Archangel Guide


Archangel Guide
Table of Contents
Meet the Archangels"
Archangel Michael"
Archangel Raphael"
Archangel Gabriel"
Archangel Uriel"
Archangel Haniel"
Archangel Jophiel"
Archangel Ariel"
Archangel Chamuel"
Archangel Azrael"
Archangel Jeremiel"
Archangel Raguel"
Archangel Raziel"
Archangel Zadkiel"
Archangel Metatron"
Archangel Sandalphon"
How the Archangels Can Help With Specific Situations and Problems"21
Hi friend! My name is Delight. I’m a psychic
and Angel card reader. Learning about the
Archangels has changed my life! I used to
be an anxious driver, but now Archangel
Michael helps me feel safe and protected. I
used to work at a job that literally made me
sick to my stomach, but Archangel Uriel
gave me the guidance to change careers. I
used to take on the energies and emotions
of everyone around me, but now Archangel
Chamuel helps to shield and protect me. I have many more examples and stories of
how the angels have helped me and I’m still learning how to ask and allow them to
assist with every area of my life. Working with the Archangels has helped me
immensely, and I want to show you how they can help you too!
Who are the Archangels?
Archangels are the most powerful group of angels and they act as extensions of
Spirit. You don’t have to belong to any certain religion to work with the Archangels.
They will help anyone who calls on them.
Archangels are so big and powerful that they can help everyone who calls on at
the same time. So, as you work with the angels, don’t worry that you are asking
questions that are too small and unimportant or that you are pulling them away from
someone else who needs them more. They can help all of us at the same time. We just
have to ask.
As humans, we have free will. This means that the angels will not intervene in
our lives unless we ask them for help. The only exception to this rule is when we are in
a life-threatening situation before our time. Other than that extreme circumstance, the
angels will watch and wait quietly for your invitation to help.
How to ask the Angels for help
Asking the Archangels for help is simple. You don’t have to say or do anything
fancy. You don’t have to worry about saying the right or wrong words because the
angels won’t judge you. You can speak your request out loud, think it in your mind, or
write the angels a letter about your situation. Simply say something like:
“Archangels, please help me with [describe your problem]. I’m confused and I
don’t know what to do. Please show me which direction to go for my highest good.”
When you know more about each of the Archangels and their specialty powers,
you can call on each angel specifically, depending on your situation. That’s why I have
created this guide! Don’t feel like you have to memorize this entire list. If you can’t
remember which angel is which right away, then just say a general prayer to the
Archangels. And ask Archangel Zadkiel to help you with your memory, because that is
his specialty!
All you have to do is ask and the angels will come to you and assist you.
Sometimes you will see evidence of their intercession right away. Other times you will
have to wait a little while to notice how they are helping and what they are doing.
Signs that angels are helping you
Depending on the situation, you can receive all kinds of different signs that the
Archangels and near you and helping you. If you get the feeling that something is a
message from your angels, then it probably is!
Here are a few universal signs from the angels:
• White feathers that appear where there is no obvious source.
• Seeing the number 4 pop up often, especially 444.
• Feeling a shift in energy or a tingling sensation after calling on the Angels
• Things working out better than you could have planned
• Your prayers being answered
How to Use This Guide
This guide has two parts. The first is a brief description of each of the most
famous Archangels and their unique powers. The second part of this guide is a list of
specific problems or challenges that you may face and which angel to call on for each
I know that the angels have helped me in so many situations. I hope that this
angel guide will give you more information about the angels so that you can also work
with them to make your life easier, more peaceful and more fun!
Angel blessings to you,
Delight Iverson
P.S. If you’d like to know more about your personal angels and which Archangel is
already the closest to you, then consider getting an angel reading with me!
Learn more about working with me.
Meet the Archangels!
Archangel Michael!
Michael is one of the most powerful and famous Archangels. He is usually depicted as
a strong warrior with a sword. When you call on him, you can often feel a warm,
tingling energy right away. He is a wonderful protector and always wants you to know
that you are safe. If you feel scared, worried or unsafe, call on Michael to protect you
and release you from any troubling, anxious thoughts.
Archangel Michael is very talented at clearing away negative energies, cords and
attachments. If you feel distracted, sluggish, co-dependent, fatigued, or troubled, ask
Michael to clear away any cords, negative energies, hooks, attachments or residues
from in and around your body. Ask him to send these energies permanently away from
you and to protect and shield you from other energies returning. Then envision yourself
filled with warm, protective white light.
• Protection
• Releasing you from fear
• Fixing mechanical and electronic devices
• Courage
• Motivation
• Space clearing
• Life purpose
• Self esteem
Archangel Raphael!
Raphael is the healing angel. He has a beautiful, emerald green energy that you can
visualize around you anytime that you are in need of healing. He can help with
emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Raphael can help you to release negative
energy and clear your body and mind from blocks and negativity. And he assists
people who work as healers to have success in their careers.
If you have a friend or family member who is need of healing, you can call on
Archangel Raphael on their behalf. Just ask him to be with that person and surround
them in his healing light, as much as they will allow. Your loved ones have free will, so
they can choose to either accept or ignore Raphael’s efforts.
Raphael is also the angel to call on when you are traveling because he will help to
ensure that your trip goes smoothly. He helps lost pets to find their way home. And he’s
very skilled at matchmaking! So call on Archangel Raphael if you are looking to meet
your soulmate.
• Healing for yourself, loved ones and pets
• Eliminating addictions and cravings
• Helps healers with education and attracting clients
• Smooth traveling
• Finding lost pets
• Matchmaking
• Space clearing
Archangel Gabriel!
Gabriel is all about communication. And Gabriel actually has a very feminine energy!
Angels don’t have physical bodies so they don’t have a gender, but Gabriel’s vibes are
very feminine, so I think of her as a lady angel.
She appears in several Bible stories as a messenger from Spirit and she continues in
that role today. She helps people who speak and write for a living like authors and
journalists to succeed in their jobs and communicate effectively. And she also assists
people involved in any sort of creative endeavor like acting, art and music.
You don’t have to have a creative career to call on Archangel Gabriel. She helps anyone
who needs to express themselves clearly. In several of my client readings, she has come
through to offer her help with writing important letters or having a difficult conversation
with family members. Anytime you need to speak or write and aren’t sure what to say,
call on Gabriel for help.
• Clear communication in relationships
• Writing
• Creativity
• Artists, musicians, actors, etc.
• Fertility, child conception and adoption
Archangel Uriel!
I think of Uriel as a wise guidance counselor. He’s really helpful when you’re trying to
make important life decisions, especially when they have to do with your life’s purpose.
If you feel confused about what to do, ask Uriel to help guide you and to reveal any
further information that you need to know to make a good choice. Uriel is also the
angel to ask for further clarification if you are still doubting your choices or unsure of
what to do.
Uriel has a message for you about decision making. If you are trying to decide what to
do next and you call on the angels, meditate, talk with your friends, and still don’t know
what to do, then this issue really isn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things
and you can do whatever you want! In many situations you don’t have to search so hard
for the right answer because when the stakes are high, your angels and guides will
always make things clear to you. So, if you are faced with a choice and you don’t know
and you just can’t seem to get clear, then the best thing to do is pick something and
move forward. Uriel and the other angels won’t let you down.
• Life purpose
• Guidance and direction
• Weather
• Students and tests
• Decision-making
• Problem solving
Archangel Haniel!
Haniel is a beautiful, feminine angel with close ties to moon energy. She encourages
you to honor the cycles of the earth and your body. She also wants to help you to get
in touch with your special psychic gifts and use them to help others.
Haniel is a very gentle angel, so you may not feel her presence strongly when she is
near, but she wants you to know that she always comes to you when you ask her. She
wants to help you move through your life with grace and confidence. Call on her when
you are about to do public speaking or have an important conversation.
Finally, Haniel wants to give a message to sensitive people. Your sensitivity is a gift.
Sometimes it can feel like a burden, but that just means that you need to pay more
attention to the message that your body and soul are sending you. Learn to listen to
your sensitive reactions to people, places and things and to honor the wisdom you
• Moon energy
• Psychic gifts, especially clairvoyance
• Grace
• Confidence and poise
• Finding supportive friends
Archangel Jophiel!
Jophiel is the angel of beauty. She helps to beautify everything around her. Call on
Jophiel when your house is a mess and you really want to get it cleaned and organized.
She is wonderful at helping with de-cluttering and letting go of items that are no longer
useful. Then, when you’ve gotten rid of the junk, Jophiel will help you to decorate your
home so that it is beautiful, warm and inviting.
Jophiel also helps you to beautify your thoughts. So, if you find yourself feeling
anxious, worried or engaging in negative self talk, ask Jophiel to help you to release
these thoughts and to bring positive, loving, peaceful thoughts into your mind instead.
Artists, writers and musicians can call on Jophiel for inspiration and assistance in
making beautiful art and expressing their creativity.
• House cleaning, organizing and decorating
• De-cluttering
• Letting go of worry, fear and negative self talk
• Artists, writers and musicians creating beauty in the world
• Shopping and personal style
Archangel Ariel
Ariel watches over animals, nature and the Earth. She is associated with the wind, so
you may notice a change in the wind when she is near you. She is especially drawn to
protecting and healing bodies of water like rivers, lakes and oceans. You can best
experience Ariel’s gentle, loving energy when you are outside in nature.
If you feel that your life’s purpose includes helping the Earth to be a cleaner, healthier
place for humans and animals, then Ariel wants to enlist your help! Ask her for
guidance about what type of work you should be doing to help the environment and
she will connect you with people who can use your skills and talents.
Ariel works with Archangel Raphael to heal animals that are in need. So, if you feel
concerned about an endangered species or animals living in your area, ask Archangel
Ariel to heal and protect them.
• Wild animals
• Nature
• Weather
• Protecting and cleaning bodies of water
• Manifesting
Archangel Chamuel!
Chamuel is the finding angel. He can help you to find lost items, friends, your dream
job and your soul mate. When you are looking for something and hoping to find it, ask
Archangel Chamuel for assistance with your search and he will come to you right away
to help you. He might give you ideas about where to look, or assist in bringing you
together with a person that you want to meet.
Chamuel can also help you to find your life’s purpose. If you feeling lost or unsure of
what to do with your life, Chamuel can help. He wants you to know that you can’t get it
wrong and you will never get it done. He realizes that work and career are important to
most people and he wants to help you to find meaningful work that helps others and
the world.
Chamuel protects the earth from dark, negative energies and assists with world peace.
If you are concerned about current events, Chamuel wants you to ask him for help
rather than fret and worry. Picture Archangel Chamuel going to the part of the world
where there is strife and working to remove dark energies that are promoting the
problems. You may not see his impact right away because all people have free will, but
the important part here is that you stop worrying about it, because worry is just
contributing to the problem.
• Life purpose
• Finding lost items, your soul mate, your dream job, your dream house, etc.
• World peace
• Protecting the world and you from dark energies
Archangel Azrael!
Azrael is the angel of death, but don’t let that scare you. He is actually the opposite of
scary. I love to call on Archangel Azrael because I can feel his calming, soothing and
comforting energy. He is there to assist people as they are dying and he accompanies
them to the light of heaven. Azrael also comforts the family and friends as they deal
with the grief of losing a loved one.
If you have a friend or family member who is nearing the end of their time on Earth, ask
Azrael to assist them in passing peacefully without pain or suffering. And also ask him
to comfort you and others who care about this person as you grieve and adjust to life
without them in physical form. However, Azrael wants to remind you that your
deceased loved ones are still very much with you in spirit and he can help you to feel
their presence when they are near.
Azrael also wants to help you with any kind of grief that you might experience such as
losing a job or a breakup. He can help you to feel ease and comfort in times of
upheaval and transition in your life. Call on him to soothe you during difficult times.
• Helping souls cross over into the light
• Comforting family and friends of the recently deceased
• Soothing grief from job loss, breakup or any other difficult circumstance
• Smoothing out big life transitions like moving, new jobs and new relationships
Archangel Jeremiel!
Jeremiel works with Azrael in greeting souls as they enter heaven. He helps them to
conduct a life review and look back on the things they have done with their lives. He
doesn’t want you to feel fearful about this process. He is not there to judge you or
punish you for any mistakes. He’s more like a coach that’s going over the game with his
players and making a plan for what they can do differently next time.
Archangel Jeremiel wants to encourage you to do a life review yourself while you are
still here on Earth, because that makes your work together so much easier when you
return back to the light. The purpose of a life review is not to dwell in regret and shame
about your mistakes, but rather to acknowledge them, learn the lessons, let them go
and move on to make different choices in the future. Jeremiel can help you to make
sense of your life journey and get you unstuck if you are feeling blocked in any area of
your life.
If you would like Jeremiel to help you with a life review, set aside some quiet time to
journal and ask him for help with remembering important events and realizing the
lessons that you can learn. If you’re not into journaling, ask Jeremiel to come to you in
your dreams and help you to process your life. Be ready to write down the dreams in
the morning or talk them through with a trusted friend, because that is how you learn
the lessons.
• Life review
• Learning important life lessons
• Clearing blocks around money, career, success, love, writing, etc.
Archangel Raguel!
Raguel is the angel of friendship. He wants you to have lots of wonderful friends in your
life and to have an energetically balanced relationship. If you feel there are people in
your life who are taking advantage of you or not respecting you, ask Archangel Raguel
for courage and empowerment. He is all about justice and fairness and helps those
who feel oppressed.
One if Raguel’s special skills is mediating conflicts and arguments to return
relationships to a harmonious state. Again, he has a strong energy of fairness, so he will
assist both parties in getting what they deserve from a situation while resolving any
bitterness or hard feelings.
Raguel can also give you a boost of energy when you’re feeling tired or rundown. He
wants you to know that everything is working out as it should and that you don’t have
to strive so hard to create what you want in your life. Allow him and the other angels to
assist you with your dreams and goals so that you don’t burn yourself out. Raguel acts
as a great friend to everyone who calls on him for help. But remember, he will only
assist you if you ask him.
• Resolving arguments and conflicts
• Justice and fairness
• Friendship
• Increased energy
• Orderliness and organization
Archangel Raziel!
Raziel can help you understand all of the secrets of the universe. Or at least the ones
that you need to know today! He’s telling me to let you know that humans will never
know all that he knows, and that’s ok! He helps give you the knowledge that pertains to
your life and helps you to understand your spirit guides and manifest things and
experiences that you want.
My clients sometimes ask me how they can know if they are receiving a message from
Spirit vs. just a coincidence. Raziel wants you to know that it’s normal for humans to
struggle with this question and he can help you to decipher what events have a bigger
meaning and what you can take at face value. He also wants to reassure you that if you
miss a message from Spirit, then your Angels and guides will send you the same
message again. You can’t get this wrong if you are seeking and listening.
Raziel can also help you to develop your psychic abilities along with Archangel Haniel.
If you’re a sensitive person or an empath and you would like to develop your abilities
to help yourself or others, call on Raziel to help you discover your gifts and lead you
toward others who can help you to learn how to use them. If you already practice using
your psychic gifts, ask Raziel for protection from any dark energies and clarity on
interpreting any symbols or information that you receive psychically.
• Secrets of the universe
• Spiritual symbols and signs
• Manifesting
• Developing psychic abilities
Archangel Zadkiel!
Zadkiel is the angel of mercy and compassion. He can help you to understand and
forgive others as well as yourself. If you are having trouble forgiving and moving on
from a difficult situation, ask Zadkiel to help you clear away bitterness and replace it
with love.
Archangel Zadkiel can really help you with memory enhancement. Ask him for help if
you forgot where you put something important such as car keys or your passport.
Zadkiel helps students with their studies and test-taking. If you’re studying for a test,
ask Archangel Zadkiel to assist you with remembering the most important information.
Zadkiel also helps teachers to communicate information to their students in a way that
enables the students to learn effectively.
Finally, Zadkiel wants you to notice any ideas or guidance that comes into your mind. If
an idea feels positive and loving, then consider taking action. If it feels heavy, dark, or
provokes anxiety, then it is not coming from the light and you can ask Archangels
Zadkiel and Michael to protect you from the influence of lower energy spirits. The same
is true for advice that other people give you. Feel it out first and only take action if it
feels loving and positive.
• Compassion
• Forgiveness
• Memory and finding lost objects
• Students and teachers
Archangel Metatron!
Metatron is one of the two archangels who existed as a human named Enoch. The
other is Sandalphon who you can read about below. Enoch was a prophet and a scribe
on earth and he lived such a pure life that he was transformed into an archangel.
Metatron kept his scribe talents in heaven and is now in charge of The Book of Life,
also known as the Akashic records. He keeps track of everything happening on Earth
and in heaven and records it in an organized fashion.
Since Metatron has lived as a human, he is very good at helping us to understand
heaven and the angels and he can teach us how to better work and communicate with
our angels.
Metatron loves to help children, especially kids who are sensitive and spiritually gifted
(which he says is almost all children, by the way!). He watched over children and assists
their parents and teachers in treating them with gentleness and love.
• Motivation and procrastination
• Chakra clearing
• Akashic records / The Book of Life
• Children, parents and teachers
• Writing
• Organization
Archangel Sandalphon!
Sandalphon is the other archangel who once lived as a human. In his human lifetime he
was the prophet Elijah, who is mentioned in the Bible. Like Metatron, he is an
intermediary between heaven and earth. One of Sandalphon’s key roles is to carry
prayers from Earth to heaven and then deliver back to you any messages from Spirit.
He wants you to know that your prayers and requests are always answered. Be patient
and believe that everything in your life is working out for your greatest good.
Sandalphon is the angel of music and he can help musicians to compose and create
beautiful music that uplifts the listeners. If you are learning to play a musical instrument
or sing, ask Sandalphon for assistance. He can also help with any creative blocks that
musicians might face as they create their music. He wants you to know that he does not
prefer one style of music over another and he will help you whether you are a rocker, a
rapper, a country singer or a classical pianist.
Sandalphon is a very gentle, sweet angel and he wants to remind you to be gentle with
yourself. You are good enough. You are a divine being in human form. Every day of
your life you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing and there is no
need to beat yourself up for anything. Ever. If you are too hard on yourself, ask
Archangel Sandalphon to help you release these feelings and habits of thought so that
you can treat yourself with gentleness and love.
• Delivering and answering prayers
• Music and musicians
• Gentleness and self love
How the Archangels Can Help
With Specific Situations and
Michael - protection
Raphael - healing
Azrael - comfort while ending a relationship
Jeremiel - understanding the steps to recovery
Addictions and Cravings
Answered Prayers
Jophiel - personal and home
Ariel - nature
Breakups, getting over them
Chamuel - finding dream job
Uriel - guidance
Michael - direction
Chakra clearing
Gabriel - adoption, conception and fertility
Metatron - teaching, parenting, ADD, sensitive and spiritual kids
Raguel - cooperation and harmony
Michael - protection
Raphael - healing
Chronic pain
Cleaning, de-cluttering
Michael and Raphael - energy
Metatron - organization
Raguel - orderliness
Clear Communication from Spirit Guides
Cooperation from other people
Azrael - help and comfort for their souls, comfort for your grief
Jeremiel - greets souls as they transition into heaven
Metatron - watches over children who pass
Dealing with Difficult or Negative People
Raguel - encourages harmony in relationships
Michael - cuts cords of attachment and codependency
Chamuel and Michael - protection from negativity
Raphael and Zadkiel - emotional healing
Raphael - healing bad habits, shopping addiction
Uriel - guidance to better paying job
Michael - protection and releasing lower energy
Decision making
Uriel - career and life purpose
Raguel - friendships
Chamuel - dating vs. break up
Raphael - travel
Michael - life purpose
Metatron - priorities
Uriel - life purpose
Jophiel - beautify thoughts
Raphael - healing chemical imbalance
Michael - cutting out things in your life that make you unhappy
Jeremiel - understanding the root cause to make changes
Direction in Life
Azrael - grief
Raguel - harmony and cooperation
Dream Interpretation
Michael - protecting
Raphael - clearing, healing fatigue
Uriel - direction to activities that won’t drain energy
Endangered species
Environmental concerns
Ariel - plants, animals, bodies of water
Uriel - earth changing, global warming
Faith, increasing
Fear and Worry - letting go
Michael - cuts cords of worry and attachment
Raphael - helps to clear and release
Jophiel - beautifies your thoughts
Fear of death
Feeling lost
Finding your Soul Mate
Chamuel - helps you to find things
Raphael - brings lovers together
Finding lost items
Chamuel - helps to locate things
Zadkiel - memory enhancement
Finding lost pets
Fixing broken mechanical/electrical items
Goal Setting and Achievement
Global warming
Uriel - weather
Ariel - bodies of water
Raguel- relationships
Uriel - general
Raphael - while traveling
Raphael - support and guidance
Abilities for healers
Animals and pets
Broken heart
Healing for yourself and others
From Grief
Raguel - conflict
Zadkiel - emotions
Interior Decorating
Uriel - job
Gabriel - media and job
Intuition - opening and trusting
Haniel - clairvoyance
Michael - protection
Raziel - psychic abilities
Letting Things Go
Michael - cutting cords and attachments
Jophiel - beautifies thoughts
Raphael and Zadkiel - heal hurt feelings
Life Changes and Transitions
Life Purpose
Raguel - assists with making friends
Chamuel - helps to find friends and partners
Jeremiel - shows changes to make in life
Gabriel - clear, effective communication
Haniel - gentleness and grace
Raphael - healing hurt feelings
Michael - release unhealthy cords and energetic attachments
Memory enhancement
Raziel - manifesting
Uriel - guidance to better paying job or business
Raphael - healing overspending and/or underearning
Michael - self worth, protection from being deceived
Music and Musicians
Organization and Orderliness
Past Life Issues
Raziel and Metatron - awareness and understanding
Raphael and Zadkiel - healing
Gabriel - conceiving, fertility and adoption
Metatron - teaching, ADD/ADHD
Raguel - cooperation and harmony
Michael - protection
Peace on Earth
Michael - intervening in a war
Chamuel - helps to find inner peace
Personal power
Raphael - finding lost pet, healing
Ariel - healing, protection
Michael - protection
Procrastination, overcoming
Michael and Metatron - give motivation
Gabriel - writer’s block
Michael - body and possessions
Raphael - travelers and their luggage
Chamuel - psychic protection
Psychic abilities
Haniel - increasing clairvoyance and intution
Raziel - connecting with spiritual truths
Michael - protection from psychic attacks
Record keeping
Raphael - healing
Chamuel - finding friends, finding your soul mate
Jeremiel - making new friends
Azrael - grief from death or breakup
Raguel - resolving conflict
Resolving a Conflict/Argument
Raguel - create peace, forgiveness and harmony
Gabriel - clear communication
Archangel Jophiel - beautiful things
Archangel Chamuel - finding good deals
Social Justice
Solutions to difficult problems
Metatron - understanding
Raziel - secrets of the universe
Uriel - guidance
Sandalphon - delivers prayers to heaven
Jophiel - beautifies thoughts
Azrael - soothes and comforts
Michael - assists in releasing stress
Raphael - heals anxiety issues
Zadkiel - memory enhancement
Metatron - attention and focus
Uriel - guidance on choosing classes and majors
Metatron - working with kids
Michael - energetic protection
Raphael - harmony
Michael - protection
Ariel - wind (hurricanes and tornadoes), water (tsunamis)
Weight loss
Raphael - healing food addictions
Michael - motivation to exercise and eat right
Azrael - comfort