history, past, present and problems, future good practices how did it all start? DOCIMOLO GY The science has the exams as a teaching subject and mainly, the grading system including the behavior of the examiners and the examined ones, therefore, the assessment, is named DOCIMOLOGY. Between 1927-1930 Henri Pieronpublished the first docimology research . He is the founder of the docimology as an independent science. In 1936 E. Claparèdeacknowledged the docimology’s great importance. ASSESSMENT It is a systematic determination of a subject’s merit, worth and significance using criteria governed by a set of standards; At school it means figuring out what someone knows or has learnt. The main functions of the assessment concern the controlling, self adjustment of the system (feed back), also education and social informative functions. By the assessment we control the access of the student to situations in which the number of places is limited. Methods of Docimology They help us measure the development and progress of our students 4 methods we use They offer us a review on our students’ progress over the course of the school term or year A method for assessing students’ social progress We carried out a survey among the students from different grades and the teachers. We asked them about the methods and problems of assessment in the past, present and future.