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^À=∞ÅQÆ∂_», ÃÇ·Ï^Œ~åÉÏ^Œ∞ – 500 029
(Swami Vivekananda Sphoorti Vachanaalu)
(Inspirational Quotes of Swami Vivekananda)
Concept and Compilation :
Swami Jnanadananda
: Ch. Ramesh, M. Chandu
Cover Design : Ch. Satyanarayana
Published by :
Swami Jnanadananda
Ramakrishna Math,
Hyderabad - 500 029
e-mail: publication@rkmath.org
Website: www.rkmath.org
© All Rights Reserved
Upto VI Impression,Nov 2010 : 59,000 Copies
VII Impression, March 2013 : 15,000 Copies
Printed in India at:
Sri R. R. Offset Printers
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"åi HÀã¨"∞Õ D „ѨÜ∂≥ QÆO. HÍ|\˜ì Hˆ =ÅO K«^=Œ _®xˆH HÍHõ, ™êfiq∞ q"ÕHÍ#O^Œ ÉèÏ"åÅ#∞ J^躌 Ü«∞#O
KÕÜ«∞_®xH˜, "å\˜x PHõoOѨ٠KÕã¨∞H˘x, H˘O`≥·<å PK«iOK«_®xH˜ ѨÙã¨ÎHõOÖ’x „Ѩu ѨÙ@, LѨܫÚHõÎO
HÍQÆÅ^Œx Ptã¨∂Î....
~å=∞Hõ$+¨‚ =∞~î°O, ÃÇ·Ï^Œ~åÉÏ^Œ∞.
Swami Vivekananda’s words are not ordinary words of Inspiration.
Each word of his
utterances is potent with a latent power. Translation of his utterances that dispel weakness and
faint heartedness, into Telugu or for the matter into any other language is a daunting task.
No work of translation can bring out the full import of the original. Though we are aware of the
difficulty here in this book we have made a small attempt to translate a few of his utterances.
We tried our best to bring out the gist of the sayings. To recompense for the fore mentioned
inadequacy the sayings are given bilingual. If the reader finds it difficult to understand the
saying in English he may draw on the translation and if he feels Telugu version is lacking in
force he may come back to the original in English. The objective is to enable the reader to grasp
the full meaning of the exhortations by taking advantage of his knowledge of both the languages.
Also we feel the presentation allows someone who is not good in either of the two languages
understand the ideas better. Of course the book is primarily meant for those who know both
the languages.
Pictorial presentation of an idea always helps the reader to grasp the meaning better by
making him ponder over the idea longer. Beautiful pictures from the nature on varied themes
are selected with a view to lend force to the idea presented. The main aim of the labour is to
stimulate the thinking of the reader while he reads the saying and to make the idea sink deep
into his subconscious mind. Some pictures are soothing to the soul, some are deep in meaning
and some are thought provoking. But every picture has the power to arrest the attention of the
reader for a while so that he can cogitate on the idea.
A mere reading of the ideas presented here won’t do. The ideas must be assimilated and should
be put into practice. We feel our labour is amply rewarded if the pages in this book inspire a few
individuals at least to understand Swami Vivekananda better.
Ramakrishna math, Hyderabad.
We want that
education by
which character
is formed, strength
of mind is increased,
the intellect is expanded,
and by which one can
stand on ones own feet.
jÅ ã¨OѨ^Œ#∞ =$kúKÕã≤, =∞<À|ÖÏxfl
ÃÑOá⁄OkOz |∞kúx qHõã≤OѨ*Ëã≤, ã¨fiâ◊H˜ÎÖ’
qâßfi™êxfl ÃÑOKÕ q^Õº =∞#‰õΩ HÍ=Åã≤Ok.
To me the very Essense of education is
concentration of mind, not the collecting of Facts.
=∞#ã¨∞#∞ x~ÀkèOz, UHÍ„QÆO KÕÜ«∞_»"Õ∞ q^•ºÉèϺ™êxH˜
Ѩ~°=∞QÆ=∞ºO, HÍh q+¨Ü«∞ ¿ãHõ~°} HÍ^Œ∞.
Bring light to the ignorant, and
more light to the educated for the
vanities of the education of our time
are tremendous.
J*Ï˝#∞ʼnõΩ "≥Å∞QÆ∞K«∂ѨO_ç. q^•º=O`«∞ʼnõΩ
=∞iO`« "≥Å∞QÆ∞K«∂ѨO_ç. P^èŒ∞xHõ q^Œº ÃÑOKÕ
JǨÏOHÍ~åxH˜ JO`«∞ÖˉõΩO_® áÈ`«∂Ok.
The education which does not help
individuals to equip themselves for the
struggle of life, which does not bring
out strength of character, a spirit of
philanthropy and the courage of a lion
- is it worth the name?
ã¨^Œ∞æ}ÏÅ#∞, ¿ã"å`«`«Ê~°`«#∞ ÃÑOá⁄OkOz,
ã≤OǨÏã¨^Œ$â◊"≥∞ÿ# ^è≥·~åºxflzÛ =∞#efl r=# áÈ~å\ÏxH˜
ã≤^ŒúO KÕÜ«∞x q^Œº x~°~°÷HõO HÍ^•?
End of Preview.
Rest of the book can be read @