महाराष्ट्र मंडळ, डेट्रॉइट - Maharashtra Mandal Of Detroit
महाराष्ट्र मंडळ, डेट्रॉइट - Maharashtra Mandal Of Detroit
फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 2 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special या अंकात 2013 MMD Organization ४ President’s Message ५ संपादकीय ७ Wake up Bharat १२ From the Battlefield to the Boardroom १६ शाही अंड्याची भर्ज ु ी २२ MMD kicks off 2013 with a volunteering event २३ संक्ांति विशेष कवििा २५ फेरारी की सिारी २७ कवििा २९ Write to us... ३१ संपादन : चननाद जोशी मुखपृष्ठ, रचना : उर्ममला चिळगी Electronic version available on www.mmdet.org संपादकीय सूचना: लेखकांना, चचत्रकारांना आचि संपादकांना संपि ू ण मतस्वातंत्र्य देण्यात आले आहे . लेखातून व चचत्रातून व्यक्त झालेल्या मतांशी संपादक ककवा आपि सवण सहमत असलाच असे नाही. तेव्हा आपि हा अंक “मनोरं जनासाठी" आहे अशी अपेक्षा ठे वन ू च वाचावा हीच आमची अपेक्षा! Photography courtesy: Urmila Bilgi, Atharva Kharkar, Purwa Pendse & Tushar Samant महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 3 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 4 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special President’s Message! नमस्कार मंडळी, सर्वप्रथम सर्वांनव नर्ीन र्र्ववच्यव हवर्दव क शभ ु ेच्छव ! २०१३च्यव महवरवष्ट्र मंडळवचव President करून जो वर्श्र्वस तम् ु ही मवझ्यवर्र दवखर्लव आहे त्यवबद्दल मी MMD, BOT आणि आपल्यव सगळयवंचव आभवरी आहे . ही जबवबदवरी प्रवमवणिकपिे पवर पडण्यवचे आश्र्वसन मी तम् ु हवलव दे तो. त्यवचबरोबर पढ ु च्यव र्र्ववचे सगळे कवयवक्रम यशस्र्ीपिे पवर पवडण्यवसवठीसर्वांच्यव सहकवयववची अपेक्षव करतो. भवरतवत असतवनव आपल्यवलव नवतेर्वईक, शेजवरपवजवर आणि मवर्हतीच्यव लोकवंचव कळतनकळत आधवर असतो. इकडे डडरोइट्लव आपल्यव सगळयवंनव आणि मख् ु यत: नर्ीन लोकवंनव तसच आधवर MMDचव र्वटवर्व आणि हे मंडळ आपल्यव पररर्वरवचे extension आहे असे र्वटवर्े ह्यवकररतव मी प्रयत्नशील रवहीन. MMDचे mission तेच तर आहे : To keep Marathi asmita jagrut in and around Detroit by binding the community together, having a sense of social belonging and social support and celebrate our cultural traditions. हे ध्येय डोळयवपढ ु े ठे र्न ू ह्यव र्र्ववच्यव कवयवक्रमवंची आखिी करिवर आहोत. दर र्र्ीप्रमविे आपले स ि जल्लोर्वने सवजरे करून आपलव आनंद द्वर्गि ु ीत करण्यवचव आमचव इरवदव आहे . MMDचे BMMआणि इतर महवरवष्ट्र मंडळवंबरोबर चवंगले संबध ं आहे त. त्यवंच्यव सहकवयववने आम्ही top notch कवयवक्रम आिण्यवचव प्रयत्न करू. गेल्यव कवही र्र्ववत आपल्यवकडचव कलवकवरवंनव ‘रससकव तझ् ु यवचसवठी’ ह्यव कवयवक्रमवने चवंगलव र्वर् र्दलं आहे . We will continue to support रससकव तझ् ु यवचसवठी to give the opportunity and encourage our growing local talent. Detroitमधे sportsचव उत्सवह दवंडगव आहे . मवगच्यव र्र्ी marathonमधे मंडळवचे पन्नवसवहून अधधक लोक धवर्ले. Fitness रवखण्यवसवठी आम्ही यंदव sportsलवदे खील प्रवधवन्य दे िवर आहोत. Picnicलव East vs West असव क्रक्रकेट सवमनव ठे र्ण्यवचव आमचव वर्चवर आहे . आज Detroitमधे MMD जर्ळजर्ळ ३५ र्र्व active आहे .आपि त्यवचेही कवही दे िे लवगतो. ह्यव र्र्ी एखवददोन Detroit volunteering events करण्यवचव आमचव मनोदय आहे . आपले ३०० पेक्षव अधधक Deluxe members आहे त आणि ते र्वढतच रवहिवर. ८० पेक्षव जवस्त members have signed up to be part of the committee to serve our growing organization this year. हे मंडळ आपलेच आहे . आपली कसमटी will always be open to suggestions and we will do our best to act on it. जवतव जवतव सरु े श भटवंच्यव चवर ओळी आठर्तवत..... लवभले आम्हवस भवग्य बोलतो मरवठी I जवहलो खरे च धन्य ऐकतो मरवठी II धमव, पवठ, जवत एक जवितो मरवठी I एर्ढ्यव जगवत मवय मवनतो मरवठी II चलव तर, नर्ीन र्र्ववत जल्लोर्वने प्रयवि करूयवत. जुनी मैत्री मजबत ू करूयव आणि नर्ीन समत्र जोडुयव !!पन् ु हव एकदव मवझ्यव कसमटीकडून तम् ु हवलव “Happy New Year!” -क्रकरि इंगळे महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 5 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 6 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special तिळगूळ घ्या अन गोड बोला -नननवद जोशी तिळगूळ घ्या अन गोड बोला !!! आपल्यवकडचे बहुतवंश सि चंद्रवलव अनस ु रून (Lunar) असल्यवने र्दर्वळी कधी ऑक्टोबरमध्ये तर कधी नोव्हें बरमध्ये, गिपती कधी ऑगस्टमध्ये तर कधी सप्टें बरमध्ये अशव अंदवजी सिवंची आपल्यवलव सर्य. मवत्र सय ू ववलव अनस ु रून (Solar cycle) अगदी तवरीख लवर्न ू १४ जवनेर्वरीलव नर्र्र्ववचव पर्हलव मवन घेर्न ू येिवरी संक्ांि नेहमीच र्ेगळी र्दसते. नव्यव र्र्ववच्यव स्र्वगतवसवठी केलेल्यव पवटीचव दं गव अजून परु तव मवर्ळलेलव नसतो, “Happy New Year”ची दे र्विघेर्वि अजन ू पि ू व संपलेली नसते, ‘ह्यव र्र्ी २५ पौंड र्जन उतरर्न ू दवखर्ीनच’ हव हुरूपदे खील अजून तवजव असतो, डडरोइटच्यव महवरवष्ट्ट मंडळवच्यव नर्ीन कवयवकवरीिीतल्यव ७८ नवर्वंपक ै ी जेमतेम ६ नवर्ं पवठ झवलेली असतवत, अन इतक्यवत संक्रवंत येऊन दवखलही होते. मकरसंक्रवंत. सय ू व धनु रवशीतन ु मकरे त प्रर्ेश करतो तो र्दन. सिवंनी गच्च लगडलेल्यव आपल्यव र्हंद ू र्दनदवसशवकेत र्र्ववतलव पर्हलव लवल र्दर्स पटकवर्िवरी, पोंगल, उत्तरवयि, मवघी, सग ु ी, भोगली बबहू, णखचडी, अशी अनेक नवर्ं घेर्न ू येिवरी, संक्रवंत. (वर्क्रकपीडडयव उर्वच) : “Sankranti” refers to the transmigration of the Sun from one sign of the zodiac into the next. Makar-Sankranti signifies the transition of the Sun from Saggitarius (धन)ु to Capricorn (मकर). There are 12 Sankranti’s each year (one for each transition), but the most popular and significant one is Makar-Sankranti on the 14th day of January, referred to as the 'holy phase of transition'. It marks the end of an inauspicious phase which begins around mid-December per the Hindu calendar. महवरवष्ट्रवत जो मवन पण् ु यवचव तो गज ु रवथेत बडोद्यवचव, आणि संक्रवंत करवर्ी तर बडोद्यवत. नतथे नतलव उत्तरवयि म्हितवत. लहवनपिी बडोद्यवत आजोळी केलेल्यव संक्रवंतींच्यव अनेक आठर्िी अजन ू तवज्यव आहे त. आकवशवत पोहिवरे लवखो रं गबबरं गी पतंग, सय ू ोदयवपवसन ू ते सय ू ववस्तवपयांत मवमवच्यव घरवच्यव गच्चीतन ू हर्ेत केलेली हजवरो पतंगयद्ध ु े, मवंजव ओढून कवचलेली बोटें , कवटलेल्यव पतंगवर्रून शेजवरवच्यव मल ु वंबरोबर गल्लीत केलेल्यव मवरवमवऱ्यव, पोट भरभरून खवल्लेले उन्धीय,ू जजलब्यव, मवमी आज्जीच्यव हवतची शेंगदवण्यवची धचक्की (पण् ु यवत जसे नतळगळ ु वचे वपटुकले लवडू तसे बडोद्यवत घरघत ु ी धचक्की), हवतगवडीर्र येिवरी चवननयवमवननयव बोरं , आणि कवय कवय. महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 7 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special शवळव कॉलेज संपल्यवर्र ‘मोठं ’ व्हवयच्यव गडबडीत ह्यव सगळयव गमतीजमती वर्रून गेल्यव. र्. प.ु कवळे आपल्यव “र्पझ ु वव” मध्ये ही खंत नेमकी र्टपतवत: “एकदव केव्हवतरी शवंतपिे बसवर्ं आणि र्यवनुसवर आपि कवय कवय गोष्ट्टी सोडल्यव आहे त ह्यवचव आढवर्व घ्यवर्व. मग लक्षवत येतं की आपि गवभुळलेली धचंच अनेक र्र्ववत खवल्लेली नवही, जत्रेत समळिवरी पत्र्यवची सशट्टी र्वजर्लेली नवही, चटक्यवच्यव बबयव घवसून चटके द्यवर्ेत असं आतव र्वटत नवही, कवरि पररजस्थतीने र्दलेले चटके सोसतवनवच पुरेर्वट झवलेली आहे . कॅलीडोस्कोप पवह्यलेलव नवही. सकवशीतलव जोकर आपले मन ररझर्ू शकत नवही. तसंच कवपसवची म्हवतवरी पकडण्यवचव ‘चवमव’ रवहय्लेलव नवही. म्हवतवरी पकडण्यवचव चवमवही रवर्हलेलव नवही. कवपसवच्यव म्हवतवरीने उडतव उडतव आपल्यव बवलपिीच्यव सुखवचव कवळ सुखवचव स्र्तःबरोबर कधी नेलव ते कळलच नवही. दोनदोन मुलवंच्यव जोड्यव करून चवलिे नवही, वर्टी दवंडू नवही, सवबिवच्यव पवण्यवचे फुगे नवहीत. प्रर्वसवत बोगदव आलव तर एक अनवसमक हुरहूर नवही. उडून गेलेल्यव कवपसवच्यव म्हवतवरीने सगळे आनंद नेले. त्यवच्यव बदली र्वधवक्य नतने आपल्यवलव र्दलं. म्हिूनच ती उडू शकते. आपि जसमनीर्रच आहोत.” आजकवलच्यव वपढीलव कदवधचत संक्रवंतीचे इतकं सोयर नसवर्े, पि कोि जविो, कदवधचत iPadर्र एखवदे संक्रवंतीचे app टवकून त्यव ९ इंची पवटीर्र व्हचअ ुव ल पतंग उडर्त कवटी एकमेकवंशी कवटवकवटी खेळवतही असतील. असो. The Snehbandha publication team of Detroit’s Maharashtra Mandal wishes all its patron members and nonmembers a very happy New Year ahead and hopes that the year 2013 brings festivity, fulfillment and satisfaction to everyone. The Maharashtra Mandal of Detroit has lined up exciting activities and programs for this year, to help keep the year alive. र्ेडवत दौडले र्ीर अठ्यवत्तर, अन झवले मंडळवत कसमटी में बर. (टीप: आम्ही अध्यक्ष, उपवध्यक्ष र्ैगेरे ‘र्रच्यव’ मंडळीनव ‘कवयवकते’ नव्हे ‘कवयवकरर्ते’ समजतो). रोजच्यव प्रपंचवतन ू र्ेळ कवढून डडरोइटमधल्यव मरवठी पवर्लवलव पढ ु े न्यवयलव ननघवलेले हरहुन्नरी बवण्यवचे हे कवयवकते ह्यव र्र्ी आपल्यवसवठी एकवहून एक सरस कवयवक्रमवंची मवळ ओर्िवर आहे त. मरवठी मविसवलव कमीतकमी तीन तरी श्रद्धवस्थवनं असतवत. पर्हले छत्रपती सशर्वजी महवरवज, दस ु रे परु ु र्ोत्तम लक्ष्मि दे शपवंड,े अन नतसरव तें डूलकरवंचव सधचन. त्यवतल्यव पल ं ी आपल्यव सहज शैलीत एक महवसत्य कुठे तरी सलहून ु न ठे र्लंय. ते म्हितवत: “आयुष्याि मला भािलेले एक गुर्ज सांगिो. उपर्जीविकेसाठी आिश्यक असणाऱ्या विषयांच शशक्षण महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 8 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special र्जरूर घ्या. पोटापाण्याचा उद्योग जर्जद्दीने करा, पण एिढ्यािरच थांबू नका. साहहत्य, चचत्र, संगीि, नाट्य, शशल्प, खेळ हयांिल्या एखाद्या िरी कलेशी मैत्री र्जमिा. पोटापाण्याचा उद्योग िुम्हाला र्जगिील, पण कलेशी र्जमलेली मैत्री िुम्ही का र्जगायचं हे सांगून र्जाईल.” आपल्यव कवयवकवरीिीतले सर्व स्र्यंसेर्क र् मंडळवतले सर्व सहभवगी हे जिु पल ं यव र्वचल्यव ु च् मीठवलव जवगल्यवगत रोजच्यव पोटवपवण्यवच्यव भोर्रयवतन ू बवहे र पोहून थोडव र्ेळ आयष्ट्ु य ‘जगवयचव’ प्रयत्न करतवत, हे क्रकती कौतक ु वस्पद आहे . For the past 15 years, Sankrant to me has been associated with the magnificent Detroit Auto Show. Touted as the biggest Auto-show in the world, I have spent many an hour, year after year, inside Cobo Hall wandering like a kid in wonderland. For the car-struck boy who stuck stickers and pictures of Lamborghinis and Corvettes walls, windows, his cricket bats, school bags, inside homework books and even on his tiffin box, to actually take the wheel of the cars and brands of his fantasy cars years later at the Detroit Auto Show, is a priceless experience. आयष्ट्ु यवत कधीतरी एक कॉर्ेट (Corvette) घ्यवयची हे र्य र्र्व दहव असतवनव पवर्हलेले स्र्प्न अजून पि ू व झवले नसले तरी अशी स्र्प्नं व्यथव नसतवत हे दर र्र्ी जवनेर्वरीत कोबो हॉलमध्ये गेले की जविर्ते. ह्यव र्र्ीच्यव शो मध्ये नर्ीन 2014 Stingray Corvette पर्हली अन पवर्न झवलो. एकव क्षिवत क्रकतीतरी र्र्व मवगे गेलो. अफलवतन ू गवडी. लतव मंगेशकर, मोहम्मद रफींच्यव आर्वजवतली जवद,ू आईच्यव हवतच्यव आमटीची चर्, बेडक े रवंच्यव समसवळीतल्यव तरीतलव झटकव, मधुबवलवच्यव असभनवयवतलव समश्कीलपिव, थोरल्यव बच्चनसवहे बवंचे पडदव फवडून बवहे र येिवरे उत्तग ुं व्यजक्तमत्र्, ह्यव गोष्ट्टी जशव शब्दवत पकडवयचव फोल प्रयत्न करवयचव नसतो, उलट त्यव प्रत्यक्ष पवहून, ऐकून, खवऊनच अनभ ु र्वयच्यव असतवत, तशी नस ु ती बघन ू प्यवयची ही Corvette गवडी. वर्र्य ननघवलवच आहे तर दृष्ट्टीनशव चढर्ण्यवत इटवलीयन गवड्यवंचव हवत कोि धरिवर? एकवच र्ेळेलव कवन आणि डोळे दोघवंनव सख ु र्िवऱ्यव एकवहून एक आकर्वक गवड्यव ह्यव इटवसलयन लोकवंनी आपल्यवलव र्दल्यव. फेरवरी, लवम्बोनघवनी, अल्फव रोसमयो, कवसवसलनी, बबझवररनी, बग ु वत्ती, बतोनी, फोनववसवरी, अशव पवघळवयलव लवर्िवऱ्यव नवर्वंनी येिवऱ्यव ह्यव इटवसलयन सद ंु यवांमधली मवझी मवधरु ी र्दक्षक्षत म्हिजे “Maserati Quattroporte”. रं गरूप, चवलधवल, कृती कतत्ुव र्, कशवत शोधूनही अपलक्ष्य सवपडिवर नवही अशी ती असभनेत्री अन ही मोटवर. गेली अनेक र्र्व मलव ही छळते आहे अन मीही भवरत भर् ू ि क्रकं र्व प्रदीप कुमवरच्यव धीरोदवत्त नवयकवप्रमविे नतचव छळ सोसतोय, अन तरीही दर र्र्ी नतची एक झलक समळर्वयलव नततकवच हलकट बनन ू मी परत कोबो हॉलमधे हजवर होतोच. आमचव एकतफी रोमवन्स ् अजन ू अनेक र्र्व असवच चवलू रवहिवर. असो. “मवरुती”, “पनिनी” अशी धवसमवक- सवजत्र्क नवर्ं धवरि करिवऱ्यव गवड्यवंच्यव दे शवतन ू सरळ इथे गवड्यवंच्यव रवजधवनीत येऊन पडलो, हे मवझं भवग्य आहे . In this Sankrant edition of Snehbandh, we have put together some interesting reading for you, contributed by some of our pen-premi patrons. In the following pages you will read the new President of MMD, Kiran Ingle’s manogat. Prafulla Kharkar presents an interesting take on the application of the principles of Bhagvad Gita in leadership at your work place, which makes good महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 9 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special reading. Tushar Samant presents his romance with cars on a light note. Sanjay Ahire comes with a hilarious blooper. Anjali Vale portrays Swami Vivekananda for us. Not many may know that this year’s Sankrant marks Swami Vivekananda’s 150th anniversary, so it is apt we pay our homage to this luminary. There are some eminently readable poems by talented poets, among our patrons. Nachiket contributes an unusual recipe. What would we be without our kind sponsors? We gratuitously acknowledge the generosity of all our sponsors and their share in making this magazine and the events at MMD possible. The vibe in MMD’s working committee is very energetic and positive and hopefully the enthusiasm, passion, sweat and blood put in by our committee members, volunteers and participants rubs off on everyone. We also hope you enjoy today’s JALLOSH celebration, and bless us with your patronage at all the events to come during the year. Here’s wishing everyone a grand brand new year, again!! Jai Hind, Jai Maharashtra! महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 10 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 11 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special Wake up Bharat, enlighten the world! Awake, arise, and stop not till the goal is reached. – Swami Vivekananda The silent unpublicized date of January 12th that came just before the festival of Makar Sankranti, is a very important day in the Hindu calendar. The 12th of January happens to be the birthday of the Hindu luminary - Swami Vivekananda. This year is even more significant in that it is the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekanada, a Leader, a Visionary, a Scholar, a Philosopher and a Saint that any nation would have been proud to mother, was born Narendranath Dutta, with a silver spoon in his mouth to the wealthy aristocratic couple Vishwanath Dutta and Bhuvaneshwari Devi in Kolkata in 1863. The blazing trail of Narendra’s life was to last just 39 years, but even in that small a span his impactful life revolutionized the way the world looked at our Bharat, and made us Bharatians introspective and aware of our own hidden strengths. As young Narendra grew up, he found his calling in the “Brahmo Samaj”, an organization that was to pave the road for reformation in India. His mother was a constant inspiration to his life and work. His father gave him the advice: “Do not be surprised at anything”. Life is full of surprises and if we are prepared, we can remain in balance. Narendra’s initial beliefs were molded in Brahmo philosophy that followed a ‘formless’ God, devoid of any physical representation. As Narendra’s thoughts evolved, he wondered if God and religion together could be integrated together to help create an ‘internal’ growth and development in a human being. The Narendra who went with a confused mind and lot of questions to meet his to-be Guru - Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans at Dakshineswar in 1881 didn’t return the same man. Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans turned Narendra’s life around. It was Paramhans who set Narendra on the path of renunciation for the realization of God. His life was completely changed and turned “inward”. In his words he realized that “reform has to begin inside, the solution for any life problem is found in the spirit”. The teacher-disciple bond between Swami Ramakrishna Paramhans and Swami Vivekananda is veritably well known to us. Upon Swami Paramhans’ demise, Narendra, now known as Swami Vivekananda, toured the entire country for about 5 years as a Parivrâjaka, a vagabond monk with no attachments or possessions. The travels opened his eyes to the problems of the nation. It saddened him to think that our ‘Bharat’ civilization, once so rich, powerful, prosperous and evolved, had now fallen so low and deep. His feet took him to Kanyakumari, where on the jutting rock “Sripaada shila” in the sea he reminisced for three days and nights on the past, present and the future of Bharat. He arose on the third day with a definite vision of One India. He was convinced that: “We as a nation have lost our individuality and that is the cause of all mischief in India. We have to raise the masses." In his own words: “One vision I can see clear as life before me that the ancient Mother has awakened once more, sitting on her throne rejuvenated, more glorious than ever. Proclaim her to the entire world with the voice of peace and benediction”. This was his plan of action for the future. The rest is history. महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 12 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special Thereafter, Swami Vivekananda, rejuvenated by the One India vision, set about blowing energy into Bharat which was indulging in self-loathe. He exhorted, scolded, awakened, and polarized the masses with his words. “This is the ancient land, where wisdom made its home before it went into any other country… Here is the same India whose soil has been trodden by the feet of the greatest sages that ever lived… Look back, therefore, as far as you can, drink deep of the eternal fountains that are behind, and after that look forward, march forward, and make India brighter, greater, much higher, than she ever was.” To “set in motion a machinery which will bring noblest ideas to the doorstep of even the poorest and the meanest”, Vivekananda chose to use the Vedanta philosophy (based on the interpretation of Adi Shankaracharya) as his tool of choice. The Vedanta tells us: Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this Divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or mental discipline, or philosophy—by one, or more, or all of these— and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details. So synonymous did Swami Vivekananda become with his one-nation vision that Rabindranath Tagore while speaking to Noble laureate Romain Rolland, summed it up beautifully in one line "If you want to know India, study Vivekananda". Such was the force of Vivekananda’s impact. Swami Vivekananda was influential not just in Bengal and India, but was equally revered outside too, in the Europe and United States of America. He was very active spreading the awareness about Hindu faith through Yoga. The Vedanta Society, Vivekananda’s establishment, spread its roots over India and abroad. “Just tolerance of other faith is not enough, but one should wholeheartedly accept that each faith is capable of leading its followers to the ultimate destiny and goal human life” said Swamiji in his soul shaking speech at the Parliament of World Religions in Chicago in 1893. Among all the proponents of their respective religions who had come to speak, Swamiji was the only speaker who addressed the crowd by saying “Sisters and Brothers of America”. Sure enough he captivated the global audience with his wisdom and all-inclusive acknowledgement of all faiths. He is considered as a pioneer of interfaith and harmony. Swami Vivekanada wrote books to elaborate his vision and these books became well-known as the four paths of Yoga:Karma Yoga (Yoga of Actions), Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion) and Dhyana Yoga (Yoga of Self Control). The ultimate goal of Realization can be achieved by selecting one or a combination of more than one of these paths of Yoga, as may suit the individual. Yoga, in simple words means a union with GOD, or becoming one with the higher consciousness. Each of us is free to explore the union with this higher consciousness in our own way. But most of us move around in this world wearing a veil of bias, intolerance and ignorance. We see the outer world from behind this veil of Ignorance, whose fabric is made up of a lot of things such as our upbringing, culture we grow up in, religion, genetics, and our education. The four paths of Yoga help in uplifting the veils and realize GOD within us and in others. The question is, do we know ourselves? The biggest question is not “who am I?” Even if we have not done any spiritual or scriptural reading, we all know that we are more than this body. The “body” is just a material physical thing, but “I”, is the spirit or the energy that exists beyond the physical realm of the ‘body’. So, do we really know our own personality, our own nature? It seems that a lot of our energy goes into putting façade that people want to see. Most of us invest in pleasing people at the expense of not being truly our own selves. महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 13 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special There is a story in Mahabharata which interestingly points out how the same things are seen differently by two people, the story of Yudhisthira and Duryoudhana. Yudhisthira was known as righteous-dharmik personality, while Duryoudhana was infamous for his wickedness and villainy. Both these princes were asked to go around in the city and report on their opinion about it. The just Yudhisthira came back saying, all people were basically good and warm hearted, and make mistakes only because of circumstances. Duryoudhana, on the other hand, said that all the civilians of the city were evil and they were good only until they got chance to do something bad. Each of us is unique in our own way and we tend to see the world not differently than our own innate nature. Swami Vivekananda often referred to himself as “voice without form”. He was very much against temples, or rituals. If we can reflect upon his teachings, and going forward if we can try to lead our own life according to his teachings, we will have set ourselves upon the path of happiness and the eternal truth. In Swami Vivekananda’s own words: “We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." If we can take inspiration from the life and travails of Swami Vivekanada, invest some time in understanding his philosophy and in the study of Vedanta or our Hindu scriptures, we would have taken our first steps towards peace, happiness and contentment. Swami Vivekananda's gospel was one of hope, faith and strength. He never succumbed to despair, for he knew that India was capable of expansion and growth. His clarion call to the nation was: "Awake, arise, and stop not till the goal is reached." महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 14 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special The Thanedar Foundation was setup by Dr. Shri Thanedar and his wife Shashi Thanedar. Both of them are actively involved in running the foundation. Foundation Mission: The Thanedar Foundation has a two pronged focus. It's mission is to • To provide mentoring to budding entrepreneurs, journalists and researchers in social sciences. • To provide a platform for upcoming artists practicing Indian performing arts. Visit Thanedar.com for further details. महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 15 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special From the Battlefield to the Boardroom– Prafulla Kharkar || Aum Gum Ganapataye Namah: || || Aum Namo Vasudevay Namah: || verse 2.55 "When a man completely casts off, O Partha, all the desires of the mind, and is satisfied in the Self by the Self, then is he said to be one of steady Wisdom." For millions of devotees all over the world spread across all cultures, the Bhagavad Gita is a blueprint for life. For the others who haven’t adopted it, it has made for intriguing reading nonetheless. Although the literal meaning of Bhagavad Gita is "Song of God", it is not a religious text or book. In the great epic of Maharashtra, Arjuna, the warrior king found himself in a dilemma as he stood to face his opponents in war. His opponents were his cousins, teachers, former friends and other family members. Arjuna refused to fight a just war. His conditioned intelligence and a flickering mind coupled with a false ego, offered excuses to avoid performing the painstaking duties. He was hesitant in the tough decision-making required of an effective Leader. The Bhagvad Gita is Arjuna’s journey under the guidance of Lord Shri Krishna, a journey of intelligence, progression of mind and ego, a journey from confusion to clarity, the change from perception to purity and the movement from I-ness to Happ-i-ness. In this transformational journey where Shri Krishna guides Arjuna , a leader in making, to move away from decisions driven by anxiety towards more stable answers. It is where Shri Krishna enlightens Arjuna that his rejection of duties was caused due to the Tamas Guna (under the influence of the quality of ignorance, inertness and inactivity) instead of Satva Guna (to perform duties with equally calm manner in all situations of life - whether it is prosperity or adversity). Arjuna as a child had such a focused mind that when asked to hit in the eye of the bird, he could only see a bird's eye and nothing else. But his transformation from a kid to a confused adult on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, where his bewildered mind was not allowing him to take aim at his enemies, demonstrates how the experiences of materialistic life and passion of bodily attachments converts a steady mind into a flickering flame. Towards the end of Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna declares (verse 18.73) that all delusions of his have now been destroyed and recognitions are gained. The rest of the story of how he became a rejuvenated warrior of tremendous strength and valor is quite well-known to all students of the great classic "Mahabharata". If you put Arjuna on today's business magic quadrant, where X-axis is Karma and Y-axis is Dharma, then the Arjuna at the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita was in the first quadrant, and the Arjuna at the end of the Gita had progressed to the fourth quadrant. The Bhagavad Gita, to me, is that journey of Arjuna from Q1 to Q4. Generally the Bhagavad Gita is gets regard in a spiritual context. Here, I am attempting to find answers in this book for today's leaders to get balanced success in a stressful corporate life. Bear in mind that I am simply a learner of Bhagavad Gita and in no way any authority to her spiritual depths. These are just my personal notes in my attempt to महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 16 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special study Bhagavad Gita to seek guidance from ancient scriptures regarding complex decision making, right actions and performance of duties which will help everyone around me to be more successful. The entire 18 chapters, 700 plus verses of Bhagavad Gita demonstrate two supreme ideas 1. Shri Krishna's articulation to harmonize different ideas (Yogas), and, 2. Performance of duty without attachment but with a strong purpose. Leaders need these two qualities at every stage. Today's world is more intermingled than ever before, and your ideas are not simply specific to your products or your people any more. Ideas are complex and impact a variety of classes and masses to the core. Disclaimer: In this article, I am highlighting few key leadership qualities reflected in Bhagavad Gita. As with any concept, this too is a work in progress and constructive ideas, criticism and expressions. If you have any suggestion, please feel free to share your ideas, as this is still work in progress and will immensely help me. 1. WORKPLACE - Dharmakshetra Verse 1.1 “Dhritarashtra said" O Sanjaya, after my sons and the sons of Pandu assembled in the place of pilgrimage at Kuruksetra, desiring to fight, what did they do?” It is very interesting to note that the first word of Bhagavad Gita is "Dharmakshetre". ‘Dharma’ is righteousness and ‘Kshetra’ is place. This verse could have been just started with "Kurukshetre", a name of a place where War is taking place and still the meaning of the verse would not have been altered. But calling it "Dharmakshetra" is indication that it is not just a place of war but it is the place where righteousness dwells. The first lesson for leadership in this context is to understand that the work place is "Dharmakshetra". It is not just any place but it is the place where everyday people leave their near & dear ones, to work and support their leader's vision. “"It’s important that the company be a family, that people feel that they're part of the company, and that the company is like a family to them. When you treat people that way, you get better productivity." — Google CEO Larry Page, on building a successful workplace. (Google is consistently quoted as one of the best companies to work for, year after year by many evaluating agencies). Leaders create a workplace which is a Dharmakshetra - with their every decision, with every communication and with every action! In many cases, it may not be possible to control every parameter for a larger group within organization but it is always possible to incept it in a smaller circle of influence and demonstrate success for others to follow. Robert Levering, Co-founder of Great place to work, who has written 8 books and countless news articles and journals on this topic, came up with 5 dimensional work model to convert a bad workplace into a great motivational employment location Credibility, Respect, Fairness, Pride and Camaraderie. महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 17 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 18 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special Essentially, a Leader needs to create a righteous workplace where people trust the people they work for, take pride in what they do and enjoy the people they work with. 2. SERVICE Verse 3.19 “Without being attached to the fruits of activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment, one attains the supreme (results).” According to Bhagavad Gita, actions performed with a mind fixated on results, deepens the ‘vasanas’ - bad tendencies - in the mind. In this verse, Krishna informs Arjuna to stay focused on the action and performance of the duties, and not be worried about the end results because any attachments could and would result in deviations from the path of service. Leaders who can think may be good analysts, but can never be effective until they learn to enact their ideas according to the duty of the role they are performing. A duty of a Leader is to serve others and not be served by others. The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being" — Lee Iacocca A Leader is not the proprietor of the organization, but a helper who mentors and supports others to succeed. Many people see the Leader as the person on top - the one with the perks, privileges and praise. But truth is Leaders are actually at the bottom of the pyramid. It is the Leader who bears the responsibility for the group, and not vice versa. The Leader is a servant of all, not the one to be served. If you look around, contrary to popular belief, Leadership stays with only those who are ready to serve others without focusing their mind on their personal gains. History demonstrates that most successful leaders were most effective servants. They considered their duty to fight for the cause of others without worrying about the end results. There is one common aspect in all effective leaders: They begin with the end in the mind but are not too much worried or attached to the end results. They all know they may be chasing impossible dreams, but at the same time they were also confident that if they perform their duties and focus on working towards that aim, every day will bring them closer to their results. Not getting attached to the end result helps avoid disappointments, discouragement and pain caused from intermediary failures. An effective Leader seeks out new ways of performing duty (Dharma), and and harnesses an attitude to serve a bigger cause. 3. RESPONSIBILITY Verse 3.21 “Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.” The Bhagavad Gita in verse 3.21 explains that people in general always require a role model, a Leader who can teach them by practical behavior. It also means that whatever decision or action a Leader takes, common men follow. Leaders hold a tremendous potential to positively influence the surroundings. "The price of greatness is responsibility." - Winston Churchill Leaders do not shy away from owning the situation. They are willing to ask for forgiveness, if needed. They don't need to be told when they are wrong. More often, they will tell you if they are wrong. They are willing to make महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 19 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special personal sacrifices for welfare of organization. They are aware that they are constantly being scrutinized, whether they are at work or at leisure. In a Leadership role, they see an opportunity to make changes for their circle of influence through their personal examples. Leaders understand that self-discipline is a key to leading by an example. 4. CHARACTER Verse 4.18 “He, who finds in the midst of intense activity the greatest rest and in the midst of greatest rest intense activity, has become a Yogi.” The Bhagavad Gita offers an exhaustive definition of ‘true character’. Leaders face intense situation with calmness. Leaders are peacemakers. They understand that they have to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. The verse 4.18 explains that the greatest Leader is the one who can remain steady during the crisis and also remain constantly active to achieve future goals even when externally they look inactive. "Reputation is made in a moment. Character is built in a lifetime." - James Leggett Lots of people can get the job done. Personal competence is not a rare quality these days but personal character is becoming rather elusive. Leadership that makes a difference includes a personal willingness to do the right thing. It makes tough choices - moral choices, spiritual choices, ethical choices, right choices. 5. RIGHT SPEECH Verse 16.15 “Speech which causes no excitement and is truthful, pleasant and beneficial and the practice of the studies of Vedas, these constitute the "austerity of speech". Speech is powerful vehicle in man and it reflects the intellectual caliber, mental discipline and physical selfcontrol. Unless a Leader is well formed of all these qualities, his words will have no force, no magic about them. Speech is a constant activity and an outlet through which the greatest amount of one's energy is wasted. To control and conserve this unproductive waste of energy would constitute a great inner wealth. “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” - Benjamin Franklin There are many examples in history where many wars are won on the speeches alone but at the same time, history also demonstrates that speeches were root cause for many wars. Thus a Leader should understand the might of words and use it appropriately. Right speech is a reflection of discipline and self-control. Since it is an outward activity, many times a speech defines a Leader in public eye. It bridges the gap between proficiency and efficiency. In general, as a Leader, the role demands clear communication, tough decisions, interactions with every level of people - internal and external to the organization, instilling ethics and beliefs in the people and most importantly adding a value to make this world better on a continuous basis. As the world becomes more connected, informed, and democratized, people need leadership that can inspire them toward meaningful and larger-than-life goals. This is where lessons from Bhagavad Gita helps us to understand age old philosophy of human nature, how to deal with it more effectively and deliver a purpose driven leadership. महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 20 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 21 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special शाही अंड्याची भुर्जी –नधचकेत पें डसे सवर्हत्य: कृिी : सहव अंडी सर्व प्रथम तेलवर्र बवरीक धचरलेलं आलं आणि लसूि परतून घ्यव. बवरीक धचरलेलव कवंदव त्यवत कवंदव घवलून गुलवबी होई पयांत परतव. नंतर र्हरर्ी आणि लवल बवरीक धचरलेलव टोमॅटो र्हरर्ी आणि लवल ढोबळी समरची ( बवरीक धचरलेली) बवरीक धचरलेली कवंदवपवत आणि गवजर घवलव .आतव र्रील समश्रिवत र्हरर्ी समरची, ओलं क्रकसलेलं गवजर खोबरं , कोधथंबीर, चर्ी नुसवर मीठ आणि धने जीरे पवर्डर घवलव. एक आलं , लसूि बवरीक धचरलेलं र्वफ आली क्रक त्यवत नवरळवचे घट्ट दध ू घवलून व्यर्जस्थत परतून घ्यव ओलं खोबरं (हव भुजीच्यव शवहीपिवचव secret ingredient आहे ). २ समननटे बवरीक धचरलेली कोधथंबीर सशजर्ल्यवर्र त्यवत फेटलेली अंडी घवलव र् समश्रि कोरडं बवरीक धचरलेली र्हरर्ी समरची होईपयांत सतत हलर्त रहव. समश्रि कोरडे होतवच त्यवत अधी अथर्व लवल नतखट बदवमवचे कवप, र्ीस कवजूंची र्वटी पेस्ट आटर्लेल दध ू आणि कवजूंची paste घवलून एकजीर् करून घ्यव. सगळयवत शेर्टी बदवमवचे बवरीक तुकडे, बेदविे, खोबरं - बेदविे कोधथंबबर घवलून garnish करव. मस्त सवजूक तुपवर्र bread भवजून नवरळवचे 'घट्ट' दध ू अधी र्वटी आटर्लेलं दध ू (fat free milk or 2% नवही ) मीठ , जीरं पवर्डर , धने पवर्डर ढोबळी समरची घवलून परतव. ढोबळी खरपूस झवल्यवर्र र्रून कवंदवपवत लोण्यवचव गोळयवबरोबर भुजीचव आस्र्वद घेतलव. चर्ीनुसवर महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 22 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special Maharashtra Mandal of Detroit kicks off 2013 with a volunteering event -Kiran Ingle Anant Kendale organized a food repacking volunteering event at Forgotten Harvest, Oak Park on the auspicious day – Republic day of India. The original thought was to have 30 volunteers but more signed up in a week the event was announced and the RSVP had to be closed well ahead of schedule. An enthusiastic group of 45 MMD volunteers, mostly youth, wearing “MMD Aple Mandal” t-shirts showed up at the location weathering cold winter and snowy roads. The event started with the Manager of Forgotten Harvest showing a short video and giving instructions on the food packing work to be accomplished. All the group was soon seen in the warehouse wearing aprons and caps and ready to start the work. They spread themselves on two work benches, on both the sides of the tables like an assembly line. Huge crates of turnips were lined up. The job was to sort the turnips and pack the good ones into 3 lbs package. The group processed more than 3000 lbs of turnips and made more than 1000 packages. After packing , the group cleaned up the work place, washed the bins and left the workplace neat and tidy. The group completed the work in two hours, one hour earlier than the scheduled time. The staff really appreciated the work done by the volunteers and were very thankful to MMD. It was the first time , many of the young volunteers worked in a warehouse environment and they loved it. Harshad Annigeri interviewed young volunteers about the event and all commented that they liked the event, had a good learning on community service and would like to do it again. Tushar Samant & Kapil Chaudhari brought snacks and all volunteers enjoyed samosas after two hours of hard work. Shrikant Bhagwat helped with photographs and video shooting. President Kiran Ingle and Vice President Jaideep Bangal thanked all the volunteers for their hard work. Photos and videos of the event are available on www.mmdet.org. महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 23 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 24 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special संक्ांति विशेष कवििा — श्रीमती रवधधकव रवजपवठक आली सय ू ााची वपल्ले, हळदी-कंु किाने आखली I माझी मकर संक्ांि, िीळ-गुळाने माखली II िीळा-िेलाचे अभ्यंग, ‘स्नेह’ राहूदे अभंग I िीळ-गुळाच्या गोडीचा, मुखी राहु द्यािा छं द II उर्जव्या हािाचे हे दान, डाव्या हािा न कळािे I सांगे गोिीन्द आपणा, दे णाऱ्याचे हाि घ्यािे II साऱ्या स्िपनांचा पिंग, तनळ्या आभाळी उडिो I प्रयत्नांचा हिा मांर्जा, कशी फफरकी र्जोडिो II काळी चंद्रकला सार्जे, रे शमाचे राघू-मोर I हलव्याच्या दाचगन्यांनी, सर्जली गं चंद्रकोर II महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 25 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 26 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special फेरारी की सिारी — तर् ु वर सवमंत १४ जवनेर्वरी जसजसव जर्ळ येत होतव तशीतशी मवझ्यव मनवत चलबीचल र्वढू लवगली होती. य़ोगवयोग असव की नतथे अलवहवबवदे त कंु भ मेळव आणि इथे डेटॉ्ईट मधे ऑटो मेळव एकवच आठर्ड्यवत सरु ु होिवर होते. गरु ु र्वर सवरख्यव पवर्न र्दर्शी ऑटोशो लव जवण्यवचे पण् ु य कवयव करण्यवचव घवट मी घवतलव होतव आणि ठरल्यवप्रमविे सकवळी ९.०० र्वजतव मी मवझी उपजस्थतीही दशववर्ली होती. चमचमिवरे र्दर्े, लक ु लक ु िव-यव मोटवरी आणि त्यव मोटवरींची आकर्वकतव र्वढर्िवयव त्यव सद ुं र तरुिींचे दृष्ट्टी र्लय ,यव सर्ववमळ ु े मवझे पवय आपोआप “फेरवरीच्यव” दवलनव समोर र्ळले होते. गंगव, यमन ु व आणि सरस्र्ती यवंचव संगमवने प्रयवगलव समळिव-यव पवर्त्रतेची अनभ ु त ु ी मलव “फरारीचे” दशवन घेऊन समळिवर होती. तें डुलकर, मवयकल यवंचव सवरख्यव सधचन शम ु वकर प्रतीभवर्ंत खेळवडूच् ं यव सहभवगवने फेरवरीचे मवझ्यव स्थवन अढळ ध्रुर् मनवतील झवले तव-यवप्रमविे होते. आणि अचवनक न भत ू ो न भवर्ष्ट्यती असलेल्यव तरुिींने असे घडले. तीथे त्यव सद ुं र म्हिुन मलव “You can check out the car“असे आनंदवचव सख ु द धक्कव र्दलव होतव. रवजूने आपल्यव र्ें कटपथी पवक्रकस्तवनच्यव अख्तरलव शेर्टच्यव शोएब चें डूर्र र्टकवर मवरल्यव नंतर होिवयवव आश्चयववहून क्रकतीतरी पट अधधक आश्चयव चेहऱ्यवर्र घेऊन मी “ फेरवरी” समोर थवटलो होतो. मवझ्यव चेह-यवमवगची ननरवगसतव आणि भवर्ष्ट्यवत “ फेरवरी” वर्कत घेण्यवइतपत मवझ्यवत दडलेली कतत्ुव र्तव त्यव यर् ु तीने कदवधचत हे रलेली होती. आणि त्यवच बरोबर सद ुं र जस्त्रयव वर्चवरर्ंत असतवत यव वर्चवरलव पष्ट्ु टी र्दली होती. २००९ नंतर तब्बल ४ र्र्वांनी “ फेरवरी” ने डेरोईट मध्ये केलेले पन ू पवि हे अमेररकन ऑटो इंडस्रीलव लवगलेल्यव ग्रहिवच्यव सवंगतेचे धचन्ह होते. “फेरवरीच्यव” यव सवक्षवतकवरवमळ ु े मवझ्यवतले कुतह ू ल आणि मनवत दडलेले असंख्य प्रश्न मलव हळूहळू उलघडू लवगले होते. तवशी ६२ मवईल अर्घ्यव ३.१ सेकंदवत गवठिव-यव, ७३० हॉसवपववर्रच्यव दिकट इंजीनवने धवर्िवऱ्यव यव फेरवरीने मलव पि व ः आपलेसे केले होते. अश्यवप्रकवरे “फेरवरीच्यव” प्रेमवत पडत होतो न होतो तोच एक ू त वर्परीत घटनव घडली. पहवटे चव सख ु द स्र्प्नवंचं भंग करिवऱ्यव “७ र्वजले तरी हव कवरटव अजून उठलव नवही” हे जगवलव कोकलन ू सवंगिवऱ्यव घड्यवळवच्यव गजरव प्रमविे मवझ्यव फोनची ररंग र्वजू लवगली होती. आपि इथे “फेरवरीच्यव” सवक्षवत्कवरवसवठी नवही तर मोटवरींचे “Benchmarking” करवयलव आलो आहोत यवची आठर्ि करून दे िवरी ती फोनेची ती ररंग होती. ऑटोशो लव भेट दे ण्यवची योजनव जरी मवझ्यव ऑक्रफस मधल्यव सवहे बवंनी केली होती तरी “फेरवरीशी” भेट घवलन ू दे ण्यवची योजनव बहुदव त्यव ब्रम्हदे र्वनी केली होती हे च यवतन ू ननघिवरे तवत्पयव. महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 27 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 28 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special बांध –ननरंजन समजवयलव लवगल्यवपवसन ू मन एर्ढं घट्ट झवलं होतं ... की खूप र्दर्स रडवयलव समळवलं नवही आज मवत्र नकळत एक अश्रु टपकन खवली पडलव दगडवलव पवझर फुटलव ... तसव पवझर फुटल्यवर्र दगडवलवसद्ध ु व ओलवर्व येतो तसं मवझं मनसद्ध ु व ओलवर्ले क्षिभर ... पि दस ु रं मन मवत्र दोर् द्यवयलव लवगलं “आतव तू कवय लहवन आहे स रडवयलव” ... पि तरीही शेर्टी बवंध फुटलवच अश्रूंचव परू आलव त्यव परु वत दस ु रं मनकुठल्यव कुठे र्वहून गेल.ं .. मंिरलेले हदिस -केिकी र्जोशी िे मंिरलेले हदिस होिे निी मैत्री निीन मौर्ज निीन आशा निीच ओढ अन मीही मला निीच होिे खरच िे मंिरलेलेच हदिस होिे िासंिास चालणारया गपपा िझ् ु याशी बोलिांना पाहहलेले स्िपन िू असाच सिि समोर असािास चचत्र निे मी रं गिि होिे खरच िे मंिरलेलेच हदिस होिे िझ ु ी चाहूल लागिाच नर्जर खाली झक ु ू लागली अन ् दरू र्जािाना िझ् ु यापसन ू फकिीदा िळून पहाि होिे खरच िे मंिरलेलेच हदिस होिे उमर्जली अखेर ह्र्दयाची भाषा तनजश्चि झाली र्जीिनची हदशा पहहल्या प्रेमाची कवििा शलहहिाना शब्द आपसक ू उमटि होिे खरच िे मंिरलेलेच हदिस होिे िझ् ु या एकाच होकाराने सारा आसमंि फुलला होिा िझ् ु या तनसटत्या स्पशाानेही उभे अंग मोहरि होिे खरच िे मंिरलेलेच हदिस होिे मखमली हदिस अर्जून येिील पण िी धड्धड िे दड्पण िे चंद्राकडे बघि हरिन ू र्जाणे िे सारे काही िेगळे च होिे कारण िे मंिरलेले हदिस होिे महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 29 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 30 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special Detroit Autoshow ची अशीच एक हलकीशी मजव आठर्ली. आम्ही सगळे त्यव र्ेळी अगदी नर्ीन नर्ीन अमेररकेत आलो होतो. आमचव एक समत्र आणि त्यवची पत्नी, म्हिजे अगदीच नर्ीन लग्न झवलेले दवंपत्य. जिू लक्ष्मी नवरवयिवचव जोडव. मस्त नटून थटून गेले Autoshow पवहवयलव. आणि मवझव समत्र engineer, त्यवमुळे त्यवलव भवरी आर्ड गवड्यवंची. त्यवने र्र्हनीलव क्रफरर् क्रफरर्ले Autoshow चे त्यव भव्य दवलनवत अगदी उत्सवहवने . शेर्टी ती फवर दमली आणि थोडी वर्श्रवंती घेत , coca cola पीत आपल्यव पतीलव मवझ्यव समत्रवलव नतनं अगदी ननरवगस पिे वर्चवरले , अरे रवहुल इतके क्रिरर्लेस , "कधी सुरु होणार रे बाबा िुझा िो Autoshow"? Makar Sankrant is event we mark when short days of winter are going to start giving way to the longer days of spring. After the dark days of 2008, there is definitely a spring in the step in the Detroit auto industry. All the media preview reports of Auto Show are attesting to this revival of Detroit Spirit. The Green leaves of progress are back and kites of Motown's ambition are flying high again ! So it's only apt that we take a new look at Auto Show this Makar Sankrati. And after a hard fought election season and the bitterness over various divisive issues, the Auto Show is one event that uplifts us all Michiganders (and Michigeese :-)) It is a special occasion when for brief period we forget our differences to celebrate the American ingenuity and creativity in its finest form! In short, the Detroit Auto Show is our new ritual through which we celebrate same spirit of common aspirations that we call upon, when we say "Tilgul Ghya and God Bola" at Makar Sankranti! So let’s enjoy the show and let’s celebrate Makar Sankranti! -Amit Mehta -Sanjay Ahire महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 31 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special Learn the versatile Indian classical Kathak Dance With Manisha Dongre Locations: Bharatiya Temple, Troy & Hindu Temple, Canton ***** Special batches for Adults and Moms ***** Contact: Manisha Dongre at 248-740-5915 www.manishadongre.com MMD’s Radio Partner: Geetanjali Geetanjali Program ...Since 1977!!!! Saturdays, 9AM EST at www.wpon.com 24/7 www.ePrasaran.com Host: SUBHASH KELKAR For Special Advertising Packages on Radio, contact Email: IndianRadio@yahoo.com Tel: 248-348-0788 महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 32 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 33 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 34 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 35 फे ब्रुवारी २०१३ , अंक १ Sankrant Special महाराष्ट्र मं ड ळ, डे ट्रॉइट 36