December 2015 - Gladstone Schools
December 2015 - Gladstone Schools
December 2015 Kraxberger Winter Band Concert Thursday, December 10th 7:00 pm in KMS Gym2 The Bulldog bands are looking forward to performing for family, friends and community members at their winter concert, which will be held on Thursday, December 10th, 7pm in KMS Gym2. Admission is free! The concert will feature the 6th grade beginning band, 7th grade intermediate band, and 8th grade advanced band. We hope to see you there! DATES TO REMEMBER Dec 3: 8th Grade Grad Party—Parent Planning Mtg, 6:30 @KMS Library Dec 4: NO SCHOOL: Report Cards Dec 8: Deadline for 6th grade cookie dough orders due to Advisory teachers Dec 9: Report Cards mailed Dec 9: School Brd Mtg 6:30pm @DO Dec 10: Winter Band Concert 7:00 @KMS Gym 2 Dec 17: 6th grade cookie dough order pick-up, 2:50PM in 6th grade pod Dec 19-Jan 3: NO SCHOOL: WINTER BREAK Jan 4: School Resumes Jan 7: 8th Grade Grad Party—Parent Planning Mtg, 6:30 @KMS Library NEED TO CONTACT A TEACHER? Teacher e‐mail addresses are on the WLK website: h p:// Click on “Contact Us” and you will see a link to the list of all staff mem‐ bers and their email addresses. Magazine Sale Fundraiser A great big THANK YOU! to Kraxberger students, families, neighbors, and all of the volunteers that supported this year’s magazine fundraiser. Our top sellers in each grade level were: 6th—Jada Larrison $366 7th—Lexy delos Reyes $571 8th—Audrey Rogers $398 The total amount collected was $12,816. Kraxberger will keep approximately 45% of that amount to help pay for field trips, assemblies, playground equipment, intramural sports, student recognition, classroom technology, and other activities that support students. Thank you everyone for participating in our annual school fundraiser! We couldn’t have done it without you! Let it Snow! Kraxberger News 8th GRADE PARENTS Planning has begun on the 8th Grade Grad Party. ALL 8th grade parents are invited to participate in the planning of this fun event. The next meeting is Thursday, December 3rd, 6:30pm at the KMS library. The next meeting after that will be Thursday, January 7th, 6:30pm at the KMS library. Ways to Find Out if it's a Snow Day Winter weather can be unpredictable, so we want to make you aware of the many ways you can get information in the event we announce a late-start or school closure due to extreme weather. 1) Radio & TV: Any last minute changes in the school schedule will be announced on most Portland area news media. 2) The District Facebook page: “Like” us at 3) Gladstone Schools websites: Check the Gladstone Schools website at, or visit your school website. 4) Sign up for Flash Alerts: Receive an email and/or text as soon as the Superintendent posts a change in the school schedule. Visit and follow the directions to sign up. 5) Receive an email from Gladstone Schools: Our School Connects rapid response information system will send you an email when we announce a school closure or delay. To update your email address, please call the school office, 503655-3636. Bundle up and stay safe! Gladstone School Board Meeting Wednesday, December 9th, 6:30PM The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Gladstone School District Board of Directors is on Wednesday evening, December 10th at the District Office Board Room. December 2015 Page 2 ATTENDANCE REPORTING & HOMEWORK REQUESTS WHEN YOUR STUDENT IS ILL or OUT of TOWN It is the parent/guardian(s) responsibility to notify the school office of a student’s absence due to illness, appointment, or trip out of town. If you would like to request homework, please email or call your student’s teachers. Homework can be picked up in the school office. Teachers would like 24-hour advance notice, but can usually accommodate your request if made by 9:00am the day of the absence. Teacher email addresses & phone extensions are available on the Kraxberger Web Page at Go to Contact Us & click on the link for the Staff Roster. 8th GRADE PARENTS! It’s time to look through your 8th GRADER'S BABY PICTURES and choose a favorite for the Kraxberger yearbook! Please have your child deliver the picture to the Kraxberger office no later than Friday, December 18th, or email a digital copy of the photo to The picture should be labeled on the back with the child's first and last name, & their Advisory teacher's name. The picture should be no larger than 4x6 inches. All pictures will be returned to the students. Kraxberger News PARENTS PLEASE LIMIT YOUR STUDENT MESSAGES Please limit the number of messages sent to your student during the school day. Each message requires the office to interrupt classes when they are in session. This includes delivering lunches after the start of school. Thank you! IMMUNIZATION RATE IS HIGH IN GLADSTONE SCHOOLS In accordance with state law SB895, we want to inform you about immunization rates for kindergarten and 7th grade in Gladstone schools. This data is for the 2014-15 school year. GCCF/Kindergarten: Polio MMR 1 Measles 2 Hep B Varicella Hep A All vaccines complete non-medical exemptions 6% 96% 97% 97% 95% 96% 93% 91% Kraxberger/Grade 7: non-medical exemptions 3% Tdap 98% Polio 99% Varicella 99% MMR 1 99% Measles 2 98% Hep B 99% Complete for all 98% 6th GRADE COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISER Tuesday, December 8th: Deadline for all orders to be turned in to Advisory teachers. Check should be made payable to KMS or Kraxberger Thursday, December 17th: Cookie dough orders to be picked up at 2:50PM in the WLK 6th grade pod. Please arrange to have orders picked up. We do not have the facilities to store your frozen cookie dough orders . December 2015 Page 3 TAG—TALENTED AND GIFTED The TAG program recognizes, identifies, and serves the unique needs of talented and gifted (TAG) students who are either academically or intellectually gifted. Teachers work with TAG students in their regular classes to provide more challenging course work or opportunities for enrichment beyond the regular course work when possible. Does this sound like something from which your child could benefit? If you would like your child to be considered for the TAG program, please contact Jill Cone, the Kraxberger TAG coordinator, with your request at, or 503-655-3636 ext 516, by Friday, December 18, 2015. PANCAKE BREAKFAST with SANTA (8th Grade Grad Party fundraiser) Saturday, December 12th 8:00 to 10:00 AM Applebee’s Restaurant 15640 SE Happy Valley Town Center Dr Happy Valley, OR Tickets: $10 each (limited quantity) Tickets must be purchased prior to the event. The 8th grade parents will be helping serve a pancake breakfast with eggs, sausage, and your choice of coffee, juice, or milk are included! “SANTA” will be there!! Bring your camera & snap away with no charge!! You can’t beat that!! No mall lines or waiting hours with whiny kids to see Santa. Tickets may be purchased in the Kraxberger office. They will also be sold on Sat., Dec. 5th, at the wrestling tournament at GHS. You can also contact anyone from the 8th grade party committee listed: Mindy Christopher (503) 933-5915 Kim Hintz (503) 952-6165 Amber Richter (503) 380-3022 Kelly Doolittle (503) 806-3589 Tracy Lindt (503) 680-8482 Corie Gregg (503) 919-1953 All money raised will go to the 8th Grade Graduation Party Fund!!! THANK YOU!!! Kraxberger News School begins at 8:40AM!! PLEASE BE ON TIME!! End-of-Trimester Celebration The End-of-Trimester Celebration is Friday, December 18th, from 2:10 to 3:10 PM. Several activities will be available to the students: Dance, open gym, library, games, Wii rock band, etc. TEEN GAME NIGHT December 2015 Page 5 Box Tops For Education! Holiday cooking time is always the best time to start “clipping, saving, and turning in” Box Tops For Education! Look for the coupons on specially marked packages. Students will turn the coupons into their Advisory Class. For a complete list of participating products, please visit http://www.boxtops4education.comdefault.aspx. To gain extra points, you may also register Kraxberger and if you “shop marketplace”, Kraxberger will receive a percentage of that as well. Thank you for helping us raise money for our school! !! YEARBOOK ORDERS!! 1st Thursday of Every Month 6:00PM Teens in the 6th-12th grades can meet new people, and play video & board games! GLADSTONE PUBLIC LIBRARY 135 E Dartmouth St (503) 656-2411 The deadline for ordering a yearbook is March 31, 2016! The dost is $20, cash or checks only. Checks should be made payable to KMS or Kraxberger. You have a few more months, so this is just a little reminder to mark your calendars. If you’re not sure if you’ve purchased a yearbook, please contact Shaun Southmayd in the Kraxberger office at (503)655-3636 or email at December 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Early Dismissal 2:10pm November 15 S M T W T F S Friday 4 Saturday 5 NO SCHOOL Report Cards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 6 7 8 9 10 Report Cards Mailed KMS Winter Band Concert 7pm @KMS Gym2 Scho ol Boar d Mtg 6:30pm @DO Br d Rm 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 Early Dismissal 2:10pm 13 14 15 16 Early Dismissal 2:10pm 20 21 22 23 NO SCHOOL - WINTER BREAK 27 28 29 30 31 January 16 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NO SCHOOL - WINTER BREAK December 2015 Menu Walter L. Kraxberger Middle School Monday Tuesday 1 Gladstone Style Enchilada with Spanish Rice 7 Hearty Chicken Noodle soup with a WG dinner roll 8 Fajita Chicken with Cilantro Lime Rice Wednesday 2 3 Bean Chili with Corn bread muffin 9 WG Pancake, sausage, patty with Hash browns 15 Beef Nacho with 16 Sweet and sour Chicken, WG chips, refried Fried rice and beans egg roll Thursday 3 Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza made on a WG crust and Cookie 10 Meaty Spaghetti 11 Turkey Corndog with WG crust Bake with garlic with Seasoned bread stick fries 21 Start of winter 22 break, See you January 4th, 2016 23 17 Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza made on a WG crust with Gingerbread cupcake 24 28 30 31 14 Homemade Potato Chowder with Pulled Pork on a bun 29 Friday 4 No School 18 Cheese burger with Tasty Tater tots 25 WG=Whole Grain Must choose 3 or more of the 5 components: Grain, Meat/Meat Alterative, Fruit, Vegetable and Milk Everyday offerings: Fresh vegetables and fruit salad bar (minimum serving ½ cup of fruit or vegetable or combination of) 1% milk or Fat Free milk Sandwiches: Peanut Butter and Jelly or Ham and Cheese or Tuna or Cheese or Turkey and Cheese or Egg salad or Bagel/cream cheese with cheese stick (at least 2 choices of above sandwiches available each day) Menu is subject to change USDA and Gladstone School District are equal opportunity providers and employers. Gladstone Food Pantry Holiday Schedule To give our shoppers & volunteers family time over the holidays, Food Pantry days will change the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. The Food Pantry will be open TUESDAYS from 3 to 5:30 p.m. • November 24 • December 22 • December 29 The Food Pantry will be CLOSED: • November 26 & 28 • December 24 & 26 • December 31 & January 2 Regular hours resume Thursday, January 7. Apologies for any inconvenience. Community Clothes Closet Gladstone Food Pantry Families are invited to choose: • outfits • jacket • shoes • new socks & underwear Families are invited to choose nutritious foods to meet their family’s needs and preferences. Please bring reusable bags to carry your food. free used clothing for youths from birth to 21 Emergency need? Donations? Volunteers? Call Coordinator LaRae Applebee 503-758-4411 The Clothes Closet is run by the Gladstone Ministerial Association in partnership with the Gladstone School District. • Free food selection • Patrons may visit once a week Questions? Donations? Volunteers? Call Leslie Robinette 971.246.0302 The Food Pantry is run by local volunteers in partnership with the Gladstone School District. It operates as a School-Based Food Pantry under the Oregon Food Bank. We can help! Two volunteer-run services are available to help Gladstone area families facing hard times: the Gladstone Community Clothes Closet, and the Gladstone Food Pantry. Nelson Lane (park here) Fire Lane Technology & Fine Arts Wing Food Pantry is open: • Thursdays from 3 to 5:30 p.m. • Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon • Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. • Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon Clothes Closet is open: They are co-located for your convenience: Gladstone High: 18800 Portland Ave. in portable classrooms off Nelson Lane. Portland Avenue Parking Lot 4 Clothes Closet/ Food Pantry t Gladstone High School 18800 Portland Ave. Armario de Ropa de la Comunidad Ropa usada gratis para jóvenes desde nacimiento a 21 años. Las familias están invitados a escoger: • Trajes • Chaquetas • Zapatos • Calcetines y Ropa Interior nuevos ¿Necesidad de Emergencia? ¿Voluntarios? Llame a la coordinadora LaRae Applebee 503-758-4411 El Armario de Ropa está dirigido por Gladstone Ministerial Association en colaboración con el Distrito Escolar de Gladstone. Despensa de Comida de Gladstone • Selecciónes de comida gratis • Los clientes pueden visitar una vez a la semana Las familias están invitadas a escoger alimentos nutritivos para satisfacer las necesidades y preferencias de su familia. Favor de traer bolsas reutilizables para llevar su comida, si es posible. ¿Preguntas? ¿ Donaciones? ¿Voluntarios? Llame a la coordinadora Leslie Robinette 971.246.0302 La Despensa de Comida está dirigido por voluntarios en colaboración con el Distrito Escolar Gladstone. Funciona como una Despensa de Comida basada en la Escuela bajo el Banco de Comida de Oregon. ¡Podemos ayudarle! Dos servicios de voluntarios están disponibles para ayudar a las familias de Gladstone enfrentando tiempos difíciles: El Armario de Ropa de Gladstone y La Despensa de Comida de Gladstone. Nelson Lane (park here) Fire Lane Technology & Fine Arts Wing La Despensa de Comida está abierta: El Armario de Ropa está abierto: Los Jueves de las 3:00 a las 5:00 de la tarde Los Sábados de las 10:00 a las 12:00 de la mañana Se encuentran para su conveniencia: Gladstone High School: 18800 Portland Avenue En las salas de clases portables. Se entra por Nelson Lane, al norte del campus. [updated 10/15] Portland Avenue Los Jueves de las 3:00 a las 5:30 de la tarde Los Sábados de las 10 a las 12:00 de la mañana Parking Lot 4 Clothes Closet/ Food Pantry t Gladstone High School 18800 Portland Ave. What: When: Where: Cost: Time: Dinner Auction Fundraiser Saturday, February 20th, 2016 Clackamas County Fair Grounds $40 per person ($320 for a table of 8) Silent Auction starts at 5:30 P.M. Dinner served at 7:30 P.M. Live Auction begins at 8:30 BEACH ATTIRE IS RECOMMENDED, BUT NOT REQUIRED ~ ~ ~SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY~ ~ ~ DONATIONS AND DINNER RESERVATION NOW BEING ACCEPTED To make a donation please contact: Tammy Tracy at 503.650-2577 or Dinner Auction Fundraiser Saturday, February 20, 2016 ~ Clackamas County Fair Grounds (Silent Auction begins at 5:30 P.M. ~ Dinner served at 7:30 ~ Live Auction begins at 8:30) Admission to dinner is by reservation only. Cost is $40 per person. Please complete this form and mail your check (payable to the Gladstone Education Foundation) or your credit card information prior to Jan 31, 2016. You can also pay with a credit card over the phone (503-650-2577). Name________________________________ Address__________________________________________ City________________________ State_______ Zip________ Email ______________________________ Daytime phone____________________________ Evening phone_________________________________ ____I will be unable to attend but wish to make a donation of $_______or item_______________________ ____Enclosed is my check in the amount of $________for_______tickets ____I would like to reserve an entire table (8 places) for $320. ____Bill my credit card in the amount of $_______ for _______ tickets Card # ___________________________________ expiration date __________ ________ _________ Month Year 2 digit code Please list the name of each person whose payment is enclosed (including your own). Name____________________________ Phone________________Email__________________________ Name____________________________ Phone________________Email__________________________ Name____________________________ Phone________________Email__________________________ Name____________________________ Phone________________Email__________________________ Name____________________________ Phone________________Email__________________________ Name____________________________ Phone________________Email__________________________ Name____________________________ Phone________________Email__________________________ Name____________________________ Phone________________Email__________________________ Please indicate if anyone in your party is a vegetarian or has any food allergies:______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Return completed form with payment to: Gladstone Education Foundation Att: Tammy Tracy 17789 Webster Rd. Gladstone, OR 97027. OR Phone in your reservation with a credit card at 503-650-2577.
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preferencias de su familia. Favor de traer bolsas
reutilizables para llevar su comida, si es posible.
¿Preguntas? ¿ Donaciones? ¿Voluntarios?