St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church 207 TOMPKINS STREET SYRACUSE, NY 13204 Please remember your church in your will!! PARISH STAFF: Pastor: Rev. Mykhaylo Dosyak Associate Pastor: Very Rev. Archpriest Volodymyr Piso Rev. Deacon Edward Galvin Rev. Deacon Pedro Fulop - Youth Coordinator Spiritual Care Ministry: Alice Malick Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist to the Sick and Homebound Religious Education Coordinators: Nancy Coleman and Marta Wojtowycz Cemetery Supervisor: Peter M. Vassallo Trustees: Michael Clark and William Halligan TELEPHONES: Rectory 478-5109 Fax 471-9867 Very Rev. Archpriest Volodymyr Piso 488-4358 LITURGICAL SCHEDULE: Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday, 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian and English) Sunday, 11:00 a.m. (Ukrainian) Tuesday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation 6:00 p.m. (English on the preceding evening) 8:00 a.m. on the holy day Other Services as announced. OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ; 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. BAPTISM AND CHRISMATION: Parishioners should make plans to have their children baptized and chrismated in a timely fashion. Please call the rectory before setting a date for the ceremony. CONFESSIONS: Before weekend Divine Liturgies and Holy Days. MARRIAGE: Please call the rectory at least six months in advance. Pre-marital counseling is mandatory. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Kindly notify the rectory regarding parishioners who are hospitalized, homebound, or in nursing homes. CEMETERY: Purchase of cemetery plots is a privilege reserved to parishioners. Please contact the rectory before any major improvements are undertaken. CHURCH FACILITIES: Any use of church facilities must be cleared in advance at the rectory. Literature may not be placed in or around the Church without approval. BULLETIN DEADLINE: 8:00 a.m. of the Monday preceding the weekend in which the announcement is to appear. Web Site: Page Two March 22, 2015 St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Syracuse, N.Y. Vigil Lights $10 SUNDAY, March 22 - Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:30AM - Jesus Prayer/Rosary - For Peace in Ukraine 9:00AM - For Parishioners 11:00AM +Nastja Guzylak req. Maria Kohut and family Rosary following the Divine Liturgy - For Peace in Ukraine MONDAY, March 23 8:00AM +Petro and +Paranka Husak req. Jennie Olywa 9:00AM +Michal Shevchuk req. Claude and Maryanne Pilon TUESDAY , March 24 6:00PM +Bishop Steven Soter Ortinsky req. Eparchy of Stamford Chancery WEDNESDAY, March 25 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) 9:00AM - For Parishioners 6:00PM - Way of the Cross (English) THURSDAY, March 26 6:00PM - Way of the Cross (Ukrainian) FRIDAY, March 27 6:00PM - Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (Ukrainian) SATURDAY, March 28 (Lazarus Saturday) 8:00AM +Edward F. Galvin, Sr. req. Apostleship of Prayer Sorokousty services following the Divine Liturgy 4:00PM - Vespers/Rosary - For Peace in Ukraine 5:00PM +Anna Andrewson req. Richard and Jane Troch and family ****Blessing of pussy-willows and distribution to the faithful following the Divine Liturgies this weekend ***** SUNDAY, March 29 - Palm Sunday (Glorious and Triumphant Entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem) 8:30AM - Jesus Prayer/Rosary - For Peace in Ukraine 9:00AM - For Parishioners 11:00AM +Petro and +Paranka Husak req. Jennie Olywa READINGS (today) Epistle: Hebrews 9: 11-14 Gospel: Mark 10: 32-45 Tone 8 Holy Thursday Liturgy - April 2, 2015 The clergy of the Western New York Deanery will gather at St. Josaphat’s UCC in Rochester, NY to celebrate Holy Thursday Divine Liturgy of St. Basil with Vespers at 11:00AM. It is a wonderful way to celebrate and honor the Priesthood and the Institution of the Holy Eucharist together! All parishioners are invited to attend this beautiful celebration as we approach Pascha. 940 East Ridge Road - Rochester, NY 14621 PRAY FOR US Please pray for the souls of the deceased members of the parish and those for whom Divine Liturgies will be offered this week. We ask that you also pray for the following parishioners who are ill or homebound: Edward Benderski, Nastja Burak, Marion Goldthwaite, Ann Harper, Olga Holl, Peter Holl, Jane Jones, Helen Kameniuk, Frances Kicak, Maria Kohut, Andrew Krzywyj, Emma Kuncio, Olga Lukaczyk, William Lischak, Mary Majkowycz, Julia Maliwesky, David Michaels, Sophie Perla, Nadija Poliwczak, Ostap Prybyla, Maria Szuszniak, Pavlo Tkach, Anna Urdianyk, Carol Werbeck, Gabriella Wicker, Kalina Woloszyn, Nina Wozniak, and Jaroslawa Zmur. Apostleship of Prayer Will have breads available for sale following each Liturgy this weekend. There will be no advance orders on the breads, no exceptions. $12.00 - Paska $ 5.00 - Small Paska $14.00 - Poppy seed or Apricot filled breads Thank you for your continued support. We hope everyone has a blessed and wonderful Easter Season! FROM OUR LADY OF MERCY MINISTRY "AMEN, I SAY TO YOU, WHATEVER YOU DID FOR ONE OF THESE LEAST BROTHERS OF MINE, YOU DID FOR ME." (MT.25:40) Easter visitations to our ill and homebound parish family members will take place during the week of March 23, at which time our traditional blessed Easter Paskas (prepared and baked by the ministry members) and willow branches will be distributed. At the 5PM Divine Liturgy on Saturday, March 21, Ministry members will gather together to receive the Holy Eucharist and to recite our Ministry Pledge. Refreshments will be served in the undercroft following the Liturgy. We graciously invite all to join us. Blessed Mary, Our Hope: We can never pray too often for our needs and for the needs of others. Prior to the Liturgy, at 4:30PM , the Holy Rosary will be prayed and offered for the intentions of our clergy and for our entire parish family, especially for those ill and homebound and their caregivers. We continue to pray for our Brethren in Ukraine that our loving and merciful God will protect them and restore peace in our homeland. There truly is power in prayer, please join us. Thank you for your food donations to St. Lucy’s Food Pantry. We are grateful for your ongoing support. We are able to assist our neighborhood families in many ways because of the kindness of our donors. Many blessings to each of you! Leslie S. Dubiel - Director, St. Lucy’s Pantry St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Syracuse, N.Y. Page Three Hymns Saturday, March 21 5:00PM Liturgy Lector: Patricia Prusinowski March 22, 2015 Holy Week - Easter Schedule – 2015 Sunday, March 22 9:00 AM Liturgy Lector: Stephanie Woyciesjes (Use green hymnal) Opening: “When I behold the wondrous Cross” Pg. 59 Vs. 1 & 2 Communion: “We sing your praises” Pg. 61 Vs. 1 & 2 Closing: “Beneath the Cross ” Pg. 57 Vs. 1 & 2 For High School Seniors The Tipperary Hill Neighborhood Association each year grants a scholarship for High School seniors. The winner (s) will receive a one-time grant of $500 to use to defray first year costs as they enter college. Eligible students are Seniors in High School who are planning to attend an accredited two or four-year college upon graduation; students must reside in the Tipperary Hill Association Boundaries. Students must submit an official transcript, a list of extracurricular activities; and an essay that explains how community service has play an important role during the years and how you plan to continue community service as your pursue your college education. Deadline for applications is May 15, 2015. Applications can be submitted via email: or via mail: Tipperary Hill Scholarship 110 South Lowell Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13204 Attn: Janice Mckenna March, 30 – Holy Monday 10:00AM – Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts March, 31 – Holy Tuesday 6:00 PM – Way of the Cross April,1 – Holy Wednesday 10:00AM – Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts April, 2 – Holy Thursday 11:00AM – Vespers and Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil, the Great 6:00PM – Matins and Reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels April, 3 – Holy Friday 9:00AM – Great (Royal) Hours 6:00PM – Vespers and with the Placement of the Holy Shroud Jerusalem Matins - Vigil at the Tomb April, 4 – Holy Saturday (Vigil at the Tomb ) 10:00AM – Vespers and Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil, the Great 4:00PM, 5:00PM, 6:00PM – Blessing of Easter Baskets in the Church undercroft April, 5 – The Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Pascha) 7:00AM – Service at the Tomb Procession around the Church Paschal Matins and Resurrection Divine Liturgy Blessing of ARTHOS Blessing of Easter Baskets in the Church undercroft ********************************************* Страсний Тиждень - Великдній Розклад - 2015 Sweepstakes 2015 Our parish will have once again the Sweepstakes. This year, the Sweepstakes coordinator is Xenia Becher, who is undertaking this important mission. We ask all parishioners to volunteer as help will be needed for this project during the year. May God bless Xenia abundantly for her help and support to the Church, and for her willingness to take on this important project. We ask the Almighty God for guidance and protection for Xenia and all volunteers, so that we may have a successful event! Father Mykhaylo Saint Basil Seminary Open House On March 20-22, Saint Basil Seminary is having an Open House Weekend for young man 18 years of age and older to visit and experience seminary life as it is. Participants must register via email at: For further information, please contact Father Taras Chaparin ( @ 203-324-4578, or Rev. Roman Malyarchuk (, Rector of the Seminary. The purpose of the event is to introduce and familiarize St. Basil Seminary to them and, hopefully, to nurture the seed of a priestly vocation in them. We kindly ask you to spread the word about our Open House. There will be no charge for the participants. The costs for the weekend will be covered by St. Basil Seminary Thanks to Nick Holl for helping with some recent remodeling projects in the Rectory. Father Mykhaylo Березень 30 - Страсний Понеділок 10:00 ранку - Літургія Напередосвячених Дарів Березень 31 – Страсний Вівторок 6:00 вечора – Хресна Дорога Квітень 1 – Страсна Середа 10:00 вечора – Літургія Напередосвячених Дарів Квітень 2 – Страсний Четвер 11:00 ранку – Вечірня з Божественною Літургією Св. Василія Великого 6:00 вечора – Утреня і читання Дванадцяти Євангелій Квітень 3 – Страсна П'ятниця 9:00 ранку – Великі (Царські) Часи 6:00 вечора – Вечірня з виставленням Святої Плащаниці. Єрусалимська Утреня - Чергування біля Гробу Квітень 4 - Тиха Субота (Чергування біля Гробу) 10:00 ранку - Вечірня з Божественною Літургією Св. Василія Великого 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 вечора : Благословення Великодніх Кошиків у Церковному залі Квітень 5 – Воскресіння Госпoда нашого Ісуса Христа (ПАСХА) 7:00 ранку – Молитва над Гробом (НАДГРОБНЕ) Процесія довкола Церкви Пасхальна Утреня Воскресна Божественна Літургія Посвячення АРТОСУ Благословення великодніх кошиків у церковному залі Pre-Need Funeral Planning Serving The Community For Over 60 Years 1609 W. Genessee St. Syracuse 315-488-6211 Peter M. Vassallo - Owner & Director Thomas J. Romano, MD Robert S. Epstein, MD Borys Buniak, MD Sara H. Mitchell, MD Young Lee, MD Aran W. Laing, MD Anesthesiologist, Phillip Capozzi, MD Eileen Irvin, CRNA William G. Ronk, CRNA Carol A. Curreri, RN, FNP Sara Gleasman-Desimone, MSN, ANP Judy DiLiberto, PA-C Melanie F. Kukulski, PA-C Colon Cancer Screening North Medical Plaza, Brittonfield Medical Center, Medical Center West 452-3235 FUNERAL HOME, INC. Medical Provider 24-hour Service 433-9900 Slavka Lazariw Rydelek 1320 W. Genesee St. 422–5087 Pre-Planning Available LOVE, LOYALTY, DIGNITY & RESPECT CITY HARDWARE George O. Temnycky, M.D. Elias S. Abboud, O.D. 5431 W. Genesee St. Camillus, New York 13031 START RIGHT. START HERE. USE OUR KNOWLEDGE TO COMPLETE YOUR PROJECTS Plumbing • Electrical • Building • Materials Pipe Cutting • Threading • Sharpening 2718 James Street • Syracuse, NY 13206 Service • Glass • Screen • Repairs Phone: 315-463-0621 • Fax: 315-463-7703 214 S. Geddes St., Syracuse, NY 13204 e-mail: 1304 Buckley Road, Syracuse 315.458.2020 3 Lock St., Phoenix, NY 315.695.2020 479-9020 (315) 487-2412 APR TRAVEL INC. Full Service Travel Agency 908 Park Avenue Syracuse, NY 13204 Tel: 315-479-6000 Savings Accounts I Free Checking Accounts Share Certificates I Loans I Mortgages Visa® Credit & Debit Cards K&C Tompkins St., Syracuse, NY 13204 Auto Body & Mechanical 315-471-4074 John Keehfus - Tom Colello Parishioner YES Mon-Wed: 9:30am - 4:00pm Thurs: 9:30am - 6:00pm We Do It All!!! 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Seneca St., Manlius !"#$%&$'(%)*"+),%-"$%'#.,$+"$%($,/(0,1(% /12%$,*/3+4+(/(+"1%(,)*1+5#,'6 5415 West Genesee St., Camillus. NY 13031 (315) 468-6281 315-487-8278 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MARCH 16, 2015 2:47 PM St. John, Syracuse, NY 06-0184
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St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church
5700 W. Genesee St, Camillus, New York • 452-3235