2011 Kimochi Winter Newsletter
2011 Kimochi Winter Newsletter
WINTER 2011 Club Nikkei: A Gift that Keeps on Giving “I’m in good health, and now I have lots of time on my hands. Club Nikkei is like a gift that’s brought me back to the Japanese Community.” Yoshiko Kashiwagi is Club Nikkei’s newest tai chi class she formed friendships with other Japanese seniors who like her were originally from Japan. member. She came to San Francisco from Japan in 1960 at the age of 23. Until she joined Club Nikkei, however, she only rarely ventured into Nihonmachi. She and her friends decided to try the Kimochi Nutrition Program. About a year ago she saw a notice for the Club Nikkei Christmas Dinner, and she’s been a member ever since. “It was the first time I had socialized with an entirely Japanese group,” she says. “It felt so comfortable and everyone was so nice especially Pam Hong (Club Nikkei Coordinator). I even had the opportunity to speak Japanese again.” Yoshiko had hoped to continue her college education by attending Lone Mountain College, but the school informed her that her English was too poor. “My sponsor who was Nisei,” she recalls,”advised me that the best way to learn English was to associate with non-Japanese and not Japanese.” So, she went to an adult education school where she made many non-Japanese friends and developed her English language skills. Now she looks forward to the Club Nikkei schedule. Dinners and shows are her favorites. “Because I don’t drive, I especially appreciate the evening activities,” she says, “Club Nikkei provides door-to-door transportation service.” Since her husband has passed away, Yoshiko is grateful that Club Nikkei is there for her at just the right time. “The club is the perfect thing for me during this transition from married life to single life,” she says, “I’m in good health, and now I have lots of time on my hands. Club Nikkei is like a gift that’s brought me back to the Japanese Community.” Eventually, she would marry Jim Kashiwagi, a Nisei; but Yoshiko continued to focus her life and social activities apart from the Japanese community, working as an accountant until she retired in 1998. Yoshiko was determined that she wasn’t going to stay at home “getting fat,” so she joined the Koret Center and the Richmond YMCA for the exercise programs. Then, at a Golden Gate Senior Center Club Nikkei friends From left: Ikue Burney, Yoshiko Kashiwagi, Emy Hynes, Thelma Ong, Stella Kiyota, Dorothy Kurosaki, Betty Kojimoto, Riyo Kunisawa, Barbara Nagareda, June Ohara, Alice Arikawa, and Mary Negi) attending the “Billy Elliot” musical. 1 A MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Over this past year Kimochi has had much to be thankful for. In 2011, Kimochi celebrated our 40th anniversary. Anniversaries are always a time of not only celebration, but also a chance to reflect upon the journey that has brought us this far and an opportunity to look forward to where we can continue to grow. This past year I have met with supporters who have been with us Steve Nakajo MSW, Executive Director throughout the past four decades, as well as a new generation of donors and volunteers who have just begun to support Kimochi’s mission, and what has touched me is how the Kimochi-spirit that has helped us touch the lives of so many seniors through all of these years is continuing in the hearts of our next generation of supporters. When I think about where we started and where we are now, it is that concept and spirit of kimochi that has always defined what Kimochi represents. To see that so many of you still embody that spirit today, and that there are supporters who will continue to embrace it in the future is something for which I am immeasurably thankful. address. We must continue the Kimochi tradition of providing support and services to our seniors, but we must also further address the needs of my generation—the baby-boomers—as we begin to enter our retirement years. To address these needs, Kimochi has been aggressively conducting outreach programs— both in Japantown and San Mateo—that promote health, prevention, wellness, and harmony to assist all of us in aging in a healthy and active way. I recently attended the 1st Annual Kimochi Car Show in San Mateo. We have been reaching out to the San Mateo community for over two years, and this was our first time attempting a community event in the area. I saw people who were excited about what Kimochi’s services could mean to the area. I saw people from different generations genuinely interested in the community outreach and education that we were doing. This is a sign that Kimochi’s focus is in the right place. As we all continue to age, we will all be able to use Kimochi’s services in our own, unique ways. Kimochi remains committed to providing services and support to our seniors, but we are also an organization that prides itself in providing that same support to everyone throughout the aging process. Together, we will continue exemplify the Japanese care giving tradition, and continue to enjoy living a life with family, friends, and community. As we prepare to enter into Kimochi’s 41st year in 2012, we are very aware that there are many new challenges that we all must 事 務 局 長 よりの メッセ ー ジ 今年も気持会にとって創立40周年を無事迎えることができ、 とても素 年10月に第1回気持会主催のクラッシックカー展示会を成功裏に催 晴らしい一年でした。創立記念の催しを持つということは、ただ祝賀を しました。過去2年間にわたり、サンマテオ地域への情宣活動を行なっ 目的とするだけではなく、 これまでの過去を振り返り、又今後の将来の てきましたが、今回初めてその地区で気持会主催の行事を実現させる 展望を考える良い機会であったと思います。 この1年の間、 いろいろなサ ことできました。気持会がサンマテオ地区にそのサービスの手を広げら ポーターの方々とお目にかかる機会が持てました。創立当初から関わ れているということに対して、 その地域の方々にとって気持会のサービス ってこられているサポーターの方々、又近年気持会に関わり始めた新し の重要性を改めて認識することができました。我々が提供している教育 い若い世代のサポーターの方々等、全ての方々がこの40年に亘って 情宣活動に対して、いろいろな世代の方達から多くの関心が寄せられ 当会のシニアへの情熱あるサービスと気持精神に強く心をうたれまし たことは言うまでもありません。 た。気持会が誕生した当時から今現在を通してこの気持精神が強く受 これは気持会がこのコミュニティーのニーズに対して正しい認識を持っ け継がれてきているということに対し大きな喜びと誇りを感じています。 ているという証ではないでしょうか。我々一人一人が段々年を取ってい 本当に沢山の皆様がこの精神で気持会を今後もサポートし続けてくれ く過程で、自分達なりに気持会のサービスをうまく利用しながらその一 るということに対しこの場を借りて強く感謝の意を示したいを思います。 つ一つの困難を乗り越えていくことができるのではないでしょうか。従 気持会創立41年目、 2012年を迎えるにあたり、多くの課題が山積 来通りの様々なシニアの方々へのサービスに加え、新しい世代のシニア みされています。従来通りのシニアへの様々なサービスに加え、我々、戦 をも含めたユニークなサービスをも今後も気持会は模索していきます。 後ベビーブーマー、退職していく世代の新しいシニア層へのニーズも踏 皆様も我々と共に日本的な素晴らしい伝統に基づいたケアーのもと家 まえて今後の展望を考えていかなければならないと思います。彼等のニ 族、友人、 コミュニティーとともに毎日の充実した生活ができることを切 ーズに応えるべく、気持会はこの日本町とサンマテオ地域において健康 に願うものです。 促進のための宣伝活動を積極的に展開しています。 その一環として、今 2 Sansei Live! By the Bay 2011 Sansei Live! showcased a new venue in this its 28th year. The annual party and fundraiser took place at the Carnelian by the Bay in San Francisco’s Ferry Plaza. The Carnelian offers a fantastic view of the bay and the Bay Bridge, and over 400 guests enjoyed beautiful weather with music, dance, food, and cultural displays that included participatory origami and mochi-tsuki. performance, pulling in audience members to be a part of the show, too. Origami artist, Linda Mihara was on hand to teach attendees how to make paper tsuru (cranes) and other works of paper folding art. The 2011 Cherry Blossom Queens Court was also on hand to help promote the traditional raffle drawing, that featured two roundtrip tickets to anywhere in the U.S. as a grand prize donated by Southwest Airlines. This year the committee also organized a silent auction. Jana Katsuyama (from KTVU Fox 2 News) hosted the evening’s activities. Jest Jammin’, songstress Joyo Velarde, and the ScoJourners provided musical entertainment. Al Kitashima started the evening show off with a Soul Line Dancing class for all Sansei Live participants. Kimochi wishes to thank the many supporters who contributed to Sansei Live as corporate sponsors, benefactors, patrons, advertisers, and raffle prize and silent donors. And of course the organization thanks the many supporters and party-goers who attended Sansei Live! By the Bay. This year the two-story Carnelian by the Bay restaurant provided space for entertainment upstairs and downstairs. Kagami Kai was on hand to kick off Sansei Live with their spirited mochi-making Photos from top: Jana Katsuyama (KTVU Fox 2 News); Co-Chairs: Eric Kobuchi & Tamiko Wong with Supervisor David Chiu and Kimochi Board President, Paul Chin; Joyo Velarde; Members of Kagami Kai, Members of Jest Jammin’ with Steve Nakajo, Raffle Grand Prize winner Glenda Okamura of Union Bank with Steve Nakajo & Mary Ishisaki; Sansei Live Guests, ScoJourner’s, Counsel General Hiroshi Inomata and his wife Midori, 2011 Cherry Blossom Queen’s Court helping with raffle sales. Sansei Live! photos courtesy of Frank Jang Photographcy 3 A Special Thank You to the Sansei Live! By the Bay Corporate Benefactors, Media Sponsors, Benefactors & Patrons! C OR PO R ATE BEN EFA C TOR S ME DI A SPON OR S BENEFA CTOR Comcast California • Dr. Yasuko Fukuda • Ms. Kiki Goforth • Hamano & Associates Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Christina Harada • Japan Center Garage Corp. • Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Lisa Mizono Ms. Helen Nakajo • Dr. & Mrs. Ted Uyemoto • Mr. & Mrs. David & Cathy Wada WCP-I & Mr. Richard SzetoKintetsu Enterprises Co. PATR O NS Ms. Riyo Kunisawa Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth & Yoshiko Ho San Francisco Drakes Josephine and Sumi Matsuda Mr. Shoji Horikoshi Sundance Cinemas Mr. and Mrs. John & Diane Noguchi T. Okamoto & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Peter & Ayako Yee Dr. & Mrs. Ron Hiura On Lok Lifeways Ms. Namiko Yokoyama Dr. Dean Osumi, DDS Uoki Sakai Co. 4 Become a Member of the Legacy Society You can become a member of Kimochi’s Legacy Society today by informing us that you have made a planned gift. A planned gift can be as simple as naming Kimochi as a beneficiary of your will or trust. There are also many ways that you can make a planned gift to Kimochi and receive a lifetime income and tax-benefits in return, such as naming Kimochi as the beneficiary of a charitable gift annuity or charitable trust. Members of Kimochi’s Legacy Society receive: • Recognition in Kimochi’s administration building with other members of the Legacy Society • Periodic updates from Kimochi’s Executive Director • Priority notification and registration to future estate planning seminars. A planned gift to Kimochi does more than recognize the importance of Kimochi’s mission today. A gift in your estate also supports Kimochi’s vision for the future needs of seniors in our community. • Recognition in our newsletter If you would like more information on how to make a planned gift to Kimochi, or have already done so, please contact Scott Ito, planned giving manager, at (415) 740-4004 or sito@kimochi-inc.org. LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERS Anonymous Kinji Imada Mickey & Teiko Kuroiwa Yozo Sakai Tomoye Takahashi Sumiko Baughman Mary Kamikihara Ei Macleod Eleanor K. Sampson Kikue Tokuno Yaye Togasaki Breitenbach Yae Elizabeth Kato Carolyn Mitsuda Tashiko Shimizu Tokiko Whitehead Sean & Pam Donahoe Shinichi Kawakami Takeo Okamoto Yaeko Shiraishi Seiko Yakahi Chico Fujii Hideko Kinney George Omori Fusaye Shinoda Atsuko Yamaguchi Rie Goldman Bonnie Kniss Hisako Serizawa Palazzolo Masao & Kaya Sugiyama Yoneo Yoshimura Make a Charitable IRA Rollover Before the End of 2011 Tax Saving Opportunity for those over the age of 70 ½ For a limited time, a tax-saving opportunity is available for those who are over the age of 70 ½ with individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Donors who meet certain requirements will be able to make distributions directly from the IRA to qualified charities without having to claim the distribution on their income taxes. Many retirees have already taken advantage of this opportunity, especially using this option to satisfy the mandatory minimum distributions that are required from an IRA. Unfortunately, this option is only available through December 31, 2011. taxes. By donating from your IRA, it will allow you to enjoy the taxbenefits of your donation by lowering your adjusted gross income (AGI) while still claiming the standard deduction. Are at risk of losing itemized deductions by crossing AGI thresholds – There are many restrictions on the amount of itemized deductions you can claim on your taxes, and many of these are contingent on certain AGI thresholds. By lowering your AGI, you can help keep yourself eligible. Want to reduce the amount of retirement assets in your estate – Retirement assets, including IRAs, have long been a popular choice among donors who want to leave part of their estate to charity. Unlike assets such as stock and real estate, inherited retirement distributions are generally taxed as income. Between estate and income taxes, retirement distributions can be subject to an effective taxrate of over 80%. While anyone who is over the age of 70 ½ with an IRA can take advantage of this opportunity, the charitable IRA rollover can be especially beneficial if you: Don’t itemize your deductions – Most people make a donation to a charitable organization during the course of a year, but the majority of them will claim the standard deduction on their income Donors that are taking advantage of the charitable IRA rollover in 2011 can make gifts of up to $100,000 from their IRA accounts directly to a qualified charity. 5 Program Snapshots Chanson Visits the Kimochi Home This past summer Mr. Endou Minto and Ms. Setsuko Akiyama of the musical performing group, Chanson, visited the Kimochi Home. The group of singers and performers from Yokosuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan specializes in French-style music (actually called “chanson”) and was in San Francisco to raise monies for Japan earthquake relief. The residents and daycare participants were all very familiar with Chanson’s music, and were very excited about this special performance. Pictured Left: Chanson performs at the Kimochi Home. Pictured L-R: Endou Minto and Setsuko Akiyama of Chanson with Mrs. Tameko Shijo and Mrs. Kinuko Kobayashi Keiro no Hi Celebrated at the Kimochi Home In September, Kimochi Home residents, their families, Kimochi staff, and volunteers celebrated Keiro no Hi (Respect for Elders Day) at the Kimochi Home. Keiro no Hi is traditionally celebrated in Japan in September and for this event sushi chef, Masami Iwamoto (a friend of Kimochi Social Services Coordinator, Sango Harumi) volunteered to prepare delicious sushi (nigiri and rolls) for all. Chef Iwamoto owns Kompai Restaurant in Palo Alto and Naomi Sushi in Menlo Park, it was his idea to do something special for Kimochi’s seniors as his first Kimochi activity. Pictured Far Right: Sushi chef and owner of Kompai Restaurant, Masami Iwamoto, masterfully creates sushi for Kimochi Home residents. Pictured Left: Kimochi Home residents get ready to feast on the special Keiro no Hi Sushi, served by Sango Harumi. An Eagle Scout with “Kimochi” In August, Boy Scout Troop 29 Eagle Scout candidate, Chris Seiki, led a group of Scouts and friends to create planter boxes with new planted flowers in the Kimochi Home. Since this project Chris has in fact received the Eagle Scout award. “I hope I was able to do something for the seniors of the Kimochi Home,” Chris says, “by enhancing an enjoyable environment where they can relax and enjoy the outdoors.” If your group or club is interested in an activity at the Kimochi Home, contact Linda Ishii, Kimochi Home coordinator at (415) 922-9972 or lishii@kimochi-inc.org. 6 Club Nikkei Excursions The ever-active participants of Club Nikkei took full advantage of the summer months. Club trips included attending the “Billy Elliot” musical at San Francisco’s Orpheum Theater, a day trip to the newly remodeled Golden Gate Park Japanese Tea Garden, a tour of the “Picasso” exhibit at the De Young Museum, and a trip to the Silver Legacy Casino in Reno, Nevada. Club Nikkei members enjoys a performance of “Billy Elliot.” At the Japanese Tea Garden. Pictured L-R: Harumi Serata, Rich Tokeshi, Mary Kawano, Toshiko Takahashi. If you are interested in joining Club Nikkei for future outings, contact Pamela Hong at (415) 931-2294 or phong@kimochi-inc.org. 2011 Club Nikkei Calendar NOVEMBER DECEMBER 11/2 Cirque du Soleil – “Totem” – San Francisco 12/1 11/6 “Assisted Living” Musical + Dim Sum at the Imperial Palace – San Francisco 12/13 S.F. Symphony – “Colors of Christmas” S.F. Symphony – “The Best Time of the Year” 12/15 Holiday Dinner – “Poggio’s” – Sausalito (MEMBERS ONLY) 11/9 42nd Street Moon’s – “Ok, Kay!” – San Francisco 11/17 Dinner – “Mayflower Restaurant” – San Francisco Space is limited and priority is given to Club Nikkei members. For more information about future outings and to learn how you can become a Club Nikkei member contact Pam Hong at (415) 931-2294 or phong@kimochi-inc.org 11/30 Egyptian Museum & Santana Row or Valley Fair Mall – San Jose Upcoming Fundraisers For more information on how you can support an upcoming Kimochi fundraiser contact Wes Nihei at (415) 931-2294 or wnihei@kimochi-inc.org. 12/10 Silver Bells Arts & Crafts Faire The Event Center at St. Mary’s Cathedral Visit the Kimochi website at www.kimochi-inc.org, too! Next Year... Cherry Blossom Festival (April 14 & 15, 21 & 22) Teri-burgers at the San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival 7 Donor Focus: Ben Ishisaki Kimochi commemorates the passing of Ben Ishisaki a long-time friend and donor to Kimochi’s programs and services. Mary’s volunteership convinced Ben to begin attending the Kimochi Nutrition Program. He soon joined a regular table of friends and acquaintances, who would gather for a Kimochi meal together every day. An avid fisherman, Ben would often bring freshly caught fish to the nutrition program and the Kimochi Home. For the past 20 years, Ben and Mary Ishisaki have been staunch Kimochi supporters as major sponsors and donors for every Kimochi fundraising event and special events such as the annual volunteer appreciation luncheon. They were together for 37 years and married for 19 ½ years. As the owner/ operators of Ishi Limosine, Inc., they served notable clients from the heads of Fortune 500 companies to famous entertainment personalities like Miles Davis, Dolly Parton, and Willie Nelson. In 1991 the Ishisaki’s sold the limosine service, purchased a Dodge Ram Truck with a 5th wheel trailer, and took their first vacation together, eventually visiting 50 states including Alaska and all the Canadian provinces except the Northwest Territories. Ben and Mary always dove feet first into everything they did whether it was building a business, travelling through North America, collecting cars, or eventually supporting Kimochi Kai. Together they would discuss what community groups they should support and plan how they would do it. “From the beginning we felt Kimochi was a good place, it ran its programs well, and it was accountable for all the monies they took in,” Mary recalls, Mary says that Ben always had a deep “Ben especially liked that Kimochi treated appreciation for the sacrifices working seniors as individuals who wanted to be people made to fulfill their lives. One of her Ben Ishisaki on a visit to Mt. Fuji, Japan independent. It’s very difficult to step into favorite stories to illustrate Ben’s generosity someone’s life to convince them that they need help to live their actually touches upon one of their many road trips. lives a little more gracefully as they grew old.” Ben had read a story about Osceola McCarty, an African American Sandy Mori, former Director of Development for Kimochi, woman in Mississippi who earned her living by washing clothes. remembers that Ben was also modest and private about his Eventually, she saved $300,000 dollars, giving some to her church philanthropy. “He didn’t talk about donating to Kimochi or other and the rest to the University of Southern Mississippi (known at organizations; he just did it. And he would often just say ‘I support the time as a “white” university) to assist minority students who whatever Mary wants to do.’” would otherwise not be able to attend the school. That feisty attitude and unselfish spirit impressed Ben, and the Ishisaki’s Mary recalls that Ben felt that because they had been so fortunate drove to Hattiesburg, Mississippi to meet Ms. McCarty. Soon after, with their business, they should do something for the community. he established a four year scholarship under her foundation at He was also grateful that the community was there when his Southern Miss. mother needed care. Kimochi, he said, through its programs and services was giving something back to the people who had built With Kimochi, Ben and Mary continued to build a tradition of the community into what it is today. Says Mary, “Ben always said giving while Ben’s mother Kimiye was a resident of the Kimochi that one of the most important things you could do was to give Home from 1990-92. In fact, after spending time as a visitor to something back to your community.” the Home; Mary became a volunteer. Ben’s sister, Emi Furuya, was on the opening staff of the Kimochi Home. Eventually KIMOCHI INC. 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Paul Chin, Chairperson Shoji Horikoshi Eric Kobuchi Benh Nakajo Hiroshi Shimizu, Vice Chairperson Roy H. Ikeda Bonnie Manning Thomas T. Ogawa, D.D.S. Mary Ishisaki, Secretary Lowell Kimura Gary S. Mizono, M.D. Paul Uritani Jane Yura, Treasurer Ellen Kiyomizu Mark Moriguchi Michael Yamaguchi 8 30th Annual Kimochi Golf Tournament 90-26-64. He is a thirty-year participant with us! Ladies Flight was taken by Valerie Inouye with a score of 96-22-74 and our Calloway Flight Winner was Greg Owyang who shot 61. Tak Shirasawa was the big winner over a field of enthusiastic golfers at this year’s 30th Annual Golf tournament held on September 16, 2011 at the Richmond Country Club. Under beautiful sunny fall weather, Shirasawa shot 95-32-63 to win Field Low Net and Super Senior honors and the prestigious Tosh Hara-Sam Sato Memorial Perpetual Trophy and the Wilfred Hiura Memorial Perpetual Trophy. Kimochi thanks Lowell and Donna Kimura, and Jerry Kika for again leading a dedicated golf tournament committee and volunteers corps in holding another successful event for us. All proceeds will go towards supporting our programs and services for seniors and families throughout San Francisco and the Bay Area. Field Low Gross honors went to Bob Mizono who shot 75. Championship Flight was won by Andrew Sun with a score of 82-1666. First Flight was won by Sim Seiki with an impressive round of Special thanks to our generous sponsors Darlene Masamori representing Allstate Insurance California Flower Mart-Robert Otsuka PikaPika-Ryan Kimura Golden Gate Optimist Club Dr. John Tanaka DDS Dianna and Sam Higaki, in Memory of Sam Sato Hirose Family, in Memory of Jack Hirose The Tanisawa Family, in Memory of Ben Tanisawa Hamano & Associates-Tim Hamano S.F. Brannan Street Wholesale-Roy Borodkin Four Seas Restaurant-Sarah Lim PG&E Richie Ouye, in Memory of Ron Minamide Jean Kido & Joanne Hayashida & Family, in Memory of Harvey Kido Nikkei Lions Club of San Francisco Dr. Robert Koshiyama California Bank and Trust-Norio Miyago Dr. Ronald Hiura David Ishida Foursome John Noguchi Foursome Richard Alcantara Foursome 2011 Golf Tournament Results Field Low Net Champion: Tak Shirasawa 95-32-63 Championship Flight 1st Andrew Sun 82-16-66 1st Sim Seiki 90-26-64 Field Low Gross: Bob Mizono 2nd Ken Mizono 79-11-68 2nd Al Petrich 89-23-66 3rd Bob Mizono 87-17-70 3rd Jim Handa 97-31-66 4th Ryan Kimura 87-17-70 4th Chi Kim 86-19-67 5th Chris Asami 83-12-71 5th Jeff Siebert 97-29-68 75 Super Seniors Champion: Tak Shirasawa 95-32-63 First Flight Ladies Flight We would also like to thank the numerous individuals and companies who donated to support our tournament raffle. 1st Valerie Inouye 96-22-74 2nd Marsha Taam 100-23-77 3rd Judith Handa 100-21-79 Calloway Flight Greg Owyang 9 61 Kimochi BUDGET FOR 2011 - 2012 Sources of Funds Grants/Foundation 2% Interest Income 1% General Donations 9% Fundraising Events/ Contributions 12% Contracts 37% Program Donations 8% TOTAL: $2,519,473 Fees for Service 31% Expenses Transportation 8% Adult Social Day Care 3% Nutrition 31% Social Services 20% Kimochi Home 18% Administration 19% TOTAL: $2,519,473 10 Kimochi’s First Annual Show ‘n Shine Car Show Kickstarts Outreach to Families in San Mateo With support from San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services, Kimochi, Inc. is currently providing assistance and support to seniors and their families in the City and County of San Mateo. The goal of the San Mateo Family Care Partner Program is to keep seniors independent for as long as possible so that they may age with dignity and grace in their own homes and communities, and thereby preventing the need for institutionalization. Anna Sawamura, Program Director, and Shawne O’Connell, Program Planning Specialist, serve as an information, education, and counseling resource for families in the Peninsula. Kimochi is dedicated to advocating for Japanese speaking and Japanese American families in San Mateo County. We are active members of the San Mateo Family Caregiver Collaborative and the New Beginnings Coalition Cultural Competence Workgroup. Not only does our participation in these groups allow us to educate other county funded agencies on the unique needs of Nikkei families, but it also gives us the opportunity to network with organizations so they know Kimochi is available as a resource in San Mateo. Kimochi’s efforts to reach out to the community are ongoing, and were recently kick-started by the First Annual Kimochi, Inc. Show ‘N Shine Car Show held on October 1 at the College of San Mateo campus. The event was very helpful in introducing our new programs and services to the San Mateo community. Over 60 classic cars representing every decade from the 1920’s to the early 1970’s participated in the show. Spectators were able to vote for their favorite cars in the categories of “Best Dating Car,” “Dream Car,” “Best Cruisin’ Car,” “Eye Catcher,” “Senior’s Choice,” “Spectator’s Choice,” and the perpetual award for the overall favorite “Show ‘N Shine Award.” Thank you to our sponsors! Costelli & Pardini’s First National Bank of Northern California Foley Bros. Custom Works Fresh Apparel Handyman Matters Hayes Auto Repair Magic Auto Detail Market Garage, Inc. Nakahara Accountancy Corp Plaza Insurance Sales, Inc. Roy Brizio Street Rods, Inc. Spinner Mortgage State Farm Insurance Steve’s Camaros Super Muscle Parts Photos clockwise from top: Tom Piana; Kimochi Board Member Mary Ishisaki & Sandy Mori; Shiz Kobara, Tom Hoshiyama, and Kimochi Associate Director, Steve Ishii 11 DONATIONS IN HONOR OF AND IN MEMORY OF Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between June 1, 2011 and October 31, 2011. Names in bold identify those who have been honored, or in memory of, with a donation gift to Kimochi. IN HONOR OF IN MEMORY OF Anita Fong Cathy Inamasu Sango Harumi Ed Ajemian Sharon M. Fujii Alfred & Y. Katherine Inouye- Chu Fuyuko Mayeda David Armstrong Tim Hamano Linda Ishii Patricia Kay Wada Steve & Etsie Nakajo Lowell Kimura Steve & Val Ishii Kiyo Hirose Dan Becco Steve & Etsie Nakajo Margaret Ishisaki Kay Matsumoto Leona & Winslow Nakagawa Mary Ishida Caryl Ito Leroy Morishita Don Casper John Mizono J & S Auto Repair, Inc. Sandy Mori Paul J. Tabacco Steve Sandkohl Lowell Kimura Kathy Reyes Hsing Tzu Dang Ben Ishisaki Alan & Silvia Kitashima Steve Nakajo Emy N. Hynes Keiko Akashi Ellen Kiyomizu & Greg Chew Bruce & Valerie Hironaka Pamela Donahoe Edward Arikawa Stella Kiyota James & Jean Tominaga John & Karen Greener Benkyodo Co. Riyo Kunisawa Patricia Naritomi Margaret Furman David Bernardo Mary Kyono Edward Silva Alan & Lorri Shiu Kevin D. Chin Mitsuko Lee Pat Yamamura Fumie Furuta Raymond Choye Margaret Leung Irvin K. Sasaki Akemi Yoshimoto Mary Christensen Yoshiko Lohuis Yas Furuya Donald & Eve Cortes Mary Lowrey Dorothy Fong Marjorie I. Fletcher Louise C. Lowry Edson Fong Anita Fong Teri Matsumoto Margaret Ishisaki Ed & Dorothy Fong Elizabeth McDonald Sophia Loo Edson Fong Janice Mitsuda Glenn Majeski Bill Fukumitsu Toshio Mitsuda John & Chibi Yasumoto Alyce Furuya Gary Mizono Matsuyo Iiyama Emiko Furuya John Mizono Simon Eng Joy Furuya Yasuko Morimoto Geoffrey Fong Kiki Goforth Alan S. Morishita Ann I. Francisco Mitzi Hada Bob Muramoto Alice S. Iiyama Peter & Christina Harada Richard Muramoto Carl K. & Diane M. Iiyama James Hay Barbara Nagareda Alfred & Y. Katherine Inouye- Chu Kenneth, Lynn , James & Derrick Higa Emiko Naito Richard Ishisaki Jung & Yoshiko Hong Leona & Winslow Nakagawa Midori Sato Pamela Hong Nancy K. Nakai Joyce Sekiguchi Grace Horikiri Benh Nakajo Makoto Sugiyama Shoji Horikoshi Steve & Etsie Nakajo Shigeru Sugiyama Michiko Horio Fumi Nihei Yutaka Sugiyama Satoru & Carolyn Hosoda Janet Ninomiya Hiroharu Takeda Emy N. Hynes John T. Noguchi Joanne Tolosa Kazue K. Ihara Somao Ochi Yoshikazu Ishida Roy H. Ikeda Thomas T. Ogawa, D.D.S. Darryl Chun Mike & Vickie Ina J. June Ohara 12 IN MEMORY OF (continued) Ken & Kay Onishi Lawrence Iwase Ayako Hosokawa Florence Shimosaka Hiroko Ono Midori Otsuki Frank Kimura Hiroko Ono William & Louise Osada Teiko Kitagawa Frank Matsuno Art Shiono Paul Osaki Lincoln Mah Frank Morioka Bill Fukumitsu Wayne & Sally Osaki Shozo Kiyomizu Shigeru Omori Kyoko Takeda Misao Otsuki Julie Soo Shiro & Annie Suenaga Hiroko Ono Ricky E. & Bernice A. Rael Chisaye Kurakazu J.M. Tabata John Tanaka San Francisco Nisei Fishing Club Tad Matsumoto Norman & Merline Taira John Natsume Delphia Scully Mother Louie Arthur Ono Misuye & Stanley Natsume Walter & Harumi Serata Leona & Winslow Nakagawa Cynthia Gin Mrs. Toma Hsueh Shima Minoru Matsumoto Barbara Horikoshi Kay Malknecht Hiroshi Shimizu Michiko Matsumoto Christine Klem Kiku Tsuchitani Shiro & Annie Suenaga Fred Y. Matsumoto Velma Laconsay Chiyeko Tsuchitani Marshall M. & Misako Sumida Yutaka & Yoshiko Matsumoto Peter Rudy Helen Tsudaka Lorraine Suzuki Kazumi Mori Brian Wong Tashiko Tsudaka Richard Tokeshi Daro Inouye Hank & Victoria Yee Sumiko Tsujimoto Charlie Toyooka Michikazu Nakai Eiko Ono Betty M. Tanaka Pat Tseng Gary Nomura Hiroko Ono Masaji Uratsu Tobin Tsuji Hanako Nakamura Shizu Oyama Marvin Uratsu John & Marjorie Tsukamoto Sumiko Akashi Susan Oyama Helen Utsumi Pat Yamamura Edward Flank Chieko Reyes Alice Ochi Thomas Yasukochi Arthur Iwamoto Junko Chono Betty M. Tanaka John & Chibi Yasumoto Steve & Etsie Nakajo Yasuko Sakaguchi Ralph Wentworth Ayako & Peter Yee Dianne Nakanishi Victor Inouye Garry Kataoka Joy Yokoyama Thelma Ong Norio Nakashoji Mr. Yee James Yonemoto Janice Yoritsune John Niwa Leona & Winslow Nakagawa Akemi Yoshimoto Sachiko Nakanishi William Tanaka Karl Yoneda Robert & Susan Yoshioka Blair Conley Deidre Thomas Dick J. Kobashigawa Glory N. Yoshizaki Lloyd & Dyana Lew Kiyomi Toma Regan Young Diane Makishima Ellen Tsuchiya Sumi Isujimoto George Omori Pat Tsuchiya Midori Otsuki Bessie Fellezs 13 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between June 1, 2011 and October 31, 2011. Abacus Products Inc. Ronald Dere Daryl Higashi Toshiko Kamishita Jean & Kaz Abey Russell Doi Jitsuo & Sakaye Higashi Chieko Kaneki Richard Alcantara Warren Doo Don Hirose Fusaye Kato Yoichi and Saori Amano Kiyoko K. Dorsey David Hirota Kiki Kawabata Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Miriam Drucker Yoshikazu Hirota Michi Kawaguchi Yoshihiro Aoyama Eagle Rock Wine and Spirits Ronald Hiura Tom Kawakami Seiso & Hideko Arita Ebisu Restaurant Benton Hogo Grace S. Kawamoto Paul T. Asazawa Richard Eijima William Hoo Robert & Mary Kawano At Printing Eldorado Hotel and Casino Grace Horikiri Joe & Fumi Kawasaki AT&T Employee Giving Sachie Erabi Shiro & Marsha Horita George Kawase Atlantis Casino Resort Lui Family Marilyn Hoshiyama Miyako Kazama AVI Aaron Fishleder Satoru & Carolyn Hosoda Kyoko Keenon Avi Resort & Casino H. Clifford & Marilyn Fong Chidori Hoy KENZ! Bae Systems Matching Gifts program Howard Fong HP Company Foundation Marshall J. Kido Janice Bartolome Ken Fong Tommy Huie Jerry Kika Benkyodo Co. Four Seas Restaurant Linda Hunt Kikkoman International Inc. Willi & Minako Beusch Franklin Canyone Golf Course Kiyoshi W. Ichiyasu Barbara M. Kikugawa Big Island Candies Sharon M. Fujii Brian Ikeda Michael Kikugawa Blacklava George and Linda Fujimoto Frank & Kiyoko Ikenaga Patti Kim Chiyo Blackson Tom & Sharon P. Fujimura Dale Ilderton Kimochi Golf Tournament Mitzi Brain Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Cathy Inamasu Todd A. Kimoto Bushido Designs Sumako Fukumori Chris Inami Kirala Restaurant Cal Neva Club Hiroshi Fukushima Lance Inouchi Aiko Kitano California Bank and Trust Emiko Furuya Douglas Inouye Ronald Kobata California Flower Market, Inc. Maurice Galante Valerie Inouye Glenn & Doris Kobuchi Michael Chang & Lorraine Chan Gallery of Jewels InterContinental San Francisco Betty Kojimoto Terrence L. Chan Goemon Restaurant David Ishida Richard & Grace Kono Gary Chang Richard & Karen Gok Masatoshi & Gloria Ishida Robert Koshiyama, D.D.S. Paula Chang Golden Gate Optimist Club Kiyome Ishii Danny Kunihara Hank Chen Mark & Gordy Gyotoku Mary Ishisaki Riyo Kunisawa Brian Daniel Chi Matthew Hada Isobune/Kushi Tsuru Restaurants Louis & Lavinia Kwok Gene & Vicki Chin Robert E. Hamaguchi Bruce & Susan Iwafuchi Hwa O. Kwon Kevin D. Chin Hamano and Associates Celia Y. Iwama Mary Kyono W. Chin James & Judith Handa Harold Iwamasa Ladies Auxiliary Nisei Post 9879 Randall P. Choy Nancy Handa Sachie Iwate David Lang Christ Episcopal Church Harry I. Hanen Frank & Jane M. Iyama LDRME, LLC Darryl Chun Paul Hara JAE Awards Le Central Bistro Ronald Chun Harrah’s Lake Tahoe JCCCNC Golf Tournament Carey A. Lee Edward Coleman Taiko Hashimoto Andrew & Ginger Jew Edwin Lee Community Health Charities Pat Hattori JFC International, Inc. Jeffrey Lee Crane Pest Control Toshiye Hattori Lester Johe Jerry & Charlene Lee Cumaica/Martha Bros. Coffee Shigeo & Sumie Hayashi Robin Johnson Miyoko Lee Chieko Cuzzort Joanne Hayashida Justgive Dyanna Lee-Louie Naoko Dalla Valle Barbara Hedani-Morishita Kabuki Springs & Spa Jim & Sueyo Lem Florence Dare Edith Higa Kaiser Permanente Leland and Agnes Leong Fumiko De Font Jeffrey & Anna Higaki Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Levi Strauss & Co. Kimberly Delevett Toshiko Higaki Aiko Kajiyama Levi Strauss Foundation 14 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Leland Lew Teru Murata Robbie & Sets Otaguro George T. Shimizu Addison Liburd Murata’s Cafe Hana Duke Otoshi Mika Shimizu Vanderbosch Local Independent Charities of America Seiki Murono Otoshi Plumbing David & Eliza Shintaku Darlene & Bill Lock Barbara Nagareda Kimihiro Outa Richard Shintaku Yoshiko Lohuis Gene T. Nagase Waka Ozawa Yone Shintaku Gerald Louie Leona & Winslow Nakagawa Mike Ozorio Shig Shinzai Gregory Low Kiyomi Nakahigashi PAAWBAC Daniel Y. Shiozaki Wayne D. & Carole T. Lowe Hiroshi Nakai Kimiko Pastoral Takeo & Maye Shirasawa Wylie Lum-Wong Steve & Etsie Nakajo People Making A Difference Campaign Lorri Shiu Scott Y. Mamiya Kaz Nakamoto Peppermill Reno-Donations Committee Richard Sintchak Jilma A. Marshall Dennis Nakamura Perilla Vietnamese Restaurant Kathleen Smookler Darlene Cheng Masamori Yurie Nakamura Catherine Peters Hatsuko Solley Jim & Darlene Masamori Nakashima Golf Alvin E. Petrich State Farm Insurance Robert M. & Marilyn S. Masuoka Bobby Nakata PG&E Corporation Steve Silver Productions Kazuko and Katsuyoshi Matsuda Craig & Elaine Nakata Ruth Posey Larry Sugimoto Sumi Matsuda Dennis Y. Nakatani Shoko K. Pytlik Osamu Sugiyama Jayne M. Matsui Kazuo “Joe” Nanya Richard Franklin Quan Shigeki J. Sugiyama I. Matsumoto Tom Nara Ricky E. & Bernice A. Rael Sugiyama Family Trust Rick Matsuno Mary Negi Takako Rayfield Sue (Kazuye) Sumida McFarren Marketing, Inc. John Neishi Villa Romana Sumo Fish Design Co. Sturdy McKee Kin Cheong Ng S.F. Automatic Transmission Center Marumi Suyeyasu Joe McManus Sally Sachie Ng S.F. Hilton Mary Suzuki Pablo Mesina Far Niente Ada Sadler Stewart Suzuki METTA FUND Nisei Plastics Mieko Saito Toyoko Swingle David & Ann Mikami Melvyn Nishida Warren Saito Michael Taam Mary Anne Miller Clara M. Nishimoto George Sakaguchi Kayoko Tachibana Janice Mitsuda Marlene K. Nishimura Robert G. Sakai Michiyo Tada Masatoshi Mitsuda Newell & Gloria Noda Robert Sakai Gary & Arleen Tahara Ko Miyamoto John T. Noguchi Tsuneko Sakamoto Alice Takahashi Mark Miyamoto Sachiko Norbury Sanppo Restaurant Gilbert Takahashi Jed N. Miyashiro Oakland Buddhist Church Anonymous Sansei Live 2011 Raffle Kazuji Takahashi Sumiko Miyata Hiro & Betty Ogawa John Sao Donald & Sandra Takakura Dr. Kenneth Mizono Theodore Okazaki Hideki Sasa Irene Takasuka Gary Mizono Harold Okino David & Cindi H. Sasaki Wayne Takata Robert Mizono Yumiko Okita George Sasaki George T. & Rosalind Takeda Natsuko Mizuiri Kunio Okui Amy Sato Steven K. Tamaki Jeff & Sandy Mori Harold Omatsu Dennis & Susie Sato Isago Tanaka Mits & Miki Mori Kiyoko Omi Edward & Joanne Sato Setsuko Tanaka Eddie Moriguchi On The Go Cellular Tom & Kayoko Sato Shigeko Tanaka Ken Moriguchi One Market Restaurant Scoma’s Restaurant John Tanaka, DDS Inc. Frank E. Morimoto Duane Ong Albert & Sharon Seid Wilson Tang Ron Morimoto Ronald Ong Sim Seiki Brian Y. Taniguchi Barbara Morino Thelma Ong Neal Taniguchi Russell Morino Jon A. Onizuka SF Brannan Street Wholesale Florist, Inc. Kay S. Morioki Jerry Ono Fuji Shiatsu Ed & Irma Tempone Russell Morita Norma Ono Randy & Linda Shigio Takatoshi & Minako Terahira John & Susan S. Muranishi Yuriko Oshita Shiki Silvie Thang Fred & Leslie Yee Murata Steve Ota Hiko Shimamoto The Fairmont San Francisco James Otagiri Alice Shimazu Rachel Thevenet Fred Murata 15 Ted Tanisawa THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS Tilden Park Golf Course matsunori ueno BJ Wong Yutaka Yao Clayton Tominaga John H. Umemoto Charlie Wong Glenn Yasuda James & Jean Tominaga Union Bank Don Wong Moses & Hatsy Yasukochi Tomie Tomita United Airlines Jimmy and Caroline Wong Thomas Yasukochi Hotel Tomo United Way California Capital Region Sebastian Wong Stan and Phyllis Yasumoto Robert Toriyama United Way, Inc. Victor Wong Pam Yee-Ito Joseph & Jannie Toy Tokiko Ushijima Wesley Wong Eddie Yokoyama Larry Toyooka Chiyo Wada Leslie H. Woolsey Namiko Yokoyama Truist Shinako N. & Yorinobu Wada Kimiko Yaginuma Yoneo Yoshimura Herbert Tsang Kayoko Wang Darren Yamaguchi Grace Yoshizaki Helena Tseng Akira Watanabe Dick Yamamoto Yugi Golf Management LLC Kenny Tsuboi Wati Design Kei & Fusako Yamamoto Yume Glass Art Wayne Tsujisaka Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Hisako Yamashita Jane Yura Derrick & Louise Tsumori Lue Michi Yamato Saul Zaentz Joseph Tu Wholesale Florist, Inc. Ron Yamato Archie Uchiyama Susie Willemsz-Geeroms Brad Yamauchi Yukie Uchiyama Gustav Williges Tomiko Yamauchi Gloria E. Uejima Arthur and Pamela Wong Marcella Yano Kimochi Home Delivery Program Receives New Vehicle Through the generosity of John Nakamura, President and General Manager of Albany Ford, Kimochi successfully purchased a new 2011 Ford Transit Connect XLT. The van will actively be used to assist us in the delivery of meals to approximately 140 homebound seniors in San Francisco. Mr. Nakamura was initially contacted by our long-time volunteer, Kyle Kuniyoshi, who approached John with a request to assist us in purchasing a van for our program. John wrote us the following note: “Thank you for giving our company the opportunity to assist in the purchase of your home delivery van. What we did is the easy part, what you and your volunteers do everyday, is the hard part. A hot, home cooked meal everyday…something a homebound senior can count on and look forward to…this is truly a great mission. Our thanks and gratitude to your organization.” Thank you, John and Albany Ford, you have reaffirmed and re-energized us with your generosity! Pictured above: Jason Tse; Kimochi Program Director, Anna Sawamura; Albany Ford President & General Manager, John Nakamura; Kimochi Executive Director, Steve Nakajo 16 KIMOCHI LOVES OUR VOLUNTEERS The continuing support of the volunteers at all programs, services, and events is vital to Kimochi’s efforts. We are grateful for their dedication. Listed are Kimochi Volunteers from June 1, 2011 and October 31, 2011. Carlos Aguas Keiko Akashi Richard Alcantara Armelo Anogol Kathy Aoki Mieko Arai Alice Arikawa Lorri Arishita Asian American Recovery Services, Inc. Asian Fire Fighters Adam Baluk Wyndolyn Barnes Nina Bazan Dave Bernardo Tim Bragassa Mitzi Brain Mike Brennan Sumiyo Brennan Joyce Brown Lauren Burkhart Fumiko Butler Anne Calef Jay Calman Christine Camarillo Maki Carlson Century Golf Club of San Francisco Angie Chan Elise Chan Jenny Chang Charlene Chee Cindy Chen Jessica Chen Katherine Chen Chris Cheng Hebe Cheng Stephanie Cheung Brandon Chew Marilyn Chew Cindy Chin Paul Chin Vicki Chiu Nari Choi Rubina Chuang Darryl Chun Felix Chung Michael Clarke Susan Connell Sue Daijo Alan Dair Jack Dairiki Jeanne Dea Alexa De Leon Paul Der Ver Kayin DeSandies David DiDomizio Yilun Ding Warren Doo Brian Dorgan Jason Dorn Pamela Dyck Melissa Edgar Rich Eijima Todd Eijima Masayuki Endo Tamiko Escalante Ziyao Fan Ted Fang Fire Academy City College Joe Florendo Steven Flores Leonard Fong Steven Fong Tami Fong Dan Freytes Yoshiko Fujimoto Howard Fukuda Mutsuko Fukuda Kazuko Fukumoto Sachiko Fukumoto Eiko Furuya Gary Gee Genie Gee Tom Geltz Kiki Goforth Jennifer Gong Atsuko Gramlich Mitzi Hada Seja Haddad Semed Haddad Edward Hadeler Eric Hanabusa Ken Hanada Amy Hanamoto Kenzo Handa Nancy Handa Kaitlyn Handelman Jane Hara Heather Harada Margaret Harada Ryan Harada Kristen Hare Saho Hataguchi Pat Hattori Nikki Hikari Kelly Hiramoto Ben Hogo Beverly Hoh Brianna Hom Ray Hom Dylan Hong Grace Horikiri Shoji Horikoshi Michiko Horio Tom Hoshiyama Donna Howell Hsuan Yu Huang Shigeko Ichikawa Marty Ideta Kay Ihara Colin Ikeda John Ikeda Roy H. Ikeda Shizuko Ikeda Mary Ikenaga Art Ikuma Kay Ikuma Hiro Imaizumi David Ishida Brian Ishii Lauren Ishii Valerie Ishii Katsura Ishikawa Naoko Ishikawa Mary Ishisaki Yuri Ito Aya Iwasaki Naomi Jabami Armeka Jackson Diana Jang Cyndy Jew Bob Jones Richard Jue Diane Jung Atsuko Jurenes Chiz Kakiuchi Akie Karahashi Aaron Katekaru Alyssa Kato Daniel Kato Teruko Kauhi Kiki Kawabata June Kawaguchi Michi Kawaguchi Jeddie Kawahatsu Tom Kawakami Mary Kawano Robert Kawano Lauren Kawawaki Yuriko Keenan Marie Kerr Jerry Kika April Kim Koutaro Kimotsuki Donna Kimura Eryn Kimura Lowell Kimura Ryan Kimura Ella Kitagawa Kelly Kitagawa Ricky Kitagawa Akiko Kitamura Aaron Kitashima Alan Kitashima Ellen Kiyomizu Stella Kiyota Mayumi Kobayashi Eric Kobuchi Laura Kumataka Kyle Kuniyoshi Michiko Kurokawa Joanne KwanHull Keaton KwanHull Wes Laliva Chase Larscheid Mike Lee Staycee Lee Will Lee Allen Leong Brandon Leong Dave Leong Haley Leong Millie Leong Yvonne Leong Frances Leung Levi Strauss & Co. Lloyd Lew Tina Liang Su-yu Lin Raymond Liu Yuting Liu Jared Loey Nat Loh Yoshiko Lohuis Bryan Louie Dianna Louis Stephanie Louis Carolyn Lowe Mike Lowman Art Luna Roger Ly Joe McManus Nathan Ma Astrid Macheel Tom Machida Sol MacIan Yoshiko Magdamo Bob Mametsuka Drew Mametsuka Bonnie Manning Rosa Mar DJ Martinez Keiko Martinez Leonardo Martinez Darlene Masamori Jim Masamori Michiko Masuda Susan Matsuda Al Matsui Kaede Matsumoto Sachiko Matsumoto Kelly Mayeda Tom Mayehara Christelle Medino Jessie Melgar Brian Miguel Michelle Minter Janice Mitsuda Toshio Mitsuda Yuki Mitsuda Gary S. Mizono Marisa Mizono Gwen Mohler Kristen Monrean Mits Mori Sandy Mori Alice Moriguchi Mark Moriguchi Tom Morimoto Gail Morin Pierre Morin Shizue Mortensen Evan Motoshige Lisa Moy Tsutaye Murakami Keiko Murase Tameem Nabiyar Sumiko Nagai John Nagano Kaz Naganuma Benh Nakajo Etsie Nakajo Wayne Nakayama Bobby Naiki Yasuko Naiki Miki Naito John Nagano Ella Nakabe June-ko Nakagawa Winslow Nakagawa Brent Nakagiri Rod Nakanishi Peter Namkung Yaeko Naritomo Fumi Nihei Judi Nihei Lynn Nihei Max Nihei Jenny Ngo Anh Nguyen John Nguyen Thai Nguyen Tony Nguyen Naoko Nobuoka John Noguchi Shawne O’Connell Haru Oda 17 Thomas T. Ogawa June Ohara George Ohwa Lois Ohwa Yoko Okamoto Tets Okano Duane Ong Kay Onishi Keith Onishi Ken Onishi Marie Onitsuka Ryo Ono Isis Orellana Louise Osada Willie Osada Misao Otsuki Kyle Oura Mike Ozorio Chieko Paige Angela Pang Lorelei Patricio Kimiko Paul Katherine Perry Kim Pham Rick Quan Cara Rand Clara Rena Paul Rith Sean Rogan Davida Safer Etsuko Sakimura Marco Samson Joel Sato Stephanie Sato Lorraine Sawicki Bryce Sawin Nathan Segal Ann Segerstrom Chris Seiki Atsuko Sells Sephora Takeko Seto Randy Shigio Hiroshi Shimizu Sophie Shin Kim Shinjo Terue Shinohara Jeanette Shisako Cesar Smith-Diaz Sterling Staudenmaier Frank Strom Andrew Sumi Misako Sumida Sue Sumida Toshiko Takahashi Susan Takamoto Hiroaki Takano Fumiko Takashi David Takashima Kentaro Takeda Helen Takeshita Cherry Tam Wendy Tam Akiko Tamura Taeko Tamura Kiyomi Tanaka Shigeko Tanaka Vi Tanaka Michi Tashiro Noriko Terada Blake Teragawa Sr. Theresa Teshima Sima Thakkar Silvie Thang Karah To Kayo Tokiwa Theresa Tom Tokiko Tom Chris Tran Phong Tran Steven Truong Carrie Tsai David Tsai Anthony Tsang Sasid Tsanthaiwo Hideko Tsuchiya Tobin Tsuji Etsuko Tsukano Masa Tsuneyama David Turner Mitsuko Umemoto Florentino Unbungen Lorenzon Unbungen Zack Untalan Paul Uritani Matt Vail Toyako Valdez John Valenton David Wada Momoyo Wada Naomi Wada Jeff Walker Jane Watanabe Susie Willemsz-Geeroms Jeannie Wing Annie Wong Evan Wong Gemma Wong Gil Wong Leland Wong Mary Wong Natalie Wong Natasha Wong Phil Wong Rich Wong Tamiko Wong Thomas Wong Wellington Wong Judy Yabumoto Suzanne Yamada Ted Yamagishi Masu Yamaguchi Michael Yamaguchi Peko Yamaguchi Peter Yamamoto Pat Yamamura Ron Yamato Roy Yamato Jason Yasumoto Ayako Yee Dennis Yee Peter Yee Peter Yeh Les Yim Ritsuko Yip Moses Yasukochi Lisa Yokota Joy Yokoyama David Yonemoto Glory Yoshizaki Hwa Soon Yun Jane Yura KIMOCHI, INC. SERVICE DIRECTORY Kimochi, Inc.: Continuing Generations of Caring Our mission is to provide a continuum of culturally sensitive programs and services to all seniors and their families, to preserve their dignity and independence, with a focus on the Japanese American and Japanese speaking community. Kimochi, Inc. 1715 Buchanan, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Administration: (415) 931-2294 • Social Services: (415) 931-2275 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The administration building location is the site of the former Nichi Bei Bussan. keep seniors at home and independent for as long as possible. This is a fee-for-service program. The program also provides Family Caregiver Support Services. This service is helpful for spouses, siblings, and children who are actively involved in caring for a senior and provides them with counseling services, family caregiver support groups, assistance with hiring caregivers to help the family, and 24 hour respite care placements. We also offer family caregiver training in both Japanese and English to help families develop the skills necessary to perform caregiving activities. Kimochi is a member of the Transitional Care Network and collaborates with San Francisco Senior Center and other agencies in the partnership to coordinate Homecoming Services for seniors. The program targets isolated seniors who are being discharged from acute care hospitals who could benefit from more community based care and support as they transition home. Administration Kimochi’s administration building is owned and operated by the agency and houses our administrative staff. Counseling rooms and the Henri and Tomoye Takahashi Board/Conference Room are available on-site for use. Club Nikkei Club Nikkei is a membership based program for seniors in our community designed to outreach and attract healthy, independent seniors who are interested in joining a group for exciting overnight trips, dinners, and activities. Staff plans quarterly calendars and all transportation for excursions is provided by our transportation program. Social Services Program Kimochi’s Social Services program offers a variety of support services for seniors, their families, and friends. Social workers and case managers are on staff to provide Japanese and Korean language translation, information and referral, naturalization assistance, counseling, assistance with insurance and government benefits, seminars and workshops on aging, as well as advocacy for the elderly. Support groups to address topics on aging are also available. Home Safety Service Kimochi offers a home safety program for senior homeowners and renters in San Francisco. Staff conducts home safety assessments and helps seniors identify potential and existing safety issues that could compromise their ability to live safely and comfortably at home. Staff can assist and provide smoke detectors, stair strips, and other items free of charge. We have also compiled a referral list of contractors, electricians, and plumbers who can help seniors maintain and repair their homes. Social workers also help seniors and families in locating, hiring, and retaining providers to help with personal care and household chores. Case management services are also an important part of this program to help clients and families identify additional resources to Kimochi Lounge 1581 Webster Street #202, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 563-5626 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The Kimochi Lounge is open Monday through Saturday for seniors to come to the lounge to catch up on community news and socialize. The Lounge also houses a book and video library where seniors can check out materials for free. A senior information and resource section is also available to provide important health, safety, nutrition, and caregiving resources for seniors and their families. 18 Kimochi Senior Center 1840 Sutter Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 931-2287 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California – JCCCNC) Nutrition A nutritious well-balanced Japanese style hot lunch is provided 5 days a week. Any senior 60 years of age or older is welcome. A five week menu is produced by staff, and our nutritionist ensures each meal is healthy, nutritionally well-balanced and adequately proportioned for seniors. An average of 300 meals are served daily. Home Delivery Program Individuals who are physically unable to travel to the nutrition site due to a disability, illness, or recent hospital discharge, can receive hot meals at their homes. Approximately 120 lunches are delivered to homebound seniors living in Japantown, the Western Addition, Sunset, and Richmond districts of San Francisco. Senior Center In addition to enjoying lunch at the nutrition program, seniors are encouraged to participate in activities at the center. Staff and volunteers plan and offer a variety of activities on a monthly basis. We have morning exercise classes, a ceramics class, group singing classes, Hawaiian dance, odori, bingo, arts and crafts, Qi Gong, day trips, and overnight trips. Transportation The transportation program offers seniors the opportunity to use safe and reliable door-to-door van services which help them maintain a connection with their community and friends. Group rides are provided to and from seniors’ homes to the nutrition site, Kimochi Home and Japantown. Cemetery trips, senior center trips, grocery trips and medical trips are also provided. Kimochi Home - Home of Healthy Attitudes 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 • Tel: (415) 922-9972 • Fax: (415) 922-6821 Adult Social Day Care Program (License # 380504138) Our program is licensed by the State of California to provide seniors with a schedule of social and recreational activities. Staff trained in programming and providing services to seniors requiring social, emotional and physical support develop a monthly activity calendar which includes daily exercise, lunch, singing, bingo, video viewing, trips, and special cultural and intergenerational activities. Seniors are safe, active and entertained while families receive respite from caregiving responsibilities. Residential/Respite Care (License # 380504099) The residential program is licensed by the State of California to provide 24 hour care to ambulatory seniors. It has the capacity to house up to 20 seniors in either single or shared rooms. They receive supervised, non-medical care and assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and taking medications Regular assessments are conducted by staff to determine each senior’s personal care and daily living needs. Respite care is 24 hour care for seniors in need of short term placements. Temporary stays are available for seniors needing a place after a hospital discharge, when family is out of town or in need of respite, and for seniors interested in potential long term placement as a resident. Please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org for more information about our various programs and services. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Kimochi at (415) 931-2294 or kimochikai@kimochi-inc.org. 19 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT NO. 2764 1715 Buchanan Street • San Francisco, CA 94115 ate! eD ve th Sa Mark Your Calendar - Dec. 10th! Get a head start on your holiday shopping list! Kimochi, Inc.’s Silver Bells Arts & Crafts Faire will be held Saturday, December 10, 2011 at the Event Center, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco. With over 80 Asian and Pacific Islander artisans showcasing their crafts, Silver Bells has grown to become one of the premier holiday shopping destinations. Mark your calendars, tell your friends…it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start shopping! If you’d like more information about Silver Bells, contact Steve Ishii (sishii@kimochi-inc.org) or Sakura Suzuki (ssuzuki@kimochi-inc.org) at (415) 931-2294 ©2011 Kimochi, Inc. All rights reserved. • Designed and Produced by NDD Creative 20