twenty-eighth sunday in ordinary time
twenty-eighth sunday in ordinary time
October 14, 2012 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME T HIS W EEK ' S M ASS I NTENTIONS MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2012 7:00AM 9:00AM Josephine Garofalo (Millie Grignoli) Anthony Guadagno (Ida Guadagno) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2012 7:00AM 9:00AM Gary Perry (Gloria Cohan) Angelina Carotenuto (Geraldine & Peter Carotenuto) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2012 7:00AM 9:00AM Henry Walukiewicz (Mary Walukiewicz) Vito Mitacchione (Wife & Children) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2012 7:00AM 9:00AM Joni Reilly (Rachele Sannino) Beau Scafidi & Patsy Adamo (Betty & Virginia) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2012 7:00AM 9:00AM Sarah & James Frost (Family) Giuseppe Pollina (Maria Pravata & Family) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2012 9:00AM 3:00PM 5:00PM Deceased Priests of the Diocese of Brooklyn 50th Anniversary Mass for Angela & Nick Frisari Florence Failla, Raffaella Falzon, Dominick Gennaro, Joseph Gotti, Arthur Truglio Victor Abiuso, Lena Agate, Toni Anne Ambrosio, Frances Baio, Lynn Boutureira, Antoinette Chiarelli, Tessie Costa, Laura DeMasi, Michael Galeno, Francesca Gaudino, Jean Haley, Carrie Hartigan, Ann Isolano, Salvatore Isolano, Jr., Linda Iuzzolino, Keri & Baby Tristan, Baby T.J. Krieg, Marian Kurpiewski, Theresa Laudicina, Michael Leccese, Patricia Lipari, Thomas Lipari, Gabriella Manzo, Mary Mastrangelo, Dr. Antonio Paa, Joe Palagonia, Baby Angelina Maria Perez, Betty Randazzo, Jean Ricardi, Catherine Smith, Rita Spano, Chuck Szatkowski, Michael Tamburo, Karin Trapani, Chrissie Tremblay, Paul John Tremblay, Robert Vasquez, Elizabeth Weimer, Virginia Wierzbicki. Deceased: Vincenzo Cascio, Lucy Maione Anthony Marcello Please Note: Since there are too many names of the sick to mention in the Prayer of the Faithful, they will be listed in the Bulletin for two weeks. To have a name reinstated on the list, a family member should call the Rectory during office hours. PLEASE NOTE: The Church will now be open after the morning Masses until 7:00PM. Please use the Church door by the Rectory Meeting Room to enter/exit the Church between Noon and 7:00PM Monday through Friday. Also please note that on legal holidays the Church will be locked after the morning Mass. GOOD SHEPHERD STATUE: We are truly grateful to all our parish families who have signed up to pray for vocations. We would like to thank Lorraine & Bob Arcella, who kept the statue in their home last week. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2012 8:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 12:30PM 5:00PM For The Parishioners Daniel Fernandez (St. Francis Prep Mother’s Guild) Catherine Kelly For The Parishioners For The Parishioners GIFTS FROM BETHLEHEM...This weekend representatives from Gifts From Bethlehem will be here at St. Helen with olivewood carvings from Bethlehem for sale. The proceeds from the sale are used to support the Christian community in the Holy Land. ST. HELEN SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR 2012-2013 Full or Half-Day Pre-Kindergarten: for 3 yr.-olds Full or Half-Day Pre-Kindergarten: for 4 yr.-olds Full Day Kindergarten: through the 8th grade Mom & Me Program: 1 1/2—2 1/2 yrs. of age: Wednesdays: 9:00AM-10:30AM OR Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00-10:30AM. We are now offering our families a 7AM drop-off, & after-school program concluding at 6PM. Call 718-835-4155, or visit our website at to find out about the wonderful things that are happening at St. Helen School! TWO WAYS TO ACCESS UP-TO-DATE, UP-TO-THE-MINUTE & EVERYTHINGYOU-NEED-TO-KNOW INFORMATION ON ST. HELEN PARISH: AND CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: October 14, 2012 FR. ROBERT KEIGHRON will be leaving St. Helen at the end of October to take up residence at St. Joseph’s Rectory in Astoria, Queens. This move, at Father Keighron’s request, will allow him to devote himself full-time to his work at the radio station. The parish of St. Helen wants to express its thanks to Father Keighron for his four years of service to the parish. On Sunday, October 28 at 12:30PM, Father Keighron will celebrate a farewell liturgy followed by a reception in Fr. Dooley Hall. The reception will offer the opportunity for parishioners to express their thanks to Father and wish him well in all his future endeavors. Boy Scouts of America, Tomahawk District presents the 1st Annual Bill Goirn Bike-A-Thon, on Saturday, October 20th from 11AM-2PM . Festivities will start at the west parking lot for the Addabbo Memorial Bridge on Broad Channel Island. To register, or for more information please contact Frank Cebek at 212-651-2828, or by email at Donations will be appreciated and are tax-deductible. You may also visit for more information or to pledge a donation. Donations (checks made payable to Boy Scouts of America, Greater New York Councils [BSA, GNYC]) can also be sent to: BSA, Greater New York, 350 Fifth Ave., Suite 7820, NY, NY 10118 (please note “Bill Goirn Bike-aThon” on check and envelope). WALKERS ARE WELCOME TOO! All boys interested in joining Scouts should come to the school cafeteria for registration. Boys in 1st-5th grades can join any Friday at 7PM. Boys in 6th-10th grades can join any Wednesday at 7:30PM. For more information call Lisa at 718845-3270. Congratulations to the following Lucky Calendar Winners for the period of October 2-8, 2012: 10/2: 10/3: 10/4: 10/5: 10/6: 10/7: 10/8: Marian O’Brien James McCosker Palmaccio Family Joseph Lumetta John Abatz Steve Giusto Efren Peniera $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 First-come, first served! St. Helen’s Home-School Assn. presents a Winner-A-Day Fundraising Calendars! Calendars (at $20 each) are available by calling Donna at 718-835-8597 from 3-8PM. Pick your own lucky number from 000—999. Winning numbers are based on the NYS Lottery daily evening number. Payments will be mailed once a month to each winner. Proceeds to benefit St. Helen School. ST. HELEN SCHOOL SAVE-THE-DATES: NOV. 28: DEC. 1-2: JAN. 18: APRIL 12: St. Helen Cares Dinner at Russo’s on the Bay Visit our Christmas Fair! Interested vendors please call 718-835-4155. Joey & Maria’s Comedy Wedding Card Party LOCAL PILGRIMAGE SITES: Saturday, October 27 is the day of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the National Shrine in Washington, D.C. The diocese recognizes that many cannot make the trip to D.C., and so this year the diocese has set-up local pilgrimage sites where parishioners can go to join the D.C. event in prayer. There are two sites in the diocese: Main Chapel at the Immaculate Conception Center, 7200 Douglaston Parkway, Douglaston, New York and Our Lady of Solace, 2866 West 17th Street, Brooklyn, New York. At both sites the service will begin at 1:30 PM and conclude by 3:30 PM. The service will consist of the following: Midday Prayer; Major Presentation; Recitation of Scriptural Rosary; Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration. Confessions will be available throughout the entire service. A MASS FOR THE OPENING OF BASKETBALL SEASON WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2012 AT 12:30PM OPEN TO EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY ALL PLAYERS, COACHES AND THEIR FAMILIES! COME IN UNIFORM! Light refreshments will be served following Mass. Please RSVP to: If you can serve as friendly greeters, altar servers, Eucharist Ministers, or Lector, please let Christine know. PLEASE MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US! October 14, 2012 present Over the River and Through the Woods By Joe DiPietro & Directed by Louis V. Fucilo Starring: ANTHONY BISCIELLO JAMES BISCIELLO TOMASINA DECRESCENZO JAYDE FUENTES GARY KRIGSMAN SHARON LEVINE Production Dates (In Fr. Dooley Hall): Thursday, October 18 @ 8:00PM Friday, October 19 @ 8:00PM Saturday, October 20 @ 8:00PM Sunday, October 21 @ 3:00PM Ticket Prices: Adults: $12.00 — Seniors: $10.00 — Children 12 & under: $5.00 For ticket reservations please call Joan & Jim Bisciello at 718-848-8448, and leave your name, phone number, the performance date you desire, and how many tickets you wish to reserve. Produced by special arrangements with Dramatist Play Service October 14, 2012 October 14, 2012
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