2007 Annual Report


2007 Annual Report
Annual Report
Mission Statement
Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer based
organization that provides kids with cancer and kids affected by
childhood cancer with a unique opportunity for growth through
challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences.
2007 Highlights
Site improvements to increase accessibility for
campers with mobility issues
Increasing programming and camper participation
• Ooch programs happened on 231 days in 2007.
That’s four and a half days of programming
• Amphitheatre seating around the campfire
each week!
• Boardwalk extended to canoe-kayak dock
• In 2008 with the growth of the in-hospital program,
Dedicated and ongoing community support
Urban Ooch and day camp, there will be more than
• 450 volunteers generously donated their time at
one Ooch program running every day of the year!
camp, in the hospital, during in-city programs, as a
• Campers are often invited to attend more than one
Board Member, preparing for An Evening of
Ooch program during the year. In 2007 our program
Summer Dreams or at other events.
attendance was 881. With over 450 campers, this
means that most campers participated in at least
• We couldn’t do it without you! Without
two programs.
government funding, we rely on contributions
from our generous supporters.
Efficiency and financial responsibility
• Only 16 cents of every dollar we raise is spent on
fundraising and administration
2008 1337
1000 1200 1400
A message from the
Chair of the Board
The incredible generosity of all supporters of Camp Oochigeas
has made 2007 another amazing and successful year for over
450 children affected by childhood cancer!
It can also be described as one of the most important periods
of the camp’s evolution, as many of the strategic objectives
set by the Board after the purchase of our site have come
to fruition. These objectives included the expansion of our
at-camp infrastructure to support year-round programs, the
development of Ooch’s presence in the city, especially for
children unaccustomed to overnight camp, and the creation
of a national organization, Canadian Association of Paediatric
Oncology Camps (CAPOC), to bring the best oncology
practices to camps across the country.
In 2007, our campsite became more accessible for children
with mobility issues thanks to the extension of the boardwalk
and the addition of a graded area around the campfire pit.
We were also able to provide new challenges to our campers
with the addition of a third level on the high ropes course,
more boats and rods for fishing and the construction of an
archery range.
The launch of the in-city program and expansion of the
in-hospital program has significantly expanded our reach by
providing over 150 days of fun to children who otherwise
may not have experienced camp. The launch of day camp
reached 11 children under the age of seven, nine of whom
had never participated in an Ooch program. There were more
opportunities for children of all ages to interact with friends
and get that positive Ooch energy they need all year-round
through one-day camp-style programs in the city. Finally, the
addition of a full-time In-Hospital Program Coordinator created
an Ooch presence in The Hospital for Sick Children five days
a week to connect with the children and their families.
With the support of over 7,000 donors, 50 summer suppliers
and 60 community events, everyone has rallied together to
create the magic of Ooch. We sincerely appreciate your
ongoing dedication and generosity.
For our program volunteers and medical staff, I’m thrilled
to have the opportunity to say thank you for giving so
generously of yourselves.
Bringing a smile or a word of encouragement to our campers
gives them confidence to push their own limits and achieve
things they never thought possible. As a former counsellor
and regular visitor to camp, I am proud to be part of such a
powerful transformation.
2008 is already setting out to be another exciting year. With
a highly engaged community, the continued expansion of
programs, and the celebration of the 25th summer of Ooch,
the possibilities are enormous. I would invite you to read
about the upcoming plans in the Executive Director’s address.
Thank you again for your support.
Linda Gray
Kudos to our staff, who with true Ooch energy and
passion, have worked extremely hard to ensure the
successful implementation of all new programming.
Working with Rob Drynan and his team to improve the
quality of experience for all campers, and grow from a
summer camp into a year-round staple in the children’s
oncology community, has been very gratifying for all board
members. It has been a pleasure for me to work with these
dedicated volunteers who make up the Board of Directors
and bring their strategic vision to this organization.
We are fortunate that with program expansion,
our fundraising dollars have continued to keep pace.
A message from the
Executive Director
Camp Oochigeas is indeed a magical place.
One of the most magical things about Ooch is the ability to
I will also like to take a moment to recognize the Camp
grow our programs yet maintain the same incredible quality
founders (Mary Pat Armstrong, Douglas Biggar, Jeanne
that our campers and their families have come to expect. In
Gallagher, Charles Magwood, Fred Saunders, Judy Tripp) and
the 2002 Annual Report our then-Chair of the Board, Nigel
first Camp director, Hugh Rennie. We wouldn't be where we
Wright, wrote of the massive potential that having our very
are today without their incredible vision, hard work and
own campsite (purchased in 2002 and opened in 2004)
passion for the Camp, which they started 25 years ago.
would bring to Ooch. In 2007 we reached 137% more
campers and offered 450% more programming days in the
The expense for these and several other improvements will
few short years since Nigel wrote his vision.
be funded by our Capital Fund, which consists of donations
to the Project Campfire campaign, restricted donations
The growth of our high quality programs is the result of our
towards the construction of the barn, and internally restricted
extended ‘community’, which consists of volunteers who
funds set aside by the Board of Directors. Additional dollars
continue to donate time and donors who generously give
will be raised through fundraising activities, including our
funds and gifts in kind. It also includes an unequalled
biennial gala, “An Evening of Summer Dreams”,
medical staff who unselfishly invest their time and expertise,
on April 17, 2008, at the Royal Ontario Museum.
and a caring Board of Directors who guide this organization
strategically. Most importantly, within our community are the
The financial statements reflect the consistent growth of
campers and their families who unendingly reward us with
Camp Oochigeas. Each category has increased, with two
their trust and commitment.
significant expense items. First, our in-city program expense
(generously supported by The Coast to Coast Against Cancer
Still, we have much to do. This summer marks our 25th
Foundation: Tour for Kids and Ride for Karen) rose with the
anniversary and campers will find a newly built, fully
launch of multiple programs. Secondly, our fundraising
accessible indoor recreational facility. This will allow for rainy
expense grew due to the cost of receiving on-line donations
day programming in the summer, and a safe haven from
for the Sporting Life 10K, as well as fees for appraisal work
inclement weather during our off-summer programming.
related to our first legacy donation. Despite these expenses,
our total fundraising and administration expense remains a
Our ever-growing numbers of campers will also enjoy an
very responsible 16% of every dollar received. We have
expanded dining hall, allowing everyone to enjoy meals
always been committed to stretching our funds as far as
together, without being separated into another room.
we can, and we continue to be focused on delivering on
that promise.
Expenses Based on Revenue
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the staff and volunteers,
and most importantly – children with cancer and their
families – thank you. Thank you for trusting us with your
hard-earned time and money, and thank you for making the
lives of children with cancer better through Camp. Without
your support, none of this great work would be possible.
In City 5%
Residential 20%
Site Occupancy &
Maintenance 11%
Yes, Camp Oochigeas is indeed a magical place.
Please note: Amortization of property has not been included.
Board of
Rob Drynan
Executive Director
Linda Gray
Past Chair
Vincent Mercier
Frank Magliocco
“Camp Ooch gave my daughter
a chance to be a kid again to socialize with other
children with cancer,
to try things I never
would have let her try,
to meet so many
wonderful people. ”
Colleen Baldwin
Dr. Victor Blanchette
Howard Breen
Andrew Irvine
David Latimer
Dr. David Malkin
Sandra Ross
David Sharpless
Georges Soaré
David Williams
Executive Director
Rob Drynan
Director of Programs
Alex Robertson
Director of Finance &
Helen Fulchini
Director of Operations
Aimee Bruner
Director of Development
Caralea Thomson
- Ooch parent
Where It All Began:
Summer Camp
Summer residential camp gives children a safe place to step out
of their routine of hospital visits and just be a kid. Located in
Muskoka, Ontario, Ooch gives children the chance to try new
activities and accomplish things they never believed possible.
Whether they’re climbing the rock wall, singing around the
campfire, canoeing across the lake or creating a masterpiece in
arts and crafts, they have support and encouragement from their
peers and counsellors.
“ Camp is more than a place you go to
in the summer. Camp is a place
where you meet people who have
gone through what you’ve gone
through. You’re no longer different
you’re just the same. You can reach
your goals that seem impossible
- Ooch camper
Eight weeks for children
ages six to nineteen
• Three two-week general sessions
• One-week for bereaved siblings
• One-week designed just for teens
On-site Med Shed
A paediatric oncologist and oncology
nurses from The Hospital for Sick Children
are on-site and available 24 hours a day to meet
all of our campers’ varying needs. Through our on-site
medical facility, we are able to give intravenous
chemotherapy and blood transfusions as well as attend
to many other needs that our campers may have.
Since the purchase of our new site:
All Season Camping
Fall and Winter Weekends at Camp (WAC)
Since the purchase of our own site in 2004, Ooch has
been able to bring campers up to camp during the fall and
winter. These three days are a great way for new campers
to get to know Ooch and for returning campers to reunite
with old friends.
“ My favourite thing about Ooch is
that it is so important to my son.
He gets treated so well and the
activities make him feel like a
somewhat ‘normal’ child. What I
love and is most important to me
is that it makes him smile and
extremely happy! ”
- Ooch parent
New Programs in 2007
The following programs are generously supported
by the Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation:
In The City – Urban Ooch (UO)
At the Hospital – Ooch on the 8th
UOs are one-day camp-style events that happen throughout
Ooch is fortunate to have a strong relationship with
the year in the city. This is a wonderful time for campers to
The Hospital for Sick Children. Since August of 2007,
try new things and get a booster shot of camp during the
an Ooch staff member, Norah Shaughnessy, has been
school year. UOs in the past have included trips to Toronto
“On the 8th” floor full-time, five days per week offering
Island and creative arts at the Harbourfront Centre.
camp-style programming for in-patients and out-patients.
In addition, our volunteers still run a camp-style play program
on 8A (for in-patients only), 3 nights per week. All of our
Day Camp
Day camp is designed for younger children with cancer
(ages 4 to 7). Campers enjoy a variety of activities including
swimming, arts and crafts, games, trips to the zoo and
more. This is an ideal introduction to camp for younger
campers as they are able to return to the comfort of their
own home at night.
programs in the hospital give kids the chance to play, be
creative, meet others and feel like a kid.
A Day at the Hospital
By: Norah Shaughnessy, In-Hospital Program Coordinator
It is very difficult for me to describe a ‘typical day’ at SickKids
playroom. For these kids, I organize something else. My favourite
because the great thing about my job is that every single day is
‘isolation’ game is Walkie Talkie Battleship. I give each kid on
different and more magical than the previous one. Each morning
isolation one of our heavy duty camp walkie talkies and they play
I check in to hear updates about who has been admitted, who’s
battleship on air, as if they were in the same room. Even though
coming in for treatment or blood counts and if there will be any
it is not face to face, it is an excellent source of social interaction
surprise hospital visitors…maybe the Raptors or Leafs.
for them!
Next, I head over to the outpatient clinic, otherwise known as 8D
For those kids who can participate in the group activity, we meet
where I’ll spend my morning. Six months ago, I had to recruit kids
up in the playroom at 2 p.m. There we engage in some sort of a
to join me for activities but now a craft or game is an expectation
camp activity. Some of my favourites have included spy school,
on the floor and there are always kids waiting for me – they leave
snowball fights and hot spot. Many times the nurses stop by to see
their parents to wait in line for them. This is a really free-flowing
where all of the giggling is coming from. Before I leave, I write in
time where kids can come and go as they are getting their blood
a log book for our evening program volunteers to let them know
drawn, weighed, measured and checked out by the medical team.
which kids have had a rough day and which kids would be suitable
to invite to the program that night.
When the waiting room has cleared out by lunch time, I usually
make a stop to see who could use an activity during their chemo
These programs are integral to making connections and bringing
treatment, which can take up to eight hours. Just my luck! There
kids together. Many friendships have formed in morning and
are four boys the same age. I quickly start up a game of UNO for
afternoon programs and kids make pacts to go to camp together
them and start talking to their parents about camp. Later on that
in the coming summer. I am often blown away the day after a
day I will drop by with a yearbook and slideshow for the families
program when I see kids in one another’s rooms hanging out,
to get them excited about our programs out of the hospital. I will
watching TV and being friends.
often sit with parents as they fill out our applications and bring
them into the Ooch office for them. The small step of mailing it in
So many families and medical staff refer to me as the ‘Ooch girl’.
is the last thing on the mind of a parent who has a child with cancer.
Many kids simply call me ‘Ooch’. This nickname is proof of the
original goal of my job – to be the face of Ooch at SickKids.
My afternoon begins by going room to room to see who is able to
I couldn’t be prouder to be the face of such an incredible
participate in our group activity. When I go room to room, I may
learn that many kids are on isolation and cannot come to the
Opportunities for Growth in 2008
• Create an online social media for campers, volunteers and
donors (blogs, discussion boards, etc.)
• Hire more In-Hospital Program Coordinators to provide
full-time activities at The Hospital for Sick Children and
• Develop a leadership and life skills program for former
Ooch campers up to 25 years old
• Investigate options to have a physical location in the city
near SickKids to complement expanding programs
their satellite locations
Thank you to everyone who has supported
Camp Oochigeas in 2007!
Your generosity creates a magical place for children affected
by childhood cancer. These corporate and individual gifts
were received in our office during the 2007 fiscal year of
November 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007. Every effort has
been made to ensure the accuracy of this list, but please let
“ I am grateful to all the
volunteers; theyare also
heroes. It’s very rare to
find people willing to dedicate
personal time in today’s world. ”
us know if you have a question or concern. Due to space
limitations, we have listed gifts of $1,000 and over.
- David McPherson, LCBO
A Thomas Allen • Frank Anderson • Mary Pat & Robert Armstrong B Aubrey &
Marsha Baillie • Ralph Barford • Jonathan & Lynn Beach • Geoff & Nancy Belsher •
David Benson • John Benson • Ronald & Bev Besse • Murray & Ann Beynon •
William & Judith Biggar • Joel Binder • Victor & Margaret Blanchette • Norman &
Leh-Sih Boersma • Patrick Brigham • David Byers C Bradley Cameron • Linda
Campbell • Guy & Margaret Carr-Harris • Michael Carsell • Bob & Beatrice Chafee
• Richard & Marilyn Coles • Gilbert & Rita Collin • Robert & Carol Comish • Stephen
& Anne Connell • Anthony Contento • Barry & Sue Cooper • George & Mary
Crothers • Mark & Ann Curry D Ethel Day • Michael & Carrie Degroote • Leo &
Sandra DelZotto • George Dembroski • Paul Dickie & Galen Anderson Dickie •
Terence Dobbin • Agnes Doyle • David & Natalie Duncan • Nancy Duncan E Ken
Englehart & Susan Paul F Graham Fell • James & Barbara Felstiner • John & Freda
Finley • Sandra Forbes & Stephen Grant • Jean Fraser G Paul & Helen Gareau • Serge
& Magdalena Gattesco • Newton Glassman • Ori Goldman • Jay & Janet Gould •
Anthony & Helen Graham • Craig & Karen Graham • William & Catherine Graham
• Linda Gray & Cam Ballantyne • Donald Green • Alan Greenberg • Jennifer
Grossklaus • Glenn Grossmith H John & Karen Hagemans • Heather Haigh • Judy
Haladay & James Douglas • Gord & Dorothy Hall • Ron & Petra Hamann • Cheryl &
Philip Hampson • Jason Hanson & Karen Weinstein • Brian & Valerie Harris • David
& Lenore Hawkey • S. Lesley Hawkins • Sacha Hayward & Jonathan Pollack • Ed
Heakes • Robb Heintzman • Philip Henderson • George Hill • Janet Hilson • Doug
& Cathy Hitchcock • David & Mariella Holmes • Michael Horgan • Ernest Howard •
Peter Howard • Barbara Howson J Edith Jewett K Roland Keiper • Charles & Barbara
Kloetstra • Stan Krawitz • Philip Kroft L Terry Landon • Richard LaPrairie • James
Laschinger • Steve Lassey • Robert Le Blanc • Rosemary Leith • Donald Lewtas &
Barbara Mitton • Eleanor London • Jon & Nancy Love • Susan & Don Lowe M Glen
MacArthur • Doug MacDonald • Delores MacKenzie • Kyle & Kate Macmillan •
Frank & Rosalia Magliocco • Douglas Marshall • Paul Mason & Lynn Gordon-Mason
• Eugene McBurney • Sean McCowan • Donald McFarlane • Brian & Sharon
McGrath • Rick & Gail McGraw • Eileen McMahon • Richard Meech • Patrick &
Michelle Meneley • Vincent & Kirsten Mercier • Marc Milgrom & Gayle Wagman •
Myles Mindham • Rob & Andrea Molyneux • Craig & Deborah Montross • Paul &
Janet Morrison • Mary Murphy N John Nagel • Barry & Louise Needler • George
Nightingale • Linda Nokes • James Norris • Jennifer Northcote • Boris Novansky
O William O'Reilly • Sarah Ondaatje • Kathryn Osler • Marianne Oundjian P Janis
Parker • David & Anne Patterson R Michael Raven • Andy & Suzanne Redmond •
Margaret Reid • Steve & Heather Rider • Linda Robinson • John & Lynda Rogers •
Donald & Gretchen Ross • Felicia Ross • Patricia Russell S Joy & Douglas Sanders •
Brian & Colleen Semkiw • Tony & Linda Shamata • Dave Shaw • Andrew Sheiner &
Liza Mauer • Eric & Ingrid Sinclair • Scott & Kay Sinclair • Ted & Wendy Slightham •
Patric & Erica Smith • Stuart & Wendy Smith • Georges & Kelly Soaré • Beverley
Staddon • Bernadette Stanton Meijer & Kevin Stanton • Thomas & Julie Stanton •
Brian Steck • John Stevens • John & Beverley Stodgell • Irving Storfer • Mark Swartz
T Barbara Talbot • Caley Taylor • Howard & Diane Taylor • Jane Taylor • Ken & Valerie
Teslia • Lawrence Thacker • Susan & Brian Thomas • John & Elizabeth Tory
V Laura & Mark Vaughan • Mark Veneziano • Frank & Elly Verwey • Wesley Voorheis
W John Watson • Mark & Sarah Wellings • Bruce & Marilyn Wharram • Frances
White • Scott White • Peter & Donna Marie Whyte • David & Lindy Williams • Peter
& Eve Willis • Tom & Lin Wilson • Steven Wise & Susan Zikman-Wise • Bob Wiseman
• Laurie Woodruff • Patrick Wren • Nigel Wright Y Marvin Yontef • Estate of Marjory
Grant Young
# 401-Dixie Nissan Ltd. • 622148 Ontario Limited A Adidas-Salomon Canada •
Agence Québec Plus Ltée • Air Canada Send a Kid to Camp Golf Tournament •
Amanda Marascio Circle of Hope • Amer Sports Canada Inc. • Aqueduct Foundation
• Hickling Family Fund • Employees of Atlantis Systems International B Bailey Metal
Products Limited • Barrday Inc. • BASF Canada Inc. • Bayview Golf & Country Club
Champagne Open • The Bedolfe Foundation • Bill & Tim's Big Adventure • Billabong
Burleigh Point Canada • Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP • BMO Employee Charitable
Foundation • Borden Ladner Gervais LLP • The Boulevard Club Tennis Calcutta •
Brad Stevens Memorial Golf Tournament • Bridle Bash • Brooks R.M.P. Athletic
Locker • Buffett Taylor & Associates Ltd. C Camp Manitou • Camp Walden •
Canadian Insurance Claims Managers' Association • Caulfield Apparel Group Ltd. •
CAW TAW Canada Local 222 • Cedarvale Community School • Centennial Senior
Public School • Chaitons LLP • Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited • CIBC • CIBC
World Markets Children's Foundation • Civic Institute of Professional Personnel Golf
Tournament • Clarkson Secondary School • Club Castropignano Ontario • Club
Couloir Action Wear Inc. • Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation: Tour for Kids
• Cognos Incorporated • Cole & Partners • Coleman Canada • Coleman Employees
Hike-a-thon • The Conn Smythe Foundation • Construction Credit Group Golf
Tournament • Converse All Star Canada Inc. • Cornerstone 52 Foundation • Corus
Entertainment Inc. • Corvettes for Kids • Crescent School D David Moore Enterprizes
Inc. • Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP • The De Boer Foundation • Double R
Performance Running for Rescue • Dr. Jay Charitable Foundation • Driftwood
Martial Arts Karate Kicks for Camp E East Side Mario's (Alliston) • Eddy Niedziela
Memorial Golf Tournament • Elmer's Products Canada Corp. • Erindale Secondary
School • Ernst & Young LLP • Excitus F Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP • FirstService
Corporation • Forest Hill Collegiate Institute • Four Seasons Hotels Limited • Franklin
Templeton Investments • Fraud Squad Golf Tournament G Gallop Logistics
Transportation Solutions • Gentle Ben Charity Challenge • The Geoffrey H. Wood
Foundation • Gold Wing Road Riders Association Chapter Y • Goodmans LLP •
Grafton Public School • Grand River Poultry • Great-West Life H Head/Tyrolia Sports
Canada Inc. • The Howard & Carole Tanenbaum Family Charitable Foundation •
Hurley Corporation • The Hylcan Foundation I IBM Employees' Charitable Fund •
Inchaffray Investments Limited • Independent Order of Foresters J Jaytex of Canada
• Johnson Inc. • Joy Greene Swim For Kids • Jugo Juice (various locations) • Jupa
Sports Inc. K Katie MacKenzie Fundraiser • Kiehl's Since 1851 • Kingsway College
School • KRG Children's Charitable Foundation • KRG Jump for Ooch L Laurelwood
Shopping Centre Ltd. • Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute • Lazio Italian Golf
Tournament (CIGA) • LCBO Queens Quay BBQ • LCBO Softball Tournament •
Lionness Club of Coburg Bingo M Maple Leaf Foods BBQ • Marmora Curl for Kids
• McConnell Classic Golf Tournament • McDonald's: Huntsville, Bracebridge &
Gravenhurst • Mel Smith Trucking Limited • Merrell Canada • Merrill Lynch Canada
Inc. • Metropolis Uniforms & Promotions • MI Developments Inc. • Michael Albert
Garron Foundation • Modern Niagara Toronto Inc. • Molson Canada • Monsignor
Clair School • MTV • Muskoka Ambulance Softball • Muskoka Lakes Marine
Community BBQ • Muskoka Masters Golf Tournament • Muskoka Rocks 10km Road
Race N National Marine Manufacturers Association Toronto Boat Show • Navantis
Inc. • Nerly-Burge Charity Event Nestle Canada • New Balance Canada Inc. • New
York Fries Kids Fund • Nike Canada Ltd. • The Norman & Margaret Jewison
Foundation • The North Face (Canada) Inc. • Norwood Curling Bonspiel • NRB
Sports Inc. O Oakland Greens Golf Tournament • Oakley Canada Inc. • OB Golf
Management LP • Oktoberfest Golf Tournament • Onex Corporation • Ontario
Power Generation Charity Campaign • Outdoor Gear Canada P Parry Sound Lions
Club • Peel Elementary Occasional Teachers • Peller Estates • Prime Restaurant
Group Inc. • Prime Restaurants Golf Tournament • Puma Authentic Team Apparel Inc.
• Purolator Courier Q Quail & Firkin Customer Appreciation Day R Ralph "Pops"
Aiello Memorial Golf Tournament • RBC Foundation • RBC Royal Bank • Ready Mixed
Concrete Association of Ontario • Ride for Karen • The Roger Bolt Fund • Ronald
McDonald House Charities S The Salden Foundation • The Sanderling Foundation •
Schneider Electric/Square D Foundation • Scotiabank • Se Ce Apparel Co. Ltd. • Sears
Canada Inc. • Sentry Select Capital Inc. • Shimmerman Penn LLP • Shoppers Drug
Mart • Sporting Life 10K • Sporting Life Inc. • St. Alphonsus Elementary School • St.
Bernard Catholic School • St. Clement's Early Learning School • Strongco • Swiss
Chalet & Harvey's (Bracebridge) T TELUS • Tommy Hilfiger Canada Inc. • Toronto
Police Service Fraud Squad • The Toronto Star Children's Charities • Torys LLP •
Tottenham Golf Tournament U Usher Animal Hospital Pet-a-Pooh-Looza • Uvex Toko
Canada Ltd. V Valecon Properties Partnership • W. Seymour Industries Inc.
W Wellington West Capital Markets Inc • West Ferris Secondary School • WestJet •
Winberg Foundation • Wirth Limited • Woolcan Inc. • Workers For Cancer Prevention
Y Yellow Bus Foundation 100 Hole Golf Marathon • The York School • Yorkville Club
Golf Tournament
A Artemis Piano B Bayview Chev Olds Pontiac Buick GMC • The Bob Rumball Centre
for the Deaf • Bowne Financial Print • Mike Bradley C Cancer Recovery Foundation of
Canada • Chai Kosher Poultry • Challenges Unlimited Inc. • Charmz 4 Charity •
Children's Oncology Camping Association D David Moore Enterprizes Inc. E Energizer
Canada • Al Falcao F Frito Lay Canada G G.B. Catering • Gamma-Dynacare Medical
Laboratories • General Motors of Canada H Hanscomb • The Hospital for Sick Children
H Images Puppet Productions Inc. J Jays Care Foundation K Marvin Katz • KRG
Children's Charitable Foundation L Labelad • Lexpert/Carswell M Mike Macchiusi •
MacLaren McCann Canada Inc. • Brad May • McDonald's: Huntsville, Bracebridge &
Gravenhurst • McGill Design + Studio • Sally McKendry • MDS Inc. • Muskoka Lakes
Marine Inc. • Muskoka Woods Sports Resort N Joey Nalevka • Norkim Distributors Ltd.
• North York Chevrolet Oldsmobile O Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital P Nick Palozzi
• Pfaff Porsche • Price Chopper • Pride Pak Canada Ltd. • Project Smile R Right Sleeve
Marketing Inc. • RogenSi S Straticom Planning Associates Inc. • Ian Swance T Toronto
Argonauts Football Club W West Parry Sound Health Centre • The WISDOM Practice™
• Steven Wolfe & Anne McLean-Wolfe
A Elizabeth Adams • Heather Adamson • Paul Adelson • Ralph Aiello • Billy Anderson
• Carrie Anderson • Charlotte Anderson • Janet Andras-Thompson • Julie Andrews
• Kelly Anthony-Brown • Dawn Antonissen • Jane Apor • Jaclyn Appleby-Steven •
Melanie Archambault • Amy Archer • Michael Arlotto • Oona Ashmore • Lynne Aube
• Bernice Augusto • Nicole Avery B George Babb • Jay Bacher • Sarah Bacon • David
Bacon • Angela Bakchieva • Ben Baldwin • Colleen Baldwin • Gillian Banyard •
Charles Barhydt • Charity Barfoot • Shelagh Barrett • Scott Barta • Mischa BartkowClement • Andrea Baumann • Roger Baumann • Tara Becevel • Sean Bennett •
Lindsay Bergeron • Malcolm Berry • Wendy Bertin • Deepak Bhathal • Sarah Blacker
• Jaye Blakeley • Victor Blanchette • Caley Blyth • Kerri Boehmer • Carlo Bos • Pam
Bossin • Eric Bouffet • William Boughner • Ron Bouwmeister • Roselyn Bovaird •
Mike Bowman • Lara Bozabalian • Howard Breen • Dee Brett • JohnRoss Briggs •
Laurel Brooks • Elizabeth Brooks • Nat Brunette • Jodie Bryce • Mary Bryson • Sarah
Buddo • Jim Bunting • John Burgess • Lisa Burt • Sam Butcher C Michaela Cada •
Julia Cain • Jennifer Calder • Amy Caldwell • Natalie Caldwell • Paul Caldwell •
Melanie Campbell • Stephanie Campbell • Louisa Cantelon • Geoff Capelle • Joel
Carty • Matthew Castator • Ann Chang • Darren Chapman • Patrick Chardon • Erin
Christiano • Stephanie Chu • Michelle Chung • Michelle Churchman • CICMA Golf
Tournament Committee • Stephanie Cini • Amanda Cipolla • Candice Clarfield •
Lindsay Clark • Sarah Clark • Stefan Claus • Alison Clendenning • Rosie Coelho •
Noam Cohen • Michelle Cook • Catherine Cole • Mike Cole • Grant Colegate •
Employees of Coleman Canada • Phil Collier • Aaron Comstock • Phil Connell •
Bronwen Cooke • Brian Corcoran • Norma Costas • Stephanie Couperthwaite •
Candace Covent D Teri Dallimore • Yvette Dalrymple • Sarah D'Angelo • Sara D'Arcy
• Junell D'Souza • Jacqui DeBique • Ricardo DeMarinis • Melissa DeMers • Adil Dhalla
• Gioia DiGiovanni • Pete Dilworth • Normand Doan • Sean Doherty • Tristan Domelle
• Michael Douglas • Heather Drinkwalter • Cam Drynan • Dan Dumsha E Joanne
Eddy • Brian Edmonds • Laura Edmonstone • Laura Egglestone • Carly Ely • Ajda ElZabet • Cristina Emanuaele • Suzy Ennis • Melanie Evans F Amy Faba • Erica Fair •
James & Barbara Felstiner • Gary Fenske • Lori Ferguson • Pat Field • Kate Findlay •
Pat Firth • Timm Fischer • Jessica Fitchette • Kate Flynn • Wayne Flynn • Jonathan
Frank • Alexandra Frankel • Wendy Franklin • Michael Fudge • Jennifer Fulchini G
Sheila Gandhi • Anil Ganguly • James Garrow • Shelley Gaudet • Kelly Gauthier •
Christopher George • Graham George • Paul Gibson • Scott Gibson • Lorraine
Gibson-Alcock • Amy Girard • Timothy Godfrey • Jason Goldlist • Anne Goodbrand
• Shannon Gordon • Kim Grace • Melissa Grant • Linda Gray • Simon Greer • Kristen
Grieco • Blair Guilfoyle • Tobey Gullick H Heather Haigh • Jana Hall • Martha Hall •
Debra Hamer • Lisa Harasti • Peter Harasti • Bill Harding • Lauren Harkot • Katryn
Harpur • Jeff Harris • Jennifer & Daniel Heffernan • Susie Heintzman • Bridget Higgins
• Bonnie Hildreth • Erin Hill • Christine Hodgson • James Holland • Susan Holland •
Annie Huang • Kyla Hunter • Matt Hunter I Leanne Ingram • Ryoko Ingram • Andrew
Irvine • Linda Irving J Joanna Jackson • Joy Jarvis • Justin Joffe • Ryan Johnson • Sarah
Johnson • Heather Jones • Marsha Jones K Dimitri Kakarelis • Vik Kakkar • Lily
Kalcevich • Lynn Keane • Mark Kehr • Colleen Kenny • Lisa Kessler • Melody
Khodaverdian • Janey Kim • Ian Kirby • Kris Knorr • Natasha Koiffman • Tamara
Kolber • Kristen Korhonen • Robert & Rosemary Kozak • Bruce & Lynn Kruger •
Annette Kular • Troy Kuuter L Paulette Lamb • Donna Landrigan • Paul LaRose • Amy
Laski • David Latimer • Robert Laurette • LCBO, their Employees & Suppliers •
Shawna Leitch • Stephanie Lennox • Erin Leonard • Ari Lesser • Sarah Lewandowski
• Heather Libbey • Naomi Lieberman • Marc Lipkus • Nelson Lopes • Janet Lyons M
Francis Macapagal • Jordan Macinnis • Liz Magee • Anne Marie Maloney • Ryan
Mcaskile • Jennifer McCarthy • Jeremy McElhanney • Kim McFadden • Ryan
McGovern • Jaime McGowen • Jeff McGrath • Katie McIntyre • Delores MacKenzie
• Dana MacKenzie • Frank Magliocco • Steve and Penny Lynn Maher • David Malkin
• Ralph & Rosaline Marascio • Paul Mason • John McConnell • Dale McIntosh •
Dianne McLean • Andrew McMartin • Kara McNabb • Vincent Mercier • Nadeem
Memon • Ian Merringer • Michelle Methven • Natalie Migue • Patrick Mills • Grant
Minkhorst • Sean Mitchell • Christine Monson • Andy Montague • Craig Montross •
Catherine Moore • Craig Moore • Chris Moran • Silvia Moreno • Marion Morley • Jim
Morrison • Patti Mumm • Kim Munro • Anthony Murira • Erin Murray • Erin L.
Murray • MVP Molson Volunteer Group N Joey Nalevka • Bob Nelles • Salma Nenshi
• Mark Nerland • Katie Nicholson O John Offutt • Eric Offutt • Conner Offutt • Hayley
O'Byrne • Karen O'Krafka • Teresa O'Leary-Marascio • Dave Opiola • Karina Osipian
• David Overholt • Brittany Owens P Heather Palmer • Nick Palozzi • John
Panousopoulos • Nikki Parkinson • Kelly Parsons • Mary Pasquarelli • Vanessa Pastoric
• Michelle Pearlman • Christine Pedersen-Brown • Alex Pennal • Rick Penstone • Liam
Philley • Kirsten Pinksen • Mike Pizzey • Emma Plaskacz • Laurel Plewes • Dean Plosz
• Jennifer Pollock • Ron Popadiuk • Jill Preater • Barb Prevedello • Nick Perpick, John
Rothschild, Bill Grady & the Prime Restaurant Group Golf Tournament Committee •
Angela Punnett R Taylor Raborn • Adam Raffkind • Ready Mixed Concrete
Association of Ontario Board of Directors • Talia Regan • Karen Reich • Joel Reid •
Zahra Remtulla • Tamara Revesz • Adette Rice • Samantha Richardson • Robyn
Risebrough • Lia Robertson • Arianne Robinson • Gary Robinson • Kim Robinson •
Lisa Robinson • Matthew Rock • John Roe • Currie Ross • Sandra Ross • Bev Rosser
• Laura Roston • Stephen Rotstein • Vita Rubino • Jeff Rushton • David Russell
S Matthew Sachs • Carly Salvador • Elliot Sampson • Gurjit Sangha • Katrin
Scheinemann • Ruth Schick • Carol Schulte • Becky Schuster • Carolyn Scott • Robyn
Scott • Catherine Segbefia • Brian Sequeira • Caroline Seto • Amy Shafey • Aaron
Sharp • Julia Sharp • David Sharpless • Stuart Shaw • Steve Sherry • Kerry Shopiro •
Alanna Silver • Katie Sisam • Michael Sitter • Claire Slocombe • Elliott Slocombe •
Myles Slocombe • Carolyn Smith • Frank Smith • Kathy Smith • Carla Smyth • Megan
Snell • Georges Soaré • Sara Son Hing • Sara Spencer • Sheila Stanislawski •
Bernadette Stanton Meijer • Allie Starr • Janet Stefanyk • John Stevens • Marlene &
Jeff Stubbins • Wendy Symonds • Jake Szamburski T Catherine Talbot • Janet
Thompson • Kelly Thompson • Sam Tirgari • Melissa Tobenstein • Kirk Tobias • Kris
Tobias • Tour For Kids Organizing Team, operating under the Coast to Coast Against
Cancer Umbrella • Jullie Tran • Tony Truong • Rebecca Turnbull • Allan Tustin • Sacha
Tynan U Greg Usher • Tim Usher-Jones V Chris Van De Water • Breann Van
Moerkerke • Yvonne Van Warmerdam • Kerry Vandendriessche • Laura Vaughan •
Mark Vaughan • Sandra Vidug • Felix Vogt W Monica Walker • Cayleigh Warrack •
Emily Watson • Pamela Watt • Anita Weadge • Ali Webb • Robert Weinhardt • Jacob
Weinrib • Sheila Weitzman • Marilyn & Bruce Wharram • Laura White • Andrew
Wicken • Joe Wiley • Becca Williams • Brent Williams • David Williams • Mike Wills
• James Wilson • Scott Winhold • Leah Winter • Alexis Wise • Steven Wolfe & Anne
McLean-Wolfe • Carmen Wong Z Nick Zeibots • Michelle Zimmerman
Chrissie Arnold • Oona Ashmore • Michelle Cook • Samantha David • Melissa DeMers
• Rita Fantegrossi • Jennifer Fulchini • Kim Holt • Emily Hopkins • Melanie Jeffries
• Glenna Mullen • Sarah Nelles • Matthew Rock • Norah Shaughnessy • Kate Symonds
• Nicole Wolfe • Andrew Young
60 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 201
Toronto, ON M4T 1N5
Phone: (416) 961-6624
Toll free: 1-888-GO-4-OOCH
Fax: (416) 961-2267
Website: www.ooch.org
Email: oochigeas@ooch.org
Thank you to Bowne Financial Print and
McGill Design + Studio for creating this
Annual Report at no charge to
Camp Oochigeas.
Charitable Registration Number: 13111 6022 RR0001
Your support is truly appreciated.

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