annual report - Camp Oochigeas


annual report - Camp Oochigeas
Camp Oochigeas is a privately funded, volunteer based
organization that provides kids with cancer and kids affected by childhood cancer with a unique opportunity
for growth through challenging, fun, enriching and magical experiences.
Extended the Boardwalk around the north side of the lake in order to increase
accessibility for our campers and to provide more opportunities to explore
camp in new ways.
More programs were offered than ever before with the expansion of Residential,
In-Hospital and In-City programs;
Leveled the Flagpole field in order to create a safe and accessible space for
• Growth of the In-Hospital Program at SickKids Hospital to five full-time
specialists who provided program opportunities seven days a week on
the 8th Floor.
Built a new Doctor’s Cabin to house the oncologists whose work is integral to
our residential program.
• Growth of the camper Leadership Program as new volunteer programs
were introduced at Ronald McDonald House and Habitat for Humanity.
Enhanced our archery program by building an archery shelter providing a safe
and more challenging activity.
• The first ever fall canoe trip took place in Algonquin Park with nine
L.I.T.’s taking part.
Increased the accessibility and functionality of our boating program with the
renovation of the Kayaking Centre. The renovation was completed by our
7SCAPE campers through a team-building exercise.
• Growth of our Urban Ooch Program, giving kids the chance to connect
all year-round.
346 kids attended Summer Camp this year, with 88 kids attending for the
very first time!
Secured a location and began renovations of Ooch Downtown, the first in-city
recreation facility for children with cancer in North America.
Over 180 kids attended a Fall Weekend at Camp, 34 more than last year!
Patients on the 8th floor at SickKids Hospital shared in over 5000 Ooch experiences
thanks to our In-Hospital Program Specialists and committed volunteers.
57 participants attended Ooch’s second Young Adults Retreat.
Only 18 cents of every dollar raised was spent on fundraising and
administration in 2010.
Thank YOU for making a difference in the lives of children affected by childhood
cancer! Camp Oochigeas does not receive any government funding and the
unbelievable support from our donors and volunteers continues to amaze us.
Over 500 volunteers generously donated their time at camp, in the hospital,
during in-city programs, as a Board Member, and at community events.
Over 70 incredible supporters held their own community fundraising events,
ranging from bake sales to golf tournaments, all in support of Camp Oochigeas.
Howard Breen
Colleen Baldwin
Dr. Victor Blanchette
Scott Gibson
Andrew Irvine
Dr. David Malkin
Allan Mark
Sandra Ross
Georges Soaré
Alex Robertson
Sarah Nelles
Andy Redmond
Frank Magliocco
James Bunting
Michelle Afinec
Aimee Bruner
Helen Fulchini
Norah Kot Shaughnessy
Over $1,000,000 was raised through the Sporting Life 10K
fundraising challenge through the support of over 1,200
individuals and team fundraisers. Nine members of the
inaugural Ooch Dream Team raised over $72,000!
608 Ooch supporters came together and raised $497,000 to help create Ooch
Downtown at our biennial fundraising gala – An Evening of Summer Dreams.
• Filling Ooch Downtown with
the fun and friendship kids with
cancer need and want.
• Making sure that every child
diagnosed with cancer at
SickKids Hospital has the
chance to participate in
programs at Ooch Downtown
and in Muskoka.
Camp Oochigeas is home. With your help, in 2010, Ooch successfully engaged
more campers in more programs more than ever before. We also moved
downtown into our very own program space, the soon to open Ooch Downtown.
At camp, we make it our business to set kids up for success. With great thanks to
you, Ooch is now set up to reach children affected by childhood cancer in new
and extraordinary ways, at our very own home in the city.
Dear Friends,
As we close-out another memorable year at
Camp Oochigeas, I want to thank you for your
unwavering commitment to helping make a
difference in the lives of children affected by
childhood cancer. Laughter, friendship and fun
remain the core of what we do and it can be seen
throughout all of our programs. Because of you,
Ooch continues to evolve to better serve our
campers and their families. Thank you.
As I look back on what has been a monumental
year for Camp Ooch, the word transition comes to mind. Not only have we seen transition
in our leadership, welcoming Alex Robertson into his new role as Executive Director,
but we also transitioned into our new home in the city. This year we took an exciting
step towards securing Ooch’s future. In April 2010, we signed a 10-year lease on 464
Bathurst Street, a two-story building located a few short blocks from SickKids Hospital.
As you browse through the pages of this annual report, you will learn more about Ooch
Downtown and the difference it will make in our program offerings.
It was also an epic fundraising year for Camp Oochigeas. In these highly pressured
economic times, Ooch continued to flourish. Our much-anticipated biennial fundraising
gala, An Evening of Summer Dreams was held on April 15th at the Royal Ontario
Museum. Under the leadership of Scott Gibson, Dale McIntosh and our Honourary Chair
Jane Stodgell, we paved the way for Ooch Downtown and netted an incredible $497,000.
In addition, we saw the most successful fundraising event in Camp Ooch history with the
annual Sporting Life 10K. Thanks to thousands of committed fundraisers, donors, runners
and walkers, we are proud to say that we surpassed the $1 million fundraising mark! In
addition, more than 70 community supporters held their own barbeques, galas, golf
tournaments, silent auctions, a-thons, and bake sales all in support of Camp Ooch. The
success of all of these events speaks volumes to the commitment of the Ooch community.
This will be my last message to you as Chair of the Board of Directors as I have moved
into the role of past chair and welcomed Andy Redmond as my successor. In my tenure
as Board Chair, it has been truly remarkable to be a part of such a committed, passionate
and dedicated group of volunteers. The strategic direction the board has set forth will
leave a lasting legacy for Camp Oochigeas.
I would like to close by thanking you, our generous donors for your unequalled
generosity, our committed volunteers for your unparalleled enthusiasm and spirit,
our friends at SickKids Hospital for believing in the power of the camp experience,
and the management team for your relentless dedication. Lastly and most importantly,
thank you to our campers and their families for making what we do so worthwhile.
This last year reflects the realization of a five year strategy aiming to give kids
with cancer to chance to make friends and have fun at camp all year-round,
whether in the city or up north. In 2005, we opened up our site in Muskoka
to weekend camps in the fall and winter. In 2006, we began running In-City
activities. In 2007, we started programming 4 days each week at SickKids, and
opened a day camp for younger patients. In 2008, the In-Hospital Program grew
to 6 days each week, and our In-City activities evolved into monthly Urban Ooch days. In 2009, we started running yearround leadership programs for our young adults. And, in 2010, our In-Hospital Program began running every day of the
week, and our leadership and in-city activities began operating weekly. It is because of the dedication of our staff and
volunteers, and the commitment from you, our supporters, that we are only now able to open our own In-City camp facility.
2010 was a strong financial year for Camp Oochigeas. Despite the economic climate, we were able to reach our financial
targets while maintaining programs. The move to, and renovation of, Ooch Downtown has been funded by restricted
donations towards its construction, funds raised at our biennial gala, “An Evening of Summer Dreams”, and by capital
funds put aside for this purpose by the Board of Directors. As we begin 2011, our focus remains on fundraising for our
newly expanded programs in order to engage as many children as possible. We continue to spend just 18 cents of every
dollar donated on fundraising and administration expenses. We care about your money and appreciate the trust you
give us with every donation.
2011 will be a year of nesting in our new home downtown. New and current campers will be invited to participate in
on-going, skill-building programs including a two-month cooking class in our new city kitchen, a roof-top gardening
program, monthly leadership workshops, and weekly Urban Ooch activities – all run out of Ooch Downtown. In an
effort to introduce families new to cancer to the Ooch experience, our In-City site will play host to a number of family
days where new campers and parents can meet staff and volunteers while getting a taste of camp. Whether shooting
hoops on our secured parking-lot/basketball court, playing ball hockey in our gym, crafting in our arts studio, relaxing
in our parents lounge, or climbing the rock wall, Ooch Downtown is offering our camper community a new place to call
home – that is what 2011 will be all about. Making. Ooch. Home.
At Ooch, we invite children to be children and to try things that they may not have the chance to try in their lives outside
of camp. The children who attend our programs are overcoming an almost inconceivable obstacle, living through cancer.
Whether because of hospital stays, treatment or recovery times, this disease can steal a child’s chance to do what kids are
meant to do. In my six years at Camp Oochigeas, I have had the privilege of meeting almost all of the campers who have
been helped by the Ooch program. When I see them at camp or in programs, it is hard to believe they have any priority
other than making friends and having fun. The consistent high quality of our programs is a direct result of our committed
community of supporters, including volunteers who donate their time and donors who generously give funds and Gifts In
Kind. Thank you for playing such an important role in positively impacting the lives of children with cancer.
Thank you,
52% Program/Operating
See you soon,
Howard Breen
Chair of the Board
Alex Robertson
Executive Director
Residential Program
In-City Program
Site Maintenance
30% Capital Purchase
11% Development
7% Administrative
The Med Shed is our on-site
medical facility that is equipped
to meet all of our campers
varying needs. A pediatric
oncologist and nurses from SickKids
Hospital are on-site and available
24 hours a day for our residential
programs. Camp Oochigeas is the
only residential camping facility
in Ontario where campers can
receive IV chemotherapy and blood
transfusions meaning that even
those children in the most intense
phase of their cancer treatment
are able to experience camp.
The Camp Oochigeas residential campsite is a gorgeous 400-acre property on
a private lake in the Muskoka region, near Parry Sound. It has everything a child
needs for a magical adventure, including a campfire point, vast waterfront,
large playing fields and an amazing high ropes course and rock climbing wall.
All of the facilities are fully accessible to accommodate all of our campers.
Three two-week sessions for children with cancer.
Teomul: One-week session for bereaved siblings.
7SCAPE: One-week session designed for newly diagnosed teens with cancer.
Why did you get involved with Ooch? How did you end up being a
Teomul camper?
Sam: My brother went to Ooch in 2001 and I remember going to pick him up
from the bus. He had all these braids and badges and I wanted one! His nails
would be painted and he had a lot of stories about water skiing and this big
tube on the water. It sounded so fun and I just wanted to be a part of it. I was
introduced to the Teomul program in 2005. I don’t remember getting the forms,
but I remember my mom asking me if I wanted to go to a brand new program
at Camp Ooch called Camp Teomul. Teomul is a program for kids who have
lost a sibling to cancer. It sounded fun. The first year I went there were only
seventeen of us, but this year I think there were almost 60. It’s amazing!
What programs have you participated in at Camp Ooch?
What did you think of your first summer there?
Sam: It was a lot of fun. I had never experienced
anything like it. I didn’t know what to expect
going there because I had never really had the
opportunity to go to camp. When we got off the
bus everyone was dressed up and I was thinking,
“What am I doing? What am I in for?” Everyone
was so welcoming and friendly and it was nice to
be loved and accepted right away.
7 Fall & Winter Weekends At Camp for children ages 6 – 19.
A weekend for survivors of childhood cancer ages 19 – 25.
Thank you for your support! Listed below are Gifts In Kind received during the 2010 fiscal year of November 1, 2009 and October 31, 2010.
Due to space limitations, we have listed gifts of $1,000 and over.
B Bayview Chevrolet Pontiac Buick GMC • Belmont Meat Products Limited • The Bob Rumball Centre for the Deaf • Michael Borinsky • Bowne Financial
Print • Michael Bradley C Cancer Recovery Foundation of Canada • Canvas Jam • Caps For Kids • Cavalcade Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. • Chai Kosher Poultry •
Challenges Unlimited Inc. • Coca-Cola Ltd. D David William Moore Enterprizes Incorporated • Digikidz Camp F Lynn Fraser • Frito Lay Canada • Leah Furey
• Future Shop Ontario Regional Office G Gamma-Dynacare Medical Laboratories • General Motors of Canada • Govan Brown Associates H The Hospital
for Sick Children J Janssen - Ortho Inc. • Jays Care Foundation, Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club K Marvin David Katz • Kiehl’s Since 1851 • Mike Komisarek
L Labelad • Life is Good • LifeLabs, Headquarters • Look Good Feel Better M MacLaren McCann Canada Inc. • Magicana • McDonald’s - Bracebridge •
McDonald’s - Gravenhurst • McDonald’s - Huntsville • McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited • McGill Design + Studio • Andy Montague • Muskoka
Lakes Marine Inc. • Muskoka Woods Foundation N North York Chevrolet P PlayStation • Pride Pak Canada Ltd. S Sandylion Sticker Designs • Sirius Satellite
Radio • St. Michael’s College School T Toronto Argonauts Football Club • Toronto Police Service Marine Unit W West Parry Sound Health Centre
What is your favourite
memory of Ooch?
Sam: I think it would
be from this summer
when I was an L.I.T.
(Leader In Training) with
the intermediate girls’
group. It was neat to
be a role model to my
campers. My favourite
parts were the fun,
the laughter and
singing songs.
Sam: I’ve participated in a lot of programs at Ooch. I went on the
Algonquin trip for a weekend in September 2010. I also participated
in the Up-Stream ten day canoe trip which consisted of no showering,
eating over the campfire, watching the sunrise and swimming on
every lunch break. I really enjoyed the Leaders In Training 2 program
because I was able to experience what volunteers get to do: have more
responsibility and accountability. I have also spent weeks at summer
camp and weekends at camp in the fall and winter. The Habitat for
Humanity Leadership day was my favourite program because I enjoyed
doing drywall and stuff like that.
What’s your favourite activity at Ooch?
Sam: Definitely Adventure. I used to be scared of heights until one of my counsellors
encouraged me and it gave me the confidence to climb up. I was so scared, I didn’t want
my legs and arms to be shaking. Then one summer I went up to the third level and I felt
so comfortable doing it. It was such a thrill to accomplish that.
What would you tell somebody, a child or another
camper, who was thinking about coming to Ooch but
wasn’t too sure about it?
Sam: I would say it’s an experience you definitely don’t want
to miss out on. Even if you’re scared, everyone is so friendly
and welcoming that it is easy to open up and have fun. Ooch
has helped me open up to other people. I used to hold back
my emotions and not talk to anyone. Being around people
that have something in common makes it easier to relate
with them than with my friends back at home.
Is there anything else you
wanted to add?
Sam: I want to say thank you
for donating money which
has allowed me all of these
experiences. It has really
changed my life.
The Leaders in Training program helps teens build new leadership skills,
self-esteem and gain wilderness experience.
1. Up-Stream: a two-week wilderness adventure in the summer.
2. Dog Sledding Expedition: a three-day leadership experience in the winter.
3. NEW – Algonquin Park Canoe Trip: Ooch introduced a new three-day expedition in the fall
for teen campers. Throughout the trip, campers cooked over a campfire, travelled by canoe,
and set up tents under the stars. Campers worked as a team to accomplish their goals.
Introduced two new service programs for young leaders to participate in:
RMH Home For Dinner Program
Ronald McDonald House offers its guest families a home cooked dinner four nights
a week from local groups and volunteers. This year Ooch brought two separate
groups of young adult leaders to RMH to cook a dinner for 40 people (15 families).
The campers shopped, prepared, cooked and served a home cooked meal to the
families and made their time at RMH just a little more enjoyable.
Habitat For Humanity Build Day
Ooch is helping build homes throughout the GTA with Habitat for Humanity. At
two separate build sites, 20 campers were involved with this unique and hands-on
leadership experience. Campers learned how to dry-wall, paint, trim and do much
more helping to provide housing for families in need.
Seven campers participated in an exchange with Camp Goodtimes, an oncology camp
in British Columbia to learn new skills and interact with other kids across Canada.
An internationally recognized leadership award program that focuses on service,
physical recreation, skill building and outdoor stewardship.
Duke of Edinburgh Workshops – Ooch is running bi-monthly workshops with our
young leaders to inspire, educate and connect.
A Jason Adams • Liz Adams • Michelle Afinec • Rabah Al Mahmoud • Ken Aldridge • Sarah Alexander • Emily Alonzo • Laura Amendola • Billy Anderson
• Charlotte Anderson • Jeff Anderson • Julie Andrews • Chad Angeli • Kelly Anthony-Brown • John Arnou • Majury Arumai • Oona Ashmore • Kim Astley
• Jonathon Avery • Nicole Avery B Stephen Baird • Laura Barclay • Charity Barfoot • Brenda Barron • Ute Bartels • Emma Bedoukian • Sean Bennett •
Gabriela Berloni • Andrea Bertrand • Abby Bezant • Jeff Biggar • Dominik Bitzenhofer • Andrew Blanchette • Samantha Boggs • Eric Bouffet • Vicky Breakey
• Rosalind Breen • Caitlin Brenchley • Andy Brooks • Alex Brown • Jocelyn Brown • Lisa Brown • Lisa Burt • India Burton • Elese Bushnell C Julia Cain •
James Caldwell • Lucy Caldwell • Natalie Caldwell • Brian Campbell • Stephanie Campbell • Sarah Cannell • Chris Cansick • Geoff Capelle • Adam Caplan
• Andrew Carlson • Joel Carty • Luke Carty • Ben Chaisson • Stephanie Chan • Mary Chen • Alex Chorley • Anne Marie Chudleigh • Michael Churchman
• Michelle Churchman • Stephanie Cini • Sara Citron • Candice Clarfield • Alexis Clarfield-Henry • Lindsay Clark • Signy Coatsworth • Noam Cohen • Mike
Cole • Aaron Comstock • Phil Connell • Dwayne Conrod • Michelle Cook • Wesley Cook • Darryl Costello • Andrea Cote • Stephanie Couperthwaite •
Candace Covent • Trish Csumrik D Teri Dallimore • Yvette Dalrymple • Rochelle Dawson • Paulo De Gouveia • Ricky DeMarinis • Melissa DeMers • Susan
Derby • Jagbir Dhillon • Joshua Dick • Pete Dilworth • Normand Doan • Karen Dobkin • Michael Dobkin • Craig Dodd • Wendy Dolik • Tristan Domelle
• Nicole Donaldson • Anthony Donoghue • Mike Doris • Juliana Duffy • Jordann Dutton E Joanne Eddy • Brian Edmonds • Helen Edmonds • Laura
Egglestone • Ajda El-Zabet • Kimberley Elliott • Carly Ely • Cristina Emanuele • Rob Emery • Brad Emes • Marissa Enge • Kathryn Estey • Melanie Evans •
Peter Evans • Megan Ewing F Amy Faba • Christine Farrugia • Dana Fedderson • Lindsay Fedderson • James Felstiner • Shawna Fenner • Lori Ferguson
• Kate Findlay • Pat Firth • Shane Fisher • Heather Fleming • Jonathan Frank • Alex Frankel • Ashleigh Frankel • Andrea Fraser • Grant Fraser • Shannon
Furey G Melissa Giesler • Jennifer Gleed • Jon Gleed • Gerard Goco • Jason Goldlist • Anne Goodbrand • Shannon Gordon • Caitlin Gossage • David
Gould • Diana Gourley • Kim Grace • Marsha Greenberg • Brittany Greene • Tricia Grenon • Anne Guilfoyle • Blair Guilfoyle • Sumit Gupta H Lisa Harasti
• Craig Harding • Lisa Harkot • Gillian Harnick • Katryn Harpur • Jeff Harris • Jessica Hildebrandt • Gillian Hill • Catherine Hindson-Cox • Jimmy Holland •
Sue Holland • Caroline Holtby • Brendan Howarth • Patrick Howlett • Erica Huften • Lauren Huggins • Kyla Hunter • Bryony Hupka I Ashleigh Iles • David
Ingram • Leanne Ingram J Joanna Jackson • Adam Jesin • Dan Johnson • David Jones • Jaime Jones • Lisa Joyce • Sarah Joyce K Vik Kakkar • Jessica Katz
• Ben Kaye • Yasmin Kazemi • Alexandria Kelly • Melody Khodaverdian • Andrew Kiguel • Meg Kilvert • Colleen Kinahan • Julie Kinkead • Jennifer Kitchen
• Amber Knabl • Kris Knorr • Hannah Kohn • Kaitlyn Kowalyk • Michael Kuan • Erika Kukucska • Megan Kunder • Liisa Kuuter • Troy Kuuter L Chris Lam
• Amy Laski • Erin Leonard • Stephan Leucht • Liana Levinson • Heather Libbey • Natasha Lim • Sandy Lin • Justin Lintern • Marc Lipkus • Tara Litvack M
Francis Macapagal • Oliver Macapagal • Dave Macnee • Sidra Mahmood • Maria Makris • Scott Malcolm • Mikaela Malta • Adrienne Maniezzo • Arif Manji
• Christine Mann • Jason Maraschiello • Eric Mark • Gillian Marr • Jeffrey Martin • Jodi Maruncic • Heather Matthews • Tammy Maxwell • Anne McDougall •
Ryan McGovern • Katie McIlmoyle • Laura McIntyre • Tara McKeown • Dianne McLean • Lisa McManmon • Kara McNabb • Toni Melbourne • Diana Merino
• Natalie Meyer • Kate Mihaljevic • Grant Minkhorst • Sean Mitchell • Andrew Moebus • Lisa Moebus • Deirdre Molloy • Andy Montague • Craig Moore •
Christine Moran • Othman Mosleh • Leanne Mueller • Frazer Adam Mullins • Sue Munro • Nataliya Muntyanova • Julia Myer • Natasha Mytnowych N Julie
Nadeau-Lessard • Paul Nathan • Salma Nenshi • Dana Nielsen • Jocelyne Noel O Michelle Olah • David Opiola • Monika Orzechowski • Katie Osborne
• Karina Osipian • Brittany Owens • Kelly Owens P Nick Palozzi • Carissa Parravani • Kelly Parsons • Vanessa Pastoric • Michelle Pearlman • Katie Pearson
• Tyler Pearson • Tory Perkin • Adam Potts • Kat Powell • Barb Prevedello • Glen Proctor Q Matthew Quick • Kieran Quinn R Karen Reich • Taylor Reid •
Tamara Revesz • Leslie Richardson • Samantha Richardson • Barbara Robertson-Mann • Gary Robinson • Lisa Robinson • Rob Robinson • Derek Roetman
• Daniel Rosenfield • Sandra Ross • Bev Rosser • Stephen Rotstein • Rachel Rowe • Anna Rupert • Andrew Rytel S Matthew Sachs • Kimberly Saltsman •
Tomas Saun • Tal Schechter Finkelstein • Carly Schelberg • Karen Schneider • Carolyn Scott • Veronica Segbedzie • Caroline Seto • Julia Sharp • Carol Shelly
• Leah Shelly • Meghan Shields • Kerry Shopiro • Alanna Silver • Katie Sisam • Ashley Sloane • Myles Slocombe • Carolyn Smith • Frank Smith • Jessica
Smith • Carla Smyth • Elizabeth Smyth • Megan Snell • Jeff Snowden • Sara Son Hing • Andrew Soren • Randy Steuart • Daniel Stevens • Erinne Stevens •
Lynne Stewart • Kally Suggitt • Michael Sutherland • Jake Szamburski T Catherine Talbot • Cathy Taylor • Johnny Teolis • Johannes Thoma • Kristen Thomas
• Janet Thompson • Mark Thompson • Paige Thompson • Sam Tirgari • Jason Toth • Taylor Tripp • Rebecca Turnbull • Brendan Turner • Susan Tustin U
Jaclyn Ungerman • Tim Usher-Jones V Shana Valo • Chris van de Water • Catherine Van Esch • Breann Van Moerkerke • Russanthy Velummailum • Jennifer
Vincelli • Claire Vivier • Felix Vogt W Emily Watson • Timothy Watson • Pamela Watt • Stephan Weckschmied • John Wenger • Holly Westwall • Andrew
Wicken • Joe Wiley • Kate Wiley • Ashley Williams • Denise Ann Williams • Rebecca Williams • Mike Wills • Natalie Wilson • Stephanie Wilson • Scott
Winhold • Leah Winter • Brie Worgan • Garth Wright • Heather Wright • Vanessa Wright Z Tory Zimmerman • Alexandra Zorzi • Jennifer Zuccaro
One-day camp-style events that happen in the community.
24 this year, including: 7 Toronto Maple Leaf Games, Police Marine Unit Day, Blue Jays Family Day,
Toy Factory Day, Iron Chef Workshop for Teens, “So You Think You Can Dance” Dance Off.
Thanks to the unwavering support of our donors, volunteers and friends, Camp Oochigeas will open the doors
to Ooch Downtown – the first EVER in-city recreation centre for children with cancer at 464 Bathurst Street in
Toronto. Ooch Downtown will permit us to serve the hundreds of kids and families who continue to depend on our
programs, as well as those who have yet to experience an Ooch program outside of the walls of SickKids Hospital.
Features contained within the 18,000 square-foot-space include:
March Break Day Camp –
Three camp days at a school in
North Toronto.
A multi-sport surface with lots of room to play
basketball, hockey and cooperative games.
A first aid room for campers to have their medical
needs attended to on-site.
Summer Day Camp – One, twoweek session in the Toronto area.
A locker room space for campers to prepare for
programs and store their belongings.
An elevator for wheelchair access to the second floor
and rooftop terrace.
A teaching kitchen for campers to learn and
participate in cooking classes.
A patio area and private parking lot for outdoor activities
like baseball, hockey, basketball and gardening.
Swimming lessons, arts & crafts,
archery, karate, gymnastics,
petting zoo, canoeing.
A two-story accessible climbing wall and bouldering
wall to challenge all ages and ability levels.
An event space for volunteer training, donor
receptions & sponsor meetings.
This year, over 200 campers and
camper parents were able to take in
a Toronto Maple Leafs game from
a gondola purchased by Alternate
Captain Mike Komisarek. Mike
generously invited our campers to
enjoy one of seven games where
they not only experienced a Leafs
game up close and personal, but
also left the ACC decked head to
toe in Leafs gear and filled with
memories that they will never forget.
Thanks to Mike and the entire Leafs
organization for their amazing
support. Go Leafs Go!
Join us on Thursday, May 26 for the Grand Opening of Ooch Downtown!
Thank you for your support! Listed below are gifts made through our biennial gala An Evening of Summer Dreams received during the 2010 fiscal year of
November 1, 2009 and October 31, 2010. Due to space limitations, we have listed gifts of $1,000 and over.
A The Aubrey & Marsha Baillie Family Fund, a family fund held within Oakville Community Foundation B Paul & Kathleen Beeston • Diane Blake • BMO
Financial Group • BMW Toronto & Parkview BMW • Gordon & Teresa Briggs • Jeremy Burge C The Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited • Andrew
Callum • Ivan Chittenden & Dianne Dyer • CGOV Investment Counsel D Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP • James Douglas & Judy Haladay E Richard
& Pamela Earle • Ernst & Young LLP F Jean Fraser G Goodmans LLP H Ron, Petra and Levon Hamann • Gunther & Sheila Hammer • Hanna Paper Fibres
Limited • Brian & Valerie Harris • Neil Harris & Kathleen Taylor • Brent Hollister I Gavin Ivory J Guy and Heather Jones K The Spirit Foundation L Carolyn
& Don Langill M Michael & Jane Lay • McCarthy Tétrault Foundation • McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited • Glen McMillan & Roberta Minna •
Stanley & Cairn Meek • The Michael & Carol Mueller Family Foundation • Monteith Building Group Ltd. • Mike & Carol Mueller N New York Fries Kids
Fund at The Toronto Community Foundation • NKPR Inc. O Off to Market Inc. • John Offutt & Jane Ferguson P PlayStation • Cynthia & Nigel Potts •
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP • Dawn & Jon Prinsell R Hugh & Janice Rennie • Patricia Russell • Patti Russell S James Scarlett • Scotia McLeod • The
Spirit Foundation • Steve Shaver • Shimmerman Penn LLP Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors • SickKids’ Division of Haematology/Oncology &
Comprehensive Cancer Centre • Evan Siddall • Barry Smith • Georges Soaré • Majd Soudi • Dennis & Denny Starritt • Jane Stodgell & Arnold Massey •
Stodgell Investment Management T Triella W Steven Wise & Susan Zikman-Wise • Wolverine World Wide Inc.
A à la Carte Kitchen Inc. • Adrian Holmes Photography Ltd. • Avenue Moving & Storage Limited B Colleen Baldwin • Bassett Direct • Battlefield Graphics Inc.
• Eric Belanger • David Bertoli • Black Feather • BMW Toronto & Parkview BMW C Canvas Jam • Canyon Ranch • Caplan’s Appliances • Eric Cheung &
Unit A Architects • Coca-Cola Ltd. • Corby Distilleries Limited • Victoria Coulthart D David & Charlotte Lifestyle Photographers • John Derringer • Diamond
Estates Wines & Spirits Ltd. & Sundance Wines F Amanda Farion • The Food Dudes Inc. • Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts • Leah Furey G Ken Gangba •
Julia Gonsalves • Goody • Greenwood College School H Jason Harding - Axon Pictures • Jeff Harris • Herman Miller Canada Inc. • Catherine Hobart
I ideaCity • Denise Ireland J Jays Care Foundation - Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club • Jones Apparel Group Canada K Kiehl’s Since 1851 • Kilcoo Camp
L Andre Lemasurier M MacLaren McCann Canada Inc. • Majd Soudi Illustration • Arnold Massey & Jane Stodgell • MasterCard Canada • Ross McCrimmon
• McGill Design + Studio • Roy McMurtry • The Mirabelli Family & Noble Estates Wines & Spirits • Jasper Moester • Christine Moran • Muskoka Woods •
Myles Mindham Jewellery Ltd. N NKPR Inc. O John Offutt & Jane Ferguson • Anna Olsen P Charles Pachter • Proof Sales & Marketing Consulting R Racer
Sportif • Aleksandra Rdest • Andy Redmond • Sarah Richardson • Ed Robertson • Royal Envelope Ltd. S The Sharpless Family • Skyline Boutique Hotels
and Resorts (Pantages Hotel) • Sony Of Canada Ltd. • Sports Illustrated • Steam Whistle Brewing • Don Stewart T Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Club
• Toronto Raptors V Vogel of Canada Ltd. • VOODOO AIRBRUSHING W WestJet • Nigel Wright Z Tory Zimmerman
A Nicole Avery B Dee Brett E Brian Edmonds G Scott Gibson K Tamara Kolber L Amy Laski M Dale McIntosh • Andy Montague P Michelle Pearlman
R Currie Ross • Bev Rosser S Jane Stodgell
Generously supported by the cycling
events Tour For Kids and Ride For Karen.
Led by five full-time In-Hospital Program Specialists who focus on
scheduled activities and bedside visits seven days a week on the oncology
floor at SickKids Hospital.
Volunteer led program, four evenings a week for inpatients on the 8th floor.
Three one-week In-Hospital Camps.
Highlight Programs – Electricity Program, Dino Day, Music Videos,
World Cup Commercial, Tuesday Tunes Music Program, The Gazette
– an in-hospital camper edited newsletter.
Canvas Painting – A big thank you to Canvas Jam who provided
our campers with an outlet to show their creativity by making
their very own canvas paintings.
“The Ooch In-Hospital Program is amazing and I don’t know what
our cancer journey would have been like without the In-Hospital
team. Our daughter would wake up and ask “What’s the Ooch
activity today? Andrea didn’t have time to have cancer – she had
an Ooch activity to get to!”
– Camper Parent
Thank you for your support! Listed below are 2010 Sporting Life 10K fundraisers. Due to space limitations, we have listed fundraisers of $1,000 and over.
A Access to Camp • Tara Anchel • Oona Ashmore B Judy Bagshaw • Ann-Marie Baker • Allison Ballantyne • Dave Barker • David Beddow • Black Unicorns
• Noah Blackstein • Derek Boyer • Burlington Brawlers • Michelle Bryce C Michelle Campese • Steve Carroll • Andrew Carty • Shannon Chace • Aubrey
Choi • Irwin Choleva • Anne Marie Chudleigh • Signy Coatsworth • Alex Cobb • Bryce Crocker D Michael Da Ponte • Wendy Daniels • Elinore Dawson •
Michele Dejulio • Carolyn Dennis • Pete Dilworth • Gerry Doedens • Heidi Dunn E Rob Emery F Dee Falkiner • Tamara Farber G Julie Galloway • Lindy
Goodman • Sai Kiran Gopie • Colleen Gowan • Lynn Guerriero • Paul Guthrie H Marc Hanes • Wendy Hardy • Amanda Hathway • Erin Hathway • Frank
Herbert I Michael Isaacs J JRS K Jeff Katzin • KPMG- Enterprise Team • KPMG- ICE Team • Michael Kulas • Dennis Kwong L Scott Langley • Andrew Lee
• Josh Leiderman • Matt Levitan • Fei Fei Liu M Patti MacKenna • MacMeds • Janet MacMillan • Dave Macnee • Frank Magliocco • Adrienne Maniezzo
• Marissa Mastenbroek • Emily Mazzei • Madelyn McCallan • Adam McClare • Eric McKay • Trent Mell • Mighty Mitch’s Mob • Stacey Minkhorst • David
Mitchell • Ashley Monaghan • Craig Morantz • Melissa Morgan • Anna Murray • Anne Murray N Rebecca Ng • Nolan’s Dream Chasers O Oaknine • Avy
Oaknine • Niall O’Doherty • Allyson O’Grady • Ooch Office Team • Ooch Volunteer Team • Beverley Osburne • Brittany Owens P Neve Padulo • Jeffrey
Parr • Trish Petersen • Lee-Anne Pires • PKF Dawgs • Cat Powell • Greg Power R Paul Rand • Lynn Richardson • Alex Robins • Paul Rogers • Jeffrey Rose
• Bev Rosser • Run 10k • Running 10 in 2010 S Danny Santagato • Mitchell Sarjeant • Neeta Sarta • Jamie Scarlett • Jonathan Scarlett • Brent Sharpless •
Haematology/Oncology, The Hospital for Sick Children and Camp Oochigeas Medical Director & Board Member
Camp Oochigeas is part of my life. When
I first went to camp in 1987, I was still
five years away from completing my
training in paediatric oncology, and my
hair was jet black. Now, almost 25 years
later, I look back on that first summer at
the start of my second year of training
as a Haematology/Oncology fellow
at SickKids, when Dr. Fred Saunders,
then the Medical Director of the Camp,
sent me there to see another face of
children with cancer – a face happier
and more carefree than what I was used
to seeing in the hospital. After an hour
at Ooch, I was hooked. The Med Shed
comprised a single room, the ability to
give chemotherapy or transfusions was
limited; much of what we did was “firstaid” and most of our campers were well.
The Dream of Ooch was awakening;
the potential of Ooch was just being
realized; the strength of commitment by
a philanthropic and medical community
that had created this magical place had
captured my imagination, and there was
no looking back.
Since that first summer, I have been to
camp over a dozen times, and I have
been honoured to sit on the Board of
Directors and be the Medical Director for
the last six years. It is a privilege to work
with the families of children with cancer,
to have them let you into their lives and
to shepherd their child through the trials
and tribulations of cancer treatment and
survivorship. Oochigeas is an integral part
of that journey. To be part of the living
magic that we call Ooch and to watch
it grow through a quarter century into a
vibrant, creative and unique entity that
embraces all children who have been
diagnosed with cancer has left a very
special place in my heart. As I write these
words, the Ooch spirit lives on the 8th
floor of SickKids, in the summer residential
camp, in multiple fall-winter weekendsat-camp, in day camp for younger
children, and in a remarkable in-city camp
experience that will further transform the
lives of children living with cancer.
with cancer, we need places like Ooch
to make their journey less troubling, less
painful, and less sad. I am old enough to
know how far Ooch has come, and I am
young enough to dream of a day when
our camp will no longer be necessary.
But until that day, our challenge as a
community of camp staff and volunteers,
medical and nursing professionals, and
generous partners is to give, so that these
children can enjoy a minute, an hour, a
day, a week, and a life of happiness and
magical memories. I, for one, am up to the
challenge; and I look forward to my next
25 years at Ooch.
Dr. David Malkin
It is not right that any child or family
should have to suffer a life with cancer. It
is not right for a child to lose the core of
their formative years, being sidetracked
by this devastating disease. But until we
are able to prevent and cure all children
Andrew Shaw • Sarah Simons • Sandra Singer • Brian Slomka • Geoff Smith • Carla Smyth • Tara Spencer-Nairn • Jana Steele • Megan Stephens • Debra
Stockla • Jessica Swartz T Team Agnico Eagle Mines • Team Alvarez & Marsal • Team Anderson DDB • Team Bennett Jones • Team Borden Ladner Gervais
• Team Brookfield Financial • Team CB Richard Ellis • Team Centerra Gold • Team Chaitons LLP • Team CLB • Team COFACE • Team Colliers • Team Corby
• Team Counterpoint Engineering • Team Davies • Team Dundee Wealth • Team Ernst & Young • Team EUROLITE • Team Fasken Martineau • Team FMC
- Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP • Team Future Shop (Ontario Future Shop Stores & Employees) • Team Goodmans LLP • Team Gowlings • Team Greenwood
College School • Team High Road Communications • Team IAMGOLD • Team Jennifer • Team Kinross Gold • Team Lenczner Slaght Royce Smith Griffin
LLP • Team Leo Burnett • Team Lowe Roche • Team MacLaren McCann • Team McCarthy Tétrault • Team McKinsey • Team McMillan • Team Merrill Lynch
Canada • Team Millennium Research Group • Team Miller Thomson • Team Minden Gross LLP • Team Monitor • Team Moroco Chocolat • Team NB
Financial • Team NKPR • Team North American Palladium • Team Ogilvy Renault LLP • Team Osler • Team Oxford Properties • Team Paliare Roland • Team
Pete and Ally O’Grady • Team PlayStation • Team PricewaterhouseCoopers • Team RBC • Team RSM Richter • Team Saatchi & Saatchi • Team SECOR •
Team Shaner • Team Shimmerman Penn • Team Soberman • Team Stikeman Elliott Gators • Team T.E. Wealth • Team TELUS MARCOM • Team Thornton
Grout Finnigan • Team TMIG • Team Torchette • Team Torkin Manes LLP • Team Torys LLP • Team UBS • Team Wildeboer Dellelce LLP • Team Xstrata • Ian
Tharp • THE BIMMERS - BIMM Direct & Digital • The Blakes Team • The Mac-Oochies - Macleod Dixon LLP • Jennifer Thompson • Sheldon Title • Trinity
College School • Sidney Troister • Celia Turnbull • Stephen Turvey U Shaun Usmar • Shana Valo V Chris van de Water • Claire Vivier • Ryan Voegeli W Shari
Walczak • Bruce Williams • Meryl Witkin • Steve Wolfe • Allison Wolfe • Denise Wong • Ian Woolsey Y Wendy Yu
“This summer I was with the junior girls and one of my campers was named Jenna. Jenna was 9, still
on treatment and it was her very first time at camp. Although she was hesitant and cautious about
trying new things, Jenna quickly became a natural at pretty much everything she tried. She was truly
a superstar at camp! I watched her through her first swimming lesson, her first time catching a fish,
and even saw her reach the top of the climbing wall on her first try. The fact is that Jenna seemed so
comfortable at camp, even though she had never been camping before or tried any of these activities.
But as Jenna insisted, this wasn’t her first time at Camp Ooch. She had been hanging out with Norah
and Waseem and all of the other In-Hospital staff and volunteers during the past few months at
SickKids Hospital. She’s made greeting cards, syringe painted and even had a dance party on the
8th floor. Those things aren’t so different from residential camp. Her transition to summer camp was
amazing to witness. It was incredible to watch her try new things, gain new skills and most importantly
make new friends. No doubt we will continue to see Jenna at many Ooch programs in the future.”
– Ooch Volunteer
Thank you for your support! Listed below are Donors and Community Fundraising Events who contributed to Camp Oochigeas during the 2010 fiscal year
of November 1, 2009 and October 31, 2010. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list, but please let us know if you have a question
or concern. Due to space limitations, we have listed gifts of $1,000 and over.
A Ronald & Simone Aiello • Marly Atkins B R. M. Barford • Donald Bayer & Laura Nadalini • David Beatty • Paul & Kathleen Beeston • Ronald & Barbara
Besse • Murray & Ann Beynon • Roger & Lyn Bolt • Auguste Bolte • James Bradford • Howard & Martha Breen • Paul Brehl C Cathy Cacciacarro • Linda
Campbell • Trevor Carr • Mable Chang & Aubrey Choi • Jennifer & Larry Clark • Peter Clark • Richard & Marilyn Coles • Robert & Carol Comish • Mark
Crane • Ian Crosbie & Jolie Lin D Tobin Davis & Sheila Allen • Leo & Sandra DelZotto • George Dembroski • Nicholas Demelo • Brian & Shirley Domelle
• Kevin Duggan • David & Natalie Duncan • Stephen Duttenhofer E Richard & Lori Elder F Brian Facey • Mark Fecenko & Alice Kowal • Bernard Feinstein
• Arne Frandsen • Cheryl Fullerton G Serge & Magdalena Gattesco • Chris Gauthier • Lorne Glass • Ori & Trish Goldman • William & Catherine Graham •
Linda Gray & Cam Ballantyne • John Griffith • Jennifer Grossklaus • James Grout • Sam Gudewill H Judith Haladay & James Douglas • Gordon & Dorothy
Hall • Bradley Hammond • Robert Harlang • Marianne Harris • David & Lenore Hawkey • Janet Hilson • Maria & Bernhard Hollen • David & Mariella Holmes
• Ernest Howard • Barbara Howson J Ian Jackson K Diane Kazarian • Mary & Sean Kelly • Kelly Kimel • Sean Kimmel • Bobby Kofman • Judith Korthals
L Stephen Lang • Richard LaPrairie • Eleanor London M Terry MacGibbon • Frank & Rosalia Magliocco • Michael
Matthews & Jane Crow • John & Gretta McConnell • Donald & Marie McFarlane • Brian & Sharon McGrath • Anne
McKenzie • Stanley & Cairn Meek • Anthony & Valerie Melman • David Melnik • Patrick & Michelle Meneley • Vincent
Mercier & Kirsten Halpin • Martin Metherell • Daniel Mida • Karen Middleton • Hercules Modopoulos • Debbie & Don
Morrison N George Nightingale • Boris & Sophia Novansky P Dawn & Lloyd Perlmutter • Larry Phillips • Barb Plato •
Ted & Carolyn Polci R Dawn & Jason Ramsay-Brown • Andy & Sue Redmond • Albert Rehanek • Edgar & Elizabeth
Rhodes • John & Lynda Rogers • Patricia Russell S Erik & Sophie Saeys • Peggy Sarjeant • Vince Saroli • Richard Savoury
• Jamie Scarlett • Brian & Colleen Semkiw • Tony Shamata • Andrew Sheiner & Liza Mauer • Kelly Shorer • Vinayak Singh
• Bernadette Stanton-Meijer & Kevin Stanton • David Steinberg • Ellen Storfer • Kevin Sullivan T Barbara & Cliff Talbot
• Stephen Thom • Dawna & Doug Thompson • Jamie Tucker • Stephen Turvey & Elizabeth Duncan U Greg & Nicky
Uchiyama • Shaun Usmar V Dale Varney W John Watson • Michael Wekerle • Marilyn & Bruce Wharram • Mark Wicken
• Natalie Wolpert • Nigel Wright Y William & F. Joyce Young • Chung Yue
A Acier Wirth Steel • Adidas-Salomon Canada • Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited • Alexandroff Real Estate Ltd. • Amer Sports Canada Inc. B B7- Ben Shirinian/
Michael Seven • Bailey Metal Products Limited • BASF Canada Inc. • Billabong Burleigh Point Canada C Calsper Developments • Canada Bread Company
Limited • Canada Goose • Centerra Gold Inc. • Chaitons LLP • CIBC - Communications & Public Affairs • Closing the Gap Healthcare Group • Coleman
Canada • Comas Mfg • Corbett’s Skis & Snowboards Inc. • CPSO • Creaghan McConnell Group Ltd. • Credit Development Group of Ontario • CV Studio
D David William Moore Enterprizes Incorporated • Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP • Dundee Wealth Management E Elmica Holdings ULC • The
Empire Life Insurance Company • Enterprise Rent-a-Car Canada Limited • EUROLITE INC. F FileBank • Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP • Future Shop G GEP
Productions, Inc. #9 • Govan Brown Associates • Great-West Life/London Life Canada H Head/Tyrolia Sports Canada Inc. • Heathwood Homes • Heel Boy
• Hughes Amys LLP J Jaytex of Canada Ltd. • JD Design • Jupa Sports Inc./Les Boxers Boyz Inc. K Kiehl’s Since 1851 • Kinross Gold Corporation • Kramer
Design Associates L L.I.U.N.A. Canadian Tri-Fund • Liquidnet Canada Inc • Lubricon Industries Canada Limited M Manufacturing & Technology Centre •
Metherell Financial Services • Millcroft Financial Group Ltd. N National Bank Financial • New Balance Canada Inc. • Nike Canada Ltd. • NKPR Inc. • The
North Face (Canada) Inc. O Oakley Canada Inc. • ONE Financial • Onex Corporation • Ontario Power Generation Inc. • Outdoor Gear Canada P Primary
Energy Recycling Corporation • Prime Restaurant Group Inc. • Puma Canada Inc. Q Quebecor R RCP International & Canada Running Series • Rossignol
Canada Ltd. S Sam Rabito Construction Ltd. • Samuel, Son & Co., Limited • Scotia Capital • Serad Holdings Limited • Siga International • Skadden, Arps,
Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP • Soberman LLP, Chartered Accountants • Solutions 2 GO, LLC • Splash Modelling Marketing • Sport Alliance of Ontario KidSport Lottery • Sporting Life Inc. • Sprott Asset Management LP • Spyder Active Sports T TD Bank Financial Group • TD Bank Financial Group • Toronto
Hydro • Torys LLP • Triella U UBS • Uvex Toko Canada Ltd. V Viterra • VMC Media Inc. W Warnaco Swimwear Group • Winners Merchants International •
Wolverine World Wide Inc. • Woolcan Inc. X Xstrata Nickel Y Yorkdale Shopping Centre
A The Andy and Beth Burgess Family Foundation • Aqueduct Foundation - Hickling Family Fund • Arrell Family Foundation B The Bedolfe Foundation •
The Ben and Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation • BMO Employee Charitable Foundation • Brian & Susan Thomas Foundation C CAF America • Canadian
Million Dollar Round Table Foundation • CAW Social Justice Fund • CIBC Children’s Foundation • Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation • The Conn
Smythe Foundation • Cornerstone 52 Foundation D Donner Canadian Foundation G The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation H The Howard and Carole
Tanenbaum Family Charitable Foundation• The Hylcan Foundation J J.E. Panneton Family Foundation K The Keg Spirit Foundation • KRG Children’s
Charitable Foundation L L.W.W Children’s Foundation • The Lawrason Foundation • The Leonard and Gabryela Osin Foundation • Lions Club M
The Marjorie and Joseph Wright Memorial Foundation • The Mary & Gordon Christopher Foundation • McBurney Family Foundation • Michael Albert
Garron Foundation • Minto Foundation Inc. • The Molson Donations Fund N New York Fries Kids Fund at The Toronto
Community Foundation • The Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation P Play in Support of Cancer
Research R RBC Foundation • Robert L. Conconi Foundation • Rotary Club of Willowdale S The Salden Foundation
• The Sanderling Foundation • Scotia Employee Volunteer Program T TD Securities Underwriting Hope Fund • Team
TELUS Cares • Temerty Family Foundation • The Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund U The UPS Foundation W Webkinz
Foundation • Winberg Foundation
1st Annual PlayStation Charity Golf Tournament • 32nd Annual PHA Golf Tournament A Proceeds from “A page from
a CEO’s Diary” by Howard Breen B Bill Muir Memorial Golf Tournament – Oakland Greens Golf Course • Brad Stevens
Memorial Golf Tournament • The Bugsy & Ken Charity Golf Tournament • Business Development Bank of Canada
Charity Golf Tournament C Camp Oochigeas Annual Charity BBQ at the Queen’s Quay LCBO • Canadian Insurance
Claims Managers’ Association Golf Tournament • Canadian Italian Golf Association Tournament • Clarkson Secondary
School • Coleman Employees Hike-a-thon • Colgate-Palmolive Golf Tournament • Construction Credit Group Golf
Tournament • Corvettes for Kids Road Tour • Crescent School Portfolio D Driftwood Martial Arts “Kicks for Camp” Kitchener, ON E ECHOage • Erindale
Secondary School J Joy Jarvis Swim For The Kids • Jugo Juice Day • Jump For Ooch K Katie MacKenzie Fundraiser • Kingsway College School M
Marmora KOA Annual Labour Day Auction • McConnell Classic Golf Tournament • The Meeks’ Annual Bass Fishing Tournament • Muskoka Masters Golf
Tournament • Muskoka Paramedics Softball Tournament • Muskoka Rocks Road Race N Norwood Curl For Kids P Prime Restaurant Golf Tournament
R Ram Forest Products & Trent Timber Treating Hockey Pool • Ready Mixed Concrete Association of Ontario AGM • Rexall Golf Tournament - Rexall
Foundation • Ride for Karen • Robb Thompson Memorial Fundraiser • Ron Ellis Team Canada Foundation Golf Tournament • RSM Richter’s Employee
Fundraising S Second Cup Sip For A Cause Event • Sporting Life 10K • Swiss Chalet/Harvey’s Pro-Am Golf Tournament T T.P.S. Fraud Squad Annual Charity
Golf Tournament • Tamya’s Walk - St. Marguerite D’Youville School • Toronto Insurance Women’s Association Annual Charity Golf Tournament • Tour for
Kids • TruBalance Suzanne Somers Event U University of Guelph Fashion Show V Village Pizza Restaurant (Tottenham) & Friends Fundraiser W West Ferris
Secondary School “Trojan Parade for Cancer” Y York Regional Police Association Golf Tournament • The York School Ooch-a-thon
A Tony Agro • Jane Apor • Bernice Augusto B Anju Banka • Lindsay Bergeron • Matthew Bloom • Lesley Bloor • Ken Bondy • Ron Bouwmeister • John
Bowden • Laurel Brooks • Nat Brunette C Darren Chapman • Nancy Chapman • Archie Chase • John Christian D Kevin Dobbin • Kheir El-Dakkak E Ron
Ellis F Gary Fenske • Paul Ferris • Rosa Forgione • Karen Freedman G Michael Gary • Shelley Gaudet • Graham George • Tonina Guido H Erin Heath •
Daniel Heffernan • Jennifer Heffernan • Amber Hopgood • John Hull J Joy Jarvis • Laura Johnston K Aimee Keane • Lynn Keane • Michele & Gary Kelly
• Donna Kingman • Jim Kinnie • Bruce Kruger L Donna Landrigan • Paul LaRose • Rebecca Lawrence • David Lecourt • Debbie Lennie • Matt Levitan •
Nancy Lundy M The MacKenzie Family • Cam MacNeil • Steve Maher • Patti Matetich • Rob Mathews • Lorne McBride • John McConnell • Rob McConnell
• Dan McFadden • Brian McGrath • Stuart McKinnon • Sandra & Roger Meeks • Sean Mitchell • Eugene Mlynczyk • Kyle Moffatt • Craig Montross N Rita
Napier • Angela Nassar P Liisa Palokoski • Shelley Peralto • Dan & Alexandra Petr • Joyce Philips-Nitsos • Mike Pizzey • Nick Perpick, John Rothschild, Bill
Grady & the Prime Restaurant Group Golf Tournament Committee • Inna Pessine • Lloyd Proctor • Anne Marie Puls R Ready Mixed Concrete Association
of Ontario Board of Directors • Dianne Reggi • Adette Rice • John Roe • Jeff Rushton • David Russell S Ezio Sbrizzi • Warren Smith • Steven Sokolowski •
John Stevens • Renee Stier T Thinking Cap Club • The Thompson Family • Kirk Tobias • Kris Tobias • Toronto Insurance Women’s Association • Tour For
Kids Organizing Team, operating under the Coast to Coast Against Cancer Umbrella W Bjorn Walter • Marilyn Wharram • Steven Wise • Kelly Wolff
• Larry Wood X Ari Xenarios Y Rick Yates Z Debbie Zinman • Susan Zikman-Wise
A Jason Adams • Ken Aldridge • Julie Andrews • Chrissie Arnold C Adam Caplan • Candace Covent M Laura McMeekin • Grant Minkhorst R Natasha
Racco • Lisa Robinson T Olivia Tischler
A Michelle Afinec • Ken Aldridge • Chrissie Arnold B Dominik Bitzenhofer • Aimee Bruner D Rob Drynan F Rita Fantegrossi • Jordi Friese • Helen Fulchini
G Diana Gourley H Jonny Handler • Kim Holt • Emily Hopkins J Amy Johnston K Lindsay Knox M Jeff Mann • Cheryl Medley • Glenna Mullen • Shelley
Mullen N Sarah Nelles R Alex Robertson S Waseem Sendi • Norah Kot Shaughnessy • Meghan Shields T Adriana Tramontana • Becky Turnbull
W Stephan Weckschmied
464 Bathurst Street Toronto, ON M5T 2S6
Phone: (416) 961-6624
Toll-free: 1-888-GO-4-OOCH
Fax: (416) 961-2267
Thank you to
for creating this Annual Report at no charge to Camp Oochigeas.
Charitable Registration Number:
13111 6022 RR0001