report 2012
report 2012
ISDI TRENDS 2012 OBSERVATORY OF TRENDS < 1 > The MIB reviews the key factors in the evolution of the Internet over the coming months Created by ISDI, the pioneering school of business in the digital environment, the MIB (Master’s course in Internet Business) starts its fourth year as the leading company specialised in Internet training in Spain. This is the first Master’s course developed by Internet professionals. Its goal is to train both entrepreneurs and professionals from different sectors so they can lead the digitisation processes of Spanish companies. The coordinators of the main modules of the Master’s course have analysed and summarised the contents taught by over 110 professors in the MIB’s third class. They have reviewed the trends and the changes in the market that will define the main aspects of the Internet over the coming months: DIGITAL MARKETING SEARCH ENGINES DIGITAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT CONTENTS CREATIVITY E-COMMERCE ONLINE ADVERTISING METRICS LEGAL ENVIRONMENT MOBILE INTERNET < 2 > TECHNOLOGY SOCIAL NETWORKS < 3 > 01. DIGITAL MARKETING TRENDS Two main changes will affect Digital Marketing CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET These trends bring dramatic changes not only for companies, but also for customers: THE SHIFT TO MULTI-CHANNEL CLIENTS Companies should undergo a paradigm shift. Instead of focusing on shortterm sales only, they should also try to attract and retain customers that will bring medium and long term value. Attracting clients through digital channels allows us to identify them and classify them according to their behavioral patterns. These data could then be cross-checked with data about their interaction with the brand and its services. In many cases, the social profiles of our customers will also provide us with relevant information. We could use all these combined data to create customer segments that will define the real value of our company for each customer. This will allow us to design campaigns oriented to each specific profile. We can also access these segments through the different channels that allow the interaction between companies and customers, following customer centric marketing strategies. GAMIFICATION AS A LEVER TO MOBILISE OUR DIGITAL CUSTOMERS Gamification can be defined as the application of elements of game playing in order to boost the customer’s interaction with our brand and its services. Online companies are now developing strategies that encourage their customers to adopt new technologies, complete questionnaires, participate in promotions and complete purchases. This technique is based on the fact that people is predisposed to play games, as well as on the importance of meritocracy in social networks. The use of gamification strategies has proven to be effective in improving the following metrics: user engagement, ROI, data quality, user life time and learning process. As for multi-channeling, the importance of digital customers will force us to change our KPIs (the measurable values that show how efficient our actions are). The new paradigm states that retaining existing customers is far more important than attracting new ones. As a consequence, new advanced customer-management metrics such as ARPU, Churn and Life Time Value must be introduced. Companies should also look for a new professional profile that is able to understand these new digital multi-channel customers. On the other hand, customers are starting to be aware of how important they are. They demand an impeccable service, and wouldn’t hesitate to complain if companies fail to deliver it. Users are openly adopting gamification. Most digital pure players incorporate gamification to some extent. However, traditional businesses need to change their philosophy, and sometimes, that of their managing board. It’s not easy for them to understand that for some customers, being the Major of Foursquare might be more important than getting discounts. We must also understand that once the gamification process starts, it will not stop. DIRECTOR Nacho de Pinedo, ISDI CEO, Former Director of Marketing, Clients and Strategy at Canal+ and Digital+. < 4 > LECTURERS: Alberto Knapp Bjeren, CEO at The Cocktail, Juan José Peso-Viñals, Founder of Daemon Quest and partner in Deloitte, David García-Pawley, Consumer Link Director at LG Electronics, David Gracia, Director of Marketing Digital at the BBVA Group, Javier Bernad, Former General Manager at Mediacom and Mediaedge, Francisco José Martínez, Consumer Marketing Manager at BBVA, and Miguel Esteban, Managing Director at Intelligence Partner. < 5 > 02. SEARCH ENGINES TRENDS Search engines will go through a new evolution. This will be much faster than the previous one: CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET What will be the consequences of this dramatic revolution? THE INTERNET IS GOING MOBILE The unprecedented, abrupt irruption of mobile Internet will bring a second digital revolution that will be even faster than the first one. Mobile Internet penetration in Spain is quite high (57%), and soon it will define many aspects of our daily lives. This represents a challenge for those companies that are struggling to adapt to the digital environment, as they will need to deal with a whole new mobile environment. On the positive side, these factors can also be seen as opportunities. Users will become more demanding, more selfish, and, in a way, more spoiled. The Internet allows the community of digital natives to access information and to get answers to almost any possible question. But these features will exponentially increase as mobiles allow a 24/7 connectivity. On the other hand, companies will face a new challenge, as they will be dealing with a larger number of users, more time and more difficulties to satisfy their customers. They will need to develop new strategies of attraction and conversion that perform well in a fast moving environment. It won’t be easy, but that’s what the second digital revolution is all about. DIRECCIÓN Javier Rodríguez Zapatero, Director General de Google España Portugal y Turquía. < 6 > PROFESORES COLABORADORES: Esther Checa, SEM and SMO Manager at T2O Media, Rodrigo Miranda, General Manager at ISDI and Shackleton Buzz, Laurence Fontinoy, Marketing Manager at Google Spain and Portugal, Fuencisla Clemares, Manager of Consumer Products and Retail at Google Spain, Borja Berzosa, Agency Product Specialist at Google, and Alex Gibelalde, Product Marketing Manager at Google. < 7 > 03. CONTENTS TRENDS Contents become more specific as the user experience gets simpler and HTML5 becomes the standard for tablets and smart phones: CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET These changes will dramatically affect both businesses and consumers: TABLETS AND SMARTPHONES TRANSFORM THE CONTENTS: Users are increasingly using tablets and smartphones as their primary devices, replacing laptop and desktop computers. Mobile users are not a majority yet, but this trend will accelerate in the near future as customers keep choosing to use tablets over computers. This will lead to the development of web experiences compatible with tablets (HTML5), with simpler contents and experiences. New apps with specific functionalities will be developed. On the other hand, this will represent a challenge for companies as they will have to give support to multiple versions and platforms, develop products for each peripheral, and deal with a poorly developed advertising market. When using computers, customers will expect the seamless, visually attractive experiences that they already enjoy on their tablets. This calls for a profound change in the re-design, the experience of product information and the consumption of contents. These changes will bring a new way of online interaction. Users will turn to the most innovative companies. Contextual e-commerce (the activity that takes place around related contents in an online shop) and intelligent offer generation will increasingly establish themselves as the best options to find the cheaper prices through sustainable commerce. DIRECTORS Javier Rodríguez Zapatero, General Manager at Google Spain, Portugal and Turkey. LECTURERS: Germán Frassa, Director of Internet Projects at Unidad Editorial, Ismael Viejo, Deputy Director at RTVE interactivos (, Mario Tascón, Founder of Lainformación and Poderoso Volcán, and Margarita Barrera, Experience Design Manager. < 8 > < 9 > 04. E-COMMERCE TRENDS E-commerce will face four main challenges over the coming months: CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET These trends will bring some changes such as: LINKAGE BETWEEN THE OFFLINE AND THE ONLINE COMMERCE: The market (both from the customer’s and the companies’ point of view) will start to erase the differences between the offline and the online shops. New global strategies will be required. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PAYMENT METHODS: Offline companies will have to embrace ecommerce and define their strategies. Otherwise they will be left out of the market. Users will have an increasing number of options, as apps will allow them to fine-tune their shopping process as well as to find the best prices. Users will become more active. They will recommend products and share their preferences and shopping experiences with their friends Traditionally, this is one of the pending tasks of the online stores. However, this situation will dramatically change over the coming months. The irruption of mobile devices and new applications will transform the payment methods, especially in the offline realm. MORE COMPLEX FINAL LOGISTICS: Delivering products will be an increasingly complex task due to the competition, the development of new sectors, and the demands of the customers. Delivery points and delivery periods will be a common thing. Next-day delivery will also increase. MARKET PROTAGONISTS: The main characters in the market will be the food industry and Amazon, especially since the launch of its Spanish site. DIRECTORS Aquilino Peña, Former Managing Director at mediaedge&cía. LECTURERSS: Nacho Somalo, President of Alice Europa, Antonio Mas, Founder and General Manager of Ideaup!, Fernando Aparicio, Social Commerce Director at Amvos Consulting, Enrique Sánchez, General Manager at MRW Integración Logística, Ruth Díaz, General Manager at BuyVip, and Jaume Gomá, CEO of Ulabox. < 10 > < 11 > 05. METRICS TRENDS As for metrics, two main trends will bring changes over the coming months: CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET How will these changes affect the market? IMPROVEMENT OF THE ATTRIBUTION MODELS: Companies will optimise their attribution models in order to find data that helps them to understand the relevancy of each channel in regard to online sales. COOKIES POLICY: Branding campaigns will become more visible. As a consequence, the investment in brand building will increase. The new regulations about the cookies that allow for the monitoring of customers and potential clients will have an impact on the future of the online shops and their metrics. Companies will be able to identify their clients by requiring them to log in. Tools for identification and registration, such as Google Connect, will develop DIRECTORS Arnaldo Muñoz, European CMO at Vistaprint. LECTURERSS: Jaime Agulló, General Manager at ComScore Iberia, Jaume Clotet, General Manager at Netsuus ICO and Eduardo Sagüés, Country Manager at 888.Com. < 12 > < 13 > 06. TECHNOLOGY TRENDS As in many other cases, the new trends affecting technology will bring crucial challenges. Technology moves fast, and can be used to design very complex and demanding business projects. ANALYSIS OF LARGE AMOUNTS OF DATA (BIG DATA): As the amount of digitally stored data increases, companies and researchers have plenty of potentially useful material that they can analyse. The challenge for Big Data is to automate the analysis of the billions of interactions between almost one billion Internet users, and to extract valuable information from it. Facebook is one of the main examples. Some time ago, this social network introduced a timeline in which users would sort out their own data. This makes the data-mining process easier. Facebook is now able to get the most out of the users’ data, which will allow for a very thorough segmentation and knowledge of its users. This knowledge is what the advertisers actually pay for. Google is following similar strategies, as the search engine is now working with comprehensive data taken from searches, browsing, email and the rest of the Google apps. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET From the user’s point of view, these trends have many things in common, as they are based on analysing data provided by the users themselves. Companies will try to encourage users to provide contents or data that will then be cross-checked in order to obtain a result that will be greater than the sum of its parts. This will be the next step in the web 2.0. There’s already talk of paying users for releasing their data. There are projects to develop social networks in which users will get paid according to the amount of personal and activity related data that they provide the advertisers with. CROWDSOURCING: Crowdsourcing can be defined as the creation of contents and/or products based on the information provided by the users. These techniques are increasingly used, as they allow to quickly solve complex problems. USE OF REPUTATION ALGORITHMS: These algorithms are extremely useful, as they allow to analyse the ‘advanced social reputation’ of potential customers. This is done by analysing the opinions and information provided by other users, and could be useful, for example, to determine the client’s credit rating or their professional psychological profile DIRECTORS Marcelo Royán, Co-founder of LogiQo. LECTURERSS: Juan Antonio García Peredo, Foudner and Director of LogiQo, Pau Oliva Fora, Systems Manager at KubiWireless, Andrés Pedrera, Technology Manager at RTVE, and Andrés Herrero, Head of Development Projects at PRISA TV. < 14 > < 15 > 07. SOCIAL NETWORKS TRENDS Social networks have lead one of the largest expansions of the digital culture, and they are now reaching their maturity. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET Users will relax, while companies will benefit from the use of Social Media: END OF THE EUPHORIA. WIDESPREAD USE OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA: After the period of discovery (2004-2006), popularisation (2007-2009) and unleashed euphoria (2010-2011), in 2012 the use of Social Media and Social Networks became a standard. Companies such as Groupon, Zinga, LinkedIn and Facebook are now listed on the stock exchange. This marks the end of the ‘Social Media fad’, as these companies have established themselves as the leading companies in the sector. Saturation has caused the end of this cycle. The media and the analysts have talked about social media for many years, and we all think that we know everything about social media - as we use it on a daily basis. In addition to this, the poor results in the stock market (and the unrealistically high expectations) have led to underestimating the importance of Social Media. But Social Media is here to stay. Its consequences are very real, and they are already part of our society and our business culture. The fact that Social Media has become a commodity confirms the need for social media training and strategies. We can expect that users will become more relaxed and specialised in the use of Social Media, as they learn more about social tools. Following the investment and stock market euphoria, companies will try to make their business profitable through advertising and paid services. Social Media Marketing is a reality for most companies. From the smallest business to the largest corporation, all of them have their own social media strategy. All companies try to capitalise on social media while minimising the risks, depending on their sector and potential targets. In the future, consulting agencies will increasingly offer outsourcing services to small and medium size companies. Large corporations will have teams specialised in managing their social media, as part of their golbal strategies of marketing, communication and customer support. Perhaps the future will bring new tools and brands, while others sink into oblivion. Maybe we will be using mobile devices more often than our desktop computers, but one thing is for sure: companies must not forget that Social Media is a reality that has a very real impact on their day-to-day operations DIRECTORS Miguel Ángel Díez Ferreira, Founder and Ceo of Red Karaoke. LECTURERSS: Julio Alonso, Founder and General Manager of Weblogs, Luis Remírez de Esparza, Social Media Marketing Director at Nethink, Daniel Pérez Colomar, CEO and Founder of Stop & Walk, and Germán Martínez, Sales Manager at Facebook. < 16 > < 17 > 08. MOBILE INTERNET TRENDS The use of Mobile Internet is exponentially growing all over the world, and also in Spain. This will speed up the digitisation of our society to unimaginable levels. MASSIVE USE AND PENETRATION OF SMARTPHONES AND TABLETS: The increased penetration of Mobile Internet will imply: CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET The massive adoption of the Mobile Internet will bring a huge change in the lifestyle of its users. This will have dramatic social consequences, as we will be even more connected. • The development of native mobile apps and HTML5 apps. This will stimulate an even greater penetration of the Mobile Web. • An increase of mobile advertising at a faster pace than any other media (including the Internet). • Mobile access to social networks will account for over 50% of the total. The greatest change will occur at the business/brand level. Mobile marketing, advertising and connectivity will have an even greater impact than in 2012. Several successful mobile-oriented companies will appear, and we’ll witness a widespread adoption of tablets in businesses. • In 2013, convergence between smartphones and smart TVs will be frequent. • The user experience will improve thanks to new technologies such as the 4G network and other customised services that will contribute to the creation of a new lifestyle based on mobile connectivity. DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOBILE COMMERCE: The most important trends will be related to SoLoMo strategies (Social, Local, Mobile). In addition, mobile interaction in physical shops will be common in just a few months. MOBILE PAYMENT: Several mobile payment platforms will be launched. The adoption of these platforms will depend on the infrastructures developed by each of the components of the value chain. DIRECTORS Fernando González-Mesones, B2C World President at Buongiorno. LECTURERSS: Salvador Carrillo, CEO of Mobile Dreams Factory and Member of the Managing Board of MMA Europa, Álvaro Alonso, Co-founder of Adnstream and Daniel Cervantes, General Manager at Microsoft Entertainment. < 18 > < 19 > 09. LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TRENDS The demands of the users will define these trends: CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET Operating costs will increase USERS WILL BE MORE CONCERNED ABOUT PROTECTING THEIR DATA: Data protection will generate great controversy. Internet users are increasingly maturing and are becoming more and more concerned about how media providers treat their personal data. On one hand, the Internet has become social and we all consciously share some of our personal data. On the other hand, users demand that the service providers make a licit and adequate use of these data. Issues such as the ‘Right to digital oblivion’ will arise. Digital companies will need to spend extra money on managing their customers’ data. Those companies with good data managing practices will have a competitive advantage. Users will be more and more concerned about the implications of the Web 2.0. DIRECTORS Ventura Barba, Founder and Director of Tenzing Media LECTURERSS: Juan Carrasco, Manager of the IT Department at Santiago Mediano Lawyers, and Javier Berrocal, Founder and Managing Partner at Santiago Mediano Lawyers. < 20 > < 21 > 10. ONLINE ADVERTISING TRENDS Brands bank on efficiency as well as on campaigns that can be easily measured. B RANDS NEED CAMPAIGNS THAT CAN BE MEASURED: Advertisers opt for measuring models that go beyond the observation of events. In other words, they adopt attribution models that allow them to define whether a specific target has been achieved or not. This is a symptom of digital maturity: The belief that ‘everything can be measured’ or that ‘you can determine the exact ROI of everything you do’ has created short-sightedness with regard to understanding that merely counting impressions, clicks and conversions is not enough to measure the efficiency of our communications. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET Companies (especially when the crisis strikes) need to give metrics a more important role. This means that they might need to recruit qualified staff and adopt new technologies and working methods As for users, there are enormous benefits. As the interpretation of the data related to the communication improves, segmentation will also get better. As a consequence, users will get more relevant results. In conclusion, over the next year, new steps towards a more efficient communication will be taken SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTS ARE ALSO PART OF THE METRICS: Brands need to give a credible business value to the social environment metrics. Understanding the value, the distribution and the socialisation of these contents, as well as their influence on the purchasing process, is of key importance. DIRECTORS Gabriel Saénz de Buruaga, Founder and co-CEO of WINK, Transforming Through Digital. < 22 > LECTURERSS: Carina Szpilka, CEO of ING Direct , Juan Domínguez, Founder and General Manager of Red CPA, Sonia Fernández, General Manager at Vindico Group Europe, Hugo Llebrés, Managing Director at MEC, Gonzalo Madrid, Former Head of Strategy at Havas Digital, and Chechu Lasheras, Regional Manager for Spain, Portugal and Latin America at Zanox. < 23 > 11. CREATIVITY TENDENCIAS As in other cases, the demands of the customers will play a key role in transforming the market. For example, in advertising: USEFUL SOLUTIONS WILL REPLACE THE TRADITIONAL MESSAGES: Customers are increasingly demanding, and will not be satisfied with just a simple message from the brand. They will require the brands to provide valuable, useful solutions. Technology is a powerful ally that brands should use to generate this value. The Honda, Connecting Lifelines campaign (http:// is a great example. CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET Consumers and technology are way ahead of the creativity and advertising departments. In response to the demands of the users, brands are now closer to their customers. This has also transform the way in which advertisers and advertising agencies work. Brands now communicate and relate through each and every action. This shift of paradigm requires a greater coordination of the departments involved in this process STORYTELLING BECOMES A MORE COMPLEX AND FRAGMENTED PROCESS: The digital environment allows us to tell stories in an audiovisual format without time limits. But this audiovisual language is giving way to a new one in which stories connect different formats and media. The interconnection of different digital realities expands the scope and the engagement. The Jay-Z campaign by Bing was the first example of this new trend. BRANDS GO WHEREVER THEIR CUSTOMERS ARE: The Creativity departments focus on reinforcing the presence of the brand in the environments where the customers are, instead of trying to attract them to the company’s site. That is, of course, a formidable challenge. DIRECTORS Zuazua, Member of the Manging Board of Herraiz Soto & Co. < 24 > LECTURERSS: Rafael Soto, Founding Partner and Executive Creative Director of Herraiz Soto & Co, Quico Vidal, Founding Partner and Director of Nadie - The Creative Think Tank, Kuki Bastos, Former Creative Director at Publicis Modem, Daniel Solana, President of Double You, Félix del Valle, Executive Creative Director at Contrapunto BBDO and Adolfo González, General Manager and Creative Director at Wysiwyg. < 25 > 12. DIGITAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TRENDS The following trends will transform the Digital Business Management models LARGE CORPORATIONS WILL ADOPT THE START UP CULTURE: Companies are aware that their chances of surviving depend on how they adapt to the transformations brought by the Internet. Succeeding in the digital world requires a shift of paradigm inspired by the startup culture. This transformation will require: CHANGES THAT AFFECT THE MARKET Companies will start selling directly to their customers, establishing a direct, bi-directional dialogue from which the two parts will receive feedback. The possibilities offered by the Internet will turn this dialogue into a CRM that will allow companies to crosssell and upsell their products. • Redesigning works and processes. • Market rethinking and scalability. Speeding up mergers and acquisitions. • Constantly rethinking the business model and strategies. • A new professional philosophy based on merits, stock options, specialisation and projects THE CONSUMER SECTOR WILL LEAD THE DIGITISATION PROCESS: As a consequence of the communication and advertising disintermediation, brands will take the initiative in their relationship with the final customer. DIRECTORS Alberto Díaz, CEO of Digital Migration Partners LECTURERSS: Miguel A. Acosta, Partner of BeRuby, Luis Martín Cabiedes, Founder of Cabiedes & Partners, Pablo Larguía, CEO of La Red Innova, y Javier López de Haro, Digital Strategy Manager at Openbank. < 26 > < 27 > Tel. 900 814 144 @ISDI_edu FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Cristina del Gallo / Rafael Delgado FORMEDIA Phone.: 915628100 < 28 >