All Together Now at the NNMCC
All Together Now at the NNMCC
All Together NOW Our culture brings people together & connects us. IT I S O P E N , I N C LU S I V E , A N D B E I N G TO G E TH E R H A S A H U G E S O C I A L I M PAC T. N I K K E I P L AC E is home to three non-profit organi- Nikkei Home (semi assisted living for seniors) and New Sakura-so (independent living for seniors). Here is where seniors experience aging in a culturally sensitive environment, with programs and services available that are designed to help them stay connected to the community. The Centre is located in the heart of Burnaby’s community within an architectural landmark designed by the internationally acclaimed architect Raymond Moriyama. It is where you will find the Museum and it’s exhibits on the history and culture of Japanese-Canadians, as well as many other Nikkei stories waiting to be discovered. It is also home to a traditional Japanese garden, a restaurant, and a grocery store. NPF is the fundraising organization for Nikkei Place; we work together with the Centre and Nikkei Seniors to build a strong and vibrant community for all. NPF raises funds to ensure that Nikkei Place is here for future generations to learn, share and enjoy. zations: Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society (‘Nikkei Seniors’), Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre (‘the Centre’), and Nikkei Place Foundation (NPF). Nikkei Seniors is situated alongside the Centre, and comprised of two seniors housing facilites known as At Nikkei Place we remember and preserve heritage and culture, we celebrate the present with activities for every age and interest and we help shape the future of Canada, drawing on values Nikkei Place passes on to us from our Japanese-Canadian ancestors. All Together Now at Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre (NNMCC) LO N E L I N E S S & I S O L AT I O N I S A LO O M I N G C R I S I S E V E N I N T H I S H Y P E R- CO N N E C T E D S O C I E T Y W E L I V E I N , W I T H R AT E S I N C R E A S I N G AT A N A L A R M I N G R AT E I N C A N A DA . Please give to the NNMCC in support of all Canadians and help us create a 'togetherness heals' movement. This year, Nikkei Place Foundation is asking for donations to our “All Together Now” campaign to tackle one of Canada’s and our community’s unspoken crisis – loneliness and isolation – by funding culture to create a ‘togetherness heals’ movement. 25% of Canadians Feel Lonely 35% of Seniors are Isolated While Nikkei Place receive some government support for our health care programs, as private organizations that provide public services, we can only accomplish all that we do with the help of your donations. SHARING SMILES S H A R I N G C U LT U R E S H A R I N G J OY Togetherness means that we feel better, healthier, and happier. All Together Now Being together helps build connections and erase isolation. It helps us expand and grow as people, as we work in harmony with all cultures. By donating to our "All Together Now" campaign, you would be helping the NNMCC tackle the root of the loneliness and isolation crisis. Bringing people together starts here: S E N I O RS ••• When seniors feel connected, they live longer and healthier lives. Togetherness benefits both brain health and body health. Donors have helped build our Iki Iki (Lively Lively!), a social connection program for older adults living with dementia, and Kui Do Raku (Eat, Chat, Relax), our early prevention program aimed at keeping seniors engaged through activities, exercise, and socializing. Soon, new programs will be added. C H I LD R E N ••• Children aren’t at home on computers, but rather they are out – at Nikkei Centre enjoying martial arts classes, language classes, the Manga Camp. “ WE’RE BETTER TOGETHER N E WCO M E RS ••• Newcomers can come to Nikkei Cen- tre and learn about our community through the museum, and in 2016, discover all that our community has to offer alongside trained volunteers at our newly funded Cultural Ambassadors Centre and Friendly Reception Kiosk. M U LTI P LE G E N E R ATI O N S ••• We are all working together, helping each other, caring for each other, sharing stories and laughter, teaching one another, dealing with challenges, tragedies and triumphs and eating rice together. Each year, donors are helping tackle our need for social connections, combatting low self-esteem and giving years of life without knowing it. We are healing through togetherness. What’s new in 2016? at the NNMCC HISTORICAL CONNECTIONS Remembering Tashme: The Tashme Historical Project In 2016, the Museum will launch the Tashme Historical Project – a living and evolving interactive website repository of historical material on the Tashme Internment Camp that was located near Hope, British Columbia. It will provide a detailed historical record, making a diverse collection of textual, photographic, graphical and multimedia materials available to anyone with a web browser. Its aim is to answer the question: "What was everyday life in the Tashme Internment Camp really like?" A wealth of knowledge is waiting to be discovered for children, grandchildren and descendants of those who lived in Tashme – who have heard about Tashme all their lives and want to know more – as well as educational institutions, teachers, and students. Since the project was launched over two years ago, a great deal of existing material have been collected, edited and organized, with new material currently being written and edited based on existing research materials. We invite users to provide their stories and make contributions to extend and enhance this project. With an interactive approach, we hope to attract the interest and assistance of individuals and other groups and organizations, to assist us in conducting additional historical research into the Japanese Canadian internment experience. C U LT U R A L C O N N E C T I O N S A New NNMCC Martial Arts Centre! Opening in 2016, this unique space will be home for athletic arts, bringing opportunities for multiple generations to share and enjoy in a variety of cultural disciplines like Judo, Aikido, and Karate. The NNMCC shares Japanese culture with all Canadians through programs and special events. They help foster community, and help Japanese immigrants arriving in Canada to start their new lives by providing them with a welcoming place they can call home. The Cultural Ambassadors Centre & Friendly Reception Kiosk DEVELOPING VOLUNTEERISM & C U LT U R A L AWA R E N E S S We bring out the best in each other. That’s why we are continuing to develop volunteerism at Nikkei Place with the new Cultural Ambassaor’s Centre & Friendly Reception Kiosk. We want to better connect with each person who calls us, visits us and asks for our help. Along with the new Cultural Ambassadors Centre & Friendly Reception Kiosk, we're planning new programs and initiatives that aim to help individuals develop essential skills, improve confidence and leadership, and gain insightful knowledge and understanding into the historical and cultural roots of the Japanese Canadian community in Canada. Together we can do more. Helping fund initiatives to develop skills and cultural awareness in our volunteers means we can help more people connect to one another and build a strong and vibrant community at Nikkei Place. The Cultural Ambassadors Centre & Friendly Reception Kiosk will create a dedicated space at Nikkei Centre where people can connect to the cultural centre and tour the latest museum exhibit, receive insights into Nikkei stories and history, and have any curiosities or questions answered. 100 3 We aim to train over 100+ volunteers as “Cultural Ambassadors” of Nikkei history and culture that can engage with the public in the lobby, in the museum, and at special events. 3 new computer stations and various print media information will be available to help people discover the rich historical and cultural roots of the Japanese Canadian community in Canada. Our goal is to ensure newcomers, seniors, children, or even a stranger who happens by are welcomed and feels a sense of belonging at Nikkei Centre. TOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE. PLEASE GIVE TODAY. | 604-777-2122
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