St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. John The Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church 207 TOMPKINS STREET SYRACUSE, NY 13204 Please remember your Church in your will!! Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and All Angels Собор Архистратига Михаїла і Всіх Безплотних Сил PARISH STAFF: Pastor: Rev. Mykhaylo Dosyak Associate Pastor: Very Rev. Archpriest Volodymyr Piso Rev. Deacon Edward Galvin Rev. Deacon Pedro Fulop - Youth Coordinator Spiritual Care Ministry: Alice Malick Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist to the Sick and Homebound Religious Education Coordinators: Nancy Coleman and Marta Wojtowycz Cemetery Supervisor: Peter M. Vassallo Trustees: Michael Clark and William Halligan Parish Lawyer: Matthew D. Dotzler, Esq. Attorney and Counselor at Law Phone: 315-930-4079 TELEPHONES: Rectory 478-5109 Fax 471-9867 Very Rev. Archpriest Volodymyr Piso: 488-4358 LITURGICAL SCHEDULE: Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday, 9:00 a.m. (Ukrainian and English) Sunday, 11:00 a.m. (Ukrainian) Tuesday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation: 6:00 p.m. (English on the preceding evening) 8:00 a.m. on the Holy Day Other Services as announced. OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ; 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. BAPTISM AND CHRISMATION: Parishioners should make plans to have their children baptized and chrismated in a timely fashion. Please call the rectory before setting a date for the ceremony. CONFESSIONS: Before weekend Divine Liturgies and Holy Days. MARRIAGE: Please call the rectory at least six months in advance. Pre-marital counseling is mandatory. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: Kindly notify the rectory regarding parishioners who are hospitalized, homebound, or in nursing homes. CEMETERY: Purchase of cemetery plots is a privilege reserved to parishioners. Please contact the rectory before any major improvements are undertaken. CHURCH FACILITIES: Any use of church facilities must be cleared in advance at the rectory. Literature may not be placed in or around the Church without approval. BULLETIN DEADLINE: 8:00 a.m. of the Monday preceding the weekend in which the announcement is to appear. WEBSITES: ROOF FUND: Page Two St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Syracuse, N.Y. November 8 , 2015 Vigil Lights $10 SUNDAY, November 8 - Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Archangel Michael and All Angels) 9:00AM - For Parishioners After the Liturgy, Stephan Kochan will speak about his work and his life, while living in China. He will show some pictures in the undercroft of the Church. 11:00AM+Dmytro Zarewych req. daughter, Marika and Mykola Mychalczak Come and join the children, teachers and parents of the Lesia Ukrainka School of Ukrainian Studies for a special “Ukrainian Style Thanksgiving - A Celebration of the Harvest.” Concert and luncheon will take place in the undercroft of the Church after the 11AM Divine Liturgy. TUESDAY, November 10 8:00AM +Frank Marynuik req. friends WEDNESDAY, November 11 8:00AM - For the health of Maria Kohut req. children and son-in-law, Robert THURSDAY, November 12 (Saint Josaphat, Bishop-Martyr) 8:00AM - Special Intention for the Church donors req. thoughtful parishioners FRIDAY, November 13 Main Altar: In loving memory of our uncle, +John Husak req. nieces, Patty, Helen and Stephanie Tetrapod: In loving memory of my beloved husband +Harry and my beloved son, +Walter req. wife and mother, Anna Nowey Sacred Heart: In loving memory of my aunt, +Grace Ripka req. niece, Adria Ripka Mother of God: In loving memory of all veterans, living and deceased req. Woyciejes family Holy Cross: In loving memory of my cousin, +Chester Ripka req. cousin, Adria Ripka PRAY FOR US Please pray for the souls of the deceased members of the parish and those for whom Divine Liturgies will be offered this week. We ask that you also pray for the following parishioners who are ill or homebound: Fr. Peter Dudiak, Marion Goldthwaite, Ann Harper, Olga Holl, Peter Holl, Ivan Hvozda, Jane Jones, Frances Kicak, Maria Kohut, Andrew Krzywyj, Emma Kuncio, Olga Lukaczyk, William Lischak, Mary Majkowycz, Julia Maliwesky, David Michaels, Theodore (Turk) Michaels, Sophia Mykolajewycz, Konstantyna Mykytyn, Sophie Perla, Nadija Poliwczak, Ostap Prybyla, Maria Szuszniak, Pavlo Tkach, Anna Urdianyk, Carol Werbeck, Gabriella Wicker, Kalina Woloszyn, Anna Wowk, and Nina Wozniak. 8:00AM +Angela Bobesky req. Nancy and Joe Boyko Pyrohy for Christmas SATURDAY, November 14 4:00PM - Vespers/Rosary - For Peace in Ukraine 5:00PM +Lesia Fentsor req. family SUNDAY, November 15 - Twenty-Fifth Sunday after 9:00 - For Parishioners 11:00 +Mychajlyna Welyczko req. Lida Wilson READINGS (today) Epistle: Ephesians 2: 14-22 Gospel: Luke 8: 41-56 Tone: 7 Cookie Bake We are very excited to have Mrs. Helen Kelley teach us how to make her tasty Cheese Cookies. On Saturday, November 14 at 10:00AM, in the undercroft of the church, we will learn the secrets to making these addictive morsels. For more information or if you are interested in attending, please contact Stephanie Woyciesjes at 657-6868 by November 10, 2015 to register. Used Car For Sale Deacon Pedro Fulop is selling his car (Model: Saab 93 2.0T, 2003, mileage: 80k; price: $6,000 - price is negotiable). If you are interested, contact him at: (203) 550-7642. We will be making pyrohy to sell during the Christmas Season. We need volunteers to come and help. The schedule for pyrohy making is as following: Wednesday Thursday Peel and cook potatoes Make pyrohy 6PM 4PM November 11 November 12 Your help is greatly needed and appreciated! Congratulations Abigail Lynn Wood Baptized and Chrismated on November 1, 2015. May God grant Abigail many years! Mnohaia Lita! Roof Donations In loving memory of +Jaroslawa Zmur $155.00 Roof Donations as of September, 2015: $203,532.00 Our Goal: $550,000 Your support is needed to reach our goal to repair the roof !!! Page Three St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Syracuse, N.Y. November 8, 2015 Holy Name Society Hymns Saturday, November 7 Sunday, November 8 5:00PM Divine Liturgy 9:00AM Divine Liturgy Lector: Adria Ripka Lector: Mike Clark (Use Green Hymnal) Opening: “Come now to us, o Christ” Pgs. 11 Vs. 1 & 2 Communion: “Bread of Life” Pg.21 Vs. 1 & 2 Closing: “Immaculate Mary” Pg. 44 Vs. 1 & 2 Syracuse Stage: “Journey to Neverland in the high-flying family musical Peter Pan.” St John’s will have a limited number of tickets available for the performance on: Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 7:30 PM. The tickets will be available at the special group rate of $29 for adults and $15 for children. Please, make your reservation as soon as possible. Tickets are limited! Deadline is November 20th. Please call the rectory at 478-5109 on Tuesdays or call Stephanie’s cell 657-6868 to make a reservation. If you want to come only for dinner at Phoebe’s, please let us know so we can have your name in our count for the restaurant. Reminder In the upcoming holiday season, as we celebrate with our family and we remember our loved ones, it is a gesture of Christian charity to light a candle in their memory. During this season, the offering for the vigil candles in the Church that are posted in the weekly bulletin, may be already taken. We advise parishioners, who would like to have a vigil candle during the holiday season to contact the office as soon as possible. If the vigil candles are not available, you can also light one on your own on Sundays for $4 or you can get a blessed beeswax candle for $3 to light at home. No Officers and Directors meeting is scheduled for November, 2015. The society will pray the Jesus Prayer at 8:30 AM this morning and receive the Holy Eucharist as a group at the 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy. A meeting will be held in the Church undercroft following the Divine Liturgy. Saturday, November 7 and Sunday, November 8 are “Food for the Poor Weekend.” Please bring your food donations to the usher's room. All food donations are taken to St. Lucy’s pantry. Any men of the parish who would like to join the Holy Name Society, please contact any member. Liturgies for 2016 The new calendar for scheduling Liturgies for 2016 is already available in the rectory. If you would like to schedule liturgies for the upcoming year, please contact the rectory on Tuesdays during office hours, or drop your intentions in the collection basket during the weekend Liturgies. As a reminder, please be mindful that scheduling of Liturgies is done on a first-come, first-served basis. Even though , when Liturgies are scheduled, certain events or circumstances may come up that will require a change of dates and times. We will contact you if that ever happens. The donations for Divine Liturgies are: $20 for Divine Liturgy and $30 for Divine Liturgy with Panakhyda. New Song Books Will be available for sale on the weekend of November 15 after each Divine Liturgy in the undercroft of the Church. The cost of each book is $10. A limited quantity of books will be available in the office, starting Tuesday, November 17. A Time of Thanksgiving My dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Our busy October closed with a very successful sweepstakes event for our church roof fund. Thank you to Xenia Becher, the Sweepstakes Committee, volunteers and the secretaries in the office for your help and dedication to this event. We also thank Roma Temnycky and her Committee for their time , dedication and hard-work in the organizing the Gala Banquet to raise funds for the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. It was a very successful event, we thank all who support this cause. We were honored with the presence of Bishop Borys Gudziak, president of UCU and Bishop Robert Cunningham, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse. During November, our parish community will experience both joyful and solemn traditions as we move towards the Christmas/Theophany season. These feasts and traditions give us an opportunity to appreciate our heritage and our faith and encourage us to deepen our prayer life. During the weekend of November 7 & 8, the Holodomor Memorial Celebration for 2015 will take place in Washington, D.C. On November 12, we remember St. Josaphat, Bishop and martyr, who was the first Eastern rite saint to be canonized by the Catholic Church. At these times, we pray for those who have gone to eternal life before us as innocent victims of evil actions. In November we also begin the Pylypivka (Philip's Fast) to prepare for the Birth of Our Lord. During the period of Pylypivka we have two opportunities to celebrate. On November 21 we experience the Feast of the Presentation of the Mother of God. The story of the birth of Christ has already begun! In the United States, we will celebrate Thanksgiving on November 26. This is a familyoriented civic holiday that allows us to think about the blessings we have received and how we can reach out to others who may be less fortunate than we are. Let us add to this holiday by attending the Divine Liturgy to share our gratitude together as a parish family. I look forward to seeing you at the Divine Liturgies during these special days and every weekend. Deacon Ed, Deacon Pedro, Father Volodymyr and I give thanks for being able to serve you and encourage you to participate fully in the holy days and holidays this month. Glory to Jesus Christ! Father Mykhaylo, Pastor Pre-Need Funeral Planning Serving The Community For Over 60 Years 1609 W. Genessee St. Syracuse 315-488-6211 Peter M. Vassallo - Owner & Director GW Colon Cancer Screening North Medical Plaza Crouse Medical Center 5112 West Taft Road Liverpool, New York 452-3235 5000 Brittonfield Pkwy East Syracuse, New York 452-3235 Medical Provider 24-hour Service Medical Center West 433-9900 5700 W. Genesee St, Camillus, New York • 452-3235 Slavka Lazariw Rydelek Giminski - Wysocki FUNERAL HOME, INC. 1320 W. Genesee Street 422–5087 Pre-Planning Available LOVE, LOYALTY, DIGNITY & RESPECT CITY HARDWARE George O. Temnycky, M.D. Elias S. Abboud, O.D. 5431 W. Genesee St. Camillus, New York 13031 START RIGHT. START HERE. 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