to the movement. Rockefeller still held on to the belief that a lot of
money would spoil the movement. He sent out letters extolling the virtues of AA to those he sent books to
and through that "hint," an additional $2,000 was donated. Bill wanted Rockefeller and those financiers present, to give the struggling Fellowship thousands of dollars but Rockefeller refused, saying money would spoil
things. Instead, he agreed to contribute $5,000 in $30 weekly increments for Wilson and Smith to use for personal expenses. Thus AA began on its way to becoming the great organization it is today.
Recent research has indicated that further funds from Rockefeller were sent to Bill over ten years totaling
over $25,000.00! Bill never admitted to the Fellowship about these funds. He was afraid that in disclosing the
facts about this funding would cause problems, so he remained silent. More will be revealed….
P.S. Come on in to the Intergroup Office and see my new
exhibit “AA and the Clergy”. As space is available I will bring in
other thought provoking displays. As always if you have ?? please
let Nancy know and I will try to answer them. Till next time……
Tradition Five
“Each group has but one primary purpose — to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.”
Editorial by Bill W.
A.A. Grapevine, April 1948
"Each Alcoholics Anonymous group ought to be a spiritual entity having but one primary purpose -- that of
carrying its message to the alcoholic who still suffers."
Says the old proverb, "Shoemaker, stick to thy last." Trite, yes. But very true for us of A.A. How well we
need to heed the principle that it is better to do one thing supremely well than many things badly.
Because it has now become plain enough that only a recovered alcoholic can do much for a sick alcoholic, a
tremendous responsibility has descended upon us all, an obligation so great that it amounts to a sacred
trust. For to our kind, those who suffer alcoholism, recovery is a matter of life or death. So the society of
Alcoholics Anonymous cannot, it dare not ever be diverted from its primary purpose.
Temptation to do otherwise will come aplenty. Seeing fine works afoot in the field of alcohol, we shall be
sorely tempted to loan out the name and credit of Alcoholics Anonymous to them; as a movement we shall
be beset to finance and endorse other causes. Should our present success continue, people will commence
to assert that A.A. is a brand new way of life, maybe a new religion, capable of saving the world. We shall be
told it is our bounden duty to show modern society how it ought to live.
Oh, how very attractive these projects and ideas can be! How flattering to imagine that we might be chosen
to demonstrate that olden mystic promise: "The first shall be last and the last shall be first." Fantastic, you
say. Yet some of our well-wishers have begun to say such things.
Fortunately most of us are convinced that these are perilous speculations, alluring ingredients of that new
heady wine we are now being offered, each bottle marked "Success"!
Of this subtle vintage may we never drink too deeply. May we never forget that we live by the Grace of God
-- on borrowed time; that anonymity is better than acclaim; that for us as a movement poverty is better
than wealth.
And may we reflect with ever deepening conviction, that we shall never be at our best except when we hew
only to the primary spiritual aim of A.A. -- "That of carrying its message to the alcoholic who still suffers alcoholism."
Bill W.
Thank you April Hotline Volunteers!
Office Information
Bob B
Alma O
Carmen A
Chelsea O
Chuck M
Eric B
Mailing Address
1229 156th Ave NE Suite 160
Bellevue, WA 98007
Phone: 425-454-9192
Email: esig@eastsideintergroup.com
Website: www.eastsideintergroup.com
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10:00 am-6:00 pm
Intergroup Meeting
First Thursday of each month 7:30-8:30 pm
All members welcome!
Bellevue Christian Reformed Church 1221
148th Ave NE, Bellevue 98007
Eric C
Fred M
Ginny K
Guy P
Joe Mc
John R
Personal Story…..….…Chuck C.
Office Report…….…… Nancy O.
Backups on hotline volunteers:
Publisher……................Alma O.
Editor……………..…….Sandy B.
Heading north on 156th Ave NE, go past
Crossroads Shopping center and make a Uturn at NE 15th St., then use the following
Archivist……………..…David C.
Heading south on 156th Ave. NE, go past
McDonalds and turn right (Piedmont Apartment sign) at NE 13th Pl.. Go over one speed
bump and immediately turn left. We are half
way down on the left in Suite 160
Mark J., Eric B., Pat A., and Bill R.
Hotline Chairs: Eric C. & Bill J.
Group Contributions
District, GSO & Area Info
Thanks to the following groups for sending contributions to the
Eastside Intergroup office in the month of April 2015. Group
contributions enable us to pay the rent and bills for your Intergroup Office, maintain our phone lines 24 hours a day 7 days a
week, publish a monthly newsletter, provide a meeting directory,
and carry AA information and literature.
Women’s Saturday Share
Bunch of
Big Book Step
Eastside Beginners
The Nooners
Bel-kirk Saturday Breakfast
Wake Up
Sober Women
Living Sober
Tuesday Night
Grace Rules
Women’s Saturday Steps
Duvall Candlelight
12 & 12 Fellowship Hall
Sober Cartooners
Raging on the
Fresh Start
Bills Story
Sara K
Ted W
Tina B.
Tom M
Thank you to our Hotline Volunteers too! They ensure that when
someone reaches out for help by
calling Alcoholics Anonymous, the
caller always talks to a real person!
Newsletter Contributors
Directions to ESIG Office
Keith S
Leslie G
Mark J
Matthew M
Merrill G
Mike S
Eastside Intergroup:
Eastside Intergroup
1299 156th Ave. NE, #160
Bellevue, WA 98007
Western WA Area 72
702 Kentucky St., #535
Kirkland Sobriety Headquarters
Redmond Recovery
District 25
Gay Men in
Anchor Group
90 Minutes in
Joy of Living
Bellingham, WA 98225
General Service Office (GSO)
P.O. Box 459
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
District 34
Bellevue, Redmond, East Lake
Sammamish, Mercer Island
District 34
P.O. Box 50081
Bellevue, WA 98015
District 35
District 35
P.O. Box 442
Issaquah, WA 98027
District 36
Snoqualmie Valley, Duvall,
North Bend
District 36
P.O. Box 1963
North Bend, WA 98045
District 38
District 38
P.O. Box 322
Kirkland, WA 98083
District 39
Bothell, Kenmore, Woodinville
Thank you Intergroup Reps!
The following Intergroup Reps were in attendance at our April 2nd meeting, Thank you!
Alma O. - Newsletter Publisher
Andy G. - Hope on Cougar Mountain, PI Chair
Bob R. - Pockets of Enthusiasm
Chris D. – Bellevue Group
Ellen G. – Redmond Friday Night Study Group
Eric C. – Joy of Living/Hotline Chair
Erin A. – CPC Chair
Finn S. – Wake Up
Jane L. – Accessibility Chair
Jen T. – Sobriety Lifeline/Joy of Living
Jennifer P. – Seven & Sober
Jim B. – Redmond Recovery
John K. - Friday Nite Firehouse/Sammamish Big Book
Step Study
Jon W. – District 34
Jon S. – District 39
Betsy N. – WOW
Kristi G. – Issaquah Tuesday Night/Picnic Committee
Mary B. – Eastside Beginners
Michelle B. – Women’s Saturday Steps
Mike S. – Web Committee Chair
Norine N. – Any Lengths Group
Pam Z. – Sharing the Legacy
Phil K. – Area 72 Corrections Chair
Rob P. – Lifeline
Sandy B. – KSHQ/Newsletter Editor
Tim M. – A Way Up/Newport Hills Study/H&I Chair
Todd G. – Juanita Triangle
Matthew M. – LAPL Coordinator
Maria G. – Wake Up
Leslie G. – 12 X 12
Kathy H. – Sober Seniors
Bill J. – Hotline Coordinator
Jeff B. – Issaquah Community Center Big Book Study
Gerry Z. – Nameless Bunch of Drunks
Eric M. – Moss Bay Group
What does an Intergroup Rep do?
An Intergroup Rep is elected at his/her Home Group and attends the Eastside Intergroup Meeting
on the 1st Thursday of each month from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. You represent your home group at
the monthly meeting and hold a vote for your group.
Because Eastside Intergroup covers five Districts and is a central clearinghouse for local AA activities and information, you become a vital link between the Intergroup office, the Districts, and your
home group. The Intergroup Rep keeps his or her home group informed about work being done,
activities going on, etc. You become a part of the networking between Eastside Intergroup and the

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